The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 30, 1868, Image 4

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    • .v.ltNiwo,-'0
0. 1 MIIMOk2 ,I s'
In oar Coantry, blemoid by leriodoot,
Whleh hot ownwar, Vol&
Let the happy, loyal
cd'Pee ahradr. •
IsosSessdagorreadar naval ,
We will lead the world sad tly
-90 ahead 1 ,
Vet Maar bar :WM
Should, beside its mWe bed,
proudly de s —com=diruxir
-I ‘tut — lhasoultet u all
Go ahead, baby.
You'll be Weiddm o t, It be—
• ll
Though not born in stately pidam,
But within a cot or shed,
In our happy Stater United,
Wry man am go ahead—
Diillaulthe proudly braving,
Wllltour bmnerpro4lo alusaludly waving
- -
Beren *mei nrinealuntlel u"
Is as noble ass king—
Bowing only to his Biker,
"Onwardpushing, he can sing,
' N3oms ni oome ,my
• . neighbor • . _ _ •
Let wi stiali - r
bmait mar. • "
'OO ithe•a'
. , .
Not In sahlrour entriotnetters
For Columbia pwiand bled,
When their
hsoneoppl On
rt psihsof Worm's,
• and . ;
GO ahead, am .
On And wPwAnVhr ah
o and higher!
It UM, yon'VO honest
To yourself and country true-7 ,
Roll your sleeve" up t burgle to It! -
Go ahead, and "put it through!"
• "Time and tide will wait for no
man," •
Burry up! don't be a slow man;
Go ahead !
If you ettunbla do not, grumble—
All your ereidting_will be vain;
Keep your lip ai Miff u ever— • .
... wzgye at l i ir P t oz ee i t o irm a grgrough
I'll to earn ray bread and butter,
Go ahead! 4
"If ever I marry," said Aburaet
Bailylo bar cousin Olivia, "It will
be a man who dim; not live entirely
for himself, but who, out of the ben
evolence of a charitable heart, will
not pass unheeded the cry of the wid
ow and orphan who mil on him for
reliefi" •
"Arou speak warmly, Margaret."
1, Because I feel it. I have always
thought that acbaritable man would
make a good husband."
"But how will you be able to judge
t i t x fg? You are an heiress, and, of
have many suitors. Do you
not believe that any. one,of . them
would be' VrdlingiO don a charitable
mood fot a while, if they supposed
that 'upon this Wiwi depended the
band of the wealthy4eiress
"Perhaps you are t,";sald Mar-
Dret, thoughtfally 'but" added
she suddenly_ ; "an idea has' Just come
Into my head, by which I think this
embarrassment ran be avoided."
- "What is that?" asked Olivia, cu
Let me confess, In the first place,
that among all who are generally
considered suitors for my hand, per
haps fortune would be the more ap
propriate word, themereaonewhom
I would think of es` a haatesed • ex
cept Herbert Lee and Henry Ains
worth. The former, you know, is
Wealthy ; the latter a clerk depen
dent on his income,which, I should
Judge, was not lare. Now I have
a mind to subleettheee two toe test."
"A good -10 m, how , will you man
"You know there is OPoor family
In Allen street—the one of whom we,
heard today, consisting of a widow
ed Mother, who is sick, and three
young children. Now ma going,
un" r willa tt te c =tatit=
men them
Irab,_ lambert Lee and Remy
Ainsworth, and? We Iflll MO the re-
They will 11104 reardne your
• band-Wrltlegslhereihre, went you
tmy o take dictation." pen and 'pencil and - write Mt
Olivia briesght the wri tin g mate
riels, and her cousin d L #ted as ad.'
• "Deka fins:,.•'3:nougn a
to you, I take the liberty olitaWg
your attenti li vi n g the ease of a poor
fismilY now in a single room
in Alien street, who, in
of the illness of the mother,
supported them by plain
'sewing, arorejuced to extreme want.
little aid at this time would be to
them like the visit of an angel from
Heaven. Will you it? At
least call upon them, and youwill be
convinced that this is but a simple
statement of the truth.
. "CemirrY."
The notewas mpliscl,sted dispatch
ed through the Post-oMm to the ad
drem of bothc e ttemen.
Habert Pedgi te calistat da rlit" r4 a es
deuce. Margaret tulrol led the
conversation - to oMeth of 'ty and
charitable institutions.
"Ah," said Lee, "that reminds
me of on odd dresimsbnee. I receiv
ed a letter the other. day, MOM
xnendlng to my notices amity
Lin Allen street. It was . Char
llnd try carugatlY ' ;bed me
to go and see them."
"And did you go ?" asked Marge
" Not
"Not I!" was ills laughlai reply.
"I haven't time to waste hundngup
all the destitute families in the dty.
I should have my hands full."
"But the family may be suffering
from want. .
they Me, Charily 'would be in
better boldness in relieving them
himself than in tending anonymous
lettersof advice to others:" •
Would - Herbert Lee have labghed
so merrily if he bad know the effect
of his want of feeling on her whom
he wasmost anxious to please?
"I think, after all," said Harriet,
when Herbert /slid withdrawn, 'that
mud go and see . Hrs. Oreen.M,y
-' self iTHentyAinsworth lauemore
charitable than Herbert, the will fare
The ladles atieyed . themselves for
a walk. A few minutes brought,
them to the residence of the poor .
widow. of whom they were inthey search.
, • To their assrprieer.jotuid,
, being admitted, that a cheerltd fire
.was glowing in the stove, while a
plessantismell of • dinner filled the
apartment. On a table by the side
• or the widow were some medicines.
The hearth was brushed u and the
I room, though scantily , pre
'Betted ' a nest and comfertable ap
Margaret looked around in stir
' prient) "
alma% cleadtplelleve;" said she, ,
• , ; 11,at!.Voll Nettlingicat want." "•-*
So we .were,n sold Mrs. Omen;
, '"bet,thankettfthaffentinanlig Vs no.'
Ws young" gentleman, Who' seeped
• fitment Motu Mite 4 we are no lon-
I gf r'lndeed, who has Urns .bs3friendikt
"Hlinatiie is • • " • •
Almnrorth. Heim&
Lora doctor for me, and, at his own
spit,' fbod and cads, so
*bat, tlrt ilild bleidng
my of_
_Clod, l and Le mm
a ,
Kanto !deem . health,
• all will genet owe time."
Alter a
.this more conversation,
tanr be cousin 'withdrew,
I leaving =re- Greenisome money for
hcc ... ,presen t des.
n aMolted , Lee ffered
hie hand to', Bally, o
so d t o
lila i= l °! 9 ° 3 dis O na ltilice;
A week ifterwardsHeary Atir
'worth . made Ida' appearance. ' 4e
• seemedimusually thoughtfuL,
"A.Pelnit The Your tb. 0 4 4 4 8 ,7. Bald' ,
saargeres, gaily •
* •
, , Ile looked a t her sinus* a trio-
I masthead then, 'retitled . "I will tell .
Yonualanitlect it* dlelj= B. ind
I ask you to forgive me ,
• It is • tienow, en. actor ?non
slut ay'eor clerk to of, love—of
marrtcs.a helms, :but.
I cannot' steep langer—l love
you, 2dargarekteithtruthanst'dneee- -
ity. Do you pardon me?" :
"ibr you have'said
gains% 1 And- •ifyou bs/14
mand wel ecu worthy ofm" you ma 7 nave
"Do I bear aright!" was the Oa-,
tl e ilnip .
never. marry one =leer
he was eloritabbi. last Week you
received anon Where rexim4
mending spoor 40 , your
noble notice. I And you have visited
them and relieved their noxesities.
I feel that II can safely trust My haf"
p hindivitincliO 3 !. l ht!ve
soy k•
.1 " mid Hairy Ainsworth;
as his eyeri lighted up wi ci t=titni irr l
"charity Is its own ex
reward:lig C dr f W 1 ,3 VI.S.
,Oa the Track,
The other day I heard a mother
as k her little sow to do something.-
4sln a minute" he told. She spoke
again. But it was one, two, th >• •
four, live minutes before he mind •
It makes me think of the • Switch
tender's boy Wbat if he had wait
ed a minute before - minding his fa
ther.?. rA trwiteb-tender in Prussia
witalttst' keit* to move the rail, in
order to put a, coming train on a tdde
track, when he caught sight of his
little eon playing on the track. ,The
engine was in sight,end .had not
a moment to spare.- might Jump
and savOhliend ; bathe could not
do that and turn ' the switch in time;
and if it, were not done, the oncom
ing train would meet another train,
and a terrible crash and smash would
take place. The safety of hundreds
of lives depended upon his fidelity.
What could he do? What did he
do? 'Lie down! lie down Phe call
ed with a ',loud, quick voice to the
child; and , seizing the switch the
train panaxl . , safely on
o proper
Dfitibehilivyr irain 4
little,txty?. Was he killed? Was he
crushed to pieces? No, for he did
Just as his &thee , told him, and did It
insWntly. He NI • fiat - lbetweett - the
rails and the'ears went high alter his
head; and when the anxious father
sprang to the spot, there he was alive
and well; not a hair was touched.—
It was his quick obedience, you see,
that saved his Mb." He 'did not stop
a minute. Even a moments hesita
tion would have been too late.
"Now I lay me,"—"Say it darling,"
"Lay me," lisped the tiny lips
Of my darter, kneeling, bending -
O'er her lded finger-tips—
"DoWn to sleep"—"To sleeP," she mu'',
And the curly head dropped low •
"I pray The Lord," I gently added,
'"Yon (=nosy it all," I know."
"Pray -
y tho Lord," the words came taint-
Fainter still—"My soul to keep ;" 4'
Thai the tired head Sir!, nodded,
And the child was that Weep.
But the dewy oyes half opened,
When I clasped her to my breast,
And the clear voice softly whispered,
"Mamma, God knows all the rest."
0 the trusting, sweet confiding
Of the child heart Would that I
Thus Might trust my heavenly Father,
Ho who hears my feeblest cry.
41NM* for Illwtierems. •
A gentleman once heard a laboring
man swear dreadfully in the presence
of a number of his companions. Re
told him it was a cowardly thing to
swear alibi company. The man said
he was netafraid to swear at any time
or any place. •
' "I'll give you ten dollars," said the
E A dimli i Mou will go to the vll-
' W;nlOt at Awelve
0 oc - rt7oswear the same oaths
which you have uttered here, when
you are alone with your God."
"Agreed," said the man, "'Us an
kvar of earaing ' tep dollars*'
and tay you have done it, and the
you come to me tomorrow
money is yours." •
The time passed on; :midnight
came. The man went be the grave
yard. It was a al pitchy dark
rieth; ;
as -death. Then the gent' 's
words, "Alone with God," cameover
him with a tronderfni power. The
though ofthe wickedness hehad com
mitted, and what became there to do
darted through his mind like a flash
of lightning. He trembled at his fol
ly. Af aid to take another step, he
fell on his knees, and instead of the
dreadful oaths he had come to utter
the earnest cry went up—
" God be merciful to mea stinker!"
The next day he went to the gen
tleman and thanked him for what he
had done, and said he had resolved
not to swear another' oath as long as
he lived. "
The Baton Rouge Advocate gives
the following extract from the ll
mony of a witness examined about
the tion of one Sam Bow
man to ais robbery. When asked
11'W:i:new-the prisoner, he said:
'Oh, yes, I boughticecreiun . from
him often.'
'What is his .name?'
'That is none of my business got
somethin elm to do sfollartspeo
pie about to findout dar mune*:
How dorm knowthst,this is the
'Don't I tellyouf Dom, Pee bought
ice creana from him lots at times
Of mine he lade man. Don't I me
elect hla planted !wagon and his ma
sers and tbe ivay heliolered ice cream.
Of course he la de man:
• 'What Wats ' you : defog when the
robbers came to Mr& Clark,s
'Nutria, I was asleep.'
Mow di r dp know that they
were on the 'V
'Ain't I ears,'. ,
'How tong did y ou s tand out in the
yard watthl_ ag?'
'TIM nay Met was cold.' •
A good Moly is told of a - New York ,
Judge. • This Judge had beedoat on
a batter'with some convivial friends,
sleptii off and took libi plane In the
omit Mist .msmnbrie 41.-yontig wir
miniof theknvn was broUght:nfo for
robbing a man,. and the Judge sen
timeedbmccordingl* icititerrnapon
: ,•
"eaSetthtgqo44 l lo9jniqPiter
told the girl:, .
She said apart if„4drige, you told
me lastnight that if ii. Were- ever
brought before you, you would see
thatishould be taken care of.' •
The Judge stepped back without a
moment's hesitation and uttered ettii
as he our Indeed this
mak ,a t ..eacapp for one so
young: l -11 saidtheludge,
resuming ? :'I ',know . thin Youit , Tbeemust be some
mle' t - eirtneletas - Aur wh ore
sugrue.•:'l inivitisike•the rerponidbm
ty of dismissing the ease..• It Is In
' ditortiuutte.' '
Somebody met Gen. Hairy Al Wise
in Rio nolul of Tuesday weetc and in
quired : •
"General, have you voted yet?" • '
1 suppose you hrterid to
vote early and often?" - •
• " No,sir; I , would not touch either
one of their 4. 7 11; parka,' with a ti r
:seriPsixeltion fanged
gtolathtirg A tovß e In the Union to
teeki tiot,ndroisigit„Tery rapidly.
I °"Wilbo:6ltabuidunensataWancerliV.
hiketetiniaggt.the priewineitite of if-•
fans In that B outton•enreed nylon fi
- by - no mum encouraging either to the
Mende of pone or of free Government.
The manarehiete alit polo.. eoendilati:
hte,„ aeolfW*
`tweed I tiireetthe' trio Tartlet.' hod bowmen
Spaintf ibe report of I . 4olliliagete,
,Oti l itteeth Initt beetttnte,- , • •
ifenii — Frift — Wllllolloll;;;: ,
-311 - gormii
VW* 80ireei 1
" tr Ver 4ll°4lllk,"
i!; :4 !"
i):401/1 - all the &Alin howl titillated;
iforlbiluelpf h blit easeitiliself Wane Wiwi
:: - lirsi!dr Ildiseing,eildebraids: -
Wae,t 4l / 1317 * 6 "-lii:/ 7 47
iiiersYmino• jawed' r•
sAmoundgd; Soul aftersoniellitergrd:
14 of salts
And on,
Ali !neither Minn r
(*wise what 11 With dawn 'spear!
,To vow how vain!On onwsrd stain,
Bravotoo barks '
light; In dariennis
Through. winds and tides on' oOmpssAi
t and your own petrel be tom
Bu O ithe l breeie! indO greitness;
Though ne'.or that eselladpseting
9zi your wide plain theyjoin'iWny•
' -Together lead them home at we. •
,One port, methought, alike they sought,
. One purpose hold whem'er they - litre g
0 bounding broMe, ()rushing sees,
'At last,! at last, to them Morel
' ' ' prowl'
Allprintersandedltors, sayatheSti
appreciate 'the
remarks of the New york IVatchinan
on this ouillect, a part of Which. we
Insert, llf the ere of newspapas'
understood one half of the diffimitiee
g accuracy, instead of
w... •
and scolding at mistakes,
they w dbe 'surprised that there
are not wore, ,Itow".few per
sona app the services °reproof
reader F. els one of the most
taut a gen ts In the Prechictiotiofa
rest and the one of ivh
no reader seems to think. .M 8 lathe
most thankless of_ all ...emplOyments
among men. Letailin bring out a
paper without a' Gait for weeks in
succession, and nobody thinks ofhim.
But let him allow an error to go un
corrected, and' immediately he ;is
known only to be' censured, He has
no Striae for his laborious 'patience,
but blame if he is not faultless. Ile
is 'certain of one or twothings—for
getfulnelit 00:ensure.' We take this
occasion' to give our • conscience sails
foetion by saying: that. we• now. and
here forgive all and every single er
ror our proof readers have final tai"
correct, and, thank them for all accu
racy theylarye secured for our journ
al during the year, and for too cor
rection of all our mistakes ofcareless
nes -or ignorance,' numbs by ,these
watchini and vigilant gentlemen.
In general human life [slouch after
this A man goes on through
years of ,blameless living and, no one
nrxices or. thinks him ; but an error,
a mbstake,u slip will attract to him
the attentionof censure. , 'None but
God knows what stniggies, what
watchfulness and.whatpatience have
been necessary to secure the proprie
ty which has marked his . course for
years; por what circumstances of
trial created the weakness which cans.
edlilmter lett* Ids bold' Om a mo
went. , God helot unmindful' is the
bleed of Holy Scripture.
Let us proof of e last year,
and - r the newedition of the
num', Let-irs beopitifuland forbear
ing towards the faults of others.
A Bor. mai& I •
We do not think that any boy ever put
on his first long-tailed coat without a
tense of Ohara°. He first twisted his
back half off looking at it In the glass,
and then, when he acts out of. dims, It
. 118111 XIS salt on creation was In a broad
grin: The gun laughs in jthe sky,
the cowl turns to look at 114 m, his
very ahidow mocks him. The very
beards creak with consciousness of the
annum ripeclacte, and the old pair of
pantaloons that stop a light in the garret
wind*w . nod with derision. If he is
obliged terpass a group ofinen andboys,
tkistdrilinsumes itifinost tannic stage;
his lap get all mixed up withembarrbr
ment, and the Sep of the dangling
appendage is felt against them, moved
by the wind of his own agrtation ; he
conlancd feel any worse were IL a dish
nag, to be worn by him as a badge of
tinware. It is a happy linie for him
when be gets to church, and I ens down
with hisocattailonderhim; but he natal
apprehensive of Sunday sehool, and
wondeni if any& the children will ask
*him to awing his long-tailed blue.
The entrance into society May be said
to take Place after boyhood hart passed
away ; * yet a multitude take the initiative
before their , hearts are 'presentable. It
is a gree t a tough or tender age-
For any' wn boy to gO too door,
knowing there are a dozen girls within,
and knbek or ring with an absolute cer
tainty-that in two minutes alli their eyes
will be upon him, is a severe test of
courage. To gO before these girls and
make & satisfactory round of the rooms
without , Snapping on their toes, and Maul
W' down and dispose of one's bands
without putting them In one's pookets,
is an achievement which few can boast.
If a boy am get far as to measureoff ten
porde or tape with' one of the girls, and
cut it abort at one end, be 'nay stand a
chance to spend a pleasant evening but
let him not hatter Itimselfthaethe trials of
he evening arc over. Them conies at
last the break up. The dear girl* don
their hoods and put en their shawls, and
look so sate*, so mischievous and un-
Imieselble,` as did not wish any
ono hi - 6'4mq withlhem. Then'ootnes
the pinch; and • the boy having the most
-Suck makes,ttiestg4l,,his
hestitin, his throat, slid his tengtieoling
ing to the roof of his mouth, and hook- -
ing his elbow, stammers out, the words:
"Shall I see you home?" SIM touches
her fingers to his_ ann, and thus they
'walk home about a foot apail, fooling on
awkward as Beatings. As soon as 'site is
safe within, her. own doorls, he stride
home, find really thinks that he has been,
lanirgene and done IL
iorped,tho Broom Stick
A few days since a Warreni. was Mailed
ceurt,Tin thlarrest, of,„ei
hinter hnilsmd. The Mks ged offense
consisted in abusinghis wife and distor
ting his family. The eulvit• being ar
raigned the hapless "betted half" was
put on the stand.
'This• man Js your husband, is lie?"
inquired the Judge. ••
"Oh, yea, your honor!" was the confi
dent reply.
When were you married
•-• When - did yon marry W V !
!'Abort a YearHll9,!'
0( • •
What minister. perform the cernim-,
"Were you miuTlett dC church 1 , thun,
dored the magistrate. .
"Notr—We•—justjtunpetl the broom
stlek.": .. . . , . •
The man wasn't tined. •
A onuerat Or gentlemen observing
'a pretty rough-looking customers
nirigagainst. a lamp-post, much '
under' , the Influaaee-41 — tantotula;
made a bet as to polities.- Approach
ingbhp, one Ortm wild:. 'Bow do
you stand uncle?' Yantis% Demur:Kt,
are yon not?' Wemocratbe---d1
I. OMR thesymptoms, but, 111 know
myaelf, I'm on:ozner tdde. , 4 - •
'A tuit4 , t rollikw.iir , erikitrtt 6 f an acquan
tagies dos ititilualitt..tothl: Me 14 very
thuid ;the voulditTimy: boo 'hi a iriose : "
IltdoU'do' you ` hoovr. Inquired the
Journalist "Did you try him!"
Ake toot OPoken off no
colOpeVt* 1 0 1 4 113 1t0r reMork.ed
that , 60'kiew Dawns shoot Ms /gar'
144,..Wit,betJaepAymeitleiMater•that be
... 4 .lll.lolllllllllbilimiiMP
99 101 0 0 - 1 9 0 110110.4".• and
ii 4r o C4 l 4 rilsrll l 4l444‘: •
V l 7.l•Okii‘Atillialhate 1 0 1 6 4 11 4.
and "Mothes4" wiikhes loving *Min
*Odd witOsitthebist4 and "bittetiMat
stow inmy tha liticheatiPaisd aminn tb&
Maid patakheir heart:.brimming. with
athotiowitai the. inMeriossi
gaiith.pbark basso . many ;..staga • am%
itesrly distracted harwith his boidit4
a u x ' ' !o.:. •
• .• Now she is,th• "old WOMInt ;" bat sha
did not think it wouldsver dome; tollna!
Itheloohed on through the Altars youti
and saw her boy,; to. manhood grown;
and he stood trithstimwed In limbed' of,
her own beadUful love.
• -Never wasMiere s =madden= then
he—honored M the world and the staffof
heir deelintng years: , -
Aye, he washer 'eupPort 'even' then;
but she did not know it. Shestunrer res
liradthat it was her Hide boy, that - gave
her strength for daily toll, that his slen
der Inniwss all that upheld her over
the brink of a dark despair. She only
know how she loved the child, . and felt
that amid the shist•Of ageherindimities
to the dark hill loading to the life be
But the son has forgotten the niother'l
tender minhttiations now. Adrift from
the mootings of home, he is oold,belfhtli
Martians, and "Mother" has tiO ;sacred
'mob* to the prodiesl. She la "theold
womati,". wrinkled, gray, and blind.
Pity her, 0, grave, and dry those tears
that roll down her fun:Arad cheek.
A Farm Plepnre: •
Lith:t3 a vivid- sketch :is that
_I which
Willaim Curtis draws on some
ilountry hoenci : "I think of many and
many a sadeyed woman I have known
On solitary country homes, who ¶eemed
; fever to-, have smiled, who , struggled
Withleard hands through , the; Melting
beat and pinching told, toholdbaak pov
erty and want that hovered like wolves
about an' over-increasing flock 'of chll7
dc,*m; How it was seen.? in the Moriliic
and scrub st night, 'and scold ill day
long! care blurred the 'Window
like a clond,kidlieg the lovely landscape!
Roar anxiety snarled at her heel, dog
ging her like a cur! How little she
knew or cared that bobolinks, drunkwith
blind Idleness, tumbled and sang In the
meadows below, that the earth wan tel
ling the Unmet year with floweret In the
wood above. As I think of these things
of thst solitary, incessant drudgery, of
the tacintrn husband coming in heavy
with sleep—too weary to read, to talk. to
think I do not wonder that the Mad hou
ses are so richly recruited from the farm
houses, as the statistics show that the
farmer's daughter hangs enchanted over
stories In the weekly paper of the hand
some Edward Augustus, with white
hands and black eyes—nor that the far
mer's son bears the city bells that long
ago rang to Whitington, Turn again,
Whitington, Lord Mayor of London,'
ringing to him as ho pauses in the fur
row, 'Turn again, plowboy, millionaire
and merehint r "
ghee ion* in her bee, .be tine in bee
She'll quickly get fat without cake or
She's clean In ber jaw, and NIL In her
She', heavy In Bank and wide in her
• loin.
She'. broad In hor rib and long In her
, • rump,
A straight and flat back, with never a
Sbefswi ey dein he rips, and calm in her
She's lin e e s in her shoulders and' thin in
her thigha.
She's light In her neck, and small inter
She's ne hi her breast, and geed at the
She's 11218 in her bone, and milky of skin,
She's a grazier'is without, andabuteher'a
within. • " -
SUirers of Wisidlois.
Early impressions are the most is*
ing. . The feat kiss and 'fast licking cuin
under this hod.
Things that are writ for bid are apt
'tow taste ov the emitting's. e e . —
Reputaahtut Is a good dearilke a bon
fire ; yu have got tekv keep ,pilingon the
shavingslityoullon't the flame !rill soon
Good'Wit Ia shmthing like good luck,
the more soon and unexpected It Ix, the
Them who make the melt blow have
the least frsgranse ;it isj so with the
' The best edukaahun- a receives in
this life he gita jest before a disc, and
mostly oonsiats In forgettlngwhat helm
beat before. The world lookeiritheold
nape& upon an aekt ov Justin, but
heave up their hats at a display of mercy
Yet the one is the strength ov virtue,
while the others often its greatest weak
ness. ' _
The mind that has more imsginashnn
ths* same, la like a goose.4wit rate tew
ill down hill.
I don't think the world hex onny niv
lizatoin to epare, but I think mho, hex
til l
' she lam manage well.
Pootri, be excellent wants tow be
like natn but about 4 timeaas big.
I have tell paalmntly for twenty
live years for 4 themilenium to commence
—and 014104 at butter My cents a
pound. , ,
Joan BILLIxog.
Jett* . B. (oven's estate comprises
two hundred and forty-two acres of land
now in a state of cultivation. 'Ho has in
one year cut ono hundred and twenty
tons' i of hay, raised over one thousand
bushels of corn, and six or seven hun
dred bushels ofpotitoes. His, "benery"
is a 'great curiosity, and is, perhaps, RR
perfect in all its appointments as any
.onfhp,_ the country. lie hen ,now more
the+ thousand knvls; including some
'sixty or seventy varieties, and be has
supplied a great numberof 'persona in
different Stales in the Union.. Ho has a
and gyronarditto, built and fnrniShed in
the fund approved. style, a bemitlrUl cm
'quet groUnd,wlth every convenience for
various kinds of healthy -and athletic
tunusementsi, Hb atock Includes five
grade cows,, three thoroughbred and
four young thoroughbred with one vain
able bull,the lather of which sold. for
14,000: two pairs of oxen, eight horses,
including one elegant span, hc.l His
fruit trees are almost without number,
with ' every conceivable variety, Mr.
flaugh'S house is a museum of itself.
The - walla of his drawing room, library;
.te., are adorned with the' richest and
choicest paintings, Sad in almost every
room may be found rare and beautiful
ornaments, many of which :have been
presented to him by Mends across the
water, as well as in this country.
oaleb Cushing has gone to Spain to try
to buy.Culta for Seward and Johnson.—
We would suggest that it may be ti little
difileult to determine who hue thedispoi
sal of Citba at present. Spain herself is
without any established governMent and
Is likely to have a contest between the
monarchists and Republicans to deter
mine what shall be the character of her
goiernment and who shill conduct M—
./It the Game time Cuba is in a state of
insurrection and may have. "set up for
herself • before Mr. Cushing reaches
Spain. As Uncle team is a little short of
funds just now. would it be quit:ens
well to wait a Unto and perhaps Cuba
will ,come herself. the meantime
&maid and 'Johnsen' might elphein
what . , became of 'Elie - ' 42,000,c00, and
Over, that wenflutesomebody's pocket
on then/Quin purchase. :
r. j.trit r„fr;
:41 eNZIO!'O,.`I
~ -..~ _..~.~ = :'~.. ,;.:.~,' l ~ sin r•Y ; i :'..^.1
~.. . ~`~F'~~G'::::t
..; 7.; , f'.{
re , -;•%i AID
1.6 I
A„ Foes
ROomm, PstF.
rag. ter, coinwir, nociros...
Dry a. -•
Nue tromixtiOirmsr paws ma the Minot!
- Dreis oli-48
ARNURES, Dnamm, 411 a.
AND 'ceps. DOWNY, ,
XXIII, Chap. - •
.Caa' Arty dad ,dews:•Ba+piaa
Wo ere *soat nititsnitt i .Prials.
Stas 11021oilloWlibui aim
NO Tito—Emir° IitHOW.GOODS,
.I:NTH 2 I pIA.M9ND,
WHOLallall a CDJOUDDOIc i D pi
OM temoved . *beg 111r , Tbitd. krema,. to the
Loge sad commoditeta toMM
NOS. sea ea WOOD OrDWDT. Pninariaeß.
BOOTS, 13110.1;8,
La Ms Clty,_
_astS wella claaspartalsa
la PalbalApiWt tat New York. .11.astat Goods
an mastalbatataa •
I would lathe tho:Owb Stockart-Th Int
to Call wad Examtia my Wore
aimasbwk aa you as am noway.
Retail Mare Fe. al marble street, 600f11 from
11011 LAN D;
se a swam mats=..
Trom Isep Cospot sad elkispip stoek 'of WWI Pspe
Is Bower y. • • • ;
:ai l jaz ...n amportmrl
. 11161 t r= at Pub.
lisbera - 71tiViA ' . .
?t c .
. L , , .• , ... -
Et - B o o t s o , I' , Sr e, Haan,
An extensive viiiely et Paper_, Envelope& Laid
Pend* add end Neel Pens, Inn and We Stands,
In, le.
We are the exelnstre Agent kwtbe eeletwated
voiovs Gold Pen.
A* this a=l
do tn e
o seeitivlood wit told Pen,
We we the Agrarkietts Ibr MOW*
Photocell& Marriage Certificate. attandas
at Clergyista Is meoPelly calla] to this, as ws
cam *Mama ths - me amass
they would
get hem the •Plab Atwater' llama Gov.
crensent eigle al MOM es'
We hies constantly on hand =Oil Cloth in
large moiety.
an band Toys and Vadaty Goods anleible I the
DRY 4151-Oc6DS,
Now Is Ur thew I. jet year Handy , Pretests of
• useful ankle. cheep -
le vocable worth Ote.
Ammo be lee. worth WV.
Crooking Mae 03r 110 00. Warth MTh ,
r . for tile, worth 1003.
Shawls her 1113, worth SMX
Ve - 74retra fort. St worth 113 OX
Muskets frohleikerarth SS re.
laldFlaeae Ile, worth 400..
44 Moll= fOttry i r. wank 150 -
Table L l o e ss.lre lot, Seas..
Lava Cookie andketchirk e
lisadkerebleht Srentng Drew SI BO&
sad =load Silks
• Colt 1001116• shoortilhonr,sed best In city to
No. 32 AMU& Mtroot.
Deelel(Formerly St, their. new Liberty.) :
• ,
, t ,fitaistinas Gift'
• • . -,;
. NEW TEAR'S arbts.
rim* TEAws orrrs
.• • -
to again making my annual innonoctonost, to
my patrons, of.
Toy*. Gibs; Promos and rare Dodos, I do tt
with pleasure, molting the opt. ;Go aldalo
aged snot young to call. .I. poet you with' -
snob an assortmeot as boa onto
.faro boas exiattoa la WI Comity •• ••
as to variety so aelset from and •
as to brio& Now ton CO • ,
• away Oloppolottil
t would: be' impossible 1.0.
nolo prombe to‘aall know iiasa vibe botiibt
Ls say dty to the t`okm. ' ' ' ' "
Iriu be mud bow cia to*bag
Meek. • • • •
Dads •
"CipIIBALE,-150 dies hod lava& la Vplh.
er county. Wed Artegthis. The Joo• hum
"Ithht • ohm Allow* ft Was Lama Kw
er.tbst rum Woes Olio Merat Pattersberalk,
h shoo.i Wadies Item lallenhorgh: • Tb•
weiloWr numbs Umber otir
h COW ot aria •••••••waf therwr.
hoot hada to be igiod sod orol
hltbla • abort adjoin of Oh WAIL - - nen aro
toe smaisoni Mak, soodywhowok
beton. °beast theimplp hho mnit hoolti a =o oh ba m
law,' NW hi peamo t
"MR acJiill MOW : ' -•
musicians and
' " tr. Let,• 4;5;2.1:4-4:
2011 MIJIIKa • . • • • 1
kb =MN
ibe =OW
1•11111111 . 11111.10
, •
, I
AT ' ,r'
' sest a i liSi estlersluieVreel l lE_
efiermsw. Isom easth'llh:'
=4/I: 4I" s i V I EM
=1;!!!‘!",.."1!!1" rkfl
M. 4
ibiew VS * J a i , m,a
Z o ir = lmmo
MSS will most popper
. : 4,1.1 MR. •
tdiudadotntllsaft so
lidadio•tbabgal Uartimet
raiNri lis Tatt l i rall =
°m ute siuse" m aProuss willi riss Wrier: l'el""1,
t" for ." .°ll. zuns.Aamisumor;
641..ltaaplotn~o lOodloor—Lottoto olt
Tarnottottoo thit , W . ..llft
-Mu of 110. took
to lbo otiletolgool, all II17"ora
Oestrus rolloottad to mks
- Thom bodge &dm it =M
protest Urn pomog,7 ; :oollosifttoWbe.sottle.
moot. _ 4011 •
Eittirargalark.... Mit
af Mg Harm ,
having beim .• • to the an per
Dresel - 71 --- tbe oragirwma
Viseslll•olr Nolleo.—latiloo tootiotoottry
; I =lttoltt a lottir si , %IVA 4-11 =at t
=d to no trodVid,_lo plows •
said inn pore% Own Now
Vhtmo= " ttattod odyloat. All tontor to.
to odd Wahl .111 sea pondoot‘ to Oto
• u " al lr. A. NOON, Hookollooro, i ..„,.....„,' •
Nl= 1100 A. atilltßlO, t. M 7 7— i
Sialar-Istts!. jests:
sisslssterst neskleesed.
of - I , alma, MON, . Imes
was ildoldgsa. primes IsSeStal
astsla said to NW bassimUSls
moun dd
d, sad thaw atlas aphid, as
suss will mast them to - •
: Mani et!lksit Oaf.
. .
'r. C._ honkl Julie Coot at thowsaa Ars
re. Beaver County. lta. 511Novuo.
.1:1: 1/...1•111aa, awer-AT, leareiga Attaetwawa
_ . .
• Wake 111, Mat rinds&
awn wart &timbal, eon ley Mamma
davit or claim ba1111 , 4 tjk a Os. rtatletwei
tail 'team:fa the amlawi Wilma awe
Melee to thwelbra bomb, that laid mil!
gra will be awateed m Mew
atl Sett* day at 19el, ate oYlaet, r.
111.. . • .1 - CAIKMIET.ettr.
Nor. 111--M • . . .
'Wird Urfa I be the Gaut of Memo
' •u. • Pfau of Heuer euthAZ
R. lthilebethl AIM liblgueb • T.. Uthd.
~ oat Weide., ' . . •
th4 . 40 . 111)5, en= m the thud gl=l4 el
meth dathedmat ' genelley blare
devil deka, betel did ride am the Peodther•
~N or.ea mb e sg mt ligamagait ir s Treads= dm
be aseemed at the oe, es the
UM day of Decreber,A s et
_vx, ce 4.,_, • , N.
11111thillgthr. Pre.'
E N.„..I.BM'FA, ki:i."cotTil i: '
.. ..111ni Bealesteth Den Lithe. ,•
itietheelthoblera oldie Nagged saliet •
err Cathay Vs bthaby sowed that 'Ube , Anereal
armalsit or Ur obedon thetas th) Ithealent thr
the eneela,g•year. well be beld at the Bunton
Howe In NOW iirEla s ee Ilie mooed Tweak,
of & wear y font nth 147. listviima. es
Minot twelve o' andsMO Well)* of the
Mae dp.
_By weer ettle Dowd. •
Pth. S. Ifee. NOWAILD.IIO9III, Orifdir.
Aassla Noillah..brtteco d Ad;
shine Mhos cm the ohne dr Mang stet.
hete elf Meeks Woof comb'_
;cossol, Whig boosoniodogle . Noe
halm Its he city ollltto, ►Allegheny wan.
Ty, Pa. all wear brew ney - ddho or doehada
aphid the estate of sont isoodget. eognoseet
to sego known the Wan tea
i ns genergrowl ea
or Won OW doy of ant, woo
'MOW to saki agate ors to sake
M pap
Inept aa bsftfre that Moe or legeo holt
with Nrs. mine )in Ineserr.thellittirook'
la December, . 861tABt. KAM Adme. -
Deer . .
omMAccomoikr-fAmoon rsoolpts od
diobomooats by Mood Directors of Nora
lowldtly Tp. for lima piposes fro= ..fosialt,'
Mt to Jane Ist, . ,
To last sr b
tax Ibrtbe marel3l44llM.
and ilinftse per burtsatbsment . netillj , -1111111‘
Hr notes end bonds redeemed 051,88 -
By fateroot an Nam ,
BY InalloPl - .
By ■Mant. WM= and Datintm
ty Attorney fee IMP
By grammes oundlyindlvidnala . • 1 RAO
By tremuett coosmloo . mon
By arm hi *moment. lon
done ht. 1846.
.To nosh mbnal and natatmding ' • '
3 We Denby aril!, Waittle atikere scams . l etr i ' lli eee!
net al ft den& dated, • • -
' ADAK ROI - Auditors.
de • o . 'lllOB. CrELLASITE, i
.tl. A Speeeleflom,—lter. P. D. past tears Tor
Sae that valuable property on the corner of
Second wank mews. (10e feet wade oath street,
and corporates's' alley.) ket.) In Um Borough of
Bearer,. Bearer Co., Pc' in
peseret 11.1=1
looking to the future USW Use 'moat d
property for sahibs Mt, town. Beauttfully tome
led. adminudy salted to Moines* to of Pitts
burgh, and for Ote educed= of fandlles.- • The let
contains Is full sera. In the hearted torn, well eal,
adatetto divide Into Prot bundler ken. On tee
grounds=72Erulte, vls: - Eatt sod
w. ;later
ar g iC . b, Mum tir " 4:4, Csemsc chenle. as i
three varieties. ithaeherilee four varied,,, t etratt'
terries, superior quality. eloubberyoge. House,
aid mom ausdknebee, euh homer. good cistern,
stabllng„ , eantagir home end necessary out build-
Ins. For pricesod leans enquire cm Wilmette"
ofJohn A. Frazier, Dump% Pa. Possession to
melt purchaser.
• Dec. 9. leoß. -
nivenium• come ItAILIL,—Dy. stelae
ea of an order o f the Otphane` Coat of Deaver
County. the andastened wlilexpose to ode tr
JANUARYmd the prealleell, on; 'THURSDAY
M. IMMO. at 2 o'clock, P. all the
folMetteg.deouthed real deltate , of John. Deem
tate of Rename Towashlp, kithe county afore.
reld,eeeessed. to wit :—An that parcel of land eft
eaten Is the tenraehtpYonteattl,beemed ley
o f
,o 2 Richard Stewart, lands ofJohn A„OttobOands
James Mahan, and lands of Dewy lance, ase
talnhttSB matinimd IS porches. sleet ess-thfrant
the same chased and modem =libation: Teem—
one-third In bend oh comlllmatke at the sale by
the court, blassee In twO Meal anneal segments
with Mamma Dem sea dine mak to be secured
by boon and mortgage The purchaser to pay ad
expense of ret mait 'stannthee deed, meet.
t7tinte e. relgoed e , liardoelmil ha rrOSV=sl
County, FL
Dec. 9. Adger of John 'ker. neeemed. ,
Beewderry. New Neigh too
niarium coviremNfaC- - -* vista*
x.r bt an artier older Orphans' Oast. sr. Darter
County, I will Nell at public vendee, upon_ the.
premises on WEDNESDAY, - JANUARY/, WS,
at I crcleek,P. ht. all theVele, lettered and
of Ano N, late of ter Yp.. *4
[county, deceased, at the of her decesse,, of,
to to tot ,sittoro. el want land Ettore&
in the township albeassid. bounded on the net*
by hada ofDec Welsch. on th e mot hy• bode
onions Plod on the South Or the back of
the Railroad and e Ohktrtier, Anton The west
by lauds of A. P Liwook.anualnait Ghost UMW*
about Olsen* Waned, and ins stale of caltteadotc.
fulptorcenentelo good, tellowors Rams draft
t a xt% oln a lAses die . Tab
P. Pt.= a Moo
Aro Raihnotand thrOhkirliar batoesOßochewfw
aid Prosiona. about= lOW bettor 2lleslionte.—
Tenna--craelblrd — o( lb, pentium* mosey to bar
gh n as band es tlo coollreatior of do ode by the
, The balm* to two equal imml, pkr.,
meats from that with interest and to be secur
ed by bood and ittotloge. Paichaeer,
,to pay all
= mi t n ot pr_ P h i c s tribe "d" f t= ni .si tertd%
• .Dedi - Adet's of Ann Moos, deed..
•If TheroodasignedoOrt Mr. sus in A
toasty, the amount otelght Meshed am=
oftlns orate hundred save anti Upetrds. Boma
em would be MAW eto 50 ems lots to Mdt
perchabers pertidedanY PINOWICOIgIa PUN
:chase; tspenhaadred Pearession al Mess
forme will beeves pe a
r_ diktat of Apra, Mil All
these Ilsemo are loostall -Waldo ereWelbe Al
taws M.Plltalturgh. • ,
Al.. *Metal highly Impaired Sens 'sans* In
the otleades at Beaver. Haler LW Imam Pb,
ean to hod in lota metsining Armesaseentplire
to 800 sem located in the brills meow or Maw
-mantles aid miasma to labool Romeotlntrcisas
and Boma these mute pos located. wins.
In lye or airmails of the leatleg Wined' pew
Malt throart Me coontlas aboywsuised. sad 1108130
of, the lands Ile in the neigithord,ol the Ott
regions on ta t qry Rock Creek • • • • -
One, of Lond,, contoinag Zit mos
locatW within s miles of Ile Pittsburgh Pet
Wagon and Chicago Rotated. and dbtata t 8 ales
ftom Pati g rab.. MO body of load is well calco
ieThyrd fo .
ecwtemplited itarl=
hua pin-e"cmk
to Lawmace antaty.wlagaa Main a abort ,dis.
Woo of the body o f land. , ..•
' Persons dedrotto of pun slag should spoll ia ti
the the let of. Petwassy east. •After that
that wouldhare topurchme ,abject to a. teased
• ' A ItaXedis credit , Vill itoo YI
=does of these lands can tee abbot trysp•
to theandershmed: Oil and IRMO attar
ails lode:* atom of the lands. , •
. IfFifil
•- . - • •.:Resl Itatale Agsat.
NIW 811 0 0 P, 1 401 . * lo6 • — lise4 2o ! ;
wponastic, Puss.
solett .bee utmost. Pat.
eatotor Seoetteg. Dolmas! Prestles
whltblbt ettetleate of wtets= ig esq.
mad. Ilalmnira4.'
tinder la tat e Wort win be takes
at isy • pleterot babas -A h •
,et Mtbiwaetrombretletb Eas t
o • • 1 tate leaf lieit roi Blatt , bliamt
rdstmghtgrwiewista be* egabldt
re min glierilia-arMir. laiggit
. Joisaltiutitnc""
-2111111.111.1 011111411MIIIIMOtad
1 417.0.11 re 1:1.14 . 7( 'JD 7.1
Al millqg 2r.,,p5 , 7-4; , :ii oft wi -7 1yry.
I.r.T. , ;rt *r C:r^sl
, i , 61.,1•L1t 2111.0 '2.37,10 , 4 qtll c.c.`
, 1;43 trzr;
aisergetah• , .
f. o.'t rt - •
C F* 111 ! t'W l / 2 1Agi1k...19.R!: M i ll
!Dgf , ••
" 34
.-..... '
' d '
MAW P703.14.904A FRYx
n ;te. . •. , 1 1 " - -• :1
No. I. liege Spare Om..
To.* 01 11. 1 7/Aing• Octige 0111/16
Tart •.`noprg
It&I, tam ll**si, airs bon, 11/
. • -
/POl4 PO4•7"::.
k. • 1 . ' 1 1 1 1, 2
. 1111. . .3na. I , " .1 wily
0110 1101401. •
Ciftie 15k Wei r : PAO
NV. rt. • • •
• '• 411 . I tat
Pe.,A r!il: a XI, I. .4 Witit;' ~.;
wilhow!. ;
•, , t, eillhost . ,
Pressed IMmltl“et Su mumw Pies**
dll;Work Trarra" aka a. a pa:
itonoora oo
-,` : •
Z NGINE it REPAIR 91101"
IN. PAXl.derrcorir,
Ham Mittel aid nwad mrgin*of maa•
aaj ii ; , aaa tank On tole( suel ka tio
a 1 but ainathann U as
"all wick Oen la' siva nakillalWi
tale vollitallanalag
atan i tto Clay Itsibi
Dr al ioia t go k FATIMIWi7i -
"Oils AND maw ciernim. .
Itieemll.Mt.. plow reso:llist via at
Mgt* MOM RIMS is _ mem* Roam
swbkb bas be yrs plow
_at ate rosary ill do bat
Mara rms. Ala• ches t all after Mesa saw ar
rsesdasair hum. ' ' .
BTOVES ! Brons
I love on bond kid will col:time to mantic ,
taro a kits moetwoot dr
Of Ms hail Myles sat tirlol rao tM sodas
provemeats, which I will seli m ar n M . Wm.
Itt=so as thes el.
Whkh gives It a lane
satlacil arldiaattal4l6ll mush roma, and it is
now looked wpm as oaa of the bastasl most smM
opskstatoses as fttaltia Ism Mel szst Y soft du/-
WM= oast htmas. The prna66, -
twins sped this atom lb ea kagth
lima may be rdhent. hs sritat Is bete
le ; ,
. .
Joao likturesios.'
James McGehee.
Capt. Woe Moos Mersa,
Thames R, DIM*
. Mee II
Hiram Sem,
Mrs. Plateaus,
James MeDenehß.•
Mr. Crueller..
Me. Rev. Et=
Joodith es Ye
/Wed, "
Sebum, !reek, .
James Zemke,
Rkhard Maley.
Jeeeph Xelfere.
David Cart_
Joao Thompeoe,
rfe r veNnes Qla Led,
MIMI Reed.
Bodes Onvie,
um Grove,
Wwee bele.
Janes Ginty
Robert [Wok
Theme Nradshey,
Dixon tg .a. -
J, W. &
WTMisk Weiser.
Mt. l atileiff, .
Dr. hew Winans.
Ell Kenne d
eno, y,
Joint Wawa. . .
arc Geo. Fulton.
Capt. J. 8.
D Maw; . .
te=l=4 .
Robert McGowan,.
U Bladentore.-
WM dollop Marlda.
IL Wad
W.'S. D. WeGneary,
MUD R. WU., ,
Barbi joaleb.
, Gape -Jame Roney,
Dr. C. B. Tart*
• DIM= Reed.
Kelly Hunter.
Join Xelnuablin,
flannel Tayter - , •
Dr. Jr. E. Imbed.
flown Deacons.
Jobe Denbo, -
Wilton Davie.
Warne Baldwin,
Dwid Ley& '
Jobs Danean, „
Ww. Rot*. Anima.:
Mr. Dobley, , • „. ,
Yr. Caw
Jaiweser, •
B=dl Kanawdy, • ,
Jabs JlAeberle, '
Wtltena How, ,
roam Tnowsuce.
Opens ilemile:Aodloi Roam,
,No. QO , Fifth . Stivet,' Pittsburgh..
• . . -
Boob, Now, -urpoto;Dry 'Goods
and 1 1 00 9 11 ' -
. . . .
S. ans •
iarae Wen NS DIM&
MD .t
Oak!, Ihr Ja* rue**
a saw stock' • * toosio of Owl** Mies far
poen IN Imam mar Add& la alias* *rt .
*oar* ram •. •••. • .
CIO/41W node to ardor ea an MA nwied man;
- . Mould%) to ito peen" br "mg toon=
1,2 olen samona beennellotosit
Mee AM 'nem .
• • DANIEL:m[I,mm, •
3 iii,..w4bi-‘ftipt. z . :
Etrzkaklab a Mseg
. sbtCsenrait4iwpo, Ma=
-a: trio r
-:1 ?-,%1117: - . , ,ritirrrirrij. ,
11 . • '
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Tto_NO isthildsa IN 'Met It II
a dr e f s
.ti liMll=ll, N. Übe srin
Mn* S WEr.a'" w W l '. •
• ;
Mita* 1 1 A‘
• • f."
• '' wlll:ipsickly Tato:W . on? Heir ;
to its Daniel color Wel . b*ty:
WWI prodiee lisiaris* growth. It is
Perfectly! Mind*. b preferred
. over - every . other • retina= by
those Who - have fine haul of hair,
salt& eslthase.who whisewseetore
• h. The beessdful glow rod=
impertedtothe Hair wish
• • for old sad .yoesg,
• ••• woe was. bp ass thrwwwww•_:-
lilti44 - 111 1 1 - 6 1 LMMICS NT" I. I.
• s.
mousiiP MVO areas,
Way b. and Or bid diodadd
71):tvo 2 s.
Sere a 5133.016 ,
44,u Wits, wiNzil
And I:trundles,
la wieq, an et thelbest quality, end soil
clover am can be bwight in any Gabor
Dm Owe to the
Devisees! Tamle PELL, 75 alasre 1)01;
Chealell3l4ol. $1; aura.
• 'The Lured Stock et
Ever caned outside of the city, at Noon's Dreg
Stare, and sold cheaper than eat be bought =y
WAtidemik Deakr iaand Namffeetrrer qr
NO. 91 FICDNRAL 8173EN7;
• •
fot beo lad Wolters Posoar
r =do to B. B trot.
RPM lILL. Nzatirer.
&IA. Rortirbotr..,Ps.
ipnut zoom
ttilanta ri l ium
4 . 11111 ; t rel=liW P rs le.
sass Amos •
TWO adrledentate
a R. amiter a
a irpotifopit
• soparim ma • _
R. W.: iiW:StiODORASEI '
wuOiss.aue v..
rows, at i r a
• onta n imw.9o4)
thAD§, iArtrrgotAlunirmuls,
, 7 imams, S CA"! ,
de., de. •
Ams•kv, ,
asaiC4. rt. Chinon ZbifthiJ.
C. Mbar' illea.) =Wm. arc&
imam • supikor
dna to ardirg. Tie _et -Chi=
soadiel, Sal suessiod. Gin es •
. spatilltam , • : ; .
- ilt—Rbe usdismipbsil well
.11. 0 lNalant. Mins the Masai .r.
am 'WNW r Wa lit lie dike=
*waft. fit Ms peen te • sot ma
:al I. bill
awillilatabb Is OM p
• limp be Oklaeeli reell a , arMa
.4111Meee ft ilie : okl,Oseply_ BOW bob&
Meek !Wm, Pig. All vat inuir
Irmi,..- .' • ! . -
1114 Writ. lame. 14. (Ora lip Am&
Onmez.) Amur jot teem. fre• 011.iflie,
as Ms les elmiml prellie pear
mil" milkmaid Os bog MOW Is at
an welt eswW M WM OW* pillT i g
.. , .
' • • • •
4iim ?
--2- .1 4;-
. •.;: , 1 ,strez-.4t:tir..v,,-.r., ,-.-,rn:
Plain Flammll4 , •
Baiivallnan vela,
Orlin: Plan
• Al eesA,
/40 2 c5 1 1 •
. • -.ljelnini
RAIMOML 13=r1!8,
.11442173, cuastualitss. .40/1•1 02 r B .
&LADY MAns Saran Axii
(ajrAi IF= A
Boots and Shoes
= rep a d l itini k Iv'
mare and Childress; Shoes ad tit
&don, plidt toner mad
HARDWARE A.lolllr,tiri
Bacon, 4'
Grata, Flour, Salt, Peed, /cc,
Wil bas often sad kap ,oar Sleek MI sad
Ilmeb, always boding solidtbmir itrw totem esr
1000m141 ISM
_T ariwirsa.
17 •
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tour ' , Nag Zeal. to., Is.,
aids eat We bigaid dr Arial MI •
earessat of lb@ - fit at al.
111,11 a . 'an walk • atm dr
Can saa isceemiessiiit forea, or lbw
Pabna Salmi Ara" Sonswais%
PI M ! I P,Y . • .
14 1 401, ..e& ss.a grirs.moitir
bib Alp* and Iloilo":
i!afftztaajfixtia" Pus
fl_'. .
~. ~~ ,
Pr iitte,
Hari ie37,
.A. Ls IS
Oar red SIM* 411
Paints, 4 `1
.111114 . CZOSII
ease lift lie "%Mk IS.