The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 30, 1868, Image 3

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ne*Ter..Dftriiber *nib 1941110
Stateef rfor the
week coding tho 10th of December; 1868.1
7A. X. 2P. 9. •9P. X.
bet 40' •: • 83 ' 0 3. 44 ' 3114 .
21, 59 deg. •- 33 deg. 33 &rim
. r „, , t , l a 81 g
.. u ;elle
, , r 2-1,, • 1 • " _• °' 0 .!
~ 2A 15 dog.; ;23 deg. 20 deg.:
" 20, 15 deg. 33 deg. 33 slew
R. T. TATI;Cdt. 5
Thi otterittonb ~
rVa 1
b Ord;
to tko folloVinir non
whfcli pppoar for the first Unit) In's'
Annus: I '
Notice In Bankruptcy—Thos. lionrleyl
.. _ .
ReaVer Aca!lerny-4.14h ?Witty,
Notice—Pr. Ltghthttl..
Dry Goods—Jas. A. Fortune.
Local Notices—jay. A. Fortuna,
and enlarged, is now ono of tho hand;
amine:4 as well as trio 4 Infltiontiot of ilia
Republican journals published in P i enns
sylvanla.—[llarrlsburgh State
See Jas. A. Fortunes advertisement in
another coluzipl.• !. -
• .
Jobilforkr-vyagAreasiatly mach
largo of Ige!lab* zwiteri.i
al, 143b•iii toiriijoVw - oik twitig
nentnesa and • diapatch.
eartio,•pnstorm, itc„, printed tuiclioaldy out
at city °dices. Give us '!"
- •
(Sranit clearance silo of Goodie fpi
two weans, at Jam. - A. Portutin t ic
suond, 71chheater. • .
Illattko For :keeti
all 11041fferant kinds of blankv for sato
at Alm. office. Baatmotu, subrrii*
etnnoultinants, warrants, Judittnent
notes, deeds, ,te., eonstablo'Saaloblatayt;
alwnym on' band and ate, Tetimen — isble
I •
Don't forget the grand elearanee itude
of 'Dry ,Goods, Fancy. Goods,. Fura, Ace.,
for twoyeeks, Jas. A. Fortune, Diamond
Rochester, '
,• • • .
The Itostoti , says: Mr.
‘Jolinson'n ludary in $25,000 a year. We .
think it would not be a, bad idea to pay
it in a Treasurer's bind Tor that amount,
on interest, duo in noventeen yearn, with
the provision that the inter'est an it no
erues deducted from the principal,
'instead of being Paid tol l Mr. John
('gantry Flannels at less, than Man
ufacturers Prices, call and see, James A.
Forityte, Diana9ftd, atter- .
Brought to inebriated
individual, named, we believe, Vincent,
hailing from the neighborhood of ilooki
loWn, wan needled on keit Thirraday in
Rochester for druitkodness;and brought
to jail. ' He wait kept until•ho was sober-•
cd 7 up, when he wax allowed to go
Furs at JaN : •*- - Xprtima'a, Diamond,
ligebaster, at less than omit _
The Allianee Monitor came to Its .
last week in new type, Und enlarged to a
forty column paper. Tile M oN'Ton id
well filled with local and general news,
and we rejoi cc- to moo is well patronized by
the community in which it is publish+.
Brown Is 'now tho editor: Mak
success attend his efforts in the newsput
per „business, ,
peziods In Philadel
phia are trying to establiali a Young
Melee Home, Where jeming , men coming
from the country . for employment in the
City can he provided with ! cheap board
and lodging, baths, books, amuse
' molt, and lib thus guarded,, from many
of the temptations With whkh they Might
otherwise be mantled.
A Chrbolutzut Tree.—The teachers
and friends of the Presbyterian Sabbath
School in WO place, arranged a Chtlit
rads tsoe riir ;the benefit of; the children
In their church, on Christmas eve. It
presented a beautiful appearance, and
the little folks were highly delighted
with the roast of good things then and
there enjoyed.
A Sabbath School Entertain•
ment.—On Christmas eve, the scholars
belonging M. E: Sabbath Reboot
of this place, gavo a public entertain
ment, which fensimted of singing, ro l e!.
tations, dialogues, etc. The children
nearly all acquitted themselves well', and
the speclators were no little amused, as
Willi evident from the applause they be
stowed upon most of the performers,
1101144, pprsellisieL4row is the'
time to make presontu to your friends,
and we know of no other; present that
would he rhoiii approprlate than ono of
N'eed's Sewing Where: itl
thero,#i fallror a .4 rothcir that, will not
prOOdreotte *ftir tOltiok'klitor.'
on J. Boggs, In Now Jirlghton, and se- nre one.
N. 11.—Every purchaser j Lei
Year is entitled tooprize.
City Mortitilty.—The her of
deaths in the city for the week ending
Perin:Mier 2D, wroidwentrone, of which
nine were ndults e end twelve chlldr n.—
The canses of derail were—AnTEs: Un-
known, ono; delirium tremena, one; old
age, one; Wisest* of four; poil4n;
ag, one; dlamme of bmin, one. `Child n:
Scarlatlmi, ve ; Infanticide, one; atm- .
vulilona, two; septicaemia, Alyarqeep!li-;
Ina, intermittent fever and 'enlargement
of the heart, one each. Maim, twelve:
• ,
A man by thstmam9o4ohn3l9wAriFtn,
aged apout 27; ant 'Wail to bt; employed
at the Lawrence Furnace, Fipent a por
tion of last tiaturday • aftenneon in Nowt
coStle, during which time he indulged
too freely in the use of 'llrd-water.' 110
started home nbout dusk in a ono Ins°
a•agontunl got bthrliderod and wAndi*ed
:jolt until he wait either thiown or telt
out of the wagon, a short dhitanctz, beyond
Paluidantown,Wlternltilw4 retied on
Nanday morning between 1 11 and 12
welock, almost frozen toktith. lie Wag
taken to,the residene'e of RVbert Irwin
• •
nod kindly trentedi whOro ho died. on
Sunday evening.—[Now COstloGaiotte.
lutpiirtant thaLtime In the IOW;
enne Dbitriets of Peortsylootht.
szl ita afcurday lash, be;
soember 1 • tuna Assignors,
liereMforel n , thitt different
iligtillerieg In operation, minted to bat,
--all dimtllleries bditoefottittosiot tatted
to their full capacity 7h4111,441 operMton.
The effiiet of MIS eltitilgtr of, ;ours°
lie to gave a large amount . of mom+ in
salarioe for . .ittillefeint 7, hoheiteore; and to
roduee the tuartnfafturvp=rp as
many dietlneirtea triffitirt nder
-This regulation, and therefore the tritv of
dielllled Artorit srill'hi - fnrreitattd
cause ttioir-oanseqinnit . seineltid 4 .
Lgitta-Naalo-DPe 23
lUnibrtuitato Oretteritiee.—On
- ..liatorday itightpee./:katKe Alio Sir:
Oda McKnight, of the Viet nI ty otEek
i l hat
ory, waa engaged In fi lling all tad
lamp [rent a fit can, tke 01l i pail,
and eiploding burnt her so badly
aftaf kW, Ant tafrildeuu=ti x atdi
- ;"arlid 4.14. elf tl at df '
Ileforo the fl ames could be 'extingubilial
...-- •heesilettdWg emisti*lyAstottineeuP
per part of tier body. She was a yoking 0 tteF4 ei A0 4 Atr:46Per, lent
highly respected, and leaves a widowed
,-.; mother and large connection of relstp*
I' to Marini kali' lamely death. Maw*
:•.* • ' i l l " wi F.Olg a P I WPI 4 / 1 1 * 44'
..:_lhe4ittia alirasieloi '.3F of the ban
{ gor of filling a lamp with oil;whilo it la
`.. lighlad.—{Witah. iteporter ./.._
~iei~efii'~eS~'~fOC~sin~ oloae~'
peetiotia tern 11 hht •
ply doeszetbeginfoweavuo
A Mew nliktrylsaroo ligslaxernal at Is
land Bun, which entirely desbNsysd the
house of Kr. Chines, together with alllts
ZsiekV: EWA
' The Sheriff of Mork coat) , Am, b
Veloidttbi Clotarkiti#loo4lPfergdaln
toryjnrymen i
lhutitint i pla „pants oriter ,after,
thic 4 a.p reoint fie giiilvfileilazilies IL!
Loarhi, gp., dliteoveral a letter fro*
John Ilanoook,loite jai
to the late Samuel Lord, Esq., of Mead.
***u amas to
rimpvt? their, works from Now_ Brieh-:
t 44 - 11) .*****ii . Z a hn i i! ti t i t s t*k k
erecting a new Round House and Tate
Tabto, ,be_completed b►y the_ ant o
j ana kFiw o ie *l7rlt4cfer,tii-av,lu
Shell Clark, pear.
ooim6i, i kiapa 'orgy*
of s vory superior quality, for sale. • WO
trlod Borne, of arca on pristmas trte
and found tluinfreidi anditiamp. lie•d4
or, go and do likowise.
e ••• _
• --Pistil4: ir*,t'sa' * tiiirkel
1NV40#07.-Ita.paraiio and ' til 004
Whet: P. Sabbath tlictOOl in thtsldintei
treated the scholars to a feitst of 'gad
things on Chris day. The moisten
wee an intnnall ' ' easing one t4 l
trb i
all concerned.* , i
The grave of HID.* the fountl.
or of H . . - 7snm.the foot of tiult
tree to %Ili*: e tied by In
dians and aZ
btpg Alm) , -0., ,
• ple iron ienct
. ‘ . diaot444vrt* , .bfiOilijit4iet or
other mink4tt thersto.deeignsui 3 / hose
remains lie.lointeath.-41#"thange. ,
Foot„ et ikas;=.-- iMeldliAlson . and
140, ~jteCtAc itoauc k r e ld itt vie •
141 • races
Ow a
4 4 151 0 ,1 1 r7t , Z W011 1 2 C 1, 4 3 :k t he
14 l ieftrtPe lkt it th e
-. • r
14 1 i.70M 1 V 14 = 11 ; hil ool
A ria 4=, t 14'dge.t' tha
chlldron, at t‘ l o
eeting will p.m ervre by
the4.llloemand %ateliers octlisschool.
a44iiior! let t* ether eareinoniqs
: tarty ta.axpeete4; in *bleb is
tip 'filen& 'aid patrons school
.wilibeintaristaal. . •
• t JeagEu 31:13atztaiti;Easto.r.;
'-' - ' Mae lviiiiits or . a prep. 411,1;--A
leritlenuin ", of this place . who was ruti
rilrig on :one Or the rivers in the South
during the war, casamily picked up from
a whirtban the annexed note, given fOr
rate yearli arigetiOt. a negro girl, at Vet-
Haisrryy.-on thryru, IfFa. It readsis
f9 1 14‘Aii , J.,, ,, „..„.._,,-
"Orrok beton_ it,2sth dayef Decem
ber next, we or eliher 'Oras promise to
'pay to Elbribeth Taylor,' or orderty, i le
BUM of 1 1 Pifteen Dollars, for the hire 0 .a
negro girl f Emily, for the present year,
and to give to said girl two chemises,
two summer &cafes, and one .winter
dress and underdress, two , pair of shoes,
and onepair of stootings, and - one blank.
et, all at good quality; and pay all, doe
tor WAN.... • , jty.Nowummi
'''Veisaill&c . Tan: 8, 1857: `• ' -z ."-- •
Illankobiat le,a than cost, at James A.
Fortutio'S DIAMPftd. 110eheateT: , •
Brought' " tti JAll.—On Christmas
night, a little afte bed-time a constable
whose name wo did net learn.; loirosigltt.
five, personsto the county Jail and hid
theni confine h tr. - ThoYareall strait
gem in this part f the country:, am 4 rep
viiiertt theriiseitaaPai hierferAerP'New
York a Week or tVro ago'.to go South. In
their travels theyiappear to have crossed
the Ohio river aomewbere between Ahis
'point and'Ecottoniry, and were making
their Way toward the WestVirginialine.
SO far all went well with them; but once
in Moon toivnahl i p , they begin to reach
for otheipeopheigOids, and by thetigne
they got into the vicinity of Hookstoirn
they had approirclated some one's silver
watch, another's boots, and sundry other
articles to tedimm to mention. They
were finally, licoMfore, brought to a halt,
taken into cnstociy, and landed In bsitaa
we havcstatedabOve. They are all young ' ,
men, ranging from the ages of sixteen to
t4vonty-two years. Their singular oper
ations can only be accounted for on the
supposition that; if they really started
front :New York to go south as they rep
resent, they did ao with the Intention of
stealing their way through.
. ,
A Thieving Scoundrel. —Last
Sunday evening,. about nine o'clock, a
man, claiming to be a soldier, and td
. hayo lost an arm In the service, rang the
door bell at the r6idenoe of Ms. V; MR
thous, West Main street. Being Invited
in, ho stated his case,'and desired smite
thing to eat. Whilst the table was being
Prepared, Mr. M t questioned him as to
the army in which he served and where
and bow he was woumled,'and as to how
much of his arm was amputated.' bro.
tieing that ho. did not want to say inn&
about his lost limb? Mr. M. questioned
hint atilt eloaer'boneerning it, and made
a move toward!lum, as though he in
tended to wreju . ,, .4, •
Th ..ionailr . hie brother *as
stintdhrtAdtadockr,and hieing cold he
Itedlosidatefir4tatid,Anifte hire in.—
Stating his wain .to -his wokitrrhe im-
Itediettelf 'Slid haritilf Para& tub) the
biblAn' t is i binninnie, ideltatitit4folier
coat belonginCte ~,14.n. Miihous, Ind
tyrzi,ll4‘,Asas t-hs is ,
v va - b y;'. h)ehlngititter .. lis brother
0 1 *- . ....'. - .,..1,-:'- .. ,
~'N't.he tgart Teitis, lo * 'APtrancer
+ L.
About . tereity7ibree, yeern.o age, and
tiUter*Trin v or si4Ten 1 0j 1 4
ludiAthwhUtiters rutty low to
bead. illltohlßO n saws b. 9;
flehl,,and 'l;4' ?btIPP!,F O . 6 4 II O .t : It
lathe *.•Weg;fet.:oiskivitileri tekeep an:
9'9 OPO 49F K r , a, , , ,ice w \b_ ." 2141 *,t,
try' the - Warne' 'game again eisearhereel
[Salmi (04 Bepublican. ' .
iirefroplewinforae Nemo Circle—
.At this sensen:nf: the yestr .d tylien,allbe
lioUait' tleve Piotiiiii tile Mowed of
some, suitable telion to thn fnotatnni of
* ta410,04 J l , M e n d tiip:lool3
isiftes, -*yr OTC eitn . ,4 ll g ht our 'lnv "
ones, and at. the same . time , do them a
real Ind linking good.. 'The answer Is
simplei:eall ripen some reliable Min&
Dealer, aMen In whose judgment and
Integrity you Can place Implicit 'eoktft
deuce, and procure from him a fine Phan
or a goOd Organ, !Mayo all others the it
tide best ealculateittei contribut• fo Alto
doltir,kt soul happiness of the entirlhan.:
fly circle, iuldwidela is a airing of bonny
Inpljoy'ethreicr,' ' Such li man' hp ern,
phatically Mr. IlenryxletWi;rifdas firtn.
- .0 1 90 3 .*.k r 10 24 ' 44 I= Wood ' it'ptta
burgh, a man who from N. bil4i i . 3 ,:t ui e.
been connected with minde, - whiNs i on a
[ oftheireghestjudgenrifert .. , . : ,
4/illts;*A61"1"4110.)10/. ' ' - • ' '
'.vaaer .aciifiniefir-Bzr li wiehthitilw 1
4'054.**, *91416001/1-eatijPak .
I . parties 'libeled theiaitionrof iiiir*ne
.biwinewit! tat' we add - that. cis a } Disc
the sole agents for the we:4.1'00101M -1
fl ' ..g4TIVMCaIi lii°,:e2tirt' li
hole elide Paris }and
abiooollolVloo-ttkr it illtiti
Its wonderful imitation of the linuane
`e'vAt***4ol. ‘Pf#4,t4.l@atii.Yol4.l44'
,Tegmdr2i•tr. 'grai.tristrailituritilo
30.1 , 1 44 .14"47.0'.10100,
peraon that it is at 111010Wirinswoblic
where the very beatisuctrinitentram to
let had. ' • 1 - [ctseglt.
Ow to Tame
-110.411e: Oeaeswdi, A A s !
tribe duties' whtelf should unite Wilk
and be no lialgelkent portion of the,
blab/ modal atcoYinente so chareatedo-!
tle of the New Tau's birth. Ho naTi
and falthftgly 1
to wardiSka Nttate l ills bare
Go, toed the Mimi' ones at thy door,l
VitZ g rtita l At ial tVa leT
. an
Go, wipe from laßeria eye the taw.
. Take by the band ignidietell 1011,
And lumpy dull be all the yea.
I 'semi
Ge, gi4e the ai l Ld weary rest,
Gladden the cella where , rinarra 110;1
i4tir tail*
• And isoothe the soul about to dle. :I
Do thus ,
and thou shalt go to rest '
With l intutio 'round thy midnight bed,,'
And, blaming, shall be trebly bummed
For each. uneb•enal Wintorted,
Thy Nun dial nuke* golden set
This New Year's day, and be by fir
The happiest day that ever yet
Was lettered In thy calendar !
with widelipumeni
,nary notlowiejeoe thenolaritereeel
V 4 4,9r.illiall*MatO °llllo4
the Harrlstie rg BiAric "tltrain,
rieberli4TELlPlLealr, tb ► i rill
:Venting° Crrismar,. the Lawrence ilovsi
Wit, the Alliance bloarroit. the Bticki
eye Itrars, *c., &c.
lament will be given in Power's Rail,
Rochester, orr Wednesday andTfihradep
evenings, Dec. 30th and 91st. It will
mitered' &oleo mud% ,ocal and iWiltrll 4
'tk r araldifig 4eCll 4
lIIALUOIrIi, da, dm. There - Will 'also be
Mar hold in connectieja with it. Several
Valuable articles, among them a iiiver
pitcher; sewing machine, dc.,.tb be
drawn,lor voted for. Admission ,turen;.
3y-five 'cents. • I
- The !Feats or a "Wpillttst.";;-:-Mti
Napoleon Young, a native of our neigh:.
boring I penitity,;(lFtmbitinit, Ohio,) lute
been on his muscle for some time -past
lie gai.e the Ne4CLielion SMLT*
STATE ilLIEWeek th e following account&
his op+tions during the "cannedgm"
That , paper says!. t Witte celebrated
"OlyznidePedestrhut,"Napoleon Young,
has kindly presented us with a brief
statement of his principal feats durlni
the iiistyeent: Atetiretrpdtille Peefteln7
ance was at Now Lisbon, on the 30th of
Say, 405, walking one mile albagYirair
nut Street, in 7 minutes and 15 leoonda,
Ale street being wet and slippery. Ills
next walk was in Pittsburgh, Pa., mak
-Imile:end:les in 22 hoUrs and 12 min
utes, including 2hours ofrest. At Mount
Gilead,', Ohio, at the time of the Corm*
Fair ho walked 46185 t the fastest run
ning horse in Morrow county, going once
around a half mile tract while the horse
ran three dune around it, beating the
horse twelve seconds, then walkela hale
mile id 3 mi,9sifos,dp,4,l? .04?5 , 9, and
ran another 2' siiintifes and
seconds, doing all without resting.
walked again at Now Lisbon at the time
of the fair, makinghis mile In 0 minutes
and 12 'Seconds. At Mount Vernon, Ohlo,
he Wslitello =We in 83 -ininntes,.• on `a l
very wet and slippery tredlc,end the next
day, on the Bunter:sand; he walked once
?io' seconds
loss time than Crace horse occupied in
running around lt.throo„times. At the
Orrvinb Fair; Wayne' county, Ohio, he
walked against a fast pacing horse on xl
half mile track,heating him by 30 sec
ends, and then without any rest, walked
a mile" in 61 minutes and seconda, fag,
lug a strong north wind. At Mondield,
Ohlo; be Walked itmiles in 56 minutes
and haecerldronoimdisittertersitamile
40c0iS ;--tri•:4o4coraliiltiliboriroitad -
Olontangy Park, Columbus, Ohio, in p)
minutes, the distance , around the track ,1
being I , mile and 40 feet At the rink Os
the same city he ocoompliahed G miles in
42 minutes and 30 amends, with the tit-
cOnviseience of turning at right angles.
These 'Statements ran all be verified' by
application to parties residing at the
places ivhere the feats Were performed
and who werowitzwescs of thesame. Mr.
Pounglnow challenges. all other pedes
trians of the 661st Olympiad to publish a
record of their scathe; giving time and
distance, and thoplace where they were
. Maar. of Road : tilaprialsors—
Wa4a Cossrtvxmtam 2 loonnoen. — The
followlintreeent decision in a l juclicidi
district, of thleistate, triune a supervisor
WM Indicted for neglecting to keep the
public ' t in good order, win eorninend
itself to the moron sense of cops
nity everywh .The Judge's' charge of
what is to be Idered alegalroad, and
what areibo drit of supervisors has
not boon so well delivered before, or on
-401144 An understanding ofwhat the
law in ham long been wanting; and If the
roads are not hereafter kept "In (lot re
pair 'and ' free from obstruithms," the
fault will be With the eitisens. The Judge
speaks bf the duties of sttpoiyhtors,' as
follows: . '`
"It in &business of the supervisors of
the public highways to keep therm& in
their respective townships in good order
for ese , -! to have all new roe& properly
constructed and old ones Cliterabt re - ,
paired: . ' They are not vested with au-
thorityl to Judge how-much spice the'
travel ins particular place requites. nor
how rev or Indifferent a road will en-
rawer its PuiPede. .TU thefill este:abet
the germ:Chas been appropriated to the
public use, by the law, it most be open
ed, the entire space constructed Into o
good and convenient highway, and be
thereafter continually kept In such con
dition.. To remove the fenced and throw
I the ground open—or, inaddltioh,toplow
a onWien .. 4 4_4. 1 eX a M e l is 11 .4f° Mn i fr i ' et ,
a road within the moaning of the liw.--,
e a nd must le•-:roado teasonably
laita. 1 itenithiett ebiliniOdoitn, odd put 1
ticAtt'st tho 4aiet ivitCando
' . 4Cit to the side, leaving the roadway dry
andielid. , I
t r
1 .51711 t titiO-Wttt to lizeoL. at so, feet ,
(as is usual,) or at any other limit, it is
I because the court, aided by the report of 1
[: - W3llik, has detamdited that tidsapace Is'
necessary. -And whether this determin
ation be wise or not the supervisors *k
not oonidder, Their duty is simply; to
obey theorder of the Court and the Ant
4kAadethhty:OtroWthiegtOol WOO
-1 tiro extent, futtlykeep.. it thereafter hee
from obstructions and in good repair; If
•itissoineededia. aeoesumodate travel,
care should be taken that the' evert is
: 1 4 4 M ai P4P"' r r l. wi t e " -
: or ifilliaadlteatVbeen *stab
' lished,litet it be_es Aut.* long,
salt restishis union therooords ass rib
lio *dewy it must hnltePtliinedid or.;
der for use. If any part of it teobstnict
ed by itieteed„ , stittop4.stooka (that may
be removed), hhlia,'siethillkeotrielt oh!
atinetkin eonstituted anulesneeand ren
ders the superdsorsliaidoniindietment..
Audit' emitted *jury tow one, in per
son or Property, from this cause, the att.
.... f "" ' t ' - ' s -1
- ,- ''''Av,''o4 -- . -
~ . .".. •;,- -
4115 "0g a g 3 POttitond . god
they, t 4O . , .
41 °..t.e0Porodble to thebe.cerrere4 4 ! 0 0E0°7
Ar.fonstuthlcia;;; th The' idiaPerrkeies Are
r4e-.ll'#.lPhtlifeed arfft in Ads ie
oPl,Ot retlareeiha - i they idirsliiaketts*_
able men to the office, and sitelhat tbdilr
,P9r*a 3 4; 0 11 . 1 ZZakO,SU*04 Is °be
Pf 10
d•gP" . hie s om 4 ;"bii.liakil ,- leo r kitei :: :
IWO PeiatitA 4 o l o4 iititiiWoutead
-I=ol...wits==co, Quit
7tooem•istbetxt,.:7 our,
OWirtir IND *rot,
t2titirties, to say. oftho
ineonienienoe, dels3r, v ' and dsm.
ger of traveling on bad ones.
' ..' '' l i i t ** l Ing4 111 • - •
it A g t n, 44 44 7 4M --awrrA;
anelosek it - irsintnian
• ~ ., ,,, ,:3001 0 4, A , - , . ,r- . ..• • , .c-,.. ~., , i
Elinkaiiillylng year in thr4me,o(umi
.......p5it,;,........... -- _,.....:.. ..., , .t..., -. ..v.,
,Vre, u:t.d.rui , ... l!: tif,,c - ' .. 17. , ..;' , :, , zi}l3 , :
Li ,:i'rt !uu! Tn, tu , :,' ,u_ ,:: ,- , 4 ~ , 3 .5,0_0 i
-Thelsosthot ihniont-nitkl
It haa tittntittlAttifTlitittil
) 1 .4 1 1,L 1 P 1 L. ;A t zt. t-1 1 —i;r 1 t ilt 7: :
. ~ _ _,-,, , mnt .-0,,, - : • ~..-1 .1.... - :: :^ ,6:
J 1V10.4“444:1407.*t: nnw.,r, ,11nrypoi
i -,T,r,!thaiiiiiitinli ; - , L :.1' ;7„. •: . ,;,i . ~•::. 1
How, parent
Itant beeti:
left 'Ow ll Olibz P 4 b
ou tt
140 Pim had
; • eu tomboi, , ,ts....r •1 • •iliil.o.
timivedbliutaibitysleoip-43 0 i
For they, dream. of imklnif, id holy sot
•• s..fcc"P!'t
Pza4 thine, • . '•'• ..
tby shHne."•
Mo. citi year! thy abitsa on the hosi;e4
-Ciondenined,rTu!ln ;
. , . • • • • •
Cbmitundi Cottebledezif .0"Ob year that.
reeed... 1 4 :
With oar joys and dU? sorrows, on e
theaehia.-*erdi *Pa doe*.
OnWir,a,!rigt oAwswl, with wbsi ere we
irin be,
Botha M that ices% tried, Almighty by
PIgAVV,It,, PA. Doe.%
- riieStiiiiief Peet
(o. 09 Onto Grand'Array of the Repub.
, ile held at their'eneampment, on Thurs-
day; 'Dos With, 1968. . •
On motlenefCentrade Chau. A:LITHO m
a Committee was appointed to draft res
olutions expressive of the sense of the
Post relative M. the - death of Comrade
Wm: Hall; the commandant'unnounced
Chas. el .Griffin, /Mut Herten, 8. M.
'Dinsmore and M. S. quay to be the com
. At an tidjourited Meeting held on the"
19th dayef December the committee re
ported the following resolutions which
were unenimottely adopted. • •
Wittigese; It, has, pleased AMATO,
God to remove from our midst William
Hall, late sergeant of Co. F 101 P. V.. it
rernrsole:ofthis Post, Who died en-the
,94thInat„ of disease superinduced by cx
'pattern in the service of his country.'
Resolved, That we deeply deplore the
loan of the first of our number upon
I *tom the land otdeizik . has been lai4;
though ineapwitated by, his Indrnilty
front acitiv*pszticipation in the duties of
thopouitalistestfreuxbdaearliesteennee .
tftin With 11, We mr o r4 oo 9o o hgea I. ll him
'thawmiby Winride true ii:nterlian
soldier, and his,death to one mere mon
ument td the murderous wickedness of
the late rebellion ,
Resolved, Thatip testimeny °folk re
geld for his memory the comrades of the
Feat win. ear Unusual badge Ofmourn
ingtbr thirty days. , ' .
Resolved, That we tender to his
sillicted relatives the asantence of Chest n
oere sympathy of hiesurviving Comrades
with them' in their bereavement., ,
Resolved, That copies of these resell/-
Gone be furnished by the Commandant
of the Post to the tunny of the demised
and to the county newspaptirs;.-. •
CnAnuotA. Giumwi L
JonftlLiikrbw; ,
R.M.. Inavexonz, '-'"••••••••--
S. gust',
-The committee which wm appointed
at the temperance meeting held In the
Beaver Court Douse lately, for the pur-,
paw M . procuring a suitable portion to
lecture in the some place, on 'Friday, Jan.
1414 - having forivartled a request to the
Rev. Col. S. B. Clark, of Allegheny City,
received the following reply: .
ALLY.CRIENY CITY., PA, Dec. 24, 'fit%
• . as. BOARDMAN And JOrtation:
Tom invitation to. ) be Pretend.'
and address a temperance meetingin'
Beaver, on the evening of Jan. Bth is ber
'bre me. ' That evening is in the weekof
the world's prayer mooting, and it will
be impossible for me to leave home and
I know of no one hero who could ho se
curod for you on that - evening or I
would be glad to send him. If Friday
evening January 15th would suit as well
I would come and do what I could in
I behallof the good muse.
Yours, truly,
• Jona B. Cram:.
For the reaxon elated In the-above, the
mane difficulty exists in regard to other
prominent spankers.
The ocmritittixi therefore deem it prop
er to postpone the lecture fOr One week
from the time first mentioned, to Jan•
18th; 1869, etwhichtime Ca Clark prom
isee to be with us.
patrons of country
newspapers commit very grevions mis
takes, some of which we desire to oor
It is as mistake to suppose he gets his
white paper for 'nothing.
It is a t mistake to suppose that the sub
ascription price of paper Is a clear' gain to
the publisher.
'tie a mistake to suppose that It is
printed without cost.
It is a mistaketo suppose' that he can
live bodily, by faith.
It ha a mistake to suppose that it (sew
to pimp everybody. I
- It is
amistak4 to "appeaser that moley
due for Nip paper would beats good to us
in a year , it would be now. .
• lila amistaketoomppose thatvre would
not be thin/Mil for what is duo t.:O us,
and for new subscribers.
A mew fldhatelPhia( o 4 Paper oPuaku
as fbllowa of one of our seminarium—
BEavaat "Fsautta Smvinasti.—Wo
once more call attention to the claim s of
.thlarreallyaterUngitu Itatanda
in the front rank of our Educational
Institutes;Piot R,T. Taylor, the pros
ant PiliMiplitHlnut Oa* 'of 'the
'school, nearly ten years, and under his
matuurement it lin reached 'its pn,Sent
high - standard.. The, building has been
thoroughly repaired outside aid btelde.
,andts now one of the most attractive and
ocantbrtablo school buildings In the
West.' In addithin to a thorough course
of study the Institute affords mumrpass
ad Musical advantagos. The Winter
twit equine. January fah, Jl*l9. Send to
Prof R.. T. Taylor, Beaver, Pa., for a
Candogue. .
Oar Heaver Aim!,
esoy.'sadverfisament will cheer the bomb;
of many of oar readers. Its numerous
eloinni of both sexes will, so hope; mi.
theLt alma mater. Front tho
fezni, the shop, .the atom the pilptt,' the
legislaturai. the cortrt,;the school room,
the editors chid; and thesickbed, where
thei bless our country, let each ruler:a
0.71 r tQ P' Dr * illr
tais, wbo Lai lodging eiPiTkolViAn IN?" ,
lirling over Ow:Atonal institutions, ge
-1 !cares es that the grest wait is not !cash.
1 Aant amidst" The fusels are adequate .
toeldagood+edoesfor Ist-Sand4deithi6a
Arettohms school ; Owlish not bnirintifie;
lietflere*lbr 'robs/deft Ur
, itsca
'tit then Iht . frlends 'encoltregii 1044
both Wise ;frith grace and brain W re
ceive a good education, to COM. •
x.,z-ldww.lbibladnit t ,.
,Il l i4ins. it. 41/I.'
two Aware t—'res pwboseeint
one of the west of *Ugly, Sad, wfdl
.every one seemed-tar. be MI or nisni4
menti.we *reglad to wit fir, the good,
nonsainizikend , their4FidWtiot lee;
during the entire week, sidngleindlvid-1
• R ui
sal whose good lidnidi wee generstedbyi
it '!1 . •'t
'4'l te,' l . , 'A4.,;•(,' _. el!
, , ,
, . .
On Monday the Wing of the M. E.
of tableaux, pounondmea and vocamu. '
ale, all of which ;ram given In good i
tratlen et rtrc l 4
and tedlocus Intervio between ihe dl A fferi
ent W11;91414 /aid iherteleeedee of
" s i d ea l . o f yeey annoying and 1111
tii,n 4 44461141 t bi 1 b4 4 '404 )iimiTi
The music given on the occasion. by
the quartette. from Allegheny city watt
meat 'emetillent, and gave: unbounded
aatiaffictionia,a4proefmL r;
.. 1
On 'Tuesday night.ltiv: Wm. Evans
'lnciitilefect renthig in- the Protestant
MothodkitChurch For the benefit of the
Sunday PAiool, of ' llitt"Onigregatlet4
which was quite liberally :patronised..--i
Mr. Evans is a tolerably good eloeutioni .
ifitr,ibat there is too muckinenetony lit
nisi 'riiiiiiim t render .ii Pitrilotdarly' et! .;
froth*, and !Lome of,,lds, selootiensi
ho fails' to comprehend fully the ideas or i
-the atither.': . ' ' ' . '.% ''' • '
Thursday and Friday nights both the
Episcipal Methodists and the Baptiste
held festivalii for the benefit of their re
!median churches. , The result :in each
Case was a liberal receipt of greenbacks.
1' The till given o . 4"•?lltuniday night b . *
theal:" A. It. Was Soniicesaczurd 'added
Several dollars to the; treasury of Post
tektbr the relief of our needy comrades,
Mid the widows and orphans of those
who (11(.4 that our nation might live.
on. Friday night, of this week—New
Year's rilght=the membra of Post 108
Will give an entertfdiment consisting of
a public installation of officers and the i
presentiallan et ia flag by the fbtrettyet-.
crane to the Post. '
The Mfg will be 4esefitort en behalf of
, 1
the Veterans by HileAlinat. Ilie Pittli,•;. l
burgh . Hventrto Cilltomotin;nnil will
istmxprivesi onbelas4otthotosibyt.t mt.
To these exercises will bo added Um I
read. ing of Sheridan's Itide, - Our Nation's
and other appropriate Ploces ; to- ,
gethor with vocal and instrumental mu-
1 Judging from the preparations which
ere bei' made, this affair will prove es
gratifying to thO public hero as it is nov
el.' Thfact that a11,wh0,.., aro to take
Part 'inthe l 'exercisira Are men 'Who' have
given evidence of their, parrietism land
iielitsitmilleing devotion to principle on
their country'd hattio.fields, will give ii
peculiar charm, and an aitractivoness
hich few of our citizens will be able to.
resiat. Hence we anticipate' a crowded
house and a large receipt of ''stamps."
. On Thursday 'Mgt& ratheo a'aingular
Devurrenee. took., phao 0u . .. Broad way..:-
Hoy. Mr. Seymour of 'tile Episcopal
Church was walking:qatellyt along ;the
ftreat accompartiodamly by a little dog;
i wb!eirntigiadsirarati aodffeniy. ptiscked
pyirtirokif his men aped& Paliiefoupori
IMr. S. kicked the attacking dog in order.
to cod, : the , quarrel. He, however,
scarcely ciimpleted - tbi kick, when he .
i was felled to the pavement by what ho
supposed, to be the clenched hand of ono
of the genus Mimi); but willies bisirtarao
'or where's his home ho u-as unable to
l iliscover, and perhaps` , never wilt know..
His disappesuance was - quite as sudden
intdmiractiletis as his appearance.
Mit.•Entron.---,Rellnying it would be
of intetea to sotriettrirouTrany roadsni
and prolltableJet air* 4a,r 64 the 'prti
'airiall`s* t e in your *miens. Having
loceredon to attend the meeting of Tuesday
night, Dee. 2.", I found quite an audience
In possession of the sebool room', cotii.i
posed as Beaver audietiewigenerally are,
of men women and children, the half of
;whom be juisseaed with but
!ono idea,thatofmakingas much noise
possible. Rowever at the eall of Ole
'chairman silence reigned: 'The find ux
erelite, n claisdrlll In GeOgratihy by Mrs'.
' Marquis, the aeoamplialualteacherofNo.
" was listened to with attention, and the
!Claes showed great proftkieney, next an
l ea:snag entlUed "The Brans and Nem - pits
I Ryatent 'was read byliti W. li. 'Board
!man, w hich was alma Prixlnction„ but
we think rather too long to beentertzdn
'Jog. A claim drill In gramnutr conducted
by nett'. Lakin, the able Prinetpal Of the,
school, followed. *The Wass . gave e'vl
dente that they luul been guided by a
master* nannies. A periortieel,
„ "The.
Literary Casket,' a spicy little send- ,
uonthly, was them read by the editress,
',Wes Woulk, Thists the 'last issue for
and was one of Its best. Debate fol
rlewed on the question "Which Is the
*teeter' . PrieVentlyebf crime, the moral or
'civil law.' It was -discussed ably and
eloquently by Rev. Dr. Martin in the .
atlirmatlveand Rev.•Johri r g..ptavo In
the negative. Roth gentlemen displayed
*Oa ability 1044elsiteni,.tuul it added
greatly to the interest ofthi evening. We
were well satiated with the result of mit
visit, and shall repeat it as often as priv-
E4O 40; 5 /Pm e#Ott tnedllng will
be on Tliiiiriday evening Jan: 14th, - id 63
lo'cloek. All are Invited to attend.
Christmas 'lathe Home for
Mere Orp!tatts,lPhllllgsbnrgb.. — ;
It was the Privilege Of the writer of this
article, with many others, iodine on the
.sth inst. with the Iter,Wm. G. Taylor
and foully thisbonevident institution
of our great and growing State.
It is normy desio to speak of the din
ner, which was all that could bo desired
to refresh.thit inner Man, and was sheretl
by orphans', guests' nd family alike.—
This is the Mriftnifehlw of the.,lnstitu
tfon. There is but one faro for 'all: Tho
liOIUO, Ay It ever is when l l l ' have been
permitted to visit it, was clean end neat.
The orphans', are well clad , and their halo
hearty appeninn is riniple rividenee that
they receive abundance of wholesonio
Vied. it is noirnearly three years since
this school was organized and there ) has
net been tillingle death in it yet. This
fact, considering thattlumnraber of 611,
dren in the school Is between one and
' two hundred, .eartainly
,shows ) that tho'
1 Institution is conducted. with abliity. l 7 -
The gond:health, the neatness and order ,
Wideli are everrwhero perceptible and
1 the progress of thepupils in their studies
all show that inplacingXr. Tailo; lathe
hesdortips school the 'State authorities
I. hivointt the right mart !title right place.
Dec. 25th, ISM '
Skid 'Aeeidut.--On' Sunday ore
nievo, DM. i3,ll.eonard linunell, a boy
twelve years Irks kicked, on the
a bailie; Wilding a serious Injury near
the, right; temple. Tho boy Is a son of
Win: H tu umii, but living, with his. undo
in Center tpt, has Itt the stable attend
lug to his feeding.. and •in passing be
hind the horse he received the blow, and
ve t s found, stshort thno after entirely in
ismasitifolie blood and brains, oaring
from his head. Dr. it. L. Woodru ff was
'nailed 'ln and a fter (=Oral examination
pronounced it a critical case, and the
datums ottroVerYAmbtftd.—{Waynos-
P!M/ ReliablkeiL - . . .
BV.l[frle!. (AN-iv; Brighton,: PL,
•delliiivede.,leeture onleeiTvelide, even'
tlipaivii eorhOe of the_ ,NeSre," ..No t
ISOp:1111 made to state the
*Rie44 es to hiyer,7wheit ?elbow
this miitedette race into exist
ence,--(East Liverpool Record.
111111104 WOK
..1im06,Pr0k 1 44441f0i.04 4- astogN
Ap4frfcchq:9F4. ,- : ,, i
Wieseinesi , The-Peesidentiof
bed-Maw heiensiteu set, litath eiestital I
Ineeansepopeiofferediunnesty - aud pert
desai , t6 parsons . who hair been orwerel
concerned tn. the tato Robellionapinat
the ireful authority of .the Government
' r etitle Venal Satan, .whkit.procistutal
them WOW severalty lasted - on the Otis
day of Decondwri 1883; eas the 2t3thl day
let lidanis; 1861, on the Inds day of May,
11865, on the 7th day of September, 18674
and on the 4th day of •July lor the re,
iseit.Yeart and •
Wnsuuss, The the Fe&
oral cloverntoesdi hiving .been :woods:.
lishedin all-tho: States and: To/
witishr. the. jurisdiction • of the:United
Slat* It is' believed that such pruden.i
itlallreservittiansAind.excepticten , sia, at
*o l dness of. said'.several prodamationt
werb.deenaed necessary and proper. may
now! he .wiwely. andinstly relinquished;
and that an universal amneetYntid 'Par"
don fdr participation In sold Re.
Wilon. extended „to rill who have
bertie,eny part therein, will tend to ee•
cumpertrument peace, order and prosl.
pertly throughout the land, and to renew
end -Dilly restore confidence indfoitern
el feeling among the whole people, ; and
their respect for and atachnient to the
National Govornnieni, designed by .its
patriotic founders for the general uckaL
Now, therefore, :be it known, that Tr
Androw . Johnsen, President of he Vele
led States, hyylrtne or thepciworrindau
thdrity . In mo Vested by the Constitution
end in the Mime of tho sovereign people
' of the lltilkd States, do heretrypn.
anddeclare, unconditionally anti with.
ont reservation, to all and to every
eim, who directly or, indlexily partici.
patedin'the late inwarreettott or, rebei
h full pardon and amnesty for the
'otrence of treason against the :United'
States or Cif sobering . to their cnimicadu
ring the late civil war, with restoration
of nil rights, privileges and ' immunities
under the constitution wind th e laws 1 1
;width have lieen 'MOO I.f pertinence
. .
Di' testimony whereof 1" have signed .
these presents with !thy hand and have
caused theeeal of the United States to lie
hereunto affised.
Done nt the city 6f Washington, the
twenty-fifth day of Deeember, In the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hu9-
dred and slitl,—eight, and of the inae
tiendenee of the United States et 'Amer
ica the ninety-thlrd.
ANDREW i r olixsox.
Ily the President. _ _
Wraiths to pi),to the 'l'enttentht.
ei.On FintuidaY eiening a Matt
wanted Ferguson, hailing from, we do not
know Where,. knocked at Constable
Gridin'S door, hill;b4 pine!, and demand
ed the presence of that officer at Justice
Intbries.. Wet - thing there ho informed
the officers that he was a thief—had stolen
Mr. Thos. tichley's tools some months
ago 7 and requested such action to bo
taken Recite° us would result in his be
ing sent: to the .Pcmiterdiary..l lo was
committed to jail' n vagrant for eight
days.' Intim meantime we presume
Schley will make information against
Fucgttson tor thoift, and in all m 4511011-
ityThat "conscience-smitten inclivithaal"
it . l in due coarse of time pull up at the
Western PonitentLary.. Ferguson Is an
old oftender7a tough eustomer—and no
stranger to the'wells of our county jail.
Treat.--Samnel MelLananry,flsq.,
of Nemomy 'township, has our thanks
fora basket of large, finely flavored ap
ples: They Were of the.Plppin species,
snit and nitre enjoyed them hugely.
-Mr. McManiunff teem otatt.tiailly..*
meni of ' this county, a good cit
izen, and, withal, .on 6 -of the
Staunchest Republicans in Western
Pennsylvania Long'may ho live to en
joy the fruits of his industy.
I::VDY 34 lON
Pint No. 09, G. A. R.—There will
be a meeting or the members of the Pont
on *eduesda!,• evening Dec. 30th, 1868, at
61 o' l elock P. M. A full attendance Is re
quented av buidnetei of imp - ern:ince la to
ire transacted.
11. IL :11 mini:, Adjutant, Pro., Tem.
Thie Roy. fir. A. 0. Patterson, a well
knon:ii Presbyterian Minister of neatly
Ility - iwars standing, died atoxDarii, Rol
ler Ca r , Ohio, on Monday morning. The
Rev. Air. Patterson for ninny years 'mist
the pastor of the Presbyterian In
S. S. Amaiveraary.—The.Sabbath
SVhool Anniversary of the 11. F Church,
held at Rev, It. T. Taylor's Seminary on
Christmas day and evening. • was well
attended, and the handsome sum of ono
hundred and eighty dollars was realized
from the refreshments , nod sale of
broads. •
Appohated,.—At u meeting of the
Directors of 11w Poor of Beaver county,
held a few days ago, Wm. Shrodes, Esq.,
the present efficient steward,_ was re- •
appointed for the coming year. Mr.
Shrodas and his lady are both weliqoul
flied for the positions they so ably fill.
Warning from the "'tempMem."
Lot:1'81111.LE, Ky., December
A circular, . purporting to emenate
from the `.'Seymour Vigilance Com
mittee," states that the Committee
have been informed that certain par
ties .in and about Seymour have been
making threats against the Regula
st.:rs and if them threats are carried
ntoexecution; the parties in question
may expect to be summarily dealt
with'; but if they conducttheanselves
civilly towards the Regulators, they
will, ermit the warned parties to liVe
at their houses,amtwillprotect them.
The parties warned axe as follows:
Wilk Reno, the father Clinton Bono,
Trick Reno, a pounger brother, Jas.
Greer, Stephen Greer, Lee Johnson,
Chris. Pricejiarvey Needluun, Dlede
Fiala, Martin Lowe, Roland Lee,
Ha ra re, W
Jesse honapson, Wm.
are, Wm. Blggins, — Jas. Fisler and
Pollard Able. - Seveoteen In all.
BI- its; E.
IN :the United States District
Court, at Memphis, Judge Trigg
presiding in the, case of Mrs. Cath
arine. Bailey, vs. St. Louis Mutual
Life Insurance CoMpany, where , ac
tion was brought to 'Vetiver flue
thoflEmnd dollars on her husband's
life,' which the - defendents declined
, - paying on the rround that the de
r ceased had failed to . pay the premi
ngor three quarters, and that his
at the instance of his friends
and physic!' n“, called at the office
and paid the premiums whilst his
father was on his death-bed, repro
senthig , that he 'was in hLs usual
health; and that therefore The con
tract was null . and -void, the Court
ruled pan Could
tat. the Comy not
hold .to h the contract if Mr. Bailey
lived, - and repudiate it if he died.
and thejury found for the plaintiff:
A Cheyenne dispatch Emptervemty
seven head of horses and tunies -) have
been ran off by the Indianiffrorn the
neighborhood of 'Apollo since, Wed
nesday. The Indians are believed to
be from the north and belong , to Red
Cloud's band..,
Tiffs Salt Lain Telegram says the
Central' Pad*. Railroad reached
four hundred and seventy-one miles
*est of Sactania,to, yesterday.
Otto a German mbar.
runt keeper,' of. dmaba ► ' committed
suicide -on SatAnde3r. Canso un
Thri sneaker ; 'Elegem Europe,.
says the fft.itureir la becoming mole{
vnuille int tbleaeOldff. . k
newt that. Bra
leY has. beet ikeisivelYrrjeled
Ath, red both Turkey andG
are prepedng for a great war.
adtirilli , teed*d to *Sorer his
Nrandsithat ,Aulase veetia
ovethani theereek•ite
t o= "Y ; Our redri lm I ttr t
lug tO 3 Vrighl on 11 0
lion. -The Turks 'have'despatched
four hives to the Archipelago; the
Greeks are moballang thewhole mi l
11 talk of offering uuurd mil
Gaziteldh_ am - robrvoiss
mediate Invasion',llcpbars,an, ph
oney of
the Southern provinces of-Tor ke.;-
' War has not yet been formaly
declared„ but hostilities. have
sleety commenced. An en.
counter has taken
and place between the
Greek vowel a Turkish
man-of-war, and has resulted In the
tl=the former. The Turkish
had followed her to th:at
of Syria, where she nought, relhge,
and, according to our reports, which,
however, . need veriticar, had
sunk her.
• The Great Powers look with cob'
aderable alarm at the development
which the difficulties between Tur
key.and Greece are assuming. They
all know that when any,eontlict In
the _East conies to endanger the In
tegrity of the Turkish -EWpire, it is
likely at once to expand than l -ro
wen ware and a war of such dhnen-
Bons lent pment not desired by any
Great Powers. • They are,
therefore; as the ~ /Itorritase says, anx
leek to shorten the duration of the
war which seems to be imminent,
end to narrow its limits. But while
the Great Powers • are (suttee and
• teeivved, little Greece is Mil of en-.
Madman, , and eagerly rushing Into
whlch; if not suppressed In the
beginning 'must be of • momentous
the I
Suddenly . , of apoplexy, on Thursday
morning the 17th Inst., at his residence
In Pulaski,, Beaver county, John
Ray, intlaktatth - year of Ida age.
Theanhlect Of Ibis notice was in Pitts
burgh Atiat , One . week before . his death,
lathscene In*, rue; returning on the
lath inst, lie caught &alight:cold wldlo
away, but withthat exception was in us
ual gocid health up till Wean/140 'liter
fling, at 2 eelock, when ho had a stroke
while in bed, front which he soon recov
ered. 'Was up and about alldsy. Wed
nesday, retired in theevezlng seemingly
pretty well,: Clot up In the evening; at
ball pastels, put on Ida clothes, carne
forward,to the tiro complained of a diz
ziness in his head ;Ind lustanltly dropped
down dead. . . ;
On • the 24th of December, at 8 dektc.k.
P. M., Mr. Wra...Liall, of, Boomer, Pa.,
in the Ka ,year of Ins age„
The deceased was . a number of the
Grand Army of the:Rept:We; and "was
hurled on list Saturday, under the anti
pleas of 'Poet 98 of that organisation: '
Acting Wy. of State.
Al dew Ws beta mopeised
REI.:1011,11111B 102111„1.1.
; • -
112..Dreeldent. of 1..De010 Dulrersitz, kiwi!' a
succes.fol edwatoe of the deaf and the Chad.
meat term *MI eminence, D. V.
Stndeals~ot both fazes. may here Wan tide•
onghly, the Common School Course, ender shirt
discipline. , should adequate Mamas apply. , M.
*Maim will be glean to toast porta as the VW
yersity comae. Composition, elocution, rtiebirla
and 'astranomy. 11w Ilehrew. Greek and Llde
'salvages; logic with philorophy, natural, now.
tai and moral, will be diligently taught by the .
Wa purpose to nee Wlllsoris Spend. and Rani
era ; Illteneice Gwent,. ph*. with return', MOM*
Maps. fireenleara blantemealeal Smits and Ifsh
lions Grammy Yoe additional
a W.311.M"
plasm adds=
pultinmzserreem -
w. D. of PeassairliGsGbi.
, • ; pivssvuzau.Dve. tots. ]sce.
se Give Reties I That on the Beth
PI se Z
of December, A. D. IStit a warrant In
'Benkreptey Nees hosed against the estate cd Sara.
eel tkuswroe of Brighton tp.. la the comity of
Bearer and State of Pennsylvania, who has been
adjudged* bankrupt on Ids own petition t that
the po of any
irimentg.tcr a
to roeh tflacinktilltetu
forhltii..bcandirug the twin:lifer of , jay
by blot are lorbldden by taw: that a nit of
the Creditors of the satd bankrupt to wore their
debta and , to dlOO O in MN* 2.401011 of Ids
e tate, will ha held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to
be holden at the Moon Bowie telfew Wigton.
P ith before Jos. B. Dooley. Itsq..Bregkits,oe the
P . day of Felttuary. A. D. tate - at I o'clock
P. 11." rnoi. A.mmer,
U. snitiall, se. Messenger..
New Adierttuteat4t,.
Al 10 aeloct.A.
I ff==l
Fall and Winter Goods,
Jas. A. Fortune's
Dil i - Y . GOODS
of 'ewers description
The beet amwortsinicaVt and. the
Cheusseet lit Ileovny
LiAlesZephyrizitShawls ,
Finer Good. at less tbaa
an kinds at coot
Country Flannels,
an %bide et kis Man inernitschteeive. rim*. can
and be convinced.-.
FE - RS,
at i e . than coif
lure lot al east
Call early to;eiliii'llughlsn an • Ito ire 1 81134
to oell an advertised. Bumping, plaltipt
Machine Stitching dote to order.
No trouble to show Goods:-'"
n a. room formerly omip
IN T77S ',I/I,A .11 0 /V D.
P. s.-riffsmacura_tha pailefs el WATS
(MALY. Ibrmosil Ot
3iIICATITIet hitherto:Del hill bort • btig.
lot arTotheys. Cbtekeee. Duke. Mead
eTerithtatt ;41 Ilse brt flue WY tbe A.7Udt7t
lle sini Wats dell the While me
obtata acrchn reeros, Ileac
of WM, lie wllleelt
st holesale' se retell. Ellee;rtknr; Vell. V=
he, 1,1 eateet bY dap ea Mira litriet,
1116, PO* 10010119. • Cal and
Vette iitS.
Wise ta t Atilhc.—Tch t i rb.....=
citWillrj it ago eti'l'4l- haw Werra.
Thom arzcZ, yry ' win sal at =
eta rates; Tele whme to rod* hop! the
ted Ohnerbetillelpa••• bream tom bid,
Ettla w year *IL tr iehna&
..j j • ;
,~ ~~.,
111: , :1111111111111“
7'l I. e . / .! t....
'.0101,1041WM00010"00fillikt ,
! •Si • it' ••' '
296 Pen *AI
pittalromP, Pa"
* t
sae mist isare *auk Dhciairttrola the Ear. AIM
deo a es. sot all Uar •
esms, lhelfseta. asd at
. Xis reg a alrlas manila
sika IS rgIM elO
..• , •
Dr: lir saseeblerS
• t•.r-
• 11
erheost _ hos Arroted bla Woo
for healeoe items 'oho to the owe or allorho ar.
eking yogi empathy or Inoullertrot workbench
a Ott"
• BL O 0.13:
tkeleoUlle Principles ►e aura. Dioessee of Ike
Skin, Uvei t , Iridneys,
ail an errelloo• of Ow
Nervous System.
Oder boiini from 9A • 91 .• k• 31 - •
ftmbeinbee the °Mee
A Miraculous ' Cure
DE 411 ail'
An Inmate of the German &plaza
Asylums of Troy Rill. •
[Statement of oalices”t tbst ImAttfitea
Parrintaaa, Pa., Naw. IS. IeSS.
Pleeassile appeared betas de. nonce S. Snow
des • Public Neatly, la awl lor A Heehaw caelar..
A., Ater tleldiebehear. Problent sad Meanies
acbncider, Vice Preddent. J. Weider, Trannarer.
about. Metz, 8004taty, •ad Joseph leas* • Craw,
mltleedila Clemons laybali . .asl•al; reit of willow
bdug be imp duly worn ecaerallee swim aenn.
awl saioi Joiceblate Itlcbs*aged Iftees; son
Wade la the Germ* OW** Asylum. 71x111111
bad been la* sad Moab Roo - ulase7 sir
_bees aWMPlattra by IX IJSbtli
Pena Wm, the Mu her Dadhea, up.*
re.alted tn Jutted mimeo. She era hew a*
dhadagahh the Muds Toler eulleleatly to helms
It. and coormacally ita Was already ate[
novae ltd le Sally ilnetielang bah In Yawn
eposels dhe Is Willis*" tea taecisie tam alla
buy" ao • care la tner.l • •
PICT= =MIN Predate*
sicuouis sumo Mai da
heoll DINTS. itemaesis. •
J. W maim. Set Mari.
• JOIIBIII'I4NO. Committee.
Sacra Yd dtheedled WWI aw.tbill Plalt tht/
October. VAS.,
[Lig 110ItACII 8:10WORN.
' Netitlfr Peak,
AD Algot? Letter hold Doom* P. Prentice
tor lt,Dtor loslorla• Jeer W.
• I 01101U1S. Nov. A Mk
DR. LOttroltb — Dvatr dtr:—l ant very ram to
born tbst costrapbist loatietbs W
tb• mast DO pro Post week. I deobtotty isIISO
ry=•ta etwolver• Welt push you
tor • WNW
imp ' w p m ,
* oy
S l4 W ll4 p _ll •11
an !Omar. Yoe bare tlearl imp sad s bool•
itsmieve Of ter loldtv utak pot tistoos. Tao ,
••101 m No to it•ders llll •o4 as by MilidleiLlit
dotrietor of Aril NA lib bop mototr. Tot
bus fold of s etblet lithateby.amOl LW'
oat eee• we bowl ••••••• yea lid
the MOW ilgrinet Ir. Thor
wive prietkosiliftlis bees • Wltaat ese
rem sad I .dignl ratomonvi re to toy
tirtevots sod tbe pabUe ISM* iplipletali
OM Oaddiarga.
11=61111101111117_1hT1011440 to a blosbis
I Elmo= of Do alik*ol. WO, vary
A yoli Atteited ;are of Ca-
Ds. A.. I; Loortiad—Olar IDI—If derma.
.wasit la the an of at ne Morn Ist WA, do.
Wed ellbel. reselbil ta panting* gent tuna
anal? , Or loa beepteolly
tannitia. sail I lisdkechimont edwk.! neer el
treatannt, cahoot tM least bane. NI our eras
treete Itilettopeoie en by erne a lin a/
eroptanat tba ; vane nyonteestnent On be
store feed fly estimated. For tetra hot bus d
eleted cub a mount cold to Ole bead. abetted
tag my brealblorwee to ineenitate ate to lino
I loy lawn gas iisaw
test, 55171erty the 46,
taws Inseam solidWud la my
wee tonna arintad Da It no.Wns*
. D 0 i
est exertion to expel 'ben. ilium
Imoraimed twos voixd get la ny *met nosing
ma to hark end *tape ern lry Pit bowie relieve
emelt. lay
_ban oennne esy solneb• -
remise lopeUee. inion.ed P a ng"beadi
male thin appeorsine.aad of
sod Ono lyin late symptoms uf
paralysis eteppoilts, g One et
feer yaw Om afoi cd sig leabLZ:
ctri by Ma gawk 04110 8 . Ni raer li tr,ns
roikred Au. mew eaostant
r mow
And debillueek
or set; I Mt sr dad ea so r ri trn. pla t to bedo l4 .gm Yet essetidd
sud_ra, ad an WOW
sod daddavas wog
slot all
ifalee,sad won 0061
seam bare
*.joirlyttwbriAlocola st=aleillic Tea"
, • •
1 boon" taw *lemon*, bna
adimprosa earstr.alf &sit
us Wei to Ms sistsoes 819.111 mini= MO
resdfir. . ~ .
• 1,20P01D
"WI/Sisals Thum DSlll, l =* 12 " "
- Ps.
~~ i~~.~,
I t; e o la ta 't lZASO C
Steubenville „Teruuk_Wbits Woolen
Blankets, Army a, lonketN Bred
, oti; Alpaca= I,lnes,
4 .Wnolen She Brown
and bleached Muslin, Drill
lbws, Wirings, Print", Canton
Flannels, Holsay,eloves, Brielothin
rrift, &e.
Calks. Nagar, Yawl*, INlSSlhrtir Mph
- Gown itraVistmelnipyrave,ol,MiLfosp.Sp ia.
sad Wats Meat. • ' a
. ,
-Hardware S r .Nails,_ Glass,
Door larks. Door La kilos, Warr. Sanwa. Opal
Win: Tat*. iu.d Tee Spear, WOO Deb.,Cosl
Win: TIM Rbovelm Mid firs,lliGli sal Witi4 •
pair*, Tabs. eksna..ilattor Primo ad }+dM••
Liit'*ed. Oil
. 4 White Lead.
i3dota and Shoes
tat 3f EN 14. 1114:4 AND CUILDRZI4.
Rifle Powder and Shot,
~:i4iustlver Powder end Vase
'Platt,. Feed at Queenewisre.
%1I bean goods dalverod tree ad dart*.
By dodo altaaßoa to baalsalls.isa i a
soostsatfy as Saha • wen aim tad of
of all the 41Burast. Ids& many Bast ISSalislisrf
Nam th. saleasagnad boor to the Man •-
tha p aat la morn as 4 resit. a inierat aliass lask
Ca t 1!
g itni 'ft r amtesliewto OMMrti Au-
Blaakata worth 8800 pSwiNpirl at 'gym
Laraw ears blowy lao•W NOW
Blaawi. warm WIL.OO
- Loo tarp double MtMhat tenna worth $l4,
sotil&R 8 Bo
BM, • erns 113 A saki at 141
LIMO llatalkanhiala worth 18 antra,
void at . • 10
Iwo allihrcidetwil sad laws Ilasolltashlth . .
went la oath as at 48 I
OW litoeltrllo4o ftr war* 16 costa. Lew si is -
V M al Wata 114arthash mold s 0 •.. 11
, • Maw slats ba Una Ww Ws saa Wats
worth ma weak tole at ao
Vaasa vosormooos worth 40 soar. mid at, al
wr th raid IL.. os
nest= YMIIIRIO PIK 0 I M O OPOO at .... .. IA •
llahwaral Ilthia worth 84481 a. .. , - 116
tinhalthwow Cams /oaf ar , 75'
spool Conon worth 10 ankh. Aoki at OS )
.80 Its Mkt% styles alit IMAM Vatrot o_lol
• la I/ 14aiiiso at Miami wank bawl 81 JO
. - 10 80. Mist 74 '
• .k . -: ....4 k i .
ow Imo gem ti Belem
New Gods Arriving
ur.c. .. s4 Call taL eirli oit y art Diggiax
IP r i l#l . olllll l l4T IiaIIiWIZWI7ASI la
Osolooloted Doe. Db. eon ottlete
rotaeott. MOWN Mere Stock lAA bs ekood
oat to dart
'W. IN
I ' PIIIII•tint, DieIOW 1111 i. VW
as tba Mgallltbl==bil.
be araitatir griaji.d'
WinaNtitt Ways emattr 1 14 1 . and
ju=setll4laolti At titt a . o..4o berltb b . i.v.
M a i
Mau soltaditil baabraoto an 111101.16,..7;
ataay debt' ma
Ear ini belogn avalt.barlausWilb at
molar or M . 4'
isworm or
WA. Se . , mod win t. to , diele
an WIWI Welt
fibt"bajb.dirli-•4 • CIL lo
b i l i Zio .1 Ige..U•r.= Ala .
A.,.. 110 0Z. Gelb, tit •41. al . Mmatt A^
ix - ,7i'air, .1 ba4)=l.,. , . a ..
- V. S. )WilligUaLZlNl67l;r•
• _
1101a0PATIIIc 161111 Wat ASO 111:11laZ0X
TawWOW praibiodarld *Amin ab• &bar a
4/1 Nosiortox ird Sanai e bri wit,
ifiZL.,r4" oirsdon
riluZlT Nl Virni% Alm. _Or&
dam ts 3F6o4llliisieli,egalt mai
%Or shik Pro &pm silt Di Cae
sar; 'tor. sprwilia pt. Jobasaal
mews, Nod* Mer.lieseet-apamy.
Enr itaA i Plibik TAIN T=
I.. **4srues•d e ;
ier =ION gems V a r i t — Vja. or
"ma I "' valtal * AWL CAMYSZU.
Dee.w.Sel6-In. •
.•,,t ,
n. 9.afiw011414,
**u tbineniallik
11 f
DRY 000 DB.
60 34arliet e►aest.
Plushant. h.
11. S. MushairsOiaik