MectlailrPr. , For , • Legal NotleeArebn Oangbay, Take Natirs—Tbozass NO~loea= rs:P. • .111aseem ' Wanted—Oak bark. - ' blew For Sale—Thia ales. Temantlisaa.—The Clashro n tunty, pa„ Jail Is new itimardlesis. are Other a better dim of people up there &a 'they are lere, or justice hs very basaltarilf ' - irtir6WlLLTrds44e . veu ctiminal mos were disposed of last wee:hit the srashlagtotteoutitT, Title would seer that *iling `over 'there are w “posrrositie'set, of customers" at lei t. Frown wriaats, Layer and Vat leads Raislna,at J. R. Clark-a. . ? . Peisesual.—D.-Sankey. *II Capt. Dill, editors a n5l ppopri*r• of • e Lawrence Journal; were:in fiver hat Friday. They publish a live pai . er in Lawronce. comity, arat 'egie grog p e . annul , somas: N.. 1 Cider (or WON) plea iit J. B. Clark's, Baster, l's. Holiday reastrats.—Now Is Alba tisyrieMake tWasenta pq jour :friends, and we know of no other present that would be more appropriate than one of *Was fidiwink ]l ea, Where im Mere a tither or a lirtilher that will not pomp one for his wife or sister. Call en I. Boors, in New Brighton,ius& MO- M* One. • N. B.—Every purchaser befitr':2foefi , Year la entitled to aprin. sr. Freak gilt OrsSem Boe. Ca; at 1. B. Clark's, Beaver, Pa. rierslfeulli.c;4o. • I‘oore, at the.upper end of town, by been doing business In Beaver fora number of roam He tea perenertetst,eitinion of the town, and sentient= of good Mending sad strict integrity. His boldness is that of • druggist, and we venture:* opinion that there are but few Lien any where befhwipleitudn i ewckwelat their din. ties than Igr„ room. His drugs at, pure, inid he 'lways has a Isms stock of them on band. Call and see Fire ,Werks of au kinds, at J.. R. Clark's Beaver, Pa. _ :• try Thursday evening of laid week the Pu pils of Prof. R. T. Taylor's seminary give a literary and musical entertain ment, which was very creditable . to all concerned.' Qttkii sititiober of tine pie ow were perWnisea 74A1 the phmo by Prof. Reuter and his pupils. Emmys were`mind by Muses Robinicht, Reno, Beaselle. Recitations by Mimes Camp• bell and Stowe. A vocal clans also en terUdned the audience with spir ited songs. The winter of the institutionmpue lemeary .. lBt sad the 'spring aesalm APril 6,1 Frenek lllsem Tor sad *T Candler at J. B. Mirk* Baiveri Yid make yourself pleasant to others, I. to sh4w them attention. The whole world in ilke the miller of Minefield, who car-. ad for nobtid„io, not he; becaind body cared for hint. And the whole World would serve you' so, if you gave them the same citise. Let °rely- hurt, thendten POO that, yep docere for them, by showing to 'them the , courtesies,' in which there is no parade, whose voloi is still to praise, and which manifest themielves by tender and affeetionate looks:and little acts of attention, giving others the proforma:tin every Wein, Joyment at the table, in the Held, walk, ing, sitting or ei t andlng. Air•/1/47k•nler is very fro- quently used to iddi ugly defects her tweet' ceilings tuid walls after e Job of papering lidone. It is also :ofterianiitdi to adorn garments worn by the fdr.'llex: But dm, Xionitirippg Mcginly's corn: er, in Beaver,•ain axes. • 'gruhter,'.lllthi: a beef, or prepare poultry equal to body in all this region of country. It you don't believe this call at his .hou r and * see morel* plinep turkey., thickens, geese, duck!, wild gams; dr., than anywhere else thiselde Witried one aids turkeys the other day and hound It tip-top. Reader; next !Id day la Christmas, go and* one of !ter der's turkeys and have • "feast oftwee' and a flow .of soul." t "Fr 7 Llightlllll:—We ask the Serena& Me . attention of our readers to the col umn advertisement - 4pr; Al P. LightbLU . of 205 Penn street, Pittabil:iSsids, in our enne of this week. The doctot la , per, nanently located in: Pittsburgh, and ' ; is meeting with descried success, Judging' ,from the: Ask* , brirsatable notices we find in our city exchanges. rir. fylghthill treats all diseases of the head, e, throat and lungs, in a manner Pecil7 liar to himself, adopted alter rant pt !study—in Catarrh and Lung diaaaaaathe patient Inhaling the medicine, and. thin; the effected parts are immediately ramh. ad, without the entire system being mit. - tratsd by =mini drnp. ' Parties flhd no dittlesity after seat aimizeiumo /*for, in applying the reinedlei' themseirmat bottle, and we Wise the suffering jto read the card. r . - I .' ----- r• - • - . - -- . `.'; , Happiness ot,the Roma* Cilrelio-s- At this 'snail tot the year, 1000 Agraii; lion and love . priimpt the 1 beetcnsail. of Some suitable token to the yriajOberz:, of tho.samfty as to 'ittendo;', the 'VD."' Nisei, hot vie mit deligild our loi , eal ones, and it the MI6 time do them a real and lasting good. ,The- onalor,. I' simple: can upottiiirdierellabla Maude Dealer, 4 ma , is 2 ,bllif Li li..*:iiiiiPt! r 1 14 4 Integrity yon ean tplaes `ltnylli‘tAlo9 l !• deuce, and proen j Mitnanhlra MOM 11,6 or a good :iltste all others the le tiele heat . , to,cottertimito 'to Cite delig/ii an d ''" ' '' Of the entire Attn., i Lly chola, and . ' ls" 4ldng of beatity and a Joy !Weft*. Hub Al man is tim, *ideally Ikr; ' 13.10 r, 0 5, 1 1. i Pit' of tillettax et ' ' =Wood' it.l'ltts bnigh:siiiiii ., tom ids 'Manley,* . boe4 cOPectisA t ~ !milk eithsverYteit ji4gei'Oi r initalcal lnatrn. meats in the eitintry,.and,whosti char acter for, integr* is sprittbatJok itst' Per** 'sold mss r+ Pianoti - an4pytans to . • Parties to hdt pie choice of the" 164 entirely th)4444 any man in Ithe - Eosins's.' If we add ibis: his Arm** the soy*ntegraltoe s iyad ranty*ol. lkrautirir Piiliiii wholes& all eoMpet !kolkakthe.lida gfiss ipcpositioo l ; ina elm the eiiiidaltsinfamarr Osatair:4rith its wondartql.tmltalloo of,:llliiliame Torilt'Oniaid Oflnserume ttasrliWr am rippled an the greatest msg. cfc *02..: 'la*, #llllly yrs 'riled 'Moire nt; itimaitig • Periila that'll is :sit! glelaies ' thas tosYliiheot Ina{ intents are to tesh A r i t tVa r t t n A l l aeliLascrig to m b Whit* 9Siggrred instiAßYDrittgll SW 1 0 140 PliliShisitihe as editorial ellizigagaec #7 A party. presented hiniself at the door Of the composing room a nuanenino tiapaitctaigniitabied. teinentr 11 H is Joseph D. Jackson here?" The partr aimed was engaged hi hag up bur t last editorial. Ho itrail Viintni c idaaisaita The irfc couthiusdt 1 rR plttell'eve3, L.lTith a Cool deiotioat'o his dutjiviw will MM. iesavaaaani neietnAlia ?mat brilliant historical examples, Mr. Jr son continued tollidk up typgal "I tell your bone is burned and - • hi it t" exclaimed excitedstraw "Well—idi right—l can't leave now. I'll come round when e taper goes t ZI apleadeli reeetto AlL—The enterprisingPropri store of tha'Aintrucarr &rock Jeueuraz. have put up 300,000 copies In packages of; with a finety-Illustrated /Thor 1 ,',11e 1 * they 'lO2 O *Per , 4 4 111 1/9" . 1 t4)-141114 Vgri r sl?r tho 4 .!PTery • Punier an Stook thetneelvoa o. this gleuermpo offer (to give away over $30,000 wen*. of books,) as the three numbers' 'flu:Wahl nearly 100 pegoi"of choice original article , ands great num ber of valuable recipes fifer the cure of various dhows to whichlterirs,',9attle, aheep, Woe. WilltrY. stAt .usbl'x' Mutters will and this monthly a•yery efficient ' aid in all the iletortm eats of Fanning and Stock Breeding. ;It ties a Veterinary Depaitrnent under time charge of one of the — West i.hjitessors Iq the United States, who answers through the Journal, free of charge, all cuieetions 'relating . to Sick, Inj ured , or Diseased' liorsei, Cattle, Weep,' Swine or Poul— try. Time everySubecriber hes anonse and Cattle Doctor free. This Journal to ;Orrtfa be a ..l o - •.thiJm! of "0 a year apt4imen copies free: Address ` ! 1IL P.210Y/214.00, Publ.hbons - Parkesinne, ckestr• ai; lb'lowing. are mid to billte latest Otounterfeitat 2a on the Sixth National Bank of 11 0 1 04. Si.a. Pr4" 4l ° 3l * Th e. en graving is scratchy. rained to aors. on the Tioga , National Bank, Oswego, Now York. The alters tionit are well done. I 10es en the First National Bank of El mira, Now Yosk. A close imitation of the genuine. 2s 'oh the Lydia Psi*. National Bank, New York. A fraudulent teem% .There lame such bank. 10S on the First National Bank, Mite Hall, N. Y. Imitation. This note Is well executed, and Is a dangerous coun terfeit. The `curved line under the "Untied" connects the letters' "Ifni" in the Imitation. In the genuine It , does not The signaturerars engraved; 101 on ISO tinit i f i g i MLan . k, Roches - tta4 4 N. I . 1 , dpi die on the upper right halter and'acratchy in the counterfeit.. .In the genuine It is dark and flue lined.' in on the' First National Bank, Port. land, Mt. bueof endOf guii on left; end touches border In .tisa counterfeit. ' In the genuine It does not.. The small fignreed7ls, in the genuine, fait AhoVe th'e gmi; are 4thittedin the counterfeit. 2 111111 Dery neighbors at Enon are in a state of great excitement, in regard to the pros, ,pective advancement of their village.= The Railrbad Company has, we are formed, boughta large tract of land near the itation,'and intend buildhig Worke of some khid thereon. This has Mime , laced the energy of the, residents, and the Spirit of improvement /perms to have seized upon every body. • We ,have not learned whether the Company, will cer= tainly erect works on the lend they. tiave'bought, bit We_ learn that an or commodatket train will rine daily he. tirtken Enon - sad Pittsburgh, and that parties areengaged in prospecting for what is 'known aa the "block,' ; ',with vfaw of de"Veloidng Whithnfer It can he done profitably. If thingi turn out as thvorably as they look at present, Enna may yet take rank among our thrivia: towns.—(Lawrence Journal.' • t - .• •.. The Mt. Ileseemat iHasirie l We mido a miatake last week in our re port of the spoofing of Dr. Fennimore, in tying that thttithAcheeon,theyouttg man who abed hlin„had been released on bail. •No person appeered ssalt4 him or was willing to perform. the pad . IgniftEmtor,.pncktico he remains un tried for the offence. Large numbers 'of his neighbors came with him to the place, arid by •their'sytnpathy for Win, served greatly to encourage the young• mani'wbo while he was eery) , that Ida act had resulted in death, jet was acting Solely in self-defonse. Thin is the ned venial opinion of the community, undue 'a highly respectableyoung man, bearing =Unimpeachable reputation, we heard irigiMpathi se Vith NM In hie trouble, and lope it may not impair his ;useful t neain the tetttre. 7 [Wesh. Ripettet. The Leittj'a Friend, for Joann irrr-NMer,. , perhaps,. has there been pebliahed" a moire attractive numbeC of a, lade*. stagssine, Akan : the-4anurry. rininbei .of Two Lativ's Pitmen. 1, It Lads off with • splendhi . .ilinanalleir an . iittee4 of 'a Any' by Mica Amanda hi• Dodgiew aChmed by. -Wolves." Then we haven • striking llitiatration of Mrs Wood's noveko4—lbtaltoland Yorke' or Done. in Parolon," a now aid powa;ful minii.' by the liMioiiiiitititor of .gut UTTN"lsticicanteneelphi os peewit ..........alunber. la ' the: lire& - lin 'brilliant a_amk :Plata, . the - editor has given two examples of the "On3cian liend,: i It 4" Wm in , Parle—not for thetimiiMion of hm . dmeceon readers, telt tii maiiifit theit curtesitt and also to prove th a t doiMnotockerulaY slime% • naratcgi tithicie k , but onebaving thenimalFrorich origin: 4 'llat watt*" ,(wilh: paatry)" hi 1 a ltfaktaAPWl A 'APE.t., _Them grs ;ablo very many engravings denoted - tOWa attire; and to the work4able;mikleis g ilt ladies loin, Ind4fi.,APP9Piai° Olin_ we on• !The other literary matter is "lie. Land o bril =p o_, l iLl iblit . n414E1 "Who was A a story of matte," by Ideig,LemlNeliandlerMo ton; 'Morel" 'by' Pkownin l'emT; a 'ii 110-. manes," , by krsatoruner; agiii-Vvant M*WI" by Emma S i Ripley ( t nor!. diefas;: - ANiblialiell by Esmcm ot Pstmeen,. Ile ,Woilliiitkike‘ ,Philmielpide, at ELM ci YeM (which " also' 314/40 0 :likElle fiteakeeltrin 4 4l3 . 44nr ocploked. Eight(ind One vailß)lll2. :ffeigito4y's Frienot!)nd il tdntt day Evening Post," (andenemo), i 4.00. , • 1 h 4 mrstepi.;astk. ''..} = "*44l7 43111 *nom . L'lmettbs4.ltePsals ,otrifief Veer suritlr4lowlillo', ti 1 4111141i:ie.' Safely Won I checkered • • 1.10!,*Ir Iteicence etekt old odrilb— was largely on tie increase in this loesl , ity, Mul that wine threatened to belart( abundant before a lite date. • , i ' 4 " . Rev, Mr . Hollingshesd followed nerd in a vary plessiurt little, verch.. Ho spoke of the Society bark disiPpolnted in not receiving Visits from severallem *men from 'a I distance whom 'Ow ferc7 m %wading, hui supposed their ..ati-' 1 sea compensated by the number of 1. • • elm/Yuma herring in their places., - We Lthought this retie pertinent , o.E aLI• the speakers of evening', itlihoiliex eeption.wereteiniatent. Re% Mr. Smith. followed Mr.. liellingsbeed in "Clulef. 'speech. Be com Pared the pnekeit with the pastatate of isoclefy as regards ligehr drinking, showing how much impiiiiig • mint had been tin tde in duniureethm.— There was a e when whiskey was used In almost eery. family as an ordi nary beverage, partaken alike by preach er and people, bat now their numbers had decreased lo ' a minority. Sixty: thousand people, he said, were still ad dicted to the degrading habit. /an, "though i e least," was dor. Hr.. Hartim . D., M . A. Ilia remarks -were unusually interesting and plessant, edging from the attention and smiles bestowitrnrion him 'fly his hearers, par . ticaLtriy the i''' - At the close the lectures, a paper was handed ran d to , the audience con taininga tem . pledge, which received 83 Wrenof vrould4xi ab stinence people. L ode . . , ~.V0L,N410r. ., Rt fg 'remperanee. 02 - Si held at the" Court' House th second Friday of each month. The p -of 'meeting was amended by ~ 7. F. Draio so' as to be in the several a ram or: Heaver. liir. Mirth; D. H.„ A., further moved that a Temeranee meeting be held on one of the Holidays, as, he said, four times the Whiskey -- --armed on • those des as' The original Motion A reeol Itev..l. quiet an resolutir theti lector ' A ittottoi the seem carried. IsTn ll= Heave. Inner Ik lgu• ideal 1 : examitudions • for the ... Beaver Female Seminary t 0... . the Seminary building, Thurso. .17th. The Com mittee appointed by.,. J board of Trus tees to hear thliairtinetlon would say that the fbllowl ,r; drama were examined by: Refv..H: T.Vaylor;s*.k M. Miss Magee the Proceptress and Mies Robinson : Rhetoric, Higher Arithmetic, Geology, Algebra, CawarGrammar,. Arithmetic Aintermediate) History. The examine that7 don reflected credit on both Teed...! '', enlatelPePilf4 4 4 101 .4 0 ., >er the pupils were entitled to very great honor for the praetors* evinced in their mimeo -1 ay.) studies. Easaya were rind by the fhliotring young ,ladles: Ida llCCiiiery, subject—The See. Mary Atkins—Dream ; Laird:., pike cappbeu--,passiage of thoj Red Sea. - NilseHeitamWfleon—Eaftlerr 11. ...2 Bewefectorx.„, ' Alp Idorehead—Elig-- geration. Joel Dravo—NatureAsil At 4 Leora Alliso LittleThhigs. 211 . *Bat com—To-mo w. - Etta Thlball—Pist, ' 1 sPnistati° ettd•ll i n a ret and - Xxample bet- 1 ter than Precep by Miss Emma Ralbeite: It was evident t the young Wiles had prepared the .. lvea withgrerdcare . ,and I some of them b d Will diligeneterexed in theist of .• . s t ,;,: • on. • : i tin the• ~•fine entertalti- I meat way' t ) ,f, A. Reuter aid, his • . ," 4 flaying too much w • • • the Institut/ 1 1114y: lie p.. . • . ;'2' .., . fewer of Moak, and the*'. . , i • ....•t given by its, puPiW, The rooms weft. filled to their utmost En 4 l capacity by an ielligent and appeal kthee.• audience. tExcellent essayewere Toil& h.r. * , Clara Robinson, Mire Reno and ' ' Reazelle, and e Reetti tion was rend in a very captivating manner by Idi Blanche Stowe, ' ' It gives the mmittee pleasure to re port that the on and Entertain 1 inentshoW the confidence shown to exist in the SendruirY, - by its liberal Pa :tromp., fa Ttotesplaced. 'Prof. Taylor is laboring wi his efficient assistants to keep the Somali' , in all its equipments • ftirl7lly . tB the theas.:e bespeak for it a ,fOll Miamian at its Winter Session; commencing . nary 15, 18t19. • • J. Hotraziosuritin; - ' T- ,' , To. l P. lOWAN!, . • . La i = . . T. ;, , '•• J. 'F. , Glum ( • Coriemimea'' . '. ; •' - I - '-' . 4esetteamptaliam, Waist Take*, 011f.—bn last . ondaVthe Chive/sad and Pittidough....... • *Woad company , l:o o kHoff. .".!'"'. °mix odatlon train :cm ibar **Pi Thtt tnthn therefere, lei4ne Beaver ter Pi - biligh, is at hat A. JG' . Guts fir e holiday's' ai Mrs. El: II . iiiiiiiies,loo l- 114` '' • ' fAisti, 4 NW lataresas—m w . : , Ittliae. 4 2Wirkiltroker . , elm!'_ ...Irumes Olne lot of goods m our columns mitaY: , Kr; F AVMs eh* am Bridgowstat he so long time, regarded every - Wm* as 'an lamest,' : man, : and- will sell anything in line atlow figures. Give him a MIL, . lEEE TA" - *- • • monerwassiwww • !ditlcemity ot smog outai • • 1* • cod now that . P _, 4llllli A "DnesPcmassit,,. wxiyys 1 pis timed Itslxe. lie Mot- I embrace thhi i pew ileamainfti atm g the raystertotui - Siiittliglidaticnined on 141 date roof In the coal bank at tide 'pla ce Allq/Jhql:b -1 1 LIbitrVir 1461 o: plain raised letters. The aiare about, three and alkali Inches *Put 1 the tatters being winpitiiiirepered as if they ware printed.' The Magna Urn thirteiti contains taienty ritTittkAike—are axing the same also, and appear to'have been Writ ten frafn Itftt° , 0 9" 1 " 1 " 1 "nite t°- Til strange and mysteries; writing, Pilidirktal Owl WWI& the wise Pad seientillethequestion,hewasine it there? Who, ia its anther?, Did it maim by ehaiee, of wssifpldcei~thoi6~ytbehand of God, ihr some wise purnosounknown to on? o.rdid.ipa " t . some age !of the world ' It would be just ea Arm* a eirelase ,ethitilbrithweeineby Chancwassibr the naniesif OfOrisiVflioShingisinttit4PPeer ifresgeg in the l e#tee b i ldtlehlthee- It is the work of AIMS,, it vOit sof :o; the., „l o an world, and ho.wrote it? Howdidman place ft o dred yards in theta be t uni lind slate strati, with. P hal 0 feet high on top of It, compase4*elate, the clay, lime stone, coal etutZ l iucA which has neverbeen broken 4 .., ation? : / Thenj tbriabut one time that matt I c0n.14 . 1411 walttw them, and that was 01401 *__,9 " ,,theZieliAeMellhe ar scas.'which clapouseu th ra - 4 ap r:l4. ihsulagdadal left a smooth sun hoe, which\ by a &ones of inuPoratien btanne.bard. While this surface was ink pirtildtsoft,smasTinust. haVe writ ten thdairletteri deeilgiititabe and thel *lnk "... , 40 ,,, a tiinpatiabrou g ht down " ' ,' ' 'l'-', ...4 11 ,0 uP the. letters 44:44. , ..! eilefisteover the coal., Thus y .‘• . - .., . liorid remained there Itilrissr straWiiii*ned and ...,,i4' , ''. 2 * Ohl, / iusd the earth's imr . - z JO. :1 _ . .t condition. Age arker age . ' anne sunlgonesdnce the au itek ?I;h 7 ,hisvos pissed from . 4 reitierusd , hiii, haw and . de .... and if - was left fbr our own nn— . • (Will IWO; hitelligent race to inhabit the ltuid aufttfillitto thehow :ela of the eurth,,andtheve upon the slate discover those letterathatsunit hive been there for untold generations. Yell- Ira?, El . :lit SPeoch. hear. IR ~,,.,_.,ls 16 , 1.;4, FE*, burs, Friii, at IL Bea seeirei,•Pj. • CONIUMPOMBENCE. •• Nevi - Ilanurrori, Ps., Dee. 41,1808. IRDITOR OF iRIC Anotra:—Youreorres ,pmtdent X. Y. Z. appears to be rally mistaken Li Lila letter In last week's is ue In regard to the particulars Of the ;aerentide gives by our band to the Peak • 'We have known thciPeaa family for a number of years. They are all persons °reduced= and isdnesienti and We are sorry that any correspondent should be me misinformed as to attribute to any one of. the ladies of that family such a trite and vulgar expression as that which appears in the letter in quest! n. our band.wern very kindly treated by . the Peak family, and their serenade very .higtdy appreciated ;- and they ",ail; expressed themselves as greatlY gratified with the very; fibersl patronage which they received than the good People' of this place.. Tile - manager Meld that they hjd never been mote kindly treated, and that their visit to New Brighton and the serenade given thent should ever 4 be remembered as ono among thoi most !plemassatepisodes in a. long prefeasional • The past week wan marked' by noth. tug more than usual ; with the exception of the ildr and festival held on the 17th and 18th - Insts., by the ladies of the Pres byterjan Church. It was a verY pleasant affair from beginning 'to end, and re. fleeted much credit upon the ladies who had thnmanage - meat of it. The cash re telpts,.we are informed, were about five hundred dollars. The money, we be lieve, is to ke expended in furnishing cushions, carpets, etc., for the new church. Was offered by boys, for their conduct; also a gentlemen for re plumed. This week ushers In the Holiday fes tivities; and every eye appears to be al ready beaming with bright antielPations of the joys—the good things—those Mei- Maya are to bring. To-night and to morrow night the Ladies Church Exten sion Society of ,the M. E. Church gives concerts, to consist of tableaux, vivans, etc., the proceeds of which are to be ap propriated to furnishing their now Church. May their most sanguine ex pectations be fully realized by an abun dant receipt ofUncleflamuel's promises tc'VY• ttipteet again on miry, 1868, was tion adjourned. /cry goOd, and attentive. M. L., On Christmas eve, the members of the Grand Army of the Republic will give a ball; on which occasion it is expected we shall tummy:Me a brilliant display of -"Yak women end brave men. And then, '"Oti with the dance ! let Joy be necounned: No sleep till mom when ;oath and pleasure meet To chase the glowing halm withtlylng feet." The entire week promises to bean tm. brekim' round of gaiety, with an evident intention of demonstrating that, al though It may be "this world Is all a fleeting, show" there is a vast deal of en joyjneitkin If if we mortals only know . how to avail Ourselves of it. PllllllOlll4/11 Ilirineeting of the Rseettilie'Comniittee of tho Republican party of Deaver county; hold at the Court How on Saturday, Dee, 19, 1868, the followtng Resolution was unani mously adopted - oils:: Resolved, That having tho highest opinion of the abiliti t hitogrity, and en% tiro fitness of the Hon: lohn o Allisoo, of Mercer County, foi the office of United States Senston'ise" do hereby 'piques* oiirlitettiltor andHeprseentattves the state 'Legislature, Isvmpport him for that offlekat, the thipraehing election. so long as theirjndgment, their still port wilt' be of Service to him, being confident that in so doing wo but reflect tbo.geuerel i Sentiment -of the Republi "can partyrof county. ' • ' HENRY,mmanna C. M. =RIM, Secretary. n Eau. and see the This, it Mrs. E. H. .111eaeom's, 3rd st.i Bei4 , er,, ithe has er- . To The Friends of the Argus.— Never since our connection with any newspaper, have we been honored with so many new subscribers, si Willdri the past ten days. These have all' been ob tained withput!stmeffortthus far on our part. The people ev,etirwhere seem to "comprehend thi'altaltion" and arertd iyingaround the Anon as they never did before r The result, la' our subscrip tion Est is now =nab larger than it ev er ifia been in the Peat,. But we, desire to make it larger still, Our "objective point" now isto givethe "old Argus" a larger elierdst,inti Aid' any paper in Westenk Pinuutylvania t r entsideof burgh. , •Friends thine= be. dot* 'jerk in this wayt.•Lbf earliforson who takai it, show a copy of it to his neighbor who does not, and prevail upon hint to be come a subscriber. Every friend of the Astons can aotoinplish this much, and whin le is doni, Inn. Object will Wreath ed, and the Argue will "go on its way re- TERlitipoWeropy, for one year, per copy for six minas; Weenie per °")P7 Hoar Errrrrt st bits. E. H. Heacout's, ea rt. ROM= .liiiiiitikii . . ‘'‘ ****ltliwri .F, , asp .• • , • .•• :_. I aiiiiiiipthiteet; . ,; ~ '1 G.: L. Zipetber, flornri*.4o .. , . Jas. , Gunman, Attlmiley, , , ,• . ' V al g "l'lt bs C 3 23"ShaP4 ::1 sr oalllllllr i*.b iii iiii*/ 3 4 1 *; ., 4. 1 :' Zl W etigL O L Vo i rAlkilbt ' ' I vet', Pa. . . - , . '..-- , ' :'..' . i !n- -. P. Anther. Jo Take; Beim; rtLL"' J. B. °althorn, DenUnt, °corm, s J. , L tUt V i r tig W r A A , Loon, Plinalpol. Parkat Rochemilrt irrOt t oo t./ 114 * . burgh, Pa. • •' • • 1 • • i J.