The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 18, 1868, Image 4
4 : 1 11: The HOwe . Sewing i~aohiaes • I ARE THE 'T • "Via l . is 1 I • 71 1 : ;! :1 OF ANY TH E WORLDS TBEING THE IFIRST dEWING MdCWINES I. ever made, and lave boetimanufseterod continu ally undertbe sapetvidon at thu otAciall in v e nt "' •UllatEin'tkei• re 'Jr*. ". , , , Since their Ant tioitrodeetlon ma, upon theme machines 'mete within the Let • and their rapidly growing popularity attests the fact that I = NM reached the very sane of perfection, and "they are not only the oldest established but th e bast la the world. These machines do perfect week upon all lihrica whether fine or come, sa thing a stitch ; Moo, She in vention or Mr. II • alike upon i bosh of the fabric, Sewed. The neW. novel and tievaritet i can -be adfueted to say of Mess, and aner olt adjusted do not ma except for dlMment threads. To those who haviimed Mho Bowe Idaddne, it not nessemary for us to speak. ; and we would oniyadd to others who wish a perfect machine to be sure and ft' nee these machines beawa_hsktnum athar. Send • dregW; ilea. PO- (1 1 1EL"C"I nl i i tI l iit demised to ' ' taBLEn & STOOPS. 501.11402 U ler - igkfewvTelSei Delaware, We ll y la; ' " n c• 23"11 841 t .. hua., and - , No. , 4 Bt.' teak 14Miursh, Pa. septirftelf.- ? ; I r L . IE. • UNDEBSIONBB IS ENOAUED LI MAN U• Fringe.l.7 Lima at Varrport, Beaver comity. PL— UM Mown ea the • "Power's 'Kilnsl7 • ; _ Fresh Ltme, and trim stoner, caw always bet on stton•noUce. alll sell as cheap= the cheapest. All order lett at thes, or letters addressed to me al Heaver, Pa., will rot:else prompt and antral attention. Liao delivered, whenever wanted* . AMOS DOUTT. !/- marllsl3&l/. Baineman, Meyran lk 5,42 nth it.,l door from WoodaVtabityh, Wholesale and Retail Dealei in Filifvjergre PURE • deediptlon. Tea Nets, 8 Fork*. &c., Watch ' ted Nakcze Wahl o.Bl2BlSarisli , G riot the Imbibes; AMBIIICAN WATCIISB. • 18:41also tee? of tl g o ke =lnd varie American d wort tenCLOCKS•! to Intend in any lily dat tritest. Persons in want of any article in our line either at 1 Wholesale or for their OIPTInse„ will always and I our= lower and our assortment i . than any hi be lbund • . _yfeet of New Toth oily. WATCH REPAIRING. - • ; , To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practi cal watch wake:owe pay very special attention; we employ a lbw* of the del i st Artbsts In the country, and any and all Ansi End difficult work • en trusted to our owe—for the trade or Individuals—may rely on getting the utmost sathdhetion. Work mat be went likby fees orptherwian, . . . :. # IHII_ ,Alf NEYRAN IS REIDLE. end WPM Jewelers and fillvereinltlit . ~. t . • ,„ t l. 4.2 IVA flied, PlTlRBUilifla =1 THE lITTSBURGH • • I ISTATIRMISTBR 18, PYB L P 3I IY. I . ' CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate 'Agents and Brokers, Office No. 139 Fourth St. . , . . ONT FAIL TO GET OPE. BEET' FREE ATi) D any Odra,. • • (ocue6B. - G. W. YUSEY, lesale aad - Retall Dealer CHOICE PAATU.V-GROOBIUES and .'rEA.S, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUIT; Pickles, &e. All ktide of Country Produce sold an cominlcelem, end prompt return, made; NO. 49 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny . Cliy, .11,e1qn7a. FALL *NI) WINTER • GOOD S Binialgionci) "r )B js i ttregndo m out Ow rile erall~ t T» bass inn reeetn4 a nen nom .ot i ge n l iotts of t_he_lein. • sills the BMWS MK BUNXit wellAwrlnn lee 08nre at Ina moderate rates. • GERTPLVMS• FURNIBBTNG GOOD 4 • COMMILISTLY 024 MO. aottcaClothing made to order . on the shortcut possible Thankful to Ms'bibs for poet imps,l bop. by dole attention bto merit a mintintunne of •Dh•,NTEL MILLE R, BSIDQ_ 8R1D.P.41142c....p1. • 'QX6C+A.NI3. - A LEADING- I RfBTUN PA , STNANS 18 Ulan ol ut e u ttNefella urgent There la nothing no,li . apo beanbinli. so elevating es weft. ariA:nottdagi we beard far 'many lean comes so near the plejletionof swot, enitnits as Ai Eureka Oww.isseehT ebentnger & Co., Neu; Ha ven Conn. nialastragent has the new Vox . Eta roans 'Stop, width is sulk addition to the old omens as hit Sabana their meth !fifty foldr: Titters. atm by. a bo, win 'llk,. unto the war of ibs whole *wane tribe, doing away with the be b ellowing heaniehess so detrimental to wind. Instrument. -2 The Tohnne of saute It goalies forth Li vowed's , . rieb,and full or pleasing melody, each as entrances the senses and intorteates the ear. • No person scald tidak of weariness. *toren performer was touching the ,peart keys of the Eureka.. . , , These most stroolletititles for sale only by the egahte. • . ./ • 'Man& 110FifiLiN, limns f":1:','"):: , 7": • t ;12 FirMATCNINLI'! Also, for the celebrated •NAINICIIALL & Nirgr,#p .11AN .4 ,r(ll2m, 1114,1:11S F t • T A , • .cit. 1.04.1 ryas inimWOMPluvrso ram JL Orbit Mht thnireeda re mph of *threw HO and barbsfiarnied_idta • rdillw WIMP* oar old arum. an d.,lats et the Industr Z Industry we- as prepared to warrant au wog* and ere tie Lige" tint, oat of WOW treat ot the ineti%lntl.- • &AOC Ortl, - . CONN - , :piVand ! AND WU; ma asap as the cheapest. • • J. &V. Mures Yilb. Beater comity . .Xl. - • . . NM VITILLRIOR HARTFORD Rare now Opened the illikelikde4oo* o • FALL AND WINTER BOOTS & SII•COESI t e ' Which they are veiling at PITTSBURGH, PA TINIA 11•10111=1.... -- r • 0. WO 'Nam, SUCCESSOR TO R. A. WILSON.) SEALER Shopt it' • ,Rubbers, iAt ltatkAnlfie 13IA.MONDi ' itooheater i ' . WUERE HE OFFERS bittO) i)LRGAbigi ALL WORK Warranted. ~ „ ..)..L.1. , ,, L L v.L iii, 1 ... (.1, I= GRAT BARGAINS, ; A SD Lo - w -- pp,lcze 'Call and examlnii our Stock NIS. 100 MARKET STREET, Corner of Fifth, rittsburgh,Osi.:'.. j • -: T Wholesale Dealer In asfd Manufacturer 41 ROOTS 011,0E,9tANI) GAITERS, IN••LL THEIR V4RISTIES. NO. 91 A'bERAL c; STREET, AL,LEGIIENT, PA. • 1. " . tlikßk c•i * BANKERVV N045-SQUTH,THIRp__STR.EET, 4PHILADELPHIA. *NE 14 CENTS O PENNSYLVANIA f. 4 k., 10,4_ AN D 44 W/ S'Af_ . F E erN LIFEI I / 4. 1 1, • vfr - ; Mr: - :. ! i, 0 ,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The KAl:omit Livlr lwatritaica Cow:WM Is wxworation I:bartered hr apeciti Act of Canvas'. sr pert July 2a1.1858. with a I "'a CAPITAL, $1,000,000, I= P,ArD.I CASH CAPITAL, . Liberal terms ogerrd to Agents and aolkit oi ttre, who ntelnetted to &putrid oar oMett. POI pastieulan so babel on application at yanice. located In the *Mood story or our Bantling' nous% 'Mery Madam and Ps/noble% tally asserthisg the advantages Mitred by tee Company.may be bad. • • - W. CLARK & CO.. VI% Sovitah rm./ Rt. s• Applications for Central and Western Pennsylvania to be made to • B. B. RUSSELL, Manager, *W4%B. i Harrisburg. yet,. . F - A`l3,•M'F; .TRY THE ' - • , . • _ ALTA VELA - PHOSPHATE. .Itriciraux ov - tug E ls bnii?d lL o LIA NCI from' ' ' • ALTA VELA. • - • • Contains throe per Cent. or • I 1 -A—IVENEON - 1.446. . . An ample quantity to giro activitylilthont Injury) to the vegetation ; and a ' large quantity 'of soluble Bone Phosphate of Lime, • rm, Together with POTASH and SODA, the oesentlal ale , • dOMPLETB MANURE. • • ": "7'7' The high estimation in which It (a held by many thou. and harmers who are ailing It in preference to oth er kinds, Is a sure guarantee of Its value. Price_ pp per WI. Bend .for a pamphlet I Addresir--.TheAlli [ Arela Guano Company, 5? Broadway. New York. FLOUR DECLINED! , S.. JE.Cross & Co'a Retail Pi,lces:. Beet White Wheat warranted. 25 lb. Sacktl.3s 50 'lb. Sack • . 1 - ••• -• • 2.65 Barrel.. ,r ,:.? , 7 10.50 SECOND QUALITY, 'STARK COUNTY.' 25 - sl3o'. 50 lb. 'Sack • ••= 2.20. llarrel • 8.175. Rocbester ;Nov. 4th. Ma • 117 W intshaavir,kiast Biqa* Amp r' bring it Igo thwattes Wo a Nine Donate per ton auh on delivers paid for good mud Oat' oetlf6B9m. • • MOLE & FRT. • .. _ 1,868;.'4'';,.:'t8 : ..- a i,., 1 ,18 4 i 1;,)•.., •;',-4.1, i.,,i l i, ~..1 1 ..;i i ,liti , -,, .ivo c tkr. i t0,01,..kt 01) ~.. :,,,, ..,...'),.-, ,1-,=•, . ;4 .4,..... , • ' t", I, ;It •itil :S:401) 1 , 1 ...._... _ t •11 .t 1 I~~C.. ~_ ._. ~. ._~: =ME S tiff • VELVETS;i - " • - • MIMI BIM itir4l) PO" COMMON': of cLowris, '3I=INGSR• -• ' ,:t '' ; : , 'SHDES, ''" •• . lir .. AM rf tl9!, ' !Pe' Y9Ongtoii• i Nie;- "I ' ' rrpe*Al li raClee . 1 7 ':.' M , •T M LUMAI ROS"• 6.i t'ifik . Siiie k. 5 . - ..: ...- .'' .' PrrrinntGß.... • . :.. .,., • ~, f , WAIL : RAPE R , °. . . 1,.-:. ...,.:„1,,i..‘.. , . W . '''. ,:fIi.I ), APER ...I .• • • • •:.,1 1 1Lf PPLUTIP.OIq3." :: . C:1 AL .1E:t..1 , 3111 PM I . •. TWENTY-FIVE.TOOFSAND BOLTS OF WALL PAPER just melded, and will be sold lower than can Da purchased ebunchore. at Bi 111171-11:/: 'Three! from England, Also; Window Shades... Views ar 411 places Of the continent.. 1 reepeethdlyWre large and well selected GOODS. - ' • -Included to abase.' Pattern. ' MARBLE . ' WORKS . • r", , ITALIAN V fine Antehed..ll.a er been offered In Bern cash prices. AU persons desiring eye soon end ezatuhr' eluting elsewhere. pri WI coinpOtioL. both In llnlah ‘ aid ce/. anantbitnoe. DAWSONIt -RICHARDSON TTAVING arST o 010)43,11,ftqcs.r ' • i ' ' ' GILA QU ;7 Also. 0 IL, CRUDE LICARI:di OIL, ."71MSZ NE" ;1.. ....)QQA 8 PATENT DRYER. POntsoGroand. • OU. . ••• .. • Purchasers will dc; well to call sod mush* ow , It t c * 4 4 1 : a in tl !.4. k r.ciAire 6 lal.411. 1 1 1 4ere• O St Floarta_rprrl sad, Aloft& Ifl e ctsE b l e prodote' Moo to si.gcl fee oods. llomecalilliClbsts)Wrllrell6o6Cabormtlif.Cotlery, Ptiodg t rill .4 4 iStaeit • • ' V • 1. •-• • , ' Prlii• vinsusi the GROCERY and PROVDRON STORE of O. W. Berldater, V et t= emeetr-Roebeeter takes talwere In Ink; ble Mende and the .publitagen endly.that he Las ed lamely to tbe Stakeout now J: t3HARP 1 : 1 1:14 11 0rate l ai ll : 14:013rowt I lake pleareis la tecontineitdenr MidAtint n o my old automats , and trust they wet extend to the 81Tr * Z"giabinPL "wI t riIKI EW ILIA Seeming,Drying and Pressing: Ti t?. te tor Dryht and Arneit toorder In Int dame ' ' 3' • ode WM tbe th &t iny place , bgebeew • . Ina reams tedwitSbut len WM Arent foe owe* kteet impened Sewing =IAN PPM* both SC rivlddiiirs In linw2 and man la inor, tba loggerthqLere used. tr. JOU= =WM • gli i4eir s • ! -13RUSSELS /I,lf '74OC-P*ll.' 1011 - it ~•=1( I 7 01 , thiths. I ' :Oil. '' 010th0:1': Oil' ;' Otiithij :MINE'S" wa• ,• tor,, Pa • hewing the edgiest peektetee. ktetehele, Trenks. gtereoeet4ite tereet to the country nd laptop MCI jet to all to, call and`reelbo Stott, of 'iraoral, VARIETY; . hairs' Looking Mimeo; Cei &e4 of beaattfal deelga and B• MULBEIM mallnals , Rro~~ heste,r Drilla IN BLE.- MA AROFRFAI3BOIIIIIRST OP did Kid Xoot-iitodebjhat bat qv irer Canty, dC Iheaery lowest 174mm:tents and Head Stones, L our work and prices before por. ti:7: • .:..-r *: 171 -.. Y./ Fa 11 pi. P, B e rl IMMEI EKED A LA ROE STINE OP, t ;--- `-ikotto'sti; - BOOTS a 8 HARD OES, ARE, . e. • WARE, tENEWARE, ` VIA' LE: DRUGS,: &C. . lit:lndere Glare MI plies and double strenglb.• Spe elakallopOinipal4 coming order, for large • alzo atindow OEM Olaf" O'fri Tin tat,. 1;1-4,-41: irp:ri 10 , t'o 4) 11444 Agr41111.:..; lion,•1 , ";k $ er d - Abtagi. 1' - 421 r laxe Ss- At •:, ILO ,11T 3gIVEICA - A4 l, Jete . ' ,(• • t., ~ , Elll2 =EI evoitil,:owlatiow? , ' .-41,334113rioritues, ,i. , k -1•, nIZ:.'.!: . /IL •".:',_:/ , i (4'l- k - . 1t,." . .: 1 . ;::- . .., ,4"fl , .'f 7;;;; , ' Ts , ,1 3 : a i#C111 : 1-4 0 1 4 4 fOil r i' 7 ii:. -.,-.: --.1";;;': ft: i , .11 :. :!.;;; -.•:::: - 0 1 .! -, I , • ~,- , I ,_- • Jj'... , 1:. , ..t ~ : i :21:. :-/ ~ .',;:1 1 --, :tti: . i Alliq r, '';• , :'' r+i::* .: '.:`-' '• ' • • '.. ::••• fl:;•-.1 T I :;.}:7 • tirriverittlr.rll,l i '.-:., . ii ,2i ~....,.. ~,,... Q. : , t y; •: , i ,.. T 011,14T1Cg ir cLitqqStEicks , t,., • „, ,i! • ,i - :;• :i 4. '• 33.111EikU.14: ~. ~ , • f: v , . RAI' )1.11,T. , ~ SIID LOINS o, . .!„ -. , ~.- ,T.:•,•) - :., rllli.r i : .);. - klirTAIT'.:) , . . 14. .:1, tlO/ 4 1. 104 01. all OAO Wed Oa% Iseitsold deep er l b !". li be = llo23 6,"Pn i g ).1 ..: toaaw.,-., =IIIM gloom& limas ll* 14 Mita PO , beg' OJT"' ma's. N. Clark% $l. ;4- r The , t Stock eft - Lail - ma lump as .saarrasmirpc, • TioNTAT, W taLTUTTT. , - Ever entred odd & ettbe Wobls.Drair andvoltelseepote , then tee be bought wane dee. • Ltd thaw who dont* Ob i eep .sad iived.tiey floalot Do mor.r . „ . 'tebTig ' • NUM fin . . . REST(); 1 . 1 - AvoRITE. ... !..„ . ..._ _, ....:,_. ID tatell . . l ~, ' still quickly _restore Gig! Hair rd its natural color and beauty' , ' aid produce' luxunan i growth. It la : .-p-ady hart' dee; and. ii • preferred over every, other pleperation by ' ' those who have a line heed of:hair, ire , ai'those who wish to restore -.1 'it Tli t e beautifid , Ow sip= " .: ' impssW, to she Raiz makcit '. •, , - . ' fisr•ohilbsdtyouns. el, i, • - - ,reelaitelleri - iill Kleveislioss._,, , - , t i DEPT9,O3,. "'' '. ..!' 1 1 1 4 I. - 7-flatt t ) .1 ‘ ' Irdo7 =EI EIII AIME/U4:3AN T ONIC BITTERS, Use Roper's 'teak) 43itters, TM very bat in the Market. R. ~:.,:.'.5.g..L1i.f..t.15,1i-5?4,,:',:c0,,.! Nth 45 WoOd,. streets, • Opposlt t allt. Chatiolultotel. also-entiaacalia,lo44o 101 Third street. lyhoktale Agents for the Wee!. For sale by JOus NOORE, Mari; Fe. rently. BRE AM ; 11 * nold i tg:f. 3looar. Bearer, rat lad an other , • R. W SNODGRASS. .• , • ixnunti 61. . Feapra , and Laeoek ;Smelly" Alfeakenyi (Ptrst cczacc beloir-Depet,), zoinkiPATNTS, .cirLs„ 471482mit1ia4 z• rx snows, mew, CHEMICALS, • PROPRIETARY ,MSDICINES.,OIi ,rEIGN dtid • L00E38170 PERFS.:' lag BOAPS, TOILET' ARTTCLES, PANCr GOODS, (ti H Oise . Faiidibini INITOLES&LE CvrtantY,' , Qtranswaas, • (full; ithd Gullowara. Abo rin, Wooden mad-War woe ? Mather and Baskets; Vgialt. asalitthaii Sens. Clothesird de '•at _FRUIT JAION'A ?Id. • • Csitatry Xete banta will end It thidr• ail =ole as a call sad eradoratit '' bah . ** J. a a. 4,a CO - ; • ' 24 ".. 1 . 4 . *, 1 !•';, ttlk* ' - wW.FP;•F 4 , I L, .• 7, WINE lON raiDEßOlONHOltilt rt 1 0 4 . 0 7 = Tate Donsettterhiar Alta • *Mut 'fbasiatd, 310a cm y% Nrattb_hi -mut ND at . „ la weds am the d 'Catawba g am ' win b fold by *about., gallants keg. Concord Pinta eite pne old. ftsklidt giritoeratd aparittr. CR I.= RUED/94, RISKIELSO MMtAU4 MB UM IMPROVED . 'ROHRER'S WILD CHERRY = BEST. IN. USE P Ft, PL. EI=OI ME MEM . . ... . . ' . • - - MEW .7 -•:fi,s SJiii : , .. . I ll'iilll i . OD • ... ' • ~ • ~,!.._ / -72 ~,, , , ,,r zeri:f ts...q. ysistv.Litisoui;t 3 . , r. ~!..1.11,: 8-,- A: , ! o i...i - lew --t..:-.)....i ::,i-' ri,j - ry 16.. -,,;;...11-:::1 - ;: . .,, , ,, , ,L.;.,;;:. , ' , ; 7 iiivra -. inf.,,- ; ' , .!^.. 1 n:•. , .- ~., : , . yi, T,lc,;!es,lNEWAlßlLiiiii.itrill I ;',', 1n r . .;I • t , li t ;• 1:1"F:..4.,J.* , , • •., . . .. , . ' ~..., Y. Yr. , ..• . , 't.1 41 ... f .r. . ,-:,.... ~ . •. ,„ ~... rll :" • James- Fo e s , g =l3( , PLOICOND) r i 4. ',ROCHESTER;'PENN • r i• NOST.::COMOLZ2IIITOCK MIT,GO4I I .DI =Or tiotglittti Dam* *minty; end thb 'bobbed • . , • , -:2,0•- • - s It irtro (41 q* . meaitnee Moat MURES: DELATNEBree CA8.."1 ,• aiIIEREI3. TWEEDS; HATS =AND. •!;" CAN.: , AND le NC GOODS, • ' ''COUNTRY y'LAII" " • , ' . . fkag' 'Cady , and Secittit Wein bound to sell,st lOtialbuig Prifvs. titainsai,'Phaktnic satiAiltaeatime his Dose soerdler.; ; . • - 111), TRocHLlCro , : suaw ,, tooDs. , sliesember the ,Plam Mow f9g,e 07, 4=O4W Ifebeha Roemer, I If "ritlit DIAMOND, 's ROCHESTER, PA., ' -*". ' T .. • , ' JAMES. 'A: . FORTUNE:- P.,!. 1 bins gamed O tie vertices Ft Wait .(3ak7 lansetly Beldprwatot.. , • • 1868. IP4L3-Mil D:gT . :;::•4Y - 0 - ' 0 DS.. . 1M31111184 STOCK, AT BARKER & CO.'S., • ta, Mark ' • . ~ -• . SILKS, .'. PRESS GOODS; i 14NEs,. ' --,,- Aad 110tra8 Pl:nripipilqa aciwis, CLOTHES, • J**NS , !-.,1 ; , CASSIMERES, • . - - .6IIEETINGS, ..'. '. • • SATIIg,TS,• . • 811111,TINGS,' , ' Minna, - • , JIOSIERT. : And Underwear,. for Ladies ,- Gents in d • Itdrop Cloalut;of alf materials, on basal and mods order: IFlrefek IlEtainotir, l all woolifull width, -eAndos. :colon, 70 _coon.. lontißLY SI.OO. • i ; - Water-Prof/04 11 00 4 1 . illuallf. $l.OO. ' ~, White Blanked. 10z4, ID wool, $4. ~ 'lnn Prints" at 1014 wan. - I• _ 1 •,.;: - - 111 - ppantry Merchants ouppUed atelltycgt erne. 'Soft or 0 10 9 1 el•at 19 "Tt*t.Ol i Mt*. NEW GOODS ! 4r40114 MRS. E H BEACOM, ;10..41,11iT. UEMEIVSD a select ageortserat Fall. ,Goods which she are to the public at the toweet iocalble nip,. The stock. wigwam ovary - cadet, of , Ladles and Gentlemen, Woolen Goods Plain' ind:Finoy :Yarns, • • : : ZEPHYRS. 1. DRFSB TRIMBIINGik HOOP. SKIRTS, VEIL STUFFS, CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES ' COLLARS; CUFFS, HOSIERY, COLORED CAMBRICS, • EMBROIDERIES, . ~ LACES* • - DRILLING, ' • • PAPER MVSLIN. Also * Lood asKirtment of •-• • LADIES MISSEB,,A . ND Boys . • 12, - 'MC S latch will be inereseed es the 'Ewen admieee 'She irks: 4 erns L eont patronage of friends imd die puti li ll i ete -- -- cssa be bad a t tw ti-to Y. Goods not 'On' band on us bonus' mace. -• . • Call 'and Examine! REMEMBER THE 'PLACEN4J, ;4st!OPP•llitafbe r,SOMll,larr• FALL WINT.Ert. : CDOCPAgIIPP,II;3I-10-1., I . , 1.•• HAVE JHAT , IIECE/VETPA 'HEW BEtICK . :O* GOODS. of tb, ,••. . . LATEST STYLES; "''' For Fall- and Winter-wear. Z. • Gentlemen's FrJr !lilting .o(i4. MI coign/ T, wt. semi). - -•' •:,; 9 1 11, Esiaosiiiiii Pa: =I — *roux ESsi. .mk amM, ipapoz.xum• • . . -111111,811&BROTHERfir ‘ ~ 1 ...,... n.: e: ._. • • ,f,• ~-,,, -::: c,L. ;__J• „Aiwa? 0 ; ). i pui „i! -.1 . 1. :tirile , w;t: J; .7 i," t d.:,, , ,;1 .; .1. 6; :i...,i..,-,12 3 3 ) .,;! . .4e'.: i-RI, ;N , i, - "• 1 . I'l. ll , lll lo!n el tgliOrnbillatc l3oo6 . , ,- xul at 141 1 4,0pL u mv i g.. IEET: 4""" • ~.,- • wt. .st •,zt ..:ri . l o.....tffir m i si l letw - • ..J ~... ~ '.- it ' ', :'• t' ::,;‘!",til b ol la At 4 ;i l 4s 'F'4•1„,..7, (nothbik made to eider On aarirretly, v4P:W MS EMS ' i.sts@L; =I MEM =lll pedal of the 1 ~~ ' EMIN =BE . , , I "• tf CUL I VIPPjf., • ;1411116MC 31 tt,k,, .ONE . ..d.,,~1~p.:•u ~ MEE areimrsibre. . lES _`.l •t' Mill 1111•21E1 ,uNALIt oi IiD A I LABOI i 2 (D.'WELL• ' Dice, „ • ~Coirces Cheeee,, , , Oppr, „ 1„ - -., • 04044 1 ,,,,.,,n , tEetarCTVGraireq' NAILS A.1133' WIDTDOW Cfikiti3S: MEE firroN:EWA4!. Pine Cburqs,, , Peel‘ Measures, Oak Ckurns. " Tilensurea, " - "wino* Biikets, Splli Baskit& Piro Cider. ,Vineger; CHOIOF. 'FAMILIe FLOUR, By the ilonOt or In Haar; eonotanUy on halid. rirPriceo ray low. eoll sold ow. - " • - I .. • , 15. UARVirak Oteret.a Bridsvoloorr. . RARDWARE STORE NEW LIND?Y. "V ER Importers and deniers in HARDWARE soar* New Stock jot 4ieoed and inn be °Oral to the trade at the WiSTkISTERNPRI CES NEAR UNION DEPOT, 337 LIBERTY STREET, TINW:A.RE. 'l' ' `• WHOLESALE; MI ND /TRAIL • DEALER WALL KINDS DP Ccipper az Sheet Iron IPROMISE KEEPING CONSTANTLY ON lIAND all kinds of TIN. COME AND suEzT-utoN WARE. which I will sell AT TUE Loirßsr PRICE Tin Roofing, Spouting & Job Work Done to order In the best poestble manner, dna on !honest notice. • t7elnc none but the beet of material, nod hinting smut but the beat of workmen, AYE VARIANT ALL WO3l SHOP OH THE. LO fflye END 0P Third SS tzies BEAVER, Jr& Mel, re • (Wi. and Zambia OW' &be*. Japanned ware kept oonatintly on hand so Jowl ENGLAND. JOHN: ENGLAND & CO., DZAZZILI IN • EMI/WAIL! & • T, -File..lll-aailfacture 263 - LißEfirr AtrEET, Old Flks 12C:Oti f t:- PiTTSBURU aNtsciwarcisav pEALEIt I . • ' • . . . • EirafraWeir b e, Illiojl, Nails , .. Mass, and' Agricial . turnlimplements. OLDER'S lIARDIARI3,IIECILAXIC'S TOOLS, .1.. e always kept on hand. ARlDagent Me the • WOULD'S REAPER AND ,ROWER OHIO MOWER nd the TORNADO TRAMMELL. ; re-r a g, s id e Brozdwas,. hoe miglaten. . BAILEY, FARRELL '& CO.. Lead Pipe Sheet-t Bar Lead 'MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Pig Lend, Ins' Pipe, Rubber lime. Steam • Guava, Whistles & Valves, Iron & - Copper Sinks'and Hstb Tubs, ' - Stearn Pumps, Plum Pumps ' L- • . -and Force Pumps. • ' And . err doseripflon of goods for WATER, GAS 46. STEAM'. •‘ rarnususuat; in. Mw ILt. Pointy. Obgl±itaki.. La**, IlEaatibesetuar snit IlintioNNW-. *it vaurrJtltB.sifD viturr WAX et CONN*. Ar -Om id* Lina Po. ClofwiellomAllasoware •Da cu. boa On Unto. 7/4 0 ,04- 1 41 11 01001.11 474,,N0rir seugeon s ittet Cork ulapo oatii, Hoek =1131•1110 ditto, *try bort In the Norilsk %dge retail.: 4111PIp000ds 0. Frolt WnY Jnet reset*, p k taenll4efirq P.lrtheitaff• • ; P. MIME • & CO., - • 187 la•aly .Piffeburgh, ME=E ft, , MEM ALSO -A X 1:.- CUTLERY. PITTSBURGH, PA O. R. ANSITUTZ. Ton g Bilgotxr ♦ND Ea IgNSI , EKE Allrei t nithili t ir.lo6,lWWl , • t 146 sih r ie i . 4 ' )4);Ir I I - • • •• qi ' 3 ;" , ! -. 1 ... ,0111 : 0113110 ./4 111 $' •E ft • Mr' 1' the Eastwlth a kegs stacker Goods. bhught at LOW ST CASH PRICES, • offer the I#3blle at their c i tLD ' • :BT,&ND, 010134$ OF WATER AND. JAXICEI STREET,- ft a curEA-T; 1 ?) PENN' di. cumniAL DRY GOODS. ' • NOTIONS, okPB, '-- • BOOTI - AND, '11110.E3,•1 • • GROW:RIES, PROVIsIOis, lARDWARE, IRON, NAlLOandWilt rzrunit Baia, ocim & PACK IN6 YARN, _ _ WHITWW4P =I and Awns thy an pifotPatty. Queenaware . and rillow Ware, Flour, Flour, Flour I Still earth Ile Solo Ageney ; Of tbat CELEBItaI'• ED CASTOR CITY. #1:017R, for Rochester and vi cinity. WO oW Nildageril i}iFlttabatet freight " , • FEED, W .10LESALE AND RETAIL. --ATB' AGENCY NCR BUFFALO SCALE CO. We OM Bakeat MANUFACTURERS PRIM' 403RFTS Eureka Sono Sulphate of Lim al PLASTER • PARIS FOR LANDS, lFLtte old Water Lbioe at Sidi:sale Rake. a/oral' BALT-C.OIIPANT, I B lIALt gamma had. We always bet (or Gob and RI Clan% aM sat Matins oat Goods eel be con. efreelL Retail Goods defterod IN. o f Qui o NEW 4'AMILY GROCERY PROVISION STORE! env. itanrand Creadk and No 7 Tork-/t lliochester,Pa. By COB -& DARRAGH vutas NAT BE FOUND Madly Groterefee and Proebdon, Mk, Plow, eitfOrei, Batter. Jana. Bacon. Ott, Pure Cider Vint-zar, Syr . ape. 31oliaecto. Bait,. Tim, Coffee., saran, enckem 'Tobacco, Cigars, kneenorare, - Willow-ware, W ooden-rare, and er-tr erything in their Una, and they hope y b strict attention hi batmen, to inerit a liberal share of the patmnage. W. B.—All binds of Coautry Produce taken 'tat market price. ' __' COE v DARRAGH. Rochester 04. Ist,lBl3T—oct9V:ll SIMON SNITGER &. CO. 4.(At the old stand, 3rd street Beaver, resin's.) ' • - • DEALERS IN • ALL K,INDSOF GROCERIES , ' gum COFFEES, TES, 13 U G RS: SY R UPS, MOLASSES, SORGHUM, RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, SOAPS, CANDIES, RAI ' SINS, ' 'ENGLISI.I CURRANTS, . FIGS, PLO CR, FEED, rmg, wane, it., it , They are touts:illy receiving ft MO ameortierMol these articles, and the public tnaw rely open C'eu la t rem them as good air the market alibrde. • 1.11 m ode delivered if, mambo& • Jna bal. . T. NIORGAN • . gsseos To • EMALLENtIEgGER BROS. OSUMI ' FINEFAMILY GROCERIE S Queensware,' Hardware, NAILS!. WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AID WILLOW. WARE, BACON, FISH , FLOUR, SALZ LIME. 00 UNTRY'PRODUCUtakea In EX. • shange 11)r Goods. Goodi Miami of Cltarg A+ an S A • C, Hammond, .DNAL9a - IS ALL WIDB Ot Flour. ': Peed Neat (tee, duo ./1/LUN: °FALL KINDS HT FOR CASH. good allartingn4 of th udrent kindrorisg e toes' always on 'haul. nagoolls delivered when de*, Wed. Call and auo !to on Connecticut street near the ikir Sc 0: limo,. in Rochnsun, bundisii• II U !I 13 II II ilir ♦ND