The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 18, 1868, Image 1
.. . , . 1 ' 3 • . . • . 7 . • , I 1 • • , - ---- --- . 4 „ ig . r "•• ' • -; e(r if . t iLt 7 • k , , , , . 4%.1134 TIM ws - ' . . ..1..• . . t.- vr ,0 41,,,..t. I 1:4 a '‘ I . . y , •• • - ' ."""."'" '-- " 'l. I- '- . ' • lit •. ac ___._' ~...."' .- i P-Og!tit.4tkilllZ 2 /10 11 . i41 1ii1...1f10 . 1 7 1 : 11 :7 7 t il • _ , f ' 1 1(/6 1 i Id* 144 4 Ca Alkil le 119 lialiw Isx; B ••• .I.thifit 61.1:111: -.=--4 , -. _ . lIS7I/4.1' 1111 . 4 4.,•{1 1 h129/7 - 11 , iftrila Ottli At? t oft :4 7 , •samwig.... ~ ' , - rj, . If.x , t . t.,,tattio. . ir4o ,if , 140 . . • • fike , t . IS PUP/a/811Z D EVE.EIS WB/i 0:1 11111 • 11 AT , .1 . twl , • •'- , PI. * i - ' lr —ld ' t" '1. , . ' ~, .• ~ . , . 1-4 ,4 y5 - ' .-s. ' ! „.j .iii: - ~ ... i t. ..i.A.. - .- --ir .:,... j 4 . ,n,il .4__,41"1 . _ ._412 .100.0._. 10.0risas t , In the 0 ,1 11 Militirebiltakii c V l s 744111649441311. 1 •44(4,1i:),,, 0,11 li il; - ~ nt 1. 1 , ... "L - siLL '- 4 1M 13 ' - . "..'"'"''' I ~, S. E •t:r :,..„: 1 1.V.' v., ' ,---; , -.--. ''"":' **”.",.. "' '';' -. .. ' ,4 4. • ''.-' 4 .• , „ ...- ~ , , , r i ;20 , 01 , i .4 ,. I 1,, I , . • a a T r .:..i -,1/31 40,:na•kii luniowanil_pir_ . _ . .• VOTER, PA., at \ ' ,e - ptitt •I, , el., i „NA, .f. 4. .... ..(0 , , • ."" 1 . V.VI4 hill [....4...1- .Pii...:tl 411,1. „.'lr, 11 . , 'i 1 . %VI ,:..,_, 1 i f ~.- - M. - ' : ,,,, i - - h.ttro - T:OLif ' ',' . .iiill .F.1"1 Pin' fti. , „ . . at 4. . h "crY7 l ) '7ti lame " 1111° " 11411111111111 . 2 '0 1 IIIMMI•10010 Li a :AI 010 id it• I .zil • ill • , . Two DOLLARS Pif.ll2 ll ADVANCES. . • '''' I * : * .,.",,t,:,.*, - ,, 1, 4 ,-, t ' t i• -,- ff -i Li itiq 1 `1 , ) qtii.6l - 1 .. ../ir..'sil.t_f. ,c„1 1.4 i L. ~ -1 - , s•lk ne2 1 12 - r * Plltrl.ll !7 :, xi 11' ;1 , -,r;rn. go i 'i - ' "4 ' . 4011111 "1 1 14. 1 111111)1/Nnealif •-.11-f• . t ~., ..i• 'is '''47..' , .,,-... 4 ' • - Irld'-it-goil , .4.lisif P • lei . . i •Y / , -.-,, .- . •', PA! ; lif/ '11:.1'/ 2111^12 (Ai iji -. I ,171 '4! 2.11.21 . lti ftils.ll-.. - r) ii•„% ~, .., t•;•1 h . ty,,:..v . A l l , i_trit : r . it . .ta.:l. ,_ , :i1 : 1. mouitat„ - - ---- - ----- - lIPHEMIIIIOIIIIIIIIII.., ” L eto& I ,110 111M1 1 .1 1 " 21/11 1 0 .0-. f . ;T:.1.,,,,, "..• ~,...- '' '-; ' , t , 1 . • , 0 .1 . . _.* , • '',' '•• 4 ' -. C.•.; v i.:, 1, 4"‘ _ . . .. :,. —.- I , 4 ; ' 1 ), I* 4 l l 'W. - 1 r.e , I • Lir t,•• , ~. •. - ...4. , .. '...,, : , , , '• l• i.' • - Itoefarei 14 1 ftAiß lit 'farm:* 1 ° . 21 - 1 .- - • '''' • - - .1. : , T, :7,1 - - - 7,;.: ' , ' Ite in. i:l3 ,-..,11 qii .4 . ~. ~ ''''- ' '" - ""''' ''* t"l'' ,' • ' _ _ . fir 11_1/ SP, .1 ..:r At .):11, ,i , rtii .. wt,ll. r t., ,t Ah . 6o 1011 11 btfaselll.lollllo. omninunlcattona on antitecbs or wan or greatest to '"'“,-;,:.. • - ' 1 '.,.: ,'' '',.,,,', t , _iy. , ...-_. v.: ~ t-,,,,T. , ' ' . • .•-• - ,, „ try - ;.- ~,,, , ,-.0- , r ,,-,. . .... IA '! . , ~,,,,;,„ -:/.4. aui. :, , kir.,l ~,, . .15 3 .. he)/ :-;:t.s iri5•i,i.f.41. 1 .6 • .!!,•:;,. i-,;', 4 , ''''' r " • ''?"4 , '- 'AT'et --40 .'" /I 'P r 'A • r • - .I,'AlL. , ik L. , w , t Arc reapoctintly solicited, •To Worn imitlon, ;fp., 2 . 1.,;;.i.,;9•.f .....,',"': •1.•• , • • • 1 , t •••• - e.a- g.,or: „ - I._-/J; ~ „ .„...,*..,. -,..-,tx di • . ,' -' ' ' ' '', ..','• ..lan'i , tl'll `;' 4l ) I, ' 'ld! "i I f 4 - o ''' , ' l ' )l4 .t .-'''. ll3l - O, AHA . / 1 "'- . ... , •:Pat '"" igiii=rofte l i= lll 24 l 4 l Q ol : ‘, ' .. ~, .. - 1,. Ili. .e..43•••. - I'l - 1 , . , t iut, 1,....di 4t. il (..1.0-, •r a, ~,,L,... •• -.., - '•• • •- , . , -_. ... '- •• I, , ~ ,r .. too or tbli kind tatnit4lpidatt, lia Wftpitattn by t,,t 7. .7t,• , ,-.5 :,•,. i. !. • - ...... . 1 1 lle • •%•121 - 2" ' ..1 , i.,......12-,taran 'it ' 41 ',,,,0 V 1 1 . 04' Irkpil ..:n , -1ai.g....,,L ) • , :qii:4lll.:t t..t; Lc, i ~,,, , ~ f If_b_i , • 4bensine of the antbar; - not Ibr"pabllcatkon. but ea a ':',...' _....„.____' -....,............,-,.......,.....,..-........, 0 .. i •• - ---- • . •- • •. 'II " u " ''. . = 4, l kum Gall' _ Sli OS joe - le _ , • • '2. =milt , till- :t- 1 7. , ‘ , itii" . .1 1 f. 241 . 24. 2.11111 ' • •.- ••• ', 1 • . p asty against Imposition. • ' ' 1 1., * l l '' • • - j'n - 7" .-. . -- .•..; . .., 1 .., .• A ~.i ir , te...- v : ,_,,. -t-; -., —.,.... ...,;.) ,, ,... 4 ii-e , -.ii 1, 1 ,, -r -I "19 I .). 11 g• O r ' In"iLt''.ll' )' '' Estix • .. . i t /!till „ Ili , 11,., 14 .,‘,E,-- ~.iit 'Tr al • I ~.. • I. • yews and communlcatiAta t should be addressed to ii r, l r `..5 ' 0 ' '4 o '' . I. i - ' 'ott)frzi ,, hvi.l. `in' • aathitioftiabigiadirhisetsuiliellielaki ~,, . - ... , ,t ov. • •: ~ ,,t, ...,,,.. rt.: alt. , ;, , I.ta. - t c ; ' .I : _II . A bat • .44'.'s ; J. WEYAND, Ettitor,b jireleitter, ArY -:;•+ .it - • , ... . . :..:,,,,:a. ,i A ;;;iT!..4,) ;.„,,,„,„-) x p..... ,!`.? ; . 1 111{ iff•At 1,:/&•"..1. ... :21. ........,, -.,,,. „ .1 1 ; ~,,... 411 v :_•• 'l, ,- 2 /.. 2 . ? v 1 I 1 4'l .i•ittf ~ s• ~., ,: .4'. ITN . • • • , 7 ,; .1 ' , Ply -fluoincp-9 ---.- i • 1t . b i n li , r, , I i i 1.11;‘'. G L' AR,- . dirILENGINEER&SITIIYETOR NEW BRIGHTON I N . 4. s rim erFIVE III, MAN AXD P/Mg-f2VIIII. ,fort notice. . , . . .^- A t tc h rPar) iltafaNi r , • i BEAVER, PENN'A., OFFICE pi THE NATIONAL HOTEL BUILD aig. ( 0110CtiOni, 4t0., promptly attended to. optr6B:ly. ,l ip. J. 1R: IMCKOART,' ' v • IREEDitdI:::LIE-kVER COUNTY, PA. An cells promptly attundid. 4 fsept7:3m BeaverfiSeniixtary FALL SESSION SEPT.-8. 1868. • anus senooLioccnoNa AND SIIrOCICEMILT l cod scten y PrOf.fravlor amiable neslelantsloffers ictoulio courses in takillltiguilgs, English cad Xuam, p, , W alnut% , latt • its. mmtqllp co_N,Erramis k . n4 1 '816'6:16, ; ROC:IIEBTRE, OA. trOftleo two 'doors end ' of Ankony's p r ompt nurntlon given Uo all etc, grle MAT. , . F ET()S;', -11: . BIECHANICIAN •. AID, Engineer 41 .Arts and Ofice and kletioe, - . ROCHESTER, PA. LAW lARTNIMSHTP.: I. M. CI:SY/YU/44 & maw. At-twr',B3. opricE i .vHittu , BT., •' ; • • .• DirAllt7:, PA." var.': Iy JEUNET, '"";;:` a Watch Rinker and Jeweler, Third Street, ("Bettreti' tt, room adJolnhnt J. C.. WI WIN oineo.) kid watches and chronometers! Topa!red and war ente.l.. - liegtarlog dodo to order... "I ' • if - The patrunage ,of the public Is solicited, "ind entereethei gutanntood,. Ohs tuta sat'tWolt *Lk DMIV III PIerriart.MSr. qfl UNDMISIONED WOULD TiMPECTFULLY laterm the Icitirenirorßenver and vicinity. that totes opened an Oka in Bever, Pa.. tor the practice Dotietry, lie has had coualtlerablo exprienca In the and,liAtters himself to be able to give gen stioll.fhetton In his business. s ty - 001c' In the old, -Oonnly Dotal" bTding. Mistreat, Deafen, l'a.Y All work wereed or ntro 14. OSII RN. DR. WM. ' 11/ SUTIIEIII.AND, ' ../ - • '' ' •.• • • v ,- ...I . ' ~,K ' Dop N. rI" I S 7r, - .. _ . ~ MR D 8 T 12 .it leT . SBA VER4".)II,IIir.A. " • (OT6III TUB I.OcAL 01711 li b Jutreturned trent qtalopere, hiutteen en lu the pratios of Ms proteedler, 'thane of the n Identlete In the equntrb• ,•, 1 • , , .: ill work executed' ha Pligiet "Mad it pri des di competition, - - - -7 MIMI GOLDSMIT; Nenn fact un:r end Whutcznle Deal c; In CIGARS AND TOBACCO, 61511.11x117, opposite Wayne tat, Plitiburgit. 1 • ilfl'en.or.o purchasing Cigars of film can• 'always N'ocre of gutting the runty article, as he manufactures t:•m under hi, own tiverrielbu and CAD . guarantee 1 1.1tdmtl!fnction. " I • aellthn 'BEAVER LADI.ES SZ,TILINANZ 11"1 , 47, 1 :E.Nc . .7, 1 .eraTeOvr 7 SEfire el/BarTAlCncllmTept h the Primary Irepartment noye g rind girls . recelyed, Tong turn tan:lit by the Principal Wile rain notniutt none taken as boarders. ' " • Our purpose I, to 144111)16h the reputation of toe dud tut thorough rchelar,vhlp In every brabeh therdtr itn• t Iterefore Importnit e tenetiurille ribOnld be remit at the (petting, the gado!, and eontkute , r %Lo In their ottenduitee. , . T • Ilatlng hail over ono bandrecrenrolled dating the 'Pi par. we hope for s large*.increase during the oth; year. p. 11. A. .ICLEAN, Prlmripal. itgirka:tr. r • i , U T. PAIIIi'MR• • liomeopathio PliyiitiaWind • rgeon: , Trioeius R IS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO t the ritizetm of Rochester and surrounding towns. k ,, Fit ,, ldlay that ha pays particular attention to Bar ry. Ilie now .;;ode of distinguishing diseases ens i% tin to oTer great Teller to persons "offering with rtntlr (11.1e1t,001. Ile will also aid other physician" to lirjety apd the dlacleesol4lMhe li , cpslas lbylpagba r .• ' 4 "oethe DiaMond, tiro doors east 6t tbn%iiiitos vote, and tcarly opposite Mr, .Tobtion's grocery, go tor, ikaver county, Pa: ' 44 . G ' ts moos, lIANAOLII. N. JA. 844. • & Ta l l" 178 1 1 1 1tYr 131 WE CCLI.-4r o *A.! cr tACTCNIMII MOD DIALERS IN lIABLE . '&`COARSESALT IndasiriopiemereifCo.. Pa. /lidelnd upio iriod order ;a w.T r od giro • i l ith , wttoo••.,; ordoreproiapdfi e!korideel tot t li Vic; .3 BEAVER ACATIEW. IBIS I NgTII.7.IION W4BV/Nelik°o:l MONDAY, lit Vah, V 368. -# • t -1' • 1 ; 1 1 RFX. JOICiIiVeMARTIN,A: n been chosen Primloot. lte worttelriccnel &Print Ulster Institution fOr,thd intfollim the wis k in ': 1 11. Belfaffit ; and3lcadminter:oi- ef;iia 1 I In" cuen for the deaf end dumb of Ireland,. onl, %Nit': vidxrcently Prefdldent ot tlfeta - raver. 1. We e re nanonn-abet 'choler tot!' so , :reentot Inetrneter.lle pa to revive the 1160 %ir God , fill. riff ft Elrhi w I e ehortin con. kimee of the la te di ilifgltfor i f The tuition rill torreepond.. frll*el djerdli fitepoltevred to et orphiarlif iohliere eud'ch ldren q clergymen. Jll.-Iff DEM . EY;if f. co „..„ 4 ,, D, D' LOWARY, , • 7"*." — • 1 , !, ;', I. ( i I= One of the .l; fleet` INURE lIAT HOUSES 4 t4a yid axt enalT o'l 4,TP.; l o l4 PPM (If '''' t Al I. : • ....P.,,e!'" i ' ' ...,i l ., ( Wino ' 1e44 11 4gf . '' . W oo d •;a1. VI I: tli. 110 No. 120 listr4;.ez, ,1 ) ,1T.E1 , 0:11 ( 1WrP:. Iva Goons ilmaktmiltakitertft l m v to, and will to boot tO ;430natote. 'Lind grial i with first cis Ponape In Now _1L0Ati,,,,,,_,_ - a as kt. o:waists of Men and 86_,.7 1 1 F A ir m‘ l l, wa " S wl / 2 . 4 and rasatmete Hits, 3 fni' a n"......' "T a fT tilt lie 21 .Ch=ri , rztATA x a ;7 4 usivinamo ti - luWiacil. Connttf itatAMlttaalurt Atvittli I 0 COI at rumb le our au*, I ...61:41UPSfr pl 7 r 4 • •-; ; : : wprivn. ruy ; 2"/ ".6.01"7"'7!"" • is rr, Wilks lll ‘ll llo /NG 1111/40 ;:v::1. 4 • 1 wlib my4itlinVughter; • • ' Weddettwith it to-day ; -4 l'ile.morWng Sy balmy' ••• ' I. . . With tieSnreatb"arnow.nown hay: • •. Ins d stall sunshine c .. .; • • And bine:4s bhellis the deep— . Their white wines folded togetbee,.- - ' ~ ' ills Monde werelitika asteitis..... • ;: • -I: .•t" - ; Ttwairtutrpe of thisibrest... ... .. itt'd ' Wein te tote, wound. ota ~• 4 And 'their elinuttleurie touched ine ' , With a r:r! • - Shwstootr in her bridal whiteness, . f Willy putt . • • M" I=l . gel her tig ate alining • •Throughlha miel'of her daatirr.• • in . iKii , 'l . :adU - 4"d' inicioniyouih:':‘:- - : z . With a voids botheeep and tender • ,',- - .I'llghte4 hi. suali!niod's truth. -,, ~,..• , Ito int thief* oil l in r Unger-- • * .s • .1 A band efirinrinvold,• • •• • • . ' ' Broad and henry:: It. bound her • : : Oro to Ito lad to bold. • a cater. • 3kyitynnurttia!rt •ft•-.' t ..4 r her' iiit= ' SVA , ;,flfr :11161 ft At ... v _ br , , .. ,...,,11 / Lag& 1,1,1,141i1t."1 ~,i ' dL trurr. , .• • •" '' 5' !.'.,. ittity lii ; 6*Citialthdt Itai ti4et*'..;‘."..:, • 1 ' ' And left hi Oil attEnnuritlight- - , • , , • ^9.nn with the &toilette of Weer/ ' 1 t 4 :,, ? bb nt nit thro w ugh Co edit nl nouH tilt, . .. . OM :R - sToR. of O.IIV.IO.IOP:Eiviti4P.PNA There lived 41 : 11 1 40.1 1 3 agO, ; in-,tho [atelier of one of the 'nliOle States,, a sturdy farmer, well to do hi the world, by the name of Wil. der. He had wandered away from Yankee land in his younger. days to seek his...kortune, and having been employed by a respectable Quakgr,to. work en hi i s ,farm, had coritriveti by true Yankee adroitness to min the Lions of the old man's daugliter,end had par ried her. Ills wife havi i iig . ,espouieti .olui of the world's people. contrary':to.her orders, was, of course "read'iiut of the society;" but Wilder loved lier'n6elliiit .lesti for that; if anything, he felt littiiiejoiced to at it, for he though It seemed to bring her ahttle near er iiehim. IMMiI -Mrs:'Wlldcr ' however, never overcale the habit witiel Itati.groivii up with her child hood, and youth ; she always called her bus timdlifilliatn, and continued ,througb :life to speak the Quaker dioleet.,: ;Did this from her lips was never ungrateful''. Or itittivelcomc to fer-Aeof i th‘iivectest sounds that ever, dwe4.4 1 :444 memory, was, whop, be asked her a certain question, and her reply was, "William, thee his my heart Siready,And my luur4 shall he thine whenever it may P. l o l se;9 l - 4 ttqcllce, l 4 t . ' William Wilder )yas a thrifty and stirring, mah; and in a few years be. found himself the or (if a good . farm, and was goingithead 41010111 S st 4.V.tbe tee, 11131neighi . tf qr . ! luis:thf ;Aolp tu t 0 yet' been stated w d. j lie as lest with a daugh: ter; a bright, rosy-checked, healthy, romp ing girl, full of life uhd sPirit, and in his eyes osactxlingly- beautiful ? I:his.daughter, at the' perieslwrhieltis snore particitimly. described, had•reached 'the' wge ofeighteen ,yeeric.:aud l i ‘flls uri ,obk't.t of ePg!', l * ol l.loo.A 4 ! t i e r rents Mid of,gerieral attract ou- to. the borhood. - . - • •"TheriNthat .Toe Nelson alOngside of Deb by again,'-' raid Air., Wilder, to hismik. rather pettishly, its -they miner out: of ,church: end wart* yturnmor' 'ittteritoini," and • 'ol4iradric*l their Walkhomeward. ."1 4 1Vish he wouldn't indite iihns9l ef • 7, "Well non' , treaWl like his n lit tle, uoubli.ft.Tiknif.pirriut refplicti SW. Wilder. "Yining. Oki like to, tie, tbgetahr, anti Joseph is a clever-and respectable younir . Luau ; nobotly..evertstyptt wqrkftgalost Wulf . "Yes, he's too clever lobe anstivanythlug," said Wilder ; Fund by and take it int° .Idp ife4 if,Ste:bßint airitady,.bi..cifuk :Debby . to Malty hits. l'ire no idea other marrying It pauper ;live workedtoo hard for what little property VvelgoS to ;he willing-to wit go to feW a vogabotakwho metier earned anything INA never iv don't believe Ix will ever be worth. a hundred dollars as lon h limo • e . I fisbiDic tlico 0411* u) 4mA upon Joseph; thee shauldirenteMber that he -*hut i lestlout&of lda nicrdtheii .been s eh' deverai: yea*, 'and 1E10.44144: *OO Mitirakfitipportad, the whole fon lye': • I don't•deuyibut hes. clever eitough,P said 3tr. , Wilder ; , ;"till, hititqulte so thi s chniong. with ,Dcblijr.., ;11Ow should .yon feel toms htm - • married so • Dobl and not vtnnhisdeeitni wilt 'of clot e t;!":' '"I shOtild far said Mrs. Wilder, "titsSluitigh they ;weft otildfpg AS in lifiivdrY. Mitcham Sit ..11 04 1/ist ~,N94l l, 4•gack.orPs goog r liatictig.',4ltwitill 30144 loe.artwitli..,Tdoiet , think- °nil). hive metal beuptor . betsis ;64 .bitoloor ,thft ma been Woftli *Unified thousand4l4l-,, jawsWhei we werfizialried."- • ••• • • • • • This argument camewitlistielf fOretkl, wp . der' .owes hosSmi that he made-no attimmtl° answer St, bit Walked on in silencoAlltthey reaeltettheir..dwoUing: . Debby and Joseph' AiiA her TO*. atiOg atql atatol i'strittindneanniYftiticil 'tit 4% - .l=4'Z'firgite rib the luirrow cirtierelft: , , • - It la not so broad slimy daughter* And theyearaharinworn tt thin, .Unt o tt c1 4 ar4ed till) herds together. . ;Itebj 'to Ithlre7- . , Hearts thst buttnlt ftto closer ' Through llk, In woe or weal = That, prevail, we/never loving ; And, absent, wor e ever leal. . • r , • a The years fallback like curtain. • And toy hasbandcomes'onee mord ; ", I ore hie rennin the moonllgh,t I hoar hie hand at tho door. And Ws - -"06, toy darling. romoary, You tarry so-load above • When mill you came to take me. Oh, Illy luvo, tuy.loye v.' 4 • . . . rfrid his touch on my forehead ; . It tails like a seal of rest l . Aod my heart forgets 'was Sired As liam my head on his breast. Yee., yob I I know be is tying In the moonlight on the hill;. /3u4tho thin, worn ring path miter, fUtd li binds my rhuling atilt. Arid oft, *hen PM very lonely, Idreari of thy Immo abovo: , And lta—:"Oh, raj love, I'm ccimhig, comlng c my love, my !prof - Alice and Ralph lamented That the Mother wail called away, Swiftly and atiddenly from them, Oaths eve of their wedding day. . . . But they never Ann bow g l adly At the bock of an angel band, Shohad left our waning MOOnbealna 'For tholtght urine Better Land. With the worn old ring on Aar Anger, And her Date hands crossed on her breast, They, born her not tettha And by him bid het to-reat.) ,!!..I.):stvj • - oi l ::(li:?.!(:;:ify,.-. : .1 tc. :!!. , ..r.farinA r r At: Iswarn,' . rq. ,, Ltqqgiocaqi *lime, kw, treg1,4419,1*--, v 5ed , g11 1 ) 0 ;141r4.4. .tOOPIMPA h 0 :, •' ' I khrlX: t lll l4,llli,vi ; pp. NI Taw% , ,mergroun that 'media:44,44 ~ , we 101 0 .111 ,41 4111 11 .4 1 taiiPgiOr; •,.. .4 r 011 i;u0,17PeOPthiippmsom tgar ts kr upon 114 ungonoWouttlool •or wi z r IRAQ TA4,33mg, ply,A, 44 Aki ititar and so:much at WAG, at r it; 121 44, M 11 4 14 Mr , 41 ) 1, 40 1 M441 3 11 1 A41,4k1 11 011 attstc... 11041 11 31141) 9 4 1111VAPAV 1 4 91t , 1 ) ./* 4 11 4 hilo ( 1 - lieSSM,4 1 10 1 1! ' Wert- it , , , 11 1110 1 4. 14 / 9 1,11 hAsli 0 0 .. , .W.g.:141/ 4 1 4 1 4 laud_ .bixpnwoßoplis rmkullooli t 9 Alf . ~ Onus, that the Inca or •ner 'miming at, 1, 1r.1 1 '1:4 1 .1P4d }4.10M4! 0/11411xkih4,4r!shs.141tist marry,bolvas 0 . 1 .!.xmle04 1111 01P44 hiiii.44 o !oft sildco,ola verson . 941 1 ‘11n0 ititt!Pultft 1) 1 1IR liPlaid at nticepliice . gjn , sicutoWatilg fat u S tio P.h ll l l :wd:rullortblatimn-A4o , looki lib anxiety, so common in'itus worldOMObt owl/ 9511 11 . 1 r ;4//90 1 - WO, grgottefiT,rl l 4l l . l / couneollo ' 411 4efrW 51 ,11 .-..711 , ..!:-: t i.,' la ! -, - ;-q, I. . ..Vhile , h,' r., rca . - - thkre.4-hli:1 1 1 1 14.11& 1ng0. 1 4: hiki • ••••• ' : • : . 16i tII9OrYAWIT StiOgPl2. dimu..tbe inadoin lieseitobren at, gam tR %LG. hh?? Le su. pi)94, , - 1 49;:v4, iiiJdnobingLi4l l 3 ilpas rell.Ottp ,l 4 l ooll4l B :4;96PouPwluapg 4,llaltitr,94l.VlVerkPi*nr 7 14 11 4 ° 'W**A.YI3 PkAZ:gOtIWSI. rio .0-kid horetPrgre..DMl“MMatiVlSl 1* r0111:4 441.41 lipusej,, and:omq SrPsi#, hri l o,lo4ll l PlAk - a l 4o oo .ooli 3 b4Ort lBl lnch 94.410W.t4A to PIRO thgwthq , o 4 l 6 l/IC.llingiMegFl4lldy ngit4PW .142q1n01111,061101.;•+ wit ClPPtlitote F lVeltYrio II *14 3 eireourApt his attentions, and hirlOP*l l o lo l l l l 44thryrsh .is, 1 1 11 4 1* . eiLdistontinuedy !,,' , - -,1.: ~ ~ -." • - . , 2 11 - ocsjogtarnixip, Ikt.f.i4tHri;r,liguit3ll:. 'qr,it.., (kr * presenting ; Ins batat,',lladjo : , see; : y on, - ; how dq . yetr do ?Alga, day pita tri, .7, ~ 0 - t . : l'es!,, , ana:l 4. 1 4 , said i t I.iPer,:,,excellelit Weather tiir ,crops.;: licilivi opynu'lOLdo : :14, hotab ?": 4;‘,: j ~ • , :. ~ , /4.,..,N. , t ,•, *- f i quAsi ,ell: I tha n k Yot l .-- 'said ilitildai'7, tome, go down to dui, .honsc ...with .1210 141IP take supper.m said be: .I- -.-- - . --- ' Miller' talon* said bardid. inottalildk he could atop.l Mr. Wildervhowever. would not take an for an rim bteri tand'after consifierrable iniportunity.he . prevailed upon luta to accept die; intitatinni and' they' desceiriTed 'the'lllll, together,tind webt , lntorlie house.' ''t "''' " "'bobby;herelVlleii7saMlTildek,its they' caterathd:parbmo -- . • s' —'." ' • - ' -- ~ : 'DolibY,rOse.lianded a Chair; and tiald . ocid' evening,' :but her' face - rtat .'ettorefed ' With bleshes;atid she' returned 'Wilier : kat: ;' 'AN *Merl - cite hilnielf - bi tlie relmi r' he' earnied across the rOcoor Intl recokntied Haim; ' The yennernene,nirlided to - ow othw,. and, both kiernedietnewhat eutbarraised '". • - 'lit Chia' tbne 3ltirWllder ditered•thertiioii; ',HOW Identt thee dp,-Ideti 'V' ituld She, pre= seating' H&j band. Tmllti`, 10 'neolbee'il hope thy rnOttter fa wont " •':' ' - t ', ' "t• ' • ''"lirerY hell ; Indeed." lat ,Hiller f 'mid IMO] it, fewinoreifalliks;Sbe ret ,t4 1 :et,*1.1411 Sell tbeiprepanstibii, for inipisei. - 7t'r -;! - • ' ' . t ', "Ex !to 111 1 11 /0:01111k lit Mitier,.:tailk MrAlr k . ""r:, - Lsiittott toro anti:din* Joseph I that . , , dficorii n'tforlnts we Were ItiOklag nt. - back at'Ape WI: '' Accdiding• to my andott it' Li the don in the tOttrn;;.'? flemq.o,oo. 0 . tpind'l ' at it.'" '-, - -.-.: ' •:-, • ' . --.,-; • • urthlrtk, ' USW 'talent*: rilaire iltir: this tsett i Yeat i Zitidd ' Wall; ml :saVllt.'itbOnt a f am . ft • ~. t,,, .-, If ~: :1. , ...‘,.1-; • t•,• ft-a 71 404 . 0t 1 ' "I'gattnd,' mtiailhgly '!irltid 'Avikuiala - 31- ":'rl "cani.,;o; or 7 i.„,,... lOW' tit."' , , ''"' "9 . " •;--.u..1.4.............a.•-:-%"..1,-,_ 2_ll. Eli =II OM NMI I ME MEI slittle editragedzishelOic MS lint anditil ed hint to the drier .''" ' "' ' f .'r Thby -trent tqi Idler toad, and Mi. Wilder took hintal ' around th'c'field pt eoritZend'ex:' araltted'hill 'net lull; and lonkedinto' other'' [fields, mid f.ti int n:hendred thing's to'stnn and I look nr, and, talked morolo Joseph' Martini 1 liad'before for six months: losoph intsid. that thts ' wftlk with Undertaken by 'Mr: Wilder " for the intrOdse oT lenYing'Miller 'OM Debby. alone-in the room tN'ether,lnit he Nye it pa 6 tientlY; antranswereh Mr. Wilders remarks abent the , Wsxttbet . his 'crops' and Ills lields;, With'apiia tildred;lbr he knew * well w irt thp nate or DebbyW feelings toward ltintielf, and talks Miller to feel .any , atteashiif.-,L4 At length Mr.' Wilder cdricladeillei_pperinnit' bb nearly, readt r mid thr"-returtied I t o the _house.. On e tering thehotthe YhO i lound Miller alone, reading a nefrspaper.• ! •Mkt•Wild r looked vexed. ':'What! a l alone; Mi. Miller?"' Said WIT; der'r e -"I gho kltit in.Ve stayed im long, 10 I. thought De by would unause:yodyintil wept back.':" ' . '' . ... 1 • - 6 3114. s Dc'byAnd seine 6igagenients'thati t i) reqfil red fif f' : 'ettention,"' WO ' Miller, • "Mid asked to be ektusedTbut VlinVe",fdurul titSe:, selliquite interested hi the iie*ipitier." '" Wilder nreth,'out'itt d 'Met file' wire in -the hallontratfired bet' how linig*: lied - iNgen since DIbb101,11fr: Mitior nlone'inAe•par. 7 "'She lettl t httltree,inintitei dfteleyon went out," said' ti. Wilder; "atutl cbidd ,not pd: suede her'? go back tigehi ... - Itlhe ' said she knew you Went out on 'purinAci td. leave' lier and Meng niono together, andeha•would not stay'.-It's no toe William, 'tliese things tlt• OkYs have their oWn way, and' non try: Ing. th litecrent it: "• • • ' .' ' -•.:.;. r 4 ." Thb StlOpet Intssid Sff rather hilently'ind ratherhwkirordiv Mr.' Wilder endenverod to be soelable'andpolite to 11111eij,', indildri.: Wilder, itiusiud; rut d':ind . ,.eoinidnenat t to nil. ' Butattalr sif embe in , A*6nt toervathak the 'whole cfnnpany, and i limi they , rose Split the table , i bury Miner nskdd ti 3 be eXCIMe t li . i ir and add it de ;limier tifiltn'xettlib' itaudtii ~,,... •: ~ .0:. , ' Mr.lvddeiclivorettcp peMtiado 14. io stop: imakiiimid th -av,eit.lngt bit PePr/ 7 1 ir* deeded and sithl e Must g0.,.:A.t10; lle.:ru for fl4 , P nie eb d l a tiVw ij c * rei .P 4i l re ed td it t p 4 alat ta t'a th p a 4 .l 4.ll 4- -; !Ifinb,Y, ,111 Wilder I ; bet: ; W,llder, arot. :Fel tt tfi Ay tifiddeivin Ai? deileepiohl;for ; alii* eit: Wo,retiredtSl4kniit howeyer'td'aleep.: flif!Alqg wits kin'oteeit enenssiO irltli lira destrizy oY,Delib,f#U)lotr, • regPsg:••• 110 0: 1 UP110; i ed tile hourshe tkcyWpl;ol4,h_Lthe., elOck till It t hetl sirAck ,twerte,„ , bra wihlei 'had' been tiro lintirs'aidecii, i stia he futdpet,hehta 1 .Iclepb, go Out. Jitter, u.iilign_ AM 'd or 4 attack onfloglnin•few ellnetiiii Inlff Mkt lip;helini the &for ohne ynthdi. softly.,o.Boo4:aild'Opis-, ei t' °ill th ' 6Ev oo td po ) v. t oopota voN o . . , ...eibx I thono,wilderi pit•Li inS, MY:Arlfo 61 91 4 Pq r.° I .O. l3 NAYMIiilieVi their mai way. This . ,_ 140 1 4 2 gp_litle BAloelcilopkeillke mthir If ot; 01 4 1 i b4W 151 1. ; •11.1 IC :t: )17.! '.d? ;.• ri: :,:! 1 ;;Themext Alm , iDebby lad It leng iitivateld terview,with !het =Aber; -had i Wier/ dinner 1 Mrs. Wikler wished to =have Mee contemn. lion witlA ter bushiwilatbopoliA.: . ,- ... 1 - "Wctl i kty_ dear;" said shd, "IA iiiii:.* digliwawrw - se ti e - iTieim ' ~.CTOCI7III they inndeltifs ` sir:mt4dit z ,teAts4o444the aii4 Wiwi harvilseittigus She' ume. e l l I ..) a US Un n i aeke We ' ••-• I, 40114°4441WrOlgirt3 t. • '• • it th . w: ~ :i 4 ; ' . gef , 4 4 1rueruiti uP a •. . it.gooa Um , Joitiet° *litiqinii. 'Ai lent as Joseph lelispeMahle and nod ,tp *Ark; Illtlnk we ought .lo feel , 1,&Ifil - wItillt e lilft4li leill'iteoWN)ll seems to me that theidieee many _folks that marityr.pww 11 mt make CAW Ai 4411 , 111 , - the World as them pre that marry lido • ' ,•"* . .-fp.-7, , 1 tAfteelllia t nili i* 'the a ;ilia ade d "tor r m v 3 4lte" •. • , inAhat hityirt , . ~, tpg rt&lefj: 4 ri d . tolalibr44 Mier . . , -Viiii„yiiitthe ,_ ...., S ,, ? 4.. CM , VP Alt: i74W g i al' "V 13114714 ali - 01 / 1 1 4 T,Ar. eL s iarairlrr g sll4o; ~ 00*'" fr. ''' 1 1.010 - 4,11 U 0 fidlinS ta Wlingimall week" inpilter 4 or -2• • --.' 41 ; Mow:4E6'24;mi] . toll(t. Shii( *Of Mated Mr. Wilder. P.,- t r i r1it . 1 .,,,...-.. 4 , . tip 1 4 jNi . ittiOTiti 10i Mica - in: t‘#ol4 aßrsi'l4ald dcrfor the i s i tWa t i, r. 14 i 51/11 WOW ..,.___,. .. ~ .. IlirrA g e week to gel if !Audi , ba! 14 Doke hone, lit: ' thatankt kete, ( kn. rains pro' A-10*W tut I** ngalN titt.liindkg drOtillte.o ding._ unt .11 , Dti wilder lineal Ddb. *bid t 'had so stror istatiW' *mil Ihilli '.The next . shihtlitent IL tWbboura - %WM , and Mr: Wilder ha, _____ to exaraina,the saddle - Atfisl'Weete,seO that every thing yyna. right, dad il , yip::thii Ear siN irdatilairatitatathee, I Mttrid folleo. !fatly bribe' slwaialWeici .'. 1 . l Aint 'gt: 44*, wliiinThbby **4:9letiilt 't. ' 1 ''' 'bid trel ..,DY theborsetloelt; and tind'AW.' timitiki I'4d • scaled to the ninfille mensandOd ber the' bridle, andidtortenett t tft wtior, and latelded•thblgittirri ' lit le Walla 'prevent the saddis'a turning and V, ._AO Ind seen Ihat'pal Ss, A . igh;., lip opp . , . . a bet jtousgt andlirough(' oat a gmal , 1 .4 ;- villip,. rind , phicaditlit lief band, and /Olathe:en. hunt deed charge t in • take biro crikerselr, 'and be. careful she did not get a' fa .beatapped2op to the horae ; block, and' k r* Watched 'Ur ni'dhe tufnes l ,l l o:tllo ~ ....444.41C941!4.4 Lb° hill, till she xvir,tit oivi, ..,. ' 'D'e'bby' 'imam: . on& , al „,v4e . 4 thq. .`icitig foad,abe bad ;tap' .b 0 • q , w,tig ; Apq , 1.,11 lusfrofpleasant.thotigh -atalitottig kantiniPa*i thitauto feel' weary or, e OW* 9rlatax at the solitude.: .The, ILIOIN WWI, trAv elled'anti4inet lid Apeß,Darsop# 11);,1 wbole' ; Piii 11 449v4wtA4*. Um: i t, bin i iibb 'a" mild:froth ittnne„ tate, t heythef, hiliCksii ' italltli9fdail6* VOutmidavw 141 lic'r RIP'n4F- „ ihil . sligi, 4 ' ft- Utuld 01 410 int ( "Ala wP , FlidA'n r el fi 4! l !l*lnewiNt* ' 4 44 1 4Y _ I Ats.t Persial nii.OfwetAlnicllelf:' . 1 , a pp 1aP101! 1 111491P antraitlianly, Oil 4 ,Nertko,pues crop. it i *, 6 0 4,01,. .r. 0.01 Am. n 4 ,8 149 1, WI . 071.41* :.Dr - - - - 'moor •;1. aiiiih,Liteilinid ..... iy„,..... i .-, When, she itiiched, the door shelound. It „wag, d in ed' : ; Oat day -.ln' biz .. -. oXCeOitig.;. disaP -- 1 pointinent sitestood i allent ; ter at sop 03min certain ; what. she n;etild,do.., ,!„ J ., : . ... ~,..,, .314t1.1e.ra anythip4: l ,can go fo r 3ma Xissl7: said e.gentleman . nt ,th%adjoining i shop door. : - Do l 4l:rePthel 4; 1 4 10, W: 110 4 ; 0 change a bill•ut the bank.i • , .., , i ...., , j,•,, . i. ~ ..(3,4 ; lit cho g oi it for you,"-initl : the gen tlentan, ri( it . isn't too large — icotue,..htel); In here.' - • .7 - . -, o 1... 11.-1 , • ...=,•;: i She nceoraingly ( stepped int ~,the store, and glying Wei many thanks, handed him, the hill, .. ':, - ~ i,,,: „1: ~ ~ -:: • ' `.'oll,_a. hun4ref,clollgts," he said, 0 1, can't do,it-I'haren't half that amount in•the store. Btit. if•you go across.theroto the apothecary's: !Plink it le likely enough,* may do lc,' , . • In hby tluu3ked Mtn again and ef,ent across', to the apothecary's. licre she / etude known lieriwisloa, 'but with no better, ,suoeess. - As, she turned, logo ,out she encounlerxl a •insn bellied . her.iv : hit •seenoxt tot, ,ka.v.o,,beenlc-i leo Ittg,oyer her shoulder. , ; ft A . . '....;•• ~ i. ' .1 . 84e rtmicedup. at hint and crecognized the tall Wan. with,black whiskers,whom she /Ltd. noticed at the h0te1..4. •Leering thedruggises, she/ obierireil a • large dry goods store, and theught,she, ; would try htmluck.there. -. Still ate wes tinsuccess(ul... ~ 'Ali', .. •., , , ••(. i. •', As.slik:Avo,,leaving,the store . she :meet the tall ',intuit',ol ,4 . black,. whiekeis agaih.• Ile Its3kbitsini tingly. upon, her, Acid asipa her. to let liiin see the WI 1.,f0r , hathought : he coidd change It. - 4.4er4;i9king ; 40 ithet returned it to her agalilt, observing, t.',tf ithad, been mcity. .W11,4014)1110 ; Ave changrApit, but he did not like to change a country, bill. , .•:- , •: .• .1 Having tried attire Ja- three places rith ate A 40, 3 04044 g, Lee, .objecti WV nfound she tuust•giveltmp u rer ahem Dow. told itprob• , olilyjmoul4 144 :444004 tor qtotet It v 111 4, 1 110. 11 .1 1 #0i1auk 6 .40u -ba opens& lho. DP Li:. (4 , 9',..! Yqnsequeniinhat 'coacluded'to return iturge4hooly, ponce. -4s shazxkfrout 'zirt4P 1 ' • • • - • - imrigl AP tier of ukoywmi liip9M mipd, uusnie over joney si Oxtrull faro hcAPMO She, whoa itokt to But Ui ously oi. low it,to her alw out isit most of them 81 M 11166 trusud dew t^etrettellirOt4 hkitbkeit oft. itiosothiteratioreel 4. l r l 4 l ** td erof behthdheitt`' B@d' Net Net et ay" ;sod thOrto Atm; tapaliiith Obi ' *bloke* *mated . lidittOM black honk; *MU' I' * . Preete °flier Odor 3 fraddereta nub .1 Um :Ida of tog idebotdpeay• tlVoce* bditos bb oemerzip and • %* tri?rth and gbadelamintreph iiheieedieted her kawdationtr , =el obralth herWolfe:l t &-r, •„ , i • t:ti:11 IT " Bather ; / 1 4406/0 4 **P. 1 . # 6: 1 4:4411 Stililipt;k4ing in t t ' da dairleY l ' I ' ' - ' . ;1 1 11 , 0 1 1=0.710 oval 4: - ; or soghf idttl ItadDetWilleiat*l san Loki , idide add Ml6' Strait; lei! It Mrdtletdatioaa ridi,egniona, L knot mi. 'will alicitinetaiio your-protector?" - - •:-- •• - Ti'il l' "Z. 1)f-flabby. thanked hblf. :bit mkt' fabsi , hesti lUMIOSUPPne, .or. ACIVISE: .arrakt.;. stilt-hid* bill.plia. it wasikgreeshils to havausepti fly:J._ ,-,-,.. . • . • ~I,; ; !:;ii - 11•1!)ki .yon.make ont.tri get.yonr.bill• Masai; rolEthsked them:nom— .-. , , • ..,f/ t.':- : ,. v.t A tti nio,". said Debby, ."1 tria diiiiiiinatire4; and. conid.andain oun'”:...; , l)f, - 4.! ev o:lThe strangermade himself. veryagmeabia; and:Deliby.,Wgan, to ;think -that her feefinif . if at first had done him injusibmtand •she sired thaLahnewid Aptmakt• . amends i lly, Join sonialliher thin. Theyitad no* reaeber‘ titedopmk• darkest part of the valley through litsli the road lay. The beayy.wneds,Nem ' '• " 'Marfa i bail* :_• to beAngotea4. i tow Inumnirink iltii - ilitilei 7 timobioser ffltheihadlaist. • •,- Trio stnunsisn*lsair e to' he fide, 'Mid inizlistibe reins of her hildieillaidlirerr4 at oneeithe Intitte'rejlaini the 'hluldrod dollar billi44-. ¶.-i-dttl ,, ,i .I 11 ,•;-:, 1s: NI cy 0 ,:..,....„,,......,.....,...f.,:,..T.,,, t~sl Debbj=4 ulna._ )1-•-lifiiiiker•._Allar`O ittlif golf at tiler - iyinegiib *el - :tin6 hen!) drad ; 401110441 U ti -F. 1 i!Pl7l ' • ,:'"; 1 1. :,'t 7 : 1,1 41fnvitlir:441tiltrin: ac P qie'' 44" " il og g i eye that liiabst hi thihrth_ ni wiiii - hi - ;airrient.' •43ut.i.stfretrymri don't i ineiMetulr!suth thiagr,said ;Do_. LAT : trying to pnii. UM frscom.W , AuPtV,ll! tc l 9! bid; ..4 1 .4thin4:1110 BO here."l - .. • ,_. • "We muStn't 'daily: . ___ _iiitit,!_' isf4 ii4iiivi. / . ger', bolding! theiroanwvgfitai: filter' 4 aeo Lawiri/earnest hy,thei l / 4 14-iirsiaring!,ai pistol 'PA% 11 , 1 kg PockeVlaff_niOting it tnwimi,s4fer. • , h ment. mad Deblion my, -hisse thnitieneYofiyon iiiii.hit.M6 'Ott" -•-• 41 ' -'• t l • l 4Themorieir is alitlyrarit,"' said Mb:: mere. ger.teboP thorn liioAlit .n 4 lik ur aDdlitrPgi! s a ltitrb n ylerett u rgit t ,A e l r iitote t tniW to hand it - to the sttihigni; butlibr nand tru,iti- - bkifao that itlimpped front nerlingers . pia !Wpm Wrce..ched hh!..aad 0 , that snoment.a go* of Find wgo-4 -l& gently totrards - the biaek. 1703'4'17114er Ina. pert troth_ _ t hia 'Voile afar Mir btek **if or three rialitio' 'roe- Over it Debby wienatin•hr gone in her frikbti, but thel•fliulliad3her .wifeittelft 'Ur • • anCeeiti the inin ef the stranser'e,fMcde,!;sho- an! de *l6 tO,lotti hbrsei it!nnee and . ,n7as o , i n , h • e i n i t ei . • .•:, -; ;J , :,..:- .., .-., - ..,..: ~.• , , i.._ :I• inancalkd td a bud:threatening toile, anti at oitos OW4 PLE49I ,Upqn' heel:, butte* she.cll(l not 4, 1 the cold lead, she , ; ( 114 uotetop,* of Were alareitll 1 k .The tee% inithidereT the T jottraivi wittetsote passed' ortwil and asiihskaime;ottt Ithelaiettlesuenti I'thlfPed,tbe4wzic_if heF: 33 4o l boXe• IYAFP AlteltejurCutat lofted Vont ..... initOw a antr 110)1;1'1'i:16d greitt' 'trait ; the' wotidertheht stAttink bobby ridtag;homeirko best/ e,id lea.:l dbigausit— slue,/ atieuge .htwaik. Met rather,' Nigb,4447. 11 e; PmnePYere,,44, , :met be s fromAhe house, cid - 41114 witk shuieut " "Whit" %in; Ektbft *hese' horse is that t" : :)11 t "Debby, what has thee been demo," Mrs Wihisrovho was butat few stepabehtnd her husbaiVllTAgeatulthatEß4what Is the matter . . . soiin hOit6e - tact - lie *tor '") Mr: Witi .Ay ft 'an Mt have rve seen _ _ many a• T... • -_ dent think ICwouki bee difilcuit, matter genii Dial for two,hundred dollars , , At any; rite, „Ill' take the liaise retitle handred ;dollars, and yea Mai , ' have the saddle for the triatty-dol tars you were tothavaref it" : 7:. ,„.•,• .:. ! • - ' , And the saddle bags, to" i,suppowsrlaid , Debby m feelin (Us ' " • ' Jo 49itt. to 14_, : e •ittksil, "Yea, and theea , 7 ibtigal add air. Wlldert "1143, stop; we'll aboviehat'sig theta first; "tic continued, untking•thern - tram the saddle. "Oh, there's lots of sitirai Agog:kings, hand kerchiefs, mid mphal, attes t Mo. , Yee, Debby, the saddle lags are your'; Iber i a things ague intro'f good hmo'fbr jettepli, yob know.' Debby Atakora& but said nothing. • ~. '1 ~,. 'Nfittr.iWillotto-?,104 lin, Wader, "thee 1a ." full,ef ;by fan,".. No MR about it, i i sald*Willaim replacing , the &delis hi thei leather big- "Here, Debby take 'an, andtake cerebrate. . t : , f .- ~. I Debliy wok thasaddle bogs to. her cham 7 • her, not a little gratified at the valuable ' ar • tides of clathing that it contained, Sheguipt t fed the contents on the bed: and 'On - examin ing-to see. if everythingivisextut...tho tliscov er‘d an inside pocket in one of the bags. f 13he opened it, and drew . therefrom_, on elegatit pocket-book, Mal found it coateled a quanti ty of bills. - .She iounted them trend her heart beat qdicker and quicker, fur botoroishe-71,t through she had ow th°}MWil !We littlidroil dollars in good bank ini?pey . ~ , . , pebby kept Iter 'mat 00.1ttel. " 'lrt • a" few tlayi it, WaSintilOrt d that Joseph 'Nelson: had - puithilied an excellent farm( in theiteighbor hot:A: that Aod J ll4 4e 31 °ff c P ; r efi : some : 'W :II M .. . 1 . 4 1 . since4l,, one thonsad dollars, andivad . pct. sidoted.a great bdgthi. 1 "Joseph,"taidar Wilder, the neat . litho' theymet. "Lam , : astonished . Abet! yotr lave been,debtlern farm, , in lab tutus, as these. I thittli.Yo ought to have '*inked three 'dr fbut yeir . s and got 'something-Were haAbefere-ritninng indebt so moth.'' '•; .„ 2 ;"Butl•hataito been ,running iu debt," said Jo% -i. 1 1•11 bought • ..• 'i j faun.. ''' ' ; stuen t you Sanderson a ? ' I "Yet 1 have,"' said•itisePh. , ='•. - t. , 7 . ' : ~",Alonathotuttuid dollarsrl said. Wilder,. , -: 1 -0( 13 4 7 attldJorpb-7"but.rvo i Pall, .for it down.. I'doli't run id 'debt for any: thing.'t ' ' Mr.lVildttiFwai'toti , 'Mita. , astonished to a:Lk:any:further quiktlaus; 7 ' .- . ' . , 1. , i . • „. JOseph Nekton made an excellent fanner NO l a,respietalt e lltatl t t he , ' r il ea r k i dustrious, and gdt*pidly ftehand; d .- Wilder itht Woad: °nit) stinthilltirr.*- / ra , -yr' f -, f' l, . • 'Lt nrits•somateriyears atter this; , 'Whent Mr. Wilder,wasaitt,lW .elte,t4tYirrittiug.hts,third , grandson cu? ILA anee.that he, smd --.1 'Debby, 1 alionld'hke3titiciallow Joseph "ciiiitriVed to 'Odra:tie Malibu lathe !ball , 'bu'' were mar d e or ii. a. ; ..,: p ,: r :,.... ul.. ::: • 7 - , 1144 1 0 1 . *MPS. UP Ai i 0 (1 '000°4 61*. light" OW titig Riddle 4 1 11/0 4 49P944 2 141.C M 1PqM i e 1 t WOOlO ll .O :'POCke I / 4 ' PkYYc l 1 7. hg 4 0 3 3 0 neir Clipd PPM therefA l iejti 1.- i ; , fl , / I: in. , -n it •l - sa , • lii t ijaiiii l ktalialtiLtilliitiO !' fir rin T i ligent and tbriay, „ Yairellut for tho , it oqt-9p-11,10a Imo b lip -Tbet 1 - • IWrattr4l „'• i . . - / 9 :4, el tk49, 1 4 1 , 1 00 • !' s:t t l a qi,t likaiattkriV ; !k •,, 1,i1 1 ,, hi in it 1,r e5 5id,.,.h10.00...3.,404....pit? I „....49. u,rtileo9. e' ' 0 2 6 1iiite. ittqio,o - `O, ' uketar" .-'. . indAQii 00; Onv*i'au -gb '?' ' l4 ! **er 6 00 1 04 4 tVii 4, A . ,'14: 1 1 1 ; : a , „fighTAY. i itikit* ilq ' .‘ .. ....• . 'N 4, i ;Ic:' -.0•40.# 0 0.0.0.. ~1,., txtvi . 4 .: osuoimowea ItiTz..... I . .130.3h.1* - - . , • „ . 1: '-- . . ~qrS, *Ow i i i b . hii.dt e l ' , i , ..*- . ; . 'i , for to. nig en , . , ,1. i •, . ' , , , ', iiiktio 4U019_, am tlitaddrirVat : . - - 'n g ' . ' P. ' 1. .. _ ~ ir llt7 =BE r-)11.t. t Pt i:cke3.l! .!11; •• ;:;;; soTar Ot /ty°lo9-71dif%7M, •./ /71 i '7l ' Thetilltaidliceri ' !rid: "o ti sffedi r tig"titiikei Which we takskfroiii Oliver Dyer's t reciiit if4olv*Oilii - P - 9F - X.74014.1ieW ; 11)A 3 !: 0 0 4POPOP.I t if+ , q urgfelKl .41/0144een 4 8 v4rt T4 O .1.rfar,:4414a, 49r i.fxec.i Plielreknsm )49Y1• tog OA 'v. X* 44=. 1 0. 3 " 4441 i w#lrgayiand hat fac4wl4-ftirrPw.l 0 4,'Ivri* , 10 1 Nes .1411 her ent ajtye Aright and her xolco musical. AlhAlivain Fish -: ll 9. lo ..4er,fultia ItiaNda- AP= iscrac cidentally-4.perhapt Ishould say , quoviden4 614 1 I was, local ng ' one . o,f 4 , t,t #6 1 4- Aii i tiKolw - :; 4141410ho ,hasmitig4.4B,li ilia 16 ix*, amealliayaisdardW voiamiyif•Wtui day how !e. :!1' te' ter ;0 1 04 1 4 ' 04 4 i'rL*"(iki.. I likkeiloa4i. io6 sak.t me nuirator—qiiintl:•Rachel;:aa ; dey eue:"l I struck a„niatch and held it toward the'Voice; and there iditnly saw Atitit Rechel; lying'on abed inthe nedr eh One - Cornet. 'lithall nev. or linget . tlitit-Vhdink et Aterthly 'Wont and ant feting, of saintly" trust and iodination lilies .Isiirable,' Mitered • bedt;Abet' 'pinched' and wintkitid linnet tbSentottilsitliimialiqc • Vstotitildn't iletsin you' tia litatifthe whiter stititlit.nrltillleir It to itsn "And c' Melia . had no , shiftier, rui , rdinnerinci breakiatat 'VIA 'der It: was ii - bitttk‘ erenitigoin''rebriiiirf. She hid ' riti Mel; int fire,' no light. ' Shy bid 'tun: lug -but themitalisin and , faith In 43d. 'lt was not lens - however. batons n• fire 'was was burning in her rickety old stove, end lights and food had -been brought from the ifowardtllisision, nutter away. A physician had bounaeut, for , iiird *ibidY from %bailie , atop had made Aunt Radhel a cup of . teat and a plate 'cif tbielt, and was' niiiiistering tattle pckli.olirlielpleix Child 7 of , the , Baylor it`ith that' sweet chrLdian sympathy' and benignant winsomeness , , which only God:it ' elect seem td - have the • gill of shoiving: F'romilhat Limn my slBllll'lo Aunt Beebe' were. not Mt fruent. Sho was removed to mote conifOr.' Auartete;:iti James street. I _laved the 4tliteold itaiiiti fnArt the start. - I don't know whither my; visits ever did her any gtio4,' Wt.; theydid mtt e great deal of good. •,': .' &'":' ..Aunt- R achel was fond °finning shunt bet .plantatlon ilfe,Tend'scr I learned her sherd? by helm , •Stie had' liktsl in Virginia*--sho.could I not tell exactly where ; 'nit it must have been titizo L within fitti-113 oLliventy miles of Suffolk,' be- Calltie . when Geffral Peck Waa l in command. of our' Wives' down there, 14,11063, she had walked' from her rimster'd .'plaidatiOn to the U. liner: in 'mss afteknoon. 'l3ho"tiever would telk b3r master's gam She scented ' to have come queer' notionthat, It she did, sonuilerriblecatainitywould comp upon her. Sher tised'lntay : “Olit truirster ' Was berry I good, undlow Wei olo! mistress, butdoltiting liiill WaliWolikeadebil&-: She said: -Hy GM , ily,w,ti ar i us . ant,,by olemarater, ~•,'esuse tlivy were kind ' et, :fleet , b y. tics ,ot blood, Alter "`i....:rotenirib,ll4o , . . . Inlitszet Wack:l , dunno which, and 'taint node o' my bilsinetts;-•do .lords own' will be done. but th& time ohne, she said. When ole moister ' , tumid not help then' any mo - A, /lorry 0(43. toto's rs come to. a m ur house , °noddy, , who'd done gone and_ run away from hls parient'a house, ''castilds fader, wan '.toliuirry a tineTedcil gal 'an on t h e coat, dot.; owned iipcnrer ornlggere (six 4 hUOrtdlOf a& ' WSW said-) du young man. sopa' as. how- WV !potter, marry* gal• arid two legs and no,tlWers atall—dat, wilitch I at .taY Irak 'Dbt nervy, as 'she ' aged to•asy,:got ithipudlig wid•my hot' dalalilab him plum andmy boy hell m g high wilts!, be talked back.. At, last the' nervy slaPit JIM; et Which Jim,es' knoak.s the • nervy' clean dawn de Miley chile you out had haidee what :awful , time &kande.. „De- At bite. 'folks can: knock the block folkse's. brides 'out, and nobody's soul; lint When d black man touches a *lute man, , 'pears as how do worl's conthe to ' end. The people was gwine to burn Ina alive ; to save his life; (de mender sold hint to a tta der to go to de gulf, tie wldeirbe,d sooner aled,dan•gone down der., , .1 got :down op my. knees ~ and begged ole muster not to semi nopliiy'to dat awful place ; ' hut Was no use honey.- ' ' • And so, de night bolero Jim was 'Sookened away, he broke loom .and ,run'd away. An' dey - hunted him wit de beans, awl com'd, up *td With de woods; and dere 'he tent'in till Ice wets shot down deed by ole ma rider's navvy, us he'd a knocked down,de stops. An' dey left his body a lyin' in de woods tor de beast* te flavour., !An' when I legged, ale morster to' let 'no - go and gut thy boy's dead , corpse, he said': I• *lt yin don't hook Up, I 'will send! yon and:your either moat° the Gulf.", Au' I 'did htit i tarledout in noy,hetut, 42, mySavior,,pius dose tinge ber , My adder sou,' 'de' which his name wait Reu: ben, was den Jos' about nineteen yenta old.' 'Alf:bream° down tos inf Alt Cs night, an' add: '3ludde,r, , rse , print, to ; run away.;,,l shall kill siimebaly ICI Staihere.' An` I Said to Mei, 'Go ? in' he;Went; :ale I Itiyilian wit my We in do grass, iteplay: eitalliiigtit dal my. boy aught get beyond .do lee& of, do bl9poi-houna afore he . amnia' ' An' ho'dkl, br'essde Lord forlus good: notaliedid I Di de Moral& When dey miss ed him, do nervy and detest- oh, de ytaing folks wee. wild to :go.fctr,him.'. An'nle Mare skr portended,. to be., awful Judd, Dati would half do homed sbeitd,afore he'd' shirt. Aik se 'Reuben gut such a good start as Oat dey' never cotched him.; by which I knowed as bdw my prayers.was answered.. •i•-•.. • !pears to me as 'twas 'bout a year Tarter/ dat a time &it the wa r broke out.:Oli !,, you, can't' itnagine what a time - dat was. 'it 'peered as if do Day ob Image/eat was a 'bola.' 'Wright , a top ob us.. 'Do chariot, &chariot/ ih k wheeb) rolled' in tire.' Ole marster'a boom was burntle tho grouu'; du ddfclks all raw nod away .to Richmond, - an' us Aarkies was ninning•round wild like. • An' so I went over to the - can:4i at Suffolk,. to, see if I could getup' 41k way, as I hoped if I could I sid,ght tiud my, !toy, .de *Midi Itald you kw name was Reu t , -bon:' • Fre • been • hero• most four ' 'Yea ts 'how, and Vve nobbor beard a word of Reuben,' de cold *ti de Nein bus gin me delta:Matti an I Mint ben able to work auteh..tkap kO'inotatasi it el it' hadn't ben fOr do &Milos ob OW; I -should a starrette death' 'mats is old dinitßaebers story. • •Like minit iothor race, skein's VIA 141151 Cal talent/. Shit ; N yasa fine singer ofcamponeeting hympaand Islantation fampf.':_tibe cotild,soar lab the tetionti ntwooltwe w bird: find she Mnig. with:lm .tri that win , straight to' tballeart. Her Avooto issogyes aho, need to Illa,PiarAbau any other song or nytellttliti t'ever beam.' In my opltilim it ,is' the finest specimen of plantation sacred edirtblia , intro rippled , tore, liable ; I 1 91intadriai* latartrAnitlia, law Agar Acateddown the niclody ,and g,ot my mend rettpihiNtki tlietetVg in feu; Otte; 46' MINU ;;_ MEM Winn* ipierapii hi; 406:10111rx pippr i 4, ; 1 ITc4,coullillivg it rsieleloig,,,*hipopq tcoefd liklilifteir'llm: Isarfs. TI 614414 follows!: ..i` , . • " '''; .- '" ` ~ • ' rf;:, , Itotteditintrorr ke tiekAgi 'ratio, ''' '.." ' V.: l .. , j : 7A }LWOW) i kr$11:01.11 but aksitst -. • • ,11 4 144.: bbo , ly i i vAr i tt i 4t : ' i .' 11 =c r ttrbel lu rrin i ro l. " 1"1 .. l i . 4 ' " , c , - s3lo ,3l 34uPtiztamillpst moss% 1 s,r 4 lila , sla ir al,l4 l! i • s 1 .., • , k I ,' 4 it. . 1 ~,,, , 2 i. • O t t i 7 4 I me d ?t. , Z , 1 , :1111. 'I i MAr i lli r . .•• 1 tfieliti , ,j 1 • 1 10( 3 . • . i allow , r linahtimat law tilisiej , r•ri al Houtettates I taliiklit,llolll_ ~ ~ tlomotitoso 3 aqsalmilFtleillolltitilVi t - ' r i'J e!s ) ; SE•7 61 . 1111 4 11 : t s r - 7 -- ;, . 4 ... • ,4 ) ; : ti cli j.ts . ~ ) I," ; 2tokodyikttimiTbell 1 '7) 11 . • , i.' t totqu't „ , .; ,: 2 '.1 5 1 47 , M 11 6% • 1M1*1 1 0: : T , . .. 1 , 1 ,1 t..: i ~ '', ,1= 1 91101113 1 11 1 031 . 11 1 031, 6 „ kliim, i ~,',l'vt , , 1 , , -. - ‘. . . . : ::1 - X 4. A IV, y na tigini i... tallei, ~:i :,r: li, , i ~ .fis 4. nebes/Zw're1. 14 4.1 .. 4.:i it ..,,., Ur-!,'” " :f 1 .. ror s r i t i fteig:=l ''' ;t '' ..l '4il' F' `.. i IPS wboftwesnibils . Ll':' , 4 ;,•'' sts x 7 rsosopft sod! told* ~il7; 1 - "Mint iiihiftilidtaidY , il iiit;P : i t t ln t,t10 , 133 1 ?CM 4: 1 3 . titn ' 3 1 0 7 1 4 " I ' I O: PP ' thogett , 1, *AURA toipear- mit My ram fooling/In sloli.s,ketbenly.howi -10 1 isd irwls4 niy , mtilchiar.obenidnistr, awl WWI d fritsip 111,.04 , saliosi.cob bliwksuf &Int", 1 1 r 1en . ••..) 6iii . :torvo i ria ,, tog . 1 : 14 , : ,111/1, ,• . • A' atithini mitirhitorilitl44 , ,lu Bart• Apitixtiri Brooktvo nib 1 111 -vuo angpc highlilb, nor. , knnumlo ran* but elite.' to,7, l l,4 l 9 ll ll l liel'elting rent& Y 1104? ago Atm?* ° Tr y :Marriot radvod bola Batten to* o t Chtirehlrerb o bands& no trt lneilk and 'xi his, business at ithr.ottlos wasi better 'alb - for his , txterricdtit !Ref , linbitym andAtoguy five yearn sig_o stPutied flans= WNW a divorce.' .They'gradnally, lost of taah„ other, and, ' daring the putt pub; eskiviitilhetki 'Murk:4l,4,nd each to, a: perm - who Sid' been divOrced,, Vte. l .".l3Mihnslawhi *era th raw together, without knowing $ 4 4) `relations to each other,intititrir WWI ago, the one who ;had - rrtttrl'f6l - Abe - dtvdre z r: man invited the other le' dinner.: tho embalmment what the hairtryiWaß totroduerd,l44 , vats. Ads iteratya•well bred 'to have, a itopAktt4 Lieu I tke dinner Passed of' sonteithas „ witlfrio ulna! tinnlisitaidataik • T i bo recipient at the dining °mini Plitt/ pith° other to go home with him soon aftiie! and'partake of a family diluter" littia,think.o In'g ns it hap , .-pened, that he was to WILMA* compliment in every Particular . - It tarnedcitti tbat each had married , the Spouse of** ether' and tt was more satisfsztory tattoos to kayo: that pteli was entirely..plaised =gained, so nithli for: Ptli nun:tunny. Mir iattlgote¢, of, o daro say I hero. are many' oittipii.or • Many a pair.of ample* that mold be.gnsair. benefited' .11y such a change. • • . 1 •,. A WEDDING New. Maven ordered *wadding .. Which wasa white satin vest. Oa* . evening, as the man Rqa ," 1.. • door, thegentls . • • . 4 .„.„1":"": vgetLind,lllloo46 • ' he bad pot .therefailhipsWois7:, eymoon bad long passed when* brahltstplit had Ott:Sidon ,to don 1%44'. forape.pir„ . l4a t brutal vest—•isid4ntartgldif Apgar 111 M S. * pocket,. pulled dutinerbist grtfit' Itoricrt Mend bank toots , which4n , • niostlis beforo., gladdened the lisart:of..llllo2 worthy curate . , ' Great was th e of the parties! What' &add' htt=Vt r i t the parson on &bat lacendon f' $d seti6rtiitn: .od the•next day. that, heladg3llo.llkkaTiftrito of two Gill:red inches dirkiok the;tenor had le ft ht,the,pockst:af treet—Ay-, • &nations, sad a hatuV• folksrad. • .4, t: A To Coos A. p e t—Tile :1011owinc Anne IproJourod of ,ought to be known by; errybodw TO ollow tiler would, ea:tiii Opt-, antis of annw4ll;. _ "" _ Tbainoment murk littlined 111/ 1141 Ir taken cold, let:l44r.threttblap: irhiv cat nothing; second go to bed,,,coTer up in ,sr_ warm mom ; aeMACti Pda v rig'gri as ho can, or as ho wants, or ad tancntarb to as as he can ; and hr three eases out of Kong., wit: be well in thirty hatim:lb ; mita it CM for, forty-eight „haute anti ',the • cough 'olio"! mences is to plow .Ikuuself, boyand tcuro WWI the cough haii rep itl'esinne of about, night. Warmth insfabstineneW ire wire Ind cattalo cures when applied •iiikly;P : ' tb4 keeps the pores which skinopporpedltelietea• it - ot the surpho which opproped tt i erbgesb.-, atineneo ents eff' the supply' of 'Materiel for phlegm, which Wimbi othte‘tbibti WWI; ed op. " , A. MAD Yi r ainraToowozgo.:—Oog 914 a*: perieneed weather prognmitinatom predict, it, hard winter: this blvd made themselves apparent. •Foranteratireelte past the sad and dmal "chirps" of birth Wh to the air, mad be dlatinctit /Ward on, sr, night& The feathered :tribe• are now passing. son:hind in:largetodut: •DdiintiktOtat some ceaselllght, while othenthitilyehloot! incessantly are pot : to be Ohm* by the naked eye . . locks . of wild.goesthau t elan been flying 'sontli-ward, ottliterat ; thin•is usual. Tharikottld Wm' to Probabil pra bard winter, sod . , o were told es 'etc:stet fir‘i" sbnon . which we do not: rentember tenon* se= print, , and which we Tthhdtle.lldr. • Dose* , 8., of Ohio, a very pim•msn, wom noted Lust bit long.prayersainixtelallyln his dunily: One ItorOy ..14as . the Deacon and: Wife were alCetto and is *rolls usual 'custom 'O4,; tiptiYer was offered: 'Then twing. an . amount of , work - that. dam o'6 ulti;Wit pray er was Blatt I,He Wand DM holV lkotil stetted fqr berm k wif e b e fog derictliVnat notice .. 10 0,, s ea*, but supported btaitb be Stilt enaked 'ln prayer: ( reit= from mUkinthe inte sure riaokto fled hekniilL Melding. ppeel ap toher and idanted illuteu". when she Immedlittly anise atid 'tont, Idiot* bet, Wont, sertiough , :tiothbir Wed' happened.' ' the' better clerasOf:Ditiocrats coming' ditigustaid' with' 11(inlinst Maim: Tito:Boston hatituyi a , ffllt ,, hohateob6W hatweere the sk Fore n a pler cw Illa tabnt er O FM i oroi perig se, beefaaryl o 'S, tempted' taloatj:the aleb etla itt butt ,: of:Malmsey or any newt wive, titewt4' , pos ituput will priisn,s bituref!' : r!i. J,Wur do men la Gran suffer , their :pate* t 4 1 1 19 .14 0 44 .1a On* caPkind sle beciknie tethO r : , 6 4 116 ,, m f!* ,11. dram kind?' • " - • ' . • .• . Sam a member atonal:l4(ra to Apothet:g., can give five dollars - 6i Wadded mad matt* 11."--eThen," mid bbl +lo l3l Pankm• Voila and ritca r .7 ;1:1:f • Clinuadtia* 'doesn't dopOnd loft' di ' • otbsi food idtksharpost, food and ts thitdOlest Q sl f antes of, En MEM