The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 28, 1868, Image 4
II II .-.:di C<n4.vLixAbr `^s✓._~-.~i v~-x 7•'.:.*r,a~s•-.y~.i. ,61 1. ' '•' '' •.• i• ' . :' •F • . .. e it ta, 1 Alit... a ... elliblol "). WtiitiS. s iltektillit . r44lMankrit i rT ' ere Asiembly'of the Cm tin ter• _ a n-, reliant'. entitled' , "An,Aelifelathig troths election OF the Continontetelltt:",.pessed*l Csaveteleils. A., , 1839, It I. made the - duty of the g, iviiitobri-1 ty within this CconmenwealliLlo a rektlikeptlee Oil the General Blietio*, *4 11$ pa tuf t,o' l itttnmers at,: • •..„, •.-, . - . .1. „The °Mere to he elected: . . 2. ••;Titiolgnitte the place at Which theelettltm lA' to be _ L ... • . ~- ": -T. .10TilIf S. Lrrt,ClT.';.' • mike • ' Illahlillerlif of, the tonntv of. Beaver, di; hereby known, end. 'rive tide pubiltrittitice to the Elettlon.O the county , ' et Ileaver,,thet:u•,„ , (EN TIIE ISTTVESDAT OF NOVEMBEIt NUT, ((being i ,, iging Cm third day or ~, the Monthl * agnern l' lertion'ivill be held at the eeverat districts ,electlon.. . . , i ... an follow. :•r 1 ,; .. . ~ The electors &Borough township. will meet at :Ste Conmilouse -In' thelterough of Brayer- .___ meet ~ • The electors. of Bridgewater boroa g h will tet .. . ... t. the Town Gall In ftrldeowslim• i tri ' - wt° , o • co r, o t rti o The electors of Phllliptibunt d o so i public brick schoothousein sold Immogr_, by John 1). t hud • township will 111 a, a. 1 Illn.dcernni ofMona• lab iletidrick aon` house. formerly ne enpie d by . A mar .. Elliott, t • • " The elroorrof Hopewell township will meet'at 'the -school house I n t h e -.thine ot. Scottsville, in said tettenshin. . " . . 1 The electors' Of Independence..thwnsl dp _will meet st,the house of Alexander Thompson, dec'd., In : said !nevoid . i,. . . , The ;of Gum* township relit meet at the Ewing, in said .Ipwnshitt.. , . - bo bott Tit Tis 1 f ro gran nnea kt i rt n F el r le a t u r k it ro v r lvill , mee . lttt th . e_• , of Tit'Otiire district Will meet . t. the' hansom ohs Potter. iu the ...Binge of Itaeover, , 11in etcetera of Greene township will - meet at the !tense of EISA Nfiontatter, in Hootratowd. 1 The electorsot 01,10 township will meet at th e muse now °dented by Jenoson Elliott. In auld'iownship. The electors of Priflldon • township, (net embraced ' in Indostredlotries will meet Witte school heRSO, near Sicheysitakin's, in said townohlp. • --• .' . The electors of the' borough of Falleton will recce, at the Academy in Fallston. • Ths electors of Patterson townollip will, meetat the , school hook tn the vinare of Brighton. • - '• • -. •_; The electors of Chlpewa.township will mee tat the bongo of Axed* Inman. In ealdlownship, . - ~,,.. The electors of south Beaver townehip. will,rieetat th_o tense of John ilowc. In said township. • .•- • .il The elector; of Darlington , township will meet rifthe ilCl4l4lly, 10.ParllitafOR. .. ~ . • . , Ilse elector. of Big Dearer tem !shin'wlll meet al M; hoof widow Miller. In reld-towoship. ~• -7; s•Wi electors of Franklin townsittp.mfil :ineetat the, home of Mark R. Clark. In Sniff township. , .., ~...,1? The elector! , of North Sewickler.townshin will Meet, at the house of Nathan Hazen, on land formerly. oil IPA. Chew.. ' . .. 4 .. _,The electors of, ,Pulaski township will meet Mi leangberty's School hone's. Go. 4. In mid toimmbip, ii.l The electors of Marlon' township will' eat nt . the house of George Ifartzell,k, la said.townehlP. ~..-• • The clectorp-of the poplar-or -hOrllt ward in the hil . ? roughogfr alehielt.telp •Matt-st..the ,Carpenter, ih oo o r , Auter..m. a ilithorough. , L,,, __on_ ' The iiieeletLeftilddle.wastlO thetbokitigkdirff . ltrightoryomill meet at.4.lselteitool• /forum, in :said . war& • . ; ' • . • ot •.t 7110,fatior0 ' it ipier 'or south of the' borough' ef Newilllnghton, hill meat at de Cow victory, In.sald, The eieetoro of Ilocheater township will meet a • .Boleetille.schpol reeve. In said township, The'elbetore tit fbeborongh of Rochester will M the wheel buns. le•Rochewtor. , , •_. • , - ' • The electors of Nreedtmt borimith • an d district will meet at the school howm In Fronton'. ; The electors of New . Sewickley' township will meet at the home of John Fusel. in said township. ' The electors of industry, district will. meet at the ichnol hone In Industry. The Metter) cit,Tiannonttenntehlp will meet at the hotell In Biennial ..• -' •• ''• , . . . . . The elector ', or Bennomi Mwinship trill meet at the house of Gat C.ittinlit, In said township. , . The electors of the homage. of Beaver will meet at the Sheriff'', Office. In said borough. The electors of St.. Clair borough' will meet at the Scheel Home, in said borough. , The electors of the boreorth of Stiles at the public sewed house, le mid borough. ' • The electors of New Galilee borough will meet at the school Mum in New Galilee, - • At which tints and niece the i qualified elector, a. . albresald will elect by ballot.- • ;;Twenty,stx ,persona as electors of President of the Untied States, ' • r • . • Twentv . slx plosions ea eleetors of Vice•PreSident of the. United States. " , • .'• • : . Sotleo Is Illeieb* Given, • I make knotrodnd 4lre trincr.•RP In and by the 13th section of the aforesaid net I am tilrectml. "that .every par,ina,itaaaptlibt , jaatiees',:of the ..peace. whim ibail hokl soy ales or wptiointrdett t of profit or treat under' the GoverriMent of the. United Status, or ofthis State, - or ally thy ele ineonsbrated,Alstrlct.. whether •A 'eons , . ,Inisttlmwet Miter nentherwles, t. anbordinatel eater; or,arent, who is or shall be employed under the Meta.: lathst. Potbelly ortikeentiee'dopartment of this State' , or Clotted States, or ofany , Mt y or incorporated die: , film *km that every member of Coogress and the Stele lattwo, awl of the seleit and common coon. ell Of it Ity, eoMMlssiottera °fatty Incorporated dis trict, la by Jaw incapable of holding or exercistno at. GM mime Throe the case or appointment of jridge,; in-. epeethr or plerk of aw election of tido Commbtrorealth an that nd inspect.o or fudge or other offlow at any path oloatiais4 Amin berellsll,ll4 teary Omer: fnun•iftrbe votet t for. , .•. • . -• , ~ Ale • thet In tho'fon nit section of the-act of Aeatint." bit titled "An xcereint biz to exec iitlone; • and for othsr purposes." approved April 10.1810. It la enacted that the aforeepid Isth section •._•tball not be so con. street t put to pr6vent tinv"rilllttla ,ulcer or bomngh officer 01 sealing ne,jodire.lospe ir or pee tor epethilelettlon In MIS Ceminonwrahli. . to, that In thodjsrau.efialii 0111 la enacted th t "eretykaheraqu a ecial election !bathe open ( toieen Ih - iThiire e efitilolTairltiiiiiani, ' sod shall comity:mi. eittifingabotetrtAttlon 'tor adjourn Ilklnt Illktr 4 1144 1 ni O'clock 111. ilia, cvening,l. who a ,t i le piing atiel be Y. alt -„,•• , • . '4 , . Tue geperalopecial, p in;, ineorpowded.districtaunt tewnehtp.electloos shell be conducted br, iliwctoris anmulige,:clemo AR Mom:MK and by clerks eppolnt dins herelnafter proVided. , "No person shall be permitted to 'Tote at 'any . elec- Ho Aforeld but a nhtle, cfP4lllloll..of the Imo rf ChM ens sot more: whershall have ..repldedAn ts S lesstOnetiyar. mid , in ; the'. eloellon i tits trict,vybessUe. Orem to ogle at !Mist test Alta 'impiedl. atply.te=dirig inch erixdon....anernithin tko.years mad a State:or county tax..whlCh IMPS bete • been:as. peeped' at tereitt rat tiny , hefortithe 'eteethint.litti• recltl• suM of the Vetted S tidos Arn o . hay' previonsiv,todert';it rlitailtled Voter pftbliftfals.' Mid! rectinvoir %Croft/rid bud Matted: and, who'reeld.ek In the Mee tithrillstriet and•prilktitark, as eforetelem, ail he mitt 'tied to vote after rciddleg In title ' Mute 'Or Months Provided. That white frettneli citizens of the Milted Meteor; between the ages of twenty-ene end twenty wo k -am:l hating meadow, .InOlop eled4ll,, district, Um days marciMenhVeltalf la' petaled to,voie, although - they_ N shell.not have peld.bixds.i,l, ~ •.• , , o 1m..: "o pitmen shall lie permitted to rote whose mo is not contatned In ,theilostof tunable Inhabitants, fur wished by the Commissioners. unless first-J. he pro duces a recelptfor the paymentnithin tern years of n dhtte of Moody lax. almeeite(Perreitahly to tido conk!• tutlon, and give satisfactory erldence, either on his Mill oath or aMnigitiou , onth or affirmation ‘of another, that ho has paid stich.a tag, or on failure to produce a receipt .shall make oath of. themayme ltheferifefer,e4Onti• If he tie I ifai ft; vied kr; t , clit,l adeetorliehteerstho Igte of t}• *pone ' add. liven two yells. he HIM tcletobsepe path; or affirm:Bine $ , he Las molded In the State at leaot one year before lila application, and make such pSoof of Ids reAdence In the dtstrletesreeplesd;bY We net,nndlltrit he does verily hettetti hem the sezonilbeguritil hint that he is of the age alterandtt• end give Such other evidence "sin • reettleed by.thls act; plietentain the natio Of the per, • sun so atlinltted to vote shalthe loserted,in the alpha hellcat list the biapectota,7rinii a ntrr Made o ntosite thereto by writing the word .lax."! If he shall he admitted torote by roalom of harm; paid tax, or the ;, word :lee:. If beisheil Mr adiaittedi tiNvote by • maim 'at ouch true: emtehall be'etileti ent'to`t he clerks:Who shall make thtt tikezelifteelpi tbAllet edyotets kept by them. - 1 ..."In all cases where the name ef the person claiming " Oen to not found or, the Ilstfarehthed.bkdbit cote mP l loners andeesessom. or hts right to vi to whether found thereon or Doti,' objected tot by ally qualified attleen, It shall be the duty of the Menectors to CRAM ine ands person de titth•as to hlsrquaillieethinit, Wed t the claimorto have resided within the State for on 7011 4 011:10T% his oath. shall not be - ettftielent ' ' • thereof, bathe shell make proof thereof on con e e i ntlritnese..who shall be a quails - • elector , LI ltestosielemaztlhin %e illattict, for mnra.lhan t , seueineesoulig Pala etemammaad,abalt. also hicaselfswear net his hona fide residence In mum. ',.aalcstall Itibitawildellillind itiovithin tthe: Maim et. AIM ' • that Rie did not remove Into said district for the per.; pose 41** the_retaz It . Id. tt ' - .-Evert peniarr gulped se a rose 111 who alien, liaLbigao..izialurxrert,, • he to weship, ward or district In which he sail re-'' side. • :r. :t'l':l 1•. , . ..,1 .. ~ 1 0 . : ~I; , l 1 ' • "Gaily min . , ofl ot trevent or etLerpt to prevent any rdEndeipitis Arm* /midst)! eeehlrteV l Pl .Ifireetetr allY foleitte to an such °Glee 7 or shall midi i ts tApzorrili c iitt* iI7M . - "ai ;Co r lik el i kethibe same a& Ce•;111}111i. Tlololllll 7 lFilattirb the', at Um, or shall nee or practice any in ! I ti tt l JWlMeleili. stlfft liesigitle) EM...1 or overawe - any elector or ti i i i rirevent I=llll.= IMemsteihsebe•freedoes, Ril.oleol a e metlittimeill he 'Ailed' In • Ire arm not exceeding lye hundred dollars and imprtsenthenl for any time not lea than nne month nor mire MAO Trees 'monitor, And if It .ball be shown the court I=i t ttragnil' n t :Ve h res 3ll l(t b e e nt il Vtr (1: 1 3 1 ward, district pr the township where the said offence was conenitwo and not entitled to vote therein, then , on conqction ha shall be sooten s Wq. pow. a fine of . aititablm,addiblle bnidieitfte Ms ono threw, and :non then t dollars and be I inyea rs prtsoned not leas than six months • nowo "r It shall be thwesty 'ell /the 'several ateemore, re, epeettes y, to attendee the plat* of holdlog every gen. A jlicee-SPilfsettl.P,sPeellondosincth...7o,ll, ..' le ept sper.-wirthe parse* offigtelli rifler mitten the inspectors antl judges, when lod b ; tyttm to the ilitht,of tatlnteixtrat ; 'ln At,ifol let iti ' to theramserneeff.oiketeri ''' ' •••' .et MUST' et • tbinn,ndiall - -' . •t. O ihdtifi t 'quiet • , • --I • ,?. pi i If an y Person or versions Shell make any hot or Vivi gerepbothemonit oriel skittiott within:4MS Vona. 'lmestilleattb (Mehl leder telnikelenv suchteet offend gerieftherhriser lyeoellamalloh. thonettiipErbtfaq .pastleVegletegett anyermattosentt reltaing Kelm any person or portiewee3spiikei t is c u y ett 41W *Nista' upon ebnviodon thereof , be or shall. forfeit and pay_ three times the amonot so offered topsoils& 1.. { 1 'lf SOY person 1101 by law onallesedthelllitedtilentil f vote at any election is Gila Coanstentreatth r er be, I 1 , 14111111.1.C.00.1.1.pnaa r• ~g Tote out of blaraper ~-.. th.-o ltt, tnAlil. Tot—rr a • t• giiv ; - • jyar person shall fuuenl*ili d ' i : 1 1 m 4 0 l = Celfat o otherwise ady fold , ant doll tbe I ler* W el h vote the sate or any pet , t o vo , ilegal • e- l'°-- cac he ..rhornenyill:oltotokffillettd:l44.ll6ne o:bouwalPl.r:otirecolporan")ricttiollte;:bk-rt, R vettsta° ~..4021427 1nr_J im ia ltre at am. , I 4 1..u.12: 411 3"!"7 1 ," ttavic pot womotanzolvie ••,i-- i i i'ai m - i • 4 - 4 114k 1 4140.e0tt 2,th „„mfat .- well i t i t i t l ii=ly - ti7N - W. teleitUerre 'of tinclotir e"l44ni.) ;L iA ist 4i a leti l . l . Y er P of ,htil l yi e ns„,_ tr,cl4 I= l iniectle fite.lita Ole% nu.P#T l g re lrditribg 81 4 pm; skyrum otogeeedlaja•OV Ji114..,_.. ~aWarli; for user! qffanqs.littdale•MMeßier , .raillat • nin ea ing ttirlibtrili :c.• - .n. r... '4 - ote Ile torn JP ottale .. , county anrrrgoll lortillet 0 1 . . b oroug h,otheavey. on the _I ~ ..._ e fiol2, being; he. 11/Ihrel Wy' . . _ . . . tt •••etrq..l then fiuktWe to,Pe ,"'!" ..,, °.) upon' the i , he = ce - t Ai e it a iii r iatait kftaiwit, In . 116 cordenee with an , act approird ,liallieb. labl.; I?. tbe Coprt lb ..e. In ;the borough ..of -Ochre: , on, the stitenth diy, after the -election; ban /Veal*. Oct. Toth. Inca. , , i• 1 i••: ” •'' ' "" • The Congnissiottil•lleturn" Juda h will - lived in co. • coortance who air ' ct appeared May. lit ,1981: at the . Court liorise,in t ertictorestl or Bower, laths county of Bane:A 0406 vent h day atter the eidcaoill'helltif Tneeday t .October ds, The& •o • • - , , •• • • ,- - Andhy s", Air st.rdatilig . toae"Emetiosue of Ma L. Cononblotar ." poTtat 4 l iht ' 24 dal/ 'of '4 1111 4, Up:4: fAprArl44;ll444(W•tjt itO•fo4otea :'..,. --..• 'B, , F. RI. ett two or' Motucounties, Shall 'earn* poses district Sar k ih choice et of a member or. me hers or,th aenata of „this Commor.wealth, or of the lkoiSe ef,tlepogigotative e of ,thq United Rides. or of this Commonwealtli. - the Judges' of the election ./I3 , eacheounty.havlntrmet pa aforesaid, the Clerks Shall make out g fair atatcmankof all Ostrom* which shall have ,been given at PlOte_oplection. within the county P T 411 '4 1 1 4 " w° 7:: thr• es . O E4 members . whicil 'AM jilined.b • 'id .Ititiyo. a eh& atleite' thy the Cler ; and one at the gild Jud.„Os ehall - take Charge i ti• of's, ati tertiticetklind Steil' prOngre the Mans at a tope og of one Judge Itom . eada minty:at" such ma: *6:o.t: kris* districts:Sr ir in inafbe appointed by Taw' for the pnrpoie :; . whieh`ttiediing. Shall be beld,o# the after the elecilon., , •-' • - • • r • 'rat. off . They ndgea ofAtio **evert Oni,ll69 tailne. wet. na afgrostifit. Shp ft 'e'Evt' up ttyatetatraleaanty, N. • urnvrand outlet laptilleatit i etttras of of the Toles of elifer.auch °fate to- said district. and Of the nuneti ot the person or pennons elected, end One Of said returns for.each collett.' shelf be - deposited ' in'the office of tho ' rtolhonenu7.. Of:the - Court - :o( Common . ilia of 1 rfiel 1 count y. , , to ' Which'. • . they * i Shaft , meet.' 1 and , the': Other .. . Shall ,IIT sai d Judgioi be nepo*lted , ' Ill'illt ; tieprotit. 'Aft 'Office, *taloa' and directed as to partillOn tied *hies the eighteenth Sectiton of this *et. snail ' also; he the duty of I the XietWn• sledge/in very tan. to transmit, to reit of •Thgperj. troll el tea to'pirlio',Cengrese...or littlieliMnieW Re few! todes ‘ O '• ii,COmmonweialth. o',Verttlicadttl of laeleetion:lrtild liye,datt.frtelltet 424 ' b ri. 11 40 t f lur on each rettirlf ' . Rt. •. A'YUMItIt MEW TOThICCT,rOM, • , LAWS' OP' .- MMONWALTII:', •„ 1 . I also glee °Metal the following provlsWali of liar ate approfrod- Jilt , ltb. MOS; entitled ••A *Art i ouptil enowiwcalUu ttto , tho 'election lawk • of "this thitnnpn- - • Wttallmtojiir the net of •Ccergrets• of the'Velted. StolveQ 'entitled 'ten act in amend' the' iterronti , gets heretofore passed to provide ' for! the i vomiting ' and calling nit the , laatlonkl'airces; And l'itr other•purpnic.: es.", and•appmved 'March third; ono thousand eight howbeit and alzty4lve,• all mwsotirwhobtredeserted the military or naval service of the . butted Iftates.gretd who•have not been discharge. d:or relieved (rota - 1U penalty., or disability therein provided. are deemed and taken to hart -vohnitatily relingniolied. and for. felted their rights of citizenship, and their righbr 'la' .become eittrens 4 end are deprived of eitekeehig anY rights of citizens thereof: - ' - • .• -' . Amp Wuanras, Persons not citizens of the Trailed„ States. are net under the Constitution and lasi* of Penneivivaula,4uaillied electors Of this Canntirdn wealth : ~ : ki: atoms • 1. 'lt emitted by the Senate aud Roane of Representatives of the ' Commonwealth of Penn sylyanie la General Assembly met: and it is Until enacted by authority of the same. That In all okotlons hereafter to be held In. lino Commonwelth; it obeli be tillable' for the judge or Inspector, of any suck aims lion to receive any ballot, or ballots from any person Or persons. embraced to (ha provisions. and anlfiectio the-disability. imposed by paid act of Constresyi.4lP proved March third. ono thousand eight hundred and al:I:sr-ave. and it shall ho nnlaw fel for any such person: to offer to vote any ballot of ballots. - . „ .. Stenos 2. That It any such Judge and hiepectoysi of election., or any nue of them shall receive, or eon aeon- a ny receive. any such unlawful baUot,• or sohot* from such disqualbled person, he or thor. or, fending. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: and upon co on thereof. In any court or minter seimiona or t pmortaith. he shall, tor each offensaaie Pen-, ay a due of not-less than MK handrail dol.: undergo au ,impriTomment, in thie,taill‘of the Pfenetennuty; for not lese,tban OW days: . . ; , :. Sncemeie A That If any person deprived of citiro ship, and dlsmialitted as•ainresald, shall. at any elec. , dona hereafter beheld in this Commonwealth„-votee or louder, to th efticeri thereof., and o ff er to vote, a ballot i#' hallo any oarrort•io offoPWOX:-Phan 'he ,i ti dettn,e,d4illlty ft' misdemeanor., anti on, convlettod i thereof In any _court of quer eyeesslono or this' co*. mouvrealth. stunt for each Meuse. be punished In lik e, manner as is provided In the , preceding atetioti 'alit act, to the e.‘pe lor (metre, . 5 4- electron retelnfir • ati,. , Illgewful ballotiorlia ll ots.' .•: • - zgrton 4 That If any,person stain herniftetper... Sande. or adviseoini -p e r so n. Or Pertl :q te. derived . cif own ship. bed disqualified' es tito resit a-jo prof' by; henutOr eallnte; te.iho ofdrentof any •ciettinti. here. be bet In 'lbli re CoMonwealth. or !Shalipei.. i r i a. made. Or ;Idris any encitotilpers lo: lit' fechlrn a bed.' lot. or ballots, from any Iterson deprived 'of leltlzen-i ship and dim theed SS 10:91.191111,STICh . 041010OprIl i fcII.OOC..IWISU NI =i ll y of.A.mlesiediCanor. nod noon conviction thetent, Iti aur: court Of sestiteud 0.4 ibii,Cummemweittli,Miell•rieforo Man ttted'in like. nag as litilimvldeilln the secilitl iectioh of this Oct.:1'011M ease 0( offic.c of such eic,ettoff,raPetflng, Inn , 1 } ; • 11 14t 41%fikAallot, otlfat ots. , „.. , .., • • • • kftlke'r If RfitiaTillef tOlt StoOg i , Oti VOTI2 , IO' - AT Aid..ELECION:4. IN THE, sriVERSVMMI' a ,'TIF4 Or THIS; 40 MlICtirTEtrlit'' : ' ' .' '' ' ' I also give Mitch mien rat the rollowintovfiletiii; of an act app ro ved Mareti:2o. ISM. entitled gli "An ACt regulating the mode Of Vining at all elections , Iristith emeriti counties of the Conamonwealtb: ;; __ , -Hannon I.; jile it enacted by the.flennte a nd 11 9efe. ; of licarosentatives of the CommanweaNtet, Newt*: vardain•Genorei Assembly .mek audl it Is hereby en aetediby the aulhority,of Vio same. theft atom:Ailed roars of the sorerel counties of. this Commonwealth, we nilligwisral., townshlp. borough and-vmfclal eke-. thust,tara; bcOlbri hereafter, authorized , and required, to , voth. by tickets, printed or written, or partly piing 1.4 and partlylwrltten, severally chiodded as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of allitglifes of math-voted for.ond 10,10 labeled, outside, latitcla ry;" one ticket shall embrace the names of AA staid or,. deers voted ihr. • and be I labeled .-statar," one, ticket mi shall embrace the names Of 011, countf - oakum. yelen for,- Includint office .of senator. matnher and mem; E. of alum ly, •and tin:inherit id. congresei.if votol I 1, .. 1 and be ,le "county... 4 one llcket'ithall era et, the nune co f 411 lownshlp ofdt;ere voted for; and l ha..laheladr, ..hrauahlp;" bun ticket, shall *brace the names of all borough officers voted for, and Se labelled !.borough;"' and each cleat shall be` depositedin sepa rate ballot-bolds. • • ; • , . . . . • . .: =3 Intotberwlse qqatior 44D Q • ' wii'4444l ' ran nntl,cr my hand at Beaver, : the , 40 of September,ln I 01111.ord one tttuiiid etthPl, s :ll .°' _ PiXti•Crefit :ma In thn nlneb il thlrd Searo . ..ooll?ol,9.!bs,eneirof tbi United States: Bittlitiei.drrtcti;"'l.l'll7. kberift • " MIMI GOODS:. . i -• . ..,• - • - • ,-, , . , . R • allarit 01= • • , , - --- -,, ~,.. ' -AT. :. • '.; ...11 Jaizteo.- i. , Fo i .s' ..., , ..,..: ~001... f . :.., - • - 4N,...r,4z..Pr,44Ms ..„. !,.,.: ROC • '.FAN ' STE2I . ' 1. ItlZ trill: 1 41Wirr ' C o . l frarris ttoei t ti• 'ts - L,- 0 .1 1 1 1 • Ar G 0 1 0)0: tTer liroot4lo PaYttr C9 unti• 'it* ' ' 000.0; • , i .t:, bails !IS 43;0.00 li ...,..,4. % • :,''••'; t I ;:!,11...tiiilitil . eiiiii 7 - —, f f:: j gk r i l itiiwaiillnintos.s.A.ii, DEL O A/NEB:- &C : r&Ci:CAS:•.: . • SIMEitEI 9 . I IFEEDSMAgir4I4P . ," ' '. '•,. ,; , CAM 11031.EttY,OL, ' :-;•"' - '2: 1 ;.• ~ N 1) 'FANCY 'ttt t• • 4; .1;:, ,, • , • 1 COUNTRY 'FLAtty,:'' -4 ». - *•4l. . ,•-• NEL& choks?"..l- • ' 'Ca ' 'Early , 'inct:l3mirt , .. , • • • .. ,- .•.•-• • ' ~ ,, t ,•-•,,, Joe.: II ;- We ire. 14 •to telt at Illieilittrir,Difeogr Seeeilp . i Pthadit sad Mibealllol444, 4 , . thig Dome to; Orderi•P'!„ -'-'' •• - 4 - I.- NO O, BLE TO - 8,1104V47011ike - ' ttc e 3eeehee the Dt k ee S' ieeie , t , tn ß ee ti; ee e lt P i e t " SAitt 4 .likeholer• , • ' 2 - 2 f . E . 4, "..r •-: , r„ , f .t iti/iiirifirmAro ts ,.. • , ...)...• ...,,,,.!•• a .2...1••• ...• ......,..- .:;‘ , .t.t, , ,.1....., - ;••••••.•;,.. - 1 _, I, j at iM 4 S. : 1 ' 'oRT '''' ' ' ' - 4. , UNE. • C -..,,,, 5,„„....! ~.,,,,,-•,-,, .1 : : ; :,.-.„....: -,,..).. 1 1 ;Ift e. ' ''''l 6 Pfr t it i l etiiallieltlol 7 ithlogezeitlrett4itey tonnera of Drtitonotot:i - , • , waißiiiForress —ltai"~"leaM Twagr i ablea he win sell Bliditewsier. is and ante i t 1 3 ti s k w l / 444 lib IN ALL TIIZ!R VAILINTIff /rxr `,l 7 A ir° f* 'f illi4R 4 r :4 4 l 27l ,fgrrft:li EL• VtlYtWitli 4 4 4 I 'TN - rliMitiftWr" A *TIME ERS IN. isa tttity, lamb milk 140 ,, J prtroaretat 130 - atsyDOA:sl4.olnd " *-- 14060)1b • • 'AT PRIVATE BALD DAY AND KVENDIO. apdayitly, - • . 8 r (1 ) ( 13 , S r i P g 1 41142hin9jr I ARE TUB Othilt A FE MED ANY - ; • OF ANY IN THE WORLD urrtzni -- " 41 1111 1-1 E Fiitis —. ' r G I ItACIIINES 1 ever ,nutde, am} 011Ve Urn mstinfactured contiqn: air tultkor,thb ltlipbille!on' tku:Cd,ilOno 111‘,1, 404 r.Frf:. ~ 4;f ~ u ~3f~R ~l`l~® - ~i~~Vdy ~~% since thelr.ibllitiid•zeittlltbthiB4tkil.tiheliitirats opop these Machines 'made within the Mat two years and their rapidly growing twipulatity attems the fact that they hare ) reache<the testiracme of perfection, and that they are pith only ;the, c*lsist : Mablistied but the health-the worbL. ,-, ,t .',. ~ _,, Theso• Machine s . do t tierfecf 2 wipilt•ta aU Italica wisitibbrthCerccroAtlnttitatithil liiii,theita• A; tendon efillikilp *lke -iipop both of 30) C. Bowed: The tensf4w.,ligira, n , can Ds adjusted mazy', of t •And er adjusted do riot req 'thee 1 t for Waren T ' •-••••,/ L_ To those who hare, pted .11pOlowe Iladdne, It Is not necessary for us ttotheak t Mitiscre would onlyadd to others who with iciperteet iiiiclithe to be sore and fee these machines,befortc.baylnivany , other. • Send for eirculaT.. : -.l4l ; pilcatittus Ace.amcwilms r Atmet!•• ad + dreamed to , , , • r pAnvw .4:7) Oil Olotbs • on - • . moths tt' - • s." F'O 2 "CY A:14: it) ir 011 r ) 1111 or IS TA3fIW 3TUPN - - PrZ3R riWICITT4IVitIIidLifAXD LTS Or WALL 11 PAPER just_ received. and will be 114 d low than Can be P u teKlOPothereelei. '21(11 ti 14TTI.J'ET - Framiu k % i , : i stidgewater, Dlreet'froirEngland, bearing the origintilW WnikkipatuMiLXVilleu, Mita p e Views of levee oTinterest Id Hid the continent. I reepcettellp live notice to ill, Aqhitpl_dr , Pee the large antledlselected Stocletir Ong .V.RRIETY :GOODB,I I i. .:. 44 44;": Included In - above, we have I,4 . :Kijcing Clastee, Car. lies, ItnikeZ till Clothe, Ice., of 0 o,4tfloasign and pattern. '. r marlrekfts P 'late L ' ittfrit 'l , -1 , 31)191 41ri, eral - oii•Aryr4 #in btin 74' hefir.s.! • . —lrto-01 le'.;!rAlt" ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP elf( tr-t r• • r IST firic•Nr; .F. , ris''ll;llV - i - , TJAVilidI lad tramped my stock oh:sedan- P S 11. cry and la, and having seamed the services of the beet of .ca cs, I am prepared to warrant all work done' itti saHsthetts i ee,on, hand dilirdeent pit 41.01 c• of.. i Thai Clay Rolle, and p Id matt' it mlllescrip. thaw of machinery, on reasonable terms. MEE PLOWS AND PLOW, CASTINGS. I here all the beet plow patterns that suit this market among. which to the "Great Western.'llehtch. bail / beers 712 Ft plow of the county for the last fifteen yeah,., almost all other Plows now or pmirlonsly , in use', NE . , . . .•.'; t• - t., I I have on band and will i,i' pp, l i msnru!artnre , a large stesortment of •i coomo. Eiuligi4Wi,SO:ol l irso wrovEs 1 Of Ihditeteriiilyla* : Vrilft ilPitie modern imProve meinsi widow ti will. Intl at modern rates. Among , ,WHO if tfte'GREATI REPUBLIC. This Stove has an, 'extension toN erbith gives it a Ism surface without. taking up melt Tbdnx,and It is now bolted upon as ono; of the beet and most-eoonamieal, stovesas it takes less fuel and is moss dutablittlipm olbot . In usflaimatillowitlE. pereons, slier lutvingusea Gib stove writ considerable, leogth of time, mat be Wend to in proof of what hi', r.4ll"Ki. Isaac Winans, , . .I=l.!,...o_,wca'al". n. , I EH R.., • -- pot. w...., John Watson. 'Thomas R. Davis, t •'. Mr "lt^ g ..ift w il ;IT( ataiLi r ti Cs pr. . er. William . 'Mum Stowe, • WillTT: vs . • Nif i litZ Willhime .—"• T ' • J lg& U. , i' Robert McGowan, Samuel Dunlap, t Joseph Blackmore, • Thompson Johnston, • " • Mrs. Joseph Illartis i 4 Mr. illnrsiord.: • 31m m id & wid e: , tt., rNI Nric R i k ; emiltimi-:7 r, ' I Dr. J. if. mecreau. 'tT • Jonathan Meters* t! I:Atari T 7 i tar id l ini 4 o: !_,) cape. Jamedatow. ' I:War, , ,,t • , -,2 '.' ,l:l l!oi4Z,r i , i, 4, :ttl . , WIWI Kelly Hunter , Rlehard_tftfiday. . Jelin Hunter tgt h Cs. ll4 ./ ___ . Dr. as. 11,J L. George Wesson. TlMlgni 1 , . 1.. WileirllllA V i 11 , 4tvt Milton thy* • t` • . Hudson masa. MaredullifadtsßOLL ••••.:1 -;‘,. IlleltesilleaVi.4 ' .t: - .i.:". .1 . 1ht01113. , :c t. .. • -... ~•:, !Mutat 0uft5.,....q .'—': ';',"! 4 - O .4 I A MI E* '-.1. ''' ' OEM Mo. Rnbt. Andrews, r• nj,T.:11.7y% r;,e t Frederiet Haan& ItairKennedy;' g=4 21 ,*: . :1 Samuel Halter 13 . Ms. 4111 3 1=4) az: ut i• WWI .11 -B,; 11 LIIEIM i ? '._ i'_ (: r TL BEAVER COUNTY, PA. STOVES ST9V,E.q :t1 0 /11,0W12."1: Pl° VMk tblo44sl 1 1501.4 Ira r Viipfaa•Waglier:. - ; ,'R'I4,36M sta f ,..11 sorts T. I to.' I rued 444 6=4 . itar RAIN OPALTAINDS BOVOUTPOU CAREL A . WO: toortment tbelltwent kinds of pots. (bell stff!lisoa bIIAL. A.n rods &lima "ben /IA- A CalLicad CcroAeetk!at 1 .;1 H , Rochester. Pa. etc wHoi:imAts-- T) iz; Cif C3F.IS "2 S comma ~ OF dndeaal and Lanni Infix% Allegbeny. (lint coma todaw Depot,) . DBALERB IN 4EAI)S, PAINTS OILB, riIR2iIBIMA :DYE.IBTVIRSODEVG•fi kWy1410.4148, PROPRIETARYI MMICILEMIFORe • MON and DOMESTIC PERFU• WARIES, SOAPS. TOILET ARTICLES,FANCY Goops, diox awdaridide : , 4 HIRSII&BROTHERS:I I- t wittasiu+l LIM *crisp DZAIXES t ir . ,A4-ty,fr n AND Gentlemen's N.lllllllllO Goods, NO. 29 BT.'CLAIR STREET. (Opposite irun City College.) PFPTSpIIRGH, Clothing made° order,on short notice no117117:17, BASOL Alajl4l;‘,Bg, 60.. Lead Pipe Sheet & gar Lead MANUFACTURERS. ALSO • 4 : Pig Lend, Iron Pik., Rubber, W bt V, laiit? ,(}Wages ` t. Whistles 'Valves:u TtiOpPerSl4l.4llll Bath Tuba, Steam Pumps, F_Fnaltmpti, , „ ,„ i and Porce:Pltrapa: • Itaihritteicriptifn of goods ford WATER, GAS & STEAM 'Sci: 187 Smithfield tr tet. PITTBBURGII,PENdrALs ACM he, Price LbR IS.WII:LV.AELNrtak. -.„ - • • DEALER , • 2.)7.•• -13CEsrawarie, lA)* 44 -oho, elakim4. ligiltatin, tarsi Implements. lop MLDERAUMWW 410.1‘411ANICII 'MOM lawaYSMOlCObaid. . t i A. I M.o, ascent for the WORLDNII REAPER AND MOWRI4-__ODFIO MOWER tad the TORNADO THEDISHRIL 1211 — Paot side Broadway, hl.ll Leighton. Pa. mayr6l3. LOOK HERE , Emil FrifkLIVIDERBIGN ED:I6:7;NOMMA .L factnnag Lime at Vanport, Beaver canityfra Ala Enna are the ' I r - twL2;l • • pi • " 16 owers, KilnB Fresh Lime., arid Mee vLstonei, eau always bet ad. "con abort notice. 1 will eilitattheitp as tho chum*. Al order kit at. Use Kilns, me *Mess addressed to me at Bearer, Pe.. will receletmilimpt and careful attention. Lime delivered, whenertr limited" • DA '1 A ,cf II aliF . 3 a T Beaver Pans, Pa. T_T ACING JEST °ram), A LA ROE !TOM OF AA GROOMES. = • ..titOtittr. fT If, ) ( . )t . T. BO 3TS & SHOES, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, - TINWARE NAILS, • DRUGS, &C. Vitifi.. - Chasiall Asset and ' doable strength., BPI! attention paitifo tillitldrilErs for large dike window glass, &e. . Mao, LINSEED OI ei CRUDE Ind OIL, BENZ' - • COALE'S -PATENT- DRYER, Paints of all Colors, Ground, IX7 and in Otl. Pcirchuers will . do .well to,call and examine our h i dock O Pitlltib*!t K r OV lb liA l F ewhere * . • Alto, Choice Bran of Mont. in Barrel and In Sacks. All kinds of Conn prodnce.take . n in exchange for Remember the. place, Aral doer abcrre the Oatkay, ir ti t'alde of strait. . ' . . ltai i iiEi t liliari r aii , ' :1 h I ffse it E Wt. B " te . 1 ' 1 I') t7.1 1 .4 7 ±' 11 M -1- `L- 16 5r3""- DRUGS, e cl 1 al 1 . 3a. CEL* * . z.Tp.A.I.Js, PITR,IIV :1- 116 1 416 o RS , , A k Aft i ,if•t a f a rlt:;.-..41. Paints, 01141,. DYZ STUFFS: • TS:1,11411T ARTIO,LEts, SOAPS 1110 ' , 0 , /;.4 * A/T.: ' '',OT 1} '.14.V10T .13 it u Est . 6 OM • Z.KTENT.- MEDICINES i• LI .t n vf , . to pest sedetr, allot the beet quay sod sold theti et ttuet can be boitt at =poem:Drug . - thipeieo's Female Pille,.lll eeto pee bor, Chat+ )tier . t • . r • "..:•• •") °Pesti outside ot die - • Noon's Ittoi ) Lerthoee the X r di ati ttitt • 1 = lll olo* doubt mo •intirr ; • •,- XOOl% i sear the Poto; -Mst►. AMOS DOiITT. •ND „ , • •- -ALSO ' -•.' • •= .t 7 010 - :FAMILY FLOTrit Ihre k ammo* .ass liar X,171e, CM Mid 'EWA, 1 • • • S. Suizmaxa,•. •• . • Brilowator.-1%. • ; 2; - - • tL .• , . • itbatei cv. Noble Aojel I Co., 111. Joillto Marko - Sea. - VOto. jr Comonweal* of tat e" . m - er u. llL , Towoseiid et 'ix. vs. '3oholiV. Woos. Wintila*HUM' r . st. 7 a14. 3 11' Rlefuird Tea . • ri.• A. 4..Diamosa AA. 31. jUer rt. : 4 .11.15..Catterc.0. . Rodeohough'e • • • 168.2eimatoaTet.".).. John C. Doff • Modeir..aoo , • Is. ,NachrbtoeunasTovx! Tbookuogli_.Xoaft • - lys.4*l. 4 uralisol et. sL Wilhoiftiootiti -` . t, vo..aoluryittsol'aimi fttnooss jrql ;TaMelhßalitegilt4: 6 George MOdo _vs; , . 0., lietifikl ' ""-'; •ho.:iir. • o.Bmoda , Prltaloird get.;al. ;oath, t!„:: • . b1,.-11, 4 1rErvegit _- - : w . Ts: J..Xi Polak* et. al. GI*IffYA Ineitilellteir7'; re. jtil,. pttle. -, et. . timillE : - ,;,1 ;;; n[ Warp asisiblki. , 1.. ,1 ' Wm. , ii.1 1 ;9 1 4 11 1;1 1 9 1 1 J I vie 0 3 4 AilbanC4l4l 4 . ll tk ; - RAPAlNfartat et. Oz e ,„: -311.1neto platc . V eve? *kW/. WhlttitlX' • ' ' 41.40brt xeckref.'et.- ' WounizeteY*Xetplkte. veseir•Liferlta et. sli, ,:, R. riteerrestt4toCe.•< It , ..; 14. Watt. , i - %``.% : 14133 g gr 111 44, 1: 11 4- rlf . g,- PVlkk et "At, !,- .. . • , r . 1111403,,i, T tia' 3s SAlff i f . 41 Mtp ;TREErg - L IP“l,lADLLynik t * 1 , E ,r ck oii , , aid '9l , I` , 0, r a g ', , c ,I , ,ra -•* POINSYLVANI)I , As , „,`,AND 1 • %Nr ' .0 . OF THE g o is " ..h.„„yi ~ , ....... NII'ED --. IN STATE,S OF AMERICA.' eir at P="A 'r ....d.navems.. Auk. iIJ ` . 'ftarai ? , i' . / Wig CAPrePilit SIANIOOOI.O= Pap. ilibirst I. odrp i tattiag i , nkinek aml Ilettiltmosl4 ba et toreanse. i toes la the wooed Mort o our aril, i IrlserpOreatags and MOW till adartagm . osemat or t st ray be ; ) - , 1 + 111 , 4 11 VINC a COI* ,1 . Apra thoa oie 9 1 111bilistfaidlit Costae lot "IrOftbed PeitiVtaiodst to te , made to B. 8. kIIIISELta Idatitgaß oetl4 IS— . Harrisburg. Pa. l '.• -or-. - ' 7 - - - ' t ''•'-' ir . .. '.. • i • .irr ': of• r,olin ~i ~.v...., i--,,,,, -1-..,,,i:,,, , ,,: : ,. c . 6113 Li. 1 41 . :i.. -77T77.4 . tat iie..ll t 4, 1,-.) 'AI 151131.141 ::: 1.6c.1 sti: ~..) ,111,iiiii , t ..! own 'WHOLUALII , 9IIVH DLL-RETAIL it; ,' , Y)ft:)/1 11 ~411 inaoi V i re i mA..AttliaLeet- . 'Tin', sare.-• • el IT PROPOSR KERPLIO CONSTANTLY ON BAWL all kinds of TIN, COPPRII AND saorruol4 WARE, which I will AT TUE LOWEST PRIOR • - •••••11.-1.: ' f . : • Tin Boofling,SObtiiiitg & Job Wo,rk Done to Welkin' the ieket , " mom* leturei.;':lmsoeti shortest notice. Using none but the best of material, and bawling nom - but the best of workmen, • WE WARRANT: :WOE SHOP ON THE LOWER•END OF Er i jalartalEktkr Ike Y l"-' ts` v • • !five vs 4s 91 1 4 rstiltsaass lapannedware lortiewittantly'otritin ' ' A. S. ON. _ ,aav ey OCER 4)1/1"4- • rEs- a. • .9718/ONB ,aisi i,,1.i.. .'i5 , , - iickl a , .1;g1 , ,; , . rn.;... e'c. MlEEtraxtretref; " , • TA-Arm° ON NAND' A . LATiG it AND 1 1 111:14.' Li. pelected Stock of • • r ; Tam - • V Coffee, , , • Waimea, Bu e r ' ' -i•.; • .nolasses, !"9.r: - BiruPgfo - - • ' •: -t • • .N.ll '• ' 3ElCEirdilVivare: /cm:634Lnp WINDOW 843919 15;111111Le I rOA TON IC .tP;f4l:-. ATOtil ligittlifeastrek" Oak Churns . Bosh. Measures, Willow Basluisi -- • figlitaiskets. r t . 1,- "11.4 in' re otaelt . 4 *Alegi* El 111411R17.1* It CO:.' . Pn4l6lm, tsgld tki ßeaccT ;hi" and ail 'cilia . and dealers •Itilledletnes: • . • •.' - • - FATAL'. k -WINTEItt. ct-oonos; s I=IMMEIMP JIAVE Jr - ST RECEIVED A STEW STOCK or L'OOODl4.; albs •', - • LATEST STYLES. For. .Falit 'Ana Winter. -wear. -Art nal ; >ill .1: 1 riiii t ili4l/ i g Gos di: . . - . 6:3i4iiikstitt...tdviiiksit: • * " ME • • • • 4.'6 b . RT) t:lt ri+Tetiiteitdiliolitistiloribte ilyle!! - , .uf rliartiiotiCe Ode if,r,7l ','t- , .! • '• i•••z , ; .• •• , t ArILIJAMMEICII. : ' • 0141 . d oe er KARBLE I • • '• • • I; ..... ~,,, . 1 ..,,:t . 1- d .. =M DEALER 'I'S • el • •: •• • 4 .7.• • .'• ..• ti4tfakr . . . . . UTE HAVE TILE LAECIES T AFSQUTAIENDP • TV Andllntrbed Iliad ink' Font that krioNtr• er been Altered la Bearer gonnty; at the wary tartest cash price"-, si' - ' All pereone deidrlnit !Ida tune'n and en stra ne. ball soon and examine otirwork and prl 'ctAptleihrisper. chahig eleewbere.,. . - • • .1 • Ere defy eonvetlttori,,both dulblt .of *orb and anrall&dakes ' , 0.,: 7', ~~~,1 ...,,. , , •-••:. . . -.••-, ••• ~,:.-•. -.. •;••.---;••• : ri•Vii H 1; F. :••t.•• • • z soli 01,4 , ~ ri ' I FIW AII : , r. , ti: ! me. -, • .1. ' * Tag , . - :„, -, i-•,."- , ,..' --- 4 4 4. - * 4o;sittr.:•.•:' ....„. • L..g.iyaii., is ccfia •, ,&• ta?fiver. , ; preping4on : kr :',...- t h c o o ' ~ r b t o, cs• fiseiwad , aft hair * . ;,, ••••< - 4, - *ll . iii No i ti v e-1000 1 0 . 0 rtii.row n i : fl';• . J ilfC.t "rii-sciawalww= , 1r -, .. -i oii; 0 . . .•. le.Vl, , • -.A : • 1 '• • ' ll . • •- " l' 1 :1 41-441 ow k a .it t *tux...midi .') it I.t, J . , EMP SIMII E )41 SI • . r - E CIE =EMI EME =I EINEM =EI .... ~;~ r ~~+ - - sipr , - ag i g h Thrja ir n de • • .4- . 4342 CUTLERY' Alatbflern/ .411 / 12: ! , t P atiLlitikettaFT er s, i iitifiLdafar i e n gtir. tritoreikl sjPsEaorVAELMAIRma r , / so N,. . • 1 nib ribilaa aintrit a uus on . likrizosulp t , ' ZArtqhytte In the tonalneu of aeons) iner c h indix. 416 V heislettil.'lll4thilftfiETßOftsytelin,v,v . . 2. , Speyrerer. the bielltiqe eilltritizatetheperri a e the Lane of SPRTFR, _ER ithes:Nz; arthe,"oll Matt Oa-Water street-1h Rochester:- .. . \ ilis books will tetnaln arthrt awe . . and en 14969 r. knOWlne, nignrig i PO , . fr.,.11411414„ eC t f at t e , S Ure WI 1194 998.9. Vat .9 saNS..... 0 C A M up —.• d s ia ,„ triteas without delay. ~ cigradt, , ... N . GECIIGE C. SPEYERER. . . • ~ , ouse,"]rundsishii Goods,, \ , . . .. , . 1 : , ; .' e ; ~y , ~: , , •-• ; Wild r;Eft ALE ' )111(1 ltil AIL \ gy,-qt NENSIVARE,. LOOM& ram. ii i i. am * w oea m 4 nw itird warm .43ll4 .mmittt orwore. , „. rA m loo p . a •r n a ci pti itm Tg 6 7 l4,lool7. eclittchen Bette. el °their Wrlnocri. kc....te.". Alio, i FRUIT TRIM - AND CANN. • dowry aterchooto will, And It to Atli a . lacrocy ', to, eir,:l'oa a ran and' etialind on itotlr before rpsktaz" thill! proclaim:. •• • -•- 4 , 1141 , F4 : 70.% k. lie9trft. t. .' 41,1,7 h„). Qv ps BEAVlrriuDris SEktiARY. • afirii7Fgii; r 1 Tuna. opEN IBER NnT„— yy pupils rteelvon it every ,laic oNalraereusent. I n the primary Department !toys ai!d girls lere re d . Yonni men *Me taught hp Pnetlial hanieen Fp " a cr:ct t ri:t i rg il f eroopoo l i t t e a i is nria li t .olar a s h n U th s lip t ie t : l g ri ascb e e:o r e r ryi p; : ta i: t ti t occabo!itatdb! en.z) t ttereir!N portal, i that, papa abn u id YVAW AP their artten'Onee. I Want hen met me hundred. enrolled 'darinx Put yew. 'le hope 'fin. a Wye- Imam. daring tha contkArr. , 11 0 . 11. 4, WLEAN,Triacip.n. Glassware. , Lamps, an Carbco on • : .1. P.' MUTH CO:, 411 4 . !ftre r gh- -41 ; 4 4...1 1 f h PAelains sPeiLlego Ri Akn lOW It WAX IN. cos N.p.r. don with Lamps. Cbandelleist. GlAesware at Cat. bon_oll4l4l44.3tanson WUloltltliby'aand Newlin:4. fetillealers Union. O. K. and Cork Gismo ht., Rock lugham insiftiu OW* pony tn*n whnle. rile and rota 1. 'IMMI pounds IX.. mud XXX Vont Wu Jost nileived, plague eaLl bodwe putetnioirs. .". J. P. smrpt 00., • 187 Lariei '','l44/Itir;,;4l, II MUSIC .:. IN 'FRONT ! /. nAN - PURNISITED PROMPTLY win' . • Brass and German 'SByer rnstrinnents BY "nit Sin! %Oil PIECE. • Brnag and Taimyr, .Drams. Cymbals and Triaatillem, At prices lower thin can be hada AllY other WM* In In will manta. , . , ?Inds] Inducements idered to 'BANDS A2ifl 1 Dr A LENS. Send tartestin Ise a ',flee lilt • '- I , noise, & CO. T . TREET, • • .4 • PITTSRUIMIT, PA. ' rnNALERS. IN • PIANOS. OROA'Nti AND SRO.' deons. Sheet Musk! and Maple tinolc.. and In porters of Musical Instrument. and Strlng.. eprr6S:lr.- STRAW.!. STRAW! ! . • ~ . , ~ RFNIERS SAVE torn STEA W. AND ' bring It into the Glue Wintks, Nhte Dollir• ~er ton csoli on fiCllvery ;aid for cowl lAOllll , i 000 Stf.M. ottl4Vto :2. • : ~ . SEMI LE .t. FRY • iqtrsiwr.Grr BkiIt:I I ) I ,fIITIRITISTFA -I , Is pur,I,J;;;I:1:1) , cROFT•6 . OIIILLIOS, Re -.1 Estate - Agents end ErcAPra, , omm•xo, Ina Fourni F.! PITTSI3I - 1).(; 11, D!. .1 •. r - • NT SENT PREF: 70 Anti g dd rew t•,!k• i„ • [ectira • R9inemat t . - lE43y:rani - & Seidle,' It )Icv:43 : it.,i door fronviVoull, - Piu.dr 4r7,0, Whol ' e •and_Retfiit Dealer in f 4. 'ltil, E w.;e dr ' w e'l L i T tFigEntl'k . ,Thg.i;.:n . f r e r ferl deAciptioan:• - •Tea 'seta; t&poono.• Faro., ,x,::, Indelt Mitkent pals, and mulled, and egency of the celAra ted ' A ifERICAIh It'ATCrial. ' . We elm keep the large4 * MI meet varied me rt . knot 4he verpileek American TM d • cLo.eKs! to bektund - city ertst•or:avati '.: : • 7 • ' Pomm' la .orany: attitie in' one llae either a A _ ~wholF o lde, or nr..thrir ownyae,,will :dm* p Ar.d , our fl ees Torrerand ohr' n.Fortineut !".... n 1 , . than •nnsi . to be, lonnd • •r-• Ni ,vitpl.2 , :eviYolk city. VATULLUErmItisti. , To . tista branch orbprtrade Owing o u r -eWel hearts' cat Wateh makera) aid tat rfory ire.elnl attention: lea amrdoy a 107C0 Olt/14 very beat Artist* in the etnintr y . and any asuLait fine, delicate and didieult work etp trnated te'orir tare—rdr the t:ade or theft id:Leo—may rely on grltina. the utrneA ketisfactlon. )Kork mar, be sent At ... - . b , ex&lr otherwia. • ' • " • ILFI.tAN.IIEIRXSEIDLE . _i -,.i etale , . and Retail Jewelers and. Sllveralltre. ' ' 42'11M a/reit, P:774BLI:Git • :,, Cj.Gii §'r T~ouNDItY, • • • •• • • ANDERSON, ARRUCKLE & CO. - • • - •.‘t•fritniNE eAsrm - cs , Hallway Track . and Car Camlnce,'Asrlcultars l Implemcute.-Engtae add •all serer math 0 * first elms Foundry.. Alm. Stoves. Grate Front', Grata Bars. Ltucrarriash. Wright". liullow-Ware, tles. Iron Fence, and all other' Ca... Bugs called fur, en short notice and of the very best metal. ' F AISOW.L , ioAnderieter jantiStelebnited New Cook. g' t° . re t o t C oa l in4Woixt- tooUtba, •• 'irart Peen') At Me *AA Yak tccatiiitheld. 4t, ,titteNlAL Store'dotipteelrmenS , Den artel lengortlnt prtn eiplef. phme It let to idvineei of elrotheti.lkhr; In use. Rome of the asettftelatteed for lt,b,llbe imitator. us itety Metal. WellroglierE44 Uesety,ol Atyle and Zoe of Drift, lt * - Ipt .. 4,lsilllgequlres bet Atfle truelookt the • '‘ - • BEST BAH= EXTANT. I , An orderrithankMi WWII : Oa Mid' OniMPMY Vied. CO * Foilowlng S 4 sitements,Ll While IlvinE In tbo East! need *event of.ibe nom ''elebratettl"cooktrit. Stott./ made in Putt of the 0 5 1 1 1111 1: bull ea iejra brze; trim recommended to ritelteme th e tal • Pula q ' *TO. taNd Itt" rts • ed byMt. Andetson am belie' tit fittest .1' did so,' Rad med it witimxid satisfaction. When lam Mr. Mr StotTe,i waa attracted b 5 ita neat appear anee,-mid on examining MI Oven and interior arrange eta, found It posarsaad many advantages 'ever all I had wren. Ipurchaaed, sPa have type now. In or. We coarlderlt, superior torwriy we here used. It le all Itiwitivebtor Made; and meibbak, eB that ow" be deeltedin CoeldnitlitiMe.' ' " • ' • ••• • ewer. O.I3.I4IITrISDLItiO7I.. • 0 RovarsTicr,Nov. Vet Navin* ono: of Kr: Amdarsaslir litlr 'Stares , ,:! 1 . 5 . I: AV4lfitillYeadoacsUV, ,P1011001e• statemint. . .• ~ • • .roint R. Wnuass, • illll bps ofAttileilmitill lielt Votes hi eme, eta Of I UM 1000 TO recosiariadatlan.. • • - • • • J. Woonarnr. sihg one of Mi; Andorson's now Stores in nee are: ly misled with Ito' gond 'onalltleo In AU re see*, . • LAM AND Wien, • R'oeirirffraii:2for. tltb• Having kept, house torik lonic NErtr, stud coed a gure 1111316W Itonsilda o lrrA g ridiwsins 6"ha 's " :sevil. i titiF iati r;:n and to st 42 .- i ftea4ol47 ready cooklng awl • baklp^ viz Hie, "amine co'fint IlekitseclOrod etoceti)tvro 7 , edissinid h;temmingle * leader vittlie selific -1$0164.0!- ' l . iffebi:ii",bitei bf lir:i7 sideniorek . i ff y" Attrri ,, . trott okfactured atlhar ftocbtadet fillitiardir . int ha nu %Gait at* tea -, alllo. ft cpaw,fglagi 0 q at ims:a , t 04 rAt t , U... Aczfy, rsu r (ID',taf t ±: b lb a rtag'gitanant . . "m, • - tawilibtoutritt. Iblyirm settlaw3 lOWA 1)::01 sl.tovall. , -. :,,, narTtr, ilighlir iiiie l4ll s r'" 7 I.irIIAIIVOL • C:1 El