The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 28, 1868, Image 2
'The Beaver Atgus. J. WILTAND. Boma Alm Paorimoik Beaver, Pa., October 118, 18118. FOR PiItIMBNT. T.Tl Sc ~ L issea S. G-rant. Foil, VICE-PRI:SW fatT. nyler Colfax. k i reddesstlist. Elwin.s. . AT TAROS. G. )funursort COATES, of Philadelphia. .Taos. 11. MAIIBIIII,I, Of Pittsburg. Diatriet. , f): District. si tr'llames, "13 Simnel Knorr, • it William J. Pollock, 14 Benj. F. Wegonssllss Richard Wlldey, IS Charles H. Malian, George, W. 11111. 16 George W. gldsr. • 6 Masud P. Magill. 17 John mews; Frank Brlnghurst, 18 Joicoh Grafitti, 7 . flooton, 19 James BBL a .Isaae *kart. \---• 110 Henry C. Johnson, 9 'Wale 'Hoopes. 11 Jobs K. going, 10 David M. Rank, IS William Frew, ;.11 Darla,Crawford, Winthrop W Ketcham . 1N James S. States,. . _ •• IME SS om OF mET TE TUE COUNTY cR. Republicans of Beaver Corinty, the County Committee of ymir party embraoo this last opportunity of urging you to renew errind &Tiftn(' action in the good cause. You did *ell, you achieved a noble victory on the 13th of October, but that victory is not yet corn. .plete. In order that you may reap the full benefit of your efforts then you must again rally to the polls on the 3d (Joy orNo veinber, and du well your part in achiev ing a greater and more glorious victory, a victory that will settle forever the question whether Southern Secessionists, traitors and rebels, after appealing to arms, drCnching the land in blood; sacrificing the lives of hundreds of thousands of our bravest and best men, and millions Of treasure, and being defeated on the field of battle shall control this government ; Whether they, with the aid of the Democracy of the North, shall, with bhody haml7, carry, out their wicked purposes, increase the mur ders and outrages now perpetrated,! and pro. long the anarchy and .:onfuslon.;,that now reigns almost supreme in ionic of the States of this Union, or whether loyalty shall pie- Vail and loyalyien direct the destinies of our country, giving peace and seeurity,to all. Con ceal it, explain it, extenuate it as our oppo• nents may this is the real queotion now be. tore us, end the result of the November eke lion settles it. how inipqrtant then that ev ery man, do his duty in this great crisis. Vic tory is certain It you but do your duty. But no man should be satisfied with merevictory. .Our victory should be so complete, so over• wheiming as to crush forever the hopes of treason that yet linger in the hearts of South ern rebels, and the equally base and, wicked ambition for place and power that impeittbe leaders of the Democratic party to the North tottnite with them. Relax not your efforts then. Be vigilant. Fail not to by at the polls yourself, and let every man see that onialude•l 'vote is cast Are any indifferedt„ •satitilled that victory is certain without their aid, let them' be aroused. But one • week more re mains for work. Let it be devoted to the cause ofypur country, and in the peace, seam• ity.and prosperity of our whole country un der, the administration of our Government by our. gloriouistandahl .bearers, GRANT and COLFAX, you win pate an simumain =NAM.' By order of the Committee, • IL RICE, Chairman. GENERAL Bum was unanimously nomi nated for Register of New York, on Monday, by both wings of the Republican patty. tiger:mucks., do not relax your energies because you were victoriouson Tuesday. Let every man put his shoulder to tbembecl. and making the majority for Grant' and Colfax unprecedented. PCDLICANIO. do not held% fur the next few days. Rally our forces at once. Mak: one more'on•slaught on the enemy on next TOesday and &crowning victory will reward your efforts, up then and at them: KZ= Nova a clean ticket on ne x t Let us give the election °liken as little trouble as 'possible after the polls oleic. on that day. This can be accomplished only giving them ballets during the day without hay ing scratch or blemish on them. Let us re member OW Baum in t!le returns as early on Tuesday evening as possible. Republican headquar ters will beat the Natinnal-Hotil as usual. BOUE one has estimated the populatien or the world at 1,850,200,000. Orthat 'number the Democrats had about 1,347,000,000 to cel• onize from, yet they lost Pennsylvania a handsome minority. Commit= your ticket on next Tuesday be. fore voting, with the ticket found at the head of this paper. If the names exactly,agree you lave a genuine ballot. If there is even a slight difference depend upon it the, enemy is try ing td impose upon you. Look closely there fore to your tickets, and see' that our oppo nents make nothing by this species of frond, in this county at last, : PRIEM POMEROY goelt for Belmont, the chairman of the National DeMocratie Com. my,lce, in this wise Traitor, fool, renegade, tool of a narked point; uncoveryour head, take off your shoes, for the place where thou doat stand is holy ground l • your fire will die outnnit the burn of, Democracy will live for pilgrlins to lest ender the shade thereof, after • turning aside to spit on your grave. Ilannnny ;reign; in.the DernOcratie femiiy • .—"over the left." Tan cops aro continually! insisting that Grant can't make a speech, and scolding him for not trying his hand at public talking. IVO admit that Ile does.not often thrust his wieirs upon public attention, but when he does, he always'says, something that is worth studying end remembering. i A private let ter written by him toe friend, a few, Asys ago contains this sentence • "This ,much I 'Wish and this I declare to be sny policY—titat I hope to live to see the day when such pence and tranquility shall be es tablisisedin this country that a man may speak hie ientimenta l no matter what they be; whether it be in esthfonds, or in Maine, in Florida or Oregon, without molestation or • hindetanas" If our Democratic brethren can dud any fault with the above iientiment, we would like to see It pointed out. • IS GK*IVT TO NE ASSAISINA• TED. Freak Blair Ina New Itole. Patax BLAIR'S letter' to his , Mond Cot Broadhead gained for htiii the title of Rovo• lutimust, and the nomination for' Vice Presl dent at the hands et tfiC Remeeragy. Bnt these; it seems, do not satisfy Prinki ambl• lion, for he aspires to greater famo-as the as sassin of Grant. In la St. Loma speech, on Friday evening; be spoke as follows; "Theimint tri"witieh I y deilie to bring you is this: That in this. strtigilis ire hate every thing at, stake; thatlt_ L .,..tit jAe final and last struggle tot the pratieliflree; constitu tional government ; that if we fait In It the Republic fails with us. It . comes a mere appendage of the military chief- , min. who Is lifted to power in the name the President but who never, will !mune rim identiat mansion dim. [Sensation, followed by applause:']. •.„ • Rent in iDatlhe Doiniw.mlB; p►'aooq they got the power, in the State of Ohio, die franchised the enppled'aid wounded sod. diem In the Soldiers• Homo,, at Dayton, and placed those galleatt defenders of, our coun try's flag osi a par with paupers Remember, too, that they disfranchised the",itudents in the colleges! Patriotistu and intelligence Life crimes rn the estimation of the Democratic paw, . The Pieampt . pr Peace. OHIO.. MAINE INDIAI A. VEANO.NT. 'NEBRASKA. • WEST VIRGINIA.I COLORAD'O.' NEWHAIbPBHIRE. PENNSYLVANIA A TYGI:MIT BEpiONT, the chairman'of the Na - aortal Democratic Committee, has 'given his tears, and bisned a pitiable appeal to the 'people to aid in electing Seyinour. lie asks the voters of the enited:StatesLtO make one "final struggle to save the consti tution" by rallying for the Democratic deice on the 83 of November. IVe presume if W' 'struggle'is not a success Mr. Belmont intends' to disband the Democuttle party as a thing nf' no further use on this mundane sphere, It so,,lvejndge he is about correct in his con clusion. . • Tint citizen who does not so shape h°s• af fairs that he can be surety at home on the day. of the Presidential election, is careless of his duty and indifferent to' the most vital inter ests of ltilixlmintry. Whatever else you do, makn your presence at home and your .vote on that _day a matter of mord certainty.— Leave notaing to chance ; don't go away, Roping to return is time! Doa't leave home at all,,it you have the bunter. doubt on this point: :-Make every cithe-minskieratian yield to the importance of this, caw of kape ri tiro necessity being the only exemptions. Szysfoon and his trainers in New York have _since the late 'elections, decided on a changes of programme, so far u conducting the canvass on their part is concerned. , This change, puts Seymour on the stump, with a view of bringing the people to his support by means of "flowery speech." Ile has se ceeratogiy %mit Mt& - OCT CI at a.. um ilosola New York within the past few days, and we believe, he intends to "swing around the cit.- :de in Pennsylvania during the present week. It wont pity Mr. S. The people have deter mined on voting for the "other mar." and 'nothing that you can now say will deter them from doing so on next Tuesday. VOT . IER3 of Beaver county ! you bay° beard a great deal said within the past few years about making "treason odious." If you wish now to make it disreputable for a man to have desired his country's destruction during a great civil war, vote for Grant and Colfax, ' on next Tuesday.' They are the represent& tives of CA loyalty of the nation, end their supporters are those vrko wished the country well in its hour of trial. If, on the other hand, you desire to make "treason respects ' blo" work and vote for Seymour and Blairon ad inat. They are the representatives of the LoatCause, and their supporters I,re these' who eitlya sympathized wail rebellion or bore arms against the country whose flag they should have sustained. Choose ye• between these. • To THE Democratic party, prevlowf to and during the sessions of the Nitional Con: vention at Istovlork, GOY. Siymour said: "Your candidate cannot be." In tiis he ‘ told a falsehood, t rin a very short time af terwards be became heir candidate and cone Unties to be their candidate still. In his letter accepting the Democratic nomination for President the governor told his party friends that ;his candidacy would not perthit him te take part in the then ap proaching campaign. In this he told !moth or falsehood, for he is now on the stump do mg-his utmost to secure his awn election to Now if a Presidential candidate can tell two 'such notorious untruths in the Short space of three months, how many would he utter during the four years he would Ail the Executive chair, provided the people Would be so foolish as to'place him`there . Wi 'understand that Judge WlLLisids lias I s ignified to Governor GEARY his acceptance I of the appottment of tlupretue Judge, in place of Jud e STRONG, resigned. Judge Wir,Lisms is too well known throughout -the, State to *quire any words of commendation at.thiatime, but we cannot help regretting the lose his District Court will sustain while c ongratulating the ginpreme Bench on its gain. - the Harnsburg &de Guard in notic tug thew:carotene° of Judge WILLIAM, sir; This must ails the anxiety felt by our friends ail ov • • - - as to what course Judge Will ~ ally determine upon , In view of hiss` , • In making this announcement we this simple tribute to Judge ' he is destin ed to make one - Ilene, most • eat dent and disabled eilleereever clothed in Ju dicial ermine. Judge Williams, in this crisis in our State and nation, is needed On the bench. ' The Harrisburg Digraph of Tbratay aTg At this crisis of the condition dour affairs both State and Nation the of the position try Janke Winton. w7ll be hailed withjoy.byetery Union man. He was to hare entered upon Ids duties in the Supremo Court* Pittsburgb Wilily. • _ Nessusrernainsito be done but to register In November, the decree of October. The steed+ ortiitant lind"Colfai is placed beyond pub' ?danger. Withtheir triumph comes order; with an overwhelming majority conies peaks; nd While the `maintenance of order it4ha iebolStateaiiittli force necessarn fs the alneist tiniversiddemand of the Ameri can people, the hope „of peace which will not require force, is their dearest wish. A mere majority of the votes ofthe People, ortibare majority in the electoral college lttlr Grant, gives us the power tolieep.vtolenee under by AIM irwSt.o. 9k demonstrate•GgY,,rn.Tent4,bn, an euorp mcus vote at the polls will deonsimte the utter folly of continued violenee. full vote; and consequencei, a mighty majority;, is the 'Object of that pattY which fights this civil battle ; under the banner, ind with the object ilitteCe." . On cast for Giant, rely upon it, the safety of a i tlntion man in the' South depends, and the nanife tatien of ptiWeriit the pnlbf will ren der its iiistence unnecessary hereafter. ,Our victory is aura, faith Is In Or ppwer make ft shined] essime,and while the lives and prop- erty otour compatriots in the South are new assured of proteetion, let us see that this pro tection *ball come from ballots, and ,not bul lets. The ISSUE? ii In our • bands.., Another war to protect those 'who . clung to to sln our calamity, or & decision at this • ballot-box so rand andix!ssirive that another war will be unnecessary. , Freemen t a nobler motive never animated a party. A nobler, motto than ours never graced* banner, and a nobler leader mei before led nn ri - victorious host. One more chirge, and,ftn ,uncondttional surrender r.f the totteibig Democracy will protect our land from blriodshed, our national honor, from the stain of ruptullition, and our form of free government:frmn' every danger and Ammo which our defeat, or mere success, might bring upon I tik Forward, then, to another and finei victory. —Mgr. 2W. 'Tun returns of the election on the 18th show besvei to be the 'gannet Republican county of this congressional distrlct. In 1866 . „I,lyy's rnajoi Hy in the State.was over 17,000. '" $ year Hartranft's is aboutlo,ooo. An ex ' lination of the returns from ill the coun ties •show that our 'reduced majority in the State Is thargable In part to almost every county within its limits—that lat they, nearly all permitted their majority_ of this year to fall below that 0t.1866. Beaver county, we arc glad to say suffered her's to drop down len than any other COunty la the 24th district. IniWashinE ton county our majority was re dneed 262 rotes ; in Lawrence 173; In Greene (of course wg speak relatively of Greene) 103 votes; and in Beaver only 60 voter. It will be seen trmn this that while most of her shier counties did well, Beaver did better than the best Of them. All honor to her zeal ous 1454 hardworklng Itepublicaaa. Republitasus of Beaver county? we bore off the pain at the meant election; let us carry it away again on ant tiesday. There is nothing , to header wham giving Grant and Coif*: a clear majority ,of 1,000 aura sad probablv.lloo in the windy. Let is to week then. every man, and is that no Republican voter Is pennittal to stay at : home or away from the polis on nest Tuesday. • RXrIIBLICAM et Cht . lollllol4 Hopewenand bouts are boasting that they snide large gains on yon at the election two weeks ago. Show theni on next Tuesday that their gatna ih these townships on the 2d Tuesday, of Oct - ber were but temporary. To- do. this you must rally your forces without delay. Se 6. every doubtful mamlui.fore the next ell:OW:Ii. Urge upon bim the importance of attending the polls. Entreat him to vote for Grant and Peace, and if necessary provide. a carriage and convey him to the election ground your self. Irish the Republicans that are usually not very prompt in attending elections and induce them to come - out early on that day ; call upon your young men and exhort them to activity. Stir up the lukewarm every where, and make an energetic and united.ef fort to get every Republican voter in your re spective townships to the polls before 5 o'clock on next Tuesday afternoon. If you succeed in doing this your fair fame as active and efficient Republicans will be redeemed, and we will have no more Democratic crow ing of gains made on you in a political con test. Gii to work then at once, and work as you•never worked before from now until ; the polls close on next Tuesday. A nEtwoxrtos of prominent men from North and South Carolina visited the Secre tary of War last week and solicited aid in preventing the horrible murders which are almost hourly - committed In these two States by the ex-rebel soldiers of the Confederate ar my. Judge Hoge, one of the delegates from South Carolina stated that In the 'western part of that State the average murders, per day would reach 15 or 20. The SiCretary sympathized with them but stated that he could afford them but little relief at the pres ent time. 'The shortest mid the only effectual way to relieve the Unionists of the South is to elect Grant and Colikx on next Tuesday. If they are successful on that day the union men of North and S.: nth Carolina can "live, move and have a being ;" but if they are defeated neither the lives or property of loyaLpersonsl will have t o least guarantee for an hour's safety. The stu4a, then, means order, pence and the proteaarn of life ; their defeat, disorder ; violence, and.the extermination of every man whose voice ti for loyalty and Un ion. - REPUBLICANS, you aye done nobly in the county. The first battle has been won; but you must not rest satisfied with, thiv narrvictory.- Go to work at once in 'every ward, borough and township, in the county. Asceitain what Republicans were dot at the State election: and urge them to attend at the,' Presidential election; and Make-them promise to be there and vote. See that those who have not Pitkii theiriaass, do io at once. Revise andizcirrect your OS books- Ply'the fence toP4_o4 l d qieresr°llol22ll24l oltbem now) with newspapei, its , and ergo. lent; and the* will mitt i the donated - party In Polukds and 8 11 E 1 4 11 60. and then ie. that thiiiSrageinblican rote Weeds 'election - di JS pope& 'We .0m 81" one the -' l oPrit7 .coinkr with lesi Mee thin ire taindred aft 4 dx4 LAPvegilitlOOsfiN old doh* Work from now- until 'Om** -day webs ww. : ' - Tan Pennsylvania Central Railroad com pany bas n either forgotten nor forgiven Goi. Geary for IT.tohig some °fibs Projects *deli it mmuiged to get thieugh the ,tegislatnroof this State, aring theisession 411807. It has borne liim anything but good Will ever Shim' ! that thee. , • The air in and abOutßeamii Is just noir filled with rumors to the effect that that Ma nepoly meditates, the starting of a ' now Re publican paper' irrtbis place with a view 'of throwing „the political influence of Anvil, ,County a,gninst GPlikkoko.4 l /4, l 4kinlolt - • tion in 1869, and likewise to so control the Politics of lkifir iineicashlnghii - eduntleif that none but fast friends of the pareasylVa rds.Centrall will receive nciniinationalithe future for either the Assembly or:lenete In this bistriet. •Vr '-probably Mabe e:lBton to advert to this attempt of the Moriopt oly to .control the Republican party of this county and district at' some More time.. In the meantime we 'advi - se oar party , fronds throughout the,county quitrfOr:, laskthey be tied band . anti !..foQt tbyrlliet ;re- nannseles, enemy of Pentisylvania'Slnteiests =the Central Railroad aomplulP- ' be f ore th ey they are fully aware of th e fact', . A Lirrrint dated Yanktori, Dakota Terr itory, October lath; says:.!‘The Republican candidateltir delegate to the-XLlst the Ron. S. L Apink, and Territortadofflcera are triumphantly cleated; in the face of the most shauielesi and corrupt use of Federal pa-t -tronage! the active personal efforts of the of. ricers themselves in every case, accompanied by a free distribution of whisky to all who de , sired to partake. At least two-thirds Of our legislative assembly elect are straight Repub licans. This result has been achieved byunt ted action, through organization; and earnest and persistent effort. • . War Democrats In Coniesl. . , On Wednesday night thri War ,Demoerats of New York met in council; at the Cooper Institute, to declare for Grant and Colfax, and take measures that their entire rote be brought out. The meeting was addrossed OS? Hon. Edwards Pierrepont, Hon. Henry, G Stebbins, Hon./Henry Nicoll, Hon. Wm. P. Hnvemeyer, lion. Francis B. Cutting,.Hoti James B. Belfonl, of Indiana, and others of political and civil distinction: Among the names appended trot he call rippers! Henry Ni -1 Coll, Moses Taylor, Edwanis Pierrepont, Wm. Crating, Edward Weston. Wm. F. Ilaveiney er, Chaos. A. Secor,•Francis B. Cutting, Chu. F. Blake, Henry G. Stebbins, Frederie De Hillier, Itihard Berry, David Babcock, John W. Eday' H. Molton, Joseph Colwell, Prospr etmore, George Wilkes, Peter T, 44 3014 N Hayward, Thal. F. Carhart, iv tn. , [eery Clews, Ales.T. Stewart, C. V, it, Henry Meyer, Abraham It. Vit. Nir e x brdus Boyce, John Whdeler, i \te K.Ar m ObaaLl . 1, Effingham Townsend Hen ry D.AI . George B. Butler, Edward Haight; Joseph Wigan" Frederic Mane. and representatives_ of nearly all the leading Co asenatlie tmisotNew-Tork. A prom. sent fest ure of the evening was the prelenee of the Irish War Democrats under the Seeder ship of General Burke, Colonel.. Page 0 the Comet a l o egitm, Captains LAI, Nuilgioc Lynch of the old Slsty•nhstb, mai others. The woad. of the all Itself are an eloquent argument, themselves appealing with peculiar 'power anj), effect to the substance and hones titre. _ltidonadby Ilse weightiest •-- ------,, ----., come with a meaning that will be peculiarly appreciated by business nien—men who have propeitv,,save i and who want peace . that they may- a money :• - ~ . Those o emocratleantecedents,Who wish I to retain • entire Union upon piiiiciphs i that:Ric Jag ! I' i• - tt itoc • . 1 1 Who belt a that the debt- incurred suppressin he rebelliou is a sacred obliga tion : Who insi that the plighted faith cf the nation shalinot be violated, and "that its naive and credit Flail not be disgraced ; Who des - to treat the States lately In re bellion witllenient justice, bet who Will not consent to inrrender the Government - to Southern reels, still insisting that the rebel lion was riga, anti stilt boasting of continued devotion t ow "Lust Cause :" -Who are lo posed to the repudiating doe trinei of tlugew York platform, and to the revolutionat inallifesto of one of its candi dates; • And who Here that peace,safety and pros- ' perity for t whole country will be secured by the elechi of Gen. GRANT. Itsrunm sof Bearer County ! Ars you wick await/ Do you realize that, although you hare ay In gaining a _most important victory thetal struggle comes oil next Tues day?. 'tbem,then, every one or, you! rart "frosty son of thunder" .uuding blood of twenty-one , e in line for the ballot-box on 'ruber. -Old and young, young e of your glorious num bercan You must add numbers to yoar Up and From tho down to t plant, let the Sd of and old, n be spared, ranks. Copper' ism must on next Tuesday die the pond eath. Each of you must be in at that de For in it is the very life and resume t our nation insured. Thifeoun try of W on, of Lincoln and of Grant shall the to be a hissing gooloi Blume on earth. i The deal Copperheadism kills Repudi ation, kills aeon, kills-the hope for the re vival of Slifr, and brines In their common , grave the ales of Union and Liberty. A quictilesperate effort will be made by those ejes next Tuesday to take ad. vantage op. supposed apathy. Republi cans cf Bd Gounty I You are thought be sl pi er your October •ricto sleep g s d secure. The Copperhea actua yl3 to make Beaver their banner coup in j State for gains to their ;Slimy rank i ttetually think to win a banner f flag rr, flunk and wave it in triumph over err ds. See that they dO liner ! See that ey e gained but a further loss. Give the u 1 thousand majority to crawl 1 ci o to t r h on and hiss over for the next I 8 ym . , mai It r- Bring forth every Ttepub • oteiThis Is the city battle-day for Monne who falls now to do his duty rtbf th e country in which Gettys was' ht, and be sent all also in the ben sons of Colombia are called to Ix In; ew before her and be rewarded the u In upholding her fair fame h.% - 1. 1 I na gave a Repnblkan majority Won 01077.- .it can essay -be the Sit of Iceiremberlo .110.000 1044. Beaver. ty Be ret afoot litli to radtattom A •1 1 :111 1 1 1 =i3 ove eCer hundred li ylitHi ni Ve Coos out la you, gimlet in the daylbe irouldopt is won. rbiloolve *riga delbotthat rotorattiotgli Oka! Pons eter otoroyserigoollamoa at bielplag onotti bo dons.' . , P tr° a W EST VIRGINIA ELECTION. '• Iteirabliempejority Over 4.000. • --I‘r ,_ ,_. . : Legistato . * • Urilet, Republican I ~. Ippeikal blopateit to Site Contmerelal. .WUEELIIIK Wiillt Viaticum, October 25. The Reptibllean majority in twenty-seven counties, cutting fourtfths of thovolea-of the State, is fitly-tvio hundred and sixtyAlL en. The remaining oonnttea will noun* 'rally change this.. In the First Congreislau al. District, Duvall, 'Republican, has eight hundred majority, In , the Second, hleGrerr, Republican, tweatytwo • hundred majority. Retrups from Mai:aunties of thopird Dis trict_ ;indicate Mint : eight liundred to. one thousand majoritr.for :Witcher, Republican. There is from thirty %titer Y RePublictitt jority; en joint beillot a in tbe Legishiture. num bering seventy-eight members The Demo cratic specials chtiniteg this State are delib erate and persistent Rea; intended forefeet on he country. ~- Htitinasto;i etary:ReptiblitMn Statiectinmitte. ARE THEY FORGERIES! F The New York Work! says :,."The radical newspapers have torged speeches, and pin therwin the mouth of Southern; Democrats, by' w horn they were never uttered." • Is it a. forgery that Prank P: Blair, the Democratic candidate for vice President, wrote to Col...Tanics 0. Broadhead on s the ElOrli of Juno : "There is but one,wal to restore the pov ernment to thii Constitution, and that LI for the President elect to declare these acts rot reconstruction) null and . void, . compel the army to Undo its usurpations at the te n th, disperse - the carpet-hag Sate got t en ts, alley the white people to recognize their own governments, and elect Senators and 'Repro-. sentatiresr. Is it a forgery that Wade Hampton said iof a Democratic TlMM:talon meeting in New Ycrk: ' • "And I w* nt'youail to regirter nn oath that Avhen they,. ('the white people of the South' without tregard to the exceptions of the reconstruction acts) 410 vote, that these votes shill be counted, and If there IA a ma jority of white votes, that yon will place Sey mour and Blair In lbe.Wititd,Hcouse in • spite of all the • bsynueta. that shall - he brought easiest them la It a forgery that Neale Hampton said at his reception in Charlent4.l hat he proposed in the Committee on the flattonn in the-Dem ocratic COnvention to iimett the words, "Ind we declare that thieiirtni . fruction acts are revolut,lonary, utiaonstitutlonal and void r , anti thit he added: ' • "When I , nroposedihat. 'evert , single Mem ber of the committee—and the warmest men in it mere the men or the North--came fan ward and said they would ferry it out to the Is it a forgery dint Mr. C. C. JAng&n, delegate to the Democratic Convention, said in a published letter before the fourth of July, that the reconstrnetion measures are atincon stltntional and, of course, absnintelv void," that this vrould:he the chief plank in the Dem ocralle platform; that the Supreme Court, probably rd its next tern), would so decide; and that he ridded • `Then nitwe want h a President *whose views are In accord with that , dectslOn, and who has the will and the nerve ttido'his duty. It will be his duty to enforce the degree ache Cnet ? ourt, if need be, Art the point of the - bayo " It it a fbrgery that John Forsyth said In the Yobllelklister, speaking of rewontrigt.. • "And lyre we may as Well 'say that the people of the Smith do not intend to submit to That permanent rule, result as the Presi dentia/ election may?" . Is it alorgery that Raphael Semma said at Mobile: • "T ave come to declare that I have given in my aliettinnce,•henrt and soul. to the old ilsg. •prveided we can restore the old flag again robe the representative of the princi• pies of the •Constitution,. which we will he able to effect by the election of Seymour and Blair r Is it a forgery that the Charleston Atereury said : "Peace was made by General Sherman in the spring of 186.5. in 11 term, of capitula tion with Gene ral John on. That wits peace and nothing else ever w Ibe pence !" Is it a forgery that Albert Pike mid : "The South is our land; 'the North it a foreign and hostile maim If the old Union cannot be restored. we, Will hope to see tbe \ South independent before we die ? - Is it forgery that General Rattle, of the late rebel army, said at the Democratic meeting in Mobile I "Tire Democratic party endorses principles for. Which you battled? Is it forpry that the Richmond Enquirer says: r : • . "the next Democratic Represen• tatives, in rase of contest, will recognize, and only recognize, such members as come there under legal eonstitutiens, and that have been adopted by'the free consent of the white per). pie of the State!" - Is it a forgery that the Iliehmoird IThig, 'speaking of the Blair letter, said -. "He declared without' any . hesitancy, and in terms too clear- and decided to be' Jalfftla &mood, that, were he President, the whole Executive power should be employed to blot out every vestige ot radical recanstruetion?" Is 'it a forgery that Wade Hampton said: • friend'nvince the ' negro that w 4 are his real but if he will not be convinced, and is still joined to his idols,.convince him at least tDat be must look to these idols %tem he serves as his gods, to feed and do the him. Agree among yourselves, and act firmly on this belief, that you will not employ any one who votes the Radical ticket. Is 'it a tbrgery that Albert Pike, as Prod dedt of a Democratic club, oftleiallyrsaid of Democraticcards of recommendation for col ored men,; . "V T° hope that hereafter, when any Dem ocratilesires to emploY a colored man in any capacity, he will ask tom . his card ,' and if none is produced wtll reins° to employ him?" Is it a foigery that the New York„ . llrorid said of such speeches of- Wade Hampton as we have quoted :. "We ham foam' them to be the candid and persuasive utterances , of an honest and courageous man ?" And, these are all forgerf . os why to it that the dharlestan -Arturo. "Private advice s from om Mende of the Nort h requeil protest against the tropudom hen Gaped none Southern the adjournment of the Nations, Convention • • • It is question. .er at this Site anything is tb be.. oy tee each reference to things that* owl**. pies narks " VViutt we want just *OW is . , Ittkese are. not ibrgeries they show db. tinctly that.the. policy of the Iheuixest4o,psr. V. should . it succeed at the polls, will Lathe forcible oveithreigel ilhegovAtztoests Of the Sou tern Stites. Mit Irm meow* Prednce civil visr; . . Tie lima Gives ft trip. , r Lovnimiaj COMM% OX sax Rum+ GiSartaltuansMs Coarxanza. ; f , -• The Lokhrvina Onerfer,' the ablest rebel Deistoe_ mire journal piblisbed south of the ObLi river l in tit issue of Octoher 14th, thns candidly leviews the Midi of Tneaday% elec tioas: . - • The returns came IN slowly lair t= nlglit,lol sitinnrs•h at the hour we write tats (234a.14) they still lag, yet winkling have been yecrty, ed to indicate the daiit of the pemocrata fn Pennsylatda, Obto and bulbuls. They Wife mule m bravo and determined tight, and haye gained a few - members of Oongrems, thOgb • • to the., extent; anticipated ; and although morales agalimet•thent are not large,t itis useless to'attempt to conceal the fact t ilt am verdict of yesterday yirtually decides the Presidential election. Our people meet mike up their Minds to the fact that Grant wilr he the next President. We earnestly hope that the,apprehensions so generally entertamefro the evil that thli toliewthis result will ;not beleallxed,but thittWnew '4;of Peac4 10; I .;.and PlcsObritY*# dim* oit therdothal,, _ _ , The Demoentcy , ire AS dearly' emanated to nullaleatton In the support oc SevmOur, es• wore the Deosoorsey years , the support of John C. Calhoun.. -At the Con vended which Woutinited Seymour, ; rummy . passed thd Ibilowing resolution "Raotnd. THAT Wit REGARD TIME hEtb,r • BTRUOTIOIt ACTS (66 uncial OF CONORM,' AS USURPATIONS AND lINCONSTITUTIONA L,NEV OLUTIONARY, AND VOID." I I) • The-convention which `paned the mime ttifantetis resolve did not contain a single loY al mirias a delegate from any of the , lately revolted States, the representatives 'of 'lvti o ch were ail ex-rebels or distinction , who n tinned to boast of their devotion in the cause, and their hate of the Yankee Wei - of . government. • Waal: Vampton, the ma i n iviin led the bloodiest charge made by.rehei ry lutanist Union troops, and who urisil, an mere than one occasion, the raising -4 the black tiag,,was a delegate from South flam• lino, and voted for the nomination at sey. moor. Here is Hampton's own mnstrilclion of the meaning of this resolution, (11-11Vered ate mass meeting at the rebel Dentocravy before twice New York : Tre tan Sore as raft until the Pernoernfir party will come ort rtn4 pledge it.cetr /11/10 Ito wiv e punt to the ,South shall coo. I wont rat to roc/beer nn oaUt that, whorl Mil Ito rote. th-ir rot , ' 0,.01 "wood, AND IP TIIKRK Is A MAJORITY OF WRITE VOTES, TRAP rat wtt.r. PI.ACg s ET MOPE AND MAID IN TIIE - WRITr. floc F. IN SPITE OP ALL .TIIS BAYONF.Ts TIIAT sIIALL BF:DROPOUT...AGAINST THEM." After•pnetlering such b n,narn , the tom) who 'votes for Horatio Sevto-vir tnr Presi dent. is ready to'vote f•lr Jrff nr 11'n!) ert E. Lee for :Inv nffire m th. silt- or tit" people of the United States.—Star (711 , frd, • Adininistraterlo Notlee.—l etters of Admin nitration on the estate of John Halt& late of lAiditon Tp., having al . been granted to the under coed. all noncom' indebtod to mid eaten: are renovat ed to ntako. Immediate payment. and tho.e having claim% ezatnot the mime. will present them proper, authenticated foe settlement. A don nbatnaterts Retlto.—Totter4 of istradon on the estate of MM. Ellen Castillo. de ceased. late ni Neel, Brighton, Pa., having been 7,,ant ed to the ondersigned,.all pompom Indebted to said es tate gra tml to nuke Imam:Bate parnuest. and tbose• clehrtaMmlnst the sime will present, them properly anthentitated for settlement. JOHN REF:VBS, Adintafirotor. Admiabstrateest Notlep.—Letter. of !elmln !ideation on the estate of Abner Wolf, eloo.:Nr1. late of Rochester Rorouch. harlot hecerunted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said am requested to mane Immediate paymont. and nerenas Wring clelms against the same will present them properly Authenticated for settlement. A: IR WOLF, Administrator. DISSOLTION NOTICE. n nrrnvonn Trusrt wry foundry 1 , 1•40•11. en., of ter. In the foundry hesineas; - *as dissolved by metes, consent on the ldtb of (Riohor. The besiness will be connected In Ms Cetera ender the Arm name of arbechle 3 F.coif. Person*l.hartntr claims against Me old Arm will please presto:pillion') it ht once : and those indebted will confer a vor ter ling end settling their menet. et is early el dilly no possible. 4. 4. A 7CTIF:R4ON, JAR.SAtTEL ECOFF. A LEADINfi EASTERN PAPER srEAK - s\ AS Li follows of the great Eureka Organ : There le nothing so humanizing. so beantitql, so elevliting as music, and :nothing that we heard for many years comes so near the perfection of sweet mm110. 1 1;14 the Eureka Organ. made by Sboninger Co.. New' Ra ven Conn. This tnstroasent has the new Vey Rip MUM Stop, which Is such Whims to the old:;orgens to to enhance their worth fifty fold. This stop era. atm by a film a trill Hire unto the warbline of the whole feathered tribe. doing away with the bellowing hoarseness so detrimental to wind instrntornt. volume Of,mande It mho forth Is polverfel.'rich.and tall of pleasing melody, such as entrance a the onnonl and intoxicates the ear. No person would It/link of weariness. where a performer was touching the pearl keys of the Eureka. These most exeellekt Mitruments are for *ale ouly by the egenu. • iessies. itorlPatiN,llol6lTE CrO.4 53 Fifth Avenue.. Also, apart for the celebrated MARSCII AU. a IdrITANBR PIANOS. fpci2s'69. - - 4 el lI,RORLAND, AIIOLESALE k COMMISiIION BOOTS,SHOESANO : G.UNIS. Ras removed troth 102 Third Avenue; to the largl and commodione rooms. NOB. 33 AND 53 WOOD STUFFY, P177'3DUR1714: And has on hand the lamest and Lest *elected stock of BOOTS, RR 0 V; GAITERS. , GUMS • In the City, and will be sold at cheaper rotes than in Philadelphia or New York. Most of the Goods are tnanntaetared'actweasly FOR MY OWN TRADE. I would Invite Use Cott and IMtort-Time' buyers to Call and Rimmine soy Stock before beretusing else. where, as on can OM money. GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. Store Retail No. OS Market Streit, (I doors from 3th., J. H. B 0 It% D, - • S 3 'et SS W9Olll STUMM. DRY GOODS. J. 1r; BARKER &, ERB GOODS, 7 JANE& , tivea strizosnmo uoou JEANS, I 4ERES, • MEETINGS, .. • • SIIIRTDIeS, HOSIERY. Amid otedleiwrear.. for Ladles. Gads and ptilidren MMus of MI entitle* oo bead and made lte order. Wow& 31,,Otaimi', an woof, ton reldtte„,l4totee, adore. 111 errs* booed, SAO* , lltradear-Preetb, good quality. $l.OO. 111111aidltoss, lewd; an word; $l6OO. /*us at ;03i orate, - , -111,1**7 Mordants 'applied by dross pi us Pagiusist Wiest asters raw =I Nulllicatlod. New '2k.bucitiscincnts. JOSEPH O. WILSON. Admimiefralor Fr.:.‘'lliFill IMMENSE, STOCK, AT 59 Market. Street, P I 7.:7 ; SB UR f# lir. PIA FRESH ARRLVYL New Spring Goo ds .NO ADVANCE ' - FIRST OPENING OF SPRING GOODS FOR it '-- AT P. A. Fortune's CHEAP DRY GOODS STORS IN S II BE DIAMOND ROCIIESTER PA NEW PRINTS, NEW MUSTANS, NEW CHECKS NEW GINGHAMS, NEW DELA INES, NEW COBFRGS, ALso, Table Dinner Crash, Red Flanuelk White Flannels; Yellow Flannels, Jeans, Cassimeres Tweedg, Drillings, Hats and Cnps, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Notions and Fancy Articles, Trinintings, Bonnet RibLons, Millinery Goods, sic., The above comprise* the eno.l (Mfr . & 114)6 offered to the citizens of Deaver to I t!• pleasure to aasurtng our ClaetOtnire and those IV revue as with a tali, that the above pact hurt as erer„ REMEMBER TUZ PLACE. F. Fortune' CHEAP I DRY GOOD SST° IN THE MILMOND, ROCHESTER, PA BIG MON Across the 110°' - 11 74 11 4 h ; 1 1 ,1 0 11rODY 4141FATN4 anal PLAIDS