The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 14, 1868, Image 4
GENERAL: ELECTION. ';:, :,,TrOdatfit44.-7-; TITHEREAth !WAND RYAN ACT OTITaN 131121. •V V eral Ab theembljt of Co i ni t t i nonwe t tl e tt ti l o = ' tightionn o fJuly A. 111., , bah it la made the duty of the gh tj of every coun ty within this Commonwealth to give public notice of 1 the-General Elections, and each notice to mauler-, ' 1. The °Metre brim elected.. t ;au Designate the place at which the el • oa is to be held.' .2• - • - - I. JoBN S. LITTELL. - - " High Sheriff of the connty of Beaver, do hereby make knowp. and give this public notice to the Electors the County or Beaver, that • • '• - ON THE IST,TDESDAT OP NOVEMBER NEM , . thew g,e titled thor of • the 'month) a -General Election will be bridal the several election districts as follows • • " The electors nr Bomar h tovinsidu 'will meet at the Court Donee la the Borough of Beaver. - The electors of Bridgewater, borough will meet at the Town Hall In firtd-tewater. The eloctore of Phlllipsfinre dletrict wiltmeet at tie public brick school house In said boroneh. The electors of Moo d townip will m t the house formerty occup hi Aube& He nd ri c ks on' now by John D. The elector o( Hopewell township will mud at the school house . hi the village of Scottsvilio, In said The Th e electors' of independence township wlji meet at the house of Alexander Themproti, dee'd.,l4 said townshi. - The electors of Raccoon. township will meet at the house of David Ewing. In said township.. - The electors of Frankfort district will meet at the house of George Dungan. Inlerankfort. The electors of M'Onire district will meet at the house of John Potter. in the village of Hanover. The electors of Greene township will Aped at the house of Elijah hilowentrer, In llooketown. The elector' of Ohio township will meet althehotum now occupied by Jammu Elliott, in said township. The electore of Brighton township (not embraced In Industry district) will meet at the school house, near Richey Eakins, begaid township. The electote of the A borough of Fallatoti Will meet at th e Academy in Palleton. The ejectors of Patterson township will meet at th e school house in the village of, Brtehten. The electors of Chippewa township will meet at the house of Asarish Inman, In 'aid township. • • 'The electors of South Ram township will mead at the house of John Rowe, In saldlownship. The electors of D i al i gtan township will meet at the Academy In Darltn 1, The electors of Big verthweshlP:will meetat the house of widow Miller, in gait township. The electors of Sleuths' township will meet at the house of idarkit. Clark. in did township. The electors of North Sewickley township will meet' at the house of Nathan Hazen, on land-'h' of Reel. Chew. The electors of Pulaski thwestdp Will meet: et Dangherty's School house. No. 4. in said township. The elettetv of Marion township will meet at the house of le O ct go nreors Hartsell, Jr., in said township. Thete the uor north ward4n the ;be- rough ho of New Brightonp per . will meet at the Carpenter 'pe Thos. iller, in Mid The electors o Mof f middle ward l iMborough of New M on, will meet at the School 'House, sa id h . The sleet:meet south ward of th of Newlllrighton, lower will meet or at thee Cu factory, in a llh Wi teleatens .: ithehester townehlP will beet at I:.e Roteertlie Wool noose, In said township. , The Ocelots of the borough of Rochester will meet at the school house in Redoubt. The eiectixsof Freedom borough and elkitrict wEI nest at echoothonee In Freedom. •;4 • ; The electors of Hew Sewickley township will meet at the house of John Pease!. in maid township. The electors of Industry district will meet at , the school house in Industry. • • The electors of Harmony township siM 'meet at the hotel in Economy. The electors of Economy township will meet at the bowie of Geo. Q._ll.lids, In KM tow'nehip. die cff tbe borodtb of Ben et will meet at tbe Sheriff% office, in said borough. The electors of St. Clair borough will moot at the Moot House, in said borough. The electors of tha borough of liadon at the public scoool hots°, hi said borough. . The- illation of Pew Gal lam borough will Ascot at the school hones In New At which Limo and place the waffled electors as albresald will elect by ballot,- .; • Twenty...tin persons as electors of Prcaddent of the United States. iTwenty4tx persons ,as electors of Vice - President of the Unftraffiltsten t • , . • • Settee le Hereby Given, • I Make IrnOWn and eye nence, as In and by the lath section of the illsresaid act I am directed, "that er excepdng Justices of the peace, who shall riihrO n ny ()Mee or apoolntment of profit or treat noder the Government of the United States, or of this State, or any city or Incorporated die trict, whether a !com a:maimed (dicer or otherwise, a suborOlnate officer, or agent, who Is or shall be employed ander the lode. lathe; Judiciary orexecntive department of thin State Or United Stones, or any, city or Incorporated die. Mut; and also that every member of Congress and the State Legislatare, and of theselect and eCIAMOn coun cil of any cityvemnatbssionerip pf any incorporated dm trkt, Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the mine time the alike or /tripoli:aroma of Indite. In spector cm clerk of any election °lnds Commonwealth and that no tweeter or judge or other °Meer Ot any such elmtion, shall be eligible to any Wilco then to be voted for." Also, that In fon sh section of the act of APPOM. biy entitled "An Act relating to execntionr, and for other pnrposes," approved April le. 1840,11. to enacted that the aforesaid 18th section "shall not be so Con structed as to prevent an militia officer or le officer alter hoes serving as t o inspector dr clerk at any general or prietidelectio ht..this COrntrionwealth. Also, that In the Mot section of said act it is enacted that "every general sad special election shall be open a betty ern the hours eight and ten In the forenoon, and shall condone without Interruption or adjourn meet until seven o'clock in the math& when the polls shall be closed." i Toe general, epeeist, city, incorporated district and township election, shall bar conducted by inspectors and judges elected as aforesaid, said by clerks impoltit , ed u hereinafter melded. No person shalt be permitted to vote at any elec. Hones albreisdel but a while freeman tif the age of twee cone Yeats or more, who shall have; resided In this Sado at lent we year, and in -the election dle. trlet where he Whim to vole at least ten days Mimed ately preceding such election. and within two years pal or county tax *Melt shall ism been sa smialig Oita* WM dere behest the el ectlep phut s ced orthe -United States who 'has pluily been a emended voter of this State. and removed therefrom and returned, and who dell have resided in the elec tion district and paid tans se aforesaid, 40 be enti tled to vote after residing in:State six months Provided, That white teem Cit izens of the United States, between the ages of ty-one and twenty two, andhaving resided It th e election district ten dityeas aforeWd, shall be entitled to vote, although t holdall not have paid taxes. - "No person, dell hopes:duet to vote whose name is not medidned to theriteet triable - Inhabitants, fur tidied by the Commissioners, unless first, het pro. duces atheelptfi: t or k ibitayinant within two rears of a dtate or county aspersed agreeably to the condi tntlon, and give sa isftztory evidence, either on his own oath or sidinnatkro or on th s oath or affirmation ol another, that be has pidd Mutes tax. °eon Whim to produce a nercipt shall make oath of the payment thereof: or mend. Übe claims a vote by being all elector between the ages of twenty-one sad twenty two year., he shall depose on oath or affirmation that he has bedded in the State at least one year Wore hie appliretkm, and make such proof of his reekterneer in ,he district sa required by this act, and that he does Portly believe flom.the account, given him that be is of the age Wheeled; and give suth other evidence as is required by this act: IthoreePou the name ef the P e r' son so admitted to vote shalt be treaded in this *Oa . bake Sat bl the inspectors, and a note made oppo site thereto by writing the word "tax." If he gall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word rage, She shill le admitted to vote by reason of mush age, and shall be called ont to the clerks, Oita *hall make the like notes in the list of Pettus kept by then. • • ••In altwine Wier - e the samo of the person tie corn sisWmme lot antereors. tor his tight to vote Muth*, mmatbereeser not, is elected to. by any mudifted cithEstall be the duty of tbehtue ears to seam le wanton oath se to his qualifications, it nd t the le bare reeded viten the Beteg kr on Marne more, he , chit shall sot be l'anificlent pro tear, Dube alisil tube proof thereof bre easiest Menem who shell be nailed elector ten within the for more th an nat pewees uldeketion, and shall also fineser bow tide residence emu. roe of his lawful thither fa .idthin the distnet , and tthe Mee suave Into said district for the pus , poem 01 .tlfieteeigatibrearld, and Who akit Wm the en Airlesweidence en o d= aunt after I be adniftted to• the township, mini Or Aged:lM Welch, be shalt I*. skis. . . - •rfi • Maar Pined still i wrevest fir WNW to prom any odlear og ea etscaog illtderthe aeR noble sub elution or wee or Ihresten any , to en with omen. or simel bMernpe egtrapreoft interline with hr the tatecation Mi•ft gftk_ bkwit up the admit er evenon sity wina metre the Mee meg be koldigg, oroSiaLS elotoesily_ __Alecterts the seellisescuosu et ow use or parmesan e n theesdbroe or violence. with mo Intletente tad* ortneveive anzdector or 6s t bintline weft dr to neigh mo heed= such person on convetion shall be tinsels any eats not evading ire bandied &here led impristansen for any time Sot Mrs than ate month nor more than twelve months. and it it than be shown the Smut where the trial of teem shall be bad, that the person PO °amidst, was not a mildest or the city, widiapd tt e t tr e tbaktowneep wises the'ssid offence tum ate nieentitted to vote th erein. then on conviction shall he genetical to pay a g ee of not less than one hundred nor more than onethwas. ono &diamond b ei nebtAttpthittl enamels` th l i eVl eirL ot re y, to attend the Wac o n o hehg every gen. aravapeopd or to tp electhm. during the drum* election is kept open, ft. the purpose of 'itivltie 'nation to the fomenters and jedree= a rned in Motion to:Z o o! any period f&them tb vote . or godi other Met*. ines tattoo le tile t dictate as the tow bargee tors. br Ober, or, thou.. , ale from time tcs time Mr entre., • • If any Pencils et penmen sett! make any lit Or ws. geinpon the:emit orally election Wallin this Clow wonwealth lir shall Meseta istake.V , l bet or en' gar. either try verhatproclainatios pgray printed or mitten advertisement,: lure (Nth** say person or persons toemits J ena -bet or wave, upon cOnviction th, its or wey shall left and pay three times the mereo f ount so offered tolls bet I if anypereon notby law gnalitleicsbell frandelini, y wee et any elation In this COOMendilth or log otherwis e 4m11'4441°11 vote' est .ot his district. or if any person ithowtog-the *ant ort proper district. shell std or procure oak persons to tAtiecla nations or pereons ofthn WWI, on expn linetittn-ewrettell tko hens dred and be irefellioned slay Jerre not less L o n election distrietontTertiss frairdsiently fold _and deliver I° the inspector two ticketi together with the intention to vote; illegally, or shall vote the same. or if any pur ism shall advise or procure another to do so. he or they so °Striding absdl. on (*eviction, be erred= sum not less than-, fifty nor more than five dollar", shale Itereintso frirent Men nettlire Ilittn three net matelhare estates months. If any - serson,not qualified to votesin this Common wealth aliroesbll to law, (except the sons of qualified citizens) shall appeal at any place of election for the purpose of -Issuing tickets. or of infinendng the chi zens , qualleed to vote, h aatreae shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any turn Dgt," _Ceedittlg• one- Mildred dollars for everessuchbeleiprieonerl for any term not exceeding three months. The Return Judges of the respective districts in this county are required to meet at the (swat House in the borough of Beaver. on the first Friday after the oleo lion, being the 16th of October. 18M, at 10 o'clock, then and there to nerftrtit kke dnbtes a Flo llll s l ' Ibem by la*. The Representative Return Judges wilt meet, in ac cordance with an act approved May sth, 1561, at the Court 110 use, in the borough of. Deaver. on the seventh day after the election, being Tuesday, Oct. 20th. 1868. • • , Tee Colima rekraisl morn s ledges will meet In so cadence with an Act approved May Ist. 1801, at the Court House, In the borough of Beaver, in the county of )Sawer. on the seventh day after the election, being Tuesday, October 20th, 1808. And by."An Aet ?dating to the Medians of this • Commonwealth," passed the 2d day of July, 1839. ilia proridtd and diierterf as foU.owa Sze. Si. When.-two-or more counties shall 'cm:l oose a district for the' choice or member or two hers of the Senate of this Contesimwealth. or of the House or Representatives of the United States, or of this Commonwealth. the Judges of the election in each county. having met as aforesaid, the Clerks shall make out a fair statement of all the votes which shall have been given at inch election, within the county. for every person voted for, as such members, which shall ire signed by , said Judges and attested by the Clerks, and one of the said/edger' shall ' take charge of inch certificate, and shall produce the same at a meeting of one Judge horn each amity, at such pA an, In such districts. as is or may be appointed by law for the purpose ; which meeting shall be held on the wreath day after the election. FE. 82. The Judaea of the several kounlies having met, as aforesaid, shall enstsit: 4 , several county re. turn .m 4 mate .41spbrate ens of ail the toter: err en for. Inch ellaclingsbil di e and be th e nonce of the person or persons elected; and one of said rehires for each office, shall be deposited in the 018 CM of the Prothonorary of the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which they shall meet and the other" shall by said Judges he dentra lied M in the nearest post °oe. sealed and directed as in parts two and three the elebteimth section of this set. see. 88. It shall also ,be the duty of the Return Judges in every case, to transmit - to each of the per- sons elected to serve in Congress, or In the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, a certificate' of his election, within Ave days after the day of mak ing up such return A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO THE-ELECTION 1 LAWS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH. I also give official notice of the following provisions Of an act - approved June eth,•;113:18. entitled- "A further, sumilement, lar Ilse( electiotr laws of this Comoro= width. • . Wegateas, the act of Congrmis of the United BMWs, entitled."an act to - amend the revere: acts heretofore panned to provide fbr the enrolling and calling oat the National forces, and for other purpos es," and approved March third, one thousand eight hundred sad sixty-f ve. all persons who have deserted the military or naval service of the bolted States. and who have not been discharged. or relieved from the penalty. or disability therein provided , are deemed and tak en to have voluntarily rellnqnlsbed, and for. felted their rights of citizen ship, and their rights to become damns, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof:, Arm Werzazas, Persons-not citizens of the United States, are not, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Common wealth: Storm 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and liffEse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn. sylvania in General Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same. That in all elections hereafter to be held in this Commonwe- Rh, it shalt he nnlawfal for the judge or inspector of any such elec tion to receive any ballot, or ballots from any person or persons, embraced in thq provisions. and Sabel to the disability; Imposed by said act of Congress, ap- I proved March third, one thousand eight 'aundred and sixty-Ave, and It sball be unlawhil for nay such person to offer to vote may' ballot "or Wftots. , Sacrum a. That if any such Judge and inspectors of election, or any one of, them shall receive, or con sent to receive,: any such unlawful ballot, or ballots, from any such disqualided person. he or they. so of fending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and .upon conviction thereof: in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwhalth, he shall, for each acute; besen tented to pay a tine of not less then one hundred dol lars, and to undellto an imprisonment In the Jail of the proper county, for not less than sixty days. SECTION It. That If any person deprived of citizen- ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any elec tion, hereafter to he held ln this Commonwealth, vote, nr tender to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any person, so offending, shall - be. deemed grdlty!of a misdemeanor. and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Com. monwealth, shall, for each offense, he punished in like manner as is provided in the preceding secticlads act, in the case of officers of election recely such unlawhal ballot failiallote. : , , 'SECTION I That if any person shell hexe s I:per il suede, or advise, any person, or nelsons, deprived of citizenshtp. and disqnslified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots, to the officers of any elet thin. here after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall per suade, or advise, any such officers to receive any bal lot. or ballots, from any person deprived of citizen ship and disqualified no aforesaid. such person. so of fending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon 'conviction thereof, in any court of 'wins:. sessions of this Commonwealth, shell be punished in like manner as Is provided in the second section of this act, in the 1 case of officers of such election receiving such un lawful ballot, or ballots. AN ACT REGULATING TIM. MODE OF VOTING AT ALL ELECTIONIS,IN VIE SEVERAL COUN TIES OF THIS JOMIIIONWIMITH. I also giie official notice of the following provision,' of an act approved March 30,1860. entitled "An Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties of the Commonwealth: Samos 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and house Of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania In',General Assembly met, and .1t is hereby en acted by the authority of the same. that/ the. qualified voters of the several counties of. this Commonwealth,' to all general.,townshlp, borough:and epeeist elec tions, are hereby , hereafter, authorized and required to role, by tickets, printed or written. or partly print ed and partly written , severally classiest! as follOWe : One ticket shall embrace the names of all juttese.of courts voted for, and to be labeled Outside, indicts -17;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all state of ficers voted for, and be labeled "stater Ono tleket shall embruice the names of all county 'officers noted for, including office. of senator, member and Mem bers of assembly, and members of congress :1f voted Ibr. and be labeled, :`county "". one tlcket)stiall em brace the names of ail township officers:voted for, and be labeled, "townithim" one ticket phial embrace' the Dames of all borough officers voted for, arid be labelled borough;" , and each class shall be deposited in sepa rate ballot-boxes. Given tinder my hand at Beaver, the 16th day of September, in the year of SEAL our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight - and in-the ninety third year or the independence of the Unitedlitatee. .11011 N S. LITTELL, Sheriff. Regain's Orrice, Beaver, Oct. 7, 'O3. 1 41. BOUNTY ACCOUNT. SCHOOL DIREOMPS OP INDEPENDENCE TP. by their treararer. Wiliam , hlcCoy, in account with Om townrh fp on Local Bounty undei.the tit ea. aesament m 1861. To o ' nfontq r .ol Bapll Note, To amount of.wai. On .1. B. M'Coy, - his succeasor. 818 84—$27 M 82 CB. By amount exoneration, . 125 07 , BY pna "ennige. 73 By aw. to of disburse. teisninh7 2578 W5l 82 , t i r It their treasurer William M'Coy oo— 2d roads, ment. DR. 1 To amount of duplicate. - . *:' .. 0 / 2 0 0 0 By disbar'. to sundry persons. 1214 00 By exoneration", , 242 87 By percentage, fet till By _amount pd his successor J. 11. M'Co ' Do. ' By their treasurer J. B. 1C 81111 AS— 812000 aesemment Coy on ;foe 1806.3 d , Tom:snit of duplicate, • u ) or 1933 118 DX To amount from themes Beam , --' I NTIL M'e• o l. see4l • To amount to close placed to his cred it to setUement of 4th assessment, 400 50— 3103 39 CB. Byamt diatom to *undo persons , 38811 Si Bycoxmorsone, i • , 300 13 By Der oentage, 83 si We, the undersigned auditors of Independence tp.,' JrO the year Mr, do hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a true statement of the receipts and disbursements of the local bona funds sa erAibited by their tress-. urer for the Ist, and 34 ossemments, and that the above balisobill VI la _doe _their lustherer, 4 IL 11430 y. ' MATTIIENV 1 , 1414112801 P ' , PIILLIP 8 TR01:138, • , April 15, A. D.lBBB WM. JIBED, ~ Auditors. ; = • BebeCtiireetani at ItidepiedeneatoUnsidpis y ti e j; treenuas,,Jemtut H. IrCoy, Is account with the town. ildp. coMmil bounty : under, the 4th esseunnent Its 118 L DR. To about duplicate, I O 1101 43 , - ' , , OR. ~ _, By and Lidaut hat set., . $ 400 50 Br nooar• * 1 79 SS BY Iper ccettale, - ,-, . '. . • 41.84 • Byetabruweands,'-/ !' - I •i- 'VS 40— - MOS 49 Da By their treasurer, ismer H. Wcoy, far WV On sth easesonent. • DR. To anteettief duplkute, 1 1011 69 • CR. By diaursetnenti, " . NO 30 llyestuusattons, , „ -1 1 . \•.43 95 Ml.Un' eentym -•-- '-' ,- - ; ' 1744 1011 IR k : we, the Atmore Of c b*endence township lbr the per 1848. do here)) that the torngolne b a trae)tatemeut of the receipts and diablusernents o f Vie Toes! bounty binds atexhibited by thar treasurer fer the 4th said ass sawanente. if';'„ l wir. REND. Iwo:, 4th, A. D. 1666 JOHN . Auditor,. , .. aim mon. CROFT & PHILLIPS m a w Eitito_4iittlitiviiiiiiirovoit4 139 FiDURTEUSTREEZ :tnirroari*Ggi vv• BATII.A.iItiNTXDRIfiItiViTiTt Rsam . setwastandics fall -descriptkrn of location price and term of an tbotiecTerthn entrusted to oar care for ode r . These consist of, Fartmatist Yids, Muses. Lots. Storee, d c i oat land. Coal Wasiak Coal In terest. Westent lan llotehk- Tanneries. CIO and 81buebilli PrOPeril• ' Redletet we print three "Irv" 0,114 1 1111 t *!g ,l l', 9t4 Pl t: te ran d 4 T ll ° - fades Wisfilai iota or sell : Reid *tate; let where the locatikawshould not ha to annuli oat 'Weever. a wny'of Width can' be 41114 -leading, sii o . 4000; May numbernerneady. CONIIIIIril;11131 - 4111101. - 1- _* : 1411 : 11617 1101TVIIXS 'PALMER 4t THILLIPS, AUCTIONEgRS aommisskon .filtrt4antsv, Opera House Auction 'Room, ,-.60 FIFTHBTREST, 'Q H Boot ~Shoe thirpobi, Dry doOds and • • • - Notions AT PRIVATE SALE DAT AND EVENING. apiteeklr. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! Oil Cloths ! Oil 'Cloths Oil Cloths I ci.a. 3P Xi T 1 ! ' AL 'EL M.T IS 1 CI AL. 13. 3111 M• ! 'WERTY•FIVE 111017 SAND BOLTS OF WALL A. PAPER jeet received. and will be sold lower than can be pen:based alewbete. at „ • B. ArCriZECEMCS, Bridgeviatei, Pa , Direct WM hautland.l.eatiug the original packages. Also, Window ghsdes.ilatcheis. Tracks . Stereonopic Views AO places of interest In tbe country and upon the awn tin= ' I teapectfully glee notice to all to call and as the =AV welt ecleetot Stock of general V AIUETZ Inelided In above, we hale Looktnr Glasses Car. P al, ' Eno* 011 Cloth., ae.. of beautiful design and ilertrelkly FALISTON FOUNDRY! ENGINE & REPAIR. SHOP IN FAALLSTON, HAVING refitted and enlarged my stork of mactun cry and tools, and having seemed the services of the best - of • mechania4. I am prepared to warrant all work done to give entire satisetetion. I have on hand different patterns and styles' of Engines, Vim Clay Rolls, and am prepared to make or repair alt dcserip• dons of machinery, on reasonable terms. I have all tho best plow patterns that putt this market among which la the - Great Western." whkh has been 'lna plow of the county for the last ilßeen years. Also, almost a all other rims now or rvlouely to rum. flaw° on timid and will continue to manufartrire a large assortment of COOKING, VIIANKLIN AND BEATING STOVES Of the latest styles and nil manta, which I will sell a these is thrOBEAT -KEPI extension top. which gismo taking up nut& rootil.and of the best and • most mons fuel and Is more durable ihau persons, after having used I length of time, may be ref hero said: - . Dr. Isaac Winans, Y. T: Kennedy, Eli Reno, John Watson. Mrs. Oeo.-Fniton, qpt. J. B. Winans, William Sawa. k, Joseph Darling, William Stuart, Robert McGowan, • Joeephlllacionore, Mrs. Joseph Martla, Mrs. Major Wade, Dr. J. P. McCreary, Milo N. Miller, David Leslek. • Capt. James. Roney. Dr. C. R. Tuttle, William Reed, . Belly Hunter, John NcLanghlist, ' Pamuel Taylor, Dr. Jaa. E. Jackson, Thomas Beacom, Jo lua Dunlap. 'Mort Davis. Marcus Baldwin, David Liojd, John M. Damn,. J. 'V. Winans. , " Mau. Raid. Andrews, Mr. Isabley, • Mr. OM. Frederick Hatanw. n Franklin, Cap James Johnston, damsel Rennedr t , George Evans, John Jackson, Halter Buchanan, Mrs. DePhlllomy, W. T. Reeves. . Homs„ DR. VW 98 r181111:11Y The Howe Sewing Mines WIPER 'IBTABL I 9? -ANY LY TUT' WORLD THEY BEING . THE PIRSj BEWINCI - NACIIMES ever made, and Una bean nununictured continu ally under the esperytidoi of dui original inventor, .lEfoisre i , Jr. , Sines their Ina Introduction 1816. Site rorentents upon- these insebines wattle the t t and last wt)%eets awls rapidly gradesmade popidesitr oleos the that that they bare seselso4 Ms very licapiszt=tt aid that them are not only the eideat: the best lathe worha. • These tosettasee '4lO relict Wink VP= eibrica tll whether ans dtteft a stitch ; Aber Ihe ' relation of Mr. Howe moon- both ot the Mete, Sewed. The tensions. new, novettad attraryiniat be 4sted Wally depos' dabb i ng asft after adj Wed 40110 requite except lor 4111 bra TothossOribillais vied rate flown Itsehina t Ak not necessary Ibr Ds to speeh ; emirs void on to others who wish I' peribet mathbarte beettreand see these anseldnse heavebwrial es ay other.: sad toe deader. awl _leathrs is!, an= At ;mom ho ads 84 0 gads fit 'ablainlvaldkNess ifte". 'maim , cad westybrada. • °See is mum alit Ma., and esptellaly6 A 4 . 4 at. Clair 111., l'itistlnfth, 7- c - ' '" - • • -,-- " - BEAVER COUNTY; PA. 11 ) .OWS AND PLOW CASTINGS STOVES r - sTovzs 1 1 th all the modern improve at modern rates. Among 'UBLIC. This Stove has an e. it 'a large Enrface without It is now looked upon as one comical. Pto v ems it takes lent to other in nee.!Tbe following this stove fore considerable tend to In proof of what le Jason Richardson, James MeGehen Glenn, Thomas Woodson Thomas R. Davis, Samuel Moray, Mies Roldshlp, Hiram Stowe, Mrs. Patterson. James MeDermitt, Samuel Dunlap, • Thompson Johnston, Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Rev. St= Jonathan McKenzie, Judge Kerns, Richard Knight, Solomon Fronk, James Knowles, David Craboon. Richard Staley, Joveirh McFerran, • David Carr, • George Wilson, James Thompson, Mrs. Qnny, lisrrtson Reed, Milton Rend, Boston Grove, Williant Greer, • • Washington 'Engle: James Galley. Robert Graham: Thomas Bradshaw, Milo Bradshaw, Dixon - Reed. - Daniel Matwell, J. W. Fonkhouser, William Wagner. Mr. Chaney, Aeon" Sulhurst, Mr. liTray. • David Michell. JOHN ITHHIMT. ARE ITIB anus *ma. „MIK =mt.! :unit wassi., MRSI I O4ROTITELtSt, CL. IT,lttar.G t . Gentleness'", f onleillg Goads, • NO. ` 1 ' • PITTSBORiati ' Clothhig a do to ordeiun short rugien. nodrghlr, . • .. . BAILEY;• FARRELL & Lead Pipe --Sheet-1 144 limorpiarrinuottoals Pig Lend, I Pipe, Rubber - lElcee, steam • Ganges, m 4110410 Val#es, Iron* . Copper Rinks and Bab Tubly • ' • *tun' INutips,Fann Pampa ' and 'Force Punips. • And evert dieript6ti , 0 /1106dolfor -• WATER,. GAS - • - STEAM. No. 167 eat.,: Prnisitmcg-PENICA. Send Ibis Pries List. - ' ' taparetir. 19.1i7VTISTALDI 13, . DICALZEI • • 3123ratraVt r itrer . Iron, Nulls • Glass, and AiTleal. • lurid Implements. BIIIIDEWS NARDWAMMEMANICII TOOLS, ohms kept on Mud. - 11 • Alm, *sent for the WOULD , DRAPER AND MOINE_ t it 0111_0 11110'DICII , sad. the TORNADO • WNW Me Btoedway.lorti Dighheet. Dt." - LOOK, . HE . . • . . . MEN UNDERSIGNED IS ENGAGED 12; NAN 1:7 1. Ins ![ti n. on ortng Lime kOttla at se %I tho mpost. Beam county. Pa n • - • • • • Power's Kilns" • Fresh Lime, and hes of stem* own idways bet „ h es short notice. 1 will sell as heaps, cheapest order left at the Kilns. or letters addressed to me at Beaver, Pa., wlll Nettie ploinpt and careful attention. Lime delivered, whesoever voted., • • AMOS DOIITT. ,• issetraii. DAWSON & RICHARDSON Beav,er Pall's, P.a. MEI HACING JUST OPENED A LARGE STOCE OF GRCK,BRIEEL NOTIONS, BO AS & SHOES, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, - TINWARE, NAILS, DRUGS, &C Mein's , Glass ill sizes and double atreWh. • Spa: dal Venation paid b Milne orders lor large size window glass, at. Also. LINSEED QIL, CRIME BURNInG OIL, BENZINE, • COA.LE'S PATENT DRYER, Paints of al: Colonk;‘ Ground, Di y and In 011 Purchasers will do well to call and examine oar stock of Plats before purchasing elsewhere. Alpo Choici Brands of Flour In Barrel and In Back% All kinds of Country, produce taken In exchange lbr door" above Ike Cutlery. to skis t street;' 67.rottt. MOORE'S DRUG STORE, IN BEA V4ll. Boy be found the best assortment'of DUGS, C3ilP. t lC Ltiatrons,, WINES nd 13randiess, inns, Oils, AND YE STUFFS: MI LT Ait#CJAis, SOAPS TENT MEDICINES b Li `afief7. 111 of the boat quality, and mold &esti. than eon be bouOt at any other Drug. B • Bunn In the county. • eo'a Female Mk, 15 cents per poi Cheese• II; Clark's, $l. 'The slat of- • LAMP TruilauitoB. uanTErctw STA norm; _wvrvow GLASS a PUTTY. cared Intone of the.eity,st Nonre's Drug Store. • id chow than ern be bought anywhere elle. • • . who - doubt tide all and see, and they will J. WORE. Hammond, MI ER IN - ALL IaNDS OP Ur t- reede - Mail; &ee l &o t i 'pod. 2 •llin trarm wr rkzd A s cr• A amen en beau.. AR goods delivered dirt; Gs. eisd ere Cointeliest etieid, t+eur the Pub. escc. House. in Iterbo!ter. Pa. ogneraur. ' it. & SNOORASS;" trifountaia Xef • <312-z s. "X 8 riami lam PEALE= • WADS, PAis7B. -- ailli manna DTASITIPPB, DRUG& •COIRMICIALg'. PROPRISTARTJOIDIVIIMIN)II,- , asd D0N1N32217 PMPU. 1(s$0 A R T . s- 1100D13 6 iffs., &a. OE =~_~[i~ fla Oiiring . .I: rOrY ,trie. anC Prellitair /111 Ir a ill=4.lolMP , -. . . i.lklaa tithdto*eo otLi lii,kidt i l h i o t i b i k , l*iso*s tMa o* it A ,4 rO„. B g* o . n s n al f. doti : dlo toOge i*SadAnl o , of *vs Pew Ow used. b l i a l o olo t ra," 0 1 0 -", 1 177' ..; . MEI WHOLESALE "' DEALIBIII"ALt KIIIDS riPir; , COpper Iron W are. , • , PROPOSE &INSTANTLY ON NAND kinds of TIN, COPPER AND ONEST 6 INON WARES yid* I will - „ AT THE 'LOWEST TRION Wolk Done to order lithe bat ppo.. um* 00il 00 tretnepoue but the best of malarial, end bailing net . but the beet of ircelusea, WE • WARRANT • ALL ~-WOB irgor,o, nut LOVER ,RND "X'33.l.riitErt-reetf are re a . and Auxins . Our . Mock. Japanned ware kepteenetantly on hand A. S. liarveir, DIALICA Ifl MUM= & riumwers, Iletrclmva,re. H AVING ON UAND A 'LARGE AND WELL soleeted Block of Teas, Rice, Coffee, , Cheese, ' Sugar, Soaps, Mobutu*, • .Baeon; Syrups, Fish. l3a,r4l:vvare. NAILS AND WINDOW GLABB.I , • 1 • . • Pine Churns,' - Peck Measure% 1 Oak Cluirns - ji Buxh. Measures, Willow Baskets, Split Baskets.' 1 1 • i CHOICE ,FAXI/L11 1 ; FLOUR By the Barrel or In Sacint, constantly on hand. 1 OP — Prices very tow, call andre. I S. HARVEY. ocerniy. , , . , , Bridgewater. Pa. Beaver Drug Store THOS. A. ANDERSON. DRUGGIST ! Corner . 3d St. and Dltintind, PA. I• SITES 'IIIR ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC generally to a tall arsortment of Drugs, Igedicines, PAINTS; OILS, VARNISHES, Putty, Window Glass, &C. In feet ererythlng usually kept In a well appointe d lire- and Chemical Store. all of which will be sold at the lowest possible figures consistent with a due re- gard for guilty. We hope by strict and,earefhl attention to business to merit and receive a eontintuntee of the patronage so liberally. beitowsd upon us. THOS. IL ANDERSON., znarrratt. NEW. Fa - 2411 - GROCERY PROVNON STORE! Crossing and New York at.. Itooheat43r, Pa. BY 0 - 011 & DdItRAGEI - %mai AT. BE rotttim' Panay Groonlosiod Proofslon Pl*, Floor, Oiling, Both e . Dud, bacon, Oil, Pore . Cider V10=37"- oPs: 'redo Balk . Coaboo, Cobtkoror. Talmo% -Cliont.-Astesswarg, - 7.- Woodot ad et inVitatt *airtime, mod bops 2214128 cm to Voidwoo, to Itlitits OW dies a/ 7 4 1 4 16 . / 114114110 !rriltodua ttkai at do tiat I mbtot *a. alt;let-4giksa+.. I : .')," A 111 k Y. i I BEATER, PA. ANIIMITI AID STONEWARE. Pure Oider• Vinegar. ALSO ,- :AND =I & XecoOtacts Notlet—Whotosolettero of Adititi ‘ate. ma lotrottos the estate or Jdor Wok Isto of pookuo _ . 3 1 t hgoover oatottn.Vtoell e -lisys I & Mft ' . ante ;1 fm` 1 • otoo-tkooe t to ' Ibi sam !.o. -.... 1 . 17 iL; Ikllljtifltittri.44OVr. • 7.: ..: -" !,f ..i.l4ll".eilletc".lakr• AMILT tROGIRMS! iiii • - • PrintMD Mann WANING 'MN:HARED IL the 0110FRWY sad 'PROVISION IMMIS or 0. W. Berkloier.- on' IdelAlliton *Met. Rabe/at , Woe 6 lames la jatortaipialils friends Gad Ur ptiblio [ca- IyAWIt ha taw Mded liialityballos Ilizakaadls aow . tin flaralatt at the lowed miNe raw; all ar. wildly at in* MOM l'toon Store: RET , Mt I lake *NMI recOmmtilitig C4lO-.8.13) my old toudometk and tenet the'ES:x t t i r.° : me al Tn . oune i ga m ologe so "77. *Eintimmt. • m Rochester MARBLE WO S, W. H. MARSHALL, ITALIAN AND AMNRIOAN MARBLE./ UTE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP V ate Subbed Head and Faot Stage* that has er. er cob been oSeted In Beaver coonty, at the very lowest prices. All pawns de king Nonnmente and Head Stones, call saw and extant= our work and prices before pur- Aide/ elsewhere. We di* competition. both In Ankh of wart and prices. tatteltfeeknos. rImpRovED - 149' REST())4I FAVORiTE., , BAIR DRESSIga )New, tlle in oneß o d e will quickly restore' Gray Hair to its flats* color and beauty, and produce luxuriant gr owth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other _ preparation by - those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautifid glow and perfume imparted to the Hair makeit deal:able Per Sale by allDruingts ts. DEPOT, 198 GRFZNWICH ST., N. Y. ftetoNENuo, Istrettiy J. R. BARRETT lc CO., hoprlmilank, iuscursans, L L Sold by J. Moon= Bearer, Pa., sad all Other and dealers in Medicines. niarlirdety. SPEER'S STANDARD WINE _ BITTERS ! FOR MR WEAR, FOR TUR PALS, FOR THE SICKLY, FOR Mg AORD, _ ~ FOR naimmi, ,1 . . FOR SPRING tin t t ! NO 11177 1 ERS EQUAL TO THEJJi . Speergs fitnndnrill Wine Bitters, t —RADE OP-- R Wine:Herbs and Roots. - , , erecen"a Celebrated Wine, ile well blown, liar' PRRITIFLIN'' Cl i n e fkl) LIZ' - BLOWERS, 4; WARR ROOT. • ii WILD ORRERY BARKt . . ' OINOXIC, . 2 and inch other Renzi and Rom!, as will in tit emu mist Digestion, promote the , Reerettena oftbe iv • tear tri tbenatnral ebanneb,iurdstire • t - . , ' - •,. TONE •RD VIGOR I: - , . —TO TEM-- ; i Young' and Old, Male and Feints All woo ft with wonderful sweets. inkyrs ; poi ,om, sad th e pale Up, • t •.. BLOOM AND BEIIIITY Te tb• thin hoe sad ears warn entadesenee. Cares Item sad CreiSei APPETML - Tr) them Vie acne attar. Ask far k rms. Elkaansaa Brr• Tlie• Sabi b 7 DraQgtats sad Groans. see that my drawn is twee the cork of anti Mule, • • ALIVRAID 91 1 2.12. " hssal4.7f, 3.; Sad sat liralahra, New pro*. a 1 1•4 CollowaY a Co, x m , iwilv; ant Irs iz:: : ; 4' • 7 '. •.• . • Ell • =Ara For old and young. BL m LANEt hum' AR t cipstimr l . k _ ___ita 0 ATIPTEMBER N..,,y pW h a i ledeed at et IVO Of ostrau t A. it Doporfoloof.• - lOW (MO tetelTere. f ..„,, week be tesibtlis b detpod tabu ski, silt noiselaked me Madam Our' par Is to titatotlett the reputation of tbs . .stboul cu e wreath - erbeludilp tb grit, b reberebidS. • ed. It lt 'sneeze koperten t es ,, . /Tile obould b e 1 Prai rrev t ttbet tea Ar d arm e net Uk6 .."" lad eceadene Ruing bad oter one hundred enrolled delis: Me pad rear, te:e ?ope foe ie Puiezteermie daring th. coming leer. ; . ...' D. IL 'A. 'CLEAN, ?tu t u . auglatet. ---4, • Go 't OtieD /UMW 111011 ALL 11015 R. WHO Of antler nu &seise or User and sbm ie b . „th ee Blliousnews. tikk Headache, Cocutt, lyak r . USW, Seer Stomach; plata. Am DB ? 4 0 14441111111. AC/111 AND Altman_ 10 PILLS - Are ebe moat mint 1 11 0 14 17. 7 _ever hthhrh: teher the Wild, for all 6W:sw r eet the rarer and btcnnaeh. • limr Et as it CATIWITIC without weaketdag th e Stomach or Bowels, but on the eontrat7 Eire to tout those wpm: difetateseray all Nelendedg Feellag., Inresing new Llre and Vigor into the System. - Yogis& theall DruggUte and Country lier t t anta, thronghout Country. 111C1DERSON a BROIL, She Liberty St., Plug. bard, Ps., Wholesale 440.4115. • Lamps, ant.` Carbon Oil, J•• P. SM rift & CO:, 311 Faittstihe!sreettit .altd Wholesale Dealeta IN ,P RS AND FRUIT`WAX iN CONNEC. -;tion with Lam" Chandelier,, rdsossere sod Car. bart.oll trade. Manson Wittoliglibs's & a d N ewmiles Self Resides Valois. 0. liond Cork 'Mass, Jars, Hock. foxillam sad Oa of tbe very bed hi the Motel, stol e , . rola and retail. WO pounds IX.b ttud XIX Fruit War Jost: rmelred. Ideate call before prircharitm • J. P. 8111112 dc 061. .1 187 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, S. DEPOT KARDSWittificat ,, • WHITESIDES & DRUM, mars °MID I . Ndw .HARDWARE ,STORE I •FEDERAL, sr, ALLKGIIENY, Nair P, Ft. W. & C. R. R. Depot. TIERS THEY WILL &ESP CONSTANTLY 0 I hand eyery deferiptlon of tfloseel H Na A lla. i ttlar p v!Pa A alt il ll.l el., Mks, - Axe+, and all kinds of Fanning' and Gar &ruing Implements. wholesale and retail. Can:minim and Mudrrans Dealer* ern alware art a .apply of DRU ' M ' S PATENT SHUTTER BINGE AND SASII PULLEY; 'b . on Cha d r peas sad sad tams will be as Amoral?). as ma a Purchasers Ihrtatt On Yha Rattrosaa, am have their #o:dtdelivered at the Depots wrregDks MUSIC' IN FRONT ! BANDS PITRNTBRED PROMPTLY MITI Brass and german Silver Instruments BY TUE 3WY OR TIBOR. • Au§o„ !Dram and Tenor Drams Cymbals and Triangles, dr.e.:stc., At prices lower than can be had at any other Hew ta In this country. - ftpectal Indneethenta offered to DARDS ASD TO DEALERS. Send for eirenlar and price list HOFFMAN, _HOENE & CO 58 FIFTH TREET, PITTSBETGET. PA riLIZALETUCTX PL•NOS. 0161.1 NS ASP ).*. 11 deona, Sheet Male and Mork ~.1 bolter. of Marla') InAtrnmenta and St , ...- ay rE6B:l3f. Rei neman, Meyran & .N.. 42 mph. at.,l t7ov fro., W • Wholesale and Requi: - 1, - HisiE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAN! . • , 11 Silver Ware. French Owls. 'Plated de , erlption: Tea aria, Somir, Maker* Wade and material, and agency of Atrl AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largen and mot , t Tined u►ort meet of the very he*: Artuvicati nude CLOCKS! to betonna In any city east or west. Peronp In want of any article In our line thaws wholesale or for their or n use. slit alvesys dad oar priers lower and our a..cement larger than any to be lona(' 411.4. t of New Voile city. M=MMI To thle branch of our Ind, t aring °umpire.. pried. Ca watch makeno we ray err.. rperial at/ration; we employ a tnrec of the very be.i. Artlor in 4h. country. and any and allAne, delicate and dldican wurk en• trneted to nnr taire—for the tnule or Indiri , ber—trial rely on getting the ntinow rail .faction. Work that be sent In by caorera or otherwlec. EINEMA 3t N S SEIDL& Wholesale and Retail .Ipwrlerr and Sll‘romithe. . 42 Firth Oral, PITTSBURGII apcZfely. Orillians' Court Sale. Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER'OF THE ORPITANB' /I Court of Ileuvor county, the enlerAtele4l will rr• pope to Palo, at public nnt•ery, on the premier., on. . TIIUHSDAY, f/ctnl)er IfiriS t at I o'clock, P. al. of said die. all the folloadne de- scribed real emote of Joela:i.Mcenwan, late of Bearer county, deceived. situate lit Darlington tp.. Beaver county, l'a., viz: arliolotng lauds o Nathan Patin on the North. lands of,lohn McCantry on the Fast. lands late of John KcKnlght. dec'd.. nn the South. and land? of rinqh Dilworth on the west. containing ONE HUN DR E D AN D ELEVEN ACRES, more cm lees, eighty acres Of which are dellPed, and the hatancewell tlmbeard. On it arc erected A stone Reuse, tine etoryr with basement, kitchen and cellar. Alan, a story and n half frame houee, about ?.0 hi feet. Orchard of good fOlt- on the premises. FA= well watered, and in a gbod etite of enhivation A four feet vein of ,good coal underlies about eeventrdlie acres of mild land. Prentlem within jSi mile orh" a Station. on P. Ft. W.'& C. It. R. TERMS.-=One-third ofpnrchnse meaner fn ha:slurs% confirmation of sale by the court, the balance to two equal annual Installments Inon Drat date with Inter-ad from same time, and secured by bond and mortrav on thepremiserr. The purchaser to pay experoce of Preparing title, bond and mortane, and all regard:a stamps. For further information Inquire of the under strrned. Princeton, P. 0., Lawrence count?. Pa., or U. Rice, his attorney, Deaver, Pa. 11L7GII Adm*r. do bouts non, cum testament° anner.a sept.SONlEhtf._ • ROCHESTER FOUNDRY, ANDERSOIi, ARBUCKLE& CO. MANIIIPACTURERB OF MACHINE cAsTnics . Hallway Track and Car Caotlem AgOodrant Implements, Engine and all other Cotlngs Dade 11 Stet Class Foundry. 'Also St o re s , Wier Prow. Grate Harp. Liners Sash Weights. Hollow-Ware. Fet tles. Iron Fence. and all other earflap; called fecal short notice and orthe very boat metal. Also. J. J. Anderson's justly celebrated New Coat Stove for Coal and Wood. which took the - Pirtitt Premium At the State Fair recently held at Pittebettb. 110 Stove combines many new and important prisrfigeg , which place ft Ow In advance of all others noe:lnvme• Some of the merits claimed for It hy the leveater, are Heavy Metal, Well Proportioned, 13cauty of tittle Ind PIMA. Fame of Draft. Easily Kept tleanjlequirri Utile Fuel, and the BEST BAKER EXTANT Alt orders thankfully received and promptll Cad We Gall Attentkm to the Folionise Statements : 1 While firi in the East I need wend of the coat, Celebrated Cooking Stores made in that Pan 4 A.,s tbe country, and on nt="l ben, I was reccanlaa" — __. 17:than Me Palace Store, (do Wan: ed Mr. Anderpon) - as being the best. I did so. 111 . with good "addiction. When I saw Mt. 41' denson's new Store,l was attracted b,y its neat WPB since, and on examining its Oven and interior to rate, Rand it possessed many advantages o ver a' I bad wean. I purchased, and have crne DOW ta We conaldwr It superior to any we hare ever used It b all the Inventor claims. and, we think, all that be desired in a Cooking Store. Cam G323IXT FICICDtrOg• Roenreerre.NOT , Having one of Xr. Andenioe's new Bowes to esd lean is endorse apt. Pendleton's statement Joan S. Slums. UILTIM 00. of Anderson's -now Sterol to UM I a ss WV (MTh the aboes tpetatuseadartirooom we sirone of Xr. Anderson's new Storer b s e ' n ity satisfied with Its good glandes to orri' pacts. Joszrn iItTIX MID . . , - itocrasersa. N , • nartagg kept hemostat a long time. » , ..s - ' avatber of Cook Store' , n rdiffe...:-.: v..- , • • - I comlder J. J. Anderson's new •'.;,..• • , , , mammy in foal. ready rookl nee l: ' Ida% semiomoany gee re end counpota It, bellsvias at lOU i sew. lo& . CUL L. .. _, • ............ Milano ow dile. J. J. Alienates new 5t , ,, , ... azasalletatet at tbs llociaeakie Irtraadzy . end .„k i ;;,:i It • bit frblore Matt It comes Inlly aP.T, ''" ok o st.. chimed Mr It. ,it hada vesy yffili 4 ,•• little fuel, and la aroma excellent t•xer. ai rs ' &non may congratulats blinaair on baring 41•4 St 0141.144:711 the Usa oiCookIRS LRAM s " Very reapeetftmr. .Akallat. Wm "WWI; .. . 411 .. Biaggl Y .