The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 14, 1868, Image 3

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    . •
-‘ • • •
• • • 40,:05tr4-9*"
116 Ai: 4 ed_ , 7 .
,ti,„,l AaiLi , .BVl",/ bus -21uva•-,zul4 it ooe I
y r -1 rcr
‘,. • i•Alt • 0, •
•11/31,Alagal ANIMDBEII '1411. 9 1 r
j Qt AL : AIOID DIII & CCLI : hNI:dU~.
Aile.EVigi4l.44 l,4 2ilagine7i4l3ll
Advert!serif Tr iltiViii.iotshi4l
- by beiNrlnr. '4ll -'ll‘.
r , l'r I.; ~.1 rr".l'•;
• •;•i' •1, • • • 9i•: .32 f,!I -••• '
.1113,111K9 OP ADVEIiTLSING.:..
• .3. •. 133 WO/ , . 1 '
, • nxs. .• • 2n.,1 : 0ir. Sni.'llo•l:4
. , .
/ J ae opipro v on lo ur) H in . oo
, 3 mi. 504 Oil 44' 0445 2'
rquarec. •I , a 'no co YfiOtti
;fir .k 4 'A f inr 15 60121 00
o,...rourth calitimod.... 7OD fll fl 65025 00
cli-Latf 10 .14 60- 1‘ , :00 ...00/0 - 00
'OD/ , eolutun X) • :23 00 X/ 00.0 00.75 00
Adnitat , tnitoce nod llscoutart ..
speciii I Notice*, -10
piT tO Crtiplit 9.ltarteily,oxittotlMultital,
Yid). wl)ll 4 .ii iiltt*t
. 1)e paid
or thfo, 'lltrerrudgnOTAr; for tho week
lig:34la to , •j. iatt • i
! 17 ; • ,t
;s• '
lit 47 dt.g.' i "." . rt)'67.:
' '4l (frt. ' ' • '7o 4, Yeg' •
,7:0 dr. , : ..\ 74 degt . . •
: 4 5 (lei. ' ' 45' iThr, ,
TA tee. . Isr; an..
41 dtg:: : '. ! 43 afigl,
t•{ 0_11: i,
' I," i
„.. : •
tit-thvr anthmlized agent, f9r
Tae '!frt. ‘it• •.
no, at •ntiotr . 'or thetimbliels directed folho fol.
yor e r advertisement,. itvldett apjas . ; fof fir
!roi jinn- 'l t tut.t.A'raratt to-41ff
!,Stiawt Straw'riSerpp . le Si
,TrY, l
P:" .l., Y o rk l l ;h: l ' 4 ,l o EV. 7-1&;)
frponrivz,,j, 1: k
r. - 3101; 1 :
E.:7 - ucwo : Shno , tt t 7 atiAr 4 ;.--.T.',Thittei•non,
:stet.. Notice-b. Singiel,9n,..':
,ftl'ilt-t of *g
.; -7- G , lfern l td. l l3.:V. l Musa
?Innagor. ,!.
Works—lilerria:k Cor. "
(iondS.. J.tii t Oaa463"." "
Execntors.NPF... 4, t
; . fr: x t.roiiil:Noticei 2 --.1. ilabii.
11: Barrett.
cial.tiottr . .—ilpenr's Port Graiie Wiae t : •
tsrs per lat NOt re-- ato rs' Ps t t60 , 0n.,
;••• — :.s..eitil.:Co.lca-•Crott„ .: t Philips. ' • .
1 7 or n .mild nialpracticalednattion io to tho State
n4:11 , 11 School at Edinborq. - Tr":
,• a . 1. 4
:I;argo &pp nrd under otollottints to
Irns,tsq.„ or Huiims:oll tn., fora viry line, larktv
It weighs jne ;ono pound, and believe ha
to the Pippin spectmi.
ftisteualt.--Severil ti2at occurred on last Thus--
‘;i. the Democrntic 31a:s Meeting IT:19 "prOCCII.
Ere.lind tliroctih the viirlous towns ! . With the
,d - it T ! 'etv swelled - mug," no particular datn
pt 16111r:eV
Household *ord. 'Mink. th&onifrelinble.
tt, chenpe.t. Try MM. I S. A. Alteu's InlivOred
VIP 0 1)1!.1 IldiriteAtorer. or Dre.elng, (In one bottle')
Y., m'f.. nrd children prefer It.. Every Druggist suds
ttett ilon I, Atrerttot to the odivertioement iii on
;-..Ptunil of J. IL cpiwo, ,1 , 1+(t.. of'
He i ne in procrslon of POITIO hllolftedge that *ill
.lerillt.ll . i° to glittrt it. ouniper of iil-eo!tllect. of
'over c.)ttn,ly.
• •
Pnbi Loa Inre.—The Welt Rev. M. -Porn'-
, ti.t.o4 1 0f dellver a lecture at Si
t'lo). - ch. ?few• Rittb(on, )'a., on Sunday 0ven
et I'. M. , • I
- Tht truth= of the l'athalfeeltnrel4 I!lu4-
A:•A by the wutket ot leatnro." Adroisalon !Scents.
Itt , ntiott.--The nalentm of the nntfoimed
,04! of IldeverCnnnty n•ilt,incct nt the Collet
• •
;•'•,le 11..evgir on attir,tay the 17th Ina.. et 9 r..." 1.
hill wend:ince In requeetett: By order the Colo
'! S. A. PICMCY; .
' , • .• 4Ciltutant..
el;‘ hewn Society..,-:no entertainment
•+',:'th.• memberie of this. Seclety at the Seminary;
' 'AY ng, •condeted of ern ors, music; recitations
.^hci resdlogs, with a short liddretiis" by Prof.
r. Prof. 11,1i;cr,' who i r s daserreilly
I pupils for'his faith!olness and dsvotion to
i ,, sllsincenient his dopirtmenf,:pc . rfornitil two
oil the itinno,,bilkowlng birnielkat
.. bomo ,with
ImarinuentvwliCn In ihe: fianda of *
Au Avowed Itebel.—An unmannerly, 111-bred
hued and beat a little eon of , J. C.
're. or i hit-piece on last Thnieday, • steeply been use
fellow wore n Grant and c'olfai badge on thee,
rri -ate the Denutcrittle . nisme ruceting.. Mr.
the brute benllng htq Thlld, and
ilet'enee.rnd tit; pp4the wretch in Me Inbtt!
• t , 'rhe fellow then began to Spit out tile
' tit Mr. Wllson,eind anon inadoltiknown
' he'll:d "serVeckover twia Years In"tlut $ll4 ,
le botrugh Obititible retts than sent liar; but befpre
nr . rirn! • the. exlreitel Fifildler dodged into the erbkrd
e , I
neped. We With ire knew hie ZaM,F44
s :
• '
Gretlf Republican
.71ass itt
ettopie„—We attended one •t the lariat. tthilerlY l
. ..!entnnelnetic 1116;11pp - et Zellenopbn ou Tnee , ditY of
werli dial ree hue witneseed for .a Iptt.time. 7
prprer . rion Iva:3 ili•iireen three and fourinilee lone,
Ist less than . mix thousand 'persons were, piesetit
t tle'oreeslort. We noticed one wagon drawn by - 8T
o n thteot ho'rees were d' boye, and the wagon
leaks, ,representlng' each litato of the.
The largeetweinblage, itfnir being , mg:tutted,.
e, :•cored by flep.;3nntl.• A.: PIL - Tiayart, ilcra. , T.
; ;In and otheti: acknowledged-On
:r . to h Iyo:t . teen t d Intgeet pt lineal demQpsl:atlo~
"Bice nln that , 'O-r:" • • •••••) ') •
. . .
t Contrast..--At the Ito, publican, 'Auta:.Meetind I
ttre on the hant of. Septembtmyabout twenty
t' Perrone err c ea! ltfityhols S'lslll . Tdd ot blue
‘lts• All of theeeorali One or .two oxtoptimis, hid
toe In the army and curled thetraaabeff .throng y ir
kite of hattlea.- •
Lithe nen2ocrititc)ritkeitnilic'l"Piliii:96'
(4 October, abOat: Meaty-flee pentane served le
1et.5118 and word rod or bide eashet:'' ' oetheae,;
ene or two eiceidlone; iltiver taw an acmy, nee'
g e ne neat a battle, and the sashes they .wore on last
!hardly were bought from the etorea the day before.
loftllete which cir theiltvp rtuntsbett tne4
t o % the eturtid . . es 'at our
.Itoonto.2 . 80 /d4eril
of the two parties delights to honor Mt bravo
, • a t t en t i on —.-'
.i . , -0.1 .. .
lie eould ca ll .he . of our otialniisamen to
tt fallowing
,qciotittlorr ficen-Blaterson'a 1 Counterfeit
4640 iffnUctoberI '. .. A •"... 'Y' , l ' - ' ' “
" f aualciaximicEs. - !
1 , • .-:
r,RALDI FRAUDt 1 1 '41M:rill
.1 144 : 1,11 t ! The whole linltea Stated ham been
„,,,ttli II political circular to whittle Attached ' a fad-.
f;; . ' of me U4ted States Legal .nder , One ,Dad?',
1 „. t 4 ymour s likeness is in the left liPlier co.nilif
7 4 .7, 14 or ewe's. We give ',the following doom;
.14• Instead of Chases likeness on the. led tUdid cbr
tli the genolnedollsr greenbacks.cOntains,thli
a s beano the likeness or Beymou., and Ma
'''ti the of Troeunwer Spinner, lik its_ Will
ittd4we bolionl, right hand side.” Otr Ott 'PICA :H.
i * Promise to pay the bcindboblem hi green- ,
k,,Letiodizig IS-10 bonds. , " It would be ad sable 1
ktflote to be muahll In tilting one dollar 4fteft!' :
i b i s is nothing more than 'a woodcut;
N,-, till
it from the bre
." mikevarluir of
sot" .
v -moo r's friends are responsible for this Paine
1..,% 14 fe il It money.: We have heard' of ; several of
• .1
~...thotti Wulf passed on our citizen , one on the
ocraU citizen, e Mass Keeling.
J 'r I 1 {..
In many. a fevered swamp, ' !
: . .....i n • i t an ia y 42 4 o ol4 ii i P a tkib rroi 6 9 o 4 Dl l - tt t s
Tile Orearylientingl'ete
. PIAVE Ma , -I- A
ar4ilors- :! 'it
.: ' ... : 'Aiiirciklii Ml' Ile iltlit 1 11 O , Iv., 1 ;-, .... , 1. of , •;,, 4 ...r.lz
~, pr in.W A u sterrsill4 l 4.twpdc*ll4: . ..,::: t, 1. 1 .11'.--,
.' Are sir4bibed the grAnrsigAiktse-Wciii,.:.
''' '' Or InijoCy`ol -: ' ;"' ' , • ' ••'; 't
•",: ~.';‘?Pc, l nibliaclor 'nli'aiief4Oiii d ' '''''" l'—' •
~••; •
• . . , ''- hiA, Mat 9 01W,Or they drow, • ••••• • !,..w. !.!.•
~ Lk il . .11Tef. U;qtr,lo2lbloodcike tiiq,ii4l3, .. 4 , ..
t:44ll rlANif r g g LrF 'lln '- '''..-
)ou I • •
Oar brothers innste; s lby our side • , .
They Mar in am; i btant !irkr sty died,
For itt 0 glair r .....1 1 r
Good trtends, for me and you!
many a fortress wall
'rimy charged -thoae Boys in Blnq
14 1 1 rrrT.pke. itElv;rd bid!, A r
ye VA* the .
Moe ntoand y - d'Az-
Theee noble men—the nation's pride
-- ronr hundred thonsand men have died
Forme and yon!
_poo . d Nouga t foype snd.yetit !
p s k fl A
Tin* fill ato I griw c
To eta ure I ha the Pahl!. of old,
While 'mid agonlee untold
They starved for me and yon!
The good the patidut. • and the tried.
Four hundred Ilion.and nih u have died
, l• or me and yon ! _
Good Manch., for me and you!
look slalit-vreHarnier capuLl • •
' - Tritfahelislostly b - n • '-
And to the nation 'a latest day
One childrer'a children lay,
••They died for me and yon!”
Four haqdrechtiegiefted,or the bia4
Make tithrourvutimomed7oll their gtave,
, Foeihe and pan r- • -
Good friends ; for mound you!
G 8 deg.
deg .:
61 deg'
65 deg:
41' deg.
P EIVEB II I7 4 I 4*.'*: •/7
restftlearStikttii 'Plino.-14eneql
• , Int . priVvernerms and Inorinute or rfikilitail,
tlon—lts Ccortucvtleii . writ4 Rite 1 4Coi4IMIY
Pittsbfirgh DispairJ ire copy:tbef-follovt
trrllnttering notice of oar nolglibOrirtg•towteliter,
Falb : • ' •
• "Not withal
Identhil earn)
Toiving the
rayed on the
ally, and on t
arum thone tt
iritluentlal 1:
good. and bt
Tit It ia mall
loyal milllot
Two years ... ...oily lithr , (es were cast
l it t
I li
heie. Now,,there will ho; too timol ed and fi fty, of
[whom two-thitltl ( l44 Sir G t Colfil. Of
the BO ft , p . ir ,t ik
~ y switeekwho
k a (Arty a I, grA difeacnce .tw 0 4 busigpli a
I handkq'
.tr,1iciz0t0via....F.44,341104:;? one
I iota onfolo iiii!arVatiNfiil rilacitletticrintefvom
such coos oo trallfetktri . : -I fsileiliffirif. or au of
its s di .17IFFiriiipi 4folt r j rAlaniaai Ilin nw
near ntlinniirali-gbekitgititiiitelst ritt , i, no
great It s` In thejc p(-'6o._ Over irin'tdulbr,..l
lionh'Y have 1)eel ti b t ri viioon, alkd by the end
of the year hill reach., -. riyo . .tiptlg444iome of . t)it FO
h-long tq a enpel4ilei' style ' of: archileetnriN, fqt ...caliy
' otli - c_plei!t,:binpuliumalc„, .... •
,r -7,: 7
Thieientinitqfci fo!'ifharlilal and Adinl 4 4 o 4ii 1. 1 "
Lion 15 - mime, ioretherlcittir . the cotnearplated'reinh7al
of the cogine i hance and torn litido,...frtgn New prigh-
ton. 000 qlOtkiidlii iii:citrlithite,l6lnfelo good
Jtitigaignt AR' Oomp:s the officer,' of the 'Pittatiqrgh
Ft. Wavle and Chicago railroad. main/ >,p. !And her
the tank'and reaervoir Elin bet - aniinll_iii Nit an tin re li..
log spring: The boeineßa of ilittphiriany it :lila polut
is rapidly lacreifehie.. • .- -.: ..r . . •
. -
Through *. the aicommodating rldrit and, tindaging
energy' 9 f;Dlcasrs.,
. I .lenrioi l 4.4ol46,lrnstesa.... fof,ties
1 'llarmouytitadety at Economy, ,our ttlAtacns.nroto'be
r upliftedail h ppro,aaft'n - atei (Mai - hid' slde ipriints,
to be - Conyey'ed fp ptpL.l4 to their rt.tdilee:s-“nuexttrti
t-nl blkidng which cannot be too Idaldy•prta.eii. Drum
the maim. fanilabedby.tbeia 'gentladten. ,101 d. to-their
personal supervision, arc time Ptreillit and prosp - ertty or
Beaver Fulls-m.44V atttlfr;ted..l. Inptiii,v t rispecta it
were well tOr. tattnl/Ni 5.0491,10 d ftid anrg ' ing,,wp i cut
or durp; 'dm it itnttiac ilie - qntet ikli:liiild ei•tfic4,e es
, cellent ebrlstlawllaimAA Al::n th..1.41ar2 will come
Wen ttigiOtkicltige t flillyadderStika" rniliTlibrecr
1 med. and wAillake th6lll2rope'ridecii In ihet;feaflsPan
theott of Pr..gre'.."` - ' '....-- 4......;,,,"
At their Inst:Lmtlen their also exkts in this placelhe
Economy Sash mu Institution, which pays Interest on
deposit R, andnfordnlu4elnal aid te the citizens.—
n. T. J. lteey6 •neittl,lginte.
An extenetoit fonrittl!y and I,mitteryre now in Pro
cess of, ereetlo4;the lorinir by Messrs: Ofe, r ‘Volf
from Canton,Ohltx.-"tlielutter Har
vey, ftimttleit Liverp'etol, Oldo . .; • The wrottidyngiioom
of tho fontilry, totr+ullt . pf:hrick robistonels fifty
'two by one hundred and two feet ; the fitting uprotim'l
fortyAwirby slily feet. This Will be the largest store
foundry between Pittsburgh and Chicago, excepAne.
one IteCierel:inil. . • • • •• ,
The Pdttety building eighty by I wit bifodend . feet.
The cliiyibiakl in this victnity le attiel hy itußely. to be
uperlorio stritin die tinited States, for.the.,copmfitc
tare of Ljectri Ro. tfi ckliikbarh 3r*.
The Be a ir . ails r - I , Poieviii . l.'Y to noir manufac
turing arts en fn , ilimb irldrh, to strength and
beauty , of 1 11 n Ish; Stn. tiOt etattalled airy' 'other esiab
lishmen! country. An rrictenutpflhla is that
tbeY 'barn more ordcriktbsov - con All, especially
for their table cutlery.. Whenthis. entabltshrieltt le
'complete In its fun extent and capacity it will `employ
over five hundred workmen.
A handsome hotel, near the station, containing for
ty-fire rooms; 'is' j roldling - cCdnplinto - n. Thos.
Bricke.n, iiif.-Alloghen r opynt4, Is the Arppistoe,irtm
•Is fayorlefolptaisirn as ottertit knortho7 to, kelt , it
• A Methodist E pa h qerected this
summer, and is nni . A Pres
bytertan elms* nUt, l two good
' se hoots tutvo„
„Wei 'apple *la
Mra. Suitt attice Wpflablitt tatt
. titgsir rude. Is
giving lesS4a. — rt„
which-1s heipingtfl."Fatipti"- " - "C " ' th
The tesoktia: ktd , adyllittlealilactiloge -
et with Ha itittilalqua scenery. saplotebt 4 In Its
autumnal col:100'6h r
k UVeffttle of
tests, Intelligett4ankenteeiti443l ow thri , -
tog shall ti‘updtbrditartof
•• Vl' ' 4 ' liqtrireatiatEn.
j?.. ,
Eloengcigairy lffi§tfitstintiparnitTlTtle.:Slacti
tlonary notorrsysnamitenntala - ,oedica..lWijou its , on
the 24th of last month, was postponed cp,a:,copittt of the
inclemency or the weather. Atkentef;alfittlettl *th be
given by Prof. W. N. Ifull,twa-snecessdve:cvenings of
this week, the 16th and 17th, iii'llidutaivn of Beaver ;
and Am Nrocesset hue getirronsli'proposed to give half
the picteeedts few thkbenelit,hfrffe Pabllcill4eAuf hi&
'place, to pay for a clock and other necessary apparatus
f or 311.~. Av .49Re - frlONiiitlin e• • •
manifest their geed r eeling towards the school by be.
lag present ; and we have !Rol:mitten - Cy in saying that
none will regret thetttoe thus, spuut;l - tor : A ff erent
'and - entirely heii triegraidtrie of the clioteeiestilectioris
will bsprspared for each evenlng , s.enturtaj amenc
cannot now announce whether the CoaraAtoasepan,he
ac cured for the oateaton •or not; bat'lltaely nottce
;miff be givepolthe place,of nonyi.nlig 'by hand-bills
bitling,dlaohated throngb Beaver and the adjoining
. ,
West Virginia is now the onliState that win told
an election previous tb November 841: Wm. E.
Stevenson, the Republican candidate for Governor,
has made a thorough canvass of the entlenlitate, and
announced to speak atvarlans'points lb We 'OK
ening preceding the election... The
_indications at"
that a fail vote win be polled, and the tepublican
Jest lamp! than In 1806.
On Saturday mann a man named Chapin. an
'pipped on the rim Randle roan; en the stone trate;
while the train' nes lit', nietlint led, Ida "Wince and
fell trader It. body • Imo discovice some time at.
ter, and It was no badly MangledN lobe bofdlTrecot-,
" -
71iatiiddit i
cans hare carried the Lexie Ware, which will hare:the
emoting of &United States Senator in the place of the
Copperhead Strensucw. This fs not the least rains.
hle trophy of our Great Victory.
- -
4,l44kwitilt, Ark 41. rie•l3"Mtlirlinittlirrltr. "
- A.O" z u lgkineti“,, I -41 / l e'C riMilie l lk i firtfitp-00 1 / 9 14 . 41 1 0 •
11/VO, FAssi 110 , ",,e—.;;,.• on, „,„
itßdel • r •s, • . _ •
•In rld wood mountalnglen. liar; u 4 1 4 14 tn?Rcliklll.. IterrAtAl
r t i t n iat , 1 ir s r 13taiiihti°11494 16!"11114.#03
, 1 l I PATtli#4l aft 4,0 ), t rucPaq i togiitat seltrYhritiltti
ant ott staged SO theißgfale ' A r gitilltrierig 10 11 811 4 .16 .3 / 6 1 1 (i01611016:
Norms and you! ued - tateit i tn a kfrenelold fthlt !War have
Good friends, for me and you! been en
Prefk,toopoerAPritipali Ithe 4 F ormacAol at
Er:Hubert% will be with us during the week, and Dep
uty Superintendent' Ceburn;rrvelerp who has giv
en his wdols ty's to tho work, will be with us *portion
efithe tiny. %Who tlingirpes will cpuiitigat rulplintr,
w itoklummourtaitamakvinalectuigs: - 1,:.
cry teacher in the County should attend the institute,
because no one can afford to do without the Lemma.
don that rebbarptgpfted tkprt.l Thcippligyi the fourth
day of the Institute is set apart u "Director's Day,"
and will be devoted to subjects having a sped& bear
ing upon ihn.duties of dinxtora. They_are,theiegore„-
the dtscussiond.ri r [a t.'l The teachers of. the Rochester schools have very
kindly consented to acts, &coastratto of arrangement
for the accommodation of teachers, and every thing
101,11940*i that eau..b? o rendlr,our, ylait to Rric t het
tetigeartult..U9 tutPrtdistile, ,
' The following subjects will be dlscuistiddarieg
statute, viz: The teachers fatinence, Miser Deed
How can
rs pupilsf nli Ibest Ites Ut .
'C - r
manne B ryn ,
Dark side of the teacheetrealling " " Reno
Bright sirte Afthgleeetor t r
Is tt decettalrtrhar ?wile mg ruts In "
s nation should be educated tt, .. "$, Oral
TA the tenc 9 respourdhle for the moral
training ot hic pupihs? •• " Mercer
Sellout Discipline . " " Miller
The teachers',Mission „. Routh
Importunee of mental Dorman
The oblect of a recitation •• " Oldham
Rim dein thoughts_
Evils of Irts&laralluindaneeT. 411-411Donirhigo
Earnestnesa," ,• !!fr ock What are the duties devolving upon
parents? • • • ----
Row can school directors aid in pro
moting onnctual attendance • " Mrs. Marquis
What mptivir And,tneolativlV fi triltdr. , c. ' , ,Iv "
ought to be aptvaled ?..„ .11 inAle tip
Wired rrt lellr a n i ta o r l l l / 11
tare openlou of 1r *" • •"*.. 'GA
Should Singiagbe one oft tit brttrigt
es taught in acgobt r _
Tn i
n g a tt o e f li n ig l ee n P:: " .' T "Lai warp
D, , ; e l l l43 , :io t o mo d
What are. tin. firominerft cituflesi;rlllll. • ' er
nre in teaching ? " " attAkin
Should moral lust rpction n stated
ItnercaAcnr,trtxtoViAtioeintally tn. trif
trounced . I bruigsxcelellend
School government " air ratehrlsty
WhAt t eatp„ pgronat replier teachers to-
Tards promoting the efficiency of .
our schools ?„ v ., * ” Azilabouse
Are ptibine gap? eitatt.ltlat e
exhfildono %leth ' Itillman
Should a military spirit , be ,epeopr
aged among pupils? , - & " " R. Miller
Ospht there to be a law passed corn
,r4rT /11411Writt til e r le r at g ." 4 4 21 1 44,)
Should prizes be offered forsuperlot.
ity or 'TN:4,IOIIIp r • " T.A.Torrenee
Can teaching be reduced to science? " " N.P.'Nye
What methods of in4ttuction will
most snecessfollv lead pupils to or
iginal In% estigntion " Mr. Veazey
fly what plan can a cacher best sue ,
ceed in keeping h pupils employ.
How can the cordial
parent. ibe best se ur.
What 0060Aiotonv•
make eof MI time antebt
lionN •
In what Mir can n t seller most roe
ce..,fally Impart m cal instruction I " J.Connell
Lectures will, al. , he delivered , by Masses. fiber
hart, Lakin, Fields, eMlllin,Donglass and Rockwell,
(leachers of our ow C 0.,) nbur.7l Dr, DlaLedia,
Taylor, Dr. Acheson, Rev. Shields, Prof. Ilurtt, Pmf.
Cooper, Deputy perintendent Canna, and' S. J.
Cro, a, Esq.
Ministers of the / Gospel and the triends of edutol
lion generally, are respectfully Invited to attend.
County Snperintepdeut„llenver.Co.
October Lth, lrfi. • 3! a .
I 4.1.1.AT1
tent Wit Pres'
ImpendP 'ln'
:rein nre ar
on and toy
i. within; lta
)st active end
,re rebellion
!co. •here.nre
e going on.
net a*
I of
the will of the
.1 Lint of Grand Jurors for Novelni;er Sem._
rdikrixl B 3 l 4 4l 6hirrneifttlite 41 1 1 $24NOUilikt.1-4
i it cheater Borough — S. J. Cross (Foreman,) W. D.
1 Joh aton. Daniel 31aratta..
Injentry , Tii. —John Aber. Alex.. , Eilng.''
New Drlghtor, tioro.—John Bain, W. 13. Leman.
3iarion TP.—Phtlip A. Bumper.
Bridgewater, Dom.—Wm. Bane!. ' •
Daprer lkir — o.-.!,,,tarles A. Deearmo. ' ~• • •
Chippewa T.; .—Robert DonthLt.
' Drigh lop Tp.—Richey EaltinySartmolAilaatm.
Indepanenen Tp.—Rohert Eaton, Thos. iitandieh.
! - lloon 'ip.—Dnalel Fighley.
North 'lcwick:ley. Tp.—Wm. ltennedy.
. Ilanor r4.-James Nelaon. Jatnaa Marc .
i Bt_ Va rlnio.—llenry Pirweit.-: ' l A' c - i .... ,
It New Solt d
.kley Tp.--Joaeph Powell.
. I
r CreauJ Tp.-4. 31. Reed. •
Phlliid.aburg, Doro.—(lllbert Tim , x , ter.
Darlio n liou Tp._ taco. 'con.
- r
Lig& tvl i Ve l iliiniOtiffOrioTtiiithei 4a4021
: - .lBqBs . .tonansepleing on 241 Monititts --
Hopewell Tp.—Aiehey Agnew, John ihtlitiSoll.
Brighton Tp.—Goo. Barclay.
Greene Tp.—James Brittain, llcnry Cowan; Jame+
U oo .o".ov9o4 , 4errretty. ,^ • , - •
•Econoity A. , Biyad, G. C.'iltn, r .T.`ir:Murki,
James Neely.
Mimeo& ,0 set attri.,
- Hanover 'l*—Mnit ternani Robert ReNf4-.' Alli
son Robinson. James Peters, Robert Blittbill.
e‘ .. .X.108 1 119 1, AtirocrvillOtron Roy o. - • ~.•
New Sewickley Tp.---John Boren, Arthur Frampton,
John Ileflon.' A
ludiptfy ti 7 Arig",•pi, RlChilliWitlfon.
Ohio Tp.—Wm.Cunniugham, WM. Chaney, T.-J.
Moore.. • • • ' '
S'outh Lk: aver Tp.-311chael Couttne Sarnnel tiatbi
Deaver 11t.151in3ioo. • • '
Fallston Donti. 7 mlobn
Bt. Clair Doiri. T .' - tieu.
Indopendenea Tp.--thriatopber Lanee, David Reed.
. 7 t 4.
Franklin Tp.--Jamai Itnt , aer, s r . a
- 1 4.„ i.dogton :ow, .11;
F r eedom Doro.—Alex. Mixon.
. • •-• • •" 2o wzbi. '
• 4ocheeter.Soio.—J. J. Anderson, Watt dezdY, rt
pat ng toW Tr): 2 744ipi4n get:PO:4ov eptt P . Piltle •
Moon Tp.-William Bruce,liobert Moan.' George
Dobbs. JatnesMairdie. '
Pulaski Tp.LGeorge Majors..
/411 , SeirkciiivlZß.-panitl prioriqr, l vid upbtts.
• Freedom Borrn-lJetin Brlggi, Chefleetrini,:Thde.
G. Kerr; Jackson Sloan, William Wagner.
Chippewa Tp.-Robert Bradshaw.
flan Over Tp.-Robert Breeby, MURIA Yolion.
, South Beaver Tp.-Peter prowl, Prestlypriffnum.
Borough - Tp.-Wm. J. Dunn: ,
Big Beaver Tp.-John Dlllan.
Greene Tp.-Jacob Diehl, Samuel 'Reed.
Industry Tp.-John Fleury Noes.
New Brighton Boro.-Liattson Graham, Josiah
Kale, John lass.
Ohio',4 dant Merden. 4 ;if • • .
Bridgewater 00,04 1 1-.. t. 8 et-k, !
Hopewell Tp.-J. C. Richey, Thomas Russell.
• Economy Tp.-James C. Swain.
' .Independence Tp.-Georgo Shelato.
t , rirjeat49 , ; ' V.(rra c
B.A.T.EY.—At' Waver County Poor Ho 13243, on the let
;dayi of October, 1888, Mary Batey, In the 35th year
other age. -
ANDERISON.—On Oct. 12, 1868, Agnes Rachel,
o fhireFiti.tkilli#3ll9st - 991r• Pa.;
11_yedis. •`• c •
MeTCUR.B.--On the Bth inst., at the residence of his
Father, in Big Beaver tp., Pa., James Franklin Mc.
'Clara, son of Mr. John Skeane, in the 20th year
Of hls age. T •
James, thou art gone to rest,
Thlnc i liyzaytomb
• T ) Mut edNhatiaisliyo
aster call Me home.
PATTERSON—On Monday evenlng,Oct 1284 at bait
pasSamu t 4 o'celol ck.and in Beaa rthver, Mar A. Patterson, litockdale, uaugb ter
• or .
and s
a ver, ged
months and twenty one days. A Mean
BEANB.—At the residence of Mr. Wm. McDonald his
wluMooswell Xpg. klwaysztoottetry Pa.. on
RBind. 24tb, 180,,1ir. - John Shane, in the 85th
e m cAaa..e. • t
was born in Beaver cotutry, and lived
wlthinitaTMs during ths whole able Ithe..Mo was
a dirrout eirbthw 4904 - seurbtdeaad paliwpa ids
rewsniiikt lace th idl *di kbew Wm. t • T
• • .
~tarriage~; ; :~ ~~~~
- -
SMITH7-DOUnk , —At the resittline• of the .billte's
hither Sept. Zith,lB6B, by RIM P. J. Cu mmtnim,
Buda to Miff Ag nes DelldßiOntßao.4
:eobn , Beaver _Coenly Peon's.
LINNK RPNB—LACOOM.--Chz Theralaea, Cktober
sat,sat, ea the neirtenee of the lette'sanother, by Rev.
BlidaeOlonntlenenbetele lb Mae Attie Le
both or Roebeater, Pa. •
A RBON- 0710
ber, by_the Rev. Wleteri , Mr. B.:Wa end
Mks Rimq A. Grove, all of Beaver county, Pa.
GAMBLE—DOGREL—On September Flak 1868 by
Rev. P. J. Cummings, Mr. amok Gamble to Mhos
Mary Ronde, at the residence of Mr. l ß. H. Donde.
"Mee Anderson
eo-operatton of
tired! " Mr. J.W.seott
- reftuniv. • •
" I.7.Strotirt
t - owelliqtroital .
The cheapest Flanto are at Bence& - St.
Sta_rth,Frit4era444hly recommend
ed toy , . pl efaa4 tryspeptica, on account
of Its ton Rromlif : s - ms priF..ll, an,d asdpli
1 -'
Ythi tV 44 . 5 _.T39444 - 4 1. i,44i1ig507 00 1-
crt (Ittd
~. ,IlmiceA 1. ~,, .
~., •(, i a.- ,
v Zr
Tis t Altguk l ,tatqf: 7 4444el:o4st all must
NkstflA, thcg,i - T, .hc.,41; inmad,:upon mir
Per°34aq ors9f hfgliPonall!tkuoted •by the
hair, anAinint4possplotOntutTly. ' Let all
who wmiht, ITT! . ..g , thett, utilllara :capillary
adornments 1 sp4-sca.inspply that never
failingpotenok, LBFAtOtNiegetabbalair Re
storativetAtrartfoftWourant ~ , ' i !
rri,:ri'!•: j, !4.-; ".) ,fi: q i•:i.v
- Istew style .14a,bporal.W.,mOvarglAikirts
at Beninfli. 7 z D-o Le: fl ., .• / :4
' 1 ' . .'
3 t.,
. r aliitll 410 lam B,tiebibtaacti tinkt i
eaLgbt at itfroillithtijeduthas: fit l y
Speor's Standard:Wing Ilitters ;" they tire un
excelled, and willithttaveiralny on all the func-
tions of your system, and restore themiu vig
withdui medication, except by such herbs and
Nob] us Pihysichws use,datly. Aaltirhy, Fred:
I3rdri n, , loluyti,oAkStipliparay 4-V0.,. and by
other Druigists:
• ShawlisoWf,,iyierydesq. I
WutnizttualiOaifilio SHOEHOUBitWo
call the attention of our merchants and' Wit
ness me .to jhq ca.rd,of Janies e Pattenion
thJartire* It r.
.311 r. Petitisori opcad
the Plimeer witblmale Boot and Shoe House
of Allegheny city, and has supplied ; a want
lobs; needed:ln this,,,,,thAivlng city, and One
'Which upll#l:t ble our merchan tslo make thar
iluichase.tAitliout hittlng to crow the rill*
Patterspn intcnils gsell,as Ithcap attatig
douse Mite county . , and we fear satis j icd that
you can, buy your goods from hint at prices
to suit the times. Give hint a call at his
werin.erup, 410., 91 ,Federal: Street; &few doors
abovcitheAlcpet t •Allegheny-mte..l :.• '
7i cents will buy the. latest style of fall or
*utter Ladies silk finish velvet Hat, at .1. H.
Bettec'et„pc,p7M-t'' ~.,(-,3t.
„ :`,..vy
tiTATE itE6ISTER.--,
'The above-lr the title of a valuable work is-.
sued by the Reliable Real Estate agents clroit
)AO, Pourtic; Stied:, • ;It Mole
l'Orriterly known and issued by.gutahore'llrni
.or..eroft 'Estate' lieglster4
The many ad vantages' deriVed front itlaVolti:l, change it to the:
abcrvb itittekifrittechiltby copyright: They,
will hereafter issue it regularly oil, tirat ! ,nf.
January, May , and
. -tleptember, It
+ I
othir tee - pl'oiintrylAddetilb Welt hands' for.
s le, consisting of farms. mills, stors,'city and
suburban property Ike., it., and should he in
the handkof all laterestid ih the piirchise of
Real Estate. T.O September - number is now .
.ready and as the circulation of it. is grataitous,
it, will be sent free to any advertiser. Don't
fail to get one.—Pitta. Gazette.
Neu) 2bucrtisentritts
r 4 4 xeentors Notlee.—Whereatletters tee. amept
tary upo - n the estate of John Shape, late of /loin
well tp., lteaver county, Pa., dec'd. havebeen mated
to the tinders!. ned, all potions : indebted to said es
tate, are hereby nodded to 'hake immediate payment,
and those having clahns i to Vipseentthe'llame without
'delay to
JANES llARtillio
I saC suAAE.. r , :- z•zecu"na•
, 0ct14.6t.,
G. M. Martin,
Boots, Sho
.•;,._ ." • ,
4, I !.
AL the o static ,in t
: • 1
Rooliestiti; Pa.
I 1
ILL with mote the r httellesaeif
ing, my tarceamme, IletumtrZ.
-Speyrerer, the buidneos will here* er be earrle
the amp!. of .SPEXERER rte SONS, et, the eld
on Water !tract. In Roche ter.
r- •
My hooka will remaln et the Store. and ell p
knowiaz,therarelree Indebted ie. znq.will.plea
end - settle, Agit DA decked toeleati upell the
mesa without 'delay., „
O~~'~1~A11?5''COY7~iT~ SELF
1), theQepp se e•Courtotißeaverpoieqtr,. the u •
etkeed " teihtip,bkspellhloilittrehter, on
prcaµer&, di )ft ..••••t,••
. zn - WA.. g l i4 7 :4AVAttlg, ...
at I otpg if.. all that certain lot of iifiitidat
tcd in ode& of Frmikfortfiprlags. In add ... •
ty (late the property brloSaptt - wiw erow;) bone ..
on the mirth by lot ea. Btart, orP i tbe eft..
public seet; srlnirt tip lingllN- ,, ~
rukd on theinist.hyMl Wry meager!, ••TM •
Ing Ni of an acre, all under fence,.and on which lb i i .
is erected a two s e tzilarti a ltre
' Terms of snVs.) Anoney !,,
hand on confirmation of sald, the i'aTanc - 74n. one y.r,
from quit da i ts4 N t>fiel i tad .secas 2 ..d ti
borol,lgbo All • rhe
carer .1W ' •
the expgnso o p ng ced. ottunjw. itc. '
i . ;', 'it rri•!; •. ,, 71 . WIL XL Wait r.
. 1 1P1 4 -1t: . -... ~ ,:.• Admen or.Pme uhero,.
• : THik;:CREAPEBT.,.: • . 1.
8010, lemOrlighcia •
_. • ~ .
31 4 Yed:_ M r eigrol i ager l4l Mg9 1 02
Torn BostoisTll,sflaus_ bran atespcjes and
u ,
11 4kte.
Agent. lor 44,bia mop goo do‘
' coipligjillolitbutesneSticidbetaitiewittiists min=
b./ ',WRMLatriftWtorridoill V%
! Go
L • Atiiiktoi.indra , AtiOlit,
. 0 •Ir Wood. -4> ,•11 , mss, lA.
No. 98 Market Street,
tirr L . 0ur"."..) nfse,l g /A
„Int. MENT.
The Natioaalßailheof Beaver Co.
c:/_. *;
- - -
eV SAITV Itia;
ti. Bonds diAtalvith U. S:lieTs%ier 90
lig fag notes '5;..i4r....0400.6
S t firn r)
atrn Fl Ass,
Expense Account. and Taxes 74
Brio Ring e...
r iltWer n - , —4. 11 rt
' •
Legal TendiT,Bank itloi!es aftlileckse f 37,375 91'
104 71
• VaL liszu
' - 'L.FAMLMES :"'' •
Capital Stink ' .. a. r.) - 4....1110,00
Nadonal ftnk goirpitartoit.; 93.1116:1
State Bank el rIUMUCIF. —Of
Dividends unpaid I#4 27
Contffigentirtit 'IIMOOIa
;Due Depo.itois
Discount, flu •W'lnterest... =9l
er rzt :
otabwirst Fr p iesenct- ale tTaskfrow-Ao
,reportallic.Com t bt the ßioa .3
• oftlt . t ---E4nßDillePtitfasbier:
• , . •-• •
•' In the Orphans' Court in and for the
l EA • County, before the Mott. Judges of
•naldtMurt.- P e .•er ;
Iu the matter of the Partition of tie Eta eetateaf
I,Janya i dcljasity....dec'd.-the Cetwaltk f
LatKitdbitilcCasky.thriltber. )
red lug at or near Orrvillo.Ohio.antildUld of a
deceased sister; tit : , IleitibrlliitersartFid with avid
McCague r tipw ileceased,tult 'Mara 1 = 4,1 1 -
_to Ofiewrence coneW illary-Mtagne=.
Elk% Anti .lifcCegue of Ch'ppewa_
'vet county.'. 2d. And clilidAartsif anatlast.antba
demsed to wit :. Met - 147'4..0414mi .vlO
Min 1;1
n Mc c asky whose residence is unknown. William,
end Ale-Lander and, Nang', whose realdeedeb ere tin
known, zit:atter : whose residence Ismiliamtre; al the 'children ofJane Dolan, dec'd.. to wit : John. William.
aan uAleatil eh ßOrtilit. /fiery Ann , Sarah Martha and
Mar t... 1 grasser 'residences are ink own ;
Oleo, children ' of Martha Moore. dec'd.; t o t
goeeph._ Wtlllam, James. Robert and . Nancy Ann
Moore • r s i tt f ocroc_ fo b i ... war.
are EBlt ig iti 'nth wait
4 0.11 : Naito re-
Aden Ile, MC" cepa hca who
is disc . ilia am*leff Niger of
Indiana,. one who . live; near 13bikeavilte, Mercer co.,
Pa., and Mary intermarried with - John.ton ;
also, the children of Andrew McCiskey, vix : ,john ;
William and Emily intermarried with Siberia,
.Jane intermit:vied with Homer, and Fanny in
termarried with Odell : also, the children of
, ardliere
John McCaskey,who resides in Virginia, Mary inter-
'10,141--"'"44llYe n alvi.iMaitteleal ssa l oft t , whera leriertanr.
. •pa .
by cited to be and appear Wore lion. Jnelges 'of our
saideourt, In and for said an Orphans Court,
to be held, atßearetrion the Seared Mends, or No
vember text; th accept or rehire the real estate of said
dee'd,, at the vaination_put upon it by en inquest a
warded by said CoertAtid returned by the Sheriff to
September:Jerre: INN. and found to contain 147 acres,
7la percher( and valued and apprideed at twenty-tive
dollars per acre, and In the event of non-acceptance to
allow cruise why the same should not be sold.
Witness ,the Hon. Alex. W. Ac.heson, President of
Our said Coact. at. Deaver . ..the 7th day of September,
1868. A true copy of rale.
Attest : J. B. LUTELL, Sheriff.
- Some A. rnizmn. Clark.
I:Theatre Office, Beaver 7th, 1868. '
4.; R 11l
At the new Monitor Lime ICibla
" who have given It it a far trial to be tle bestiari
they ever used. There is no ache, or cindery In It,
for the coal Is not mixed with the stone to born It. As
I eiibnrn Llnle moth elLetaper I will sell' Iciivet 'than
ally one else, and gh.e
..• • - • • • •
Contiactors. Minuets aml others uslng,i largo amount
thehne can buy front 2 to 5 cents OCT bushel , lea a:.
MUM VA!TON' LIME 'l-46.61114
than they cui else4bere. mid get Lime:that to Morth
nearly Alvo multi per bushel more . •
1-4 f
T 1
t:1717:E R Y BA) D y
tato delinered in"Roeheiter at 25 elk 02:' tiatheT
end orders lo IdnlirancniLime Kilns, Vanpoet, or. to.
In •
P. 8.-2.lothargefoi any nom. that:ia loand Ike
Lima. (.447,6fkii•
NEW .11ooDs..•.-
. •
, .
-1 .J.
Olt In
i' I
Eenietw3V 7AIIITTf.I - 3 • ti`l' ''•~-
' l'. :1 : :.
‘ ,
r mw r x , 3 Ortl/4 1 0:4
' (ibiltitiktibi ttlemori iikiii. ii
. I - ROCAUStkii, I§IsTA,
-•-..•. , .. , ...i.....; , ...: . ‘ 7 ! : 1- .. ....., 7 ,•.:
~ • , . 1:1!.
.4pottatsttg Igrvitriz . = ••-:,' ~
• . .. - • ID In'lr CI "D -1' •
Ever broughj to Beaver Co and the ClAsiotst.
i , r ,lrag itionviimo st 110.1.:•!.- ,
i • ; ,An endless Variety . .
I: • •
A t ar Er:
i i
D ot; S , g
: L O
c,e 1. 14 M :14 i .1
lajp ,, ti ! , c
• - fi . f`
'. :4e '''CratliSioClB/ 01VM„,
,-,.ijA AlgitY.4l,Noll:,:wautaiL,
• : . n ; •,-; 1 .4 AiCOUNTRW . IPPICIf ?., m:: ~
.. ' :.-.0-.1!...:.; fq.:: ^
,-, iterinst r enhy ar l. .. f. ) ., Ai' • • , . ,v,
i'-•50..•,t, jr ..,.
c1;,* 1 4r.- V an i t. ' :440X04,.1;.
' ~. i=rgl • to . l lf i ki a t
nictir.u.„ riuskliF*, - - ;••'
..ler& it
,i;-.•:: : W. 14W0,7;1,'_-. • ,
1 iikiraii/glt:io tilifOrlo9plik - '!'
iiiiiiiigiaillii•piiii; - AstiVioitimiio i ficaidegie'
:,„.:,ii.-4 1 ! ( 3%W. .X w : • • -- .
A „.. , ,r7, , ,,,.! „f:•.:::,i• - ., ..,,i, ..0••••• . •:-..,
, 8. 146 me cand then: l 44ls 01 WATT GLOM
tainalf . rutp3OVIL
Z4l T. 1.1,141 • .14 vr.,-; 411
at.'fiLIJIH9'.A.I -7 101 1 iJr
. _
• .Tasabrafibusiotik.'eci
nvewittweraWarfiniiii TAYLOR OIL
%." Company, will be'. otleretaXe an* at the
ftaZra. An
- "
* - covv •
~T fiftfro:oo)ii . rghp/ETS Tow*
i f io q u.
u m , & black fruit Waite six) ted cow, with waillg
bpliy, _Aiwa Ards itati.,vbile .screadt.Pops.
ca spaexpgr,A97AzOmet,lowcozik
et i rottizicita w,WW#e ii Vinrcwarded r , r•
uctralat. • ' • r.
. _ .
L at-Far
ntil l anitriVATZlCT=
4 4 , 17 „
j l iutro b tltelowa).
r in g ‘ oU n bulikint i d
la large and well wanted with fruit. The premises
were recently occjhorsir..g. , B eacom. The
location he mood.° gietbej Rome pogo eft
Lent /Cobo* h nnd
in be voniain /Sol . 7 4
For further particular. i nq uire of If. &S. H. Dy
e'. 9alf9a; Sooeff peva.. Vet, 1 I ,
- - t• ' •11" W. P.' I.oeftlf.
tsr "". ! Iltradatestri' Pled:
Try It.; LIMB, Try
Cts..lP,er 13;;Iysh.
W. • . J. DUNN,'
~ 1~. ~~ I~
i i
FRED ; -- , 1.* : .;1:1 •g• ...V1, ... , 1 ..." .•,
1 , ,,!...,.. -ARRIVALIVA'7
1. .......:•,.: , ,,, ,. :•,.., -.••..•!,,,,,, ...• .. ! • ~ . .1,, ,).,:,`.
ii4.;o•,:fli of!: . ! 0 A• 1 . 4, ! , :7' - .•'';'' .' • •• : 4.541 . 0
...if: •7:y: It 14 ...,•."
..f'..! ..!t ; :if .1- - • ,:. ,:-. , ,,i',•';‘•
11 .:.t .4 - •-' /1;4 ..., ..../1 . "7:. ..%"-!. "' •f " ..s . • 6 • ..' - ' 7' ''''
1 : !..• qt . ! '. 4 3:41"?: • ,:01 , ,t: ...: :%1 . ' V....?1,..1 , .. ~.. • 4
jor ir: y I ,.
..":! 10 . .11 .L 1 r,j - •':
nt1.144 •
:‘,l° ." '!,' • !! :1- , ! k I
' • ••,• if ,
.; • .
Witat,GOODS: . FORAB6g
•• _ .
CHEF P*f.ooopS •,`STORE
4 ,14i
;::"liir• T' -HD' iiiifortp..
. „ .
, • •
Table Dinner Cratibo
Red Flannels,
Yellow Flannelic,
,Drillings, ,
Asti and :Caps
Hoop Skirts,
; Balmoral Skirts
' , No . tions and Fancy ArtiClea,
Trimmings; •
Bonnet Ribbons;
Millinery Goods,
lIEtuVEIR, P. (5.
The above tmmiptipat the most complete Stoett eve
oSered to the (Ahab* or Boater coaatr, andlyea take.
plea/atm In enuring onr enattenere and those who may
,rIVOCIIII Anti: II pat,. that tfuhaloavo stock 14 as,chlap
F N.;,a4.JA 1 , ,; .-•
,45 Atuortune7
• •: PT:
OHEA.P. DBY Otoosirisi4
'l. ••
• . , •
• /7.?ii"'" . "
. • -
. .
1310. - 81911 r, ,Wei** the . ;psvemitit
. 4
. ,• .;!
ft , e.l ii,. , 5 . . 10 0 .1':
na 4
`OF,i ti.';
:.• : '5.; 1, 4
ar •.!i
f`i . ! •••ti /• /..
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''lloculisristi PA.
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thowarttclee, and the public znayrely upon Yang
them ae pod as the market ffords. 1
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