The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 14, 1868, Image 1

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121 the old Away,. httUding,
1 1 1 0118 , ay at '
thee copiee of the me? be
wm ppers, at AM on* oath. .
thanastmlealkma on dullects of local of' general In
west are reepectftdly "Mello& TO Insure attendant,
Sword of this kind must Iniarlably be accompanied tri
the dame of the author, not Ow publication, but ai,a
g uaranty eggkifit hnpoeltlon.
Letters and oommtuticatione should be addreesed to
Vn ionia...mindow tYilik omin k . diNcEte
Or t
pR J• It:I4OC . K.BART,
. 11_
All calls promptly attend,. fsept,ittu
-- -
9 •
Attorney: ki At ILAftivy
;am Collectlons, ctc., promptly attended to
Fept9'Gßly. • • '
c s k twins lakes ißoiityptimplor
oaten DOOM • 4 „„
\ '? t
rolllce two Anon east of Ankeny's ilote
prstsro Attention given tO ill colts.
aprilf wy.
_ 1 _
Law Partitugship.
1. it. Et/IN-liftGliAkt E. P. KIMN.
ST., ' •
hp 7:17. • DEA V 4
JOS. 11. GREER,' •
4 aCiIIITE,Cir, 3111pC110ICIAN,
Awinutr of Arty and Nantiliielurea.).
and 120;4doni?"
beaver Seminary 8c Inxititnte.
conducted by Prof.:Taylor end able analetenta.offere
'extensive conreea In the Maeda,. Eng Hob and Iluate.
roc Catalogues addreas It. T. TAYLOR.
D 29 :V. • , • . - _ _
pit. WM. H: BUTHETILAITIY;`,r: ..
. 11to lust returned from -Ohio, there Iw has been en
turd In the practice of Me pmfeeetan, with one Of the
•melt dentists In the countr%.
All work executed in style And at price. (Idyl,
n peettien. . [00E3'68:4
Niritch Maker arid .143
Third Street, Beaver,. Petaiia.,
(in Tooth adjoining J. C. Wilson's office.)
• t;ld watehes'and chroncnietere reptdred and war
ttected. Engraving done to order.
vr-Tho patronage o f the public is confided, and
citidar.dea guaranteed. Give ne a trial.: t
r rell rotate.
(1 T. PARKER. .:
, s .
kA • . I . . ih- , •.-, .( i
Homeopatitio 'Plpeildan incrSurrittin:
, 1118 EMS
.1. the citlzens.of nochealati an 4 aarrannanactowns..
11 , waithl say that hi pays radiant/1r attention to Bur
pry.• lit. Itew Fade of distinguishing diseases ens
iss hint to offer great relief to persons - suffering With
Amide 'diseases. lie will also std other physicians in
t.irtery and the dltignoses of difficult cues by having
tits 4y imllri . ..
Ottice 611 the Tiltunnnti, two doors cast of Conway's
vote, and nearly opposite Mr. Johneon's' grocery,. 1a
!.1.,,kr. heaver comity, Pa.
...-. is
V' lOTA. _ ' L
Pure DonieAtic Rine, nianuLteturekby, hinvelf,
vineyard near Industry. Bearer county. Pa.,
vairh he will sell et roodcrute rates. This wine Is
meth , train the Concord sod Catawba Grape, And wlll
wld ley the hott'e. gallon or keg. .
cotiroid plants one year old, for stile at my Tinevar d
Pqr ,1100ECIAL.
.' ALL ,
intsolrlea of toothache, and dread of ex
tra—.. and yon wilt and that Dr. Chandler & Co.
sr' tsurty to miter Non by the use of the great pain
a.latuyps —LAUGGING GAS—fITIa make their extrac
tion a source of plure,rather than of pain.
All dental operatl e:w Ons performed in, the best possible
manta% and at retrablelernat u by any goo 4 unm
tht to the Cottatty.
0 - 'olllre In De
, • .---,
DMITTISEe t riI-"S"-
, i ,
1.. Intone the di zen• of Deaver and .yteintty, that.
LP has 01/Pried an. WC In Dearer , Pa. , for the practice
of Dentistry. Ite'h s had considerable exprtenee In the
tsofesssion. end !hitter* hiraself to be able to give gen
ell pritio.fnction in ile buidnese.
PrOftee to , ttlt old -Gormly Hotel":, building.
Third street, Leaver, Pa. All work-warranted for one
You'. ~ , A J. B. GODUORN.
1 , ,---------
Ter Statio Bad
n, water, Pa. •
A I; lintaus, R. Rpinkr, JR , REC; • IRRAII
auociTicruniing AND DIIIAFIRNIN
Industrtjtcaver Co... Pa.
All tact pdt up in toga order and warranted to give
. tattsfaction.
. ' AU ordN
Oct. 11th, (SO,. \ ••
been chosen Principal. lie was formerly Princi
pal et thr , Pieter Institution for the deaf-dumb and the
b1ind...15 ,1 511d; and Ilradmaater or the Ilationall In
for the deaf and dumb or Ireland, Chiremont,
anit,recently President of the Lincoln
We are xemiren that Dr. Martin is a ripe scholar,
..irces.llll Instructor. 110 purposes to revive the
• •' it nod will. ?The first term will be chort,in eon
of the lateness of beglnnine. , The tuition
,wre , mond. liberal distonnt will be allowed to
.1, , widows of soldiers and children olciergymen.
D. L. DEMPSEY, t com ia t p a.
'1). LOWARY,
tentltr. •
Chas. 13.4 - I.urst ,
Notary Public; Contreyancer
- and Inlurance Agent
acknow)edgeto•nts taken. •
Raring been del> Cotnm'asioncd u Agent for sever.
film close Insurance Companies, representing the
nre, Life, Accident. and Live. Stock Departments. IS
to take risks and write policicts on the moat
Also. Agent for the "Anchor Line". of drat c
a Steamers. Tickets sold to and front all
tend, Ireland. Scotland, Gerniany and - Frances
Office in Leafs brick row, Diamon d. ROchester.
. ;Mr&
Tako Not. , hel
Grist NW In thorough repair with new Bolts. AC;
mit haring awned the denims of WlMain Bodlake,
We old miller, and late of the Induatty mill, we are
Frets en to warrant all work and give the largest tam
oat of attp mill wort of the monntairut
On Come and - tU I /
OD' LATII, ticheep as the chcaLeet.
setTss Sharon no, Never coduty.2s.
• • .T. .; • 4
1 7(ile
1 1 1.elie i •
. . .
. ,
„ L_ _ F 1
, ! . h ,, ,4 +.,' '' WV', - : T .. .y i R :I
', , ~ kr : • , r i 81 ,,..r:,...,,,.
TO r M 1714DtItSIGEW BEdttLiiiirrt TtildfraitX,
•AL , bbyrdeide entS poblps letieteiblre *or
lett received a teiretheit *fleets et
. , 'tiles tbr . Brame aedStnotzdvreerm, Mite '
4. t••• . otrontet iety,otederatitites.' , .„ , t , , •
`azvrribars `FillaisitniGe d00D4,-
- : torikiiiivriy old liAtisi,, , ,.
elotbielt Reds to wise *A the Photos% people
nod Theaktill ia the. pubile . 6.piokt 1ev0tv,..,1, hope by
Close emotion to burns to Merit *A:options* xor
- ' ._
_.' - DANIEL MILLER, , •
• : • BIZZOGIC ST.. fltitlDo.BlF4 MA ,F..... 4-.
CAMPiat _
dia 12111-4ttntle WIEBOIrt MN= COPAUCIIMMW
*so. Wo e Ph* Ohm/; Ink Bags%
Dmige4 timposiam.
itkii-Boduilivianoowassis ot: 4!,11
.Ilesidirelreerliges.PrereZirs. •• •
IP o •
14 # 2.111-
• 0100 11, l'essollsealTlllolllllol4M
jrkGraatry bolas supplied ea Übsed
("rant Tanner Oulu supplied with nails; capes and
ortbko, sendin lbw orders. • . . •
One of the Largest & Most Success%
Is the old extensive and reliable House of
Wm. Flemmmi g,
No,. 130 Wood Street,
. -
/MLR GOord VW. IgAD JL'I d EstillICRN PRI •
1.../ ce. , , an till be folgi taigipare
i tnt and
Tlidetritilli 4rst erase houses fa New oft.% The
mints ntatteAnui Boys.
T rigt 1 pi t s,
BIM MI weelmOre AAA Meeye en.
Boys and ctipaikirigttsyselt. leer t a
ker floodOstadowns. Lai An OS Hs trit d
and ontrinnned Conntrf-Xorelannkaal 1 tni col
and,F o 4/0 1 : 01118 t 444 ' . }•k LI ..., On ottAil
. .
. • ' 6ar'4. itirlo46Ve. 'Sze's
Pietsbnreh.. , f 60.arit aloAx .3 11 / 6 4 . 750 1 1- 1 4
Rochester / * 815 .. 1040. • 331 - . ; SO
Ealem' 11031 1226r0t 513 ....,:. .401
Alliance • - . ' 4.113 . .... Jl5
CM 540
Canton ...., ............... 113137$ '353 .MO 636
Massillon - t....i..: 1310 . .115 .707 447
Orraille * 150: • 25% 140 TIT
Crestiine, .....
- .4* .I.'. .'..t•4 15•,
- n•
.o 0 •
' ,948
1 4=14:
%- .
I g l2 i l s
. ~.... ..„ • ~.A .. ~11 - ..: 3 , . '
Upper =.ndtlakf , • 1 713- .719 . 1114 •-068
Forest ..,..,..,., . 749 751 1147 1117
Lima 41 .il•• • • . .. W 3. '960 1110 an 1297rx
Van Wert. I 'lols 1015 201 128
Fort Wayne . y 1210 en 1150 320 800
Columbia i 100 1x M 6 337
• i 155 237
IrA ,t
442 422
Plymouth 11 300 233. 11.'55 510
Ivmparmso 447 415 • 734 . 635
Chicago II Ton 620 910, 520
Triktlal 00(80 EMIT. ' 1
.. -
. 1
i .Exs,l Esc's. I Exert. Slc?
_____l.• e
ChTcago . 1 1,1, Mot 11 421.1P1i j =PS 450 an
Valparalao ii 009 1105 1 710 657
Plymouth .11125 • 1137atal 900 910
Warsaw .. 1 1221nx .162 1 950 1020
Columbia ',l 100 917 1030 1 1111
Fort Wayne 1 200 315 11115 , 1
Van Wert i 802 430 1215 as 208
Lima 460 . 535 • 115 .319
, Forest • •' I 1
509- 655 slB 443
Upper Sandusky .' rOl3. 718 lit 514
pacyrus . 1 100 801" 316 517
:t•635 810 340 G3O
i 635 PIO ' 355 . 560 , 0111
Mansfield 123 937 424 610
wooptor 915 1100 550 810
Comilla . 515 1121 615 841
litu.slllon • 11 046 . _1157 617 920
Canton • • .11009 — 1318934 703 940
Aliance .'lOlll 1255 1 805 1010
Salem.l 'lll4 •
Rocheater ' feli 1125
111355a11,. 303 . 11005 . 1.9.5r31
Pittsburgh 1 155 ,1 410 1110 320
promptly attended; to
. - .
„ r
, *1
• ,
. • . • • '
r:4 .7
7 31
; IrP
R l kmoo.:ADs.: ,
. . . . ,
. , - •
prllB.. FT. WAYNE 'titte,Ao ls. ; • 1
On and after June 13tb,1808;11Valns will leave '
daily. (Snadayi exeepted ) is follows. [Train
Chicago att:aa, M. learn [Tra
41 Pittsburgh of 2. VIS P. 11.. leaves dMly.),.,
• . • TnAnoroopto was r. '
.• •
Youngstown , New Caitiff and Erie Express leive
Youngstown at tlgl p. m;,Nror Castle, 4:00 p.ux mil es
at Pittsbefgh, 0:00 thorn. Beturningt Wives Pligsburgh
7:15 a. nifdrr. at Yodnglitown,lo:4s. Ti. Castle, 0:40 a. rat
Youngstown , . New Castle and Pittsburgh Accommo
dation leaves Younmeown, 6:00 a. rut; New Castle, 1:10
a. ten arrives at Allegheny, 10:00- a. m. Returning,
leaves Allegheny, 4: IS p. ux arrives New Castle, T:O6
p. in; Youngstown, 7:50 p. m.
F. B. MYERS, General Ticket Agog
On and after Sept. - 14. 18d8. trains will lave Station
daily (Sundays excepted) Aa follows.
I soma sours,
ii.. ---:P.l MAn. 6. VA it.. ACOG.
r_-....... ...,....-'•—• -,-..-_--- -j a g s,
! WillAX . l9 lol % -
Euclid Street.... • 1 846 1221 231
Andson 14
, 950 1013 . 51
Ravenna • 1:023 . 141
Alliance . ...... 0.. ,:t . . 111 1 2 Q 224
Bawd . ........ 44 . ,
.51 glf,
Wellsville ~...1 . 1 mrts • iuu, - ••••
f---""-t/V-uI7 .H
-'- .-
.:.. -
' 7 -
Wellsville ~ Max 400th[ ..7.•
IV- 'l2O 02'' . / 5 '
RAVG2c •-
'4...• 120 c i 601 1
Hudson.— 1197' 7110
Euclid Street up 213 ...... 1030
Goma EAST.
------.7-------7-7-31717--- " licoli Exes 11Canp e. _ \_.:
iiTAT:I;------------111-WCA-X.7.IEIAx tool x
Bridgeport • •
111105 625 ; 219
Steubenville 1213 PX 743 la : a:64
Sndth'i„ . .... 145 850
B r 37.1 68,5
eavers Yerr • 2er 919
r ' t.
\ 2 5 1 9 115 5° 1 5 640
ittsburgb ' 71°840
355 0
GOING drat.
Ilan. Par 8. Bar e.Act
Rochester\ z 4
Smith's Perry
Bridge ow ono .wo
757 835 • 6:01 % 565
835 400 TLS 605
925 500 8 5 1••••
1U33 610 I' • "
Bet&port 1045 620 ' ols • •••
___.......,..._.......- .• .
, .
TUSCARAWAS sa.macg.. .
. Leaves Arrit.4
N. rbiladelp CZO a. 111. I talArAt .955,C
Rays:* ltlO ,m. . I N. nulatiel h• ,-10 0 P
F. R. MISTILMS. Genesi Tick :_Ce4t-
manner. &Aran ' teed egua. _ 40
all the strength of old rosin soap. with the raibtand
lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try_this onion
didSoap. Sold by the /UMW CrIBSICAL 'MONKS
HIB North Front Sttee4, PhiladeiThhe. •
- aeplifea.
.. .
.. ...
.tya.t.:l, 7 , , 1 . #.;t. t:.:!; lit 1.;'y1 ... tfc1 , ; 41- .;;'; rfr.i,Fiel ltA iii ,
'f ,v, 7.: 11 ~ .li:A '. l e - t4 , i(7 - ' 4 . -'',''''.'/;:" ; In ! 414r • tln Arfro
• ' - -- - .47 i :-. , ,:i J . ...r.! - ' , . ... -- -
• •
110 ib'',4,l).;;LVL
t '
' OUT 7.01.0,~64 1 4 !101011ritYV,
9:0 T .. 1,
rr 110 kiNkpi:*f arci• - tut Orei'q.
'37^. !r. jot i?zinicaripilliffiiiitl;;;
irnein,', lIVIIWWII4IIitt
'[Fowl/ Flirtibbilig4l44l l 4l4,
trruitv: ktv: and ft-KR&Tia.
41Caltatalfbitik - t0011:01 1 3 °WV
Gsot wad Goiswips. • Also._,Japss4lo,ll4X4ol ,
and 1911142* ware, Yultet and,
se Faso Itsalceol. Walk.
as, illtsben Setts. Clop u row ass. AA: • Alis,
Country Merchants witl and Ina their
strjurn4sltand .szatntne oar atodt,:belOrs
thstr podium. •
• J. BROGS'ACC), .."!
• • : tit Sedetal Bt.; Altalear rs.
yg s y a y •
41 1 . . nibit„4"•*, • of -
,".11-01••1111 cry:of gip'
' Cad' lialiilitekOokatt
and rirEAliity
t 11.0. •P . , 1
Pickles; ' •
- All kbdil of COtiidryyrodoe deciPoo: ll 4
and pr.ompt ratty= imann: 7 W 3 --
cuoaxt . *l•t t.
T. 6. - M.ORGA.N
SHALI:itkingIIC4ER., .
QlloolltriPea Hardin)*
CO UNTRY PRODUCE taken in Snit
olisagefor Roods.
0 004 8 Taiveieci 1 QAa. ist Wag
Viriages. 2 •
- - .
It. tiglpj "
• • ross os.
25 11:0 sack; • $1,45
50 ", " 2,90
Barrel, 11,50
Second Quality, "STARK COUNTY:
25 lb sack,- $ 1,22
50 " " 244
:^Barrel, - 9,75
' Roebester: Sept. sd. Mitt.
JEST RECEIVE D a select ogoortmetre' of
which she offers to the pablle at the lowest possible
rates. The stock embraces every variety of
•; 3 i 1 Ladles and'Gentlemens Woolen Goods
7' A. i 1 1.3 MIA-TS
i• - ' ' .
which will be inereesed as the ration &dames.
She asks ft tkin k tirtnailon of , Ole Image of her
Mends and Old public generally. .a a dd i e not on hand
iA 4 cat. be had at twenty:four hours' notice.
Call . and- . -Exandn . e I.
...(0ki...1 Tn. PLACE.
3d St. opifdslie the II P Seminary
84,16tt. ,
Importers and Makes In
%,./ during the Ute decline in prices, we are
to otter meter: bdrownents than old houses who are;
et rover stocks at old prices. cortaity
e &odd not sin to elsit us when In the eitr;
Lindsay: literrit & Elmer
887 LrAtißTYB77Zlthit
awn xnnolt IMOVTf • - FITTIBMteII
~ Y-
Lo I''-e.'ll.,=;'clit:l..C.t'',-
plazas az
- Fall ita-oods
Plain and Fanoy Yarns,
PAM_ .
Argo a_md isiort — xii - eii or
Linisay, Sterrit &"Fee,
eildo for
Toreitjr .
that thaiis
MY! *mar
not ext. -
in tandlecret)
SeeniA Clean '
eras intend(
ecfnally clett
111110 11 1
Ist on is eget
aides &noun
Feb: 18137, 1 i
not bei itt,Oht
any mane
sue, db
or proi
noes, cot
States no
o An blige&
clams al. rperesem value upon
Like information comes to me from all parts
of the country, mid I am bid That the sortie
kind of paper is being largely, circulated
among the colored peOpurof the South. That
the I?reedmen are being told to hold it, and
to vote for Seymour; that if they succeed ii
electing hint these Dentocratic money issues,
that bear his effigy, will be worth as much as
the Federal Goweignmeiit's greenbacks. But
these black men are nearly ail Republicans,
and have learned to read it Is therefore.
Idoubtful whether they will take It as readily
as their more gullible opponents. Large
hand-bills full of scurrilous falsities have been ,
sent tie, on_ which this same counterfeit note
appears. This, like the other; la in violation
law. The Democratic party, has beeline
sented by the grand inquest of the nation, as
being guilty of other high crimes and misde
meanors. and is now in the ' criminal dock in
the great court of the whole people to answer,
to the charges. There is little doubt what
the verdict will be, when' it is rendered and ro•
corded on the 8d of November next.
Perhaps the lesser crime of forgery is mer
ged in the greater ones, for which it is now
on trial. But as this paper is a fraud, both
politically and pecuniarily, so bold that one
can scarcely see how any Republican can be
deceived by it, It is perhaps hardly worth the
while for us to protect the guilty ones from
cheating each other with it. If we go into
thisbusiness, we shall have our hands ftill of
work that would never beilnished. This is
one of the least of the cheats and frauds which
that effete party has put upon its followers.
And then it is barely possible .that this, as it
touches their pockets, may become an eye
opener to some of the blind believers in the
now empty name of Democracy:
If we succeed in the coming elections, and
there is now every indication that God is
still with us, and that we shall, these WO
of spurious currency, with other llke"prop
erW being the Joint stock of tbeunited
dad Copperhead. Democracy, will go with
the party,
_wherever that may be. Both will
be branded Paornaeffeit." and be nailed to the
counter. But should. the loyalUnlon men
fail in electing their great chief:, Gen. Grant,
to the Presidency, and tbe:Democrats em
ceed and carry , out their doetrinesas announ
ced in their platform, and in the 'letters and
speechesof their candidates and principal sup
porters, North and South, it will go hard If
this spurious note and its likes will not be on
a par with the regular issues of the Govern
ment of the United States. The valued eith
er, the genuine and be counterfeit k
would then noeunaptly t be represented b li t h e
figure 1, with an indefinate number of 00a on
the left hand of that,unit. • -
It Is noticeable tht the =sons havefollow
ed the lead of their elder brothers in fraud of
the New York Convention, and have in this
case, as In that, tar o ff the head of. Ohio!
Justice Chaseand ut in Halstead a fabe that
seems to be age prepared to say, "Xi
s e
That they have Placed a Were& exact fie
simile of MY signature, to certify to the truth
of their infamously, foul and dirty lies, is
personal indignity that will never be int:giv
en theta. Altuotigh the general appearance
atlas cotmterfeft. llke the genuine,
yet in order to Instalculate their peculiarly
diabonat doctrinesupon th ignorant fol
lower* they ingeniousl eiry
• changed the face of
the note, so that timed* "The people of the
UNITED STATES to pay the Bond
holders in Green backs, and they wiU enforcer
the contract; and to olldw oat the the':
have added to the'end of the legend obi the
back of the note the words, "Including, the
5.20 bonds." It IS not at all tiertabi, that It is
not seriously canleidplited by the DemoCrit , _
lc party, should succeed in the election of
Mr.l3eymour. to the Prealdenci s t i o partite
debt of the Vatted States With i Is Demoorst
le currency. Such a coarse w certainly
be but one step in - admen on the tb in
rata -of their 'imam , opm dichitalttex
The AMOK /tefs 'ProblibV Ergo
their Southeirl Ales . tuive already 'tomboy,
ecpuilly valuideskesiOnsiffficlentirstititYl"
• :
,i.;; ) :: , ..:Liil - iti;..4 : _e'l
1)' :
-- 11;. - I .::' , .....
-.,:.; 7 -
4 frviv:rt
or‘ I 18 8
. _
to . ;!inillee for that ;pupate; ' Mom.: /hi s
Noothern Uwe. Or bi it not poesibtraliartl
the tannpact between , them, that: tank at
Idgb eoutractingparties to the Pouilltrof
testy at New•Tork /shall cantributd to
echetnes,- there undo. share' alike t
z Your bitter, together with the delectable doc
ument reneteed :with been referredlto
tha Solicitor.of the Treating); wito , hae by
tta dada office, tide dierneting 'business of
Whin— gutter rands and their doings oedni.
„ly ladame. He will no doubt, chews to tile
wasi g of the rogues-Who areaharinrthe queer"
to elegy that will be nearly as unpalatable to
theta as the reoulut of this • year's. tbatione.
Very retilaily yours, . • ,
R Wavan, Treasurer United States.
_GlheaniEnt;Hollbleiyahurg, Penn.
r c ,
4 Beet 1
Ole .to
, ~..
A mot.
, ..
tpro w uppinoot3 lla g uiae.) : .
I 'inn aitthig up alone with the corpse of the
only man I ever loved: He lies so still that,
the bloody . aniftirm, the rigid head, 'With the
Calieilatenruned features, the ate hands, and
pressed over his heart where the note had
been, ill are terrifying 'to me. '• The note,
Soaked through with a drop of blind, that
sammarred me to this lonely vigil, reads:
. .
"/ iiiih . Afinette to tilt- up elon‘alth my'
. dead 'lady,' aret . tead Souther* • siaba.'
She will care thr - Elideen. ' 1. - .
,• . ..
..- ,
~ !-.. rte= Faltsonel,."
It *es fist:me reittraii.; ,- Eveleen woe his
wire . 'izud my' , ulster—spy darling., beautiful
,sister, just two years a wife and now
a widow. • Did coming death mske film wi
ser ? Did he then for the fiest _time know
that i bad once loved hitnt Di was kliimind
keying him ? They said' his bat ;e'er& were
"Annette! Annette r , • . ..
• And yet he had'; always been • a deioted
husband to Eva. She was young pied bend
fa!, and every one had saki, when they were I
triarried i lhat it was "e, 'pure love match."'
Those last words, °Annette, Annette," set me
dreaming strangely. I have stirred the fire I
brightly, that it may make itraghostly shad- i
owsiMA reached down my,oldportfoiro. and 1
lam Writing to keep tip my . cm:lnge. I have
turned my lieh to the corpse._*l remember '
a:dine, !mikes°, whim I lovedhim as only a
woman can who loves but once. It is ell
useless now ter say how thrt was; how I leoh
ed up to him as my king, and down, at him
as my child; how I looked at him from eve
ry paint of vie* ; hoiv my whole soul wrap- .
peel around and simuld him; how my heart
was never alone, but Vs liad'hini to think
about and td,erooe o how I laughed at
him and loved biro; hair •he .sulted,me in -,ftfy
gay mocds, and how the thought or hiiii gras
ped and shook me in my earnest mood& He
was all to me. This dead man was once, all
thit the world - contained for me—my light
my Mure s almost my life: - I look tack on
that former self ivith, pity and onminiseratton,
aa I would off some Ape else.- .f.havie passed
a chilling stream since then, that has Washed
the old Worthy i s le ,him me. - I will turn
hick and dream ttenight..
• I thought then the loved me.' His eyes
haunted area his Weights and attendees were
always mine, until one evening be gave me
this sates Thalaba. Then his:manner chan
ged. He was Adel, sometimes cold and con
strained, and' then as suddenly his e es and
tows wooht-eihaniFl
291 r. ‘.... V I L. . 1 b li doupriv a
hastily and 'casual y, " es. —
hood: I had intended to read ie hit 'the
strange a lteration in his manner had so pea
-1 zled me that when . I was alone I ...wid do
1 nothing,but think over it.
t When I had answered "Yes," his grey eyes
gave a clear, searching look, - and - his deep
voice seemed to tremble with eagerness as he
said, "And what do you think?" I weimar
prised, and answered ,"Why, you are wasting
a good deal of feeling on the subject." ..
• Instantly his face became cold , ashen.
• I exclaimed, "Henry—Henry Parkhill!
what is it?"
• He-rose and walked away withcint :rimer-,
lug, and in hoar afterward I saw him lean
ing heavily agates!, a tree, like re man who
had had a blow. •It was all Inexplicable to
me. At dinner that day lad waaquiet and ,
kind, and his manner never changed , after
ward. I was , patient and waited., Srameturres
the love that was_ in me cried outlet. food.
I must have the old tender ways of perform
ing trifling services. I must have the old
kind glances and . loving tone& Sometimes
'I would get up and walk half the night, with
ray ham's clasped about my head, arida tami,
ishing cry ever repeating itself in my •
heart i
"Give •
me Henry, or I die i" But I,could not
die. . .
Afar( Weeks after that morn i ng Eveleen
came home from , school. She was lovely.
Let me' abink of her as she lookedihon : I
need to remember , her now. The *rider,
graceful figare;the light, listing curls, the
good, tiustihl, charming face, with its Mint,
tine sweetness; the sweet, spoilt-child voice
' widths sauciness that was never, saucy, and
its fondness that was so witching. The but
terfly wings have gone now. I loved her
then, I love her now, with a greater love than
Asters ordlnaryly , bear for each other, but!
never wanted to be like her. Strange coley
I had always n curious fascination for myselL
I never wished to change In dark-line.
agate eyes, that seemed to . hav e'a white 1 girt
burning In them when I looked at them in
the mirror; I liked my large month, with its
mobility; my short nose was piquant, and
lighted my otherwise mountaleast of coun
tenance. Then, too, my white forehead, with
its straight, black brows, suited me ; my corn
plexion, which was neither fair nor dark t but
I a shadow ed, wasen pallor, reminded me too
strongly' of Goethe's Mignon'to be anything
but beautiful. If I had been a painter, just
such a face would have been my formation
for every picture intended for a display of the
passions;. nd the difference of expression
would have madietbe -faces entirely unlike.
Henry Parkhill used to say my one set of
features held the whole range ofhuman feet ,
lug, and --be would end wit a laugh—could
change sometimes even , to beauty.
Eveleen's brightly tender look was some- .
tones very sweet to me, purifying and calm
,Mg ; and again it insensibly initated me, it
, was so shallow'and weak, and I would have
I changed it to anything else, even anger, if I
'could - , :But 'when those sots, uplifted eyes
'looked at Henry Parkhill. and I saw, as soon
as, he did, the love that lighted them, then I
turned sway-strong, resolate to forge_t, W I
harden mysele to deceive myself into thinking
, that 1 pad never cared for MM. There seem-
ed to be a valve in my heart that closed down
and smothered the love instantly. ' And . I
went on my way, acting, talking, smilingjest
as though the soul Was not- gone out of me,
and I was not an Empty MIL Ewes then a
deentedlospital yintor; and many wordered
that! could bear the *instant rack on which
1 mTarnpathy . was .stretched — how',[ could
ca wet&4M
the agonies of the g, and
qv. hear the last horrible cry. for mercy ,
where Orator:Om of the oindedined had lii• I
mil ; trand dead &pair of lhe last
latel too late I" Ah I blamed is{
Cf n eispital Adler without a heart 1 .I was
gentle and soothing in - my niiinnet+a habit I
Icontnetfed in the ays when a sufferini6t2
1 Wif 'pain to . ma -but no FMIO O II 4O
WWI feeling; was in me.; ~ i. . .: . .
' /nth!' toesiitimer, Eveicien lea t o be, Ear- ,
Tied to Henry perkhi'll. The nteht . of • die
' weddlogjuiitfore the oiremonfairfikOr
, Ba3l
en is
triad, Isal%
if the Unt
ied the
qr *Ape
anent et
r *both
Attbe isw er
seer* to ba
to has done
into circa
as and pen-
The law . of
That it Shall
pint,: or in
to utter, is
* business
:erten or
ing note,
41 or other
ted States."
shall be
the nee of
any doubt
, of Juno 80.
no to the ap-
I,ltua quoted,
n. Here now
do the win'
notion ns!..
tbbr sir ml
. end &rev.
notes are
.'" r r`r:') 11 11 -V- All '
'7t- --2' • ''
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. _:._l;x7 F . 4 . 17 .. 4 ( 5 -S 1 :(... 1 .. -
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ingilveleen's room, when' I,bed - I*.q - elet.
Inafid tSilloVog her *ben I Met Henry I rark •
h&c!) thi?.staistA.l.litid my moat cordial
smile ready fol. the' occasion, and was pas
sing him with a Mira-Wool, when his wistfel
leek stopped me.
• ' "Annetta". ho said, coming - close tonic an d
lying his band on my bead, "God • bless yon,
end rgive "
' I lee fo k up i ma n laaface, and niy lips "felt for
a smalls," but could notfind it. He looked at
nia - wondering gazaand turned away.
isidited in. dark room just behind me'and
. 1
Ong. the door satdown to with Iny head
against Itilipon the Mint I sat in a blind'
(laid; vacant way,' without feeling, a - good,
.while, and then getting up, I crept down
stairs, tut in Um° to take my place as brides
•.The time passed , benvili enough, bat still
It:passed It was *comfort to me, and the
mil 011 ( 1 1 11 4d, to see that the months were
going, and that "horrible appetite for death," c:
that unexpressed and inexpressible longing
for the grave—the grave, the quiet and the
darkness took firm hold upon me.
Ancsyet who so militantly cheerful as If
Whose bright and active! I think I receiv
ed Mon admiration than I ever 'remember to
have had before. • My face lost its•dait abaci
ow, and became lighter and brighter—a fur:
flicaexpressionthotigh the old eyes would
look terrifically - at me at -nights from,the
depths of the mirror'They had a fattilhed
loohtlint wlh• Was it! I felt nothing how
thenboald. need anything?, • .
• 0)1, Alight we were sitting arotoul•the fire
thrs 'very room about' a year after- Eel
leen's martage. She was sittni4 on that ot
toman, sewing, just before • the fire, which
brightened the tint other' : blue ,dress, that,
contrasting with the light curls and peaclP.,
blossom complexion, made an effective plc- ,
turn. I. was over there in the shadow by the
mantel, telling them a long story that -I. was i
improvising. It was a common habit for me
to improvise in that way for their amuse
ment Henry wasslandingopposlte, leaning
on ilia Mantel and looking at me. At some
point in my narrative he add,
"That's like Seuthey's Thalaba."
"I haVe'never read it," I said.
• ' "Not. anything in it!"'.be ,
- asked, In i
strange; tinnaturW voce; -
"No. The clasp is a little difficult to' nn-
fasten, and I never opened It. You remew
ber I said once that I had, but ; Itwas a fib:"
• JuSt then he sat down slowly, and is the
light fell On his face I wondered I had not nce
ttced before how old and worn he looked. I
coptinned my story, and is I finiabed he rais
ed Ids head, looked at mei helplessly, and
Eveleen rushc&to hint, but puttingter off
with one band and taking the glass • of water
I held, he drank it and - loaned back In the ,
chair.' He did not seem weak or Muting,
but his thole face was. locked, as though in
a mortal convulsfon.. After a little he mil
'ed -faintly and 'reassume ; Eveleen. "It Was
only a spasm of the heart," he said.
effect of that never after Ward seemed
to leave him, and sometimes,, when we were
alone together. be would look just as he did
then. I thought he was afraid of terrifying
Evaleen. We :commended medical advice,
but he steadily rehised to see a physician; and
when the war came he suddenly accepted a
connission, and was ordered to the front al;
oat immedlatelyi
.Thasigkithe was to leave he knocked at my
door,,nd said, "Horsy—dress; I am going,
meld& •He was studios., 1•••••
paper 'resting, against the al. He faldod
the, slip of paper and put w a l l. his pocket
book ; then turning to me, held out his arms.
Eveleen was waiting for him at the foot of
the stairs. I did not move. He came to me;
lifted me In Ms arms, and ran down tho athirs
with me. For one second Wallin scorch ed
mine , then he put me down on the lower
step. Eveleen was waiting for him, and I
walked quietly up stairs, undressed, went
back to bed, and slept heavily until morning.
The first news from - him was the published
bulletin tellhig of his mortal wound, receiv
ed in the first light: "Brave to rashness," was
the comment. Ile had ,made a hopeless
charge, and half his men were killed or
wounded. Next came the body and the note.
DOI weep? Can the dead weep! lam even
as be: Thalabat Thalabat I 'll
. get it down,
arid look at it. Strange that it should always
have ao affected ; him! Here is the book. It
is beautifully bound—a fancy of his. I' 11
stop writing and read.
• • - * • "*. t • a(
I have seen it._T•et me write it, that, I may
preserve my 'reson. After the clasp was
opened, there fell out this paper. bearing the
date of•the day he gave this book
. to me:
"Arare'rre. u.nna: W I loVe you—l have
alvrisys loved you. NO man could love you
half so welt Will you be everything to me I
—will you be my wife ? My heart is en full
I cannot write, Answer me if I may hope ;
if not be silent. "Yours always.
"Swum Pamtnitt."
As_ I wrlto ,these words' the fi rst human
feeling fig I have felt - for two long years
'conies back to me. God grant that with the
suffering may vim° some g—
that I may "know whereforehe b at h afflicted
Gay. Gayly returned n
in the - on Thurs
day evening from a campaig Western
part of the State, from which he brings, the
most cheering acounte of splendid Republi
can organization and sure victory. He left
Harrisburg last Saturday. - and poke that
evening at ais Republican meeting at
Jtihmetztvl4 On Sun rge,
day be enjoyed the hospi
talities of Hort John Coycsle, and on Monday
evening, in company with that gentiemao; .b
afsnikat. Marlon nell ana county.. • On Tuts*
Is sple et ndid Republican meeting .was held at
Indiana. which the Governor nddressed ;
whence he proceeded to Rea . 44 .l ihere he ar
rived on Wednesday and addressed one of the
largest and most entftualsestic meetings he has
attended jp any 'part of the State. On Thum- I I
dory, tl Q Governer was in - Pittsb urg, and was
met nitre by an immense elemonstretion
but, as the weather was stormy and disagree:A
-*4 Vet declined making a speech, contenting
I himself with congratulating his 'Republican
friends on the cheering . prospects *which met
him IA altlyer4s of the West.
Goren:Mr Geary, after the observation and
intercourse he made and bad during this tour,
is satistled.that Hartran ft and Campbell will
pave from the West, on the day of. the elec
tion, over Mountains, with a majority of
twenty to twenty-fiVe tlionstint—State Guard
Tun London Timeti published a cable dia.
patch that the Republican majority in Maine
teas '78,000, or about 1 , ter last,
year, and the of 'Copied it with
out the elit
tteiit thispielonofita Incorrectness;
The truth the Engitah press have no more
actual know ledge at amerlean affairs in — detail
thin of the moon, tied nn statement Is tton ad
surd for them to tiwidlnw. As for akin* the
maned vederingigarec,ent4l able; that
L is Tali oßLOrthe kuslitiOrto:"
&in gives to'add they fit
a . , 44y; the Witutt, where he sends them
• alight, they go right to
wOrb to stake a tree,' and bear Milt Bhail
not numbs sa ddildid as they, and shoot forth
branehes, and bear trait b? any sink where
God places him I
- • - ADM=
*Troodim: .trwriarerisa .at, 114
Ine-lnakinseetton:thsa for seize faboixi_ hat
aertkiii 50 nap. A liberal- discount - nada - an party
• apace_ 'quid to six liars of this type niensiant
, 1 • -; ,
Notices' set under a hood by 12111panihrelids•
astidlatelfliter the chatted inanr4o
- tea cents a Ibis tor each insertion. .
• Marr,pkge• andticatip stunpuieod Intwaikiptlen..
The vinbitelier"reierrei the rtithi iii ‘ ebanste edrau
tisements from one place la the paper So amens
whenever it : ts desirable 14,40 s o., ,
Adventiseffientrthontd bir hauled fa boObis; Yaks;
j7tst s N PIP r•. '. l.
' -:‘ ' -
~ ~.r~ ~;
In a lows tuilibled down bulidirigin the old
i.:i ibourg St. Nati. reeking with
damps, and with thit Moulds of nearly a tien 7 ,
tu.y milts roof, lives. en old - woman whose
career is ono of the most reiniriable in the
histomot* Now Orleans.
Once brilliant and beautify', shiyet retains
traces, though dinurfedend WM; or that ex
quisite lovelinestoripeh made her 'the belle
and leader qf fashion „In her native city. AO
only child,
.born to immense wealth and' edu
.ion in every t scrimplishment which the
meet learned Eurepoan seminary
.could sup=.
Ply, at eighteen she 'shone upon the world of
fashion Isere without, a rival. Courted and
flattered, it ith innumerable suitors, she dis
carded the advances of . nimi; and 'appeared
only anxious to onoy th e Moiety in which she
moved go conspicuous and brilliant an' orna;
went. But it wits not destined for her to re
main so. It Is Installed-no wolveln i tan. evjfA
without loving, and she prayed no theepiion
to the generality of her sex. Her attachment .
was, however, miworthily bestowed and lam
table In its results., • Passionate .and jealous:
she unfortunate_y found in her husband too
Much Mileijof tbM r.indel/fraoo Eflifleetrid '
her lorktamed to hata--seorpea; liM mete
ment VMS iniplaceide. Ina moment otfierce
ly stimulated melon %he abandonedher home
end Wends, and, shortly,allententifapmired
at a t foreign boat thittiKcistdisrepotof
all - characters, a female ,adventu e.
But Vito. callingvia ul her ca-'
reer was distinguish She became the, Ni
a p,
Ing spirit that gut' nd controlled the ac
tion; of monarchy.. At her nod. brilliant me
teors faded from the,labily of Walton, armies
swept over Wren borders. But a revolution
arose in the land end she became the inmate
of a prison. EfieSplng thence hy,the leniency
of these who -dashed the Bourbon Charl
from power. Ad deft appeared as the minion
of an Indian Rajah. ler , name 111 yet abhor- .
red by the matrora of English Indi t e,
'tie children are taught to scorn Abe impious
treason of her example.:. as ties. years
grow onapaee her beauty. waned, and then
came loss of power. Spurned by the virtuous
and hated by the court, a wanderer. of missy
years she came hack to her.native laid. Her,
friends were dead—the Memory of her early
triumphs had passed sway. She stood aso l:
ltary wreck in the city of her birth amid the
'ruins of her him None' knew her—norm
.wovild. • Scorned by the good and feared by
the„.bad; she ban led a • hermtiVii life. Some
thnee old erode s Writild come and goissip with
111bYfit others y,oetli,wiSuld Timm to wonder
at the weetli that time has wi ought. But
reeollecticin still stirs her heart, andfrom the
'shadowy aisles of memory comes smiles and
tears to beam or iitykOn ember face.
A Alionyiarkabki Womon t
We New West's Pkannia]
Pot.t.ARD oar atm.—Edward A; Pollard,
who was one of Me editors of the lachmond
Examiner during the rebellion, has started ri
journal in New York city called The Pohti t
cal Pamphlet. Pollard is noted for his pery
appal hostillity to Jeff. Duvis, said lathe ffrat
number' of his paper appears sa editorial on','
"Jefferson Dolmas a cammission merchant." ,
In the course of this article Pollard pronmin
ces Davis "a narrow-brained charlatan," and
denounces him for "the last loamy of selling
out the honors of the Confederacy on his per
sited account to a mercantile house of Liv
erpool." The article concludes ' with the
ty i l4miat ghwkwis ins the former chief of ,
the wretch, who has done this paltry and na• •
tious things"
Cyril night a judge, a miiitary officer, and
a minister, all applied for a lodging at an inn
where there was but one spare bed, and the
landlord was called upoh to decide which had
the best claim of the three.
"I have lain fifteen years in the garrison at
—," said the officer.
"I have just tut twenty years in R—,"
said the judge,
"With your leave, gentlemen, I lAre stood
in the ministry. twenty-five years at M—,"
said the minister...
"That settles the disputa," said thelandlord.
"You, Mr. Captain, have lain fifteen years;
you, Mr. Judge, have sat twenty peals : while
this old fellow has been standing up foe the
last tiverity•five }Tams° be certainly hat ISE
best rigid to the be(1:" . •
- _
PBO7I.II3OIeIiZRES, in the meeting of the
Academy of Sciences at, Hartford, apoutking of
the electric spark, said he"could jUdge better
of the duration of the swirl when seen per
pcndicularlarlY than horizontally," When
it appeared iu print it read, "He could better
judge of the duration of the squash when seen
perpendicularly than horizontally.,'.! That 14
equal to 311 Burlingaute's eloquent allusion
to the "granite shaft' on Bunker Hill, but
which was printed the "grog shori ori Bunker
A YOUNCI man In Newark Now Jersey, has
gone insole oser the idea ihat Ms morns .111
was not. legal, an numbers will lose'ide wile.
Per contra, larges cd young married
men throughout the country aro in various
degrees of distraction !Actium), of Ideas axially
o. Ite.l
ASIAN down In Lynn, Massachusetts, it to
said; made so many pairs of shoes in one days
thq't it took httu two days to count them. Hq
was a smart' oath bp; pot equal to one up in
New Hampshire, who built so many miles of
stone wall In one day, that it took, him all
night and the next day to get home.
manufacturing.calony , haa made
armrsgatierita to male in Grundy county,
A itys who hid been mortally wounded in
an affray KQa recently married at Ironton,
Ohio on his death bed.
Wooriziparasols, piiintea like, peacock's
eatkers, have appeared in Loadon,
owe. or he finest, plantations nn. the Ar
kansas river recently sold for five cuts an
Rain water was 4s cents a bucket in Rol
and last Month. . •
Wanpranco taltiscrel .peTformanizea tad
called "prairie °pan." in Chicago.' 4-
BRILUCV/igi coats of white linen are worn
.bp the gentlemen at Newport.
Nnw Voilenity represents seven•twelftha
of the wealth of the State.
~ . .
• A. NAVAL COMMIttaO ig to Tumble in the
feasibility of building a bridile acting Beaton
harbor. - .. , . •
• .4t lies in . Columbus, Ga., killed Me wife
by shaving oft her skull with draiwin,g
_ .•
"Psoriases of tlite it&ilaulative art," mi
the latest Calffohla rotate for thief.
Lzarsnzig r ets $4OO. a night foi his twenty
minutes Orformance on the trapeze:
MR. Diann= annonnoes , that Ms Mimi
labors prevent Ms lecturing th is Witt :