The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 30, 1868, Image 3

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    i t e a vovon •
Thaß •
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• I 1111114111.10112111.40,14.4.0&„
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Ira 0 10 " / 1 " " I t PlrP s "": 4l 4,lf!"
t han ani Ya
AivergW" Olg Pirli*lo ll 4 4 -, 1 0 0 401**
so Ili beak " lli lff . P 1 0411 , :::er.:!l-,1',1,.![
;:1 ,11,1 . ..f yl. r 4.
TWO. i Sw;-rw:6l-&LIN - 1 7;
ii ' 1 I I ....
CPO Willilre-.40
. 21 _ 41 VIO 60000•4111 .10 00,
Two i lqtairell' .- ".. ill° 10 .15 60:
Tpree squares 500 600 9,00 11'008001
FM' mitlitreS... , .0 00 600 10;50 15 00121100
03 40110 detliunn , ' '1 00 10 oo vim 16 60 46, 00
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0 0 1 45 113 ,....011 . 1 1.. n. "P CI 1 1 ;PP3 3 ! °° '".P..1 1 1 1C :
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spetialloifeer., Una • ' •
FrillYm ent P 1°1m. 33 / 00 e grrterli,exceoi Tr4stest
AdveriblaZ whicka!til!kl ) ll*4. LI? •
-, - -
State of: the for
a dtok on tlike goiltio+! 1.6.101
' 't.,A.:*
. -
42. 1/ 1 2 deg: , :
4 .„,
• , •`• 22, ' bld g. •
0 •,'23„, . 1 Ofliegi 'l . l.
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- 0 IS, liff ~" ' "
, r•. '',`lll''',-
stn Blrizhiun . yilir.,?•Fifttt
d.badarii.l 114 .1 014 718 tb°- I^l o3 ri t?g nt ft)
tng*,i'ackafiitEitci . • I •
• 44: • ;
- •ifiervi*. •
The Attention of the public le dlntetel to the fol.
pea new •:adyettleettentarrstkiet Visoot I?
trolthie In TueiAtiotie fic:4lo, •p• •••
7': 121
Goode-4ee. AIII:oftuo43,:•';;'*•; ' •''
prFnn end SO, ntr.0 45 °14 -1 W.T . ...
Otohnne vontt Sale—llugh names. •
rirAdmlntstreiliii Nottco:— . A: rOlethtedf. t
rinteelfa N 9. 0. .•L .
.• - 4k- 713 iiA4-• :;•
orspectal iietics,ose.'Aaottotio: •
.Ileetlorr ot.Coonty_ Comtnlttee.--The Re
rat llcao .Coooty Comutlttse Court
Ifouse is porror i traiiturty, pietp, )914 l e o'clock
P. '' " ) II itlet C`fillie4nan.
1, - T- ft .
.9.1 You r armireas— as eq
bre the :wilily a otio - bp': Atiker t yittriFie
too late. hear thlmfiil"•• . 1 ,
"Persona belt TO attoh c 061 on ti s ot
the cittalogoo or4hp.St,,tr lion;t4 Ete%9o. l ,.phlreml
.t.• Cooper, it'dttiiciid, Kriet 4 el; ' •
• I t,sl
A number of leading Democrats of New 'fork city
About toiUltiir.t.n. P 11 40,1,_ , thg.441113!!101601
throughout the Statetff.plyir the exiunple at General
D ll, an4 4e54. 1 T,fbr 430 .4 . • • +`,;• '• ' : .
gerovelied.„—Wiz learn that Qipt, Ai/sander Itpeer
tifaistaailker ea' tie, viaidrOwlieti on Metidi# iitgat,
6r tut irot r An tho Onto de t er ! abont,4o vitl9a above
ineinantl.`•• Cat. Mare raltfetrat Baden, tlila coon.
had no family.
%rim& Vie tasi,
the rhapest. 'Try M, Mr!. bn - nitived
mos style) linlrltestorer, or biassing, In one bottle.)
)ly wife and children prefer It liveryiDraggist
It. Price One Dollar. • • e l ^ , ;
ciarlAOrditet Of.thetrish,#o 4 ,,Ule. 4 l l , l 4r ,
kutorea made .1 aPelreVi ' ari . ;24 l,
Yotic city on lest Friday night In favor of Grant and
(irint'irierultri are 60416;7 from all points;
sYd enmpriMi 811.elaasee and condltkme of men.. :
Admitted hi the Bar.—We Tlegire4lllast week
to note that Col. A. W. Taylor of
,this had
IK•n tillallted to the practice of the law le the several
rnttrtr of this Comity:: We have not learned Whether
purionnn hanging • dangle ant In this pheeer not.
:letting of Synod.—On but Prtday the.. Synod
A'e..theny met in . Bristlowstge.
duel.) . In this conity; anA eornittned In treeeloii t lll
Mnnfl:ty evening. The meeting was lakely attended.
(,1w sshhnth the various nnlpita or this vicinity
.rte ocenpled by the preachers in attendance.
• , '"' 4- " - "'"!7•r . r.*:"." - ••••0 •
. •
Still Thi;y Come.—W: A, Eoglitti, formerly a
.meant'nt Congrera from the find Dletriel.of Indi
ca, it Ott now for Crant and Colfax.
I'red. Lnncr of Rending, To., .nntl. fit , otiitif
1111(1 emplo};eet, all hitherto halve 'Deiiibohibi
httr rom, out tyr Grant Cotfus , Union nnel
The Mal, WANT Is'rolling on.
, • 1
The Elizabeth Gaielte says t h at daring a heavy'
!Ihm , l.r nt,,rm which paseed over the 101 l region of
lightning ll,li Virginia. the struck a derrick, passed
ATI the sinker far down into the welf,and converted
i: from a dry well into a good pioducinC *ell. We
q i!•orf of 41. V era! inntle; / In-the richt - IWO? !stand Ran,
- , ..4 , -, would he glad to hve their wells struck bY tiotz
unq. If rush results wo uld follow. 1
Jo --...4...--- •
9 . ,
Theßenet)licant Tanroni, st. Clair and Timm
%, 111 hold it meeting An the COIFIUKtos in Freedom on
rrlday eventnz. Ott. 2d, IRA.' Everybcidy ii Invited.
It i. expected that en excursion train 7111 run from ;
priOtton to Freedom, and return if er the meet;
ive II over. We have positive :itsturtyice t Ron.
Thno Marshall, find non.
I. Graham will•be there. C.Stn• everybody.
Letter ilat.—The following letters have been ro•
.tvived, and hare remained in the Beaver Poet office
one ranuth uncalled for:
!fen* . Orcr 'Ffsilliain GovlarflaquAtlVllllll.37;lll'
rare or 'a
6 . 10 ". Itephanlah Nerille, , C. T. Peat
rhrlmt Roark. Mrs. Nancy E.Moore. Rev. A. D. 31aii
kn, Misi Francis McCreary, Capt. Thai: Melva.
MART A. Itlefiaimex, P. M.
. •. .. •
licit - *teedlntr. -- The • Hepnbtliinne of
Nel.gerickleyhip. held *large &bd . eutiinelfin-
Vt Inf , eling on Saiiiiddyilght;fiept. tilih.lBfiB. The
%refine Ull4 Called to order by Henry Gc)ehthtty. ,, lF494
mier simie preliminery itilsegnments. the foP9OIII
• n'ilr•rs were elected : President, John Doren Vtes
. I 'refklent. Jame.; Iteatibt; ; ticerctery and Treasurer..
W. Prondley. The ilepohlictins of New Se
*tory Tp., are thenimpiiiynrgentted. timlaftsenrable
rrnrt from this township, which ban, ever been
uronzhold of the Democracy. may be looked for on
orcond fueeday 9f Octobrr.
• . Geo. -P.nottoLey, Bey'.
I Prlendly!!d^i' p tq'Ple,DV-
Nle 5tv.240,1114:4A:b11'6.f,4**413.44Ttc0.
fr? which ice !then make no charge, and jyrblch, If re.;
6 <lrn. can Inflict damage on no ono but . thtnneelvea.
It a IN.: Now, that It fa reduced to a mathematical
totainty that alyatecloci ttefeit atralte quite two end.
4 : 11 l o.metil; ;ahy not', at'crnce, them
N, • . . •
• ni tue field, pave the further labor and expense of
exited canna'', and so let the people of the United
elpct Grant and .Colfax, to the higheet
_Caeca . Id
.N y
b Oft ennolmota , /, That:o44 Atthis o fiA4
btiq lemitatne ipgteoterenta; and a
llon of the blessing of papa:' . 111$5 lur •
ghat to ',live in view. —Phitadelphia .Press.
Panora autiat the mg, x.,ohnirch,BeiVerro
, 1 ., 11 . 41 ' 44 /e9 Evening, Oet: fig hit:Ws—This it
, eir to Prove ono of thc most Instructive and enter ,
litipi; exhibitions that has boon offered to oqr
al's to many dam . It make; nee or. the of
itt E ttmoccupe will& now tem* BO
the 1e1ecit .......' P kail t
it tyii: re thie4 homes , lighting up
%IN +lie celebrated Drtinoinond Light, two -ssrs'' p o • .
life i listonoto:. known &Noricum. t " ''. •,'•, .
he thssoiring ',WWII IWO pecaltarlYhitriegelt ' . -
, 2,
to i vei he forgotten by those 11114 ttittnilAi*r.
I 4t Parents and emjny the evening . ifrithleer
t bort and girls and yed will not ede,it eilt,
: " t hlk cm nu tuunaritlita the endunsinient r haYalsi
1, to of th! eit,les and t Owns ;where ItAutisheen exhlls•
41 •ifiniltaucs for 'adults 2d cents, for drea I
410, (An...
spout Ike a Mr. -
kai .
- •
honors, and dignities of the country such MOM , as Lee
aid Johnston! (Voices. ncme.none t) What ebrOble4
country would fail to do honor Witham
for an ~4~ etaiielrea,
contest for which they are sought to bedtafrenuaied
Sid exiled from fthirhomes—in that contest tay purr.
ed themselves to be our peers." Colonel Dick de Hart.
of Indisug, in a speech at ;11dirmapolla, gave an an
swer to DUO in the recitation of the (billowing wining
lines : •
The loyal blue and the traitor gray
Alike th eir graves are sleeping,
Bidets"' In t 4 sunlight ray
An n thestonn cloud weeping. .
• "Dowell to forgive the past— .
• 4oiljt&e n t ge len 1 -6
e.:47 01 111:1 1 gw it. 9 4to el:
, .
Our boys in blue are korai and tree; 'et -
• •
For their God Ind country dying. 7 •
With-a watchful pride that Is ever new,
n _,,'• We garland their graves where they are lying.
ay were murdered by rebel bands
They fell in fearful fray. , •
Guarding our Sag from trallore,handt— t
We do not love the gray. 1 ,
RWe•ctit nogA if titi l l t litilitll.l
litet a ell e e in •
It will not bring back om loyal Slain '
1 TO recall their truism glorv.l
But put barriers Corp and wide— ,
• Divide the fah* from the true—
.' Shall freesia and honor stand side by side?
la the gray the peer of the blue f
, ra,, ,ii *,,
.;-.•,,, i, _, ig : v 0 k i t4171.4 - 1:i.:1 1 i-.• j 7
CPO 13E4 4ord itt , ..Y..0 7:-..“4 4..4 '11:
elf ow Prete an ill A:PYern. : i'..v ,, ,i 1-..:.'
Do wreath on a traitor s grave we lay. . -
Let'shame be his wreath forever.
Do they think we forget, our dead,
per fxtys who wore the , Apia T i • j, T, r
That because they sleeplkt It e kale Peet_ e- ,
• We know not the false from thb true?
,Ilitt . . it peeFAilliproong heroes lie
.., r .4. yet Apould bitifil, 7, ~. •
Ills riamCwho der44 ffir ihe right to tile
• Is,sacred t bogey:AY- • • T - ,• ... .- 7 : •; , i
But honor e traittir 4,..i ...1,.. „. .. !,I. , •
• Make it t e peal sla 11153
One Bowe pp the feet of, irpasen lay!—.
Never. while Godisbnel.-_. • ::1,1" j1;;A; , ." +.;s
—Franklin County Progress, MO.' ' " • ' '
the week
~~~~ ~~:
i r!.,i'
a 5 5 deg.
"u de dm.
( , 41.4eg.
.9 deg.
45 dog.
,ISS deg.
Itt deg.
VS deice
*leg4 '
60 deg •
•, , ,
Eater Annie Sta :—Thet Adiftilre tilstrict
Grant and Colfax club met ; rsty l pf . traxt" e — ylcetaniza.
Son at Miller's School-laineya:lll,l4di test., bill:
cent elected as foiloirs: Psfie! eit;A: R. Miller, EN.;
Vice Presidents, Jas. NOT, 4k4.-"8. Reed ; Record,
tug Secretw ? cplptg •)Iftni imptrin g en ; Correspond
ing Recetlries, and Wm. Miller; Treas
urer, Riders: litirsha ; Committee on Speakers, H. W,
Mien and Wm. Miller; Committees' on Vigilance,
Finance, .tc., were appointed. The dittb was then ad'
dromitkr gun/ TliPle:Sll4l an4gatTMsientch.
eon of Frankfort. On the evening of the 7th met at
the same place, was addressed by Capt. G. L. Ebel'.
hart and JR,. Witham., 'bqT ,ewiestly INscussld
the importint lisiu'aforttnieempalgt - Vet a,id 'on
the evening of the 15th at Doak's school-house. Cap-
ILvtilltinilir e esldaah of the 'Frankfort club
presided, Messrs. J. R. Harrah and 3. Weyand of
Beaver reviewed the past rgebili WNW Pedabcracy—
the subject of taxation, .tc Met on the evening of the
5814..atake PrOeke aclaiOirTlOWas: J. th..Crtiottl: la the
eh/iiire. hfc.tkookatawritti , s Feint *ai:lal-
led on kind fissponded in a lengthy and eloquent ad.
dressJi . He dealt the DemocracY some hard knoCks.—,
He is-a fluent speaker.. The_Hanom and Raccoon
Wed ciubsi ditclred us with tome ttitipaign songs.—
Adjianthed. • •
'"atoll on I Roll on f time will tell the-tale,'
Cake District Is not sieeplu. Ilmovag. •
seatibtit'Mtit 1 1PC7.k., 'Atura ,
' Boatman, Pi., Sept.. 25th.
Enrron Attars t In giving an Account of the pro
ceedings,: siiisectietr, &c., at the. pole 'rattler Mr
st -
chaster, the Editor of the Local omiitedttie'tlatttl'
connected with it. I Allude to the laboredefibrt of the
Doctor, at the Town Hall. in the Craning. The Local
mentions Ma.itnenleS * 4 o Pescii4i' 4'o , , Sel. _K 1 101 1 4(0
good, but lays nothing of the , Doctot, which creates
much sorprise tunerg,the pony aftmircrs of the gen
initith; togti..ltrl goatee speech was short
bit the Dr.'s was long, strong'and emphatic, as was
evidenced from the fact that the- *wit
t or pia. Demo
clinic bearers bad to lease to get the 'fresh ale. 'lt Was
diverting to see them leave in the Grecian Bend style,
catetedbylifeckening sensation at the stomach. The
finftsdlisti thetientained were Ode- timitero it, tut
utee ing to the Dr.'s own statement. the 7 therad•
teals) ("are a pest of „earcilirl and statioesieedirlie
ones at Oa.") I would advise the people, if they Want
to-enjoy bearty,langh, and are, pot too seneative at
ihe.afottlacii; to gtrand hest the Dr. the neat time they
ha4e the opportunity. He threatened to make a speech
to the Republicans asesomis time AK:Wilber. I Frokebly
after the elect ion. Seriously, if the Dr. would use
fewer damns; tot alarge dry!goodstothalt Ailed with
sawdust to squirt his tobacco Joke In, and not ham
mer the poor uni4endiiirt. dolt. so; pinch, he' might
make some believe that be can' make a speech. Hop
ing that the Dr. will take these ; segmental's u they
at c Intended , I remain hts; , &c. C. Mona.
ter 41,Ittathiaust i
We are coming. Father Abraham, •
About two natlUort.usoNt.,- / •-• ; •
Right fbitt'ard on the rood ofd path
You led us In before;
The mute old,fircJn everrheflrt, . •
The stifne old fl ag above.
And the leader that you gave tit
We follow Still In love. • .•
tooting. •
. We ate ettmalf, sioarQ ii*(dt •. ,
Just as we came before,
In the day ivhen firstyou called us,..
About two mllllort ;more. , . • •
• - •
We give onr blood, and so did you,
In those auk, tteVe gone-b y, I I
Nor will ire be to-day less :rue •
Than those who went to die,
, W1t1a.37 tbeyin,tbe cold grave sleep,
i_ppy owing Otiose Or drum.
ni vrl we o'er their glory weep,
Bat still, like them, we come.
• dare ar.r4
) Ifirts;ttoidbtdpe with us now S—
at , Mir eyti ate wet ,
To think that we the); Wier ispotpcie;.•; • )
. Vkl e fa c ite l Il a
re l l s u d ' Vh*diaa. W . 3'
• .If yOtiAnld vellum
And i 6 we follow Grant Weak.
And Cite lot him we
: We Ire coming, ae..
• • ,
Bare Ball.—Theli Internation a l PCtips" "%mr
NAJD= ffatall n :boa *a% 10 04 aDathili XIV ltd
tinulitiallidtithe The ffnitVanie iiptryeit Vet;
moult. ' . ;September. Ist, between a select few of' the
"Grant and Colfax" and "Seymour and Blilr" Clube;
The pine was opened with aome stiff running on the
part of !the "Seymour and Blatt" "nine," but through.
out the game that side "muffed" badly, owing to to 4
stiff a breezeirom the North. Time was ealldlant
BC.Aabia MOO "
dab, 47,000; l'"Sermour and Blair" club, nein.
The second of the series was played wider and
through ttielil pIAEs bf Ilikelfetiday.One weed
No, but owing to the Seynnur . it e i Blair club not un
tact they were brought up on ti'" abort stop" every,
nier°. Theititplie 4ecidee pr ended about
sundown. wleil It troc jir *it the "Beymour
and Blair" club hadn't made a clean run during thi
day yhilatheprant and Ooldixboytt 7 4 1y0, a4dei;
000 to their tally:. 115t..,..1ibe !'Seymour and Blair" club
talk some or retiring to headquarters in Kentucky for
roriege - pritetice. • - :• • ••'•!21:' A
Onanossfi . cops of l'hUltgetargh and,TiPlui
ty, bare, for 'Berne tittle paSi .
PreraPO9no fop !FO OS 1 1 ' Vac'
Accordingly, a few days ago, by mat lanOr, they suc
ceeded In getting a pretty fair crowd together to "set
It on Its end." After getting It op, they gave the coti
cern three cheers, When 'to the mortiAcation of all
those present, the pole broke In two, and the top came
heavily to the ground. 'The crowd let without doing
"anything further with* at that time. The lzrobletzl!
I tZlNFria l tra f
of the d of their party at the coming elections,
and it . la Bald, have retired from active political service
In consequence
When the Boys in Bel 4 turn outon.tht 2d of Cle
tober oldisander:the scene will
be Inspiriting and grand begird description. The In-'
dlattions so Sir foretell ezi iminenseattendatice. From
all parts of the country comq In daily fresh mastervolle
and letters of anxious inquiry: The regiments will, ai
far as possible, be unifansedli Wit inuithlotial4 anti
already the prices of these article. have advanced. A
single New YOrts dem alone havekought up tee thoidr
and blouses In the Ptuladelphiii`market to uniform the
veterans of the Empire State. Let the Democracy lir
ten en 4 tremble. By regiments antl.briga=l-
:shed4libletriry — cerfer‘thilii.llsh
--Porno's I.'reto.
- -
El 9
I 1"):. :
.:. , .1
Ho,. (I n'lM i t',l l B l 4lM i t'll*. :kule I
A ls aVg=tairat t ra l t i trk
*: lll #fi c haiSS tt l e3l l 66ll "Yr"-i.,..V1;
#4Pr i bt#o.o.l l Par**__,, 1 '
AiTI OigeAffil. AlNgth ' dtwasse**
i tiffrifkroo•ffiebli Isopw,p l =a.
-is *wok ortitt , • az.
soma* *
Is good or s llll4titiidifikAilweltikuailliiii
chndsclrtri,4 l *4 ) o 4 ol.l ol lllNEA Ittitiii iti
moat .45di,g41,50,11134,1, T
~ . .
Iminl.44Fittp",&,ftwaiti Wealskatitiludisl
Wilk itif*•_iiitePWerthrlffitlidataCkiiiifilif siolviiiiiki•
.:I"ilidl irl 4 ,4o PO ' OrliN:06 1 00 1 .! All i*ltagi*
i 6iodielvie,thilie.raii - 11011Altsalltillittlid, NM*
be isecds his child to receive InstrittAlcioriiiii-
I/. Paiii.ijfeititiedlNOMEXlAMilkili gad your
ciAlr,•4l4Ner,f?P~KV,beiticf! V.IRSAIs::
ifoi) igele It =lt
come what It would be, if they
lrualdAtatandatelaingbindlii the iliskithr:t .1116.cjou
ii,A#o.4V l2o =- 04, 471 1 / i,,:tir
YOTAAADOW, POP* ~_' ' ' ',ll' 1 clilf*Fifwv.A.
ticllttbls win °Urn should - id*. ( Wigalibur:pefaad.
14Cc a rntiO#SA#E1:: b # 111 0Y i lf . .. 1 0,4*
- •• • • siammigaz wouv t ,i4,',l4l4.o44,',,ikcttipot
*mayor theirlatml ,bet islet the amtsktatmey
, yolk
oisfig:littaunkOfict.*.loliskffielt 1 0*
ltt .010084 0 4 f*1 1 011404 6.41 40 ,4 44 401 /*
come regularly ever) two mucks liod'apswiltui WWII
schha q iitiikiiii,litireitlatiide your children, and stim
ullitltitic,4Cp,WA can - pgdflible wi th all assnr
inactbit MOM 4.0 ibicto AO Il i iisthin, duo we
will make 1114 prartaikitki half bettor than Mrs both
In'thhisull. - Tcfirimy think this an acknowledgetrient
4 .4 ci ß l :PF°l l #.__...P.,* l : l ;e le ,MVlt e a l l. r .s.. l ; l4 ° .:.. °ld
inVe been :tool ustasva,,: , as su, 1r • • 2 14.0,41
W . ' int vialirawilarly, at least one - half thcirtl *but
be done for the pktrlctlirkarkole . „:, Of the attends
i4 114 4.° ? ia*: •4 4;10,ik,5 11 0 4 : 4 t e k,,te t'a I
complaisk. And the ichterai a whole uouut coup
pares !miffs* with otbsiipshools ; bat I believe .the.
*' 4,, * D1 I o!1 t 4 -cii!!? Is retarded one-half. b Ir.:
ke6 1 .0** 4 0.*C1 P 6400 1 4040* ‘i* , A c i
achoole hytparastAi. - ntim; ot anmempittlattileatibers
pa fiatutbiy
.eau 44 1 4 1 4 41 9 146 .0*,,t?t i ' ' ,Pihttiil
focalatithscaool-coumtosayoy't i olipeverma,:il
least, If not by worday.fonsy my dangbtokyon
- Ml:kLift4!ltn.4/I(l4 4 ol ' ffi4,k PO- g 6 W 4 ir
rat be here iOdy4ststhis Jtr . tgasr 14i4iaiskal‘tlftii
mi lli iilaul ' ilftaliti l Vl4 2llll :.__,, , ,... =
I va
high inlhe eilthnitil sky. thn auswoalli 4 . 11.1110
same Offcst, oar'ilca t fitit of tittetwra„accßoplish
. much
more good tinder these chanieid:ograktnihibili;l 'chid
li What we are ansloias26,accoppllik now lit - iiiii
schoAtualiObtlesitiojr6Las gg' arthicas the
County an MITI mill sitliktor ambition. :
Why should we not have such a admit In fact
e're= l :llttsbZorgl=fa
fur the advancement of education hi his school; and'
further, u 4 are slow to acknowledge that the children
of any locality are more apt in learning, Vial are to be
found Beaver ; and wirkbink we may sere ly say .
that in liberality and Intelligence our School Board
will cOmpare favorably with any other with which we
have any acquaintance ; and further, the present
Board have since their Plection, visited ya regularly
everylieVtlailehaUFairtiNEWPASVriEra lb°s
pwring themselves alive to the Interests of the school.
So, again we ask ; why should not our school by your
aid, parents, become tine of the best schools the Conn-
ty can afford ? : . •
.Enamillate thitrel..thhkaaltadllt* min' thltn,
great deal of work to be done,hendFtlbeithps.-sd
times on hare to keel yiour children at home to astsiet
vritli.yddt werkl , • But might they not 004 tie at
achool s •when tiler tile absent, by a little goad man
agement ? aro you always mi. theirreat school,
when you'ailah,they are ? yams hi doubt about
this •at any time, we will take pleasure in re
portlagiblitithisseifitilf)YitiVvwbsat such
Information irould be desirable...l'4 omit any time
l".-11S7 a y e ex /141 ,0 30 r WWl', Otilit anYliti•
pill las" Seep inachool eldeitt thethiedfltarlast; and
how often tardy. And I doubt not that many parents
are ignoratiColAtelac:ktliat.lokats tlleipalldren are
habitually tardy4a few minute/; livery 'day; litit such
Is the cue; amtitis Brest anstoyanrs and.Mtetintaed
to the ecit001,,.4 eta, It not be - aroidmil,. ipbe nog
shtitirheittellepte b** * lo.lo plviieadit
all who thnenunde: - ••• -•--
The Trig oite oVorltsitAki• =Mita,
every monaley, 'MKT Rut Atet ‘irlilthlime nil pu
pils shouid be at school. We dismiss for noon at .1i
o'cloc.k, and ring Ist.lldA •stlterrioon minion nt .lS
minutes before 1 P. It, dud iud. of I o'clpckatir the
dpelihdr.dtpletiool., Weed pispettOr;thialbe
proper attention? We close by a cordial invitation to all
to vieit'ouri• sdidel mrftemiently u yoti Gan, feeling
dust ; yett.ysln evpipearercemeOt any and!itli times.
• I 7)
itortnni 4ki!orm : Le:st e ireeks Lodi! g'ir4
fititib! or alliftitocilltit4eetlitg.
fn ftodhetiter; rade mftte ,
falsehood from beginning to end.
It is true there were a large number of Republicans
presrint, attracted thither, no doubt, to witness the
n6y4tjectat.l.O it,lidifKikDemticratlit PO Pi t ht e 1 .4.
power, for be it known, the asidstancl of fonr sturdy
draftlrim riiii4gnirs4 1,0 aid Weotuterriged to ele
vatinrthepole.7"4 I PI 1,;
Jack Shrum, n one legge siolater was ]atitong the
spectators, and was limping out toward home, when
orr theoutakirtebf Hid eroWd he Wall: %kit try bait.
baked fellowArom Freedom.,wbo apptgred to
valuta, ' , frith etianito ii -
Jack for being a Republican. He was very insulting
in his language, and finally said to Jack—"Tida sym-
POW whit the wlggerstben You ain't , any , better.
than t he nlggere,land ought to gotiowitand ilve wllith
them." And.then, to rub it In a little harder and If
pgaaibit saketti trtorwldinilting.: *Welt "No
you ain't as good as the niggers.' 9
'lrkswaq thatqaet eohid4stanpand be told
the fell& 461.0 OUR !d - Vl' he 'would
Vrake_. 71 0 , 11 -" I A '
The coP" did reidatlf, arid Jack 4 trleUrfoli Min"
Mganan_tx; ai d tOdfpg totirihe., eryrd, c und
41rtk, willf Hid of h Mitett, talking dens
lap,! ldte! him, till at length ''Rp , ,renched the crpen
irli3egAll ti;eattaili' at 0 EA thai . Y_friFil,alive
dont , eredit , tostiusrough-brad bided bound:kb eat
ytil.hextendl4 out Prtilf ,B!),IalY0' 11 4At !tgivi)Ter"
aieafit;co t 4; •
All that about the 'iiiit9eggeitinteitent of istiLlaitt-
VlisiVretreat," &U".; Is . sirnply foisq. •
The only tannin.' done by any Radical wai'dOa l e by
,45,Li)soldlie iggt, who /*Wit the' fellow
wad bilit,4in4 toot' iftal,dm
nevei gapping till he eanghtllni. As soon, hovicvett:
as he ascertained that the low gang ail) had nod
sten* ! lack, he let him go.
I, heard every word that passed between Jack and
the cop up to the tline"of 'the fool race. and -not a
word was spoken by any one except by the parties
themselves. The cop wasvery insulting and abusiv#,
and richly deserves all the notoriety and psiryice
ear l e lit VII (jkif 'it'l l '
1A 1:1.2. 1 11 ,U
PENDLETON' —CRAP.IIiAM—At New Lexington, W.
lretta9:l=ll. ' s gei 'VAVrlrg.'
dleton, of Roc hester, to lifettle,secoud daughter
of Geo. W. Chapman, Ksq:
RICK E Ch Y—B in ARNARippewD—At the trild jgt mice23r of the brides
parents a township, the de=
Mather. Mr. Wars Rickey to Mist Arse
all of Olpisitwel township.
ti f tr:41.11(
CllNNlNGUAlmr—zumq—on te I naf., at the
residence of the bride's father, in Brighton town.
ship, by the Rei. J.' C. Evans, Pastor of tia: (Mir
mile U. P. Church, Mr. George CtinnintithiM to
Miss Bush Kuhn, both of Beaver untidy, penn'S.
PtiffyYtt=lc pax 4 . 4 inet.,the
Mr. lismuellitity.'
to il4ll36 , uvaretyilnutbarty.
WEIGHT—DAvIroN—Con the l'lth inst., in Beaver,
Pa.. by the Re . James Hollingsheml. ) r. Runt
Wright, of Salem and Miss Sarah Davidson, of Bea
ver County, Pa.
NOBLE—ittitnikajcie uselliitliqnst. at the
Third United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City,
14 Rev. Jos. Kerr.
A. Mr. L B. Noble, of Baser
aPa.• ail Mtn Mary Marshall, of Alb:slimly
.1 . 111..•• •
•:117 ...•
1•:1 ta
TALLON—On theeith that.,tealeaferMi.. Ma Nary.
leant daughter of W. D. and N. A. Talton, aged
tudlnamytl 7"t: . f
BROSNAN Iti—On tb" 25t1t Inst., at thileelliende
b i rm u t 1=...ra., Mrs. Louisa. 4 .
, the lOW of
' . dilittith Wiiiiiiiii . 4i' i - •
- . , . Crir
10 4 1%kr
~all'itle atLipTirtionmir ..x,..vint.
I.lltOr lartnlr rr.nenerf..?lf . .- .- 15 igacil
*.: 1 0" -r 8IF, 11 F4". 111WI t ialq a?lart
ooi .. Tdi ioaktfidopertiegOls tu
itioutatisibiv.or...,._...2.4ll-_•,- V 1..,
jiT‘wilreer4 - oeigla
tirraiWieg . - . i.e.-mm*lf
• -• , v,7-- -
':ftmliitit r iae:*ol44
, , . . ._ ....„. . . ,
Boavoreoontyo4. _4 17 , ..._—_.,, c ' t.7... A 1 ,•
EMl** i 'VO i nt.X*l ' •• -•-
--....,-. ' .., 14 7 . - , , . a: •', :I ,ay..,.. - ..._ erbca . u.,.•claL
ID 14‘./Oriti
,ountticunem aT
Ulna's. won* Zen .t
'Persaithillidilikiteaver Amid
iibtailloodtat.lll. 4 Saidiktithifflidt*en
'WO 00.04(wolt*Abit
Ina taiscoiincitniiporTnmlish
t r i o~4 ll !*KAtVrebra*Or,Ao
Oe, • '
tat ,
f I'
• ,1141; , :; •
V 51
t -
u3sl,irtsl' 'I
Tn.:41,1T 12
Dli_4lgi r)1111 , 3- i
• Ai
ITALIAN' flANDobiatipti,, , ,,
2, .I.l3gfi It 7 -1. 7 4111.A.11
1?3 , t
47: 11. ,P.:) • ;.%
q 1 4 ,17084,..
W E lln l Ated4renrrpOr Shines - that has eit;
er been offered.ln, Maker sonltylitt the very lowest
naPh Penes.;_
All peraans-desinliglttentarea . tier Stones,
We def.& ntanipetltl i oabludtt ArtAdlotiviirk and ,
prices: *LT ttftas.
0:-..# 0 tC re geNV I AS , ; 4 49.441P 8
otlfsit , 1 1
1 . II I
I I 1 1 I
• -
or l Ailie VCIRLD
everaahl‘suittwebolikkkoitfabghsil mottos;
3'..u4c.S 419 rPorvo loll l 4 !Au 0 4094 , 1nT9A5A
Elias Howe ; ; .: )
Shre ' their first introduction MS.. ..Skstart
upqn tliqte martifnee inside.withl4=nar t
guiMelotapidly.grOMilf ic Oopubn I
that they Iwo tearAted TFI:-..eStnflvnf e li ttiOnt
and that- w ttor not oni th• Ofildit AIM
the best In w,orlet.
These Ines do literfat work upon ail &Wee
whether Ana or etheme, ea. dtiothelitnehl-abiC'gt
Tendon of Yr/ Howe: alike *NV let al. the mne,
Sewed. The tetssianamesOurvel:end .as
be started to any degree ci t these. and ea lug
adjusted do not require chants', except kw di
. 4 1 4ia 'e4 : rttoi wita4, 15444
not noceknatoee kg wa wort t wradd
to others ;WWII itif ta.ntrVoltylofre an:
reiVier. - - 47 1 14 - an al itind •
dseased to _ - • 14
tut - BIBLERi6 iaIpOP,EV
1 6 5 5 5 agin.41.141,"
and esrrnlia. '
Janke U_Stw. ink St. Ehlbh, and
Md. Ot t Vtalt; tiFtttabstrgh.
Geo -- 'Bpeyerer
lla* i.i re e
East 'avid
at La.rtO:andA T Vell
• • fteteited., Aomori.
S~prif.. 4
akt nig otri itth
Corner .
o cheater, Mao.,
1.11;.!•,• ,{
L 1517 i3i.;;;.,.:1-F,
- ir ,::cAßpgyrKg.grom,..v.
sf ~....Z(il
7,1 " 01118,
r Trt
aueen warer - and • Wido w -mare
11:.•fasr.. AcT5,3:011.y:
":/* ifl ii Ji'
, ilartair l tpe solcitgency for the eelebeited' .
rti I_
C N TAO fC iZirt it IL IA
For Rochester :andif nt to deer
ere et ; Pittstaugli rateeopering Might front Ohm—
%! %A' . .3F 111, 1315:1 311 533(1611
.)SO4 s
.4(ll44;iiiiirsaa. Co's
Scales, we offer to Sales at manufacturers
ngid a rni cattle4
. t 11c4AAL , ...I al
Aim Agents fimilereluttlime Sulphate of the*
mut Muter Parts ttorlande.
we have alwayit Mudd.
, i(rozat , mo-TI-45
apr149:17.. •
Ltra .
'AI •
Hsi just returned hem Ohio, where be his been en.
tret 7/ " I T PAths
All work emitted Is slyte end at prices dating
tl •g,•""1.
, i .
. tif
• 0 " .
.tisniiret '
7 !t i~'
4 I'. •
, .
'44101^., , 51 - 0 Wiz evta4a.
wiva hiv...111,-.4.? „t 'E r g:l:4.3u! hat.t!farl
..1* :la ,%hfir, i:tit a te.q fir, fic •4({ 2,5 taniprottT
virdllAtirlartir lUstnt,2 **NJ'
;•.;?".fets:;. 'nor l'!'7 !Aft! I
94: w'r! : - Sven
Lt .!mr:0r12, , ,(1'),1.i-: • !.::;„ t,.! pp,
•• .1(' `.3 • ...;
• d 7 . 15 1 v.: JO
Z 00 r) ,11 bt 1
0 C - .)
• 1. It . ;
rittg e gi ) - IffniN
• . : ,f_l it' 0: - 1:1(1 ;:f.f Vl' ?.E 1
- . :1 - ...7....; - ',1 - ji . ,Ififr-•:.i.:11')OCI
noiNll3s9 . (l, ICI 0)00a X1 1- 4 .
ir. ' .I; %%IV Fla 1 4 . 1 fir?
90 , 11 a 7 f.,!1_1•14
F. ' O . e§t.
r :N. "c...! , li:::::1:.1.5in ~., !.1
.I—:;,l l 7l 7 _ . l..flie,TTlqr •
....{kai , •Ait' ^S. •Y. 0•11:
• +ttiLi4
iptelLT . .11111 Y S
cr.:l ' Ante; CI O 7 .
• ,T.,•o,vvill A :io?!.1/::
. • - ,5rar;21.1.4(),11 •
f . L • 1, AT.
ri i iio aol34:4l
~„...) . d DS.
vAck 0,
: • .e.ti.cer f t
;•. •
c: eliv .•:':
2 :. - 211!Zil C , ; ;ice it
T rfrila3 fl*, I
• 111 / 16 1: .
Afilitkaail . Ni, : 43 "RI
Tive,trast i . . • , - .
..,,,.,-.,:.. , ,,.. ,,, , , ...7,,,,,
toi4l# Ell ~:t ;.-.-::,.
, - . ..-..7. -1 7—
• , $ ,-• 7. - F i.,* ~,:...- %sr:, \
... ilb0:1) Ake* . ' •- i ~ 1 .:
:`' tialmorar Skirts - " ~ 3
N,`i , on 4 s and pa ne Y g
ga i ‘.. ......-,
• - e...Yi.„1 ./. • - -------: - A ..
INditit' t - -, . .:..
.. , :r•!--"': --, - - , t5....:, -- ..: ; *,•,' .
Milliner 7 Goods; 4ke4
. • I
-, : .-. .
171 - t'
(.1 A J. W..... °et v. 1.4, V/
ri 4 7
4 41 r fk , -. 0 ._.
Fir--.F i
... ip,..- .m . -- ,,
~ f•, -. il f t er .40.Avsrep, k
ew e * •
.i'r- t,
~r R. , , ~„,,,,,.
. ......q..„.„,.... 4 ...„ ; , r: , ~... ,
c„.:. ,„„..„.„, ~.,..„
~, ,=,,, . 4 , ~.„...., :
4,--001,1 - , }, •
ir k
--. 5 ,- '''l.- , --' , .. 4 v•l'-..-- , --4 .
i,-iltrlT''" a - 4 ' 111 L2 -A;
r yti,a
; - • .1
. • ki aFt 1 .'-• i •
7_'g 1 , 110 4, 101r:5:pi
tt-hdt-inTAW.. 4 :IX ,e 4
'r rs,
,frazikfigtir:Avitiobs STORE
Iv. ~1,111-11, 1 ',71 r ?r.l !lee
7.l.ntr! :wit: ”ivo I.
t'ri! A.410z f - 1.7.!
PO ;DIV (i7l r
414 e.7:644; 1
iamii RotuoY.
~5;:rr•::.1.-.7, •4- •
~•1‘ 1°49 - 11. berr-rr" . "P)" 7... .
SLOT-SIGN- Aoritstihir7oll. en!
?/ - 14 1:
axEL • VER71101) - - tli
BAR 6117.11.4.'"'"
al till
er,n t '
"alswrghrta 10 ,fl.lOl
at.i sin
Stock eVe
IQ we take
J who may
Is as cheip
.') ♦ftf ..ty
! ;" ` 3- ,- • ' anr zo ,
WHEREAS. lit AMD Et AM. 01THE 011N
' •• of Peen
suhaneki=lAM, A •f g Mt 7 . . 1 " • ••• elections of
the Cominouweeltb." peeped - 1d • ol .I.lly A:,,31. 3 _
Mintaatilia 1; -• land=
Genera Elettiona l and in such notice, r '..ebelnet
at., : • '.N.,_ ,i'llbl.ll. t;..1 , 1 1 v,-... trris •).., t ••• .
1. ne Mane to be elected. i
I."Deelignate the • „; 4 voltiviecd4e tc? tit, i
nei ,vi - .16,., , , ,, p . 1 7.1 ,A. T ig t s. -3 .123:1
High Sheriff of the county of Ileayer,'do hereby mane
knetwn, ali= itra-`10). qukidectors of
the county
1 enutonth a Deana
1 liTec n ifot is teillbe naTiiTar petrel elec=cts
u follow" ; ~....i ..,
, .
The elebtntior Doidaglitownship will meet at the
Court House In the Borough of Bearer.
The eloCkmf Qr. ,pitroixbarimpt milii meet at
the Town Bail m rid ter. - )•• '
The elects &af !hill lledirdisttkilirialaape Who
public brick school house ha mid borough.
at' the
'The electors of Moon township will meet' If the
helm - for/mply - ocenpled - brAmarialr Hendzlelmon•
1 Argr j nir i ete4l 4.4l WO tan 1 1144( Wee
I ei l tir ~ 11, . A. 0111.*..-AMs!itsvpie.„ 13,, mid
. 4.4ll,lofilftehtTrietP.,77-Peek
I - Via:Vitt' " • •.• teititib It 6011" tile* it tit
I#edit w it. - t : 4 watuww' i•--..• -' - -
' • a . --, • 064440 i.
.• o v aeci n ,.....„. ...„, „. i . :
'nib eli:cMiiMa4 . let s Wlll.tiiheit r it* ,
Won* dr,lollp ut i . 3 "ht nage er Irittimitr:. - •
• The ele brae townshi • will meet it thi
twase.ol.XlUsk Niswanger. in Hoo MT I/. . .
i, .
. i, . ~ of Ohlb2=l .! Ime
d at i k sl nfteb nv onse
••." . e ..,. Aftilram6: .1 (5 bradet
(mutt. navy district) will Meet at the school house,
weir Richey Eakin'(,' ineallittendnship.
The electors of the borough of Faihrton will meet
at the A emy In F Wen.
411 at the
sc/Aigi a •s• 'o
eak tl ianur . •
L .3lut T Chippewa townsawit meet at the'
411116111 A deliOd 10. rlO - 1 1 1
The elactoauguf.gge will meet at
- the home of Jobn Rb MAX I M ' I
The electors of Darlington township will meet at the
Abadeinf blDieditnltteo,/, , , - ntl:l_.' II 1'! 1 *!!!!J (I
Thu Motor RI, Bei n t=sait h tedlltneetat Me
, •:It Tboeldriblifeltilhenhhelliew4 l l l ;
_IlfiloWtlli• the
house of Mark R. GAM kenekilburiton I. Z.;./ O 's'
- The idectorsUhßentieSeerialkiep "'mese
at the house of Nathan - Mama, on lan of
. Beml..lpispT,
.., • 4P
'lbex electoel -44- •Pultilki , totiuldttrelti" 'Meer at
DieertreSakooTbouse, Nt In saithamtmitip.
agaI4. 7 IITW
.._ Mang th.
* Itotalsafewit alsillll t0r.1.41(1 . . 1 .
Th 2 ligi trtfragtta i Mr.
eggirt i nte l i l t s li trd =g i al w d
ward. ' 4r. , 41ti:1 , .. —,...•33 ft , .1/1
ThetelvtpM of.lewqr orsoutherardpf Abe borough
of l'inatM,' MU facet at tired nuttafy, In said
The elest o alf Rochestertownship will meet at t:.e
Mea t eouse4n mdtbmttstetp. ~• •
r•the bm'eugh Of Homes ter wilt afoot
lit Ilie schoolhouse in Rochester, .. e :,,..)
_ .
_ t F ---A t ,in
A:',..4 rjavattZtirtZtvt rk, A
Jatt,tinitMe:MtiP4lo meet 1
'The eleetompf Industry district wilt :ma% at, the
school how In industry. -
Ar. 'd elettort "CT Hardiony bitensttlp - will meet stthe
1 .1 30
• of
cAb r inylitAill44llo44 itZihe
ue of .C. , ft ip.
Tlie electors of the lootongit qf fleityer !till / meet at"
the /WPM' Painee,ilit land Mronglf." • " ^-,, _ r
The electors of St. Clair borough will meet at Mb
School House, Id Paid'l
The electors of the borough at the public
5i4631 house, In said bornueh v
ThorllllC - 40n0fale*Drillfmt borengb will meet at
the sabot house In• New Claint•e. -
At which time and niece the vatted electors as
afrowevlA,w 11 vtw 4 b i y 4 ltAt
I Llo4 7
:titr l_ . Till Ilt e *. u'lrtia7
- WPM pe w n t or the b at S clew (Un a ,of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. . I
. One person for member of Congress from the Twert
ty.fourth District of the Commonwealth of l!nity)..
goo • • Oa . - boni 1 ietb Com
, person r mem 0 Airmail e -
toenwssith gr:Peonsylvattin. . n ,tv :;+.l
One'pewinf for the alai of Instrlet'Attarnerof the
countg Of *Veer. ' 4 ' '4 .4 1,1 ( .1 ' • :td c 'd ,
, One Anton for, '.fhe: '.'ofnee. tit !..,:coninla , er of the
went,- it fleivee. l t ; •• • . . • • •
county of f ert i n 941 CM of flO,,Vihirveror of the
,/ One person trAisiditet Of Itictr House Director° f
the county of Reayer.„ ,
Olittlivractl roe We baled Of Auditor of the county .
i i r Beaver.
.One a MlStli b li:Vare 55" qt " 7 1 01e r , c" n tr .
.Two persons for the taco Of . l i ntsfees of Acatiemy
of.ther tionntrofßeata'. . • •••,,... • -,—...- - ..- -
fitoute is Herolky
I: ' - i • •• .
. . .
- I
Mahe known and tire trstlce. as In and tw the 13th
section pf the aforesji t tirt I
es : f m t e e ireC9id., "thf u ter h eg
o person, aw f o l i e c r o in r g weininiesu
or ce, tr: t l' under
the Government of Me United States, aortas 'Blatis.
or any city or incorporated district, ' , whether a cote:
tensioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer,'
or agent, who is or shall be employed under, the.legb-
Wive. judiciary or executive department of . is Stale.
or rutted States, cie at cif or dis
trict,' h,W j:kiit rye , mem of Co mend thq
State 14°I.WILOurskdb ase e' • coati
di of imy city, commissioners of any incorporated dis
trict.% by law inatuble of holding or exercising at
the game time the eMft or appointment of judge, tn.
specter or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth
end that najustputor or judge flat 001,Ca. officer at any
each eledde, stutll he eligible' id any 'Office then to he
voted for."
Also, that in the fourth section of the act ofA em
.bly entitled "Air dot re tatlnglay execntions, for
ner purposes." approted Aptir 16. 1840. It is cted
. that the aforesaid 13th section "Mall not be . con
*hutted uto prevent any militia °Meer or hitrough
°Steer from serving as judge. inspe c tor or ekrit at any
general or special election in this Co watili._
~ i
Atm, thati*Sipt ante:4l4 4. feted
"trotet, awd sp . , I pert
ll:betw een e ours of eigh an tat In f 0014
and shall condone without Interruption or
uient until seven o'clock Ett the evening, w the
poll, shall be closed."
Tneserah epeelai, city, Incorporated slide! pt and
s elections @WM:eta* 11g. Inspeletors
djud • elected as and by dales r Int
el as Itereinafter wort . • .
[NO perwon shall be permitted to vote at eine-
Wm is afbmsaid bat a white freeman* of of
att l a:t Y l eara t fironeml;reir.Wanhod haveshall
lec re ti al on ii:
dictate he offers to xot t I days ihrm ,
I '
a il !thin twit..-eats.
Si r ys e e action ; b a et*
7*a 2Vß ) ha"
of the Coiled States who has previous) begirt a
tritalieed voter °f-thill State, and removed redrew'
d tetuntedould who shall have resided in e Mac,
*in district and paid es as aibresald , Mad end;
**to vote aft Wens State six . tha
L k
'tided, That white fret men; entrees of th ited
*tea barrette , the 4iget` of lwentvetle and twenty.
iiroatid harlot 'raided in the. election district ten
dayikits aforesaid., shall be,. entitled to vote, although .
.. t LeT i re= hap geld ggiteC -•
! ed
4011* p... - Itted to vele whou namil:
Is not contained ip theitst of taxable inhabitants, fur
Malted by the Commis:donde, . Wilms nest, he ;M-
I aces a receipt for the parmentailithil two Years of. a
dtate ot conutithunAsepte/d agwesably td the mull
tution, andglv'e aininuctery ',Ware either cash
own oath or afermadon or on th r oath ,on. edirnrdiltin
of another, that he has mild such a tax, cello Callao to.
produce a receipt shad Alike oath of the Tayme,nt
thereof; or second, if be claims a vote by being an.
elector between the ages of twenty-one and twenty
two years, be shall depose on oath or adiraadon that
he but Padded In The Stare at leitsfliniryele before hts
application, and_ make such
_rapt of hts , Jesidenke O s
the dlstri as carted b is act and that he does
n i g to'lLteletit's
req by this act; whereupon the name of the per:
son so admitted to vote shalt be inserted in the alpha ,
helical list by the inspectors, and a note made o
tile ni tiarto bliwfitias tag eractwx,r & hit a bct
eff. toWtely reasol ofltamg pald tW., or the
word "age" Übe shall be admitted to vote by reason'
Ouch age , and shall be called out to the clerks, who
shemhall make t he Me notes in the list of voted. 'kept by
. -
"In all eases where the limo of the person claiming
to Vote is not found on the did furnished by the cob:-
missions:nand 'seasons; or his right to vote whether
bond thereon or not, is objected to by any qualihed
iertlUtpial,4l s t n Y erclirli i lle t i4 TrcttariisFelni.
be claims in hirve tes.. dell withnf fbe ' ' e I no
yea.. or more,. lila
a tab shall not he . snfrcknt
. pro
thereof, but Ile A I make proof tbeelh o t t lint les 6/ 'di
competent witness, :nil Su ed elector
Male has resided t e,' , r More than
tend ays next precediog , le ~ and shall also
himselfswear that bli'Vdeilf Ride Abldenee In pursu
ance of his lawhirap o it within the district. and
that be did norY • o wairdistrict for the par-.
pose of voting there ._. • (
Every person qualeibi albresafCiaritt who shislt
make due acoirt wmmired, of Ids reafdartee and pay
ment of tatWei~lt. Vali be admitted to eon" in
the township, warder district in which be shall re
eidedirtr,itr, rrtiroe Isis es , sis 'ls ssseli) ." - .... - 97
trAfanyWintateraledillretbitiarlitlenatit :l6 preet t ei l
any officer of airelsettanainderlitir act worn Aoki to
suit elation or use or threaten any vinieticie to an.
such pincer. or shall Meyer or imprtguarig interfere'
with him in the execution.° =than block
up the window or avenue , tb a 412660 where the
same nay 10.01411114;Cot dial disturb the
teams at sum eisdion, co, .anw pract ith deeignice any la.
w to
maker ar to prevent
him from voting or to restraint) freedom of choice
each pertiorterreelPeklualittbillitelt Anedsisi 'any sum
net exceedleglife hundred dollars aid tmprisonmeet
fer.elAY o e Pie , NW Ira Oen
Prelim* I . e 'loud
where the triid be that the
person so °fending s t ra i tA s.... trieldvt Pt the tikYr
wdni; cep di the Asi eat othritca
igarsearftted.andirehitiltifilalreole theledh , then
as conviction be shell be serniati e lp pay - Wig, of
- . laiithmtreallandb64 n lea. OW One Mos
and dollars and be linprisonedista lest than six Meths
not more thin two yenta,
, “1111fallIWTIVIIII7 - 6/ . f rr — i . ,- '. tiii r, '
at the witec t ZgrigEr
htp e.ection. du IC
tar the ... '
atattoa to Me *vectors and Jaclyn, , when led Mil,
m relation to s t s be4OF
s anfmetweed by thew,' •
tb rAdrgeth •
latthit of
tore, or titbit Of em, &Li thaw to lid
V el l ' i ti.4 Aga AttiAlluililiii‘nikoliaPliitleia)
pr the result ii i t=or with • thla .Ww.
get. Ettbm4M II
Zweite. written . rWriiiltaihingetia a
aporcottnewas. unamasOla.imati me ,
ia marictiew Miereet.bawe wit *hag - fordit li =
awribpalimie the Mount eo olred4oslie liettet , to.,
1 Irony parootxX Wist
ta ~WOokla i Mbitt
SI 'oi l sir st i
‘ q t Iff ircyt i = l) rait i , 4 t
Itz t liWtanns.7'. Pear . . 74
14 1 Pell -IC an.l
_,,./F.!..ioglfflisti_ill9 PI
. akitcl.., 1 i NE.1.7a0 Impnove , wog Tn. paw
I Moil red 601. 0 :••• tf ..• •i , 7 n ,t,, ~ , ,
I tr,
1 If Any P it,... :ha: Vold at mote their doe oration
•,1 i•rrict or otil rash& tran Meetly "kld a ri d deliver to
th . Invocto 14.-11* pillf/thrltlEVKlstantlian
Pi rot ~ II
r. n .h.lll 111d11/4 7 / 1 . are 111101hef to do so. he Of
-tP . l‘ a n ~Mika& lagl!N 101 0 1 1V% 1 #
I.lln not lees wan ,alwa fifth
ihntavardpol 111 Us fat inAtt, l ll,ll4
tht, par it Ii PO ItitalC i figa v nt whh i r& r ia,,t:
weir tit s =y la raitetit 9 the MK. 01 rmallerer
tltlsenal shall appens at any, late of electlna Ay the
senw„ Aplidp i noei e s 4 hlll ' v
VA par sly uot Inv
'Mr every in offefice. an be lin
loot exceeding three months. . , •
. , • ...
TheMeturn Judger of the resnective distil* in thie
county ate requited to meet al the Court Hotta In the
borough of Beaver. on the aryl Friday after the eke.'
Hero, being , the Itth of October. If ,alt, at 10 Wdrlek.
a eu ra l l b n i dollete p• datl l rotned I
The 11.4artative Jud M meet. i
n an act red itlett
cart If In the or
gOtsev en tr ay after the election, being Tr . mity, Oct.
h.. • 1
The Conger Mona] Return hikes win meet In ao
coripunce with an Act approved May let. 1.361,=
Couth.House, In the botioe,gh of Beaver, In the
of Mgr. ON the seventh day after the ehltitto, Wage,
• IV hAni q' t 31 14 29." 103 % . -- te4-ii
Arid it rcregioglo
Commonuvalth." promikkteivrellif &re 4/14,
1839. it is provided and dirrekd as follow :1'
Sec. RI. When two or more counties shall eons ,
ociseAdistrl gi • . choice of a m en .. mem
bilralllre 0 -, 0 0 . ...., 4 0 cilia the
House !* "' A tie j , .3. , or , rif•
this co di • . ...1 - ;. th Jo. i. ion in
each county. having met as aforesaid, the Clerks *balk
make out a fair statement of all the votes which their,
hit e bele ii en spch election. within 4., c • . ii . „
a t
ore %rim' ,-, • c
au Z ll* .•
•'' •'- • • ' , • 41
t au fttotii. ,Intf - • • -.•
e 4
• , end -dull • • ••• evit 'ilit•'
r .1 . a
meeting Jnif *tlth- - elf ereinty. M. • -i
w in such dietrlcta, as ht or maybe appointed by w
f W‘pbbOyi jOn Welling ahall be held on the'
seventh day SM. tne eleMinti: ..-, '• •
Sec: ti. The Judges of the several =limiter,
, met, as sirprettatd , shall cart up th o wv ',
I Mtn 1, iffenake tftYpneirtweetnras of nit Me vote* . giv
&Wit C A
i il l lZThl i g c b t ptapa
for eat Milers dial be deposi 1 . 0 00. •
Prothonorari, of
.11w. Coast of I,orqmon 'Pleas of
the codn4 , .. , in ' Whit% .1 My/_ 'lentil . meet,.
and the other' shall by said Judges bedqimi lied
in the nearert port office. sealed and directed elfin.
vanities , aid thew s the eifilicergb beedcwaffi this sag'
sec. $3. It shall also ne the duty of the Return.
Judges in mere case, to tranrmitamh of, the per-"
sons elect t ria IR' the House of
Represee se of MA ( C =l " ... a eergigattef
of his elec on. within Ave days after the day of table.
in np such rein (
/MEWS'S llMlE,,*ffiat.l4ol‘
burr eye offidlnqace of thei fplicorkproviskme
or a ppetsere On 41.010111 aunt ••A - Tariber,
Rep 0 at - le" etteti Taw?' Of lots '
wee th. .
• niceness: TiallIKAO bt - CODCII44 of the United'
States. entitleal-,"•111 let og-tmend the wrens: tete'
heretofore reseed to provide for the moonier and
atiocoet the National fonts, and for other
es'," and apgiroted March third. one thoilberd Pgr eth
hundred and sixty-fire, all persons who hays desert
the mnitary,or naval service of the United States, and
who have not bran diet-barged, of telterved 1 from the
penalty, or disability therein provided. are deemed!
and have voluntarily relinquished, and Rey ,
felted their tights of citizenship, and their "WOto
become citfzenr, and are deprived of curtail:4 any:
rights of citizens thereof:
AND WHEREAS, Persons . DOI CSIZIOSPOe the tolled
States, arc not, under the Constitution and laws of
i nalifled elector* of this eotneton.'
wealth; ,I,- i - . 1 -. -TN.,. it sc. ...1 • ••• ,
ISECIIMI 1. ft ensbeny We &math and Mara'
ofßepresentatives of the Lrnotkriawealth of Penn.'
Weenie in Gendrid Asetneffhf volt odd ft Ils•hensby •
enacted by ahlhority of the Flalle. TWA In all - electkine
hereafter to be held in this Commonwe- ith. it shall be
unlawful foe the Jo e y or . Inspect Ors cif anranclvelec-i
lion %p tseetitlaril Het or 111111011fradrimy parson •
or persons. alibis in the provhdoes: and subject to :
the Magkettlig *mated by said set at Ootarross, sp.
Pitrfedsiamtbiri..4rir thatesll44ll4 kaadted and
sixty-ave. mad it shall be enter/MI for any Beth period
to offer to VOW any ballot cot• ballots. I . •
~' Secfrogik • That itteirritaijeftgli vie ~pr.
of electiml; of any one of Meat sell Wines, or con
sent, to re celve.:ser Pm% Unlamfed ballot, or ballots.
froinany such disqualified• he or they. so of
fendingailudi be 0114 of' a•.iimanOit:=ll4
conviction thereof, in any courtof.quartsil
tole Comunonnthalth,la shall, for each oiansti, Deena
teemed to payd ass 4 not liwt one hundred dol.
mradoud 444 mudetto an AmMiso V•ht OW lail. of;
thoprOpri cOtft,Ton not 7as• gun- ty•dairs:
t/mt e
at mot az . mu it any ob ved af Wises-
Alp, and dliquahfled ni shall.atcany elm-.
opt„benafter lc% be hnld/Willik epolmonlettellk vote, •
ere ender to the oMbers thereof, 'and bar to voto, a
ballot or ballots, any person, so offiending.telltyl be
deemeexanty of is I i d ie l meanor. anil on gist
iqlßri±ell3ti • • t,..i..,..:i . rj like
Tel giro 4si ' 4 gti:i ' ' f alia
Mk. n -the cars - . • •• • such.
nnlawthl ballot or ballots. .
SECTION 4 That If any person shall !lonia per
suede, or advise, any person, or persona. dep rived of
citizenship. and dimisallital as aforesaid, to oder any •
ballot or balloss to the officers of any elettion:bat.
after to be bold %n this Commonwealth, or shall pet
suede, or-advise,
any such offlorrs lo receive any bal.
Idled ar=l. ft - petion: 060 P
t riard ib l Ital_ 121 1 11 ._
fending. aba f t be guilty of a miedemeener. and.epon
conviction thereof, In erty court ofgoartm.scsakma of •
uebw"N' leArr Illt m'anC,
emir pro de a l er fhb a n 0 of L. in t
Me of officers of such election receiving inch nn•
lawful ballot, or baLots. ' '
. 1 .2_ - :_.:•_ i I' . ~.
AN'AVVER,O r killirrfit i MODE 0 r VeTING
i alsopoo official Ponce of the Mowing prVialsteg •
of an ac approved March SD, IRK entitled"da Act
regulating IttO mode of voting at all elections fa the
several counties of the Commonwealth: , ,
..plisall4l hg at A 00 7
l iar kr Mot lbasn/ 4 7 . .
SM l Vtbli e ineeigi Itie • . ree ,
' lig t er e a of
two t o , . ... ; i
votemo emu% am.
le. cal Mad.' "111644- ImPu ' rtr ...
,02 1 .
Mona, are hinsky..he dila A 1 • •
to vote, by Ociets, p n or NT ttmt, or p•• t•
ed and parayvOtatropenryny,c ' se Mint
One dant WM etahriM OW* se I judges-et
courts voted for, and to be labeled outside Intilde-,
tra '. one alclus analorgoo. 1.141/mmuif e of.
Tol l 4, 11) 4 / 015 1 1 0. 14 4 . 4 41 40 ei'
INV grA C Aig raga .",.. •
berior m iy, arm mem es &mum • V
for. and ' be labeled, "eosin " Otte ticket than em
brace the nenreirliflll Ernie Evoted her, and
1 ,..„,
be labeled, "township:" one t c et I sit embrace the
es l ei f iLatt borough officers vo Ito. and be Istml fed,
IA _ •"Pludinklieelottahali ,Alspitellpittlusepa
ra ot-liolos. '.../ ..c.:::-....4 6;1.1 s
I tp . ,._lliven,undgeggr i l er .
l il i Ug s/r the
r ... 5;" . .., r ' :`,;•*",.. ' - Mlli de, dr of
amass; our Lerd one thousand eight hundred
and gims.elgbt and"indy.thlid
Iva/tic tbilad•etratnidebrft IV►Pe IQ.
k, i g , • 0,7 l'll I. •1 , ,101 ~. sieir
. fllnnetinftOnoibit,• tit ,
.f, • '' '',• ' I'l '
, Be i reeroep .• we; 1 rz 1v• I' .420' el,' re I ,".4t. f
..., .1 . • p
••,,, • 0:- . X.4)11:•,1M.K. .4
vit o.,: A ct; t i ,....,.•:.,.: d :: 1 1) dt• ,
• :';, : - ..,. ‘- ii . 1 ..1 . ' . 4 , / ;, ..., .
p Ark. N u r
.....41.4xf.. ..
. .•
.. . : '.;' '7lin „ ~.,:• ,' 7 .. .,...,:, ,. .
' ,- U/0b413 ' r L -
• rr 1,014 . I-;
,•• of 4.1.'11. ='"'• .'
•11j : fail "(AIRS : '
• I "..
.•11,13 . •J .41 ... VI
. 41 .. a utig WI 4•4 1 1,
,•!r • . r ' ~' 0 4;.-1 1,1 4 4•43
. .
CA, ...I ‘. W 4 I rt ti -.. • 7
• .
' . .
-,01.4"11.G.14.17 4- • .'"llF',. ~,,%. a #aia.vt ~
:raw,' -...r''tqvtf r i v.'. T.
.b ., 53 nn. , - , :i ---- • 4 !'' la peat' , i• ~.
TINVICIgf•ii : , VIAND ligi s #l . lll - WALL
can ; t. 4 , red, and wllTheOpotter,tbas t
la st
Dlr.e e '
t ' '
• ocit •k
Tii ,1..::1,7ttr esa • .
Mao Vnathi43 B a tch m tetee k s .
""*Mt,f l icife , "In. 0 0.°, 10 kAlitunt.
the eo 4t i o ~..,, ..„ .• ..,1 , •
- treepecthitr. c l / 4 ice won tortenittld awe the
11519 awl lteti „ ZBtoek pe r eessaor yiklugry
GOODS. ,••••`: AI ' 4- ' •,!--••• ' 11. 4 ..r. !
Ineludell,WOotreore have I:4 , oklorr lapawCat ,
pets,. Rep,' 011 Clothe, .te.:lcof beamlUlp eatigarand
elm. ,
:,,, • ' • a MITLEtEIIid.
mar Illa.V. i ,