The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 30, 1868, Image 2
The Bever Aerffus. J. WHYAMX•Bigiriosimp neitie alibet* rola" rmvsiDENT, • .:• :T•TItale; 11 a; Grant. • *0,,e,r1) .4* Ticket. n Gg'NERAb ; • -4- iA 11 T— —it v pert:: " • . Orr GOIRRI •• ' ' ! OP M. • •. • • RetIVEYOR GENgia.L. OE N. SAVO'. pI. 4,11),881.1., 2,7 CuuNtY. - Pori 6ollGiEM; CAPA JOSHPII 13 DONLEY. • •Of Greene County. • : Fon ASSEMISLT TitOkAS NICtIOLSON. 11. J. VA7ziKtitli.-. , . woßlrßbeEct.lflxu ATTOnlqs.T.• • ' J. B. ' - • Iron DAVID W.SCOTT. ' mulct's( iivivEyon. 8. A. DICKEY. Fos vocni nouis , i4Rscron, JOAN SLENTZ. , FOR AUDITOR. WALI4 BI3I • T .... _ 1104 A5 . , FOR CORQpiptr.• , WILLIAM. BARNES. , )' FOR TRUSTEES OF ACADEMY. SAMUEL MAGA.W. 'RICHEY EAKIN 11=1 ijiCTANIZE thOeSUOTY. °MIMS clasoly. Watch vinilantV Work diligently. Cianqucr lorioaily. • 0: • - • • _ _ P 11114110% an eleption never, took: place, the result rdf Which gave inero_general satisfaction to the'tWei*reatliblitical.Partiev,.than the re. cent . one ,td 'keine. 'Elie publicans aril ed beCanse AMY ,elactea their • candidate by over tw enty thousamlinajerity, and the paw oentie`:ire lii.eci'GiFies because itbey • are not thirty a robablity, We trust tbat all , October State elections will be , received me satisfactory, for, good nature in politics as very colmnendable.: r , Jas. T. BIIADIrp keg., 'one of the most, do -41044nd able,lawyera of New. York, and • a life-long 0 9t uncrit,tits dropied Seymour and " come out for Giant and Colfax.•;- Dix and Brady of Nei', York hAvoikerekoforo been leading-Dteidooratis that place., ittid their'pre,4at derection win open a wide :gap in the rake or Abell' ''old and "pla,yed-odt" ••• . • • orgitalzattoa : , of the .bar of Philadelphia, dour- to . get some statistics whtch would act ii siiedorattrit to'tho peatocratie, party, to I,lM,oittClaV, k,6tunis of Vertnn i nt ascettained that of , the eight, persaasoontined in the Quarter Sessions dock, charged with Crime, seren c "were "friends" , 'of 'l3eyniettr, and one,:was, for ,Cirant. :The' one for Grant was 'a :colored man. Democracy cam take Noll liotoe• frottithat. „• • • •• • . We WerP:t4d a few days ago in Pittsburgh ttiat CrawfOld, the Confederate nominee for 1.. 4hso' :11•141ut, was cottating 'on a befit /ein . Olican vote in Beaver county t We that gentlemen 'to tic . pnaeceivTl. lie will get no fiepuldiein votes heie. We tend to give our State ticket a majority - of one thousand votes, and we do not propose to let Copt: Donley, Cr swtbril'a opponent for Com wren ftdi a. single votebrad thli Mark •,. , • ;, • ' L 'Tilt& asafie ticket no elect which' b sup. 'ported by John 13.urratt,- N. B. 'Forret, end,Bitpbael' Semmes Should this 9pver,o• 'mot, belutnded over, for safe keePing,, ,to , a candidate Who.l/3 stipported by every man in it wdo nolo regrets that be was unidde,hy,fOur AO; of bloody war to d4irq , 10; - IMO the wreiebis named 'above vote for Grant,. and • Colfax orlieymour end Blair You known which, Democrats of Pennsylvania, and we want to know how you like your, company.. Tim Unfteyens will tenierOor that ~ e4erj dOilar:ot debt was InCtiired s In suPProositig a ridgAlletiled on by the Demo c:atic party of the South . and • encouraged by the Democratic party{ of the North. The Demociacy thenitbre are rieponeiblo Ibr the war and debt. una they beet's lo is; Party, we should have had nettbCr. Taxpayer/ Will remember this when Democratic candidates ask them for their votes, Tuz copperhead P,PCrc.lq Wcitcri I. l cuu• sylvan are imposiog on their readers. Not we of them report the RePubliain majority in Maine at over 19,000, while, the °Metal counts likes it, clier '20,900.; The .Republican majority in the samo - State last year nu 11,. 000, showing a Republican:gain 'slate then of 9,000 rote Demoemtle APere that' 101104 s wilthlly Mislead their' readers are unworthy of public TufitPFC• ;. bitikedothis, raiz ;cine wh0,.. 1 4 la* eenie . i*Pecte:a with tie MOVI. MGM &beret the Wes political parties M. teedodthe isisecontention ! If the Beini,hll - party on hist Weduissday, and reports it to hAre boeu Op, .ninit "Intelligent,, orderly, and'eiirtionsiusetutihtiw,of people . ther, be ever 44e,t , laYwheret:' Not a druelten . , saucy, or uproarious Individual was seen in to* on that 443', unless perchance 'it- wat one,' and be belougeci lb, the opposite party: • • • C 4;11941U X ppu44B son of 4,114010 e Stephen 1116uglas.. &Hyenal. e• speech in lialelfo;n feW datti . .4o. 41441 is pubtishixl hi the 'fiGnular',. "miktiltor, fact that4ho atipptt'riinidficymaur awl Blair bore I;If father's Dam one transparency In I :.alelgh..a low' days , Oreittooy- he. said: • While gaiitig upon thai tiara° I.,reniemlier the limo when :helm alnie men , deOrtred Lou a trotter to every pincipie of lifindr, *Suss ho pit:6l4lW his country to leis party ; when therhitterly denounced hlin fee his offorta hi rallyiog the people ofthe . West lei the de: few • X ie.i.o4er,",those facts wheii l tiro , de'olitre4a tlegeqerate ;mill and for every quotation they give'me from hlaspeeeli cs I *ill lite them a doken. tenet PiTailev "Ilenteriee,conforailagf white aoyainuentd reniind them . of .4112 tiyipg word"; Wheq thelrite ovor 2,the Oreolir'irathing .forpt•of - tilt% expiring , itatoAtmin,'Au4 aaltod,lf h0.,k001.n0 message to ,Manill to WohildreU'rekt titem,l sail be; in: a *tau dated , approach oft llpff lehey,and. sopprt. the t;onstitu; tintt A ri ' L lawOotiho land, -. TWO, solemn te4i . l toe , Leyt,'. .0 - ' . , „ OREAT--. 7 MA55' .. ..10 ' .:7,.- I . ' , Beaver Alive lAtith) flip _77. A Procession i WO k illerLOW! p i I-----.--- ' Y ' I I ' 8 000 I'IIIoPLS IN COUNCIL _ .... --From- -Makei-Paird--inteml---- Pennsylvania • , .4ballgo.:40,000•••'' MD •. d •••••.- '••.• .r. . • . LastVedneghty was a great day in Beaver. Toe County! , coiniuittee the ; Reinthllcin [0144;1,4'1;1'4bn thaXdoy risllie nee on which the: resting of the' RePtibitcan party should bc, held, mid we only say, Wien Must here been, opttrent to eVerY persair present hi the °Cells*, iliatietiesene of the very lergeit Meetings thaf„ereralti.etiabled In Beaver'ediinty! • The crowd too Would live been fully one third larger if the weather had been favorable. 'The • daY'• Pi4Ceeding the meeting was 4 wet one, ,and on the 'morning of the day on whiei it ;gas hell the raid came pouring down in torrents"; and Continued wet until Bor clock in the' forenoon.' These unfavorable circumstances di:unsettle kept hundreds' front attending that otherwise would AMY° been present with The Weather clearing off about the 'Middle of the 'forenoon, the People eame pouring intd•tOWn from wctirnis of thecOunty.: Most of these were consolidated Coining Idther, and many /Of the delegations, With , their wagon I 102,1 :;r;beicittiftillailles, and tl,iiiiiieircptiiient ' ed i a tine appearance: 7 , These `gets piaised aS the eastern end of the . bormigh; and then m9v4 through toirn to the Western cowl / to:lurched .to the Fair,: Grounds, Where the !anis' were 'broken, widh; people Oh ; Cro around the several stands to liear the ad dresses of the eminent spd , kers' 'selected for thb occasion . 'pi procession ' was stilly two miles iont; and on the: right of the column Wei a reement ofivide-mOkets, led by Col. M.S. QUay,'numbetirig aboutiloo men. Two stands been 'prePared for' the speakers. and two organizations effected. One of these was presided over 'by' Benj. Wilde,' *4; of New Brighton; and the other by Capt. - M Pen (Minn, of Rechrater.' At the first 'ono Oov Geary and McClure disenesed the lines or thir day, and at the :other • ex-Gov. Curtin', Gen: Fisher, of 'larimster, and Hon. I,Thaa: M. Marshall, 'of Fittabur2 11, sP* ,. .O the people.' These gentlemen all made ,fine ;addresses'. and everybody.'was pleased 'with their:r,ettierks.' The speaking continued un til:lo,MA 4 P. •2.f.;'wlien the crowd hogin -to 'disperse.. was s very orderly gathering and compteedof the very' berdcitizens of- the county. This' demoostratipn did Cot fall ,to I accomplish rimeh good, and itufroi6,Will.'io seen by our increased vote on the 21Tuesday of October. We wore too bney'entself on that day Wlthothettuatiere to givooleldial itten. 1 lion 4i each or the tdo.44lPlin. but learn that _mess of them were-quite large -and looked magnificent:; The towns and townships froni which,those onto are deserving of the thanks of ; rho Republican party for. their ,enterprise and energy.• • The procession contained about 400 wagons and carriages, end !the number 'of ' people present l ia estintatef at slight 8600': 8o- 'fore this meeting was, )1014 we .Indinialationr matorityln'this . the Stater, election at 1,000; no r believe' it will "ge'loo bet,. ter," find therefore miscilie flgtireti . to 1,160. Friends !-let us see :that we i ger, arse. number. We eau do 'lt by -'hard, systematic. avorki—' Work let it be thee,' film now- tintd !therdls close on the lath of Oetober,: ' ' , MO Tae Ns* Primo§ Repubtiemi, $ splay, eon tibia rind witty journal ! gelid *.natukedly sirs ilia ! rebels . 01' the,dreacent City d>titly i'n the "carpet bag imlumn," fbr be it known. that Sald , carpet 'bait, column is surmounted by a wood '9:4o9ing lellikeellti,Pie one ' 9 f "OS useful: articles, ,trem Whirl' the eait . or. quently draws very cleverihinga: Di the Re pub.ikan of the 16th inetwe find the following relative to a laconic CoireePiindence . ,*hieh once upon& Anis palsied' but Ween geiitsrais Grant and. Sheridan : , •' Just before .our vtetory culinlnated at: F Ise Forks, slicio,ule but Interesting •oorrest)inid• - enee passed between Generabseputt it'd Sher. idan, as follows 14 11, Geneial dram : • "I"think Lee will surrender if Omar are pushed. Yours • Pit,TL.Punainqtx." 11 7 b ZiPt tk)tmg SU•telmi Pwak things. , YOars, la it not just possible that those boys who were "at or near" Flew Forks still remember that order. snd thattorne of them away up in Maine, have been pushing 11dagt f ; We' may'add to the' abovifthat saris of the hixiienire ai present ."pustilOg Penneylvania, Ohio, Indiana Uhl „lowa o that on •the 13th °COCO:ober We,expeet tabour that the enemy has inComlitibnallf,'lsurren• armed. There area great'inini of the 'lop" scattered around loom; and they are fully teniiined tbBoishthe mbellion on the .3d of November next,by electhsOrtuit shill Colfax • GliN. WIG C. WlCltilAll of the Confedirate Atir.y ilia - redly Invited to' address a Ile tiublleaonieeting in North baciallna," and, lll his rebiY he uses the. following seasiblo.lan- 'The election of Grant ainteolfaxtregird u the only meani of bringing tat* prosper,- ' y the to State.. by givineus a spee -4,y sod definite sobition of in the difficult ryttestionsibat now embarrass •us ;",widle, on tbit other handl think the election id Bey- MOUT and Blair woUld, by' Upsetting all" that has been already settled by . tho'ROAnstene. tiob iletklind by giving new hope to the ' dis union partr Which 'IS to:4 dead biit eleopeth: bring spines fresh dikuloWde, and. by kup tdg Olve times of tee atia seetrua l lUTo!to to in timber dieastem • Gen. :Madam 'is following the 'excellent example of Lougstreet and so many others• of the most distinguisbed supPortess of the Lost Cause, in fruity adn(titing lost i6i~A , and frOWnina ;upon nil attempts . . . to reVireirm eerbdattotitereste the' mrsffir. tnnenAftbe -South. The' soldierioeho faasi Walk, the'ffeld ftspieee' him Us, ,ns do into 4•ught. under bun. It la 0 09 . among ihrise w ho kept up the Ore in 'thereat that we find . klit dctractom ' ' • "" " - . Republican Meetings will bOlield laßeaver county, is follSftti At White's . olloPol °lair WnliseirOftin) In hlppowa Tp., oh WedziesL b l i kl: cift o, r u 7 o t , h a i a 6 0! M 0..1t . IL (Independence it,alp; on .0 9th, at IN P. 3/.. - • Inl OS Sewickley tp., on Sal!' 0 - ' AI P.M. This meeting it will be'ildressedlity both German and Eng lish speakers. ' - - AP • --Also a Hass- motet, sit- Zellenoptsr:Ott . _ Tuesday, ..clB, qui, lom i , o' E cir3)l6ln, which the,AniKottlieMtern iiiilkilifit county - me specially Wilted. Hon. Thos. rifftgriairliiirtltige. Purilanceildh,4l-ANgetrOcrnflsql4llbone zeillO'N4ll?V.Esillik!'o.llol?!MMa.* 1 4 - 0 1 0 . .. * 4 ..044.4M 1 P4014.4n r ,*,641 ~., ...: Ar oratrotomoniailisee;;;tt - 0 )„.:, 1 1 • 1 in's n e • :, -) ..-:. •1 11.11ICE.,ichaliWiatril 1 cull f •IL Wan?! tiioSouthera traltorn=Len,lietifilr, 'O , and ,i,hliotfier deleitglitrOP ' O O tt/49n aindeiriwcro:! kisv i ins tbCntssAi4 to-go into die rebellion; Ulysset S. Grant; who wits 'no longer , in"tbe Goveintnent seqict, ter:ow:dad lie: Obligations lrbleli"b l is West PoPit edi l 9o oo bactirpPosod 4n9 . 01(ni: The moment - tbot licat broke net • he- add: , e(jncluElant tins nducnted foi 'tile prtok, 'honed, havn'Sehrel him through 'One war; Ido that bairn pit paid, gni debt.",l Jun still ready , in - diOharge obll i ghnona, and Aall tbeltibro, SifnithrOtWAis ! Alto! T: Acptitliaroif"El n, a.• In 'acceptluthie, nomination as; a Grant and Colfitc Bieck*, says: •,,"' : •• 0 I have livid:under al:lOiernmeneof Stele DemmalicY (80411 led.), It *MS Porn et ontgoineu In 1801; and, exPired :Vir ginle 'in - 1845 Im-remem'ber its lubberiy 'statesmanship; its Inability to turn to gird ac• count the cimtrlbuttens •ofd ofconfiding people, and the biricsl oftigallant soldiery. rrenrfil• tier its faithless leglalathin, Its cruel conscrip• thins, its . unfelt. exeMptioni,'' its. diserldhla• lions igainii the p3or and in favor of the rich, itsneegieevof'.itseick arid' Woaiided Onifilarh, its stupidity • and treachery in matters 'of financei ahettrd diplomacy, its mspensintis of the.habots corpus, its - enormous ta xation in money and property, - its harsh and often knavish impressmentsot.s restraints upon our liberty, in business and even in hscomotion, Its swarms of useless nfilclsis *Waring and , domineering lit everycorrici• et the chant/. Tins was enoughlor me. In thief mixture of comedy and traedir In, which' the Southern Confedemey took fuilaSt gtsps, not far from this 'Imo!, my respett Tor StAte Bights, Drmo• 1 / 4 imey departed forever. • National Deriinaratic Platform declar esthat Secession lea' dead issue. Theri'W•hy not renounce the Ideas Out of which Siceiefon sprang!• . • "It declares that l'nvery is a dead issue. Then why not rem run ce the Passions amt•pre• julictr. to w.hich Slavery gave•birthr Am not these assertions that deirrand an- '"Fiumme,inlyott. who dap laid, renteit . ,ber that the aopperlica4 , pertyria oldeclar.4 - tiou in its platform of: itrincipl I", wants your corral and rite lands tad by the OiTttri clialkti*.gOkiltii you, hke . .,thei propolitioh? , Yet, place it hypOwer awl Such will be the're sulk It advocates what it eallsequal taxatbm Of Tiitilerty;'ivhicii. is done to strike:et the le ititl.bopdholads,,SOU at - thi'lkinte inh,''in creastqoai taxty wan yourjand.' Farm. m era, ieeniber t t YOrt.;will vote for this ;if you Vote for. the • Coppeiiheati ticket az the cowing Oetobet 090 0 nr " .1 • • ....... , . . Tan' itritshitn' correspondent of the Now YciSt rfib wa 4, , . Twist, 24th,,says: . , : • A coprat as new journal called he Southern 11. ihnfeekracy...printed ini Atlanta,. , rim, and dated May .1110 itifigotaitelmwn , . cones:: pondent to-dav It contaisna te rephie re port, from Richmond, dated Hay 9, that 9,000 Yankee prisoners had arrived. Richmond that evening frorePredbilekshurg, and that 2.000 more were on. their way ; and , further, that passenger* from the:battle -fieki•of Chas ,cellomv ille report Gen. Frank lk Blair among the captured, and that the oath; of-allegiance lathe Confederate States of America had been administered to,him at his own request. : 1 It fs suggested that, fhoegh.Gen. Blair was never made prisoner dunnirtheiwar, the Rebels had high hope:retitle friendship... ; , : ,; . Csitechlem rot - 411e 1111116.. *ha lose always. fav,Prea .1 11 PacalliiM•or DV-giftcra4 4 . f Who brought orkthp pemoCrat• lc party-. , • -,.•: .-• Who , gave aid and,supy te, l the Rebels . ilia Democratic ,PartY,,, ; who Desist that they .wouldpot vote s man nor a dollar, to -put, &We thy - rebellion ? The Democratic party.-T• .• •• • , Who were the /cider.' of ..We, : rebellion? _ Who gum the leaderg of theDemocructritow ? Nrerehels.llke Wade Hampton, Forrest, Pres ton and. Vance, , • . _ _ • Who l leoutroile : .the r elates rebellion Democrats. , • •" " • What party append every - measure of • thy Government to suppress the rebellion? The Demoeratieparty. Who hive always 'declared, the war a fail ure.? Democratic ' • Who made the Treasury bankrupt at the breaking out of Abe -war?. The Democratic partyy Who murdered Lincoln ? The tools of the Democratic •porty. .! . • Who are the fiends g themselves the Kudilux-Klan? Members of lm Democratic ho burned colored Arnim...whims and murdered , peacothlc, ,coiered , men in New York? The "friendsTof Gov. Seymour.- • Who tired hotels with a•- view 'of burning New,York The minions .of the Delnome- Whotried to smuggle into the North small _pox clothing 2, At good Democrat.; , • Who tried to.fasten slavery ,Upon Kansas, aid, perpetrated the villainies • there r • -The' •, • ';' .; • • • Who my .that if Seymour: and-, Blair' ere sleeted they.will win. ,what .the , South . were 'figlitlng for ? " Dentomnia.- • ' j . Who tt iedto.make U. B.,Qtrant, ;the leader of theirparty t' The Democratic par*. • • Who now entity and •tniduaf hint? t The .19semocmtic- party; . ' : r Who. piled : our braves soldiers. "LinColn's fops and bindings dr TheDemogracY. , • ••• ,• ,Who predicted at the brealting.'ont ut• the war that, all the fighting • would- bee ton , free soil?. The Democratic leadus of the , North. Who are those worthies,- .Brick Ponteroy, Vallandigham, Forreet,& , .Democc chlYnainal • Who are trying to dishonor - Abe Inetiontry iepudisting its bonds., • Democracy. 11-•,. • • Who murdered for. teachingc6l- ciell children at the South?: • Thechivalry of ,the Dedocraeyr. •. • Who, a ft er deluging in-.bleed and saddling the nationLwith' andenonnoon debt, now basely, cry out against taxation? The Democratici•party. Liere.ate to be found.the- late ',leaders In ?• , (Whern they always iterkin ieret 4 c- Party. 1, ) "; ;. & Aware going lobe badly ,whipped. hy , the luau whoiwhipped &het, iriths armyli The Demeeralie,party,- • , • Who.puteleevotha rebellion? Theßepub• ilean , party nith.rthe,-sid",of,the nobbrell• diem., • . •!, • :• :r • Who 2sestkned the Sol4ietrain the, war ?!.1•60 Republican party: 1 , , • , ITho de•troyed thaticxtran of civilitsttionj !,114111Cfri Ildip 'party— ! i• ••• • V. B. Giuksr," oGpi, Aring ' - - - • • • . 8 y II to 40,000 TI-7-11101 PROVE:WON. OYER-A*44 • TIN giNGTIPT '; *Fie jktii dllfe .Air• presiotted. • worsoolt - ntounwrint:4lWlnntittoPtt" .fit*!r Theoßoyi thelVert., Pratieiceik 1..: , n NOi FAIEUWEAiiiER':PATItiOTS. • - , I•• : ' ) UN 11A ZI .ANTRUSLASM.4 'Val iff Vekiiistir to . Provict MEI . ' lifesterdsy• *fit be a' ineiebrablo diy in the campaign history .of Ihttidnirgh.' l It was:de , greed thattbeiftepuhlunklaSAttaeontnit pov.t thtlncgaOsert : 4 . 4 W eftsh the'igibato ti fur Nis grandeit. emu stastion'ater iiiink•iri:NireitemPenhsy raids. That the,day:waa,of the *brat •pontibteeeliat actor for aproceiskin and mass convention, none will deny; thaethe demonstration - would beim '• ex Wed Preveiirr 'displays nalan - in'thb todritY, kid the weather, been favorable, laeoncluidvely Pftivetbrirbst was done, and stme under ,circumstances the most adverse and forbidding.,.- The precesslon.yras grand" and imposing beyond ell ex peehttion, and there• were"' men ermh and, material eaougkkeploutet the rft•War line` to make a , 4 13 PlaY wilichweuld dol_ereditionny • dis trict...under °Weary drcupiptiutees, • The timilense torchlight 'promideri Of the previonit night - . had passed Off &ripest", And to o had!been .so Thoroughly. that. 41 required sown; stir demo 'at to meet awl , natisty, the great expeetadioni which hadl,been elated in the public tidect. No one thOught of rale, as the'cloada had beeidispereed,the :Previous afternoon V, a Miff breeze, from , the north. weat,endthe "Weary sun' hiul made a golden, ;',token' of a goodly' day,.:to-suot row. But, p l ithme , signs were delusive. , These re, r i ttraio dream of the grand epee taelesst tmortnifvendered more a nd by the b aiidheautitel sunlight, wc •to sad dimpObitineiic , The wind, bed ,shifted An fly? East, the chnsfs were dark andfrown . i ing, end sone isfter daylight rain commenced felt ,',4111 foresaw ..that we were doomed to e lniTn'n relnind . a.y, anti , a rainy day-we had. Bate;.raln, rafee-pattei. patter, • patter-thaw et alter illosrikwith not *moment's respite even, , The enthtsdiuun •of the people, however,' irreptesisible... • Those mho isul 'proposed I tejoie lrf thirPrOeitssioe, weltas those who.. ;,lia4potneTrWttette and from far" to•wit ' ness it, dcEC that the p lognimme should be' g . nc thhihjh with.. At the appointed hour Atid ,v.arlaud clabi ana delegations began to. Wave, bells; *eta :toned, music resounded threligkeverfsection of our, populous cities I end boroughs, men, women And „children thronged thelitivets, and ev . e4body saw end felt:that the precision wouN "game nB' de• spite the rails. There as "ea ,sueli wofil as .141 " And' lit ,thittiOrlt the ,friends of Grant Peilfax.reade *twist inagnifieent demon tign endarelieumstances the most adverse seddispiriting,- ..The defroloti of,the Bepub- Bean, parig. to An pdnelplo4 *lnch A. septa- Oats, was duet foro thly . Onstrated..:by the . / 0 14 ". 6 Co 4 fOir• - • . TaL -Wily l If eoeStlVipi tkicifittOdr. ' Handonh'e: friends;:aiicuse ; Montgomery' Blair.of Wag 'deceitful -measures to aeoom- OA his litelhat:prami4nt . declares that , " the )nfamous ordef the niggers by Baeceek when Lin coln was killed,' did' the buisness for 11m. Border State men, end the 4outhern delegates ietilde * .t:sliV; 2 that ,"'llit• pet sin who.said weil)o Poelltlenie.know. • =I The °Merle referred loins leaned in Wash -1003n; Wileifir 'lnafoitithied 'ltiOnt; h wis.piinceilndin'it4C*lgty. 1.6 Ittiry isp4,l4beiti bait) • waver (orgottem that Gen. Hinendt then believed that , the neglyea were the only loyal elan An the iegion4ttound *fie* either with oftilthnnt'itontininerY.'Blldr‘ &light - *sea hini for it at Now Ynrk. ' The tenets-- ins is the order ' ' " Minruat MILITARY DIVISION, t WASELMOTPS, D. C.. 18% 71:1 die Caored.reoitecifthisiriee qf,edeMbia And iterskraccil Aloandrlei and the Border • Cotiatia of Virginkt. , _ • '>i our President has: been ' mur dered: He Ints fitilenly,the sititedn, and without a 'no !nerds warn utg l sinaply and solely because he wan your Mend, and theire of our country. Mad be We n unfaithild yo and o t iftelkearise of,hiunnu fr eedom, he u might t have tioid. :The pistol from which Ilm mot his tleptli,'thOngls held by Booth, was tired by the hands of treason and Slaiery. 1144 of this, and remember how long and how; anxiously this good man labored tai break Your chains, „and ta:make you . I:Kmy. ilr appeal to you, by Avery considemtion 'winch can move Wei aturgrateful heart<o aid lu discovering and arresting his murderer. ;Concealed by traitoreibe_ is , belleved to be lurking some- Whotu within the limits of the District of Co,' lunibia. the Statile( Maryland. or Virginia. 'GO forth. then, and watch, and listen, and in qtdre, and search, and, pray by day and by olgitt, until mthave al in. dragging this'r V ations and id echidna from ids Minn place. on cap' much.; even the humblest and freblesumorig you, lay patience and unwearied vigilance, may render the ,most, important assistance ... Largq,rewards have been 'offered' by. the Government and by municipal authorities. and. they wilt be paid 'for the_aprehension of this inunicrer, or for any Informatinn which wiltaid‘lo his arrest. ;Bell feel, that yon need:no such stiniulls as this. Von doin cowardlY as sassin of your best friend * , as. yott would the Mittlerer of yonx rather., , Do this, and God, *hose servanthan, been slain / enclitic country, Which basv.enjoit 2 friin,d4p3 t Wnl ideal you for this'nokle act of duty. • • All Information. sfhich'' the ar rest of Broth ur ot liaroldihould be wrinkled:VS thelO•beadquirters. or to Gen. 01t..1,n ge'AilmrateGeneral at W.aah- Wean; or, if intmedlatel action is required, then to the near* Military authorities. • l • All Officers and soldtent - An ; this command. and all P 0 9 1 49 it 9 €4 o l9ed to merle" ,figlbutee‘ . •-•;: : laj. Gen. U. 13. Tuis i , ponunanding Middle Derision.r . • MongomerYSlOrunderiadaditiniseiitluir . Ouihly htfew Yerk:rfeknewthet,thei,Rob• el element Of the:Dworiatie,partyWould trortho nentinistlon, llnknstv„tlatt4,Cen-, vention altajlit a pi n t pof the Betel VW on $946114,11011. WhenqortheritThunocrats Were inmpty_litlitomfm , &pus, kite*. that a rev,olotionarylotter alone could nominate' - Frank,. and ba , prepared Fmße-gratt liol4,Pelate: Those ha'.o4 *blared mat te6tuse,orthe:lttaivainders, 'se t ro ll be Xatistlid Witt mistier Pip whose Were,the of ,18tXt, 'and cwt . 401416 r Vigo resident, who ..teirnf tLo, BFolf l 7 '1441 ' t kigalt ltlits, geed:, tn ca- 19 t .' ...-.. - ' rx..." 1 . ,• .. ' yol*,_ser4eniti: ,22.ftatt kaiak :id *taster. iciFrll4 - Plisda te. _ nd in this city. It waihnot erißtfeil ticm, but the sen• ea - tovr t pu c: • VA.OI 2V:a 1 , 11 , 1_ og el-r6 I POTR I V 18a DAR n—ltns ply. lope t lay dia., apsewp luiya , ' ion In litftn.Orbiteignintprel vat ing there ;but notice in one-of the PaPnuterf )1114-41911:14in bans! witifMr. Seym itu' of 'anything In the pretentor past ihidtdierkild rightfully sub, wit inlets an imputation.: • • 1, I have been•sequainted with Mr' Seymour Iffoncsnoina.-.4flattor grar4etiln. ,•••-.llll4arin 1 antp,Wlenutri: 4 _, 'pr i-04134101444 lentiOntYou knOwaiale I Ales stusi,lBooon,tor,' Pe successful .exemitios the illith4)Melattruit 10'1414.. be_ hact„been notntnated,o and • - ispegally , deadest in Atititllonnput".iiftmileSsu,whieb;tn .:eritfeel e'diergritiefea, at'd' iAgttipltt public disorder .and calamity. He.bas-beetr twicerit different Croats Governor of the-State of NetNr,Tcsrir,,;„snd,bobsssin cretthermweing the talent ottact to keep the Democnitie per ty of the. State together more •tlitie two years. I Should 'regard his election at this juncturkwbewstendinessuf purpose: decision and Self-oontrot veto much pealed, as one of ‘4%.*oldhealiiViihettld 'befall the Country.. ►. " llll l !fer,lie bas beets put .6 lamination [by ritotrventlon' which has °nerdy:, &deed the ruposs•ofthose it represents to :pity greater part ; of the public dept contracted to Sreserve the Union in depreciated Piper, uch a matters would, ot my judgement, be. a palpable vkatkin ciflPftblld fliltb, pledged r wtooreirenurstancerwhich should ham bgen binding Oniel bonorablemen.• Seymour hag made puldi t ypissches to show .thrit ir 'ls ear!PlY edebt In egede.., In accepting his nomm nto the' Preskienejr, he adopts the decianitioWthat it ought to be Old in pa , per. kriciWtothlng hutiiiiiting in the Melory,of American politics as this tergiver sation„ •'• It was perhaps not unfit that Mr. ,fte,l; Presiding in - 1864 over the C iitago.corsirention, which. declared the War ficilure,'should preside over the Convention 011868, itfwhielt a proposition to discredit the debt centracted to carry on the war was • recgved witlitrernendenicchgering, and that he Should be - the'chosen_ltistrument to exe cute this act of national thrpitude. Ido not believe that the wishea, or opinions' of the i greatlody of ate Democrat party? aiw' eapreised inp these proceedings. They , naive Aothlngiii cmtuo,u w ith the stateanutn• like.irews or ,Policiing. his bfgh "Sense of national honor which's:tided' the party - when Martin Vert prirett,.Williarn Yancey,,Silas 't% l right, Stephen A.,.Pollens were among the most conspicuous embers. ,t I see but ono source of safety petite-Conn.' , try, underekhaing 00nm:stances. and that is the election of General Grant. On . bin deel einn of character; pod . sence. moderation end ' disinterested patriothan,l believe, the'South will havela• far better,hope of reigning the position its the Union to which . it is entitled hau under a snail wheats vellums( his • Ipeen,ln ninte couspictio4ly marked thanirlatrutter of pnrpose, - lode pendently 'of allthesegonsidemtionsa should I be greatly surprised if the peole - of the [Toi led States,ster%to idiot iwtheir p Chief Magim• trate a man who was -making, at the Aced°. my of Mn.ic,,on tha4th ofJulf,lB63, a speech deficient in the characteristics of an ()lava tectlieve•ottlitt tit 21 1 r nil r When geioniilk/NOVivark car fig thil -flagitious atthibt iht Thilottinicr ebbed!. iind• *hen thousands of our fallen „Countrymen were Pourinkent.tiwithic*owtheopisins of Get tysburg in defense or their homes and the government, whiph,Mr.cleymepir was ,daing all in his power.toembafrare ;end, diseredif. I am quite willing you should rbotv , this let ter to any friends who may take nu interest is pep opinion IB regard tn morning elec tron, and reo pFtlendt4 desirous of remov ing the impression, wit (log44:flint I am in favor of Mr. Seymour or, the repudiation el 'of any phrtftnilif the public debt. ; I nm, sir, very trnly'ynurs, J:ro. A. Dix. ~aa~~~~. A Bride Obialnect IhY Treachery . tiral; toi*lng a_l solloinan, or Sidling, Cayuga county, New York, recent ly called upon one of _the justices of the peace and expressed a wish to be married. The pair nerd made mail and, wife. The next biortlnglher_fefini.ftli anti eaelt, .tarn desired that ihe proceedings might be annul led. The lady was particularly urgent.— She charged that heett entrapped_in to marrying the man who stood beside her by a piece of unparalleled deception. She bad been eorre.spondinz with her cousin in Idwa, 'whoin:sith - bad OM, andluring' the correspondenen • her relative had succeedeo in winning her affections. Ile wrote to.her that he was cotuing x on here in December to claim her hand andlithe her to his home in'tbe Wa.t. 'lll On' Monday last the swain, to whom she was married made his appearance, - claimed to be bercotisin, said be could not malt , until December, etc. t On the strength of these repreee tillot ;'sba had reluctantl* consent ed to wed. She had since' learned that the Man whom she had married tufa mother cous in, but a wretch who lind secured 'a :wife by base deception'. The man acknowiedged his culpability, but plead in extenuminn that the lowa ' , cousin had read hini the letiers.of his intended ; tlud these had influenced him todo as he had done. Hi t e conscience. saints him so. greivionaltintice the acbomblishment of his treachery,that he made a full confession to the lady he had; shamatully wronged. He bad hoped to reconcile her. to the, fraud, but Sliewbuld not. was now,willipg to,make the only amends lie knew of, viz: have the marriage contractsimiulled. The magistrate suggested he had not the poweito-iranzarrtheni. :adTieuil that, asinattehi ptibkrelmed thus. Mr; h *Auld .be better for thohidy make the lust of a .bad torgain, said necept Chi sttuatimi After a good deal of persuasten >onthe part of the bridegroom, 'the kV &ta ll y decided to se c;ept the advice of the magistrate, ,on the as mean& that the Said : ;bridegroom.. would '•make it all tight" with .the, genuine _amain invoi,off to lows..—.ll43oit'tbilillisimrsettle mSnt the lady dried her ,eyes, and the happy pair dePtirted; • • Tna Intelligence will • merest with great pleasure bythels.hole people of the Uni ted States thstßon. ,Seturfler • Colfax. our warm-heartek.gOieliani *dented , candidate for vice Presidept;isfebout,to had to the hy menoo aka aueSor Ohio* mest.lovely_ and acaamPnahaddalkeliterOilse Nellie M.Wade. ofAndora, Ohio, pieocuf Ron- B. F. Wade She accompanied . ilm; Qolfax party to the Rocky Nountpdps. Thu_ matrimonial con- tract has.been entered into after a mutual ac quaintance Gawp years,: said be Mj hly grail trying to all parties concerned. The Purplish 111 be cash:atoll - after a lwieflervid, . Defeat In FrOn Brick Posierlie Pam.. • _ . The State 'lint been: held —the smoke has Ilited-4heltepabliesna have over twenty thousand mabrity. ;de reale& thCrA 111 I t iltot IMF ft.C!:"Wn pse4 the • dean* itrliftriniand'arelheini: 'Tlfdy' Whip. ped us there worse than wesu tt pryo they would niAntuld,:inid itifdtitnt• Dntr in' our readerr--a desire to speak truth makes ns ad ptiL - dlifint there—a' - stratgerltepithiletut vote than we looked fqr. RIM 166 7 , 7 . Ri =I wieampfrittli nal tho Num; Have iber, - 15, 1868. found tithe this , letter of the la y _pen en no* rat by th ev e,stemilt iteporarily, as it the tido which _ could only per ,gas from the ma of apples wow.. ___Apasstneo_selearliJm oat 'end untold - Mae aster,- dcc 4, mtid fort t* _ C at the out , PII i gneVOIMIIIII"WiIf , Sti. . b o o,. .• ... - wrs - Tot .. . quAlteptiblipitnii. to dodge the AnanebiWOO .'.o'i'r)etiMtairay Dome apt am they deem best he:calks witbmkffylitt foote•frommiectik)ly. If theY:oo44it. - aid 24b11e attention from Mr 44408adveht c be ifeket-;-buftttp4 I fentlftlitiOndblif- - "lf' thiliirrfh4llc . rw,Mie notwhollyileprivytkyoktgrmr`llratttV titlity; I hope you MEI nin 'Up beritt I atety, for I peed you very much. ro.`,l^,YpltrviTntlyioiz Haluxietti43 ,•1 Pl l - 0 -tIMPIMA.*;`!, Wqr 1 99 41 .711 :•,. 4 .,;p: . . ~,,.; ... 4. .1. N . a ••., .•-; , -! ....:-. I. IVa l ta ?- 1 - I AO 0 erttgl Malt - 0•• I -a. i• • t r!,i • -.:. •• f.!,: F ~” • :i . + l, • 1... :. -. : , 1 J 'EN3toesatorgn Nqgleo.—Whereaalettarasol Admia. ' ittratkat sparilie astata Mr.7Olio +Weir ' , Mtn of .Ittanklistowanattpvlicaeremanly, ft... 12404. 4, Mee bean granted to the andaholgnid„: all , persons-•th. debted to said estate, me hereby nodded m to make tun. MOT . elatareasia e wamom. dopy. • ft , q v o - A. . KENRIDDI'. dm'r. septlltrettlt. ' „Were= County. • Farnii*oirt WEI! s4METEMIG FOR 'TM; !E ING CORN HUSKER! , iiivest Labor:, J Saves Money SAY B .. SORE FINGERS 1.-7 . 1 r. A r t)t . i*Eadiorisid Ag ens. -;-41Puile . Voiiiit saOraL ' , :..•l . . • " , ~.... By VIRTUE ORAN ORD= ? i = t4 Ort i r e fi x : Pose toeels; 1044 67=1-cry, no the premised, on. ',.„TAMISDILYFOc4obitr i ptOB6§. , i at l'e liArsaiir '01y..-411 7 -tlie 4Otiogritit de . real estate of .lorisi-MeCogran. late of Bearer rotfilag*M=,4llr:i:46:' italawhirg the NAB': iiedlaNaM_ 't 4 . • Jib the East.. lands tate rhtt hEr•Kektit• dec740 , 11. Taal/Ands an ith INPFe__ ____4 ll -°P!!'lettP ll ,_oo l - _ • ON Vgif! . .:4,. - :i4,4piry ..,' ACRE& ussre or leakelOi b erfileitaliteleared. and the Wanes well dm -. cin • it - ant- egeeted a atone Hono,one stskiii th - bitesideKldtclen and =Bar. Aise o isminrrentl i• If tame - bone; AIMS 10 bele feet. Orchard of _good, fruit on the ptrinises, Fenn well ,catered , and in a gdod 'iti to of cultivation. A four fectlaitd - _ollobdtbderlies about serentpive acres Of said land: ---PiensiiesowlthinAii Mlle of Enon .8144101 445M.054:04rae:,0,--••) -- ltd * Pg4 gr i tis U P t4 i r n eordinnation'ofiltig by er to ' ' ep' ce- in wo equal annuallnatallainub from that date with:interest front same time, and seemed - by bond , . and. , mortgage on the premises. The =nion to pay =pens= of preparing - aft - bond and =num% and all requiette staiePs• -• Ft* sisstheeinionvatiosi latuire a. tbe,aliter• alt,Priricetoe. P. 0 -. 1 - w Vtielri n r , ell ( 7 F . . 140 tgr I P.P' t t' l ie f"' 1 1 ". smolt wis. - .1144.44 e (i biinlV-iliti,a6l :.'6l..maoPlLli. , sePt4Mtt, : • .' • . ~ • d . . . . .. . • ' 0 UPC ' fig lqiC4Coo3l‘ f ilr? . S(111001 DIU= r ORB .O_,F A INNIELNDENCE ,TP. torkllholr triounlel4 I.WfiWam•MoCityl, in tilt-Obant with W tornaltip s o h ,-491 Dokilly under the lst I* sawt..nV ISt:- •.-•- _ . J. - •4. I __•-• ' Dit.:4 To amownt.of.duptkate4s2447 9t)„ .• - -, -, To plata of wor t oo .1.41,1rr05.. 3 ._ ~ ~- ' 1 . •IdliAoccesisor, ... . . . „ , . l ,tll-4 Vol al , . Ilk onloilliipsrieanooo,,. T - - `.1.".; in . ~. , • 4 , rye (outage, .. ,• lB Ts.. : • _w... ,... ep,5te of .disburse. io sundry 1,-TA 0 0-: .211 82 1714 ihelriretiatirer , iltgooOVCoy ou.ld /NM'S eta.: - • DR. t ZrZtNiflos d 2igtegiafa , iii: al, 7 242 . 06 By exoneralluns, .__ la R 7 By per centage. 62 51 By amount pd htatarteeetwor .1. 11. li'Coy s. 8M Il 31%00 Do. By their . treasurarJ. IL.l . 3l'Cuy. oh fr.eltr.l663,:id assannnent. • - ... • To amount of citiplieste. To amount from former treasurer, Wm:Coy. r: • . - - ' BICk el• Tonmousa wells* pieced to'hlS erect. • •, - • i it In settlement of 4th assessment, 400 Eo 3202 391 CR. By amt disbars. to sundry primal. 2231 54 By exonerstions, 290'15 By nertentinei • • • •38 'lo 39!12 39 • We, the updereisined.nodliors of Independence tp.. for the year do hereby eertify,•that ihs foreeoing lan true etatcment,ol the receipm.and dishursemeaos of the local bawdy, hinds as,exhibltisl . by their tram urer fosliteist, Ad,spud .114 .4upeasmade, and ;apt the shore balance (IM0.50) fa due limb* tf•Asnrer, J. H. sl'Coy. • -• • 'M • , ATTHEW AITBEIVION, PIIILI Sl'lloCt4.B, . . - - WSL, RF.ED, April lit A. D. P 4 14 1 :.' • . : i.# 1, .A./Y d P!! School Directors Ad Indeewenderci• township bj titer tredsurer, treisurer, James 11. iircoy. la almonnt svlththe town• shim on local bounty - !under the 4th 42,mi:sent. for 180. DR.- To amount o( duplicate,, ; 3102 46 , . By amt overpaid on. last sat., Si 400 60 By exoneration, •. , 79'GS By per =tams, , 49'64 By distmrsements,, • 11440 407. 219/ 4 9 Do. By their treasurer; Jamer IL M'Coy, for UZI, on Pith assessment. •,• • • . • - DR. To amount of duplicate, 1011 69 By disbursements, • 040 60 C . IL By exonerations., ;• .• • .1,. 4aN. By per center, 44-.. 4011 Cl We, the auditoria Independence township foe the yeerc lBBB, do hereby ; apt4ly that 4he , foregoing Is a Onestatement of the receipts and disbursements of the local bounty funds as exhibited by their treasurer for the 4thandslb isusesaments. • , PHILLIP STROUSS, , • ,„ WM. REED. •-• • . I JOll3l lIOLIERS, Tr • Sept. 4th; A. . 966. Auditors. NEW GOODS ! ri . NEW .3FAITA, AND WINTER DRY GOODS SEISM OP 77 ma James. A. Fortaine's TIM DIAMMTD, • ROCHESTER, -‘ PENN' A:7 rut MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Ersi DRESS GOODS V.,seetr. REPPS all colors, MERINOS, FLAIL/KAR- T MURES; DRIALMRS, . &Oath • SIMERES, TWEEDS, HATS CAPS,ROSIERY, GLOVES, AND - FANCY GOODS, COUNTRY FLAN- , NELS;. Cheap. • Call Early and Secure Bargains. bond Li islE it WitamilierrlaliZ Stamping, Pinkingapd 31felblre Stitch .l - i4ii& srkS"ViariiiiP A - it' Remeinber the place, room formtirA occaplcd by Nelson &,Roesaler, IN T Alf 0 N -- - . IKICANSIEWRA:-. 'JAMES.:`:A 'FORTH =:,‘ r. B.' 'I bimi imbued the senizefief WATL,GEALT tossierly of Bridgerratei.. hoplarld. 4 - 4. - Dirt i rti " 4.. t. tt e" • il l D 1 4 , . 1 •4' - D DOVS2 -...,' ' • 1 114•11:11* rem* h mitt • i• eV • ccnin cd li i , e ._._ aftetaiiide Limp. us e ' lid, -A:730. par. Irttb 0 necoma . tebt uthe , lot, t i Is begird( wdl withie With .Wit mi t i : if ,—`^ Th. ' 'Maven test louse or whoa, eau be band in t les, -* draft= ;miriade= Ameba IL 4p g z . ~n a '• • ••gb, sh•ro!•, 13,•••!co4ler• toy •i 1, ...7 ,! joitmge d incri ln 0.0 ,, ,!!. ;Xtek litE,! - ' Win MKT Ini• 11011 So n ...! rT .ttre•tinAli' , , "1 .-- • • .1.1 3.40ft 4 A E ,,;!%;4 i - r; 116,4NWA-RD 1144,1 11 0011 111 1 11 ! irrogisttbki fury toirard tha BOOT & SHOE, ESTABLISHMENT -11 lio n ) wikone just .Itecaind au Itmaikalre dammeent °a LADIES' AND t r kiTLE.VEN NUJA ::!•111hibil b • . • Qiatfe , kale co,arse rsr of MedrbettlOatlkturanttal weitwo ACM oftilhw elm* st pidearratw lag airlrekre our former rates, and ooer soma or the ,„31.61F.111:F Pirr,A . 7l7tl L . Iruitern safe *art, bora masattetorte e of bid, Or ket ; T . eztoze , C000lets" of the moot Iraabloaable.and Itatraantlat weak la I m y magariallifltart oar gmenstra Stock of ^ 330C0tEr ighcoes be befl bel t eeenAtebbit reit ridgy eadm ij o. We also' brie a stalk otota styled stamaortka Oer 6.1 1060. -41.10)4) ' . - ,, 14(k.t S V VPAIL TOa iahlte ail oirooolly moored to cal i 4 ea amine our stock, and satisfy toemodrai. ",, .. , t 1 tAr. 4 , & I WINTER I DAVN ruer RECEIVED 1 NNW, ffrOilt OV GOODS, of the Jr A Tit IS tir lire • • • Per raii.'-fina' l '.. 4 ;Winter. weir, Goo& • :depfrAliTLY HAN.D. • 7 AD,E' T . O ORDER In latest and inolttba Itlonnb le style& end nt phorrnnnea. ,1 . - : ,.:Qi-p: , :E .TI.'TG, TALI GOODS ! %, 1..',11.:' BENeg'S, • v • • 4-2 Stieet;Beavei, Pa. EOM ICcivipiloping? Gulp !itost of FALL 'AND -WINTER 1035 iS Hats: J Bonnets, FT,OWL;RUEATIIEIIS, "ilo "I'LL3IES, RI M3ONS. And everything in the hne of MILLINERY GOODS, TRIMMIN GS FLAIiNELS, YARNS; VANCY • TART, S, HOOP, 13:44.310R4.1.15K11LT5, CORSETII: PA/CCI. C9LIAIIS„t • COTS, RrTIONS HOISERY 16 GLOYF.S,. ORMS, LININ-GS, VEIL STUFFS, 1 SHAWLS. TABLE CLOTHS &covEus , . NAPKINS, MENS SHIRTS. UN DERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, . , I SUSPENDERS .- ' Kg IB P EI4I4 Aei &C., &C., &C:, he., VaatbrOid , Prie S, . a• „, • • Ca .. , A Good Selection always on hand. Everitlidnidesdiablitn con:line win added te tor stock as a eon to Introduced in the market. Tbsaidoor our filenttaand' patrons • for It sat ammo v e weted sot a costal:mance of the same. mooring them that weviii have daring the coming seaion some rare choice r 30 6. at and below • lITTSIIIIRGII PRICES. We Solicit tin early Call, J. H. BENCE. reptlereCtlY To_. the P-4blic. No:titie- iinktiiiitii6:tio: iAN Nli STI kS the PRIZE CHURN, patented July 31, 1866, and Oct. 8. 1861, by the Prize Churn CsuirabY• Sprintrld. Venuont, and being sattsfied that it does If_erliwilllnochic good nice batter hi' frufn 9to MffUtei, We 'recommend tt to all as tho beet Chtm In market, to our knowledge. . .i• ' GEO. W. HAMILTON , . • • •,. D. IicKINNHY, Jr.., ' " ' ' J. WETANIII. M. WEICAND. , Bzazzr.,, Aug. 3, 103. :..,„. .. . lift. Cr:WALL thinned Sar me thlrmernlng With bls prize churn, he need no hot water or other unwiu aldmeanang alug the' buffer. , In tame minute.' the butter began col i nit4 a anil la about,Lve,was rca' ls : . t° takBatlibit- crank arCohlectletabic li. clAte 1 ' Heated t t requires :two thus to wha.thsint nlt ddes to churn the batter. Thlo one can be cleaned hitless time ths4te oW faahloned dsoh churn.• I terludettaga groat eteleitt,,atad calcu lated td save woman teach labor. r 4 - : . ' .. t 7 .': • u.. - •?Elt. A. W. ACHESON . a: Toss Alp Medi sold or single Churns sold. T JAILS Foca:. vo , rr I' = r-= ._-----~ ,44, 71 ranctlig 1311111111 D TWREIgIe, 11111AVEN t PA; ci-c•c•ross I =EI MIMI ME thittliim,Betcn. BEItIOLVATILR P‘4 ; MI IF EI •`s. • . FRA3LES , tit et ert tteaciiption.