The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 30, 1868, Image 1

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    111* -111$11 • :
To imßLisFrin, , zyurr
~,4 • • • /VI •
fa the Fol
jewres, • • :• I t.!.t ' G !:!!
. •
'00 . 14 144.8.8
OW , bo findeliwt,l4'
wi pers, Mike Oseece •,;• kr-air;
c o mmenicathms. r oei r lutdoete of leeskor 1004 to
wee , am!resiwOrilltrjoutheq... To. how. stooltkoi,
*TOM of 114,111wipsionniumi
the Demi of the
bat oe
Lneffewtogrnklon. ---
L r
Lettere and coamennledlo etd igid to
. .
J. WE YANA Strigit
Cr, c 0 3
pyn °{looo4l M t of Askeara Sots'
;'41 , 1 1 011 Amu to all calla.*
E.8.R11.114147, 6
1 4. gw• BRltiiMit
Svitgrtig.Ais '111(74'j!,/3,:7llMiali
xecutorli ?Coffee:While*, le. - utmost
Etars upon the estate et, Charles U'llearT, late •of
Ititccoon township , Bearer county, Pa.,. Gm 43.;,,,heye
bier granted to_ the andernigned,_
_aU tn • paid estate, iiroluireby elle.
mediate payment: Vitt thoeirheMg - claims, p t
tip: same without atlas, to •
8. WHET r ' Leclitml •
1. I
slg/ 9 7"P
Beaver Ilemirtery r ; a --, I
TnisteolisLicii.dp' i NtistMet3ol7ltsir
conducted by Prottrej or da'blevalitaniar. en
sztensive courses In the lento, Eaglish and Music
for rataiOrnal *WM' . 'lt T. TAYLOR.
AGR :• eiN• I FOR •
make Its laws„ have fought itobattke, domed as
s ith their cloqpencejotalded oar coire n aiiio.lpit
nillrosts. att",otcr,. • t.
tractive volnme , all of vivid totem us-
Ireton and characteristic anecdote. 550 well-ailed
wee -42 thurstierpottrattsditadAZ of over 50
MU Price lOW to-aelt -the thew cheapest u
well as the matt interesting book pa within Sr*
rears. Sales immense. Every body wants to know
the 119: history of theSe men. Smog be Circular to
Itile.N..t.lnclanati 3 O., St. Losiesko.
U Wri4 N la f ie titi l. l/11 2 1.43Mf y =i l t :,
Attalla, Vineyard near Industry, Beaver county PC,
welch ho will sell at moderate rates, This wine Is
Riede from the Concord-and Catawba grape, and wlf
b sold by the tentie. gallon or keg. :
Concord plants one year old. for sale rvtord
a p r weem. • -jua
JOS. 11:
iris and ...lianµfaction.
Otria. And Randeinn
. . .
L411T.. MING GAS 1 _ i
Ilio =told miseries of toothaeheotai of sa.
traction. sad you will Ind that De. 1.. filers Co.
Ere ready .to relieve_ you by the , use of e tree=
deseroyer-LAUGIIING oAB—and mike their
lien a source of plessnre,ratber than of pain.
an dental operations performed In the best possible
manner. and at reasonablejarms as by any good Deer
in theeoenty,
• Welke fa Donor !Ration, Itoelsrstru,
_Pi. i
.430117 ly.: ••• - T. J. CH&IiIDLIE & CO.
El ri w .WilEirkEt .i.
: X .
El , ,:, P, ,I• - I .6 ,
frint ; , , nib a e niosis ;„ • t
1 inf. - the chin: ver :and vicin r 111121
la me ren-roa:ror •• •
of DenEr r M l irru mi ta had oonelderable orsarilmee ink
prates/la , and darters himself to be able to give
wal satisfaction in his business. ...
Prollice in. the old ,Poorinly Hotel" bonding.
Third street, Beaver, ra, All work warranted Wane
year. . • , . , J. El. °OSBORN. .
piratly.. ' i
Law Partnersl4.
],131-tt3TP art
eprtrnly. • • BEAVER. PA.
1..11Rt0116,11•11•If KM R. ac c a JR , Etc. a TREAII
~• ,
_ •
' Induitry,penitr Co., Pa.
..h.11..nt put up in good order and warranted to give
AU orders promptly attended to.
Watch. Maker and 'Jeall
Third Street, Beaver, Penn'a.,
(In room adjoining J. C. Wi.lson'a (Mee.). .
I Gold re racnea ana citinitomit4 rsipairect' andirar
ranted: . ,Engravint done to orde
rir'flle patronage o f lbe public Is solicited. and
Fatlifactlun guaranteed, Give steitt trial.
aprln?.3m. •
'Chas: 11E1.
t urst,,
liotai Public, 'Conveyancer
• and InTarance Aggent.
acknnuledgements taken. &e.
Haying been duly cumin srioned as Agent for serer
al first class Insurance' Companies. representing the, Accident, cr u d the Stock Departments. Is
prepared to take risks and write policies. on pe most
liberal terms. • •• • 1 •
Also. Agent foi the "Anchor Line" of Arst e
'roan Steamers. Tickets sold to and from aliportlass
Vivian& Ireland. Scotland, Germany shd"Pranta.s
°Alec In Leafs brick row. Diamond,`Roebester.
!wen& Pa.
ftein., cma 11
• : •
Aro: 80 rift)' Srteit;:ilittabuugh
fibusE 'rtriakribratict atom*
-1.3 panned, Wooden and-Willow Ware, American
end French Cloths. They have alwip.on hand the
Table Spoons,- Tea Bette, 1 Water Coolers,
l'es Spoons, Goblets, . ' • Walnut Brackets
Table Forks, ,"lea Trays, Iron Tables,
Ihiserl. Polka, halve , CRAIN! , licrary.
codee Wulf,' . lea Chil rik.
ds. .: •' • . .
tire Mel,:
' l 3 0 0i • and Shoe OlftelP
• 111 7 TAE
J. H. .
ea r .tum dealers 1n Roots, Shot...* Rabbet " , et tit&
r , ro: t h re t aostou Nice*, Hum saving of expansee ana
Aloe, Akent for Platadelphia thy made goods at
' rionlifacturcre • I
. ..voy.ntry Merchants and Shoe Dealers will tato mom
bY ugin g ou me before galas Emit
(4 ' ) od a Recoi•ed Dilly ~
At No. /02 Third Street,
No. 98 Miirket gtreot, • .
1 96 I)o6it ntox'nFrit.
- ' -c ' ...------- ' '
..- , -4. a ; :.:IDS7 - ...7..t+111.111.1iLtD1-.151 is 6.tzslJ?-sl
Tji„ I. 1! r !.1 7 ,-)4 . v mv:10- oitinoH
. 10 . , ::
ry -.- r• v n] Aa,: . •
ai la lAA' 'Ar:rostr..l, rt,F;Ati f+itro'Fr i la ,13.0-1 an
, .f. 143 : 'tkr, : - . 0 , t`.: 5 - 41tIrLi0.) •,1,CT.,1 'DA :7; i rj ... 9 / 1 1'
T ;lir) f,..,- , 4" (1 , 4,1-Ik, ,
' , ii! titr; : ; ' * 51 • 3 :'. - - - . -.."- ---- --
- - I - -.
' , ~ ,afrii.l;-41,aftiii0;
;P: , , ,d 1 it '.5,i :,‘ , 49- e ii: k ~ ;.:...•N',
roil -'1.1.A1
1... f':
i" r,l
1, • 91.4 ! .1
"etl - rt:}ll '(sirs '7l
r. lO O.
- i''' i
uu .11 v• . P,, • -
~ „ ~ . 6
.pi!,.....e. .-: " t- :_.• "• 1 .. 3 ' ''''' '''.
1 f)
jA • •••. ; ,., 0
: - .::•-) :04-1
• iA.ttorney wit
:,, :7•11BA
SYlecAona.*:f4 4 o" lll PqrattrilOity:
Homeopathip lutreon.l
• t , ,i
'04 6 0 246 PR°:nollloll.43l***X4)
He would say that b pays atteatioktafriur;
Mrbirkta=gitrelief es
chron eaar
le diseases. He will also aid othetphysiouns in
surgery and the distpuses of diffienft era ty tuning
eel cm the Hianxiti, tWo r thins oast. at Vcseiwg's
store, andmearlyoppesitalis4bhalsosta poetry, so•
touter, Beaver many, -r,
, • _,.$.lG ODD& $
• • 1,
Me Mande and the üblic generally hat be km
Jost Medved* me • eg - goode ob the latest
stylebter Mink& and 5 irebrobldelt
, Okra et tea moderato rites.. •
44127Akiatffir Autusgr44 (mobs,
Clothlng made to order on tboberjestamfile
notice. ;
Thankful to tar•bilbThroms, I hope by
1 9 " ra
tgr h =bajn. At lumen to melt a continuance of
I I t 24 . IC Oita& MON/WE:L.
11 . 6 g Mandaelorb;
1140024 - 60 godairmoikustoMditiasaL
Aboi /*= WM
loatika4 rizgasati 01 .11 ilidiaa
.., , . ~ , •.. •
aimpiw • isigiffilre.edig44. -L . ' , , , ,
': _ - , . JOHN W. , PRTOOC,
•• B • • , I
:: • • ookralleir,Atatlosar, 101 Newsdealer," ;
' . COPP*.• 241401109 . 111 -
' . n•Ciaitsi bides rippliiml aii Utissi wpm. ; ,
eripit Twitter citibp umpplied. with cat", cepa and
mites, oculist yoift ordent. • • . • • •
Jyfalklew. • • •
One of tits Urged & Moot Spoogosio
Ie the old extenstr and reliable litatie of •
Wm; Flemming,
Wood gir l ie.t,
PlTTS'BtritGlif; P ,
(VTR 60Cittit be
N../ ow: Ind will be 'handl° ' comma In extant :OW
MK, with'trot class. houses Nei. Yet: 'the
Silk .
era 4244.0914
itgtt=lo, me -a lrerbays.y.Ves en,
Boys and Children. Straw foods. Palm Hat itata. Sha
ker llooda.Sunddirm. LedieslandMhwea fialvinotned
and nntrhmued. Counp: Merchants - are Invited to cal
and examine our Stock. ' • Vitanjogir
Lindsay, Starlit & Euwer,
Importers and Denims in
I.J during the late decline in prices. we are enabled
to *flier greater Inducement. than old honees who are
carrying over stocks at old prices. Country ,
chants sbopld not MI to visit us when In the clty„
LAndsily. Sterrit do Fiwer, •
langl6l6:ly. • ,
1. offer for sale at the lowest rates tn the market.
200.000 feet NO: I Common Board, undressed,
200.000 " No. 1 land 3 Faced Boards:extra dry.,
40,000 Extra Dr,t Fleming 14,14 and 16 feet long.
5.000 " " " Weatherhoarding, worked
Weatherbording of Mt kinds made to order. •
3,000' " No.l Flooring.l2, 14 and 16.
2,000 " ".1 Oak Flooring Boards, •
4000 •' ••1 Clear Fennel staff, %, and %Inch.
Shingles and Lath, • J
400,000 No, 1, 16 and 18 Inch Shingle*, guaran teed
full count.
20000, Lathed width and evenly sawect. .
Joist. and Ilftfddin ' '
100,000 feet Remloc Joists and Studding, all !Lea. •
Frazee Ettlfuwedlto order.
• Wheeler's Water Drawer, and Boardman's Colette.
ted Water Elevator, Constantly kept on hand and • for
sale. • • . . •
TEED I it= f FRED !! I
300 bush. Corn and I:lete mixed in the grain.
0 Chopped
20 . for
D sale,
At low rates. ' • J: 4IL ARRAGII
fy22 . 6Beim. '
.FLOUR.! FLOUR 11E1 4 4:M4M!
• A • ' r
J. . C'S,
25 lb Sack g . _ . $1 5Q
• 14 Lk . "
. 1 --A • • ,13
‘.l;lBar ' fe ' °4l .
.50 " . " 2'50 •
bbl. 10 00
inurgrae44i._ -
' - a -,7 • 7 •W . • -- PITS It
• • 1 ; f . 9
Wholettale an 4
and TI LA.
Pickles, G
- AU 14118 of Country Piottodo *Cold on commliskot,
and prompt returns made. •
Altrettit* , Venn's. .
euedtrwrz • •
000. For Sale r
PARTIES Wit iAT IS t 811141. T
of crood b : c o a s i g::: :Taoteroortio; W Da Aftoolootri•,
. - J:=R: MENTZ,'
AosIERtSt: • • Blorter;
~ 9,.i girl
Tiu:;riovf fia l air-2
1 ,9F 11 " •
7;1; int.; •,1:1 CO.l
IT •
EritEarri : 7,..; 0 . 1
. .
-.- tati e -- _
4113 -MO !Wit
:.•setotill. • :1:4 ;.!!.•... r! • •!...`
.16#04 . 14/ ';'; I ( '
• ,) .1 , .tfl
•:!,• •WIEMOLESUE iioliktaiL.! • • !
(1 ,1 1 ,,, P.! • ,
eitrititirr,lqUEENSWAVAA•ool=9 V3LAS•
%.1 Les a3Wwilsrifargo - 461•901 1 Pligh. Qodaa
fo,d Av t !t i orareitullrAt. :row Amu
my HI Also,
FRurrJ/11i8 AND CAME.
OchAntailienlUMlkvtin 414 1 i4kttleir , adapt t ,O
g v ig." 4 elite
; el ! se. ammo
ago ' ; eiti AnikAleSrPtiti F i ts'
I ,.,srptD - z494 1 .. ~; ;' 1 :•!, -711 f!,4a.i.:
.1 ; • 14, c. e ..1.• •
I tT ruauo 04. t
} WM 1 1,1 1; _OUPSIIVA
1 leash migairdilta Masi, hie
rimitteneat 1 - 141 • .. f • " •
• )11t,thEr, ieek "1
- •
the iblliking 4=4 • titotterly.' to• ' I OEI4
Coma. 't cid . Cattle. rm tundra' bead Of
gheapCM bamt 0 ones. hmlOterf mug liatie
Tlaireemo,tiro ,Itoyle We • eps I set, mi_mywn:.lier
nest,"l ane,kowye 'wowing machine. mufti •Itacie
Saltail Wind-31111 igtvat ati tons of Ilay,Sttair In the
Ghtle in the boabel. Ctlto th the ear; R tatMeoln
the bastiel, ,Coro IrpthlAtt lu the Woe},... %ten
-1 Cookritpree,' Hotumbold and•altcht
•tatet, {T caps or Bece,) and a vatidtrof armle t 1' too lb 2
traria mention.l bale ig i rPelies litl?WelcociLst
7010 time a remtecetille, t sill be idme. r ; •
PSEPA Bwrrim,
I , - ElOate.. ••• • • '
BY Viattrt OrAft 0 DOIR OF 011Pu/sage
Court of Beaver eottott. tie undersigned }Ueda
tor'of theisei will and testament of dolor Braden. Or..
;Woof aaltitotutty, deceased..,,lll Oa at: publiot Sale
on the PreMbee. on 1:00. ocr. n th left 1410
'o'clock A. IL. the tirtAuet P72. ooging to the 'eititet of add
:decedent, situate In Cblppairn ap . .. Braver unsay s .
bounded on the not* di David Itofta'S. .
on theoast by Beaver creek, On e south :by lan 'of
nutlet Bernard. sad on theilatts W lands *innerly of
Buil. 'BMW hairs, containing. sheet • .onel limeed
, and fouleen labl
or less. on ett me erected
one twoatory stone divelllng how. an. old tog batty.
About 90 acres elearest'OrAard on the preinUq, dad
ea`dgees weltered:recd.! • • .
'T B—The purlieu matey to be. paid. Ari : tub
upon. e _eta:lunation-4A" e by,tlte court and the
rieentlon and dellver7 4e_ Deed. - •
• -• • • , SOali HAMM, Zuenter.
• r,sioptl6V:lL. • •
T"1", .."10; .
• .• 1 1 .1‘ •
;i•.: •L. •,;., ;,.: ,-..:,;: , i,.i - - I_,it4 '', A .: "':' •' 4 ' .: ' -' 1
.. viinxtui.i
Qesensware; Hardware;
ott UN - TRY iIiODUCE taken lb Ex
, . ; .change for Goods.
Ooods Ddircovi Fro of clicinpi di the
. J'icAgss. . ,
Barna WAITS. 11;iL
S. J. Cl'osg. - tt CO'.
BEST;. . ':WHiTE .;WHE A T
25 1t) sack; $1,45
'5O " " • ",.'
Bitrrel,; : ' .. .11,50
Seeold'Quality, "STARK COUNTY,"
25 it) Back, $
50 ‘ 4 4 • • 244
• Barrel, , 9,15
• Tioebeater; se t. M,lBntf: •
NEW o ()DS
'1'w',.64001).... ,1 1
tpks arsi: lutpp 41 . lele,ct :apoitlpon
• •
F l 44' qldi:odsi ".„.
ofibittO at , the lovie;tle
latot.' The otoqc to tied *Tory varlet of
-LAdieaind bantamen:Wanlea" finads
Plain and Fancy Yarn.,
3 ,"'•• -DAMS' TR '
" • LACES, ' '• • ' '
• : • '
DRILLING; • • - :
l .
.i ;
which /ctilbtrisi, *smuts. Ulf sesstheadvsnees.
She asks a couttnetifion of the patronage •of her
friends and the iniblteltenerally. Goods not on hand
eiali tie biatiltire9l4slir tfotite
:••••• •
Oalf and !.
• • Mina!
••• *.•/.
the itgetiatmaiT.
•' • . "•-• •
;•.• Robe
,:~. .. j
It. tango roe ' f
will do well win
way - so 'in
crossmg that
chair*); :wide,
heart and soul of
7,1,150. and gall
awls ita - darisveoo
witulire-looking . f
4!ci 6 /,‘P.P#te!rot
stet !that pow
PR"; af'.9.o/lin-a : tin Lief ito:
away 'from hertie;•,' -
dr* . fa Ate'fka ohl
iOnujiil43' . o -
Warns *either;
heaviest, relateHel; .
about him, *lsere:\
;cravat TiinipiUted' dl
allk,`tind claps Obit
black silk high hat'
tattint holt. sat&
beat ;while - The r
- nail think bil Ail
a straw hat; ore ,
material;so it
ance of hie dreagito
out at:all times,)'
A Yew sneit s
sed might lutre
falba style of lot
the past warn
to' the niffel ‘ eh
example end di
the Season; in the
whose occupations
ed to the heat,. ini%
set them. Bull
Paris, and must - I
Paris, no matte]
authorities diffef
named after, for
Mice of opinion,
- of European !um
-to the' visitors
ImpbChg sin*
Feud tete thr
ted ar
[ibd '
elegant • are thrusted ;:eds . ' are
"wiped Out", of extetenneiandbetiatifid broad
avenues take their • places; white the .finnit
opera house the world has yet seen is rapidly
Wog completed, at the cost of $3,509,000, in
gold. Tee situation of the city, espeolalik,
those parts bordering Ott the•sleggish river
Seine, .ean hardly be considered ge4.•Yet
so perfectli the system of drainage willow' .
erne, that anything liktiakkness from this
cause Is not known. The 'Streit. and ' road
ways are so clesudyswept thattinemar Walk
for mike to the . carriage'way withe l a soiling
thamosrhighly polisheirshee ; and in many
casts I hive seen the carriage -ways firriibbcd
as foot -walks are 'scrubbed at home, with
broom and water. So smooth are the streets
that the smallest ponies draw such . toads u
would call forth the intervention or theta°.
ciety for t he' Prevention of . Cruelty to Ant
mats," and that seemi n g ly without effort,
and .one Is almost inclin edto think that car- ,
Allies used here would never need repair,
but when their term of service was ended ,
that they went to p ieces-like the "Wonderrfal
One-horse • Shay." Most interesting mosey : ,
urns, and collections Of all that is interesting
in sculptures, piontings or. curiosities, (the
,terivre Museum being probably the fittest
collection in the world,) - areopen to the pub
lic free of 'charge, and, beautiful gardens,
abounding in shaded *elks and cool 'retreats '
with charming fotmtaltiicOnstintly , playing,
and. 'excellent think discorimed at 'certain
hburs of the day are'to be totted illOv t ertite
city, and. are thllktritide niCit at certain'
houre all . Paris seems to Win ouvand he.titt
ly enjoy what is offered. Alt this of Connie
tr. 1,
' costs a great amount of oney; whidli the 1
people have to pay; but though we at home
often read of grumbling, and •discontent, no
evidences of it are shOwn to *clonal visitor,
and as a prone that the people: have chilli
dence littlie government, the zeal. to obtain a
share iiitheinte eitei. witipassiag.'•
late at night, along the Rue Miro%i, on which
Is situated the hotel ot the MinisteV of Fittalke
I•and ripen the side-walk tit front Of the'Wild
iilg waS gathered a witty throng atlas lower
class, numbering lean seareelysaybowthany.
Some 'were chattering as only the ' Prenbh
tan chatter, others were smoking their pipes
Or cigarettes, or eating a (regal Tinsels, while
more were quietly Steeping upon the stone
' -" • ' •
' t he crowd attracted to k alien thiiii;,hat I jiall•
sed‘on. For three nighte In
. auccessida dtd I
notice the lime thing; but Oil the third even
ing the crowd *sea° largo that' airaid Of
sepals de trfAe , or pollm, - was on dilty to ,pie
serve order. -.Duthie ocetution I Made inqui
ry; and found these *pie ',were. only
Wirtild , be subscribers` to the lose, who,taking,
time bY the ferelock,' Wad come'arly to Stay
all night; that th ey might be ha hands In goOd
tithe on thelmorrow,,,:Tbealght wise siege
tar one, add if thesepeisple are Of the dissat
isfied, add are only awaiting ;the opportunity
td cause ti,6hange iii goierrthient, lean only
jay theye • klobited a;sitildge' get rid
of their money., Among the - better classes
whom I . hive met, ,the prida they hive in
their beantiftiteityiseems tolanetion all ex
penditure Lorninney for bilproveratirds !nett
aslidiie mentioned as - taking -place; 'mad`
the poorer Classes the work it gives theist his
sifter& recompense for. the -Pam paid, to
say nothing-of the Pletikare they, take, In the
publiegardens, etc..
Du tbg. tbei this Parisians
nearly all'Wetri to live out of On, all
the' principal ttniroutttfitres, end, in that on
'All 'streets; ate Melted cafes' Msd restaurants,
'Where . sioffee, Aline., beer, **tithe, eoginic,
Without till; are dispenied • to the
thirsty Ones. In:front oftbese. estitillitunents
upon'the' iiidtsstr,eUte artigkat nembert
small tablet', tiroistid winch sit lib* Who ' re-.
fresh theilaielva,:. air In tin! ln • full
vie W of •
.O.lmW 0 1 44
cant!, sit insVidif thei hhave aeon es
to order. IA 11 quite' ttui style; ' "B*ellY
wes t in • "rajili t tade (riots "With :
fee with iise Prot*. aim&
to*, hilt . •twos% seilithlet,,teauil
extent dl. of and considethke,the 'rad
Ida/ an a ...ynthe drinker lifeboat al fir gene
it s ' I
I f
\ yr'
1 , 3 -,e i ., 141 IN blati 4 9ls 4 lL - 71. ' • ' •
c .eof
l ; - 1/ lare v,
~,t„ri c
.kl";t7 ();0. •04 I ; ,d rr.
' • •' •
--.! . r 114 • p.
• • _
6 ,440 ‘)7. l ' !1 J
4 ,
.• ;30..)
t ;,„
" •
, 6titi
itttOki 8
G 1;
.aolt J•;".•
•41114111.QP ; tri • -
PreViefFP 0n4146 ,14 ,1 0 Dr uid -I:o*Mtatiiln
off' tiluCh a pariah* ' dens3l,Y,.altierTpt
lalitionValiblhViii :' 'l7pCn lasing; tettirelly
Pretty Ilittkiteibiurii'cup of oft iatr W., ' (cot
refriMilWatiltraf.pieit pain, (wain roll of
bread,}and possibly wane batter,
.(always an
! palteititadir JO et#utou,. a few 'adobe. ;: about
I ,11 o'cl*, ho taicat At .Igeekkit,-!3F lonehem , .
ar liftd aid hied" Ind' a - bottle . or *lac; t"-•
lietitietiAlie::r land': Ake' eclodi 'he "lakes
' tlinneri..:actiadWitii Of • •!litaint,:thictr to .five ,
.Pfil_preel.k*lsilikkkg_,,.,,, _ aiahmr-orp,lMer taker ,
Fula cop of clop° without milk and *small •
4 0
gl dr brandy ' Thct*Wtiid . glirtiiiially
'all ludo & itt he- bile ebffie4oonishor iestan
tints;andis I led before,4ll class of peoPle •
AlequentAlift.n ;.. tbouß4.4iis said that theja-
Ore tc•fire,kroore,retirol ni!xle Of life Is pin
kik, gratinilo &CO ethO, Panther: or those . who
take - theli•two: Wit !nothng liosne.l9 foams
/411* JO lookea, apoli V - : nuist:.Atneil
.: Idatia'idin'thit While AtnerleaVla thetiat
ter of fashions in clotldrzcoples after France
to a rmihttp l aztentarranco ht &POW to copy
itianY thinkraftiir Maarten. ' .. The adoption of
Atrial - 61th idi,raoll A' rifintift yr Main likely . to
take place than the adoption of napthinp new
,In , E9FlaO; and thlit is ahownby: Oa rapt that
4 404 00 0 * iitePerPtiip, PA.*. ratri)lalash
erbeT, Pactikrtfle.FlTßlPPlitt WOO; in 4mar
,craeAcarhakoryxwhero all sortsint iimpNr•
. 01),*cliers OM iagketiri*llfli* alt4Lla con
flo4:l l, Wltti . the ,egawt§ltßat. Psi geoPine
Amerin 1434-WateefOurlPdtt,, the foaming 1
.. .. . . .
WN . 4 1 ;$ Berra Out 'hY 11 • VH4.. tOPldng
Agerican, c*.eunfAtileart - deacentfrontßal!
tail* ant,' :both branches .ot! thei.AtahlW
pi*t; I. out lidattraid, itieWell ; pttronhted.„,tt
alktirper! si craw, d of Carlow: peoPle,4son4re;
gate .a*lt the windOW, , erldentlY ;admiring
thit,ifo - tklnaii,of, the apparatus, but seeplogly
nfinld , ;4lndalire.... Besides these A. 011193 none.
ed,l n ma udry slioW,WlndartajabelPfl:!itrant
es.:Aeikerleet4,l4liS.dreP.47 Of, ni•Otles, :bow%
an., Oda 0., &rework at lama, and which Are
4 1 44, :o,iffeSent in. , Ina*
_• 3ol PPetar , frotn. litofte
;nanqpn tnia sias ; and navp-,•,nottcoa,repeat
edfy. . advertisements of tlunericitne Gray's
• a . ler, Collarea,': 1 . •Itt haktlS. now raAtys Use
, P • 4' Ada, cr.pnbilifittde Is ; generally .pat.
rindied in •prefererace totsiking - Seals in prj
vate,roansai mai4,6lller ways the ten.
de is •!elitr 1 . 44 .an 4 manners .is
1 ' •
, 'A. GRAND Rti:Lcw. , ' ' •:' • '
1 0
I Was quite 4ortattatuin• being in Paris up*
onthe 14th andldth 'days of August. the for ,
;Per. day being the occitsiotkof a: grand re
view of troops, and the day following, the
great Parisian celebration; the "Fetes Napa
TOOlO - Art reileWAtltich - triiik place on
Use, Chatapit .E 1340, aboat 'forty 'thodand
hoops were drawn up In'two !leek' along the
i:blautiful • tharoughdtre, and 'with' a great
sounding of trumpets and beating, of drwus,
the EMperor MO Prince ImperiaJ oriceded
by it,equad of the celebrated atre Garde sad
&Haired by a numerates itteff , tido from one
lot tifq iings to;•the 'neer. both of them 'se
-I.4i,npiyledgkag repeatedly the saintris. tif 018-
sembled thousands. The y, miie,rot looks
porgewhaf: i older than most :or„the ,prOtAtres
ildfl,photographs siltlOY.We See ''at home rep
talent .blat to be'but stilliphks 'as lhOugh"fie
'Might far tome:tithe yet ' be ifbielo, take care
hbr etninrei. Tfe,prbse!e - impeiial, ' now
/ant, Alitteill*Sai bu tboy , tftraing too
large a development of 'head for the serif
his body. Thel review *brought out'a great
crowd ofple,:who,ifter•the affair was
over, qu*ly dispersed, many of them, dpubt:
less, to get ready for the , festivities of the
:o ar
barring the cause of- the 'celebration, may •be
compared to the , American Fourth 'o f July
upon a very large scale, ' The celebra
tion takes 'place upon August 15th each year,
and Is arranged by , the' Emperor, he giving
.fnim his .prinste page largely toilet poor,
aged and infirm in all .parts of the city, and
providing open air theatres, with good per
formers, for the amusement of the people.
A full description-of how the day was eels
' boated would require more mace than I care
to take, so 1 give's mere outline of the order
of the day, give Alma• idea of how things of
this kind- are managed here. ' At six o'clock
a Salute was fired from the grins at the Hotel
des Invalides, announcing the commence
ment • of'' the 6:63, after , which came ..aa.
abundant distrilintion" a alms to the poor.—
The troops received an additional allowance
of wine, and• permission to remain out of
their barracks until twelve o'clock at night.
They were also alkiwed . half a day's extra
pay. At one o'clock higlr mass was celebra
ted with a' 2b Dsina sit Notre Dame, and
abhut the sante hone , the different theatres
and other places Were thrown open, free ad
mission being granted; and 'the Telly best ar
tistes appearing; of ceurne all these place:ref
dbmisement Were crowded to excess; but the
condria of the audiences, compoeed principal
ly of the.working eassPs, was of the most ex
emplarycharaeter. The Trocadere, a large
open space in the . West End, was the scene
Of innumerable -amusements in the way of
theatres, ahootiriggallertetilying horses, etc.;
etc., etc., such as one sees surrounding one
of our !State . lor county Agricultu
ral Fairs, but on a most extended-scale, and
the people were to be found in great numbers,
enjoying themselves at the top of their bent,
There were vast crowds of people Ito be
found 'overywhe to, 'but the best of or
der prevailed, and no crowding or -push
ing anywhere: •1 ', The • crowing :glory
of the whole 'celebration, however, was' the
grand illumination in theevining, and display
of fireworks, Which took place at three.differ.
entplaccii in the 'city. Oa each aide rif
Champs Elysee there are lbws df gfir' Ismps.
the posts beingaboat twenty art:, and
the distanos being from Place de la encorde
'to the Arc de Triomph, about two Milne ad% a:
half:: Eadir of these. pests 'eras itutinatinted
with twenty gas -burners, and the poste: eon-.
fleeted together by pipes on Which there were
twenty bantam between thepferta All these
burners werecrivered by ground &Si shades,
.white in color. ;Thinewhere lighted prieented
one Continno'ns line-of light, the 'efeet of
which can hitidlY be imagined, and which it
would- - require abetter pen-tliati mine to de-
Serfbe,:c while nn the nittnerotie trees on each
sidecif the street, thirty 'theme:ad piper' bin.
term' p 1 Icolors, were hung ; and all the
pubhcimildings were ilinemnated in the most
.beautiful' Manner, the gas jets,' for the most
part, following the outline of the building, so
that you could readily distinguish, front a very
great distanceiany of the many pabir. edifietk.
At 'nine O'clock the grandest display of fire
winks that chiild be imagined was given from
the square stirrounding the Are de Triomph.
'After Which Abell ring of guns announced the
dose of the kite,' nd the crowd -began to re
tire.% zr : • • . . •
One thing that attracted *Total Mien-
Waslhe w
excellent waded .of the multi
nide that, had assembled to the 'streets to, clew
the illumination, fireworks, eta: , The Volta
holitbrbus Merriment, rio jamitimg or crowd
ing, but everything wasconducted in Outmost
;pleasant manner. Of such as occasion' fain
iAntericali or Lhigllih city. T int . &intent .I
'could `not hate written is with. iltbduttalf
past eleven at night a violent rain storm,' ac--
lapattleilly :thunder and, lightning,' Irma
over the city-and quickly disposed' the few'
peophileft du the lareeie,,eo 100 trtraf'Ylkx l 9
waa at hitine;and . the city itreseitterelts Usual
appearance. 'B.
~ - EstablishediilBlB
Be v an*. e Noe Tom 1 You hare
heard the tiaikftocollhiliej I :Mime& gut
Sas Promise of YPer sumps- it la hardly well
anatigh. Marie went hi:4th° dunpalin with
a Republican mnioritp_over. from 1886. of 11,
614, which. she has increased byaay F lO,OO In
'CF°Pigtot b° R t . TAM- for increase is eight
per cent : of the You into 't its
osiiiFtli,ii 4 44, au adverse llll lril.T f?vfr irci4
'1367 to' civercitua or 46) 356 in tend' vota"
C . 6 , k3,173: Iryon mtaethe same gain of eight
Jier„ d
• ent: oa , the total vote 180741114 'hag
barn mitd4Gy Mania, `y.Oti will bare l y:carry i
New York . by 8;91 . 4 majority. And - yet we
hear ofilraythbta more, saagninethan
Who 'areßrediCtiog that we carry New-Yerk
bititty . thou lend majority, and basing their
deceptive iredictidas on our success lii - Zane.
Ba not:misled by, any pridictloni for which
yptit prophet cannot shoW hhi figure!. ,Ee
-1 publicans rtre cannot affbid td 'he content in
Newtork'With no larger'gain thin has been
pikalne. . 'The licpubliCana Carried 'Aitiinel
in 186(th r y 27,687 In a, tote of 111,873, Th i is I
relic; „. • „•,/
XIS . ner present inajority eight per
cent. gif her. present ote, on thu c! 1 r
ctUrbal Neivtorkln 1843,4 'Only 13,.
r 789 in a total, vote of 718 / 841, Our mad • rity
beingleo. iw.oP9r cent PC?nr,,il3tal
Ifnuetittellkiiliti fall VII like th at' oflfidne,
eight per cent. on the, total vote of liaid, we
woad l*Nen!- Turk by, tri T ijnilty.
T to : alit: we Mu' do 4e per 44. tafer . Utaa
wine; comps !ed . With 1860, or "We lOse the
'State. In 186ftheRepublicana c a rried Aline
liy, , ,
19,10:majority, very nearly . thelr present
601'0, in a tetal vote, 4411,099. ; In !it
same year we 'carried New York Linco ln,
Whist McCleilan, by only 8;743T0,1' raft''
vote of 730,7p1. If we compare no belr.than
Maine with the veto 0( Ipo4. stin car y
by only 11.101} .We u'urd
,ygn, fltere"
fore ,that there are no trosttypithy data Or ha-
seg! for. ccuppirison which justify at, present'
the prediction of a heavy, or even of a rare I
majority in New-York. The situation is l
hopeful, but ,not.assunal. The State is oursl
11--yre have merely to win it.lfreovet, un
less, we carry
.Nett York for 'Grant 'and
Colfax by More than froth '5,000 • 'to
'4o,ooomajority,. there is ground to Mar that
'we may lose our Governor, Suite ticks:44lW
the. Legislature, and. th eretor. up . .. United
States Senator. Next to the hajitilly iftiprob
able calamity of having Seymour • for"
(tint would be the mortification 'and disgnsee
of seeinithe Empire State represented atAi.
twiny by a creature of the corrupt Tammany
Ring, and el Washington by a 'tool of the
Dentoctilts, abandoning
the bcipetof electing Seymour, and :relying
on the fact. that many voters will reel ,greater
intereet In the, residential - Wan In !the State
ticket, Will 'stand ready eft trait, 'Dentidenitle
votes on the National for Abe Itetrublicin 1
liken on fthr State Ifieniet---Yettaitsweetwa nth?
°rotations we may anticipate that unless; we
can carry our National ticket by a majority
heavier than that which 'cue triumph, in
Maine justifies us in expecting, we may isk
or• lose our State ticket. .Republicarts of
New York! we say to you, oue , and all,New-
York Is promising, bqt not secure. It . is the
most doubtful State north ofMaryland, ex
cept New Jeritey. Your duty into win the
day. •To this end, day at hours, or
in your private which you can de
vote to the salvation of the Empire State
this campaign. See youryteighboni.
late the Seta. Bunt deers the Ws. 'Stir 'nil
the idle. Turnout at the meetings. Rally
'round the flag. Your hiAttest duty and TM.
truest business for the remaining six 'weeks
of the catopaign'are to saF e ir country. Let
It not be said *batted -of New York
been necessaty to elect rant, the hero of
the age wouldhave been I, l defeated , Eternal •
vigilance is the'price of gctod
The time for you to slid* your vigilance is
now. '
Repabliosos.qf ino Amyl •. You have to
ore.reaiq iiDemocratic majority onthe vote'
1867 416;354 in a total vote 4118,582. This
is an adverse'majorfty of •about 13 per' cent.
In 188flyon carried your State by barely
I 491 majority when lifeline had 27.687. 4n
1864 McClellan carted your. State by 7,801
majority, when Maine went is largely Re
publican as now. 'You hive your hands full
of fighting, therefore, If you would redeem
your State..- , You must do justifies per mt.
.hetter. than - Maine II you would carry. ,the
voteof: New Jersey for Grant and Colfax.
Gan you do it
Rfpoblieons of Conriedieut ;.You ; have
to overcome a Democratic majority ovei from
1867 of Only 987, in a total vote Of 94 , 154. It
you gain eight per cent., as Mainit has done,
on the vote of 1867, you will carry your.
Staterby 7,500 . majority. . But In, 1806 you
carried Connecticut by only 541: Itepubhean
majority, when the Republicetre in Maine
gave 27,000: In 1884 you carried your State
for Lincoln by 2,406, when Maine gave about
her,present vote. Youi prospect,: therefore,
Is Alit of hope, if youttutszt sire full of pluck
and persererance. We expect - to record the
vote of Connecticut for Grant• and Colfax.
Brfarvo, Pennsylecmia. t The verdict of
Maine indicate; that your auccesd id certain.
Yop 'hate tenvercomer a Democratic majori
ty in 1867• of only 922. Yon ought to weed
your majorities of 17,178 in 1868 and k 4.075
. 1864, arml roll up a majority irtPennsylva
lila of 40,9 M:
—West" of Penn.vliania; the' sirtiae is
warm in Ohlo,aathe fight Is hot In Indismii.
But wee, pet no ndsgivings of success 4boro-
Not a single star in our constellations of States
of the Welt, the North Vest, and the' Pacific
will dip below the horizon In Novetribezt 11-
Moots and lowa . should. etch, give 50,07, dui
jority for Gmnt and Colfax. The 'Other
titates'wftigive &large majorities' in prcoNir
tidn to their TkiNlttatlon.
Repubtioans of the Southern Stain! You
are passing through an ordeal ot fire but with-
Out. this the truegold. can neter be seoars l6 'd
Tronithq dons.. _Whether you succeed as Iron
certandyy. willi( you ere perinitted a fair„ full,
and free vote, or timed/Cr you autti,hi ikon
back in defeat es our armies were in the great
national' humiliation of Bull Rup, OK shield
of the Itition covers you, and the, . right arm
of the Anierican people, well sustain you.
Yintr immediate foes ate those who have
niteig met its on the hattle-field , and ichr,whoast
their readiness , to 11;ity. again that ; ,rna*yeuid
power ol the nation. Your cause is,oarwaud
our victory, shall's:l .your safety. ; We ex
pect Yon to carry Northend South' CarOlina
and Louisiana. 'We hope'ftir Georgie; despite
.the great logislativecrime which .the Rebels,
to soon indulged with power, have commit
'led against the rights of tio;fifth of the people
orGeorgitt. "If you succeed in the otaer
Stamme than be prond ofyolit heroism for
oOtte btli bermes:an 15123121111• -yonr.hand to
hand grapple ( with our cont.non foe- if You
fail, none have so' good reason to . : adhera
the motto "We Hope In Gocl,"whose four
initial lettere r insenbed'over the tents ond on
the banners of the . ,Imedom-loring.Covcalan
teng of Scotland, are said to have given rise
to, the honorable but quite forgotten name of
c~i'A •~az.3A
G L CA I " ' - 14 T
Anns4o l : 09. /WIMP ,
itirilr i bq *lnk% 864 666...4 , 1 01= P P e r gi0 1161
111111 # 11 Zirai li Vre. /7-7.-7:71—.1"144°r'
=P.%lVieote= l Z== .
tethtenth* MM feethith 011411!thlist
iltat===euat i =e ar i
thieneati froth ems pit* fa the ispa 4 bo esettit
. ,
___CCA; l !%.=s ° va hw 4
Adveruseceeme be Seedey
soon 10 thothe Iththikee th.tharfreeripiller.
"Whig." , Rtpubliranv 01-ttie.gerath) toe
are the m the pp! 'Stand bravely by
your *mkt Hitherto kith' the Land helped'
u. ypqr.ulticgate IssertAin,
ye sri of the'sebidDirsfmtiop.of grant and 1:
And Peace its - niacli 'to I gllO l
trity as the past eiglzt,yeani 'lmmo cue
to give you freedom.,
taltrimeiicana ofthe Union I • Ykui i t tlkual the
country an aristocracy-of slavds and matte
of mudsills and . men-stealers,
made its sir tap pure to beltrerithed by a
- slave. You were assailt4,, a arnie by the
marshaled drape and coneentraied h' 6o l.' l t
depmvity,despotiam, and , bratality, from er
ery earner and jungle of the ."drstire nation.
and, at the cost ofthe blood Id. yew best an !
noblest alms :you , stack ;town every foe or
freedom and the-Union. Finish in trmor the
noble work Which you hive begun In sdelity, ;
and carried !Omar& far Withi
and resasuring sucts, Establish the equal
ri hts of than in harmonrwitfrtliii futegrity•
the States and/ tie sovereignty of the na
tion. Then the spirits,of the founders of the
Republic will rook dimtltipYln Mut triumpb
with joy, that 'What:they olanne4 and prayed
for you have been Permitted' to accompliiih.
Oar future RePtiblic;ivitleitif?hundred
+li4ns of people' , will recurtc the erentfUl era
through whicb.wcore,amjpasdbrig as one lit
which the pitople f wer&btrala *id the voters
" .. .1 a '7.1 ....II
.; 1 11 11 1 P gielmirPetit
lam here. And, if this is rnitat • they all
the world; :I don't-think - much - o( it. It's •
y flannelly worki, end ':surelts of i ratikiel
awihdly.• It'sAd_resdinl light .m*l Itno4:socr
makestne,blink,l • tell. you .. „And I dpra:t
knpw whatcto do ;
with myhands; Ithink nv
dig thy ffsts in eyes. No I won't. I'll
'scrabble at the earner of nay binnicet mut &kw
it up. end. then Tll holler; whatever-balmier
I'll holler. And the more parstrlic the gf e ,
me, the louder yell. That old 'mini° pu ts
the W corner Wood in.the coer of my Month Waver,'
linessywaY, and keeps Mating attylitilkilini:
MUSH the while: - IShe 901feet:rot/an* lest
night, and when I hollered; abortratted. me.
That copes of being is two•day's okt baby.—
Serer mind, when Till ail liggin I'lllpay 'her'
beck rood, There's a plustlckinglstain.swiW
and if I my a word abottt it nt by. trotted or
fed, and I. would mther:hsre catnip tea: rp
tell you who I am. 'll Mond. out. tealiv• I
heard folks asy.u,iluelt, did% waktinpiEtitae
lise's baby:7,. ,That's. me,. : iin,. ,"xpuntiiiogoi
babY; and .I sumoselhat pretty, whetc-Aced
'Woman over on. the pMow is
I was mistaken, lot a chapjaill in hire
just now and wanted to see Bob's babyiiiiid
lookettat me, anti - Bald rusk", a !tinny
toed, arid looked just likelleb.m*lfelibeit of
cigars, and Tin not used to them. I , wonder
Who else /,beleng to. Yes, *lei wonder
one-that'sEgamenastik'd won't
then she took me up .and held Me 101 11 14
soft cheek and said it aims iliaiwitalrbetby on t
Was. I declare Ido not kritiw :Waal •beking
to; but holler, end maybe final :
There community with, attittp_tes. fi
!den of giringbibles &Min tea Wft.o pity
crying for in formation! I'm gotrig,''to stab.
I wonder if - 11cm% look •tretty red - fir 'the
taco T L rionder *hat rattily Tina that big
black bottle, and why she don ' t giro Gininn's
800 ;.neiregnsttsbezieelloos
to, you know. Ile kisses ms, , senotpr r :
ma with his month—l don't wear It sod: ,
in.irself. Dike °slims. She treats me: 1
'a gentleman, and parts my hair on the side.
• Snuffy in the mbldle.
rm I, year aid. and I've got •a' none;
Jo; and Uncle Jo gave Fue a silver cap tbld'
morning, but they won't let me have It to bang
on the table. Gloms would eves it to me In
a minute., and I think, some day,.when I catch
her alone, rug 4 It yet. . '
Cousin Linde is etaytng ere. Elba le a.
nice girl, only ehe won't let me rill her Mir..
I think ehe mfght—sucb- long, loft, Yelkiw
curie-She won't let Uncle Jo tOnch a new!
either.. Hp just lifted one up the I. other day.
and she drew It away and bent over heed_andi
ltlmd ever's° much, and Uncte JOwelted
sway.' z• • •.• •• "
:. OJ l I've got the Prettiest tattuwasit het
eyes :shine so bripht, I deduct I tuit'probd of
her: l've s t'ad lots of toothache, and j I've raWod
a few teeth; they don't come oat se Gainna's
do. though. My pretty mamma Italia me to
'show-my tootles. and then I Auto' to•grin for
evervWy...l bit Bob's finger yesterdey,
he didn't eeem to mind,lt.
;rye got abort clothes, and Cousin lizzie :is
teaching . me to dance. Uncle Jo belps. t her
too. When _I am - through ny x lesscp, she.
csitchei the up and kisses me, and then Uncle
jo Mains me too, right on the same spot. !sr':
that queer!
Cousin ',latch going borne sO - Mi sor
ry : soli Trude Jo. I heard hint tell her so,
and then she ineopedtolie'nty sleeve •ribbon,
and gFelf;very ;ad In the bee about it:.•Tbat's
filmy; .too. • ' • • ,
I've got. a' little slater': Elbe look§ pretty
Well for egirk I remember wbeil 'did "'net
lookanybetter. .. • . •• '
Cottsln LighsTtaiit new bright Wag , on her •
finger tI gumAncle Jo gavelt tig,har...6ho
don'tmOtd . nit.nto!* when he pnllf .herouris
Oh ! ain't I glad, life goi a flanata4 , For
Cousin Liszle forgets we now, 1101:00tinie::
Mit 'Ganma . don't torgetnot ibe; aid oic
isn't aotaiken tp with Magill hiby that the
can't ramambetw falbsw who sued' to be
1.„ She my, pinto . out, otloint, bat:it
don't tiel broken. •
I knew .tt was a Soirsrivltil - world when,
einfe;e4 . thalitwhy I cried.
Vire trie 1 to-dello hap ake dear Inamnus, and
I outset., She will nolorpsak grime or more,
or open her bright eyed. She does not even
tarn when the baby •cries. 'Sods, her little
hands are laid on upon her breast, and NI of
flowers. And cousin Lizzie and 011111U14 ere
. all in black frocks, and live got black ribbons
on, . And Bob sits by her with .his• bead in
his hands; and uncle Jo cries as he stands be
elk them both and lays his hand on his shoul
der and say's, "God helpyou, brother.” And
all tie while the sun is shining in thh street,
and the peprde go by as tbeyalwaysdo. The
canary might know, this was no time . • toeing
—wheri'dear inanun will
i never m wake sca
: .
Tan Ticusrati.—Ladies sometimes do nit
value their husbands as* they ought. They
net unfrequently 4 barn the value ofa 'rood
.bushand for the lifstAline - br thetas of him.
Yet the husband is the very roof tree of .the
house, thi3 eorner-stone of the edifice the key
stone-of the arch &Med tome. 'He is the
breadwinner of thellimiltitsl defense sitil
itsglory, the. betrittniag and ending-'of tiro
golden chain,Of. ife wbielt.,surrannido it, its
consiler,,lta ' law giver and king. .. .. yet
we bee bow frail Is that life On Wlil . - ' mach
How frail h the life orthe I. . mid
and father! When lie Is taken aw a y. shall
fill his place ? 7110 he Is 'sink, w ' gloomy
clouds !lever over the hello! ! uhe la
dead, What darkness, weeping, Stipail Thgn
poverty; ilke'the murderous assesgri v breaks
In at the svandeisv 7 v starvation,. like ••u Antisli
tog wolf, bowls at 'the door.. 'Wldewholici is
too often the astamfate of taidliflott an,Aftsh
ed. Orphanhood too often means dentantior
and woe. • ,