The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 16, 1868, Image 4
L 3 • ...:. • r J.• = r , LIME, - LI M E , IIV•P n eRA.V. k 4. i r ; , f ie._ •it , ... ~.GET;r'oF•xr.?!.,tlo4 sox toms Ns* . \, uirmo , i ,, iddioirv-- ,-:._ _. • ~lIONITOII2,tIO- 111" ' cent betterl eold at thei of It t 1211... dM il l' a P iii iil ' .rhit4442oiiiiilatalaik. Naas a Nnt a that u sa ki/4 Mreellese edelloolead aellea. Nto., bunt tiotking oat JIMMIE/ANL Melt layers seed pot rAtAlolf wain It to =he flier metes, lb" boors; bet Mae - to re t irrve every four boors ), 1 , I .:TSRTA T aNhla ' ' . . , • . s 3'4. '31713 3EC t . prompltithever altered Wing oelesit, or - ID . Seed ' W. J. Dunn, Dome. P. 0.. or to the "Malvolan ;;411101,k111..147jai11*t. Dewar or t 1 A 14. J. Dubuc Ilini ME .LOOK HERE I , 12 N (. . ' • • T I MIEVIMERBIONED IS ENCiAIIFD factoring lime at Vamptat; !foster . ILO= aro Monroe; Om" , - • •-• ME "rowers Ms" . i •- %iv 2:. -. 1 rr • .c . ,,, ) . , ,A. - . , . . . , ... ... . . . • ',rash Utak ant Italie slates, am shiers bet ad, . ea Short stotice:l *CO sidles cheeps* the cheapest. All • elder lett at the sank er -Mut ott=t to me of , \ Bwer dell s .Pe" wlll4ve rer waited: prows mild attenion.. ft ed, AMOEI DOtrT-T.-- „ . , MOORE'S DRUG STORE, • . , tested the beet hteortitemt of _ 7 DUITEtS, _ 3ff. ee CIL 1 o IMEL-33:11&10 ME P.TY 311 LICtUORS, WINES /3rand.l.e n doi • ."AND • 'DYE .141111* F -b . ". , ART LEts, O'A PS • I kf t i U P 9 -• _ : 'tri A T. BLIT D iC Ilt - E d sold cheap In Fest we.....Z,AStetitalianyot h erDsvg Btoll the • counts. a9,l3ll)'l;t9iNi:F.R47l/ centa'.per I I v. _N,CAI . ;;, ,, ~,Mlf_ligKilt-... atocket !- ri: i , P.; c, J. Imes ar LANP'mnamlNG_ ,S LAINTERNR, STA TIONERY, WIT:,9 (MASSA tUITY. . ~ XTerofihred Outside tht TI MM Moore's Drug Store, • '...".' ".1 and sold cbesporthan be bought snywhore else. Let those who doubt Ora all anok see; and"they will ' " doubt no more. l • , , Inlyl' t i. IiOORS. . , G'i ,-; .• '] I •, . R y ib ,- - - 6 1AtSP)NAINDItY! < l O . SrPofra ;owl. poly, •zick °. 4 111 Pe' MAIGIMM ar.. BIPAIR sHop EOM 10 1 A.x.a.salcorr, (1t5.?4 , • pre4y,int COr;ffir,' PA: • MI ti-i :rflf , ;trikiltivcilieilia,d anti enkrii4my stock of maChin .l ery and tools, and having secured the serrices of the . best of mechanics. 1 am Ipes=o x4 warrant all ~.... . L ark done to gtve,iclik=fa of - ction. have on re C hand lSarsie- and Fi ' Rolis Wont ana am prepared to , make or repair all descrilayp tions of machinery, on reasonable terms. ' I PLOWS AND PLOW CAST:LNG& t I have hill the beet phiS i tern ut e that snit thin market -IF=la WO •U letinitryhteh has been the oat nem Aleo, most all other flows now or pre= In two. STOVES STOVES 1 1 have On hand and NM eclstb,cpille Ihisalledata I large assortment of • coolurto, FILLARLIZI Asti Incoyrniti linens -. V • 1., Of th e latest litylCs will withal] the modern Imprcir,e -• melds, which I - sell at' modern rates. 4lintong these is thatit&T 11.11PVIIIIC. Mb Stove has an extension which gives It a large surface without taking up rtioufgaid, Ms now looked upon as one ntrill• bad and mast economical, stomas Maks:oleos ( n il and issiersdburablkethan other In usef.Thefollouring = Agar, sling used thte stove fora considerable i g : pf Ilmeitnay be refend to In proof of what Is ' • , kers illte. 1; • Whams, Janos Richardso ~. i r tt e mne, d y , _ James McGehee, n, Capt. Woodson Olean, John w l„, i ; Thomas IL Davis, Mni. 0 3 1d0fuRaltr• - -., l: Simnel MIIITIIY. - OL' e . %Um,' - M i l s ram Slows, Uoldsidp, . wnn; - v,i i Mt GN4 ' E l eAft n i tt Robert McGowan, Samuel DwIRP. - Joseph Blackmom Thompson Joihnstry • Mrs. Joseph Mediu, Mr. Crawter....„ , . r ! Mr.. Mgor Whde. Mrs. Rim 76 . .) a* nineretni ( SIT . . iiM -1 1 — )ito`, , N. dr,' 7 .udge - .Y . David Lealck,, Richard Milk . t, ' ..-,, ‘ ,lllikpl,fainas Rotteri :- ~ ..) ~. . .- . • Fro , -Mit IL Thttle, ames Knowles, nom= Reed. poTamioca, .I. , lien* Rim .terJ ,- ' Mame Stably,' -57 c: T Jobn Nelanatab, '' Morsninn. t I2I Z: _rl4on, Y !' (,) CoTreVINEM. °211 1 2 w h ik. "5 • ,1 , ' E.A . •.• Ctlir Jobs :. mina Dad* 4 - '''' 12 a' Mama Baldwlty,. , , ton Reed; ' ' . . .9.XiMarke` l74- i lam GrOve. • J. V. Whsona, Washit NitilllL I .ll oLiticaalteakrb 8 : Zimsety, 1 ' thane% I RobeomasrtGrabatit. - Th -••';, Frit!ilt Redape.l , .. ,, 1: . • MINI litl= l . lll4 \J ME El . . • MAN. AIM" 1000 5 0 • Kra. IlePtitllotay, i " " v 1 . 11611,1,1 t Ili MN =I MEM Dos; Cheese- fowl ra irou POW! Mee, W.Mur. William Wager. /fin Gan z ; rat I *o4X4itit Vag TVA:3 91(X61 k, , • '4l.sP ' 4 I'o et ONE . , jkitilhoillablOsiSoieNOPOolloir!-Wooi of fitbilello troika tto moos D 00.16 deed. loto at Goo . -.( samme i allA ss i. i tpaad 41 . Of2LIC of timl v I sm T„"~ To the 1888, and Mt. 8. 18117, by the priseMir**n Springfield, Vermonkand ,saboorri dim its work well, mating ra in A= $ to 8 manta, we 'I S' It# bad Churn to market, to oar bari6lBllPa..:i D. Ye rJi,,iSill ;.• . M. INMAN!), WXYA1811: --Ba"24itir. 2, NIL CUNDALI. chumcd.lbr Me this anyerdint .willt his prim churn, be nim#_no st * a wake or caw sysissinprit, hasteallen gie , i4Dfthrtifli= urt V ra tbitliederitolittlig abooAlteemse• may. 10.1shii oat.? NentObtaidnima o ionablebei' taw so complicated that It 'Doe to wash them Man it does to el 17 Won* can be cleaned In lem time then , insidoned dub churn. I regard It as a grea t nd calm. hied to save woman much h DR} . .ll. W. mascot:, lES.V47 - 3NTALIVIEI I ; • MilEtsreparreti l key Iron; N iii, ohms, paid' tarn IhoplettentiP "A r ~•: ;v• 4 BliaLDEwlyiTS lIARDWARN,NICDANWS T COOIA, Aho,jigen e rfr the WOUILIWINStainfa AND IN 0 O WN` sit tbed '65 t a way, , New.Torlititan, PS. ; to / , toay7. . . S. WIILLIUCIII wuzitics & ELVITFORD 11 e atrA e l a gt e Z . N s 11 4 11 Eir BOOTS & SllOO4, Which they ire eellini at GREAT BARGAINS AND • rib - * r PRICE 8! Call and examine one Stodc - NO. 100 MARKET. STREET, Corner of Fifth, Pitteburgh;44 - : n01iT67:13. SIMON SNITGER 7 & I (At the old stand, and street 'Seaver, gssa:•,) • DEALERS ALL KINDS . O7 - - - - GRO . CERIE* COFFEES, TEAS', SUeirr RYA' itrA, MOIASSEB, SO Ii 'J RICE, PEPPERS, 8 ICES, I:IO',..SOAPS", CANDIES. RAI SINS, .ENGLISE. r. CURRANTS' zA• * C ' FIGS, • • -t s I& 1PA0.C71,, FEED. IW3IL G 1 AIR, fc. They are constantly receiving a fiesh assortment of these articles, and Om public may rely upon getting from them an good ad the market affords. All i reds delivered if required. ~. ;~ . R. A. ✓ Wilson, r, o .~ _'!~~~ • .(Late WILMOIR • BTEW/RT,) ,„ .; [1 DEALER.i 1 pots Shoes ' 1 I ti . ME Rubbers; 41 OI!• STAND. DIAMOND, , ~.R9CMteMi„ PA. •1 INlEr=ill SON & RICHARDSON' DA Heuer Fzlls, Ps.' , • ipr xvino JIIIIT MEN= A LANONIITOR or 1 .a.a. °actinium. i_ ' NOTIONSO, tr, . HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, 1 QUEENSWARE, ' TINWARE, • F;fi ()Oa "Sri".ll9Vaitri c. • Wtodow Moo all atm and double dal attention paid to flUbg ordersrtieattl,rl else window• amo. ate. ;; ' EMI i 0 LIMINZIID 1:111:::: CRUDE BURNME OIL, : BENZINE„ COALE'S PATENT 1i=211.-• Tab. ","I:at, ',iv*" plum, orranst In Ott. Pueblos's will do wee 'to esti sod_examlns oar stub of Palate bet* , asan/ mierraus. Alm, Choke Brands of Flour to Birrolsikd in backs. . NL ka ti F 81157 Pikletald*ehan g a fT; . I=ser:theptsee, 7et door Wei 1116 - 007"ry. mobs side of street. , .1720117:tf. • • ‘. ae. .la ••• 0 7 1 1600 1 d - a t 111 , orb: at b.* • UT OvtlllBl-11!... q . ari ;Toktieartra ,. ff „ IJ fir SILL. 0 • 0 r./141210 ~I E Pi 5,...,„„... „. ., , . il 01;,i ) TA Sim% ... 4 ,21 It ) 1, AI 7 , 1 , •^1.4 t.-ipLe , ",) ' 0 1141113-lib ~ ill t,l 'TT Uri ~„.... ~: o . p . . V . 1 , 41 - • ' 11 , 1.: , WIZ . 1,1111,y-aa i 1 „ .. „..... : Ii l e 40 .- . I 813 111 1 1111111 14 001)1 ....f: It) t , 7 t:10 0, ~ . -.11 ai'q" 1 :. , ‘ ,..:..r.Y . , ica , u. ,. z . ~i li, ~ .1.4 6 6 : ti ~4 t 0 ... 6 -_,,„_,, -..,...,,, a . m l 3-.). ' , i OD 1: ii.` r i ti....,f3Z;ht....,-,:1:1,:..1.., 4. j Ak i ::: •Jitikes . 'A4'ortu.lie's .•:-,,,:, INN TIEIV , DII9gOP 1 •,0 Ite^lA ..0 : ~ ROCITfif3T.EA„ MItTIVIC '''''' ME • , •44f not „ v a t : o ,,,, K gp t h mL .CaRAPINT Itighviapairwint.o• ,- syRAvE goomai AND KTh:ll/I....'PkVA• XOHAAND HO gr OP SKINT_SH,• ; - • , •, • 71DIRVANDOLOV7 , :k:, • .! „ _ :rAscirj,ooone . i • tt l aciik i t *l** I • ~, 4aireateboood toierlitt. ' „ .AOlTTsistritCH .Pitibm; paamplog, Pia . Itl og ind Ilaehfna Stitching to order Note , , Shirts made to order.' t. isouBEE I,tr.sllowilsiooDEL Remember - the 142 - o* - 00 1 11,...000 felliel .n rti r.ftE 451 A 411.0 ,1 2FD':. 0:14 0 4/1ESTEK P•V: .; . F : ORTUITE. P. P.. I bare oemedjthe Ogrrkeo of. Wkly GEALY c"./10,1r1111.21" tw.rwee. , , . 3. atswww. -ig 'ES 1 2:: ....,..- 1: ,p 0 ,P " \ FAV_O R 1 T E - ' '''''.' , i • .. 7 ‘:‘t .1- 14 1 ‘10 s ou 101 --- •)If ew , c rti cg* piil" q. nuaic kl res tore iarGnl ds e e d a ffdr. ' j MDcl c tsy4 !- , I 1 , ts'ra am Me Muderningr a i truaY Llama as- those who Wish tO 'Wasi— k. The beautiful gloss and pp imparted to the Hair makeit - egitdic,, t... fin. old and yo g. C CrAlise , • saii-isinisik • DEPOT, 198 011111:9111C118 1 9., L IL . 7 . „ flit .tirelava.' — ~ trimiy. t ME IMI c . Srino 40 4 V a llirtilto: 1 !sms , . tuu4siix— qamaatt=-4A % among . .4k e atv V, 41' . # -44 1 7 , BA CUL Pr:pridget . cr9i= IL .. lard dealerelte X n edNiies. pi " a" tn _lnagW6ol% °iit errTEßB l • EM ECM - ' t: ;410140414a AMAN V .1 2 '41 . 5 :'s -- flta Whet J._ 1 17-2aAas car4r,_.* • ' El Wi e ßees4,Nllenwriilx)tl 34i:a19610 weia ll El,poi. n::,.,. carts PERIMANt:AxI inow t - SNiikii, wirvterg=rbil.c.T. al will in lit cum v ia Digeotlott, e Secretions lot the sys tem to tho natural ehannelsalidgixs,., '...,i . re 3 tiVONE makNlV;Vlntlit i 1.1,11 , c4 , 'i , .-lln TICE— - t • - Yoitig iiir d id, Male and 1 M5 ,,..9.;40 ,,..9 . ; 4 0 It wit,hrgenderbal mew. ll_rt . .oks . 11 . t I i COMSOIR, 1 - - I'B o the i r .t4;thivirdeibi i i:x A . . • 4 m i l e tthl# filellir e =l* sountensai i m iry Des none other. Ask for tierso's Swimmers EilT. TM. Sold by Druggists and Owen: See I, Ng r illdniiiiintl•Arniabsoisk 01-eseir bider. - I ft i .. t I A .!' - ALFRED ...4 i ttije, l ll 4 l *, sbid IV Typpdriiy.l% York :L. ..l glir2taditikplied pi VoiinstoLllolifArsy A Co, PtilA i lelpidg , Tu.d worite: Ai - 1W r 4 1 1514 i liTlellir ll ow . oinsn!ii , , , •---- T . --.: 7 J.. ~,, '' ,I...iiT EEO ME AWE = YE lible ilair ReiWatiTe I t ; StANDARD !ME IN „ lut i t m, 4 o„ . . ma.” 7.2 • - " 21, 1 „' suer fie 0 41glie 'AZ idk 11104 a 1;) led 61* Awe ) IN: 1,0 , •.; Z 3 WYO.) Ril i k it O l g i g rt, .11411116 yylo " ellirwaresalCsr. • as& IF soiliEthuliWaL AA:, . fll ^.91 %a , F K.:' VOW 7: 64 GER Mr ; 4,lllmrliail *dm% remedy e m ktpit , Pilikaervit iumperaigi wialusdpir the 2nisfrnasiil/1, i n u ;s7 se r m igkieele. bet gift = i gi;= . ' laiktigoview tr e .Mar l eto Or Aram, - Pomo wq• rad prutgr i lysteirmihar thagriSOX ~lIIRSIE&BROTHERS, I . N EBB AND' ", Gsatteinees Falk Ming 43.1 A, 110: . 111511 . frAttA L IltliElt; ; _ _. . _l PI2 1 1113311R4it, PI:: It I. iaini. 1:7n:Alw" made to order ar OSOn ‘ XICOM _ . • -‘I3AILEy, FARRELL le' Leif :Tip° 8,604 'Bill:ea, ‘ I ;I ri ;TUFACTIMICEIEI, ALSO , ' n Pipes atibber , Haft, Skarn busses, Whistles & -Valves. Iron 1 Copper Sinks and Bnth Tubs, tac,in Puriir= romps ; ;k id 4, fis ;7 l ; tion o f; exkfor, :WATER,':. GAS , . 41; STEAM: No'. 161 ilmithitold tr ret, PITTSBURGff, soilifiirAX*sl4B4.• i Iserssludy, • MIT IC IN FRONT rtomrii`ii itrieleand German Sneer Instalments .111r,Ints • I ,asio. r Bide ; and Tenor Drams, Cyrelbnin and Thanides,. dke. t &e., At . 1 !!!'e t 1 4rig eth r • Etroulinducegserds ofilsrod to • : t .• BANDS AAfD 10 1 11041.1120. eeaewdpe~te lien ROHM/ & ; CO.. 5 W.:FITT 8 !TR,.alauT, 41 4471BLTRGH, * PA. Tigutinel , DIGANS , AND Imo drunk she_io non Assn= me 10 4 ,Knennalt3hreadisoUNitpad • ' • - , lleinemini 3 1147011, Zelda, X4,4i ZrifikaL,l tioorpeficifikoeiPitbigilkr Wlikagiiii3 -' and ' , Retail Dotal: hi .. ...._ i •ViIIItiFEWILIM EN WATIMDIAM 6 linik /Tamil L i tilaeetWale. rtakkelbela.:PlateArre'ot evert , demiptieii.77llas eats, ‘11p00n0,... rroree. &el,' Witco 1 *Age : tookita loateeitd. and agevny of Use oelebra-: __.,.._.-,- :- , • i- • - • ta r AkilajlelCAN Vann. eac. Iwo n Fvul im r,orrieverj ."l. ll4 Airiedcan =la ' • • ' ...... - lime ari7citrkiiitaieft. .., . 1 ”... - - iisisWolitny article in our line Muter a .1. 1 , rguessatotitwitteir own use. will isili4ll ll4 4 • ',.. our lower and our ausomneut lager. Pew _any to. be Sound A • - west oili est York city b.::: • ___, ~ •_. _.. WATCH RSPAIRINO.. Ttithitt bonen of minds (being' ourselves pratil cal wetelk halters) wo pay yeti, Apeutal attention; we gla ir " a k)i d g6 U (lnhe vn" lii P t* ila cid ille ' Z a t sisi and an a ihr. jur delica te 1 4 1 o. d ind a d r iai en- MY oil -- utmost satlatacitinti Wort inay lut r a j, _1. 1 ! " RV_ .411 ° `XESIN a 821 Dig, .' • . •' t Wbolesale an WWI Jewelers and . 511 r rmltks,l -- - 42 F!/la aired, Vigil. rprlireEkly. , - .. : i 7 •, • ' , ......•,, , ;_and Slimintlsr MI • - . • Wir. AMT • IiSCEIYED Fro& ,OF woDti. of the . “Tpit ST,TLIS, Xsor i ppthili 'and. SanninieWean MS Ghoullexica?* Fairotbkln Geoid. _ . COMITAItTLY ox RAM). =I 'CLOT,II,I*Q4 NADI. 11'0" 04DB11 In Wanton most ingikkisige /gym', end ill i ii# ! # 1 01. wngorwaciii . :• • anitinntninn PA. ~,. r ~J: :t'. Tl , :ix:N : v.*:.4ig:, , • q WIEOLI;aAX,E , ; AND •• Copper . & Sheet •-•.. • Irian. Ware. - .:, 1, ~~% sltterso TM" Puaimmung w AR z . wtde r TM, vomit aslaW4H ton AND 7.-eIirtr.PES.DOWEJIT;PENII ..v.)Nr vO. - fpouthig &Jai work pone to otter to the to dice s m Ited ! , 17,1,7! uri o, tratognoothbot *obeli of sotetlal. and' hot* foal --fap0v...41 ,1 1 1 1 . 14° 1: 11114 , , 1 4 .1 1 3 111111 1 16 ! Wig WARtANT—AtL—Witlif • j.;.; a oc. _ • , ON 2719Z0WE2 END OP 11.3-4-K; 141 7l llaidUlni. C 41115 14 1. 1 i as 1 , ;, I i 6: - ..r..: * iza cALIAIRIMIIk PA. . I::: :,n N me , ~. ,I aid Jaiiiinbuiiii key consttntly,doW; ••••, .ivtibiti •;;,...,tt al 11::-..:ie“ !uiy: %. , :. - ."0 LL.C.^,I : ii:., gi.j :4t .Al. 03 ~. r.1 , 1;e1. ii i i i i i,:PA . o.a. AN Ji MAI* . nasal Moir. ars'AVitaliwass.ol - , C314:10007Z/61,! , MEI=• ME =MN • , 't *USA UNDO or ENE LainDSo6oll la ;trogfAXI ligi A Alallialibil* Ink WM ' g1e,;....,.. • rd i blidbleili " ' .7...'" . ..1..r., " r • ---... ! "UMW , • • .. e • , .. -'• . . ' r trft' -"F ' 1 144141111 . r •'. •- MialleUltiell • • sadijai l Met ovl tbe . : .1,... 11 -g . 6,,A : 10 i , .t . . • : i . , ei gr - -14 . t, , , r . tlir'& 9lls % •• . • , -,A . "`' . ' l " P t.'C' r , ~ ' AS& It . %. • • ~Ilt ,iddea l phme it air I F • 4•: - . - ci:eacalmass eser:thilie. . .v NO S aw ' , ... tat -- 1 ' Itil Olitak =itevres tieWM 4l : 44 Me • . al. ' - " 4 rT;T:t:A - t - T i 11 :. t's Ow OW - • - liAnotitir i rlarr ".I .4,_ lAte - ,wiAttessow:li,;..on — l'oiewilis ,ig. „,, .7, , , ~,i.,,astaitilookrta.; !VI, 1;•; yr, t.. 1 .. .. . While bl de iiiiir ille44lllrd 'Ol 'the '114111t; =e oash IMMOMINW_ ..g . Mr At thelptet of thi C i sirCk tre a gyspd • ea i Y Pr. Wane) . g Iheleeto Idle go; tat med. It wilk Olt . ~ law Mr. altri : foM=... ta .litoliawit tribr iiiiiailial: , I piThee — w"id timi;ail vtaistager=l thralleee. l tpatehased; mad bata enemy isle*. .w.eahler Itimaperkelamey ace na Verte wed.. It 11 "the eledeti teveater Wes* sieve all , that could Iml ta'a•c(!cll . tliw stem • ••,,,.) ~• • -0 , • - •••• . ,-..• . ~,,_ , ,•• , ,• , ~ •Care.lluili*llecaurtos. Tbstle. iite 'Odic. .I,oerme's se* , Stove"ta aae, , lama teuyeadoni l'aipt.Reatlletaseestatemeati'-- , E 0.,1 ~,: ~.. -'• ,/, 0, •, ' , ~. Jaca.-1/1.• illfaurvest.i„ .. : nee one et, Aedeisos'e Devi fiela,:ase,Afp Itil=orao the abase reeaiwteadidlee- ' • Hain ono trl Andissoifi SOWN 4 ase. we ara al/ aatiaaasi srpb hal ' 98slitbs kali re. _Owen litvoirlaw m.. 1 • , . ''' '''' ' " '-. ' . ' llociariss. Mw.lititli. w . kept ispewasorw Wig thre...asel ;wits . - innilii:N3okatavflsofOlterstlattwan NA tossider.7:4hid. Wear Asirmoclkftwere, la 'po i economy In wad =kw fps 44" ippostar_Sksey w• •Will,turn ••11 lip. eowlica . lllt, • ~: ~ ! o•',lalat i l um _LIM* ifs Ow l , dott. . • • • , ~. ZwAlti Liestnis. •,,-...--•••• , •...•• .....: ••:... a..- • .. , ...,.f.... .Vl't ." 111 • lite - liais.owellir.lLA Andersen7e.,ircer Aortas MEM al the Roclpeeter roun_ft and baring. gieba l lti ld f WA we Bud ft so allthat kes.been haat ler IC It brine Ivry _rapidly; Ulm but Mkt Ina% and moat =afloat baker. Mr. An. 'demon may congratulate blmeW en baring addend ample a - trlintTh ki kW line of Gftri , g Mirror. • ' • Very_respecttelly. .kicarr,liorr, :sOl.lBlll. 8. Bancitsr. S. klarvey, . OE CiMM=9 & " " Aim ME Hardware. OEM HA :agocsa i r Eso 04 k . BAND_ A 'LAB" AND Tclik ; " " §r, ":.'" ‘ vheeile ' • ibt,s lo Pia:.! " ".' • ' R It' • - §yruPs, • ; 12., HEWrelArre*re o, NAna AND WNW* jelliSS, MEM SVON.EIirA RE. Pine:Churns; • • Frick licassuropo, ' . Oak Churns -"If Bush. Wasuree, ij.:WilknraeakettV" •' • - §pl.4 itiasiuota. :Pare WIN CHOICE , FAMILYESOUR By the_ Barret or Ig,t3acke;cosas ' • rioes t•ery aud- • 4 S. .I.IARVEY. o,trrials. • , ' ' Fyidgewlger.ra. A.**OtpmSttire.' tVA , MEM Tff,s".A;:" ANDERSON: ":,11 PROW IST ,Comier. 'dot St. and Diamond, .13351. Is vITEft 2 . 1.1/4 ATTS , Moit or THE PUBLIC gescrwy to s aseottaxat ot• Medicines ', -A; 1 . I Trr S 0 Li% VARN.IS HES, ME . at; To fact reeryibriht IWO* kettt 1124 well appointe d Drugand , ftemlait Mato 41:adirtlehir111be odd at the bweg i gshl. !limn opeteleatt lea a due re gW e he t Aitiet admetal otteiton to business towaitWeometteg'oisqaace tho'pateau, eel boat fired' upon tut: , • • , • • - 17108:'A. TE108.. ANDEHMO'N. ' valuta NE .' . 0„4"41,4tt ,GROCERY ... ~ ~°: ME =HEM t POW STORM =I MEM eser. IliaMeged (*Naas sal new Tmlig AELoipheisteri ) .lE o B.; ; 1 , • ;;"- ; =I ..,,a . ;.-ft L.,; By CQZ& 4.G. ".g. EMIR ~., '. I • 4 't•l :.•''' MOSE 'irWrite7ollo? . ''' "' s i!., , , r -, ) al , :dl :0 , 1,› i t.r. ~,...7 , L rI"4T. ~- . ,r. .4,,. 6.ctii,•:061,0,44*. I 14144. Mt ..Ir2lltijgft Itie 4 , sylr. mom _lhatilmesolo. kw., - -E , a) , l IrMaisailteden-*is, iii " lM :" ' - ,T a 1 0 1 .;;., 7. 4_1 , • ffli babbirltue, and tbirlope ,-in sal ...u.. ~..o.oa ttaestotts,i 0:W.A.% ci r.r 0, .4=4: Or Ye.Jr : • .4 :....!^:`..r...41f , •7 Iv t.t.:.•r2 , 4 V , a'l ;'t , -1: , r; •ir. , Ij44O.4IO4PtiaPSPrPOIN tabilliffiilig 1 r . 7 E ,l, l‘6lTtvo r.214f.! ) 114 1`2?1 4 C.4.71:.••••f 1 1!1•1 :,:: ;4 1:: '..:...)1. :41•14VVE & bAjui t iali r. l . t-...,:i... .::, 4 4.-*. ,1•7...'."1.. , W4 11, a.: 6...• ...‘ - •:ii*ogAm)vt.• DBALIW MiS =EI MBE 14.1 0,1rItt:.•• .f3O • ' "a , r MEI 'AIM =I MEM= ,: .~ ..., 4 1 it ..1 , TEM tr,:,#.;‘;',l:•:tf ad) . '.:117: t•-%‘: - t•fl t 7 --: : - . ----.-;: - . - _ -- 4 - .7. - :: ---- ; 7 >a.ntinl. r...,19-,s: • brz::o4 , 2 : Gil of t-v,t•iN, i',1:,,,,;4_. 1 Cf/:I3frifIRRIAIII nAiiiilinkto, L.i!?d :, - ;11 prdlrniterl!'. 4 , : •tia .1; V) ntr. .1 _ tp47.4.11;',C1' 3 014 Sti.;: ery: 111 br,l bzi. ID • 44, .I,nln xvif.; Sat. it I e 11,1‘ Limy:. 4...1511:14.. ~.4,^,;.enf cl i -• .. . ...• ~t,„• ......, 5 ,„ : „ .. ,,, v0 .,,, & • e .„.,...., T.: .:!.' ..i..• .; 1,, .11 1 1-7417W5 EIRI 4 F•l•po.r. 1,1 . : =MEI ~u~t !: ~ . c:r . '!" ENE ME ::',.':111),CRE5T14.4 ,- ._PA'.; .7 , ,1 .0. It EST RECNIMIXTROMIIIE **St A LARbilt. Algerb=o9o4lBtack of gassed Metyliso4io • , oar boo" cotteligoir of • _.- , • N'EW 'PRINTS,: NEW DELAI27E~,- - OINGHAIKBi CHEOKS. ..p' LB, all cold's. JE,A4NS. to , „ - . • TWEEDS, • ' „ CRASH, • DRILLS... • BLEACHED and BROWN MUSLIN'S. NOTIONS pr LARGE 'VARIETY. sod BAIAORKL, BOOTS sad SHOES„ Purebleed Idl4l In libitait. at kraut cash Prima andsoldstsurrommEktil " 33E ar r e. INS •A'ttiltriliote 81oklc jdet piuribird In ligw Tent and Thlidelpida, Of , . , . MECHANICS. TOOIT.; TABLg& POCKET. CAJTLERY; 1' mNU]s;T Nit 10.103ZiellatiDfl wen IN ORicATtuturrY. „,. NAIL ST 3dRUPAC'TEEING PRICES IrLYPOW:„„GLASS =II davit" . az4.double.strenstb. it /Imbue! • ,Ptiba.tE. Oils. rweicu, i=wwe cO.B, CELEBRATED BUCK LEAD,. at wbolatala lad.rttalt. COLOR . Ep, PAINTS dAQVirts.' DRY AND IN OIL: MINEAAL, PAINTS, LARD , CARBON' OIL, OAST9II.OIL, ' " 'l:',4rr/XPIZEN'E and MILS'S P44=.W. DRl7lli. 4001E.8 and Stationary Cii-xecockariess: BAIN:IIN,IIIXV 4 DES.IIIIOIILDERS, Xitse I'OHIC, LA YID, &C., M. • IMII FLOUR .pi tr ind. erect tiro Ca, - 1 VW AB Neap at totastiy Protium takes kl excbaniio fos .good/• ' - 4 1 i 1' , 2 1er7 . ken . 14 darts" vaLt:"Asn Aiziacoik9Erß WIZ =II IMII S•'J'•CROS - g''.&:Co. tr., f • ME ISM =DJ nr , a.t. „ •, Aik e 01143 6. 4,4 ~44 v. 2 - 4. •: 4 h) • f.": • '3 ••'• ' lattraty t • •• .1 ).• ES „Xi !-e3.-Til 11111 , ~ ~ EMI ~ ,•~~ CM 1, ,Y" . MU ®ill ITIMEI RUE NEW MUSLIM, • •• f:ITME lIM =I HATS and CAPS, MEE =0 IMO • . • . ,•• BUTTS MEI LINSEED OIL, rrr. Assotaximr. =EI ~~ ..~~: 'i .F+ MIMS "•J 1111 4 1 .! ~ , . .. wii::::::::::„. .. 1.4e,:n.; ti:ltgriyilvor Dam A. 14. panted to euLltadegaLened, all • Jukb 4 • adeleirlitalii.wq , it tolnake =l ite t.. t t to rogillfumallatma agalturtlaie was ii - i — r l ' vkitalt lOU r.! Ipown the' me without deti,;" v "i lept.lres t . •-:--- —.WILLIAM GLENN, A "'• - . cla••r. rm airy. • anew szprednEß a nd_fhli nubs& 416.511521141. Miltdal• "Pal Ns la by M! t a r estabbob the repatatine at the tta vebolaratilp In every branch stun. at 4014.:„ airtiporian t that poplin abooki b, tut the school, and eutail,u. mein la their a atom. tl*axing bed tereY one hundred enrolled dada. : 14 year, we hope tar a,• burr. sr year. ..D.,11:14. 31' L N, yggll'ektf• • - . Bann ID/SMARM JIM KINDS OF ili a Fcts•ir m . A ilonz, ,, Peadi- :111e al &o , ez z r th nij e d r i frplycirs altlian... sakirekou delivered whoa de .6. ti coud Iko amortineu P' AIL K t ni tali = 4 - .4,1,- e'ryi Conneiticot stmt. tow its" pat , 16 ,..„ hew, In Rochester. l's. LlunaGN. B, W &W. J. SNODGRASS,. WHOLF.SALE V0.77 4 :21-,0- ST S CORNER OF Vedeisi and Inceek atreeky Alleagenr, • (Finst carom below D.Tot,) DEALERS IN LEADS. PAIXTs. VAR.vIBIII:N, DYE-SWAM (1/ENC.U.s, • PROPRIET.inr MEDICIXEs. you. Hwy duff QJJ47C ran:- 80APS, ToD.ET •• %i• 'I FANCY GOOlks, eke., dr. JO= .C 11012.. - JO ;CPU ' , mums . CROFT .& PHILLIPS, Real Estate Ind Insurance Broken, 139' FOll RTIP STREET; PITTEMIIRGH, PA. C RAVE A PRINTED Alf AL ESTATt REll W ter tontalulnle a fon detrriptlon ut 'melon prior and terms of an the propenfix entrarded tom art for isle, ,Three coasist of Perm., Griet Houses. Lots, tam Coal Lend. Coal N nrk.. rod lo• time, Wes Lends Hotels. Tannerlee, (Icy i n 4 Suburban : This Register we peat urn times alter. Xny, September had J. ry 'Parties wish gto buy Or sell Reel Bast,. no ofl,- 04' where the tlon., should not fall to et.a„, Register, a cup of which eta be had by iw ur, u4 our addreee. ity,nusubtor now 67:1y. ,coryarauartv lOLICITXD. • liquelfrr Qtrcau PAMER & . 1 ,1 1 11 I LLI Att OA! lON E ERS AND olontmielon Opera liaise Auction flown, No. OG ?Inv srhwer, PITTSBCC 01.1 Boots, Shoes, usrpets, Dry Goods and Notions AT PUIVATE DAT I L: DAY AND EVENING. alartreitly. lit? - 01WLD WARE STORE wfurrsibEs & DRUM, L=G=C= HARDWARE STORE, 70 • eXtiPRAL ST, ALLEGIMW Near P., P. W. AC. 8.8. Itspot. t 'WiERR 10ET ' W ILL, KERP CONSTANTLY 01 t/did 'ivory description of i • II A R W AWE. Laski. Moms. jixtlh Gird, dub. Grind time*. thu , etc Picks. Axes, and all kinds of Fiumbur Y d GO. dating.g holden:mar. whiolevado sad rata Cupami and MstWary Duller* can alwara rat a 'apply at ""‘' ;DRUM'S PATENT satrrry.o ut NOE LID SASH PULLEY; Our Wham and tenet will bo as tacurabla at an hi, foltatt efeettittitLi." PureiumennalSelag 'on the Railroads. can two lima Atrj c an aL ared at the Depot' , hy• of charer Ns'urrmiDa; .DRum. I B. 1I!1UUC C. mitstacx KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS Car Factory Buiklings, NEW BRIGHTO* PA • MERRICK & .ILLVVIINCTURISES OP 4.YD 117101IYALA AND aITAJL DLILERS LV COOKING WOVEN. KEATING MONKS IOILLin MIM ONTI k g. and MIN, k. Ruby Cooking Stove N 06.1,8 & !%. • „ . . 'VEIN STOVE TOOtt TIIE PREEIrI AI X the State Fair ea a Coal, Cooking atom malt' at *Senate County Fair. We use ma amp troa manufacture, but make them eseltadvoly of No.l rit Natal, and wartant them In ovary Teepee. The Ruby hem the *neat oven la the VOW act consumes but„ Sole Stella baking, owing to fo out , " proved Orate: , ' • • GRATE FRONTS AND FENDERS. ea in the toaanfietnro of Gnta F6adi" W 11302 camp' In *none coo loon, *Wood quality and toe flauett. enlisba re blur Its ROM be a long time, will Not taro atr. Walcea 6; 16611 ;immix finish to that of Coal T' tio'l'i3.l;iCke)A . 41 ;": 1 anklur MUM boa gammh Memo OW H h o =hoiTc,applied thr • .pahcatirsai uP Pew- Thai am mach talz ttkva mach cheaper. ' • • • REATDIG 19TOnl!. WeAqui the bin teei beating Stove to the Wk.' inrlning t is ib:d°ll : l3l. W ea w tbe isi . .. it abli lea 7l: lool 7 . " : ll-1111 : 116 7 '11114 ; 111111 7 1 17 isc bCS E rie d uT e441 :; C : in unt : 1 1 11 : 12 :: 1 7 1121 t pa t o ris C7 7: 11,4 :;:: : ad' oaks work... , • 7 : O A • LtrAtifkilrol • 1 . wawa w,seetlidoo 4 Pilaw Ls* to Una& o ar. co iodo Illc H II II II II liiii:=2l r. A. ItkIICA, J. Z. lI:CILUT. 111111