The BeaV*4 BSAVEH...6~I~iLBSB9;7BAB~ F.;.4 b o ca . I sin'd.'iltifiv.,lllftwiell44 The Ana. es imisinc;iv ilin „ a l l y paper publlabetla Vat] enmity Akt ertlserg ulllnromolethelro inter. ny lienrinm'tlits In Ynlnd. RATES OF ADVincrEspra. 1,4 I=3 I• - • - ••-• - • - •. - ;us re —lO lines— 0400 5300 Fqnsma • .3 110=11110 Throeorporee,.....:... Four squiunt+.•!. . . .... 500 6 OD, 6 A:41,8 one .roueth c01Dnp...;,.: I 7100 10 00 One-halt column 10 110 14 00 lbe column ' 2O 00:2500 A &Ili nlpitildhe in 00 special Notiets, op-paythents to be lade 4,l,ruketly,eit4etitt Adlertieing , which wag pa idib AdTauc r . -4_ IRO of Mei 4rpmteriScr;.ll*. tiitr•week teettif bn the sth of Bweed4ber. 1568:• . 1 . • . , 7..6. N, . • NII.T. it:' 44", ii,„. ..___.-- -- --;-,--- , A., u , t ai 74.deg.' ' 65 deg. 76 deg. ".. al. 73 deg. . . 61 lig. 51 deg.. ig.„t e n i bee .1... •TO deg. •78 leg.. CS deg.. -' - i 60 deg . .546eg; . 65 deg. ~ 5, 68 deg.. 71 deg. : 61 deg. .. 4. 1 65,deg.. ~ 73 deg. 64 deg. 5, I 66 deg. :76 deg. - 63 deg. trio. illitteltail, Jr., 70 OM sireek"- bkrotil fh building. Pittsburgh, is the authortzelf 'agent for Tit Anon In that clef. NEW 414111STSCRifijikrillEN The attention Cif the Fettle is stihscted awing new adretilsementa, Which tippet ant time In Tux Anima today. jatim'r. Notice-1 , 7m. titray Cow = -GM. Cdi. ' r _ FNatire to Stock)tnidere—Chtlit. M. Murit r . rinTaa. CATTIM4I-.Attnineyat Law. IV Notlee to Stockholdere—rhas..ll. Hurst. or Stoien—Mra. Etta Leech: ofiinill4l Furnishing Goode-41. &B. Deep & rerseeinc , Machine —Settler & Btoopa. ' • Notice—O. A. R. girtipecial Notice—Monitor Lime Jurors Take Ifottee:—The Iconet and " of haver enmity have. decided not to hold court In this next week. being the 2d week of the term. The IttenAmire of the Jurors, thereirge; for that weeg, will not he required. J. S. iliTTELLEiberiff. We ore Indebted to the IndOstry Brien Band torn .er6oittmit Tomlay evening of last wesk.- 71,, ,, : miwte Iris god. • • _ An rine:Moo tot alprtane. On e . ttka.*s places Ut at,iturc toutirl cdsitationts At tb NOTlrmil /Mho* Write for Its .Address J. A. C l oopei,- . Edlel- Lori). Erie Co., Pa. The Groat Ansorltint flair Preparation, grained at. home sud shmad,li WA lisle Restorer" or 'lmolai:lg (In one bottle). Agrsut trlomeSi of scionco, 1110 s. A: ALUM'S liirnovito.f Heir eft44' trori . Dfritglet sells IL Pries, ono Donn. Minh Meeting...4i Myth Meeting ender tte an 'plan et tbe M. 8 Church net* pbtepiittl be *eiint. meneed in Mr. Ifinle. grove neer Beaver opine xt nines *. morning, and iftbe weather le livonale, will entl- Unue until the &bobtail' awning tollowtng. , The Reperbllesta Wellies' at Darlington on srt Thatmlay , edit g Wall wetl attchded. ItileetTidt In that locality Peetied to De preamit, beelike wren. ken wages . and Aarriage loatial Of frOVIO: fltOm qits nrighborhood. The meeting mita add:44l,6d hy J. F. prtro, Iraq.. and N. Weyand. Thank .—Ws arc under oblizations to our friend h. Wolf. EM:, of Brighton township 1W a Whet ut mo.t evaellent, Ape peaehea. Mr. Wolf is a good hit grower, a mound Republica" and a penitents* who belleveis that printers entirelish the iota!' things of ads world as well so other Mortals. ' • Bocindren. rthum Co-, PA.. , .14ApA•110AP Slit MS, Editor or Thrt.iltdre.f• .11spie . • wipb to Infottn.lhe Illemnattle ;iert: not the Botch. rt (t t 1 L WI not snorted In killing hltthe bogy or there droold not hove hem' any left to c,otreetiorirl with the Iwo, from Itoehrger.• It. L. S. INDUPORT, BETTER Co.. r I September sth, ti S. lqe rite hearer Arm ' " lie re;• in circulation throughout the coutity I intended to pot: for Seymour and Blair le_ un ‘l, Aelf and rat p lly aro for Brent and Colfax all ,„ Joidx. Amu./ • ' t c . Vote.t , -That the. soldiers of the . ...err not, hi the opinion, of Horatio tley rote. is proved 14 hie veto ot, the act. or Ymic.ll.egislature which •Omvided for their. J hots. being taken In amp Mid field. Ilia veto bean ,:te April YAM, ISM The soldiers iof Pennsylvania , ill:ernainly resent this Moult to tliqtr comrades of g ibe Empire State, 'T , i • Darllncles Wide.Auftikrelite itepnbli rnp of Darllhgton and vicinity arc at work, and will do good service. While out there on 'last Thateday ocht. we 'that they had organized a fine company of a ide.amakeft, made up of the moat respectable and aPtirr men of that Incnll , tJ. We hope theywill make !!.alt to %Irk tMe ••neck of woods" semi:dime during • ! tie campaign.' . The Itepti bile's's,' of Raccoon township are worker.. They have their party well organized . and will have very nearly if not their whole VOYk out. . they held a meeting at timlth's school house on last Frbby el ening. which araz well attended. A good 0.” club IllMele with their 'rant and CoMg club every x•ek anClornifites the people with some eacellent, rlnni:ll,:n conga. Raccoon will do her duty npt only Cl the November election, butes° on lb. second 'rues, day of October. . Grant and Colfax . Pole lialating.—On Tnoe fla evening M Mot week Mr. Richard BrOWOo - of this !dare tubed a Grant and Colfax pole, measuring( over ; , 0) fret le hig:d. A healthful deg doeht, ftottt it.- - quite n crowd of people were i t attetidanee when:dw: tittle was raised. After ft was up and the work all N;mpleted, they mare three cheer,. for Mr. Dimwit. ?Mee for the limn three for Grant and Colfax , and three for Master !friary Weyand for climbing the pole after it area up and ueloorlog the ropey, need lee tits ,eretti Yen• Directory—my .iforePla, W174 , ,1es of Pittsburgh, Pa., is compiling a hhectory for the Beaver. hlahoningS Sbenspgo Val- Irr Rail Road : a work that Ia to Contain the Matta! 11111 ITAldenee. of all the inhahltanta of the tlitteretre town. situated 90 the line of the road. It will Mani rontain a stathdleal exhibit of the manufacturing . and miller rompadles, with a historical stet& of the ear. sentemint of the towns, and other informatkott or. rains. This work wewonld recommend to the pa•. tronarr of the County. , We tnist.that Mr. Wiggins Mil reerl‘e the support and patronage Blahs dreams ln the enterprise. work sll' be cotirpleted and reidy,,for, delivery •:ember. The subeeMptlon jtkie Is only ho hare not yet sulbsctibed.and wish to do so -•ad their orders to the Publisher. Address' - Lock Box 24; Allegheny City. ' • onto: _ . - - , Patriotic Gems from the Neit Preddealm F or u nm e t ( w o o ,•'' • , ' g, ; ! . . upi -"I CARE NOTHING FOR PRCIigTION, 80 For Vallandighem (Copperlicit4) 4 I oNG AS OUR ARMS ARE succEssrm." . scatterthg_ 1 I . - Grant to Sherman, February , /NC - • . The soldiers barer not changed In, their political and will rote wt ettli greater . 661661611 17 for IF MY COURSE IS NCitt SARY4FACTORY, RE- views, MOVE HE AT ONCE. IDO NOT V7)1311 IN ANY their great Leader and Captain, Hama S. Onawr.— WAY TO IMPEDE THE SUCCESS . OF OUR ARIIM. , Han 7W -Grant to Hallert, February 6, Mt • .-- "No THEORY OF.MY OWN WILL EVER STAND iN . THE WAY OF I MY ,KincuriNG IN GOOD 1 FAITH ANY ORDER I MAY RECEIVE FROM ! ThosE IN AUTHORITY OVER ME..' -Grant to Secretary Chian, Nay 29, 2863. ' 'THIS IS A REPUBLI4 WiUDIN TIM WILL OF lilt PEOPLE IS THE LAW °Tim LAND." .4. - -ortzre letter to Provident Johnson, AsilusingV . ' ~./ SHALL HAVE NO POLICY OP ItT , OWN TO ,N TIRPERII AGAINST THE wns. OF THE PIO. "Grant's letter, Kay, 14, HMS. I ' •.. —• ' 41 Plism umurrrTits ONLT TN= 6 6 0rX- DATION OF maw; GOVERmart" ' - -': • Mg • letter to eitlasse of Memphis 'LET 178 HAVE PEACE." . - Ortare letter. May MIMI. t` d ikellttae p a s • =glie 1 ti I idly located fav ideate at °unbar . bid villegai. The plateau upon Which It Mande is ele used about one hundred fbet above the lard alas Ohio, and by the gravelly and sandydaimittiv of this adios tit oreMajW4 040 ' lll 7 and Irani. 'ARM edifir tv*y' alk" .0/431 hills, quietly elejAitito the hi* : of erun e .2. o hundred feetjormlngan outline of hmesimipe otioni pima toreibuir and bostity: The ;writer .bas . heard • 'those who have traveled extensively declare that the :Ward scenery around thletyren NW:equals that of any in their travels, • Then; there Is a sense of - repose which comes over one on entering ibl &ea; with its avenues an hundred feet in width, that mast be really delightfa to ale whaesa all It hoses. Several parties doing bisineahi oar ddea bava re. eenlly.Ocklltd " 4461 . 1 0" 1 - 1 n' l , lB o l Aits 411 1 . L 0 #6.ii ". .1 .* • arm its beanty;red remelt', and yet aeeesilbility— helm quite near .the Nadia's. of the Cleveland arid Chleagoyailraads—it has i4est siMitess of for many ) : Years as an aibairable dusatioa kw a' school of high grade, and.thasuateas thaehas attended the Beaver Seminary, under the beiedag one of „the Pittsburgh Conference, has fatly justified the faves9ititat Itsfl'ass. den and fisrOtiende, nisawriallari mei)10)1 Nabob and the iameseieti:lierter. . am 11:11 Poo l * op to al tmlio Co 5 00 11 00 11 00 1 1 8 00 10410118 00 f 51,00 18 10 5815 CO 1? 08,15 00;40 00 IP 00.40 80 TS 00 Those who have been lunillar with' ths sesdbary building in the pot wad sattelY recogabethe plata, labniofekunormunented hfilididg In tits peening let tastefhl Mucha°. • Daring the aucatkni Lairds roof, With Rost gable, condos and.braekets, bat been ;Awed OtOilihe building; triblig . Ifitibi 614 tae PrOportloniand of tichhocturii beitif4 aetatticit eiuipatb eibobi • balk:Nis with ant inititution. The Interior Is Wag painted. - 11- 41, and ratted gewsrallY, so that with, e 411101111. TO grtillll4ll and fine profaned* , free Itaa!thil smoke, add confusion of the 614; it I. A very inviting spot In which to place.' daughter fbr obtidnthg an educition,Uspecially whini iho can be left under the care of persons so well fitted for the position as are Profeelor Taylor and hliiexteillibt LaAK;Thagf so d Deed making their sefeaot - Wind - one. tif ttias aria should be—a Wilt lidme Jamily engaged' in one , bona mon pursuit. .. • . s 1 ~'AYttltL.t is itit 'fur the • • • The faculty In the Literary BritDeilitdient;i Pre. Taylor at its head, Is maple, and we belleva intsuirgoi se,d In qnalificitidns or experience.. The *ries are as extensile as In any }ramble . Milegialifte State. , 1 •• The Music Department Ws* gonad years been 'a source of great attraction at. this 'place. Lanka fre quently devote thentseirsa • entirely' to music. • imd at Its last ConOinceilitqit. Wend 'graduated In Its ma-. steal eirtise. ' 1 '' • ' -. , The Painting Department is under a lady eminently qualified for her position, having been tar years a int pH ot-ane : of pttonniti:it : snoo deroted saVaaodr. Alfred Will. This 'school has always bad the confidence and sup port of very many of the most earefal and thoughttn members Oita *adenine ebonies. and 'tor the last two years a daughter of our much esteemed Blab op Slaiolterhas beetai member of It. The Bishop was present at lts late Commencement, and expressed himself, greatly pleased with the con ,u. and ,con 7 z duct of the school. The prospects tor he boarding department are very good, and there shoilo he no de lay in writing to Prot . Taylor , - as the neit presto. opens September B.—Pills. Christian drocate. Agrlewitatgal.—Board of Managers met at the Sheriff's often pn nMant to , adjonmmerjt, on the Gth day of Sept., 1868.. Thit following resolationi were pass and Commit tees appointed : • • W. A. J. C: Wilson to t the Eating 0 121 - 024,..u1iinh0 las Todd, appointed as Captain of Police to keep order on Fair Grounds. If. Anderson and W. A. laird op pttinted to re at itraspoy tor sowers, end i prolent the Economy Society 30 complimentary faintly lieketi.— On motion the fee for entry at stock gate be 25 cents for single beam and 10 cents kw pair of homes. H On motion a prembma of 3130,00 Awarded to. the fastest trotter best 3 in ik . go as they pita*, titti leis than three entitles to make the race.. Time, 3 minutiae confine/2 to ttle'Oottnty: Also* premium of $lOO be awarded to the fastest pacer, beet 3in eve, go as they please. not less than three entries to, who the nee, Time, 8 mitintes, confined to the County. • . On motion proposals will be received up to the 25th ofSetetember from the sevsna Brass Bands fee music at the Fair, the cheapest and nest to be employceby the society for 3.days' serytce, proposals to be fleetly - , ed by J. R. tia;rsik, Secretary.' On wanidu:aittinineent of $lO be paid for the slowest mare, home, mule or ass, to wine oft onihe last day of the: Fair, not lees than b entries race.. Tedper amt. will be charged on each entry. Attest. . , ' li. ANDERSON, • . .1. C. WeLsoN, . - President. Grant ChM Orkinizedt-'-At i ineeting of Re publicans of Darlington. Pa., held at Darlington on Tuesday hied. Ist Sept., 11468;,'ftir the purpose of or ganizing a Grant and Colfax club. The meeting Wee called to cyder by electing Dr. W. C. Shprlock Chair mad LieldAriM. O. Cone;',Secretztir.!ltmlegibitantion and by-lawa'of the Grint and Colfax club we then read, and signatures requosted cm:membership where- upon 40 names were signed. The meeting then pro ceeded to organize the club br the election of thefol- Inning °dicers : President; tit.; W. C. Shirlociii— Vico-presidents,' John C. Heart and A. J. Welsh; Treasurer; J. A. Andersen ; Secretary, Dr. N. D. Cone; Corresponding Secretary. S r M. Rider. On roottion the Chide proceeded to ippoint the killowidg etzlimittee On finance, John Grim, Dr. M.. D. Cone and Jos. An deism, • On mincutting,. S. G. Ciimpatiy‘R, .0. • Cook, A. -M. Mechlin, J. 'P. Marital, Mo. Omit, R. A. Cochrane and John Kerr. It was morel and (*fled that the memberehip . fee be 50 osista. , M:WiWinitited and carried that the club be known u the Darlington Grant and On motion Tuesday night of each week was Made ifie tithe for the regular meetings of this club. Chi motion the club adjourned to ; meet at 6 o'clock P. M. z 'lt. 71 Cent Darltngtori, Sept. 31. Secretary Miler qf rite B a rer : A correspondent of the Locai 4pitlkne Tent the Radical Club pays for theileheol Ailtsitheintthet holdlthett meetings," and Odell thin re the qua! is For their initirdlididn' permit ISO to say that the School Hell la intended for the are of entente of the Bow., for holding meeting. of a religions, Kink; political or eddeatioaaicharaitic , free of charge. Bat when Itinerant leeturent;monkey 'bowmen or 'mountebanks of any desolation who hold forth Mr Mime/ pipe ityPitate refla%/Al 4s P7teft. priper authorities. Now If Odell and Ms gpserlei desire to exhibit them selves by tamp light, at twenty-live cents admission, I bane no doubt they wenn draw a NIB bone, but they would ere under the latter elan above named• and would be required to pay abed ire dollen per night. Vie hope IPformatico eigkberiattsfactimx. AL Veda aitteisla ILlbbklSinnia b 1118.1.- , ••• • We ire ladebtlil i to, w. 44 , Pr the 07111 Pa: Vote4ta' i:iso,tetlypis 'Oran ehittion held In I.Abby 'Prison ad the lath of October. ISM The, polls were oneraed - foruPepnaeraviand Ohio Meow and the eandsdaice (wiresCitititt . .!..'inw(lffoodward' for Pennsylvania, and Brongh and Vallandightim far Ohio.; Capt. Simpson was oil of the olfleerlot the 'shake' and reports the dakiwing M : e*lntattlptla.. -, • . . ' For Curtin (Colon)SS • For WmAward (Copperhead) i 114 Bantering - Pr 1,411 eci 141 1 6 . of dberllarfer s metiiirig on ilk ritaai s &boo t Hoagie. Capt. ;Urban was the speaker. A good crowd was In sttendenes, and the bort of MINI pre4 veiled. G Th•,edifie4 l /. . 12 0 26 42e;T1A. t:heltl 'lll ii "Meeting Chess arden on last Thursday erenfilg for the poi pose of orgesilems aflame's and Malt elith. Up& Smith. let een °Meer qf the rebel army. saisidet-4 Fisni F Wil ” gl . an'. o f . , 1 , 111 : 1 1 et, sioktir•-- Mimi. bid ' tbrldiediss ' Mee ICS td those present to corns forward and *dr namell to the toll. Only arm perscms be Woad trs vi Smend go into the Seymour ii Blair t$ . =ham& mg the _fact. that. some 20 os te werri pragliikst the OWL -!. • „:. . -. rr• m ( e , f ; i FRS A thurrigiatifilaaTigkAiiiagitai Jim a la t ipotywnist.4 . °wad if = 9212 04 , #Ptellf.tifir9Thrg— " %re.* 4.03,41 i• OW *014414144 1 P f* maquadiadwitioilimiipatoft mcenri, ink - Woo.° Allithaughustmillwartbilllailmoventataisuimaliat. $.444 : 1411611114 . 1 . 1 bi1di0,Mbh, 1 : 404* * / so4s l 94*, l 44 ' ,Atiit totrasaubatawiiiii(ollaiilria )If. -,:v4:9* lifgattlleauibnalchipaaferhjir.latim . = "j. Pale a aneseng- at at Ike Mit •-•110., A f fhi MIN , * If V) 1 100fe Oltioaelkit ths thsiat has tiesi ered the Taws Id Ida toraddp, calling aa thial sp,c s i fAnut 11 *# li qa! l° Ml, 4l ; *O 4 *Do!' *.legt!fr!. ill' Or*, : 0 ;0,10 svi4ve ie bal.* kOltues ll oo4irsolfnitimiOitr:fefliitfA , l**o l boas.amtuf his Igoe over o, Gnat ant .1:41 Okla; :and tharorgato ot the Pilaw Vis imitated , thrhav ili a' Ilegmbileall .01144:- 00 . 1* gastlemea beard ikons 4 Xr;Thariali Sgramea c irho la lialimilitlrelyiummanewiair a (Inuit inall." f" nut Prilahleat at the EtiOttilit : HOPMV *Olt AA A toga:ol.6 aritei to WeeltlgaMn : • haranow *en At members, and on Stine* :lambus shilled ' on Pre lobate the4saslealarollsOlt- The work goes lined./ .001- Art !re's :wlLtgr i 'M afilalig witheridters and ainigglers, am; mtn of the Clod of Israel, wit wauctour countrymen kn - ife tOottliATlP.k form ___ ~• _ _ ;.; • Tin Grant Cldb of Wlaated. Con.. tke abil,Gawd - ; Club orinuiP4 la the Untied States, held I Mali:. *teatime' on Saturday earning - at Camp's lialk Stir 'iloiaddreim were made - bit*. Eugene and the Rtm. Wm. X. Ark. of *instill. Lliehila: county is arousing. lari-Peekapon takes the stump !Vida Sta4g Be L aue the ablest speakers# Nry- Ellshat& 'Pap Dmitocnas of Eash;ri hare eitidi a bid for • 3/fr. J. 10 144..' of that 'city.- In bla a* •be says : "A X l 4 l2 lAlsoui by blab, A 7 49libUoillV 011 allot, n Ripahtleatt by prindpkt, I do not now, at thisVlidi In per rualon's 'dam, arid, on .the ere of , a ElostPoulte vtotofi..priTois kt lts birinei / have: pa kollowed 4o sinewy. • A. ,Reciabliesa I hoto hoon Omit*" I Inteed to telattiei soases of the lite winds to Groot *OA 044 *f ilaments : Col. Illtearof PreraidenceaLL. a lea& ' taleated and Ilfelong Demeast; N._ P. (lades Josiah Kirby and Isaac J. Neal; who iren trot:fauna tal in sequin ilid election of, Cain, Sam. Matey to Congini Odrjar JAT74 Gortirok/oolf a prominent Democratic lawyer of Indianapolis ; gar Bill, an able ydtagriiiiwyer et Fort Edward, N. T.. Fleury D. Tallman and S.. D. Clay of Bath, Me.. the llpe. Jobe Ilallotliasoa Co MIK. ye.. who 1%0 44114 - 4114 if Ciataitio6o' 42/ 1401,Democracy of New"len* Mee nominated a RnoW-Nothing tbr, GovenxmaKnow-Notblng foiCon grem In the hid MOW, and another for Congress in the Vth District. 'Rat they Mean to try and mare things even, they tell us, by nominating a Roman Catholic Irishino foe edilgrees in the Vtb In the lld District . they will, of course, reooenhaate Charley Haight. a pure and simple Copperhead. but In the Ist District they witi no doubt- go in. for mother Knew. Nothink,V thej tiawlind end wining-la overwhelmed by a majority of 3,500. How mweb.they need Mick Rogers to mamba their benighted hosts. lan'? this PO, comrades f • Give me your imod,,Genehtl Deed You're a • •••• , r Von were not the otrWird to say "1 can't!" ,• . • Nor the is irk•lee to My can I" Rut you weal to work with a will and won To prove that the thing could be .ione. ' Oh I.Uod was kind and Heaven was trite When It gate its it nun line:U•• " ' Wiieri it give tit a man rite font ' - , We honor yep. Gentgal.Dmot I „ ' • - "Toit'birve tissfle - " " • The hearts of the patkni with )07 to pant That were tying cold in the stomieri , , . And they bks' e rer`er for What you've done— ' Tor the glorkmametery won— . - AitorpCnY ttist tibld flooffit may Rom irmitbravaitearted Mee at 11 : . ATi4 4 . 4 .9 r. More 'such bravo -bgatied beep s. yorii -- • A canairiatt — a CribirWi,ittikAt fa litgii,tree Irmo raised in Slairssille, Ind.' Yhwborp there are giving the "Johnntes" a lively'sbaking. The Baton Advertiser Intimates the probability or 431 F*M a r`b eingli Zrt gr l'" I . 4 tn Gen. riffs ,-laent. Tfrar. Rept*Hama of 3forriaante, Wong, Ito*. Sr Ten, And lcortb New-Tort are to assemble at .11Mrdse on , OlOfai . evenflig next. Several gent le en, of ability AM to speak. . . the. troll s synteon Zito Files Snit Black DIM' riek.orffo ompev#l23 t same days voteen the Central mad gave Grant 101 and Seymour IM9. Mr. D. Sersford of West, Troy runts hes this statement. - Anapt sad redbasiastlepleeting wee held IP NAT Havre lliflght.irtiete [shoot 4 44,.cputi* twid raised amid great applarde dad a line display of fire wlntsq BricilWritrellntliae by Per, it. ;!Wright • N. D. taveni t its: aptgol. Need' Gam of Nuesehesettl. . 17te Aufirsarabofte ;Formal _may; • the -late. +thy° n • party of Indiana preceded their Cincinnati frrenda.— It • 1101(rff% ,of _bit one Iftlitrof any prordnestee who Johneonliedla the - State; Who' !allot nee. Pr Grant and Colfax. - The exception le Judge Gondlne. An- other war le of popubtrwith Jobnuon's friends In' Indiana. Ax humane Grant and Collar mass tneeth;e was heltptiteule on fhe . Penneyhupte fitgioad. IT miles from Philadelphia, onllonday afternoon and led evenlngl:: Theierwargteatenthitslaentthronehout. In the evening lid ItePubliran Club of. Pbilalelpleu turmoil out is It Upelirtight , Ma. Jows,P., tiro popular landlord ot die nplitig Is `the main AliTetheadili. gat: up melted 'the main street lE' fro of Milken ; unique fad tasty, tanner on Ira/ t will tight It out 000 lido:* It being uninnleited awd' infiehitdmired by ail Grunt *kin 'entli'Maturdft kat, whoa Wt Bebe* unable any longer. tcl : ettlittiti t tt cut It degnimmTourded If bit • •• • • • • rine "rat Arpitni!efiß p*inen spoils today is the only topic of conversation in 71c-; Musa. - It is conceded on Al hands that it willies the illeettoltdoenniffsdott-yrer held to wintate: lee tied: ir. *platy have been elected Marshals for the right. center. and left wings of the promotes. It is expected that there will be at least 15,000 torches In *a pfotghsfoo. A Muse aim Comatammaign Club, No. i of the aeries, was organ:l3BAM' the Slit, le Albsny. b 7 Prat George Batchelor, acting, ender isatrectlem from the Unioultepoblicraltath Committee. Oar French 1W paoll fad hf~Me ace disPLOBB: I 4 OI6I F !Ptble 4.7441741141* Fert_ternitif of jtill • thelAtiikt# Mating gathering In which the 2 reithreits of Amagy. hare taken part. Ax immense Republican rally wu held at Xs:3v ville,Mo.. on the Sid nit. There axe a grand °MP Ararsts,r. omerjhgethe fisddearive SaaItIJIPIA I .O I dies representing the different States. beside several wagons from the different towriships. of NodawAY County carrying irlike load of finnan freight. all deeki ed in gorgeous array, the Savannah Cornet Band, the! Maryville Sandi (Amt. Caldwell's artillery. horsemen; wagonif. Miff a as tisemiripseln,whieli was live Mlles tg leffgtd " A.inottions Grua and Coll* meeting was Mid nil at Smiled. Vt. on Saturday. the 99th inst. A broil Wrier deg bearing tits name of oar sisaded-beer-, Vegig,===teim Swing. Barring oddness lee made by Sesior ion% Cie. Washburn. and others. AU the Been went topisosatof by a bevy of Met bleu. 5 14 50 1 priltety droned, ea of cooly Um, Green hills ti VI& meet an htnanfi. The n eesdthis mere edlteneit by a tosofeitlitiricir ikolforgionooi miff these It Gunk Coate, and the dig. Smenstrit, les a glebe day dor the iispiblinei iO l3 , 118 * 116 - 05 4.W 260 *. 111 ithillithdL:Of iseOW.,:thi 41110110410111 4 hor of *mom :. !lOW Mit withal a veiny an were arthc,l4o•lo(l=l.lMik: 16"thig.- Sends 'fritidi. ItinithilK ' . tiger pots of die cavity t 4ossoolkaliiiiiiiionsei 1 tikipepow pommi tig ot *Mar 1106 e leillaii_ _ . and mobsoiou of : 35 bean and thole dressed 'elan 1* dakellWin-bartiooookiloSes• tem : gown. _dreas of footman« entrillia wsgol*--were. 11 felt of the liftini . a f'y 1. • • • t= . , 71;4-; 5 8.641 0t 6 " 3 "---- -Sid ASO. 4111 : 11. _ Oa-. —,U lll l l o l lowqrsTS, tl orc as will ss WOW II." '7 , do. kdorfill cesl" I'l . . dVIA . ,ai sr a gefhlr b 4 - 1 1 4 L i tiotai i; ,-,- ,- , . 1 q> 1 5, 1 4 0- 11 4 ,:i?"*_r il f. f d it' , :...i:? l i d : l' •::::4 r ir ; g l oo4 l **l o 4 , .. ld e4o l 4 ll *POW 'Athol issa- ist _ 1141011 011issk tr SdirAsiellippL asia t SC /Maw= 6131111=3:411 ti ilsa tikeitiaMiWintalliblisSillillitilisiesisiitlisi f_agpiloweapt.h.mailse sous% isoustelisbs addseas lbws**. ...A Jorge ausSor a Ifaiis r stolSe i FOOPelleirdft l 4 4l,ll.lllB " 11 ",,..* 4.000 11 0 1 ' 11 "dakei 41, 0 11 " 131LTIN FR , Ire* Onoboae. bill* ileltrilisii*W.ifsillisflir. mom S PAL WO:SW 'SYI ISlssdi'it siehtlssity li ZeC o 4oo4 ol l l6ol t° l4- o, l * " 1 1 6 4,1111414:‘ req . t iPli eetedat i tt i s *llithill 1 that Hr dwpaugs.. iiiihdr. imiwoopy . - ---'''''' ii~a 4 56141'14 intilsictalti. will Wm a imitiliii ta 4 / 4 41*. tat. 14.611' ale.4l#, j".5441", at:77 1111"4 "...,. * = l"4l " . ZaV i ne , • . ;:i -.. t , l • ' ." of 1 ir tio , l7 tax ea wee .11ireirtioliac. .= if 7•._. .cy il • • c- ; • - , • IDARIMAGH—tOs• aept.lo;loll.‘ star ter 1.1%. Ueozo i riaso6ooo o=Mitilooot Peconallo,r arn !nom One lsobi sloop of tit. t. ltd fti thy *one bed J ; • • Not_oOpyloodkee,l Wolof; ,• • - 4" liti pt -; • st . INpF.PErtpiorr q_AliPrO.l.7l , :- FOR 1 .1 •s • • CORD R. lia. • ofr, r .1 • 7" • 'r" i; • Ikea! r , County ' dertagued•ia an Iridetpeadaat eitadidats for the office or Cori:it:ler, at theenabliig Oatotx6releo. Aim Thb KIPPort. of t:4 - elcctorig-IkeWia, - 1, 1 0 6 000Y9 d• rY EYi lOW BettraaitAs: f " s e g mEN„ "r • : the iiekt; AlinuallnitociffließelVet. &Ai! Agricultural Society will be held In the Fair Ground near Beaver, our: Wednesday; Think day and Friday, the 110th of I beptinkber end the. lit and -2EI days Octoblenext: • 1188 BUNCH OF ORAPEB . • • On Standard. lit-Stoodioil SPEER'S STANDaIeD Wpm ••b merited by gbyladsligibt DffifitiotilfslOttini couni=ropftlirrits, nd its de - • There will be a meeting of tlui Hoard, of Managers of the Beaver Comikt Agricultural Society on the dthday or September 'irett; at one o'clock P.M.. is the iiherifriiOMee lit the Bo.tgiska to Of portance transaerrvinirce . caniestly &arid • ; pie ,;. PSI 4 OH: MEM- HRNWART — Mgclar .1 •ALS-ADONM, ,- P18;-“: ERN*; N.• - • . The . Mllattttirrt C hanel ack paign Goods; "'Us' , a , mnay •, Porde* Muslim' [coo t WOW! 7 feet lciigth;* Manilas trait:ll-bras* to Ile feet.luzlinigth-eiuttabkr • • -4hrellinp, processions, &c. alsol9ilk • ' liar presen tations and ; Parade Equipments,' Caps and &Pon alkoulose; also Tw i ebtri k Lioiarlisi "lOW names of candidates." One.hltridred ' 4:0168.0, Medals and .Badges, , with 'portraits; a the Presidential Candidater4umplee of -same sent on receipt 4120 4eidts. Again* 'Ante. Send.for Price List.: ,A:ddiessi - ' • • •' -‘ • • JOHN W. PITTOCK, ' Dealer In Campaign_floods; Oppoeitt -Peet- Ofßcc, Pin burgh, Pit: - I. [lt - • • /es; : - 3 Tanner Clubs, Wide-Ayrakiii, Hoye irt Inue and other organiatiorutsniplieprek Capes and Torchet Bend - foramWee. Ad dress, • JOHN W. PVTOCki. Dealer In Campaign (Weds, Opposite Poet. Mice, Pittsburgh, P. . ESL , -We ask the attutitton of our readers tothe advertisemetitiof the geese Elefiring Machine in this Week's papex ' The 'Howe" Haihine taillyntandiatkilis heitunk•uf chines, its its inventor whole natheit blermins the first man to create this wondisithl labor saving instrument, and the minis of Howe, sheuld is reVerentied And heueredNY every wenutrof tilts tir Orland. ''Vetlietts &Wing Machies are_in use Once the machine in vented by Me Hoe. There been many under different tiames offered to the public, but we believe that tht propene Howe Hichine with the new imroyemots. Stands to-day, (es fiiforbierly - did,r thiringlilathine in the market, and we wort d.adrise our 1;4 friends who'hituild - top Of these' tru ly, "1101 es frhuni, , lllat they examine this one, banishing their purchases, when In the. -city of Ptibiber_,,gb. Cidll and see th e:l at No., 4 St. Char Bt.' Pittsburgh. • • • • We call the attention of Tendert to the ad verAVement of J. 411ECN Ca.= anotiv, areadumng o meE rs ~hveon hand t 0 - At And( iialebtaifid Man • - th ' Also,' a large va l r l iety of Jelly _Maws, Fruit ! Cana; Seenax, Maws, neonnasty fdr upl ..14)111 *Auto* of house . VA n. lied . angl'i pieta; embracing everyartiele; usually l epi in r such itga. Their itbmit h ti rialtafrol li gino lbte gialdng pnrchase. We waildmirisethani to call on Mears:. & Reggijk.go . .,lo:l24, Pedal al Street, AlleghenY city,Pa- . . • t4- 4 1 1 bero -vat 4M . 4 meeting of the inembe* callietna;ll. - Rochestex Pp. -comnintot lath.' Evert membftleA ing%rgea lifted on the oceeettro, trinatteee of impottanda 12494.411.11mir - a . 4MikallianN.Av EMI NOTICE TO BUILDERS. . . , ; - . The . NeiniterWiegitiot MEI vaititaussie mate the, beatlOWitilfita3r6hiiwho has - It or call sad spa for . „ '(4. k. 1 ' 7974 t 1 '-lr __"ki 71 4 SHAVE R___JAARKETS (11ORR1OTED W,IIiICLY.) 1 , _ .-.. 4, t_-; '.. 41 () ~, .:. 1 0 , 1 ,1 W 8 4C.iii MK ' Feel.. .... per dos _ld I r e t Mr 4 b . ...11.e.'". 4 1/ I •114 Meat per bu 5.,„.... , .. . ..;,...... 14 Cora per be5..0r...1.. t . M..... ..... , 11, Oen N ••- • • 1 1 per lb AA. 4 . 4 ,. . 4 - leis •••••••• • • ' bw ... ... giar . t• pijr ri..",.. t 1 .. . POtatoage al I# l Noloseepor pL.,..'.. I.* pel ..,... I.lg nedoed on .4:. ;ID :a 4111111111.11,1.. a; t3l-P0,1314141, -, ;....p. 1 ::: , :.M. • - r IDtatbe• SEIM ' , :j -1,. 191511EINE=IMIF Mid ;t7f 111:4.e.Li).211-1 IN 4 R: T 1411 i 114 1 114kA a . - '(:I•.4,:.1 . Hardwario • . _ . : • 4 tJ J 4 •• • 2,44IW_WEVDOW LAWWOOI , ;END lALOW &ARA BAUCW;nfaik. fl COMIMPRODUCE Joke* vt*. - . fee:Goode. Gear •I . - • - r`qf Cum! Pp AV Of 140144 -s •ZIF. I 1 I ;•. • G. W . PtTar - JY. • 'I. • .:• .'• ,• CEIOIOX FAXII.Y,GRAWBIIIII4 -. yt_l,. 4. ! • atz4 PEAS • * r .FORElo4'ifha .DOMESTIC 'Fit L 1 fl, • . • 4 !, • 6; 'irstoutAie Aueallien7 apt,. Peen's:' PITTSBURGH CAMP 900D8 •• .1 .1:41 MON „wpm cOnownsi. ma bard .?r , Ileolumner, . sad. N • _ 111. • • 4141 14 8 4 1 0 60 " / ! 4 4. .•-- kir" Cliat " eibilL ... iltlii;&Meiti#4 . Md . . Wr ic-ay.•!!'" ? -.TT-rm. 18VCiffiftiikgrS9p013.' . • .p „ '.. I ,”' t . ht trtiii ... ' , s ,, . A i V . 'i i' ..I,' - I . 4 i L t. . . ' 6 4 ~..,1•1.",fil1t 4 ./.tt' l - Fifth . firsein 3• - .1..13-441M,w4p eth i t eii vrt i-: • . ...- ...- 1 -5 - --••-: imminvi c t -•." „Anisit ~,t-,,; ..), - -_•::2777.7 f . : f r 7. • ' !”.5 :12514 v :if. :Trll : VA' r:— : i --5-11^ ‘ .. 1 t— i a 1. . A r(,, .. • ~‘,. Tw f o . f ly .., .i. • :.,.... :.' ~1 ..t:":-.1 ":I'. i ••:‘ Tr..!::::/?,,.. 4; xl.r.rrt 4.W.t-k‘ti: : -, 1;;.L::.:.-J.rr.i . , • . -CO , 'I.- 02VCIARiPirrii, *. 01,1 . iri i,_ .. : g rit .111.: .t.: • Cr: 2 •—.l' ~ .. .1.. 7 t. - te _it:KH HI! , 1 ..i , :.:ifl • 1 - MATJINU, ' w ~., : -,. — q ' -Awit4..4lisra.4 „.,.. .. .. . A QA t . , ,_ Anti 'every Ildisi betlotYrtig to tbs.—. . ' Clesirlpet - Trekciept.', WCALL - :' , BROS.- - 14 , ,1it r 51,:<‘' . - - ' atrOp te ' , -. , -...-•":-1 •Gia , ...: :7 . ..;::;\ %:::'•::....,:. i Nfiri.:4fc.,,:! ~ 1.-...1 ,- .. .: il " * .0141 K . eV COMPANV ::::::. 1211:AN - Ii/ViEttilk. ~, fli.:-lii,< iiii . , thirli st iltillideiphia, . • 4iilltilllUL .AO tiff§ ' `-•; . 7"-t - L.:* • Nationatl -:-Insuranee Co: 07 11C11 .•• rutted Mates •r America.- ' nix in* p-• 0-- .•- , ~,,,, 4 .- ....4. , r .,.. , Stated d . Pe! ii nicylvaula : 'Oa ' '".• ' fib, iirir • New Jelly.: , • .„1,-, ; - ', l r - ; , __ :n it :. • T am. N A * O GM_ COMPANY Is a • biaqvimai Act of Can: gem, PaikplialailtAilitlitS,MDellart , A ..a .... ti i-, ,' ''''':";- `.:.•' ':, '''. - ;"•''.- rialZlWi.'-""P-IVir:#111r.**4-16.91"11 Of • ; ' ' Aimee: iletaimia lksttors;"*lii In art . Biu , ~ - .. : .. !. • at oar Mee. I. .In •^ • •of elm • . loin& Home, azdies elm 4 . „z i ____ , i, 7:4 4 Om • Ad e adv r 1 16V-Aty."" 111111.1 ' ' tope 10.- , i•-- -... I = '?"..,_ pa.. . .. i, , 4 t..,:i,_ _i ti i , . i - .. .. • 5...- 0/ 1 4 R i c 4 '99 4 ' . 80 , 0 0 4A,ThiFifigt- , ' 41aliAMILittiii PA: : a all the • .P 10( oi ; a s A N N N 03 4 1 --- H in - 0V: a ON ,P241141411k,` : .; Joa ilizmat joHN.picitAop :4e. • .‘ ir•4l ma 9• • !.,, • thalhaitti.. - ' Ciralant i; 341 at e 1-), g Man.ufftettirers, • sea- irskary szirmr. :014.14il it totss:: ,„ • pruition: re.• . • g,_ IMMO TO WC* IkiIPPIM-07 La* OW isstiilMMes rime& Ns ilisaiiimo Oldreg b .l • " • -• • —• ••• 4%, it. SLIINTE6. MMR2;!IM= I .. ,, ...mai p i , , -,-;:. ~..:: i f,,,t, .../offtrfi ;C—.,. .- ..4.1: et ~.,41 - ,0 4,;:c: . i ilk r i ;,..!..-, to , ,i.: 1:,)::19bal .:,, , erg ,, ll.col -4/1:1. ,- 4 , 4 , Ale , ; t' •v,r4 ~, , ,e; J. !.1,3:1 ° 11 - ffeht.": :off:M:4.l;W! of.fall , : t.l t , ')l-..:J 1 cottoltf . ... i ff4W.41.,, , ff 9111.!:V . 1 2.:11. - :.. il° 4 / . 1 , i r .lll:Lr f .a6/S. .13 `; ,7u'i f 7...a17-.r.CI ~ - .rri-; ti ll c74' , ~: . \'-: % . nci'!ilitly4walit . ' - - - :•''.l . . . . . .„.. _ :t.,:::•:.• , ,,, :,....:, • ,„., ......: .:• ..•, ,r-... : F.,. • :„.. :,..:;.:.,,,.:•.,,,,,...„ 111108. :I i • :A*gitt jL7 y „ • )4% • • V 41- r I I it` F t- rf 1i -I El . , SPRING tOODI FOR 1868, El II r- -- - • - • • - ofreAtiNirilebtl T lie - bL4MO2ID }K . :A i.. 1,21 flo.l ye: ••••:, ~7 :L1 I 1 .4 :-.:,.:-' ( - BM BM airev #1111414 NEW MITSUNEI I i ?OM C . rirOKl3 l kfi v i r ORT ( 4/ 113 1, 8 1, ,• 4 iiitt bEtAfitai la* COBURG'S, tihd FE =I •• ":61.0,- Tabletliiiiie4 • . fellow iliitmelgi • • Jeans,. • • . eamiiiieres • . - • Pg 7) *and pitps, ilOop Skirts, Skifts, ,Notions, and Fancy Article 10. " . 1:11MM Bonnet Ribbons, Wilier/ (k4:5491 jr;e.i ES EMI Thff Ittidte 4 llelVierpicehait *Otte Block srs offered t 4 the * claims of Nieves ootuitl, Ng we take gewentre - OM* oar =stomas sad those who way error se wide Ai alt Set the oboes wtosk le se cheep , rf 1-1 J. - • c. f. A. Vortutte's ekvaitaddt- itolS BIG. slGkr 'Access do: 'fiminini cptis, sTorao' ataitreßs •BAREIArI - . BEE • ~...- o pel7 :ir MEM ! ' .1 • ES3I ME .~i~ ilia. M=ZEI=MI tAlfe' y .r•, ' II ;: iii.:k. I i. I MEE .2,z• ' - I . •1!1!•• r • .;, NM fdb . , , EOM 1:=M:=11M:1 it' . rv , .:e (I SALE e 4/2 3.1 • - 11-"1 '2017 1' • A-. i. 4 . ,~~~.. . SEE .. cto EMI . ; .70", ••• ,;.T. 4 7: • " ••• - • . • .• • V. 1.6-• •.1 1• • ' Th'ird' Street,ftetr • •- - • / f i l ial . Stfeeti NAV& • •• • • • .• =EI icesi . . _:::- Very. .. , - L .. , %1-• i ( i 4 r m w Az , ' _i__ Mock elosintoil a & lowest wipes tomain roes Iv .., - PAW STUCK. .. .. ;•,.... -; ':- / i , ' ,. ,4 • :'• ! .7 ,1 'ti. ~ •o'r 1 • t .MILLINER Y GOODS, 'RIBBONS', FLOWERS, HATS,; RORNETV';'" COLORED ILLUSIONS AND CRAM ppnarns, • HOOP:814 Cf AND imaturk '4.tsW.t) EMI a., .0102110110 ••,, , OtAll lands • • of - ' MIN LnalellNotpmv mlii " a ' r a a • a. guJi NJhttLei s - r C r • irk i iitiirz,&l3, AND 6OLLARIit; -. C d; : C l°1111 '.. •-1 ,i •Cri Embr d vr,4,.Ekb, . d FIKAys9 =I IRV= VEILS' 1111 41b.i .11a1 The awn r tr RegattileSSOf eOSt Eil ailradi 4 o4 iPtaiOge 00511Pri$4. Geo 4 •C. Spews', I= fiat • just eaterimmi *Oa ilk East audits noir roech'i is Lard. ash sieleited El I ' lloBll & ' 44=10144U AT HIS dLli .. &imei 4611,01 ilia Ittitikidibtdr o Pst,i 1 1 I tENEitilLnkitAt'itti hit GOA NOTIONS; • RATE, - • 046, • SHOW; GROCERIES, • . PROVISIONS, . - HARDWARE,' IRON, . GSRPENTiti Si , „. , • • • s - ' , ..: mizkakikiti exi Quentitraie' 464 Willow4tfatti sistotqc,, slat% rimstki 4 ': iiiaric;jurdxd _1 ,-; i !. laiidasouts:iapteias C Aitird 't ILta t ji fr te ut i sb —sii sttatirttrutrallisry ma 4 31E1 ,„ le it Silesia' at xif te oft &i f . for 13.641 . we= tami ll 44 &Wei al eta= IMt hi Platte alt 4ir Affilip o r ftes BOW Lm poi it +ft iste an slack os hods. • trr o CALL ONCJA A:6 1 0 9 U WILL dlitiClA6 l : sera v. EMI =II k'J ~ -•• i. t. ... SF 6i every 41 &a.; • lei =ll3 =MI =Mil OM 11111 ... 4 4 I