The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 26, 1868, Image 1

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Tos 0.0101... , :is -
TGEttlf3llS D •,1. 1 711XY: ir•PNNSDAT
I;• • - ( • . - . - - ~. ..•
I , t r,o old Aslant btuldtairt ol
\ I!fo : oit . ! . g roat
o'o TALLOW PER YEAR V' AbirAlibit; • I
. .
r e., coPtel et the Pere
. iltyll
. beterafibla, : in
:atotatintio on fubitteto of bat or write isi
;,. ce ttlpettfrilly enlielted. - TO' insure eittentbm,
60 ( 015 kind must 4tiaiii* stteitiotizopided 17
„ w ie of tbo author, not tior pubticatton l :but imi o•
' ;,,,ty ilil4llo' IMPOgtiOn.' ..' 4 t...,,„ ~ 7.
1 ;y0 Eid com munialtioni should be aciareitiediii
' J. WEEILVD , Editor rb.Propietisi.:
ROO :;'" ER; PA . =• .;
o'lgr.tiwo:grenratorwe Anken~•~' Hotel
n A It'r
/ of, NG I Elt# SUllyElloll.
ilvalturs A:31) ineruits,juiß
noke. • • • Dors&
a ier
in cl •Ti2 l ; 4,3 0
r .
. ..raj%
• i i ` . .en t aroes In we ',lamas. En lOW brats. etil
ig.(tt4lognea Odrets 4.T. 1 T 4 AnTl4O° 2 7.(f .
Nor of Arts and JAlnteactarSs.
g d Etold •
.euce, .
Strayed., . . • -
D a rlington; oft tbebth of Augut. a brown
yam old. Any puma returning the horse if
lcfonnatlon of hie wherenbontavill be Übe I
'',;:t*.trded. • , • • 4.11. DAVIDSON.D
Ining, ht firm, requests all those knowing thena.
'TO to be Indebted to him to pill' and make settle-.
f lou or b..fore the 25th day of . Anond nest.;and
los!ny claims against Lim' will present theta
!thi+ npllce is not complied with on or belbre the
• sr:lowan= will be left with an °Meer for coli
I.vb , Wr, July. ‘lBrb—angs:lli.
•te untold miserlos of toothache, and dread of ex ,
and rod will Ond that Dr. Chandler &
!Illy to' 'relieve you by the nee of the great=
ter—LAUGHING GAEL-and make their
„la waren of pleosure,rather than of pain.
dental operrttlons performed In the best pomade
Cr. end at reasonable terms as by any good Derr
It she counts. •
trees to Deaver Station, Rochester, Pa.
ter-1y - T. CHANDLER &
I Inform the citizenis of Beaver and vicinity, that
opened an office in Deaver. Pa.. for the practice
iNotistry. lie has had considerable exprience in the
rbolon. and flatters himself to ho able to give gen.
eintbfaction in his businfts.
rOtllee in the old "Oormly Hotel" building.
12. i. street, Bearer, Pa. AU Work wrranted for one
J. B. a 008LIORN.
Lam Partnership.
AMY'S , . Zit Law' .
artirnly. MCA PEA', PA; •
wide of the University of • Pennsylvania,
Ilu located permanently at
loch eat er, Beaver county, :Pa ,
ilumr, had many Years experience th all bunches of
n mai of medicine. he offers his aersices to the
Mans of the village and surrounding Wintry. , •
Iroll e and residence on Water street ir eecond
MW•st of the Pittabnruh National Plow actory
Olt. heTy be conga ded,after June all hott.e
11 714 u I ht. , DelTeit3moe
Wateh Maker and Jeweller,
third ',Street, Beaver; Pew Va.,
(In . ! oom adjoining 4. C. Wilson'e office.)
watcheq and chronometer' repaired and war
rvt. Engraving done to orders '
ITTlie patronage of
divea lit cm Is solicited, and'
aiitacann guaranteed. Give cm a
gritailru. •
Chas.,l3. Hurst,
notary Public, Conveyancer
and In turan cc Agent.'
1/ teknowledgements taken. de.
peen duly Comm Mimed as Agent for sever.
r!Ntp'ts. Insolence Companies, representing the
Dr., l.ite. Accident. and Live Stock Departments, is
rir.l to take risks and write policies on the most,
:!tril terms.
no. Agent for the "Anchor Line" of grit class
Stramem. Tickets sold to and from all ports in
Lrind. Ireland. Scotland, Germany and France.
(Mrr In Leafs brick row, Diamond, Rochester.. Pa.
G 0 OD S !..
4 his Mende end the public generally that he, has
;art received a new mock of goods of the .latest
style/ for pining and summer wear, which , he
offers at very moderate ISM!.
Clothing made to order on the shorted possible
Litt, -
'tankful to the public' for met favors,. I hope by
tie attention to internees to merit a continuance of
le unte.
- rbai l ds & Heineman,. mi.. !lie/. Nan. 'Atwell
„. fellis 121013 ..i... 1140 en
'l , -- Cleveland
h. 80,Fifth Sreat, . Pittabuugn goad Street. 846 i 1291 .... -3 1 :
Iludedrt. co 106 606
IE6 • a . . _ .....„ ,an.,,
Ravenna .. .. Z . "1- ' , , ~,
DEALERS .116 , g s* A lib in do , -1110 i , '• t• • ''`l l '
• ' ' 1• - t ...,:
Itayard'l 1161 . , l It • •-• • •
i 18111 1 4
r aTIL , '.
Mooed, Wooden and Willow Ware. American A.Onoll
t 7 FretiCh Clocks. They have always on hand, the •
„,...„2:1,.. —......--
1•...,10u • Mixt. res.
Wellsville • 000 AX ,161/ 1 36 ...... ••• • '
Ballard • 1022 401 . . ..... .
____ 7414.11
TeN e Bono • T tts, I Water Coolena. 31111106 ° ' 1 " ''''' IS " ''' '• • • ggi
Ravenna 19Orrat 647 • ~ ....
Tea SOO . HS U ! ' G e O li ta i rti, Wain t Brackets
Twble Fo kw, 'lea Trays, Iron Tebles. FBA= ' 639 613 ' "--- 1
187 • 656 1017
11.... en Forks, Salver', .Clothes HOMO, Euclid Streeti
( Oro Crum, leo Chests. Cleveland 150 710 , 1030 •
e------ -, •_t •: • IDre'N Eme!a. 11411.. Act ow
I . OI IBER,LIIBIBE Et,Ll7 it 3, B 1 '
'ram UNDERSIGNED n\,,irh. ON Haan AND 3611617 11: Osit 610ast ''Max ....
offer for pale at the lowest' rates in the market. •• .•
' BridOport 118 1 625 140 - •
St nbenvills 1496tH 748 , SW ._.
n '4O feet No I Common Board undressed. • Wellsville , 203 850 645 "Ulnae
Pfi.rori .. ' ' "
1661 911 507. 1186 - •
~,,„„'"6 " No. 1. 2 and 8 Paced Boards. extra dry. 3 ., 21113 _1 6 rely , • • ••• IWO • I 1187 720
`'''', " Extra D Fl rhig 12 14 and 16 het long. . Beaver —t• • • ........ la eee 520 Ts
1 90 •• ~ .P' Q° . •
V. eatberboarding, worked pi 36636ll3fr etebeith , ' as , ma es e p ~
tx V iltherixrding or all kinds made to order. •
14 :, No. 4 . 1e100r1ng,114 14 and 16. i
(A ~ "10 .k Flooring Board*. ' ....__., 4
ti, 1 1 Clear Pannel star, %. %an 1111-imr.".• •
' • jA.O. Exelh bra. AOC°
.... I : l _,.m . anti Lath.
i7, 9 enz u NO. 1, 16 and 18 Inch ,1;11d63 11 * teed --;--• ----
tOu ° ~ I ._ Pittsburgh V
j. ,
71 600 0 aw 10:39 Vllaw sso
~.. r i,
1,„._... Lath. fall width and evenly "wed: 6 ' .....,Roebeiter ..... •• r •,- • • lin ' Imo ' iis -.
tut' antldtng. i ' • _ . ffi l l i c ter , .p...... ' .51 , l os- ear I Wl`
‘ .1, 9 l est Hemlock Joist, indltadalpg.,!il 61 4"'`. ' " I ''''' s ''ln'' ' ' II "
24 6,tutt sawed to order. . • m . 4 ceubra -, .
s W te e n ile ixtn vill e els_ „ els
~ , Be . -,. . •
hite' ers Water DI ewer, and Boa—men too : 52 8 , 1 0. 3 .•• r, ", . •
wet Elevator, constantly kept on hand and for Ref Oort, . •••• t
-. Be , • ige p : ISO' . '....
.1 .
11 6 ,
.. FEED ! IFEIC "--- 0 I' l l' MU) !! I * . 1 `:•'
157,", 4 Cow en sal Oats salted la the .
, I •
Limped. tar aide. • •
' 4lO, alai. "77 O. iR. AILARA
, ~ • ', ,
J' a i i ~f
i *:
•-!,,,;;': ;.!:,. ~ ..J:': At, ; ..,a ... ...
• '' ""'" ' ri , f•D •"..i-iqi:; if , A • 1,1
•"I•"''e n a„ - • : , ,,,511:4
~...,1 ?, .' , ! . ••' •-•-,....
i - j' e ''''' ''. Ter 1. a
: ~...
01.*: . ;V: ..” • u7"..tsz - ..., ,, .. :-.'::.' ' '''''. "..; -*': - 4, e111 , '-:-;'! ' t,:•: , ,,-. ti , l '.'"
~ . , . .1. ~, t.
4..., ~
n c ,
, r
.. Tr
, . _j
Foot' and wslictiiß licidete
IN - I' kg"- 0 T. r,
WifOLICSAthi & &NI . 111 i
-don &Vero ip t poots t Spoio
Y *And Bootoo .Prk!as; pus arm& or aWmtelk gut
Alto. 'Agent for 'Pthritt44#l: l o4
.144 . At
rtionthrturfoo pricer. ,
Merchant* orld'iftioe rirraers,ru orro tom
e* tor. o o llo l qin'lqi i tiM Ong ) ;gt
~ .131-co OA 2. 44.0 ea •e• d ,11 al 1 y
• At , No. 102 Thlnl Stl•et, • ,
- No. -98 Market Street,
utY6lBAtk. ;I) L, •
ROFXN% 4.4i L Ain
1.1. sawmills, I. s: mail:ago . i.w. =Assam masa,
Pr 0,6414, Nerdary. thiprintaulent,
/". "0"1 1 ' FICE •
1102,411 let Oath !Street, Pittsburg. Pa.
fr U helleved that the time has Come In the progress.
of timericau architectire, when — the questloik will no
tenger tie aalked..."Whal shaifwe .uswfor roodogi-
Int, "Wilgus ,C41,11,Mg, oirrsis ;us user &Arr."—
Older countries' have long Ain& established the fact
that no material fa so well sdaptei,:add so durable, as
tilate for covering trittaiiits. TWO Obstacles ,to its
general main this country have-Wilted heretofore
drat, the 'transition character of seeletY, `whieteis
neceasatily opposed to permanence 'in iithitectare:
and aecoad,lhe great abundance and IoW plea °flute
bar. TheZdistitapedimentis rapidly yielding to boo
and riper ideas 'm i tts' subject of building, end the nth
er mint soon give away to the imereity
price of lumber suitable for roofing purposes.
We submit a few leading advantage' of a illaierrciof
Issaperkeito every other in appeUrepHlei.
It Is easily put one .
It saves Insurance.
irs' hi die
it is imperishable. -
The Twin City Slate Company's Mines are in North
ampton County, Penn's. The Slats is a beantifei
dark•blue, unchangeable in color, splits. in perlectl
smooth platis of any size requh4d, and haidens stead
fly by
,exposurs to the atmosphere. •No Slate in the
United States is superior to ltin all the qualities essen
tial to a good roof. and We , think but little equal to it
t is tarnished at the yard iri Pittibaigh. at the juts of
$12.00 a square (one hundred square feet), which with
expense of laying, will add xboUt 23 per cent. to the
coat of a shingle roof at present prices.
Samples of 111 late may be seen, and orders left at the
office of A:T 'Bhallenberger a Co., Rochester. Pa.
Parties at .a diapers, can "address 3; Newmyer,
No. 4i Seventh street, Pittsburgh Pa.
marl 1308:0m.
, .
On and after June 7tb,191111, fretful win leave Station
daily, (Sunday, exoepted) as follows. [Train leaving
Chiongo at 5:35. P. IL. leaves daily.]
_grain leav
ing Pittsbargb Ist 1.45 P.M..leistOes
swami aorta wssf.
&me's. Erie. 11/3 0 .1 EMes
---.— -
Pittsburgh.„ 202 AM 645 Ax 980A1 150 Am
Rochester • • 310 815' 1040' 500
Salem 454 1031 11213 rm 447
Alliance . 545 ' 1125 115 551 ..
Canton 627 1213 rm 156 626 •
Massillon.,' '64T 1240 118 664455.
ille 717 139 258•
Onw Wonder , 743 207 820 '
Mansfield 916 400 500 .928
Camillus i 1 945 445 691 1000
000 60LAm 600 1015
Bucyrus i 1025 629 640 1011
Upper Sandusky • 11068 716 719 1114
Forest .. 11127 749 7511 1147
Lima • ' 11517 rm 903 906 ' 115 Am
Van Wert. 128 1015 1016 107
Fort Wayne 800- 1210r4411150 310
Columbia 387 100 1237 An
Warsaw 425 155 135 r - 442
Plymouth • 510. 300 ',; Ws, 7 555'
Valparaiso • as 441 415 724
Chicago 820 ' ,700 620 910
Rxr's. Exit's. Elea. SS
~...-----.--..r.--.. —,-.... ....-....- r ift—a-.
Chkago ' • 450 Am 820Ast Wilt 535P14
Valparaiso .....'
657 '960 1101 . 710: ,
Plymouthh ; 9:O 1125 12374 m 900.
Warsaw 1010 1221rx 132 , 950
Columbia 1115 100 211 1030
Fort Wayne • iltXtrx 200 315 1115
Van Wert ' 20 , 1 - 305 410 1215 Am
Lima ' ' P ••• • 31 . 1100 - 535 115
Forest.- . . ... • 443 • ; 509 663 ,1,18
Upper Sandusky ....,, .: ; 514 ' ','1533 118 , .1141
_Bucyrus, - 567 ' 600 ' 'MI t 616
Crestline I ' 630 635 830 140
530 Am 655 - 910
Mansfield 610 '723 937 424
Wooster 651 853 • 1100 560
Orrvllle 1515 .918 1127 615
Massillon ' - 946 960 1157 647 •
Canton 1 4009 , 1006 1213rx ,703 '
' Alliance 1045 1050 11255 BO5 '
Salem . 1114 . 1111:1Am 125 , 831
Rochester imitskit Meal aos !. 1006
Pittsburgh ''.. • 153' , . 110 . .410
; 7 1151
, . .
Youngstown, New Cantle and Erie Express leave
Youngstown at t3O p. re; Near Castle, 4:00 p.m; ant es
at Pittsburgh, 6:1:00 p. m. Rewriting. leivea Mabee .4h
7:16 a. m:arr. at Aroungstown,lo:4s. N. Castle, 9:40 a. trg
Youngstown,:New Castle Old pittsberigh ACCOLOWO
- leaves Younstown, OM a. re; New Castle,l.lo
a. re; arrives at Allegheny; 10:00' a. Neter:dog,
leaves Allegheny; 4115 p. ni arrives New Castle, 7:06
p. Youngstown, 7:50
F. R. NYE lid, General netet Ages, .
On and 'Der Nay 14 ISM, trains wM lama Stat.ona
daily (Sundays azcd)ted) u folknil.•
IC rood .
I ,•• ' • ,:',, • .`..... .• •:•.: V, 3•4 ~•.` --_•••••775Era:W...,",.......:'..,,VM2Mier:,..',• r • -•.14-Ctl= , •••Z` ',1 •"...Z . '" . ...1.•'••T".......41:1:4 - MO Ailatr .. ,:, 4. .4 4. '''')• 7 . -•• 4- ,- W....r --- -- -- '''''', •
. 1 • .) 3 ..=l,l•'k 3 .tplif I'.';+ - ''.;.:t47 :::':::',.../ TrJ7•: '1.,: o (~.;;;Tiroiti.!;;;): ,:;;;_-:.!,_,.... f' ;Tz.t'l *lf Ira -; • iir -, r'. - 'Kt: ^T . i - t # - A.
.:.• .. i , 3 4, ;•,'; eVcs; 3i'. 1" , , 1 ..Inr:;:j-F ,I fti:Z 3 att .
I , 1',... I. '• 1;;.. - • , '. :', l ; I.*Xilif t • r ._ ~ . ~ r eit,',-..
..• x_ -r.,yf - , 74.)! -- ii• ••,t a a ji.:l i ..;. :'.i;;;' , , 1" , .. V!, v, , ,, c' 9 , 3 A 1. 2 -
.01 1 " • \ -.. Zl4, If:1 , -,*,''
' t i ,•;t . . •-• • t:i! 1: : i!f.? • 0 ;:••• ; .-',• t -' 1 4 :71 - :117 11`:3t - ',. r•t . . :'' - ilTtl'i /11 -',., ' .
AP.: 1. .:
3 , - h .4; -..,--. - - ":.. ;5:.• ', 5 , -•,, 5. , f ~ i.; ;.. ffl.k ~
, e. ,.;„,,,, r , '.=4 , ,, ilt .-6 , i . ' 'i,rieft"
_ A O Mil -. "" ""` ' ~ ,-: * - -L.l ' . ..
....,..,-, ,d,:„.,‘.: iv: 4.,;:•• :::
„ , , , ,..r. , : ~it t(; . ' ' ..-t7: • 1 i ,•: • •%fr.M ., -ri ' . 2 . , J 2 - ' ‘ ,.. ..7 .* . - 4,..,
~., .. 71,-; .7 1 ',3-- ,, , - ; 1 ':'.''. '' y^, :A! , ..1.- - '.'`,-t,, 43:- ' 33 ' _:- , .., _ ;... 13 ...-: K•
..(... ~ .. . ~- ...- .. , • . ~( 1:,..;. ! ;:- r.'.. f;" ,. .f3', ~ W i' ,- f , r - n1v...., , . ,, .. , , , ' - d-r 3l, ll•trr.
,Pll i ; 4 ,14 t '.) !ii ,- . 3 :Fi.."4r.,r-,Eirstr;;". , l,„riit , ";, - "ti.!,..T., 7 :_",tik3, - ,;',1.)•,. -, ; ‘, , , , ,) 4
;., - -.- - - ------ -...- '.— -- ; .:;-.).1•4 - :' ',.• i:; ;6; ,::lii i i i iii :.r -i-t, , ,F , Y2,3;:;11( . ..t . i..; 71; 11
~,,,, ' -;- - 1-4 , ..4. , ..,".11gi..r,„,1- i - N tri*. b ..-rr agiiiii ,i. 19
;31A ::; 1;51 140. . . : 1 4 ',-
.-- ::',/,';::,,, o.,it,t:..iyVic! i.r . r.f.rilr!"!!::. „viLl.:,-.:i ~:, <4...,14 ; . Ili; titi3 - 11...1.i '
• • ' , "*.AeltiMi' -
1111: 140;1;
um; r
-.": "41 -
ek0.1141 1 103) id IL
itheol ls ir a d At=
M eateweia.
Itielme to. lneel will be coodoeteauT,ertlVlllksfi,*.?!
!Wiwi WotWkesthebitstirelL •
Accesotcdee.:bdelMENlo l 8 77
, 3A wi t s .
Dr. - ore sza t tidr• - attfp,m.lo 11e
agates of Me ptotession ethic old dtboe.
: .. 7.l:er 1 , 1 iliac
••-•' • , ,-;' r
ild, • . • n. •
CHOICE Siitialit.Gß6Ogithig
and . 'TEAS; •':\-•
FOREIGN •;and,. Dompoic: FR Orr,
All kinds or comitri itoctOsio siyin op e l pe,
and prompt itlt!ms • -;
:'' Allegheny. City,' Penn's. •-•
, ,
Peeing accounb of Ezettiteed.. - Abelebtratdrs;
Guardians: die.. tube been duly pads* in the. Regis
ter's orrice, and will .be presented to the .Orphans'
Court fortondraistion
* nc! aliewfules, on, Welities'
day: September 0, • • ,
. Tied account of. Hamiah Ctimptolialidlileie: 0. Min
nis. Admintfitrators of Daniel C. Compton. Aec'd.
account of Ann Umstdati, Adminietritris of
Jatob trmsteed: dde'd' ' •
Account of Redid Hall, Adheinhtrator of Alxilsh
Hull. deed. _ . , „ •- . • •
Account of Marvin Hull. Adisinlattutor4tid;llltate
of Thompson Hut. deed._
, Account of M.' Heil.' Reemitor or Rebecca - Hell.
dec - A.
Account of Michael Barry, Guardian ,of, IlLulbs A:
Marlts.migor chili of r 11.4 1 4 IEII. • •
Ansi account of Joseph Smith; Eseentor of William
Smith, dec'd..• :_, f_ • . •
Account of Agnew DeffeAdoetnistnitor of Gee. W.,
Fulton, dec'd. _ • -
Final account MIL Gross &John Shafer, Essentora
of Jacob Hoenig. dec'd. . •
Account of Robt. M. Rhodes, Guardian of Elij a h
Powell. minor sun of Win. Powell; deed.
Final account of Agnes Carothers & J. W. Carothers,
Administrators of the estate ofJolin Oar ethers.
Account of vf st. Henry. Administrator of Mans'
Riddleton, ode u.
Final 'emoted of Catharine Elliott ; Executrix 'et.
Willem Elliott, deced. • • —•-• • --6 P
Final account of Jno. KettiewoOd, Eget*, oriifils
Gardner, dec'd.
Account of Hugh Marshall, Administrator Or Aliirji
1 am. Iltdice. deed.
Account of A. Watterson, Administrator *
Reed. dec'd. -
Final accounts (Real and Personal) of 'J. W. Wil
liams & Robed Rah- rd, Administrators of 'Samuel
Kelly; deed.
Account ofJ. Dillut & J. W. Smith, Adminlitrettas
of Joseph Smith. decNi.
Accounts of Charles Lukens,' flatrdise of Thomas
T: Mary E.. Catharine A. and James .4 Speer, minor
children of Her. Thomas L. Speer. deo'd.
Btatirraa's Oren,
Beaver Aug. 8 , 1888.
Geo. C. ^ 80,(iyerer
; • -;
Has just reloirned from the
East and la now recelv
, lag a Large and Well • ,
- meat of
Spring and Summer Goods
Corner of Water and. James ste.,
Rochester. .Pa.,.--
DRY G^.ODS, ' -
CAPS. '- : . _—•
. .
..BOOTS and SR )ES, • . •, ,
• , :
. - PROVISIONS, . ' ,
. •
• ' IRON, • . ,
NAILS and . , .
•• • ~ ROPES and °CUM,
• --.. • •• • .. - 'PACKING . YARN,
,i • : i• S :. •, ,OILS, .
'iusens ware -And W1110!v.' were
gyring thie sole agency bit the celebrated
, • ,
For RoArster and viciotti,r, we ‘odlsr Dour
. to deal- .
en at nitsbqrgit rates, asTui Itelipit !roe there.—,
Alio,- ~ •- • •I, , -- ~..! .. .. r. e
• .301 3111.: 111 •Iil e "
~. • - • , ..;f.l?:r..'
. w n itIIEBI34 IA 8 LPriktEl l. l.l6''
mso tuoii the *Argo 'sole ci. 4 s
ee,*e e ller to thole e. Bei c :es:atim lia lifietueets „
prices. coast, ling of liOppOr. f 132 • •
Darmoot, Booing MAW! , , : •
48-11-2‘ rcm` #4:411,6
7.: . , , 7- 2 '. •
Beaver Belt Manidaehutoit o.l9pltaihnir aMom
Atltrirelairs3 , ta Itotkos . :
• -
',:f l it ,
Thilkttibrthil ti
that4Oltit ; :nf r ;
war at one Mule
nthn 6 !
pinid4 . and,alt
and thady,glivis
that-tar(lnce itai
. It Waa l %
thiurday, Jnlyar
restet our boteir
way to the d
Pier 45 Nnitb riti
City of Boston; th
our world; for. the
Arriving at,klie pier ziOaiiifttisis ofectlir •
lty and bastleXe proem jiaTtlileb,,
seem to unfamiliar an . :0 14 ,2
'and Mustvery' :in myelin Ilk
when viewed V on, ! 0 1: r. l b °, ' fi r* ti m e
saw it with the eyes
black amok*. tt I be seen- t hot
stacks, and the escapingatemi*pithermith
1110 #7 n/n."111 porters an d hfirit*l ,l oed
sailors betokenthat thebnikrVrure 16
nigh, and -baying Ina our Monad
away in nor colt alttle atatei*Oir we take
514 so rights:l6 MOW, dee!' ormy..4l,litte ntY
61;1)re before of :thOhei anOnli
wagonurere hasuirdriven ilso. pier.; their
limbs discharged, the; fare 4 . t4 „ and they
are offagain, excitable !larva* :genthirrieli'
are.driven nigh mar. distractlinkin their ef
forts to keep tnict - of the tiut
baggagiiivitb,whlcli they have_ to en
cumber themselves, while tbf tritieler
thinks as little of the trip writ* mein as
ofsdays journey at home, cOnsa. on hnard
'r `ho more baggage than he'lisuftiairy him
‘7,lind surveys with BIIIIIpShe 411litIC of
iof his more excitable neighbor.
1n ,,,,
mate haeltinen taking artrantagOrf the oc
casion reaps a harvest of aileittre#l - nasti,
while scores of dealers in.cl4o - -Atsrature ,
venders of dock- chairs and qatagss 4 prowit
around, each ,pressing hisAsattrinke*
terms. Such are some of the P_ _ :il4t,- tie.
sent themselves upon the, pier, ' ' 1N0t4 , ?
the scene isquiteas varied,
bid parting friends &unroll a„,, art iii.,
regrets at being *stile 0 t
hearted' raisin:ore' liiisig,_
passenger paceirftactorti . ' )
blooded onesAsilinly sits end '* . ''',...
time to he oft Officers id unit*mo , haat
Sy here sad there, giving ordels told ge tting
1 everything ready for departuru. • At 'length
the time for departurels it hana,bld Trinitys
bell tolls the l our of one, lifts &kites pass
and fi fteen minutes more, and 1 . 4 until two
o'clock is readied , and yet we are not off..;--
ppon inquiry we are informed:lhp the mails
are being waited for, and that alt.else is reltdr-
A- tumbling sorra Is beard and down !dishes
the four horse team and warin laden with
scams oldie largest bags,. filled with no one
knows how many missives of hisinesis, feend
ship, love, &c., and in the shortest possible
tithe the bags are transferred io'the vessel, the
1 word is given that all is read, the captain
and.pilot take their places on Umbrldge, the
engines ;commence to revolve,:a throh is felt
and the vessel slowly leaves the • dock Mid
gradually moves doWn the Aver. Uri ship
and shore numerous white haidlierchlifiale
tussled, into requisition, glean 'are leveled
and the last adlcus_made, whi*wi grisduelly
pass down the river our frierditon sboie do I
gradually fade from view andel*i sights at
tract our attention; slowly Ile dam down
the iftver past Governors Island and out into
ite wide bay. Jersey city fades demi Trini-.
ty's tall splres are lost strong. tits shipping"
which crowds around New l'4fki3riiiskiyu
becomes indistinct; we - straitt onr eyes to.
catehis`gllmpse of Greenwood*and turn tir ad
mi re the beauties of State arid, in Pausing
through the narrows the attip City of
Cork, bound for the Pertw NM • have Jura
left passes us, and the joy wh • her 'passen-•
gers feel at being so nearthist :titillationb
no doubt much more perf • at mak-.
ing the start. We efortinue' r entree and
are soon off Sandrilohk, 'I efit to thrnw
ourselves on the boadir thir Atlantic
which stretches awayi, hi isiittivatil it
meets the sky awe il:. - ''' - ,,. - .. j a .
The es
down in
all panto
tho vessel
we are of
of tour 4
fresh Ito
without .
other's seem
'very Vs!'
that are
more ha\
Are equal
of elan'
in Orel:
olOuinv y
I: . l4.faret
STlOnii 4
k didr at r
IWe Imp
-, -: Y,
` r-~
i''-f-',":' -.- • l '' , " I. _ . ,s. . , • ,••••
:',:'!' ' '-' • . f. ••- ', . •
.• • 4
A .
' ' .44" "" -. - 4. , 01.." . '-'
' - ' :' . ......4. , ' iZZ,.. jtt :"...: ' '-'
i l it o ry , *, -,*.s444W.AC,Obbkat ....-- , 'Ate. t‘C=lle , rizr:Ne.rv. , d •, , ,~,Kgr. 1
—.,., 77, -- ' • .--- f. 7. -- -.• 7 ':.-- 7. - : *: , 7, --- ----;
i t tit tsuipott
-i 9 4 -- ; /7 1;1 4 11v,- ;17 4 .it. - - i l / 2 7,--s‘ *jaw • :t, •c,i it-F ., 3 , -. r',•••• .. t-' - :- • , •.-,•-•. 4 , t
Vart.i_ftl.' A Itt el I - •!..
....s: t): -..,:...p.; ,:,-..: :1 7x .1.:,.::-:.t:-.. '.,. -- :r - --A 111. t - ,
. .a , 'a nl2 ,-..1,... : -.rqq. t .l ..i c ; ~r , .., --- -- ':i
I'M SW; I .' a )l-f- 1I va 11 :'. ' ' ' Z,174.1i .f:. • 5 ,. ;' . '41 . 1
. , ~.. . , . , ~_ r;Th., ,t„ri, ;,-,. . : ''.i, -46,:::-...... , Id: •.L:•• ,11.,1 ,,
Irit 11:.',.‘,:i.',.-1 . ___ • ~,. I i S' c ., 11 .,„! : , ~,,;... ~ ...W. ''. , • .1 ~. ...
i'.'. 1 . ' ' : . 1-. .-1 - i- - r....A ~ 1 .. . ..; ~ ..:il ;-.4 - -4.‘ , .•., . 0,1 ...(,,,;• ~ ,, , : i;_t ...I ~..-:, - r.l ,
.3' - . , . ...7. ....— , , ,l,
' 'lVal •
f 'Lig
iiiirashere#l3piirdirdi'hid (idlers af 'Anti
niVeoluidleatilit nothing; elk ofeou 'lt wonky
ikstOtne . '„ this' y In jut -htmi
itb4Of•Wre't*liiifioniehieitoin*iii, iisinik'
dOring,ken:ei itireii i ,ditys*teeiie iliog:
'ri l qi i f '149,40iiiti.:4,414e would c rud lie' 'ete,
104!V:Oeciessit*: - . o4 inti4' llo i 4l ‘044 :
*o::l 3 t4krait'..o ieoakit' ' OeeeXteale e
. s.. t ii t t AL uet ic 4 ,o4#` , /I; i' i g` ; *: ll: l 4.efilii i igriii
g ise
"'l'',?•!`.til.lfr , 'ekeiteile 04rikiiiii h iu t iii.
Ilniskiliapei itight j iiebt inliiii' i d ' '
10 3 i' 6 4 041 k "iieriiik 6dOgitiliir!At
bi*" 4 4;el r eii t h l 4o • 4 'tilile!oitif i:tii'ilii : :
Pilefiels 11044411iitfoiVIPNifliole iiPal•
acks are weak oat-meld porridge is fbreisbedt
Oct I .**4* - 101 1 0drWer0 Pl . llYag•
illi9kinfft ( l4 l %.kro, 2l o l W,a ie, ' • .in
dulged,in ircordittg -to- . the;insteg 4... the
t!'.1";...1141471t4tifi iyi,e*:o 3 da4 . 1014
/4 - , P 44 P ave d* 304. candela of add' '
W. 1 .0 10 .111 14 b'Orki!lldi;# sir *tee . :
SORukeW9ol*.r4,loa.t.e..iiiiiiieT.i tar
lu 7t
/ .1 9.t.4 0 qt the. beet NeO l eti ilitciin* ,l AI
1id. 10,11 0.aM 41 4 /iorlc4na.,Sl,9 have. t o
PV , OtYtelitOt bottle's home foi, the
ale generally indulgil lihero:ply t After lupe
comes tietuf*litif the saute style es ShiCar
4F_, 41$44:Piftlii.i o'clock.arrives, at
1 whielthonr Osier,. fil vaned .'Which.inAte,
main triad of ilui 4 1 0 i and cliilt. fi n*„ wins,.
4 4 7 aia.4l,46ll47:t;ltihat se rved . at :thi ,
hotels best in ; the I ,* ~.44* * .Stifitnil kinds' of
00 0 1 4 13
: -]' served. , 411;,, kindi ,„' 'of
tqa l 4l* . tel!l,. game, 630ifitift everything
.r itessen ~ at, Ai; . port . left . : behind
And abundance , of pastry;puddings*..ints,
c. It is really astonishing how so much can
be accomplished under the cir:maisences.--,=
Thme Irrrune enliven in which' todtgeit din
ner,.and then' more duty must be done jn the
way ofl entip*Orr at that hoer feu hi: served,
at whieh meet, tes ) toast. sweetmeats 404: jet-,
lies are proviisd, withettli .4111‘ . .ind :at, ten;
o'ciock,skstingpletbeline `ct landdriches;
14 1 * iN L i 'meat. anchovy ind 3 t. tic.. 4
prattled, la the most liberal style. Fire
meals a: deYinay seem to periorui . who have
made an trip, as . km Mush/ of one good
thing, bit sea sir Is t wonderfnl sharpener of
appetite;. and thaw who'are well enough to
Clit st all are seldom found absent from the ta
re: And so days pain quickly tern but those
uto are very seri=sick, and se pleasant ta
them When . they recover that they are always
anxious to.repeat the trip. ' The trip across
ts.neirly itlriayir . beneficial to those In deft- 1
Mile health, far if their bad hesith is the:re
mittal any bilious disorder the sealsiekness
will completely cleanse the system, . and ',the
pure air pultd , tip cOmpletely. • .To , the man'
n4eging tram.over work,' he give erunpled.e
- inklositfromili Aire, to/1)8415M. le. not
. .
. . at' all connection with theworld bor
. . .04. the ~VA& And...eweira.mtl'
kariern, and the only.real businers 'being Mil
fferivipg Was much pleasure from the sur •
soundings as possible. t very thing is seined
upon by %bow+ on board upon a trip like this
for,enterniinmfmt, and a passing vessel Is the
theme at mdele criversatptk, undies disbuit
miale spouting for hii olu pleatnne,Anins
the tide of ,ConVersation, and he. beeanies
quite a lion for the time being. Tales are
rola, of all kinds, anecdotes as old and thread
bare as one can' Imagtne are repeated ,again
and laughed at as though they weretieir. and
the man or woman who gets off ii, new prm.
artells a new sten , will receive the most inoit,
edi , attention. florin entorminment: will be
found and time rinsed pletisantif by art l eg t
ernination of the workings of.the vessel ;ber
immense. inginekbollers. &c., and may take
advantage : of the opportunity afforded. for
though- paesengers are requested not to (meek
to the officers on duty. the officers are always
willing to ens wit questions, and eve infer
, tendon in the most. 'gentlemanly manner.—
And bereft maynot be- out - at place .to , ay
-something o"4 the vessel on which , this. letter
is written.; :The,'!City of **ton" is one of
the flve mailleerners of, the Liverpool, ;fest
York & PhilidelPhia..Stearnship • coMpauy,
better knoWn ar4he Inman Line. (The nth- '
er Meitner* being theVity of Paris; City of
Beltlinom; City of Antwerp and City of. Lo
ndon). -* She its a Clyde both Iron Steamship,
' of about 2000 tons bnrthen, and has *ought
ns aeries tbe Atlantic in,eleven diys. which,.
liiting to our lack of - favorable windiand no
lack of troThvorable, wind, (for steamships car
*mils es well Salt:tiling vessels) is • one I day
longer than is. Usually oceripled, Bhe is corn
manited . bY Captr. F. F. Ruske!, a gentle
man in every sense of the word, fully under
standing hluirtsia.s and mingling rejthl!the
'passengers 111 ASO I most :agreeable manner,
when*hls deadlock? n't call him elswhere.:—
One little in = dent of the trip'doing mo 'to
Inspire te
donfidensA in our ptain anion ' the
passengers on board than any thing . con rl r
written; was the Prediction made by Min on
Monday noon iliat at fire o'clock neat even
ing we should ! if ' all went , well, sight; the 1
itiore-of ould frelank s and true • ta promise, atl
'6:30 'the find. was Wetted . bl the lookout TM
foremast. The other iffilcers of the vessel ire 1
, ceUrteous r ited - obtfairig, knee/lag their duty
.and deft, and dutiing the trip menYiof those
who suffered item sea-SicOets ' received At
tentions oftirekindest nitute friint the diffev
Mkt ?facers 'As I, have said 'before, the:V . oli
is af the basti nedl feel erfli In guaranteeing 1
n . pleassntPastfaie t0e03,1.00i may pioFfiy
Ode line., Vte got . to Quemadowar lest„eren
ing at.ishoot tiered o'clock. steamed into. the
beautiful Herber, landed our Malls lint:tench
PU.l e eget e as deli red tiliVt.invei **ad,
Spri siainselled, fOr.Ltverpoel, which is jurip ,
uyslighs, stud where . 41441 Ix; isbid .to get
W.notw opt 10, 84 apaisms
shall probibiy iiticeat directly ; to ton-
*Mien& after eine deynotobaervatton4give
note of the grei# bity - ,... : •. : . it....
w:1 1
Tint , 01:41 11 0! - oini8 and the~nerin?
60u,rei3Olilik,*ratser iiksecome -mast
` of pro&it) California. toixiang Pro*
The silk pima &ease
41Productio* coooqn. , lA INVPol. l konl
sp_lna ionlicippoinds .110 osto.tito to
i r toomunimpisrat - , ,,
• 4 j 4 ".1_
, 4.7. • 4
stft:Kish° •
• , .t • .
* the eltiest question *world to ask.
Tit Phil . asked It bravely ; gild atobt•
whiting his iki/Ortit
ed ilighti7, htddark ey +kilned Witheatio,
tkilit*nieeildentlY was not excited ;111
'A s et;fie
to c ir Ibiet'Apith, 'balm:addle Winn, imo*
*op; n o m en•-
tiigsred iii 'dodo bias the
holier ta 'alak foi , the hind ef hia :Wei*
. 7 Emily Iltilbops.
iOmehol, he iitoad.licit go through the
nodal - Otte formula Of:rejectiOn this thorn._
l u g. ; • •
, • • •
- Certainly. there was something in phtri
vo . rittat no Other 'suitor bad yet , attainedlo:
fotEmilytbirtieff loved him; ask between
P. a' plesding mei Entllfil:iPan pro..
t , Q 1.09114- old banker . wa!k slightly
P ' • -
_Ohly onoehe thought of a death-fied.Wheris
he bad • Made - a- Polemii" prorisise to Phillip','
father, the Maud to whom be owed moat of
his owe prosperity. to watch over hia only eon
With • tenderness and irrre that should repay
him fhtthegnklingland that death had taken
• him - • *f ' f • '
Bartlett was rata egoomil a greed eoni
mercial crisis had swept aim rho 's coitapa.
Was it ant his duty to provide for hisidatigh-
ter a husband . rich taotigh to match the Bul
bous brown-steno frotit,.anu. bank stock, and
livened equipage? , ,
And yet be could not help feeling thee Phils
true worth and Manliness would do more for
his daughter's happideari than all' thewealth
and:jewels. and. what he kupw was the false
glitter. and show of faehionable Ufe, that, he
eould w Upon bee.
• But thin Phil.waii (Orly an *Aar, a rising
one uevtainli+s hut, it the,nineteenth century
liberality of pithlishers has:lone away with the
romance at poetic allies ard dyspeptie
of filth-rate brmarding-hoaes, it has not made
its authors Millionaires ' •
Po-athlv tt will do so in the intuits It is to
lie hoped ea
- "I am afraid your income is not quite large
enough to support a wife," tho banker said, at
at last, teeing the deeessity for saying sonid
thing . . • - •
• ".,Ily income is over a thousand a year. sir."
Mr Bulbous smiled grimly. "About half as
Much as E'nilly spends in a year fee pin mon--
4," he said, brusquely,
'lBut I em rheas: lii mypmfeaaion. sir, and
Ends- has pro mised walt•—" •
"Nonsence." interrupted Bulbous "yon?
income never will be ny law:. Every v
write* stories 110% 4 4-darl WhVa Weis you,
Phil. I could do. it myself easily."
- I find it verYmucli ..the custom- for people
who know nothing shoat authorship to im
aeine that to is a tlower-etrewri path. with un
limited greenbacks ' undying hanky at
convenient dietancee. But one that travels it
kriowa halter. , •
• Certainly; there are hinrebi,and noses, and
geningi pleats them.
-Ali but the thorns! the thorns r •
Phil smiled a-little at the beaker's's:minion.
He Waa , thipkltig of eaPeriellee as . 1113
1 ,r7 41 4 0 1 4 ;" certain of this I", be asked, qplet
"Certain atitt . ore:verse, I am." This a
little •
Phire. mischleitnnily. as he
!bought ofAbe figure the portly old hanker
would cut in.speedithrial sanctum.
"T hope pa:ill:m i l doubt my ability ?"
'"Of coririe , not, only I ihould—" .
"FU writes story this very thin', said Bul
bous. despemtelY. now lhorouithlT aroused
by Philip's incr-dulity. "It it tiniTaccepted ,
before night:l'll give yrel----_
"Give me youttbmgider.".
"On one *Millar."
"Name It" - • .
,"Ifl win. yeii lost withdraw "Yenr claim to
her forever." mid' the-hanker, thinking he Irad
disposed of another suitor. - "
Philip's face paled a little and pretty Emily
clasped her,white bands imploringly, but he t
answered llfmly, "I accept the rifler?'
"I think Iwill In rte a little sketch the
manner of Dickens." the banker said to him
pelt as the lovers sauntered out slowly into
the long walks of the conservatory, "some
thipg that shall be abate the blood and thun
der style of ordinary romance." ' • •
Bnt halfan hour's attempt, with frequent
carnets from .Oliver Twist, convinced, him
that Ole task was hopeless In five nrinntes
be could have snitten ersmeihing that Timid
have startled half the brokers, from Trinity
Church to Wall street terry, out at their sent
es. Bnt to write Dickens, that .Was !mead
hie.' Then be ordered some Oder, an ;tidy
houreliter, emerged from tee- with
half a dozen's, heetsof manuscript - that was to
, make him famous. .
1 So he nmegined. • . _
"I think Tll take ir e .. to -Harpers'," he said
as he ordered the carriage.' •-`';
'A long ride and a short walktook him over
the litisy streets, throne the coontinetoomi
and up the winding stairs to the editorial time
turn. "%tr. Bulhous,"'he said, poinponslras
he entered and presented his manuscript, with
an air of.condesceroden. - : 4 .• ,
.The editor. did not seem very much 'awed
by hisser's% presehok_ Bo he repeatedihe
name. . -
• lA'Ah yrs; from Hinneenta; ain't yeti?" _
Ilia banker looked torrified..- "I never ex
pected to find such ignorance, especially in as
editor,' he thought. Indignalitly.•
"I reallyjilrin't think we coil Use *nu' girl':
de," the earn , said, retrinilng it'. The giest
banker wen* out, mentally resnlvini to start
an opposition magazine, anfcrush, out Har
pers past all' redemption. , _ ,
• "Aftei - all„ , one 'c '?fez to get hito the
mairazines aid 'st,":he era after 1/01n1 tines
brawl himself with ldbaW. llll b l4 alitithenT
cobbler "I Will now trf Ono: cot :,,iyeekly
••"Oh ! a tnininsertpli • Yaw paii,_eall 'ln the
course of a week or two, andwiarell eireyou
an ansWee." - , • • • •.1 '
you examine it now I aftliedthe
hanker;ichn began to think he had • fillet
I liming the if hiilrrtines. .•;- • ' :.%;
Mod cahe poi chances
with a: bundled .tithers." , .
"autPhil , Phglp Gishant, he,"
"Is one' of null regrilarcefitilbuters—prom
ising anther: 'Wciuldlent like an autograph;
"Autograph I. No, -I thank you." _
Two more papers were tried with the same
objection% • • • '
neet," 'MK lit.'des
-Oration:• '
!rih W! see . .ti Or?' 10 11 i444 0 1 ,
Mitt' sonin. to W id e
Bnibpne eine More effort ' •
"Don't publish Mattes thedally press. It
is intiFelynat'of oirrlineodr." ; • . •
lc: -And the wealthy backer, took his goutype.
dot tietell,nights enultoFt
bncesen:istice thiit . he had Ina his wager.
'The demean dill eat by:the'ftintalwin del
tyroservitery, wheabeventtolinefunn.
city Itrin Wile( that that did not Aumr•ritetiler
be hid beeß geo : tit!loprour *pi of Web
`lmitates, • .
- "Yeti Ws 'Wee her.Phd; rve Init" he
old; "and rn be that :yollr inagae'll lane
tlitnialtdalaberiPlPW - PPltfly Woo kW.
r Moir
A !gift s!p!O sts 111M11016111* A
.60 14 1 4 111 1 1 4601410iiiiii.44 0 6 44 1 6 11 1 Ow,
asallirirMoribe lopsi segpoOdiltbeglivo
1r ten Gentili lilispersees hoetiee.
' 301111 0 .431 "Alklibt ebiagla
plpthible xeseine.t I& en
s cience when,.
*PIA .04%.9 0 P ll *_. t r III APF* IIOI-16 1 ,1
ivissenirjt to &nimble to
IA 44
• O neveroneeent beaded In Seib* Xseasi
soon ars* tw o* **
- 0141,01‘r th
&mute - committee w nor
Want end Colfltstf, _ •
The folle4liiiihinintanlesis*WlS
- -
sod by P. ix Sitijiry to tie Ditiocratic &at
Centesl Celtinattter et California, Otwhicti
he has been until lately a Metebet r•.,1 4 -,
' G endow? gr. Cie, DotioOrstie. Oak Mfrs ? .
Cbrnmitee .-L-I *otld be 'doing °violence tq
my ownYselingei l and ,gutitY) of.z.unfair. eon-. ,
duct to you, did I continue hinge r. to share
your counsels and pesos Moat Of You* •
Plans in the condng:politicst • beinipalgti. In
sentiment and sympathy I'am nolanger with
you:..* lUdgurent ' neither{ 'approves the
platform of principled pat Iliith by the ; ;few
Yost. city Convention, nor does my sense. of
do ty to thcenovtry justify me in aiding q
Warn* iloratvilicymour to- the office q
PreSident of the ilititch 'State*. In remem
ring that I sm a' Democrat, I cannot Mark .
t i
1 th at I oire a higher illeglsnes th the Atim ~
can Union. I should be glad to remain
the Democratic, party% could , I bell eye that
L doing so I ato dot sacrificinititilid Vitt' l
„of patriotism that are higher and holier t ,
any statement of mere party fealty. I pea .
Here that the war was' inaugurated by thli
South In the interest 'f shirery. I believe I
was the duty of the Government to resist,
heresy of secension by Mini. I liellefejh
hailing out of. Porno, the draft of soldless,thit
prosecution of wit smile@•.retiellion, *id
constitutional and necessary for , tha preser
vation of our republic. I helleve the enHol-.
cipation of slavery
.was neceseary.and
ridable as a war measure . I belfirre the
creation of *national debt grew out eit.ths
exigencies:o the long-Ohntintied and deeper!
I ate confliet, I Miele the hone of paper cur
rency *is an evil incident to the iitt niggle.- ,I,
believe the national debt should be .pdd. fit
the mat dollar in corn ef the natlenni Maki
and that no,form or iiiiiiiire of 'refiudiation
!is consistent with national honor. jam of,
posed to the taxation of Governihent bonds •
as a breach of covenant made with the bond.:
holders, and I am opposed to :paying thesti
bonds with curremey instead of gold. ,-,1 and
not in any degree fearful of negro „appraise,
cy, nor do I believe
_that if,te the negrOm art
conceded their ju4 rights tinder , top Is
1 there vslIT be any danger of elevatinethern
to a titian eqtaility with anY Superior MO.- '
Jam and ever have been opposed to midi ti cs;
lance, and I never *lli cast my vete nor ,frild
my influence to idvance to high bowie any'
man who. "as Governor of a great Common;
wealth, could fratetnits with a met, or en-
courage opposition to „hid laws, or when the
nation needed ha last Man to put down the
rebellion, could. by t crosing the draft, apt
and the fitit a hostility, to the Gen
oral Government. , ; t could tare trepported d
, War Democrat like Hancock, of Henarieks.
II couldeupport a Republican like Frank P.
Blair. Jr., your candidate for Vice-President;
Hie early stand Tor the rights of the black
man ; hts opposition to slavery.; his brilliant
waterecord, commencing in the streets of Bt.
Louie and metier , in Sherman'a march
through Boor m I approve; but ap I can
not sustabi Blair, without sustaining SO
Moue, I feel in.dutY and conscience compel
led to vote for Grantrel Colts:. I shall tut=_. .
pact the tortes anlinadverelent4,4)l4 p,
joveilte DesmcratictimittY ter tan
lovitheli n catintrY. I shall expect to ha
my - nioGrairqbestietted7weetorrhesisir-hi --,
pugned. I shall expect to be pint 4
ty malignity, and tisihave heaped upon-me
anunlimited amount of personal *Nee :link
conscious of the rectitude of my tdotivie, and
in the confident belief that I am but, doing
My dntr, I have deemed it proper to rod&
iffy position as a member of the Dtl4ocilitle
State Central Committee. I therefore re ,
spectfullytender you my resignation, grata,
fully reroembering our peat piquant rela
tions, and 'entertalUm for jton ill only kind '
personal feininis._. _ '
I am, very respectfully,genteleinatii
P; ff. liititiXi.
SAN FRANCMC6, "July 1V1 , 8613.. •
Trim following - account ofitnintetivie4ifitii
gen. D. EL Streaker, ("Parts Crayon,") of
Virginia, b by a correatinrident date Miaow
id Democrat, i
"I asked Gen.'Stmther whdt he thought df ,
Gerrit Smith and Henry Ward !Wetter sail - `
scribing money to Washington College, the
institutionef Grneral.Lee., ,-
"It hif criminal folly," herald. "That kilioni
is the fishionahle monument to treason, an
there they, are educating agaln the"sentiment
that Made the war it oust nearly all we had to
put it doted. I, don't say that Lee. is Andip
Greet enough to talk politica, but to iend Clime
children there h the only way that 'north.
flunkeysand the more manly rebels gevebi
to ihow.their pride to trauma. In thritaelicie
labor and the - tradesman are, dismissed With
the old cavalier sneer, and Ben.-Wood's sons
Join those of the trst 'families' in deerxing
the north andits principles. • ........+4 r r_ ',4
"It hi srpremium pin upon .minehrowe re=
Hellion termake t boot e untie to. reirtfin
ern add mu There_ yfiur Ranker ,
northern feel ng ' n feats noel( What'll •
a victorious • empire, based non to ithe.
principles, to Flo with Hobert' E. - : ' Lee's
lege That kind of humanity is worse than
childish. It shows that yen still hiddinyOur
souls a sympathetic feeling, for "the triutors
you ,defested. ' Of all Main, miserable beings;
the northern flunkey la the meanest. ' Ricsh:.
mood is a city 'of giants compared , to. Mitt
more.t. I can always meet the 'defc.sted , rtibel
Upon fair terms :. hut the renegade Unionist, kt
the, meanest of God's creature*. ' 404 P . m*
*atelier 161.1'0101'in recognitioft. ' Ont II!:
tie liniment of pride dodi fat tit his fornlngte
iviiipt of, stir. ifibi.sind
. .
, The San , Francis?) Vik
silys "Quite a sensation his been crested,
Ibis evening, by the publication of a card by
'P. H. Sibley, member or the State Democrat
ic Central ordinittee, - resigning his positiort
and giving his roman .therehw. l He mod he -
could conscientionsly support iPrank Blair;
whine war record be approves, ;but be cars•
not support Seymour, inasmuch is he (Sift)
is war Democrat, does not approve . of the •
platform. believes wising bonds In outrage,
thiniortne war was cesamenepd by the South
for the perpetuagioa of slavery,and, under all
circumstances feels compellisi to alp:0,
Grant and COM." Biale. twroletionary
fetter bad not been published In Cilifornison
the aboVe dare. • - . '
NORTOIIIIO Democratic letters' We win
dently .been . - received' 10 the. office of tbn
Richmond Esaminer. The *ma latitBat;
urday reada;the ex-confederate officers a 'ait:
vere lector* far their ism sr , . Ihd 40 1 1
thcar only effect will be to Or their Otte
mks at the Dona with . excel ens anntaitical:
.jf you mob sumo io.• de, mite -protriii•
alum youtbooom inend, ouperionogyou!..4
'ct,snosellor, caution )Tonr, brother, inst
~nsnliAn genius.'
• Flattery la itidis63ln liar ern *id.
ity has node current, and -mblcbirin=
be set of credit as long esOcre aro.
to offer IS, and fools to ren