The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 29, 1868, Image 2
0 Th:Jipeaver Argus, - L WILIFANIN,Mmtea Paonanos. newt .r, Illy 99. IMAM FOR PRESIDE NT, Elysses S. i rant. FOR. VICE PRE S IDENT, Schuyler Colfax. Republican State Mickel. AUDITOR ,GENERAL:. YEN. ;OXEN F. ILIBTBANWTi.k OF lIIONTGONISRY COUNTY. 81ripI.0011. - fiENERAt. GIRX. 4. .TACOIII Mr. IDAIIII,IIIRIAL, OF CAMBRIA. _COUNTY - . volt CONGRESS, MICI/AEL WEYAND. •„ (Subject to dectelod of Mutt bet Cottkites.) FOE A - SSE:MELT. • THOMAS NICHOLSON. • • H. J. -VANKITIK. • . A. J. BUITINGTON. • • FOR PROBECUTINa ATTORNEY. J. R. lIARRAft FOR COMMISSIONER, . , . DAVID W. SCOTT. ' FOR'COUNTY fiITEVEYOR, • 'S. A., DICKEY. . - FOR POOR 116INE, DIRECTOR. • JOHN SLENTZ.- ' . FOR AUDITOR. I I ' ; • WILLIAM THOMAB.. • . YOU CORONER., - • •• , ti . BARNES. .FOR•TRITSTEES SAMUEL MACAW. EMMET E.,141X. •..7 Ton Tett 3eymones'orgin. intermix the greenback plank in the Democratic- P lat form to mein that the bonds maybe paid in green. backs. "but only when , the latter have become par with gold." How does ,This suit Pendle ton men ? • • AT the "great hubbub". In New York, with a charming regard for the fitness oft hings. the • bar-rmin adlacent to•TaMmany Hall. where • . the Coniention was held on the 4th. put zo the Waiving 'intim: "No mixed drinks donna the rush.. Take it straight and fall back." Onf mitt fellow rim Indiana—one of the Pentlfetot emeort—took it straight and difd In theToombs the next mornium of della tun tremens. Tex New York nominations nre more not• . Isfactorily received t h an anyeverhefoic mode P in this country. Every Rep ])Henn from Maine to Texvt is delighted with Seymour ind Blair's. the DeM'oemtle candidates.' shout one.half of tbe ifemocrits : Immunity well , pleased,with the selections. •Harmony end good feeling should therefore prewill during the entire eampstig". • ,' y esti, ' shed — Eiritifereriturerftfr rd-•••31104ms three of the Stateg recently lit rebellien the eta:salty for pmteeting the helpless freedmen COMM and the expense with it But for cop perhead opPosition this action might have been taken long ago and all the States been restored long ere this. • IT Is stated that John Mori/reek beta $l.OOO to $5O that Seymour will not be elected, end offers to do it fifty times. We do not by any means wish to encoring° the too . .common practice of bettlnk, and think the law on the subject should be enforced in every instance ; but a little item like this. in Which a proud. neat Democrat) takes such an active part shows so plainly the) way them-hid is blowing that we give it to our readers , - Tun National Committee appointed by the , Democratic Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention at New York, whieh tuiJouined herons the nominations were made, wore emPoweted to meet and take action upon them. This cow • initial:composed of the leading men of thi Convention. assembled on Friday, afternoon, and had a very stormy session, their dissatis faction with Seymour and Blair being almost iiniversit. A resolution to ratify the nomin ations was strongly opposed, and on being brought to vote was.only adopted by one ma' Jority. ThosewhO voted agairat the resolu tion declaresl thali determination not to sup port the ticket. A PRIOUNRNT Democ ft place few Att.of lhi days ago rernerkedin our presence that he/ was sure Seymour and Blair would be elected) We wanted to know upon what his faith west based, when he proceeded to. figure nut that • result in this way': First, Seymour and Bleb. would get all the Democmtic votes north anal port. south. Second, they would receive the sup! . of the President, his cabinet , and, nearly all the federal ofilce-holders of the country; and third, every Eepnblicari Senator who voted against Imemcbment wenn do all In his power to secure the election of , the New York nominceal 'All I hese influences weisid elect Seymour and Blair' sure! . In them particulars be shoots very wide of the merle. - Wii fact is more patent to politi cians than that 'the Democratic party was never so.disgusted with its nominations as at the prelent time, and it Is genotaliv believed by the more knowing members of that Ottrian . !ration that filly ono.fourth of their number feel like letting the election go by default while a tenth of the remainder vote out. right for G , Gran/ Mei Coierx. the President is sepporting the New Yorkirominations the public does not yet know it; for 'he has taken , good care to keep his mind. on that subject to hirrielf. Two4hirds of his, cabinet aro for (insert and Colthx. and no less than that num her of all the other, thderal officers of the coun tii will also give the ,R4publicAn, ticket their support. There,: were seven Republican Sen ators who voted not gUllty 'when the presi dent Wee tried for hUgh cantos and tnisdernean om H These mere Fessenden,. Trumbull. Grimes, Renderten. Van Winkle, Fowler and Road. Every ene.of them, excepting Fowler, (and he has not made his purposes known yet) Is an earnest l advocate of — the Chicago plat ten* and Its nominees, and will ' take the stump In their behalfassoon as Congrem ad journs. Our friend will therefore see imm lids tluit he has built his house upon sand, and that it little tempest, of truth washes it en tirely away. . EMI N•+' A r• . r la Tt'ri Orr*" ; NOW EX 111(In. t 1 l" The supporters of Varear eke milting* Mg fair ''boat his prptderityju # Neveirarki !how he trUl carry Nevq_Ork 04 . 01 00,0 A majority, and felicitating tharmalfeision extra strength, and the consequent certainty of carrying 'knit. bran_ onor,uatf .. 11100 1 .' 'ty. 'A kw figures wit! shisinof he trts • ceived k that State in Alta oat, ntid ,toor:gto. rims hispait vietrbri4ihsielries: place. hie 3e t icket in New York — he kis onavegTo .014 run behisid. , In 1830. bereOltred_OrrAP, l -ices for GOVartior than 9tureltfor Lientrumf, Governor. In 186 (both rtlnning‘: theimme ticket), Seymour received 'SAM less vote& than Chnrch. In yreived 21ift405 mit or tiny 30000 Democmik,vot cast the Stara. IttlBll2;•Foi4mour. for GOvernor. received fill Tem voiles than Jones, for Mit/quint Gni:enter, ind GM !eta than Skinner far Canal Onmilit eioner. Sermour's ponularily, at home Itte been .inuiginary. . This lea snideet of mnelt more interest to the Democracy than "Row he did run." ;For President. Seymour hag very little in his Mar even in his 'own party? The Pendletenian a 'hate him ; the War Demacrats cannot consist ently aid hi m ; and the conservative Jehnsan i st and Chase en can, by,nri Means give' blm'a hearty sup ort. The only place he can get ant respeetabl support is aong‘the unrepentant rebeli at t e South._ who long for a man Oftis ilk in.the residential .chtur. beatime .be is their f i len , anti will let them have their own way, if be ever has it . chance. : B.* seemring Seymour' election, they would control - him. if they can only, as they think, keep Blair out of the way. Seymour's chancea. therefore, outside of his own State am einnhittleallv be. low par, rind his Pendletonian and other Dem omatle fries will chuckle in their ideiveiithen the vote is announced next NoveMber. It.. On looicing at his own, his dear native State the past will speak for the future. ' Always running *hind his ticket on Gubernatorial Issues, be cannot tripe to , gain . viten when, thrqwn ! forward - - for Presidential*bonera— Oni belief is heivill riiiive leg votes than Hofftrutit, who doubtless will he notniultted by betiatriY for Governo'r—that position where Seirmetir displayed his "great statesmanship.", —Her. 4a, Tent" ."4 DeUrocratic national convenable was well filled with pmmtnetit unreeonstrrsled rebels. Itanytef thesq e luul served long and nctiviti in the rebel armv.- - .411 the convention. they wielded a powerful if not i controlling influence. Their 'strongest men were on all 6f the important committees. axed the even flan took no tit rites without their % aleprowil. Not one of these has or does now semport,the rettonstraction policy of the country : ori'the other hand they unanimnitsly opium It, , and.; those that have made speeches since thejetin= 4rention 'adjourned declared that thelosfeamie was not , lost,imt would in fad be giblet bYI the election of Seymour and !heir. These trAi l msbeti t imipthiwigiced i r aine trentler 'Democratic papas are now arguingthat the Republican national conventten shows.. a re• cord no fairer to this ntspect than their . own, anditha a "Wier was in nor convention and par ici' tad in he prpc ecdings. • They refer to ek vernor Brown of Georgia. But they , I tip to rite Or their reader a that the ex•Ekw• ernar 1 d aside his hostility to the Union when the war ended, took the oath of elk, glanco j to the Goveriuent, cerement strongly in favor of impartial suffrage en his State, did. his utmost to have the reconstruetion policy] of Congress adopted not only In Georgia bet? in all of the rebellious districts, and that he is now, the chairman of the Republican commie,' tee of his State, and doing all in his power atone for the errors he committed whew floundering in the sea of rebellion. Although re rebel during the war no person insists ;that. he now. Ilia , voice rings loud and eleafr in favor of loyalty and Union. But not so ith the Rnmpton's and :Forest's of the NeW York convention. They are as unmitigated rebels now as when at the head el their mu 4• ;panted squadrons in 186-1. They have not • I ipented in any sense, and they firmly belleie that the election of Seymour and Blair will gain for them all they fought for and lost in the field. Tun. remark which we quoted the ,r caber day, oamipg from one who knows well the Blair, family, to the abet that it would bejaist like them to sot on foot a plot, in case-Of• the election of the Tammany ticket—whieb evil notliapPen T i—to get Seymour into a tunatic Aayletp and Frank Blair into the ,IVldte House, is supported by the 'following from the Frederick, (Sld.) - -Reputiican is follows: "Montgomery Blair is said to be . the hap piest mail In all. Maryland. Ho is crhzy enough to believe that the'Democratic ticket will be elected, and in that event he will have Seymour sent to an insane asylum, end, his brother Frank • inshilled as• President. ; It Would be a very nice thing for the Blair ram ilk:! TIIOMAS T. Bowls was recently elected Governor of Maryland. During the war he was as bitter a rebel as ho dared to be and re main in that State. Since martial law' no longer prevails in Maryland be has been in dulging in the utihost fniislota of speech. At I 1,1 Pcingcratio meeting held . In Baltimore a few nights ago to ratify the nominations of Sep moor and Blair, be deliiered himself of the following atrocious sentiment i "If there be any class ofmen I would sootier tax, it would be those men who furaisheil the means to carry on the most unholy,wicked and ,civil war in history. I would not tax their 'bonds as property. but I would do so, because I can read upon the face of these bowl, a eon. tilinition to an unholy and wicked piirpoae.r This Bowie was elected Governor by the Democratic party, is an earnest supporter of *moor and Blair, rind should thiser,inen be ' elected to the oftic'es for which they. are now candidates, bo will excrelinno inconsidc ble influence in determining the future poi der of the country. You that contributed of Jr. Weans toward putting down the: rebellkm, should carefully treasure such seritiments is Mr. Bowie titters and make thorn 'weigh against his party at the November elertion. "Santoun and Blair ivi#4givo ,us ,all. • Confederacy fought for.—ltaltitiv;flronice speech at M. Democnatie rat :flea:ion making ' Richmond. . r•eue- A.* ' .• . . ,HON ma WILL urn . , . Cmcmkelle.glooreed ,on holt *pay- to toilet i 111001*Iriemtgootitkt Slat of . ,4 ,-. . 3 - ass.:motie contsien* apt tedAesA 6k 4 s tlll to* plamilj ‘4ll an last *IOW MI " 13 1 0 11 4. 1 . 1 ' . widelti 4 e : sinoti k ties. yule; fiii .:, pnnelpsd Vernet guaranteed in din; one at Ibutifir cent, and payable In forty jeers; the other t loin inilithaU per setkPoYebto br-iithilt yews , and both WM* hem alt 44 1 4. 11 ac cept biome tai..: T hey ire t01e1 1 1 6 4, - ** -IPWeet.e9-110 in the c4 q l " l - 1 44 1 54° bti - a l g . and used only In Coleerifirethat: ' The in alseirovideic ' 'the Seiretariiof the trfaM4, 1 niY* a b ill 0 4 . / . 43 0 /I # 6iiingl C n i ' ale ' Olt r or negotiate A Of gore:mud Secirltlee, that one mired and thirty-den ,taillioira ehall be set devoted te hO payment annum* aid prim l aso elpal orthese now bonds. ' ' ' ' - • '' Tblalblll,wo•.have no doubt.. parsed . ',both ,both Houses before the. adjournment 04 Monday, and If not r utapdby the Praddene:la. now a Cononzss,'n few days ago passed an disconttnningthe rimluau's Bureau' . alter Januariist. "The bill was sea, to . thelrreid• dent for apProval, lit tfistaitYcs giving itlda sanction he returned it to the &nate with WA veto message • - . • To go &nate United Slates : t , . -- • Melirwing ihata bill; entitled an int reisting to the Freedmen's Bureau, and providing for its discmitinuance, interferes with the op: pointing p ower aanfinred by the Constitution upon the Executive; and for other reasons whiCh, at this late petted in the session,_time willinotPoratit me to state. I herewith re*urn it to the Selene:On which house it'ciciginalcil without mtapproval.• ,-; • . , iszatinv Jourison. liTaildngtOM C, July 25th 1808. In view of the Gad that the President and Urbino:lenity have been &sing theftepub 7 limns for the last threeyesrs flir maintaining FitOtHrien's Bureau, ,this oppositimi their's Wits abatement la' about theixOest thing !Mt record. The bill weapromptly pas sed oVer thevelo, and the . buieen theieforo will l!pi.losed With the pnicnt year. , Tim chairman of the Pennsylvania Demo cmtie State CoMnittea, ifenator .Wallace, has jetst issued an addles in which he Imes - the. Denweracy to let your sear ore be dwell*, eflfeski*hing. From thiti it may be inferred that Senator - Wallace believes his - party 'a (*se beyond "successful defeiatei and thatltheir organs and , speakers had better not undertake the dangerous ,work,„ • t • _A . 411,6 AT Rood occurred , at, , Baltimore and ivleitikviluring the lattir part of last week. Thkwater was never so high before in that Several milltnns of dollars worth of property watolmtroyed. 'About Inn were also lost by drowning.' • aurcura. TILDEN , Seymour'striersi, *as very anxionsonie ten days'ago to ascertain *here A. J. stood polltiatllY. He according!' .1* .at a Col.-Van Buyen_front New York to *Blanton to ram - I'll°lllc. Col. V. obtained an'interview with ihe Preildent and put the .quistioasimucly to him., Tie President's ,answer was very suggestive, ally is follows: , "col. Van Buie% some that; giaatternor_ftutour declared • diet ; the ve me now TAUT - tusve - ipit - ter. lire to be found dying at the tall of Gov. :mour's kite• TO the Desbogrety of. Nap. ork I owe nothing. They have been con. trolled by , a newspaper clique which has never been friendly to me, . therefore, I can see no reason why I.should go oat- of my tray to assist them.", ' • r ; e Tux Seymour: and Blair ticket, the Tim many platform'and Blair's letters, are acting like a June stm on the Copperhead family. We will not submit, ;aye one. We will resist to the last, says another. Reiolition will be the consequence if Grant is elected, adds a third. We will win all we loat,in the , rebel lion, shouts a fourth. And so on,llll the dry bones of the contedercy aie fairly alive again.. The leaders, of the party to-day are the ,rebel Generals Forrest, Hampton. Vance, Preston, with Vallandigbam, Brick Pomeroy, and many others like them. Guri. Ge.,tscr's wholC career has been one of unsought and wellt earned promotion.. Ile never co4lained that he was kept •down, never sought a higher place; but simply, ef fectively performed the duties of whatever position he was placed in, and when callodto higher Wilms performed in the same manner his new and enlarged duties. The voice or the nation will soon call )tilm to the Presiden cy, and he will carry to it..the same uneaten thatpolicy of performing all the duties of office without parade, noise oi bluster. What a relief that will be after the• windy verbiage of the last three years. Gov. llzsav A. Wtsn, the wind-hag of Vir. ginia, accepts the New York platform with a qualification; lie modestly proclaims the first paragraph a lie,and says that secession is not dead, but more Wire than ewer. He Will ,neverthohiss support Seirmour and Blair, par ticularly Blau, because his lettei demands a forcible overthrow of the Southern State gov. ernments. what a pity these honest. Demo ts.rats icouldn't keep their thoughts to them selves! Tsrs lipringfield(lEass.)fispublieen btates that "several young - men who were formerly prom inent in the Democratic Couneiliof this city, have been unable to 'go' the nomination if SeywoUr and Blair, and haveexpressed their determination to vote against that ticket." To this the editor of rho Now York Cons intr. dot Advertiser adds the fi)llowing "The writer of this article Can name over twenty Democrats among his acquaintances who have decided Since Thursday July 9th to vote for Grant and Colfax.' Every Repuldi can has doubtless hada dialler experience.-;- Gti 'where you will ono encoiniters this disap pointment and disgust at the Tammany nom ination*. One Democlat asserts that ho can not stand the repudiation platform. A. sec ond does not, like seymour's war - reeord, a third regards the nomination of the revol t tionary Blair as an' insult to every latir-abiding , Democmt. Our advlem hem the East and West all show unmistakably that this defec tion is not confined to New York., but extends, as stated above, everywhere. feral Demo tic journals, and numerous leaders, have came imtsquarelrniid repudiated the whole . Tammany concern, while the rank and file are abandoning the disloyal, revaintionary stand. and and enlisting uneer the Rcpubllcan ban ners, and we Wive had only a ibretasteofarluit la rom Repub cowing. Instead of Democno drawin flkans, RepuMicans will draw from Democrats, until the party of disloyalty arid rerolution will simmer down to ex-rebels, bounty jumpers,. deadens, . - Copperhuds. re puctiaticuaists, and the enemies or kw and or der and the country, generally. ;tanizigaz , ..4_,,iir, pitar 7 -.„:-• ''ll".. i..t-t F. + Vile . .• 1' 1 . 4 - 1 , ::, Aik , s' ; 14 . . ~, 11,11041 • t ia r i ti p, t eft . be 41ffen7esip , , beitiltaimber. Al motet was appreadeed to die pristr hig TS. - A ft er master tag thio,4l A.N t ' - - b ! WV, 2 . e i - ' wiiiiiiii" . — 7- • Site . li. # ;e404 . - . Int, , - 6 ‘• erg: • shake -•!sif,•lkei•lsiniposing ,•'•• and rn-' [..- t • - bla . [ ' luitidat iteamboating• .Urs a et slioil4 •band; alidtatibieqnentlysl - iaedti • Wan pattlaWnays=nel fi r leißitel L , Wis. le In the iron ' it Bmidy's " ' "" In ISS_Wat folipwed. the eldest -ernig S bri , 'CitMtiKiesiteltrlngtelersillet iii. did* time; Tb18611, - -werend*hka In ,J'alinpitowni View It Aninfflaekt .. , Vjelteetstioiksf th e - U ll /4/M°M ,CambrWirosk Wpdra,: r ._iidektiliich effiabltilH 'meat:he was'eonneded• • • nitto the brealdig mit atilt *sir: -1 - i 18614.4Cwas 'among the first to enroll hluselfat•a voliwkien.446 o *l the nag of.IIPAT• bwkisissdid 10 Ow CosPanif., that, wizaW. Ogitp Ouirbt. - i• • Ihri arrteal athirconipanfießairkbetet• [ • 1 the oeganization of the b. • Regiment olli t C . VAL . *bleb' . 'his ,' •• pony ' wino - etched; LleciMiutipbell wilt OpOoliitid Y-I tiikuusser of thirtßegitnaCk.which :pox, 'skin I he filled witlekedit to khatelfrind,to the att. 1 lefftellon s tr. IVofficers., indium of bia ”fad merit, ,as all - Arise who remain will' teistify. Re was mustered out Orservite eti the 28th 1 of July 1861, and on ,the •:- 80th of the i time month, was cienindssioned hy . Gov. Curthi.tod raises regiment. t .The regiment was recridt 'I ed Mainly through Col. Campbell's individu. I al 'exertioni, and upon-being - organized; was designated the. 54th. Ms regiment! waii'44S; escort of lumpy throu g h thisirity of Washing, ton, to the remains °Out: lamented Col.' Cant eron (brother ofßoit: Simon Cdniewn) wit NI at the Ana Bull Run battle. On'the'2oeb of March. 18/32.. , C0L Campbell , wassrderst. eciceeppy -the line of ~the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad from TiorehMonnialp Station, Myr: ?ilx miles westward to the. South Bitinqh pf ;the Potomac. Inglis petition, the executive as well as•the mlliffry Iliad& of the Colonel' were constantly called into requisition. Ro w. wellhe performed his arduous - and 'slid; tlindinous duties In this trying position, the °facets Of the a & O. R. It , as well as • his superiors In the military service, do not bes et/4d to deckire. that ;bat for his energy' and tdeopTest watchfulnest, =my miles of the ' 'would have , been destroyed. On the Other Dieember,lB62, he wairtelieved from day along the railroad, and. on ; the. oth day ; di March, 1808. was asslgiterto the command of the 4th Meade, Ist Division, Bth ArmY Corps. In 1801, lies: . Slglstofdt command of the Department of West - Vitginia, and In it' re•organkstionsf the troops, Col Campbell. *this own request vitt, returned to the coin- ;nand of his regiment. and took'an abttve part l ln the battle of Newlitarket, occupying the ilefrof the line.. Hetregimentsufferedsevers• Ily and pits the last to_legis the bold. But [for the determined stand made by Col. Carip- I bell, Sigel's army would Wive been Jotted 1 and demorali sed .' •In his official report of i [ the battle, he ackruityksiged the vtluable ter, I vices decd. Campbell la a very !handsome L od flattering. manlier., A deserved complV I meat to a deserving *ea: , Gen. Sigel also took *admit° thank Col. Camtibell'in per.; sm. "My Dade Col. Campbell,-I wish I had known you better 11-Gen: . Shed .exclaimed, rushing to Col. Campbell and gresplug his vii - ten arm) 2109, years, miry of am tY 6 13 Tho also' 40A iii 14- enemy he Ter rea , the and, count the R ,ed lth thole three agate ,Land eel Vt. ferem from , wry! Maim On , bell w the RI same comp two , , his 0n,,, satisfaction of al a large amount business, In H ly re-nominated nation. for the isfactorily iilla front a State Co ad small comp! within our recol and his colic% foro received su Such in brief, and services of blest sons. Bel vil," a 'Jour" a 1 a "clerk," "mate liel." He to itex' then in Califorr enterprise of 1 Wlls. where 1 iargely to the st dertaking. At he was Lieutem toted the army master, then is campaign of tit honored With Co , - Iwo,. an Camp- General by Ther,of - the Linton, his Por over we duties of ability and to, the Lilies; and has brought up unfinished and intricate last, he was tin a ninzoui• the Ropnblican State Con:, he *Ow so ably and sat unanbrous re -nomination ntion of either party, is' nt to any man, and no one ion except Gen. Campbell n the State ticket ever be marked'enriorsentent. hurried sketch of the life of Pennsylvanla's no rat found a "printer's de- hand"on a- steamboat, I nd "part owner of a yes- I turd in the Iron busiriess,l and finally In the gigantic I lebrated Cambria Iron great :experience added of that stupendous un breaking out of the war of.a m ilitia company, enl was appolnhal %Quarter-, mei, and after a helium i ong,'weary 31191114 he was revet ,Brigadier `Gene loubly as (vision, and it will, bo hem 'the working Whisky is a protection tumidly in su perfect nuens •• dee. by Frank Blair 14 7. musketoes. 'oraken t quanutiesit will at U.! their stitwa.''', • , • , ' die 1 iambi! by •• „ notr. Talk J °elyBtuts. We. • , -., • : at : a • tov ou aaa moo 7 63 bag la isernosir, r imam 'shunting up - • - el ImetT derhts the wart 7Where's the raver strop ass? ; •• • . The - Donde-rata 06 - so 63deleat - Witithile• tift= is d i lli g up meths? Mates they 11. 0 W.1. 0 Nslal7 one' " j(kgm.bsrdat : d~rsocredv~iit th , sert that the benaxnatirtioTt6-lititilt • • • • 4 841 7 451ik: itioniclit4son. 30' • Good ehssoa:Cotatra• attotoi the : Thelatest` ammo( son4treits Allattkitniellt old Snitth billinthhn a Bey , "par man i rorsmieliltkr pro - balopltltet. Alliak.ll3ridt _415 inated by the Demo. ends to drans,Rdpubl nom can . Totes. „ as weltittemPtlddraw daylight fromlar An artist_Mvertlael pettratts of Mr. Blair 441 fifteen dinorent PeeWtsta" After the elec. limbo can give, ,sizurn-701A them; "face' 801an."..-. • ' • It is•thought that(rttnt'i•Oulti. have' Web more pcnontar' amiin gibe tiehmerntair his Itil& had been 4 (f. 8. instead of 'lf: EL G." • • Tho non}rOtilik filegleimi Wit° hai'becii TiuttclugAelbe,spieches - tri.Mainei -Rredlets that the f3l' giva Grunt and Colfax 29,- 1-W O 4/4 0 0 1 0ff .r . . , • • DeollttlOsYs Viet Seymobr fought the but ! t ile of , qqtysbuorg..*.The i keys, this raistukc- , '-he only uldedfttie Rebels tb tight Et (•-•-• • • ; • 3.14: S.. S.;*, seys':of 'lletatki Bement' : mike' - yon'' rub - hbei-the bright° :he shinee; - The sante uuky be -said of . a brass - candlestick and-Blair's nese. . Fmnk MI6 wants to inaugurate strather Themost ardent 01 ids liel s Pertels 'ares at present under •parole not" to takuup f#MS against the ""U. S. G.' The Kekordb (Ind.) Talnsne says that of the 71 persons committed to the Howard county (Ind.) jail slur* Sep. 17.1807, 60 were Demo crats, and only 3 Republicans. • 'f TheZanesvilin (Ohio) Germania, the only German paper $ blished there, and which has hitherto,*ew ► matt; In, last week's Is sue Teptidiates Seymour and Blair. Senator Doolittle's recent, totter was drawn out of On by 0. a Ostrander, the Johnson PostutektOr cjDanville, Penn., who was an* lone to r t hie cue for voting. ' • r_. Country mere say that the Ilon. if. CI; *Rebid*, firtmerly Di. C, fmnt New York. and Judge Pierrepont, one of the &chenille( Taittnal4; will soon Aeclare br:G rant. • The Democrats am instlibled is)outlien. Grant'sgiven name, and Wight In calling him Hinun: Gen. Grant. to Satisfy them all romsil, will give them hls,father's mune Sic* wigs a compromise. • ' • d tinguished 'savant, alluding to Gov. 43eYnicitir's birthplace. Pompey, N.Y.. remark ed that be was"alormer-resident of Pompey, and, been recently exhumed by n party of amciican antiquarians.. ' . • , Th Hon. Jftmes Hughtie of indigo*. one of the most. 'eloquent of the Dernr - - "dors re -101111131 t ant West has *ll slfifor kis • sin a young man against his will.' A West er taper wantitto know bow much the Dem. 'tamale Convention Monld bo fined for fore gt. notoluation OW &vaunt , . "agalust his will. chieftain i wit of the ier• 18 been tu the halt• He wee except three C ourt ono. had but two whole period they Ear twee. - ' • .. . . u in Virginia the Democrats haveameLafay e Washington, a Inn? and . Virginian, stumping the State against the :new Cotatltil- Or. He is rreeggaarded with cried Maw by the anda br o t h er lolly recognized as a "man .. .. ryl The Hartfoul lunar, fit answering an inqui of the Tiluicre, says that the Democratic soldiers am! sailors fought, during the war, on that'it phitilinn of "the Constitution and the " This will be news indeed . to Gen. NJ R. Forrest and Admiral Raphael Semmes. t'The war IS over," said a Sevaiourite the' other day to a . onelinved soldier • , who was tuning a hand-organ in Eldon Park. "It may be over to you," Amid the brave BO Sloe, lifting up his stump. "but it is over , by a good:da,l to me." The Copperhead vii- , , . r'What think you of the Democratic amain *Sone inquir'W a Copperhead officia one-iwgear Union soldier, the other dayl of I. " I regard them an outrageous:4in* to the /Wier leall peep k.," was the soldier's reply. "and if any truinasks Me to vote for thou, Lilian 'be tempt=ed to break my crutch over his head,. d iThe Loulsv hie Journal cls George H. Pe.n etoir"the Warwick Of theal nextPresidency.' 'OFour years ago h d was a peace candle---now xalis he's a War .wick. This may mean that there's not a grease,spot left of him—or{ ' 1 , that he's effectually 'Snuffed out. 1 The Pendietoniaris have got their platform but have lost their candidate. The woman's, Shfirage Associationliave lost their platform. but have got their candidate. In an age of ciapromlse, no one party or clique can hope ir t ' monepolize all the good things of this life. Judge Wolfe of Virginia in 1884 published I I a volume 'df 244 pages in vindication of the , South,- one chapter of which containea an "Eloquent Defense of the South, by the lion. Homtio Seymour." 'l'hat chapter would be ifitere.sting reading theta days. Who has a Icirpy, °filly work f , , 1, Two Democrats recently sot fire to a Church refuse I In Magnodi the lia >use Inas: it : for because they had been of a political meeting. Five thousand Democrat's once set fire to an Orphan Asylum In this city because several Ir -thousand Democrats in grey had-been killed sit Vicksbnor and Gettysburg, • , 1 The Chicago Post says : "Lew Campbell,l ,' having recovered from his wild huot through 'the chapparel of Mexico for a seat of the Jae rex Ck•vernment, is now engaged in getting ups 'third party. We do no, know of any elm who could more literally and 'liberally grease the wheels of a new movement, espec ially hi such weather as this." • . r i• The Journa l qf Commerce speaks oil:foredo Seymour ai followit . "He is a courteous, Chris tiara grentieraa, - ef good administrative abili ties, high personal character, and a consistent advocate and bright example.of temperance." And the twin In all these estimablequalities !is Fmk Blair. All thlis; and one of the Blair family besides. .f • ' ' • ' 11 Wise, Vance, and other leading Democnibi think that the "Lost Cause" is' not yet lost. Just what the Republicans have been con itendlog ever shine A. ..I. fina announced his 4 ponef," but with Grant rAill at the head they pivigippe to' fight ft cot on that - line between ndir and November. and Ana bury it beyond in larpe.of another reautvection. . ' Win net NOM O'Reilly. apply, his vaittable *renal andkiituideal genius to setting the war speech o-: the,Reisel Toombs of Cllsporgis ,to music It The first Stanza aright read. thus : “reser. tioevthetoomboa dedeliki some, cotes note. inns theory. .. To Oopperbeadk cam WSW the vented Where yo, already lie." Ampbell will it up a • Jack lit miDallas se determined iroPngandists, Van Ds- Ow voted for Julian ; and from Cambria km. In 1839 nnty present- 1 mxst as their .nation. and' ug, r selected party res failed to of 1 district eon- It however ve And men- 611 to cite. 4 lasting im iess than and nthatrong his indr ell - amd,aud slai internal rt *OW goV '4l Mike' one from )rt 0,64 a clever toa re m ai te beyond mws‘ cw '2lburdiernentc- ata t„., - V I T" • WI s . , irr ar promatm os lb. i ; sa n Inf at tbelr 1 trionlise calor socoest inr a. , 1W ' eallt r i alk sane - I r fi CIVO C rir .I:olo l =r i lvio= t w er l to.the art Q, ssdno lanuifte pa l° mid t o n= Adios lite otr ir id knows Wor wl • • Aes.- lc FALL 'BMWS OP oth sin% e, lea • • • • SeR9OI444IPSO AThAlliviegigULtir casmis .ftabilnuf.galor,aTessidstiato.dlltes, extesdire melba Is the Cloaks.lA sad Mute, Par Clital Wins • -- T.TA114.011: 1 , :UM 'IIEO v 11 1 111INEC11111311M peter July. 8t taw and D. 0. 1881. by the Prize Chun Compaky. Vermout,imut being' Added that It doter Its 'work'well.mlftg geoid idtebuttertu •trous r. 341.8 Winter, ; ere: reoetarnentlA2 . l ; sal, as, the bestCham in market, to our kno . . .• • •. t, . k 7 Vir7lC4 MILTON, . • . ••• Tf e llte:trtntEln., ' J. WE:TANI, X. WEICIANO. TEACIIERS.7ANItED. rk 110AUD OF riCllOO DIREC TOILS OF Otilo .• town ship. will on FridaY. Ang. 14th, at Fairview Se I Bow, ethplo7 7 competent Teachariptor 'the term of,•sirmanths. • j • • t • • The Comity' EnnerlntendentivHl be ltresent•it 9 A. M. of said day. tor the Pnrltose of examining ap piltptats. Ur order of the Board. • , •Acting lirent94. • I • Woolotion o TartztOrstalp ... . woman UDRMY CIIVIef, VDT Tlib l' DT /I unship heretofore exiatinc between T. C. Wal. lams and D. T. Patter; Homeopathic IPhysiciana of Ro 4heiner.Pa.. hats this , this delay been dfisegivo&by the 'withdrawal of G. T. Parker from the Arm. i I T Eat. 1803-431r1Z. C. WALLACE, M. D. PARY9I,OCERIB! TIRE CNDERSTGINED I. 114.T1150 PORCIIASED the GROCERY and I PROTISION STORE of G. U. Berkinter. - on. Stiobton street, aoriteater. tars pleasure in Informing his Mends and the publle geu erally.that be has added lamely to the fitoekond Is now prepared to (mistral the lowest passible rates. all Ar tie** usually kept in a and Maas rrurlalon Stare. J. Sild.Rl 3 .' take pieastint in mennunending Capt. Sharp to my old customers. apd trust they will extend to him the, samiTatinnage so libendly bestowed noon met.% tnymnSmos. G. it. axtctusa. MEW NO. 3 3IACKEREL, IN QUAR II. ter barrels; White FM and Herring, at ARK'S, IThird t;Betwei.' TVUED BEEF; BREAKFAST BACON. Jij Sugar Cured Hama,Shouldera mai Side meats, at J. B. CLARK'S. CANNED FRUITS, PICKLES. BAR dim* fresh Cowl and Spiced °vistas, J. R. CLARK'S_ Grocery, Ikacer, Pa. at RAISINS, fAXCX: CRACK era of all khids, &e, fte„ at - • CLiiiK73 . Grsseery. JJII .SHOT, LEAD, MUSKET AND Ur" lout water, proof:Vapor s Ind Powder, at J. H. CLARK'S, • 'Tided atreet,Deaver. . ) jy2O6BAC. s tiCLOI3ING I . OUT - e IL& ND - CLOSING OUT SALE J. IL J. H. Third Street, Bearer, Pa. • Third :'Street, Beaver, Pa. hices Very Low ! Btbl clotrisc o!it it kmestprtces. to make room for PALL MILLINERY GOODS, - 1 . RIBBONS,LOWERS, . I . ' HATS,. BONNETS, - PRAXES, &C. COLORED ILLUSIONS AND CRAPES, .r _ • • CORSETS, 1 OOP AND HOSIERY.SKIRTS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of All kinds,of LACES, GEOVESi FANCY,LIANDKERCRIEFS. PARASOLS AND Sur! Shades, I.73IDIMLLAS, CUFFS, • AND COLLARS, &C. Embroideries, =I All' kftds. PIKAYS, VEIL STUFFS, Of vreir .deseeption, ita; ste, MI Tkeit above will be sold out Regardless of Cost glartay;catly luatt secarel s i good tiargalit. )ATIII:ly, 1111 LE BENCE'S, ' BENCE'S, /Win the solo ascots for the eelebtatid CANTON CITY MILL For u norter and vtdattir, we able dour to dr 2r te, P ittsburgh I Ves, sitnon , freight fromfromthe 31l WHOLESALE AND BET 4 1 L. Also.. basing the secrecy tbe liteletto ,liteale Co's cales, we of* to theriz Bodes at 1011110hicinters =cone& doe of counter. HAY. Caul'' , t‘ /Wiling MU no Itillnste Balks. • , • Ao. Agents, Ilbe Eureka Bone B ut of lime asd Miter she hada. . • &VW Skt Maindectittigt * •Co"., Salt ibrail oa baud• we lwee sheep fttll stock MI bode. CALL ONCE AND YOU rut. CALL AGAIN 0 ..., • ..° lll' c c. :z a ; NIE . CI 7 'EPrE F RITIP lilt/Any 1, e V; . • „ -2 X I rA I. ; - VC I ‘• • „Atiohirteir, 0r9u0 . 31,5 , pato* - • ; „ I%iffiff4d lova, *4A, • '. ~• •t•AIELLERS'''.&" co Lem':.Wood ..,PUTSBitliGli PA. Whokiale Aggapt gorily! *est. For Side by ! WON XO9l ' .• RBI =1 • ," . . . WALL:O4I ° Eft! ..•. 14 10 ;At J.,t ... •C W AlL''.'. . TAPER ! ;,,..•. ~ i•, G o ths" -Oil Cloths ! • Oil Cloths AIL R 3PIEIVII SS I mar Is's A. 1:* 11l 1 P ! erWENTY-FIVE TIIOI.7SAICD BOLTS OF PAPER just metro& and will be odd bower Sun can be packaged elsewhere. at • $ 23: IVECTLIEMIM'S Bridgewilter, 7 Olivet Atm England. bearing tlie original pleitazet. Also, Window Shades. Satcbele. 'Franke . . Stereoacopte View. of all places of Interest In tbeatuntryaud apou the continent. teopectftly it t re notice to all to WI and oee the GOVDSIogo Ind well re ed Stock of general VAULSTY . • • , • Waded In above;we bare Lookhre , Oliaaes, Car pet"; Raga, Oil Cloths, Le.. of bcaEUnl deetn and pattern. martni3:l ,NEW STORg IN. , -AEAVR.I.:..-Pk. .. , , 1 L ,•-i • AIRS. R. R. DEACON RRSPECTFMLY AN ti. noutwev to her many r den& In Bearer. Raid:re. grater. Rochester. Freedom. end through dr adhohOns 'country. that die has opened avert' meths stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Witch tobe cleat st-tbe aver lowest prism. Newels tabbing any of the lunairing limas caiuntt du bake la:My calling: ' MUMMERY. riNcy ; G00D.% ; _.vEz'srepo, 444VDICEECIIIEFS. DRESS ,TRIMMINGS. ; GLOVES cOLLAR2, si-C Rite drat t‘ to'call'attriMod alra to Vie 4at sbat iitt• tiaa'unaectell xi* qm5.,V4,14 . 101 , 1M/A a a l rgtiiAnr*lszw:s DEPOT, MiaAnNiti. *Otte' ? and examine the '--1,4 atr -6-41001.euTar**a of in" .4" thi , "4 . ants twnlg re4l g 7 i fraret, elirett Geo. 0. Speyerer, Elam just retursed front the Enid-and bp now receiv ing w Large aid Well Selected Aomori anent of Spring lord` er Goods. AT Hs OLD STAND : it( Corner of Water and Jams: eh.. llochemiter, GENERALDEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS and SIDES, - GROCERIES. . PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, NAILS and - • . • CARPENTER TOOfil. • ROPES and ()CUM. PACKING YARN, OILS, PAINTS, DRY AND IN 2ueens ware and Widow-ware -t-. FLOUR, FLOtrit,'FLOUR, WIiOLESALE' and RM'.4IL.I OUR:4 . O*T 0 : II B. =flaln3XL • • I=