The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 24, 1868, Image 4
'loxecuitorgo Nottee.—Lettersteatasnentary on th e .124 ClllllO of David Warnock, dee'd..lateof North Se wickley, tp., having been granted itu the tuiderekned, all pc riop Indebted' to tbe salll wale are requested to make lmmt4latepayment, end those having claims or demoted' against Me Wale of (sad docedeut, will drake known she name artanset delay. JAMES WARNOCK. THOMPSON WARNOCK, JelOjillte amicut ausi. NARK iLWB. Enos mesa HIRSII&BRO'FHERS 7 CLOTHING, MID GutWank Fero[slang Goods, NO. 29 ST• GLAIR STREET. mow" bun Chi College.) • PITTSBURGH, PA. Clothing meditlo order un abort notion rootron:ty. Beineman,Aneyran No. 4:3 Fifth - st..i I door from Wood,Pitteburgh, Wholeale and Retail Dealer in VIER JEWELRY, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, PURE 1' Silver Warn, Elena Clocks, Plated were of every dencriptlon. Tea sets. Spoons, Forks, Watch Makers tools and material, and agency of the eclairs'. led AMERICAN WATCHFAI We ratio keep the lamed and moat varied anion • meta of the very beet American made • CLOCKS be found In any city cast or west. Fersons In want of any article In our lino either a . wholesale or for their own use, will always dud our prices lower and our ASHCKIIIIIeIIt Mrger than any to be found west of rilewlfork city. WATCH REPAIRING. 1 , • To.thla branch or our trade (being until:Wei pelted dal witch makers) we pay very operial a teutlou we employ a force of the very ben Artlata In the country, and iwy and all flue, delicate and difficult work eu trusttd to oar care—for the trade or lndlilduals—nuty rely en getting the Milord satleractiou. Work may be sent in by expre,s or otherwise. ItEINEDIAN, 31EYEAN & SEIDLE, Wholceale and Rataltdcwelera and Sllveremlthe, 42 FVIII straf, I'ITTSBURGa apr29l3B:ly spring and . Sn-ntm'pr CA.C000.12119 MYR JUST RBCEIVED A NEW errocu OF (100Dt . of the LATBEit EITYL&S. Foe Sprint, and Summer Wear Ocodietnen's purists n Goods 0 3 / 1 97ANTLY ON LUNA OLOTIIINA DE TO ORDER In IWO sod Met adduce* ',tyke, end at !bort notteo. ' BAILEY, FARRELL & CO.. I, l ead Pipe. Sheet It Bar Lead NANUFACIVIIERS, ALSO rig Lead, Iron Pipe, Rubber Mlse, Steam Ganges,. Whistles & Valves, Iron & • • Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs, , steam Pumps, Farm Pumps. and Force Pumps. And every deleription of goods for WATER, *GAS & STEAM. NOw 167 Smithfield Street, ) PITTSBURGH, PENNTA. , send for a Price Use. [apr22.6B:ly. biUSIC . IN ( FRONT ! .BANDS • FURNISUBD ROMPTIX WITH 'Brae and German Si er Instruments, BY TILE SET li PIECE. \ ALSO. 1111 rim and Tenor rums, Cymbals • and Trlangloi, &c., &c., At pare lower than can be bad at any other Uonso In 'ln this country. Spectal Inducements offered to RANDS AND TO DEALER* Sand for circular and pica DA. • HOFFMAN, HOENE & CO. '.58 FIFTH STREET, • A. PITTSBURGH; PA. DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS AND MELO. dews, facet Music and Music Books, and Im porters of Musical Inairumonte and Riling% a prIVS: I y. 011asioare Lampe, an Carbon Oil. • J. P. SMITII & CO., • - Witolcsale Deaden Lein Chandeliers, • Glassware, Carbon, . Lubricating/ and Lard 011 s. Ni r ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH AT RE INS et to the trade all styles of goods in our line, Which for quality and price defy competition. Our No. I Carbon Oil, we warrant to be pure and at least 115 degrees fire teat. • We have also on hands, the new patent BUN and NOL.IR barriers and chimneys. 3. P. SMITH l$ Co., Liberty St., head of Fifth, TTINWARk. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DZALLS'IN ALL imps OP Tin, Copper &ISheet• Irop. IPROPOSE KEEPING CONST.i i NTLY ON HAND all kinds of TIN, COPPER A D SHEET-IRON WARM Web I will sell I T TUE LOWE,FT PRICe ,• • • Tin pooffing,Spouting & Job Work , Clone to rder In the best , possible manna. 'and on shortest notice. U.hi none but the best of material, and hailing none but the beet of wurlunen, WE WARRANT ALL ..WOE • SHOP ON THE LO WEB END OF 119airciggitreel BEAVER,., PA. Girs vs a OW, arta Aramaine bur Moe* Japanned ware keptitenstantly on hand O. a AN BaUTZ. IALLSTON, FOUNDRY! ENGINE 8 1 ; REPAIR SHOP HAYING ratted and enlarged my stock ¯on em and tools, and having secured tho services of the .best of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant all work dome to give entire satisfaction. I have on hand different-patterns and styles of Engines, Fite Clay Rolls, and am prepared to make or repair all dmalp lions of miChhicry; on reasonable terms. I have all the best plow patterns that soft this market among which is the' ••Great Western," which has been rue plow of the eminty for the last fifteen years., Also, almost all other Plows now or previously in use. I have on hand and will continue to manufacture a large Imo:talent of - COOKING, FRA.I4ELIIi MID lISATDIG pi'OVES • . Of the latest etyles l and wltti all the modem Improve ments, which I will sell at modern rate. Among these is the GREAT REPUBLIC. This Skive his an extension top, which gives it a large Surface without taking up touch room,and It is now looked upon as one of the best and most economical, stovesas ittakesless fuel and Is more durable than other In *.The following persons, after having used this stove fora considerable length of time, may be =fend to in proof oLwhat is here said Dr. Isaac Winans, M. T. Kennedy, Eli limo, John Watson. Mrs. Geo. Fulton, Capt. J. 8. Winans, William Stv Joseph Dar , Will Robert McGowan, Joseph Dlackmore, Mrs. Joseph Martin. Mrs. Major Wade, Dr. J. D. McCreary% Milo N. Miller, David Lestek. Capt. lime% 'Roney. Dr. C. R. Tuttle, William Reed. Kelly Hunter. John McLaughlin, Samuel Taylor, Dr. Jug. E.•Jacksoq _Thomas Deacon , John Dunlap, Milton Davis,' Marcus Baldwl4 David Lloyd, John M. Dunnur, J. V. Winne, Mrs. Robt. And:clink Mr. Lobley, Mr. CanN Frederick Kahn& Benjamin Franklin, Capt. James Johnston, Samuel Kennedy, . George Evans, John Jackson, AV:liter Bucksaw% Mn. McPhlilomy, H. T. Reeves. William boob, WILLIAX REICH, BaiDOEWATER. PA MOORE'S, DRUG STORE, -DRUGS, • Medicines, TOILET LETICLEm, SOAPS, 'LATENT MEDICINES In greet virlety, all dr tip bed quality, and sold cheap. er than can be bought at any other Drug Store In the county. • Dgponco's• Femalo Pile, 1 . 5 mote pot boat. Clime mao`e, Clark'e, 41. LAMPS it LAMP TRlldillsit LANTERNS, STA TIONERY, WINDOW 0 & PUTTY. Etter offered.outolde of th&elty,at Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than ran be bought anywhere ebso. Lot those who doubt Ode call and see, and they will doubt no more. Ju171 • 67 J. MOORE. LOOK I-lEIZE I • • • • • TILE UNDERSIGNED IS ENGAGJID IN MANU &daring Lime at Vanpora, Beam county, PL— UM Kline are knew% as the • "Power's Kilns", Fresh Lime, and free of stones, can always het ad, on stunt notice. I will miles cheap as tho cheapest. All order lett at the Kline, or lettuce addressed to me at Beaver, Pa., will receive prompt and careful attention. Lime delivered, whenever wanted; AMOS DOUTT. mailinedy. Wholesale and,•Retail Dealer nr CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUIT, I • All kind!. of Conotqr Produce sold cm .cumudantod, and prompt feturnsimade. . _ NO. 43 FEDERAL STREET, lIN FAT,Lerrow, BEAVER CQUNTY, PA Aims MID PLOW CASTINGS., ISTOVES ! STOVES ! ! Jason Richardson, dames McGehen, Capt. Woodson Wenn. Thonskey. Da*, Samuel Murphy, Mies ltoldship, Hiram Stowe, Mrs. Fattenis:n, James Hepenult% Samuel Dunlap, Thompson Johnston. i.:mwtord, Mrs. Hee'. Stephens, Jonathan licliensin. Judge }Cairns. - Itlchaxd Knight. _ Solomon Fronk, James Knowles. David CM hOO/1. Diehard Staley, Joseph MeFerran, David Carr, Damp Wean, Jamca Thompe" Mrs. Quay, Harripon Reed. Milton Reed, Boston Grove, William Grove,: Washington MO% Jamei Galley, Robert Graham. Thomas Bradshaw!, Milo Bnulattaw, Dixon Reed. Daniel Maxwell, J. W. Funkhonses, William Wagner. Mr. Chaney, ienrr Sothank Mr..iirray, David Mitchell. SOHN TEPORNLEY marlBllfitit IN.BEAVER, • Play be bond the beet eirortsoctal at CIIPAZIL IC A LS, I" 17 LIQUORS. WINES A.ndilrxiaridisl 'Painteb Oils { 1 AND 1 DYE STUFFS. 1311,VSIIES4 The Utmost Stock of G. W. PUSEY, tind TEAS, Pickles, &c. Allegheny City, Penn's'. nov1311:1y L. D. =NM= C. 71. =RUCK KEYI3T' oNE' STOVE -Nioitks CIO' Factory Etu NEW .BRIGHTON,,P A MERRICK & CO. MANUFACTURERS OP AND WHOLEYALE AND RETAIL DRALEI2B 'IS COOKING stovEs. HEATING STOVES GRATE FRONTS and FENDERS, Aka, kr.. Ruby Cooking Stovo N 05.1,8 & P. HIS STOVE TOOK THE FIRST PREMIUM Al the State Fair SS a Coal Cooking Stove; and also at henate County Fair. We use no scrap iron in their manufacture, but make them exclusively of No. 1 Ile Metal, and warrant them In every respect. The Ruby has the latgest oven in the market and consumes bat little fuel In baking, owing to to enn u i proved (irate. ORATE FRONTS AND FENDERS We are largely engaged In the manufacture of Grate Fronts and Fenders, Which we enamel in an oven coal men, second quality and fine finish. This enamel re tains its lustre for a long time, will not burn off and makes a much superior finish to that of Voal Tar, SUMMER PIECES We aro also making Sheet Iron Summer Pieces (for which we have applied fora patent )prossed up la a hydraulic press. They are much lighter than cast Lam and much cheapes. HEATING STOVES We claim the heaviest beating Stove tin the market for the size, and use the best Stock In their construe• lion. Our patte,lms are not yet complete, but It is cur lo cution to keep a general assortment in our line. We also took the Premium id the County Fair fur Castings gencrally,and we have entered in to the burl nesswith the determluation to use the best of l'ig.Stetal and make good work. We respectfully request a share of the public ppaa tronage,and would be pleased to tee them wantM2 anything in our line at our woks. Prices Low to mit the gluten. MERIUCK & Oa _norlCro7lL, DEPOT HARDWARE SfOZE. wirrESIDES & DRUM, _ . OPENED A NEW HARDWARE STORE, 79 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, Near P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. Depot, UTERE THEY WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON hand every description'til HARDWARE. "Locks, Hinges, Nails, Glass, Sash, Grind Stones. Shov els, Picks; Aics, and all kinds of Farming and Gar dening lmplementk, wholesale ann rendl. Carpenters and Hardware Dealers can always get 'a supply ; of DRUG ' S PATENTEHUTTER HINGE AND SASH PULLEY; Oar prices and tetras will be as favorable as can be found elsewhere. Purchasers living on the Railroads, can have their goods delivered at the Depots free of charge. mylVOS;am. WIIITESIDFS.t DRUM.. CONAIONXIINTII ROLICITEI) PALMER & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER AND dontutission Itierdputs Opera Rouse Auction 'Room, NO. 6Q FIFTH STREET, PITTSBUITO Boots, Shoes, carpets, Dry Goods and Notions AT PRIVATE BALE DAY AND EVENING. aprErORIY. Mlil NEW HARDWARE STORE. 144 SIIIITHFIELD.ST4 PITTSBURGH, PA. A mea LAR t IIC. HEW AND fDDMPLETE ASSOBT HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AC. May and Manure Forks, Mom Shovels and Scythes, with every variety of goods usually found in a HARDWARE STORE. OaU and examine my etket. N. STUPY. aprl'OEt3m SPRING & SUM MEP GOODS. Just received a New Stock of floods, of the ',Wet Styles, for SPRING& SUMMER WEAR, And will be made up to order In the most approved kltyles, and REASONABI,E TERMS. CLOTHINCi MADE TO 01'1VA-flit LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE STY , AND AT MOAT NOTICE. GEORGE BRAE N, . Broadway, Now Brightoh. aptirOEMSai. R. W & W. J. SNODGRASS. • • WHOLESALE CORNER OF Federal tad Liteoek Streets, Allclibtlln (RM corner below Depot,) DEALERS IN LEADS, PAINTS, ons, VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, FOR EIGN and DOMESTIC PERFU MERIES, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY GOODS, dri, de. J. C. Hammond, DEALER IN ALL RINDS Or Flout. Feed, Me al die., dee KAIN OF ALL KINDS BOUGIIT FOR Cl 4 / 1 . A VT good. assortannit of the diderilit kinds of pota toes always on ban .. All goods delivered wiser' de sised. Call a4il -4:0 -a en Connecticut street ; near tho Fab c Itin se. la Rochester, Ili. [june3'6l;ty. DAWSON & RICHARDSON x.l xxxxicx, 7. L 1113C1LLIT. ne:liver . Palls, Pa. TrAVI2.IO JUST OPENED A LARGE STOCK OP OROORILLES. NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, NAILS, DRUGS, &C Window Shies di adzes end double, strength. Spe cial attention paid to illling orders for largo ' also window glan.44, . ~ , 1 , . Also; LINSEED OIL, CRUDE MINIM} OIL, BENZINE, . COALE'S PATENT DATEIt Paints of all Colots, Ground, Aland In Oil. Purchasers will do well to call and examine our stock of Paints before purchasing elsewhere. Also, Choice Brands of Flour In Bartel and in Sacks. AGoods.U kinds of Country produce taken In exchange for Itenwmber*the*,place, flrtt door above the CuUery. opposite side of street. JrlOVl:tf. SIMON ..SNITGER CO., (At the, old eptmd, 3rd street Seurat, ransli..)! ALL KINDS OF .1 GROCERIES, SUM AS COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SXR. UPS, MOLASSES, SORGRUAII, ' RiCE, PEPPERS, SPICES, SOAPS, CANDIES, ItAl- SINS, ENGLISH, . CURRANTS, FIGS, I FLOUR, FEED, FISH, GRAIN, tfc., They are constantly receiving a fresh assortment of hetet articles, and the public may rely upon getting from them us good as the market affords. MI In ods delivered if required. junts:lY. Shallenberger Brol 13 ridaewatvr. Penn' PINS PREY GRUM Queensware, Hardware, NAHA WINDOW OLAM, WOOD AND WILL' VARA BACON, 11314 (MUM. Y. WILLUICU WILLRIOIit & HARTFORD Slave now Opened the Finest Selection of FALL AND WINTER BOOTS & SHOES, - , AND , LOW PRICE S! Coil and er l amlio oar Stock NO. 100 MARKET STREET, Corner of Fifth, Pittsburgh, PO.l torirstiy. ' ~ awrmieuvis, DEALER IN 1-la,kciwame, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Apical ', Viral Implements. .BVILDEWS HARDWARE,IMMInC .B T C !" l3 ' alvraya kept on hand. Also, agent. for WORLD'S REAPRIR AND MOWER. OHIO .newEit and lb. TORNADO THIRDSRESL lagrEart aide Stoadavy. New Itristitos. Pa. marr6B.. R. A. Wilson, (fate WILSON a STEWART.) DEALER rIN I i oots Shoes Rubbers, • • OLD WAND% DIAMOND, ROCE i H STEIL. PA. DEALERS IN SUCCESSORS TO STILES & SHALLENBERGER 11:W=EE:1 AND Country Produce Oe 'mums Ern% Which themes selling at GREAT BARGAINS t New Spring Goods ! FRESH ARRIVAL S:J. Cross &to's, ROCHESTER, PA.. TUST RECEIVED PROM TIIR EAST, A LARGER and better assorted Stock or general Merchandise than ever before In our house, consisting or NEW PRINTS, NEW DELAIkI B GINGHAMS, CHECKS, ' FLANNELS, all colors, . • JEANS,' CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, - ' CRASH, DRILLS, - • BLEACHED and ' BROWN MUSLINS. ) . NOTIONS IN LARGE ARIETY. ZI HOOP find BALMORAL biIIRTIS. BOOTS and SHOES, Par ctut ld ted waysalw In the F ist,eet Clah.twtat. and su a ema adsoo. litartliairevre. A complete Stock jail purchased la Nuw limit and PhtlailulpWa, ut MECHANICS TOOLS, CUTLERY,. STRAP HINGES, LOCHS IN GREAT VARI4TY Al/ ilzoe, single and danhle strength. at Plttsbugh Paints & Oils. CELEDDATED DUCK LEAD, COLORED PAINTS, GROUND, DRY AND IN OIL MINERAL PAINTS, LARD OIL, CASTOR OIL, TURPENTINE, BENZINE an 4 COALE'S PATENT DRYER. . Boolke and StationkTy,j r o i• 'es es. DACON,IIA3I3,BID ES, SHOULDERS, MESS.roicH - • -LARD, &C., &C. J. Y. lIARTYORD In Seeks and Barrels. fresh ground. &rod from Can ton city MU, Ohio. All kinds of country produce taken in =clump° far . tll bony goods delivered het et cliarie CALL AND EXAMINE OUR BTOCH S. J. CROSS & . CO. NEW YORK STREE7 , NEAR RAILROAD CROSSING. o'c hest Pa. tan 110.1: Ina NEW MUSLINS. 1 1 / 4 78 and CAPS, TABLE& POCKET SIIUTTER HINGES, NAILS AT MANUFACTUILLNO PRICES WINDOIV GLASS prime FRMita RICUARD & CO'S.. at wtolcealia and retail. LINSEED OIL, CARBON OIL, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. FLOUR ROCHESTER FOl.l.1 4 iDRT, ANDE11040:1. ARBUCKLE & CO. Ii t rANUFACTURSIIS,OI? cnors CASTINGS* /TA. Railway Track and Car Castings, Agriadnual InrpiemetMsJinglas and all other. Castings made at • first clam Foundry. Also. Stores, Gratd Fronts, Orate 13ers. Linens Sash Weights, Hollow-Ware, Ket see; Iron Fence, and all other Oritinge called far, on short notice and of the very best metal. Also, J. J. Anderson's Justly celebrated New Cook Stove for Cad mid Wood. which took the First Premium Aube State ,Ilair recently' held at Pittsbagh. This 'Store combines many new and important prindplai, which place It Oar in 114%11002 of all other* now: in ore. Sem of the merits claimed for it by the Inventor. and Flail Weil Proportioned. Beauty oi Style and Fiala Mum of Draft. Emily Kept, Vican,Requirce but littbr el. and the • BEST BAKER EXTANT• All orders thankhdly received and promptly tilled. We Call Attention to.-the Following While living in the East tuned several of the most Celebrated Cooking Stoves made in that part of the country, and on my arrival here, I was recommended. to purchase the, Crystal Palace Stove, (also invent ed by Mr. Anderson) as being the best. I did so, and used; It with good , satisfaction.. When I saw Mr. An derson's new Move,' was enacted by its neat &ppm ance, and On examining its Oven and interior arrange mats, found it possessed many advantages over' all I had seen. I purchased, and have one now In cob. We consider It superior to any we have ever used. It is all the inventor claims, and we think, all that could be desired In a Cooking Stove . . CAIT GILBEITPIADIXTOr. • r. Rocurwrzn.Nov. Slet. . Having one of Mr. Anderson's new Stoves lu use, lout fully endorse Capt. Pengleton's statement. dm: H. Wunowat. Ilwring one of Andeivoree new Stoves In nao, I mu fully endorse the above recommend:olou. J. WOODULTT. flaying ono of Mr. Anderson's now &oyes In two. wo are fully itttiefted with ha good qualities in nll pada. • 4osarn lam alto Wire. Baring kept house toe a king time, and used a great number of Cook Stores I.44lllferent pat wens and styles. I consider J. J. Anderson's new Store, in point of economy in fuel, ready cooking and baking for Its size, superior to any we burn used, and cheerfully rec• commend it, believing it will tender entire satisfac• Nun. Cues. . • We have one akin .1. J. Anderson's new Stoves, mar n factured at the Rochester Foundry ,and having given It a fair trial; we dud it comes full y up to all that has been claimed for It. It heats very rapidly, takes but little fuel, and Is a most excellent baker. An derson may congratulate himself on having achlemi quite a triumph in the line of Cooking Stoves. Very res.pectfulcy Beaver, Nov. Ad, 28. BRACKEN. A. S. Harvey, DEALER .IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, lli%ralairctrei HAVING OS HAND a LAROB _ AND WELL selected dteck ut 'fens, Il icc, Coffee, - Cheese, Sugar, Soaps, Molasses, Bacon, Syrups, Fish. lira,i•tftwa,. re. NAILS AND WINDOW GLASS. STONEWARE. BUTTS, Pine Churns, Peck Measures, Oak Churns Bush. Measures, Willow Baskets, Split Basket& Pure Cider Vinegar. ALSO • CIIOICE FAMILY FLOUR By trio Barrel or In Sacks. constantly on band. rlfrPricey very low. aili and see. A. S. HARVEY. oetretly. Bridgewater. Beaver Drug Store, THOS. A. ANDERSON. DRUGGIST ! Corner ad St. and Diamond, 33E.AVMR,, PA. INVITES THE ATTENTION OF TUE rgutic generally to a full aeaortment of Drugs, Medicines, P I 4.INTS, 01LS, VARNISHES. Putty, Window Gins, &o, In fact everything lineally kept in a well appointed Drag and Chemical Store, all;of which will be sold at the lowest possible figures consistent with a due re gard for quality. We hope by strict and careful attention to business to merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon es. THOS. A. ANDERSON. may47'6B:tf. . NEW FAMILY GROCERY PROVISION STORE Cor. llauroad erovoins and View York St. IZochester, Pa. By o'o E & p ARRAGH WIIERB MAY BB FOUND Family Groceries and Provision, Fish, Flour, Cheese, Butter, Lard, Bacon, Oil, Pure Cider Vinegar, 8 .7 r• no, Molaaree, Salt, Tens, Coffees, Sugars, . Craeltem Tobacco, Cigars, goeentrrate. Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, and CT arything in their line, and they hope by. strict ttention to baseless. to merit a a Blood @hare of the patronage. ket price. N. B. All kinds Canary Produce tekeu at the mar- Eachestet. Oct. Ist. 1867—oCitre:17. Statemenb : ROCHE.qTEr" Nov. tith AND COE & DARMAOU. ROCIIESTE MARBLE WORKS! IC= W: H. Marshall, VEILED 13 ITALIAN&ANEIticANI NARIILC mANUPAOTLTER MONUMENTSA EA D I ONES. M% MIT: ~lil sTONE I) NI Alt 11. PubT Fult L:E.ULTEI:I LIJTS. 0 rind Stoneg Of a Enpertor qu3llty w Lad, ME AGENT Fun TI Phenix Hydraulic Cements. f' A LL PERSONS DESIRING MO N 6 O:NIS Oh ti Ilendetinie. give a cad and ' , matine e oar mock beton! pnreha,ing eltewhere. 11'c IMO! sine!, hand I.* Wipe and niiperior luS o w ir r y ll e . l achns w ea n : o be hlt ib f:fr:.i i sn o l i f t r l aj ulroole; call and f:r .,0 • :, ,: ;u 1 1 1, 1 1 1 , 1,. ,: r h ", ,,,,, :/ . eclees before purchne.lug. -felt June; 1868: 'Now ready, tlif, ! lowing work, containing Doi closely printed, large way,, pages, well bound in law An. ° Price $lOl, THE LAW REGISTER; Coutprlaing ill tho LAWYEIIi IN THE UNITED ETAT& The State Record Ooa taln tug . the State and Oninty Officers, the Organnotyd ri•dection, and terms rd' Me Cann fir every &ate and Ttrraury : , THE OFFICIAL DIRECTIRY FOR Tifß UNITED STAT&`• • Containing tho Officers of the Falerdi Gonernmmi, of th e &trend Departments, Stdebo g r az the Members of Congren, the Officers and Term+ef do Ficieral (karts ; The .Collector's Assistant ; Giving the Laws for altecting.o6o, Elrmaing heed*, re. (ruing Mims, and Taking Dainunly, with Porno for ccery Stitt: WITH .111.7(31 OTHER I.7•3.EFUL INFORMATIOS TtIO 1 Constituting an of ddl and BUSINESS MANUAL. Prepared quat Official Hewn. by JOIIN LIVINGSTON. Of the Nov-York. Bat. Scc'y of the Mer. t Won Liw G NEW-YORK t Publlewd by the Merchantan'alon law Corm, (In the American Eichangtitiatienal Dank Hull,llnr The, gook %In be fent, Prepaid, In tiny addre.. In lb, . United &Mew on receipt of ten doltarr ; or. It *II! be forwarded by exprese, ivlth bill, to be p.e.,1 1111 Important to Canv asseri' With out° Competition MARMALL'S LINE Es:l/JUN . I3O j or CIaELIV: arELELNT READY. 'rills SPLENDID IJINF: ENGRAVING IS THERE atilt of two rears' labor on the part 01 the trill} Mr. William E. 'Marshall, vito rtaudi at the ir ad his profession In the United Slates. It to paniumor^. a perfect likeness ofi General Grant in Id, 1,4 ex pression, by the inimbers of bla family and lb Who haver been personally acquainted with flint br many years. As a work of art It Is immsasuribly r. perior to all others. ;Mrs. Grant says : -I am dA.4 , 1 ed with your splendid elltrr3Vill:: it my hndand. a likeness I do not think it could no Metier." `vol', Mummer pronounces its "a rare and thildied work. it Ilent as a likeness." Mr. Bryant Pays : "h Ia war., a noble specimen or the art °tem:ruin and apt"." to me to give the chameter of Ime onzmal feetly than any engravint: %%Lich I h.tce eeeti. tea. lloward eonsidens "the Ilkener triktmt. And th e V tarelife-like." Mr. Ilumington. tine eminent art-t says': "It MIS a large. mnsiive Pr" and richness. The hest thin, about It I- the truth WO which you have rendered the itid,mdt:tble OA man." Agents wanted in every 'l•o‘‘rmlnir TICENOIt .t FIha.US Ai:ENt'l", Ed Fifth Street, ritt.hllrgli, EMU NEW GROCERY, . (TWO DOORS: EAST OF .TIII3 R U.) BEAVEII, - J. B. CLARK, (SuccessiSi. to W. F. ciarke,) • DEALERIN, ALL KINDS' OF (MI) CERIE;3. rrovivlono, Country node.; as./* FULL STORE ALL THE TIYIE, And ConiPetition Defied 1 ul na e sim p k e : till i e r e: o ne ted ralLy o ne very nrl pa ted rt t i o cu c i n u ll ,, t l Wil l vi tt : not be reqnired to puretutee. LIME, Try LIME, Tr) IL LIME, GET YOUR Ll3lll FROM TUB NRW "MONITOR LIME RILE Ono trial will convince any ono that it 1.4 ttw be 4 LIMN ever burned in thls vicinity, Is at lewd lo I:! cent better th an Limo burned the Old way, and dill sold at the same price. Como and see It and try rum of It before making contracts, and CATO TIME 'AND MONEY. The awl la not mixed with the stone to burn it P ) that it Is entirely free front cinders and wiles, an,t burn nothing bnt the best atone. Brick layer: aro: les run It off or sift It to make their snorter. for nothing but limo, sa w e d raw ever y f e ar woo yea can always get it F'R~f3H. LIME delivered promptly whenerrar ordered bl wiC onldid, ear load, or in the baml. Seed orders to W. J. Bunn, Beam, P. 0., or to "Maranon Lime Vanport'lleaver cosetll W. s. MINN' muilUir