The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 24, 1868, Image 2
The Beaver Argus, JATYAND,Ewmou'AiiPXm.Numvn Beaver, Pu., June 24, IS6S FOR PRES UlYsses S. FOR VICE PRE Sclpyler ail El A It( E. l'rorldontl AT L. 413, of Philwlelphli. Pittiburg. 'flistifet. 13.iSatnitel Snow. 14. 111.F.Wagonseller, 15. j (!has. IL 31iller, 111,/ George W. . 171 John Stewart, A. U. Olmstead, . .lattes Sill, . Li. C. Johnson, . ,1. J. K. Ewing, 132. Wm. Frew, J. A. W. Crawford, '2l. J. 8. 'Haan, • , 0. M.trueos Cat Tnos. )L 3isuan.l W. 11 Barnes, 2. W... 1. Potluck, . 5. Richard Wildry, 4. 0 W.llill. 5. W. P. Alcolll, It J. 11, Brim :hunt. 7. Frank O. Heaton, S. Isaac, Erktrt, 8. Titania Hooper. 10. David M. liana, 11.• Win. 11. W. W. Ketchum, Republican SUite Ticket. AUDITOR (3 ENE RA L. OWL JOHN 1 1 IR MONTGOMERY couNTY. ~ !SURVEYOR GEICERAL Cars. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CA*BitIA CoUNTY FOR CONURESS, • DIICHAEL •WHYAND. • - Nuideot to Oecition of District COoterees.) FUR ASSEMOLY. THOMAS NICHOLSON. ( B,o4ect to doctilon of District Coutereoo FOR TRONBCOTINO ATTORNEY.. - l i J. B. HAIIITAII.4 • FOR Co3imissioNNß, • DA lAD W. SCOTT. FOR COUNTY SITIIVEYO • 8. A. DICKEY. • FOR Fowl, ROUSE RritEcton. JOHN SLENTZ. ' I tOtt ittiorrOn. 'rILLIAM TH6MAS. \ 1 von CORONER, WILLIAM BARN VCR l'itUTEr...4 OF ACADEMY, • • tiAlltlßE. 3ING RIC IfEY EATC IN. GN.N. GRANT supported by every illus. ' triune soldier in the Union—Sherman, Meade, Flierlilan, , Sickles. Gem 11. Thomas, Hooker. Pleasanton, lifenowel, Canby, Emery, Scho field, iSitiwer, Ord, llalleek, Kilpatrick, Lo gan, itanlins, and a host of voluttiox:r Genet , ale. X, ONg of the . delegates at large from Tennor *leo to the capperheed convention in., New , York 'on ills 4th of dilly, is the rebel General Forest of Fort Pillow notoriety. When. men hf his stripe are put forward nshaniing spirits in thOlinit National Conventien of the Dennr Cratie party after the .war, loyal Democrats should pantie before going any further with that oganizatln. If it was tainted with treason,before,,thn connection of Forest and his confederate:li with it now should make it a Stench in the nostrils oCall Union Wien. , • Trim cops otthls county atLtheir conven thin of a flay weeks stgo'adoptixf,a resolutioh denouncing tie'registry 'law passed by our wlregisisture lust linter. Persons desirous of knoWing why they did this can have their minds enlightened by studying an article on thlspdge entitled "The Pennsyl vanta Frauds." The • frauds there referred to, and clearly proven, enabled the cops to carry Pennsylva nia last tall, and that they should kick against not being allowed opportunities to repeat these erindual acts is nut strange, nor should their denunciations of the NW havo•ar i ty other effect than thatofnuiking it draw tighter and . tighter. Finns irstsns sno, after George B. MCOO lon had been neminatad as the Democratic candidate for President against Abraham Lin. coin, the Democracy' were exultant, defiant, end apperently , united, end more than one Republican alknicd himself to despond. Gen eral ZleClellan had advantages that can enure to no rebelLDemoeratid candidate in the pres ent campaign. Ilehtul a party in the -army 'and ieheritial all the old tricks of the party leaders what had selected him.- Besides Abra• ham Litesdn had many stroug.idyersaries in' thadtcpublican ranks. • But When the final conflict came the people sailed the question by a inajority which, ovorwhchning as it was, will be exceeded by that thror.o for Grant end' Colfax in November. , . .. Tm , : Sun, t h o rebel 'paper at Columbus, 0 eorgia,.which - exulted over _ the mulct . of Ashburn by the members al the Denteleratic 'Association, uttered the following the day bt. 1 fore receiving the ;news of the -nomination of .4 :: tkneral Grant : .. • I We do not know wtoiwill be nominated; ATO do not care,' hut whoeVer the unhappy wretch may be, he will never. wear Presiden tial laurels. • , f . Neither treason; repudiation, l orry assassi t ia• that, will prevent' the fulfihnad of the nit i. ' tiowd determination to elect ti ke Itepuldieau . . candidate for Piresident. 1 - . Tim Democratic lathy at the present time is in a peculiar condition. It looks forward to the 4th of July convention with mingled hope, and '.fear-Itope that sinuothing Ineity, l will turn up, 'and fear that the elements of discord hinny II to exist twits ranks Will 4tlftlf. I I iclr Convention to, break up in a gralirow.., It will he , the hardest thing iniagimilibt for,' ,•• them to unite eithor upon . priliciples lir dilutes. There is Brick I'onieroYi who wt t plth the whole, govel l ionent debt repuillaied,jand there is Mr. Beluiont, ' , who wan s it paid. There is Pendleton,. Who w pay •it in greenbacks, or not at all, a Seymour, who is oppost - 11 to anything itch Pendiettin tut voieStes. . There is lianooek, who helptitt to • hang Mrs. Surratt, nod tho Catholic Church which declares that•execut ion a brutal mu nlor el an innocent woman. Hancock won. all the • distinction lie has - by lighting ag,aiiist the reb els, and to him Ferries Mr. Vallandigham, the • cliiimpion ,of theence party who' inotests , agalust the:nomitudion of a tincolli hireling. • A dozen factions are in battle arrry. Each • trying tocut the throat of the other, and 1, their National Convention . has the effect of , reconciling tlit c se. and inducing them to *pull together as u siliole; we shall be greatly sue ' prised, . but . h.? no dense th.illdtui but that ' Giant and Cclfaz will ..ot cut; the held. Ir the Democracy desire a candidate that will run well, let them putlup any one-of tbe, thousand of draft•anealci who put for the Can. Iyht border when the lir§t . stll was Matte fer volunteers. They•can't be beat for speed and bottom. • Grant. Paa.sincrr Johnson 'is in the veto linsineta . agam. On the 30th he sent a message to the Rouse of Representatives vetoing "a bill. en. Wiled an act to adtnit the State of Arkansas to representation in tonglesii." For iivo years :past he has' been clamoring to have f3oulhern representativcnatbnitted; new when' Congress , opens. the door and tells—them to step In, he slams it shut in.their faces. • i On 4dntlay last however, the bill was pas sed by both House of Congress over the vete. The Representatives - froM that State, Will therefore be sworn in, in lidiy or two at the farthest. IDENT, olfax. Acton. A-New indictment has . been found ago , st Joint 11. Sumac :The drat count 'cliattgts' that lie, Booth, Paine, flarold,o'Latighlin/Ar nold, Atzerott, and Mrs. Berndt conspired to murder Abraham Lincoln. •The actond count accusio him of con-pining, to capture Mr. Lincoln and deliver him as aprisoner Hi lo the possession, custody, .and control of curttiiu persons, whose names are unknown to the Grand Jury. • • • His trial will probably not, take place for same weeks to come, and he Is no* released from confinement 'on hall for Ma appearance to, answer these c.hlrges when, called upon. Wu. M. EvsterTi, it distinguished NOw York lawyer and-one of President Johnson's aitornies in the imp{ achinebt' trial, has been nominated for United States Attorney Genet- It is quite likely tlist,tlie.Senate will con lirin the appointment. Mt. Evia4s has here toter° been a Republican in politri, avid only one scar ago he was among those who lain= died A. J. In the roughest possible manner. What effect a cabinet appointment will'have upon his puliticJl views remains to be seen- . . , The Copperhead proposition to collect the rebel end sympathizing prisoners 'ilif Pdrt Lafayette, Fort McHenry,. and Fort Delaware, and make , them . a feature at the DeMocratic National Convention .on the 4th of July , might-ba happily suplementi4l by the gath ering at the same place of the Union men, in eltalitig.tition sordiers and Southern patriots who were tlOwn into dens and jails by the 'rebels and compelled to suffer inconceivable horrors, simply because they had fought for and believed in the cause Ulf liberty. The contrast would be interesting,, as a historical picture,igh Itc cou d not ; fail to be .un e protita eto the rebel D mocrift. b n 0 . . WitUN the Denicteratit York on the. 4th -of lie the bonds should be p hope they will pot forg greenbacks sliottlkitt; people ere not sci stupid that paper money is g out it going to be red lar of greenbacks does n gold, what Is the gr Derniiemtic idea is to set the printing 'press at work grinding out greenbacks, He is a stupid man who does of understand that the More you have, oft ens the leSs they are worth. .• We hope the con maim' will not fail to say how the• unlirnikll batch of greenbacks it proposes to issue is going to be redeemed.— _ rills- Com. .4? SOME of our cop frilpnds are pretty candid now and then.;, A prominent onoof Bridge water a few days ago was clamoring loudly in .' i t'avor of the rctlempalm of the Government -bonds with greenbacks. A radical asked him how many dollars in greenbacks it'would take to accomplish that feat. The Democrat didn't know, but.supposed about two billions. The radical then inquired what this enormous amount of greenbacks was to .be redeemed with. "The truth is",aaid the Democrat, "we dint propose to redeem tl , .nt at aIL" "We were opposed to the war In th tirSt.plaoe, and we are in favor now of disow ing all the obliga- . flow incurred to 'carry I on." "If .we can pay the bonds ,Off in recnbacks and the greenbacks become world teas, our object' will , ho actomplislo4 r , We w 11 then be satisfied.' Union own ! make a not of this admission.— Tho Denioemti propose • rat to swindle the bond/utters. 'After that s accomplished their nest move, is to chetit ti •.t vet* by repudia tingthe great volume o Paper money with winch they have flood the country. Flank them In these villainous and disloyal purpos csby electing Grant and Colfax. Tun. Democrattcp, ity are unfortunate In trying to make a slifiv of generals. Of nigh: teen guncrels and .c6lonels who signed the call fur the Conservative Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention, it terns out that but four arc en- titled to wear the rank they assume. The rest were eilLr of a lower rank when they left the service early in the war, or had been dis charged for the'pablie gotxl, bad never been in' he service at all. Yet "In this Conven tion," says the • "we shall see, not the, prosperous sutleri and schemers of the Na tional Army, battle battle-scarred, war-worn campaigners of the East and \Vest," &e. We would be glad tol know more of geese Conner , •ative Generals Donahue, -Lane, McQuade, Knipe, 3laulsby, l'arithurst, Gorman; , Bragg;l Law reier, ;lattisik, 111latek, Dickeyi-and Mc.- Tarland. Are the the war-worn veterans, eomparetl With' w hum the supporters of Grant, 'like Sherman. Thoma 4, Sheridan, Schofield, 'toward, Meade, Canby, hooker, 13nruside, Logan, Palmer, Cox, Geary, Terry, Otd, R a wlins, Wilson, Fairchild, Sickl', and so many others, are carpet knights, prosperous sutlers, or schemers of the National Arty? If the Democratic party would summon its "veterans to the front," let it not :confirm it self t o th os e officers who, in the Union raults, Aided the Rebel cause, nor be squiauntsh in uttering the names of the real generals who fought for Demix:ratic principles. They are Lee, Beattresarcl, Johnson, Braxton linigg, and the like. For ycanyke platform of the Democratic party declared that, in any con-,1 filet between Federal and State authonty, it the right of the State to Judge for itself th of the molts of conflict and the means and nuoisurea, of redress. This was Denio chitin dm-In a ne. For ibis thaw men fought. If the Democratic poity `Wants to bring its "veterans to the front," there they are. ,Why rake up front their obscurity the discarded fallures.wbo pretended to be fighting in the cause Of Repulditantsm, rnlon and rinnbei. potion r-IV. Tribune. • Ifß3 The Penn Sylvania Frauds. ' • .The XXlstßendte Dlitrict of Pennsylvania embraces the countlesof Blair, Iluntlngdon, Center, Mifflin, perryi'and Juniata, and is en itled to two Senators. l An election, was held n ihis *district on the secinul Tuesday of. October, 1867, and Chas. J. ir.,ltlclittire,, Was returned as elect led by 283 tnnjtnitym • nd Samuel J. Shugart by 22 majority. .Jobu K. Rubinson contested the election or Shugart. The Senate, after a full Investigation by 4 , Select Committee and the extunination of a latge number of witnessed. declared Robinson duly elected. twd.'admittcll hint to' the seat'oc caplet] by Shugart. The whole testimony in the case is published in the Legislative Record f o r the session of 1868, from page 1,397 to 1,- 440 inclusive. • It is proven conclusively that the leaders of the Democratic p arty not only ' planned and perpetmtedit de liberate frund ;coon the ballot box in this distriet,butlthat Wet , pre-arranged system of fraudulent naturalization papers, extending through other counties or the State. A railroad sixteen miles long was being 'built during the Bummer and Fall of 1807, in Clearfield and Center counties. From torty t 4 sixty rods only of the road was in Center county. About 400 Irisinuenwere employed on the road, and botinhal in shanties along the line, except , during the time they were taken into Center county in order to carry 'the elec tion in that Senate District. 'Senators were to be elected in the •Center • District, but not in the Clearfield. The following testimony, copied from the 'official record of the Legisla• tore, shows how the, fraud wets perpatmteci, and who did it : . . John R. Rebinsottym. Suellen*. shugair-I(glettten. Mortal District. ‘Lepiafefive Record : Reseion 1809, paws 14064: Jatte.tar 9'l,' 1069.—Committee met, all the members prevent: • • • M. er 3feara, oworn—l was working for Mr. Collins, railroad contractor, on the railroad; I was nut pithoes; bad Imm 10 to 20 mon under me at times ; Patrick (home was walking hose ; I was working four miles ' (met Clearfield, east. twelve miles [rem the lino, when Jtuncs, Collins and Patrick Gorman came to me and said they wanted to go to Center County for ten davit. I saying their oblect was to ear ry the election: they Said it was altepublicari hole, and they lutended running in enough votes to carry it ; I took the men to Center County ; Col, Skelly's gang also went ; all that were at work went ; the men east of inn went: in and a. round Phillipsburg there wereelmut 100 men the day of election ; they were quartered at Mr. Replar'e, Mr, Grny'a, Mr. Merritt's, and Mr. Ihmehne's ; I Was •is Phillipshnre all day, most of the time at the polls: the polls are in the same building ; I gave two men Deg, ocrntic tickets : Sheriff Perks and Mr. Ledtidistribto led tickets;' Ledo WAS a walking boss ou the-road ; I F4l4* them giving the men the 'tickets; Shed d: Perks borrowed a sheet of tickets from me to have others printed; the tickets were nil 'Democratic ; About, all Mat were nu the ground voted; all had naturalisation papers ; obtained Mem, as was said. la Luzerne Comm.l ty ; this one on the table is shutter to those used; they were colored ; the men said they obtained or arranged for the papers two mitre out of Clearfield, on Saturday evening before the Medium in a shanty kept by Mos. lynch; they ealdtwo lawyets came homPhilaffelphla„ and alter they wereaworn Ledo took possession of ibe palters, and that he colored them with coffee; the-day of the election the Men were handed the papers : Mr. Lede'at the same time ,fnmisbed the tax receipt fa re ceipt shown witness. and identified as similar to those used]; I did nothing while,in Phillipsbu rg ; I did not vote f 1 saw all vote that I named. I had no Republican tickets., - - Craisseemoblid—l Meer sigmed to vote my men on the Republican fettle( never *aid for COO I would do 110 ; I received money the day before and day after; of Mr. Chit:man fR23, of Mr. Johnson, thy alter...NA of Sheri Perks firth; I received of Rev. Father Tracy d sm. •• • n* slim was given me two weeks ego last Tuay to' prevent my being a witness. • • The pa t came and told me that my evidence would be hard gainst the,Democratle party, and that ho bad WO he would give me if I would leave.. • • • I told thenrkwt that I would take my family and go for 112.000: Fattier Tracy told me he would let me know In a few "days, and when we text met the priest told me that he tad written for advice, and that Wallace thought that $lOll per month was enough ; Jim It was Wallace, the Clearfield County lawyer; g i i teed the pelestl would take 1000. • • • The men voted in and township : Michael Fallon and one other we hi the country bat a short time - ' the men told me ' Ledo took Me two lawyers to Tyrone; the men went to Clearfield Coning. anertheelee- Mon, where they lived la shanties ; cant any Oahu rods of the road ts in Center County ;All the voters were challenged at the polls. - . [Page 1,400 ...,- ' , , Convention in New month resolve that id in greenbacks, we t to say in what the id. The Autcricau as not to understand xxi for nothing with cned. If every dol lot represent a dollar Mack worth? The • • 11 ifuntor, sworn-411th ameeser of Philipsburg bo roneh ; weir in-1907; I - placed forty-two VILITIOS on the list; fourteen. days before the day of election; I done so at the tamed of Mr. lade. Frank sworn-11114in Philipsburg; lived there October. 1817 f; was bar!teuder for John U. Geey; about the 15th - or 30th of September. some twenty or twenty-Eve Irishman were brought there. to board; I have seen the men before, along the Clearfield Rail. mad; afew days after, ore were brought; jest before the el4ctirm.about thirty men.lrish.were at Wire tor. ern; I voted at the October. 1a67, election; I saw Mark. Isde bring a smutd. fifty or sixty. np to vote; some of t em voted while I was there ; there were Irishmen treplar`e and Loyd'e.that I know worked along the read; my brother clerked for James Collins; a few days after the eleetion, the Inert left our tavern, and In a short time were back in Clearfield County.; J,Crone-examined-1 caunot tell *the number ' that voted. VilinaMN, , sworn—l live in Phillipsbing. I know that men were broneht two week,' before the ' electiob from Clearfield County, and set to work In I Center County; they were quartered at Loyd's. Mop- Ice's, Gray'e, and Riddle's; think some of the men were (mattered in the townships ; seventy-five to eighty were tbe number brought over as conned by severs:; I was at the polls the greater part of the day; the men were brought to tNe polls by Mr. Ledo gener I ally; they came in two different directions; he always went to meet them; the two polls are In the same building and room; moat of the votes were objected to at both polls. the teen generally sweating' they all had naturalization nevem; Mr. Lede Touched for ftm• Lede worked a while in Center. County before the election;. L raw ono or two naturalization papers; they were coloted; had on femme stamps that were not colored and had no seal; when oteoctloe was made. , the men said they obtained the Patters front Mr. Col. I ' lies; Mr. Lode would then say that Mr. Collins had always kept the men's papers: the road In Clearfield County was graded or cleared in the Speller; that in Center County was not commenced•until a short time I before the election; I did not see any one at the polls active, mmting: the men. bet Lede: did not see Mr. O'Meara acting so, or dietrihnting tickets. H. 11. gimlet, sworn—l wks inspector at the Octo. her ,1867, electien In Pitintisbnne live there, and am is well . aeonaluted; know a few of the Irishmen on the Clearfield Railmed; a abort time before the election, I about eighty-five Irishmen were brought into the ho- rough; boarded et Gray's and Loyd's; they came some I six or seven days rbefere the election: thirty or th i l eve of them voted in the borough: Mr. Lode broil t nearly all the men to vote; they all bad natural I papene•l (deeded to their voting on them; all but two! or Om of them were PWO: n; for the reason that ray challenge WAS not sustained by the bodge and the in. epextur. I toward evening thought It melees, as the votes would be taken, and there was no swearing any more of them; X told one man he could not vote after saying he had been nine months in the Stale; ho wont, nut and cane back, paying be was mistaken, and that' s he understood nurto ask bow lime he had been in the county; he then said he was In two or three years; an. other paid he was 19 yearn old ; I handed him beck I his natnrallmtion papers and tax receipt and he left he did not rote; the papers were all dated September re 18416, Luzerue County, tuned by Mr. Phlibin. I (Page 1,410.1 AMIARY It. 1808,0 a. m.—The Committee meteheme Bern all present. Crisiman. sworn—l was clerk at the October (1807) election, in Phillipsburg; sheet 10 or la dies be fore the election ,a number of Irishmen were brought to Myth,. Gray's and Keplane they cause from the branCh road at Clearfield; a majority of them voted at the borough election; Mr. Lede end Mr. O'Meara bro't them; they voted on naturalization papers; they said they came from Luzern County; they were dated September, 19ee. at leaste tualority of them were; this colored ono on the *table II similar to those used; I kept altst of the papem. and the last I saw of it was when I went to su over 80 voted on their natural ization papers in the pper b orough; that/et:orlon as to when and where. the papem wew obtained was always evaded. Page; 1,411.1 CONTESTED. IT.LECIIOI.I. In the Senate ti the itterof Annvtrints. AM Casey, sw orp- wm working on the railroad for Mr. -Collins at tfierOitober (1587) election; was / boarding in Philipsburg. mbar° I voted with the oth er men; Mr. Ledo took me op to vote and gave me the naturalization paper. and I put It in; 'cannot read; am as Ignorant as a baste; I put the paper In my pocket; cannot telt what became of it; I was never naturalised; never was in a conrt before this; Ude told me to vote, I Wes working near Mr. Collins storm came the day that O'Meara did to Philipsburg; I voted Democratic. [Note.—This Witness on his return 'to Clearfield County was waylaid nod beaten with clubs, so that ho diektrom his wounds.' 'net:lovelier Issuedprods ;lion offCringn reward for the detection of Mc hare rem.) ' • JASUAkT 98,1688.—CommIttee•met Members at present. Robert Loyd, gworn—l am Wel-keeper InPhWipr• %erg; A abort time before the October (teal) election. .111 Irishmen came from Clearfield County to ' bowl with me ; they came September 20; have the time L. this book, also toe names. • ••. • e. 'these ;mm all staid until alter the election; I sae one or tw,e of these men voting; a few of them left Ow night cf the election; two staid slier thelethlb., e balance left tho', 14th: Irishmen were stepping at other places,Reptar'e I and Onifs. I use two or three of the - men', natural tuition pave* they purported to crew how-Luzern* County, dated laW, the papers were new, but looked as they had been ploc in ditty water, to make thew look old. Jails Auk, sworn—l Ilse in Itash townatt — wed there October. 1867; I live one-hal/mile b oleti lips eg; AbOOtits Web were quart ered in the hip before the dealer. three were lyna or Laht's, 12 at Harris's, and 12 at DonehurN; theycame lieptem be bee 80. MI, and three or four days after Oxides they were gone; Mr. Lode brought these men to the pops; I was there; challenged some of these men. [Page 1,412.1 . . uAhuuait:r.o. Jan. - . 1. IE6B, 'la, m.—Comuaitto met. Member. preeent.Setudors ImidemPirlaimr, Cowles. Ridgway, Jackson and LinderMan. " tri l l = a g. iworit:4. 4 was clerk for Mr. Collins em theAU JO:mit outer tWeire days beforg the electitia: I was taking their thud on the side nest the Clearfield Creek, Mlles from Philip:onm ; white In Clearfield County, Ca l , IL •and 011esta's gangs wore under my sup merlon: they numbered about 311. men and I .sromen; Septemher 26. moved A Phiilp g;' the move was nriczpeeted aneudden to me; .Iwent around every day among ; at noon the imal.Widfne the mca - wcre goinC • the. Pre' visions were harried back to the of am the work s left unlnbhed: the nearest ehailty on the 'Clearfield aide was onointirmile from the waleft Mter county; while the men were at Philipsburg, no one boarded at this (Kennedy's) shanty. tram the work in tenter County; there was little tibiae= .In the distance from it mike betel wile:wale:tune beaded. Wm. B. Pullen, swore...-I Kve PidlilwilPral *en * civil engineer; about ten elms before the election -I. was boarding at Kepler's; left- October '* I roomed with Mart Leds,ft walking bees; laser in peammalan and suspected him of having naturalisation pmerm on Banda y morning before the eleition I observed Ledo open his Ltrank,Aake out *package enit mit it. ta 'Mt packet;on Monday he did the same, and Old 'the lid down and laid some papers on the top, and left ' the room; I got out of bed end eunlifbd theist they were naturallselion perperifroin Loser% County; were the color of the one on this table, and dated BAtember, 1866 Lode said he bad 57 on bye aide for beyough and townsblm James Collins, LOOM the men were brought to Philipsburg from . Clearadd to vote ; never heard him say who would' pay the men*. **Penns: the Ps pers used were the same kind that I sew in Lode's room. Utica UM] . . Dark? F. Copeland, sironi—l live to Cleardeld County, two miles from Philipsburg; the shanty Ma. -Lynch occupied, October M. le on my land; Ken nedy's shunt y is one-balf mile. from tho. 40 rods of work; the bridge ntittudtannon is malts& mile from Mrs. Lynch's; I know the Irishmen amine were, _IS days before the election, tekm to Philipsburg; white those men were at Philipsburg there were none at Dire. Lynch's shanty or Kennedy's e•; on the 0 at- Imlay before the election Isms Mr Lrdk sad a stran ger at my place; Ledo said they were going to Mrs. Lynch's; it was ablaut 0 o'clock; neiregoaw the atm ber,before or place , I would' have knelt & him had-he een a citizen; I have lived there ten years; about Ave days otter the election I row men • coming back to Clearfield County. Wat.T. Fulton, rectillsa.--Juno Moore was cook at Kepler's, October, 1801; on Priitsy the stranger that /..e took sway tame to lisp 's; Jane Moore woo cooking thereat the Date; Mr, Kcplar Le Democrat; 'n'its a candidate for the Inglalitture last Pall. ' [Page 1,415.] Jane Moore, sworn.-1 was cooking:it Kcplar's Hotel previous to the October (3W) olectiorc Mr.. Ledo boarded there; Mr. Lade mai° oat Friday evening and asked mu if I would make him a pilit : ufcoffee; I made a peach can full for him; I took it II:dot/1e dieing room and gave It to hlan there were two strainers with him; this was after supper; the table was cleared up; Mr. Lode bad bad bin sawn; don't know what ho done with the coffee; I did nut put any mils or sugar in it, be did not ask for it; never' saw the strangers except stbreakfast; they went awart3unday morning with Mr: Ledo. • [Page 1,416. E 4 , E. W. Nail, eworn.—l live to 'Rush township, near Phlllimitatm; I was at the October - (FC7 ) cioctlon; saw Mr. Ledo bringing n_p laborers fro the railroad to rote in-Rush township ; I counted 20 tun: NSW them rittr. I presume there was 25; I was not at the ;mils ail the time; I chaDengmlaome of the votes; with the ex. 'niption of Patrick Redeem, no attention was paid to • my challenge; their votes.wore rotelved; they voted o n naturalization papers from Lusome .County; the pa pers looked like this yellow ono du the table; the men were not swore, with one .exception; the board were all Democrats: from elk to eight would vote to about the same , time as I could tayrolf; , this was the fleet ping. PEERVARY 4, ISIS, p.m.--Commlttee met. 'Mem. ben presort, Senators Cowles, Fisher, Ridgway, Jack son and T.'aderman. LAt t ges, sworn.-4 reside In Scranton. Third Welt. rne Cennty:l have lived there 12 years, four or the Lt thdThird Ward.and bays served as clerk at election; duderstood that also naturalization pa pers were being circulated ftoety in Luker= County, and I got Th.,mas Reese, a Withibrasn,-who bad beau 11 mou'. o !!' the cetlntee; to go to Sheffield Reynolds. a justice the peace; !told hina Logo and tell him bow long ho Lid been In the ceuntryrthls'paper he brought Met Reynolds is a Democratic polit clan. Thomas Reese, sworn.--Mr. Hughes sent mo to Squire Reynolds for a =handl natkm %taper: I have been It mouths In the country; I asked him if I could have a nintralleation paper to vote for Clymer; he said pat: I told him how long I bad been in the country; ho said I could got oue, and many more like me could if they wanted them; be gave me...the pOer charging me $1 20; the napes . Reynolds. gave awe I took to Mr. Hughes ; this one ott the tittle twice like it ; Itan't zeta. j Crose-assussinest.—t never voted In *loran:My; nev er tried to vote CM this paper; I was not acquainted with Squirts lteynoldiq iftslgo mei older mars than faYsolf; 1. went alone and saw hi saany 'tame In the paper; did not cee lam seal * I gave the paper to ldr.l.lugheathe Saturday before the election,:thfp day I got A na * turalization papeapurpotting to be tamed at Wilkesterve. A t 11. lOWA In Lame of Thomas Reese, wn offered In evidence by .contesiant and ob jected to by the • dat, esiniti'pepeF and seal as those to •" J. tiflrerrfiko : was toirportor Of eked= theonW WiVitd see •• led ; oh (me Boca. Web Gitilespla,"4 mad he tarred to vote at the election. an was salted where be got the men he said Squire Retold* gave It to • him; I tikeid Idea If he moat to Wilteshpritre ha aald not, that the pa pas were brolgtato min.. • „Wog. 14.17-8. Jmaa Bushdon, sworn—l live In Scranton: was In.tge of Election, October, 1807, (VIIIth Wall* 7- received three theta warallzaticm papers; these are the papers, bearing the Ptothonoiarra seal and Signature I swore each 'or the men; Patrick Mc. Calif pwure that ho bad got his papers at riyde Park, of Squire Reynolds, and paid Irr, he was burn in Ire* land; came to this country la 1601; Martin riodde said he got his papers at Wilkeebanr, could not give any particulars; said he was born in Ireland; came to 1861; William It. Dugan raid Iv: gut hia papers at Carbon daantos.le, in the Mayor's Wirt; he sent for diem by Frank C The naturalization papers were offered in evidericb and die!. - - Witnes* produced 14 natatilltation papers. signed M. J. Philhiu, with the County seal; they were brot to the Republican County Oon.tWttee by ?Afferent Ones. Crosatamnined—l cannot tell - the particular persons who gave inns part of thwablanktr, they were brought In pre.vions to the OctoberilBG7);electlon I was pre-sent when a part of the bleu lament bon:wilt in; I saw Moran More; I have no doubt bat that the County seal on the blanks is genuine; these blanluipurport to be signed by dm Clerk.. ' Anna Swung, tivrorn--I live in Scranton, taverna County; I was there to 466; I have seen false natnral bunion papers; took thosolo Hr. Hoyg I live in East Ward; I save seen from Ulllto 20 . % some were iu blank, and others Ailed up. [Page 1.0)9 • WILEICSEAMIE, Luzerne County, Feb. 7, 9 a. to, 1866--Committee met In Prothouotaxy's - ohice. Ittore bets present : Laudon, Cowles, Fisher, Taylor, Jack eon, and Linderman. • N. B. lEelliser, sworn--. 1 min Clerk in the Prothano- Mfrs office of Luzenie cptuttr Mr. Philbln, the Pro • thonotary, is absetik'hetatne into office peccmber, ittel; I hereby produce btu naturalization docket for April, May. und - AugustUrm for Use, have no other record for Ititd. ' • The certified copy of voters lin Rush township, and theBB MUSIC* who voted In rhllipsburgh botoukla on naturalization papers were compared with Ude idord. • end none of the names found on It. Rea. 'Thomas Tetley, svrorn4.l paid BMW O'Meara dye hundred dollars a abort time before this case com menced; .1 gave him the liner:o , In his own tiodse the evening, about a : week or two before the assem bling of the Legislature; he was to leave the State and rtoat three months for the five hundred dollanr, ormas, boss of Collins; gave me the money to give hint; the' man who gave me the money was the only one who had ally knowledge of the transacthm, its far as I know; I had correspoudenee with Mr. lam on the subject of o`3leara's leaving the state- the only stipulation was that he should reundu away three Iimolai*:II uudepstood it ,NW tut Ulm to be gone un til alter III; • [Par 14151 Wiliam Snyder, eivorn—l am a civil engineer; I am one of the assistant engineers on the Tyrone and Clear -1,31d liallroad; July 2ti and. Ang, gyp, the work WWI staked oat the Snit 'exam meat of Phlllipaberg was staked; the put In Center County was ready .Itt:M. 19;* there are no swamps in ftl, part in Center County; the work could have been Ono at any time ; the swamp is 011 the Clearfield Cory side; then:l'ls a shanty 8,500 feet from the end o the line; them is a email Dor • Lion of the land 4 little wampy; the shanty Is quite osetreidenk „the nex i t l o na il Is one mile from the work; the distance to .the lea Is nearer than to Philips burg. — , Thus were the labgers along this railroad moved from their shsaties in Cleartield Count ty (which ere quite as convenient to their work as the hotels in enter County, to which they were taken), a n , furnished with fraud ulent naturalization, pars to defeat the will of the qualified vo of a Senatorial Dis trict. Similar frauds wo perpetrated, in Phila dolphin, as proven inCourt on n contest over' the election of City afllcers. To prevent like f ds in the future and se care fair elections b the legal and duly qual z illedvoters, a law w enacted at the last sea , sion of the Legialatu e, providing for a re in s , try of the voter ore the day of elertion, , so es to ascertain w o are legally entitled to vote. This law was op by every- Democra' t !tube Legislature; ' that partyjtas every where of late oppoi ovary attempt to ex clude fraudulent Vol and. thus secure fair zuld honest elmtior I, ,•1 t r Grant an Great men are al for slander and de • • •enemies at • limes a - the greatness. YesibrdaY • J .: • Gen Grant's post .1 calumny. Oilman I. recoil upon the cal . • . -Journal, however Grant's cl.,ction just to euluuullit • For The Argot. Virtues and Vices of Party. lith.' Whit party! 11th. What party . f was it, whinthe dark that dark period Or thii clotid . tyeas4.n ,taid war, discouraged and rebellion Was shroud- opposed enlistment ing this nation-with and the draft with 1 1 gloom andllisauty, and might and main ; their chilling the h earts papers and apt:eke& 1 blood of overT patriot counseling resistance in the laud, that gave to the wing, cueourag-,1 all their Power, info- ling desertion murder , ence and energ y to fill lag and mobbing the up the arty by giving of eors who were law sons; fathers,lmands thlly endeavoring to and 'brothers in the discharge their duties, lname of their Godand by_nutalSing the drat: country ; mid bidding odor arresting desert theta - (kid speed in ers.and councifingand saving the • govern- aiding the flight of all went, and cheeredand deserters, and left tbeii sustained] poem. at till homes and encouraged times an where It to have a 12th. I Wind, party recognizes . the recent warns the result of , a mighty gigantic con spiracy of the despots of then d world, with kindred spirits which they bad planted,nour ishcd and cherished and ripened in the South by secret in trigue had encouraged the di loyal , clement to rebel and • over throw' khis mighty re public,l of wiles/rex ample add , influence was rapidly shakink,r and undermining their monarchial fabrics, and ddnionstniting :to their intelligent sub jects that grOter prqs. polity and 'happiness was pos.sesiied under a republican than undo r a despOtlc form of gov ernment', and the bawl Writing on the wall proclaimed that crowned heads Could only be secured by the destruction, of this government; as it was plain they could no loner, rpeoticile their au , who' were 1011E371 clainoring for emore liberal form of government, and who until [now had . been quieted by the declara tion that this republi can b`pbble would soon burstnp, as they. were sure ,their - diabolical plot. {Would soon effeet, thviestruction'of this government. Br.tour success has fully de monstrated that :we have; the strongitsi and most powerful form of' government in the world,byonrtriumph lug over a- (*whined element of treason and tresehdry which was •suffleiently powerful to intim overthrown all other.:gove:muents on,, earth., And we have hereby settled the destinies of the na tioni of the World, and it we act wisely and truly as a nation we will in time tepubli imulze the whole world. !13th. What party wasovirwholined with grief, sorrow and dismay when the sad and sorrowful tidings flashed wOh lightning speed throughout the land that the Chief Magistrate of a , great nation:had fallen by the hand of an assas sin ; and not only-lie-' cause a great and good Patriot had been cruel ly and maliciously slain; but at the devel opment Of the fiendish'! vindictive spirit that a demon of the bottom less pit would blush to imitate, and then to 'reflect that no position no matter how high or sacred was - secure from the dastardly cowardly; Wood-thirs ty assassin, who is stcathily onjtip toe tip !preaching, like , the ferocious panther be hind the back of his innivent,unsuspecting victim, he pounces upon his prey, the fa• tal ball pierces his, brain and ho dies; and j the World. ►ys Conspicuous marks intim; but even their forced to acknocyledge World, for instance, Idd .)11 is abovelbe milt of leveled , at him would Bator. No Democratic sorously opposing Gen. ;no. so foolish or so nn- I in ell pla iwas possible xess to them. their sons and neigh bon to leave for Can. ada or other . plages to escape the draft ; and when the rebel army was invading .our State and about to cap ture our capitol they raised the standard of reveat iu ' the city of New York by ;ebbing, murdering and burn- Mg the property of- i innocent persons, thus inviting the rebel. ar my to approach; as much assaying wo are ready to aid you. . 12th. -What party-is it that it so wilfully Mind. with treason gas to 'refuse to see the true and plain issue involv ed; lif this rebellion; but to their disgrace ful ignorance and blindness rush on, cry frig nig,gell nigger ! violation of the con stitution ! we must fol.. low , the constitution ! we niust support the constitution ! we. must obey the constitution! white they the.mselvei are and have been all the - time doing all in.l their power to destroy I it, and its great demo cratic principle of the peoplesright to rule; and they support and advocate the mon archial power of king Andrew Johnson, and instead of their rejoic ing at our triumphs over rebellion and the n.toratien of . peace, they areconjuring up every 'evil surmise, stirring every discor dant element, exciting every ::bitter passion add prejudice to pp,- duce if pesSibie a war of the races, circulat ing' tncendiary rebel decuments, awl gritty-, ingandiamenting over the lest cause,. extol ling rebel military awl civil ; officers and: min isters as the ablest atm' bra Vest in battle, soundest lacel_stfeat ru lers in the attains of government, and the most pious ;and elo- 4 quent in the pulpit ;. and every .: unrepefit ant and bloody-handed' traitor whether against his country or his party, is taken into their arms and pressed to their bosoms;. and While their hands and garments are reeking, with loyal blood Ciey are sympathizing, pi tying' and justifying their rebellion, and all their cruelties and tor tures towards our gal lant.soldiers, and ap-' plyingto them the en dearing name of south ern brethren; and ev ery loyal man that' re, fuses thus to- fellow ship them until they purge themselves of treason and wash their hands of loyal :blood, i and in at ue peniten tial spirit of acknowl edgment I for their wrongs and gedging themselves, are de nounced ea. cruel un feeling 113 lite hers. These facts are plain to every intelligent person, and plainly demonstrates that this party 'ls so deeply steeped in treason that it, shines out of every linament in the coun tenance, exhibited in every nod of the head, and every utterance of the lips, and so per fectly saturatedridth treason that it oozes out, of every pore. 13th. What party bad been thrmtening the life and predict ing thedeath and oiler• brig rewards Mr the ItS• sassination of * ' the President, and when the bloody tragedy was. announced could not conceal their fiend lab joy, but openly proclaimed they were glad, end their only regret was that it lad been delayed so long, and they syMpathized, eulogize'," and extol led the dastardly mon ster - assassin as tarave heroic - martyr. And when tr just retribu tionovertook him they sorrowed and grieved and.,..denounced his canters as murderers, and deeply sympathiz ed with all his accent plicek and denounced the Aiwa . and execu tive for meting gut justice to the guilty culprits!. Thus demon strating their total disregard for all lawi and stripping them of all . their sacred : re straints, andideprivipg them of all poweeto deter • all evil-doers from committingany act that their base pas- dons might dictate,', and encourage deeper- I tutees to assail the lives liberties and the rights of the people, and thus sweeping away the safeguards' to peace and safety to society, and opening wide the floodgates of vice and disorder, which must soon—if not chocked— deluge this land with blood and carnage. 14th; What part goes for vie as robbery, murder, the monster flees, hay ing secured by his base act the promotion of his bosom friend to a poiution where ,he could recover wtat his traitor friends bad lost by their bloody rebel lion. , • 14th. What party is it that goes to hold] their leaders or ralers • s 'poison or asiassma tion to remoye those Who stand in the way Of tarrying out their diabolical selienms,and will resort to bribery and perjury to screen guilty traitors who may betray, their par-: tfor country, to ad vance and consumatc their wicked and milt rims measures. - - amenable to the lawn i for high crimes and I Isdbnicatiors,led plead of concealing grid defending or resorting to mobery or assassin• atiOn as a remedy fur actual or supposed wrongs, arraign them at the bar or Justice, and lawfully anti ha pirtial ly investigate their awes and charges and inflict upon thei r guilty hauls the just ipenaltia of violated laws. Omar' EloquontGratlt udo. • The . magnificent order of Gen. Grant to his %Tops, after their grad, triumphs atlook. out Motu:gain and ~ Missionary llidgc, is per haps the most. eloquent of all his military writings. We reprint it, not only thathe uMy pot be forgotten, but that the loyal people 'of the SoU L th trap understand how they will be eared for when he iseleetecno the Presideney, in despite of the efforts of the same traitors who have been i nstorod by Andrew Johnsion to right's which - they have shamefully ‘stbu.3- ed IIEADCWATITEIL9 MILITAEY DIYDAION TuE Ateesissupt, 1.3. TUE FIELD, CIIATTAIIOOOI,,TEXIL, o(x:ember 10,11363. The General commanding takes this oppor tunity of returning his itineCre thanks And congratulations to the . ' brave armies of the Cumberland', the Ohio, the Tennessee, I and their comrades from-the Potomac, for the re - Cent splended• itraLdeeisive successes achieved over the enemy.- In a short time you have recovered from him the control of the Ten nessee river from Bridgeport to Knoxville. You dislodgial him trout his'great stiOnghoid upon Lookout Mountain, drove bite from Chattanooga Valley, wrested from Ma deter mined grasp the possession of 3lissionary Ridge, repelled with heavy !oss to him his re peated assaults upon Knoxville, forcing him to raise the siege there, driving him at all points, utterly routed and discomfited, beyond the limits of theskitate. By your noble ism, and determined courage you have most effectually defeated the plans of the enemy flir gaining possession of the States of Ken tucky an - I Tennessee. You fuzee secured positions from whieh no re r.-Rion., power can drive or dislodge you. For all this the General commanding thanks you col lectively'aud individually. The loyd people of the United-Stales thank and bless you. Their Iwpes and prayers fir your interests against-this unholy rebellfon arc ugh you dilly. Theirfaith in you tall not be in rain. Their hopes will not be blasted. Their prayers to Almighty (lad will be answered. You will yo to othcrficids qf strife ; and, withtlze ineincir lova:cry and unflinching loyalty to hailed and right which have characta iced you in the part, you ics7l prove Mid no ene my can withstand you , owl that no defences, howeve formidable, can cluck your onward outer& By order of ' U. S. Gitmer p Major General., The Medal 'To Grunt In 1803. Doily houses of the - American Congress, without a dissenting voice, including many who are now leading the rebel Democracy against himns the Republican candidate for President, passed the following joint resolu tion on the Bth of December, 1863, in return for his splended viaories in 3110sailppi and Tennessee, which was promptly approved by Mr. • Lincoln : .( Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatires of the United States of America in .Congress assernblod, That the thanks of Con• . grass be and they ' hereby are presented to Major General Ulysses B. Grant, and through him to the officers and soldiers who have fought under his command durtng this rebel• lion, for their gallantry and good conduct in the 'rattles in which they have been engaged; and that the President of the United Shawl be requested td cause a gold medal to tie' at nick, with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be presented to-Major Gener al Grant. • SECTION 2. And be it further That, when the said medal shall have been struck, the I'mident shall cause a copy of this joint resolution to'be engrossed on parchment, and shall transmit the same, together with the said .medal, to Major General Grant, to be presented to him in the name of the ' people of the United States of America. SEC. 3. And be it farther resolved, That a suf ficient.sum of money to C.lrry this 'resolution into effect is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury , not otherwise appro priated. This medal side presents a profife of the General, surrounded by a laurel wreath, beneath which is his name and the dates of his victories. On the obverse is the figure of Fame reclining on the American eagle shield ed ; Fame holding in her right hand a trum pet, and in:her left a scroll, on u hichlis inscrib ed "Vicssiiono, Colman, M ississirrtßivE Cusrrsaooos:" on her head an ornamented helmet. Beneath all, are represented sprigs of pine and paling intertwined ; while over all arc the words "Proddini Liberty throughout all tho Laud" • RUSRELLVILLE„,Ky.; June ie.—MAJOR LAWRENCE, U.S. Marshal i of this District, was ssga.codnated in this place this morning ' by a returned Rebel Soldier. lie is the fifth Union man that has been murdered hero within the past few month. During the war he was Major of the 17th (Ky.) Cavalry, and proved to be a very gallant officer. He basis brother residing in Buffalo, New 'York. Ilowtalso fliuszs, Ky., June 17.—The as sasination qf Major Lawrence, at Russellville, yesterday, was the result of a -deliberate de termination on the part of the Rebels to kill or drive out every. Union man in their midst. He had been repeatedly threatened by the Kn:Klux Klan. A. week ago he received no tice that ho was to be killed in less than ten days. Ile paid no attention 'to the warning, [ and as he was going out of town yesterday afternoon to serve a summons, the assassin stole upon him andiTtefilly butchered him [in broad daylight, Capt. MeClery of the ar my, who went down to investigate the case,- pronounced it a cool, premeditated, murder. Union citizens are arming, and the utmost excitement prevails. detachment of the 2d Regulars reached there last night. General Grant's Church Going. The wife of Gen. A.. C. Harding, Represen tative in Congress from the Fourth District of Illinois, has written the following letter to the Rock Island (III) Union, which is pub lished in that p aperof the 21th ult. WAsnixoTon, Mayl9, 1868, Editor °filo Daay , Union • • t., _ DEAR Sin: I see by an article p üblished in the Rock Island :Arius of May 11th ; copied from the Springfield linjiskr, a statement therein contained that the neartit Gen. Grant ever got to a religious, congregation in Wash ington, was when he'made an exhibition of himself in the streets of Washington, on the Sabbath day; drunk. and Ringing the late lamented popular air, 'Dandy Jim of Caroll• na! Now although hava not been a regular attepdant of Dr. Sunderland's Church during the winter, I have been there Swim. within four weeks, and both times General Grant and family were in attendance, and took part in the sernecs., Respectfully, . J 3li I.4.lwran ctw .^l~ut tsritt cuts. ..... T recta tot% Mottee. —Lettere testime nuay lir orate of Wm. Itico , deed., lat 2 of it.wu%e t &Aver county. re., healer been grOn!ed to the ot14: l'ned, all iperaous indebted to aald rt.ute. ate tNti fed to make Immediate payment. and rho., 1,4„. 1 „ z elaima agalnat the iterate of raid decedent, win te..l.d known ette cone without delay. • .. • jdrGteG to. WM. IL FRAZIER, Eet. - - • A disaittimnstoes Notice.—tetters of Ailvtn. .11 ignition on the estate of Josef& Wilherei.d.d late of the Uoroogh Of frankfort Spring ), i,awhiz granted to the , undersigned. all persons ildetp,d said estate ere setoested to nuke itinuellslippaynt and those having claims aping the +4)tate of kot agent, will uzale knOwn the sem t without &tit% jedtVdittits. WX. U. lon.17.1}:::. Ad, • , Dissolution of CoTsrtnership. TsPARTNERSUIP IIIgRETCPOitg EXIsTING teeth the naderotireed :miler. OW Ana ulna ul & Kerr was atatotretroa the first dry of June tby theta& °roar 311/4, Loather arid let.toests to a er Thotberv. The ontstaadlog norvulos of Um drltt will bo Nettled by Other of to at the calm ut N. P. KERR, GEO. BAKER, Owl ::i• Industry. Pa. Juno 19th. ISr.4. ' (Loral wpy.) APPEALS• rirtllE TAXABLE. INBA.BITAX N OF TIIF. tin rou e ' o f Hearer, wilt take notice that a tire mills on the dollar has been kyle Altr buner.;tt yurl N y es for the Year 1F 8. Appeals will be held at the commt..4ono:.o urn,,, on Tmday, July 24, between. the beer, et q A .11' and 41'..E. Dy order of Council. • JOIIN.A. ritAztrac, I ..lcrk, dosern LICLOUN, Secretary, „teireN3:iL , • ' NVEEDS WEE OS 1 EVERY ONE KNOWS 110 W Tlto7lllBsumß weetheare, but there la one Weed that them I. trouble %Db. that tallset WEED SEWINO MACIIINtI, you have ho trouble with it. Thl■ niaehlae hi; tiy. ed a reputation of -width, the eunnam, may „,,11 be proud, and Is now aekranviedzed De the lady ma chine that Li wade. It is a settled tact that It la driving all the oth , r thy chinas froM tho mark. t. Tho ainonnt mold Ifastookt,.. lag. lii i'illahargh and vicinity tiny Ir r wvek. and the Company two thousund p,r, mu! Is. Wo are very giad to see. that the agrat. Mr. 3. Bo .. , a... or New Brighton, has adopted t, rm .uit all Is tnaking_montidy paymeate. fur yokar sehres. dmlulatratoest ltiollee.—li•tfrni of adi,di t , tration on .be estate of C. (frulor, eked of 3lnrlon townmhip. Bearer count r. P.i.. in been granted to the linden:4;mA, all rwr.m. of paid estate, are reqUeotest to mike loon , ili.e.c meat, WV! Mose having claims ;..duet Ilie. prebent thew propttrly for pvtimno .4.1)A 3i FEU., A tt'r FOR 'SAL E. VIIAT VERY DESIRABLE OBIDEE•tS STA Sp • agnate on the corner of Front avid Tank in iknvcr Falls. Store mom Wed up with oel.irar and eonatero. all complete, 5 meg, In dwettm t „ . fragment. Fee terms, &c., Inquire of 11. ra iz the premhera, oraddme JAS. Wt MitritN . Jell - GS:3 V*. Sewl , kl.l. to 3:).W6111T ISPICIELY ITE r:s-nrenigGNED WOCLI) I inform. the. citizens of Deriver and telt he hors opened an office In Reviver. Pa.. fur Ow prnrllr. of Pent try. lie ha. had coruilderahle evildoer. 6,16, proh*aaton. and flatfoot bintritlf le be able to disc ;;.11- enti satisfaction in hia hu.lncim. rirOfflcc in the old %%nun/Iv hotel" huffllnc. Third street, Deaver, Pa, Olt work warranted te r nna year. J. S. GOSUIJILN. jectlff:l7. andubtratortx Stottee.—Letters of Ailrtll6.- Li tration on the estate at James' Daw.on. Boni., having been granted to the ed, ali persona knowing ,thetnieves.indebted to .aitt t , tate, are requested to make immediate pavnient and those heeling cialms ngidm.t the+ tame will preset); thent propedy authenticated tor iett lemon to , 1J OLIN SIirSTZ. Miner. , Ohio Township. pintlre3:rd. TO CONTRAC cons. LIE:ALM) PROPOSALS WILL BE nEctlynT) BY ki the School Dire tors of Inthibtry tnwu.hip, aunt June 234. fur the building , or a new Lir lrk h0e..0. Lr Diebrict No. a. The Innate to be of brick. 45 Rio limit, wide, It feet story: the funneallon to to ti.vtits At the lowest point, with an A !nth rature. to a incloirs lola, It lizhte. doors. IY Inch cornieli. tiuk ur flour. Propopalu will be lure:veil for a frwue born of the above dimensions. The right ii rriscry.xl W reject Any 'it an 1.144. JOSEPH ENCLE,....4,..ey 16dustry, Pa., June 9, 'lZ.—jel:9l:lt 'NOTICE TO, CONTR.tCTOits. 'rim SCHOOL BIitIft..ITOKS OF lluforiTteN TP. will receive sealed propoalls up toy? 01( kek us Saturday the 96th day of Ws montyor the building.? a Dew brick school house In Disl.lo.ll,tkotot n:se tia Stokes' School Houk.) and other secersarvoutlaild• legs. The school• house to be built the .unit mu finished In the same manner IN that of School boars No. 7, except the foundation and Boos, the now to be laid with Waite Oak board.. Bidden to futnieh all materials which are to he of find (patio'. The all honk , to be worked into the new one, Fur fettLer In formation, Inquire of James Warrick. By vide? of the Boant. ABNEIt MORTON, Seep je1711&21. , BOUNTY ACCOUNT. BOUNTY ACCOUNT OF It6C111:•;TI.Il DO ytoliGll, for the year mollng 1 7 , To amount of bouuky dupllo3te. 14,314 ',NJ By cash paid Dottie) }kart. $2.0n0 di , By cash paid .A. Bldg, 6'Y RI 1 By cash paid Baiter & ileutict, Vet et By lost tax. MI hIl , Cash entered at Beaver, • u 71 By cash paid Rochester Borough, rt 31 By cash to Treasury, St. 41 By cub paid F.M.Aedervou tor coll., tut Cl Cash due how F. sl:Andertun. 11N7 73-- 4,119 XI C. B. ni:itsT, JN(I. etiNWAT. WZ. DAsT. • )elol:6:3t,rviitirt . - - --- - A A BABE CIIANCE FOlf. INVESTMENT: FARM FOIL i t 4 E T WILL SELL MY FAWN OF t4,"Ocit CS IN 02110 1 township, Beaver. Co., Pa.. ou June . 26'b• iiml&q, at Public Sale, without ce4erve, 2 wile" from Ih. Station on Pitts. St Clevelstid R. It., 2 miv front Smith's ferry, aerts Cleared sail iu mi ltse a eultiration, the bAbioce %ell timbered and nefood under fence. raided/Rd with fonr foot vein of roil and In working order. A150,.4 foot rein Lime stun. mud 8 loot &diver tire-clay. ' improveturuts rare fortable dwelling house 3 rtiotn• below and kitchen attached, and all tteltuftrary e Dun 60 by lift feet, frame stlible hy X. Of fruit of Ail kinds, and well visional by number Of /11 . V11[Air 101( sPrings• Convenient to ash nols and chi:Mies. fo t nx on address the subscriber on said he road runs through said premise.. }',x Naha ue arm' made known on day of salt. rste coat thence at 11 o'clock, K. 31 JeStieito. promises. Eeseetitorls Nollee.—Letter TlpAtstronima tay es the estate of Peter 111 A New Sewickley tp.. Beaver co u nty- I.'eu granted to the undersigned, all person- indebted to the raid estate are reede-tml to make imme,liate pay ment, and those having elates or demands k:aueo tM estate at raid dedodetd, will make known the rim* without dctey, ADAIL KNUCFF. Eir.: .11ervo. Ts J anrFtift 6t. Scouring, prying and Pressing MIIE 'UNDERSIGNED DAS TAKEN 01.' C PAT• ents for Scouring. Drying and Pre,..sin.: elothisa. which for excellence .of workm.mstdp and opeol.l ei coed anything now In use. MOM.: eleAnk . d ts In first class style. Work will be taken to ot Pita of business In Bridgewater. at all times, and room , ted with but little delay to the owner. lam still Agent for Dowe's latest IMprovert seorin Machines, and also tiluger's, both of ti MO) aro Mt' togmom in and more tavor v tlie longer y oPea LOV/3:tf. JOSEPH .111tAUN. • LAITGIIING GAs: C031.1{ AI.LYR.TICAT lI.AVE Bk:EN the untold. Tuileries or toothade , mot ! traction, and you rind that Dr. r are retail to relieve you by the we of 00 ; ' t 1 4 " destroyer--LAVGIIING GATi—and umhe tVeir eltraz Don a oonrce of ple=woremither than or All dental operations perfonned in IL , be 4 too -,^la . tis mai tor t i n n er tho , no n i u meA d ti n T, t tilc ritae ,.. tumble terms 116 by +w!' g' 4 Ddk. ai•er Station. .W9rtt7—ty. • 'T..I. Cll.4tiPy:it JOS;, GRtElt, AticulTECT,' AND Engineer 4,1 Arts and .31apsferv rAi Of!lee and liaddcutil, 101111 CILOPT CROFT '& PHILLIPS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 139.. JQURTH STREET . RITTSBURGII, PA • INTE RAVE A PRMTED REAL I:`,3TAV t; T. ItF ter containing_ a Nit deseriptto. of tooth , n. price and berms of all the properties tietrugor! to our care for sale, Tlieao consist of Farm*,Gri -t Roams, Lots, Stores, Coal land, Coal \Forks. l'oal 1 4 ; tercet, Western Lands, Motels, Tanneritv, CRY Ir." Snbnxban Property. Thir Register wo print times a year, on Wet of • Kay, September and J•ib nary. l'arties wishing to buy or !ell Rent Estate. no In a ' ttr where the location, Awaid not fall to eotroilt. ur Reghster. a copy of which am be had by acudwit your address. Kay member now nady. 1.1 '4;;;14. ALPIt ED LYI Wen INTER , rA iostrit rui wir