The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 17, 1868, Image 2

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    The Beave atnpis.
JONSTAND, Norxcos!Aia raoritteros.
Boiler, Pa., ime 17, MIL_
Ul*sses R. Grant.
Sicliuyler Colfax.
Presidesithil ElOl4Olll,
AT LAztori , _
G. Unite! Cokres. or Ph 1 1646 194 ,1 64 •
Tncia.,ll. MAXIIIIALL, of Pittsburr .
District. 1 • District.
I. W. H. Barnes, 13. SanineftinoW, 1
I W. .I
I. . Pollock, 14. RF.Wagonseller.
' 8., Richard Wildey, 15. ,Chas. IL Miller, -
4. G. W. Hi 11..: 18. George W. Eliot,
R. W. P. McGill, 17. John Stewart. ' •
Q. 1. AI. Bringhorst. 18. A. G. Oinuitead,)
7. Frank o.illeaton, 19. James Sill, .
8. Isaac Eckert, 20. IT. C. Johnson,
9. Morris Hooper,' 21. J. K. Ewing,
10.• David M. Rand, 22. Win. Frew, •
11. Wm. Davis, 23. A. W. Cr:mkt:li,
12. W. W. Ketchum, 24. J. B. Ratan.
Itepablican Nate Ticket.
sem sent( vuurrizawrr• •
OEM ZACOIII oasiarsgra,
. or osmosis coutnir.
lotdoct to dooLstoo of District Coottreas.)
FOR 1.1391111111. Y. •
141r.1 to decision of District Contereoe•)
• Anamsa no vas Ben..—Jas. Cameron,
Esq., l was 'esamined - on last Monday evening
by a Committ ce appointed for that purpose,
and 4 n Tuesday was admitted to the bar, as a
practicing attorney of this county. Mr. C.
was e student in the
,ollic i e,of B. B. Wilson,
Efici, l and ii spoken of 41 those acquainted
with him as a young gentleman ol'energyand
ability. We believe he purposes opening an
's Once Alps
TosLotilslike * lournat complains that pa.
pets Calling they're% Republican, like the
Nowt forit rams, New York amemreial, &a .
whichtook the strongest groUnd apitist im•
imbrued, Congressional rooonstruction,
and negro suffrage, have unhesitatingly ac
cepted the nomination cfOrant and Colfax as
the bid that could have been made. Wham
It sisr'sowthily concludes that the Wks 'par.
t wiil, for the sake of success, mato nu
and unanlinens.
Tait none" area neWorganisatiou at
Ogdensburg for the purpose of furthering the
mows of Gen. Grant. The regalia or: uniform
consists of a leather apron and other parap.
hanatla cimimemOrativo of the business in
whieih Gen. Giantwas engaged at the time
the rebellion broke out. Irk joiniegAbe.
the Genera did not abandon hie Wain*, but
kept', on tanning the bides of the rebels UP
the and of the ward The 'Tanners" now pro.
poi to do for the Democracy what Grautdid
• or ; he rebels. i! 4
"It Is reported on good authority that the
Meiste Democrats are seriously thinking of
gob* u a whole party for Grant for Presi
dent. • At a Republican meeting held at An
burr in that Btate a few days ago seventy
five, live, active, intelligent Democrats attend
ed in a body and announced their, intention
of riot only Doling for Grant and Colfax but
working to secure their election. They were
loyal Dem6Cmta during the war, and they
take this method of showing that they stand
now where they stood then.
Tin 'Agit'letups of Rhoda Island on the 9th
insL unanimously relleetcxl Hon. Wm. Sprit
gue 11111.Tnitell States Senator from that State,
to servo for six pests. Mr. Sprague is tho
son-in-law of Chief 4ustleo i Chase, but has
latterly boon acting outside of his father -in
laws influence. Ho Is still 'faithful among
the faithless found," and we, rejoice that his
own State has thui assured him of its. confi
dence in his political into rity.
of Datarnal Revenue, on Monday 1E1'1%411 in
his resignation. Mr. Rollins tins, amid sever°
tried; proved a faithful and competent officer;
and tha country will mitt to hear of Lis
salvo to give.up his position. Throughout
all the difficulties Which surrounded hint he
basest*. numined a true fneadof the &Tub.
ham cause: Asin almost every other depart
mentor the Government, the desperate 4,4 : 41 me
of the Execrative mado the d uties of his ?Ace
' too' MI ef am
mlieations uncertainties for
an honest man to control, dho sought that
relief which comes' quickest—resignation.
• Tau "Coosernitlve" soldiers of the country
tare taken the Cooper Institute building is
Now York. fbr the purpose of holding a No
*wd Convention on the Oh of July, with the
intention Hr poasible of uniting with the Dew
tenor ou a Pnwidential ticket. The priaci•
pal actors is this convention will be Gensals
Franklin, Maeda:lan,. Blair. Granger. Ewing.
Walker, Estee. The hope of the
chielmansge of the Soldiers' Convention is
that they wit be enabled to act in harmony
with the r Convention of the party. But
they have decided that in no event can they
Support a "Copperhead candidate" like INUL
dletoei, who daring tho war was hostile to the
conic for which they eo sealously fought an:l
`snirered. They protest in adventse seam
any nomination, and if li should be foist !
od upon them they will cry out: "To your
tents,. 0 Israeli" They disclaim , being the
perSolud aerate of either Judge Chase,
Gen. Ilaneock, or any otherman. The only
insist that the can did ate 'ball be a sound man,
standing upon a sound platform. for whom
they shall have nothing to ola gias when
recommending him to their -to constitu•
. •
TES victortous element In the Prisidentla
campaign will be the military element. Those
Who doubt that it will decide the -.struggle
should reread the proCerislhilet tbiliattien
al Convention of Soldien..and Bane, which
met in Chicago on the • lb' y befb re the OW
Republican Convention, arid espedelly the
cenlKog of Promnikuttie .-YekohitkNii of the
'former body to Gen. Grant, II thlidty, on ate"
19th of Xsy. Mtip committee of pressrdstkul
c o H. C.. Allegan ot.Penth•
'Amnia. Andrew Gregg OfPeiray.
.General d obi A: Login .Kinbiolst
Heat* Alfred Viesirinton (aviary Pleihrm•
1 1
ton,) General R. Hawley (Presitiant
of the Nati
_Oonventiona General *W.
Rios of netts, 'Gen. W. 8. Stoker of I
Tennessee. Captain A. Giant Mud Private W.
Short of the District:of Columbia, General D.
Sickles of New York; Gener al John F.
Hartman of Pennsylvania , and Goo. L. Fair
child; the Mlle:aimed ekivernor of Wisconsin.
1 It would bit difilcult to flid a'body, of More
porfeitly representittivelluforsoldient. Car
tainly they Could not be found in the ranks
of the rebel Democracy.
Colonel Alleman's address to Gen. Grant
on presenting tie resolutions of the conven
tion, was a splendid summitry of the duties
and objects of bts oompatriots, and the Con
cluding passages are so magnetic that we re.
print them: • .
Our mendl has ended and yon sae our chosen chief.
Inn will and the volunteer army in good fleabag
trim, the runtralled to their maximum, no onsunands
well officered. and the supplies both ample and ened•
lent. The troops toe in the bleb:lst stste of discipline.
There was some defection. but it has all been remedied
by the immobile' and semi
ruiencyu of a drumhead court-.
artial. The necessity w ° angehh from
very loyal heart. bitter
of ardent hope and
bleat silent but *avant prayers to Atatightg Cod
that wo word never look upon its like again.
We am stronger now than ever...woe courageous I
and more determined. Wo have taken our poeldon
we have post ed our pickets:we have Muted OW MM.
we have protected our flanks, and are ably en
by millions of militia, with achnyler (blest ad m t w t °i 4
head. At your command—"llll—we will
move on the enemy'. works. Here le our plan of bat..
tle (presenttn the remintions); "we will light It out
on thislinb if it takes. all summer." and 'end Moose.
my , "whirling dawn the valley." We will charge them
In front. storm their breastwork,. plate their centre.
flank their strongholds, and take them in the rear.
when we will bare to repeat the familiar summons
from oar Commander-in.ehlef: "I demand an oaten.
ditionalanmender." Oar victorious Gomel shall then I
mount the pinnacle - of tem% twice dignified by Wash
honorton, twice honored by our Lincoln. We MVO the
. lir, to submit the plan of battle.
To winch Gee. Grant replied in these sig. I
nifiCant sentenCes:•
Onormanot or um Cowmen or Bottoms arta
Samos I wlO may that It was never a deskre of
mine to be a candidate tar any political once. It le a
= i
iree of grWillleMai to me ot fed Mat / ham the
ef those ado madast me reogh the peat
match tee ham pan th
ed. ff I did not fed
had tkesupport most /outdid new hare commted
to a mes~4.- It was not *matter of choice with
yournd I hope. as I have accepted. that I will have
aid and support. &Oa now IWO November. at I
had it *aim the rebefloo.
If the Union soldiers and sailors, and the
Millions who revere the memory of the glori
deed and honor the patriotic living, ac
cept the "plan or battle" and faithfully adhere
to it. the campaign upon which we have en
tered will dose as triumphantly as the cam
upon Richmond.
What one of theme countless trusser will re
fuse to respond to General Grant's appeal for
Lis support I
Who that sustained him :during the 'Mr
Will fail him now f
al;that fought for the old flag will stand:
om the Great Captain that bore it to
victory f r, •
Who that prayed for him in the field' wUI
not toll for him at the ballot-box ?
Who that 'subscribed money to the cause
for which he fought will not now subscribe
hi glee us a Preddeinkin the conquering Gen
eral I,
Mateoidled widow, or soldiers orphan,
will Rot, fall dowir blessing.
i lipOn the Chief
f the army who made all that Mowed •his
ausPiciousstars immortal ins nation's grati
tude? "
To the active men of the Republican party
Col. Alleman's "plan of battle" fie the chart
that will lead to overwhelminitnejorities, for
his Matthew loader.
You secure the national credit, thenational
honor, reconstruction, suffrage, and all the
rights and interests of the people by follo w
ing it with fidelity. 1
Let our clubs organize in the spirit of this
"plan of battle." - —4
Let our public speakers take tett and conn
eel tronrit.
Lot us borrow the motto of the army for
Our songs, o ur newspapers, our pamphlets.
and our rostrums.
Let our
. processions gleam wit' h the shining
sabres and•bayouste of the Maim veterans.
Let us embalm the 'recollections of the sa
'cred dead by recalling their sufferings'at
by, Andersonvilee, Belle Isle, and the cruelties
of their savage keepers. •
Let us revive In all.ite terrible troth the
sympathy of tho rebel Demcieracy with these
foes of humanity and [Modell].
Never let the public mind forget either the
sacrifices of the heroin dead and living or the
barbarous treason_ of the authors of the rebel
lion. : n y
Resurrect the Detnodt atic Platform of 1884
with McClellan upon IC which declared -the
war for the restoration of the Union !l's'
Resurrect the Democratic, hostility to the
soldiers voting in thefield. •
Resurrect the Democratic slanders upon
Abrahaiii Lincoln. '
Resurrect the offotta of the Southern Dem
ocrats to burn our Northern cities and to car
ry pestilence into Northern homes.•
Resurrect the Democratic hostility to the
dint and to the currency.
• Resurrect the Democratic hatred of our Sen
ility Fairs - and Christian Commissions.
Resurrect the Democratic hostility to all
tho war ririesures of Congress, thus protract
ing the war and helping the traitors.
'iko the campaign, in short, a military
campaign, undor •the "plan of battle" of the
Union soldiers and sailors; and, in their glow
ing language to General Grant:
"Charge - Um/enemy, in front, store* their
breastworks, pierce their centre, Sank their
strongholds, and take -them in the rear.—
Forney's Pram. • •
Ta House of Repreeenhttlvee by *vote 111
to 88 ital. agreed to the. Bente amendmente
to the bill to Wadi North Carotins, * Bona(
Carolina; Goodie, Florida, Alabama, and
Lritdslana to representation in Congress.. The
bill haring pawl both Holmes is now in the
hands of the president for his. IdEllatmt
Every Detnocrat in both Houses otCoogrces
plead his name on record in opposition to
the admission otthe (leathern Stales;
at the same time every Copperhead newspaper
in the country, has for nearly two yetis, past,
barn constantly demoting for the adthistion
of them States. ;Oh I consistency thou art .
a jewel t The President will not have the
courage to veto this bill, but allow it to be
ciime • law by keeping ilia his pascal= lea
days. -
Dow:GnAlrr ;having bcien nominated othe
Bepablican amiable, OF the PicsidencY, the
Denwendia papers call upon him to resign
ids Moe ofgenend-Ppoldef efthearmy pend
ing the canvass: Grant went Into the war a
TurY > iiikU• Ocuidut7 reculPtu du•
ring the coal*, t Otlik_than his Wan% sad
wbal gifts vire *ions' oPon Idol by the
People nfoeriain loyal- >Cities like Mad&
• phis, were nothing. He had no fit contracts
onto[ which to make
_Row., He was.too
ireineidocu task of cruibing
the rebellion toeinflddi tb attend jA 14 1 1 Prl,
veto !attune. At thiteimlnst4o':of
grade and emoluments of genteel and the
dace cd . el* command Inth 'Then
can be su) doubt that lie L tea it= in
the natieurfor slick s poiddon:, -1 7 '
The Demociatifiuk. lihn to putdsh'ldeuiallt
with a deprliation of Qtßabd emoluments and
to Iwo on exPerigions kir nearly a year, at a
time when, as It candidate for the Presidency,
his personal expenses mist of necessy be
much more than usual. Did he not himoribly
win his grade? Did he not render:Must:km
service/iv the honois aWardal to hini ? Has
he notWthfilly performed the duties
,of his
once! Ie the country !Rudy to be' benefited
by losinglim fronithatnince during a period
when he is not wanted for any ether ? Is it
not customary in 'mule of promotion for, the
successful party merely to give the one office
in time to occupy the other?
• Judge Woodward was a member of the
Bench of the SuPreme Court of Pennsylvania
during the whole of the excited canvass in
which he ran as the Democratic candidate for
Governor. He never resigned, nor did his
term expire for several years after hto defeat
Gen. McClellan was a 'nape general in the
regular army while he was the Democride
candidate for the Presidency.- He held no
conunamr and was out of service. The riv
ernmeut had lost confidence in him, yet 'he
held on to his °Mee, end did not resign it Un
til the re-election of Lincoln showed him that
there was no chance of hie gdthig Into ser
vice again. We might cite many such case&
l3tit it is not necessary. The country does not
went Gen. Grant to resign. It has tall trust
in him, and thinits he well deserves the once
he holds.
General Grant's Speeekw and Let.
• Um.
toe myna TO ommuz. strain=
HanottAwrzna Azinr n Tut/trim.%
Muer mu Dolma:wow, Feb. - 16.,1882.
To, OEN. Bums's, 06rowninunt Mart :
Yours of this dais proposing an wrmistine
and appointment orcommissioners to , settle
terms or capitulation, is just received. No
other terms] than an unconditional and im
mediate surrender can be accepted.. I Pro
pose to move immediatel upon your works.
I am. a*, very your obedient
servant,Oltarr. ,
Brig. Gen. • 1:1 - . & A., Comtmuunng.
General Buckner sitrrendenxl.,.
are apszCMo To osrtattar.
PEMMIRTON---Gellerd Grant, I toedyou
in order to arrange terms of capitulation.
What term, do you, demand.
Cinsmr—Unbonditlonal amended.
Pmenurros— Unconditional surrender!
Never, so long as I have a man left me. I
will tight rather.
Onam—Very '
`These speeches ware very abort. foul' words
in all, but Pemberton surrendered. i•
sus Tarns . nr sex
"I propose to fight it oat on this :Ins if It
takes all the enzesose - •
• xis !Arm To minim`.
"I propose to receive the surrender of the
Army of Northern Virginia upon the follow
ing terms."
Lee surrendered:
Finial, Ball Speaks:
Tanenll Hall was crammed On ,Wednesday
night as it hardly ever was before with:the
supporters of Grant and Colfax. It was" an
&whitens opening of the campaign. ;.Tl*
eloquent Horace Kinney Sargerd press
The following ; tingle . . Anotation knit - his
ringing address will gore the reader an ' idea
of the spirit of the occasion:
"Fellow citizens, if you doubt as Ito your coarse In
this campake, recall to your mind the T a t.
dples Of the DTUTO who once made the and of
your honsee—the dead who km never Cit
twn soldiers I Beat the reveille cam more the
bugle as In the old Ume I Like the etch angel's tromp
let lt roach the far elf graves by the samentaba and the
river and the sea. Bide down along the line to-night
' arid Kan the old remembered Smoot the 00141.14011 Of
your tags, as Oa stand in grim esview. . With the
garlands unwlthered that you laid upon their graves
a week ago, in to y tell them that tWy died in vein ?
WM you look th e cavern' of those eyes, and tell
them that the States' eights mei, whose pernicious
teachings made this war, . and who were In a great
mum timid, wrong, unlotic and inclined to de=
sat them during its hardest, tereed, most
glorious agony, are all debt to-dey, and *bayou and
the' dead are all wrong? 'WM yen with one band cov
er their graves with dowers and by . ballot in • the
other sedate their old leader, abandon for them and
yes all your part in the grand anal achlevemmt
Democracy has done, and tell them that theov alien
of last week was a little melodrama 'that we thought
proper to play? Or, dear gallant men of m
atte! brothers 14 heart and arms! will von not „being
back the old smile on the proud, pale, dying lips, and
shout Vietay In theli ears I '
"Ayo I alder,. i For whit can defeat ma We hero
all the triumphantprinciples, and by the grate of ; the
guardian angelo of the Lord, we hold by ties of steel
the only men who can 'menthe great. strong: warm,
Lamest, patriotic heart of the American people from
the "jrsa westward - to the mountains - . and from the
mountains still westward to the sea. Wherever Wor
n pale Sherman marched,wborder hooker &dodo:-
ed from the skies, wherever Thomas resisted, wher
ever Sheridan swept like the thunder-bolt of God
wherever the Grand Ulysse s of the war &died, there.
Shims of Ithasachnse you have buried In the soil
your bosteges—the dear light and joy of our orphaned,
widowed, &lidless homes, ledges of unshaken Odell,
ty tarpsdpice of rust , the equal rights
of - , .
Air interesting incident took place at
Springfield, Illinois, last week, - when a party
of emigrants from Indiana arrivedin the city.
They were on their way to Missouri; but on
reaching Springfield they pained and turned
aside to visit.- the tomb of Abraham Linebby
the Martyr Prerildant. Over one hundred
men, women and Children passed by last
resting place of the*g. rest man who had won
their love and . admiration, In solemn silence
and with heads uncovered. The emigrants
thus .paying tribute to the memory of Mr.
Lincoln were• of the most intelligent class of
artisans and farmers from the Hoosier . Slate,
and to those who met them. on the way they
stated that they could dors. through 130 DV'
field without stopping visit and pay ha
magi§ to the memory o the'man . who bad
preserved our free institutions, 'lnultroclaim
ed liberty to. alltbroughixd the land.' 'Thus
it is that the 'bone and since—the' reliable
man of the Republio.—do hoisor 141 Use hints'
ow of the nation's second Waslungton:
TRAM balsa :DenwenitiO . .0=174 . put
New York OblenOlalls "•
Vrant and' Colfax makes ticket bard*
best The wonderful militery semen of the
one, and the great political ability of the oth
er, cannot be written ' down or belittled,. by
editors, , and the attempt to do so
it s wonhy des Isleimnalle•
'MOBS tho pmocmc party: ' Thebero of
Donidson, Corinth; Most wcattlerhd i d s $ Vicksiturg t and finally of Richmond, - iii not
third-rate General. and no literary teribe eau.
make him one. The gentleman who has
worked his way apt() the Speakersh lip of the
noun of Representatives is Ilat imia politi
eke, and those whebuy hhn ter on, mill.
make a profitable ba rn. 'Probably`there
are no two leading names, stronger,
nay or collectively, than the %we 10dch
bare been put forward."
The auseleasin Isle;law or Deloenal l
etteermr,eaViti . Neer Iretk*m& Aim tigt9l
le thin 'l
PI ~ O lin * the "N
A les.
1 /411311111 e the ]
- 41
. "niers items 0 tared kilo
Soutlibrn MBI vote la
tial elation • Mid Wire penult di thigle Meal
to beardmiltstrmirlaepubliesiss iselguiVie
well hang our on the willows : lreon..,
corns tie (*.Pm a Portion of the negro yowl
ana It would be suleirlel to put into the pat.
'farm inifiligehriatio . n which: the Belied dime
and Minno to ortitore could , use to tore
%% I rt
.4 il Yole . us. No matter *bole
the candidite., ItletnallitoiOr Bedidticks;
et‘ -9 C) b* zninttlietneildn
more,than the empty honors cialixotime nom
hatics. Every candidate Wan equal %%r
-efit in getting:ths Scut em &Mord. Yates,
and the Jutheiouefrtimds of Will alike dep.
reeate the. insertion' in %S tern - of any
declaration that-Sibild Wide theirighatices
°tarrying the ', filouthern 8 -Thee
blase b therefore ; asting' Its &munition In try -
jag to.excite the Jadoustes of other candidatesus if the advice we have gitin squinted !tithe
nomination of Chase. :Mr. Pendleton will
need the, Southern • votea nominated, as
much as any .of tbe other candidates would,
and the opponetits 01 his nomination think he
will need theta um:maw being *esker in Dome
of the Eastern . States. , The - Tamils la in
greet• alarm lest the. Democratic National
Convention diell. not "put its foot into it by
a declaration *bleb ylould dunupder 'the
Southeitt 'Vote to the Republican candidate.
But it can stir o T no jealousies oa this scam
The friends no . Dmnoirstie candidate
would wish to row away ‘setrinty electoral
votes, which, by discreetreenagemeat, there
is a good chance crtgaining." ..
• The confession of the Bemoreatio organ
amounts to this: The -negro' es are going to
vote ; without a good share ofthem, the pem
octets wind awry thehicandidate i Plinnur.-
TON stands a small chance' of =getting them.
and would need them more than'any one doe
"as being 'weaker In some of the Eastern
Stales;" therefore the party' must resort to
"discreet management," but what that Would
be the World. is puctied to my.
The negro vote, then, is the genie of the
party, whose cry so recently was; Do" negro
domination," "white man's , government,"
"down with' the nigger," and the like., To
this end, candidates. PsinelPiesr evesYtiling
mule come forth and retire. • - '
A Sadists! LeantUary.
Judge Woodward has signalized Ids first
term in Congress by sundry notable things.
But his latest affair is very likely to insure '
him rather moreattenlion than will he mice
, able to hirn. It appears that on the ilith of
February he obtained leave to print s speech
on the eubjecttd impeachment; which was not
delivered in the House, and whiCli, on being
"printed in the (Globe, was found by Unladen
frhed Republiisans to contain this passage :-
"I conclude that all the legislation which
we have donedoes not e contitute us smut to
originate and try.~ impeachment which the
Constitution oonlftplaten• Mn -Speaker, so
sure I am that the American people will re ,
fwd. tbiaobjection, that I will ay, If I were
the Presidents counsellor, which 1 am riot. I
would advise hho,ifyou prefer, srtklas of im
peachment; to , demur both to 'your Juristic ,
Sion and that of the;enate, and to home s
i p ro
ciamatican giving you and all the wor no
tice that while be holds Massif impeachable.
for misdemeanors Wolff= before a constitu
tional tribunal, be never would subject the of
flee he holds kr trust from the - people to the
[regular, aunieltutional, fragmostmy bod
ies which now propose to EnrV him of it.
Such a practise:Men, sassy and ma
n on hand to. essitaln IWrotld meet with
popubir vespasetlllo. — oukl irks anTeu d
Ftt.wpasicimm, andimpsailhari.
will be otaiet that Olds goes ideal . fur.
Sher than'even.YobasOn fab'bislicit-beeded fol
ly went. JudgeWoOdwarddnesnot content
himself with pwriceinchic the Rouges ofOon
Johnson* did Una, - and. the Senate
vote has held Lim .guiltless for so demg.
Woodward declares that if he had been Prod-
I dent he would havelwaed a proclamation de
bouncing Congress as unconstitutional ` apt
which - wouldoof worse, • have
precipitated civil war, as it would ignore the
entire authority of tide legislature, and depard
upon .the army am/UV Ur disperse Comm
and all its followers: /obtains; misguided as
lie - Vas, WAS yet a wiser and •more pendant
man than Woodward, and it is malted thai
in net haying Isreqhrkra. Presadeutther
country has been steed from an e ,
educated fool.
There is no use in mincing matters with a'
man like thin He his erred with Ms ere
wide open.. Ai the vmy tame that he Seel the
whole country in.igiWon about the miscon
duct of Jaime; he hinuelf addssoJohnson's
folly, and deliberately' prints Wins.written
speechof his owa ; _ " '
• This ax-OhlefJesthie kneW better, rind he
ought, therefore, to be called to acoramt and
Punished. We are, therefore, pleased to no
doe that General Schenck has prepared a reso
lution to expel t h e offender. Why Wood
ward desires to remain in a House which' ho
considers irregular, unconstitutional and
fragmentary, aria the same time draw his
salary as a member, b ono of the mysteries
01 his political course:- There then tie an end
of this sort of thing soniewhens, 'and we trust
that General Schenck - will put the matter to
the test by 'offering his violation. • Judge
Woodward fins been Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania, and the can.
didate of his party both bribe United States
Senate and for- Governor of this common
wealth. Hiedeliberately 'written declaration
carries weight withr it 1n his party, and
advice is bold and danger:Ka ' It lanot that
of a lover of- law and order. 'lt is that of a
partisan fanatic, reedy for-
civil war, nude
don, or anything ehie that may be necessary
to force the success of.bis party. General
Schenck properlyneed these doctrinal
revolutionary. aro such. No more in
cendiary langutigeflas been used in thewhole
course °Mho debaisslnCongress on impeach-
Inen.L4Phtl- ,Norgh, 41rgrrgoggg. •
Eliow. us * a' "Carpet•bmger" and we . will
show you a supporter tifelakurand Cur tx•
Show us aloyal Sou ;who • is true to
Lis State suit kw count Und we sill slow
you a man who - will n support - Guarerand
Courax.--Werid.- • • '•
Show WIZ soldier o fought 'lbr the flag.
or a . civiltau who encouraged the soldier with , and his puric.aad*e will show you,
appporter of Grant and Collar.
Show us an original rebel who Ma all he
could to precipitate the WV; and we will
stow you a man Who will uotsupport Grout'
and Colfax. . t ; _
Show us a Cionfaltis'i to wbe starved the Pt*
oral prisoners at Libby, Anderaouvilleousel
Salsbury and we will showyou a man. who,
wIU ad support Chuat and Colfax. .
Show us a mitberneriwbb kept up a'cOn=
Sant lire In the rear of tie boys in lotus, or
who MAW in - CMventiau ,that the war.we
tram and rin Aviv yolt intee,wita
zekluPPort Olthat m..• - •
• • -
' 'earl Own
Deinhttede • to the'Atandsof daunt,
h,,, - pheadt • Spirentrilve eaten
of die , • Ile iiewittelorr came in &body
too liteindellean Izauens at Anburnv Maths, n
Ai* eivingsAlies,± sairalinoenoed their
Ontientnereek and vateirith the Ileputdieezi
forty inAMC future: In the town electicni
iieldlii Blebtiond connty, - . New_ York,' kid
week, theltepubliatnin boreemd thelemtei
111113, while lbw Dentooratle :AklOrity of the
whole , 0911_11ty stood le to: 1,203 het
CkKeella =MGM has Ask= the sinew the
aunt lukdowbsii Vasil* Ind WS sear
pie- will lindottieedly .followed Wasiak
o_tber ex-Contederstes. , . _ • " '
- .
Of 5%117.
What Party
toes egshist a
uve - polley am in
Ivor of fres trade, and
Y. -
IL What party fr's.;
----74 11reii
• ajsrateotire
polo* thatirfft tomtit
1411bIrlialalalurtists Ir an i
; keeo ; earr - radallY as
to- %
1 09
i ris
elotheaadf • • ,
their Week&
eireateciin for tali
tr ir;e2l47 •
:W. our money I
to bring the
products of the for
eign-iginPer bib*
from rowan coon
trio. sod ebdogdP
our own ,shops
fsetorim and. inning
our own Aleople - hne,
compelling them to
down to •n:the
I starratkm standard of
shilling *day ; wWcL
iieirtilit donee
gehtwoeld: eater the
• pth. What party is
it ;that acknowledges
the hand iitacsi in the
overthrow. of one
the most wicked, gi
geno9'. rebellions that
.was ever waged, tom
, tend into oar free ter
' ritary and increase
and perptithate one
the most oppressive,
inhurmin,. tyninnical
Valenta of humanbon-
Aga ever known to the
world, which was rep.
idly demoralising and
sappinglont the physi
' cat,' mental and moral
pm* of the South
mt people, by afford
ing them ardl. Ities for
Monis, ganibling,dis
station' and prostitu
tion; and whose licen
'nous habits, customs
and &Alonewere be
ing rapidlyy Imitated
I by the wealthy arida
acetic • society et the
North, who were turn
big up their noses and
denouncing the cruel
anstonts that were so
degrading them. by
compelling them, the
inperior race, to also
elate in the public
ache* and churches
with their:. inferiors,
thsginatt ot mechanks,
Movers' mmisills;
thus smiting
oft the lionCtisit
was maiming GYM
luxury fbrt and oem
they possessed, and
thus irepnthating the
Bre it heaven-born
truth, that meritis the
true standard of great
ness, and that honesty
and intelligence, in
dreary and virtue con
stitnui th noblemen
of this na tion of free-
10th. What party le
it that admits that the
Ureator termed the
colored man an Intelli
gent, accountable his
man being,. and. not
withstanding they
have been oppressed,
debased and almost,
brutalized by,a tyran
,system of human
. bondage for aps ; yet
ye cannot and dare
not inthe sight ofGod,
withhold front them
our. sympathy I and
commiseration, yet we
claim that the beet in
terests—of both' races
in the present state o
society, makes social
equality inexpedient,
ands !mature of the
races is improper and
physicelly 'wrong, las
it, is rally demonitrated
by statistical theta that
the ptire whist or Af
rican ' will live to. a
greater age than when
theydniiken *Aiwa
are ndzed. hilt frith
end justice compels ns
to admit their unwa
vering TV, patri
otism and myery, and
.noble 'de ng on, the
field of battle in sub.
duing the wicked re
bellioncwhich we
knowledge entitles
thorn to such. civil
rights as will protect
'Amin from the mallets
and bitter hate and
abuse of their old op'
Crf.and to ex
t:l4- them every
beillty to educati and
Improve, sod
thorn as speedir i a as
poseiblofor thisaacmd
ditty Of fieenunt. _ _
.AlLetter Frog Glowered Grant.
Nan: is N. Norrhi, AIM old and proud
nentDonweret el"Qoincy, M., who has re
peatedly been by being
placed bihigh ame3al Position, haring wrrer
althea represented hit district in Conno s .
made speech in Quincy recently, in which
ho declared that the Wert mite= of them
Vriiii - ber a:I - Ai - 1W fliii. - oraidiet
the lai/buy% Mt Bleach was &giddily
premed,4ll4" en able one. Col. Morris read
tafte_,. _ 11111 11
.liftel:fiillowing letter, frees
Gem. Eit i =ttein gilt*, in reply to a qua
] 1104rom . witet*er tinutt world accept
I OS Prosidentkiti noudiatinst or nit :
I .;14sindslui
... ,i. I P 13114 Jan. ilik 1864.
1--ilowri - Ne fileaust-ikar fir: Your let.
ler of the 26th of December I did • not remise
until two days ago. I receive many suck.
but de Ohl swot_ Yourkhoweler, 19 writ
ten in such s - khitity - sphitoindits you ale thr'
lan anwiren;conikkedielly, 'wilt nut wirld
lit- Analrlne to lIIVIDOWIffferIIO4 l i ' lid
] a pollftalan, never wig, and histie nireef telt;
and soidd-ani 'Wt.& pOUAkOII WO.* JO
lealy desire is to serve the country' in her
*weft Mira `l l o§olkteedieleditlyilple Seiti; ]
eauf to hive tile eimiklctaiof the army and '
thispeopla I know no way to ; -tiettor maul
this end tbisnlea figifino perfOrmanoe?
duties. 'Bo longs l' bold isiY - present •
tion Ido not bieve that I have 4herig to
criticise : the 'policy of Orders of %base above
me, or to give uttereneeeo views of -my own
except •to :the authorities , at. Washington,
through the flenerahln-Chief of the Army.
In this respect I know .I have prom' nkfeelfl
a ?Toed soldier." , •
• rt. your letter, you may that I,havo ban my,
power to be the nest President 'This is the
last Wog in, the world 'I desire. - Iwould •re
urd such a consummation u being highly
unfortunate for myselt if not for the country;
Through providence I have attained to More
than I ever hoped, and with the pealtion I
now hold' in the regular army, if allowed to
retain it, will be more than satisfied. I fer
ly shall never shape a sentiment , or the
e ression of a tlureght,"with a view of being
a idate for office . I scarcely know the
] 1 cement that could be held out to me to
t . Office, and unheidtatlnglY Bar that I in-
Ant ly prefer my "present '
position to that
of ny civil dike within the gi ft of the peo
'pls. ..• -,. ' T,' it - • ,
i U a pnvate letter to, yeti, nil Wen
Marini Aimee with ,
benefits and bleadnga
by giving than cheap
wxtcla ;1
dent but it is very
boweryevi Intd•
Hoot won that, if.the
poor tnan'e only' capi
tal; which b Ma labor,
is reduced down tO a
&Mg a day, and no
demand for It at that,
he could not obtain
money todrehase at
any price. t must be
forced to the cultive.'
tion'a the soil to sub-
dst.hiinseltaild IhmiW;
andthon the rich arW
will procure the pro
dints of. bla hottest,
faithful labor forabout
one•eigghth of Re pres
ent value, and. Instead
of getting . ono bye
Work for two dollaren
day, as at present, they
would get from eight
to ten days for the
same sum. Who'cun
allied as not to
see that this System
must* 'make the poor
man poorer and the
rich man 'richer.
9th, What party
denieri the hand of God
in this war, but called
It an abolition, and a
niggerwar, and this in
the fees of tntxmtro:
vertible acts' and his-
tory, whleeproves be
yond the possibility of
a, doubt that these dec
larations are Whiny
Gibe and without the
shadow of • truth to
anpport them. Sere
ly all honest intelli
gent men' must - con
clude that gneh per
sona area wicked, un
believing peek ,of infi
del &Islam, who
would sacrifice every
thingthat is holy •to
party, or ,else are so
effected with nigger
On the'brain, now wit
ness their insane M
in" they declare the
war a nigger war fora
nigger equality, for
nigger supranacy, for
nigger Presidents, for
nigger Governors, for
ni Legislate for 1
nigger gger
Jildges 's,
Gentles, and every
men that rufous to
curse and abuse the
poor black man is bit
tat! detroutked R'a
nigger won r, and
they doelarei air
ipmnwili-imos tske-the
reini of government
*inn' the white' race,
' take all their wreak
and &tighten, ellta.-r-
Now if three or . four
millions of down trod
den blackseangoom
.lish all thIC-tigalnst
arty mullions of
whites who bout their
greet Superiority or
bravery and talent;
emery these persons
make • the ingress a
very great. people.—
, - fact of their hiv
ing nigger on the brain
is veryclear,le• if you
show 'them .a
picture they tiVrp)
Into spasms and be
come as frantic is .a
rabid dog at the sight
water.•,_ .
10th. What i party
denies the niters hu
amity but
Sheol with the ass
outagg tribe, and =
that slavery Is their
true normal condition,
and goes to . deprive
them of the means to
educate orelevate their
race, and the protec
tion of the laws; but
would ertah,abuse and
subject to every cip
preseive gnd !brutal
pennon and appetite
that Ilwraded white
men might wish to
gratify or impose uptsn
than c and so violently
opposed their enli
inginte the army; al
leging •it : irould de
grade our white Rl
dien, but When the ,
drift came and he was,
needed to' fill up quo-
tam and-go as substitu
tee the niggers, quite
asidenly,beeamo quite
iminstltatlon. He was
thee : *admen& as a
heroic citizen and gar
tlansusi and gli their
unit and quarters '
were very politely vis
ited and their services
iolleited. I will just
give a little 'anecdote
to illustrete. - - Two
Irishmen after's' sleep
less nighf„of anxious
suspense, - et doleftil
dreams of Rebel
nets, sbailer
vation i in. loathsome
prisons, &C., fixed
upon the game negro
hill as a likely phice to
secure esubstitute,end
hitheer they repaired
by curly- dawn ;• i-tw
first- one'sn 'Oho gpot'
teeing hid frig gi ap!,
readmit, and WWI-
paling Ms • business,
exclaimed on Ids ap
mulch:. ! L -"G° away
hems &slimy, veiny
home. Jemmy, •for. . 1
spike the jintlionn
OW! ' • • '
fled fcir - otheis to' see or reed, ..,..ause I ivant
to *void being heard .from by the public ex-,
dept through seta in the performadoo of my
legitimate datier.. . ,
I have the lopor to be very respectfully.
your obedient foment, II. S. Clitesrr.
tw ltbutrtistmtnts.
A.,1 abort Tadtke. DOT
. 111 tofona the eitisene of Deaver and vidnity.tibat
be has opened an °Moe In Deaver. Pa.. for the prattles
ut Deattstry. He has bad eonslderalikt a:whiten in the
psofeaselow. and flatters hhaseN to be able to give gen
eral settsbetkm In his buena,. .
ILlr 'Office In the old -Gormly Doter Whiffle . .
Third streak Bearer . Pa.' All work warranted for ono
. J. 8: GOSHORN.
Allow• - dlailasistrattorta Notlee.—Letteit of Adnitab
ulation on the estate of James DevriOn, late of
ikm, havl ow T g teen granted to the mderslgn•
ed., a I persona kit themeeves indebted to raid
estate, ere requested Imake ImmestLate payment and
those having claims molest the owns will present
theta properly authenticated Ow Settlement to
vow; MENTZ. Adm'r. •
Uhlo Township.
jnarthblit. _ .
. .
CCONC3E.R. r r T.
Pieces. Duetla with twoTlanoe, Quartettes. Soloe.
Ate, will be given by the pupils of the
In the M. E. Church, Beaver, Pa.
Flre . yoneg Wiles will eradiate in nude on the oe
melon. Adositanumillity cents.
jelrrß, •
T i rtasta oirime:awner •IrmeeM and sari streets
la Hewer Pans. Store meow Med *via shelving
sod asamM* all complete. 5 rooms in dwelling d
=ITor tonne. So.. Insult.. of H. Rawer. Mar
e . ie. or address . J4ll. WOODBIIRN. •
• Sewickley. Pa.
TO iuoNTßAlcross.
1,7 the School Diree.tori of Indurtry township, until
Jane 133, for the building of a new brick house. in
Iliattict No. I. The house to be of brick ,45 feet long.
Itiwide. II feet storm the lbandation to be 93 inches
at the lowelt point, with an 8 trick range. le windows
likalb 10 lights, 1 doors., if Inch combat, Oak or Ash
door. Propopals will also be tete:red for a Aurae
house of the above dhnena * ion c s t .
yThe tight is tactical to
.1 n
SW M bid S
ladadr . 9, Ps:, gismo 9, 419491341:14
otrecgssoß itassa
PHIIJCJAN mind "811111LGEON,
itlaidaide of thee Us!crafty of reanorlimaj
. • Sas located pnealoehtly at
Rochester, B eaver County, Pa.
Earft had otatoglitare expaileneetn all bombes of
the co of•
ntedkine, he offers hie 'mime to the
clauses of the village and sznounding counuy.
• IN - Olike and residence on Water street. second
door West of the PittsghNational now Factory
where he mai be cense IM,aner Jane all honor
days or algid. tfetratenen.
.1.• will eve retied propoeds up to o'clock on
Saturday thete6th day of this tornith,tur the buildingait
a new brick school hones in Disl.2l6.s.(known* ithe
S m tokes' s. School Heise.) and other necessary out-bond
i The echoed house to 1412 W else and
Inkthed in the sanermannerns that otSchool house
No. 1, cont the ftroadatkut and door, the door to bo
idd with Walt° Oak bawds. Bidders to furnish ad
material. 'Mau are to be of first quality. The old
house to be wetted into the now one. For further in
lorinationd inquire ot Jones Ws/tick: •
Ny order of the Baird.
wrest,. ABNIR MOUTON, Seel. '
• • nacel eoPy.
II the care ot s *peprla, Chills and Terra, Liver
Complaint, Ire ilicit Headacne and
One.ot mostpkruiantranica now In the
market- • r
. . Tus ammo SEAL WINE ritrra its
made from the pure juice of the grape. For ladles or
the sick room, this Is one of the best remedies seer of
feted' to the public, and-imeds only to bottled to come
Into general use It la perfectly. .pure rest free from
s . ptchomisttabire. rdantatetured =Ciotti by .
• Plitobiugh, Pa
Bold by Denglabi otorywhere
jolTakbas. -
perdu who impose to bay a Wrof Gen. Grant.
should imdastand.thst the paemd history a
pt. H. .Q• 11. A. 7 1 1
Di Maim D.Rtaturawoo. Author of • .
'Field, Dungeon & Escape `Beyond the
• Mississippi,'
wag mines with the sanction 4 the Muni one (tee
and is the only folly_ authentic min
otooreehy Moe. end WWI ocatain a o f
Interesttng matter no other both bee or an
obtain, the simincs a the llneanalSonal thirosnder
wed other letters. sad documents hoer President
coin. Generals Gant, Badmen Lee end others, froze
=entrusted to the author, and matters of the
Ithprotnesth relating to the 4411 somonteent
since the wiz. atm theft public. And s a r tr a
Steel Egsmtimg and osiensid of
• The Author Mimeo ao ace of the Most
tostidtd se well 1115 *Mot writers. He was whit Om
oral Great during most olgdr Western CampsigusAad
as a JamasHat writing bum "Headqvarters tbe
Meld." tom woof Ids earliest supportees. He mita
from peesemal obeenstioassud frost material gathered
Irmo Omagh opened to Ida by
Ct. 333 N. , . GI- MR., A.-N . T
salt& Meads. Its contents wfil prove Its soppdortty
aver allothere. .Dont oil or bareay talertor
Look aiteis *rat. ,
to Wei Jens. sad irtll oontala way-.
blitv ( Vrtot i Chkalito Convention. Circulars esokaad
Ikkbeid rorronirdon pad. Adana Ald*RlcAtN
• CO, 1111110 rd.
Maud. M • UorTIS.
0141404er. WM
• xlaisamair,s pciaAvria
• ' Noire/Vs':
• • • -,
17ailrof two yawl* 104 0 a the put VINO
of the ll
m u t
Xt. W lllila W . Matidtall.wlo dandy ft
I the tr o d tf
hie pnikodea talks Clothed ethics. 'h lo
a pealed Wiesen at Resentthug to best
prowl" by the. wham" or Itta Amoy lee ibi s
whoath kees•pentowalt, amthelittedqdth Ida ke
away yrace.l !as a wetted tut It le lowseaaanda y
prior to s 0 others. Ilra.,othat eon : am df.w.
edarithinam epkwald eletrattor ot limabeet k s
i likened do wit tbtok *odd eolastar.". a t m e „,
Ilentaer mamas It **alarm and USW 'work et .
ward me a Ilkoment.", Sr. therm nye : "It la reset
a soda swims area set ad euaraciag lad applai
to the to the the dowleter of the oddest meta par.
feetli than any_ malm . Mak I have mean. ow
Howard enostlere"late Mame strOttne, and the ple,
tareHigikflhtethtletee, the goateed eclat
A • "It bee Own.
etyle. and mot two,
an • Wawa% the beet thine about ILI. Mu Utah wil l
width Too hare tendered the Indneatata• *et at N I
ana." Agents wanted to erne Townshtir A
Tilton:• IR rlth Stand. Fillaborgh, Pa.
'June, 186?. s Nove ready' the fol
lowing work, containin g 103 g
closely printed, large octavo
pages, well bOund in law slitep. I
Price $lO.
Oologirlatng eU the
The State
Costal:ling lb,
131041 Isitel 'dandy Officer', the Orgrinieuine,
riatidien, and feria of the court, for ,
every elate and Tern'evry :
Coutoltang tho
Oificeraqf the Patera!, GoeerninasteM Dotiso
of theßeverat Deptrinpatt, %dace
of air Mertberg of Congress,
the o,ificers and Terme/ !ila
Federal Courts:
The Collector's Asehitant ;
Lawlor Coiled* , nom, iteeaseting Deeds, ref
(ryilV Claims, cued Diking Mammy,
with relY4f .fcr maw State :
TM Wbob► ConsOtiting an dacha and I
BIT iiNit-tI;.'II,ANUAL.
Propited from Cans! itotonts br
o(itio Now-York PIZ. tieei of !holler. Union taw Co,
.itiOrTirat i '
Peibibed by tbd bp'. CYO* lair Mouthy
(In the Anoulean 'Cubangoß stigma' Bank Itenilingl
Tbelfl . ook east, larpaldi r to any adieu' lo
' United Mato* on reutpt of tad dollars ; or, It toll
be forwarded by express, wttli bill, to be paid ea ata
Uiewessettorse Noe Seer-Letter Testinientnry to
the estate or Peter Ift. dee'd.. Son or
New Sewickley tp.,_
_Bearer comity Pa.. having bees
men t o r t e the neidetetethee, ail penmen' indslited to
thewatd instate 'are refer...led to make itantediat, pat.
Meet mid those hating Clean. or demands against the
-estate of said decedent. will mato kuoun the true
without delay:
NOtioe to /Ito akholdes.
--- "'MMHG a liOCl . l ES* ITSA a FURY
inhainnyurinta micenro op THE ABOTS
ribt trill be held 0 Alehouse of oso. Jinn
N. Ilhpexur..sre Monday June 01. st I
o'clock. P. for the purpose of ele.ctiegs Preshloa,
HheCtoro and other officers Err the ensehm veer.
CIIAS. It !Won
Scouring, Prying and Pressing
amt. for Becoming. Drying and Prentice clethaq.
which for excellence of workmanship 1114 PIOCat I
reed anything now In um Clothing cleamol r
In first clans style. Work will be taken In at my ph-.
of boldness in Bridgewater, at all times, and, rLcoa
ted with bat little day to the owner.
lam stilt Agent for Flovre'a latest improved Seakt
Machines, and also Singer's,loth of which are trey
log more and morn in favor, Uso lon7,er they me mud.
- .108E1'ki SHAUN.
111011.11ITY ACCOUNT.
lopotam. AWO •19T, 110CIIESTItR Do
ROUGH, for th e pot coding LI 19, LEM
To susodrit of Monty duplicate, gm 93
ily ea& paid Daniel Dont, 81, CO
Dy orb paid A. Dair 6 0(4) 36 63
Dy.eash paid Dakar ai Bendel, we et
By lost tar. • - Ro 3 •
Cash elarrad at Deaver. 6 71
By cash paid Rochester Dottrel, ITI 11
By ash in Thasnry, s4 LI
By cosh paid IF.M.An coll., 111 17
Rash due Doss r. Y. Ander s on 667 Ts— 41,1110 t 6
C. D. !wan,
WIl. BAST, •
T W11.1.881L XS BAUM OF IGS ACRES ES 01110
Jl township Beaver Co., Pa.. cm Friday' June 26th.
/M 4 at Public Bale, without rmerve, Milo k' ih•
8n on Plus. A Cleveland R. Y. I wild from
Smith's gam l acts cleared and to good state of
Cultivildatt, the balance well timbered and encloroi
under lento, underlaid with a four (4) loot vela demi
and hr worta rce cuder. Also, 4 foot vein Lime Stone
and 8 Soot Smoky. Improvements—a cocr
fortable dwelling house,B rooms below and titan
attached, and all necomary out-bolidlar.,.. frame hire
80lig ad diet, frame stable 90 he Mimi Mitt of
kinds, and well watered by a number of serer Witt
lieltiro. Convenient to nth ocds and clinrcial. ,
road Winn through maid premise,. Tor farther is
formation address dm subscriber on ald.premleet.
OrTarais made known on day of sale. iislo ono
mewe at 11 cfclock, A. IL
.1 States, for the Western District of Penereylvinia
In the mptattera e/ X. F. Scott; a Bankrupt.
PTO Ito. ti 9
WROX IT KAT CONCIRN : The tusionion•
ed hereby gives notice of his appolntiscut ii Aisle .
r. Scott, of Now Melton. in the anntY4.,tri.'
'sr and Stets of Pesinaylvania , wiihtufsaid
who bas been adjudged a Baitantpt upoe his own Pk
titian, bribe District Conti of said District.
D atal atDaavet, the Ist tiof of Jane. A.D. 1601
V the untold mieerices a toothache, ami dread of co
fRE:= 1. 1334 you will And that Dr. eboodler ea.
aro to reUme_you by
e—imd the use of the meat ProdeofoVole—llHiffo make tbeir estno
Hobe source LA 9
of plossure,rather than of Palm
AD dentai onersa Deetbemod in the beet Pow
nuumer, and rA remonabie terms ea by mu good De o
Hst fn the count/.
Oree is. in now Minor, Buchalter,
_PE „,„
T. J. CHANDLER Ji ge-t+
Aibiai mtiou llsr a alledes ‘lie
ista rdeeh at
w r e Lette
Groriberof reoldect
= cif Xarkin.atit Ptiodelil4l
allar—'". to makertiximediate pat
tilt and the me ka Virothenticited yisi as. op
dted the Wee. uu ,
areal glib NoCa for eettlevica
• ADM ?num miner..
Adbmiikar.i.e. Phelleo.—Lettere of Admits •
Vahan on the estate of Robett StePhe nla ci.
Proddbrt :heehlifi. Deaver county, renell:. deed.
=be= motel to the undortlgoed, all per oo4
to th e gm egos .e revealed i° tati;
mediate ponost , mod those having claims as
per the agitate of NA decedent, will priegrit two
arkil sothestieatt4 lb/ ocidemlint•
Aucurriscr, itEcumuici 0;
Aqiikeir et, Ara and Alingfcgarre s,
Once soi liableueo.
Mercer, "I
c re EX rat