The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 13, 1868, Image 3
The Beaver. Argtts, IIEAVEII,,DLAXI9; 1868 I,sind Niscollftneo AB ham now a larger etrealatioa 0."30 any paper pullp,khel.ln the ronaty• promote their own inter;, e go br . BA TES OF .31FV1311TL51121736 ', : ' ,Tar... , ~. :3w. BW. sii4 ' .l Std. ; .17. • —..—.... .......-.. .z-....--1'....1. • in,-10 /111C4...; 06 kOO, 83 0148 00110.00 °2 li c o 's' i ti ll o' res. • WIMP •.. ...... .s'oo _6'oo 00 Woo}lB 00 v,, 4imiren. .;.... i ,03 .8 00 'lO 56 Id 00 21•OO &-aer,urth column., 700 'lO.OO 13.50 16 50 55 00 0 - 3 iiiir c a u nu,....i... 10 00 14 03 17 00 25'0000v - `'.. Ininn ...... ...,.. 20 00 23 Iq, 50'00.10 0043 00 or,, C.V _ . • „, . ..^ , Adintab.tratnna. and Fseentore FOUnea . • ' ' Woo ppeciall.,:uticee, Per Hue, .1 -10 prPayinent. lobe made gparterly,except Tianatent /dca tigv, wbicb !intat bu pabt in Ailyane:, ' 4 ' l • -.:„------- 1 54 0 0 of the • Therinonieter . 're: Rid' Week • ' • • • ', •, d:ag on 1:.,o 9:11 ,d .74:iy..lia : 8a ,3.P. al ,9 P,,...xi, , . _____,„,........ I , _.-...-.-,.t- ,1 --.. :,. •3, 1 11l .*. .09 dog.. „E." dog. , .. i 33 11,eg: IT! deg. *_ et, dek. . :,, , 63 deg. . .7u deg... , 66 deg,, . .. 6, ; 61 deg. a; deg,. = BS d og ; 0 • l'. 1 54 deg. t 4; !Pg. , 42 deg. ' .. S. 1 s:', deg. . 11.7 deg. • 491 - 41eg.' i „ .o ~ 3 deg. GS dog. •• 47 `dog.: - • • R, T. TAYLOR. von. Bingham, Jr., 7 0 Fifth street, .chieri is di, authorized lagetit. for rag seprs to that tuf.. • . 'NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS.. , t , „,,,,, ii.- J u of the public" la, diseited, to the fol. ip ,, , x1 , 1 r,v Avetti4ements, which' epKar qr. the nit titil;.. iii,Tut Annt:a to-day. • . 0 ,-, r , 1 1 ,i,!;.routractots..-JOhnlt. Data; Cl'k: :yej-weger's Nntice—D. Singleteh. 0-I:trtil f!)r Sale--S. M. Hier.! -, - lir S,AI:e , -11auti rig ton a Hap. OrPelity:ry —T. M. Itatton. ,'/ arut,A2rdl.W. ci. Taylor. cdr,kleir'e. Notice—David Beal. : , , ' t?r-Special Nonce—H. M. Donahoe. rrtiperis.) Notiee- 2 T J. M. Hatton. , . c missy of Time at the *MINOT SUMO*, C. A: ,• It. 11.—On last hionilai a change of time ca the (.• ht. It. was made. 1 This change Affects ts at Ikata• as follows: The first .accommodation from tlellsrill^ arrives bore at 7.20. The mall train inirgh arrives here at the same time. The isyrsi train front 'Wheeling arrirca hero at 9.4 A. X. Itiernoved.—By reference to Ids card In another colaran it will be seen-that Ilarton, has reams. erdLiA denial elf tabiltiiplent to lb weak of )14.1:. : Meg store lit ails place. Those needing any ;4ll4 done to his lta , would do ITO) to bear this in 41:(1 rill iapmi hint before theli. "aching grind ti;-' cause them to think of committing suicide. Tile i',111. 4 0 of a small boy, named "Paley" Blues, fUiltel in the Ohio river, on 1a.4 Thumday, near Shippleeport, county.- Tbo little fellow was drowned at Pittsburgh a week or ten days ; owner McCoy held an inquest on the body of the d;;tessed, 'aud a verdict in accordance: with thu %bete fact WAS muttered. The body of the boy was ftrnanied. to Pilttlitiruh for burial. • Didn't Like the Fle.vor.— s ome fair one has sea die editor eef the Memphis Arafatigte a, peculiar try et, th • odor of which seems to haveloused the tgl) in him, and made him forget his gallantry all at •••rt'• says : ••11 the•young lady who sent that bo of union-tops, dogtnuel and garlic, has a broth er more than twelve y ear old, he will learn something a hie interest by calling at this (Alice about 4 A. N. " — ..I a be pri.sumed titit utlr' didn't Call, • Public Etztertettuitiment.—A pubile entertain :nest sill be given by Beaver Lodge, 1. O. of G. T., In • lee i.‘ogi 110u.,e of thin place, on next Thursday ant/. iente:s (May 1-ith and 11th). 'The entertain, [ yen; coati:dice, orations, essays, rect. Vane em-1, tableatix...te. Door's open at ';' o'clock; t•• row ine!lee at.7!i. Admission ,2S ct 4. :reLlr.tiou4 lii3t ary being made lartble enter. (giaajcbt IVad ue ty think that it will ias rivers crecht r.:,i tanlatiy hope to see a large' and Hi at Le;l4.ltulec. Atlyetzttlarcr.— Many of rum ladles b r brlnlivalled upon at their rebidences, 'Art ••1a.1,!, - auent uoit.g around and culling and fitritmlthutu rat a mntarifabla low 1 in an interior town in this State, the % f j.p rve - el , :l.:111 byth^ cheapness of her Mock, and 4.41f...twat araat...l partiality shown a benuti• tzl btTicion, and on thei . l!la . a,' h. the was found to 'hen yo,ung man di•eai. •-blur. aad Jubt for the ftin of the ;Ca, paS , ed through Easton, Allen t..r,. and many other tcwna, thousand yclung hulieb.-lAfiett tvbfl oad Tempt:art.—At a ineeti lig of Bearer Lodge; :ro I ),P. ef ‘: T., the following otllc'erd . 'xere tn.!;:!':d t. I/. 1). (3. W. C. T. Carter for the c.nar- t-r htgli,i.!rl;.: May I.t„ 1865 . • , I'• F. Bravo ; W. V. T..-tielde Wood r : Mcitinley ;W. 'T.- , -Bade ; W. I G lirtt ' VO; %V. D. o.—Geo. 'Atkins W. A. b. - It. raw cette; W. F. 13.-43.4. Boyd; W -A. Wynn; W. D. M.L.3larygtokes; W. C..-- iilrcrerry ; It. 11. ri.--111nie Talloa ; S. U. S.— Early : P W. C. T.-liarq 3lcCreery. This In Franklin Hall Monday evening, and Is In ur:Ailug couclition. • - - - taplanatory„ --We axe engaged inst npiw in tel: 44 zi.:..:4 fir the 61veral persons whose 'ileums sr! ant.3 • l:iee , t in the .9 rsne for nominations at the im p:wee:iv priluAry meetings of the Republican party. With use exception these tickets are blank, and the 'wet man fill them tip with the moms of his choice. tippo,neici the words -Popular vote System," '``yes" et -no - i. to he ,mitten according to the desired! the icier. tin is also left at the bottom of the ticket to ^'rhe the atno.r, of the delegates to the county con sention, 10 iihicli the district" , tire iiiiipectively inti tt,d -Val filling up can be done with - a pencil, but Pitudid , ei....ei.iit9il in as plain A hand as possible. Teachers , lustttute.--We, being anxhins to' evil our,lves of all the facilities for self-improre r.:(:.!,;.ri cll an It, try to interest the patrons of the trlaan. and en 11,4 them and others In thit noble enter ,,f advancing the Intereato ofedneation, propose Ia rounut our iustitot.y.r, feelirig asstired, from the I. aarr , good attendance. and the hearty asaLitance t•n.lertd by many, that 011CC3Atl will surely crown our 0r00f , .. We, therefore, invite all interested in theauc --rev. of dd , ent4trise, to meet with mint the Public t•ebo,lbnilding of thin place, Mhnday May 18th at 7 r. y , for tho purwort ' pose of organizing`; and =Unt , all arxt,..y sar4ugements that the wort ' may egfp sao,Jat delay. Vosturmur.; shitruf.leosaii Conduct.—Rev. W. G. Taylor, of il4sinirg,owni come flelda within the limits of the b , , 4 i, of Beaver. Ms train of horses was brought o, er t. ,, r0 on hot Monday one week ago, to do %erne Pifu:Lieg, and not Emoting - through on that day his or:e0 were stabled on this . side of the river for the . During the night some scamps with should its' Indifirze in the penitentiary, forced the lock on .1.. e,. .r of . the stable in which the horses were kept, utak tin nt out, and rodetheM nearly to death. They 4,1 % they. brought back to the vicinity, from which n ere ,tahen and burned tome. • Mr; Taylor very pru:,(lFs* t:fers a reward of $l7) for the arrest and con• , ictien of the biPe scoundrels. Soo his advertisement ir another column. 4 Service. In skirPreabyterlan Church.— 'h• !oldierg' orphans' of the Phillipsburg!" School, ("Jirsio this place in a body on last Sabbath, and at cervices in the Presbyterian Church. Lund.ored about, one hundred and forty, and in charge of the Principal, Rev. Wm. 0. Tay ' Nei hie neplAtanto. The children presented a very , "I to and look remarkably healthy.. tehallor 'was unexceptionabfe. The seryicea at the . ".arch Were conducted by the Pastor,' Rev. D., P. Lomary. Who pieached a very unereating diacoursii ci thete words • "Moreover aefor me, God forbid that I , should sin The Lord to ceasing to pray for youl but I will WO you the kood and the right way : ~ niy fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all 4' a heart: for'exinsider how x 6relit thirip_he bath for you."—First gamest : l o4l& "In veil"' A PraponaL—On , the .14t1 i of last Feikon; young gentleman reildinkin Leicester, sent the al lowing yaITOIDO. tr.r i 7pttig lay ,in Londotac ! Delicate Ears And 'Radiant Eyes . . • Scatter Their Wilesln Leicester 1 114h:ester Year Offer Under-Boys, 1 , " Each Notlather. In the - count° of ts ferritisie hOrooelved -this ens wez • Deets*, schinlCan.LoveLepait • NeverrEntrancementDearer. Willlnterest Thy Band—Thy ;And Never KW Pineerer 1 • • It: txsteeu see: torm th.e''ven */ .1 1 0 ill*er and tho s e it the Itecatid t "Dettll . aed, with Minim!! VW if Abs elhbbite had tlif ittlett*ii or priVit Ilniind re (Oiling w'etilvit l iiirer ".; • 'Pet Tiariarno k,.(l* - aito liaiteisangT 4 ( 1 6 16 47 -- ; 43 , ar t e ' r A ° : the Intsbitgli, Fort Wayne*, Chicagia Company will go in to effect. Vollowingare.the etutngcsetbat ptittieft; 'Ma Erle andAroungatovrn Itxpitsswillicave OM,* the Cleveland and ~tlpeeUn g; Mail, 6:13 A. tr..; t he Mt - eland Mid Wheelhig 1:43 x. the Chiettgo•Pipresa.,' 1:58 P. A.l the Wheeling and gile - *Picari,, 4:48: tai tt:;,: pa Leetsdale Allegbelir al 11:58 a.; ; tha chapter Accommodation, 8:2111r: ta:'; the Leetsdale Ac .comritadatiori, 4:13 r;#., A thictigit ,ExPFess. leaves at 1:54 A., and =rivet, dilly at 11;2:1 a tr... The pla cers EX - Prege wIU arrieeitt . .tB3 A. X. ; the ,Cleveland 'Express at,4.Zi A. :- tie Cleveland and Wheeling Express:it 4;3444 the Chicago at 443 P. a. The WellavilltAcco4modation reach'Alle gheny at S:i3 a A.; the Leetsdale Accommodation at MT. X., and the Leetsdale Accommodation at 4:53 r. , todr. 4t,sy lia. • L OfiliCerl-lChosem.;- - An election for Borough .of.. ticerif was held in Baden' this countyclast week, with the law:ring result : . ' , • • Burg,e@a--Darld Andeivon." Council-John' Dlppold, Sr. . . . L. L Berry, . • , - ' - ~11..' C. Macheeney,, ' T. W. Fowler, , , -1 Alex. , T. Forsyth; • '. ''' , Jadge of Elections-1. Alaxiutder. - Inspectors of .Sleations-John Hicks, • ' " L. I. Berry. Auditors-Bnos Hill, ~ • L. Alexander, - - G. Y. Boats. Atmeteor-James Moore. • . ' Justices of Peaco-Enos Hill. • , • . T.' A. Herring. School Directora-T. W. Fowler, - 3 yeses. M.! • W. Moore, 3 • \ John Dlppold, Sr. , 9 " ' : Henry A Bryan, S '" C. Bente]; .1 • - T. F. Bovore, , I Constable -Jos. C.l_Stough. • ' Who Should Get Ititads—One day last week we saw a lady, dressed In the bight of style, promena ding the streets, with about three yards of dress goods folinwl4 bee. As a pavement eweepeat she WWI' a success: As aho passed the post office she was met by a platoon of ladies going in the opposite direction. Severrd'Aentleman were trying to pass her and dodge the approaching femininity. They also endeavored to avoid her trail. One of • them was unsuccessful.— lie put his unfortunatti foot smack right:down on the three yards of silk behind her, ripping the dress star t from the waist: Oh, if you could have seen the lady. then I There was a cloud on her brow, lightning in her eye, scorn on her note, cuss words on her tongue and apaper of trix iu her hand. If looks were dag gers, that unfortunate chap would have died right there. She was fearfully mad. We could not heti, thinking that the man bad the best right to get mad.— , If the lady would not keep her drew( from the walk, how could she expect him to,keep bia walk from the dress .!ignitor. . . • State Tress. Gen. W. W. lirssin.-4fhLsulor 'ning about half past eight o'clock the oath of office wee administered by Alderman Bowers to General Irwin as Teetusurpref ithe State of Pennsylvania. NV.e deem it unnecessary ti t ,; reiterate here that Gen. Irwin wake a faithful and popular Treasurer. The first official net performed Was themappoint, moat of M. 11. Taggart. as Cashier of the depart. mlint. Mr. T. has filled that responsible position for euternl years past, and we congratulate Gen. Irwin aim his good fortue In retaining the" services of that 'fisithfal officer. Next to the Treasurer himself, it), the most responsible office connected with• the flnan;„ elslaffairs_of theghteratneut, and by the re-appoint ment of Mr. T. the public Mel doubly assured thalts finances w iii be cared for in a proper manner. The retiring °nicer, W: 11. Kimble, Eeq., has made one of the vlry bee: *tato Treasurers. The debt of the State has been decreased some eli million of dol lars during his administration, and the loan Raton Imo been lada for a'cinitinned decrease. Re rakes with the beet wishes of the Republican party, of which he le an cmergea *id faithful represeutatlve.—liar. dray 41h. Cu rcullo:—We copy the folowing from the Saleri Republican: Any mode by which the'ravages of these destructive little insects might be kept from fruit trees would, we should think, be readily adopted by every body having an orchard. Last year, Dr. Coffee had in the Salem market some of the finest plums offered for sale. Ile preserved them from the sting of the cur culio by simply burning tar under the trees at the time the fruit was shaping. Ile continued the process for three days, but thinks it would have been still bet teiehad he commenced a little earlier, and burnt a few days longer. The process Is a simple one and very cheap. Swarms of the Insects were seen le tying the trees as the fires were kindled. The result Wu,' large, litaiday and Incl.:ma crop of plume, whilst neigh boring orchards nearly or quite failed. We commend a trial of this mode:4o our readers. It will cost but. little time, or monhl , l \ and may save them much of both. • • • d - bont Innuraitee Comrades and their Atrentss.—A very large proportion of the people of this vicinity have Inv'ested more or less of their means in insurance policies of one description or another.-- Some of them have patronized tire insurance compa nies, others life insurance companies, while not a few Lave taken the precantion to have their persona insur ed against railroad or other accidents. Companies are also in existence, whose specialty it Is to take risks on cows, and pay the owner t 'leis value in case they are killed by moving trains lof cars . quite a number of our people have avalled i themselves of the advantages offered by these latter organizations. So, among these several classes of Ins ranee companies, it is safe to say, that, probably a *ray of persons hereabouts, base a greater or less sum of money in ve%ted. These Investments will continue to be made from year to year, increasing in amount as the years roll on. Agents for ,these companies ere numerous, and it is to them we now desire to turn the attention of the public. An itinerant or travelling insurance agent is desirous only of selling a - policy so that he may receive his commission. Ile of course presents very plausible arguments to induce you to patronize I him and Isle company. You yield to his , persuasions, pay him your money, and ho goes on his Way rejoic ing.; By and by mbifortune cornet, your property is enveloped in dames, and your,buildings reduced to , ashes. You look about for the agent who insured you' against these calamities, he L not tO be found, and you are compelled to open a correspondence In refereniii to the casualty with the companyat New York, Boston, or Now haven.. It even the agent was an honest one, and the whole transaction was legitimate, ninth time is lost in having the claim adjusted, when perhaps it is very -inconvenient to lose time at all. To insure with a company who has a risPient agent then is dictated by mludPolliy. lie (the resident agent) will take the risk at as low a rate as a traveling agent, ho will be I near by when adversities come, adjust losses, do all the corresponding with his company, and take pride in paying you over the amount insured at as early a day re possible... Promptness With him will be the ob fective point; forte will undenstand that his fhttire success In business in this locality depends entirely on the manner in which he adjusts your claim. It is to his own interest to do it well, and to dO it quickly. and if he is a shrewd business man at all be will not let an opportunity of this kind pass with Ont making as much reputatlawfor promptness out of it tut Is possi ble to do. Select a resident agent then by -all means to Insure your property or life. Capt. C. B 1 Must, of Rochester, is such an one. He is agentfor the Most reliable fire Insurance, life insurance and acci dent insurance companies of the country. And we are persuaded that no agent here or elsewhere would take greeter pleasure than he, in adjusting, with the utmost prOmptnesti,' all claims against either of the companies for which be is transacting business. He also insures cows against accidents by railroads, and his rates:are in all cases, as low as they can Safely be made. . Give him a call. Yon will find him a good business man, and one toot upon whose word ixt bul imia matters you Way safely rely. tnion Stepp -. • The Uptcrotepplifawrotiet! orAssarer,Count3( ieqiieetoi-iceadeiat iienal plates Of holding ilea. time in the severalltoroughe aid Townheipa. SATOTIDATi THZ lam DAY Of NAT4OB, and;alMhit Delegates to a counts Coniention, to be held on , morp . gp. mic 4Fr Rex -op am; • at 11 o'clbeli,is..,4br the; pirierrol- no:basting a candidate for Congress, Assembly, District Attotam County Commissioner, Poor House Dim*, Auditor Coroner andTbstees of Academy . i The primary meetings in A the townships wilMbe tweco the hours of S'andl o'clock p. m., aiQ to the boroughs between the hours of 7 and 9 p. in. • In obedience to a resolution of County Connedlon the voters of the several &stricta are requested street their delegates on the questlo+sicetlng the popsVrimili 4104 In iNmlimisid ado Murex The voting for candidates !nth° different district' shall biby ballot.. Each candidate must procure thet printing and attend to the circulation of his own tickets. •By order of Co. Committee. . - .. ,‘ tri'f-,ItIwP 19. 2 r'uL„ -i The ".., tr i ds'iiirentitTed . to' veleifatia is follows S i Baden bor . 2 , Independence Beaver bor ' 4 Marion 3 Borough tp 2 Moon 3 Bridgewater..... .., 4 New Brigiaton, salet ward.. 3 Ilt , • .eaver..;.':•:.: , .: , ..i.1. : . :, , • ,•- . - ..3 Blighton. , • "• ' • -• • , • ild '• " '....3 Chippewa*. '• - , s , New ‘-fiterielly:-.',.. •-' 3' Darlington 4 New Galilee bor S Economy' 2 North Sewickley 31 Fallaton • .- Ohio. 4 Franklin , -,..• .. '..,.;....2 . _ 1: -ski Freedom for 2 5 puitiai --- • Rochester bor 4 Rochester tp 9 }raccoon South Bearer 4 St. C WO:Her •• t •( • Freedom dlilt ihmewell Industry Announcements. We are redwested . to, announce the IMMO alike fol lowing persons as candidates for the severid offices for which tliLy are named : •: 7 ; ; ; CONGRESS, ' . - MICHAEL WEY.A.ND, of 'Beaver. • FOR ASSEIIBL 1 1. THOMAS NICHOLSON, of Frankfort FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. J. R. HARRAH, of Borough-tp. JOliN B. YOUNG. of Rochester WM. S. 3fORLIN, of New Brighton. FOR COMMISSIONER, . DAVID W. SCOTT, of Brighton tp. ENOCH RICHARDSON, of Ohio tp FOR POOR ROUSE DIRECTOR, SAMUEL GIBSON, of Brighton tp. JOHN SLENTZ, of Ohio tp. I • FOR AIIDIT6R, WILLIAM THOMAS, of Chippewa tp. SAMUEL MCFARLAND, of Ohio tp FOR CORONER, WILLIAM. BARNES, of BridgeTtter FOR TRUSTEES OF ACADEMY, SAMUEL 3IAGAW, of Now Brighton. RICHEY EAKIN, of Brighton tp. ' Deellnntliont.—We are requested . to state that 211 r. Garrett Mega!llen will not be a candidate for Coroner at l the approaching primary meetings of the Rept:11)11: cau party. BlaitlCAß engagements won id prevent him fr'om attending to the duties of the office. lie thanks his friends for having his =Me announced. A Largo Crowd.—Forepangh's exhibit' on dres • large crowd here 'last 'Monday. We should judge that in the afterooon there were not 11.438 than WOO per sons Within the canvass at one time. In the evening it was again tilled. The exhibition w•a a very good one, and gave general satisfactym. The crowd was or derly, and everything passed off pleasantly and ogre able. Impeachment. —A telegram from Washington PittehurgA,COpuilerc!ak on last Saturday, says : i'Th . ere arc no farther sii.;ifichid developm , mts In rc- I • gard to hopeaclunent. The Democratic evening pa per concedes that the Pret ident will be convicted, but two or three Senators, who have been looking over the , ground, are not yet cure of such a result. The . strong impeachment men of the Rouse are, however, entirely confident of success. -large numbers of Re publican Senators have been engaged to-day in ; look ing over the law and facts, and a majority of them are deemed to be thus engaged this morning. Mr. Rd minds is writing a caret ul and elaborate opinion, about which there is more than usual interest, as he drew up the tenors-of-office act, and had charge of it at every stage in the Senate. There is a good deal of quiet cousaltation awl canvassing going On this even ing." Pickpockets at Work.—During the exhibitfon of Forepaugh's menagerie and circus in this place on last Monday, several persons, we lqarn, were sal lured of thelr pocket books, Among these we may mention Joseph Arideison, Eeq., of Beaver, who had a wallet containing about BEO and some valuable papers taken from his, pocket. A Mr:Carothers from Brighton township, was also relieved of his pocket book, ,which contained about Demonstrations upon several other individual!' were made by the light angered gentry, but in most case! the'.atteinpts Were unsuccessful. We donot believe that these thiel!es came from any great distance. They belong to.this vieinity„ and. no doubt had some personal knowledge of those they rob bed. They mat:aced the opportunity and time to commit these acts, believing that they would be charg ed to the "rascally showmen.", What a pity that they are not known, r that todgingi at the . Pcniteuttaiy could be procured for them. A Itltany•Ati..—Adatri Yorirpatagb. the proprie tor of Porepangles Menagerie and Circus, which ex hibited in this place on last Monday afternoon and again In the evening, did.ttlittio act while here, that shows him to have a good deal of manliness about him. At Phillipsburg, in this county. to a Soldiers' Orphan School. It is superintended and managed by RSV.. Wm; G. Taylor; and numberrnaw about 14Qpn pile. On List Monday morning Mr. Taylor and I I couple ,of geatiemen of this place called to see Mr. Forepaugh, and asked him to permit these children to visit hie Menagerie free of charge. Ho readily con• sented to do so, and at the proper tiny) they entered the arensjn a body, and a great many of them were thtukeeilMed to see-a large number of rareandcariona anitrialefor the first time. The scholars were of course delighted with their visit and will long remember mi. ForepanglN kindness in this particular. This little incident immediately spread Itself abroad, and we doubt not aided materially In swelling the tremendous audiences that attended the exhibition both in the af ternoon and-evening.. SaEcesa t attend Forepaugh's menagerie, pity the gird:Weil of ;:liddippburg, and so say we. General George G. Illeadobss boned s circu lar soliciting contributions in aid of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of Atlanta, Ga. The General says —`•Believing that my position will add weight to the appeal now made to chriattna friends, and Oestrous of showing td those who are by law placed under my commend that neither I oar the people of the North entertain for them any feelings but those of kindness and brotherly lave, and that while we deplore the cause and regret the consequences of the war , 1 we are willing to assist in relieving the suffering it has un intentionally occasioned, I venture to make this appeal to yon to aid me In raising a fund to be appropriated to putting the honserof our evenly lather in pterYier order; and furnishing it In beeogninginannet • Stan ageo. • CUNMDIGII4M—DTT • HELL—May 6U, by Bet. D. A. Croinkmham, of ' Xr• T. D. Con nizigham, of WooetercOhlo, And Mies X. L., daugh ter of Joeeph Mitcbell, VanOrt, Buyer Co., Pa., WILSON.—GREGG—OnTneeday, May sth, 1801, by Rev. F. W. Scans, et the residence of Wm. Wilecm, Jr., Frank Wilson, Esq., of Beaver. Pa.. and XI" Anna M. Gregg, daughter of 71100:12Z Gregg, deemed, of rentutylvantai ,RO Girds. W~mt,e9io4l4 - tea) Press: , .:#.ooiiv',ificco: : - : , See one of the yriv3 - CUPS to Breen _r* ,eelorOid Pore rtoo, it.laryn pest grape wine' ever produced, in; this oiountry,thO standardiwhui -for - Comutun; l ion ptitiorms, and the • moit beeetkthd for fir„ uiditund rutty • [ly Builders should bear In mini that a very! , i+ enor*rtkle nitroish;Aean7, Matey* al l ways be had as cheap as the aniiiink z tha Llinesllns of Win: J. Dunn, ,altAlinpoit.—, There Is no discountW i tifis 'artßilb trou gel there. Call yourseir****fr orderi WM - . J. Dunn, iiipWer, , ! It you intend tknilding.llll"," Or wall of any kind,th - Efplaite td get yoir l ime is at Wra: d. -Dune's, t near VanportigiamerS3r,r. , ,COine and examitielOr yi,tnnse,l!, l T,ol ltenti sad on prices will suit all: • SPEER'S PcniT The Port' Grape ienclr.,FilOtted ,bs tilt" county} foiia*ineinirztinedti'any Other, in its; mellow juciness,' ricbneas of flavor, and brillting.' of 'color. TllB'insTilr has been .brought to a perfection neva attairied,in Por tugal, by Mr: A. Speer, in • bbi Vineyttrditeve Jersey. Physician say it is'superior -Im ported Port for invalids, and in sinner itde mortfagreesble and refill/114th= claret;=- Clergyin en use it for its purityas a nonsnitnilon winc,while the moat fashionable faudlies drink it as a dinner - wlnc:.=-17. 7.. - 7Wbuna- - Some of our druggists keep it. [2t. MEM "The blushing beauties of apcdest tnald"are doubly .. (rdt:Wtieslpi,alu'turppt hliad of hair . One bottli 'flair Re.; storative" will achieve the most wonderful re? suits. It has become an indispensable 'snide of the toilet, and is MilVersally‘ .admired.— Newport Mercury. i The undersigned hat opened a tailor Shop on Third street, in Beaver, in . the room:gust across the alley from Moors's Drug. store: haye a.stockpfgoridsbitifOrlitich make upon ghat - notice. - 'tenni reaso n able. Give me a call.. BEAVER MARKETS . (CORRECTED WEEKLY.)''" flaky's, May 13. 1868: Pygge per - dos ... . 'Butter per lb • - 43 Hama per 1b..... Slutubkra .. ...... r.:. 124 per l Sides b. 15 Tallow per lb 1214 Lard per lb ' 15 Catadlea per lb l 20 I ?anilines per ga1...... 7,00 Helloed OH ..... 70 Crude Oil 25 Flour pet bbl 413,50 Dried Apples per bun. 2,10 Dried Peacheauer bu. 4,75 Wheat per 3,00 Corn per bue Oats 60 Flax Seed per bus... 2.25 Beans per bus ..... 2,00 Potatoes 00 Onions . 3,00 Corn Meal .. 1,10 FAMILY GROCERIES! rimE rN. DERSIGNED HAVING PIi:IIICIZASED T the Grocery and Provision Store of G. H. Berki later. on Brighton street. Boeheater,"takes pleasure In informing hie friends and the public generally, that he Eve added largely to the Stock,and Is now prepared to furnish at the imam possible nice an articles usually kept in a drat class provision store. J. SHARP, - ' I take pleasure in_recommendineCapt. Sharp to my old customers, and trust they will extend to him 'the lame patronage so libemilykeatowed not nt eelf. • mayti'oB:Snicts. . WANTED - AGENTS. OLDIETtgkiTRACHERENERGETIC MEN AND . la woolen, for the . • kite of"Gren.X.T.S Gi rant, By HON. HENRY C. DEMING. Chairman of the MR tary Committee in Congress. The only work of the kind issued under the sanction and by the Authority of Gen. Grant himself. It Is and is the, most Intensely interesting biography ever published in America. The author Is one of the mostbrilliant wel ters in the country. Agents will find this thei selling work 'of the season. Terms, the most liberal. To secure choice of tefitory.-applv soon to, PARS! EL ER & CO. THE CHEAPEST I3ocit and Shoe House IN THE CITY, J. H. Borland, a,rANUFACTURERS, WIROLESALE, COMICS• lttl ston dealers in Boots, Shoes . t Rubbers. at New Y ork and Boston Prices, thus saving of expenses and frei. A g lso ht , Agent for Philadelphia MIT made !goods at mannfacturers prices. Country Merchants age Shoe Dealers will rare mau• eyby calling on me before going Eau. ' Goode Received DigITY At No. 102 Third Street,. Near Wood. PITTSBURfiR, PA. RETAIL STORE No. 98. Market - Striei 1. , e Dodat rrionertr : ra • NEW ORNERY 9 TWO - DOORS EAST OF Tom - P ,) BEAVER, PA. .1 J. B. CLAIM, (Successor to W. F. Clarke,) DEALER IN ALL lUNDS OF GRO r CERIES, Provisions, Country , Produce, Bc, de THE *1)1111E- And Competition Defied! The public generally arelnylted - -to tall and examine hie stock.- Irnot suited in every .- partlenlar.lhey Will not be . required to purchase. 1! • 1868. SPRING. - 1868. - CARPETS! NOALLUI BROS. 51 '''Fifth 4 aow openthz,Terl•ri, 1,41.11 GE STOCK VELVETS, BUSSELLS, Thi:tte Ply, • , • Tvio Ply. • AND . If • - COMMON CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ' :1 : MATT/WOO, • WINDOW SHADES • . . ItIJOS, the' And every thing belonging to - , ;I • Cla,*ropt MIALLUM BROS. 51. Fifai•Strfbet. PITTIpUROa ALL I PE • APERI: W.AIIt.ii . PAPER Oil Maths.' _ 2 " • l' ►avw Ertl' TIIOI7SANDBOLTS OF' WALL. 1 PAPER lust xeCeited...and lilt bp sold brier than tta be purchased elsewhere, at Me ..IMETTLit — TW I- 12E P S Bridgii,3o4,er . Direct from England. hearing the origDfai *Wive, Alan. Window Etereoscople Views of jilt places of Interim% inthel country and upon the continent: - ^ .-"• • • 1 I tipipectNly, eyeatoßets to all to call and ene the large and well selected .Stock 'of general VARIETY GOODS. • Included in above, we. have Looking Glavans,' Car pets, Rugs, Oil Cloths ac.. of beautiful design and pattern. • ::: • SEULEERLICE • - marillgkly. NM MY ROCHESTER; PENTIVA. JameB A. Fortune. T Womb AIiNbiTNCEI3-rteb: Citizens of Beaver county, that I havejust ed a new and splendid stock of Spring Dry and Notions, in the room formerly occupied 'by Messri. Nelson £ Roesler, - in the Diamond, Rochester. .Con. slitting in port, of .1 . Dress Goods Of every Description. - Lusters, Colored and Black Alpacas, Scotch Plaid,, Amuses. De Loin, White Gaols. &c. Prints ' Glnghsms.; Checks , Ticks, ;Jeans, Tweeds, Caseimeres, de. Hosiery and Gloves. Balmoral and ' Hoop Skirts., L an cy Goods, Dress .Trimmings. Men and Boys Hits, "large stock, • 'try mar, PAPER CIOLLAREA. 31-DoxtAxrpo OP I= (MI 'Meths Oil _Clothe. C 1 A. - ELlesr s; c,l4.n.wk,:ximisasl GOON RTORE, IN. TiCE `,DIA.IIIC.Np, • Stamping, Pinking an d Machine Stitching to ardor. Men's Shirts made to order. i Please call and exanine as we are bound to sell at PITTSBURGH PRICES. NO TUOIIIIE TO STIOW GOODS. Remember tbe'plae,o, room formerly oedspbed by NeblosAlb Roessler, ; , IN TWAT, DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, PA. JAMES.. A. FORTnNh. P. ff. I'have secured the services or WATT GEALT. formerly ofiledgewater.'t Lmar2s6B. TIN AID BST= WHOLESALE btetzlefix I ALL KINDS Of ;/ • Tin, Copper. & Sheet.. .Iron?" Ware. T PROPOSE KEEPING CONSTANTLY ON HAIL E , w kinds o I Tl will N, s ell CO PPED AND SREET4RON WARhich AT TILE LOWEST rßice Tin Roofling, Spouting & Job Work Done Warder to the best wilisible nuainar, and on . ahortest notice. • '; - . • , • ; Caine none but the b est material, and hairnng none hitt the bait of workmen, • ALL: WQB,' , SHOJI oN THE LQWER END OF "Pla e BEAVER, PA. ' Glee to O 02U, and 2itcamine Mott. .Capamied i4ai4' liptCopshilitly CIA hand. • , A ' • AN SIICITZ I t 0C SITAR MARBLE 'WORKS ! .' - fW.:II-16:itha411 DEALER llt , ? ; -; , • , ITALIANiir.ABIEIUCAN TUBULE MejiliP4,oltßES, OF Y ,NONIINSNTS__,_"TIZAWTONICS. NARIOX)LitS TLBS, STONS - ANDMARBLS POS TS • FOR CIOILSTEdY . . Grind St one* Of 'a aiiirior ; titta44 on pawl. ALSO "-iiararr Phenix , Ifydranlio Dements. ALL PEIMONS DEMING 31011173IENTS 'OR Headstones, girls 111 4 call and exuninennr stock before purchasing elsewhere. We tore always +® hand a large and superior mock of finished work, *deb we are selling lower thanagent can be had to the city selvor atn be had from stealing s through the costs try. Bo bewa parchming .re of agents, GO and =Mae for your es beams fhb IMAM. , • • _ _ MWERRIThrI7 717;11- 1! • • " • 0;2 . ite vielpring Goods . • 210-,-;.AI)I74ILNOJEL ESE msorzi MEM SPRING GOODS FOR ISO MIME - • - AT ••, -I - . ; - 1 • - ,• • -• • CB:UP „DRY,. (MODS ...STORE, '- L m:; - Tam . • DIAMOND NEW PRINTS, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW DELAINES, , iTEW COBURGS, ARE. White Flannels, , Yellow Flannels, Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, • ' ; The above comprtees the most "Complete Mock ISM otfered,to,the Citime oc,l3eaver ci , :muty, and we take pismire asimritig our customers eel those who may firer as with a all, that the above stock is as cheap = F. .A.: ..:142.6i-stuiiLe'ls gE.EAtDRIT.GO9I4. imnm, 1,10 • - Aitross thiV: pavement. COMB zvArßotor AYD SECURE : -I* CM - ' 'I , ;OF ISIE lIIIIIM=IIIIrII • ,! i •. ~.,~ F. :L:Fortme's, "! t.,.i r r I MEMEI _.-~ .. ~ ROCHESTER PI. IiMMI NEW MUSLINS, NEW CHECKS, and' PLAIDS. , 1 ALso, Table 'Dinner Crash, Red: Flannels; Jeans, Cassimerea, Tweeds Drilling% Hats and Caps, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Notions and Fancy Articles, Ml,*tkery Goods, &el. I= fl' wriceztaig,t TNII PL&CX, IN THE DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, PAS BARGAINS • 011 - Tools-. - 19Metari -Boitegi &O. • i:P r 'w a- i rti44dr. 'OI4- - ' 14-SATURDAIT A..Yderil,' ___ . 14 vie NJ P. N., st. Unlonirillo Owing .. p7pc.c..r . . , ~,, Drab Creek 011 ColoStawr. . .._, lbbiti ~, .. . Brprder 0f kb e 47 ai..... 4 7. ; _,..,: . ~. 19. 1 14. _ r-7 tanyetCt . . • • - • .. Asalymmint of. .1. IN TUB COURT OPCOMION ?acmes 31,• Boyd •PLEAS OF IllthYEß ' - - Ts' -, • . TY. 144:h• Sta. MAUCH ua,me John ItamseY, lON. Assign ' ell . , ee. . • - -- .. _ Interest pertres I= hereby two• illed4 that the drat and anal account of John Banapy, AShiPer of JaMee U. Boyd, to muss faith* creditors of said James M. 114 , 1 d,_bas been tiled is the Brothels- Marra Baku. it Besver,and -tad tralmes sufficient cause tube contrea.bsaboirmAt• wily b c aonfirmel by the Court on the drat Bo:Imlay of next term. _ , my 6' CS:St. ' • JO IFI. tail:J(111M no',lo. ME • • • TIQ wiz 4 4 ,4:Karr or commor Pi:EAS Bit.- VIM 4:IOI.INTY. NO: 313 MARL TIMM, 1816. In the testier of tsa .aprilleatknalOrlit Charter of In corporation for * Church In the borough of Beaver, in Beaver county, to be ltiedfri ns the Batted Presbyteri an reenigation of Beaver. • Mad now . Illarehlihk, lege: Preseldedl° the Conrt, and the same taring ovn' Wooed and ex amined' and none of its article', oondftionemid mot+ slant' being,found to be illegal or ithproper_ art direct the same lb betted In the Wee bf Uhl ?MOM ma of the county of Beaver . . and .ditecexald smear togive notice thereof by publication sceOrding'so the rule. sitting forth tha applleaticaa, and; Odd rule to' show Cause to be' entered why thedocile prayed for. should not be granted• it tuna Tend..111133.._• • ' „ • • JOBN CAUOIIICY;Yrrey. . NE • • , rfi TIIE COURT OF COStaiON PLSKSI 'Or '. BE. 1 vs.u. COIZINTY.I.IO. 4 / 1 4-MARCLI- TYS.U.: JAW In the matter .o the application ibe a charter corporation for Ili C li n rtk. IL ithichest* , ,lßoleilir under the name and style of Itietnodht Ep Church of Rochester. • • And itte „RIZ ifarleb ,10fit-.4514.16 foregoing' instrittneut efirrbi , specitylimetWonyeets. armies. conditions and name under which the members of the Ilethodist Eplscopal‘Church of Rochester. county of Bearer. and State of peonsylvanin, desire to be blear-, oersted, hang" presented in open Court, and having ' bee* perused and examined by ne,and It appearing to Us that the, objects, article*, and conditions theiran.set forth and containedl are lawful and bar taßitiewato the community : we dl the said writing Whet Matt in the of fi ce Of the thonotmrpf Vila county. said we also direct notice to bo base rted in one newspaper for three weeks, setting forth that an application pas Ilecii,sdadi to WILCO on rotAtud, Charter. oplu Ron, and If no sufficient maser be shownto a l = trary at the next term of this Court, a decree and order will be made incorporating said Church. By the Court. J OEM CAUGNEY, rro..y. 'Attept : raWf6:3,. Coal and Nut Coal foTSale. THE UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR TDB patronage heretofore bestowed upon him. tikes pleasure in informing the citizens ofßochester, Bridge. water, Beaver and surroundin,. country. that he is *Winterised to Amish an excellent article of Cod and 'Wet Coal. on *hen notice. either delivered, or Si the Bank, on the beat of terms. The Bank is located DO WlLlnley'l Run. near *Rochester, Pa. :Orders .11* there, or at the Store of Thomas Alneon. In Bridgewa. ter; or it thp •Prothonotary's office In Beaver. will be prompul.oo6 Copt Stets la Agent, Itotheater, Pp :A-v.7i. • J. C. MOLTER, hire:lt • • 7' Briacerwarer,Ps- I=l STATE AND: COUNTY. TAI fraIrCOURTY TREASURYS WILL ATTEND IN .1 the several Townships and Doronghs, for them , pose ofg , ving' the Stater and County^ tries for the year Ibr% at the Dines and .I:disci.) • designated been, 1140 7‘2 1r5 . town, Mi It, Hotel at rinokstown; Hookstown Greene, 7, Hotel at Heoastcrwn; 0612.07tT & Greene, 8. Swearinger's B. 8. atom Frankfort, it, 11. Stevenson's; Hanover, 10, Heed's, store; Raccoon. •. 13, •tore; • Independ. nee, l4, .John Donnas . ; " do .1, Hopewell, 13, J. Davis' star% Hopewell, 16, R. C. Scott's; Moon. 17. Wm. Elliott's; Franklin, ' 20, E. Autenmth's ; PrPayments eanbe made in the adjoining' town. I warly. All licenses must be paid .before the iii day of u ; E. BARNES, . Treasurer. Lilt of Causes for trial at June Term Imo.' IsT K. Samuel Picnsol 2D wd John M'Cowen : ve. Milton Townsend & wife vs. McKenzie & Moore vs. D. A. Pritchard et. J. use Ildrh Ferguson vs. J. 31. Relmes et. at Macey & Bicker to ye. Jame* Little. Christlan Marks vs. J.MarkksJ.Davisadrare Ephraim Smith vs. J. T. Townsend. • Charles Coale • vs. New Brighton man. Co. Patterson & Davidson . vs. 3Latlidl3onders. Andrew Johnston's ezie vs. James Merits: ' William-limiter vs. Sohn 'Wilson & WiSe.• • . same vs. John Wilion. Willlani Motherel ve. James Fife at. al. Thomas R. Mason vs. James Graham et ia. John C. Doff - vs. Joseph Brittabi - ed tai. James Darne4 et. el. vs. 'Millar flames. George Muds . yd. P. Ft, W. aCh.R.R.Co. Philip Morgan • vA. Adam llershberger. .Joshua Dawson vs. St ii!ter Dawson OD Co. Richard:Tea vs. A. J. Diamond ct. dz. James Leonard ' vs. Perry Brown. Geo. W. Duck • vs. Heals Anderson. J. Robb ose S. Marker vs. Henri. Gamble. Was. A.-Thompson vs. Wm. A. Gilman. JOILN CAUGLIEY, Pro'y NEON YOUNDRY! ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP. IN FALLSTON, LTAVING relittSd arid enlarged my stock of markt* err and tools, and haring secured tke swam of the best of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant an work done to give entire eatisfaction. I bare an hand different patterns and Myles. of .I:nem* Fire Clay Rolla, and am prepared to make 'or repair all dtatertp dons of umbinery, on reasonable terms. PLOWS ASP PLOW CASITNOS I hare all the bestpl ow patterns that unit this market among which Is th e "Great .Weatern.'" which has bean awe plow of the county for the lam fifteen yeara. Also. almost all other Plows now or previously in use. STO VES STOVES ! ! I have on hind and -1 / 4 , 111 'ilintlnte . to manufacture a large aesortment of COOKMG, FRANKLIN ~12, 1 D IIEATING STOVES {Vibe latest Styles and with aU the modern improve* tient& which L will sell st modern rates. Among these Is the GREAT REPUBLIC. This Store baa an extension top, which gives It a large surface without taking up much roorn,and It is now looked upoo its one dt theeat.and most economical, stoves*s ittakesiese fuel and is more durable than other in use. Tbefolkoving persons, after navingnsed this stove for a amalderable lel'Eth of time, may be mitorrd to tn.proof of what Is here said: - • Dr. Isaac Winans, ; M. T. en Kennedy, • Ell Ro, - John Watson. Mrpt.s. Goo. Fulton. Ca Wfilia l, Pagers, inans. William ".. -Joseph Darlieg, Sturrt, Robert McGowan. Joseph Blackthorn, Mrs, Joseph !denim' Mrs. Major Wade,'" Dr. J. D. McCreary, MUD 'N. Miller, David Leslck, Capt. James, Raney, Dr. C. R. Tattle, William Reed. Kelly Bunter, John "McLaughlin, Samuel Taylor, Dr. Jas. E. Jackson, Thomas Beacom,, artshit Dental , . Milton Davis, • Marcus Baldwin, David Lloyd. John M. Duncan, J. V. WI ens; _ Mr'. Robt. Andrcwe, Mr. Lobley, Cass, Frederick Estarar. Benjamin Franklin, Capt. James Johnston 4 Samuel Kennedy, George 'Evans. John Jackson, '- Walter Itnchanon. Mrs. licFbillomy, B. T. Reeves. Wiulam Roan, 1 • ' ouritMly Thomis Neill Ft.W. It-W.oo. John W. Wilson. County of Beaver. BEAVER COUNTY, PA tpon Rietutrdson, James McGehee. Capt. Woodson Glenn, Thomas R. Davis. SamuelMurpby, I Miss note'ship, Hiram Stowe, . Mrs. Petit:rum, James MeDermitt: Samuel Dunlap, Thompson Johnston. Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Rev. Stephens. Jonathan McKenzie, Judge Kelm,. Richard Knight. Solomon Fronk, James Knowles. David Cslhoon. Richard Staley. Joseph McFerran, David Carr, George Wilson.. James Thompson. Mrs. Harrison Reed, Milton Reed.; • Boston (hove. William Grove. Washing.%omEngle. James Galley, Robert Graham. ' Thomas Bradshaw, Milo Bradshaw, Dixon Reed. Daniel Maxwell. J. W. Funkhottaer, William Wagner. Xt. Chaney. Henry Sulimunt, Mr. Wr_a_y, • David hUt.tall. • 10111 TMOSICLIIT