The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 08, 1868, Image 1
I TOE /Ina"gat I . • yr I 9 FCBLiSHED EVERT 4 , 1 ID the old ta.i‘Tl, ou p ort, PA., it • : !Tr' 11l PET Domuts prn 'mat DI , VANCE. • _ andef or the PiCov wEll De turoiskted, I -1 vop ,.Aliirrief 4,6 :OW 3 Cutosioolcialoio. (4,1„ r*Dc ot 16454 OT fotor welt Ste TelPeOttiladtiket. 6llll*4 Wr ,1601*,' coo Of this OW Meat ibirir be mixo“ll4* the ago o f If'el1401:!.04 1:1"00111104 beel. se it: soma Wig* hlßPOtio n • wore seed btu to J. WtY2l:4p, hVitor Proprietor.. ft . WeNDT, R. D., •• $ RONILOPATIIIBT, NEW BRIORTDN, BEAVER COUP V, PA. • ITIcE AN)SIDE:NCR Loctwr Quolvte , ItnlUurtl guid I;ridgc Mtg. ArnyViri:3ta. LIGIIING GAS. , a DmiNisTI•REI) BY 1)R. IStI.IIItAY. Brunervis l'A., ii extrocang tel:th. I have added tonly man p r o rat i on, i for the Peel:L.44W pll my 144 invaluable poln-I.llltug agenL All i•nutcbeo of IlAnftittry performed in • the bect . aed most wedern strlor. AU work done as eheaply. and Arty per e mr, Irettecibun at any oth er Steam Dental Establialt. rut I 3 th. C.nytetiittf • ILILUGIII2NG GAS: .1 . 1. E. YE TRAT RA VI: BEI, un'pld r eli of tootharl,e.'nnd dmad oil as , futFiliP , and! tat %sill that that Dr. chandler „ re .11,toly w rciieYr Tun bV Ike or die great pale thitro,tr—.l...ll.:lll:+lll -4md Make tit extrae• lion a room , of plea.n.r...rathee them of pain. • dental operadons twrrurnieti in the best potirfble inonher. 01111 ut reasonable terms ae if!. any good Den• ngt 111 die e‘ otbry. - gi' In V....ate? Station. Itoelle , ter, • T..f. Lt. CO. C 0. ,! and Not Coal for Sitle.'. ._. mot:ite:N.:Li MR Tilt polrono4e liervtoforo 11111/1.1 him. toltel. o wsu r« in Informing the cittrrns of Itochinner, Bridge. .31111 surrounding country, that he is ntlh to furnish an escellout article of. Coal ‘,i-ut Coal. on short notice. either delivcred,'Or at the, Vaunt. on the best of terms. The %Mt is immted ..n NCltitiloy's !tau, near Wig lteaWr, Ya., Orders left teem. Or vt the Shire ofilonntA Allison. ttj Bridgewa. ore Prothintotnrs'd otllce llonvet,'will 2:ht,:. Copt Snuly it ,, Rochester, Pa. J. tl, litiLTEll. Iyr,* lirll2ewater, How E'S SEW iNG MACHINES USDFAISIGNED,LIAYING RETIRED FROM 1 the !Minting business ' in bridgerratei, , Pa., will hi tto: town, derot« his whole "time and intention to the llowe'r Unrivalled Sewing Machines.. 111 e is in toe fOrmerly occupied by bop telt' mid •Mlller. to. a Talloriilion. These 31tichinos rifle' nrh... Vilna Via to A told will bit delivered in la.l4advi to perAut4 purchnihn; them. • An expert st.cvd vvo.oit \VIII accompanv esoit machine sold, and 111,11. tut hi-er t ill is. thoroughly instructed in its use. Ile s ill sii u keep sowing machine Iterne:4, machine iltn•tat and nil articles neoded in snwttn.r., and of uncut nt rkun•onahlo rttet4. 'llirtnlifttl to the Itivtireherotoiltrortmelved, he solicits; to hie istv huslitese, a continuance of thC. same, • . • JOSEPH BRA ORPHANS COURT SALE. , • -- • , DV\ ;RITE OV (lit DER OF TUN RM - lA - NV ( ) 'ecti, or ihntver vonnly, the nnalenelkima Eneen. I .r 0: Ili:. I:14 It,tain,o I of John Anacreon 1.010 , . Lie of linecooli Imtuwhltr. lit rtiht enmity, excuse. to sale, by publtr, Venittnt un the un ' MONIMY, April 201 h, ISQ3, ~tontettting at 1 o'clock I'. Nit. the following. 11•!- .crihoti real eState. late rantrwnt(l- dert•Aged. : All 'rl.t (amain parcel or tract or Wel Rltuatod In itheceou tent raid conitty,,bennited on the wig' by the Ileiikatttwit read. I,n the north by innti Wrn. Kett t,,qty and Jobe Keineely. on the west 11V land or .101111 Thertibars. au l on tin• eolith by latirt.,„`er ttebb, retiOnier litty arm , . nb nit thirty_ an clear ,-,t fuel fu puud state of Cultivation, bat:ince well tim• 'erect. • , TR Tits -'ol , ,ti on emit:um:olon of tli.. Fate, and ilv. IlYt•ry 1 tli.• (tee!, to pad all expetises or vet , xr: rg dot! 1, ,!.iiii, , , :c..... 1.) A V 11)*KENNEbY. mlr:' ii - ': , , Lxetntor, t . _ I T IL U o \ 2\ D Plt:•;.. FT. WAYNE t (11a , M10 ItAILVAV 4fikv.:Sur....t.'":ol;‘.lSs:7, 'fro um. will kirmSsitlanii Inn,. gut doer Ir(Cepted AR [Train 1I uct, ii=3 . •1,. .; . ..,. :.- 1' vi • ' IAI ' - in. ri !_ 1•,4,1„ ; !,...„,..,, ~,:,...,:m).,1 SIS 1111411 f 15,95 pill 1114:1 )I'J:5/Pm riai ~, r ,, :$, , ~, , ~., i,,.., , ~,„, .„ t , - K1 '.t., 1':;;1^t1, ltl 117 4! . .:1 RA: I!!:!'; ! %1.3 I:7i I We: 136 i 2111' SI3 • ; 114 t.i,l 1 31.1• MI/ , (i 5.1 , I . 1 1 i l l : : : 1 .: 2 1 1 : 1:Ill t i ll I t,l l 1,00%:i 1:10 ,11•241 t:l5 4;1 I I GI!) :11:',41 WA ;Li 1 1•:1' I•2%sAm 115 RE I II I Ni ‘ t ' I 1i n. e• , MEE '%o %to . ; t'l 1(,-;•3 . 114. I ; 111 411 • ••1 , nl\7 it . " I 1, 4.1 i Iry , I=l IZEI %PAM Li lIKII 11%7 ,21Ipst•a; m 'nth tt.irra•; ill. ~ 0 , 1 IV \ all "t 1 1 111 t (.1.101 '`•i'idn 7..14 74411 , th , .‘i " • 1 ,111:1 !•135 pat two f 441 - ;;t 6.17, oulig.ttmt!..N.•% , , ciwtte /111 , 1 YIIIDIFOI.M it ai 2:s) V. III; New ti:9o I. ROW ',Awl :.r N m: r•l‘ to ar.,•l ; , : , ,A4,..,...•1trhy. a. to p. rtri..1,101.1 Yflea• 1e1r44. 11 . 10 It In: I •Sureivx •ratictittn, .E:lo..rt. el. Arrives IA Vottiv.;ntown. IT:At p. iii. • Ito Gritio,:;lo,iv, yt , :te:Nlown p. in; Lim et. re p. m ; tionhA utia, rtra. A ,vl , . '•:11 p. ii. MYElts, 11 neral 7.1t1 ;Igen . • - - • - - E1...1N1) r117SIII:ItG11 ULILIJO.k.. Ilst 01 d after Nov. !:.1, 1847, tenita• Arm leave :;:ltat qtl/1 4,41 y %Sundays excepted) follows. - - - ail 1,1 bslrat r . =I • • X.l. 8., . ALL. l'et)3l 810x?,:111fq 1191 till 1. LS 1010 . 111 • 5,3 1110 211 6 , 0 , • 14 11 2,51. • I.t3p,r 413 I latlKon . I:akt•tol. t Alliann• , '''''' • ciaNU NORTII _Il MAIL. I:Nr . S. I ----,......_ t i -- f- SinAM . 4101• M I'llls i 615 ; ; . ' 71:•.fol :•1101rm 65.2 J . • 61 1 : 1 11161 716 ..,.. F.1";11 ' In 7 601 i ' WO il 150 615 • 1 '11615 - 11.‘1114. ip.av3rik. • ! !!!‘r:k.,: t 4 .4 , :11,1 ..;:t:t EirE3IM 1 Itnit 14.1!nir 4, • 2 /414 ::11 , 1 11 titnittre Vegi EEO P ith%liut.:l; al CNO-ti Di= Pftt•bur t h Iscol over . EMI 79. i MT/ - 5 , 30 440 nqo 000 000 . COO /,;iiitti Ferry' ,313 .613 ' 517 t4rlirt ;to 5411 4911 r 5 625 F teubenvinc ...... f 050 • 510 ltrldzipart Glllll 030 " /.1"0101 ............. 113 Lino OCABAWAS .DnANcit. •"... tr:r7c •' Ararea N. Phltatiotplda, ao a. aa. PaYtkr 4 ..M. am .r.s:al X. PlilladelphlaUlpal. . l'; 31E11:ItE 4 , ctaeral Tiakct A:ett. Vol. 50 n No'' A doisholstratorts Notlees-Teter, of Adjadnir -11 tription on the estate co Willem Raletoei, late of Hanover eovvilD. Beaver county. Pena'o. , deed., basing been gal ted to the undersigned. all pereonr Indebted to the said estate are reqoestcsl to make im mediate payment, end these- having rialtos or deruands against the r,ilkto of said decedent, will Prneent' firma property authenticated for A dt t evi Kt/ 64;04;44 isibitni tide es kat NriMani Todcke Hopewell. township, Deaver counts. Pa., harm been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the Held estate am requepted to make immediate p at': meet, and those having clatme or demendii egstnat . the estate of Sato decedent, will' malte*nowsk the. Saute without delay: • - JAWF: TODD, Alitn'rx., TILOS. A. TODD. Attar. THIS IS TO 'GIVE NOTICE t rclliAT ON , rtir, tan Iver VF MARCTI A. D. 1413 I a Warrant to Bankruptcy was homed' against the testate of 3f. V. Scott. of lirtn. in the county of elingylt who Nes been Ad judle I a roiktapt op 'mow% . un: /Mk the pig ment of sny debWithil delivery drany 'orhperty be longing. to such Bankrupt. to him. or for hit re.e, and the transfer orally property by him are forbidden by Law; that a the Cciditani of the said 'Bank rupt. to wore their Debt.. and tiielidimih due pr more AssizuEes of late Estate, Will be held at neohrta Rink ruptcy. to be holden at the num /loth* In New Brieliton; Penn'n.. before Joseph D. Donley. Esq. Reuniter, on the 2d day of Mav„ DARPA. atil o'clock!, A. M. TI:RIMAS rnar2s'4B; It. " C. - 8: Miu'istinl. dirltass<entor. Houiz iurausana6 Tin, Copper awl MOW Iron% ware - Maw. ufactorg CAATtIitGES...:9O ly rowers—ltarrigewtori., lee pronn Preezerv., UlllOll Callon Pi,totira eavg. ILolkets atift • a general noortnamt or Homo! PoinlFblue Good .% at lomens to suit the thuee. Wilt of the-unt (Utiloio Cut fee Pot • • l• • • ma:3hvir .0 , '• , 40. 'Reeves Ambrosia tor.. the Ha{r, Improved. •- • • .„. !I • It In an eletrant tor the • It whit% the Hair to cairn o, nuriglly. It keepa the Scalp.Chniu and Health!, It invigorate.. the of, the Hale. It tom, the hair anti Iteani to :tints ltturiantly, Ii lattnedl duly. tha. ,• It kceps^the Hair from'Cliatittlne Color front apt. It le-toren tireyl flair to the' Otlitinal Color. • It brings tmrtlhar ou beadi , Mai have been bald for ! ! It, is .cumin:teed Imilrell* of =tipple and pttrelivege bible etib-tadrco. It Inn , received beer Fi th.lPand voluntary let ! Um°. ni:ths or its c.xcellenee,mat4 of which ure phy victims in itiali standing. • It 6 , cold in Milt-pound hot tle4. (the name blown in relic bruggl4ht and lltmlern in Fancy tloudit evii*wbere. et tine Dollar per bottle: NVlttilemled by Detnan Rnntea .1; Co.; Schleirellu ..t;• Co„ New York uw r.itt IVl:thnosl EVincdo S! a, des Z tZIVRING SUPPLY 1 4 :01V. ortxmc: Or ENTIRE. ly new pattern and ntagnitlcent tkAgns, ter Par ton., C hatabe Dlnlng ROOM.. 14111te, Oftkate, Thach tot beio - 1411 1 4 3 . 41 .0 1 ".44 . care. owl , rlnlng greatly keattemt. Call ,rtnd =rabic at the WALL PAPER=-WAREHOUSE, Between 4th and VI dour Uelow Diamond alley.) THOMAS PALINIEII Star. Shade+ tinde and letteyul to order. Special E.ffreil w whol,,aletluller. mart rst:tm. 1 1 Xi pro> 1.11. 10'20:1•21.1 , , 11:01 ! 411 (, 1:10 7.15 I 411 . 11•4; 17t0 'lll4O 111 1 - arm 1:1.1 • :o -101 , I sil ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP, ME! = EX I' N.l @EI 4 int.): 14.1.01 i $lO tk I 1 11:Z V.:14 i)1 1112111.11 In. tl!lJt 241 414 t.t , / 7•1 I TJA vox: Witted and enlarge dmy storlt. ortinthin -I.l.ery oud Gaud.. ItavioLt eccured the orOcps of the heat of mpelvanicr: 1 um prrpared to-warml: a ll work done to give entire Natisfacnon. I hay*. on and did'orent patterns and ,:tyle4 ui Enainei, Clay and am nrepartal to tnal:o or repair all deierlir bone of muclitherr, on letnionable tet ma." s! PLOV%S AND PLOW CASTINGS, : , ..:1 Mr, I ;r:1) Gl': ' 11:19 1,11. 1.1000 - -In /1115 '114:1 lULi DIG I ,21 . , 1 340 T.?.;:roq, true 3:05 p.m: arch Cd ta2lt Arcom),... 1.20 n, , rw.v 20 . . , I have theflaPet plow' pattern!. that salt Ms , market 11111011 g which the -Great WeAern." wltiA ha. 4 been, lug plow of thatcounty for the itt.4t afteea years. Alen. 111111016 t all other Plows note or previa:x:4y la ace. I We on linntl and will cunlititle to mantarOuro n large az.s.ortnitit of • I COOKING, ri:LtNrcux ANT) nrATtso STII'EB Of the latert styles and with all the modern imr*ove. I L , inentß. which I will sell at modern rates.; ~1 tong there Is the 111trAT 11E11111.1e. -Thin Stove I em extenrimit,t9p.!which ,gtves it a large surfaeollir shout taking up ittucliroomand It to now tatted npoffan one of the beet mad most econmoical. stoverar it taker less fuel cud is snore durablethisu other in nee: Thnfollowing hersonr. after ,havlnz 'tired thin store fora considerable ivt,oll of time, may be refeiTtl to la pro or of wb.121.5 hole ealdV -j .-... :' ! ' . ;,.,.tr :.. .1 • Dr. Issiti: Wltianq, M. T. fi.enuttily, Ell Deno, t John' Wation.l. • 'Mrs. l'ten. Pniton. l'apt..l. S. Winans,. li i iiiiturt fingers. Joseph liarlittz. ‘‘ Wham Stuart. Hobert Mel in'A all, Jose;.lt itincltinore. Mrs. Joseph Martin, ...Mts. Major Wade., Dr. .1. U. SlcCmary, Milo N. Miller, Parld Lesick. Capt. James. Roney. Dr. C. It. Pottle, William Deeil Kell.* " ~'~PL '4' d MIMI El MEE =I Aelly Hunter. John :del.a»gbiln, Samara Taylor. Dr. Jas. E. Jackson, -ltiomas Bertcent, 7Alllton Iviarrno iJa lihrta. - David [.lord; Johd M. 'Outtalk, J. V. IVltiano. !tic.— Rohl. Audrewa.• Mr. Enl3 Mr. Cafe, . , • Frederick Katarar. IlenJamin Franklin. Capt. JameaJobruqua l Samuel Kennedy, • Gone - Evans. :tope Jaakoou.. Aralteilluctuums. McFnlllomy, H. T. Reeve:. IYlnlam Hotai JOHN Tila] martSl;F:ty I;tOAU faVrkqf 1:25 t„:„l,o7 e n j44:rulffm , 140171 1110 907 Ts 3 000 loin ono 020 1 240 , KM 1035 x3lO 91.3 LM E.%to - . 4.ltlpu ISE I311(1P I; Effi .., .- . . . "".% 4, '; , . .• ' ~.., P W.:O, .' ~.... 2 . . . ''., . . , . ..1 . ''4 ,' - ‘ ,. '''...... ' L . ''.,?: ". :•.!'::. , • ' • , - . • . .... , • ' k f• • •. , . - - • '• 1 .? 4,. . :- 31 ' ,. .4:; ‘,. .. ., -. - '..". . • . - - ~.„*. -. ,- ' • - -• . ,- . , • , . . . . .... - ~............=........-.............._ -..--,......7........... ...-.......................- ,,_ , . . _...... ._......,....................,_ . .._—______..., , —.......-...,....-................... ..........-....._-.....—,----- ...„ -.......... ............ _ 9-'. ._ ..i. - i - T": . k.- (.7 .r.i ' 7,r :. i'.. i....,,,....!--•-• ~r , „ : t .....:, , ~‘ .: ,!..., , , . ~ , , _-t - ,;„ - „---, ~.....,,,,..:-. -,.i4,1, ,ie ..-cf, i .A..i ;"t .-‘, uie f s , - ',, , ~. i: -,:" .' ' .-' ''' 4 ' - .' • I `' 4 - 4 • ' • :" ' • •••- i:'-' ' •.. ~-*- ' f ''''''' 1 .1 '.1-4` ,1 1 !,-:: rf . , .--' -•4. - : - - tit Jir •• . , l - is., ....:EL z 1.4. 1 -.... - c- CI . .2, - f:'!; .-- ' ••• i• ' " - "•• ~ , ~, ~, -", , t, - ~ •:. , to - -", • ;1 . . ... -, • . •••'-'-- - a... --, • :;...• • • .... ~ .- 1...f . :.1.... '1 -;:if I) : 1 , ..,:, , ...fir . , , .. ~.. '-: ..'' ~ ' , ..,. „... ,4 .:•, , , ,, , ,". i.1.i.,•:.; ;: ': 4 ,. . - 1..: '*. t' ~ ' '': ' ''' re.t ' t'''''' : ' '''''' r . • --'. - : LI ' .. .• ',.,... ; . . _. '' - ,7 . " ;.-::, .*.-::-`,, ,' ;:, • :-...'; -,;',T• ' ~-, ~ • ,:,. i. :', -:-...,....t., '. • ..."' "AN. :' - ;;. - ,;..: ;,... :-..; '; • ;.:::.; - .;v1::: .t:: ' ' .'.l-•„:4 : 1;;;; I/ - ..,.!. ". ~.• . . ~.. • ' x' - e -41. ii:, • et - ..'.: ,- ,: ~ .; L : -.1, - " "Arc 4 , -,' r '4? '; t :. , ' .41 3.', - - , - -,•,,, . " - - :.. • ; 4-3, , ; ..;. :•,„'.; iii ?.. i -,:,• •2 , 4 ..... ...„. .„ . - - , . , ..,. ..... t -44 ~, .-., ....- :•.. .-,.• a f ~. : ~. , : - ..- i ' , ,• ~„.' , , : :. 0 ~, , , i-' ' •!:. '': - ..'?'':; 4 ;5.; • .:;' , %.i. : : -:: r '- ':;ii ‘, "l:-.,:',. -. --- .1 • 0 • - lA. .. .. . . : 'l' t, --4-,.., ~ r - • , :!.*- • •• - - , %-: Z '-" - -.'-' '• 4A%-,•:. :-.-- .. it * ' 5 ,41' r ' ' • 4 , r. ~:.: ).., i-, ~ :'.34 ...:::, ";:- '1 ~ 7 . ., 'i ';),- : : .-"- T - -- ." "N''': - 1 : q tr is „. ~ ~ ..1. , .1..i • .,.? i+ 4; .. .7-rC. G':, -,.? .. T. - 1 .- •--- ,-, i.-- . •.• .. ~„•.- -, •.: . . ; ...., - • •-• '.:• ~ . ... , -- „ • • . _ •. , -:,. ; ~ ~,„; ;.;,.;;„,•, , ,!. ~.; .44_ 1 i . , 14 . 1 ' . .,,V. - _. 4 - 44 ~ . ...414.744 , ;:.,',;;,3 :',:, -,;.!..• • ;',.'• r. ' .:'.. f' , 4 , ..;.: , ; :r• - i '‘,l"; •.; ,, r1:. 1, ~ .,:l : :!L .- .1 ::' 5:T:: :i; .. :';: I . '-, r : ___ • . ''- '. '''' ,••• it'/ ~r-_- . 1 - ,4 _ , : , • -, 7 ' IL 4'..17' 4. :. ' ,!.=;:', •.s• -, - :-,-. . .........• E ~-.... . _ . ..,.........„, .-...,....,.....„. •„..„.. , ~ ..• • ....•,..-.4:::, , ,r.i,.„,_,.. EDUE. 't; , .• I's--, . . fa ...„ 1 4 , ,--- ~,,, • , .s . r. -- 1. ,• , , .1 . -r▪ , . • i• , , • - A.e . .4•' . .- ,- • ::-• ;...*:0 8 - r -,-,,.... - . lALICt (i S I 44 . OirX,:s e' D) 0, Tiltr • td' ' - ;44 1 ‘; ' )41/ •- •0. L. • 1, , 22;101 --, :-%...-,- 7 14.• - - . ..,....,,nzge .., _.• ~...•-_-.,.. - , itiffe,,4,-4:.' - ~ PIMIMP I' ..4 t,-..';) ' 1 111 KM • The re rki a- i• •;,,•,:- ' e ' n Ily - i *1 th eiiiiiel -1 ' I ). •, . . Nier* 1 In write hi • i' , ''' -:.. ':• • • • 4 , .. lie perhapsik'o . e.*:' i i;r4r .i i. 191 . 1:1p21 neglixted l pelk .. ~ +r 7 1 :01;,,1 ! , 9 171 Y e rtIt tli f i ' ' , I , '• ,, 0,00:: was ciiiiiiitereif •• • • t • '•••• -:-, lbl 4"' - . ....Ansi). . 1 , • .,t,, , ,• ,., , ,,, ~..,, i • ': . . • , 7 ~ ''-: - . , viTicr,•qcr Li ~ 3.::..,,c..,./.., ..! ffill r,:g ARCHIBALD RUSTON. Administrator Ib4r!TC;B:flt; , , ' W. 'GRAFTON'S a ' A NU), 66ptedeiiV etc , near the Ciapets,' ALLFCIIEN Y CITY, PA. WALL7PAPI.R. No 1 01 Wocid street, i rirplarr.all,: PA FARSION FOUNDRY! I IN r.A.r.LwroN; DEANER COUNTY, PA S7'o ! STD FEN ! Insoo iliclia L id Ann, „lames Mecrihen. I Copt. 11 - oorlOn Glenn. lomins ii..11413e. ,Saincel :inferlly; • • Miss lioldelllll, i lifnun Stowe. IMrs. Pettersn. ' J:nnes MeDennitt. ISanule) Drulisp. t Thompson Johnston, ;Mr. Cram:lord, I • M rs. lieu.: Stevllens. Jonathan Mckenzie; (Judge Kiiirm... filcher/I Knight, I Solommvreptik, lartus. Knowles, !Darla Cslhoon, I Richard Staley, Joseph . McFerran, Davidi:arn, ,licorge: Wilson, i I j.intnesnomrson, ' 3n. Qua jlarrison need, l i , Millon Reed, 'Roston limy.. 1 i Willletn Grove,' .. Wasliturio^ '''' aphingtnn I .lniner 4ailey. T Robert Graham, • I Milo = Dixon Reed. I)antel a lgtixgrelk J. W:rpokbeiner. Wipinna IVagnet.', etNlneq,,, I wiry BulhUrst.r Mr. Wray.' • Iblvtd Mitchell. 14. IRON , OITT BELL' VORKIL (-1661();'0.1arke::& .0.0. MI Libertyst.. - . 11131 0 . 3 : • . 1 , 1- 11 . 3 „ - : '813" Ifant(rarturers of Patent •• Steele/y(1, : Cemented nand • /grata Oak+Tned Leathir .Betting. ALSO, *OMIT 10E werrcr-tatup trxins..* lIFFERKNCE:3 • I A • T. l'erkfna,..Airt. Pitta.,Lnee.. and Car Workni French. bunt. Fitts. Cast . ateelSpr , Vat. IL. Porter, Hasa. Fitt& Forar and iron en., 'Mesap..Murttu, Brickell Jr CO., viushorgb, Lindray dt McUntebron,ilttaburgb, . A. Al Barker, Esq., Eberibarg,..Pa. . - .L L P. Meditator, Nan. Indiana, Pa. Meagre,. NV. M. Faber Co., MRS- Pa: J. R. Lindsay, Epp.. PU101)61711, Pa. J.Jtedgers, Esq., Ebensburg, Pa. Onleis Ilespeattlitly aprrbldy . . ••• F.- & ,GEO..•.NOBLE 4 (Sous 8; Successors to 15 th...Noble,,Sr.)' TT pitursTEnts, FEATHER MERC}I.O.ITB, AND dealora in Featlmrs, Beds and Bedding. Vat:tsars of putt, curled halt.. Moot with hair top, lia.k with cation top, Dusk and titraw licda;; Loin gr. Crib and Cradle Beds, Feather Dods. Dol,nrrs and PlDcwco,pow Cwahlutut. Primo Comm Fetobeni in any quantity. war ranted good. Damasks. 'Alorcetut. Rutland*. taacels and t:otda, e'prnada, cow/Aida, and alliartlclea usually tomtit In an Uohol.tary Warelousu:. MI work warraMed ad repreaentad, and at one ne, form price.. Cor. of Smithfield dad Thira, sts.: .(Inns D'OUS AT SIM DiNkt.4 , PITTS1.11:11G11, 'PA. aprl '6S:fitn. • • TI-A.RDW.A.RIE3I B. WOK JIB 8, CO., I.IIPORTI:RS AND DEA TYlas IN lIA R pwAnt -& CUTLERY, c.ornor of Lib.l.7, and Sc. Mar 41r.^.70, 117 E HAVE NOW ON 11.011) A VERY LARGE 111KuraL ou nt ,1 yl u complete assorte of llantic th;_scahertre. tad A ?YKctatl4 l 6, ldrh ar. . inducements oBcredto Conutry Nerelmattc Call lo and rxamiuc our Stock. u;.rl'GS:2la. HOFFMAN, HOENE & CO., 53 FIFT H STREET, COLE. AGENTS FOR TIM :MARSHALL ,t,141T -1,3 taner Plante.. as highly recornmenden by Gotts chalk, Meson. :daretzek. Grube r . anti all other musical authorities. as the very brat Nanoa now nutnnfeetnred. Alan, agents for the B. Shoniager, Church Cablutt and Cultrgo ORGANS AND MELODIANS. Thetot instruments hs:•e the patent never fulling Tremolo. inewT — patent lineeawell and Octavo couple, and a speciality of tiro lately invented mops. represent ing the celestial and human voice, which era not found in any other make. Bands furnished with Brame and German Sliver instrutueuti, at less than New York prices, We impoit instruments, A trings, ttc.. direct front reannfactories in Europe. and we are prepared to nit all ()Mery prem;dty. Our Instruments are warranted, and sold lower than any other bruise in the clly.— Country dealers are requeeted to send in their orders. HOFFMAN,HOENE & CO. aprniSly One of the Largest & Most Successful 66'110118AIE HAT HOUSES Is the old extensive and reliable House of Wm. Flemming, No. 130 Wood Street PITTSBURGH, PS tv:tt GOONS WILL. BE SOLD AT EASTBBN PRI- V/ ens, mid will be found to compare in extent and iarlety with first china houses In New York. The stock consists of Men and Boys Far and Wool flats, Silk and Cassimere Bats, Men and Boys Caps, Men, Mop , and Children.btraw goods. Palm leaf Ilea, Sha ker Iloods.Bandowns: ladies'andMisces flats.qmsmed and untrimmed.. Country Men:haute are invited to cal and examine our Stock. ' I nov2T67:ly. NEW . HARDWARE STORE. 144 SMITH FIELD ST., ,t TARGE., NEW Am) COSIPLETE ASSORT meutut of HARDWMLE, CUTLERY, &C. Hap and Manure Forka; Ilya. Shovels and SeAlms, with every vadety of gouda madly fo.und iu 11 JIARDIVAZIE Call and evunlna my slot , STUPY. I= sprt'6B:3at ARE.IIOW ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TUAT me them, to be the beet in me t will perform emitter range ot scork.than any, other machine, either tine or twate prising: miss a straight shirt Weediet makes a pitch alike on both aides. • Elan Fs4 arthe,a4mocy anirsee them pit work.—. .T.ROG . GS I • • • , for Dever County. • • inar-.F61"4 EEO sf' =II pegs PITTSBrRGII, PA PJTTSBLRGII, P.l PITTSBITUJI; ra nn Liiit MO kireit.tos t4riiilt school; litt•il ilalm to excel in O4l, y 4y.. islipcuit.- They - • . would no i like afteLent In , their knowledmoWn 'aelioill branches,. yet they ; .bat Piiituaziship is something thaj . i, little nbotitibith- el in theOrY.Ox; . ... • iiiiietiniseq — tentlit i'aii -1 ting IA entirely n ~ 4 i,;• ~,,.,. pr verypoorly tatighf It is'lttscifs'&. : ,•. lbt - children to. leave I school With the' c lif. , 7 .44 - iiritti a•goo .. d, mc : : J 404'4440W - ... 1- tiPliti*:)4sll l i 4 .3T:iij a knowledge of Lrs l. : ,', elle, - , Geography, - or [ Grammy ..' Thati*pliii*th lr elr k tOthief, l and their RUCCOS iiii li( - depantl • verk'.trincit 1 -„,... uptin it .: [What 41114trateletits - 7fit , o,7o4irg passing t rnugh,ijicilitifitiaicarryingbifonna -1 Lion Iron , antlr . g*OFasurelo frith6od I relatives iving in-4'1114M Parts of the Cobb' • 1 tr • c.. • But tbel44lrttif.eorrespoliding iYillt . 1 friends, i, n:4 forOleiss,tillo einnot write. Ily i Practical' Pentaiiiiii4ii;ape °until ero kePt, . h.foks newz - ittlatliniigazipes are•written, • • ' ' ...% ...I' , - ' all hnsineks int - IA aee recorded, the his-1 1 to'bry of po st ages Alluded down to_ us„.. and 1 ! the Bibland caligi:Olad booksitiePreseiied 1 i for our use. c - Th sidutationsj ; demand 1 , +re attention 4 . übjcet 44 .penulanship I 1 thin is nsthillp: • ' ii.'. • iPenmanshiplisa Seeleilee ”i NVeir/Ca . . may learn the naibeli not the iPractice, and . 1 WO one should takcl4hkrge. oCai school who . cannel teach " . elieltlikia-diewin become good ? ! writers. The SOpyiTiatv'makes It the ditty lof direetors to ".._. 4.1 a Open a seriet of school I i hooks, in [the diirepl i ftiininehei to . be , taught during thesehoolOtt4wittel books and no, 1 lother, e 11.1-tia ileall4n the • school district du -1 ring said porlokinild It not, be well-for direetorS i . .1"e1l . .fi'TexPilook on Penman i ship in th e iry reit ••••••,‘ 0 trlets, an require. It- - - al . & . .d ' • iit to„ls used/ * -.. '... ' ''''`"; , :f upetlie. teach; 1. 1 „; ; „ ._0.—.4—.. - • -:-- •.- *,- . • - L.--rit• - 04.., 4 0 0 r"" I the knowledgeacquiredify pupils during one I j term of seQool, weld(' not: be thrown away the next, but would'he retained us a founda- i l i lion for further improvement. The above i 1 suggestion is respectfully submitted to the; 'school &rectors of Beaver county, trusting I I the subjTt will receive that attention Which i its iiiipoiltance demands. ' . ' ' , 1 11=CV!!!IIIIEMI Tiftithentatical. .S . old a of cloth containing 000 . Mem ! ish ells f r 850 gigue:ls, and gained upon cry yardonc-eightli of the'prtme cost of ari E ngi hat cli; what did the whote, piece; stand me hi? Which is most advantage nts, a term of. -;-) years in pn estate of *lOO per .unnuan or the reversion ofsuch an estate forever,- alter the oxpinttii i nt of the mid 13 years, computing at the nith of 5 per cent. per annum, compound . interest. PCNCT6TION.—Evcry lady in the land has twenty trails upon each hand ; five:rind twen ty unhands and feet; and *lsis true without deceit. The above items are from Supt. Whitham. A correspondent at. Beaver ralls.reqursts a solution of tho folidiving problem , Which, lie .. -- says, wa l s an :letup) transaction: A an 4 B had threshing done together: A had 36% bushels Uhriliat - and 1931 of oats, and B th 9fbushels wheat. The cost of thresh. ing aas $7 ; 1 .1, anathe oats cost .9.3S.cents per bushel tore thro the wheat; what was each one's sliarer of thetas% ?' ~ ' . • , .. l' Stilnllons. nr. 1 of March IStli. i l . 1 If 4of A's steps xvial 3of B's, 1 of A's equalpiree-fourth of B's; mid if A takes 6 stepe'Le; oftee as t akes 4, while A. takes 1 B takes ne-cixth 4, equal four-'sixtlia or two-third steps. f then lof A's steps equal three-urths of B and A. takes 1 step while 1 B tak etwo-thirds .f a step, A - gains - on B`ev- I i cry tuao l ho (A). to 1 step the difference be ! tweenthree-fourti arid. tviothirds, equal 1 I twelfth of lof B's eps; and since in taking 1 step Ite j gains oitc4 dill of I -step,- -in taking 96, stops he gates,' .s tinieir one-twelfth, - equal ninety-six %we'll •or.B of B's • ski): s. There fore B Ives Bof ti own steps ahead,when the race b n. i ra - Wit z out tract, swo anise li - thus: The least common in iple of 4 and 6is 24; then if 4of i's steps c al3 0f8'5,24 of A's equal 18 of.Bis i ; and if takes 6 steps as o ft en as B taiN - 4, 1 A takes as often as B takesl6, from which it is evidet thatevery time A takeii 24 steps, 14 gains 01 . ...0m difiereamelietvretatiB :14 16 Of B's stei oqiuft2. If theii'intaklit 24, A ides 2st iis taking 12 be gains ; 1 stem and if in '', • ig 12 he gains 1 , in, taking 96 stepl he wil) _ n as ManyLstepe as 12 are con' taiJed timU. i 98 equal- 8. Therefore -B was'B ok liis own eps ahead of A when the race bc f gan.—Edi r. `speaking of the late nation ' by the. Craw* cotriity result Of this ietectiat . iu Icommends itself to the se- Cur masses - of the Repubii - ere. Every , man's vote In elt as an exprussion of his 'dates whom he desired to ; fairer or more manly sys _ candidates than that just übt leans or Lancaster coup e cstahlisltcd -Tux ' State Gwo ileltahote eleett 6 Ltnea m airrcount ritius attention cut patty every ' this eithetion *. I, , p.r2ferenee for ca; seo nontinatatd. tern for umninat luloptetthy the R 1 ty could possibb .44 • - 188 VMS tOLUAIN- 4 • - * -t '-'!• 11 , 1 WO':0 1 .1 1 -W4' ~,c ; - ,.- - ii - apoNcittput: '-.- Ufar. . . . . ... .... ._ ... ... "Do you ace,'? said the s ett a n ; "dim thrtat hillocres.Younder. side byaltie ? There sleep lists) . 6 hrides Whose history: lam about • to: re.: late;••• Look - then; sir; on younder hill- you mityribserve a. little ; desolate house ,avith, It Ara/Wing fence in bank :and a . • fi nv. stunted app e trots bathe ascent hehind tt: . it tssadl ly out of -repair now, earl the garden is' ail overgrow' With' -weeds and . brambles, anti the whole place has a, desolate appeantnce:, If the whale were highnowyou might hear ..theteray !butters flapping against the skies.; and the winds tearing the 'gray •shinglee off the Trine : Many. years ego there kcal hi tint' hirfisq a Weld man and his son: who 'ctittivate ed the. foie acres Of tiruble ground* that WWI: ' tri•lLe•,: :•-• • .• • ,--. 1, • - .r. • ' ;!--.: ;• -". *, •/ I 11.fTht! ihthercens.a•self-tatight •' man; 'deeply ; venal in Ilnymksterii* et frianee, , and as he !Muhl - tell the hame•of every:flower. that Masi aimed in the wood °egret*. lathe garden;and used to sit • up late,at nights at his hooky; or reading the mystic story ofthe scary heavens; men thoughthe was etaizal of hewitebeti,and: laird ied him as• the ignorant:ever .shtut the idled and tmilghtentat : A few :there were ; and among ethers, theiminister, the' lattyer. and physitiari of the place,l whin showed a willingness-to afford ' n; 'countenance, but' they co' on dreripeditticaerphintance; fitr they • found the:eld manYsentewhat reserved, and ; morose, and :- -moreover, - -their . vanity was ! Wounded en diseoyeri,ng• the extent of. his ' knOwletige.• ... •..- I • • _; ; ••• eTo the Ministers It would quotethe-hith- ! dratted the'Seriptum4 In the original tongue,! aridathowed himself well : armed •witix the weapons of polemic gentroversy. ire aston ished thelawyer with: hie profoned nermaint- stedwith . jurisprudence, and the pliyaiciail 1 was surp rised at the textent..if 1 41 medical knowledge. , trt all Ofilhem deserted him, and' the-isilinater, from wlcnalie•ditiored in some i !rifling, :Point of thwart-, spoke, very slight-, ' tgerly•ef•liitu. and by :nil by, looked on the self-edneated, farmer with eyes of aversion.—.l He insitratiKhis son in ail his ore: the lan- guagekliterature, hflitory, .. philosophy,- sci, duce,were' unfolded sine by cab td the enthu- ' 1 sl'at'e sob, of the solitary.. -• a "Years toiled away anti the old maw died. IHe died when as'ittrni convulsed the face 'of'' nature; .when the wind- howled round the ' Labelle - red dwelling. aid alto lightning • playas' ! above the soof f• and though he, Went to• thaw- enatefeith and 'purify,- - -the 'vulgar •Ahonght and said that the Evil. One had. Maimed his own to the elementi.! :1-eannot paint to' you ; the.grief of the son at this bete:trauma.— Thi iva fat a time as one 'distracted.' ,The nilitistor - tiiime aid mune* It 10,* , oat(' . and hello* phrases in thb' 'ear, and iilmiviiagla l)nre, impelled by cuilesity„tp SO the,interier Of 'the oldintin'sdwelling, ittiefrtio (he tuner : . al.,- ' With a . proud • 'OR lofty leek the son stood above. the d4t, Auld the dead, in the: midst of the band o bypecritical . mourners, with a pang-et his bearto but serenity upon Ids:brow. . He tluptked Ida friends for ..heir kitidqis i neknowledged their exiurlosY, and then etrittle away fienithe g nave' tit,: bury Ida grief . in Ake privaey;of the deserted ditelling. • "He toned at hist tlitabolitude of the lean ana-.a.lnutii-Insuiriakaaqtle;:atul•hiti4arted; the. ebony finer from moping till night, in all the agony of Woe and desohtion, vainly im- , portuning heaven f•tr relief. It came to him first in the guise of poetic inspiration. He wrote with wonderful case and power.. Page after page came front his praline pen, almost ' without an effort; and there was a time when he dreamed (vain fool) . of immortality.— Some ofhiSproducticins came betore the world. 'They were praised and eireuatted, anti Inqui- ' rice set on foot in the hope of discovering the author. Me, wrapped in the veil of linpene. treble obscurity, listened to the voice of ap plause, more delierollB beCatiSe it was Obtain— ed by stealth. Fromm theobscurity of yonder I lone mansion, and from this region, • to send I ' lays which astnnished the vrorhl, was indeed a triumph to the visionary bard. ' • "His th:rst for fame had been gratified, and; he now began to parn for the companion- ship'•ef sonic sweet being of the other sex, to; share with him the laurels he had won—and ' to whisper consolation in his ear in momenta' of despondenev—anti to supply the void which the'deatft of his tether had occasioned. He would picture to himself the felicity of a refined intercourse with a highly intellectual and beautiful woman, and as he had chosen ! ' for his motto, "whatever has been done may still be done," he did not despair of success. ; - , "In this Village lived three sisters, all beau tiful and accomplished. Their names were ! Mary, Adelaide and Madeline. I ant fta• I "euough past the age, of enthusiasm, but nay. er mut I forget the beatity of these young girls. Mary was the youngest, and a ' fairer haired, more laughing dit=el never danced upon the green. Acielaitig, who was a few years older, was dark haired and pensive ; but a the three, Madeline, the' eldest, possessed ! the most fire, 'spirit, cultivation and intellect; I balky. Their father, a nutn of taste and edu- : maim. and Leine p toutewhat above vulgar! prejudices,' permatial the visits of the hero of my story. Still he did not altogether encour• ; age the afftetion which be found springing 1 up between Diary, and the peot. When, how- : ever, he found that' her affections were en- 1 gaged, ho did not Withhold his consent front I their marriage, amid the recluse bore to his! solitary madfillin the youdg bride of his, at fectaons. Oh, sir, the house assumed a new appearauce within and withrntt. Roses : bloomed In the ..ganlen, jcssanmines peeped I through the lattices, and the field about it, I smiled with the effects of careful cultivation.' Lights were seep in the little parlour in the •evening ; and seep a time would the passer'. ! ger-pause by-f ho garden gate; to listen to strains of time sweetest music, breathed by ; choral music voices from the cottage. If the mysterious student - and his wife were neglect- ed by the neighbors what cared they ? Their 1 endearing and mutual affection made their home a little paradise. But death came to Eden. Mary suddenly fell sick; and after a few hoers illness, died in the arias of her i Ints. • ...._ i4iii i iii tlpti ormairricprr IDDAg6HED. -gyp JfITOX, ' Y Sotioo L made, and snstnitght )iaent , g g obo much Wh this ! q ( ; 41, balA J IVitiTa;ut. band and her sister Madeline. This was the student's second'helvv affliction. "Days, months rolled on, end the only sa -1 lace of the bereaved MO to sit with the sis ters of the deceased and talk of tho lost one. ' Adelaide at length lie offered his xidowed heart. The bridal was not one of revelry and mirth. Yet they lived happily, awl the rose again mirth.. their -garden'. But it .seemed as it a fatality pursued this singular )nan. When the rose witherettand the barren In the mellow autumn of the . year, Adelaide, too„ : siekened and died, like her vottugelt xis ter, in the arms of her husband and .3.lade line. , . "Perhaps yllU will-think it 'strait , young man, that after all, the wretched S urvivor steed again at the altar. Afatiekine I well , remember her. She wa lla beauty ini the true i sense prthe word. 'Slip Might have sat upon a throne and the most loyal subject, the proud. I, est peer, would have sworn the blood iu her, veins decended from a hundred kings. • She loved tl . lO widower for LIS power and his fame,.; and She wedded him: • They were married in ! was etre..stunmer . Itftf„Fpnen I —I recollect it well. During the eorgumny I the blackest clout) I evia , saw overspread . ..the I heavens, and the moment the third bride tint. ; nemneed her vow a clap.of thunder shtiok the 1' briilditg to its centre. • All the females shriek-1 ; e 4 but thebride herse lf .made ttic response, 1•1 =EI Establit3he.d: 1818. ..•..''. 4.t' ,- ' - -., , - -- • • • • ...;f, • 7 - . --- ; ..= .. j with &steady voice, and Iterfeye . gliAefied I arnzli—tts Sceit ibt lir. Asasslz 'with a.wild. fi re as she ..gezed ipon her bruk- : i --:- -- laudabletic Are . - u Tfi n a , attar — . : 1 1 groom.' . When arrived at,his:house atm sunk : In Spite of a lupon tilejltreilioldi Init,thlo etas the tlainPly thing to praise in people who: have treaded '' „.• ora Malden: ' When they were alinie he clam ) them %vitt' as much kindness, neither the rm. Cwt her itatitiz-it was cold as lee V'. Tlo looked fueu,r nor Me. ATtlsalYeanetlet o In g. lying, tta 4 into her taco. - , ...-liatleline` -. isattt Flte, *whet i r cry l'aVoriihte'lclea iif their 'hillipitablo en- , nietunthis 7 your eheek..-1.; na ; pale as your I tertablem TIM' nril4lioll Gororninonl. titer ' ' wedding:gown 1' The bride uttered a frantic ' tell mt. is enlightened,: and entletvers to d•I • shriek: - 'My wedding gown 1' exclaimed she ;.', what it caii for aeleitt.,.e; stilt this inttlipsnj ; 'no, no••••;41as 14my sister's shroud tUM pour 1 , Government haat% plcaaaut, way of /vomiting, • fof confortion has arrival. It is God the ie n .ltts omits ; it sorts nut 'is prt....Nong: which pelt; nut to speak. To win you I lost my own ; }catches unlucky India:as. totally,ignorant of so. Yes, yes-4 am a murderess! 'She , Portugueite. add not having a notion' or tips smiled upon me in the layout; affection of her t r3nSe of their arrrit it; it chains then* togcth er tyro and two like criminals, and nutrultts ' i ; young heart-4mt 'I gave her tho' fatal t rug. them to the towns, or has their legs haviel, Adelaide twined her , white, urns about my through heavy blocks of wood, and setilli neck. but I toluninisteted the poison ! r^alte them on board it* stetuubliats.. T • hey are 400 l• ` ,' inc to your arms. I lutie . lost my soul for you, they are taken lioaAta of its lite - tontritlit.*:? , a ndiuntesmtrulust be e, . • • i , (l if t° Gib war, anti the - province : from whielt t'Aitnd then,". continued he, ititi boffins. voice; em a ncipation ; gut:Gijon is treated .in- a, tar "ot that. moinent mono Iho .tlittotitw nal. the, lions •to the nistionid forms:. -Again,. Hifi i flash; and tie guilty. woman fell ilaid on the' finer I" ',The conntenoucaot the tzar a t 'r ex-' more moderate spirit than has n. the case.; .preised on beyeit , „ f-,•• - . • „ - in the 1. plied :Rates ; slays:it :Is gralnally : • 4. :"And theltridcgmont Y'.' laical I Ito Mts. dying •daisn ' under a' ramtuthre ' sAtem : • band of the destroyer and the !ilea ' }that i etnanclps;tlon iisire - qUent and stave-latry Is. became of hint ?" - .: - . ', • thy deg rees being•limited to agricultural ptir "IL Atitn(la bi,forc your was the trilling' poses. On the other: Lab the • inlxturo" - of answer. • - -':: ' ' ' ' ' I race seems to . 100 producing the worst otyouts,, • =I Poiltlvely Ws Lan A pperanee: no following announcement is printed by special request I GIIAND rAniwtr.t. . -Mr. A. Johnson, the great-liinerl — ixtn Son• enendter, being shoo to close his,eningc anent at Washington; owing to Circumstan ces over which 'he -has no - • - Cointrol, has •the honor to Announce that he wid; 'during the cowing gunnuer, pertornt his gieat,teat of • i SWINOING ArtolliDT - HE in Which he stantl4 unequaled in iniz.rica.— lit will confine himself to PEUFOltapkr. , initach•town, during which ho will Intl°. duce all those tricks which have been ret.vit - - ed with-such thunders of 'applause by the, people. 'Elegant copies of the Constitution and the American flagjrill he distributed among the audience at each town. Gcncral I% S. Grant being contitted at Washington by .pressing engagements, and having . pmred a Bad Card on the- previ6us tour, will 'Remain at Wasidngton,• his, place in the Troupe being supplied by - Qea. interim Thentasorhose • - CIDAND TRANSFOILIIATION IFE;yr of being - Adjutant_Geiiend, then Seite . iary of War, thou Adjutant (lonerni agnino all in twenty minutes time, have secured for him a national reputation. Mr. Johmori takes pleasure in announcing that 31t. Bill Seward, Mr:Aleck-Randall, Mr. Old Wells (pmprie tor orOuleott's Band), and all the Old Fa vorites will he with the Troupe and enliven all outaskihawilli their Spirituous perform ances • • • N: good Corner Stones wanted, for Lasing•per for whiell liberal rated will be paid. 11,Ppy ut the 13nx. °Mee. Special . Aiiounmecitl,—Verbathil lieport ers and all other linpriiper Chan:Lidera will be RigiditExeluded. • . REM A Beautiful Allegory. ' Mr. Crittenden was engaged in defending, a man whoi had been indicted for, a capital nr. 'fence. Aftec an elaborate and powerful de fense, he closed'his cam t by the follow :strik ing and beautiful allegory: •"When God in His eternal'eounsel conceiv : ed the thnught of man's creation, he tailed to Him the three ministers who wait constantly tin his throne--Justine, Truth and Mercy— and thus addressed them: "Shall we make man t'," Tiii n said YuAim VI), God make hini not, for he will trample upon thy laws." Truth made au.swer, also, "0, God; make him not, for he will pollute thy sanctuaries." But Mercy, dropping upon her kneeS, and 10 - ithing up thro her tears ex claimed: God, make him-1 will watch over Idni with nay care through all the dark paths he may have to tread." Then God made, man, and said to hint : "0 man, thou art the. child of mercy—go deal with thy brother." The jury, wheal he had finished were in tears, amt against evidence, and what must have heett4lieir own eanyietions, brought in . a verdict of"not guilty." "MUCK" POMEROY ABANDONS ANDREW" JORNSON.--It must indeed add to the lona-, i Waii4s of . the President to know that, along Nvith the New York World, he is also aban doned by Briek Pomeroy. la. the La Crosse Democrat of the 27th he says: • Now, about all this we are perfectly cool.-, It does uot disturb our equanimity in the leas'. We are not surprised at what has happenod„ and don't care' a continental 7 .-.-- for it nil.— I We expected nothing better of Andy John-' son, and are therefore in no way disappoint ed. We did did not, look for any goodfrom him, we had no confidence in him, we placed no dependence on him, are despised him.-L Now the Mongrels may work their will on i him, for aught that we care. He is one of theM, has played the ususurper and tyrant , himself, anti let him bear some of his own i "curses eonkhome to roost." Rumples • 'drive on your cart!" "This is not ourfaneral !" Tnn Repnblicust offtellefontain and vicinity had some fun at the expense of the Cops last week. A telegram was received f-ont the East that. Andrew Johnson had called for 400;- 000 men—to fight Congress.' UFO:that time numerous sanguinary individuals of Demo cratic proclivities had been'spol li nz fora tight, but on the recipt of thisdispatch their courage oozed out at their finger ma:, and' only one man could be found in the place who had pluck enough to say he was willing to go. 1 They excustal themselves Ivitb the remark 1 tiurtVolinson*as a Republican P resident,and Republicans might do his fighting." Of the I amount of Democratic infirmity which this dispatch caused to `vi developed, the Republi can remarks us follows: • I 1 . "One of the, driv , mists in town informs its ;That lie sold 13 trusses, all to Deniorrats %Olt- in twenty-four hours after the , receipt-of the I dispatch, and could have soltl z tVlce as many, i If lie had had them.' ----'. r. 1 • • I .A Touching' Appeil. During a visit of some of theAignitaries ttl l 'tie* Hattishire, hlst f•runnigi in the Isle of Shoals, which had sufertiieg)severely , they went into the school honse; and after lit ' Wang to the recitations, a collection wa s p ro _ posed for the benefit of the sufferers, which re -1 stilted in only a.bout tiny dollars being given.., A prominent infinber of the state govern--I meat, In order t 6 induce n more generonscor- • tributien, essayed . a speech. "Gentlemen." said he , whit a beautiful sight this is. Here we find. away Oflt upon this waste of waters, ; iSahiled and- cat Off as iewere from t lio world, I 36 church, at school house, and a pretty school : teacher: Wlivittp in Hillsborough eounty, near! where I liver, we have neither. 0.44 Liras What thegentleman meant wit 4 not so clear. 1 but the'result was. The hingli that billowed shooholie wallets of the vanilla nY to the sar- t lace, 4 . 4:1 the grcenloacii4 cause d?wit r .• 1 • 1 MUM i 2 ~, ME u. :S OEM EX= i .Tommy, my son fetch In kt ',tick of wood.' 'Mi, my den mother? rplpontled the youth, "thel,grameintletil Tortism of y6lit vet pu'intt has been &idly neglect d: you a,dionld havyt said i .111mnaq my son, .tr 4 sport from Old reeilinhenltollee.tion or cot ostible irrlsiter‘l i l liDoh the threshold of this e thee ono el t he urtiilleil excm , cenet.; (t - tt defunct. log." '. ,no, t. theiit NT . (innrlard a bite the roo ixivltn;hlll Sin4l the r:ro'infl holt. It wilt 1.. rel (town the snrf4ve and the graz. trill locir t lklict for it all snnuncr. ~ I ft 4 0 441SEAlrgrt ' 1,01 T. l ' Trot shirist4Aa" ' 1164140 14 .'' tiostro for rqttgiertion. and .110 aimikilia§ll4l l lM Di ! /colon oats. A Utieral shawls maw* rant: adcart4hent, A. b ' equal to nal 1;4 of tkiktype ttesitsscil a MulPso 4. s: A teVi '' t '..)`7. , .111 . 1.1- 1 92% Bglabaleitotkalipi Intder. lebnitr-UNMAIMIIIi ? " Ma - thitai r y , A AO local Pti)V. what korai°. qty ten eetttsai iGeoi eikehtinifiiiii! /*f' 4 ' , ' • Dfarrhiges end drrtb• niumed.!trrpt.rbosaw.: i ' Itte pebbi•hrr reaen•ee the* riArtti Oasts adni lbw:no:Ai - bout on* . plara In 'the pipet.' to )hinitjtor whenever it dc•iraltlo,lo'do nth, •. Adveribkonentz, should be handed In befogs' xariar a•rn to inAnrc taseFtlnn In thx,WtiersiosiPit: V , lllll , . According to Pmfessor Agitasiz, :the , matinn of the white, negro, and Indian moos, is producing' "mongrel nOndeSerijit pe. deficient In mental and pbyilitairelletty,7ll9d without the good willies of: enrol' pro. genitors. 'lt - rs remarkable that in'thCse (wile& theSeiniengy seeinti to be 1.6 revert to the , Indian type ; walla •gruilual' obliteration' Vigil of white and t lava?: charketbrlstits::-. The absence of any stron(preludice4 Against • , race Is marked by the election eta negro as prores l , o ; of Latin,-in pmrerenctrAO curd:, dates or,other races; but, if f 3l:. A s eassiz is correct, theubsenve or snow distinction pro. dews anything butit hwifthy effect upon the physical charseter of 'the race. The themseltoi come in for some severe eritieban.• The women, We me told, lire scarcely educa ted lit nil ; the priests hate the'ineilt of patri . otism, but seem to he ignorant, infir:r3l, ar..l indolent ; and the towns along the titer Are for the Most part in a 'state ur dee.ay. It i 3 only (aria add that M. Agassiz discovers ninny niore .prontising v4rlous directions,anii expresses a "Jeep-tooted tal lier in the future progress and prosperity of und•slireerc personal gratitude • to. wards her." I But wcc.innot say that peru- sal of the journal tends to confirm this lin prsuisien in his readeri. We are, struck liyr the Imipibility and kindness or the, people. and even by the sympathy felt by ninny of them in ilwarahor'ssriciitlfieptinnilts; hot,: on the whole, we receive an impressin g of general in bilenceand apathy on the part of the majority of the civilized Inhabitants.— Mrs. Agasia4 tells us that the flowers of the Anuizonian forests always,reniiiiii her erhol-• house plauts---that there eninesi "a warns: breath (ram the depths of the wood betel' , with moisture sad perfume, like theasir fripo the open door of a conservatory e• and seem hi perceive that the Brazilians to;40- Aelves have suffered nk'n little from the hot. house atmosphere in which' they live. 'l'be children, we are told, have a: gs,meralilt_ fir,,, healthy arpearance; and the population 91 asthe,prodticts or the mantel ietart tit be tendered langultrliftlie6re — riOtifigtriiptit • bath In which they piss their kis. A needote of Wobster. During one Of the College vacations lac 4nd his Imit tier returned to their father's in Sails- _ bury. Thinking he ley a right to some of, . the money he had expended on theit education! ! the. fathur put scythes into their hands mut ordered them to mow. Daniel made a few sweeps, and then restinz his si•ythe, wiped the , sweat from his brow. nisfiathermid : "What is the matter Dan ?" "My scythe wants hang. .ing r sir," he answered. Ills lather fixed it tuts Dun went to work again, but with no better success. Something was the matter with his scythand then it was again tinkered—but at was not long before it wanted fixing again, and the father. said in a pa: "Well bang it • to suit: yourself." .I) !), with great emu. me,ure, hung it on the next tree; acid puttingOn a grave counienanay, mid, "It hangs very well; lum perfectly :.),..I.4tied," An ludiall Janice. "Pale face, what be you?" "Justice of the Indian John." "You pale face justice- 7 mo Indian justice. Me go home tether day. and the tribe make me log man, too." "A h," an sweredi(ni. K— who enjoyed a joke as well es most men, John lam glad to hear it. Here You had any mscliyet?'"•Yes, me had one bad ease, herryllaul: • "Tell me about it, John. What kind ore else Was it r" "Me ' find Injun with a lug jug of fire-water." "7'hat was ad, indeed. What did you do?" "Me to c, him jug away and drink-him ,uric ll." And he strutted put self satisfied; while thoso in the office agreed. as well as they could for laughter, that his idea of justice ‘slis fully a., legal asonane of the decisions of semc who had Whiter skins. A Nriv ‘DING:—.t . short time since a young friend of mine was - reciting a lcs&nn from the New Testament. The fifteenth chap ter of St. Luke, containing the account tithe return of the Prodigal`Son, was selected for consideration. . Coming to . the passage, "When he was yet a great, his father saw him and bad compasslon, and run and fell on his neck and kissed him," he rendered it: "When he was vet a great Way oft his father !an to him and fell upon hint and Lisiad And, with his Thee brightening up, the reader cmclaitnefi "And served hint right too!" t l'ltOsrzrz or. coon enors.—Our exchang. es from nil parts of the country speak. •en , cnuragingly of the crop prospect for the pres• cut. year The winter seems to hove been very favorable 'for wheat. The continuum* of • • colil weather and the hcavy,snOw• (hit .covsr - -' ea the ground hrarly althe setisim,-protecicti thel rpots of the wheat sprous and prepared then% for it vigorous growth' - iti'lls corky spring. The wheat crop still has nnety dav gel . it to encounter before the harvest. but it is g lifyjnz to know that it has hot suffered fro It' Iv : titer-kill—the greattst of all ito cats. utie4 4. 3 .. i: ' - A CLERK in a certain village recently inint•! 1041°101m comment un rocahOutaa; Risid he, "Prienhontas was a gre:lL man—PC:lP.thon tag erns a noble, kiiicl•Leartyfl and t 14311." "(laid on," erie.l his companiant; "Pneakkontaa was , a wom:ln." "She wne,. eh!: 1 4 1 i 4 "will tlint'sjngt my hell: how am 1 411retet o l to ktiow ? 'I never rend the BthTe.7 ' C