The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 11, 1868, Image 3
EVI E!! e 0 I 1 F 2 8 -~e~ s . r rrs. "11-1161 and !Niue it'ffidk's7l Th ;, auGli aao oir lanoaelre o, tlaa „ sta y paper . p . ultallabeet tilkiblea4 ll lo7 4, bearhili thia Barns or A*1111041110 1 1 0 . ,: tt 4 - Or. iltiv lam' :V.' --_c--r. ie c ; :90 - TIT? 15 in ' 9.00 9 11 Bbo 8 00 WOO 16120 al Oft iota if •60L186 M %A 14 OW 008, ograsin give° - 490 . 4 . 0 0.15 - - • ei,squaro•-•10 lines— 1400 To 3 41101 9,50 Tiro, gloms ••• ' WOO Four Frevares o- ..:..; • 6 OO Oslourhwho. 0 . 10 00 Oda column . " you Adnitntstrakiite end ' • - 401 do 01131 nrffres, oer V OrPayininte bib melte Cleaiterliveteept Aevertlel: !Wm.BlnghtinfNi\jri4. 25t: burge, Is the autho agent ' •';nr 'Sao. • NBlVTi's_' ' • attention of thi pnbllcta directed fo.Ble lol knsing new adreilisernents. yid& Mew fvr the lust time in Tut Almon today. Or Far's. Notice—A. Waierson. firroblic Sale—Joseph Andetaan. • fritankers, &c..--. Tait. T. Brady &C, rr7 - Wall taper, iftrOarpote, Baal: • erroq' Reline. • " virspeclail notfce:—Shallonberger Bros. OrSPecial 1100:1—Vfna. c. Dann. - 113ranetial acil,Ca — B. •Mulhettn. rgrSpeclril nottces. , ff. rroanita. apfrSpedal,noticea —B. L. Kenatt. lartiOctsl notices—J.. Betice. • - Prealdenttel Iglectos.—il r e notice , in the proceeding of the etentOuittlo. kilo Convention, at Ilarrirbarg last reek, that'll B *tlson. Esq.,' of this plset., has been ealected'iut the Presteentlal elector .far the etth • • c o ml.—Our patrolmen:id all others Interested, 1;411 bar In mind that Court eoinmrmce: m iin this place, on tat Monday. From general ap entices, s large Lmount of baleen be tennineted daft rtek the MEM , E gellcal: Cigar' erelsers.--Tho ..ritteblugh Conference of the Evangelical I Cllnarck Shatter burro to tome, it AlbrighiOill convene, in liOcaester, as to•day(Wednesday-11111,) with:l/Mop Long presiding. Conferenco cot:Maus !boat foisty-live ministers, tout Win hold it session over one Sabbath. It is ex- Pcted that some of the pairitalll ttlis vicinity ~sill be tabd by members of the oOnietrence. • Four or the months of this yeat" base eve Satnr• days each, and rout; of dMit Ave Sundayteach. The'. Fatarday months artkaprnat7. May, August and Oe:' tan, and the Rtindiiy nthnthe are Mile►; May; Angnst and NoTember. Ndbodi need mud 'better =ltalia than 'Nay and Anvil, with live pay days as d "reit days" In eadi envie r • .:A New Botortglii,--Aome Months . ago the chi ves of New Gallia!, toile county; aide application to the Court to be Intortiorated as berotigh: •At the last tam of l'ourt held in t this. county, their request Arne ?noted, hence they Intend lit the Inters to "run a mar chine" of theil own. - The borough - thus created, we bttlovt, le named "sew Galileo. The territory. com peting it wns tairenfrbui Big Bearer township. - ' Reports ot:-COnustlittees.—On the SS Inst., Ir. Nicholson Tronithe Committee on Federal Relations la the State Leeslature, • reported stitrmatively the Kanto Joint resolutions In flavor 01 Impeaching the troldent of. theZnlted States. On tho marl day, from the Committee onlrice and Intrieta Nicholson oleo ieporteg. a inll ant:o rating the questlon or license to,voteta In every dLs nict la the State at every' general election. ' -I 11 ' .8111 Introdete&L—On the 3d Inet.; Mr: Nichol ' Ice, of count'', Intreaneed to 'the House of Rep oteenatireii. ntAlhirrlopmenojathiiriz4PZlOLlvi.: • ,ditorGtocral, AttornoyCieneyel, etmi_ftteto Trete :iinrej., In oidjaillaitt *ll4l -settle thei - &dm' ef- of hridgewater, Dover connty,thr damages. • , li m it' Church Dinner and Scippeir.--Tho l el connected with the M. E. Cbnrch of Phillipahnia. Om county. Intend giving a dinner and nipper at the 'be rt h building in that place to-day and, this evening. The proecette en; to be applied to tbo benefit of •the (latch. Neterles Aptiotnte4l.—.lt.ntrorOs 'plc/were to notice that Ntr. A: Towni.ettd and A. J. Pettit, tint., have been appointed Notsrles Pahlie for thht nutty. The former will open. an Otlice. et Deaver the latter et Smith's Ferry, : Both of these gen *num Are romPetent, And will till their respective petition! , with credit to themselves niid tutlisfactiom to like public. 1 i_~, Depot itnprovensewS.—We ar o Pledaca to n°- tire that the Cleveland • & ,PittAbnrgh tallroad com ;any have pnt en nadition to the.Depnt at this glace. The adilhion adds alsant eighteen feet to the length of the termer building. and the width is siitteen feet—the male as the old structure. This will furnielt a p lace In 1 0,11119 keep and protect freight, an improvement we sheilid i letve had long ago. • . • leriPsumlng Dolan the rtlver. 7 l?n Satnr ,hr bight, Sunday and -Monday a rev large amonat of aellbrnkenteepassed down the Ohio river. Some of it ont of the ihnneer, thit rest from 'the Mononga. , tela and Allegheny elvers: The Ohio is in a Can stage at thaorepentttme, - but is not overnot!lng Itabartim fonfereelivippnlntod.—Thelcoemly Republican Ps: mince of Greene county, In this Conzreselonal c it District. met et Waynesburg out& . h, and. kfter ec ,ctlng delegates to thiStute Copp Talon, appointed the following cAnthrees to Incet en ferees from the (Sher counties, of the Varlet for tl e purpose of re lectioe delegates to the Nittounl Re übllcan Concen. 'gun at Chleaga on the 40th of !fay; Dr. S. Cotner; I. D. Donley, mil G. L. Wyly. T. 0. of 0. V.,—A Lodge (of the I. 0. of O. F. rats Instituted at dearer Falls, on The evening °Web. !COI, by D. D. G. if. John Carter, rowated by D. D., e. P. Wm. Hurst, P. Grande, David Woodruff,. and Win, Barnes, of Heaver Lodge, Brldge4wer, and P. cranes, R. T. .111c1llyar, IL D. Edgar, E. G.. trans, and G. N. Taylor, of, Robinson! Lodge, now briebton. The new Lodge commences ender the moat 4 .verable anspicec The officers are of the right Ens, ter4l to carry on the work aucCeasfally,, and quite a Mober of the clthene of the place are ready to, Join tar 'hew organtratkni. The name , of the new lodge fa Veley E!bo Lodge No. G2t. The Jalliiraprnutaber of The NatiOngl Aryrk uf I.:NW! cad 111;4018*d Farm .101imal will =kg iffirsion on Its readtrs. It Is neat In Its typo. rapt) texecntlonl, ablein Its c &Herta' paper"; and 7 taf,:9oti. in ihk'Relection - a. - It Is . 0; sixteen paged threetordnmna to the page. The pro. Nihon and edltora,!hiestwil. .1. M. and P. P. Knee- It; ate witted In Its management by a corps of prac. heal thraributom The. loam' Is worthy or exten ,tittaTtnlation among the fallietlPOT Western Penn. 4 tlntat and ?Astern' Ohlo:--AIIC Mao 71r1. . , Overrun) , eodoDe wbid thetetdefttato ftftYs elide ft ""Lttacl papee i / It 'Weed, ft firrt -etruis tigrlcul• Psper, and la tiithi7of the patronage :Of awn tiitan s tbo limitaabove termed to. " ) Itodeal IROtertaltaititnts—thi Tdridoy wit A.l" Ib l week the pupa of Dr. McLean!. Semi. "..7, gate II public CODCelt In the U . Y. Church of r'r". Th e concrrt itini'vepeatog !On the fo!rovv- 3 "'Llitg. We hnppanadlo be p . resilitt ‘the int ' tiumentand ire do not esiatierite ' l i tin' vii-e k , . 'At ail who listened to `the perforators were not only I sp P't% llP tio l'4ltd n ;di la : t e rv mte icei n oi fiat lior len: W wl ih th ter a ltla igh ~: tri l ' l6 i , On the attend ivestiliTilitis/illis " ein *W 4 ! - ' , z " Revealed otirattenitinxt. bat iii. areTtOlikbi . who were pretiett, Quit that' etillertsdnotatitlaril %better than the oho itiett iiititill iniifeatietiv'',' " 1 .4. The Wm : et iiiills bOtitihand wag preemt - bottl 7 t *v. nett di reoureed Pont,vroffentiskrtsi._ b111(1•4-61 rCrLlved by the **Aimee. • r ' . r:_. , b7lll at the oque!rt . .. above rafettp!t'itO.•tbe.'dpsP ' ', '" • ' ''''..- 11 aloe n nt Ant) , toads to perltantl4oolllll2lllt l,zttithe tirttef tirip:iiold "%tile juan ''7giiio . ll . l 1 4 • Nt. *Utter, wlttl pleasing sitetert, ', • ,A :; ..-..%. .~ Irvibrlffir . .put eg - ; • .„:.- Mg t * " • 41rF7• ' n -•?,.. - • , itatinviaddlOtheikfty,tahrigaikW:444br , sows.,„yqungt—not 1 19—#1=41112.4tad_ Joseplivip him the .ot a halocome detTr •hi f the 'statute; marlin '• e has hot nor be l atirdiee itdrlollle ackslllo.l l ll6lalWibriellit *i r k boimo,4looL.' 15Kiiii gismkpouvatithasj . mastiispot.ltoiktke fi 10 111 0.:1 1011 ' 61 /fl..- - . 141 4 f 1 4 . &e .6 L t 2 1 6 4 ;10; Chisiitt - ii Velates — thiASlße,. • • it*JihefitvfliAWitißnifit iticaleittaVOluelit ho says, as he does In this week's Ledger, that noterlth: standing he has served opiate In the army, he was never kora to use trireme word.. Thia9l2 bo,said of very tee, decideCibileriterlhitit excite. tnentiof critical military opetalons n_ra ate not hablVafavialierifivfil ioineert' es4a halitaiwotliiii ty. But Gkieral Grant was - itel=o attow "- oath tutflitaDi allihthibliAlla p erly adds to Mr. Grant's cciaarkA u ti a t j - i Giouerars re 7 pugaitiaitegirotlinitY*lll - nik t Qta)itill* oath of odice.— Pitts . Cont. ^ 4",ti Allensaden Yost erda.--Yesterdsty afternoon a bout one o'clock, two yothiginen engaged in catching drift wood in a skittle Alttr x thees 4 7 ; 11 4 Pm the ont-locks ofifteoldltabatlfinflielet l / 2 0 tiro Sll eas4. lon Bridge, disceverod,khox4l3)Uslg l ii pniratir. They fastinetritifibea to their ta Hand conveyed it to shore on tho .I,lllogbony.sidS, when they broke off the lid to ascertain Its contents, and.w.creastordshod,toiLwltherer- In the retealeelst istre*-hod i y.- They - e -hataeltiat prectSeded ter e 'utidettAking esfablikinieni Orme ROdney, on Ohio strectoshe t. seecospardett by officeri Singes and Atraft*, ettolialegtien•PrO - Ceiglea to the river bank and had the boi removed to the lbyoe's oNCe. . 7 ~ ~ , ...,1 )~ ~~.. r. ; Upon examination of the remains it wee evi•lent that, the body had. been Almada& -by .some .P4B.lPlan or medical atild'ent:Placed in the box and t h en thrown; into the river. From the appearance of the head and desh It was appOreld thitt the body..witi diat oran iaged colored man, the skin being black and the hair wooly . ma dl# l7 . " . " *. - tg.diot been severed at tnejoints,. and the upper portion of the bead sawed off. The remains tyabeenpacked tightly in the box, which was of plain wood,,twentv-tivelnch. I's long, thirteen inches wide and sixteen Ins.lpi deep- A pleedof toe Ilittehargit'Leader of 1 . 14eentbir 15th, 18G7, was found, In the box, showing . that the dissec tion bad taken' place oincithat Mlle.—PM,. Corn, Sarch 9. , -, • ImPrOarpreont of the plitto Myer, &e.— Senator to*rl'ot the Craviferd and'Erie DistriCi, is laboring hard i n the Legisla l yme`to have the. General . Government move ['award fn. the work of improving .the Ohio river. His plan aho ineludes• the widening , of tiro Erie Canal. -Ls this locality Ja materially law: estokin both - of these Projects. wa herewith append Mr. Lowry'S joint resolutions, offered m the Senate of Pennsylvartilif4w.deytkage : ' •-• P A . Wrinnsis, eonititutitin of the ranee States vests in Congress the exclusive right to regulate corn : merle Mitwbft. seyttlid Mau the Millen ;;und: whereas the Ohio rivers a great and important line of Internal communication In which many of :he States of this Writ artriaterhsted; and , Whereaslthamievey nearly completedlirentlned engineerf in The L employ of the National Government wilt demonstrate that this great channel - at torattteree: tart hi ant in good and permaileitccondition rot feepasiager of steamboats at all seasons of the year, when unobstructed by ice. for a Pam not exceeding twenty_mlHlons of dollars ; there fore, Resolved; That In the opinion of the people of Penn sylvania, trio tinportance of this great channel of cont. merco wilj Pally justify the expenditures of the sum named. ; 2d. That our Senators and Iteprerentelved in Con grebe are reneested to urge and vote for such...appro. 'elation es will eecure the permanent improvement , of the Ohio titer upon the beet plan that ettli engineers mayrecommeng.... : . - bd. That as a 'necessary adjunct of the leaprove, ment of the chanbel of the than titer the' *Warw. , . moot of the Arlo canal; connecting maid river. with Brie, tom .eapachy endicent fovea" trampoline.. lion of steam tugs of at least three 'tundra tone, 9s ei the first importance, not-only to the commereial,tiry CkB of the country, but also as _a military highway for the halide - I - talkie of war. and this enlargement is rec. ,orpi i end e d te_the far Ode dderatioa iaLich to WWI to big and pmaioting ,444511 : *'" last of Dan. }Die Elbe has been "cia uklao Ie dally lodtt saweie brought! hufftuigle, of thil ed byte Chiefs htlentlahlp. Mr.. Jgl _ who hasaince eihinited Meta in dearly averY - Orfiff of the United States. 'A far 'or so ado ih b male dad In Michigan, and we preanmo that In a few days the female will :tiro have given "up the ghoct." - • _ - A Gentleman who has recently been on a visit General Scott. at Charleston, says the latter gave the most encouraging. reports concerning the, freed .men. lie alltuled to a little colony aot far Irma\ that city. lie Weruhali.t3totirliOarioddlotts Pidvate purse two thorwand dollars to a few blacks, who pa chased the land very cheap, and formed Ude colony : touring the pant year they were very Industrious, and, "'dui good crePiOioiv hiva• an. abindanoo and t'.' spare, while very many of their white neighbum ar In a needy condition. ' An American who recently fell in with Ilteckin• ridge and was in his society for several days, says his misforttines have Worked a great ihangein the ntaii.`- llc dresseq poorly and..b geet7 'ettbdUeiliand :almost melancholy in his minuter,, OR lasing naked why ha did not return home, he said ho would like to do so very yndetranet etiould'acier be iohtented -in EttrOpe but he believed that he would be arrested the moment ho ventured root on his native shore. P.nllrosid ACiadesit.J/Clittla bcr)lnanieilialrn=' son. nbont throe Years of age, waaatrack by a, Toving train of cars. near quaker Valley station.'on.the Part. Wayne, and Chicago R. IL, on last monday and 4- tally injured: I 1.1 • Wilierft.---Pie creche north of ns were cia the "rampage' Irwtittoaday. ; The . Brie and Pittsburgh railroad was completely submerged between Neweee:* tie and Sharon, and railroad corrimnnleation • nas Ma pencled on that day, but resumed again on Tuesday. ITU Introduced:-OF the oth inst.. Mr. Nich- . °Doti of this county lotrotinceil a bill in the I.4,gislit tnre. exempting the parronege of the M. E. Chnrch In Iteaver boreneh from taxation. Also an net Ineorporating the horcmgh of Motets. • in Economy tottritthip,BenTer county. TWa bill . plastid The following letter is n perfect model In Its tray. We certainly hope it to n unique specimen : "Dear Umtber—l've got one of the handaommt farms in the Mate, and have It nenr)T, paid for. q Ckips :nre good. prlen never ware betfe. ' We birthed a glerions re ylial of reneicm in our chnrdts; and both our ebiliiren (tlie Lord be praised) are eenvOrtelf. Father get to be en ineumberanee. and week tPclk , , l *,4°. poor-honso. 'll7 oui,tedetloOte brother.'?-,. •• , pen. Ilinneock his naked tri berellirOitrom liti eotatnentLatlletv Orleans. If the reports, which reach us from that city nro to be relied on,. his empentalpre moot come too soon. It ht Charged that his recent Coarse has deprecititeil the city a de gree that a popular:panic prevails. The Mayor, appre henslee et tronblejtamed, a prociamaticin iosterttyh , , in which the resPaustbillty for whatever may occur is indlrectiycha Maaceek GO the lead 7 I lug Rebel spiiitertrotuidllnt.--X =EI . . ..• Ttk..7-43110 . 13--On "raeioloy,lforeb WISAby 9. Oormly, &q.. Mr. Thomas 1140.1030 u Idlitonit: .lilOqion, all of Infhts toc try,ribli l / 4 Xteirry..,Co.,, Pa. 9;?' ,: -. 5VA 3 44-NOWth hut., by toe , Bert. R. TZIM—P9 , *f.' l .ls : Ad"t 'fttterson to lan Ently t botb of.Beayer, Ps. F "'• ;. 1! • " fll . / o• 411;11 - 1,1 C.1..F.:':‘. 1 .`..;;;, - /. - 71 it,;(4Ft Mot .111!,1 t 47 :filiALTEll*lnitlieSNLOCAlitetWiltllßOotrisloqiiik ieice inI4 I 9SHPWIuPPI'I I I4*- , • elltiomailibiatieleib&OOth year . of Ida aoro.• MEM 140:A1kb' , :A -.Y^I %. -.:,:.--.: ..c. q c ,I,ls,r_aw, a n "!. ' ' . - 'tt'vmtledri-'' . 0' been ii. , , h. a s cif o, omitilittiii 1 o Nal ; Xiibalyelitiiiiitiiiciiiviiiiiin i _:—*.. e i ftM 4 4,:t0 ' rote.. autk, . —....yeq5_0ut.„...... , 4054:tw0, ' 1 ,0 1r .! 1 ,4 2 • ' ' ..tfaiWtrielNlNl.. : 0 11 44 1 1 I 01400444.4 1 ,t r itkiiiidailore' 1 l%' ol ol4 .l uhnif).TX,Po/4 4 1g 1 fildrEhitnoibit tiiiihti,l'iltfli iiiitiliklB*lloltaiiiettid• 1 141414.4400454firahrii1414461, 5 r ty, , ,,VihttlitthittgisVliff.sol* Ipresses itenittiiii Slieinistit ;-bitiiiiiii4 l Wi r aTiaidniiii Of letaitif Oiicitisit:lbit ittit-iiiiitiiol44,l4;:- lidie :Thtniplgoys int high treason nii. - thi; 22it..0f May; - 1863rwasiaRpotnted - Assistant -- Jackal AdvaiiiiitaieWiti4Bd4,4l(dAmitictrid thb srosecition in illedgitkß6ho assassins. of Xs.4lkaldWspryAtu4muszi4.l4oopsit. CWIWUee i.4CatinTlehiiii' Ad alnmen , ... s - - of tho CommitteeliialigiiiiinictioTi; lad iti .. 4 4 :0 09 W — one Ar. Ilikethhtelmar'.sba_ . ittemrsAr.' - ' °li. him5‘1r.:4 1 344 1 .44 3 04 11 .0) 4 'NAPO-. ;chuSetts, Inks .dcivoi z vosti4o3Rain hisinsits .in the praToptirksagfttAndran. t io _lxn . ..; : t., xtukdOlmoor,Ao,-qWri4rAdort` , , - iliiiiii*E . oi l otititmigliagV. 4 3o 4 . Te and *MAW brato*liitilliikiiino. 1 i:dge.al4'.ftiPP*?.lFolo *'.. ib inarisable, 'lriiickapif, 4 ` ; '6.**to .COonip nano; and . r graOiturirgtm..:ltinehnedlniziitat, P!, o ;, 4 ttr ,4 i T es ; t44 sl o .-t i g e , l 4 ' .it lion and wield. a large Influence before the 13enitorjal-judm% • The Public Debt—Statement for March 14-4 Decrease of $7, 485,751. WitsrrngaTmi, March G.—The follOwbm Is the statement-of the public debt on theist of March.:. Debt bbilitng tab Interest • -treiAlLgtat IP; Debt bearing currency Interest ' ,-,51113 Not prevented for payment 10,630,t6VG1 Debt bearing no Interest 414,100 M 51 ' Total debt Amount in TrOusnry, Colg ' Currency Total Debt lea cash lii TiNasuiyi $2,519,829,622- 8D ; a decrease of 1r7,481;751.. The warrants issued by the, .Treas.Do .7 pertte*euringFebrnery, , lBpa, tomcat jbe. requirements oUthe Government, in found numbers, is viz : Miscellaneous and Foreign intercourse $3,000,000; intend '..qu,:pni)lic debt, $4,050,000 ; war, $ 1 2,30XV 1 ; 040,000; interest , pitniiCCm4 girt& plans $4,- 000,000.. The Waft/Eats , " Ushed for re demptiouol: the public debt aro not ed in the, above; The Aim:Opts - Of engtonts, Trott Febraaty 24th to 29th, inclitisive were $3,861,340. - „ Tito charge that lte biteans, make -1 100 1 matter or impenCliment' rtintr ~ ,qiestlervi& effectually disproved by the'; course of the., Party, to - the New Assembly. • 'Dorn, a Depubliiin, tlni Canal Com missioners, has been charged with malfeas unceip pike by . a Densograti prgaiywaii fromg%Wodatitty. 'lll6.llkMallierition! the articles of impeachment have been agreed urion, and when, theniapl 9itnatioit t pvne to a vote on Thursday there was Lett one nee tibe Ay imps , qt. .ay legie lice body tbat the petnocTanx,illd not ; debate and adjudge from, a purely paitintut stand• point.— . -.Y. Y. 'firibniu. "VottPoirkiiett4ll.”-!-It Is, iiith regret we, notice the introduction of the word "COp . - perhead" into Webster's Dictionary, a Work which ilicmld seek' tki elevate the tone of the language intend of reducing it. • The inser f ti nbr thisicaeaning,less phi-40631y eihibit ,9 the partisan bigotry of the • author, and sl mild overate: against ttri generat Ina--; Pfttsburg7i 46,,1 , 1 . " ! ~:.. :, • , ~ , • 0u view of nboves proti;tit we suggest A the first , plaiik'iii . the Democratic • pint ? flirm to be forra4 et, the "approaching .litt tional Convention—be Made to read ..acif , fol• lows : - - - ltesoired that we clenouncO Iretstir'S Dtc uniqtteil for contracik,usc among. Democtitti;ahrl , O.coinlifkit'ezpa4tfit%'l4 lieu of'tt ItiDeiribcratlolice..;Ales one famr Ves,,}yalker's ITaaltairedlEtlitiomnr,thoyrstr "4-"1 . . Something mist _be wrong with the Dentocratic, , greenhacic-repudiatson-PnamE• Xoß•ian machinery, or thesState Convention at Harrisburg: on Wedniesday, after all the Bowling wo haveird,saureix would not have graniid - iiit iplii'i:OtirAst .-- prdslifft,,ks the foildith*;;;....: : :::- - :' l ` - _, '. ! *.,li•_l?; , _„) Emtwicitalicir ail MadlY air. 'WARM utwr? um which the trataftoosE. %:- ,•"-"/ • ' Could thertl'fritutylbfng um* t9l::Krithan this? As thd'ttniiihineto•no444 tall, we may satel i t.fifittlao that kis iibialfie )sit we shall heoppplitr:4‘iinitrosni4sintatiOrf # unli**imkie",g , giyohtraeki*areiofr onr obligait*:44KroTt::tipzt'.. - .' ~..: 4 7 e * *4 " .3.l "F liti k ' !..t. ir W* 01 1 1 4;9 1, 1E7 1 0 ." khdat hi4432 plieed fitt the ligaltni , ;: Niellethe Nitionk.cOnvintl4o ~, 1 0044:16 - Mullen. -,Tblikica ie jw,,tf . yi-ieleatinn,i— Mr. Helitditille . ' pub lid*, - ON** ilatitee Hz tie ofrelibrnted Prize4kt botiteen , -Vollyet n k ud*t . t*ey Atiroi;"9:ctin - 01.6iii**1110014.*- ollection-tbat het Viiiinisi4 oi:-thtif oOnasion, to mash the head of anybody who should put his name in,the pa_pers.„, At,,the, risk of bay int our heittfthiishotiNiiVetitiire . to eiir' Oni.- cle his now ttppolutte" 4,. , ,-, , • . . ~,, • , ) •'' _ _ •• ' • • 4 ..; 1 . MEE The charter election N4t held .in Oswego, New York, on Vedneiday, and residted in ihe'e l6o6ll. IteltiAWF/7 16 3:9 i; ;:' ,1i .. 1 ) . 4 . three out of four alderman, - by a-Inaloritiof 218, a ,Neintbljcangain ocl4B.97orAtst u spring . , hier lasi fall. :: vaac~wes care y bpi thw , Rebiberbtal al36lit. 1CFI; T; fa. 11 - Thlt4:ra) l 6l:o3l . PitnCibi'illnikt • - 13Artioi bpa s. j*veeiyil Pe ~1541 two line camels with a pair of lopg-hijr ,f4 :Shetland paigi,:if,.*K4}o.!.(4ol:)*)efti: *e . cl Nowfotradlaitittlowhiit hentiartiVre 10 ciiiitibtidiii. hi t. ];lt's'6lnoi4C4.4 l are ; .. have ajmielit, pext Wedn'e* itol4: l S..Fialk : • :my of 3ltisic, New. York: 1 • . .. .% - Vet till le nom ("i"lia - 11= * t= i' tia -" 401:019 - 9S " See one of the Priin:2- • . 8 1rttfr It is the best grape vim low -.producedin thifkconntry, the dand'wbe for commun ion purposes, and the mist beallckl'for fe males anal weakly pomong. „2. -. • [ly. 166 - .6911:374 ) 21,74082 86 $1a , t,M7,457 11 8" P. 41-rortwiekiffikli4vertkoelneki in andher.Column. I Nan 1 :faalla: atNellaa e4i," Ladies shonld call on sti;' , . 7 1444‘,. : yerys' for new Spring Ciefsik, E •Neelent lot' of new Ilattonki3on- ifi, e ores, Et, 'lroideries, Laces,': OnOd bargains and good selections may be bad by calling early, Window Glass all sizes, lowest rates at R L. Roush's, Rpm Store, Bt. , Csnrcra, Om CLartts. :&a—Attention Is it c olis 4ted directed to the advertisement Messrs. Mc- Callum'llrothers, Pittablugb, h_icli wilt be I found In oar Isa . vin .of,thicat ::„T.ltla:l4m bore On handAme:oftbct *list etgoodsl le their tine ettTr , _ ill :• WI" 7111 0 - if any„cirsini... eVi ragyAing . in tbeit,linkwe teatt' 4 , 'alt" at `15 4, - - ai Pifth Street.:Phisinugh• -• • .... New and beautiful shinisoilild Gloves, at -B rtco'433“tyer,,,Cstll .1334-..0.t At paip c -they ate good; tlitctestreiltrbrortht hi ttuir -cqtm ty. • :;7.1:217 Springbooda o Discn '; DON'T myths S AN ' Trrrttlyon - briireh , 3fandsrfol must cud. triumph,•t*Bu •• et* rgatu The-Pire romance of even a child Ipotti - :that. perfset , l r instroment is 'more towc i nimically "entlanclos than the flte tes.or prnetiml plalaranpon most other : , The effects , 9f Werniang(hons lie)stilveresAst stop S-4. itstltiventlon, ietrec-;:,. tlon only in•thelharden r-are touching nod sympathethOst the te, sad boot able Mgr to thane Mg lug 4 tons tOnee &M OM [Olini by an $ e Bull or sYleaz Tern Messrs. Itleber - Wood , Ittsbr - ;11 PP ardi th 13m.., 122_ _ novothe solelij doubt, to *ow may cleoittily' SEE F. /L. Fortproa, in another ebi umn..- NEW Spring Ciixod! tunes, In the Dinnun Fahneetock , Hataetto White Lead ror'sal at by R:L. Zenab, Nett Cheapait 'French . .. .Bence's r peaver. t ib directed to die H. Iltilheiln„. magnifidente at prices ebVek anyplace this side, see -bit% and. Yetif the man todbal placeto buy-tor:WI per, Avindottrehade• atatiOneryllane,* . Ladies. s(14 1 Ttimming Est tlfully stamped Zwir them BEAVER Flour pet bbl Dried Apples per bus. 5,20 Dried Peaches per ba. 4.76 Wilma& per bus.. c..,. Core per bas Outs --- Flay i3eina pw Potatoes 3,1 h. Corn ..• I,lgl PTTSBUi • we quoto as penes, ttnlerst •Arrixs-_.Pri por t - 284i - sfi per .BiAms—nipe c• shoulders larq IGc I*p, satd:. s-Pold—W/ at iiiFohb • H er—Thy •V: 'Pity from cot, toci Churovi—San Poramota—' qulte choir ante tosit4 of Coata with clevatoi. On the \VI Ityerrotti an iFora? 'of Dr ,19 ID, - Silo7lll iffid me A r Burr , :oortt , ' •• 71. a at F. A. For- Jurg) Rlll be ggln no ifin ro alfl:9 sit *rho', ' ' (CO RR XCT ED Ornms al Mozod ME MW , g . tA wigt!ifNl4l.4lfAttiu"lT SI I IO%W*PIINEtTIiPMWM FOREIGN' OtftiMMC FAUlni -- .....,.... AV4. • . jii i i _t, , --- , indProwpt "mina"- ' - NO..* *- .7,4--:- -- :::' . (1 - 741.•.0..,," - 0 , 1!!!!IN ri T 10 • , • , e , D imotrox • t _,.. il = rtIE ABOVE NAMED VIRI A.opened a Drng Store, on FALIA Pr., where there utoy Erlf.misconlinitelp ^ G ill It 6161.1? DRUGS,. f ; - CINEE, 'LIQUORS; PERFIIMEIO7,O7,ET '1 . • - . ... , ..,, 8011P13, BRUSHES 0f 0.i4.44,: F A NCY t l , • ..:: ARTICLES, GLASS, I'rrml.4mPs, VILE, Pitifili( i , ,y 48*3021 . DYE -._ ... . ,-,. . • . 1 • • STUFFS; 1 T.C44PC.tlitit, Cl ' I ~.cie k r,s,.: - . , isiiigili".ot, . c., :". is beloiming toI biwsmis. INT • • , , ..; •„•';', .:7'... i - ... ; And all other artteles belonging to the ! t Wilt be carefully compounded at all bonni,and all bus Inca. in their line attended to proMPVT. Bearer Fair „Ps.";lterv..l6, 'B7.L"-no ty. EOM 1 N It . ,; • -ra t ••.4 2 .4,•: • • ~ , ,a ar p „? . . WIEOLZILILE • RIM friiPirq(APPer'.& 6.4eetr' t, 1 Y PROPOSE KEEPING CONSTANTLY ON HAND all kinds of TIN. COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE. which I will sell ,-- • . • tt, F. A. For' AT TUE LOWEST PRICES Tht RocAin, tridOti t niio o k tkloo to ogo: to Ilia best patelble manes, and aL tb shortest notice. . • .z.'S Pure mars prices ii ii 'a., • 3t.. r T: aori; ' ':tit , :/ ^1 , • ii , ittentleof ent of t Mr. ,He hits a trgi. offeri It till , flit at lel 1 , and 'fat litkht ...„ 'lB l the irail. lob.: ,tins, . rugs, air yi-db tr, for bean- ii4havink aorta W , the bo.e!,pf workman, . , • , .W . V WARRANT ALL WORK Of true Do pwit Z&I X . 0P, 4 ; 4 ,3C 1 33.12* ift troect, GM =l4 4 : Pal and Arinig!. 81°4. . _ Japanned ware kept constantly On hand. collie, Sleeve; ~*. ;1;,?“,-. Lamps t Glass are : pin Carbon Oil. J. P. SMITH & CO., illantintittarers and 'Wholesale' Dealers Es ,Lampo9 • •• • 74- ' Chandelitt* • ' • Aie_t FA., 11 =11= • Lubriestipg• , - 4 , !!T;(3l::l.einicTiariroils. Ws ARE I'DIPARRIK:TOItRUIR/811' AT RE tail or to the trade ail styles of goods In orir which for-osallty andvtice.drat ,conspethion. Qor No. .1 ()anon Off, ire Irimat ne pine and• at least 115 degrees Are teat. We bare also on hands, themes patent mixand SOLAR burners and ch b imnels • • • rme tt %.1.11•1 'lll ••:I.aid :a , /0:4 of Pif", MI , L Y ,) ]tar. 11,1886. iiil 111.112% 4 ... MO ... N. ;Hams st es 13 1 4c ; mu.a.moir artrARTFoRt. Hive now Opened the Finest Selection •.f .4*.i4riii2loll.l . cxxxis & %Vida the). are liellbgll c'‘ " tAlt,GAlta CoNtrID 100- MARKET STREET, arra One, ea:s c , cwt. ' '-' to`v27'67:ly. =I 'is, l - , ', - and 'JJAS, <~=~ MEDICINES; Physicians'. Prescriptions; • DiALES IN ACLAIrIPS or • - 11111 EMI (). li. AN WRITE. iwpasillsAb AND Call and examine our Stock, -.- - . , :-.;-254t".;"; , :c?fi',. -- ;`q,sl" . .'- - -ik5.*;:'. 4 .?",i'n' . 1;:i"....!''.: , ::' , 1:. `-'-''''' '-'?' t'' , .-f' , :'.."-.14'.*:;-1 -- ..4 , 1.:' , .."?..:':' , :::.-, - ,.'.-:::!..7 . '-=- !' ' Arz,vrr. , .d 3.1. Edo f. _ ktailitift„. I „..-''''. • . e: - :- ,z ter . Liar_mi - ' ~L ) .I t",) ,- ;s • • - 0141 , 6: Si %0.1 1 . 11 4) , 4'24 1 .em'hc .1 ' 4* 5): • itg,.. 14-("l"ft4 4 1 , 14fX , V. : ` Vitl ZO4 ett , ..„ . __,____,. -" • • , :1 I. i - -tpnya VitattWinilifl.' • - ',... " '.e.: • zi. ,a 14.46 w t . .• : ^- „„ ..Anm,.... : , !. . a ...t: , eti lib , iii r : . 1, i . , —... _ ' Igala l 4l Vila •tie tar' ,OSTIAI . - gtreli AS ~- -. : .• , - 1 P '" .1. . . COFFEE:3 4 -ISA► - G ZYR •••-• / ill. 0 • -,: ~. ; OW PlClTtalt,./WiCVS, . . . t. '3 ' . s -; ) • /41 - I jk II , 14 4' ' 'J , '7• - ~ i L, E II r Flt FL01773,• ife4, oft "fell, GRAIN' Ixr! 11) aterearliclimi . I j, _ - . Pi 41 , s O z i r r 13rDTVP/S o sl4Ltill stiAlltkbEadEß,. EimikaftlfwaZteiv e 444E0714 : 4 • DULLES_ VA, ' • ffitiffltr.GßOUßßlßl Hardware,, ? _ ItrALIT. p - ano w ,W#44..11. RAN:. • • Axp • COrtitArSr - loditce 1 : or TABIOVII AIM% . I .'TLY EAT= rand. a ..• " 1"- EDI- WllBOO, - • . • • . I:ss : • r•• Boots ShObs' .• : • 411 _ 4 !?. 2 ""r""* . ' '‘'.• • s • ts , t 8TA2411, • - • c• - • ROCHESTER, PA. ; :• • _ • , • . ; 1 , . iil C ° F. w- E 16 • $ t L :10, • Asst we turre . ever sold. It. —6 —6 C6666 ‘ r T 1: 1 !'r;- Ib4ALLEI93"6IIII,4°I— HADDWADE, . • TAnwerrnrwri - Yr WOOD 4 AND WILLOW vr4sr.: " fall end complete Mock received, and at reduced r' pueulietßOS*Biptls. • N. 0. MOLASSES , ; N:0! Sytkenll.... • ' k •t • - BROS. °4431, ! a11i i i.47 7 -IiOALILAUMAO a • • FLOUR AND FEED , - or nomior Tata* brought hoot the finest wheat &Istria In Ohio, for We loxy 1 , BLIALLENDERGICII 11110 S. 1! 12 FiiiiktLAND RWMNIAtir:T BF.Es4 • Vegetable & Flower See de iOnAT fint 3 A% itinitiiirce,: t i- i i Nurserymen,Floria a ft Seedarien. ...r...,- 1 _ 44...un ..•;.?"{..du ..tivrz hi. : - ...:s yr: I,:tta ,< * 1111i76.trint • ,C„EipCb- . • - • 1•44* ~,• 1 •12 • zr a nivel , *'' - .., st_ ~..4 . 4 AIRE PREP • 1„) ' .1" • •••%1•,• •I" .. 1, :. FOR .„M. Fruit and •• - "•••-•:. li: '"."' ~ : • nee., Ro ses',-Xrergruens, do. V • - • direr Seed of • t quell Oni ti , G 112. in ••is an Greenhouse Plants. We will send I, when desired. all ordera dir seeds to the ant= oneMlVßlMoiru lo adall Se and l orders promptly atteilded Irk -...-•• , 4 -I' , lanMat. - ~ . i..1•1.:15. .J. 5... s. . ;is .- MEI IMMO Elii NENE ME ,-; ; ; EMI i " 1 - --- • 1 . .. w..;..., - . • 41:r. eV 81481kle ~ ... ii...... • ... -4 ~., I.n. - ~.?"..- or • • • . J. -AIL Bhroads.:: . ... .. •..:. •." • • • -bee. Heini-Au1cany...,;....T-rryrrn • • - - . , Jelin 8. 1311114 m ' - .- • . .",1 'II'? •nlirr; Ah - MF.2 W=V ost irti t t — - . I , *dam . aokuistfa . Joke B. C. ' 860 -• . :". " , ittailltnjaditi tiliatiti. kilialpper - - st. Jrntlai Atidvsen. • • it ...-.4.' ' 1.1 J. wawa. o;rir, ......* • 2 . -11AnnowSIMU=84.1. .4.r.:, .4 ""-• ' ' .'..- • 9 . P . ___ es Axil . • , • , . _ C 11. ri nser -- • • o , :imaq ealck;r . , '. ‘.. f... .: •.'.. SID I A, alai_ 'bidet . in. the I .-'" -, : snit, - Tingrho lief b 1 of i 101.1.0101143 APPRA r it 4i i ~ ell fs Ms 011 es or thercierit of Idso Oildrimi• Coed oli !parrot Calif,. and app. Md. . :! . . aabANNIN“ tatot Per rafnifo r Tr "4 s “:tatMd -a it: = ra t Wick, deed., ohs " Proceeds oink of rag , _l4- retalud by widow of • Allift lii = titt% Comp, Jr. -Adadalatrator. . - '" . • Paw:oJ VPMV - torail widow of liroo WWouolse. POPMMilic r tii jkllllollllll ? widow. of r II . Dopy; 11110414 f Adailnistratriz, • • ' - 's -.:.- ... - ::r _ .o%___ ,. :•rr.,:r. , rfrPotitt creoorty , lip iNaftitiONWOlllll. by widow litld iokiksoioloreator: ,:! .-• • • - I lipli t l it Tigia 4 ' wido r w ia rM a r frw a rra li dec= . Voce id• 7p,„... 0 1".. 0 . CO ill)6111 ' kVA, Irer p ri 30 do w of M'ii_ B, ftliadgrat a / 4 1 0 /1-W '.._ Inlalstrator. . 110 ..,." ' --- .1 .1, •-- „1 1 . - - 4 ....c.:,•tte If i w-444- , ffetlter 114 Tetchy' gtVed tb I dlatrlbutees xud all Other! I=li. 0 miaow at the.. next tetra of 'alit Cour4atia.a calt, Pi I l ant thaw tha Ed daythe tatt.the ltlth et 4 Jt tatted if any y hare; acsanstlke et Ilia shore apprabtetacnts, t0b9617e3t. '4I6T 9 ME.9.11, MEE ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP, In Fall ,1 94 aWiti 'Cult% Pa.' 111 - AVVClrAtted ankmaterrlptt ray Biopic artitSta XL maga macaw DAWAMfrOdAD.IIIIDTIDSI the best of mechanics. I am prepared to warrant ail Work done to gins eptinatallstelorre Oa WA different patterns anti styles t ines Clay and am prepared to make or repair an deter*. 'am of Inachillely, 9 1 / Natcl??? l ° tdPitPA • •- 1••' PLOWS MID PLOW calhisus. I have all the best plow patterns that snit thlamarltet stoma It-tickle the nEldird Wartem:.."7llllll:lbaf= Tire OM of the county for the last fifteen ears. are lye gizelOpt this Plow, *of :whkh•lmearatheture and'keerfor sale; stro"Patent Levar" l :4thranld left— "Mountaht: Ft "—tigh O t atni An l , - ) I R4. nearly iltik . us =crept rdain UfiC4 :‘ COOIMiG,TfLIXIC.Mi 'ANtkeZdTMI ST6V.E Having made severalimporbsnt lerptotexassdain the "Climax," by which ceiwood can be impp without lifting lids, and having two places for pips, either or both of which can be used at the same thne. with a ventilation to the oven, thus having the Oran yip ll' amr " i r....111, 426 4 5 Mb pedal of time, WV now In good order. ben d X bat a small *adios of this stove that aq4 thia J 4 aidi t tEricticsartuda g n lent more lax g, we are now pa or I crw ail brick lining. Jig lleyetone and' Pfeet. 'Parker mall heating Sturm Franidia Cares, Jens 'B, &C. OraWandlrfilte rjoets,l" of various utylmligegoeffete‘two rte Corn Sheller& Force and Cistern m gad Metal Sin*, for hitches:Sheet) Iron - • tram al ways on band and made US - order: .1411 Er, I ben Me- ' tore sad keettfor-sale• al o at .aver3rUdi* wantivkip , the machinery, r bar:Nara Inc..; 3 . LA 1 In addition to our caber Stores, weans' raminalting two new patters, No. '7 and ft, of the Great Repubill, which am taking captive, Itto best woke and house wives in the country. Second hand stoves prays Alr role 'ettesip. Two good new enejner,erdtitbiellie amen , at shop per poses now On nand, and will De sold rem°, . . Tr .. . - _ REGISTER'S CI- . -A LL *'XI SON n.lttintsrsirex . MLOVlt sit I n fteee'fi r iV; l6 oXiitt i llg-b il4 t l -11/iYA ) ogleckof Beaver County,era.. will take nlitlce the sarne4lll be 'oriented to the .Orphans attrftleiber held at Deaver, on Wedneedff-the46W-daf aif-allAselli - A..a.WalwAre n trair I r ititi The- ettioutge Von_ rim D. C. Eaton, Executors of the estate of lllttosrell ree nen, deceased, who wee the littatdlan of the minor children of Jaa.lllller, ddorifefil. The acconnt of Thos. Adams, Executor of the will of Andrew A calealMVMfbrian *AK aud EManpr hkian, I c n nor, deceased. i Account of P. Dental, Orken of Wilbcimina, Wagner, minor datitharmorBln TWA deed. Account of J. H. Cooper, Trusteo. appointed for to Acowt e o4 r Vag t i .i ip a sof n ept o *H i_ 4 1 . tr . mak -.,. Beatty, tainertso David 1 d Final account of David IEII and Frederks Doerr. Alinistratelfor Ch Ik r ileed. Final moult or .12 2 rroMntulitilairettar of the estate 9ft.iir e i d ifi e rtilitiM Final rear es J H. Veen; wto 'w Attr n dec'd. AccoMilits ef on 5 01281 11M14 of 91I min Pre ''.• children of Alfred . tull, de Flual.account of.. l'A r yyal i t i tniebutper4 the estete OfAito.:9l QC ii , 'y 'l. W"..1 :I::: ' Final account of tn. . Admmermor of the estate of. MinerraJ=tat ..1 . Final acctrant 6C of the estate of James Tennla deceased. Final account of Harvey McCown, Admintstmtor of the estate of Benjamin Cool, dcerf. • . Account of De gamin Buckley . :Adtainialrator of Ms estate of.lblivo .101..vwf00,_,___104,41,__.,.; : - •-• - z,„,--..,_c-- Final amount' . Booms afatiamallW. afftlPt: , PP '-...1 tut will of Francis Fair, doomed: Veen, L ef 2.. u tg‘M il =tw i tislA • John I Cravrtimt dcceaecd. - . at— tht=eiftiVr. '.. " t "-" '- Md enni' '' ' " - liial l f . estate of A. 11.413111YL.Ekeinei t . . .",!-- - ':,' Final account of 8. Wlls3n stint G. ratighey;Erecf _ ti l a gkitat a ggal i =vilaiii a . c idr fy er. deceasC. Accounts (rest mad petwobilrflrliaftn Lana;sur• _. virtue lizedintor stfieill EMIG, 11111lelnlaktellG4. AccounCof David Ferguson. Gmardiam of Coleus. Inn May, minor , ism of EMMA trs M.. M.. Pi. st accoanhof S.. P..Toariestwor the last will of Elias Van Buskirk, deceased. _ • Final account of W. Icortipend, Administrator of the estate of John M.Townstrad: d Final irconnt , pf 1 1'. I tit, ~.,. Mantua. GlUiland, cM WA . r . ...r FirstaiCodnrnflV. P:To T: i In ' Gilliland, minor child of Matthew GUI deed. Final aceoentofp i lt 0061 d the estate of Soltenon =chug ' Ilmha• barator e kt ri livattVa" ce° ~ R. P . . cu,r... :firsti tod- - ~111 of Ja es O. Bliss. deed. • " t'ir °, f 1 a ' Final account of Bcsidder-iilab. _ and Chas. B. lost, Administreton and Amelia P Make, Adunins- . rlttlx of Ow pp . . , . . , „ , ~ r Final atebtnr; . ' ?9, viR. .", • ''• • l ' t a . N! ' Frail ... „ . .:rm" - , . .... ii . 1..... —am: ' Avmor • t,...., vr:.A . a • s ' l. ".- 4 1- or_ t Cal.- hir '''' . . • • 'M ' • ''' ' • 'VC . 1 U p e , a . ....-. ; a ;' - '-•,- -- Elf.AtflerallQßaearirdf.lbtl.„ Vatigegrareiplieg I,t. in ii: a i i i ii isa i gi4. bt: ooA d 1 &IP 4 411 f cc. 11l .14 1 1 1 ,41-41 11-I.s 'y • lilt 4 iiii: irtiviik`g..idlitliaitille. ! . r OAT44llVgatialarthValliki.' Apr.— illAgetgatdelagreintil3 r ti - imall.lolwa child,of • 4i I T ick.F, 3 fedAdlEi~ sup: edi e BtA Mirk iltßakkla (Wei •NM so they can to bouzlit elsewt ere. cave m ; f • . .. "•fr •42 JOlll O l A. 72AZINR. CVO. MEM 138