. . 1 .. ---- -- -- -- --- V • 4: - ' - . r - ' , ' , # 1 .3' . • • . 3 :#f '`'''; • ii -1 7. ' I re, • -. s 1 *DA iirto.llooo ika,., . aol iviiiitakattdiiiissiottalwam " b oom Ir#,lt Ailk;'-3 -411100.0fr vr went door • • •,, . ~... = ...,x f . ; gip 4.•-• A* i is•;- 4 1. 1 .., 1 -'4.iii.-iii *too riltti mite ao a,...... ... a .roo oo as 'co - 104::. , : - .. 1.. : 12 II , at 001,03 10 0 tolitiii.,!f . :: . 62.001.1100 i°13:1105°11111004:6 • folasalt.s.... o a goAb , a 0 00,40 lrsaai,...lo, 0 . #lll .00ldelstore-aNdliecitoretlfotlces , .. '.. .. , , 9390 rieilKoo4 99 . l l l6l ' 11314 . ' '' ' 0114.11416t410he ride Quarterly.excent Tetucatette p low. obkhruit bo pad in Advance. i - ' --- '7 :-----1----- joie of thot Tlerilooseekter foe the seek es& r a. It . 3. r. l o , 9'r. et. !...„,.......-......: -------•.. our la, l2 deg. ti deg. .20 deg. 0 . si r , ' 22 deg. 83 deg. • lleg. St d deg. • " 9.5. SI atm s i i 38 deg. 0 ti, i 34 deg.. 39 leg. 35 deg. fi„,:l ZI deg. ' 34, deg. 30 deg. 14." ~ 25 deg. k , 3., deg. • 26 deg. - '", • { 22 deg. 31 deg. Ol deg.. El t. % ghat*, Ir., 54 Filth street, Mo m* Is the satti4sd agast Ihr TuL Snarl In that sty, ). AiIVESTINEMoiTs. • _ The attention Of the nub& is dim:tee:l to the Col. •Alteg new utteitieetneuta,, which. apnea kr the Ito time tni'n.s Antics today.• gro. C. Sale—D. H. Stone. • . r irßye Wented-OXllion's NHL - 1 irDiesolutton — bicCreery "'Groceries, dc..4lballeabergneßioe. lOstipecial Xotloi—itittllktheetee Bette.. gr special Notioe—:Wm. J. Dunn. . - • i 60. P. Bowelps Marti/sr often contains g a stlemdttmpycollections. The ftalowine 14 -a i paWn. 4 :western paper ode:adses thus : ' • Alcar t —A hired man named. Join ; ttfa n o tte p Ave feet tee mehashigh, and had on a r s r profp panto much sore ^• goo ' • t pose to* have looked dressed up in eer ie)! ode: „ TitottE who regulate their Tolitical princi plea by the quotations or the - gold-room, and who see the rise and fa of kingdoms In the fluctuations'ef pnbliaseentities, will be edi fied by the following statement of I,lke ,rat!ge or their infallible barometer , before, dttritigi and after the Inapikachmtint storm. The Pres ident made his nomination of 'Thomas on Fnday, the 21st; ioklatuto diOrbAitainess much on that day.' , Om mondey the Impeach ment resolution, was adopted; and by Wed nesday thd - preliminiriCs Wire'settled. . The country had reached .and Almost passed an important crisis ; the head of the nation was . , , . paletdcallyAndei arrest:;for: Cl:4lis, and his trial was a fixed certainty. The extreme Rev. WitkLiutt Lec - tOre.-The lecture deliy• DeMocnktia iouritats'iaul 4u:dill - Cie 'Wildest' end In the It . is% ChUrch of this' pike, on hug Fri- about revolution, and usurpation, and tyran-. to ttruiug, by Bev. W. B. Watkins on the •Ofigln, . , .: . ti n s and ke of 'emir semell," was one of the ny, and frantically thrciateued,Cimwess with 40iorualva and eutettaining "feasts" of the sea- _ _ -,,..--- ~ . - I sword and fire — but all this did ndtlitve i 1 . ... . ref ' Mr; -W, bas given this lectum much thcight. I 'shift imneerenriere- Yew Y ork Surktilewoh. ! Ina as much effect upon the stock market as mils hat lbcfatult of preventing Ms ideas In A very -Miser!, Mills a Taylor, of New 'York City,. USW I, a sharp "cornir' s In Erik - Look at the, velmstableF2.. lll n , tecillre,+! very , favorab l y re - : sent MI their cheaters and ask that we palghth it, and I p mres : . .1 ••• •“. • ' (fret/ the audience present. i...e . , !at the Same time invite us to call attention to It OW- i '- .__._ . - - ' • - ' , (Oda*. so nisi the good ,'sf ork" may txt forwarded.-- I ,TeCtIPM. itIIIFER.IIP - aa rit sMel 7l 6 F t ' ' illytherhe lea ; Cottle.--Some days ago a large The ctreuh . r i m/alloy : . i •-.• ,I ...is- .... :.. 1 i ' -i ,A 14 "Xltilm' L . " - beotui ta g 1° ." 1 A llifi f hlm ' a la: !hiving recent* nunierous applicadona • by' Pardee ' BEF°R 2I2 ,,,,„E CRIS „„ Es . - AP"1MML,,,1 116 .,L 13: 1 I . nerrilit,this county, war attuesed . wittoorenees inn . Who have been swindled. by schemes knownue QUI. 1 ,„_,... ~,.... '"""'• ..,."'' L u .;,. : n - '::" . ' " v "'"' ' -7 , 2 ,, prettied the throat, tatuktuty to swallowand,alsoet- ! Knierprizes., originated Initiate York told vicinity, has fw. 18... . 141, '...JVI 7L'" , '47,42 . 4 .1, 74,,, , i, , Induced rob to go to considerable expense hi procarlng • ..... ~.,0 " I,en bon Ayr CIIIP4ROn OVPIPIng, . then such hiftermation as enables use* °the to darellente I 111 -: 1 „Mit - • w"- - ..-- Wil - ' 207 M. rue, proanacediket - itO Ease 01f,',. • 4114= ... ... . 1 A pisohiewhyth they m a y be -protected to thstr Just I• . . 111-% 1 AMIE -"-. ' , 1 111 .-..... Wee 'iliThii: max '••:. r..- Il4‘ - 101% grit u was hlctiteAintiklbewaeitaeltik . , -- g egf i io rr ejm e t t ra t o,s., - •••••- , , , ,A114., ; 01 ,,, „ Itii..,„;_itttc, ___llll *rad timed the netgilliebood: ;Ver. , amid dads" f lel ' Average.. 141 •- ' HSI( Annage . .. IC 101'4 ' wake Inanity*, atnels ii , :etAtirik.e•WitehirtiMiti I holder , as represented to them by circular or otherwise: Caere. ., • • ,I The country has been flooded with these echomest Here is an average Inereasiof one cent on -.:.............-- - and large gni realized by the originator.. while the • Ictimikedlic t holders holderspat_ ~.,, . r .,, . 1 ;...... , .... 4 ...,.-4 , ., , „,....„,,,- ;,.jj h am ehen Zech cotpee in fibs a ilon it aid go, Out 1 , Parties sending &Vie name . Of the' G • ift. Enterprise 111° _ , l e •'',. •••• * ----(1••----- ,_,..,” ••••••• - ,.,7 1 ",i -4- iu ~ :au a Lueb, Mid when it coleus ill like &j lab it .Will 'in which they hold tickets, and giving us authority to , duller Aa rlkeliirplott;i: : 'Tap :relparomito, • inner MCC 11111741." Judging from We we will have an ae , t for them, will hay . e their interest carefully attended ' i journals of the Opposition araiielciimeteill .• , • at; o•Tina tart 811acYt Marchesine . in,stna a &cid - , This necessarily involves; considerable expense and 1 the capital they can. make ' by "an Itripilli {0 wilt-mold cow. in". It woe ; Bouday. too was ' chilly , one eray, the same we aie comOethed tit ask Of e.tch 'of ! 4 • . • sod sunny. with 'mow revering the wound to. thy i patron' , a remittanee of two (fel) dollark. - their standard of patriollitd, 1: e.; the price ' tillh of 3or I inches, hortee.the "surface Indications' . So much for the circular. Now floe our comments.- i t of -gold. -.:.V: Y. •Tribttna 1 - ._ •• . .., , point to ml4l. temb-like weather, on the Ist of April. i ' They will be brief : Meece. Mills .it Taylor, we tnke ----else ea t - to mote a be.. • I it, are silent partners in the "Gift Enterprizes," w 4,, hich I , . nothe'r COlladenc Got-A .- - altGot-A .- - alt • _._..... ....;...._---..—,.. , they seemingly dentin - nos In New York City; and they 1 . German emigrant on hii vay• from 'PD Brought la Jolt.-Otis Sunday evening last. tnke thlj method of getting V. more from the silly , Vdiniot itothdiough. of Glasgow, was brouglit tu tail i dimes which their confederates have already swindled. ! delphia to Allitinee, - Ohio, as made - the vie ma charre or malicious mischief. preferred against •If any of the Argus readers have heretofore bit at the 1 tiro of a eV/ladle at the Union Depot, on Mu by by Mr. 11, F. Little. The accused Blow a . book Armen to them *slit enterprise _concerns, we I Saturday. Vihile in 'hey cars the German eon eta hodesitinhich religions itervices Wore be . ; advt... them to hold their peace and give 'this new i • .. . was approached by _ , ,a x"ery gentlettokaly , look 'We hell. Ibe stone In Its course struck a windovr and ' sc h eme of. Mills and Taylor the very widest kind of a I sei era siting through the house, Karim; all, but we berth.. We have scarcely a doubt but that they are as 1 ing.man, who enteral into conversation' with were injuring none , who were In the baileitig at the ! great rascals artinark, - Webeter ai Co (tiotorlous iift bias, and upon, learning hisdestinatiliii, ;stat ues , i enterprise men) have showu themselves lobe. led t h at he was abtegollig 14 Alliance.,,: .• Nhe n - . . —....--..._ _ • • harleiltural meetteta- Th ere will be a meet• I • fil ' the train' arrived at the Union Depetthelian Confidence 'Game lin 'Beaver County. - I 4 ~,,, • • ~,,~ 4,_.. lag of 14' Board of Managers and memhere of the : Mre. Shafer, a widow, residing about four miles from • asked Imes...term= m he could Canna Ilion a' Mara C''''''Y Agricultural B(4° V. In the "' lir. ' ' Rucheeter, '.Beaver county, was made the victim of i forty dollar niite,itul plum receivinga pep- , Dace. In the Borough of Beaver, on Monday the 16th ' three sharpers on Saturday last, esho duped her lio, the i tiveindiveiclitid Ike had a debt of-thirtY-fivM esy of March. At 10 o'clock, J. ri. for thp porpose of ' amount of one hundred and forty &Ilan. It';ipPeara I 4. t ' ''' • arming a Boned Of Mon agent to serve for the coming , tint tOilitre to Pay before leavingcity ', it the and on the day memories a truth,' veh - ri represented :ow. All managers aneFuwlnhen of said society who • himself as ' the propifitOr of a tonicity, store In mocha- I rho German , would loan hitn•that amount, for-1 `feel se' interest in the Agricultural Society of Beaver ter, called at the hones of Sirs. Sha ff er, and exhibited I a few ; minutes lie would give him a - I seCutfry vi nem), ate specially requested trl attend. . Ito her two watches, which he represented to be the 1 t stony, dif*rnotßand_thifee tlwentrtlellar , ~ J. R. Barium!. • 1 hest of gold, and a few pieces of jcwelry. stating 'that 1 1 iiictgisli,.:w high lid `lpioilnettC.llthaGer 2 • ~ , team, copy.) ss c %F . '' lie was at present very short of memos, and that a per- . • .... . --.......--- py ,,, t o„ o t z h t, u a d ' man, desiring to accommodate his new ac )tiel.asnogneritualy Injdred:--On last Wednesday a 1 s on a i rl ' h h i l f val .ls"l ita P btes ed "jti the payieent.of an old t , qualfitit'nee; ,lifftftly . ,ldlif • lbltf7fivelloilirs of Mr. Ben). Franklin, reso being killed. ,h 4 phyly4.. o .;; t h ra m4 llB bo t io 7 l o n :l r2 .': i claim. f t . fier some conversation with the Man M. to ; and redived the ache ' and geld piece s as col- 1 1 , r itvalue - the watches Mrs Shaffer it 1 the latter lodged upon the roof of hie father's house . l --e t ' ut' i " an I' • ' • 'lateral. He waiteda•-short time, but as the e a h y o t i length agreed to give him one hundred and forty dol. , ti e m up o get t. and we'll° on the roof blot feet. ott-thto man did not return his suspicious became 414.r' and he tell to the ground, a distance of some r re for then While` they were apefikrring dirt: foci, lu tailing, his head eame.in cr Mimi with a '.. i s a ub - Ject and bgfore they bad made the bargee'. tivo l , aroused, and upon showing the pledge le ft mgr, sassing a severe bruoe. \\ hen he wA. , plhedlpp me n , ht * be:mull°. drce.e up before !be Par , sod i with him to a gentleman in the depot, ha l It Weil ascertained that lo AOM:inn to the Muting. of Me_ 11 7 -1 i • walked in under rite pretense Of inquiring . I learned that 014 pieces wets spurious, bead, his thigh-it:me was bathe Puree . redt making it , • . I t fiar ' sit t n i te 6. person residing in 'the neighborhood. ' For- ' • LOY' f e teecssary to talc! several piece; of bee , from it before tituAtte), they knew the 'lCweler," . ialti they w • erit In. i andrtht ti114 . - . . • 115cin 3 .... It multi be properly drest•ed. At le.t. ar , e net he.ti timatekt acquainted with him, and assured the Indy i upon Oa tati*tiosh_ofj,lker the s °' 4 ' that he ea. a reliable man, aud kept afore In Roches- ci:! thought to be In a fair wt.;. fur reemer.l •...nli4 -' .S telll4lKr . '''' - VIM" - -611e, -- t r ana laid ' • ..----___......._ •• • • , ter. 'hue lady woe widened, produced the money, and 1 hi i- 006 , Letter Met-The folloVlg 111 ali ' t of letters ' yeas handed a entail tin box containing - lie wainhns-- frgWil ilißliffehiniii as he was nattlai 2 Aikgtva" - titirr'iliwte)iliv i awindler "lined fur at the Post ome e in B eever :l6' .. on the i The box was then locked. Before the patties started -,,,,. . , .... - ~,,,,... • 4 , I at March 1463: , one of Ahem asked for a drink, and whilipirs. Shaffer he origami* eiMmrP4d..aryilito7jand,:is still at Berl, Miss Isabelle 8. ; Bradshaw It I tn.. • Brous,. left the room to procure some water, the' box, which large, Bet dqUbt meareldngihi o imotiter victim. Farah .I.' •, 1 • • , had been placed on the table, was opettod,the . watches J__ p,, , ,45 44 - ,. : o f :Aidi re h 2,,L, ! .. ,• ' 2. I . rook. Mr. James, abstracted , and then re - locked , after partaking ot'tbe c , ", • raw ..n. S. . I drink the three departed, the "denier' towards ha i Fmk, Mr. W. Fox, Mfr. James T. chester and those riding in the barceiche in dos) Opp°. "tedce, Mr, James tv. ~--, - • . site ,direction. Some time afterwards the lady / had aI, BM R.: noon, Messrs. J. M. iw . m . ; la, !desire to inspect the watches, hot on oilening the box! Mr. Jeunet. ' * j she dleco , ,:rea that riac had been dived most shame- 1 Ml Ncie. Wm. C.: Meeshan, 11. a.'; I N N, - re, air..: fully. Mrs. Shaffer impaired before a , Justice of the I 'II A.: McPherson, Mr. P. Si. - I. ' Peace at Rochester, but as me parties nue unkdown,"l Right. Miss Mary. - I and she could not give such a description of theta as rine°. Mr. David ; Parks, heatells Si' would lead to their apprehension, nothing could be Park. Miss Mary. ' I ductile the utatter.-Pifts- Cont. 1 r 'lltitto r , Lowe K ' •- Beery.. - ,i. tharerr, Msg. , . , , '" "T• .t. M - .: Totted. G. w., Esq.. :ITaylor, Mr ' as, %nicht R.' . 'Mille, Mr. E. M. l thranr'rose, Mr. D. . is. 615sreir.—Freut the Report, of the Au trot State, It appears that WAS eheep were' killed Ink Stite Mein' lut year, and 17,111inJurt4 •The eke, Vika sheep it ilied and maimed la sef,down at 11,1,101 d 5. That timore than all the dog. treterOn Weed Alaska ere worth.—sdens (0.) Botbiyan. • • Petit!laritiee of Ike litacti.—Some penom, do tan been obberving the iecullarities of our, rue jam' clowlihas made these discovettet • When intoxicated, a Frrenahniati wants to dance, Won to dug, a apantard to gamble, an Englistutian to tot, a DAM to boast, a Russian to be alfrction ma Kaman to fight, and an American to 'make a 1 , CIIAI'MAN—PRNDLETON—At the residence of ' the hride'm parents. on Thursday. Feb. 27th, by the ' 1 Rev. Jno. Karcher, T. Benton Chapman, of West _yew . I ..- Virginia, and Nellie, only daughter , of Capt. Gilbert 1 7 1 • ontinsent to Coll, litobeiln.- -Fltiiino the . I...ndiet°° ' of Rochester, Pa. All 4 , -k, a large/m(1 beautifhl monument was erect I ---- '• aTell the crate of Col. R. O. Rations, in , the it's- . "•*.• Cemetery. The workmanship was executed by ; ' CelnilC .t Co f Pitnihnor *Pa. Cm -12 it will be I - ..e.. em b, " a - "' --- --" - . - I CIIRIOTLEM.-0i Thursday, Mammy Mb. 1866 . . mt. eimemsadad the 140th reglascat of- Peon- in o trp t elper e. B e a ver Co.. Pa. Magee L. youag .lu7:72SA Vele etc 4 a. old fon wiretatY er m eeee .le the''l 'estdartgliter of Michael T. and MUT Pinlitleri 1 1° 42 . —el siettyabswg, *on' the 24 or Jely, 1i3621. The ' years. 6 months and 8 days., r .. . • '""sane n; i t ;„ - , , -a, a a at AIWA tries 10 141 t. ihree And a • • . P tlf lest a t t h e hem and o il it ii; t he " mine , hind , I The infect of this =lke traa a beautifu l , %Wait. —• • • •• , ".• - ". ! lug, and most pnWnhling child. '`Allliviaiti so young.' • . . .. • . . •, . .., . • "IC 4' 4P. R.nt.t.: t; l : OA Cf. ' ilia' 11104;*.i: ri. I the " 711 " will IIP411:1":111- " 4-I ; l4lPP li ve r' y lu di spee t fure. d eov Btill '' ' ''F.iewn near Fonskreit 6prlega. ra i'012411127 ails i could not fail to be pottont for he . t' ; '' h i p. ,4 at Gettyobn ' W' '. Wl6l,loalent 1. "rilItIP141"1":-21-.---161141" we'd mwdeal "icelrh ' kW - 1 .1. rit I‘ Olt 1 1 1 4 4 I tel. PAL A h reevim ,l 4lo ; , .. 4 r‘ dist c og i tiorti Awe . Om a source of enwrmusawnt to friends and we 1 m i ...1.• ; , , , 1' Pad Oa bac' spared ibr years to cois: me Wats po i ... — .44 ellizill.aad a just man." A i* 441 top of th e moan t, and ~tat to 'a' *mbi ' llei ''' 6ll 111141. " 1111115 " °11P '' 411° ' falm°ll l '''' , ltthsedsomely Car Ted award, * sad aboacustd; ' t 'ul a et I The ft et, - " ; I r .. sew ; ~. ' lle r elli l B .;,, _ _r an - le " f ' " 4 % ea !he Ineasuseet thalami - 11fohatte7te triacrib' l * , -....z.• l$4116000,11141344141164.• */;* 11l ihalyet letup . The monninetit nisio,!ent'l ; • ''-' -41 MT! ha tObeaff irtirotolnititt,, -,'. . 4 .' 4 400 *her twit emv, and area feet. alit Ischia t . .. ' ; ' ' 'AA Amilt4liiiti:ircit.__bleloo atl ei t# ' .. ~• . , i '''""4l l 4l is , 'ity ohm.* -. • •:: 1r .. - ''.- —I , ' lill +Nat 00 11 0 la C l'i b ilL l WP":: - ~ .. -,- .- • .'. 1 - , •'...tr! ' ...• I ;-.; I t •.- !I. . • ..-.,- ----- 7 —, airk:zZ. it "VT. - it ,-, • . '..4111*1A --11"11- .1;7:1411e 10,1 l'itrime to 1 Owen itA on the bet 11144 4 0" ;r• .daA4tllt Waym inmatekbirel egV*l ; Exhibit public ezhibl ittenzl Sc,4 Thursday ' Man*" ,i 00 1 1 9 101 #1 5 09 * (lOW the Sibbatlifiehool. pi:lore eitiatelly b° oat zaVi i Pork' tin; Witeid:-41eolitellrf*I710 0211 01 11 0 Us! n following on the value, I If pork u food. Its views are 1 4•There is no.trouble g pork In a, . cold cli mate. It Is needed . (/' oniii, tpr meat, for.the sup port of life ; ,Whllt4t 01 Sou vegetable 'diet Is bet ter. ButFleildebriliel*„ Iltie ynettehliepends On the tiont*lst,wych „he Atept. ,Ifhe Is kept u a mertreistiit I 11, ,, beril vindOiontennesa, the meat would be want ;to eat, its food must-en ter line its analicisition. Wes this In the difference bemeen the hogs fed on Scorns d thoieted' on corn. Any aitlitialtatilvitsinthe al and feasieoNltisi should be rejected as food. But I the hog am be,itept cleanly and-on pro per food , inFle rbse4y u beef, !'poultry or Voir: •- — . 1 -- !--- ' - -- . -4----I R. T. TAYLOR. , .._ Death of Jas. : Ruth; E . .—Jae. ft. Ruth. Esq., of . N't , ashington,. ' ~ died on t Friday in that bbrough. ; Mr. R. It will bd renieinhe . 'wa?,alsini* , tsedi. from th bar in that county some' ime ago. in cont I sequence o his conduct in the Fogler.,Montgomery. Dinsmore artier trial. On the Friday evening be forildt neat, .itiptKat oviviss...icciumain,lbpu the disitilllty was removed and he wail - gift relitared , to his former position at the bar. The deceased was at one time District Attbrier for 'that county, and the Democrats of this district made him their canal-, date‘fdi State thruster bfleill. • Be Was "atria only a few Gays previous toll's death. The Laurence affords us no I little pleasure to notice a decided lmprovenaent in the Lawrence Journal, published atNew Castle, this State. Under Its present Management it willprove to be a valuable aid to the Republican party in that gallant tie county. Its proprietors, whilithey in no settee nee glect political questionsare intent on keeping their readers thoroughly booked up in horns news. Thishm. not fall to Increase Its circulation and obtain for It a greater influence than it ever attained before. Its Oro. I - prietors,4.. W. Blanchard, Esq.. sad Eitiv*Sankey , Eeq., pre iritimatelylatown to . .mati3\ of Mil 'olio cid; zens,,as live men, Influential Republicans, and with ability sufilitent to make* Joarnatoinkkiktitanong the newspapers of the State. The latter, was for See.. I eral yearse . the Ravage Collector4)c this District, and i a more efficient one will not again he, appointed: lite political views cost blin.hiCotlitialhesui. A. ! T. amid 'not brook the WI 'eta& ceding it gentleman in the Nvenue service. who refused to endorsable `volley 7.". ' so Mr.. S. was notified that We labors were no longer required. We earnestly hope that the new firm will meet wit all the pecuniary and political success which . , their en rgy and ability merit. Mil (o . #, ysanw amseitetlatt - br rdank -st. RE 1221 Post, su ' 13th of MARRIED: DIED. „ . . L .• P- ; ,-VPria wwuxirt. Editor Amu -tolumnsT or_ alar„ Reßt.pwNti: gl your ita ft rii a hiV tits ti &y.'fioccar. Wd . *.* I4llsamouliixot - 101142404414,e1ifir0 - _ l o*4l l . veyi little uTtfco3o,olt, it t Scoec Indite ;4140: 1 4441 1 $"* . eitin,:lfie` C IN P7 b.3` "Wl° 41 0 ":':` :LA wet*: tothigthithedbYll - tOreV,W,,Y; jug ijigw:kove.ll . A sad accident hapkienedliere'iiii 84;04 Morning last. A few minntesafter the 8 -a.- sr ftefgStqaakiVgliiibcldlkiek AtrAllethittart, the Catholie Prielohsustifiii9M on the track in front of the Perixi crossing with one arm elieett r liffAiumer'ead&D, 181;1110*e an d n th' er ai s a m ataipsed - Abra horrible man nerf/ 4119,1wk5kit5, 1 104 , 43t1*ir. ) 419,1711 Tge most leasptiable : ltappasitie - 11. is that the deceased came to - 1084%th by a ttempting to get on the train irtliU hi motion. When will pOoilei csialOilli ;they, IF Yglv)ogt 4. ".irVAI” 3 V?". Aelbe pettlit . `Of CinpityiltAlcnstned on last:Mbigo - the'Grinthilierillitibi - atme bill against for the' ( `,murder of her Pi'reeltdiftieWi rani kait Pfigaitligg yiagg ieti 11600144 iliad3Wo 1 much esteemed by all who knew them. TiTh mother Iprfor . scime dike past been leatlin a life / 61 trittie. tiSt 'husSaiar sink &bled some eight years ago. It is supposed from the evidence that her paramour, who lives in Allegheny city,-is an accomplice. Her counsel have asked to have her trial removed to Harden county. _ _ Shimblthe above orany . .eittracta of, be worthy of a space hi your paper; filessci:lnairt it and much oblige , . ioars - Arnly, J. M. E, ..I s ik"..ii :', ' •::,'V 4 kl - 4 ..Ltinsi(iiite . Demo i erats a i . e' * '. ' IsitiOilliHl: _tiiii have - a hob , I horror* ti - ".rtonliMr*Otng, in- Whim. I 1 noticejth44klifelltgin4ehire canvass i which Is 'note .meg4t eate r tt* : " 41 9 Mgaili p ineis men # the "temperate, *o., sten mi the State, am , i *.,.• 4 men ' i '-' - the ' ,P. ----- 1 -- '. The ,wo..".TtnlY. bitter- i tin And most unelliistbin;thisgsor the color,, I 14 Peigge.Fid the hlitOttiCali?!? , 4 f P (3 , per' ijuied rebels of aW - thee leader in the White House, are these "Democratic" ; Reverends ! Yet not a ,word of indignation has been attired by the Poit,Or thelittle Load,: FeglhW e,k4f 8 .01F0 11 0 4 010 1 . !tiel•Sl gral 6 l )B ' Mr. Editor, it is the Lind of politiM that 1 makes the differoCe; . :Queli If a reverend ge*lemP . 140/1!4? -every, Sunday, ,preach about the. curse,. ofl-tainon, and show the "niggera":are meant : if he should littir' iiticti sentimenia is the Ilentnetatiel lawyiera-Ain ' cluding,tVese ltn,copki neither - Ra_ren_nor 1 5 14 4di 6 rePieitlT attlitifhtuiltititimil he Case' c'te 2l ''fliiiti?* l l.iiitheitia..4 4kar t: -ii l ield (11 :-'0 0 U 4 „ 01 1 1 1 1 440, 1 19.4371 11 :. lient0e _ _, .rits be disimbedi . • • ....1:. ::, ~., ,, , ,•: i 1:c . 31.4611101 C: 4,, Lvov ,PywAr., A col ored *As j alliai tint Workmitii entint.T.Miwybold.iw theAawdorefastesla RobinK'a C4 lo4l,l o l ;itifi;: l 7; ll ar.4. - Sli tc e•" : B Con isetguitV• • • *ti iaaic4. 'See one of Speer for his It Is the best thfleigir" males and CM ' Some time were seer .per ingg only Mt wOl. It Is I Ifolais &kb four years; al pre of the yaw =Mil l6B—here l ban been. li . ' '' . ' ild's . see , owing no doubt to the cold weather cher*. the , We note Fake of 10 'bbla it we p dozen, and some dealers are- baldbs- _ .- .- .. 7 .. C. BAcoth.Ltuakly.e_.—.l ANOp, Jo . ~ .11,dotztualiz.t,.., ) 1 71 2 ,- 45 -r:e l 41 1 1 / 4 11us4W ir c# , ' 1 ' •a mi zi4 : '„,:, -,iiijeik` s i - ii 1 6,- 0 bushel, I. '- ". --- •' ~ ,!, . I . .., -.," HAT—Press 'country wagons c oo ed ilziolqrsaillral *l riurix. l 3: ll not i e s ti c a lli t ity. .4 115 seeks abe .' $1 fit bul l small ieee to ere Wasik. 410 bas t rabr et irriered.ll4.4llloetsll*lbavegiladVat "tibia ll i t'll ilaitsi e s itt i ti wet Igi li lt-Itig led. wbo are' payil L ap, irMand for wldte whatt go lOW - . 2 _LajrILOITS,Ini "Me Clatla ..16" 1 1. .M. 61 1 0 17 11 r ; Pigno-lionntett eiploila...! " — Choler 114# ort erepiatil4, vfibt- . d i r t pAik 4ol *pt b t ," e Aosalroptp•cdoNA, t. in 'et4titO ~ A f i r i li n ponstA tet trT hl r tatial f t t i a l ibing Q. DlLWOR T i alguni tp. fcW6Bt, Public Ws," TlEVBDElillGsisrecte'veseix at public mita,. on Wier • • on FRIDAY THE 6th DAY OF • a . • o'clock P, m., the Horse and Lol. Mina& • • • 7- of Bearer, boanded nortti.br Turn • lot of the heirs of the late yr. s• • • CissMingliam,_dee'd, and south by Thir UM frame Ititcbc.. TSRMiih—Q) balance In for rimmed by - Andrew X Ins, ortl' , klos;ilivprs ,Jsek Ako4lPolh' der the peat et the Vjentig thle ease. damages oaf en the 10th - P.M lesalr6B., - 7 - 1 - .. 1 T 18T OF ^•' 1" ' - . ? ' ' ' Joseph A ndersOn D borough. John Orseblng `N . •• t °l/ • " • Daniel sourbeek . . , ,Non ton ~ , David Maglnv • Davy ...' " Retinae Alltiand. • c;•••A N twp. Michael TM .ob&vgit WV P.,Aleorn 1 . lboro. John E 1.% Shiva& -—•• • t. .!:11the i r et . .. .• Henry noken,,Y. • • tim_ . a gewsta ; John S. Shopler• • • i ,e 7: , ,, .4.‘ .#l3lMin me i. borne winisin*. Johnitos.,: .... Bearer , , John IL Clam.:. . - -1, Darlington. ,e ''' - ' Jacob, Marks ..... ~ , • ,,..,, . ..,r4. D _ nit:y=o. Jecob J. Row.— . ~ .4:41 1 oit . Elizabeth WSW.' ' .1 6 •iit• " sir • ' 7 111M111=1,3!!, ~!.‹. . 0 1‘14... 444 _ , nlll4ll 4 , .... -, 4 .. ' John Cram " ~.:;.A.r...± - Herman 1 1 1 bipithila r • -1•-•... • • j ai ,,," az .. To vCND LOOMS sir no a., • :::111 AM , 1 1 0 . QIIAT.T,IIMiII 04n1111 801011 , . , 4111 P ._, , , . . • C.F. Noire:Ur.— ...:••• • • r:.: . R a d n or , -, . J . c. jk•z • S S. It zeo ,. ..tow.lit e ve r • Mary Alexander ti.... : , ~ • ...4 0 = 1. ,.,_, feilisEltide- N--, sc-F4RIINIP Au 'lst of Cause , s in Noirelm Smith "VII", N.-47 .111f94.' Thisms 11.1firrisi , " 4Da 8. - Burnilter. Iflobed XLltpilins ilt,ift • _ Jobs Risitlfersny Robert Rowan Ran ' G . Afezooderealieh firtgStriate-a lF n Jane annen I rtPri‘ e CO:; • ; Nair: ts. alarm Jam* Johnston . cossousha mond Thome ta3 D. A.Teitohnst eß ithebote To tes, =d--121, Ttinnontad ...elkolo s4l ol olsolkinnegtist:ot a.(l4;=•l=el :i::151140n110% - v , Al : r i. ~.! '. ME ke . * _ A. atiVIN Townspd., ME BM 01==in=1=3=1= Ii GM! gi;4 ,l BltwP. *wa,rz-vg:. -fear: W:.E.MakilhO, frnal.)lll bavl:ls-311 lAN*AINBiIIICA* 11lAULly *.otsia*mo)ox so. -BRAD fil'ONlol. MEM ][All y, TLES. STON MiI)MARDLE POSTS FOR ORRRIStiIi LOTS , ,CEY; ATV 0.1 g) Gf rind Stones • on band. .Trinuo()s".: MSO4 AGENT TOR THE El 4 1 4 4 1 1 4. r 1,4441447.. Aefßfl i t i • M xi;srpekri crp • before =lbw elsewhere. We have Owens on snoe stook of fobbed work , rhletid a we ars'estl ana lut Wyse titan nut be bad fa the etti orals betted then ablating Womb 'WW2 the wan. t5.,,e 1 0 41. ima Bnbql-aze Arf• rat a r 6 - 19 " 111 rit y • Ibb "Mem. SIMON SNITGER & CO., (At the oltsland,'lrd 'trees DEALE'IIB,-IN A'LL' K TrIT.RB OF G R:0 .0:EA : I pp, Sven AS COFFEES; TEAS, -SUGARS, SYR UPS, MOLASSES, SORGHUM, RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, SOAPS, CANDIES: RAI• SINS: ENGLISH CURRANTS, . FIGS, :IPLOUli,* • 11101 irlSil; GRAD"; tee., &c. They are eoustaally reeehiag a fresh aisortaseatef ale= tap tardWir&s , " 4ll All ge efa versa If regain& r T. V'''l33 . 4.00 MAN.. Druggists. is , . ,c,.. ~ ~ . ~ • . Tlf. k e tt ( o r lz sAiI s ED FIB S EAVE. RECENTLT r= . " e r e " ttir 7 . IrtgadY 1 rtgadY be , bnmd, a ff m , 1 • ..! ••••• - Dkili(7, MEDICINES, PATENT ' MEDI CINES, LIQUORS, PERFVMERT,TOILET Sdiii- laliiiiiiiii7si eliWitiN C If ARIICLES, °JABS, PUTTY, LAMPS, - • ' 0 / 1144 , PAINT 6,, 114 illiti/48; Dri: .- . TOBAC6EB. - '' GAPS; STATIONER;' An,Sl4 l Y)'&'!asiltelt? i ; • -,,. Wilt be direfully oodroulded at iii bonnYind 4 4 - ‘ 14 . - these in their line attended to proinpUy„. - beaver rails. Pa.. N0v.16. '6l.—aorST6l: is. •I • - TOIII I I C. CALROUN•IIi ACCOUNT W ITH t3ll - mei of New Beigtitton Bounty rand. thismall. 18118: t =I To laboles due as depilate - - ... . 11115. nil lON. . 1 dda SI ..,, , .., ..„. - • iddl, - GM IS .. Itii r a . B eigttqa Urea*. Mr IQ "Rewire upoieted mos, 1111 . IQ I=3 E=1:1 . . . Ili crelallello llll **WO MK'. .sr.;:_.- , 1 as .. .. .. 1666. Off XI 6611 ill • . 1579 16 • " amount ti • on n °6 ta t11 1". k • _ 1144 •,. „ , . , tutored Filk s , - . . :. -• . ; i. : .. : . - '' lid INI « . interest ere tent. 64 .. wince 4. 1 19 1 ,‘ fe nc l e 6 ss rz: 2.;: c- •3- t I P • .. ,1 17 " dolemillikeld le conactork, , , • . ai .. amountplld Odell publttdsA,_ ...., .i . - .. si 2,7 : . r o •* teeelpt for unseated leads, 8461 “ balepee In tiereary, - _ MEI =I . $18519 as 'Lumina OF Dourry FUND. lAN, 1, • Not is bank, Id • X'-‘1 4 - • -= •-' "-' • • . 1 . . ' ' ASILICTB TO I'AT SAYE. -.' . ;i'S BwlaaesY~esr • . , • ' SI . . - : Sm . 6L ' .. ..11111 • . - lo• i n t ; d - ."'•-- - . IP; berme' . • Receipt for sonsestes body : 1 is le Ildssee In Ttessusy. - - LW , ---- ',12 Gil?) Intl g.t.0.5.:.:4.a. sLanisoistsi We tbs itadsrsleied snifter. tbs !Womb of ow. littalms lime examined Ow !Tieing - 5c5010 20 . 1102 Sada toftest.' _- _, -•• . • - • , -11:5:wINAN'eli. I ' k ituditirsazt , '• ' AMAX ,Illiwi''iTLWit , Jr.. f . .01 1 4:6= 1 . •-•- , :al M' r' r.) , . - ; tl.. , ' i t.. j 'i 91 a 8 ti..., - ) o -...-.. i. , • ~•~~~* TER r 7Trnm AND 11=1 •. MI - - - DIL I .‘ : 16:4 VII ~..,__, -, a:Miguel:V.V.-0 " . • 1 :lAA ,71.4(3,T,4t I - try t A, 9 : - , . ir l i • ,ism,_ :!:4,.. , ),,*'. , _ tfl -xi iitclitriiiir.-- - TiiT '...-3 . i i *;: - ....n. --- toki ~.. .....4..e. •T Inttr:* . 4 . - 0 - .0, o `, - -- 3 pr 61. 41 1) w w 1 -:4 , 4•1;;., 0, fia, rli '.l 6,.s . 1 ', ra 7) iril7.b titO. -'1 %,07 .),40 41: 7r.rcri.;: , ..4 :xi!! 'rag -fxr ue• :IP, !3117:!v,..' 41_1 - 4. 4, 11 •.:i .•••: ‘,.-;.; . 4 •1 5 :•f,t , ", 'At Z. 14 10 4:: 14/.3 %:;;!.....1.11 1 .?.. 7,11*1 Tri 4,'..••!•151'l • V. '.1.1:.:": - t I *Qrlll2lll9 t rir I - ft 2 r •J • • q?.;••'4.t T.r r , ,• .4=~=b•3i~::. P";:iiThiFflßlrM. IF ',' T ',. i' ! 7 7 i ...,:,, % ; I's 4 -, ,-• $ ''. :, 1 ME • . • 11 0 tt lIIMII 1 7 47' NEM „ HE 1 : ME IMI ilnubd opming Xabos. Deabses.Coloarte , lX lithium" and Brae goods a every kind. • and Mats from 11 3 4 am so 13%. Look we orbenr=r a delP• .1 = op, army Ostroosts sad Blankets. 't WI to esIL ; I- _ s • -- I II • - Z•t -6 7 " - 1 • ; • .; * 1)Y- !' • • • IM .1; : . • ' IMIEM - Finns 1 ryas!! t ryas III:ect from ImpOnere - .an - manufacturers the largest assortment ever oared. Cheaper than ever. ' Ci ',it i N.-:.-,% , :;:. MIME ME IMI • t - • • F. A. Fortune's 30. .• R ES 'IF 8 '0 N T 417421:11.x,11) tirxi bui .1.4•1:4 airr'3l.aara . • of AVat! ' ) ..r413007 4.4$ pttronts 2i i ita-lita a !!vc, ea z.a.sz ROCRLDI 1 IA M2=ffa 41111 46! =I MEM =EI StatiGIe.A.SIIIONS - , i r• . f- : „ • - --; • • Ittai,salas stay new ams wIM AI -044M/ I .otar= 4""r hoskilypke ll* % Er fiett i On.f',l - 4m*W41016; A , • • • • 7 ' te r Mi l ailtahr b ger i tt ' 1 1 1 ,051177:k17 1 EIM MEM =ME : • . 1 00008 BEM , s.= . I= -- 2 ; I Ilii IMMI • i MI , r „ (.- • - f 1 A , ;: ) .1 7 , ••-• i - K i ME , I . ial 1 4 , 14: T. J loakiaraid"—Skiliall4........,l sell 10 per cent. I 1 1140011 / r ill *" 41 1 ar•f.4. ate tepOre ti'• '. 1' "A' , r i - irmr " r pc:ono:pa,* Iplier ra -ei en i : .r. y: .41 • . = lo:4 Int trs • r ___, ,- • • ~. .., 1 , ... , : ,-. •,.....„,. , yr-, •AI ' • ' • '•I- - ,'' F'r -"I Wa LOnvimeni 2. 6.4 ig P. Y. A W. Eagewprtl No tree pee relltr6t4t. 33 DRY I. ',ENGINE 'Eli. REPAIR illiOP, . ... , ,:v lon itlyr.lataX.3., lord 'ND J• 11, trait:: ' „. • • I In FallstOn Beayer County, - Pa e • .• .• I / t j 1.: •. i ) .e . 7.te.1 •:.•!+ - Iripplja., f1:1b1... - .1:2;h: • i TIAVING ratted and enTarg= lll l gr a og isrpo =, 1 i IL ery and tools: and 'mint w. the best of meehauks. I am prepared to minuet I work done to give entire iedistiotkoll.• I l i g ic leilded , I Wanda : and styles of Zentieek I Rolls, an am prepared to make or repalr dadilr . 1 Dona of machinery, on reasonable terms, .'. 1,1 '.. ''' T ' .: I.': - ''•• t'? . •.• 'if 1 ' ynt - - r_.4+l • 11. • PLO!, .11t1.1 , 117•01It 0111111911. 1:: IS •1. I 1 • •• •. tt• • - .• , • ..1 . ~::.: •+-tra.f • t I hawse' tbe.beet piny • - • •• • + ~... 3 i atnelp oo litial ill lOW, • ' „.;. Off ' A,:t.., ..., ' I , ilews of tin oelm4 Iktr + •i • ey.._. ere ve eisee of this Pow.. and keep tor salualtiMat l / 4 . . * f_n_t ~2 ' i.f. I i -.Manually a i= sPd . • ''' ri nearly lathe in use. . . . _ t . 4'c t• , 'l ..: A! .1 , ::: - 47__. - . n -,- ____•2 I , COOKLYD;;FRANKLIN AND uz.traltilliMiL , : - • • 1 ih rw ill;ltilie tb -ci ont i lii mar n illillikt Z . and ir Ag e two . C p iil l either or Aoth of which ran be cued at the with -a,tentilatioe to the °vex limeltalligitelstraii twee of a Cooking_ Stove; Bile trial lalid•Penslalk Stove combined: This Stove has been is,see for twenty years, and many of them aftr awed I 1 Ser fideperit s 4 l l Lit imen t scur tpa l it ai l dthila je l rag l ie ebei g tow T itailk. er OP I 1 brick lining. Our other patterns, are '• • •_... t Keystone and • Premiere:. Parlor -• • . ‘ ,47 . II Nun midagatovegi maw* son - I , { te: Grata and Orate Pronta-Fandenit. _ . .; • vazions styles. Wag= Loge two . . •-• .: • I Corn Shelters. Fora and C i stern . r - . 7 -. ' . IMeta1 Metal-Slake for lakes. Wet „lritui jav t wipe ott Wad and iesterto -woke. tore and keep for sale; almost everything wan 1 tile tni l l i t=troar klir e dv nterr 1 4.ftit; ; Iiiiiiii'lk;fg making two new patters,. No. 7 and 11, Of the Or pat 011131_,, x4lO we tat e iZg ev , lo i . , th f,'lßT. 1 t 4c t ' . 1 , t ...171. 9 • 1 1.111 5 -Z7r • all to' the • Second hand . stoves tawny+. fa sale , dlntsp. 0 • good new. enlace, *Alta* For, V 7 -0 1 0 1. o °9 P.ore • `poses now on wad; and wed•be 'THO • e. marlittl7-Is. JO= Shaile*r;erißro. setestioss TO • STILES AL SHALLENBERGER , 133r!dsreyvater T'ern's. .• Lir iiiaatik:n LI! 1 98 8111 1 1 ,1 1 r 1 11 F.177 4 3 *T 4 x 4 44,14 , r0w0 tr OLr. W BAC If T A ldo T ; • :! • 7 . 7 T _ C 0 uyt.ry,.)Proavicee or- youomil ' • E TINWA-RE. V 41 2704 -1 . • -. ,' DZALZII, 11 1 1 ALL KINDS OW ""r -.""" •""' ;-; - ;Is; . 1 r,--1 . 7 L.IS. ' .?:4,r it Or. Sheetii, li T ../ E i.-{ . 4 vgaii.oi '..t. qs • g i irom i tet r eecr— AN cavil Aura ls raClP°sl cla of MT. COPPER AND' wAW11.90#4111,1"4 . 1:17. 3 0 0 rqf: .4,954r:417.:P416118.1cr. • 1:a11401M4140010 1 0 6, Dose toodierin tbe st gr is = =user. at MI!, Cfshl now but the imeet-of emetedel. but the beet at wodonts. VARRA.fit ALIT:4OM- 1111 IMIMI I • •1 : •' I 11. 7 , " . ..•.7‘%' re 440 i oat 7 11 . 1 k "Will . • 1 4 t .. - . • • -• :•• • • • jai 60,44,1440141-itorl . . • wareloßt. Olt pm.. (t' a lWi ll r, • k RU ,ITAfiDAR4I9IIR4TREES.. • s4.'• I • . Tagetidiger INFIPIN ; • "141101/ - 28*-- 1 441 111 V 1 ": 11111 ' T errl: le • !.9.5 1 # 6 0 1 _wen li ,114:411i: , -;.1."Tri qut - rr EEO Erni *: • r. rtIZ ~, .. _ :,~~. OM -.. ' * l ' ---- E 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers