The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 12, 1868, Image 3
El 15 0 IitANKR, OEBRUART 1118 Local-a!td M.lsoellapeous. The ARGOS has now a larger eire;latlon than any paper published In the nasty. Advertisers will promote their own Inter. me by baud= this IR mind. .• 1 . BATES OF 1112V!Cli4109tfiG --;; •- .. - , 1 TIME. , Bw.l 6w, Bm. 16m. ; 17. , -'-----;-1 one squre-10 Ilnec.. $2 00 $3OO $56048 80,10 00 Two squares , 5 501 500 7 00110 0(11/5 00 Three, squares 500 800 9 00111 00 18 00 Four swans 800 8 0010 50 15 00 21 00 08849tuth colnuall .1 7001000 18 50118 50 1 25 00 One=hall c01umn...... . . 10 00 14 00 17 00 25 00140 00 thie column, • 2:1 00 95 00.80 00.40 00,75 09 Administrators' ind Executors' lioticer SpetkoliNotices, per line.... or Pjyyments to be mute Vt*terly,exeetit Trouieient ',Adsrerthitur,, which meep be paid In Amite. ' state of. the Thermometer Or the week end ! mg on 'tlie Sth of Febnutry, 1668: • ! r 7. A. X l2. P. X 9P. X. -----.— ---r --. rebruAry 2. 12 deg. , . -, 26 deg. , 16 deg. ' " 5, 0 deg. ' 17 deg. ' - 1$ deg. ~ .. 4, ' 8 deg, 82 deg... 19 deg. ' " 5, 10 deg. IBS deg. 86 deg. B,'s 29 deg. la deg. 19 deg.! ... 7, 16 dog. '' '2B deg. 11 deg. 1 'B, 9 deg. , 88 deg. 115 dog. R. twit. Mrs. Louts& Patterson. of Sharon, Ude coun ty, Is authorized to act as scent for Tun Amara. ' • Wm.' Statham, Jr., 54 Filth -street, Pitts burgh,- le the authorized nett Mar • Tua Jaime to that NEW ADVEUTEIEWENTS. The Attention of the public fa directed to 'the fol lowing new natertbnnente. whin Appear 4br -the aria rime triTED /moue WO. C. Sale -J. It. Iferrab. Or Lend for axle--Thialel Garber. • Vricanted—.l. W. Mole k Co. Ori3taternena--Correy Ceriunizetonere. nrBpeeftiotfielLlEleheidt Bio. orBpeehil notice - J. 8.-Barrett wirSpectal nOtlces--Wm. F. Clarke OrSPeeYil notices—J. Boggs. • The Rochester Tescherl Institaie will Mee t at the school house on Frids, evening. Tenuser 14th, at 6yi O'clock. • 'Ail interested sre-respecthdly invited to attend. . A Democratic justice• of, the Peece,•in 'Clinton township. has been granting dieorees,tor the pasit year or two: This Is somewhat den improvement on the law. 'this rule individual persuaded a poling man to swear fhisely in order to Tote the Democratle` ticket Last all. Oh, virtuous, bonsai Democracy, thou art a brick.—Veriano Cleken. —1 • God ilinconnwy.—The Tyrone, P. lierokl *aye: -Mr. Sample Anderson, of this place, his ;.discovered what is said to be a rich gold mine, masa his place.— Owlewelers can pronounce lt , ..,ncithint else. Nitric Acid produces no visable effect on the Metal.• So pile to, ye gold vtorshippers c to the new Ell!ored0.1 The Little CorioraL 'for Pebruarii, is a very due number. The Publisher offers Most beuutiful pre miums, and unusual inducements to : *ellse (UM..— . Terms, One Dollar, a year. A sample eopy will be sent free to-any one who applies for It duringFebruery. Address ALPS= L. Salami.. Publisher, Chicago, 111. "The Handwriting of Cod" Is the title of a new and important Book of testimony to the pro phetic tintth of the Bible.. We direct the• attention of .onzr readers to the advertilTement—"Wanted, Men and Women of Chrisihn clutrcter," In another column. Tbe Way ialltop 11.-!-At itlect,nre InßroOlyn, Mc other eventag , a gentleman arose and asked the kennel. to wale a lbw minutes until a couple of ladles near him had ilnished bilking. The •reqttest i was ap• planded and the nsisance abated. I . - . 1 iML 4 *". 1 0.100. 1 .1 kiPbvtall nCevening eay otlantweek. 4niiiilWs p a otlTaad --- - wee regrzded by those who heard 11,as a very fine one. 14r. P. la a wood talker. and Is also !evidently master of the ettNeet npo n whlchhe iectared i , viz: "The world It yet in its Infaney, - ' ,,. • Sheriff'. LitteiPss iblinesota:—pur county Jail at the present timeeontalnconly seven:pilsoners. Thia is a very small ninviber romparn4 with other years just preceetilrg rot: :larch term of Court.' The'lli. A. it.-j.'rhP Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. located in this plice bolds Its meeting. la the large hall In the new bNiding erected recently by Mr. A. Wynn ilkthis bOro . .gh. The mernbers\are requested to 'meet rm. eveilin (Wednesday) at the ahqve named Hall, at GP. M . , t the'meeting htl.'. on but Friday evening, we learn at twenty-three apoll catlomi 'for memberibin were received ar.(.l acted upon by the Post. • I==l , . Entertntruntint tra Itiacheater.—On Tuesday ei ven lig of last week , the Gopd Tempters of Illoelea. ter g ve a public entertainment In the school' Hall l of hat lt.c .. The home was filled to every nook and corner. and the performances were very creditable' to thoesreornierte I ndth the entertainment. Itil general reipvtt tlie entertainment was repented on the follow tag eyenintt, The sum of one hundred Millers was realized, , I nhlth will be need in furthering the Interests of tite'Ottod Templer's Organization of that town. • .1 _-- - - Sinking of the Emerald.--Q0 Friday the .111 st Inst.; the Steainer Emerald struck a sung at the mouth of thinitd river, and sunk In a' few minutes afterwards. Sixteen lives were loft. Mr. Martin Lyon and hle son Ecnry.hoth former reeldenta of this place were on hoard at the time of the casualty. and saved their lives by taking to the water. and seaming to they shore.— Their escape from drowning is said to have beena lery narrow one. • • Looillne.—Any business more respectable than what le termed hitting, young man had better go into the retail pea -nut trade than hang around public recent, Murdering time and hit own rePutatlon. Very few need be idle any Where or at any time, who have a faculty for work.' Four eeventhe of mankind, how •eser, tesin to lazineee end the sunny elde of things, as blissfully as dtioners to impatience tar teamsters to pro- Loot .and Pound.—The - young man who picked ,up I% small roll of greenbacks, from the floor, at the window•in the Rochester' Station at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning, January 224, will please re tail. the money to Mr. Masten, agent at the above sta tion, and m.uCh oblizo Tun Owysz. ' 4,011. Valentine,. Day.79—On next Friday, (th 1';0 of 2 'ebruary,)l. "81. Vslenaue's 111'7.'7 •From ~ time whertnl the memory ot•mcn runneth not to the contrary" this day bag been obtrereed by the young people, and by come too, who were not so young, as the occasion for exchanglngt"loie epistles and etch," as tiasby would call them. Friday next, we suppose will be no exception to the rule, and vihtherefbre ad. .ire out young readers to watch the Post Mike on ' • that day. - , The G. A. H. National Coneentlon.—At the National Convention of . thri, : erank Army of the Republic which recently met at Independence Hall, Phliadelphia, the following comrades were . eleeed W arns of the Grand Encampment for the ensuing year t Comrade John A. Logan, of Illinois, Commander-111- (11 W; Joshua T. Owen. of Pennsylvania, senior Co mmander-in -Chief; J. T. Hawley, of Connecticut; haler Commander, T., C. Campbell, editor of the Ohlo Republic, Quartermaster General ; A. H. Quint, or Xassachueetts, Chaplain. Delegeteewere present ,from thirty Tic; artroents, ftPresenting two hundred and Ofty tho Spend diembers 'Sudden Death.—On last Friday about 11 el Mn.. Joshua Wright, of thli place, was attending to her usual household duties, she was saddenlystruck `Ott apoplexy, and Wore a phystclawdolild be sum moned, expired. She had been 'ln her modal health, • mid the day before had been visiting in the country, aad e xhibitedsmore than aeual vivacity. She was the d aughter of the Rev: John White...deed.. fOrmsrly of be Phmburgh Conference of the M. It Church. and 11 slater of 4. W. F. White, • Eaq„ city solicitor of P i tt sburgh, and at one time editor of the Reporter t— t'ite died at the age of forty-two years, leaving a fatal -54 Map:Mien; slime of whom are quite 'Young--' took slice on Sabbath teat. was ttrgelY attended.= Vraett. Reporter. . „ Minn - V - - -INnsits.••••- 18611,1ousteseandase .15, 1 1x" 3, r thirupas4 _ comar 14, I fivehesear l Born.-Jas. A. l ur MO* to IRetiskfTsitt.v tarn . At=, reined: 1„ : /feeieSeuteltslt - ihft BM* 14 101 5 1 / 6 ! 1 37 PP 1114 1• 1 , 1 -. P rE ert Y_ ) )c4l ,P • 'Di tin/if/foss 2)A-4•141.1 I git lite *" l ll 11 wat. 4.4f l i w is i a ' - olo tent. 7..C61444.„, s 4, ss wi th id& • Raw* 17 .-John AisriliChrlif • of =7; Ohio Calderell,; ,R - t, making a total of • ! Stklee,74l6 . Big Beaver Tp-Robt. Thu shows an IneretSleUr the "Wee of the prepertf . .mighton Tp-Jease Carothers, Geo. Retie. John .ot last year, of $4118,7118.' In view at Kirkpatrick, Wm. A. Laird, John . tb1044 uhoOlu 'psi** Nave* couay,.! ! .not on Moon Tii,.4incy Bugle. - •. . • .siki . stdirke*-to vrealth f 7 1:,- /topewelLTp. 7 -Willtam Green, Geo.Spatadhig. .• • -). - P • -••• • • South Beaver'#D. P. Hartford. 1 • hero Brighten:-John Jagger. • • Rooketoum--41ekaon Sweartdgen. Econonly-..7aCob Stomp. _ • Beaber-E. -- P. Huhn. . Greene-WI-111am Cook. L9112i • , Liget of Peat Sworn for Mardi legisiolisg 1888, Cosita r achig Bioltlday g lllairelt 16. , • • [First Weetl, , EconomyTp.7Leander Alexander, Tho mas, . Big Beattgr 7 B. H. Andrews, A..W. 'Gibson, W. Eakin. • Independerisri-David Alexander. Joseph Connell. •• Ittacxvioggiohn Anderson, William Bickerrstalgeti-- ry M. Campbell, Jas. Christy, Thos. 8: Rambo:' Hopewell-Ingraham Boyd, John S. Boyd, Andrew McDonald, William A. Thompson, John Donde, jr., David MeCallbder. • New Brighton-Joseph H. Cunningham. Patterson Mitchell, Joseph Punkhouser, Robert. Heston. • Rochester Boro.-Cieo. C. Cunningham, Hugh :limbic* 8. A. Reno, T. J. Power, jr. Beaief Boro.-Sam'l. Dinsmore, Alexander McMa: hen, John Moore, Thos. 0. Anshutx, S. B. French; Tp.-Robert Duncan. • i• Irranklin" Tgr.-11 P. Fisher. t• • !. Hanover-WiUlant. Gilliland, South Basier-L-Robert Grahling,' New Sewiatky-Williadi filegai, • • Nortleßeviatity--Jacob Gabe. • " Markus-Rally Bettina. • ' -BrigAtogi- Iji•J 7 Wm. C.-Hinter, _ Moon Tp--Adam liardinbsugh, Thos. Kerr. •• • s :Pgilllifißnirgi-Adarn . • s'• - • , • • • Rochester Tp.Tohnstnnitrwin. - • • Oreette-Jo hn • Kenahly. Industry. P,.--41aCtib • - Bridgewater-John-B. Smith. Agginyggly-Andrew Kotterba. Chippewa 7)3.--John McCaiter. • Freedoin Boro.-L-Deorge Baker. • . ' • Pew JErvre k ___. \ 4 ?[Second Week.) Bridgereatei-Thos...Alleia, 4. l l lllB ;_intlin7o l ._°- Molter. Lucius Elderkin. Agetustry-Robart Anderson. - . • . ..Fkonomy-David- L. Andeison,-Phillo-Iggisgsm: ." Fa/Won-Manus Baldwin. Beaver Boro.-,Riciurd Brown. Brighton Tyr.-Samuel Black, John Gibson. John McMahon, jr. New Setri,atley-Conrad Beet; John Menet!: t Darlington4-llaprge Bayless, .G. W. McCartney John Pail. • ?Markt-Jai. Brewer. Jas. Irwin, E. Smith. Borough ibtonshlp-Amos.Dontt. • ' 7 eMppema Tp.-Davld Pergnson. , Harmony 7)4-Joseph Goma. ' Raccoon-Andrew Gamble, Henry Kennedy.' Hanover-John A. Gibb. • ' Afariosi-john Hickey, Sampson McDaniel. Rochester Boro.-Joseph Thrra, Mellvane. ..Vew•Brighton-George Hart, J. 8., McPberrii. breenO-Stani. Leeper. South Beaver-Jame, Lonthen. • p - Big Beaver-Fergus McClelland. "1 Patterson-John Sterling, Hugh White. Rochester Tp.-4ohn H. Whialer. • ' 1 - 8300 lONA Attipology for Afriora Mitabodimm.- ?law Bruotrrorr Feb. 8th.1868. latitor Argue : The Stave is the, dile oisk work from the pen of Rev. Daulamin Timer, of Belt!- t DON'T BUY AN ORGAN more, which I have Just read with pleasure and Inter. - Until v have heard that ''eterfal must' eat. Mr. Tanner tyro the MAndreirTanner,barber, , 4 " / of Rochester, wed lg . :down tc; rttly of your reider3. . , The Mawr is evident!). a man orennare warmth- formance of even a child upeokthat perfect 'rack% and the Work would do no. dlseredd Jo' any of histrutitent to more' teuchhtg • Ily those white divines who ignoire Me *Mt ot the Ida& Wr 161 44,, IA& tiliyori upon. most other oratts.'i:' effects of the oex humatukhuMan iroleeTatil "celestial stops—n Tate invention„andifound in perfec tion only in the Burdett organ—are touchfng :end syngiathetic lit the extreme; and compar able only to the heart-searching and tremu-* lous tones drawn min their r itohns by an Ole Bull or a 'Vieux Temps. The Messrs. Bieber & Wood"-ttreet,• Pittibirgh, Pa., Mire the sole agency, and will be glad i :!no doubt, to 'Arm these organ gems to all' - piho PM desire It, nbt only. an apology, but I history . 'of 'the. African .M. E. Charchsinci its organization in 1816, and contains some interestinst statistics.' From. it 'wa 'learn - Au Richard Allen (who that has been much in Philadel phia has not heartier Dicky Alen) and !Iva other. col ored men seceded from the M. E. Chu i rch, end organ ized the A. M. •E. Church. •Tfila theidid because of the prejudicea of color under which theY labored. fror although the black man formed no inconsiderable por• Lion of the 3f. E. ;Church, and contributed liberally Qf his miens for its support, yet was he fotbidden . to use the talent God had given him, and forced to 'lake back seats" in the gallery. From Its birth in 1816, tin it was barred out from the very field (the &Seth ern States) In which It could .work With the be re sults, yet It can now boast of a, membership of about 100.000, and church property valued at near $1,000,000. I commend a perusal of the book to every lover of universal liberty and' human progress. Especially would I recommend its careful perusal to those nar row-minded and prejudiced whites who can see noth ing in the black man bat a monkey. li. , The Poor of Pennsylvania.—The "Citizens Association of Pennsylvania" is a society whose duty it is to Inquire Into and report upon the"dependent and criminal' population of the State" and on all matters relating to the causes of remedies for"pauperism, vagrancy and crime." From the report just made to the LegtilatUre, we gather that the paupers In poor houses, and chargeable to counties, number, through °tit the State 14,993, or one in 940 of the whole popula flan. . - Coat ormaintainlng The, at *29 cents per day each or 81066 ¢ per year, amounts to $1,597,720, or $2 67 for each voter In the State: MO percentage of pnblle poor who are helpless from age, disease, or other infirmity Is about .45, leaving .55 who are ibleto employ themselves In . llama occupation that may in part remunerate the counties for their sup port Relief given to dee ervingpoor, not residents In poor, houses, generally termed "out-door rellei," amounts . to $190,578 56, or-82 cants to each voter. 4 The number or the second clams of poor, denominat ed Vagrants; can not be well ascertained, but from re turns in band, the number of meals furnished to such, at the, poor-houses, best-heated at,561,009, which at 15 cents per meal would amount to $51,150, or 9 cents to each voter. ThtinuMber olnights lodgings furnished to travel ing poor is 119,096, Add to this the _lodgings In eta. . non-houses In Philadelphia, 46,250, and we bare a to tal of IMAMS nlghtelixigings furnished to vagrants. 'there are two other theatre of prior, viz : the insane Idiotic, deaf mntesiOlinfl had friendless., and the In_ meta of the Iforupoif of *Cruse, who ereimptiorted by State appieprbitlons, 4nd are sot embraced in the above. *This 'ls. •be eatlmate lot the Phltadelt.hla Alms house, which hi lower than any othes tu the State. - On Thursday Evening, February 6th. D. D. G. W: C. T. Carter. D. D. G. W. O. T. Drava, to stalled the fbllowitur odious of Beaver Ledge, No.lloo, I. 0. or 41 T._ to servo for the quarter bcginnthe February Ist, lee& - W. 0. T., Barry McCreary ; W: V. T., Joie Dravo ; W. 8.. Lew Wilson; W. A. 8, Jessie Frazier;' W. T., Martha,-Early; W. F. S., Jas. Smith ; W. I. G., Mary 'Warn ; .W. G. G., C. Wynn,; W. M„ A. Wynn; W. D. M.,' Ida McCreary; W. "C., J. M. Tallon ; R. H.. S. Ihrta Moots, H. ft. Belleldelrinley. This Lodge I. Liss dandshing condition, and has put moved into the new ball built by Mr. Wynn. There will be a public dedica tion on Thursday evening Mruary 20th, 1866. iliMl Matter niumed.—A special dispatch to the COmmercial announced the burning of a baggage car on the Pitutburgb, Fort WaYne and Chicago Rail way, On Wednesday last, together with . a quentity,of mall matter, Later information' dates that there were thirty tire' pouches of letter mall and one hundred bags of, paper mail, all of which were consumed, with the exception of two or three tette snatched firm the car. The 11 o'clock a. ii4tain from the .Fast tgled to connect at Flttsbnigh,'Mtd, In addition to Its °Urn.: thu mall from the previous train wu put in this csr, and was coiseqiiently destroyed . : tit •this; tan bags were Chicago mall, and its keg will be heavily felt by todividnak interested. The fall. extent of the loss will probably never be known.—Fltts. Com. St. Lomb Pairs,--Wo are indebted again to Mr. T. J. McCreeri, of Kailia city, Mo., Ito late western and Boutbera papers. . ‘t• Mr I!lii } olCjion mit Beyeesentadve In the Lee iaitueihtbsOnced a birrin the*imit on laid Monday to pterenblishing erldvseines sari nets In the rivers •Afll : PritiOn *Aver Omni. - . ,A 1 Ona authorising . the appointment of an a+- iinitoLiMotify Public at Beaver Falb, this county. ..• . • Taylor, the Senator from this District pre. pentad 'petition on kit iirondity, to thO ftenste, asking for the extension of the limits of Bridgevnitgr. MARRIED. MeGREHAN—REED- 1 1an. 80th, ISM, bj Rev. Geo. Weglhani,"it the nistdenoe of the bride's ether, ,We. WUlfam MeGeebaa, of City, le*o, l sad Mee 'Bamantlia M. Reed, of Beaver Co, Pa.; • DIED. BARNEE!—, Oii Tueeday:_the Aida 'lest., in Became . tywnshilqßeaver county Pa., Mr!. Mary.Barnee, si;e4l yeeiv.. ' Ceithrenf*hkinStligill Yd. county Mari* liebrilary 7 damsel Hoyt, in the Seth year ends ad& , I ,r 7 SPECIAL NOTICES. Win, F. Clarke delivers all goods when re quires!. : , , ' THE BEST THING YET We have recently had sufficient evidence .9t 'I I 3(ixeCIIPIYISAr !gert.' , /en!°' Wine, which not' only, conivnces thai 'ail: we can say in its praise is deserved, but that we are really conferhig a favor on our read era in advising theni to use it. The wine is: puregrape wine, entirely unmixed, and the most agreeable and delicious in flavor of any . • ;if; Ave 17i litiiitlidaffeigiagifflailleii we entertain the very highest opinion, snit upon the evident* of our own observation:-- Three britLics A uk.thbi wipA Niye nearly ef fected a perfect cure in the case of our little boy, who has been seven years afflicted with ~4P u@nce f. the rim. t A great number of retriediete hriVi beetl4l4‘Cacwiihritil :iagat arid the most eminent physicians. consulted with a like result. Speer's Port Grape WineAF, a: cure. We have given this testluian) without the knowlcde of Mr. Speer, in the hope ttukt others May induced. to try the virtues Of . 'this Pungborii, 'Miter 09 New jaws/ 44. 7642 Sold by druggists. • Flow!: Elmo ft Float!! ! It, is my *sign to thrash the best rim:Rat the lowest rates, and to make it►a speciality in my business in • Wm.. F. Clarke. , 11111 E your Groceries from Wm. F. Clarke and you will alWays be sure of getting the worth of your• money. Stock always fresh and well selected. , A NEW Dim lowan* of the Bible, by Wm. Smith, L L. D. Mr. .J. Boggs of New Brighton is the authorized agent for the above work, and will call of the citizens at their homes. This is'a btl that every one Ciug:it to have. It comprises, the - Antiquities, Biography Geography, and Natural Histciry of the Bi ble,*lth numerous Illustrations aud.teapti. A fltil line of Canned .Frults and Vegeta tiles--at lowest rates—at Wm. F. Clarke's. See one of the Pr4eitups awarded to A. Speer for his' celebrittd Port Grape Wine.— It is the best grape wine ever produced in this tbnittry,•the standard *lie:. for.coniniun on purposes, and the most beneficial for le= males and weakly persons. :- 4 E ly. Try some of that 'Prime White Wheat Flour, for sale by Win. F. Clarke. Corn, Oats, Corn Meal, chopped . Corn, and Oats, and Buck Wheat Flour, for sale by Wm. F. Clarke. "Peace hath her victories no leas renowned than those of si," and .first among them Must be namod the triumphs of modern dis covery%in removing , the ills that "flesh is heir to," and especially -those by Which the delicate membranes-and tissues of the scalp and hair are affilated. . "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" is the great antidote to wigs, 'baldness and grey halt r..contains no mineral or deleterious qualities, and Is uni versally. ,admitted to be She ,finest article known... 4, 4_ ' Take notice hereof, you who have detected the premature evidences of age--the tell-tale whitening of , the locks, the ' unnatural' ;thin ness of the covering which nature designed should go with you to , the grave.' A word to the wise-is sufficient. Best qualttyJapan Tea 80 cents per quer ter, at Wm. Clarke'& Try It -; The Sim Burner--6 nek thing for sale by Win. F. Clarke. ' 10u W p g limuro lf.D . 8 SZWa./NseinG gma Ladleti before BditiZgeejlemla,o73rthe Brighto an i 'd a l n a d m see eenv t inir7 s :d i ts o y o wn o r n ed if it W r i ai , e nia no • I other. It does not take to suit au. BP° Price' The Reflecting chlmqq-;Afest thing out— Wm. F. Clarke has just received them. ,z et p - c y soaps . in ety, at 9m. F. Clarke 's. Best Navy Tobacco in'the Cottaty—trr II —at Wm. F. Clarke's. . • • Wia.,F. Clarke sells 'the best..Elitur, *At rents it in all cases, and dellierii it rivkiiptly .1* ..... .__,_4_-• -. . • .....-• . *ILWIPIICINID lirigigLY.) . allitnill Pa. is, war. , pies per boo., 2.10 per !D.A.. 46 Dri , Por_ea. TS a s 1b..... (0 w... 10 .4. 4 S . ?MOW par lb.. F or— 1 416 LIM lb.. h .-. Sok per ........ peer 1b..... ie ... .. ... .‘ t• .11.• eflol i 'od ~., 1. ,10 C • .4..4,4.. , - 6.-4r a oh ..::: P is .... / . 1 PI . r i‘‘': P 11 64,.14.1113K.F,TS .___ . , 1 , 0 of TUN Ii1:11.01I COIDUCIICIAIL. I. 1 -BA .11' /I macro , Pebreary 10,-100& week trade has Fated 'lran In nearly' ado ' . 1 . 11 . L 14116 7 11.4 t05e • rer tr ohol. mp P ti ri o7 bti of7 l . ri camo ver t tiarim li : p ti of islooked for.. Merchants have n on th notate a canneerahle asetbar of eedato s ~.....nyonda tor elastomers along 1 t ta till * enlhargois liken . During the week i n Fwe st veri kuts u .11.ana.o flifille ed stimi dfti: is tbr y : ned. tkass lit .Th m e na r : x r . 14111. 43 ::_. eas ements "' " 11.' dill itse ta r al tskstk onute 66" p au lai riff. 4 hub e: - ti szl4 o4 l Thenp are ad. v uo of - 4 ‘.. Articles Ok prodite TO Maud Tail, Packs;= ane . •as %goers 1 t Maar 5,3 Wrap*, lin eh - 'n, buns; alrn Of sating wheal •41111 1 , herl . Mks; rye tilt wire and batter Ili l' = acklige. fb 401,1 4 -" 14 "‘......r. ate the' Whblesale store mand 85 lulu' . ..... Opp* . 11e scenter, altpeadily com •' • • ' , o; •- - 0 - - " • BACON: : DZD.--401161f11%.'4 We leitelales of 7,000 to O. rna aj Ille r Shoulders at 10%4 an d mu tiltles-it 11- IS? lee -Once boulders 11%, : _gar des at ie• laira lic ; -D r ied and an:skirt Bacon lise tr. -- - - Dv. Jam rewi n d wa n ny padnit en hitter at telt* /hose ad SIM! IotIIIDIL Metalad _stota l e a sin p IA: • •,: ._ il; ' .Scab- at Sie. , and limed tat .124.11, dozen. sat B e ote sales of I.Boolnt dried peach es attic. SW h +ivies at Te HAt It loads maw ti moth) were Enda 'DI won ri:gnote Wed by at Slue= 9 ton, from eta . POZATO ... t iknEtxdatoes me nelllngatil 0 4 6: 4,1 109 1 . .1 , litran.-1! Pttki '4 el 11 4u U u t 1 ;1 3 ' la te elates ' rip . Gaya*. . , 1 75, sod ' 0 1e... .0 _I Oats Item g wing: U* " Dr etre ; krei crom *alma& , eels a NMI*, blister. SU 415(147 t shut.: l s vont at ltl _Olk end stare ar $1 116.91 ILI/hillsy., 91 WOOO ft heats& kw ;Mlir u t a r s ie7", et Mee' oould white i • , . . . gnu WSW grole. cora anal stslllls9l49 V 'i I Itnt Fle-Ww.tnalte "oat in I).wribi.T rA Btrozw3rbous»-W froasetbre ay km 04 soil Plick i ;i dr t la. hutk irould: hardly .t .. . .. • disks ado of spring 401- , iiikii- Imitate, .÷: , J.. : ,:;) ;-, . ~: :==Mlil t t ptiyipAr4Zl9Rage s . _P . ' lid 6" • .JD' ainti : ____ Lx 4tP CE-t 8, IT . • Wade .. - k streets, Allier say, ':''. - vefig eolll . 4 :beloir Th 1 1)16 ,; - ___, , . ,•. - ,r; . ~.:: . 1 DitaujoeS IR LEA. 9 IN T,6, ,- OILS, VARNISHES, ,DYZ FEI, DRUGS, CHEMICALS*, :PR 4R7 JOrDlC7Nieft, FOR. i E DOMESTIC PERIM :'• ' 8, ' 804PS' TOILET - . . , GOODB, de, dvx. -. 77dLE8, FANCY' - BEM - TED-CLOSS BY THE DItroTS OF , the Raihray linos. we have superb:ft Ih eiliths commodation of our c m e w and the 4 portation of Goods to all pane the cowry ramie/ its with their win amide expense anhoyuxe, baring de ll iered on t heplatforti of thine,' y mate& mid ohipped ,athey . ~ . 111 401 1 . Vial tho 'Mama of Ph - yak:fans' and . sou In fine 'elm** of imported WINRB sod B which we bottle onmeires. and gamin Ihders , by mall art/ rewire atumd • - 7 , . own, 1 EH WIMIT =I NEW\ ZINUFAC im + COOKIN YEN • MTOVICas TB FRONTS and 1 FENDERS, Jct., ker. 1 - . . _ Ruby Cog Stove Nosl,B Sr. P. Inns 4 STOF E THE FIRST PREMIUM tri the State a Coal Cooking Stove, and else ettbelate . Ws woe no scrap ken In theft manufacture, - them exclusively of No. ITO Metal, and warfiem in every respect. The Rubyll,ljat gest oven in the market:in.l 1 consumes but I el iu baking, owing to to oar int proved Grate. . . G&TE )NTfi AND FENDERS il irkg, _,. We are ingot in the manalkcinie of Grate Fronts and — eitich monomial In maven com mon, mooed y and inn ante& 'Mb enamel rp• tuna Its hmtro long Unm, will not barn ME and e$ am ilnlalt to that of Coal Tar. are alio we have uJie . • i. 1. tie* sleet heSting Store in the niirket Qs an the beet 131.01 Isl their " not maple:et. but ft Is our Its 4i: • asse=t onr i pei st i for zrurzitmlbeVic'ptsbrt4 I reII let i share of the public ps• Aan "P`o, he placed to ees those wanting 4 atilt , et oat woks. :- • Ito Nat all al)•II: • 31111111WIC & IX). We for th don. Our, bmtio) 1 ,:Wis m arid .--- We etisPe lloyetrenaggeel tot movillr6 tl, We If otlee.—Lettas testamentary on he eat-oe John Nevin,dee'd., late of Hopewell township, Avec r raw baying been granted. O. thenodetelat r o . • Indebted to said •sener take are renneste/d Pis payment. and those baying eta the lameNrilf present thempte: Fry Mabee tor asttleummt. . ..... .. ...,- - , Ad-lt ZDIE. :Otani My: A ; • ' • A 5.11. WALLAC . normen IP. Executors. janel'ei:et . , ... ...... 1; A. ittiticrm .... IBUCACLZT„;. STON r -r-WPWC:f. tory Buildings, I G . H.:T 0 NiP A ICK & CO. OP AND WHOLESALE LEP b.SALERI XElt PIECtS. 4 ng Shoot Iron Sumner Meets (lbr ad fora patent)presaad ap In a -ona- suck I,lshlar.thatt. cut "• • TING STOVZS: • • .L______ , . Cf.' i t .'.l i `.'...." '.. 1 '. .1 . ! . . k. , ,`,' ,-; ::,..i '',C - 1' . : '' ; ,', •I. um 1857 , To amount borrowed • on account at new JAIL' . iti.o44 tea.: !, moonlit oda on-ionTh4 aknlei, .Si is •• Ss Si WI Al! s• i A' " " " scam, i , MX " " " Am 500. 1800. " " " 1 1 to gn .t.M=l„, -. j ' 7-..."' *- ; l e an i. rl - 1 ....i- rpi), r 1 .. . . r .... L. ikeii. . _' l' J' C. 71 18t1. " Si " ten. *. , - ". - a* MI 14 MIXO /WM '.. " ~ ... ... " _for bonsky to 701 nnteert, . • ' 31,017 " " , . 5,338 1861. " l• : 4°17" 11411.4r' bonas. at . 8,631 " k.rjurtY Parrnito. b 3 ! 111 : 1 7 8 24 110 4141." ' saes tee. ' - .• t . 5.4t8, .. .. ' ;:iii - IZ!'' , ' - ''....,'" " !'3oo aeo 1806. " .. " - I. ..- N 5 5 se 1 , • $155,9116 116 . 1U587. " "'' •• - 16 •• • • 18 *-1.411 I 8811. 1861. " " .6 18611. 6. .6 mat TO %WM Matadi BoiroWed ag. To 8 impel' ai n d keds , . Less among* tobands Trimurti " on unseated . •Ao ins by collecto% l4 " . Eamesds by comity, . • _ .1,-A. FoAune's MO Dry Goods Store, ROCHESTER PA 9, . "n" 3 it.lFl I • WINTER GOOD - g _ - • FOR 'MR H 0 LI I/ A Y S . .. i . .. MINEEPHI 111 IMMINIEII eirond openlni of iterincsi Delaines,Gokergs, Bu thee and Deus Goods of every kind. . , • • DOKOSTICEL. . h . • Kaoline and Prints how 61( cents to 12%. Look we advertise what we have. Good Bed Flannel 25 cent*. stains and-Blankets. cheap. Ticking' from 10 cents um, army Overcome and Blanket". , Don't tail to call. . :1 Finis InbaS Fags!!! Fuss: t t Directfrinn 'limiters and imantivetairtrs the largest assortment ever adared. Cheaper than ever. • • • • - . • . • . . . P., A. FortutLe'k R E D -UR .0-N T .1 4 1 .T ROOREOTER. ; Aga • COM . .1012.0113 , i 404,174- SIM 11iRiDGE iM BRIDdEIyATER MI - Yzn:f . A..• i t 'll' 1. AWSON & RICHA Beaver Falls, r•AVTICIG6GIST OPENED LIM' STOCK OF OROC • . • NOTIONS. - • • , • `43poorEr& SHOES, HA R DIVA • • • • %lathier Cala all sizes and double strength. ape dal attention paid to tilling orient for Largo • else window glue. te. Alee, LINSEED OIL. CRUDE BURNIAG OIL, BENZINE, - COALE'S PATENT DRYER, Paints of all d , 4 . flora, Ground, Dry and hi toil. Par Chiang will do wall to ell and, otooldse out stock of Mats before parctuwlng Opterbote. A AI" Choice &an& of Flour in Barrel end% Becks. All kinds of Country• produce taken In excliange foe Goods. Itesneiber:lbelplaci. Ilset loot above toe einem pposite side of idreee. hoir efiet. . . TINWARE. WHOLESALE AND RETATI. 1 Ceppler & Sheet+ ' Iron Ware. • . T , PROPOSE ISEEPPRG CONSTANTLY ( I NC BAWD .E.II kinds of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IEOE WANE, which I will sell AT THE LOwssr PRIM! Tin Rootling,SpoOting &Job Work D. to order In the best possible instiller, and at th shortest notice. Wag none bnt the beat of material, and having nor bat the best of workmate.- - - - • WE WARRANT ALL WORK PROP ONTIII LOW:ER 'gyp 01 Phird.Ei r e et: elm or .441-4:40 and Pam* sour Me 74. Japaneed were kept oonstantlyon E=ZEMCB ,~~~~ ~~CIILI.ItJ' Ria . &lite::snd iisiiransie 136 iotwitt urn 11AVX . A. filflifTED IIr!AL ESTAT 6 . 11R0111 Vv. 1.80-conlotnlnt:s toll .descrtption of location, Wee kitten= of avi 14e propatles entrusted. tat. & ea) int saki; nftwoe ootilW of 7=Bo:klst , on= Lota,Stores4 coal I=l. Coll Weini, eat bt• Ntrettern Lands,__lHotelsi Tannentat..Cltr.On.6 , 71 . 071f11% ,Thli 74/gtslor•we pint littfo• 2 ! ;rt.= MO Of. Ras,J3ersabes ant "Jan ldingiocataLor cell Rail Estate, so mai te7Fgtwe the eboakl not. WI to commit otu'. Reglateto,*etipy of yrs -Dbark, .B=ll4 ott teer edam*: 78618887 munlnif now ready. linlTOtly. • 1 . FFES :c . &Luxe, .1111AUVIR1 ,110110W1114 WILSON • 0 . • • .' , BROWIN . - .. 7 ;. - -t'. "q4.9c..NRS AND, Produce DEALERS; R. A. WILSON DRUtiS, &C imltura is ALL KINDe or *ELVER, Pt.; 0. A. ANSIBCTZ ;mint PITTSBURGH, PA • , 1, , by Tram:mon boenty warm of tE412.1 bormmftd money. " by Treasiter on bonety ImirtMa ten. barrowihPatoney.i 'by Treeenscr int bounty. *meta IStr.; tenroweel monk:. by Treatnne, at bleitip.ireret• leek berroimel,nutney. : • by Itelsurar oa boanty . wan's, 1 I 8 Pert Gripe Whit" tymt or moo* II ESE; . v:- r-I-tI2gRIPARDS; NX*.IRREIRI... i' . i . Speer'gPort Gape irins. .., • ~' , FOUR :YE ;QLD,,.,. 3131P)nitly 41e6nited wawa iiimit is made It t i a ll t ti v egge 0 10 0 _rti 911!pc. raised:ln th/scoant DSON T91141C AND PROPS 1 are ananriatesed by any. other. native Wire, the pure juice of the grape, produced under Speer', personal rapwrieion, its parley and- rim nese guarantee& The youngest. child nay take a r e tgas qualities. and the we-skeet lid may wit to advantage. -It le partioulaaly iticial to the aid and debilitated. and salted every teepees., • WTOEAE RELIED "ON. ~..:: itrelL Invallde nee Speer Port Gripe Wine. r 4 ~, '4.,, , ,i'1t F elnital Pie B Prer's Peet Grape Wine.- - ^ Weakly persons find a benedt by its rue: .: .....7 , . Noreen Winos In Hospitals are preferred to 07 ,....... 7^ Whim _.: ~ ••,',. &ACV Dr:tavern and Greeett. . - .4... . ,f * :.‘,.''T Slmer'a 1 1,nzear . 0 Mier Jersey. OClce.grillt, lAt tbe,eld stand. 3rd airiniti:lbtfarifila -;:i ." DEALERS IN D S • 011' GROCERIES, Svcs x r i COFFEES, TEAS,: SUGARS, SYR UPS; MOLASSES, SORGHUM., RICE. PtiPPIIRS, SPICES, • SOAPS, CANDIES. RAI SINS, kN4LISIL CURRANTS, • FIGS, FLOUR, FEED, FISH, GRA . LY,4e., tee, • 'They are constantly warring a (rub assortmeat them arttcles, and the public asay rely upon Leda from these artood as Me market affords. • igt cols deliyased reqayed. • • FA:LLSTON 'FOUNDRY 1 - ~ ENGINE & REPAIR In Fallston Beaver County, Ps. • H AVl rnet, di el oo l lt d atehtL ar t e = 6x tb: of ss}~to the best of mocliiinica; I am vowed t o waving a 4 work done to give andre sadaketion. I tave on boas, different patterns and styles of Begin", • Vire Cbay Rolls, and run Oregored b Man or reps!: all disedlK dons of mactitheery, on reasonable terms. • PLOWS AND PLOW CASTMOS..__ I have all the beat plow patterns that snit thin market. among which is the - 'fires t Western." which has been TM plow of that:manly for the be fifteen years. There are - Eve dam - of this pia*. ill of which I manubeture and keep for sale; tiled 'Patent laver—right and left— " Mountain Eing,=ricirtand left—A*Me HSI," and nearly all the dlSrft.. t kiwis in ate. COOKING,,FRANIEL I N AND HEATING STOVES. liaise Mari .serval important tsprowalaskto on the "Chawa." b which,coal or wood can be gawked without Kling' Ma. and .havlng two places foe pipe. either or both of which can be aced tithe tame Use. with a vestilationlo theism:4 thus turiing the advise. Mgat of; a. Cooking Stove, Bake oven and Franklin Stove' combined. This Stove has been in constant um for. traintanti. inalirci them ffserlbeN= for thbrpertoo ornmezaresowin miswi order. la huts anal portion of this stove that o'er Mune out. and`thial is mail/ and cheaply replaced. To make them still &ore lasting, we are now putting In tile or des eftlek Onr ether puncans ere ill&Meterprlae. Keyatohe and Prerialuth. Parlor Stoves,l large and mall heating Stoves, Franklin Stoves, Jenny Lind's. ke. Gode and Grate Fronts, Fenders, Iron Railing of various styles, Wagon Boxes. two Irons, Tire Benders, Corn Shellac Force end Cistern r asps. Sal bona. Metal Sinks for Utcheu, Sheet Iron and Tinware, al ways on band and made to order. In het, I manube. tar n and keep for We. almoat everything wanted In the machinery or hardwara Rue. Litt sid Aram other-Stoma, we bre now roohlnE two new patters, N 0.7 and 5, of the Great Republic. which are taking captive; the best cooks and bonne wives ilk theitipfflOtly.4 . . West bnid stamen always Sr sale cheep. Tare, :hod nairengim& and will be rememsnieneil, anltable for w ir m -min or shop pew .. popes now.on ks martlV—.llr. . 'JO TRORNILIT. lilil 0 ~_ 11 t 1: CHANCE ittlEil?seems""ll),9 fkiethi alp aline. !remelt Silk Dress of iposts othertrtir:le of ecisi4 yen., VRICI 08 'MAT *Wwanted avervwbers; noel and female. for the hit Holler Pawnbroker's Sale In the eekustry. send for Metter. ` • St C. THOMPSON 3 CO,. • dent1617:3211. • • .. 31altreit•er St., Boston. lire. 1* "! C`A. 1 iCarme, . - . . i —__. - -.: Aj • lif AIIIIIP A Crrumiat O T. A ND DIALER EN.. AI3 /.1.1 kin& of -Csaysii.-T BsivirVe, ar.— Pricealtioilertale:7lllMe llu OTins and Irptr. !Mop. en tape COMM?, sew oppostti tbe tref. 01014- Pa. ---- , J*llll, ft.ff. • - ...r Eil BEI I nu xtrr • two =I Ms 'I taml97ll 01. 1 mai so . 1 I 4 M 11m off e V' I I tat al ; eart I US" MIN Mi. CC 0 M 'AMUR, =3a awe so. m . ~, ~~ ~~ Ms a,: "is 14 11 11 11 las a '!',,?, IN Mg lea