The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 20, 1867, Image 3
The Beaver, kgus. BEAVER, NOTECIMIX. 20, Dm Local azi4- _ - I.t gr, hats n larger eiretilation than an - paper vabliaheti IP the county. Advertisers will promote their own inter. rp by" bearing this in Mind. .0. RITES OF ADVERTISING:. .........--....-,-_--,_—.......... ;Ix t `, • . 8 . , • !. I °iv. 1 . - ant. 1 sm. thy. uielquarc-10 line ..,... 1 nn 1 . , 10 t 4 - .. t , I ii,si.7 - El - 4 0 64„ L A n t • ha 4 coI Pqnsiel ' ,„ •*Nit- son trinAti . Rlß V ) / 1 Three rtpiares I 500 0 00' 6 06;11'00116,00 .1 Four square. • ' ,6 00 5 44 , 0110 50;15 001.21 Oil One-fourth column rIOO 10 .18 150•101)0"15 00 '4lO-half tolnlnn • 10 00 14 00 17 00'0 00!40 AD rme column 20 00 25 00-80 00.40 00.75 00 Administrators andExecutors' Notices ....:....$3.00 Spe.tial Notices, per line, , ot—PAyments'ltobe made Qiiatterli,nr.cept• Trinnient A4Stiii , lny , wycb mend be lild in Advance. '. • • • Stmte of . 111 e Thermom .:r the week end le ron 161 h of Novetober. : • • - 4 .. o vember•lo. deir.- - 56 deg, — 46 deg. - •• 11, 37 deg. 40 chez. 36,deg. 12, 36 degt - ', - ~* 36 deg. • 37 deg. 13, 35 dog. .45 deg. 34 deg •“ i I :Z. deg. -46 deg: • 4,1:de,.. 37tleg. • 45 deg:. .44 de g. : . 16 . 45 deg. •4B dep I 132 deg: M , FifenPti4e, Initsburgh; is the a?thbrized agent for.Taz Azicips In tha l t eltg, Lgalsa Pattenson, of t baron, this 'comi ty, is 'a urbortzedto Sri as ngelit for the Argus. • • New Adv,erilsements. The attention of the. public is directed to the fol tewina. nevi advertiseitieno, which 4peg: for the pat tiM7. in TitE Amin; tn,74.1v, •arNew Goods—J. A. pence. ars'ipAr Wanted —Prothono turfs office' jirToy,, &c.—B. Muffietm. rr'Sturr. , —Merrlck iv - sisciaVotice : : =Jahlion & chiike. OrSliecial iflaank4.—We are t t debtedto limn, of Smith Beiver township, for a qua ity of c~dllcnt otqn. to I '• . Vest' All Vertir , clinent.—Wecall attent rt to the tarn-.‘therti,:etucti ityelerriclt it Co., of the Ke tone Stmt. Works. Car Paelloty 'Building, Kew Bright n.— They are manufacturing min large Neale and 11,21 r unrers moot infcrior to any in the niiiiket. Cali on they: and , a•aMt:i an for yonraelvea. Teachers , Institute,--7The Teachers Institute conventtl iit the regular hour, on Monday evenha4...tha . • tstiOnWat the Union school House. , Messrs. Har rah Add bravo entertained a in,te.• audience by an liiiereitingdiscuislot: on Fomlie Suffrage.. • - Tan Halal° -11totl Road.—The Pan 'roadie lliilrOad,was bidden Wed ileactai• of last Weel;,tdPitta -fhlinzh. to the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, fur the of ' ono mflllun nine htiodred and sixty thou-.rod dollars. Thin chief competitor was a .:sfr. Elio; who, it to 'said, was an.kent 6f the Baltimore & vino itailtnad.— Washington Reporter. • Yetitlivall.—iFe'stit'al will beheld in Neviltrigh ai.on.llnweday the ingt., ,- (Thankreiring day) tLe.. ip rceds or which will be applied to the comple bell or t rhe -Law r y. E..tlartreh of that place. Exton- I , cke 4111i:waif ons are being . made, and we hate n o d mLi bat that the Featlval will prove to be a very c 7&• - ...l.ile, as.welitte•prelitatde affair - .1 -- • • 1 I. Aceldent.—lohn'Evan4, of Falkaton, when re: netorzhomo from his workdn a coal bank, on Wed , rA,As.I eNennig.labt, fell from the platform and broke hone of hie left arm. The coal had been re .. morel rpm the ride of the platform unknown to hi m, onJ h..,tejny.d o^ 'in ihe . dadk of ereelnfr, elxpeetinzto walk done on the coal pile, hence i i fay, and miefOr- . _ Death of John R. Brady,: Eaq. —Thl+ grit- Ilitnan. %sag : for rainy yearn a member of the hay n rnerty. very ;renerallly kaon a tbronehout lVtAineton and -adjoining ' , morales, died 'at the rest dt•ririei a mlnttre. Arttenahlirgh,. Weatmon.latlit Connly, rArly oil Molldfly 1110111iI1 4 !. Mr. Brady re .r . :ol3 l,,, rtf‘erenty-one D'art, and a•a+ po.aessel of A :moil - tit of wealth.- Ilia remain., L.r;;i•l»•en I,r..idn to thla -place for interment.' The ruPorat a ill prart from the Valtintionllone his (Wed- TiaM3y ntignitui - itt ton t o'clock, and proceed to the 11,f,,hirgfom Retlred,—N. B. Stiiiley, E'en:, for it long time ranrecte4l a int the Venanun Illizon Grit as appren. t:t , . then . a , l publkyroy and editor,4 - f i aied from the niannernrnt of that paper on the 14th that Ills for .ii,rr ppriner, N tlex. McDowell. -jr., now none the en. lir , e-tf..iill-liMent. and wilt conduct it in the future.— Mr. SaThey w'e believe.' now enters upon the praCtice ‘'l. 1 N'.v. in wli el, ' ,. ,icaiion •ye wl.h . hintlaburniant it ix r,.... Tlon2t, unneriunintrl* - 11h*r McDowell; we 1 : 2, . , eve:y.r..,:i..n 16 lrlie,e, that'Aie 7111 continue to r....1,, , 1, e l'N.-,, A trot (1;1? -1 Depublicin paper. Colon s ' ! tied •to .Jail for'Perj try.—On last • .yrittai eVening.h man named Trav was) arrested, and im a chair of perjury, preferned . az..inFt him by cam. E. litultN of Bou)agh township: . rrix had been a wit a few hourr '1 before in the the. Comm ott*ealth vs. J. 11. 9dell, and his ..s.tiathoy of so• 'extrantalinary a Ammeter ai to hi• az n: , l and hold him Mr trial on a charge of ~ r jety. 110 - win not be. t Med fintiP the March term.— :zeneral - impression la . ,tbat Tratc.ban .been a tool to the hands of others. who are yet in the back gronnd., Ittrht. we pregame. will be made to bring all th e lyttrottnetvti with this extmordintiry affair, tollght• as hpe so . at lest.. tnteitain merlt.—The NeW Brighton gfeiett. 9weletr. _a' ean ?ttnitenr Eriterthlnment, In Sitml list?. for the benefit, f the sufferers of the 9th on Friday - evening: -They played it a good honc, that manifested IN 'apptetinn9n of .dwir efforts. The seenery.was well seldctect-and the - OrthNtra under thr : auspices of C. Winter. in nine i-40...,1,,,rf0rmed admirably , . Lem - melt imiseinenta Out eughle, to; to forget corroding care and . rest itmt ear hdoors:aieitlways beneficial, but when be resolencen blended therettftli; it is a doable blessink. peoplea Lawyer, The Char Coal: Business. Ituit, nt the Swan. were-performed by: E. We/ilk H. Martin. Miss Burns, :Miss Minds, ]fief 4.1f1g1der,74.: other!, ,"' ; ,tr anted.—Tlie followir appears in thC columns c Arta evlianze: • •• • • ' Otte Lundred and seventy-fli•O young , men, of . - all emtos Red Fi7eF, from the tall graceful dandy, _ with Ent enough PTI his tipper lip to staffs barb( r'e cash, PLai. dean to the little hinep-Lacked, freckled-faced. Cn 2 4 "gul• carrot-headed lupstart. .Ths' object Is to g , ping corps. to Ife In attendance at the church 6 , ) PTI rash Sal/114th even i ng bdtore the commence. tot ordivl the.close:to - stare at the %Lea they enter 140 at:o rc T the ohuh,,and to rote ILlelinat e an }t nngentlentanly, remarks oPoe Vatt: ppren and d t wish to -m ter Wei dregs. 0 tAAt'soria will appear at the (lifferent Oar, • .015”1178,1 . kir faney . lead, nett Sabbath e 44 1 4' ,titer l'2l.t.ilnlylni,pecleti.. ttiefr names, peksoo4 and panciy of brains registered lit a bop' - k." that pnrpote." ~ , . ~ . .../ ton - Anoc.f;:trin 'the Month of August, s y th r, a business matter, made it - pecesta;- r for e•the .LpeaL.Ottice, in Ihßomr.. i While here, Arid ticeOnneetiint - With oils: int iness, I was told by the editor of that . pap? . r ' that his Weekly CliculatlMi was . between ----- -e-!..------ , • th,titeia - ap4:Pqrte,en huridg i evies. . That . ~ . • • . i lio-nnsTre, Nov. 13th, 7 11074 ' iitio hitr'stateMent at ,that• e.,. but he 'was 414. Eeiru • e‘: - Win' you please Ina9rt the following * not uniler * Oitiii. .On 64 Tlinradey,litr:irisr: al ir.:pd at . m , .. No : ~.,' ' tli .fore Mall or • WAS : rtoPelt t. 11 . G "thig of A rn a rantl‘ / 4 dge , ''''V. . - ind hen under- th thenues * • T - , bel4,-,o /tonday.opaulog, Nov,. 4tii;,,the ' I C ' ar k - w - °a • CT. Ag "c "' we reiielr installed by Lott. •a:' W. •ti n °t i the cirenlatiOn oftliaLpaper theriv . Oef , tz: William D. Carter to. tierce for the '0,11)4* • t ' . tim wi6 nakell, -- hill. att4 . .he Safe W. C T-p o b ert , ... ~,,..... r it ii. Qtr , - -04. Puiti.. 4 !lrfr..seen_ that' 4'o ),,, Lic. ._ ...Kra; W. S''.2l".Anary A. i . mu- . ' th . . nta of, 6 editor 41,ed the fen/Dian:et e pottml44:7C-.ll.,Dreetenridg W:"1.-4,,Attlo'll' ' • " ..., 4 i t , - ......' • e; T. q.....Ait4.viritk o icow,.. o; ri.; Una papercover.the . artmer ....... "stuie - ici 'l e i . :. W ' l ''' 8 • - •Yelude SL'ilitg - ti.W.: 2 e6,.. Itiiierr'4OatliConirictit the fennetO'datTitrigg 1 ., ._ ~ v. c.—Tial,' quo; vt. 3t47-- li nit 64hus :catogeked*enttit;'.4646l; - ; . / ate, w: . teary Cartte ; Iv:, n • fit.f . t..-- - l ee dee - Wed tu ' en but , l shall•not..beltilak4l kV )e ''''° ;IV. n: S.-41aq . R Rictundi:wirt; wr: , --. ---.' -•I:-: . - . . .._..____•• , i ..,__ i Dt ,,L,• T • William A it,tuith. do ,i4 ge l a * y '-fgain, Sir 1'414 iatinire !ut Patti.?m?in 4 , 7 .I,7 atr and Proiniaa to be tbe *it' la I lieve ansthhig. kigitj.t44:o3‘ l'r#Aii,gliklititAtk'. A RiAsT.norTui Amon I iiibment i in Attt•ftiliii: ' .• . ' ''''' 1 ! - i. • I. - - ' • A Rrar 0. 1 4 Curlotaa .c 4411 r.77. 6 were . looter: terday shown a rare cariosity, in the shape of a told cola, which.was recentlydng okka- the of Mr. T. J. Boyd , resideitif *aver, Pa., oaf Vie site Of old Fart Mclntosh. The •vain- was-brrieditp by hitt 10g.0441:4- fi elNwid . /0" : 40/11 1 111 / 1 4 1 /P,.._re* . „ Urethan. The coin bas been exhibited to a rt. umporior Oar leading bankers *Aid Itaralsialtt ice, hot none or timMltdicflieeti able to'girif any deft I tate hlitinnittiou in regatylto it Foit Mclntosh, if we arc not mistakenorasoccupied in I.IA arid altho4b the coin may, possibi¢ have been - lest there it:that time, still it had evidently tom in .43:1t4e00e many years—itArilly:•b ceuctiries—bsfore that date. - It Is of N ' olle of iba' charades': Istics_of modern coin . fi a t*: tit the size:Orin Amer- Icits.l 4 #46tar..4 6 ,lPie 044. , ark iw.,04111-extol7,9io attic°. foartuniolderible tti'wet+g &mete' being damaged "or purposely mistllif ed. Ills Poerible.thut meat of the:damage May bare been sustained from contact a ithzarden irriplementra metering the soil. 'The -obverse - contains a most, In .the shape of the cross of aernestem. .the., transverse pieces of which are seareu.zightla of an inch in length, and nearly en tighter en iuth wide. In the roar spa tes formed by the Craps beami. axe:two - 4one atatant, and two deslgna resembling , castles-:4 castle being placed In the upper lett and lower right apace, and a lion In the upper right and lower left space. The cross is surrounded by a circle of dots, outside of Which is legend, too ninth mntitated to be deciphered. For. tions of the letters , are visible, whli h. indicate ISP, as a portion of the legend, and with other indications' lead to the belief that the coin is epaniftt make. I. B. 10 also visible in *mil .character, iriefde the circle.-- Ai fhb lower side of the space occupied by the legend, there are two letters u or portions thereof; resembling • 0. A. R. T. TAYLOR' . . The reverse of tiro coin is viir'enrinuti, and Contains a great nutty des - Ica:or emblems. ' The principal fig-- lure is eomposed of two pillars; with two ficirfreptal bars running across, In the 'interstices of which are letters and _devices,. the prlncipaVoCm - hl* are be-• tween-the pillars; and are very plain'it .17.- 4.. -On, the left side or the pillars is a P.-and on the right Side an A., bothyery distinct. There are also.Rotnati nu merals, which; as far as they can be derlphered, stands thus : V.XX.IX. The flirt two:of these lettorsaroverY dlstlntt, bat the others • are sometitini-mntilated and curtailedby the wearing away of the edge of the coin. It is supposed that these inmerits indicate the date, or from a portion of the letters by which the date of b• ens was-marked. A gentleman tolerably.tvell,versed in the science of, coins„:cotifert9es that the , date is &28, the V indicating 500, but this is not In accordance with the prevent value of lton3an- numerals, and be side it would make the date rather ancleht. There la another rete , op why the supposition may be incorrect, Übssely—the edged the win, imthecilately to the left of these numerals, ii"-vey much flattened, and it is very probable that other - numerals preceded_those which sin RIM-legible. On the whole, the pain Is .a very curious one, and its true history would doubtless 'be read with great Interest. iffr. Boyd haiheen offer ed large PAM:A it, bat declines to part with It at present.—Pitta. Nor. 16. ; 1116dIertli—The Demier 'ecoduty Medical Sotiety met accordimr to adjonroment,- Nov. 14th, at the Don caster Boner. in :Rochester. • At the in itlatiou'grDr. Nye, of Homewood. Dr. Stan ton took mil:alon to make somolmaithy remarks, In re gard to who shosilrt be admitted to the Society—sta ting that 110 person should be, alid*ed to join unless he were able tOuodergo an examination which would prove him, qualilied to perform the duties of a physi cian. Diploma. 'were not sufficient, as tlO 00`would boy one at certaist ,Medicaltl4legeti to the canntry.— We could not be too =refill in our selection of 'them ban. „ .1!!.S, , • Dr. Marquis hoped Dr. Nye would not appropriate the remarki. as they were not Intended rot him; bet merely advanced on that occasion. - :The:reg.ular Eifbascot, Dr. Morrow, being absent, Dr. icheipan read on 2 6:1 'Thr." • 1- • Dr. W. J. LutOtt 're - poild an interesting awe of - Hemorrhoidal TnnOrs ry bad treated with biston'll anti l Cantery; with a effect. the patient recover big li.:antifally In fair day . He then Called for the emliton of the SoCiety in regard to his action. Drs.- Jaekson, Sidon ney,McPherson,Linnen brink, It ye, Fetitt, Stanton and Acheson reiponded, all agreeing in the ) general coarso but differing In the. .nse of means. . Dr. G. W. , Longget reportod an interesting awe Of placenta liteseatatien he Lad met wlthould auccert• tidy 4reated. ' • • - The question of Medical 'lnhalation hi eases of Con sumption, was taken np. Dr. McPherson opened kith a few instlvetive and interesting remarks, and I then there was. ageneral expression of opinion. The eonelnsion arrived at wag that it liras no new_ thing, hiving been used years ago by our forefathers in et gars. teakettles. ,t:c. 'I/re...Jackson reported a awe of Croup, and Cumming a case of Aphonia treated sae' ceggfully In that way.. That It was superior .to other Methods in certain cases, e. g. the administration of Chloroform anal Ether, Was unclet.lable, but in the treatment of Commitption there was nothing to ree conimend it bpyond the mum; mode: because what a Consumptive racist needed was good, nontishing food (particularly fatty) to support his system, repair the unite, and enable him to bear up until the corruption WO+ thrown off. . . . Thooclety adjourned to meet la January, at the of tine of Dr. 31eK tnneq.•' : : 1 The Lady's Frtertd;for Deeensber.—Thl3 hi a Holiday niiber-:Land a magnificent one. The Steel I EnOraving called "Tun Il+munsr TINE," Is a heaut I- I 1 ful and charming design, and ex:lei:tad in beautiful style. The Steel P ; 11l tlte, ''t IMMORTAL. CROM'M," 'al so expressly engraved for this magardne, will chinch a i solemn but joyful chord hi every heart. • Both , of these Sieel - Eng•ravfng,a are of thii very !list quality in every respect., Then we have a handsomely Colored En inkling of a ."Jewel - Case pun - Cashion; '' and af ter this the usual refined and elegant 'Houble-Peigc Fashion Plate, '• finely engraved on, Steel ; not a morel, ithograph or good engraving, ' Thee followers num ber of Wood Engravings Illustrative "Or the. FLashioni, licedlfi-Work, c se.,; with fth mina! piece. of Mnsic worth Of Itself th e cost of pin book: Thelaterary„Mat ter is 04.cikoice as usual-" Only &Glove," by Gabriel Lea; igilw st NVlOntin Gad IlerlWay,". by Ellanbeth Prescott i.•:Gertnan totstons,". iryi.El B. Ripley; "The Old Maid;" a Poem by Florence Percy; "PreiierVbd Flowers ;" "Diseltolion ; , or Mary, of the 31111 and the Countess Maria;" "llovver Stand and Vase," Editor: ids, 'etc., A. b. • . • Oreat enducements in the way of Preminms, - &c., are promised to new subscribers, and our Seaders ehonldseadjora.sample copy, containing all these tiblra4offers. 'Sample caplet will be sett for - fifteen cents.' • , 'Price (with engraving)'a -yeti; Pour .copies (with one engraving) $6.00. One ,tx)py, of Lady's Priena S'neLone ntSitirtisi laming Punt (and' one engraving), t 4.00. Address Deacon Peterson, 329 Wtilnut Street, Philadelphia. 1 • • . NEM SHE • th , re i LER—On Tuesday, morning, Nov. 12th, at 4M:tee of hezison-in-law, John S. Simpler, of • ter, Mrs. 'Sarah McCiesru in the 80th year . of r rtge • e age ested arc the dead that die in the Lord." %(Loealide Dn. STArrn*, Prescdent, tha: JecliSON, Secretiri. ',DIED; . ... . . • • B.oivipe, 04111111tr.P.APorneruse. , :Exeunt Aimus.-air: - I,ast weeki.itt cOn2. POT .wilk B q ine *. i .endk_, l :vistkid. ._qt ll elftrA time our comity - laor goase, - and. as th a t 1 iii;lishineut lc ;public iliniteertj•;l44. char**4*.spiiiduitinid***4o held,respcmidbgiuto public nribilion, I ;as' an xiicus th.licand ,' lcset , ,brz-ttte. PeiKere4s MO kindness of the Stewenl and Stewardels, (14 and 3 rtialnittaideig)ittiideitithitateiglatittaint edWith the condlticm:and , treatmentin detail, of 4044 11 1V - ViAti.A. I wills phi, frol4ll,l**4 w i th if, h l 4";",betitl - mid ftaw;l4l l t:liVP. ',Jo* iieg to tie officers in charge reitt r diegtfilaiiiiii. ikaciiiimiledgetnedif Or nikeanVietteitt n. " 44 property when purchased ,several'' years age by the, county; was &farm of soinctiwo. hu m fired acres, •_w0.1% the ordinary old fashioned ram bnildinga, mostly in-baii„order 'and aim ditkill- - T h e ' 9l 4 -bu i ld lte.'"VmhPid loCiited Witbotit nine]; ieferiiisoloorder, good t taste or convenience, ' find , fhe Old dwelling house; tlie iliac of tat prdlnery farre;Juinsebe cimc 'at once the dwalllni, Of Bteward and.fam; ily, and: many ;of the "paupers ' male and femalii, white and black sane and insane. This', col dition of thing4trange to say,was alleived to remain 'Withcint'intich change until within the last 'twO ytars, when ilr. Shrolides fol. himseli and family as well 33 for the paupers, and the honor and credit of the count.) , , pro teitea against its . longer continuance, and de- . mandcd some Improvements,' nr the - appoint; meat in his stead of 'a more ,wlllll4:agatit,46: When now it can be said to 'the credit, or the diicolorkitnd their stilifkiii-• -public sentlinent of the county—that nr. ,Shroadei bas ,kcea allowed to go on from Lillie to time, and make and complete Such removals; alteratimei and improvements Of the old and erections of new buildings as iu his practical cxperienceiind judgment, was essentially necessary to a re.: spectable county - poor_ hottae,_ and a proper • and decent treatment Ofithe paupers., And no one can visit that piece now without admitting that the improvements which have been made reflect 'Audi credit on the Steiard and Mee- i tors. . '.• We lea rued that the immediate ire of the paupers—now sonic forty in nuber---and the internal detail managment, are assumed by Mrs. Shroades, and - on eitrmination, we foundthe neat and perfectly clean Apartments, beds, bedding, wearing apparel, &c., &c., tei well as the clean persons and cheerful faces of the paupers, Warrant us in earnestly commending Mrs. S., as the "right perion 'in the tight place." Much more . might well be said, but-to be brief—iierfeCt nrder—,"a place for everything and everything in its place," are marked. characteristics of this establish ment. - ThiS condition of things dots, and must exist, at our county poor house, by the constant labbr, and watchful- care of the ex cellent Steward and Stewardess, to whom the county and friends of the unfortunate, owe a debt of lasting gratitude, and wbese services should be dispensed With. only when they can no longer be obtained. • • -• fismuEt. J. CRoss. Rociiestei,l l :Y. 4 e. 15th, 1807. Court Proceeditigs. The following nisei, were disposed of by tbe,court now in session, in this place : 7r Com. vs. Thomas .1. Robinson, indicted for. L•►lse pretencps. True bill, Not. Proa. en- Coin. vs. Henry Whitlock; Indicted feir False Pretences. Coittlnued. • Coin. vs. J. R. Rhodes, Indicted for sell. ing liquor contrary : t law. True bill, Ng Prat entered. Com. vs. David Reddick&Richard Reddick, Indicted for Larceny. True bill. Verdict not guilty, and defendants discharged_. " Coro. vs. Hattiet Harkinson, Indicted for larceny.: True bill. Case continued and de fendant ordered to enbx into recognizance int.hc sum of $5OO • for her. appearance. at next term. . • Com. vs: Wm F. Johnston, Indicted for selling liquor contrary to law.. True bill, PrOCCSS awarded. Coin. Ns. Wm Uselton, Indicted for Sedan tkrn, Fornication & Bastardy: True Lip. Casesettledand a 2va. Pr'o.kenteretl on pay- Inctltilf mgt. ' • - - Ppm. ra. Wm . ItlcKee, . Indicted for an alquitt. Trucbill. V,eidiet'cuilty.• Sentenced to pay the cwt: ot, prosecution and pay fine of forty cloilem to the Corn: Com. vs. - James Brooks, Indicted, for as setnit and Battery ; True bill, verdict guilty, sentence to pay, the cost of prosecution and pay a tine of Vii„ . • .Com:•ts. George' Ncivinah; indicted for laceny. True bill, verdict guilty, sentenoe I to restore the property stolen illicit already done, or pay the value -thereof, pay a fine of $l,OO to'the coin ds pay the cost of prosecution & undergo an imprisonment at two years in the Penitentiary of Allegheny City.' Con vs. George' NeWman, indicted for-lar ceny.. True bill, verdict guilty, sentenced to' restore the property stolen, if not already done; ()rimy the:value threof, tittyliiibecif one dollairlci the cant:and cost of prOseenticin, and undergo an iinprisOninent in the Penitentiary for the term done... Veer. Same vs. same, indicted for lattny.• Tri4 billy rlict gitilty, sentenced to restore the pinperty stoics if not already ; done, orpay the value thereof, paythe,eosts -OE' prosecution and a fine of one dollar to:the emit. and undei go—.lnltirisiiiniacit EC; thk PCilteittlitry' far e.. term of one year and a half for ad- . %inn and battery. . True bill, defendant plead guilty and was sentenced to paycosts'of pro:t ceution and a fine . cit Bic dollars: eMiviriftSagd. - q. Smith, imitetedpr ing a stack of straw. True bill, verdict guilty, motion fora Same, v i sank., charge.of surety of the peace on path of George s7, Com:vs. James EL Christy, indicted for for nication and bastardy;. True bill:continued, and theAlefendant'. ReCognized, in the sum of $500:: '. 4 "i" 1 .1 ' 'Cum. vs:- Robert 11.' , .DevineY, indicted foi Tornicatikm , . had .e.+ `rivi .balk-voi• diet guilty, sentenoed to pay - t fine of live dol "'Ars t 9 tube rooml ukti qty lasecolt 1 ) " 36 ecu tion, pay to theprosedutrix forty dol l ar s tor lorittg in OxPeollWitultd9 l Worifor !exPFOsio already accrued in raising thechild, and. pay :one :dollar and twenty , cents per *ink. td• *Ord support :of,* ,0 51 .1 - for four You* front to belaid, quarterly, and to en fel 11 4/to`Aiitljillkool*tit i10fin5! 6 4 4 4 01 7 Tor th - qtaltlirill pittntent-iiiaisive: vs.loecirget ik41614 1 : Indicted for lA* Ilk 2 , ..4404.40*%the • • - • --, • tkebige:'.Boilew "indicted for kr , ceny. True bill TrOcess itivarcleay. „ • ..._. . . _ . Cerays. of '.. * Ondiete&for. lar anti Trhe, .1 •' ' 7. 1 ' - -:.`-' _r' t r') ' - ' ' .'-' Com.;viv x T itit ''• ::' .diqed ioas sault. True ha Vet, _".*l Wit, upon the gmiril.l that the ' _ w i l l e whelk beitiminit4ol,l -'." : -- -.1;/ , '- : ‘ - Conr,va Cieerge'reepl : . 'fie =Atli' 84 Battery.' True - 3 311 .444jatiOgnance for cot felted. ltespited-- —t t - • : copkys. 8144y..iti n ' { indicted for isit'r*nY:', thief:At - ''i pie may; Priioner sentenced to - yit linit:4- six cents to ;the conY the PrOseention, re- 1 *Ore property stolen or pm-the - fttll value thereof, and that herrn/logo an Imprisonment ef i one Year and four mon t the in the wit:stern Penitentiary at Alleghtiny etty,' time to^ be i tid. tmputed from : this d ' k • Cop:m.l3l*K I. it:Acted for libel. Tr* blieVo44l;9 l ! ,l44nteentatt eext to papa line - of 4 to the Coin: pai.tiie oasts of profreeution and ergo an Imprison ment of sixty days in thceointY jail. Com. vv. Alexander T:RlChie, indicted tot: surelyafthe peneS : 'Time *pi defendant, dish charged, andordered that the . e'eMmittea pay the costs. teNietendlittbeing a lunatic. Thal court nitidelan order did - for the poisent the defendant be committedlo jail and that in the me l intipA . ' 1 1 6 i Mende': girls '.hotal - ; • pi the sum of $2,000 for his good behavior. .. , a: 49pEcur. m)TILES: impowntxT,Lpmra. The folkwing . .letter i lute come into our hands,-ap47e putillehr the information of • thoee who &natl . 'int4ty of sp ec -' s Wine. This la to certify that Mr. Alfred Speer is a .residouticifthis s village, scpcion ,In y_ penoni d knowledge, has devoted a namtier of years to the manufacture of pure and, valuable nes. Ile has a large vineyard in vie* of my rest. donee, and has lien fiesotnethne engaged in cultivating, the Port Grape.. The Pori Grape Wine cannot be excelled by any American . wine. It is bottled by Mr. Spekr every see. sea in large quantities,-bat not disposed of until it attains the age of foruryeare: Passaic, Get. 20th, 1865, . D. B. BICLE§': Central National Bank, New York.' Some of onr drug Fists have this wine di rect from the vineyard. • • [2t. • Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal !!! 11% (lealafor bar lington Coal. JOlOlB4aN & CLARK& Go to Noble's Drug Store for . inythirig you want in thd Drug line. • Best quality Darlington Luinp Coal, at 114 cents per bushel. f ,Iou:sso21 . 4t Qualm. Pure" Linseed Oil and White Lead 4 at re duced prices, at Nohle's - Drug Store. See one of he Prize Cupe.awarded to A i Speer for his celebmtia Port "Grape Wine It is the hest grape wide ever Produced in this country, the standard wine for commun ion purposes,andthe most beneficial for fe males and weakly pureonL [l7. If yott want strictlytarre,tai ittlttn - same time cheap Drugs, 441 at Noble's Drug itOre, Main street, New BEAVER MARKETS. (CORRECT . /ID WintAi t r.) ' - • Biantis, NW. 90, 1867. Flour per bbl. ... ~ " .$14,00 gets per dos .... ... "Ci. Dried Apples per bus. 2.10 Batter per lb - 45 Dried Peaches per ba. 8,00 [lams per lb.. -.... 95 Wheat per bus ~ 9-50 Shoulders' - 10 Corn per tits - 1.00 Sides per lb - - 12 Oats . - . 50 Tallow its ~ 1956• Flax - Seed per btu— 9,75 Lard per lb - 15 Beaus per bus. . 2,60 Candles per lb ~ 90 Potatoes ....1 .. .... 75 Illobsasses per gat... .. 1,00 Onions . 1.00 Reaped Oil 'n) Corn Meal .. LAI Crude Oil 90 t/ PITTSBURGH' 3,(ARKETS. • Prresernoa, November Mb, 1867. We quote as follows, which are the Wholesale store prices, unless otherwise noted: Arptas—Recelpts large. We quote apples ranging from itS 5043 bbl, with a chance barrel of extra selling as high as tittlai bbl. Sobs reportml of 160 bblgat $3 00, and -100 at V) 2sR,VI Burma—choice table butter in request at 360:10c Tir M. We note sales of 600 IDs choicir4oll at'4oc,-and 2150 lbs do at 3114 i r lb. Foos—Supply in MC market light, with a good de 7 mend. We note sales at 30(ea.`ecil doz. Bacort--Market quiet. and on some. articles prices have declined. We quote shoulders at 11110; ! Maw at 15c, Sad R: = o. - .Ramer at tire V.m,,••• • Laun—We'queste wt - 13%'e, the : same" ptioe‘ as hut quoted. Cease—Market quiet and rmchangsd. nobs sales of Goshen at 18c ; factor') at Ile, and Melberg at-15q10e 12 lb. . • BaaWs—lfcceipla of new beams are light sad pncea well maintained. We quote at f 3 Leap , Ts_ lirftshel. °moms—The receipts! have not-- been large, We ' I quote choice onions sit $4 Will :5 fp barrel. _ Poratots—Recei more liberal and prices tower. Sales reported on t he . platform of choice peachblows at 110005c.f bosh.' From stores wequote at $1 it Nish. Choice Jersey sweets are SCAM and selling at /.5 50 ea; 00 fl Md. New . '.: Fall ...WO& - T. .. - „- : ,T.-: rircßgEßY....kf.o's. BEAVER, PA ., ;]. E HAt~ Wh furch . 3 4l; i plCElNVl THE , PAST WEEK, A l eu - "IR* . our issbruneut eomplote. CLOTHS, . _ CASSMIKERN,--; • • FRENCH MERRINOS, WATER PROOF and•••.` EMPRESS CLOTH:, ' LADIESVLOANING' ofekk • .PARRIS PLAIIIIFLANNEL;• ' CALICO andMUSLIN, - t• • • STEHIBENVILLE JEANS i • •• and PWATELS. MERINO SHIRTS ' WU/ DRAWERS, OVER COAT& - • - =: 3 and ,* ...111181:YES8 00ATIt • PANTS and VEST& 111111 OE Mao, a good 4ao!tokont at GROakl2lllB, l -.BAZT. NAILS, GL4 400.715 aiid;Bllo.ES, Wbkle,will be aold at lbrmer picas, before the war. Caß.aad. aKfor ;yoanielVoe. wa are letinataed 511, - .ll nif Whirbemle OMB maenad U. ictfitlat. , - • xocsarny Oa., Sak:leer'i• • We have• tWs day associated wlthlua A. Bonin crailbutehy, for the puma., of co ma genarai ftranft inielneas. ureter the lifnin- pianos, Patialson-&'Co.• ' • .J.L.Aarasnaon a Co: EZI THIRD'. 41. Aliso M I ill i 1ne..1-1 HATE, .I`CiRICANS,;BONFIIiiO, RIBBONS, 1 FLOWER .FRAMES, •. " 1 1 - - I • *ad everithipg In illtitoei7lino.: w.- will hire da thing gse ams all Us*: 1 i • • Of BATE, • TURBANS, BONNETS, Act al • soon as thy ari out. Hats and Bonnets Altered,Olean • eclitkui3 Oi•dr Cheap. A.RNS Balmoraland !loop •Siclits Gov'', French Corsets, H aiiigk Lees' F r enchF o ß g t ,Z p. Lints' Cloaks, Napkins 171 - Cotings. Grenadines, Burl fan.ton Batting, Mon's Ac • Pinking and Stamping Done to Order. , • • . • " •• Eret7lbltgr , deidrable to r Hite is added to our stock as soonas introduced I the market: Thanking our friends and the pith& fo •pamt patronage, I would respectfully ask a coutinuan bf the same. It Is our to to pleare our customers. Our goods are seasona ble and airefully selected. d old as cheap as any In this neighborhood or Pitts!, • rgh. rfrOlse us a call and sat fy"yoursel . - • =!=!T! aspergzetais. =BARGAINS 1.. i. BA .RG A PM& VINT G A_ Millinery,rr - 430 - S IrOE tHP TWO DOORS BELOW WM GEE'S WATER ST., Sign BRLDOEWA T RAVE. REMO N= l , 8: m... 11. Ihrmerly open 'on Water et., - where 1 be Fnatemcrs, and a others favnrin l am now receiviny. a :large • I latest FALL and it INTEU Sty! amigo, ax., which will be so Eli Of every deserlirtioW-811k arWl.B • and Maws Hail, Itlbbene, row , . . ,•TRIMMI Of all kinds, for Dream . and laces, Cbeneills. Engem Hake. BALMORAL AND no° Furs ::.Furs!lFUrS 2:: Lin! loa Bening Tr Cheap.:t- 1 Vaittlen 9 s . Firrishilng GOodS, ••Gefirsiklasidlea r Pareollari. MEN AND BOYS' lIA'Pg AND OrPs, SUBPINDRRS_ UNDRRSTICRTs AND , DRAWgica, WHITE , SHIRTS, • , PAPER COLLARS,Ac. ZBI'L(YR* KAIT SIIAWLk HOODS,Hir f BIAS, SOSTAG Selling at lesa t • I . Hosiery ' and. loves; LADIES' CLOTHS, COLORS, FALL AND * . ENTRR DR 000D9 AND BHAWTS,TRACICI SAP. ISES Best : 4:44A in somt.wrs ALTERED. AND . Cl Staniping,• Piala . and, Making - on •Otice. - - 7f.t . 4 MEN'S Mil= XtifaiOaDAW. XACEINE _ CALL AND BE ME. 'NO 71of itti TO SHOW GoOro, - • • litialtitiii4Kl =AM ; • .T;ro i toort -below Stiles a nalberirer's VIM teeing:DPW? , treet,l3o4o. WA. fat - ALT. 44 ." • - brim. • 1 •....•! Pr*io";Z* I 1 IV • N' t Qt. fiß , Of • Wi11 Demiptom _ . linas a/ Goods,' LATEST ; STYLES Er Kind, de • and M9r. all !chide of Hallam dkrrehlefe, Bogle Trim- Paper Collar/ 'and Cute, • vre, Infanta, Waists, In. Vas, Table Covent, Dress e,; and other. Veil Muffs, , Somppndere, Umbrellas, A good meat of DERY EMBRO Always o J. I HENCE,. Blow the Santos'', ARGAIN4 11 . INSI.II -, ;k:- I • 1 It GOODS, II 1 1 I I ' I ' AT P 1 - . • r r • 1, If ORI',TM p• • t SHALi.FSBE* the RED POST, Eit. .1 'ED TO:HE 110011 led by lad to see all my old me witika d gplendtd Stock of of Millinery, Trim -1 d very cheap. . MILLINE • SITS, COR :BEO. SETI3;IIAiR NE BUCKLES, I- - Ter 4flat/ Mf= =1 , mit.-piazii AND " 2 TER • nale44. • P. .A. Fortui • RAE /) F ***o N IMI t ~ ..<I •• L ' DIAILOND, , '- • • , • ; • ' =I The Che.spei3t and beat Se ed Stock evutoffered to the zens of Beaver County. 1. 'Mfy'T 4.. NT.!, French Merinos, Cobergs, Wool Delaines, Pb. illl4 Wool Plaids, Am - tures, - COmmon Delaines, - Baratheas, • , and Silks. DEPARTMEN'r P\_ Beaver. Pa. Brown . and Bleached Muslirs from 10 to N . ) cants: Prints 10, 121 arid 15 'gents. - Crash .Trii-eling 10, 124. and 15 cents. .-Tickings 12 to - BrfrltA Flannels, a large itssort mentlichap. " Cassimeres, - TWeeds, • Jean - S., White, Rea avj Yellow Flannels, Table Diapersi Blankets White AO Colored,' Eitiinoral Skirts, HO9pSkiits,Batt*ig, ,all GREAT BARGAINS ! • ming DEPARTMENT Ribbed, -Merino, White and Colored-. _Ribbed all Wool :White and COlOred. Plain Merinos White and Col ored. . • Ribbed Cotton Hose.- Childiens' Mens' Colored and , Whi t e Hose. • . 111 'Bonnets, Ladle's' Ruches, &e., at; . S qes. (Imps, Cords uttwarte. =1 • Hats :and - Caps for Men and Custom. *de Shoes and Gaiteik fOr Ladies' and 'Children. II - , Call . e.iery body and see for yOuriebies if,yon are not yet con vinced at. : li- - A. -- H. kisk'Ctiftlit :RED F - RO-N,T 2., '1 Dxsi d(i' Store .._ i I irla ffA BM DRY GOODS ! El -AT IMEI EINE MEM Ttlß--- :± '; OM DUES,S G'o OP S i_l - DOMESTIC, HOSIERY 1.... 0..: .•:• ;,i Fort.,ia.zke s =MEI °CITESTETI: . MIMI A, L. (INN ?LATIUM SPRIRGWARON WITR TU* azlesigetddible /erode otter° henee t newly ed edd In good erderArUl eold thesp. CM id WNW Ir i the Red Mei Wet. 13t.. .011/111114 - - -1';. C. /4 -, t, 1 AfIGACTIMER OP, ASO MAW* Lice ill, of amass. T0 .,..„ w= 1 SWUM. itm, mita. /lona aiii4LNW_ I _iiii Vitiotillbo Matt, tiooriii,•__!!tmaks • • ugassogr; MEM .WINTER BEDISON, • • *cilia - op* Ti* C. *Amom n cLocitemtiiiire i I:1 And, Plated - Wares. Muskat _Rattruaniaik .Notkinr. rhe. .. *-: tifr.Special ettentlori given to the repdripgetlarateb.' aP, Chilean and Jewelry.' - ag. . , COn, ,DnoaDWAT. t APP.= ; - NEW IMHOHTON4 P&.' * DOW" • • . IIdUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. • A COMFORTABLE AND; ELL FLNISHEDTIatti IV story brick ratddenCe, 'situated on the North *file of Third ptrraq., Wert otthe Court Roue. *Fine &ads In front and water adjaoant. L! r.- Will be cold low if miplliatlanbe made soon. THOMAS arCILKERT." • Cor. ad Street and Public Square, Blikver,..llla. y, A, .. e - ... nocfrOT. zees tot' : lioggest-Ishil.Ca lt - E aptateoof apt Peanuts "'tom UMW water borough. Beaver esninty Pa.. deed, to . granted to the undersigned:all persists indeM a , ti) said estate are requested to - make Immediate mama, I, and those having claims against the Same wUt preactut r them properly authenticated for settiemeitt: • , , D. li. STON.B. Executor. • • • Beaver borough. octir“7:64 T R. SPEER, M. D.c.AND A. M. SPEER, tJ . Buying associated themselves together in the practice of Medisdne and Surgery, respectfully offer their pervicte to the.puhtle: the former In the *red ous branches of tlih profession'; the latter Inure pie- ' Ocularly in the truitment of the ti . • 1)111,48.K5' OR MB EYE AND EAR: ~ . , Dr: A. M. SPEER haling availed himself dortntt; the teat fifteen years of the advantages afforded. by, the beet hotpltale and teachers in this countrryy anA" In Europe, for obtalnlngi a thoron. , •h: knowledge of the structure and fitscasew of thowelmportimt organs, will hereafter defote sjaricist attention to their meth: cal and surgical treatmeM.' • . s Office, So. -196.1PENI!f ST., two doors front St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. I „ - Office - hours-9 A. M to and froth S to 5 P. it. seplll7t4t. • • • 1.5:.T./-LIAT- .S 0 ect-. ~citi- THOMAS CAMPBEXL, - SOLE OWNER OF •ToE 3311IDGAWA: • TER F.OUNDItYI,,.. Continues tolfanurapturs .The Unequalled Cooking Stay!, • rystal palace -- BEDR OM, PARLOR, .AND lIEATINt J STOVES. , . Largo and email edam • • . MANTLE AND JAM GRA.T'ES, - • And viwinE s other Castioge. *. . Also on and and for Rile n great v a rie ty 4 .B o confl- Hand Stor ae good as new, and very cheap, Odd • Pitces for rrpairq i Me different patterns' of galare and „lint sailtovaa_promptly turniellbet, All 'called:l6r va , attennedto . without delay, and , delived of Osage.- . wmuvr's a oi nirnly P E irs Port Grape Wine, - 1 _ ,-• „., . _ . , _, pied by litaidreis of Csimenegatitops. Cot Church or tolitiniudo rposes: ' EMI CITE TriaMT ,Pii•ows VINtiAtIDS, NEllltt V JSEY• •- • • Spee'i'`'sPort Grape FOUR YEARS - OLD ,Thurinetly celebrated native Wine mende.trocu theJnlce of the °rape:raised in this country. Its invaluable. - .• - TO AND gTFi I F.. "41GTE&NDC " D : : PRO' are unsurpassed' by • any other native Wine. '..Being the pure..juice of the grape, - produced tinder. :Mr. Speer's perional supervUlon, its purity and genuine= nese are guaranteed. The youngeet. child may par take of its generous qttalides, and the weakeeit inva lid may useit to advantage. 'lt is partietrialy hene tidal to the..aged and debilitated; and. suited to The various Ai/manta that *fillet the weaker vex; It is in every reaped, WINE TO DE RELIED ON --115-rslids use Speerls Port Grape 'Mae. . Females use Speer's Port Grape - Witte. • Weekly persons find a_beneillt by Ibt.ese: Speer's Wines in hospitals are preferred tO Otter "- • • 'Bold tiy DrapledS and Grocers. - A Speer's ineyard New Jersey. r Ofdre. Ago. NB Broadway, New Yo r k.. tOcUtc.6l:ly. - Win IQedlelae QualltilOkrthe DiA• porilmee.:4ff . - AT TIIE lilAA6ND...itiiifGE l . - TORE,-; V.A'R i PA • Yon will find a cbmpletc ai. , nrtiinewi otiPtit• Drugs. Chemicals, Patent X Gila, 'Toilet MlCies, a specjahty. • • ..r - • ..,. .. . _,.. AU the neie 411 . 134 zpoptrlar ptotintetion tenstiorn7 on hand; together with everything Reoersory for tholleal orrooga. WWI. - : •• • . . • . . 1..; - • ,_ . - , . • clan?' Pnecriptions and' Family mipe4 earefully c impounded 411 limns of th9N,r.pight. • . • Also,lliihe owe ronai, aeladed'•,9tock of r i Bokkoandlitongry,* Ulna J aliptlOS itl tae rat:a l - 2Mo longboat the equat4 . -rirt. Wisher* picot— ' Wholesale or _ In:Ei t ther 'dePartal zdTan ent of ails s..tore, D 011iAtiX l a i ntti u g e l : 145 . ' l3ll '" ainth%lbilit" noveffl:6ot MI i "Fick CM i 4 ' l, - ' 4 'l ' . -. ;:* !1 t; • . i. ' -:-.,1 ENE II