The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 09, 1867, Image 4
HEI '1.7.1tT.), 1 SHERIFF'S. SALE . 73y ITIA clif4TOP PI 2R e t PACLAJI, 13 sue oittal.f eurtiof CommOn These of the county ildaget,lricl; me iffrecteda 'interpose to ,puttlic sale, at the Sheriff's billoc. In 114 borough of j cm•re'r. in the county eforcoald, on - 7:IIUIIiiDAY, - Oatobcr 17th,'. 1867. nt l o'clock, p. M:, the 'following propertyi to . wit : • .All right, 11110, intercat and claim of defendants, at, in and to-the following 10.1.'orTfece of ground. situate in Ohio township. Beaver eotinty, Pa., being lot No, $i in, Om of lots warteyed by A.. Wynn at the In steneu of 'l'homse Dawson, hounded as fo llows: • Ito. , ginning nt riortlaweot -corner at a stake on the line of lot Nip 72(r and corner of No. gl - 'thence north. 78 de gtlam - ea.‘t amyl on a line of lot: 41(01, 184-10 perches,. tcfl or he'.eOra-hf .lote'„)(ult. '2:lmnd ''thence e.ontla along the line of said lot Nil. 87. 17 perches, to a stiffe and lands of paid Thouthe Dawson; thence month .711 clexree,a wenl, 15 4:10, perthre, he lands of said Daw son to post i line of lot, No, 87: 'thence north along the line of 11.1511 V ,. naTtli 4,} , 11 prellol . l.. ttt4he place of beginnint. , . ehntaliifor erne and one.helf Were, more ar which t helm to steam engine, boiler, unmake r.taric..derrich, ehanfy, boring . tool.. ropes. etc. seized and taken in elocution ft. the property' of the sturgeon Oil Company, at the snit of -the 'toward Iron Worlce. . J. 8. I.ITTELL, Sheriff. Orietck,4:-% - • hz,pt. 1567. 1.. , f;inet/Tl'.3t. Sat:lsnot,' 'Universal, Virashing Com . 1)0044.. r [VIE last great labor saving invention now being in trudncecl everywhere. A fair trial will convince the most sceptical, no gash board necesFary. Three fourths in money. timeetind lahar saved by its nee.— It will not thjure fabrics of any kind, and meets a want long felt in 'households. Will remove paint, grease or status, heals chapped Linde, softens and beautifies the skip, It can be tally intrebestply made, toT.gtinglar less than Joan. and is anterior to the best of soap. It is meeting With the .greateat favor wherever intredneed. - Persons will bi supplied with Family Right" for mak ing and tisittjlt„bv iheAgent. J. Kirkland The Com pound will be left for sate at the stores of Mr.S. C. Thinner, Water St.., Rochester: L,. F. Kramer. /forth Andeftsifirt:Beaver. Orderi for ramilv Itigbp s nay-be the hoarding House of .T;S.Lantimmon4 neat &int:Rochester, or - sea by. enclosing 41.00 to4.l..irkiand:RoOoster, iyiTt:tmon. . .; ' , ; Slialfenbeiger Bros. rFprEg 13riciste - w atop, Penn' a DIALVIS tls FINE FAIRY GROMIE3 . _ Queenswaxe, Hardvitare, • - waits, irElliow vr.,Asq, woon AV) WILL {-1114E, BA CO', I:2BH,rti RAIN, ' ••••,.• , ' . AND ( . 001.intr. Produce t . , of ♦PIOUS EMS. i“to -,,,, J .d50 FIRST PREMIUM Of se Silver Medal 4, vas aviiitzza TO ; 1 6 ow " lIIIRRETTINIAIR RESTORATIVE !. !Cir" / Vo l um la Moo. scs.IMIS 4 1 FIE • 11/1.3111MTT , 111 1 . 'Vegetable - Hair RestOrattrit , Ara Hair to no Naiad Cokili motes eh* growth of UN Oak i ehallites Melt vii i =o=r d &t i oaresle pr i n er a il- 4 Oar Wing out les eupeekerla• " zt r. tla t r , iion able RAH' eoualoal the at de : III V „ . airrr CO.. PropthamiL Kaacurazza. mu. , • • AIOLD i vUT 7.1.1317•6142111 XXXXX LT. • RLLIIRg 41 CO. Pittsburgh, Wholesale AlLowere-40il* MOORE, Beeve. IiORGAN CRAIG; New Bright:oa t [junesll7:6m • .A.n 9 ti A HAW, ^s~. f airmen !Er C . IROCIMIJAS and PIitOySIONS, eleaCk g, .st Kaki Streeij XEW Pk. :1 WW, GROCERIES. \ Frllli . ENDNIL'ICINED, TTIANKFUL TO ,HIS .. friends towers for the generoui patronage ' keret oforiestonde to him, takes plea.sure In inform. ' big theta that hr ha recently made largo addltiOns to ' kiefitock, and that fan now hell ' . • .. . 1 f.. :', ' 4M11 . 00e 0 r1.43 1 0 ' — •Of the very be-t quality. Le low a• they= be pn a ed.weet of Pittsburg. .NM . stock embnu:es the b o • COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, • SYR UPS - , MOLASSES, SORGHUM., RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, .-; • BO A PS, CANDIES; RAI, . '-‘:., t ' .SINS, ENGLISH • CURRANTS; ' ' • : . . \ t ;' FIGS, cke I lad last everything In my line that to nimally kept la a ell ,iegutated Grocery Store. .., ' ' ' --P ' if-an:lode kept on fund: and the best braids of F. 1 4.14:1, p.LOLIR caa'always be ebi...aed at ray store! - L -. _ ` ' Ail go‘i'da delivered If vtoolreid„ ~,-' Jelo'4Mly. : SIMON eNITGER. I • *1144.)m , li[LitYPT BiZOWN., 1. STOII,T, NEW mix. HSI step Grecericl WILSON & BROWN ^4'-'_> 1 11430UNCR TO THEIR NU, moroni4 friends and Hterpnblit generally, 'that they teeld 0p .... V0g a New Grocery Store, on •• , • FRIDGE STREET, BRIDGENTAITA, BE . . stolnlng thA Dry Goods Store of A. G.; Htiret, no the Sth day of March. • It is thrlr intention of haying onliand, at all times, a lilt assortment bf th• 7 ?. \ BEST TAMMY OR-06E131EN and they be leavi; to elate that they are determined to : rompetp with all oilier dealers in the town or ne-Ighbor ct liege; ol geir Stock, oNowig.a*,all new. andbOnght at the lite great rednetion: and aelected wilhAhe great-. ; est dila by:W.ll)4*n , rthoww, whose knowledge Of thO business cannot be questioned, having Wert with Arthtir Harvey for many years. .. • 7 • They call particular attention to their stock int Tette • ' and eillree,33 they flatter themaelver they have stria • ' Ching extra to offer as to mice anti 'quality. The beat brad of .ramily Flour alnaya do Prwittes taken at all thneeat fall market 'prices. AP • gcsoi6 clefirdredi WILSON & BROWN. 181R-41Pq. EWEN w A:, ROSE, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON diACC9I7CHNUB. fintmeritijlixitedintlie TOWN: OP.EOCIII2I Prompt;engatliiii given to all adia, excepting 701 j eki prolemi °Mem Adjoining the "1/Ansion Rpm.," In the ClevelaAt egad Plaralialitoid ~ Rea. eater. ._Da " DISSOILInr.T.Prr• 1113,14RTATESHIP G between the nedertigned, In the tailoring busbies, In Bridgewater, Pa., was dieaeleed by mutual consent,* on the fith day offialjern All persons Indebted to said Arm or having sgiansttheen,wlll please all without , • • • BalilitiatiLLlß: ` I ' The tailoring _business, will In the>flature, be con ducted by hlr. Mille:verb° haletalcui the, building. ad ping the one formerly Damped by the above firm and Who will take pleastas in retaining the patronge here tofore eateoded to Brass &Miler. • - e. s myna - • • ' sztuaoir-, WINTER AND BEDISON, • ,(spoEsigatfii TO a. B.) , , zAtEw.- WITCHES, CLO Clak JEWNLRY, Silver and Plated area,. Musical bstramenta, 4otione, trei, ke • fOr'Speetal attention cal° Itterspal44.4lWateh• ("lelocke,atd Jewelry : ~f , • , kore: ' Co,.C BriOAD AT NEW BRIGHTON', . Ban9lt7 • - I:111ft ER.;' , L B /I'VE BFST. CIIEAPEST - AND MOST corms- A. &debt place to buy Lumber is at the • &OVAlib Of All DAVIDSON, on the Big Beaver, a half mile shore the Bridgewater andliochester. bridge, IIIn2fORTH . Beaver ountAgr l4'; enneyransa. -Congthitly,e4beezdj-iik large lotdek sawed lambi; timber and lop., lab and ehinglee. • AD kinds of Wel ber planed. A kiln for the drying of lumber attached. Petrone of this yard are 'guaranteed eathion. 30067:tf. - Notice to the Inhabitants of New - Brighton and Elsewhere. Ilame this day mew:fated—with me in :the practice of medicine, rat a ou.Dr. N4',13. Stewartodlce on Bridge street. oppodtte public equate, where we may be con sulted at all hoard. . TIIOS. STEWART. . . yDrrs i Th the S in te vt w s a t r ig t a h t a ovnin g n b t d r e a a n tm Fem a len ten dis• eases. and weakness, the request,pf. many of him' friends, consented to spend Monday's at his office, on Jefferson street, opposite the Methodist ,Cburch, New Castle, and Thunder, ...Friday and Saturday or each week, at lib; office,,,ln New Brighton, where he will almost' exclusively devote his attention to the treat ment of diseases-peetiliar to females. ?Persona wishing to visit the Doctor for consultation or treatment, will find him it his offices as above stated, from 9 a. in. to le p. m., where he will wait on them-with pleasure. Those requesting will be famished with the names of many who have been treated by him. Correspondents will address the Doctor at New Brighton. Pa., P. 4 . 80 x US, whereat! communicitlons will receive prompflattention. • - july3'67:6mos. • • Aim CARPET STORE Remoiraa.- • . . Arc :B R UT lIIRS • 'wit, remove on 31arch Ist; 1867; from 8f Fourth 'street, to their new ,"ant ekgant Intrehouse - ; • NO. 51 FIFTH STREET, . . . • WOOD PITTSBURG, Willi by themexpressly for the accommodation of their large and increaSing business. Haying very superior facilities for business, they will keep constantly-on hand a large assortment of all Goddspertalning to the Carpet business, which they offey'at Wholeside or Re. tail to thellude and public at lowest market rates.• mar6'67:4l iIicCALLIIK BROTHIPBS. NEW ARRIVAL *lnalheim. 2 4i IN BiILOGNIWATER, PA. 25,000 Bolts of WALL PAPER, Of the Latest Styles and PatterniS just received from • NEW YORE! The subscriber again thanks tits =teems friends fo their former patronage: Anticipating their "wants . tastes: Lideite&New York and closely selected ono, the largest stock of .-" VARIETY GOODS, &C„ Ever brdight to this county, ponaleting of Traveling , Sacks, Ladifse' Satchek ' •Pancy. Goods, . Ckildren'a Carriage., Booke, Stationery, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, • Rings, Brushie, •S,ll of which I will sell cheaper than they can be pur chased for in the city. give met call before purchas ing elsewhere. . ANYULTIEL.II. Bridge Street, • Britizerwater Pa.' • lIMIDIVAIIE STORE! J. s. W23•TANS, - NEW BRIGHTON, PA, DiAlla 1.11 ARD WARE, IRON, NAILS, QL4SS, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLESiENTS TOOLS, 13LACKSMITHS' .TOOLS, MASONS' TOOLS SHOEMAKERS TOOLS, SA.pDLARS' TOOLS, PLASTERERS' TOOLS, 31L4Eis' TOOLS. SADDLER' HARDNI BENT FELLOWS & 'SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS & HINGES, PIPICE,MATTOCKS & HOES, COUNTER &PLATFORM SCALES, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, HORSE BEIOEB A NAILS, TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & NUTS, CORN SIIELLERB, .STRAW CUTTERS Also, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, AND PUTTY. ,AGENT FOR , . IXCf.:LSIOIi _MOWER AND REAPER,' AND lE.Vf,rl3 HTON fIRE-DRICIE WORM BM 6x. • ' oi(E P A TH.IiI; NEW lilucalTlMSKAvaa , comerr. , PA. irlfiet-AND itssimaimois LOCUST. ST. n aetweisalignadliakikidgib 111001:211° ~.• • • - 11, AND LL " SPUR, tea theataelrea In the pr4tice l o b l i lerhi c i l and fitprgery. n4 " = r ly their mortices to tbs publia, this former la ibe. mi me branehisi of Mb pretended ; ;ha latter am, par ticalgly Ia the , areabrieat eta* • PillEAthi OP 171M271 AND • • A. X. eras lorrlag,arniled blaue lf daring the last fifteen yeala_dm adrantaapea atfordat bz the best bovltabt sad loathers la this Country sad In Europe, Ibr obtaining a thwo. lbowledri of tha 'tractors aad. Molasses of aicesourbiat mows, will hereafter devote special allsathas tci,thalt. sea cal sad trealpeat, • thbee. two.-196 PKNY lilt; two aeon' from At. Clair streeti Pittsburgh. P. II 013 cs tqww-.41 A. X. la X W. MS -barn 3 to II • • *OVA . BRIDGEWAVER • , • . ‘1 MARBLE. -Ws: S. TIAVID ..WOODiIII7.*MANUTACTiTaKit. AND ..I.7),lniAlatt LW - • • - /WW I . SW/ AkteriCall. Xonamtmts, Head Stows, de, made to order. • Pieta, gim. me a call before durehaelst disewiterr Pripdp-oppositts; Dr. Smith's Drag Store,•Dfidge street, Bridgewater. rre6t.`4 l 3' • • PAM VitIODRITS4 .Gkapi3 W . IILLIJYr .t• SONS OFFER FOB BALE G very low, thit coming autumn, 1900,000 Concord & Ives'Seedling Vines. These vines are grown from single eyed-or:Well ripened wood, to broad,' open bolters. where, berths perfect freedom, -they mats sulsittantial woody roots fail of fibre. For several years our stock of vines have been OlhAlllittel hl the itutumm Those, thcretbre, who want themshould order early:, We also offer a large stock of Pesch, Apple, Fear and Cherry Trees; alto Strawbcrries,Fnad all other small fruits and men; a few thousand also of the followin Vines: lons, Hartford, Prolific, Crevilleng,.lteltecca. Aliens, Ilybrid; and Imiltella: Orders addressed to u will receive prompt attention, and we will send Pinata, Vines anti Trees In the very best' condition. ,Send for List - - Price Orr:et:Mtn HEED Brou s:l s ro. 109 Market Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. J. W. ELLIOT & SONS, anglf 67:8m.] f Proprietbrs. drsx :Ist, lOU . - • Notice. theit IS ILEBEBT..GINIIN TEAT N • &reigned Citizens Of Beaver county will epp r .t 0 the next annual session of the Pennsylvanhaegialature for the creation of a corporate body with battling and discounting privileges under the name and style Of the "Beaver County Banking add Safe Deposit Assoc's don." to be located's) Beaver,Beaver county, Pa. The specided object of said MIT to 'helps receiving. of deposits 1 nmoney and sal Le. .st the risk of the Association, for which& reaso e charge wilibe made, to biregulated by law. receivlngdepoeits and discount ing in accordance with the customs of other baoking associations. The amount &mita] tO hearty thousand dollars, with the privilege of inereaslo , 2 to one hundred thousand dollars. JOHN WARM:AT, X. S. WALT. 'W. W. Lewis, D. L. 1101111 IN ' JOHN CAUGRWT. - J. O. EUTAW, ' Y. WYTATRI. EL MICR. J. O. WILSON, eau. W. ZAIULTOX, J. ST, 11. o P HI I, L IPS, F2B&2BST.GLAIRBT., 3Pittolaurigg, - Yanufactarers and Dealers la _ . FLOOR OIL CLO'f , ILS, FURNITURE OIL. CLOTHS, ENAMELED OIL CLOTHS, , TABLE OIL C.LQTHS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, - Transparent Green Oil _ Cloth, ' for window shades. Transparent Window Shades, BUFF: HOLLANDS, • SHADE FIXTURES. TASSELS, CORDS, &0., Ac ALSO, DEALIRS IN • Ladle B l abber Machine Belting, Bose, Steam Packing, Casket.„_Tubing, Cement, Clothing. and , • Rubber goods generally. . 9 1111 Tacie4 Lea veta, Ltbrrilra Belting Leather, Belt i Hoots, _Ayerga for t a Universal Llothes Wringer. IL general aasbrtatent u s i te u ? i i . enanted goods al ' sar Olden ‘reaPectftilly solicited and promptly piled. -- • - - • l.m.ri'Vhdisi • W I,X.a X\T • AND • . • • . _ . • • • 9[ 1. 1E1 da. IR. IT I . • • • .. •. • • Dimond, flooheater, Pa. . (WITHIN FEW DOORS OF F. A. 1011T‘TRICS ). - • 4 DAT GOOD STORE. . '1 ' • . • • AYE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED FOR H inspection4their large and well selected Stock of Fall and Winter . ! BOOTS,SHOES & RUBBERS,. Direct from the Manufacturer,and of our own Mann-. facture, which we offer tow, having bought at the late decline, and will be gold' to emit purchasers. Our Stock is large in every department, and we deb' coo petition., To be convinced la to try s pair. • Urea Work warranted and mended by sa. ' • WILSON a STEWART. • In the Diamond. dirIICEL . Roonserss, P. DAWSON & RICHARDSON Seavtis Falls, Ps. H QBocg OFR If RD - 1.1431' $O7. NOTIONS, BOOTS &ISHOES, - lILARDWARE, u ' • ‘G L SW ARE, - QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, NAILS, DRUGS, &C, Window Glass all sizes and doable strength. Spa ctal attention psid'to Ailing orders for large size window gins, Lc. • ?arctumors will well to call end examlve our stock of Paints 'Wort oardwising elsewhere, Also, choice Brands of Pkinrln Barrel and In Berke. All kinds of Country produce taken In exchange k!r Goods. Remember the Vie% Int sliatar dem IN WWI gi gar e ."111 list• U. 011/1, - GEO. .11r. DAWSON, L. N. ATKINS, JOHN NODAL . JOHN N. HEIN, . H. D.ANDINDON,. D. IeLIWNEE, I. WZTAXD, ' 1 J. 1 HASSAN. I_ , / Also, • • LINSEED OIL, ' AORUDE BORNItIG'OIL, ' BENZINE, • • comma PATENT DRYER; Paints of ill C6lors, Groond;Dry is !; :Ross & 0, . OISE .tea poo.a #acnirs rtir, Ni.iej.4 . 4iiiit.; - :;.l'ivii****:. ROCIEESTER,•-PA.; • - ‘ 1 7 • , • .J ' 2 . ON8T:I1 TLY ON LOW FOB 8.1.14; CM AT. LOWEST MARUT PRIORS, f' A ..comPitri • aNti, ASSORTSD STOCK or 1A..,i•*.•. - ! - :1Q004,1; COXIIISTIX4I Of BROWN & BL EACHED MUSLIN, PRINTS, 'GINGHAM'S, DaLAINE; -ALPACCASi . • • • CODURGS, . FRENCH MERINO% , FLANNELS, Plain and .Baited, - WOOL DELAINF% all Calais, BLACK SILK% ;• ..TIXINO: - • TABLING, TOWELING, CHECKS, ''JEANT; :•; . • TWEEDS, SATINETS, CASIMERES, BROADCLOTH,, CLOAKING, • Ba/moral - and Hoop Skirtiti, NcorrioNsi • II 0 SIFiRY, SL 0 V B 'HATS AND CAPS, Xest's Boye'—* lygr stock of ths latest utyles BOOTS • & SHOES. Mens,*cudise's . and Children's Ouse Shook ;Cape • Ems, ic., Beeady-Mado Clothing. 1 . 61150L ‘ 1304K8 & STATIORY. - ..lEretriclwect•e. A large and wed waled Eltock,conslinag. in: part, C.; U U g ILDIRO " / " ; Carpenters' Tools, of all Binds, • BUILDING HARDWARE, ,BUTT, FTBA HINGE, • 'SCREW, • BUTTER HINGE, BOLT, LOCKS,' '• NAIL, Rol. 4 Window Gi-lass, Or el.. Um, awl Double Strove& 1 • i6PECIAL ATTENTION Paid to fallo(f.c..rdeiv of ()kip, • I !Maas, roe HARDWARE, GLASS AND NAILS, LINSEED OIL, BENAINE, COAT'S PATENT DYER, PAINTS OF ALL OGLORS, I WHITE LEAD, PUTTY, GRObrND,:DRY AND IN OID Painters will do well to examine our itoct and Pri cea bcforls purchasing elsewhere. - . - IC3riecocserless.. 4. ♦ IPrel And Pall supply constantly on band si very °wear piices. H 01011 !IDS Of . I4OUR, 1 - IN iprD EACIta CA.10301 0 1 OIL, I ' 3 - V.` i4RD OIL,' QIIIIENSWA4H, STONE. WARE &1714 840 IrrAU Deny goods &Moroi I;ree of cluirge..iii AU bade of lirsin I diuntatoducitaken In ez dui!ge lot . - Orli. J. • t7tOgg, cOneeysneer end Agent of Sam stel Minas and flu Etc .ritiisiesLand pommy.- Remember the place : ClLaatilerS STORE; II _ • • SZCOID IMLLIIIRIO 1111 s&a.ILZOAD, L latt:OßE qT.R.EET, Ugekt e s t or s ra,. Vest and NiKedid t !be Mile; prim. Insampronni Itukaatii: Ftit tikes 7,Ens .1. patronage heretofore /bestowed 'noon plessere infortoloit the chteetia of Roebeater., enter. Ikeiree spil•sarrosaltiagcountry, thekbe le towered to laroleb an eseellant 'rae 0 - Coat sa nsa WetCoaV,on abort sodas,' /Ow adhere& Or at the , Bardr, esee beet of term: - The Ssak-le looted ale WllloleY's Roo. near Rochester. Pa. corder, left sae.- or at the Store of .ThOmee Allhank,tp Stlfbrowv ter; or at the Prothonoun's office In Seaver, will be promptly 1111e(L."alt BocheekPe. • ; C. SOLT •"" - Itideevller M. MULLia. 111'. DOLBY. M.' 7 .lllLllll'.'. Co:, Roolinter Planing ash and Door Mill. Co., Pa :I mat iwutoix. wpm.) _ MANUFACTURERS OF, MITI DRUMM 'IN, Lumber, Dreeisint Mooting,- Slant, Shelra z , l6 42l, Sash, Shuharti, ate. inil \• t _ • cozeraiteroas AND BMW S'S. • ; • Also ~et;_si - , of Clarks • Rhinearuitlea Patent Weather Roaratn&rstentied . lisy - lit, 1866, for the e*- tarior of houses, is. This siding consists informing tba Tatiana stripe aboard. of &level or tapering slaps mom Its entire-width with lower or thicket , edgN made with a maple moulding to impart, a neat and finished illinteglifice. rights !of the manufacture nicer Mb alding its •Bftvte ctiunty 14? be *bid •Itsviisbatt mutit.exuesienes in , g, and Lumber business generßly adkd to our new iticilides foritimarmilictute, we feet eanftnoe to inviting Our aid friends and patrons•to call and examine for them selves, before contracting eliewhere: [aprlo'67:s . , PALLEITON'POUNDUTI ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP, In Fallston Beaver Connty, • • I •TTAVITG refitted and enlarged my stock.of macton -11. ery and tools, and having revved the services of the best of mechanics; I am prepared to *arrant till work done 1411. rive entire satisfaction. I have on hand. different patterns and stylel of Engines, Fire Clay Rolls, and am prepared to 'make or. repair all desOrip lions of Machinery, on reasonable terms. . PLOWS AND PLOW CASTI4OS. I have all the beat plow that that snitthismarket, =lwhich is the'"G Western," which has been ow of the county tar the lastlifteee years. There are armlike* of this Vow, all of which 1 manufacture and Leen for sale; also "Patent Lever—iikht and le ft —, "MountainEint"—right 'end left;—"Side Hill," and , nearly all, the different Itindila use. • • . comma, rnemaa! kir) liralisitsToNts. hat4ng made several 4 1 Intiortant • improvements o . the "Climax'," by which coal or wood' can he StippU 'without lifting fide, and having two places for Ore; either or both 'of which gat be need at the Same titre; with a ventilatlonla the Sloven, thus liming the :Oran. Cages of • Cooking Stove, Bake oven. and Franklin Stove combined. This Stove ham been in constant nee • for twenty. years, and man* of them after being used for this period of time. are now in good order, Thera is but &small portion of this stove that ever burns 'out, and this is easily and cheaply replaced. To m3keahem st/1l More lasting we ire, now putting in tile or tire brick Ou r other patterns are the Enterprise: Keystone and Premium. Parlor Stoves, large ;and small beating Stoves, Franklin Stoves, kung &e. .Grate and Orate Fronts, Fenders, Iron fr , illust of various styles, Wagon Boxes.-twO Irons; Tire Derided, Corn Sheller', Force and 'Cistern Poirot. Sa4 Iron*, Metal Sinks for kitchen, Sliest Iron and Tinware, at ways on band and made to order. In fact, I mannfaer ture and keep for este, almost everything wanted ip the machinery or, hardware line. In addition to par other Stem., we are now making two new patters; N 0 . 41 and 8. of the Great Republic, which "retaking captive, the best •cooks and bowie wires in.tbe country. • - Second band stoves always for sale cheap.: Twn good new engines, suitable for raw-ixdTror 'bop Fir pose& now on band, and wUI Ns sold reasonable. r i marl3'67-I.y. JOAN THORN A. S. Harvey, GROCERIES & PROVISIONb; h3eArd.ware.. trAVING ON lIAND LARGIII AND WEL 1111 .elected Stock of . Teas, Rice,' Coffee, Clic,e3e, • , Sugar, 'Soaps, Molasses, ' Bacon, • Syrups, , • .Fish. Contaicio MEEtx•CI:764±4IS, NAILS AND WINDOW GLASS. .- Pine Chums, Peck Measures, • Oak Churns , ,3i Bush. AleaSures, Willow Baskets, • Split Pa_kets. k Pure Cider Vinegar. ''=. ALSO-fi , • • - CHOICE FAMILY FLOU R • . By the Barrel or In Sacke, : conatantly s on Land. Fir Trices very law, call and, see. #.4lridligenrilaTeEr,Yi4k: odd 8T:11, MOOREIS DRUG STORE, N : l3 . E A ;V E'R' II bf:lbtuad the best asscrdpiect of • DRUGS-, M el . e ss , Cl 3 "E ISIE IC .A.l_o, LIQTJORS, WINES And larandies, 3P a int avi - Oiler, . , , 1 : °WEBS, REAPERS A tANTIVACTUR4 aim and lerer Power o' 0.1. Ea!hearty Endl d s to Fij i , min s f cations sires, Thredi sad Z o ta h ,,Z . Evil:tent rti, Co M m er Sh llil ell h ers '. , C it e -ere. , for 61 .-arn .'- ing - , and all o ther Agricultural .11 0 AND tiftEDTG ' • : Of a kinds 'z' 1 2n, short !tepee, ;Machines of any kind built f n experienc 4, e of fifteen years In Patents Daring Woes, we are prepared to make Models, snd Ac.,- t ak Appli . * 7 , for. parties d b4ing ' e 0,.: te oat . . PATEN Its 14 . 1 i P our r ack , rY - with - .. • i • , . • . . .. . . in - . greet variety, ell of the:be - et UT, mid:sold cheap-. - . Altat ligpg' . OVED mkeßremity, er than can bet:toned et imp -;: , - ' ' ' -----.-- \ Moro •in the . scanty.. -•- ' from the best Eastern make*, in person, , and toying none but the best Mectumice, we crepes- I • , . p e , r o s l o , prn it Its cents per bo A che e si t . dto do Work In the bestNylc and manner, ~i nee 8 • - . Baring red -the services of A; FIRST. OLASS man's, El; Clark's, EL .! 1... • : ';-' ' r /PATTEILN MASER , we are also prepared to make :,„ . ..: ,: -••••••• : .: a m kind or tyle of Patterna.- • .: ~ • Its Levet. Stock Of - cular ttention paid to Retedring Mowing and ResA)ing Maehines, and' machinery in general. We solkAti and hope by attenUon and care, to merit, the patronage of parties wishing' work done.' Orders tom a distanceplt=led ha... • • ALL WORK W ; 4 - .Ik. 111. ON- ilite rbami Iwili. .TOIpti'Ag,TICLE T z, SOAPS • :33 u s , WITS & LAMP MXIIII4III, LANTERNS S 210351311.1%4*D0W 9 lAsSAt, , .z ver 00%: cr nitaide of the diva. ilif4ore's D s ad Bold thsa tin be binightpulywhere ;,iii IA Mow vs 1100t116:041, ask ses, !aid Vire " . ' T• Olt •B~s:~ybcsrs. DIAL'S. IR - I ~ AND : siroreWAßE. 7' 17M, M 't. AND DYE:, OITEN7S:i ' 1113:3 2. % 7. 'ZABKIIT. AT THB rridli VEST Stita.lll7!TEß Hnlvanon Lime Kilos. .?! ONLY* CEMA Boum, sitia - orders So V. ',Pm, Beaver t'obt .014mr, oe io the lialvanoti Lime Hillis, Va°9"t , Lime delivered on short notice, sept4 . 67lt. - ,-. lor &hoo ' t N0....4 --7101VAINTE1P9—A . mal al L'fa es..- Pulaski tp., Oulary—mtrtyanve Dollars (s3s.e o ' Pee. moutb. Nothing but a elimt teacher Will be empkoys_al. • Apply-to ' JOIITi -.'TTLEW 00D, eetrreMat. , . - - tkel.iScbool B amt. TNOCTOR A. W. APHESOII, • . I.. II.EA.VEnt • i'EltN i A• In the" old Anderson o literodrty,". on Ikl street, a few doors west of the - Col:11. mit, • .158 .67 ttf1 . ' 'I BEATAB LADIES' SEMINARY. rril2l3 PALL TERM CONMSNCE.S TfIE 49T11 .1 •of September. It is en advantage - to pupils to be present at the beginning of the session. With roams freshly painted. papered, and tarnished, we can promlie sultablesccommodations to boarders and classes. A corps of expalencedtatehers has been secured.— Prof. Ambubbhas charge of the Musical department. Believing from long experience. that we ceut give general satisfaction, we request all intents ted to apply for a cirenlar; with the assurance that we will . verify it In every particular. ' -1).11. A. hrLHAIi. PR, .OPER'S TE-4_,4TORE! • , WILSON acIINDERICOOD, irnoi,seAupsistrastuiDminas iX CHOICE I'AVIILYGROCERIES, _*" • NO. • 115, 'IIO.IJTEI iy r .TDrA r ,,ND, Boter Rotel,r.; . . , Allleglie,ny City, Pa. i t Or One. or the cheeped and beat Whole.9le and Retail Stores in thetwo.eidea. • Call and examine "our, Stock and Prices. jrnyl9ll7.l?in BPitiNGH - FASITIONSI . .f-- .:. i --L - - ' - • - - i 186.7. . , _ • . . . . jERID6E STREET, BRID GEWATER, . . , f ~ : ' . NEW poss(*n.tErr imustßy. WILL BE openzditt my old stand. lately °guided' by, Mr. Gralv..on Thursday, March 14th: I wish to inform my 'ld fidends, and as many new ones as will please pa r imize me. that I am now receiving an entire new lock of Millinery, of the latest Spring Styles, and will .e pleased with an early call. ... Dinar i:rmay. - - • MRS. S.MERS:j WILL P. am' iust...4 °WIN 13TRI4X: GR.AHAtt '& BYRNE, Fashionable I-3EatteFs, * No. 52 St. Clair. Street, Betweca Liberty and Penn Ste., opp. St. Clair Hotel. PITTSBURGH, P A. HATS, CAP,S and STRAW GOODS, Ot erN,Aqt y rri t isidquality, at t.ll4 ' ,sery lowest prices. Origin n 3411114 of the Books of the 15/ ,!e• BY PROF. BAWL* E. STOWS, D. D. .AA WORK OF REAL VALUE, AND AN ALMOfit . Li indispensable companion of the Bible,showing what the Bible is not, what it is, and how to use it an swering.all the objections to its authenticity urged be modern Infidels, and 'tracing the authority of each book up to-ins inspired anthors."giving a vast amount of information heretofore locked up in very rare and costly volumes, making one of, the most popular books ever - • 1000 AGENTti WA_NtED. Expert need agents, cle„.:rtypen,lithiek, school teach .od MI nibers sionid sendlit once for rcuists giving further Information. Address,- I ZIUGLER, McCUUDY- & CO., ' sentrtmos. W 1 Chestnut Street, Phil's:, Ps. 01VICER I. PIVIBERI-1 • TIIE 'UNDERSIGNED WiltiLD RESPECTFULLY . informtheir friends and , the. public in general, that fro l this date, they will tlell , lutaber at the follow ing rates via: ' I . Hemlock Joists and Studding, $l5 per m. ~• . frame timber any length or size. $l6 per m. Pl'.." . '' " " " , Itt to 15))ei m• 3 . 01,., iin.. St ud lingi 1 $2O per m. Na I,Common plank, 1 $3O per . m. Good il.• •1 ~, ... _ $5lll .k. 92 per m. NO:l,'Clear Plank. - • • ' 1 $5O per m. " Panel staff. faced, • - - •• $4O per m. U4l . .% I .1 • Is3oper m, A No. 1; faced boards,. $3O $4O per m: " —2,, •", - c • .t. 35 per-m. conimon ttnarcla. fated, ,- :' 7 $25 perm. A No: 1, let common board% J. ,tl2 per m: Good common boards ' PO, 22. 25 per m. Flooring, 11'kt°. 1, $35 per m. • L ' . $3O per m. A No. 1, Shingles, • l per m. Lath •-.- ' ,1- ' I per m. per m. , irtit 6ls :_ — ' 3. di FL DARRAtiII. I. (Lkaga copy and Bend bill to advertiser.) • M. II t o n DENTIST?. onl fine GOld.liih-er, English and Kmerhum Vulcanite. Teeth extracted without pain lby an entirely new pro cess: no' Ether, Chloroform, Nitrous-oxide or any other ametbetic used in connection with tno apparatus. IfMr'Oftlce on Third street, 2d door cast of 11..8. Anderson's Mgrs. • ! , . Ifch4o•Ci:6m. AGRICULTURAL WORYS, • • ROCILESTER,„ PENN/4 A. It. 41111TH C 0.., AND ,UNION PB I, _____... ..-. TS T4B, ORPHANS' corm^ I OA SA ( I N Ty. In n tke is mitt! of .the wal of ote* c Oft: larger,med.e. ea rutg ll°w he ta tly i ll:l - 27 ehtetect,eberounkil itrin 'ti t n V,r a. r . °I )I ,E B. paq ,an Auditor to make' distribution the orai, rein:lining In the hands of John Iteeris,k.„.„.7ww,. the will of said detedent, a shown 14 t,l7"Zterit peal and periotal. . . tato - t Tree ex t ract from mad. CBED t!kttet:,... 111. 4OWIII A;FRAzri, . 4 :14. • The Auditor appointed to above mattftr,,,rie for the I t arpthia or his appointment, I n 1,1 8 • • • , •''tt New gliton borougkou tto . '124 dAy or . 0 'a 1867. IVA o'clock- A.M., St which ' tittle . arui Una in Internet ntay attend 111.1ar p"Pai 6. 311.11t1 4X, - L ' sepus'67:4t: STOVES,- c r,LTE HOLLOW jv CBE , Ste: Jas. Marshall & Co, 17511Tocid and A3O Ltblrty Pittsburgh' iiieunteit. l' , i At ANUFATTrr, {EMS OP TiTr. CELEBRAT ED 11l laiirat .11111 enl. he NA avieetTlLLCoal Cook, wilitik44 IL,. ov 'Antes and i. ..che lt, etote ever °fin e be 'm ed in the market. ~ a I !..kl.zo the Viola Cook Stoye:fingWcod. and A eere.;i attiortatent or sicati m: ti;ove Grate FA,ntf,, Fecta. bad and Iron. Su ~g ar Kett6, ,N.'i'aron Boxer , . Roil ee Ware"Ware" Catehnn • . • , • nealeni introducing oaf. Ftorei lutve tall rentrhl ef the market at , we aell to.only one party in the MM9, rime. •• To. Twrpons desirfag to acennte pa agery y e ah . Ilberil liducementa. ma ~_. ... , . p Z•..4,t . . ' • NEW G-OQD,S JUST ARRIVED Dress Goods, Cashneres i Tweeds, Jed.n.s, . "&c., &c. CHEAPER, TO BE AT ORR & DA"WSONT, I 4 I Third Street, Beaver Penn's. r6z \-• CASH PAID FOR WOOL:. angir67:ty . RAILROADS ruts., FT. trA'rNE & CIIICAGP MERL% On anti att.e-..k.pril . V.% 1S 7. Tratns Imre gOacis daily, (Sandace csccptett)aa follows.. [Train lea Chicago at 4:60;.P. M., leaves daily.) ‘T;I4I.NB 00 Diu WBET. . j'hxos. , , Pittsburgh........ .:.1, :615e1t 930A11' 215 r s, RoOester ' ' 815 835 .no - 'Salem • "lern 121...1r3V, s'B Affiance 1140 lit) Canton • • ' 1i:1 5 11-r3t 104 . 700. 054 Massillon..... .. :.. 9.16 I 730 610 Orrvillo ••I 9.53 '1 1303. 719 ooster • ' ..)7-$44 ' Mansfield *-1,405 &alOl4 '094 Cresiltwe i •• .• 415 ST 1045 930 fAxiAly 610 PM Lifel Bucyrus , 4 635 040 1135 I.4iper SanduSlcs 710 itauenoo Forest • 753 VAS 1193 Lints ' 915 911 ,216 ; Iyonar van.weit: L .103-1 1010 . 330 147. Fbrt Wayne "I • 1•2 , 20ru.114.1 . 5.20 lan 110 1 1-2:19a3i - ,ta.l 84 Wish mw • • 200 ,r2l ' Plymouth• , 300 • 151 149 Valparaiso ' • 438 • 357*, - 027 713 • Chietigp • - 700 550. 11'20 19k3 TRAI,ES CUING EAST. ---,-- Ch1e.02,70 •''.'724)..krt 1 1 0 2.7u Valimuutso ..:111 .....'l2 - o • 1 Plymouth • - -10413 .- . •,' 2.50 • I ikitresSVC ' ' /133 I 420 Columbia • :1219r311 530 . 1 Fort Wayn9 II 125 - •• 100 •. I Van Wert " 2:15 i l MI 4 ........ ...: :1-1:1 .' ty....1 Forest 'I• • '.4.^,9, illPfi . I trpper Saadualty '' 24)3 .11)15 •• Aucyrus ' . • 3:k3 'l2...Aru , • t .;• (105 .12r0 . I ere k tltne l 1 , 210 • 1 Mansfield! ....'i . . ....... 11 i - 3 0 -657 . .. 1 Woopter.l , . 810 1 405 1 Orrvillo • 1 907 420 Massillon' " 913 I rAi. Canton 1 - ' 1104 I, 521 Alliatico ': (1100 . , C 25 Saleml '1132 I 531 ' 1 Rochester • I , P2.5.yu (.45 Flttsbuigh• ~ ~. ...2,30 ' 9 . 50 -• Yartngtown, Yr* eastle' anaj Erie "YrttutTut:ttrrt fit $:00 p. castls.-4: at Pittsburgh. tr 43 p. m. ti:00 a. rut arr,at X. Castle. tita.l a t m; 1u Youngstom, New Ca=t's and pt,4l" , u, dation fewtt.4. Yount .town, 5:45 a. in; n. m;Mylres at A lietzheny. - 11,:tat . lugves_faleghi•nY. tn; arrirce. Ntr p. la;;zoitlig....:town, • , F. R. 3117E1?5, Gernfre42:l4 ! ' CI.:EVEL.S..±D ..t. F13171:011 R.‘ll.ltOA.D. .On and after Ala '29, 1..-4,i., R7E train; Will iC-3VC Istatosi ' drtily (Sundnya exce - pted!it.. follow. - ' :.:-.---- ----m I`l' / ' / • r, EucUct Sticet Iludon • I;nrenria Alliance. Wellsville .. Wellsville, f Bayard Affiance Ravenna Hudson Endle Street Cleveland • i • GOING EAST. ' so ' C Clnli • , --. • - -,- II Min,: Exes. 11vt'5t1....., Bellair ! ! '1 41)Orx 550A1l 10101 X .•••• Bridgeport ' ! - I 440 ! 605 • 101 11 'i'''' Steubenville - . 555 ...t, 121 115.8 :i 31 '65 Wellsville' • ' i 720 S2O 1 40 r. 31 ~..,‘ Smith's Ferryl 741 542 20- a- - Beaver ! . 812 912 1 2: 0! , !, :45 { Rocheater„...' ! sen . 980 240 /n o MO, Pittsburgh' h3O i/025 .. • - ! ° O/:1 vi " : Acc o , I Not- 'Ext.s. EXP 8 ./...._...! .—,— -----. - . _•—•• • •••7 s PittebOrgit ' ' 616 AX 260fX - 43 • 51 1 1 1 .4 1 * Rochester e 125 - si . is ,, 543 456 ~ llgninr . i - I 703 045 1555. bid - Sms Perry , • Sll SAY des welievino ,• so - 420 "I Steubenville 9,19 629 8 18 •- -- Bridgeport - 1 1 1 = 112 64 0652 . , 9 2 2 •:::: • TtIiSCARAWAS BILVW LeityCs E t. 4Vjai.l2ltilit, 6:ou,p.ra.' I iin i t d 9 : 4611 re ~, ' €~. i', 111119 f I 'yxr.',F. it! ties 4.Prx WAN $lO = go) I,n !1 r 1 rrnti un:t r Inrr t!e, p m , 121 Et: %T.( ..., M3l FIE GOING SOCTII lAccol --- i VIII BM iSifi .... 5'120131 2 ra'.lt .11 Zi "9;35 . 3.541 • 010 41.5 l et I ' S * 1 j 1;211rx . 700 col sa Noran ALcot IKM kiAm loti 11115 t%IS 643 7111 161 7131 1 gla itO 0 lillS Tie n. , • r; Fl 1 ' 455 sl' Ap