The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 09, 1867, Image 3
. T h e Beaver .Argus, •------ , . MAW R, OCTOBER 9, 1867. . . ..-- . . • . local and 311scellEineous; • • guicausr, JR., 51 Fifth street, Pitteliorgh, is vwserissa sgest for TEE Attars Isithut city: "" yo, Louisa Patter Ron, ott , httrou; , this coun. iosatboriseti to act os . agent for the Argue. rieVr Adver;Ailenicilts. •- - . ___:__ ~. 1 1 4 stleceoc of the public is directed to the y o i. vi m nee advertisements, which appear for :the i.. : tot In Tax macs to-day . .. . g raio,o-y of the Secret Serviee—Martin Lyon. . crFsslily Ciroeeries—Coe & Darragh. orpeenty AceNnt—llatiover tp. ' . yrfSterce Notice--J. S. Litton. crilw.,terly Statement—E. Hoops, Cashier. reiesis—:aal Notices—A. S. Harvey. tripes,. Notioes—Coo.t. Darragh. - trir cisrNoticee--Amos Doutt. , .----e•-•-•----- . ow not —.Pi match came of baae ball was play ,,!ta Ilochisicrlast Saturday, between the Young , L=e dli sad Energetic clnbe, in which the former came 4,lcOessa ..---..-•-•----_ 'soldiers, Orphans.—The Soldiers Orphans' of es nilllpsburc Scheel, were In attendance at' the' Ird ~,,,,,,,:y Pair on lait Thursday. They, as usual, 8 'creditable appearance.; ~ . , Thau ks,—We sie tinder obligations to Mrs. Mat tiot D ar y a h, of Sharon, fors bullet of fine, large, ore : wawa, which were on exhibition at the rail.. j u dge Cairns of inclusf?y, and Mr. 7 , .T0b1s Graham of o,fo.texe?blo, have our thanks for a basket o grapes edj.d , i lc b of ulna left st`oar office last week. • • col4elonging. to Mr. J• hn A u _ &:ron of iZocbet , ter, thht 'County, Wag killeti by the tan-on lest Saturday. It was standing on the baron& 09tk end of the bridge near the Beaver shttion on F. Ft N. a. C. It. B. when the train came in et& w ith it, hruiAng it badly, and knocking it for. ry e through the air and over one 'side of die bridge to Ce ground brueath, where it died in a few minutes. . • Rail Off.—.S young man, named Win. B. Carter of 'i.therter, wag riding in a carriage from the 'Livery 13b:e of Mr. Powers in that place, on Last-ThursdaY, .ben the boric took fright at something, galloped off, isr.ths carriage Violentli against one of Mr. Arr tnii,isliihing the former to pieces, and hurling the. ,yang man to the lie was picked tip badly tttited.- • • Belligerers4---DiFlO, the fair several of oar coutius" who bad their bumps of combat_ ,sr.L.Lss afo folly developed, edg,aged in the business ,'pasfr.Pling each other, on account Otspine trifling cstztremrats. We presume, they leartie‘hbout the Mends - interfered that the "nAnly art Of } :'(defense" was not beyond a doubt a - promoter of good I • :c as end i preserver of fine clothes. L. • _ UttnOvvr.—..k Irmo attaebed to* carriage; Ariv.en !MO Ulan, Iviiceie name our reporter could not find cv. Wawa unmanageable. near lir: liarboufa. In Drithrewnzer. and deehed by a crowd of people gather- Mun the Ftrett in front of big stint., running over a and l:nocicing down an old blind man, who Vati * ln company with her. They were - botlt - consider, sty w.lared. The horse was stopped and caught be-1 as soy more damage could be done. The . P acing Illatch.—=The ptiking matcb, which me of on the lath day of-the fair, attracted an unusn .. en:cent:of interest. - . But three . horses 'were entered, i t.e purse was for PL . The entries were as iol- ShakoPee, by Capt. D. M. Donahoo of Meurer ; stf!eott, by Mr. Holliday of :Pittsburgh; and Cra p ins,by Mr. Cunningham of Wellsville—Capt. twee won all of the . helts,iand of Coarse hla • oistt toot - the purse. I tntnatei of tlie "no time of lleftige.—The la . mem. 0ft,t, , ,,11va.e of Refuge j for Xy Weatern, ,a;heny county, were brought hith-, la attended the fair on Thursday last.. ,R3i, a vote e . bhhe Hard of Nasgene of the A,grieultnial Socielyt they were , a,lmlttre to the fait grounds, free of charge. I A rernber agent :valet of the county contribufled fundtf . er.frontrn pay for theis.:diniaer while heio. , Them sere ceder the eerik.of their teachers dtiritik kbefr It, end anearoa 1 . 6 be under;the very beat Co 1f Ql. Eseared.--uores HUover, 'Who was arrested at . wnoa :sst weskil,r horse the cut -0 Waver, to lodge turn 'ta the jel Grl.o,:7l t ce e • entiscontieg on ..Satusdni t.ttr.ettr Most ZarksOn. It appears that thersrere in to:teth ?coon the, prisoner put 'his arms thetortAtohl.. warmly embracing him. A Ms ..' wt, rt , nlt. during whish air. Utley's. revoln! t er on of his p;,.'Fott to 'the etroOnd, the parties W i se sst of the' boggy. The horse' ran, awAr smash- , sr. ‘ ths I,ugtTy coniplet,tly, and, the priSettil g9l is still at large... "Toni IFf,:tatr,. , s—A powerfully built horse, tatted - ,lorn sod owned by. r. John Diilan, of x,a 1:11i1ee, this rounty, - was on exhibition at oar Itnr ht:t week. and attracted general attention. He is 16.41; ,Lttver laauds high, very stoutly built, an d,taken Cl , abher. la as tine 1 sdetnien of a draught hors a i s eVer,FATr. imported from Canada last y r by bh present owner, and promises to be a permanent 'lllinra" of the county white he lives. Persons de sirous:of Unprovinn their stock' of draught horses scald do Well to see the horse here referred to at as fatly a dayss phcbrable. Ho Is bar{ PAS years old. Premlnnt titove.—We are gratified to learn that . au; cri.thor J:.l. Anderson Esq.. Of Rochester, this rositty took the Er,t premium, at th 4; State Fair, for a elrAieg Steye. The Pittsbnrgh Gai:ette of the .28th of .14arrabar, captains thi. notice of it;': Me.. l ..l.::enderson of Roehesteri Beaver ecoltity. ftway with hits a first premium for a 'very , •I , i'amt rook .tore n'hich he had; on extdhition.—. vtrinz the Fair it attracted inuch:tention. ,not only ihn“ n* -rrln no*practical Vcience AnSorFeashat rocf-ntly, eomrronced the manufae? acre a thie store. bat the'y hSse - hat. large stile, and tire telly domanstriited their great 'florin and advatt: yir,o. Their manufacture will, be pewee:lood with IT . nt to iapply orti ero for the coming miter, and any t+tr toprocrtre ench a Covesebotild , • I, ltheirmrh:rs, The oven of the sisn , S Is In eerie; !: 2 !:y anructt re feature; ha kind:A th er orabelsd rs or 1./11).111. The expression of the; Judge, pH I ;'rote gratifylng to the very worthy' Find '''* - •eel. :tilt •, who had the stove on exhlbition:Nrine t. %eve. It wilrretttle r perfect satisfactiot arocint. I Tb . I, locs , trwnt'ot a State Fair, especially the awaie! ftr,t viz °, to a very good revimmelidatian for any :04 inrcutioc. . , - Buffls 'Mercantile colloge.—We have really et' It clreminr front Dufrr College. Plitiburgb,. 76ich coLta l tm, the names at l' address of all the stn. 4etti enttrod fume the publication circu .e bell; fro:n the hietitmlott one year ago. We..tlnd th , foliolthL3. pen•ol, from thin county have been to r• admire, iince. the period referred. to: T. flf. As: Crrs r,emver JoFrph Briggs, Industry,;' Vim. P. Zeriy, New Brighton ; J. D. Boy.d; Rochester; 1 1 - . - Drace. New Sheffield; Jas. B. Cole, Free. deu: Martin itfppold. Baden Saml. B. Dawson. ; Genre e B, Dawroo,. Steithlt. Ferry W. Rochester ; Joh it Raton;'llooliatows E S. Beacom. Bearer; E. A. Barnes; Rochester . Fey t; Hind ton, liaaver; Sam'f. Hamilton, Bea, vet; Wm. C. Ittlltz, Denver W. W. 'Jackman, b • 141 :7'. S. A. Johnson; /*aver; P. S. .Marclnte., New L . , :ibt(M; S. R. Iliteheil, Beaver ; Chas. D. 'Mitch' ! -I • New • BrightDU ; R. J. YeAuliss. few Gallillee P• Marquis, Rochester; Jas. R.. Pardee, Roches- II: 4. S.. Root, Beaver; H. J: Speyerer, TALxlaPeteih . . Sicalsion,iolt ;,Smith T. Stokes, Beaver; A. U. kor t..Rendegion; Geo. 11.:Tras, .Ilarheslef; W ' Tracapter, Phillipsburg; Engelm - IV. Taylot /Vista' , 11:4511 Wilhelm. Water Cure; R. T. Wallace,' lemon W.:11. Welsh, New Brighton.. Peet .titlillaa at the State. Failr.—The oftielir lot et premiums awarded at the State Fali'held at il tt•bursh, 11 publlehed . in thePitteblart papers. tt we gather that the folloorlecweed persons Bearer county wererhilueiry ones Bin t among Ifo're awarded prizes: • . • nwidliagaw. New Brighton, thorough bred stallion elver medal. John D. McCormick, iemington, yearling buck, lit MMus, lc,. gr 4 i . th do Co., Rochester, chums `-*lvtr, reeamtnended. Mrs. Ellen MeCurmleS, ninOon, SO lbs. butiir made b June, 1807,15 t presoluni,slo. 'lhsaine,lo:lts..bittier;lnailif -"NM Lt premiums, 10. • . ' To same, 1" ins: butteicilept., 111, 1061', premium, S. . To same, IS lies.tntter,. at anytime, lressium,! To eame„lo lbst. honer, - Pr,emluois,3, : '• • To same, eider vinegar;•iat premluin, E.. • To Mime, eiembla coverlet, Id premtum;3. • - -- • To same, pair woolen preathunA . . To same, barred dar.nel,:l2 Talds, 24 To ratite, beet plain flannel, l 3 yards, let pemmican," . To garde, bast 10 'anis 'Olain linen, Ist preordain, .11 To seine, beat piece lininatteeting, - lat premium, -4. - To same, double coverlet, premium. 1I - •- • • liiss S. Anderson, Baden; two i'callas quilts, min ium, 1. . ' J. - X. Andersen, Rochester; best iooking clove 'fa; wood, let premiumOS. ' _ D: M. Donaboo; Beaver,' patent satet* bridle and relic diploma. ' •' De Wm. Garrard. Pension, butter cooler diploma,. Only s Baby Sniall. - Only a baby small, . 'Dropped from the skies; • . Only a laughing hies, • Two sunny ens ; I Only two cherry lips. • One chubby twee ; . ' Only two little bands, . • Ten little toes; . Only a golden head, ' Curly and soft; 'Only a tongue that.waga, . • Lnudlyand (sit ; Only a little brain. Empty of thought ;- Only a little heart. • Troubled with nought ; • Only a tender flower, . Sent as tOrear ; • Onlya life to lave While we are here. The lllstery of the Secret Service during the BebelAoni•. 7 By General L. C. Baker. late.'Proyesti Marshal and Chief Detective of the War ,Depakttnent. Phitadel phia: P, Gaantrr St Co. The name of Lafayette C: Bakerbecame a household word daring the late wae:a 'terror to the traitorous enemies of the Union, and a talisman of sandy and security to the loyal and true. From the inceptionoF the Rebellion until the dais when Rebel rule was MK established in Washington under the patronage and protection of Andrew JOhnson, General Baker was an active, efficient, and useful servant to the country,- What he maw and did. during the eventful live year+. of the war, form the , sterling and engrosaing themes of ' 1 this remathable toot. , • ' i -.From the liaturkpf the Service in which the General was constantly engagedihis deeds'and methods of e.c-. 1 tion were bat vaguely h inted at In the chronicles of the day, But now that the necessity of secrecy no longer eiists, General llaket deem! It lit and proper that his countrymen should, learn the fall details of hie career. and they are to be foind in this, the most romantic' volume which the war hasproduced. The author hoe I made a clean breast of it; there is "nothing extenuate, ~ or aught set downlii malice." That these revelations will cause a great Editerloi in the high oricial circles at Washington there 14no doubt; more strange things have transpired in the National Capital since the mu- . render of Lee, and General Baker has fall knowledge of them 1111,—and the present publicationwiltno doubt produce, a rich 3.4 011. of Con ressional Invotigating Cominittees. -- - i The details of the mum! cy which culminated in the assassination of the lamented Lineolial; are here for the first time fully divulged; the,great crime is traced from its inception until the gelltyConspiratore dangled between heaven and earth. j r5 l • ' ' During th e time of actual war General -Baker saw Much service, al l of it of a my eteihes,,,novel, and highly interesting character. The menneein which be circumvented the ,disloyal schemes ofd eontraband traitors, who, despite supplies, lines, furnished the Rebels with necessary supplies, is fully expiained ; the ' determination to.extirpate thiseftuioue traffic gave rise td many exciting and startil g adventhres, which re ad like legends of the fee(dal, gee,' but are literally I I true. The romance , of thetvksr hasmot jet been writ-. ten, but General Baker' givjes us the real and vivid pictures of the hithert6unknown .phaaae . in the great struggle for National . tniity. The work' Is printed from new and beautiful. typ e , on stout white paper, trandriomely andsubetantially bound, find Embellished with seventeen giet-dru9.lllnetrations, among them due portrait of the author, and-an aocurete view of lb burial,place ot 4 1 . Wilke* BoOth. , .. ' . • ' - • i Martin Lyon is the igie!it for Beaver County for the work referKd to, and will Walt on the citizens of Beaver and surround:lege 'ri. few' days for subscriptions, -aid we hope that all friends ofplie Argirtand lovers of good and interesting bookiAistit give him their signa ture. The winter nights,- tob.. ate fast approaching, and we need a good book, whit Wblib to while away the time by our firesides. See advertisement in :Moth!. er column ' ME The Picolitical Mandel.—The; - above entitled worls is a neatly bound volume of 300 pague, compiled from allele] records, with biographical.: sketches and comment's; by J. M. Hiatt, and published by Mewl. Asher and Adam's, Iniliooppolii; Ind. . It contains hil the 'lmpfirtant political events from the formation of the Government to the present time, with a short sketch of the lives of all the Presidents, the important lave passed. And a chronological record of the Great Rebellion. This work cannot fail to be of incalculable sem ice to all who take an interest in the put politicalhistory of the country. It is -sold on subscription,at $ 1,60 bound in cloth, or 82,00 bound in sheep. ,lidr..John , H. Stiles of Rochester is the agent or this county, and will fill all Ord era for the work. Matter V. Grant child aged fis . years, and bearing the above name, interested a re spectable audience in the 4... E t CherCh of this place' on last Monday evening, by /di recitations in ortlM graphy, grammer,mittlianuitigs, the languages; tc., &c. ?Ile has a wonderful Memory, and,his mental de-- yelonment§ are truly astonishing. lieris accompanied by his father, who claimdthat his son's wonderfnl-ac quirentents are the res oat of a system ofieaching of whichhe only is the author. 1 i - MARRIED.. STCALES—McGAFFICK.—On the Bth of Octet the residence of the bride's parents in Brighton tp. , this county. by Rev. J. C. trins,ll.r. T. Smith Stokes to Miss Mary McGallick. • The parties sending us the above notice, accompan. led it with, an excellent wedding cake, thereby evinc ng their generosity and good taste. We respond by -Nailing talent much prosperity and many happy Oays. 1 1 , TES—Mi..TRRAY—On Saturday, the'sth ink, by the 'inv. J. Murray, of Bridgewater, Mr. David W. Joneoth Miss Cynthia Murray, both of Rochester' Beaver - July. pa. - lIILLIN` ,4 ILEYL--11cRANE -On the 8d inst.. by Reuben Ws, Esq., Mr. AmosZ..lllllingsley to Miss }lsrY ail of Colombianit county. Ohio. j BARNES— LL NI.A.P--L.Tesday, Oct Ist, by Res. J. S. Bracken, h Unit Barnes. and Miss Jeanie. B. Dsolst., all of\ever Co. Ps. DAWSON— DAN% cfs.,...o c t a b ar istos67, 'by Rev Jas. M. Shields, Thma Damien. --Esq., and Rio Eliza A. Dawson. r oth T Rochester, p,.. rNmAN-smALL-.on ig same day, by the mile Mr. Nelson Inman and Mhat uzie J. i man, both of Ilearer county, Pa. McCGICEIrr—iMILEY--In jai city, Mo. sap 25th, at he Phil Preabjtertan ul teb, by Nev. Geo. Fraser, J. McCraw,. formerly Belmar county . 'Pa., and Was Xo).11a H. 61334°Y. a ll ' city. DIED. - GIBSON—On the lath of Sept., 186T,0f re, °uteri* Gibson, aged - 22 yaps, 1 ntOnt i days. 6108,01 4 1—0 n the 29th of Sept., 186 7, infant ter of David and Gots" G 151014. aged 5 r9OSII! TOWIII3EIf9D—At his residers:eager Brighton Ma., • Tuesday morning,, 1131111, 1 Roherla ' • • aged 17 years. , on %ki t ort a i na m mu m ikomni i c!utdo axle byresnitre vissill• est oromt pianos Amer" icatne seta donnee a l'axiantiatte . Steinway s pg la 'Jury de rupOettion'l4tuziaipiiiii• peel 10,maktere yule zit& e(ti Ow %hi Mist Gold Medal' tett-A:Whim Plum has :bees anantnionil7 ipiFINI •Aceisra.' Elt,lnway In. :the Jury of the InternatimaiiiiirmitdcaL lint myths Hai in qua X. • • ' • Resident of Internailied Joty..l:. The ortginal Ferdfirate, together withAhe .'miginal catalogue rof ammis," in which. thtimine °UMBER, - *AY & SONS to recorded first on the list, eau be York; t sees tithe Steinways ` Wareomnsi: rwork; itudifor Avails caplet of the woe at IL be e a BriOs, the sole agents, wareopms m WOO . The aboie &turnout settles tit don Millirem!. Conclusively u. to which are the but plum of the world, and which, as such, receive the first prise over all others at the.Parbt Bxpositton. , In view of this de- Melon, which is s fatal blow, to the - asplritions and pretentious of the contending Boston fame (Chicker: tog A Sons), the attempt-of the latter to mover up their defeat and divert public attention from the only recognized authorities by ostentatiously parading a monarchial toy ("Sore& orchids otithe Rl:Position, ppeais as puerile as •it is ineffectual.- Although the. great pointlaritiand= fife Steinways is not the result of nude& (or bleu dishonorable "cros ses') but of the aelmoultAl superiekty of their Piano Port* yet it, is. ng to know that; the highest mudleal anthtiri is o ,Europe unite with us in limoiding to them theftrif sod Wait place cm the list of the piano manufactritus of ths world.-11. Y. Ershange. Enrron Mums: inease give the following ' Report a place in your paper : We the undersigned officers =of .the peace and citizens of Phillipsburgh, feeling it our duty for our own and the satisfaction of the public agreed to visit :and . examine the Sol diers' Orphans school in bur midst, of which the Rev. W. G. Taylor has charge, and with this view we made the closest and moat then:nigh inspection of the,, entire buildings, and premises, ,nd the grounds--accorno4a., Lions and food, and the condition of every: thing including the cidldren, and we are pre pared honestly and impart:laity to Report: , 1. The buildings arB th the best Condition and well and comfortably furnished; the bedit and bedding comfortable, clean, neat - and handsome; the halls grained and furnished and carpeted, and the -rooms all neatly pa pered, the ventilation `and light being more than ordinarily good. The dining room liited il some y fitted up with wainscoting and gain ed a d varnished :. The storerooms are icon veni nt, neat, and well filled with supplies. The iiiteir. rime found as ready access to'as to the dining room, and even the 'cupboaida and einkji were opened to our inspection. The Vegetable cellars we found in he same condi , Lion with the rest of the building. Thegrounds we founcicican, shaded and well adapted Ito" the play and sport of the children. The priv ies w ere - free from smell and unpleasant odor the 'only 4ffensive thing that we found about was the flexions scepings from d neighbors stable.- ~ y 2. -The children were' in their ; every-da dress andllieir persons clean, (and here we oughtkuktemark that Mr.-Taylor exercises the.greatest economylin saving the govern ment expense by mending the clothing, which he does at his ;own cost and by which. the children are enabled to have , three suits viz: Dress Uniform undress uniforrn arkeverk: day suit.) This economy'in clothes mu*save to the State from one to two Ahousanci dollars every year. , ' 3. The. Orphans' enjoy remarkably good health, so mueiuso as to be a matter of surprise to our citizens, they. have not had a death, or serious, case of sicitzless, or accident in 18, mintiitwhichisliows the intelligetit care that exiieised in the Fmn4ary, arrangments' of the institution, which embrace food, clothing, Taeeping, light, ventilation, .bathing, exercise si.ndfreedom from all violent passionsandlexer eises, and as intiat cheerfulnenAnd innocent amusement ai time and circumstantes will al low. 4. The crisip6*.tie has been auceesa: and shows the 'knowledge. of human nature and particularly of'" - children, t o skill j and 'un wearied industry of Mr.-Taylor and those as sociated with him, and s theiris a theme accessi of ) cotistant remark end wonderl in this com-:. ta r it Y:f • , We can, therefore, as the result of our ex amination assure the public and all that are interested in the education of these orphans that the State has entrusted the training of these children'of our deceased soldiers into the hands of oireqcompetant to the work, and the results of whose efforts show not only this competency bit.that his heart and his best energies are ;n the work—week days and Sun- day--day and niggt. Mr. Taylor's system be- ing that of family training and school conabin cd, hii care and Patience and that of his wife ' is the parental as well n's that of the teacher ; and we now feel that this school, that many feared. !when it was proisnsed to hcre would be a pest .to this Community, has prov ed a biasing to the children and is an insti tution that: we are now proud to have in our midst, aid 'we Would . congratulate Col. Mc- FarlanNihe State Superintendent of soldiers' orphans' and the State authnri ties on the great success that has ' attended the Soldiers' Or phut/ School located at.Phillipsburgh and to its Principal and his associates . we bid . _ God speed. - . - - -) . • - JOHN M.BROADES, Justice of the Peace. (Rep.) . •:- • ! - 1: !1 JACOB Utinkt.Erf, llurgess.' (Dem. JOSEP ' WALTER, -School Director (Dem.) JACOB SCHAFER, Elder of the Luthe i rlin ~ church. (Rep.) . ' . Phillipslmrgh Sept. 25.1867. - • • ' lAt a regular meeting of Beaver Lodge 844 held on Tuesday everting Sept: 24 1867, the following pretunble land Resolutions were unanimously adopted . : 1- WnElms% In thcdispansation of an All wise providence tiu? numb; esteemed and be loved Brother J. Ictn, has been suddenly taken from us and left. us to mourn his ab sence; and WHEREAs, A_proper respect for the mem ory of the deceased demands suitable and at tentive action on our Part. Revolted,. That in: 'the death of Brother J. IL Veon. we have test a worthy, and active i s member one alwaYs devoted, to t - love o our order defending - nit in many against . the prejudices and .fanataciuma of wprhte ,kind and generous' friend,' his pa to! have *in deprived of a kind and - ',Seca to son led todgether withididiarlmitbi!n and ids. • \----„, .. • ~. - , ' -- • -• . . CleohN'testnez. .. _m e b ers . - ' Ambru!sio Thou: t.. l _.o the 2c/run e , Interactional Jari . • . ...-..: • L. Sel.aidmayer. . ... SolMeirs Orphans'. [For the Beaver Argitel Obitio,uttlr„, a nalv in and IP nitmgret, ; Mitearly-loft ifsiefoni,,Thaweidnoerely rqkt*Pf ilecelPast3theik row and deep aftletion — tinstinOte who is &- God of the universe will console the= in their loss. _ Bela"4 4 tilatHliteettmont l aftialr o bavand *teem lambi& he was held by the Memberi iat oar Lodge, that throws/ badge of mourn ing bewoak for,,ttOrty_dayk and the ..... 1 roenibil metad4i Kr the Wee time. . . Besoinsf; That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the parents of the deceased, and be published-,ln.the,Beayer papers ' and siscz to be entered on tie nalutea of tlieliodges... WiLlihrarr, • JEssu karma, Jos. B. MCOAII2. In insvair Beaver dorinty Pa.. Oct; 1,1667. - ThirronAitons—D#sgrair: For sometime lea . my time being unoccupied I have been visit ing different parts of your county, finally hap: pened to stop at the - Mtge of Industry, found myself pleasantly situated' at the . hotel kept by ,3!r. John Aber whit is a very -Obliging landlord. After mixing with some of the,cit iu;the l-met with Barthel Gorml4r Eaq r alma for Cleveland 'tit Pittsburgh Railroa d who spoke very encouragingly in reference to the increase of buildings in the way of sending freight froth this place-. which - led me to In vestigate the neighborhood. - I find nature has - been very liberal in her depoilts, boil beds abound in immense' quantities, opened and connected with Ohio river and C. & P. It. B. by trains, roast, very congenient, a Sand rock of inirneitse quantities, and superior qualities, is daily being detached and shipped to Pitts ' burgh for building and other piripisyss, the Boliver clay nixthntli in large: quantities and of good qualities% a yard his :been huiltand about to commence to thake.hnck on a large scale, salt'Worke„ are" beierected to make salt from an inexhaustable ream . of sait-wa. ter, a large body of iron ore' found extending rl through it large amount of territory of a good qualitY ;kith the advantage of 'shipment from this place by river or rail. In connection with the elove deposits this locality hail fit , cilities superior to any othei I have seen.— AU thatis necessary is capital which , only roan's an e r f thmination on the part of those having 'lt tO bring it him, ': , , • After looking over the many advantages at this,place, I coirldnot but observe the insde. the part of the Itailmui qnate bnildusgs on that until recent company,! and called von Kr. Gormley' ' for the reasons why , ,who stated ti ly the'deveionments spoken of had not been Made, but that he had no: doultt before long the Co. would do themselves the honor of showing the public that. they appreciated their patronage by erecting proper buiMlogs. I enquired what the freight amounted to Mr month; he stated that the freight of - August sent from, here amounted to 1 5541,81 Pare [Or pasaengera • , . 315,20 i , ;, ' I • 872,01 .PorBfpt.lfreights sent from thin • - stittinn 784,41 . , 1 . P.assengers 384,20 'I . ' ; I Gross snrunt for two =blahs .2140,62 This amount is mare than is cleared from the Bea Ter station during the same period. Both stations need buildings which should be in accoance with the amount :of business done. More 1001. 'ItAidBLEII. •+ , Prog 4 7imm For Teachers'' Select Reading, by ,Kr. B. B. Win ; Read ing Periodical, Willis Maly 3faitiffiele. Qusims.—What causes water to disappear if exposedtp the open air ? 4 What is the principal Cause of winds'? Whai is the cause of_thunder and light ning ? Gaaarstrlcm..—Correct the followingsen tames : • "No monstrous height, o; lengthtor , breadth,appear." "The rapidity Cf his niove inents were beyond example.r •."A great; ma jority of our authors is defective in manner." "1 or thou art the persona who must under take the business." • - - MATIMILtTICAL. - -"-TwO men A. - and • B bought a side of French Kip - for SI6,A payiiT $7 of the purchase money, and B Paying $B. They had three pair of boots made out of it A took one pair',B took one pati,and the third pair they sold for 415. Now,. how , much of this money belongs to A, And how much to B'? What is the area of a right angledttrianege whose sides are in arithinetical proportion, the least side squared and divided by six; that quotient multiplied by the mean difference of the sides, will be equal to the area. _ If a stone is thrown vertically up*ard through the air with force sufficient to carry it 35 feet the first second, how long and how big_hwill it 'ascend ? 1.) .ExtAiir..-18 prohibition the best means of promoting temperance? I Performances interspersed With Instrumen tal music.' I Institute to convene at the Publie School House, in Beaver, Monday evening, Oct. 'kith, at 7 P. M. ^ SPECIAL NOTICES. A large lot of liland bushel Baskcts suits fqf Farmers; just ieccdved, at A.. 8. Fier-. Bridgewater. Pa : . . 'IF you wit nt ood Flour ; gmto Coe ik Dar= rugh's New Store, corner Railroad Crossing and New York strcet,l Rochester, Pa. • - To get the worth of your money,, go to „ifi. Harvey's Store, Bridgewater, Pa. I, you want the best and cheapest lot of QueeneivEire, go to Coe & Darragh's, corner Railroad Crossing and New . York street, Ro. Chester, Pa. 1 • • Tax best of lime alwavi on hand 'And • for sale cheap; at Amos Doitt's, Eilns, near Van port. • • • BlLTRaDittps,.flar rile by A. S. ;Harvey, Bridgewater, Pa: Iwyon .71rifiLtlitilbeid, and cheapest Coffee, you must go to Coe & Darragh's .Newlatcre, corner Railroad Crossing and new York-street, • ester, Pa, Goon MolAtitlia for 75 cts. per gator', at A. 8: Ilangefer, Bridgirmater, Pa. • • • Is yon want good Erne, go to Amos Doutt'ik at the "Power Lime !lana i !' near Vanport. Ir - you'ivant chesty Svaii, go to Olxv r it Darragh's, corner Railroad C . aing and NO, York street, Rochester, Pa. It you want tke beit - Tea and cbeapest4O, to Cuo*Darkagh's, bolter Railroad Crossing and Xew York street, Rocbester, Pa. • Goop lime at, 25cts. per , byshel st Amos neOpanport. Call and we foryou +A- • • L.WELipTOI! I , ]?„ • • ••• - 110,11ZOPAT*1,13T j ,. , IQs,4 B I FFUTb i t I 4 I 9 SII :GPX:r I r, PA * D AN. IMIDMICE Ole LOCUST ST. bettoreealtadoad Widlikidge ate. - - tpul'etB94 T It SPLIdt. X- D' - I ei • Irstigg_iumni• theggielieblogether In' the : =*Medicine and Surgery, reepectfuPy °free s e rvices to the pub ,lle • the' former. ID "eurti ous brasebes at the protbee. lonthe !!St . "..lxim . tleolitty Ireelingetrethi • .; • ; Disavow OF IW3il* • • Dr. A. Y. SPEER baring rivalled hireser titirhig the last illtetarguire at theAdvantageit-allbrded b the best boaldtals and teashers Una . COantrf and in 'Europe, ftr• obtaining s thorough laiowletige "ed the etnietureiuld themes orthoseisportast orgasuail will bereiftertlerotesl atteatloh to their will- , eat and _limiest treatment. - • • • • ; ; 011ice;'.No:194- PENN Wt. two doors bout SS:. Clair street, Pittebnrgh. • • • •• • -;"' • - Mee llour.*:-. L. X. 6o rs sitortnin •to lI P. P. X. • ' • • seplrfitalt. ' ' BRIDGEWATER , MARBIA WORIKS? DAV P ID WOODIIIIII, MA2IRTFACTURRR AND RAUM I24 Itialin and American = MarblC • - • • • mode to order. ' .; Please give me esti before ' durehering rimorhere• gait" Sho Dr. Smith's Drug Sem,- &Sim stmt. Betrmier - • • 196 fllell . DAVID wOODRIni" . . • . Gittrie. Vines. I' W. ELLIOT. ;t SONS OFFER ,IPCIB SALE V. very low, this coming atitatan,loo,ooo (*moped Ives' Seedlin Vines. These vines are grown from ranee Ales of - well ripened wood. in broad,l open boaere„, where, having perfct freedom, tbsy. , Make a.ubstantial woody roots tall Of fibre . For several years . our, clock of vines have been exhausted in the autumn. Thrise, therefore, who. want them should order early.l— also oilier a large stock if Peach, Apple, Petit and Cherry Trees; Mao Strawberries,. and all other small fruits and roses; a few thousand also of the following Vinesl.lona, Hartford. Prolitfc, Crevilleng, Nebticca, Hybrid, and Isabella. Orders addresse4 Mus will twelve prompt and, and we will semi Plante, Vines and Trees in the very best condition . Send for Price List. . Ornci Ant Sus Brim :—NO. 109 Btze et, rittabovi; Pa: J. W. E1.1.10T a sot's. aggl4v"hrk-1 voncE is mom GIVEN THAT THE VN- A.N. &reigned citizens of Beaver county will .ipply to. thermal animal session of the Pennsylvanis Legiehrture for the creation of a emporia. body with banking and Beaver discountiar ted ieges under thename and style of the ty Banking Mid Kato Depoeitliessoels don," to be in Beaver, Beaver county, .The specified object:of said Assochtdott to be the tving Of. deposits br money and valuables. at the risk of the dati for which I reeionable charge will be made, toAssc be bylaw. reoeivitedepositsmuidisernmt ing In accordance with the , et:retort's of other tainting associations. The amormtotespltal to be fifty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing to one hundred thousand dollars. 'son* seictsv. 11 Owa, Xll .. QUAY. • • OSO. DAWUON, W. W. HINDS 11. X. ATIONS. manta, ' • JOHN BIDOHL JOHN CALMEST. • f JOHN Mt. SAXON. • 3. 8. ATTAN. tH. 11.8NDSMON. , • ' . X. WITAND, 1 D. WHINERS, • H. RICE. - • I J .WlgT A.TID 3. c. mums. J. B. twirwt. oso. w. nsin.row.. . I J. & H• PHII LIPS 2.6 & 28 ST. CLAIM ST., 3PittSbiar , FLOOR OILCLOT HS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS. , ENAPS4ED - OIL CLOTHS, • ; TABLE OIL ,CLOTHS.. • ,cyrAtE OIL= CLOTHS; Tiair"piptirent arson Oil Cloth, ford do* shades. Teanspareid, Win:fowl Stades, BUFF ROLL ANDS, I- • MIA DE . P:I.X.T U RES. • - I TASSELS. CORDS, ac.,. ike ALSO. DEALERS IN • • Rubberlndia kraebitte Belting . Steam Packing, 4 Casket, Tubing, Cement, Clothing, and Rubber goods generally.. - Olk Tanned Leather Belting, Lace Leather, Belt Hooks, - Mints, Lubricating Steam Picking, An. Agents for the pnirersal atgles .Wringer. - A general assortment of Abe above named goods ways on baud. • ; • rXr — Orders , respectfully ; solicited and promptly tlled. - f ' :•• 'i;flui • 1168,61-11d,9,03 NIT X L .SSC.) !SI 3Eit'llgiT 3E!.. 'll-1 *MIDI A FEW _DOORS OF.F. A. FORTiTO'S • DRIVOOD STOT. -•. , . AVE .... . • , ~ JUST RECEIVED ANTI 1 OPEXE'D 'FOR Hinspection,„their large end well selected Stock of Fall and Winter I . .. . . . . BOOTS,SHOES it RUBBERS • , 11 Direct from the Xsinfacturer,and of our own. Manu facture, " which we Mier low, having bought at the I ate decline, and will be sold to suit purchasers. 'Ous Mock is large in every department, and we defy com petition. To be convinced is to try, a pair. • . . . . . --' ' Alt w or t wa rr an t e d and nunited by us. . =II DAWSON & RICHARDSON gem:.ver H a °a ir rOl3 N ED DINIE STOCK OP NOTIONS, r BOuTS A SHOES, ' - HARDWARE, • GLASSWARE, - 11UEENSWAItE; - TINWARE, NAILS, DRUGS, Window Glass all sixes and double Strength. Spe cial attention pald to alltng orders for large size window glass, •tc. Also, • LINSEED OIL, CRUDE BURNI24O OIL, • • BENZINE, .• 1, • • COALE'S PATENT DRYER, Mats i:Ff sil , colott, cleoilivi e tliy sad Su . Oil /414thamo will . well to. call and cantina our . stock of Paiute. Word purchasing eirervitese. 'Aioil, choke Grande of Moat to Barret inn! in Sacks. Alm;d/ of Codatry .prednee taken tzu exeluinge for Remember the, - plant, Ant door abire the Gaiety. n • ‘rt, • or "wok ' 'I . I, . • .. '. ,:y ' jr817114. - i c:' ..---•',• ~... : :'• -. 1 -•'. .',.. Notice. 121 Motif Adams iknd Dea/itrs ba AND I 'Diamond, RoOhoster, WILE4ON & STEWAV.T. In the Diamond. Rocasersit, Pa THIRD 'l3tl:l4*Tl' s DP4141, 11153141,.. lEEE liikbitineetvingatite Steak at • I 1: TIRE -LATEST STILES M I N .. CI'S Millinery '_sgOods, • ._.-;, , HILTS, TURBANS, BONNETS, ' RIBBONS, rLowsF.B, - FRAISSa i i ' ' • , - , W. i . •isoi everigling in Milliner, Line. W lirlihaie dn. - ! . thing th e season all the 1 - • 9t HATS, TIIIpiANS, ;BONNEI se, as • soon 'as they ,ars Eats. and Bonnets *tered,Clean ediDona 0' ire: (heap.. Ctf Every Kind, 84di and Cbtcir. taltitors;l Sad Mei, Skirt*, ill kind* Of Hoskin Mimes, Preach Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Bugle Trim mings, all kind* of Buttons, Paper Collars and Cntik, Lams, French Forms, gpphyra, Nanny, Waists, In fanta` Cloaks, Napkins;Tnlies, Table Covers, Dress Linings, Grenadines, Hareem and other Veil Stu ff s, Cotton Batting; Men's Shirt* Suspenders, Umbrellas, de - EIJ4BROIDERY Pinking and Sta Ord ' I Everything desirable in our !Eno la added t o u r stock as soon as intreduced in the *Amt. Thanking our Mends and the public ter past patronage, I would respectrally ask continuance of the ne. It our aim to vacate our eustomere. Our good tu i are seasona ble and carefully selected, 'and sold jos cheap as any ha this neighborhood lor Pittsburgh. galray , e us a call and satisfy yd • • *D . Mt 1 vir • Ili la et, I I Tkird strest;oni door iwror Dit will M'ELIIO PI rrsBuRGB; (,/ • . • N, offer to (k ale their . FALL ST 'JOCK, AT 10WPRICES FOR CASH. . . • '•• - pi7131-coods &Ni ions, GREAT VARIETY. " Struorsza, 1867. - -;SALEA. T'O WIRB OF A WRIT OP FIERA FACIA S , 14- B sued out of the Court of Common, Fleas of the County of Beaver. and to me directed. I will expose to public sale„ at the Sheriff's Office, In the borough of Btuver, In the county aforesaid, on - T.1101181)A Y, :Oetetwar, 17th 1867. at 1 o'clock, p. m., the' following property,tir wit: All right, title, interest and claim of defendants, of, in And to the following lot or Picea of ground, situate in Ohio township, Beaver county . , Pa.. being lot No. 81 in plan of lota surveyed by , A. Wynn, at the in- stance of Thomas-Dawson, bourided asr follows: Be north-west corner at .a stake on the line of ot No. %I and corner of No. 21 thence north 76 de grees east and on a line of lot N 0.21, 154.10 perches, to the corner ,of lots Woe: 29 and 85; thence south along the line of said lot. No. fa, 17 perches, to a stake andlands of. said Thomas Dawison; thence south 76 degrees west, 154.10 percheat by; lands of said Daw. son to post In line of lot. No. rrij thence north along the line of lots Nos. 87 and 20, 1., perches to the place of beginning, containing one and one-half acre, more or less,on,whkh there is a etcam engine, bolter, smoke stack, derrick, shanty, boring tools, ropes, &c. Seized and taken in execution* the propertv of the Sturgeon Oil. Company, at the; suit of the Howard Iron Works. J. S. LITTELL, Sheriff. Snattriee Orrtcu, t -Sept, 25, 1861. I ShaMenbe C=2OII tiridsre - wa - c iii;s;~Y 4 — lieensware,l T yrrkno tr 'CiALSB, WOOD AND WILLO PP WARE, BACON; Pl5ll, GRALV, • 'L . . APID , CO7 tr . 1"r coduce . ~ . pr 74!uous usis. ' : t • ..Isetoni9 'ificersal leVashi g Compound, TEM last grad labor Navin invention now being tiodumd everywhere.. A fair trial will convince like most seepdcal,rino wash Ward necessary. Three • fourths in money. time, d, lab_or saved by . its nse.— It will not injure fa any kind, and meets a want long feltln bousehelds.Will remove paint, grease or strains; teals cbapnecl bands, e Pollens and Umatilla. the skin. It can be cattily and cheaply nuide, costing.fu Reath= soap. an superior to the best of soap. It is rneetintwith th g reatest tivot wherever Introduced: Persons will be n plied with Family Rights for mak ing and using it. by the Agent, J. Kirkland. The Com pound will be lett fL. o r~ sale at the stores of me S. C. Hannan, Water St: 'Roclmitert.- F. Kramer. N orth !nate?: and It R. Anderson , Beaver. Orders for Rights may 'be left at the boarding House of Ji b. demon, wear the nine, Rochester, or sent by, Milk enclosing SlllO to J, Kirkland, Rochester. Pa. •• • . 122 ME MEM Pf FO* Deseriptforb .Alio ion flute _ LATEST STYLES 23:11N S o=c: 1:1:3 Alweis intluniek. ~mpin'DOJCl to er. • th• $ amino. I GOODB4 ILE • . - l OLESALE. • IRE , DICICSON &, CO No. 54 Wood Street, ger Bros. MCI • ,LENBERGER, Pertn'il irman lICkE ;v4 Hardware, NEW FALL - AND •])iklf i -:00,0.1)41:: , ;r. ,..:: ,- ; , : ME F. -A. T l's eV 'RED PRO Nor A DlAxorm, RoonseTin PI: • _t The Cheapest and 'best Sete ed Stock everofFered . to the eitf. zens of - Beaver County. , DRE§S GO'9DB DEPARTMENT I French MentrOs, Coberis, - • Wool Del 'taxies, PoplinS, . Wool Plaids , Aml*s, = - Conan - on DeiMnes, Baratheas, . * and DEPARtiENTI, ENCE. Bea Tor. Pa. BOrn , and Bleached htialine from i 0 -to 20 cents. Prinfs ig, 121 and 15 cents. Crasli Toweling. 121 and 15 cents. - - - ' Tickings 12 tQ 40 cents. Barred FlannelSi, 4, large assort. ment, cheap. , - Ca.ssimeres, Tweeds; J4ns, White, Bed and Yellow Flannels, Table Diapers, Blankets White and Colored, Balmoral - Skirts, HoortSkirt . s,Batting, GREAT BARGAINS HOSIER. DEPARTMENT:!' I Ribbed; ISterino . , White "aid Colored. - 4 = Ribbed all Wool White and` Coldred. - . Piain Merinos White and Col- , oredl Ribbed Cotton Hose. -, r , Childrens', 'all Wool Bidraorals: Mein? Co lored and White ei Hoses, (0ct3 . 07.3t. Hats and.; Ca ps for Men, and Boys. Custom *nade 7 Shoes and Gaiters for - Ladies' and Children: dal every body 9,m1 lief) for 1, _.- yoursel.yes if you aru . not yss:ort. vinced at, - - F. A. -- Fortune , s Dry Goods Bt = ME --=AT -1-1 N TIER ( m MI !- :'\l; RED FR-DNTI itocmilmsof se re 1111]