The Beaver Atip's. IMAM), Baiios mop — ptoratrniu. Ihiskter, Si 45,1567. 'Vision -State ' r " 4N/it SUPREME JtIKIE, • W: 'WILLIAMS r OF , A.LeraltEI;TY CO L _ • , Vision Coluity • NO#llllllllol4l. THOMAS NICHOLSON: BdareT Co. ; JONATHAN It DAly, IV,Ashint,rtoll Co. ; JOHN EKING. . " I " Assoctatt Judge. MILTON LAWRENCE, Greene tp. • Prothonotalry - . - JOHN CAUGHEY, 13;?aver born.; Trensureik ELIJAH BARNS, Horough t Commlitlo,er. EWHNTGi Racoon tp. Jury Coimills i tioner. Beaveri Auditor. . • O. 8. SHANNON, Ticipeivell Poor House liirector. SAMUEL McMANAMT., Economy tp.3 Trustees of Academy. • S„ J. CROSS, Rocli'4ste JOHN.B-441CLA - 1030aver born: JILJ EWE SIFIARSWOOD ON LE -GAL-TENDERS: Extract's from Ws Opinion in the - Vase of Boric *ysiVrOtt. • "On the whole. then, I tnn of Opinion that the provision of the act of Congress of Feb ruary 25th, 1862, declaring' the notes issued in pursuance of that act tO be lawful money, aad a•kgal te.ader, ie incco*sTrrovo: 4 ,lAt.. - _ r"This req..cfs itimnecesary that I should etinaider the other question which,has been • _made, as to the effect of thespecial agreement to pay in lawful silver Money of-the United BM*. lam in favor of 'entering judgment for the 'plaintiff:4)M as'a majority O the court are of a 'different opinion, judgment for . the, defendunt."—reopied from the Plaidelphia Age of-231 of Febrfoiry, 186.4, where the opin iorcis published in full.* - It array also be f(iund in the Legal Intdligrn. e": , r of 31archl 8, 1864, page 92 - In the same copy of the Age is , a cainfully prepared eulogy, of,the.judge - cr4l this opin lon,,in•which &the following : . ' 1 •• "Judge'Sn.utswoon reasons upon and de cide:l'lM case as if 'he.were some lofty spirit sitting - far above and out of the contentions and strifes of-the world." . • :Will, not the holders of greenbacks and Oroyernment bonds consider the judge as gu iw t too elevated and etherial for such earth miss a scat on the Supreme Bench/ • Flag for the Banner County ! Ils.ririnacas STATE COMMITTEE it . 00318; 1105 Chastaut street, Philadelphia, Pa.,-Seplember 11, I&s7.—This 'Committee will present their new and elegant Campaign Nag, 30 by 20 feet in size, to the county J „w-lucb., at the 'ensuing election, shall shoW zitqc bi"st retUr stz44 -yr. -7.4., COMptith&V)th the vote of Ittst year :or cleft' (Hum By order Of the committee. ' - - • ; F.. 3 lotlbAlls.T, Chairman. 'GEO. Secretaries. - J. Itont.r.y.DuxsusoN, . Tur.. Wish ut"A Subscriber" will be com relied with nett week., • "Carrunz the i►ation;s forts, lire on the na- i Lion's flag, make war on the nation's govern-' went, shoot down the nation's soldiers, and , hen swear you won't do so any more, and you ,re an honest loyal eitizen,` says Andrew ohnson. Any murderer on thO gallows with rope around his neck, would swear; if allow to run at lihert, that he would shed no ~iore. blood. L. 41* SuEttn?4 passed through Pittsburgh t,a last Thursday evening, and was met at the .iTition Depot by a .crowd of adittirers estima .l4 etl at between 8,000 and 10,000 persons. The ' loyalists of the country everywhere'honor its 2 , rave and skillful defenders, while the Lost cause men show their hatred for them hy•,eal lingthent "satraps" itc. Couldn't the Local tell its 'readers this week that "Satrap Sheri dan" was it:l:Pittsburgh on the 19th lust? THE Local, as we expected, chttcYclei won. -dmrfully over the rest+ of the election in Cal fornia. Can nnv one , , of our readers inform r.s how. it deported itself when .the news' a I4ec's surrender reached Beaver ?, ,, We -sus -I;ect very strongly that the spirit °tits editor that morning was not as buoyant as when he • received the news a few days ago,. fof the • ' defeat in , California. flip, rejoicing cr Union reverses hon., is pretty strong ev ) iienee . that he mourned over Union victories • :4eit.- • - • • Wk.: wish to call the attention of the' read_ iof the ..41-gpt.l to a fact or two connected ith the ni”agement of public affairs in the v• - otntytn which most of them live : Beaver county has been Republican In Pol .: iies for the last. ten or twelve years: That r,arty has n4tnag,ral the affairs of : the 'County : ;rice then, and wit tt. hasthe general charac of that management beer- At no time :A:teethe period referred to hail our rate iof taxation been heavy, compared with the rites l="3 the counties - Aloining us. They have all pal as niany 'mills' on the dollar as have We, mut some of them s good many more. And while they are all at the present time:, Bound:, cling in a RCS of countyindebtedness: we' are F. near, fret, that at our present into of taxi tion, next year will wipe ouriofficial onlig,a -t ions entirely away. But let us look a little further:. We have now all the railroad and transportation facilities that we require;. we ve all the public buildings up, and in good condition, that we need; - we have a produc ' rive' farm on which to keep our pahpers, acid we" have no important public imprevements now to make, and probably will not hive for the next twenty-live years to come t All - _these improvements, and almost entirely% °tit of debt speak trumpet-tongued In favor of • thaparty-rn this county, l that had charge of the peo pl e';- b.:hitless," and disbursed their Money. Can any of our readets point natop, county In Pennsylvania that' has superior • • •awraforta and convenient:es tO f fleaver county, and is at the same. time In a better condition, financially, than we are? We think not— *. .- Then let due credit for faithfulness and, &bill ty given the &publican party in - this county, and let its representatttes be heartily zupported at the coming election. Lure week-rwe copied three or four:longue I Repablican an, tiiinted at_ibeZeed 4 ,4l4 - 1 And whicitWe subsequently learnedist exterudvelidistributed in the. :Nortiteri ;and Baste& parts of the county. It appeariiiker i that Thole swindlers have silk another bogue Republican ticket, which :wee gotten up, eu-, Li rely for the South side of iherlier. ICU'iti follows : : - - ~, , ' ... • /.. 1 ~ , • Assembly, Thomas Nicholson , r . _ F. . donithaeft. ID i John Ewing ", -- ' Pmtlirmotary; John Cangligy ,' . • 'Treasurer; Hugh -,33. Anderson !' l" - Commissioner, W,illiant- Ewing • Jury Commissioner, Jos. C. Wilson ' • - Auditor G. S. Shannon Poor noose DlActor. Samnel'lttcliitummy Trustees of Aaulemy4 R. J. Cross , - , I John Barclay,': It will be seen that titii whole ticket' is made up,of Republicans, except that anxious Lost Cause mar, R. B. Anderson, who takes the-place crfCapt. Barnes. . . Mr. Nicholson is made to head the ticket, 10 that Republica= seeing his name will be led to, believc,it,ta be the genuine Republican ticket ' and If thus de- . calved, will contribute t o the - !support of A 1 man (11. B. ' Andereciii) for whom they do . not wish to vote. 1 . , - ~ • The person•fOrwtirding this ticket to' Bea ver says that liugh B. Andersort4s dlitrilin i - li ng it on the South of the ver,. and concludes his note bysaying "A -w ithy best , ness for an honest man!" So say W:e.- Loh). EMI J, H. 0. has paid less taxes, and done more groaning about heavy l taxatila than almoat any other man in the county. His sympathy for the taxpayers is readily seen in the • fol lowing statement. „Last ;year the ., county commissioners oniered the 4.ceipts:and ex penditures to be, published it' the Argui and in the Local. The tw4i papers c har g ed ; the county as foll9ws :I , - - ' LOCAL tor Beceijite 1150 00 • *nous • ,• , • " 135 00 , Local. more thlnAnaur • —52500 Local f_ Cella:teal Inheritance tar—. xi co *nous • " " 205 c, °ft m ore : h t 1 1 1 r A 7::::L I y *3 00 746 5° *netts " "' 32 50 4 Locke more than Amen% --it 50 Low. for Poor Directors report, ....... 45 00 ARCM'S " , " " 50 - LOCAL mom than AROVB • -4-17 Making a total o f • —145 50 ivhich the Local charged more than the Argus -for~the same amount o # work performed at the same time. , • . -Taipayers ! can .you bare any confidence in a man whose actions thus belie his pro es. • . . '(tons. I A GREAT many Lost Cause men in this lo cality always have, and continue still to be labor the "trigger'.' unmercifully. They don't u'ant him to have fi T TOti; they are opposed to his attending church, and they affect disgust at all attempts to olve him an education.— Now why this hostility to a weak and unof fending class of people? There can be but ii one intelligent reason al eged,, and that is a fear that the negro with hese4aeiltiles In his hands will first become ! - rival , and then their stiperior in all. the ele eats that constitute usefulness and true manhocxl. Look at the intelligence, habits, and surroundings of most of those who thus declaim against the "nig ger," and then tell us, If you can, that it is not jealous. yof the negro race, that excites the hate of the Lost Cause men, and, induces the abuse they heap upon their' :beads! ITtliogxE:s I be on the alert, _The:cn2mv_ are quietiy url. ttetavely at worx. , r - mo!ng that theie - slanderons peraoniff attacks upon Mr. Caughey, Mr. Barnes and others on our ticket were benejittinginstead4ffin)nriny these gentleman, they' have deliberately. gone to 'work .0 swindle theta by eircblatingMepub- Bean tickets with their names 'omitted and those of Cooper and A derson substituted.-- Lst not . this fraud pro e effectual in a single ,instance..- Be,careful berefore as to whoyon !get Your ballottom on the day of election, and after gettin it, examine it closely and see 'that every name upon it is tliaeof a Republi can, Canghey and Barnes includ4d, for it is - against these two that the . onset Is chiefly made. Do nbt be caught "napping," but on the other hand, show these swindlers thatyou are not the dupes they take you to be. , ; EDITOR It ABOTS: My interest and anxiety for the passage of a Free Railroad law prompts me to address you once Inore. It -is too late now to nominate &Democratic ticket of true men, and we are left to choose - hetween the Odell and Republican tickets. No intelligent and honest Democrat can give his support to this ticket put in nomination by the black guard Odell. I have heretofore proven that he irin the Interest of the monopoly, and made it evident that he nominated Jno. White for the purpose of thwarting the will of the people of Beaver county. Will he undertake to deny this? - Not at all. Abandoned as he is to everything that Is honest, decent and truthful, he is not brazen enough to undertake to refute this. How does John White Stand before the people of Beaver county,on.this question. I eta credi bly informed that he is largely interested in certain Railroads, and that all the pecuniary interest he has in the world leads him to deadly hostility to a Free Railroad la*. Dare John White come out over his own signature end make a denial of this? He is Rid t() be a man who has some regard for his character for truth; and of course can't-deny what every one in his own neighborhood knows to be . true. Does any ono doubt the position of White on the Railroad question? - I have cal led on him time and again to come out and state Ids views on this subject. Why has he not done it? Simply bemuse Odell and his ease compel him to keep his ?eolith shut, that Free Railroad Democrats may be deceived in to his support, only to be betrayed. Odell knew White's position on the Railroad ques tion before he had him placed on his ticket, he knew he was opposed to a Free Railroad lati; and that he would aid him •in carrying out his diabolical shemes. John White dare not deny any of the elle-. Rations I have made, which wilt Ire proven by his Silence. Mr. White is said to be s decent mill. I am not prepared to offer anypositire evidence in contradiction of this, but the- circumstan tial proof against it is very strong. He is In bad company. He has allowed himself to be made the supple tool of Odell, a man of the lowest and most degraded character, who lately flew from other parts to escape the vengence of the law, end tookAftsys here. Now if John White was a high minded and honorably man. as some say he is, would he allow himself to be made the instrument In the hands of one so eat and bass as Odell, Air the purpose of carrying out his rascally schemes? But some may 'say that White is not aware of the baseness of Odell. But this will not do for an excuse,if be reads his paper ho can't be ignorant of the fact, besides 1 bare called his attention to it several times, and he could easily find out by a little inquiry. I have no disposition to do Mr.. White injustice, but if what I have stated is not true, let Maisel so. I The tort Cause bogus ticket movemeet de- Let him repudiate this stray scamp, who has got in among us, and is endeavoring to lead veloped Itself too soon. • The`perscnts having to mischief and ruin- , ' charge of it made several inisieals. They us White occupies a very Unenviable pos ition, carried a few sheets of these fraudulent tick- and has rendered himself unworthy' the, sup eta to one or two "reliable" Democrats in port of all Free Railroad Democrats and , of each of the townships, with instructions to every high-minded and respectable man: not let theta be seen until the day before the How is it with Nicholson'l knit* him personally. He is i Republican but at the election, When they were toll* given general same time he isa high-minded ILM. honorable efreulaticin about the polls.. How we • got man; no honeater man ever lived. No man who is ecquainted with hhn ever cherged4tim hold of a batch of them Is unnecessary to with a dishonest act. Ile is thevery sold of• state- "Suffice it to eef,"after the exposure of honor, .a man of gigantic mind, and RI said the project In last week's Aripts, the lather-in- before he is tudmlly in favor or the pasolpl law And eon-in-law saw they were (aright, and of Foss Railroad law and opposed. to the to make the beet of a badjob. o they put on a vionsopely, Ode ll to the contrary notwithstand bold front, confessed the deed, and made a tug, There is more honesty in the gg stupid effort to pistil) , their conduct. ; The er of Thos. Nicholson Esq., than thorn lastwe heard of H. B. 'A. he was diatribe- the whole loins Odd/. Nicholson is an ting these bogus tickets with a "perfect , loose - in tell ectu a l ultua -- 4t cuur_ Lefeletive _ exPe• Bess" on the South side, of the ever. . • rrience, and if eletted wilrbe a ble tad° much WIIEN the Democrats of Bounty went out of power some years lige, they left the tax payers a "legacy" of overone hundred thou sand dollars of indebtedness. _ Undei Repub lican management that indebtedness will next year ir paid oft, prineipat and interest. If then we 'have any voters in the counts who desire to run the risk of havipg another in debtedness of this character entailed upon us, they should of all means vote the Lost Cause county ticket. If, on the other hand, they are anxious to have the county kept out of debt, and endorse prudent management on the part of public officrals,and are in favor of low taxes, they 2 shoirld them - selves vote and try to induce every person else to vote the Reputillian tick et at the approaching election. SommEns ! who aro 'your friends? Look at a fact or two: In Berks County, *here a Democratic nomination is equivalent to an election, not a single soldier was put upon the Lost cause t et nominated there a few weeks ago! In Lancaster county, adjoining Berki; where a Republican nomination is equivalent to an election, five aoldiers (two of them , for the Legislature) were put upon the Republi can tiekei ibiminated in that county, last week!, Factslike these carry their own interpre. tation with them, and they should not be lost sight of by the soldiers of the Republic when. they go to the ballot box, PREAT me once, and it is your fault; cheat me the set:end:time, and it is my fault. If the people petteltAndrew Johnson to cheat them • t • tagaluosfter iolriany lessons, they deserve the_ worst that can come of his, Misbehavior. The only true Way to rebuke the knaVe who now hoick' bloody possession of, the White House, is to reject the' candidates of the party which .endories his enormities and justifies his critics. _ , Ting INloii stag,-*4:4 at AifiatoxiO co, onl(st th j 4lo,l • Blad 4 1 14 c k , - 94 . l!V i lk ii ,, __ ottiltiolimade thi ,1 lead4#o:iripi to i mood`oeipttirln oftpe.peoplaa r , _. ber pawn_ t wi*edgatailikpAlpo. p Thf,Bnckeye 1x.0141i "libilittli .Arli' pat* wits t 7 I,:te,t - for":"0:::101*** yeinisto., , - .7 ---- 1: --- 1;e" - ‘--....1'-• J. R.O. in Whist ISM advatti **lndus of the bogus tlekosiiexpiiiidiniliettfialial week. Be me _Mithonon#ol - Verrtikely. AlAbllcind peraletentslimder er would hardly* detect diatom!ll4:Boy con duct in 'which: he might engage! :Other, hogyeritink upon the ,tocgua'Acketalitralle in a very different llgkt. . Ma. Smolt: s'l ata under the tweipetatty Of again asking a small spacein your colnitirm, for the purpose of presenting tolliewoters of the county, a few words in . relition,-. to . ,tbe false and malicious libel!) concerning , omit' published by the . editor of the "Local,'" :• -., - -In his last issue he 'continues Wattle:is upon me, andlisserts in positive terns the. truth of the charges made In • that and.. the former' nuMbers ofhis paper; and then lie-. ping Were effect to his vile slanders, and perhaps thereby induce warn to believe, them inl part at least, makes a shim of diirhigot 1 prowution. I He knows Ml well that it re-, quires something more than 'a. direct exer tion by him through his paper to induce cred ence amongst the honest voters of the County. But he will resort to any means, no 1 matter hou contemptible and base, to secure his dar ling object, the election of his fehir-in.laie-- HA Anderson—my opponent. Perhapi be thinks that his course will induce me to stitute, a . prosectition :Wrist him Orel then hy playing' Or :vie of a martyr,Undtry ing party persecutibn, he may secure votes for my opponent: If so; he is"mistaken. I shall not change my determination,. nor_rini counter the expressed wishes of the - tire committee of my party, whose vie, it are to soine.extent at least, entitled to my and whit deem it improper that anything ik. should be done that might by y possibility be construed into an effort to roperly in tinence voters, or that would ice an ef fort to avenge even the vile ' wrongs 'hearted -upon a candiddte by the • nductor of an opposing pmss, until the contest is elm ed. • In their view. I comm.. But I deem it - , proper that . I should say througk your co `.( umns, and:l do, most emphaticalifti; to the,,i voters of the county, that the inadej I one and a il , in whole and in park_ re bale fake- I hoods, false and malicious libels upon myself, published with a view to promote the ekttion of the editors father-in-late, Mr. Anderion, and farther, that when thi.proper time. arrives,' when the election is over, be the result there of what it may, I will vindicate my character, and will ask at the hands of the Court,- and a jturof my country, that justice be metedout to one who has so wantonlysought to slander, vilify and injure me. . • EitTAII Itotraca. Er:non /nous: Will you alltiVr me spas._ enough in your paper, to ask thb "Lost Cense" candidate - for the Treasurship, the following questions: , I Is it true Mr. Anderson, that you have Ai' 'culated,.and caused to be circulated a bogus ticket with' all Republican names except your own, which is rim& to take the place of that -of Capt. Barnes? If so, what was your ob ject ? Did you Intend to ...misitad Republi can voters, "and cause them to cast their votes contrary to their - wish ? If this was your in tention, did you act the - part of an honombie Ind honest man? Does such conduct inyonr judgment well become a min of your years . and proliiisions ? If elected to the office ton seek, what assurance will the puhlic have that their fun& are in the hands of it safe man ? Have you not at-;different.-times de-' ilinit i elteUrnef —vray—tribirno - yod•cietaig.t. necessity for it by your dishonest course in' . - - Finally, Does not your case - WM& a pain ful illustration : of the truth, that "Evil Com munications coriupt good manners" Hoping that you will true answers give to all the foregoing questions.l will here close my ex amination for the present. Moarron. In securing Our pansigel of a - Pm Railroad law: , ' Now later taking a view of *spoilt* cennfierj. 11%liks #llll,oandidause aid d,t their SaliPlatt. ta,..kainties •1 .I'i= bound to ricmclarle 1 I'llEltr abut* Detaailihtto ~..:Wer, bate rib Denuniti,t• Rez =ed WI -Wilf-itracoin . • toeltnieebetWean the #. i sat . *Ws - Wattle is . , 4 4 13Z , li 'Net 1 11 4P11::.. - "4", bbniarl thirty WO* a that , • .will Mot soon tome& the I rv . 04411811whestkesiwittlatt,the _Skint etnwere•or# by pemons- to the illintrn been U l tl esi as=iititlDMO9 6l l ll ; and MI Supposed supporter oftrter',Whola 'Oda bo n cern. - - They were gteek - lo mew , ..rti . :- arm Reptbikluis.",:a 11)Laderee% ua Vather. " tallazille Pedant* ' UMW' : all.throtisit' this /hood. But I-will not stop Dere to a7gt e te7m. it is an eitabllshednisd well under- Wood act that-Odell lie liar anksscoundrel and if he is not thrown oYer-butkttlibfeee the time tbr another campitign . rolirlOroood,there Will be such s thundering as Will,Onike. a ti, Able rattinig-"sinong the -delbottot." _ voice of the 'yeomanry sha ll zofbnpr stifled. The l Deinocratin party . 0/ - Beavei I county Is composed of toogoodMaterki to, hej led and' controlled hy• an.wortindous and t = i tee base ;like thistelknrOdeil. ~.• ' I • I• t Molest. Ws ' Wpm - Isere i .the n- 1 tegrity theD momadc 'prit.iVoras to call another 'nvention,- and .itnate souther ticket--a Democratic and Freer Railhead tick- i et, and denounce the perfidious and nicety, course . o Odell, in selling out the-Deinocrat ic party of •this county !be filthy lucre. I 1 hays made ' this known at ' different i times through your colon:ow" but my advice and 1 warnings have not been h e aled.. The excuse made by some I havetalked to on this subject I wars that "it was nit worth while, as are could not elect anyhow, and that we might as well' th e let it pass this time, but when another; ear I comes around "that we should kick out and bring the party back 'to the o land marks." It is too late to do anything elm/noir but let Deniocmta take' warning fit the fa- Theonly: thing left fOr henget Democrats is to vote the Reuublicantidret,'-and repudial the whole Odell "concern, • and :thereby te st all that we are not to he-betrayed by an principled stranger and black' guard, and Out we ails in favor of a Free-Railroad law, and are detennined to have it: j Odell has again bommenced *diming Free Railroad 'men to vote for NAM White, Did ever impudence . - and barefaced talk:olV ex -I.ceed this. But a hide while ago; he msnag i d to get the appointment of delegate ta - the State convention, from aucligne",in theinter est of the monopoly. Hi went ~t here, and against his former protection and. declara tions sold himself-andpa o for a ferirdollars • a small amount; according - his own story. After he came home was a delegate in the county convention and managed to nominate a ticket of his own kind and clanpassed a resolution endorsing the State convention in its opposition to a Free Railroad• hiw, secured the,n °volution otJohltWhite: whin:a/re veil' weliknew to be identified: with the - monopoly and hostliq to a Free Railroad law: •In the - face of all thishe is silly' enough to ask hon est support his bogus MICC7II. A man that can do this I don't wonder would rob the Treasury. He in attempting to rob honest Democrats toxi. .sous one of his cir :cetera the other (tar sailing j Democrats for money to help to elect hkiticket.-; The money is to , go into his own locket. That is what he t rct is a ft er, money is , the "o ive point" with him. j• i,- - - 1 • • • 'Weil he bun man by e name of Dr. gimp= son appointed thairtmui ,pf the convention, litho in return appoints him chairman of the county committee. I : don't , know this man Simpson, but be ilia - seakocog, or he would not assist am In *.corrupt schemes -to swindle theDentocreile ;arty, In all 'proba bility he has an interest in someltailroad.— Odell has his fither-ht-law nominated for Treasurer; the-best, eau in the county. He prints Republican ikkets with Much B. An peanut- tnenvurrotnteroar .amity-ta, ft ..bnt. io _ swindle Republicans into his support. Is this honest Is this Asia, 1 . Res the Democratic party come to this? -Zech corrupt and swind ling games cannot be endorsed by honest men of any rortt. Hugh B. Anderson has allovi li ed himself to be uses a s a tool of Odell, and as such should be coinkm ed at the polls by all honest Democrats i Now in concluslnt I ask my Democratic bretherii all over tle co my to place the seal of condemnation or th whole Of Odell's rot ten concern at the dection, and after, that let us re-organize and 'puffy the Democratic par ty,uous put the brand otinf tmy upon Odell, kick him overboard, aid -coal:di:4h the party upon a just and Ail foundation, then rally to its support -„,_ _ A DEMOCRAT. MEI INNIM '~. i Copperhead Olen In Elections., Judging from ..thtpperbead rejoicings over the late tied() out friends might think that the Repbßean party was about to collapse and peas direly, out of existence.— But that is not gnlktbp fact. The election of a Governor in Calbrnia is the only point n i.) 'gained over which se emocracy have legit. [mate reason to red We are noCcerksin a b out cengressmer upthat State, but it is i probable that twos em are Republican's. 'Now let us seer ba wonderful gains the Democrats have tae In the only place' where gains can .Lem any good—that is, in the House of Reesbntatives (the Senate is beyond their reacfo halfia century). The relatlie strength'panics In the last and l l present Congresuis follows: - • XXXLBCO_ • • .filth-Congrea Steam. Rep.. Dem..: Rep., Des. California 3. 1 0 9 • 1 • Connecticut.. 4l 10 1 8 Delaware .. , . 0 1. 1 0 1 , Illinois . 11: 8 11 3 Indiana ' 9: 1 2 8 3 1 10wa.... 6 : I 0 6 0 Kansas 1 ": I 0 . - 1 0 Kentucky.... 2., ! 7 2 7 Malec 5 1 . 0 6 0 • - Maryland .-. 2! 3 1 4 . Ma.ssacbusettalOi. I 0 10 0 Michigan... . 6 -, I 0 • 6 .." --, 0 Minnesota...). 2( 1 0 2 0 Missouri '7 2 • 8 ' 1 Nebraska...:. (Y, I 1 .0 1 0 Nevada 1; I o 1 0 N. Hampshire. $ 0 " - 8 0 New Jersey- . 21 '3 a 2 N ew Y0rk...24 . 11 .'2O 11 .ohlo ...... i... 17 •2.• • - . - .16 , 8 Oregon... .x.: • 1 .:. 0- .• -• . 1 0 Pennsylvania-10 B.• • .. • .18 6 Rhode Island: fel , 0 2 0 - Tennes s ee.... i 4 -8' 0 • Vermont. : - F'' 'o ' 8 ,- 0 west virg inia. g, t 0.... :. a o , Wisconsin.:.. 4' , ' 1 a 1 T0ta1...144 47 147 46 It appears t - Republicans have gain. ed two member the Democrats lost one —the- Nebraskpber making the one ex tra. With main three-fourths of each Rouse of Conglwe think the Republican oaria. will *mato snivive the temporary cheek to Carol—Hai- 21*syrafih. • There were number of bills before the L,eg3dswinter, 'for the better and mere htitu l selection of whims to serve as Juronich of the counties of this commonwealtiffe published an ab stract of 'one of of these at that time, but It appears that& of these then referred to became the ,1 The following bill was afterwards bre.up in the Legisdature,l i m a ge d both received the appromd o the Governor, now the act of the Leg , w o w s on th df selecting Jurors in j this State. . Bitcwort 1. Poem 14/ the agent:timid Howe of lees of the Guntson, wealth p t g ie Assembly met, and , tie authority of same, - ma lection, to be heW on the second .October, Anno Domini one hundred and sizty-sev. Title i t Jury Lay!. en, indtrteuniedlr. k ` thireafter, at inch +elec tion,- the:qualified idiietors or-the several mandlesofthip onanammussititsliallt&t*ln the'alnew now 'provided, by 4 law;,for the , election Of other mat' d6CeM, two Ober,: tart tei t gli i tt ilo4 2- 0 11j4dic i i : tW er 1471111 : "It: : aur n ' • • • afithres rine . ensainutheir •-. • .. . -',2 - tha - Same- person, -or petionsi, lobe ellgiblefor re-election more than 05101011 mu' perof fix years: ,Prookket, "het each of siklquoatiodaslectont shall vote Moos _persotroniy iss ,Inry coMmindoMwt and the • two • persons bolos the, grea t est aotaber of votes, for jury commissioner, Shall Wanly elected jury commissioners for , such county. - . ,-- littoTtna 2. ' Italuiff be the du of saidin ry _rommiadonera president 'ty judge, or addi d law judge, of the respective district, or a meted °Mem, to meet arthe seat onus tice of theireepectlye counties , at least thirty doers before the did term of the court ofeom moo. pleas. in every yew:, and thereupon pro ceed, with doe ffil*e-- --, to select, alterna tively, front the whole qualified -electors of the respective county, at 'large, a number, =Masa% the term of the court of pleas next preceding shall. by the slid court, ' be dedg• ;toted, of - sober, Intelligent and judicious per. , sons, to serve asjurors, in the several courts of such county, during that year ;tend the said jury commissioners, pre judge,;or addi tional ,* judge, or a materity of them, shall, in the mode and manner now ' directed by law, pia% the names of persons, so tmlect -4 is the temper jury wheel, and the mid jury wheel kfc..W,-as pow required by law, shall remain it; the custody of the saidjwy commis. stoners, and the keys thereof in On custodyof the Sheriff of said county.., EINCTioN & That said jury; Commission ers, and the Sheriff of the respectiVotounty, or any two of them, shill draw from the prop erjury wheel, panels ofjury, as grand jury of the proper county,. and as , petit_and tra verse jurors, for - 4,ke trial, of banes, in fact, which may be taken m any actiol In any of the courts, civil and criminal, of , t e sereral n i counties aforesaid, in the manner ow .prsc ticed and-allowedi but before ; the id jury commissioners and, sheriffs 11 roceed to select, or draw, jurors, in th e ma n er afore said, they shall severally take the, th, or af 4 s ia fir:nation, now prescribed by w e le taken by the sheriff and county camminfteners, be fore selectingrutd drawing jurors..'4 , Buenos 4. That so much of any act or acts of assembly of this comnionwealth, 'as makes it the duty of the sheriff and county commissioners;of any of said counties, to se led and draw jurors, shalt be repealed, andi cease to •have any force or" effect, from and , after the first day of Det.cfnber next, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred arid six. ty-seven : Provided, That all acts, and parts of acts of assembly. now' in force, in relation to the custodY,l sealing and unsealing, lock ing and opening of the jury wheel of the re spective county,' and all acts and of acts of assembly now in force, im posing any pent any, or punishment, on the s heriff and coun ty commissioners, . or either of them, for anything done, or omitted, by them, or eith cr of them, in relation to the keeping, lock-' ing,-opening, - selling, or Wreaking the' seal, of any jury wheel, or in relation .to the select ing or drawing of jurors, shall be taken, deemed and held to apply , to the said jury commissioners and 'sheriff: .., ~ . Samos & Each of soldiery commission ers shall be allowed and paid out of the re spective county treasury, two dollars and fit ,ty cents per . _ day, and tour 'cents per Mile circular, from , the residence of the commis sioners to the court houte. ,_ Sacrum 6. It shall be the duty of each of said jury commissioners, to take upon him self, and discharge the duties of his said office, under a penalty of one hundred dollars for each and every neglect, orrefasal, to attend' the same,,to be sued for arid 'recovered, be fore any justice of the peace of the proper ' Bounty, as debts of like are now by law re coverable; ten dollars of which shall go - to the person sueing,nnd the residue to be paid to the treasurer. Of the respective county, for the use of the same. - f_ tßiTor a r7i,ll.fternsurlay conintlisiculeti, by sickness death, or other unavoidable cause, to discharge the duties of said offlite, or in case of neglect, or refuel, to serve thereon;', it shall be the duty of the presidintjudge, in such county wherein said vacancy may have occurred, to appo int a suitable person, "Or per sons, as the case may be, possessing the qual ifications aforesaid, to perform the duties of mid office, during such vacancy ; and ,such person, or persons, after having complied with the requirements of the third section of this act, shall proceed to discharge the duties of , said (Abe during the remainder of the term so vacated : 1 Preridell, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the • city of Philadelphia. . JOHN P. GLASS, Speaker of ttat Rouse of liepreettatativel; LOUIS W. .HALL, _,... Speaker of tbe Rotate: APntorno—The tenth day. of April, An no Domini one thousand eight hundred and , sixty-seven. , r" -.1 NO. W. GEARY. 1 Troslble,al. Aitletatte I•Cesitetery •• • Dedication. • - Prom all accounts the proceedings: attend ing the dedication of Antietam Cenletety on Tuesday were not in every respect of a char acter to shed hon Ors entire lOyal North. At the coneldsion of-Xi-Governor BRAnroftb's oration, loud calls, from all quarters were made for Governor GEARY. - and Governor SWANN .was impotent to restore order. The tumult alarmed President Join - sox, who w: anxious 03 know if there were any rebel d interred in the eetrietery. , Order- was how everrestored through an'appeal from Gov emor GEARY that the audience permit th: programMe to be carried outas agreed tipo by ,the ,Oommittee of Arrangements._ Th order of exercises was then proceeded Wit at the conclusion of which,,Governor 'GEARY Was again called for. Ad h ie' was about *AO commence his address,President Jonnsox and his - followers, Including Governor Swarm, left the stand, which mark of discourtesy was greeted - with • derisive laughter from the crowd ,Governor Gran made a neat ad dress, in which he stated there 'were fifty reg iments of infantry; five of cavalry and six bat teries of artillery.' fmm Pennsylvania engag ed in the battles of Antietam. Governor, FENTON, of New York, delivered a brief ad dress, after which the assemblage dispersed, a largo malPFitranYthiarbut;pleased with the ceremoW, , n of the op:ash:in.—Pins. Cm, , The Way To Do' It. The sole - hope of the, Democrats hi this State is based on the apathy of • the Repub licans arising from over confidence. Their plin of eamp,aign is to do nothing to awaken Republicans intosetivity. At the same time ixiessures arc being-taken to bring out the De r rivoc, rattc voters—in fact they are 'always ' These farts should awaken Republicans to do'their whole duty. Theis no change iinong the people—no conversions to the standard of Asnutew JOEIN/101%. There is no pretense of the, sorti The people • are as de termined' to- day as they. were last year, when thb State gave seventeen thowand, and Aile- d gheny countysearly eight thOxisand Repub lican majorit ' There Is just one thing tobe done, there fore. The. Republican ,voters must he brought out. To this end our nEforts should be redoubled and constant. It is not a questioriof strength but its use. The wards, townships and districts should be thoroughly canvassed. There is time enough for that: Practical missipnatingamong the mass of Re pnblican voters is what •is needed. Neigh horhood meetings and I frequent conferences should be held, less foe, discussion with the v i ew of converting the enemy than to insure atill Republican votson the day of electionl It Is not necessary to wait for the fi ction of committees. Five—even threoa;Republl cans in a neighborhood meeting together will constitute knit the kind of comiul , •that is required for the ocaudon. , is not it ward, township, or a district, in which oiii friends cannot make clean work of it within the next week. Priendi! will you do it! Pitts. Cvni. .• , • Apviwrisz UNT *As , _A]m :: . :D.O-4 j oqppa.. : ! =IBM i, --AT-; ~ F. A. Fortune's ;..R.lll a,* T -IN TIIE4- Ap T.% LiaLoprD, :ROCHESTER, PA, •„ + The Cheapest and best Select ed. Stock ever offered to ,the citi zens, of Beaver County. , DRESS GOODS* DEPARTMENT ! MN French Merinos; !, Cobergs,- i Wool Delaines, Poplins, Wool: Plaids, . Armures, Common Delaines, Baratheas and Silica. pO3IES7C DEPARTMENT and. • , Brown n. Bleached 'Muslin from 1.0 - to-20 cants. .. . .. . --t0,...4a 10; andj.s cents. . -oweling 10; - ' 124 - aiia 15 cents. i' .. . . . Tickings 12 to. 40 Cents. Barred 141annels, a large assort ment, cheap. .Cassimeres, T*eeds Jeans, White, Red and Yellow ilannels, Table Diaperti, Blankets White and Colored, Balmoral Skirts, IloopSkirts,Batting, ,all GREAT BARGAINS I HOSIERY DEPARTMENT ! Ribbed, liferbv, - 'White and Colored. Ribbed,. all Wool White and Colored.. Plain Merinos White and Col ored. , Ribbed Cotton Hose. Childrens l Call Wool Babnorals. Ntens' Colored and White . . Hose. • I= 'Hats and Caps for Men and Boys. *Custom made Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies' and Children. Call - every body and Ere for yourselves you are not yet con vinced at • 1 *1 4 I " F. A. 'Porta.e 4g s 'RED FRONT Dry. GOds Store, ROCUISSTER, PA. Itaties.—Lettem of 11OfathNU Go U l m* di• milk. of - &leg Bea c, baring beta granted I to O. 144x, 11s End er : Mr all mamma bad the saki mit e jo ie to make Imastel late to sad ea payment. le kw. elder Of &MO* illshat ele "We c't sal4 I mill make known theme's without delay deeet . , , A. /fACUCK• Allatodur • , neyellinilt • - --, ____ - --- to. T 313 ozessNr.cixiafor Ez_vlalcotrs. * TT, la nomads? cd the estate of watering Rod abekper. deceased . . Ivor . Kt vdt isepostable nth, 188 . 4 on mak s b tu ~ DinitAintkizv Ihn Conn aPtrolat wok siz N ... ,„ to make W dastrfliution of the Ittak at , d aning In the handi J of ohn Retro*, Ert orf ee VIII of add &mediators At, . o' r id and pereonaL . t--- ,shown c......) Tree extract front en record 1 ' Al l, IMAL 1 , JOlll4 A. it , . .. , • •• Fl-11ckei. ~......_. The Auditor appointed kr above matter lin 11 , k 4 for the ate or his 1 appointment, at Ida og.. New a ._ .,._ t = htoe _NroltAnt, on the 2241 dry ad ; d er, den t at 1 Wasioic A:. J 4, at which-dm and Oft ....! des Is intend may attend if they see am" •-•• 1.- t -1 - IV. 8. - 1.1) - fij N esp.:lMM. - 1 _ . O l ds*. sail Merael t imlif_ the st . taw - I' .. ' I 1 lIT PRO!..oiprue B. STOWIL, D, D, i l A. WORM 07 pail IrALDE. AND EV Alin? 1 4 oet of the Mk, dio. ,atit tistl=le lON and hone° Pee It . R. naming an the pea 40 fell aUtheakay inni e g swam bade* and . tracing the authority or - hook np to he Inspired runhole, thing a roat uou ,of Infirrardoe heretadne loam ep to v er y me fti . costly volumes, leaking ace of the znompopula Nein ever published. . . AGIFIS •WANTKD,. i ltapertellded agents, then, team seism tuhle ors tad others should &Sauce toe.eircalstsgttu •er Intormedcm. Address, s • ERIGLICR, NoClMll4l.tts, ' amt ./atom, apl. Chestnut Street, Pb pi. • ORDINANCE . B'llib.... RiA ngti CT "oi lrf .-Nf; H ttjgrigtaLdC°thiltiseri.l44: enacte the authority of the same, that MI sad meri theproumigation, of this Ordinance , th at the owners er all Dogs and Bitches shall be liable to a lard o ne Dollar ,per bead on each, and own! Dag an d 1,.. 0 Dollars per head on each 'and every Shell. additional Bitch tbe sum of Pour Dollars. smc:ad. nt Assessor tie required to %Neil l o w Owners said D oor Bitches in like imuma at. . other propert dS y. Sec . That the Collectorol Motet rae,tiesbi is hereby authorized to collect said to ln the tome manner 14 authorized by law for the collator, et et h. er taxes fee the use of said borough. • • • Attest . JOSEPH REEVES, Frail Town Coone y •. - Joust C. CAutorx. Clerk. Approvell Sept 19th, lad. septS6 . 67:it. - Brow., GRAND • AIiCTIQN. wilOtT,. & .DiCW;" ' At 9 o'clock, A. V.. consisting of-, Mens' D. Sewed Calf:Boots " 4 • Kip . I'egged . • 44 64 " 4 ' 6 * Balmorals •A , " Gaiter . Beets - " Kii - .o3rogaiis' • Ladh4 Kid. Gaiters and Bali. . gt> • Serge Gaitersilt.4o:eßoots • Calf . Pegged Braliaiiitl9 Misses: Galters,, Sloes & Slippeis' Childierie i3altriorals Gaitersand Copper Tip Sl*, Boys - Kip Boots; - Steel Heelg and topperlip` Valley thiOrenk„ :;hoes and Boots Ile above mentioried goodi xlll be sold regirdleild coot. $31!" 421 work erarrocd. • J. 11.: . BENCE' THIRD STREET REAIc INTL rER, T 11[ I N" Millinery - Goods, • • •. . , HATS.; TURBANS, BONNETS, - 1111:1403 3 . . • FLOWERS, FR A MES,. el ' intillng fn 31111tne4y LIPP. Wa selit thing the ncasnn AU the I Of Reis. TURBANS, BO SE & soon se they sr. out : Hats and Bonnets Altitred,Clear ed,Dona 0 rar . peap• YARNS. Gana*land Hoop Skirts,- all Mods of 11 ° 41 /..„,„! Gloves, French Corsets, Handl:readers, Buge, mings„.all kinds of Batson . Paper Collarroa, Laces, French Forms, Zephyrs, Intsnee, e m Arnie Cloaks, Napkins, Tulles, Uhl° Cover' , vfi: 'l , lnings, Grenadines, Bunco And other Veil_ " it°34 Batting , Men's Shirts, Suspenders , Visb rels. AC. - finning and .Stainplng Doeli ,Order.., - . .=____ . , • 15m7thirtft distdrable In - oar Inle t Iv add,ed trove Mott as soon astlntrodaced In the -market. rkW, ble and oar friends and th e anbllE for past Wows" ' boo relOectrallr ask • continuance of the sure. Iros. atm to Neste due cashmere. Oar s" tide neighborhood or Memo:h. • . • - enteral ] , selected, and wt se ches4 loBo II me lt. WrGive use ealkand annals, Y° ~ . • IL DENO. - Third atreet,one door beloW the Soon* eepti3'67:34nos BOOTS &• SHOES, THURSDAY, °dolor 3d; 1867 just receiving Stock or t. TUE LATEST • .STILES Of Evers; DtviergyA7.emi. Aleo full Mica of LATEST, STYLES Of Even/Sind, Shade and Cam! A good areortuivnt of EMBROIDERY Always on band. 12 FEDNA Iseptsll7 . l. Nye!. E'L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers