The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 25, 1867, Image 1

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• te'lot
1117.1 C VEAVVIR AlltGll6 ,
4 .t,„ the 4)14 Anctrs
• PiifT:
wr eppers: ❑
liifre "".• ; . Y;;;
tercet are tlerpecttplly.,•e?liettettorxo,inertra titteteuvo,
faVOTt , of We rfifitst liTreTkiblrbe,lfte l !crefe)rirtkßl.
the name.' t• 1 bT.Le•!w
gun:fluty Ittralust , : r
Lettens And eornattibten'AeealAlte; n.dfier.eed fo.
WITY_Pi.ICT), - Editor 4!
. -
• Bba've' ,
rrrus enut'e:v ow 3.ll.4arimAerifftniag,
a „ dx ,„„,reto eV I liperiOrlitttnlEcoNaltat.ther
wor!,,lnt tinl'enorf.en'elc.l.iiniie from tim.Ohlo river.
mroettarqlea .ti Wor k .. or letlem nddriititlid to ,
s. r r enctt i - • r.reeire prompt
uttentfinir -• • 6'l . :Fiyilteto,
• • 1.4/1
- -
AttmlitUtrvittleß 1N0t1ce. , 71 . 41.1 1 e0 4 fitto)minlg
t:-,,dou to the.,tapf3LkaticA, Parrmoos, wife of
Patteretlafelteavir biliongg.acßiep
coantv. deed, havlrikr Neer) grnarcon to i j udo .
`plziled,', 0 - peri,trte lcddwiti* thettu , eleed Indeb ted pel.l ecraft•ute reggitq.lod tb fisalotainifidiatti t.ayammt, ,
t heleiviaEr/qalluoi or de mah,d4 csuste
et talc! deed *ln indke Vieth kritveriparlthont delay: ,
' EAMUICIPp. tATTR - 880N. Acher:c... .
- • •-! 'BeaTer borbagh;
ISTT.,',47 . W:i
TE)t leo4.N.Dlir, ( - 1 :
Continues to NlanutliqtVro . . 1 ,.
The Unequal:ed . - CogairgStove;', 4.
Crys - tp.l,
PEDIMeLif;PART,OI2, - .A.Nl) : llL'Ainrc 7.
. ,STOTr..E'S; - '
Ln.q-m and •
I . : 1211.11:GRATE'.8,
, . . .
.A.navarloa4 other.CaFflii...iiF. . • • ; - - •
Alen Im.hancl tind• for, italct n great viiiety'ef Scrota
-11„,;(1 ste l ee,. as godd a, new, Ilia serFelatap. 04d
I^.ece.s f•Jr repairs tor the o.l,ll:eat juitte q of lernltal
nil. , nn4 1 1 :74; , : priy..1Ste.iie proanifl Irirfilstliett.
_tit enters ft,r ettr:O.‘ attended to without delay, and
ttetivereti free of charge.
,- • ,
• •
!?li ri7FT A ri"S 'SO
ituto',o7r "7, 7
TIUS I.q; '.4%) k7:l tiitrr Ic.
F.;7. a NV-arrant in -Bankruptcy wae ironed
e.,111-: the E.4ale of Daniel C. Mead. of Smith's
the Countrefifeavvr cod *sok f,l'entanyl
•.thott. btxXadDidg,4l a irivitrtill owttig own
petition :•thai ihe payin Of nnv chibrii a dllelivt•ry
of af,v property bettnn.:int; such Bankrupt, to hint,
or tmhin tn , e. and tratwter of any property by hint
n r,..(i,rhirideit br Law;; that n meetinte of th , ...Cttflitors
of the saki ItankrAuit. to prove their , Debte,pjn b.
chenfe one er more -1,40.13tkri of lkittott}ty4ll/14
heki atn coarkiif lhoikrOTlcy, to fel „lapetteg ;at
item Ilea-e. Britfoton, Belfrer ettrail, fa.,
3,, ,, ph B. I)ontev. P;J;rit•ter, on the tttliday of
(.;:taer, • A. D , " of , i . olcinek A. 14.
Vital lit. 11 itINii,EY,
G O 9.T 3 S-
Jr.Ft n'nei : fi r l6ck of Cloorlo of the
. . ,
it - nrlSTirSet 60Z,438
CON 11.1 ND
. 11:i q 31ADE To 0 111)
littniza most nvznlora.lbio etYIeiCKTIU ' at - 64%4 0- .
• : •• -
crIPTI rivqITIT roollv
0 tall t 5 1) it 0 13
E A t ,TA "`Z
two Dorm , BEL(w sTILES & SUAALENBEit-
WATEIC tql,nvof the 11.44 T,
. 1), r“rineriv wampietl by 3. M. Diektv,
ealVwt.r uhe , e 1 trill I.Pe 101 my old
oarantert, twd all others favoring me with a call.
lem now rec:qcir.z n large 1 1 :
Spz Mllllll°l's, ;r FiAeriend stock. of
rin rill
‘s tI bu cold vvry
''''r o , Acri:)tilin Silk and Straw nonrwß Ladies'
• r.e.Mt;,..., Ilazs, Itibbonp, FIOWA.II"4 4.C. •S:
. .
. . ,
I , 1? . .11 ,- .1-:',„:. NI- Dr, - 2 , ....,....; awl SaCquesk.c imfis.'coritg
~..., ritm,..111 , .. 12.nt, , ene Rtales ~ I luttoim:,.tc.
. ,
/ 1 J L31.11121L Vs - D • lIOOP SKIRTS, CORe
. ..,, t..
11.1 In NETS, BELT,
Gent's& Ladies' Pasper'4Collars..
, ,! - • . •
. • PAPER COLTARS,,te. .
Hosiery) and Gloves',
lot.; cheap.:' Call and eee...
famping, Piitking and Cloak elating
rani Making on short notice..
X 0 TROLIILE TO snpw aciCips.
TRA 0 -
tirorr ?!3n ,A,AN bflow Shalleaberz.or'w Grocery
of the RED pu§T. ‘Vatunitreet, BedFa
- J. BR AL
Bronamvy, IN e ri
- _ - -7 -- -.: ,
.„ - -:- - .. - ....:.---..-- - .."--........ t .t..." - :. 7.7..,. - 2-.. _..... —,.....,....__;______ ~........... .._ .., ~_.. -....-- - ---
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i - ',.:( - 7 r - L r ~ t: 1 r t -..:.) fl:ar. .tz-, - ; ,. ... f1e.Trai1l - . 1';. - ' nr-'...47. - : !-..-” ft.l P.A.,1-;!;2r ..1 - ,.,.., r ~ -Z•._%,, . ..4 .;:-. . .-..k ..• ~.i ; -' •- -. --t•• . - - zt r'- - . ~ -;11- 4-, ~-.-. ~-.- •-. :- ~ '' - - •.. •
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.1-. -21"1 :1,14' I....A'alrlittp . ~ :f.. t nr)...; r -, :.,..;,..<1..:17.1.;;_."..1:.....r.it0Lhi....1 o"*.il d . ~,-: - ii . :-.,,.,... , ,..i.„ e „ . :j .1"...,,-,„ ? i t ;..e,. , ~ -, ..-,,1.:,.,,..,-- . ; - ,:. 1 . ~...-, 1 ...T -..,... 1.:-.... - -- - ....•;: . .i
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.. 1.-2 371 ,Wlttr" '74! .1 ~• iA.t 42. 2.012 •In ' 2 s.t.i' :,41t.r.. ... .12U .I ' -
• - tt 'tit ~,,„ ~: ..t.-r..t v.. zt. - c 2. 1.- A .SI tf.2424,,, .2' :4111, 'le.; ' 4..". ',/tA '.''.12 . ..'. ...1 -.-.
. . .
I'-' f' OWI K2:...1;i0 - 112'1r. 1).1 lt. C.l .'3 ... 4:4 . 7 -)e : -. x ,. t rs;le. 1 : ;i 14.f.4.7 - ` - m 1 4 ,, „ - . J-',I i , 4..... ? ;... ~ . .a..• ~. ...-: I --i - L • , ,;-,' ...,::,
•orifir , . 1 ..--.^; - - C.'e t , 7 ,l 0 1.104 - - '#': ..,
- , - . - ...t• .r.... , --! , t, ,Pt. -, ..1., ; a t !
..,..--, r , f . j .4 1 <' .1. i ; ..2 . - 1111t.ti. . ' .4 - 7 1 -.'-'
. . . .
.. - 1.. It' ; , ..:.......f4r•! 1:1....i"'/J tti . I'l 112i'
" fri - - P: ' .`t'2; t/AFA n., 7- ) P“ ''' ' ..'' ".: i
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1.• Ii 7.:(sir ...11 - 1/..- ; :-F, tl'l'. I , : Dt g'/• : t t . . t r a '
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.., -' , ....,. zzt-i-, •-• , i ',.. ',--,, . -
• ,-+•%? r., 01....., -. t a •f 4 , .. .."..;;;11....Z ',, 1 . 2- ' • 47 , . ,i, .L., . .
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• • 1.,(; ' ';,..• . . ' l. :.;11 , , ; ;ILI ;.., :74 • -., - .1. .:.-. ..-:”.i. ,',-.-- ! *l9- - - . ••-! Zr 112 71 vti - it) t 1 --I 4 •" '' '
.... h ..., 5..5 4 .
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211 air
i . prrn
[ Val. 49 --=No: 39.
ALL persona
L'l Ephrain Bm~jtb. by n know in OlC otbr in otherwise, ardebtedn to
L ted to rall the Fall , ton Woolen with:Ta r d i el:7B,
and settle ttalr indebtedness.
"j3.3'67t3moVr - 0 .2y, ja:EPVltitp-t jildfTß)
' _T ,
OZ) ,
. 7
)' , . ..
- .
Mlle undersizned having purchased the Pastan
Wanten, min, thrnu44,4,l4•ne4- by Ephraim Smith:
AMT. fitted It np•with'thddlogtimprovellmachinery.-are
prepared to manufacture Woolen Goods in the best
p_ofsible manner ; comprising
° Blankets, Cloth, Je#ns,
Xran, Etc. -
' ' We also Peep on hand goods of our own manufacture
to exchange for wool ur cash. - CABS a LOBUST.
. • ittlYl,l6lllllos. - . : ~ -,"" • er
, -..r.... ..t : "/ 1 : . • 7
_1 . ,_:,"". , . "•., x .
/TIDE undersigned thankful far past favors. takes
, Jt. pleasure In informing the people In Borough town•
shin and vicinity. that he still contimiestci imumfactar
aril Ft - !11 the best article of LIME, at the
1 "11 OW.ER,
• •
Vuarcirt, ,two mites r eq. at ,Deaver. Ps. An orders
promptly anti ' caret - 011yfilled. i 'The best of lime now
matte can be lioncht at my Kilns at 2. - i cts per bushel.
jelirtaitimo% • AMOS DOUTT. .
Pet:vies"; Savihis,ll3ank,of-Pittsbtnif
CAPITAL..- -',I )S160006:
OFFICE•' Nol SO, POI - RM . 877aET.
A.,)31- ; K A:
lirsra• Lt.fen, I Wou.L.TAir •
•itAlnio,7l3lmplirrz. joiss t ar riyxorr.
' , J64l);Sotar,.
ic ..
11.31: Gouts*, t Min9:7l:
Six cent. intere.4 nnowed on time depoxit% rr‘
:vc.itrnentw male in United, States., state - et reansylvit
via and heal 1 , .,1n" - rtecnritivA: Rank open. daily
(Suni:Aye exeeptedifronla o'ckick. A. Xi tat 4 o'clock,
:P. 31., and on WeirM,Alay anti Saturday evettinge,
from 6to ..0 o'clock. r. N. i - .... :; • .. 1,.
",, N o net' —litterost will Iv! allowed frovvlst of Jo s'.
Mote tlepthAte r. ill ie:ir :intro...4, trran' let or "1" h of
;eachMr/Whir - ntaV r 'rriui two: on tilao dated...
' jy . T , i7:::trio. .. .- ' -
piler . Sltectt
-pruirosr. KFNl'lNOL;cixsTicsnor:oN UANT
all kiwi* of 'PCs:, AND SITEET-11t0N
VARE:, whicli I will ' • t• • P!,. • .:•!
_4A 1 --"L' &Pe i4i*Aw,ti_in?_rr.v:
'',." ;1 • . . ;
.•, Tin Roofiinr,,,Spouting &,15bWoilc.
Done to - order in the Is.sgt po.,ible partner, nn at tba
thort,!st notice: ; .
•Vohag none:bra the be,t ot: material, and having none
but ttur beat or workmen, : '7' •' •
.. . . . 3 ... •
. .
Ski , WO . Rf !
SHOP . ON TEE 1:011111 END OF
ca. t rect.
12:11AVER, PA.
Eire uor a Cu:l, eTnd. Eramine our SYock
Japanned ware kept constantly, on hNd.
nfyl , 67:tr- -
..'',.Th6‘.Gro'at - eBt
I .
Nelson &Roessler's
Batt oor to WILSON & STEWART'S
A cOmiiletoline
trzPop!aft, ,Tillyithit,3sEkNotiotiti
••= • •
And a larje variety of TINTS, an or which will be o
fered at Prices
,• r t
Without trot:Aid - to Cost:
Give oast call to sixandiso our. Goode and judge far
yottrbcif. -"
• 1=- 1.14:•.1
„.. L ri
". , ..i -1, i:tire,,i-":;411:- eave yt -..r. 4 1 i, .i.„
_.,...,,,_,. _ ,
• iz; „
tortAiirreot' ;Au
...VI: kin os iorCzbAsar;•:Tomiurtoal %rank -
Prime nladerntee/ Motto: WO* sakqe LA goal prat_ te.
Slum on gip
_FfirM• Wr4Y oPP O I 44 :Itm r aat r 3 5 4 5 f
Beavet ...• - • - attr4 , ,tf.
gertrjaVetls, "
S* ; A : Z.D•PliOXWarfrOP•Vtgr
• liciiber, arita4 ~ 021 pr bcott_
Ist :of - Angina; • Witte do tr,/, gem* , 1.
koc4order. Alamo exit- Any-,parwL,relfocr.::
ing.iitocaw,ig giving rmailqk worse shs,psay
totititt,Wlll Ixtribprallx ell.: - 1L - TotiNCASTER'Y'
. .
. •
DAIMISTE RED ITT :DR.- 11117111tAt. Thanaozwa
'22; %TIM PAZ; In extracting nee*. I byre addrat ton
mapy,tnlttxfaciii deo far the ttnexessful innecc.tion. of
my, profermion;tlik•rivalstable 7.d11
br&tietteQ ttl Deneitry perfonried fa • ttie- beaUrtddlnont
mDdern style. Itnrit done a .thea_pli. and lay
cent. beater. Onal, gd. !WY other Stamm Dental
mast in tlicpSatc. • ;
Coal and Pitt'Coal .foi! Siito;
rir!,ll - EA tND . ST. SiCli." I.orlli"6l,Vllii FOR TIM
',.1.*. patronatid 'heretofore •be. owed mpon • blmOalits
plettenre In informlog the c 4 rty of Rochester. Bridge
w4t4F. lk;aser add wirr,ortu,
s ag country, , that, he le
etnlp,teparel) to forblsh, Mt xceTten't r.rtlcle of - Coat
do& - Not Vaal, on Alba motlke; either lielltorett4 or et
OA ..13itnk:on,the best of , terms.; into , Bank Is lo •tq
on, AI:K inters lion, near .liachotterk PA. • Oran , i"I
there, or at the . §toro or Thomas Alltsori.:l4 Bridgetta
ter or - at - the Prothdnotatg's ofileeiti .Beimeitiwtll bei
promptly filled, CIO: ,Seely la AgeMtiltoehester, Ps.
. . • -: .
,!1,. C. MOUREft, ) ~
Jytr5;1,3: ,. .. , . ; , 2 ; Bii‘oetritter,' Pa. '
A.'? A, D. 1867, a Warraut in BankooPtel-w5e.,1",,,i.e4
against the. Estzle of 'Rosa Forward', of tieaver,tn :tue
County of 'lle.erer, - and 'State of l'ennsyliania:' , Whi%
has hmn atljedtted vt: Bankrupt on his own ',petition
that the, pay, Im-a t. of mix:debt.. and' delivetr, -of any
property be:leap:Mg tu, such Bankrupt, to him, or tor
his nee, and the tmiethir of,auv property by him, ;are
forbidden by La , * ; that & inciting of the Credltotnof
the said ihnikropt. to prove their Dolts, and to etiolate
one or more Aettitnreen of his Fatate, will be held 10. a•
Court yf Ilankruptcv. to be hold . en at - the 'Huron
lionse;NiAtfiriehan, 'Deaver County; Won
Joseph D.' OuleY:Reciater. on tho,, of Oc
tober, At, 1). Ufa; 149...4? clock. A^:34.
• ..•
• . - • ' - 1113,,lifarebal.
OliVE?s spwaNa. DLit Illti ES;
irnistN.'..E•Aßsim - un,utivngli uth.airtFßOX
- thecalloring.basinees, in Bridge:irate!, Tn., will in_
the fumm..evote We - Whole time and attention to the
sale; bf thrtralled Sewing Machines: .}oB'
ValTt111(1111 1s in the bnilding formerly occupied by luta-.
seltand al , a Tailor t+hop. .11weellachines ,
rause. in price from- s(l.\ to A um:twill be , Acitycced
good .
order to persons
.purchaslng them. An expert
enced person will steemapany each Machine solliosnd
the:purchaser will be thoroughly istetracted twits nee.
lie will alto keep acwinK.mechineneedlea, mAchlue
silL: 7 lhcca:t and all artch.4 needed in sewing. and
ttopo4eof them at rertontilqe Thanhier:to Thu mild% ifn thvord hetetorme received, he dollcition.l . o
new 1111,itti, , 4, a continpatme of the same. _
oelt.b.:t;intf. - • • JOSEI'II BRAUN*.
t7+ n 1 tli nig'at.of the tattopf Sep
-15437, ' • • • ; H - • - • •
A Di:anti • cur:sr:Nur soractte.noßsE,':-.
4•Years h.i , r 'mane lays to the left stile; 10 hea
NORIO bite hnir3itt his :nano, aell foretop; ; newly ahoy
all spun( pLates—no corks or. toes on I&
shoce.; 1.3 abonti Ili bands blztt ; felibloneett, tine
makes Aline appearance. Any tine rtitintar4 the Matsu
or tiring me infoimmon as to where tie my be found,
nee L'Altver, Will be liberally rewarece.
1 . , :TOWS MOORE.
r. s: • A IctlerAylll reach me by dtreclej it to 'the
/36aw'r4I's.)• Pest -peke. "".'
'"• • •
.out-c ry.a6 the residence of 31ro. Hudnon,(one E 4 1 :iftr9
below tiw National Hotel) on
FRIDAY, Sept. 2014,--ISta,
at 1 P. tbolefi 'articles to: wit: 1
Ctoihloned Parlor Sett--i-liota. Rocker and Mari (new),
1 carved CauetiTatSatt—Chairnaud llocker,one lot 'of
extra Carpetr.; 7.1 Marble Top Table, 9. large :Mir
tOr3, Tina 1 fino Walnut 111._ -, (l‘.tetot, 1 • com-
Jnon ditto, I LlbrarT of llitiocellaneonA Book*.
Inchidirig Caee,,l Warlrobe, Wa, , hAtands, State Car si,
pet..lied_ . and Goy'ering, . Floor Oil Cloth,l
Winflow - 1111ffdF., Including 1 ne-.T Venitlan Sett. and
Tortoni§ other llouseholdpoodo. A liberal credit wit
be Eisen.
Sept. . ' JOIIN DOYLE 4: CO.
- nosyrivEjA"rtiE LAST SALE OF
Tut: sEAsoN.
DIAMOND ALLEY. near Liberty Street, Pittsburgh.
'PcKitieely `the 'ilist!ssio of the'bearotr will take
place on - t •
rWEIII I !ES . DAY, , sErTnairmu 2511 a,
0 5 11 : -‘" 4`..9.1#1.4!
Commeachi tln o'clock. The entire stock is offer
ed. mid - EVEItY VEIIICLE pat up must he sold. re
orcogt. nose parties wishing anything of
this kind'wonld do well to call and examine the
stock.. as GREA.T BARGAINS can he had. Also. a
large assortment of Raniess most be sold, and at prt
-eta much lower than anywhere In the State. •
• 6:11ITIISON, PALMER elit CO.,
1LC08 . 67:11.. . Auctioneers.
1 7 0.A.I_AI_A • & WINTER.
GOODS, of tho , „
'tzon m beaver.
G enttem.enliFurnishing.Goods
0..... d., ,
CLDT T.9:11 . 8,D ER
In latest arid most tohlnnablo st;les, and it @bort not Ace
Stewart't Itnviatridge street,
sc rim. • • • , Brldgewiter,
No. 54 Wood. Street,
Now °Mk: to' depent . then'
. ,
Gi-oods l'irprtio'ns,
74! t . "tti • ItY)#J,
. ,
_ ,7.,, :, ;14, ":" - ,A.Y • .1r .:-,_ vi..',Jl - ,,..' 1.,,„.4,;
• .., :i i... , t ..* meAlt*.'' .L. 4 . , .. , 1zer0w . , 1!--,
-TEM MitnE, • • I ' ".13W.E.IliiMAt f ;,.,
0 .1%e wii4ea bt.Mnistuar.lllooo#l4,o24iated
bj zeintertemshitatrittib* ;feele)atiboir.etstete;
heetilantrihttlitmeebreilinierthottiii,lbeiti offftilito
'anti 'tb:lfteetis dr.. thiallibLi-21tem Ilt*wor
&atm% suit:6l44lM rififfifilOtttlif Callibliante'. gaa.
Otitio . NakePl 11 3 1D410‘ 1 7100; aiS*2teitilea. , -
- 1 , . , ~ , 1 '-, . Ir.^ - fr I -, •'nrsiktti,.‘2 - zirl . .vi t :-
: • :1154.initIoeiltithelidiinddietie s i ~..i;: : '•1
-., i- (:t *genes the deehict ficailtrredled, s- t.;
. I: ~ • Whotelbe tithes at thesinteitties 0414 -..
Aide4sietitni•riiiiiii et thilliettP". - : " •-,
i• ' - ;:ueitereettiod:aint thodieir 1' • :;:'•
~ ..f, 1
°: J f°:. Wang 00 ibilllattettild;:-: , ' '
• • ,1, '•L'Under the one, thellhhiit'' ,
.‘• : 'Und!zr thd'etheti . tni al* -
4 41 4
let.. t: , t••
El, - ,.ifitiihe *tirkPig* Jr. , ,
Thtsop, P.; soon9g, ... 1
-.,- An with the i iatttl e- big94 - 06s.i.ii
in , the.lituokpretemitrVicAL— :••
, : , Throe the,tod.And_o4 te".ot, I .• -,.:"i;
• , I.; • .:' rWAdthigibe , ittilgMeelPlsAr.- .. ~
•,• Under diqtrel, the Bbnik..• •I% •
..., • Mel,' er vrillowitheSisty.. a,, ,
voltr., the - ileitee,of,er,Te:eidtbeth ,
The drodWinnarner4LA ' f,
I.°;/;l;6‘'.hYlSe with &Iron , ' 1
~i viii,for the trionkineftlinier
Under the eigl' : end the day,
Weitiu thf?dldgment .01y,.!--
1„•.oder„ the no,er,,,the..pialt: i .;
rad!! the UM** tie l ly.
I 4 1a
so witit an eirOlirilitiboi • •
tilioniing enn-fil_pfil?;.7•••
- With a . touch Ittlipattlally teal%
Oa the bloetiorns bhithillge,ror *ll
. pideOlia refi tind:thBiet4;
Wetting the jiidgeMietaiday ;
'"llroidered. ;rah. pldifiti EMS,
':'" (Iraq, -•• ;•,, .•
So, irhen the'Sintmea aidittig y
and acid of-graft . o,
'With in
the enoling drip of theta%
Under the sad and !lie
Waiting the jniign; ,
- • .., Wet with the rain, the Shier
Weewlth'tiie raitti-910(frny:
fiadl7; hut not with niiixnpg !
• Thiguneroas decd was •
In the storm Of
• Rio brayer battle wss wpt
,: l Under the sod and jr.
Waiting tIY 3
, Under theNcrisoussiplet . ppm,;
Under the garlaritts, thadray. • .
Moro star. ft!' .
Or the w ricers
,Tbe3' hantAh onr anger toWititr 1 "
When t he'y laurel
I.!ndr the end and *Anil; " • •
, ,Waiqqg theiudgmeM.daTi',
Luce and Acura for '
- • . -7- - .. .. . , . ~
, It.hv.' •••.1•-
• '"Fartter, where la otiOainiel'lpJnight—'..' .. -
• • : 'Jamie so 13410.and.1?;sirt-, ,i. - ':',.
'. jibe tAytlight,sltadOmulitailfig tiorr, ,
i &
. • , Why does he atnia ,nai -1,, ~ 1:::
..`.- ". ~
Janata to e t...T~
. " YP. . -
' ''.
'OM Ztalfiti 4,*lf 4 our dariliteroor , -4-
: ,fri.....daying awayso p
l ater' • ' ,
.. . • "Oar noble bop Is a Child no tome, -
: !lb.! his grown to tn*n's estate': ,
• He has gone a•eottrtlig bfinnie Gray,
i The reat4tn he Stayio lett.; 1
I i For her golden hair aid eye;" of block
, Flame Atolen, his heat away, 4
Andhe ; loos in th 6 lit ''tiriltgbt hour '',
. .
..' • A-wooing meet Mirtde Gray."
' • '
_~ 1~
• "'Whyllotitt the tniMei ham lam away,
• • Now We are r,r3v:int so old? L
And we haveshleidethim all l i la mt.,
Our love ha , : nevtirirown cold;
The Malden tan rtevealove as wit
Dave Idved.hint ellaht i'ear4;
Who have led lilninittg the path of life,
Ifes 3d toism.r. -
"Pot,title, rernemir long years ego,
When I was kandsoie and gay,
And Yon a maide oiir and sweet,
, That you stole my away. .
had n father old an ,:
And a mother kind id ue,
Who loved me fondly !my life— 1. '
. V But my heart went 41, with yon.,
A Vusitt - cTept over haritlurect thee k,
Her eyes shine elearsd snild. •
No longer s he
c chldedse lovely maid
Fos winning away hichild •
, She Stinnett of the lonlgo, when she
• BSOnd close to her klr's aide'
' In the little church, nnhc man of God
ildndelter a turpt . be . • ,
T ac P'Cnnpytiaul Election!
Although the only offlof general impor
tance to be filled' in thciming election in
Pennsylvsnia is that of judge of the ,Sii-
Preme. Chart of the St; it must -not be
inferred hY • the friends vie llepublic thiiie
that that; election' is wiitt, interest to'; the
nation. Par front it. 'lnk of the pdeuliar,
dangers Which stare us ilie face; there has
never been ii more impobt or interesting
erection. ‘ We sincerely livethat the Pres
ident of the 'United Statei n i r iwith the advice
and by the counsel of vittl ' men, marked
i out! for himself an evil tise, which he in
' ;
tends to pursue.; that' hek in fact; alretidy,
entered upon . it; that lf even trying to
wave such smarts of consiec as ho may be
stipposOi&-feel in follcig this .path by
whispering' to' himself ttis official oath.
does not bind liiM' to tliXecution Of any
law except it be7 l pnrsuaith the Constitu
tion, of which "puisuanaie is the-self-con
stituted judge. If the minor the Repub. -
licans or California in wilt throwing away
their pdiver and prostigi„that 'State has
been taken by him as atiration to pursue
that mina of sin, what,' what would be
the. thMider-voice of thwatone State, if
she tociushould fall awaPlis avail crisis
of the nation ! Let not tepublican par-
Ity of Pennsylvania' bb aleg: Let us all'
look look ihe fact in the %mit' if that 'great!
State shall givlit a nsajorir sham Democ- 1
Meg iii the OetObOr 04 she iiill:giva
1 her vete to'a President dpd by therabetH
!lion in 18135; for it ,will aa =Can
doisonent of , the ...Pr. 9 - Pcgc3's 1 1 0
st imillate him to such vitt that theoWisola
State will bemade, like tilied ear et -Pp;
. ;whispering Exs 6 i4vi
'i spies Throughtut 111 tl iia , lM ' Mid
I valleys such offe-bolderO , ill
be diatienr ?
noted- Ili Will aCt Mi 'O 4
1- satinpk and
°nil such as subscribeit4otted aproo- -
isiniStiona" and mouth bill i 3 -Ehibholeths
can exist. A. majority for Mn.- Shark
woitsl Wili be ass much; Ilhe-of the. State.
... .
, tjr
^P:. •
Est. , , .
, ... .J • ' • --:...“_ ;, , ''.l ',;' ,1 1 - 1,.. 4
4 4 . OCCA b A 1 09 V i M A 44n 9fillcfl?! OPo
4hosen. Let not thiii!.fipuhlican.. f Union,par- •
ty, who ..liar,o_mad l ojhp ,:glory_pf 4hp Stale . ,
!!! 1 149rtgarly. h ?o l l 4 illtAor__-4 11 *i 11 4 1 firl des
kiwi ajpaprterpiljion willing ? _brap'soutn: tip,
the. loody : baptism ' of the.- . patriotwar,.look
line* new, treti . fbrOne - Mi . nnentlticiward that
E l o tY i)fDllit' tk i 4 : 41 1 *4:71 i1 4 1 4 . 0 . V. 6 1E 1
,rcs9ne. theiGOxenn ueut ReAticathed us hy
- *Still*: of the rebels is n 'Ocr'corteentrited
ill Oe breast': ffe*linn .riti' lOnger,r . eirs ' fis
. I
bloody crest on. theattle-Aeld;hut intic* - -
ectitivi3 :council": audit- must :he 'met aan d -1
crush4there by il4 billoi-licit
Ttaiipii,y„ for . oul. ~ cause,. our friontls in
Pennsyvanin, . haw a: noble standard-bearer:
fir tho' 6;n1144. 42. 1t01Y: /MAI; W. Williams
has beep loii4"an'oArtmetit toihe liar arid - tho i ,
berich of;the city. .41"itth'urgh, and the wan-,
tyof which it istllei'eentre: Fair more than • '
.a.Artailor dr 'a feciiiiirY he bas in' that moral,
iUdistrieniandiintilotiectantannity, which
is the "pride of. Pennsylvania, and which also
mire Edwin:2l: -Stanton to - the nation,. illus -
trateditt his lifeall'ilid . virtues of ,the Chris
and' - ' ik iit'..Therewas never '
thin the. pt . ,. .
- doubt as eci . Ms posi on pri - ..thit grea t
tiMis iif thiviir. - Thum stapds i ‘on the record
no decision'ilt as ludr, - ina •rui action of
hie as a , 'whichAtnn be pon4ltly con-,
strued. into a disconragement.or aupbstruc,
tiorito:oire holy Wirlagainst slavery4ind for
the nall4ree life. , 'Ms learning - Will; lend a
'lustre tothq bench to whic,hwelope to see
him elevated; his experience as judge of a
district Court for so many 'years. will inspire,the oOninnitiiti c at l'a'rge; his
whole life a• arnritec all unsailiei purity
and thmnion tope
side elijustiee.
Work,' then ;
. iendS of the . great lt,eystone
State, and'of, the gePublle.;"for'ilie man and
for. iho great, cause he worthily- represents,
lost after somanyyea4 of atnigglei and sacr li
fice_ you be found nt last•yieldlng-to tlic enc.:
my the t i abineewhat with fire and sword
he was unable to wrest fioth Yell in the field.
Wasie. fAri4"ic4., . , , - -,.=:: • :
DANIEL AND EzErO.ELWrnsitn.;—A Bok
enwer, Eimer Caine Md . ny,years age into th e 1
_Office of the Onanuzial r iind illiiStrateit the dif.
ference InUrETU- ibeleeouninie habits of tlie
brOthers Webster in the folloWing way : .
"Eieklet," he sditl,liavingi, it. cord of Wood
nt 149,OffiCe thioi;twouilli!saY - t i o a labbringtnaii;
lifr: , Jones, there is, a card of w(xxi, to be
ed twice, spilt; and carried up stairs. Whht
for ?• `0 thillar,'
144,14:41r ninn, you can coin'Oete the : It%
by.the middle of: the nitclianiin,, and , do .
not pretend to ask tectipthari a dol)ar
, .
... „ 7
"Daniel," ,he continued, "haying a void of
Wood to . be served in the same Way;Rtyls: - 4 1.
wish you would properly. prepareithitt 'tvood
for my st.ove,'.and take it up stairs.' When
thc - work is dorre;the la orer is asked NV liat i..;
to pay, and hesays. 'One dollar, sir"One,dol
lar.f says Mr. Webster, why Man, you can't I
afford to work • :Is cht4p ,as that; here is a 1
dollarmd a half, and , c. 111" again wenlyou
see, woiod at lay office '
0. door.'-11: -I(.' &rites
man,„ -• • - • .
... . I .!.
-. 1 ..
DANIEL Diyospia Ambler,' gran suspen
ded from a jtinipet, tre by:thei citizens of
Pinos Altos, New ! tile. *co, 'for, inurdertng
General St.vartz. prior to; being swung 'up
he commenced &M i ning and cursing those
around IliM in the most i ! arrible nninnen
, _ . . L
ts.nrYir..n, of I‘6l - ,, York, hav ,tiled a pe
titionL to be adjudged a bankrupt , that he
may obtain a certificate° diSeharne Iron all
his indebtedness, amonnting to nearly . 4,600;-
Tnn editor of anlowa paper says that the
leucena were black one thy last week w ith
iwild geese, ;flying sOuth, and consequently
presageS that winter will e here in -Septa&
• Tris.c.E is a gentleinan going through bank;
ytilitcy in 31ilwankle svhn eliabilitiesiire
000,000, inostof wl4li ;arc jinlonents,, while
his nitseta are reported its .300 in personaj,
clothing. •
Grl - 57 - 17;e. indict-1
Atm Grand Jury of Nash
ed over
_ . a thountnd perm!
beer on' Sunday: The GO
nant. .
PARIS UNivEnarrr dates back .to the year
792, Oxford to 886, Cambridge to 1110, Glas
gow t0."1450, 'Edinburg to 1580, - Dublin, - to
} " ROX St. Louis to St. - Paul, via the North
Missouri and lowa Central, the Whole road
515 mites , will be 'complett4 by January 1,
.MAJoa Graczum, GluEn
cavalry raider, is now . 4'l'i, corn
of one li7andred colored ca I .
Fort • . Tirr.on, a revolnaonary soldier'
I.437 , years - olil, now lives vrithi his son:i-le4y,
John Dohnrt, in Spencer township, 'Alien
county,' Ohio. I
_ • , .
A KANSAS farmer has raised this year on
ono hundred and ten acres v(104:16400 bushels
of corn; 600 of wheat, and 850 of potatoeit, till
of the value of $5435. . -
is Gratnirreshient of the Ui
Nergi,Camlinsi.. "• , , . '
Vrt •ti.: bridges ' built
~Zu) 1 new ve beeti
across the &We during . the reign' of -011-
igeleon 1:11, at a cost of about reyniLliondol.
IP*. " • :', 1• • : .. , ' •
Daliiinaxim nnown, of ,ilarida g , di e d a
few ago M0t0. . . He. las i . been a - 111La.4on . for
sixtrthree years. i ',
_ -__
county Yirglsie. ' -
, ,
tstal).#4oo.-.1 . -f3,.4.8:
: :•' GRAS I IIIIIE. , •
Tlle question faisCd by the President's p roc
hmutlfou of flitakntist, ivliich has,been sent
to . ull emploYeea. of the I, Cloyerunient, under
Ezritive order tO the de :
pqrtmenti,is one of the most • vitally impor
taaftltit can , tiiiftinit '46t• our complex' and iie
culfaiOsteni tif t eo)it tlo..Ment, and ono which
the:re fi-raid)O t aprirehbad bas not been
stitaita With eiletitiateetn... 'that prod:min
ion !Is based untin an Clitr. 4 eratea eitiniateOf
•.- i. . -1. .
l' - g...ectilive, power totter the Constitution,
k - sritich if instiFifed ,upon, ca not fail eventually
to oreithrpti ) -the . legis!atiye b,raneli• of 'the
thtiiternment and estiiblishl-in absolute . des.
pcitisin ' It is 'tsitedas al: Preliminary ITKII S . -
tire Antecedent (elite antionn cicada - I;4nd if
they. , : Shall Prortrts - orable le pet - neer:ale as
i cendaney, will oeifollowed::;by. startling , and
Ids:Sl/04c usurpation ; When tlu3President, in
his Spi+eltes before the election last year, de,,
nounced C.ongresi as "an '1 illegal body, hang
ing npen i the verge, of the Oprernment, cal
link itself a Congress, but; Which . , was only-a,
Congress. of, part of. the .States," when ho
shainedlis office and proclaimed his own base
nessbylthe declaration that, lie could, have
n#44 hi6idldiriati)j.; when he called, the
pcople.Of Cleveland to Ihimg thad.Stereits
andlVendcll Phillips; Whenllie promised he'
eitizena?if Pittsburg' that If they. sustained'
the . Radical Coitgrhas they i sitoula have anoth
er civil war and a titimareli,).; when.bia . prima
minister, asked the people of . .. Michigan, in his
consenting preSenee,- "whether they would
hare 'Andrew 'Johiion for President or king,"
the country was startled by the iiianifest put .
pose.Of these decbtrations. ! The people were
alarnied;!they saw that' the. Government had
Wien - Into the hands of a laWlt4ss and tunlii 7
-tioui man, who was wickednough to.accom-
plish ltis purpose by' the fattest means. They,
arertsed , the danger at.the ballot-box. by over 7
Whelinieg Radical majorities,'. anti thereby j
placed it,i, in the power of Coy gross', and made 1
it'the . rduty of Congress to;
,tieove' the dan- 1
gerenix - ecutire brbnpeachnietill:mider the;
constitution. .%• : : i, ,i - ••• .. ‘. .i 1
, i
• Intead of pursuing. this :nocessary emirstk, I
Con4csaallowed itselfto lie drawn into con
. ~,, - ..
eiliatOry measures, wherein , 4 th*.! baser.ess -of
shine men Mill the ambition i if others
, enetrit
hilted in tl.l c perpetuation cif a bad Prcsiden t's
, , .
plain• 'l i
TioWer. that which was ettotig 1 o the
Siiiiptest4nitulcd waaltnan ion tlfe' remote
frimtier,. to the Workman itt . his!' bench, or
i i
hthe thild' l that had learned tot read the Con
' gress of the tinted States lclosed its ',eyes upon,
and that Was that pritife. i "opPii i on ecu&i, fief ii
strin:n,:micitegallencettnehle eadd not pf2:4' th e
m---•.,------ . --L-r 7 ---,..i..........__L-1' -....-....:-......--,......:...-.
cial bondanid Was by naturendespot. and
contemner of theilaw. In Veilt houses they
I were Warned—thdroices of Spinner andWride
r, Of Chandler, of St ''vens . , of Bontwell, of Wit.
1 Rams; fell nnheeddupon liSticss ears., The
people cried out" ipenelt !" hilt therr sleep
1 ing sentinClJ would net heat. i Now, the 're,
hellion is renetited;l now.. the''same 'purposs r '
strengtheitid by ac+essitts of Party strength,
are ddi an th set forth i s A a proel ama ti on, the 1
fuli meaning "of wlitV.t,il4ll onlYt be known if'
Pennsylvania or Nb - n'tork. Igi, Democratic:
in the; next,: elections.. l ..' Speceil in ',either Of
these States will 13, follow - cd by, cf.sceutitut
. •
ance of all then
construction lairs; a renefeal :of the, declara-
tions contaied in the President's message de
manding.thu adthission
, of congressional del
-1 egates; on the ground that the SOuthern States
i -
are alreadylfully rcorpinized'. and constitn
' tionally equal with the ' resti. of the States, and
the forcible 'expulsion of Congles if it shall
fill to. compirwith the President's tiinperinuf:
demands.: 1• - ' i j - ' . .
To enable him. , n command ` ' 'the absolute
, ._
obedience of the entire p , rsoir , lidi of the eNe
'euti7e branfll of the,Gorcrument l ., 'Civil and
militar-, the !President has issnod a 0.nel:1-
m:tam reeit hut: his r , ' , 7l; 4 ti:lll.ioli:cl: pOwe rs„ by
which lie construcs himself to be iii(t'ari; i,.-:r
-entire ; the head of tl 'N'til -,
'entire; lir! eati .he civil and; comnlarl ;
erli.-chief of tho4m:litary officers, from — rill of
whore an pi irri t and unquestioned l olyAti aloe
"is derminled. I I '
The vroelarnatlon
_allctr,es that the nets of
General military cornini , nder, and
his sulyirclintt'rs in ca.rryino out ho ',rolls- .
sions of the, Reconstruction ,lawtt passed by
Congress,' baxie interposed imp6liinentB 'and
ob4rudion* in the Constitution itrid laws of
the United !States/in North and Sontir Caro
linarand that "reasonable and well founded I
apprehensienilexist that such ill l advised and'
unlawful prFetteding,s may be :Tarn attempt
ed there or elsewhere," and rank*, it tho 'du-'
ty of the President under such circumstances
to call upori"tbe land and navall forces" to
secure thc faithful execution of the IConstittt
tion arid laws. I All officers civil and milita
ry, are reminded that they are bound by oath
that they will support and - defend', the Con
stitution against 411 enemies, foreign or do
mestic, and will hear true faith and allegiance
to' tbe same. Tho numerous talcreFto are so
arranged as to form an ingenious network.. of
construction, which places all poWer in the
hands - of the President, makes him, the think
ing head of the whole executive; Machine,
reduces the whOle army and . navy
; and civil
service into - nibgnestioning slaves or iiis . rill,
without power Or tloarght 'or pxerelso of
judgment. Thisi extraordinary and unprece
dented docuraen has been accompanied by a
remarkable circular front the Attorney Gen'
erars, Office, to the tail of which is appended_
a request for an arknorrledynent of the reacipt
thereof. It !sin be sent to all the military: anti
civil - ofiloers of the Government, t And ' the
quality of. the official will. be ; Alaternshted by
the character'of his answer. It , is esPeeirtlly
important for the future deliclopmen!' of the
President's revolutionary programme that he
I should pea the army, and ho it able an.rtouts to
' ate i r t a i n Ms - areet nunaier . of Gorernmient ' em
ployes lan sortS in this Dialrict ha' eit7 rely
, upon to standby Mtn in running' the ntodiinery
of the Corer:2;7lmi taken he clectate.i ,eongrem ,
Weed ant! as fare A ease(f Dietotebe. 1 I
tv .' - : : - - 1 I
I ns for drinking
rinana are' irelig-
N, the famous
and of an army
lry soldiers at
ion League in
in, Fauquier
i z. 7
!..1 •
1 1 1
t 1
..-.- - .A - DVE.iitTISEIUIENTS ! - - .7 - 7 -
ikki..._-- • • .r.-...
s tio - , • siinei. is illider* it *i !till! Sai. .-10 P' S,
icituye for tires 1 t:eitlon., iiia. ror r eicti iaisespittili'llt; !
'igrtiouria Oar.' A:liberal,. dlseolat.modotr.:.-.1
adscrtlecusettt! ! ., : .1 1 .• ~ - 1 ' ''.- i , .; -
1 4 9,i61 , , t4i 7 FW,linCis 4 - ttila fisAiiiii .
o stinaisr: 1 1 7 :•-f - • .• -- ..„., _ --...- `._: -. --. .f:',':.i. - 4.•
r: llgsine*Z+Totic r bs, settituter atrAtut b7 . lboo , teitimliklipi:
tnottiately the 11x 1 .11..ttgio, will bettorpa titisiiii -
tiitcn csitis alliie tor, cat4.4""ivii: -- -rs'. - 1- r; '': '-'' :-
. liarrtirms stifqtoothsranztonnood t 0 .% oilitairpl";
- !lite pttblishrt' reAerves_tilo. rigbt to th e logeattlot
tiseinQOts from ono Vaie ln - filo paper to Ausisillooti
-viliene,yer it is Osirtbis to Ao so. .
- Aitt'virtlieri=lo ih:otilitbo toirsioos — ***o6o# i
noon to itmnr? inia.crti4m in tyilrmk's paper! .
Idr - .- '
' _No : such aUt . of,. egret ism ltas ever % attetplit•-•
cd by LOlliS 3,,:ilk)(1101 daridg iheeo‘P'cr . dat.
of 13:;1.- In liiii - taSej Do Kerby telegraphed
to the. Government ernplo3-Ces • thrti..4umetkp•ie
'''' . j '' pit l l .isiii
lution..witglaft ,acmn ~ ant t wo hu ndred:
twenty-five meniberr
; of the Igationat 14iagi i i...._.
ltly were in Prison aint - iinir
, 4is- dart ce (#. :.,AA-ri . ncirinttpr bilead;e:,wie,h tolerable
certiiintY„ i'. 1 '
', '
ThisefilY diselo weof tbelfesi dan' ' lju
fentien!',rnglt t { rsufice.for the awakening of
the country to Yet of its diegereL *
We are 4upidl} l. , glitling . into the storinc bf 4•
Other biO4!dy revolutiop, cif : Which the ?rear '
• • • -,
dent is cliKponsiiiiator; and" iri: whieh ~on .. •
laic enemies.expeettOnseircainst nil the - awns'
treasure, and povrer of tlic I.l.mted peat es qo • -
e i l rniuctit. - A' few tdore mrtnths of\ Execut
ttsitrpation and there will hamothrig left' ' ...
that Government bet a single will There'
only- tindman.wlitse ; moral influeuce to-day ~
can save 'the. country by startling itottt of the ; .
fatal aptitity . int i t whieh it has fallen, anti
arousing it to a fullieottekkusneaa.of',..the dart ' i
gerthat menaces itslife 7 lrcishini n_elirori.'
. ~ ... ~.. ,
ArratFtimen i t
.' r An4reur ;
.11?Im• ;
- . •,, , , I _____- . . - 41 ,-. ...,.
- 'Major fleiWra Lor,ll - d - deliyere4 a Ton and ._
tdgoroud speech l at Ilawilton, C/bloi on Wed- . 1
neadai,in vv"hiehhe arraignedfthe bemocritoy.
for their e'rfrnes andlnfamy,ah4 said of :Alai , '
drew Johnsen : - ,'T
5 1 , ... ...
• in the e ',
Tell me tor' (la i if•YO' had Jeff. Duvet
Fresidentialicludr, Or Mr. Robert ' E. too.. ,
: I
could the have dime ore; for , the rebels . lif I
this land than .A.'ndiewl Johnson Pis — lien 44;
has heenTri:sidtint7i - If they'ciiiiii, I would;
like to know in ,wh at 'way they could havej
done it.: ',lf Jeff. iDa4 / 131 had .been Freto4o. l 4;( ';
what Would he hey& denb? - He.wonldltaie I
reeurned. ; alltho Properly to the rebel's that ;
they had' lost, e-itindrei,v- Johnson his dime I
that. Ifleff. Dri / Vis'imol been President . lie
I Would_ have parduned t4l the rebels that' risit-'
lel' ititii 'for prirdlai. Anilrmir ''Johnson .la 4
i done that and More tuel ' If Jeff. Davis had:
bceri. President- he would .have
I this CongTess,' all called - Amu a set trait- '
Iors:. Andrew J hnsOnj, has' , done that..: If
I Jeff. Davis had b'eeni'resident hcwciiddhave:'
• ...appointeil retie' . goy . r rccirs down" Southh' to
I , .control those Stetes.l. ; .4ndrew' ; Johnson 'did
, ' the , 'same thing) - If Jeff. had 'been ;
' -- '• t. D avis '
- --,
; • Presiclent`he sionld - hav,e vetoed 9,1 e,; rim):
I 1110ECS , 'Bureau_ ltilL 1 Andrew Jelmaoe -, (I'A
• i tl i rat.•,,lle, would Intve vetoed the eivilitiglits
' ! • bill. AndreW 4) . pin:tarndid that. He .•Woulit
, 1 have vetoedthe rst I:feconstructioe 'tiet.:.!if
. .. ,
• conigrqs, and all the Other acts, winch ' 44 3 -•• - •
drew Johnson h done... - ..; . - ,
. . . . ,
i • Illtistork - .4111G - wiciaer , Vaiser;. - 7
• . The IVaside - r,ton ~Correspondent ;of the
1 - 1- rp,
13ostrin Daily Advertier, under date of Sep;
i tember .9, says: . I 'l l --'-' . . • . • ' • -
The Associ4cdpress dispatch of Friday
j evening, relative o:General Grant-and Gen
' oral . Siekli?r, was quinsy 'from , the' White
,fl-Tonsc.,.and is it Characterrstie instance of the .
lunderhantled id . id .ontFinptibie. manner irf
I which the . ,Presitle 1, i - trying to damage*
General - Grant iry `Tillteing Min in -it.false pos..'
j ition. The ; Eeetitiv - e• as gymmeeder4n: ,
chief 1, 1 , 6f conrsecoptesof all the Corres
.f*pontlenee ktweciT ton..Orantand Gen.. Sic
k-1 les, and in thisjeasellie Cannot -Pretend that '
lany obligation of pivacy, prevents hi i tA front' .
i making the sorn'spoilencd . :publie.. Ile
;tiloosos,hoWever, to ll print but one-letter, and.
'.does this in such a way as to-, make I General:,
Grant 'seem insubordinate: 11, stienient jof
` the case in fullas,theref l ore 'proper... . '
I:General. Gran(wai made. Secretary. of Ir,ar -,
ad i,:teri,;li on the 1:.:1!h o'Angust. .The fol.- '
Ilowirig:Was tic regular day fat the Cabinet'
meeting. He waS notified of this fact, -andlin
accordance thereWitli attended. Mr. .Binelt ,l l -;
I I, 1 - "3. .1 - - 'I ,
: ley was just then beg with the
i Sickles case,'lind !.rreSent l ed his • views, and ,
/ ctlisiii. p ers ua d e d ihe Preiident that the corn/. .
I m •en i - ...
der of the Sedondi )Illitary District' was.
lin a contunttcioui allitille .. General Grant
i was therefori , . l directed to . 4ria tie . telegrams'
ior the 1::th, already publis hed, notifying him.
1 that paragra lib two of hie general order No:
i 10 Must not. hit construed to bar the petion'ef,
'United Sjtatesjeonrts: llt ha s been asserted.
i over and nver, again in sptial dispatches, in-
i spired by . the President, th it General - Sickles'
I took the resensibilitk i of disobeying this eke
! eutiveiorder made - thrpugh General' Grant,
and, asked its suspensicin until such time as it'
should please him to mike a' report upon the •
matter . _ at issue. 'T.he utter falsity of this
charge or insimiationwill be shOWitirhen it
is stated that itoyas slrspend'ed. by Gen. Grail;
lie sent the telegraui ofithell3th inst. on, the
evitning of
c hat tifiy„ , et,
.the suggeitiori
,of the
PreAdent. •
7he very 'neat mornieg,aftei thinking the
matter over, and considering Mr.' binckley's
ea pzrttcsiatcments, GenerariGratit,irealeluded
that it ; was ito.more than fair to give'General._
Sickles also a hearing, and Ire, therefore, on -
his own responsibility and ivl thout consulting_
any one; telegraphed again to-'Gen : Sickles,'.
.1 . . . .
suspending the - instructions of the preflotti-.
evening, and dliecting him-to make a Wire:
port of the case', j with the re.asons fee his 'ac-
tion, to the headquarters of the army.
It further appears thaton the 16th ult. the
matter was agate, brought before the Cabinet
andprgued!hy Mr. BinkleV. On the _l7tlt t '
Gen. biekles sent the brief telegraphic report
embodied in bis full report jUst published.—
Gen. Grantlatid in the meantime looked into
the, matter, and_ this brief reply convinced
him of the propriety of Gen. iSickles! action.
land he therefore,' on thaf same day viz : the
17ih ult., directed him Ito follow his own .
views, laud conside'r, the, dispatch of the 13tIt. •
ult. as withdrawn. • 'lt is ederstood that at`
the same lame, or within day or. two, Gen
eritj Grant also Wrote to General Sickles a let=
ter signifying approval of ids cone.
- The conclusion of the,Whole matter is ;tat
the, President has not only removed General'.
Sickles but he has venturedto 'revoke Alen:,
Grant's order or despatchi of the 17th OK- -
The General Crcler numbtrAo 4V/en:Sick;
les has been continued ,by Gen. Canby ;- but
that he found It in foteq 'when he took cope:._,,
mond, Pinekley, and thePyt iidant to theconr .
krary notwithstanding, Is due to Gen. Grant: