The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 28, 1867, Image 3
.. . The Be a ver- A.l .. rgus. , 1 Pollards . Cause..—A Mend has brinight to this lace a-circn ar which he found a few daYsugo, , jn..: • -, • ailed 'by dm pub rs, she of Pollard's lost Canoe, In' --- , — , ----1 this circular it is tated that the book 'itself Is Wiitten ..ity 441*:ard A. ' .ftert, ofVhgints,edltorofthe Itch. __..lmood Examiner' tiring the war , and compriatal a toll and authpritic a oant of the rise and progress of the late Soafhenf co federacy—the arpfilpa,liatphs, in cidents find adv tures °file most gigantic stregille or the world's his to . PomPlete,intineteirriergyal octavo volume of ne ty Pages, with tweet ' -tour splendid. J I, steel portrait; distinguished- Coninderate.- leaders ? as folloWa t" th follow the limes of the twenty; fonr, anioug wl we may mention Je ff Davis, J . d , Benjamin, IL. Wee, J. c. Breckeitridge, sild e m E. E. Lee r Stonewall Jackson, P. (a. T. Seaure. gard, Marti:in rirgg, 1i...u. Forrest, J. B. Hood, John Morgan, &c.) , r te publisher further State that they— ... Take pleasure in romfamting that they have secur ed the talents ott , brdistint, hed Author and,Histori an, to preparing work Ivo. yof the thenie and the OCCIVIIIIII. _ , The history of he rampaish d has ton often fallen to the pen of-las vi hit."and to tniarejustl6., to thit 'Staab erp canse. the pgri inth.t be taken by some Southern man who is williiig to devotehia time and his talents to the vindication i t his countrymen . In a history which shall rhallentm tt e criticism of the intelligent ,' and in vite the attraitia ofAll honest Inquirers . . -- [ :. It Is wiliest f r rit to eay that the abject; of thlubook Is to show that t e rebellion shoutedive been at faeces. This fact stands ut on evetYpage, at d no edntt is made by the'antl Or to corieealli. At the botnim of the circular it is ate that . J..„Andereon le the agent. far seater count , and will saillett ordetis for the above work." . .. I Thit'"i.t. J. An' the"lA;st Cause" the young genii to conclude that rent's direction. candidate tees , gutnent in tarot c unit shows his atbls side. Not VEAVEit, AtTaST 2S. 1867 Locai and lwi.soc . llaiiooos. ---.- • ttiSionial..lit:; 54 Fifth itreet; Pittsburgh, to thd - an agent for Tur. Anurs in that titi2 New Adverpsements. . . , pie attention of the rblie le directea .tp ' the tot wave IVIT edveylti.emeabi,' which aPpear. :fur the arid nine in Tux AnitOs,io.4lo . ._• .. ; y r s„,', Agrieettural Impiements..lLT-4. Knox - g-e-reachera Wanted-Freedom born. -. . ivy-piste Notice-S:l'l'nel (J.'l'atteriou.. . • Of'Special NOtke . l . 4--Vs1;5 011 & Stewart. get-Special Notiees-Nillpson .t Brown, i',--Sp:::clol Notice--i. .t J. Rep:Wield ,r,..Pretoluat ilat.,,Acriculturol Soefoly.. • Ltr Bounty Areoent--drerne townahlp. 1 1 . Viking.Vestiononi:-On tut Tiinntilay a Imo'. her of d e pofiticata - li e cre taken before Jnatice Imbrle, of 11,6 pjace.iu a di vorce.aire pending between Thos.Wilw tars end wife. The tbrmer is the plaintiff. • rit.l3lC.--Qt Tuesday of lent week. the young t oe of liopewep hiwnettlp, tills county, had a very Large ple-nia. at Loggtown . Grove. Some 300 couple u:vr , preettt on the Occasion, s2X - good. time gerierally .Ra-i the remit. . . Opening: of.thti Public Sch;ool.—On noticing Ise the pnblie erhool of ti!fr place opened sOn,after a Aioniim of four weeks. The tehehet4 %yore absent Ant rang the vocation, bat are all at tilde poet again. , e;anetCry Lots.-Our readers wilt bear th mthd that to I NVednesday. the 96th) another public sale .t, cemetery lota takes plate on the groutida, ha Oar liosm;:h.nt the Cemetery Associatiuii INgsons desiring to pm,lto f elots shuuld nut Eat to attend the eale,arhielt tat.-foal It 1 P af. • Mobheri In Rochester.—Some person or par !km,. unknown. brolte l into the gnnamith shop of Mr. William Craig. in Rochester, thin county, nu lag Wed ni7d.and stpiv there.from tnia doable harrrlled shot cm* ts;iptbree . The' stint guns hid "Wm. •,.,4 y , itocheAer, Fn n "' staapet iipss them. Necktie to thr robbers. • Tamp Mooting at IFtioa.—the eatnp"nreetlng st e:in Valley: which commenced on the_ Mt, .clased tt. twilit.... on Thursday the 22A. ' The attendance anfiatt th. meetinglarge, thn ‘‘..3110.r all the being as favorable as say one could dellre, Ti . . . noticed last %vault that on n Angie :'fine In 1,2V - nrdy's pmrden 178 unmake were counted. then forty limn• have been developed. Though nil. report is an =Vial filet., it le, too big a thing to es pea every body to twlieve!--- Treynalburg* Republit3e• Leg rrushod..-7-Cin* Thursday morning "last, an .nmplo.rce on theltitts. F.W. and Chic..vo Itallroad,had le4..h:iir the hrihle, horribly smashed near Fiume ionnly. by the cogs of a hand car, which the ‘‘asii.:lii;ret , to work at the tune of the accident. •It ray thought `ey throe who witnessed the casualty that -amputafion would he necessary. . The Ruth and Little Case.—The case of Rnth :Ind Little. who tyere "Doggers attorneys In • the Dins more runnier rase In Waddington: canity, and who wrm ermigned by thermal and bar of that county for •nnornnilnrt In the trial, tritsheardly kin Honor. dodge .ichesta , . yesterday. Ir,l'hatre notheard the result. but It mill end In their being struck Dom tike list ;of prseticing attorney,. In that county. cidei• 111111 s, Grain Denby lte.- - -The Eaten ;lon of the readers of this paper JA directed to 'head ,,ttiAment fn another eniumn. of J. Knox 4t. Co.. littshnrg, Pa, , whn•are extensively engaged in the .vie of Seeds: Agricultgral and horticultural imple ve.m.. Farm lihWhioery, tr„ SC. Persons wishing exitiang in their line eboniti gire then acalL A A Mae In the littrer.—On Friday afternoon .pittr rl,O in the Hier afc ob€ercable at thle place. came tlr some 1 feet In• a ; e'en,' short time. bet 'commenced failini-againthe next morning. ' The rise aim. acclaimed by hi:wry rains up the Monongahela the day before: It enabled quite a number of Steamboats to •puttnat." and consequently river men were pret ty emit r fin Saturday morning. • „tlkized Ilor«e Tltlet Arreated.--on last Wmthe , lay. Constable ['raven. of Nov Brighton_ ar n ,, h,1 and brought to 3.lll'lla:tan named Morton; who it 1. n!! ' mo d belong? to a gang of horse thieves. opera tin: in t4teni Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. On the r.llowilig day the eherlff of Portage county. Ohl°, 04.ptitY. hnd 3torton labectawiry from here, and to thrit.comity. wh . ere he will be tried on a'eharge of horse cy.allnff. committed there some time ,ago.. MoricT, understand. we. rlll.l'd near the Bearer and Laii ntwe'r,.nitty line, In this state. i n irmi t r c ! neorn In ,the Shennntinith Valley writes •:n rvrlieut %id' hi■ toe., loads and fires nrrurntPlv with how and nrrow, threads a tordlo and FelV,t , with it.—E.rrhange. We know n :1104 Democrat who imposes thn enfMn chlo'nwiit of .the:neerti on acconnt of his Iftiorance.:- 116..rutme,thuo. : Ids • Jonw - x Mara. • .- mark. yirontrhflo JRII.—On fart Thu evening, an Inotfoi:ive mtin - na - mrd Warner, residing Invheldp,eira br. oar hronOtt to jail. We undertand that he LI to fit , of in , .3nity, nod .derine one of theee he committed 4omemi4detriranor„ for which if was thought to I:11W him ink) eti6tody. Shortly after he - was brnneht here. however. a friend came and weattds se curity for a pprarauce alcoved_ . Bern Without 14egn.—On but Friday evening enc• azeti uh‘tut twenty-fiveyearsjwittinut lege. matte Ais ritilwnewcti In our streete, in a little wagon, drawn hr tt man etnployeA for tha f ipurpnee. Hie arms and, wcrettiltMof little or no eervice tohim. nts up pml to the people of our tenvnifor pecuniary neeleaanee lihrri•l) responded tn. He licionee. We believe. !•'ther - ei rer 14.tb.ihnr^2. wheri• it ie said he le in of rrnperfit nmonntlnz to Xl5 or, ae ctnittlatetl* app(4lls In prehlic.i7mpatily. •., The concert. .-Ttle Musical concert giten by Prof. juhupton's normal class , In the M. E. Church of thin phiee nn 'IAA Friday evenine - wao very well attend 1. and as indeed 11hig.hly creditable perfonnsace.— s. , m, flfty 9r Flit" - different 1)4 , 04 of muck were ten hy the elm.. and not a jar occurred in either At them. The enpa. 3 ire rtider frOrn what we heard and • .1w nt entuilrtlhare made very rapid pmt • and needles.. fh,rrefnre. to nd.:lthit -Prof. • (Annum luta hb.rod a.foatrkonely and efficiently .- to "bring them 0111V.S. • 11 f4i.c7Inrned e -I-On last Thursday, the clveellitlC lums e of Mr. Levi liamea. in Greene tiourruildp,..thls as discovered to be on tire. Mr. B. himself ftwit home at , the time, and as no persons were aear except hie wife and a young girl, but little was ae t..tripllshed in ;staying thti flames. It was : not - long, however. nntll'oome nelghlitarit arrived, but not until the nee had made such progress as to render it Itoptia ,thls ro sec' , the house. It was entirely destroyed, to -Mire with all that was within it. We have beard it , _sever ,tlett in additioniti the furniture, clothing. lure,a,, , nm e two hundred dollars in money waslike." eomumed The loss is a very severe one to Mr., Berne, . , The Stile Teachers' Aserietation of Pennsylvania, at it: annual sesekin held at Bellefonte, last week, elect ed the following oflieera for the ensuing year Prel•ident --Edward Brooks, of Lanraiter. fire Preside'nts—.llies Eliza Bishop, of Hartistintg 3 h:.1 1 9;:c..5. of . Allegheny; Professor Helga.; of rock ; .Protstsor Grant. of We'strooreland. • ' F leV , Htariec - -Professors Harding, of Lanealiter, and F,4 hlleAer. of Lehigh. t ressurvr—Amos Bowe, of Lancaster.. , t'ommittre—ionea, of Erie Rant. ' 67 1 u s hargh: Jack. Westmoreland ; rip, of Clinton, '— ' ll :lParior. of Philadelphia. Allentown, the capital of Lehigh county. was Select, th e place of nest unnnal meeting. • e I WEAV In•Vanport, Augrust 7th, of cholera in. Gr Nie "lintme... ) ,=.We noticed in our l ioeal I faritum, Hut ' Ettna, only daughter of Captain co.tuuti 1:1 eel:. that ' d. N4ble graham , of Ohio G eorge an d m e .„T, Wtiaver. Ago it months.. had a grape vine Mia year : nearing 1.747 CALVIN--pn the of August, l ad 7, at the ~ n ' r e e r apei upon it. t4P behig toeth heaviest fever Connty Poor House:Balser CaWin. aged 37 forted. Mr. G. was entitled and took . kuve "i r i , iltie e,. eTspe ':isene.". Since them, hosts- YearA. Is , • • - .4fßochvt.ter, ed a e t t e nArTis i ns )r: thatteZt h ra d v l i e n r el 513THLF.Ratt"—°11 Saturday' August 1364. a ler. or the Fiketke of cholera Ir fantum, Willie, In son of 1:1--vid planted in 1847 which now hears Luz hunches . aodrA,Thate Sutherland, aged 1 year-and 7 tale. e.rapes upon it. This excee ralinT yield 216 bunches, and beats all others .2,%teis Brightini,-01 , the - 24th 'hat have beard of this or any other year. If we : Just,. Mrs : Lydia T. Men4miluill, it the BSI year of beg n m u .s Ce .. r h o f tt . tod the ceremony, therefore - we would take age. _ if,' off of Mr. G. an d pat it o n ourf riend ,the I SMITH 1 .. "rwtot Rande] 1 emote' is ' 'the win 411. B. Anderpon, Ohioan for county treasurer : and as n Is livinewith . hia father,lt Ls;,totfe • e ngency-tai:taftett uiderit he , pa- II so, ,the Sather and Denricradc ;surer la engaged In distributing an ar. f dead rehellion,While tdallinicm'oPpo 4464 in the empty sleeve that hangs —nit I '' .. lioose yinl betla - lenthesl in6n r . - In Distrenr.—Mre. Pollani;wife of the author of. the ••Lust Cause," le itt Italtinpre In tiistresa. She says her httsbani his esertedllier:-i•PittsVniyh. Corn 4. merriai eale •h. • , . 1 -: , [ - The attention f Mt. S . J. Ande'reon, who Is the agent for this county ,ttte work abeve ; referred, to, is re: speedup) , att • ato tide statement. If he', has an y . funds in his de realized fro* the sale of this hook, he ehottld hen theta over to Mrs. P. at once. We hope 'Abaft? of h is doing so before many moons "wax and wane." I • I • i Shooting, iir:—On Monday last an E nitfortn welt nate shooting a air to 4 place In Wes ..NMe Castle. There was aom family d:diculty be n John Wal ters and Samna Smith, .brettemin•lavt. -MT. Smith had been to Si t Wal tens' residence in e morning; and it is stifid tan enchanter tO.c.k P eee-botYiteit teem, when Waters forbid him to' retu7n to bielprem= tma , again ; to etc?, Smith, did not heed . - 4 1 0 ;rarning , - and al. the dinu r hoar made a second Atte-I: l 'm:Km Mr. W;Tters, w • en the atter drew a r volver • llpma Smith, - and eh bins In •• left should and right p.l - 'Tieing ' p .ity cove ly wonniled, to re l turneji to Ne 4: Cestleen had his • • •;• • dressed, at ; hisVcrwn r esidence, by I . John . and Inch. Wallace. - ilic bone In Ma an I. pony. fortable and d ng an cri der the el rc amps Mi:11 11.41rosa neon. whit:. o, land and Pitts engineer sudd track between Posing him, h nigh to him. and the engin the Incomotitc diotance from up, and found very badly hp and coiiveyed ante was . p . heed, and whe profupely at t both ears. II I idence Is in or se - con - MA he w juries, though My. Reed ha before leaving, %ester and fin; drinking preti svaA under the laity occurred.] Apianyilt d Battery.--nn last TurSday avel. ntng Al diftkul y occurred a Fhort distance below the': court floroo_ youtT man nand Dean. of n. . . . Wheeling. T tinii ~ a iinnford T. Andernon, of thin plaer.. The ln ter is repnetkl• to have milled young Deon'the fouler' . name! , of which he ennhl thlnk.lieehlea Speltillg TOTY igrePpeCtfUlly Of Ms mother. 11(r.117. A.:. Griffin, who is the untie of Mnnr Deitn, stepreg inri . and politely sAlted Anderson to desist in the tisd of each lantrunge n *reference to his sister (T)sin's moth cr.) Andel-en , instead of stopping. continued the 31.4 e t), his . foul la atm, Wisen Orient contain himself longer, as:-malted him until he promised to be have himself. On the' MET:drift 'morning .:Anderpon sued out a w. .nt for Griffirea.arrert: lie (91111101 %%lip tiftetivftnb , liken before . Jtipticeirrtbrte, n'hoUDund him over for hip nripeanmce at court. - . . ..• ; • In a short time afterwards JinderSon wait arrested pnd brought before the same jneme for assault and 1 attery. and PI .ty of the pence, nn oath of ynnntr. Dean, st!ove retlyrrr , (l d. Ve prish to take 'no par( 'between the‘iwirtles. but It ninst be evident to almost every per son here that layming 'lkt.s. Anderson la.cettlntr. Into too many "sc ' 44 or his tmssent nr inttirereltare.— Thls'is the se's d time he has been hound over within Ar 114X;ean MIME= vhould Ince b n the inetanne of the , fr It 18 kitcrorn Reaolution , w State Legit , tat tho coanty,to to eel! Wort nOoni on the rahle to keep politicians, a d to conceptrnte the whole Temper ance enertrr o the electors, in the effort to suppress the gliandc v cc of ;intemperance ; therefore, thean del-signed:bac ng 'been desigmaled by correspond ent of a coup paper, for that purpose, and in our ar dent desire to eethe people liberated from the bon dage of thin ! rent ;evil, issue this call. On the :Id day of Sept. netting, at 14 o'clock. P. M., in the Court Mouse 9f Bearer; there will be herd a Mass ConVentlori cif the friends of Tempetance from an parts of die - County. It is proposed to o-danize for the defeat of . speakerewlll he present. The committees of the several Tem )Ctunce organliations. in the County. already appointed with refefenceto 'this ;matter, are requested to meet the undersigned, .t Ltie Court ; Hanie, at 6 cicloek. P. M s of the . t . day :a . ova named, tiutOrr c alaybe;canicoit, of action. J. J. - MIL AR, • I t B. BRIF .W SEL.. D. P. LO , THOS. CREERY, J. F. D VD. CoAret,.—fpntt begins its session i 4 thle place on . 'Monday. beforeill continue for two weeks: There is a great ampunt oTbusinees to be brought it. and we are nom trad that thud' of it Is .of,a eitntinai character. T re are,9ulte a number of prisoners in the county j. These we presinne will be "thinned out" as rapi d"lo posalble atter ,tbe.cOurt opens. RAYL—L4TRAX—On the VA Init., by the Rev. Samuel Pattciroun., at the residence of the 'bride's father: Mr. di R . l Rayl and Rebecca J. Lonthan, both , of Beayer townehip. Beaver. county, Pa. 'hut Fluittered--be se:corft- It am eelld be expeetedun- Pee Journal-1 eeldent..—On last Saturday after of the passenger tial Ili on the Cleve. urgh 1141lmad was peeping; east, the nly4;ocered a Mari laylrig on . the nd i and . Beaver station. Before wecer the locotnotice 'bad ; got well Down breaks," was . gniekly ;sounded, rereraed, hnt all :,would not do— .. struck him and knocked blm some track. He was immediately picked Fbe senseless and to all apPearanceit. Hews taken On board of the train, to koeltester, 'viltere medical attend .ured. lainries were- about the i I brought te Rochester le wall bleeding e month, and blood was oozing from name wee Thotkag Heed and Ala res. ear liookstown. - this county. At lase living and it was en - pposra his In- CNCTe, would not prove fatal. been In /leaver - during-the day. and or benne, bad pissed threratrlk Bridge heater, where It Is said, he had been • freely. 1t Is needless to add that he n dueoce of Ilqxot at, the time the cam' • WNW; 0 TIFEWPERANCE Hr.:am - max COUNTY. Call to Action. o ;the ekszerrt :Or the conntY That a prwell at the Japt„ session of nter re, requirintr the of the voters of he taken upon thegnestion of ficeape ttiik *item—the . queiUou to he Tete4 Tnedny of October next. It ie deei le !natter entirely ant of the lianas of I :514R,13.1ED. DIED. • tb 27th of August 1E47. In Rochester • tt..mith, aged about 21 yoara. • Hnntins Slaeaberrtes i--er.llllll;iilaes.- OS ED: Annus : It was %beautiful tattriiing to Auguit; I *ember ell*ra we 4 fOr it wan nettrly'seven d'elock, - and the seiSAftg - itteit meet be at Awl!. poets, to ben the tolls of ,the day.— Me sun warn fairly up, and the tender blades of grass On.ttm Midden glistening.Tithrdew drops, romp to, kiss Ids cheekuTbeame. .." - : Eager to. p be off, I !wised mybastitr-prinizedhapch-, the village, where I found Mr. M. waling for me, with his littleone-honse wagonload Worm:tales whaprOpot ed. Waco:46*y tie our quessfrost . th e Insciouitikuit. One or Melia :prov'ed to boa genulieriPtialinen trOm 1 .Pederforsd, sat theiother had but recently, lifted her foot from' &tree green sod, - and was troweeeking her fortntie 1117;4 - Merthyr. '-''. ' " • ''''" ' e 1 ..' We were g o on our way-to thst histepercytields. distant frame 4 4 e vgjagOitrekty-ineiAp..., /Mei we 1 bad ascended the bill that Overlooks the village; and iel bed fairly gaherd,the temp cpiudis - , the PrefPfii* unite enchantin. 'Wel! 'cultivated' faints itreteh hi as far as the eye. could reach. adorned' with green delds.6l' bloonthig corns,: andiotted with 'nuintsions shocks of outstanding grain, while here and there could be seen groups of merry barrette', some of whom were, singing snatchee of familiar songs, af forded Orarietly that wee hr the highest degree Inset ring. . In ailttla 'time:We - had reached the hithe'sl . sidi,? of the field wheie'welsoped to faltour vesiels w it h the coveted:troll. Mere we stopped just long„enough to allow the. Women to get out, and:cider the field; • then we &ore oil to the-woods beyond, and fastened our horse. 'This done,,Xr. W. began scaling . the fence; and I was I j rapidly following, when hark! .!Who ordered you to ,go Into that field to pick' berries?" came . to our stertled . . ears in hearse and angry tones.- Turning quicklyreund, we 'saw a deeply wicked man in the field jitst across the.way, apparently abont'l sixty years of egii. , "I say -who told You to gol. in there?' he again demanded. Mr. X. then 'meekly! replied "thatino Ans. la partlentsr had ordered la to gri, in, but supposing thereireio berries enough for la the people,of that vicinity and-some to spare, we had • ventured to go In 'without miens." The man acrose the nay th en declared that he was the owner ef,thit berry patch., and 'had to pay enormous taxes, and bad n't been able to get one bucket tokberrhre the , pea a on; and -Pon my soul its too bad !" - Storiping to take breath, he coutiuued, "You have beeiti here two or three times before, yes you have, I knotryoui dog.!' This unfortunate allusion to the del, 'Owned to'tonch the feelings of the sensitive. brine, who al sleet Immediately lay-down in the. sand,. and rolled over and over again, to disguise hlsshaggy coat, cot relishing the idea of belog spade the hinocant Cause of our betrayal. I thensasked :the .old magi if he could tell tor where to find berrlie . that were free to the public, sind i that did dot come under the.:title of "forbidden fruit." In a moment his face lost its E cow. I ; as h 9 Vood vatiredly told us td go a little fur ther along the road, And turn down Into a tiiiitOW lane on the left, and there we would And a "God'. plenty of therni" Vile old =wit was liberal' after all. bat lt was not till he learned Whose oa"wai lobe gor. ezt.." Wo immediately.samMoned the other, mem bers'of the party,who were already up to their eyed in aseulkuries, Ind very loth toteave such Interesting ,As wo withdrew from the interdicted Acid. it was i'tlh a strong conviction that Itiosmer bekfts to the ..4 - asbyfichool. . ' Taking' np.the lle e of march, we were soon at the spot indicated by odr?dd Mend, and were pertaated to wcwknway monolested; save now and then a young ster In an adjoining, tleldmiedout,"We want them, bee ries for oarselicar • , -At was now high noon, u.nd we began to think of the lattehoon, so Mr. 3t., ;wad I etsrOd in: search of some water, which weapon . found in ste ep valley, not ki•nold y any means, still ft was. betMr than none. Seat lug, onreelvie under a friendly shale tree we began our repast, Which was,exceilent Ind eed l by reason•of our quickened appetites. Wo I. l d scarce ly ended our meal, when looking s ap we sew' 'Skid , ' the Uhl WO/11111/ . .eoMillg down - the steep hillside and approaching us, Ale called out. "kin yees tell ILO where to find some leather r • - - Mr. M., In order tahave a little thn, said, "Biddy, and how do you like to pick blackberries t 7 She looked up her face all ablaze with-heat, and covered with perspl ratio*: 'ft wit/hi was be lame; It 11 be the laid time.'• Poor Biddy I ghe had rolled up her sleeves, and hei bands and arms were all acerated by the cruel trench- IMI crone briers. I!er more phllosophicaleompanlon bad takeulhe - yrecatitioq to cover her bad with& pair of old gloves, reohilaktAtie =maim that "a eat io 'glares catcher no mice." •• Pinner,over,a F: resumed oar work, and were pie- 1 greasing finely; all at onceltha:sound of thunder buret on our oars, and the angrelhoking cloud began to seud down admonitory drops.. We hurried; off to oar wagon, butto ottr ditties,. when we tnaclieat thd horse *as gOne, Whither we knew not, Reader. yob can imagine how we felt, 1f yon were ever caught in a similar dilemua. here we were five miles truant:mine Late in the afternoon, our wagon it: the middle' of the road, two women in the company, a busbeiof berries tOnarry, and the •ra In falling thick and fast. ' - But just at this moment, 0 joy:' we espy our horse in a little: lane leading to the nearest farm hope.", and itood licUrted lady Who bad caught hits just' in the nick of time, istding him back. - • Our faithful dog had gone. to the la.:V.:old inform ilogship could•c and. her the horse as louse, in the beet 'impinge his 4 2 . We thought our roubles were now at an en s 1 d; but in this we were inlet:ikon. Just as we w • ere in the act of hitching our Morse to the ornion, We were star t•kd by a shower of angry words, falling about Our. ! care like stones from a meteoric cloud_ Looking up, we - § the field just over the fence, a man with dashing leyes and mantling cheek: gesti culating most violently, the very personification of all the furiely i jvho Idemended of hic.,74-. if,it was tine that be C a st * charged him with letting the-horse loupe, and declared that If he would only conieacroie "the fence,' he would settle the matter then and there, by giving him a complete thrashing. llt was had enough to come trespassing on hie property, with- I oat charging him w ith encb,triattoneSe.and he chuldu't and wouldn't stand IL It was well ter' both partici: that there *as "it tenet'? between the assailant and assailed, Air the .atitrle.of the former 'was threaten ing in the extreme and the mishaps ;of the day had Served to . make the feelings of the latter slightly 'impish.; But to his credit be it said, he keptas cool as a encumber. FO much so, that the atm,. min soon dr opt down to a temrierature more favorable told' heaXh, and good beitavior. We thanked him forhia berries, ass4ed htm hehad been misinformed, and left him with the ImPreiplon they he 21471,1 ., azencrons hearted man, but had faired efforts at pelf government, Blitrimo he too belonged to the 'Nersby &hoot In a few momenta after this unhappy occurrence, we were on our way."bomeward bound," nothing of s pecial interest transpired by the way, only as we were descending hlll,,Biddy . uoticed that the wheel nearest to her, had suspended its revolutions , and cried oat "Arragh what's tlxp matther the wheel, it aiut goinrodur Fee txplalhed tit l e phew.: omonen,eo strange to her,and hurried on thrciugh the fast falling rain to tier homes in the most h i ti of Ml this;k sifirtingilosig the NNW of the grand Ohio. And now dear reader, as the par tics are all tiring, don:t asir:-any epirstionci hut be content with the'llght,yoti brie, or else goalie hunt blackberries as we did, under difficulties. I MORAL—Bar your blackberries; ,and dcmi: at tempt to pick them to your neighbors nalds, pecially.if they , _belong to the church of the "Moo Dispeuldwhan. ' • f • ' Barron Aaccs: I understand that. the Conimis ploners2-haVe ►onii hesitsiticrit to ionttutimipg a suit agaluSt Odell, for the $45,50 which be cheated the county out of, on the ground, that haying no prop erty of his Own, they could not tiblikelatetigrefnnd it. If this is so, let me make 'Animation to them,' which Is this: If they. publish the recipto and ex pendituree in his paper, next year they should oblige him to agree. to .do it Rm. the san;teaponnt paid to the Argus, and• when the work ie ilotte, Wei should retain from hie bill the $45,50 which he now 'lllegally holds for. Work uglier 'peribrised. 'lf there as any way of recovering' the • amount by law—if he had goods out of which the money , could be 'made—l would advise a snit for itiltecoveryit ontiel . As this is out of ..the question; I am in favor of the dank movement above pointed ont4lll_loll Insist rtpon the Commisioners executing it. EDITOR Alters: Let me asp to the. Union voters thronghont the county - that Raccoon tOwnshin wide awake, and will do itidnty et the coining tion. We are all in favor,of a Free italityad law over here, (Democrats as well la ,Dopublicana) and as the "Loin Cense" leaders have abandoned that mean ore. - you need not be surpripedlto bear ola: good many rank and die Democrat s voting the U on Free 32ailmad ticke(oblrse 6th ot•October.. . I i 7, Amnhsi tat.t t A. TAxi.e.incs. 700*. a -. • s ~.. '.; • : -#.` _. ~- t '''' '-'-' • r ~: ADVOlVAPlFO.4 l . l ‘P a im a lmi*t,► 2 , f; salon called your corresponde nt' to Bridge water, and while I was there, an incident 4:marred, of which I was a witness, which I think will biair piblicallohMitidratlieg as it doe's - the character of some ,young mevesi ding in that town, to whom the-Word "row yr migic"4-spx.VPcjig be aPltliesi .. 4C.1 win; wig s ank die ideciple eirtiet if ttuar 1.4 village, my attention was attracted ton Con siderable crowd of young men, bOys and girls, which , hid collected together near the , dry goo d s Am of A., C. ljnrr,;,,spd,wondeeine at thetireninstatee; 11 ihfiw' add, an d ; found that they surrounded an undignified spec'- , men of humanit*, who, having a tremendous pair of lungs, wits loudly atoning the mar velects virtues a( o tooth: pcmderi wldch.he oifered for sale in quantities at 25 cents each, :which lasted for 'V•a whole 'year l" -He had drawn a box of Sr. IluiSt's near the middle of the street, on tvitich he had, placed a tip box 'containing' hie vainaltici- medicine, and had taken his position behind thera,.with his torch. I stood there wwhile, listening to his harangue, when I sac; some young men start O ff with the avowed: Intention:Of igetting thd fire engine and giving• •thp. street. orator a drenching with it. Before many mtnutes,*we heard .the rumbling of some kind of car, aci compankd by shouts . uck hurrolgt. • 4Twent rig4t 'fin' Mrttixdi :pertilit k iiitemini a bit for ilieci•Owtr, and lettingihem get out of the wayos best t y could, which 1 ) they did, scattering in all dir tions—but that individ vidual was "too ;ha for them," and juSt us 'the car was about dashing over his stand and medicine, he raised : his : hex -high in the air and l quiekly ictrcutcd two or three - steps; and the car went,rushine past. Swayer, 'poor fellewl. he - Was doomed ,to nii.Xfortime, for hardly -had hpe c oinnienced ,hiespeechakain, when- several: roof: mto rushed hastily against him; almosticknocking.hiin upon his face, and badly frightening" him. He.' was but E too glad to blow out his' light,' pit the boi Nick to its accustomed place, and retire.' Now, Mr. Editor, I don't pretend to defend the tooth powdettium, fottpf edupso Jlo* nothing but a dishonest vagrant,' who might have ruined the =teeth, of - several" childreri whom he wanted to operate upon; but I woold call your part:joule? attention to thet bey havior of the young men spoken of Don't yciu think their conduct very•reprehensible, and that they area dksgrace to any town? A nd s i n do you think It stpazigh: that _ robberies are committed in a town livett in by such young men, barbershops, broketi into so Often, and peaceable citizetis dii3turbed? Don't you think the, for even this misdetheanor these young oty . .n .might 7 be . arrgatodlor.tturcty of the peacit: I think aft, -and that you milli agree with me, thidn• cePifm &mild take , place or punishment be inflicted. • (We know nothing of the circumstances', of which the waiter of the above communicti tion sprakir, 0f coy rn ! **allow, :w.? ar! ) ;lPt , rekliOrt;i(tle statements hi: ;mikes.— ;editor; .Argtos,): • _ pmgranime for _Teachers Insti lute.. C. s e l ec t R e ad.lng•by Misa - •Side Reynolds. • Class p pe( f rapb 7 by T. J. •r . iLl in Essay bir:Wissrlisis7-*; 01466 .., • Lecture by Mr. 3f. II; Beading the Period* bY.' .Mlsa,: Nettie , Wdodrow.. , AUswerinit queries from "Query Box." Queries to be anssveTel at the next Institute. What causes the tide to' rise . ut , oppolite points of the earth at the slime; time? ' *hen can sound be heard the greater dia. tanee : when the atm is efey .when it is humid? J. ' . 1 When a wagon wit , 1. is Moving fOrK`rd • on the ground, which revolves more rapidl3•; the top or the bottom 1 • 1 ourandATlcAL DP2ART3rsvr. The,angleAi. with the angles B, and forms the triangle, or should it be form tho triangle ? Each of the fractions 2-7 And 3-7 has the same denAininator; hence, they express' parts the same size. , :The house looks "nice." ' ' • • • lie is younger, but not .so active as his mcrica NV/1S disco . vered by Columbus. In the last sentende . shonht the verb "was dis l e l vered" beyarlet las trarusitive 4ntrans itire? N. B. Addrims all enntributinns for., the Wciodrintr. ' Institute to convene at the Public_Sehool house, in Ileaser Pa., Nond# Sept - einher 2d. at 7 P.3l'. (Exercises will be interspersed with iristrumenW ;husk.) . §i'ECIAi, NOTICES: ' I & J;:Bestwick have on hand aniFfor sale the Ruby_Crystal Palace and Great Republic Stoves. Also a large variety of Grate Fronts and Fentierklllichet/IMenn.and witiscll a 9 low aft any 'other linbie: - .'''Partlettla'adtention Odd to Repairing and Job Work of all kinds. i1;ook out for Wilion & Stewai:t's Stock oflFall and Winter Boots & Shoes, prices to suit the times . . • 'You can get Sugar Cured • flamis,.. En gl+h Breakfast Bacon and Sitouldera, at VP 1 son Best Tea, COree and E!ngar . , always at Wilson and Brown's. cc— ••• • • • 159 - 3lsple Sugar and , MolitsSev,` tiVlVilson & Brown's. • . VirWitch out.for.Wiine 4e : wart's New sreival of Bohii and i- Stihk "'Gaiters chc.,.to suit the times • - • lir Go to *Haim and Brown's, for nails. ligrGo to Vi'ileon 1b Bro Wife, for anything you may want in the Gocery line. rirLeave your order for, Groceries. a Wilson & • - Try ~Pileon Sitiines Flour. , 'Don't tiirget to !obit on( for WilsOn - to Ellewart'a fresh , arrival of Fall and Winter Boots and fi/ioas.;.it will be AO goer interest. • i Cir Pure Cider Vines r, at Wilsop 113i6wris, waireited. - • • - - - • - .101 . 0/1163 . 118 HEREBY BIVEB 'TRAP Mir HITE, 1.11 - HATCTRA.4. V(14,...TER8,.bas NPE my, bed and board; alid'aMpetsonot nee hereby w arned net to plot ber on my account, aa I will pay no debts of her Con .tracting. • THHMAS ALTER& 118 /11 4.6 i • titICCUTOR'S NOITCE —Whtete litteetrittistant tiff thelestete of !toms ,rras Popo., bite. Fianklbrt bord..l3e#ee eotinlY:irt . d.."llllThig• bee granted% to 'the undendasett; all teens Indebted Bahl estate are requested:to make I retnediate ooyment andlbose hoeing doling or Awnonflikhgeinst t4e ,eerote of guild Ilece(lent, will plesett_prepeett them WegOerly authehtlented for settlement .'• • • lncuoisoN.Ezoentor.' eiiwrc;:st....; • • Frankfott bora: LAVGIIING GA4t, • -._ °MO ALL TS THAT IfAVE VEEN survEnera the Wald *ivies of toothache, and dread' of es traition. and you will and that , Dr. Chandler d ro. are reedy by the nee of'the greet paln deatreyer—LAUGllll.4lsl.GAS--and make thelrextrae.' lions anus pf,pleaeure.rather than of paid.. , All dental operations performed In the beat poeMble manner, kitunty. ht - mtaonable terms is by any good Den tlaitk. ho • ' • , - - °ta o,; te in'lleiver dtitlen, 141: T. J. CHANDLER aro. .. .BARGAINS .. Dry Gi-opda t , Ci-roceries OE HAD AT - ORR SC DANttgON'S Thiid Street, Beaver Pezm'a'. CASH PAID ;OR WOOL. sagllTZ:ty • pia. chine Awards. '; • • •••• • •-Eiroarrton Munn:ems, • . Faris, 1167. • Commtesionlatranxitz. Cairo-DE -Maus, 16 July, 1867. Mr. R. ilusiting..Vo: 139 Regnt odreet, London : DEAR dig Replyine to your inquiry. I beg to state that the only Oold Medal for the manes/nitre nod per fection of &sang tifocAthes and Beillon-hole iloohotee, wee awarded to & Wilson of New York. ; Noun, - noßectfully; • : nts -F. Q. D'AT.I9NY: Member of International Jury and reporter of same_ Another. letter of the some date: . De Fist: Replying trp your, inquiry, I herewith girt yoo tiM Rat of gold medals awarded-in my clans:. Dupuis et Damen.; for 41 ere w Whoeley & Wilson. , New York. for the manufacture hole M and pey, kehlnes Ipp fir Abe Sewirt,Machlriqbandjlutton . - _ There also. to the list cooperator*, a Gold meillevrauted to:Kr. Elliotliowe„ . ll .. r, personally, as Promnfeur.ortheliewingltscitine. , " Res_ peetfull y,5901"0. ] • HENRY - E. D'ALIGNY. Reporter of, Class No. 57 (Group.. No„ 6t. Member of the International JUry at the Exposition Unfree , . Any, peraori wishing to .pnrehase one 'of those best Sc.:wing-Machines. can , be accommodated bre:tiling at my; office, one door mutt of ?doom's Dritg Store. Dm , ing. beep ip the businexa ,of Belling machines for over twtryears and made a thorough ekamination of all Ma chines of any noterlety, I tie d the Wheeler Sc. Wil eott Machine. is Most aimple in Itu:.constrstelitm.; eaCy to understand, easy kept in order, and doer n great va riety of aewing, and works ax well upon heavy 86 upon light good*. In.short, it a the only Ya,chine that, gives. entire satistiction. All ordera promptly attended too. itaser67:3t. • R. 8. IMBRIE, Acent. THE VER Y LATEST I 6TH GRAND OPI•;NING OF spam &WEIR GOODS AT GEALY'S INT Milli nery,Trimaing SIIOE EMPORIUM! TWO DOORS BELOW STILES & SRA ALENBER GEWS WATER ST., SL..O of the EIiDTOST, BRIDGEWATER. .; i N • B _yTrAvit l'intovED THE ROOM • • , 1.. formerly 04:c upledby J. M. MICKEY, op Water rt.. , wbere 1 will be dud to ven all my old customers, and all othura favoring we witn a call - lam now receiving a large mid splendid Stock_ of latest Spring Styles of - Millinery, Tritnuitngs,.&c., which be sold very cheap. MILLINERY, Of everpdascrlption—Silk and Stray Bonnets, Ladies! and Messes lindiuns, blowers, }lnaba., dc...c.ta. • TRIMMINGS • . • Of All kisids, for Dowses and Samlnes. olmps. Cords I.sims, Chew Ms. plgeoe Ratios, Buttons, ..te. BALMORIL'AND HOOP SKIRTS, R NETS: BUCKLES, 9entlemeres lParnlshlng - GoodS, Gent's &Ladles' Paper Collars. • - • MEN/AND BOYS' HATS kW) CAPS, NECK-TIES, SUSPENDERS. UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE SHIRTS, • ' - PAPER COLLARS, ite. liltsieitry. paid GI-loves, LADIES' CIIOTHS, ALL COLORS, SPELNO AND' 'SUMMER DRESS GOODS;. AND ' i SHAWLS;VERT CEIRA.P. snotwp At" reeetrdi a large . lok eery cheap. CAS and see. MILLINERY. • - noionsrs Amami AND CLEANED, CHEAP. Stamping, Pinking and :Cloak Cutting and 141i l !king on; shot notion. MEN'S SHIRTS MADE T° ORDER. MACHINE STITCHING GALL AND SEE ME. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 'GOODS, Two doors below Stiles I Sballenberger's Grocery `i Store. sign of the BED POSTlVatentrect; Bridge water. • . DRY G -.. '~ NEVir- DRESS 00 DS • _ - 'NEW PRINTSi• • . . , NEW DELAINES • and NEAP IJSLINS. Greatly 1 educod PRF_CE.Si AMI .Tar. ZIA= WATT .GEALY. • 4 _~_ - A. Fol:tuno,l's' -IN THE -• _ • -r 3 DIAMON.I.) ' 1160C1rEST:lt, I. IN N IM • - =II MI NEW MILLINERY 600DS. HATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS.,- &c • 1 ' • . - EMI 11%rhig 4 1 t11:1 Cir the • Empire Sewing liptchine . , I , 1 . 1 reopeejtully an atamlnatloti of the , eame by . 12 &public: I . • I El Tuts Rialto is: constructed on a new principle Of mechanism, .posseewing. many rare and- valuable im -provements, having been examined by- the motet pro round experts; and - pronounced to be simplicity and perfeetioncorfiblued.- 11. n A taectumical, poineof view, the advatet-nes . we claim the 'Ramis Macturre." are— • I_ 1 . 1 ..— T h., method of drivink the Needle Bar by a eor t4 iottnd cr,q-nk. which produces the same action as beretufo:e obtain:4 by- memos of a Cam ; but in a more durable and oureeles: manner. • '2d.—We 'use a rofat-.!og shaft above the table, and thus are enabled to give !IN the romu'required under the arm ; without deteimeut t; - ` :the. durability of -Ma chines ;' having a barring direce:',,r. over the Neef r ile Bar. ad:—Our Feed Wheel is a friction- feid, and so con-. 'detected there is hut one Joint in transutinNg the mo tion from the rock- shalt to . the' wheel, anttUke all 'others, cannot be effected by oil, or dust. • 4th The` Rock : Shaft that works the Feed niodOn also drives - the Shuttle. The bearings of this Shaft and eetßretire'haidened. stOel and adjustable,eo that we can take up the lost motion at will. following pre the Prineipal_ objections urged a gained Sewing 31aChInee: - • -. L'ißteessive fatigne to - the operator. • ' 2. Liability to get out of, order.. • • 3d. Rxietle, trouble, and Ices Ordme iitteput Incapacity- to Sew every description of Material. s. l llisagrt:eable noise white in opennJun: ti . • The Empire Sewink,Maehitio; is Exempt from all these Objections• .It has It Ptr al ,Iti t needle, perpendienlar action, makes the lock or Annie qtitchi ',hid:vain neither rip. nor ravel, and is alike on both dues; perforate perfect sew-. lug on every description of material, trom -Leather. to the finest lvansaolt lanolin. with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coSreat to the finest number. - ' 6 ' 4 ',4 1 ' 4 4 ..1 • . .IT H.E.MS,T,ELLS,.BIXDS,BRAIDS, TUCKS; . QUILTS,PLAITS , andl - GATHERS:. , -'-' - '' t flaring neither elan tiOrtog *heel. and the least pos sible friction, It rens as Ernootti'as gram, aid is t _ - Emphatically a I,"olicicss Machine! 1 $14 1 .6'.4 F. A. =II it i..6* t i'.6:N T ; '', Dii ;..G004:,..•:'-'si6e., 111 ROC LUST , PA . ...,:" 0 ..r---. "-.- 7 LiCEPIINEI II . ric+l7_.'7. -- k PIit,FANTSFOI4.IC-F4t. 4 AT 7,177.5p01i0N i. , • . . I " • . sA vo it irei. -.; : : ; • Willtnt etiwn... , : ...... ..(...Thullngtob barb. Ti l • Ells-21:0(4h Rlpperl ' 4 :...tit. Clair bogs. Samuel Najof,a, Jr '" I, • - ‘,..sewsevikiderw David. Meow. -4, .. •..;.- • • - - New Brighttinueme - ' NathAß M 4.:41 , 41 . , ' D ef ile gtink ' ." ' - ' - Gterße'Snikirner - , ' -Rochester -1". . Thoinv- 4.Auliu.t. ton • . .11rldif "" ewater angl-rgiVt. ' • JOH ti i*. FRAZIEW Gilt. Official—Purls :'l4liipr .Atltiac i a Just tecelvetf,:liy-th! tax,litrelit that the pniy . oad pa machlnco INZI, , 7IIINi rded 1! truth nractureror Hu! bc.t ac irUrat d. There ei:4hty-1 ; 114:: for UM and "4r. al nwarti - C the rOIS4 OE manntactarer and Inveator. I 'awarill 'll, : .110NrF Ifnekitcr.: • "CO-notarateur promote:Y. ,cla In p chiue a ruudr!, Neckline: hi rt. 1111 =I . .. _ • The it clakilkit of. giae. w n were male Kniabts et the Deg t) of4innor; Ks pubi ltilt it., the Note, piper s reocL thus: —Monti. Elia.. tit we. Jr../dbrtritiir di nap. chines a enquire. c,rpo.fud ;' A.( itich...trportoted. iota-. English; nvads: •31r, Elipe dltee in. Toker Of [del '( 'lug dnichines. exhibiting:. . - .- , • From this It will be SMil t. at the medal awarded i. Wheeler & Wilson tine rorin. 3itttonhule Machine:- ittittnotfor t/te Serving Afifehirte. ' , MERCHANT *IA:110 Rl,',.'-. C • JOSEPH-. :-.,'ll3:liAlTil', H'BEEN CONATTITTED AGENT or H uows og.WING MACIU fite, "and Lawrence enmities: Tie i,tonitses tdg:ase fin. sate, isfaction to all wishing impurchase- u - Sewing Machine, as he theronchly understands the: Machine, having nr. etl It himself for a -number of years. The Machine has been greatly improves' hitely, and he has taken a new inteeest In them. This Machine does the Attest. as well an the'coarie• Persons ortiOni one of thiese machirest:WHlsheine strncted how to set it urOine' also instructed .by uty reit' or other arturie r petibkkifivtio." bow to use It.. -T A Howe .Niachlife' is now taking a _plate in Beaver and N-1, Chatty. frcuti t :which the beet otother macliihdit have-been excluded. • . , • - -Persons thnArJng to are these. Machines npande,ean do sollyinlling at Mrs. 'Moore's. at the boniest.** Mrs., Somers, In Beavet rt„ orat the ilplp:tif the undersign ed in Bridgewater. - • .. • • . . • • • - • • JOSEPH -11RAITIf.. au g irptr. . : - • • wAiqkz4, cmcino • On anilaftcl Apri119.,.1::(67, , 'Pinks will linve , Stitkniii• (iinriclays excc_pindlna Main leaving L*Chic!igtkni 4:50, P. M.. „. . . •- - . ~.t .: 2-oAlss tioma•a•Etre.l,7 - .. - .. ", • . „ ' • - t,,Aztlat'EN.l.4. - E:cr's.iEre'ii. ' - • .. . '''l_-•,::-....:1:1__•_-. , • , - -,-.—. Pltteln:o3 - .;-:' - -" 1 111431tc810ialf9.112Pati 200it4 Rochester , : .-,, ii 815 ~, 1040 :: 3.15 310 ; Salem.• 1005 . 122Trit. 520 450 Alliinee - • : • •1140 •.. HO.- $-030 • 559 Canton • • ' 1....":31rx 1561 [ 706 628 ' Massillon:. - ' ' ' ;1 4 -55. 2101: • 730- . Sill . Orrville • ' i 13q 253 ; WI 719. - . Wooster. - ' • .(4 .219 - "31.11.. .540 h 740 t. - Mansfield ' , ...1 . : .1i 405 - 560 1014 920. - .1 44.3 . 530. - .015--:950. cre' .) 1' • '-'..*•:" , • -'!•,' OW4A* - 0io• , 1101.1 , inoo. nuc.:- Ih ru l : - I- l i ( w, :. go . 'una: 1025 • •Cpper Sandusky .....i..• ....719, • 722 ". NtA Forest • - • •••1 753 t 755 1255 i 112 - I . Lima ,• t - ( i 1,15-... $)11 - 216 purr* l ' Van Wen • 1,11214, -, 1910 810 'l27‘ Fort Wayne • ' 11220eit; 1145 520 300: Coltimbia • • ' z 110 1230sia, 1 .. X14 . • 3463 Wamaw ; • ' j 200 121 ' ..); - 436 Plymouth 1 , " '1;300 • • 220 17/1 540 Valparaiso - '• ' '1 4.76 I Z -7 in?. 713 Cbicag0,..........••, .....i•,.. qp: 550..,... Ale, ~.9.v, . . • . - . - TRAINS 00 11 CO ZAST.• ' -1.. • • - • ' ;11E.Yeel..1EXP 4 P. F.s.`"if. ttirr • 'ti -- ji ?..-........., .....,..- ,—.. —. Chicago • • 11 '-- .7`3lA lii 450 Pat W aal Valparaiso' -904--;•• mix eta. Phnmuth lilets 259. - 810- 829 • Wilma* - "1 11135 : 428 • • 901 - 14 940 . ' Cillumble; • . ' ir1219r14 580 944 , . 1038 Part Wayne q.1: 11 125' '7OO. 1080 1115 - Van Wart • 1 13 236 j i 1 KR 11311 1252! ; Lima . 1 .". •:7", ••, 1930 1534iit -. 915.. ; 71„Ireljt - ' /, - 2413.)' • 1106. I[4l 350-", ' - Upper Stinditylef ' "503 'i 1135 21:15 --: 'l,l • i llneme • , - I 'MB : 1211zrar ' 244 511 ". Vrestlino .3 . .11(0 • 1250. 310 550 -• • - I . . %as : - zio ax, 600421: . "Mansfield I '657 . ..tug - 346 •.. '; 636 , _ Wooster • 1, 840- , #,(-_). 516 - •885. Orrvillo. • ; sin ". .430 510 . 905: ' 3Pas.illott - • - it 913 501 613 Canton • 11004 . 521 MS : Aitt , • Alliance • 311100: :625 736. - 1115. - • • Saleth • 0139 -. '667 - 759 ' : 1149 ..' .... Holster ~• • I, 12.5auj.8-65 940 ; 9153* 'Pitts ntgb - is ,ZlO . 1.950 1045 ;L 340, 'Nen' Castle- and Ijrie Exprgas Pas. Youngstown at 3:00 p."lno,•New Castle. 4:4p.rrn arrives. at Pittsburgh, 6:45 p..ta. Returning, litives.PlttabOrgh , 6:00 a. an arr. at-S. C.astle,.Bas a. trukTganatcyrnAt3o... Yonnestou - n..lCetv Castle and Pittsburgh Ancommo., dation leaves Youngstottn..s:4s m; New Castle.2:2o at: arrives at _Allegheny. 1000, ....N a. Betantingi, leaves' Allegheny, .;`.V.- 1 - p. m; • ariivesew Cantle, 6:23 p. in; 'Youngstown; 7:20 p. in. - • •• , F. R.NYEIIS., Citatral Ticket ditent:, . CLEVELAND it . I"riTSBURGII RAILROAD. • I:llvind prier Aprir2 , ..l, 1667,..traing . lea : ie 'Stational daily ktiandays eacepted) lug , . . . I --, . - ~ 1 cotr:o - solera. - -' . •• . ' I , - 1 . . • • i , It Mae. l'Esert.llatiit..' 'ACO.O* 1, Cleveland:. : ' '. 0 - .1.5A1t., 243i311 .--,..; Warm Eric-11(1 Str...Tt. ' .- 1 Fnt . 250; ', ~. 330'. fintlsnu ,• Mit . 350 - _ - , 510.- Ravenna - r• , l'.lolo .4Z.' . ...::-..• 515 Alliance , t .:., . 11110 i . 510, - ; v CM ,latill' ..111144 553' - 1,..., ....ti . - Wellsville -.• . ' t 120 - ex - 700. .L....' .... •; . . . . . .1 'OOINO - 1 , 11;;IIITIT.. - ' . ' . ~ , . :MAIL,. EN.V . V; '.. ' Accost • Wellsville - ' . -850,:a 411 Int r 4,.....,, .....-• • • . v Sayan] • •,, 1104 , b 26• ..,. ....- .... Alliance - ' um : • :lie - . . u..•, - .... 715sta , Sal - emus ' "V - 11201f* 648" , - - -1 . RIO ' llttd:ton • I , 1.236 . 1 1 1236 71$ . - r• k 1450 i Eucliclqtreet ... ... 1.... 11S7-• • tIBI ' ~.., ..". 1002, Clerel 11aL...:..... , 150 1415 • • • 1015 . ~---7------ :- .• . t ... -• L . - Go!liti.itiii.? 7 . .... - ....! t 1 •, I DIAIL. ;E*.ei.: 'Ex„?''tto4l...ccoit --.1,- -..-, - -1..... Bel air • '• 1 43Ormi MOalt 104(11.,...- • - Mi. ;.r.e , .rt - r 11 440 ' . 60 3 .1030 , ..... Ste be will° " :53.1 1 713 .., n3B . We I,Y• lle - ' '"_ -I i 7'99 1 :0 - 20 1402 W i, Hitt.. - /I Sin tle Ferry : , , 7-tl' , 542 ' ' 903. I 645.. Bel ‘ - 'e - '„ , 812 1,93 I 250 . I 733. - Roche ter ' 1.1 B'2o - '9204• • 210. v. 745 • Pit aborgh ... : - ...:"...1,..9 • 11 `,1031 350 910 , k. ,? 'P'}..` ' Joiltion mAiningig co. Y., July 37, lit enable nap annoiunlle brit:ll-bn. Aihedtle - eew•' G' t:llar Iltaxe, Jr., mirth. ==E UW BHOAOWAY r machine that was ex..- cn In eompetiA rsve - n•celeel the addition he- Leiglon j.r linnet,- art 'he exact wording of the, . Wass:sir* WtraoL t - , :!•Wheeatir, . Jfedaille d'or. lEtiqdgewa.ier, Pa qt..4.i..E-AQ".A.D - S: bINO - WEB? MIMI . .. , , • --f.• -• . Pittsbargti • - ' 1 gIISA3t 'Vern! 435rx.1 SiOrsC Rochester ' ji 711 -3a5(. WI , t'.4•lfe. • heaver - •- ' - •- 133 315 6a5 :4551 • SmiWs 'Perry ••' -• Fl3` - :313" ' :Ing • -., INC- Wellsiiri• ' - - MS - • Atm .`iv) ' • 899 •-. Steubenville... - ' i 960 '•530 -818 ~_ ~.. Bridc'eport .. ' jilln 6:30 W 22 ,;• • • Bellair 5..:. :..... ~ , :if M* - ,640 - 935 2 .... . TUSCARAWAS - • Lee .• 1 , • N. PhiladeltAkia.r4o,o4)l:33ttardillt• payard, m:PhilaVie Gfnerei . . .. ' LUM BIER'I , LIJ. MBE.% I- , ... ...• • . min HIODSH9IONED•*OI.7Lit RESPECHTITILItX .1 Inform •their•friende . 'And the - Wad.* general, that from this date, they' will yell lumber at the follow- • ing rates, viz,: i - • • -.... • . Hemlock Joiqs and Studding .- -'• ..• $ l5 per in. ' " - frame timber any length ortc,- *l6 per m.-. Pine ~' . • ,r ' - ."I' .friteorr.Peif ¢t.. ", Joistiand Studding, .;... ---_. 41. 1 perm. , No. 1. Common nlank, . •'• - ' ''' . ...!.. 00 per ut. Good -' .• • ”..; . . 120 AV. perm. No.'l, Clear pl ink,' ', '•• _ .. Cpertn. •• rend mutt. reieed. • - • . . • ,•- 0 per m. - . . perm. • A No, 1, faced, boards,. ' . s4o per m. 1 « " •2, . '1 " '.. . , . ...$'10.. 4 35 per m. CoUrMorn BOartie. they'd . 4 , ~'. A No. I,`lst,,cominon'honn% - • - P2 per m. Good common boards • 1120,p 23 per tn. Floniing, a No: 1, ' V • per In . . A tn A NO. 1, ShingleZ, . ' • .." Sflip p erper per m. • Lath -. .•- • ;. _ 1 i i Vr M. 1y17.66: • . -i., .-J..t U. DAIS Mi. • - . •:(Liieal copy and rend ithiary advertiser.) . - Coal and 'Nut coprfor Aide. IrIIII3 'IINItICESIONED THE'. patronago heltontrxrUstowed him. takes pleaattro initgrt/reettlkoha pfßoebester, Bridge- , water. Bearer and adrtouudhir ettanto,. that be is atilt prepared to &MAW an e4eetient article of I-Cpat and Nut Coal, • lan abottlibeee.lither delteeredror at the Rank.. on the,beet of tenre4, The !hulk . % lataditd. on VlCintey's Bun. nOir Rnitheater. Pa °Meta left them or at the More oF.Thlrtral4 Allieorr. in BM:tetra.' ter: or at the Pea.honotarsri office in. Tk..lser, will hri prompily :Capt.-S.3ly 14 - Agent,' Roche- rer, Pa: • ' mpurr.R. - nriciprvoter, MINIMII E U = A.STIVes r 4, IX3, • - Iphia, 1:64), p. m ?Wit Agent. _