FUSEE! I w A. '• h • AliVtair - Stritaria 4t.; • lccouol7tua, .-.• nacnieruisnentlfilocsiod la the T.01%7.4" TER. Trbaaptikttention - even. to All calls, excipt),4 whrobsestowilly engaged. • °dice: Adjoining the. "Minetton ot Wad J'lttsbufgh Itullruad Depot. 'Ruch es)ter. Pt. ; '. • ... • ! (nr!....ArMat NEW‘IIROCERIES, rrlIE - Tti:V&" CI: 'IO Ilis L. friendkand costemmi for the ciou patronage 'heretofore extended to him, takes pt In inform ing theta that.he has 'recently: made large addlyiona to Ilia-shock, and Alai he.tne now sell (A-xmlb•cyeri.es Of the fiery best queliti i i as ns they calf be porchos ml wtht; etoel; embraces the be of COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SY R UPS, f. 3IO?JASSES, SOItGiIUM, SPICES, • SOAPS, G'ANDIES. 13 . Al- SUNS, EgGLIS.II CUILRANTS, . , „... , Antral ?act ecerythltm In my line that Is uenally kept in a well legilated Grocery Store. FEEL).of - alliclnrim kipt on handt'and the best.branda of FAMILY FlDUitvatt alnlys . .be .obtained at my store, . Altenoda . dclieered if reunited. .., . jelnltly. & . • sIMOIS s'SITGER. • FURN IT USE AND 'CHAIR'S AT REDUCED VRICES-1 Or , - 001% - 'OWN AND WAS.IIIIIO/101 PARLOR, LIBRARY; , • 4 0 0 11 ) - sand CHAM.BER SUITS, ' ° In Everl;ireiirty • Style i ; SCBA9ES,. - - - 1 PUBLIC BUILD.IIida; kURNISHED ON- MOST'. BIAS ' ONABLE TERM. 6 ; 4 4 13:_IrcktiNG4f. rt - • • ilk tiralthieia striet, R A:.WWSPN... • : • . 'URN= asolrs jf.", snit . ~ , NEW E, ,- N EW : TIM NeAs(l GKT ocer Les. WILSON '1 ..BRO.IiN IDESPECTETILIX ANNOUNCE TO THEIR 1413- Alb memo friends and The public gcnerulty, Put they tab:lo opening a New Grocery Store, on' BRIDGE STREET, BEIDGEWATEM, adlolningthei-Dry Goods Store of Burst, n the nth day!ohltarch. • It IsAteir Intention of having on ha nd , at 'all times, a hill assortment of the • BEST'*AM:LT 9iOCERIES, 4 . ' - - •. • iney ti w to state that they are determined to compete with all ether dealers in the town or neighbor hood, ae their Stock of Goads are all new, and bought MOM latltgivatiellucticaCend selected with the *vat esteem:ln-gr. Lisitrzy Snows., whose latowledgd of ' the' I'lminea - Cannot be Questioissr,liavinglieen Whit Mr, Arthur IlarVey for many - y - eam... They gall/articular attention to ;their stock of Teas and Cotate,a6theydattur themselves they have some thing extm tcl offer as ficisride and quality: ' 'rite beat brandspf... e Faatikir Flour always on band. Produce taken at all th! les , P9l„maiket .Inices. dtt goods delivered. • I .WILspN 'dr.' BROWN. ,Bildsmatlr, 'Feb: t4;1841---19. NA1ITE'roll:LII - UEALTO BY 'BUYING Medicines. FEEIi ` - 'LOUIS Bnznya-& IN THE DIAMOED, ROCHESTER, PA. (Oue door from Fortune's Dry Goods Store,) Mm. be found a fall assortment of • ' 1 , . VHZT RM 1:3 IR, icr GEsi \ MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, and Also, a Dill Assortment of WINDOW. GLAS S, , PAINTS,' LINSEED OIL, 'NEAT* FOOT o_ll2, SPERM. OIL, 1:1 5) -PURE SECOND , Q #LITY "VirtAIME lAEA. 1 ALSO, FINE 40ILET 60A.PS.) ' ALL VARIETIES BRUSHES, TAB BEST PERFUMERY yha,cxit;TO.l.LET , LANRAWiIIiAItPRBPAILITIgis.I,S THE-JIA..UI;, 'All kinds of PATENT NEDICLNES always on hand. A bid, BEOARS • & TOBACCO, do* tal:tieeio isiirchaioalte eiss,' • aid ld offered at the very Lo Piuess. 411 , " As I am a &Ott:11;04 idticateif Apothecary and Chemin, physicians aid °there; can rely ipori their pre' seriptions, ,acturately, alio, with Purellecticines only. ' - ' - • . . ' '- LOUIS BREHM & CO . • actro..lit;43,‘ Beaver Salt Manufatu;lng - Co. relllS COMPANY rs Bow-ifAmuFAcrumo, 4 - tand prepared to sell a superior article of salt at their 'Works, on Raccoon Creek„. N, mile from the Ohio rives. All orders left at the Works, or letters addressed to B. B. French, , Bearer, .71 k 4-, , 1 ,1 11:1Tatto romPi attention. tjyrret • • A DItTNISTERED BY Att. MURRAY. Bamarta , LI- TER, PA.„ In extracting teeth. I bare added to my manyether dicUlHes for the adeetwartil_prdWZAon my profeigsfain. title -irtyaleildMtalltipikat. 7 _ 11 branches dr Dentiatry PerKMed fat the boat and oast modern ' style. AU work done as cheaply: and ilty per mat. better then at any other. Steam Dental Eatabilab menkin the tSate., • - InirrGf4tf illi C. V WINTYR W. 1.. 11111n11015. WINTER AND BEDISON; _ o uccESSollit TO OLP. WINTER,) ‘EALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, j.tor 4LRY, and Pieta. Wares; MuslcalAustnacephi, Notions, &v.. &v. ts , : _yS ia . t ri an al d nyz e tig given to the repairing of Watch- Store : 'Eor. BROADWAT .t/ Arms STREETS. • NEW. BRIGHTON, PA. [jan9'67 - LIMBER LIMBER. - HR 'toCtr ESP t Lik i N at tl u tloST CONV*-. -B.ITr,AND PLANING MILL ot ynt.Dvtrestirt, od the Big Heaver,:' bait mile !shove the Bridgewater and itodtekter !fridge, - IN NORTH BRIDGEW4TER, • - Bearer County, Pennoirariita. Conistantir on hand—o large lot of sawed itani Der, timber And logs,,lath and shingles. kbido of Into. her planed. A kiln 'bribe drying of lumber attached. Patrons of this yard are guaranteed 'satisfaction. je26'67:tf. . 1 ' • THE PENN'A. & OHIO CANAL CO.' ‘TOTICIi FOR TRE ABANDONMiIIir (W - . Canal. By. order of the stoettuddere and Direc tors of said Company, made in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of Ohio, passed March MM.; 1 . 867„ and retitled by act of the General /amiably of Me State of Pennsylvania. Notice to all concerned, is hereby given, t hat the question of abandoning the several (Widens 'of 'add Canal, stated to said act. Is hereinafter detimibeal,, will be considered and passed upon by said Company, on Tuesday, the third day of *member, A. 'D. 1667,:un less previous thereto other responsible persons, Com panies or corporations shall contract, and agree to take and keep the same in-repair and navigable meldidon at their expense and risk„ and auWM, Wall damages on account thereof; and save imM 'Canal Company harmless therefrom.' The several divisions of said Ca nal. which may be contracted for separately, are de scribed to said act as follow'., lit. - From Akron to the Little feeder at Middlebury; and including said 51. Thence to thelock the data of Coyelatiga River at Franklin, and including the reservoirs in ?dr ive County. with such portions of abe feeders and Ca nals as may be required to conduct the water there from to said division. .3d. ,Thenee to the crossing of the. Cleveland and , ittsbing Rail Road: 4th. Thence to Warren In Trumbull County, sth. Thence to Girard in Trumbull County. 6th. Thence to the Junction with' the Pennsylvania Canals, in Lawrence County. JAMES MeRIPITIac, President. , Warren 0., July 10, 1867.—jy. 17,41L4t. ' REIM GE FINE LIQUORS; LARD OIL, CARBON OIL, AND MUNI LAI3GIIING GAS CARPET STORE Rem Oval. • lircitum :BROTHERS Will remove on rlitat . elt lst, 1.867, from" 87 , Rourtti street • to their new an,V - ; elegant • • • • - Wareliouse t 'FIFTH 7. , • 1 ABOVE - WOOD PITT 53317R4a s Built by them expressly for the accommodationpf their large and increasing Madness. —Raving very saperior facniti for business, they will 'keep constantly on hand :large assortment of. all Goods pertaining to the 'Carpet business, which theyotiM et Wholesale or Ito- I pill to the trade and public at lowest market rates. . - XcCALLUX BROTHERS. " NEW ARRIVAL AT Alulheim's IN BRIDGEWATER, PA 25,090 Bolts of WALLPAPER, Of the Latest Sty,lee and Patterns just received from • 'NEW YORK ! The subscriber again thankt his numerous fdends for - their former patronage. Anticipating their svonts and tastes, I . visited liew - Tork awl closely selected one of , the largest stock i f .. VARIET , "-GOODS IkC.; , Ever brought to this county, consisting of , , ,Traveling Sacks, Ladies' Satchels, Fancy Goods, -- Childrees,Carriages, Books, Statiohery, Carpeting, Oil Cloths. , Window BiVide, Rings, Brushes, 4-c.„ . All of whirb I will nil cheaper , than ttiey can be pur chased for to 'the city. - Give me a cat Detre pm , ft.s.• lug elsewhere. . • ' B. MULUEENL, ' t ' Bridge Street. Bridgewater, Pa. pARDIVARE STORE! S. S. WINANS, NEW BIAIGH/49,N. PE"iga INf HARDWARE:, :IRON; 17.4.0, GLASS, -AND . AGRICULTURAL I4IIPLEMENTS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS; BL ' ACKSMITEIS' TOOLS, MASONS' TOOLS. - SHOESEAKERS - e IVOLS, : •7:_fr, ..-,;,..; :s ,::.;1„:.; ::.::;:....4 ; SADDLERS' TOOLS, PLASTERERS' TOOLS, • MINERS' TOOLEI,I S.U3I:?LWY HABD 1 ?r ARE, BENT FELLOWS& SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS eHINGES, PICKSAILVXTOGICSAiIiOBS, 'COUNTER d, PLATFORM. SCAL 80, TABLE A; POCKET_ CUTLERY, ' HORSE SHOES & NAILS, TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & WITS % CORN SHELLER/4 STRAW- . CUTTERS: Atso, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, AND PUTTY. • .AGENT rot • EXCHLSIOR- MOWER -AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON FIRE-lIRICKVOREB. jan'2,'67. ' • .IiDIUNDInIATORIB NOTlCE. —Lettem of Adlota- Istratkm on the estate ofJassa DMus, late of South Beaver, deed.; having been granted to the un dersigned, all perms knowing themselves indebted to eat, and t dte hose havin, are requested ms to make Immediate pap mclait *Mt present them properly authenticatedagains tbe fbr settle same ment. , JOHN DUNCAN, Adm'r. —11: Ohio tp. 'Lye etet. wieurtsruston's.lrorics,—Letters of Madehare- DOD on the estate of DAVID Ilianottran. late of .Pulaski township. Balser county. dee'd.. baying. Aeon granted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted tb - thon said estate. are requested to make hninsdl- Wont. an d those haring claims or demands the estate et Saiddecedent- will make known he suns without delay, motGARPIZIAAVGIMaCAdm'rx.' A.dnre Jytir6l"6t. . . TEACHERS' WANTED. lIE BOARD SCHO er OL are OHIO of 1, Mg amen (I) teachers, (male a\ id rebuke) tor a temo of viz months, commencing Sept. 1, 1801. Good wages will .1 be paid Fmentination to take place at Fairview Sebool Ironic on she second Tuesday, (the 13th of August, at 10 a. Jy24137:3m. JAS. BRAD :Secreted. 33i strays. /TWO COWS—One it ;Red, with white and red bee white slain bar belly, and about nine years old_ the other. a black brindle. with white hoe and %telt streak wound one eye, a point sawed at by horn, sad about eleven Seers old, were taken up by the sub notibers, on theist inst., is Hopewell toirodhip,Beirrer county. The owner or 'owners - requested to come forward. Ptoro ProPettl. and paydrew. and take these away. JOHNSTON WHIT & W. IRWIN. Jylo'67:4t. Notice. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TEAT THE PS AI derslgned citizens of Beaver, county w . plL a al .. )llz . k .. the next annual session of the P= l lll l unia for the creational' a comotate with b,,, - 7,..1 dbicountbi g ~,,,_,...__ _under. the name and style of the "Beaver Gaunt, Wimlrg sod Bah Deposit Anode don, be located In Bawer, Beaver ty. Pa. The *edded "-to object of add Amociatkon to bcoune the teething ei deposits in money and valuables. at the risk of the Association, for which a ressonable , e wEI be made, to he regulated by law, receiving and discount ing In accordance with the Custom el other banking associations. The amount of capital to be Oftyt dollars. with the privilege ot *rasing to one hundred thensand dollars. ) Joao ssucz-iY. 1 WI. ORR, .11. ocutv, - i GUI. W. DLWRON, . W. IRWIN, ' I. N. ATRIAL • .L. Timm, • JOHN HOORL • • JOHN CA1101111", T JOHN N. HARM, J. a. BMX. . ti. 3.•NDWRION, la yrrruca,. t 1 , . , ,!, .=. n. Inch, . t J. a. C. irnaow. I a. s. nAssmt. 1120. w. omit:mos, A. 8. HARVEY, »anise . iur' oßoczarm a PROVISIONS, Bas Mr! XICIUTID A YR= !MVP= OP 'ffolduYl Quilled Batiks*, i l irltiV ittluer, - Canned - Tomatoes, Layeeltaisim do Green-Corry . Seedless Babies, do Plums; . ' Er c a m sh Cunts, Dried = les , . . do Sweet Potatoes, 1 'Ptak", No. 1 Mackerel. Also. ill prtotai4ortthat 4 1'0C avE ll k**-qcffe e ' tirTerms, strictly _CAM' r0r28 . 68 Bridge str e et , B NA d RV ew E a Y te r. J.&II...PHI.LhIP Of 26 ac . 2B ST. CLAIR' ST- • • Xmittelci - mrs, pa., • - Manataatarers and Dealers In ' . FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, • FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS; - ENAMELED OIL CLOTHS, TA.abg 01L-CLOTHS, • ST4IR OIL CLOTHS, Transparent. Green Oil Cloth, sir windmirahades. Transparent Window Shades, - BUFF . HCiLLANDS, . _ MAUR FIXTURES.,'. • , TASSELS, CORDS, I.;e,Xe ALSO, DEALERS .IN India R,tbber Machine Belting. Rose, Steam Packing, Casket. Tubing, Cement. Clothing, and Rnbire goods generally. Oak Tanned Leather Belting. LaceLcathe;r, Belt Rooks, Rivets, Lubricating Steam Packing, lc. • Agents joi.)* Universal Clothes Wringer. - -A genes ttl a.sioitment of the above named goods al. 1, I ways on hand. al Ordeml i reepectfully solicited and proniptly (myt'o7:6m I SPRING AND SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES. WILSON & STEWART, 'WOULD REDVECIIIILLY rirßou THE TV lic, that they have have jait received dheet from the manntactureni. the tamest and best selected DPNLNG AND mom STOCK OF Ladies', Gent's, Bois' and vhildren's • • Boob and Shoes. , GAITERS , A N`I:1 SLIPPERS Allof the haat et:litat. that hare met been brought to this county. aad achlch they are prepared to sell AS CHEAP, myr CHEAPER, Vl,V=rwo Sobouttlit hi the city of Meting , : tor pas tveamitger we solicit atagatnuance of the asone, - and to meth , twe . to adhota examine our goo and primal pardieldng elsewhere. We hare a shop connected to do all repsdzing. 4 Goods. Warranted. WILSON &STEWART. Id the Diamond, • Noonan" Pa: ipeSeeT. DAWSON & RICHARDSON a, Pt. -4 , rs i S f • - G TX VS ROCERIE IT ' silt r OPiOntO' OF 1.1 . NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, • GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, NAILS, -D 38, 1 4; • • :AO Window Glass all sizes and doable strength. hp". dal attention paid to SAW; order Incotcs tugs / size window Vms. lactcr. • LlitS#ll9oll.l - CRUDE 1313R1SIDO OIL, BENZINE, - • COALE'S PATENT DETER, c4l l - 1 16:4114 . 1148114 . 111 * - Ihuthaseni wilt' do well to an iutd 44;coilso ooe otockiof Palate beton parereloowtware. Also. Choice Breads of Ficerrin Bireel and hi Sada. All hinds o 3 g014t17- Produce taken taxbooice fce Goode. Remember the pfie CAC Goof above the Callan opposite side of Weer witrerat: • . j .t c . RO -Co •-- ;110 " D /14) " /I !P iig 11;0,4114 -. 4 . • ! ; 4'• ; ' . • . 1 f - NEW sTRXET. ROCHESTER,: KEEPB *JORn4NTIaY ON HAND FOR BALM AT LOWEST LUUMT PRICES, A COMPLETE MW. WELL ASSORTED Ihty Goods, , • _ SigoW2i,E BLEACHED MUSLIN, PUNTS, GINGHAWS, DaLAINE, 'ALPACCAS," COEURGS, SIEHINOS, PLANNELS; Nall sad Barred, • . W4,OIO•DoLALNB4, all Colors, BLACK BILK, !TIEING, TABLING, ITOWELING, CHECK, JEANT,_ TWEEDS, I 8 ATINETC, C A 18 ILAZ IBROADCLOT CLOAKING, lkilisUwal- .1 and oop l .. Sidi* .morrico YEi, aosißlit, fi.LO . VES, kc Yen's and Boye'—is lairi stock of the latest. 'dyke. BOOTS & smois. Men* Wetaea'a and Children's Gus BitOm, Carpet Shoes, 4164 ac- Bele!iy,lll,de Clothing. know. nbouv:a STATIONERY. . aELSOrl e ttidt r EVreio . A bulge witaef ameted Sa l drlgi la Pitt,a • _917=033:EV1", • • Corpontoril.ToSs,.of all Kinds; BUILDING -. 14RDW41.E, Brit FTBA RINGS, . SCREW, . RUTTER HIKE, . BOLT, LOOKS, z ; NAIL, to. • 'VVixtdoNy G.l-la.ss„ Or All aim. and Doable strength. SPECIAL ATTEXTION s:.. Irueux Paid to tilling orders Of. dupenters, Contractors • BoWire, fur 1 HARD W ARE, GLASS AND NAILS, t COAT'S PATENT DYER, PAIN rs OF •ALL COLORS, GROUND, DRY AND IN OIL Miter; will do well to examine oar Stock Ind Pri Cew Detbri porcturbg elsewhere. ' arratli43o . A Preen ad sappb 'mt= %wart CHOICE . BEAN FLOUR, WIXOM OIL, LAID OLEN ilrAtn nein gOOdi theVen4 AU kinds at grain and • Coargatodnee taken in ez • 4i 011/11.4. , Owaerentier, *1 MOM sad tbs 80 1 4 1 , 1 i,1e "10,1 ilanisiser the CUOISEINEI nem mono 4simg :NEW YORK-S R t Anti, M , :STOCK OF cussaa or HAM . A 1 104: CAPS, LONER D OIL, BENZINE, WRITE LAD , PUTTY, tat band at very D BACKS IN BARRELS QUESEtiWARE, STONE WARE, ko., duo of dmilL-AEI =l= 4ititioyaiATEl MARBLE.'.WORKS. D ID AV • iILINUFACTIMBIOLND ' italisin and American: Marble. Dosamento, Heed Siam; le, made to order. _ PieIWO give me dB Were daiebering eireediery i st = rew ooposite . Dr. Beilties Dniglitare l Bridge jilirerily • DAVID WOODIW) -x. ximax. M. MILLER do • CO., RooMabr Plaioing,Sosh and Dooe Mill: - • Rocheator l - Beaver Co., Pa • , . - t (=FEAR asrums.D DEPOT.) ' 1 1 fANUFACTIMENS OF, AND DEALERS is, .111. Pinned Lumber. Dressing, Fkaring, shelving, Doors, Sash, Shatters, &c.. £c. • CONTRACTOtiti AND /1131iDNRS. . • Also of .Clarke l ithineordties . Patent Weather Patented ldig lat. MIS. far the ex terior of basses,Ae. This siding caudate In Arming the miens strips aboard* of a level or ta t = shape across its entire width with lower or made with a suitable monidim to impart amaz e Inialsed Ibr tbe and ore e= s3 Ay e. Omer eminty will be eoid renacmably. arrix=mielt ics arienee hi handing, and the Dery added to oar new beat** for itomimnl we het amildeasoo in lottr . old friends and loim to cap and examine ibr omilver, before contra:dm ebewhert , I A.LLSTOISI YOUNDILIt ENGINE ac REPAIR SHOP, . 'ln 'Fallston - Beaver County, Pa. T_TAITINO ratted mad enlarged mistode of =Wa ll ery and tools, and having secured ibe services at the best of mechanics, I ant prepared to warrant ail trodedrine to gtre cadre satiadiction.. I bare on hood different pat* and styles or Udine% Firs OW Bolls, and anaprepared to make or repair an descdp., dons of machineq, miganscsuble. terms. , PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS. have all the best plow mins that iltit lowhich Is the 'thwd- Western," which hes been ?nu p of thecounty kir the lastafteewyears. There are ire sizes of this plow, all of which I manufacture and keep tbr sake, also"Pident Lennie—right and left— " Mountain King."—tight and left--" Side MIL" and nearly !II the di rest kinds in use. - - • COOKNO, FRANKLIN AND HEATING STOVES. Rasing made several Important improvements on the "Climax," by which mire wood tan be supplied without, lifting Oda, and having two places for pipe, either or both of which can be used al the same time, with a ventilation to the area, thus having the stem hips of a Cooking _Stove, Bake oven and Franklin Store combined. Store Ins been in constant use for twenty years, and many of them after teth;4=l for this pedal of time, me now In good order. is but a small portion of this store that ever burns out, and this is easily and cheaply replaced. .To,make them still more lasting, we are now pattlng In Rigor are brick lining. Our other ,patterns are the Enterprise. Keystone and:Premium. Parlor 'Stoves, Inge and small beating Stoves, Franklin Stores, Jenny -Lind h, dc. Grate and Grate Fronts, Fenders, Iron Failing or various styles, Wagon Bores. two Irons. The Renders, Corn bashers, Force and Cistern Pumps. Sad Irons, Metal Sinks for kitchen. Sheet lion and Theme, al ways on hand and made to order. lo het. I =nurse, tare and keep , its sale, almost everything wanted In the machinery or hardwire line. In additkm to our other Stores, we are now making two new patters, No. 7 and S. of the Great Depable, which are taking Captive, the best cooks sad awes. wives In the country. Second band stores *brays for sale.,cheara. Two good new engines, suitable foe saw-mi. Tor shop pur poses now en hand, and will be sold ressensatile. //0013Vg . . - /Y. JOHN mosacuanr. 19.00*. NOW AS THE TIME FOE. cans A; incur 13imarga,lrus GRAND CLOSING. OUT Boots all.d hoe IN BEAVER. WILSON &DICKEY WOULD IMPEeTrtiLLY V V inform the pubile In general of their intention to dose oat tbeli extensive stock of Fail and Winter Boots and Shona, to prepare for a Spring Stock, con flating of Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and Children's Shoes, Gaiters, Slipper, .&o•, Which w ill be sold' at coat, or beknicost, as Ace ant bound to keep up the Nadu, and that to the entire eat of our CliaWnlell. Dit Irk IrSOll 4l. 8 doors East of IL B. Anderson's Store. istt9l7. Beaver. Pa.'.l MOORE'S, DRUG STORE, • May be found the beet assortment of I = DRUGS, 3!M 04110133.0 z, 8 OF czcialzic.A.mAs, Ll4.u:pas s . WINES And Drandies, Paint,si,• Oils, .iD-IFiB - STUFFSt TOILET AitTlOlkEti, SOAPS, B RU ISSEEit PA TEN •.MBDICIN~~ Ia gatai;maiety. all et dis best otalltr, sad sakttbNp• at tbaa am pa iting& at say atberlaag - Saes to taa valuta% • • Ihipaucds FemaleAl4,s, IS cents pe! ticag mum. miles, $1; Clark $l.• , . . EMI satuuktp, RET, LLVIPS i LANT MERINO% LANTERNS. sTA . TENJOIY,WiNDOW Gun a ppm; swi Evi.T . mo vilasi ld diescr Oxiii ace l tban ictr aultbis tbe be Atig u t . ga t a lwint anrw y befer stme iwin , Let Owe w a c _see. and doubt no nom inlYr67. - J. MORE. r,' Pa. El OP I.N BE-A V'BR ~ 3 ` IT IR, 33 AND Liaged !Rout at ' 9/ 1 4 60 - B E-AN Ent,: :7 01 E NNe Property" on 3d intent; a few doom wart Q 1 thereby.= ~ • .• ~ AllrCatt.r. • 1 • ' • - • WIMPT,*D. noMEOI I AT-111:8T, ".• • - I .7" 'NEW BRIGI'DON, !SAVER COUNTY. PA. P11 , 16i ARD RICSIDENCE OX..LOCUST AT. israward Railroad sad Bridge sta. PROPZIPSTB4 ATORE! ',"aIVII4ISON a lINUEBWOOP, argounkamOixo srraF, proxy.. ax T.E4S, cHozcz le 1 rliD 3 TGROGIMEB9 NO. 16, SOUTH WEST DIAMOND, (As4obelq l l3epler, riowl,) • • Allegheny City, Pa. _ nr One of the ebiapiist and belt 'Wholesale and Retail Stars In the two elties. , Call and examine our Stook and Prices. [tay29'67.lhci- SPRING AS,HIONS ! 1867. BRIDGE STREET' BRITIGEWATn i vsw •ASSOWIIIKIZZILLINERY WILL BE opr x rd it alz r old lately oactipled hi Mr. Muth lath. I wilds to inform my =Lula and ma many paw ammo am wiU plasm ps eud:at me, that am now receiving ad entire new to* d Million 7. Of dmaistamt Spring Styles; and will ma planed wHbaa early oal r . hum UMYT:I7. • MRS. S. REES. was P. otAitAx...4 Inno arm. GRAllatrit & , BYRNE, Fashionale:ll:la.tters, tie. 52 8t Oak Street, Betwee,unersi and re+ Ste n l ow. St. Clair Hotel. PlTTSBinecra, 1" 4.. ; HATS, CAPS end STRAW GOODS, Of ablema& wain at His very lowest prices. Harton, . AreNciai ratted , Artiontated, Shaped, Shad and -Colored, to matt - every indiridital„ mounted on due Gold. Silver, Ingliala and American Valmnite. Thothextroeted il withont palm by an entliely new pro came no Ether Chloe& Nitnnmoxide or any other apathetic iced, a tion with toe apparaam. OM:tem na 'Third 'greet, *1 door emit of FL B. Andentoria adore. • : ' Efeb2o'67:Gra. DRUGS!, DRITGS !! Tilt rues To GET I ALL 7 POPULAR Patent Medicines, Perfumery, to., I T S AT JOSEPH IN. DEVENNY'S , Broadwy,lgesii . Brighton. atIIEDPADUES and lrirrn- always on hand. PhystorizuwiPresoriptions Carefully compotuldealat all . hours of the day' suit' night.. SPRING: : :IIMMER Tam Giro! . . lig l o vr op LEEC 'ED A .'SENy STOCK OF _ LATES STYLES, For Spin a33(1 Summer Wear. I • Gentleineai'S rurntsidng Goods • CONSTANTLY ON BAND. CLOT itlNtli D ' 'lo. ORDER In latest and most fohl4able. Myles, and st short notice pelo'66—mylel'67, PLACE TO BU ' • ~_ i CHEAP GOODS! CALL.AxY► tif`EE THEM! I -• ; _ fat• " triVINO . TIECKIMY PURCRASED A CON PLBTS AND FlNlit ASSODTYF.NT OF , DRY GOODg, NOTIONS, •- I ILARDWARE,,, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, • GROCElams 4 e . I ' •• • • WS -ARS PILF:PAILIED . TO, 8102. AT ASTONISH - • THCiLY r f OW I'HiCHS! Prints.... D Giegiars . rawl Mani& , (MIER u uvDs PitoPoznow: Md.lla6 gOP I OIL 1010 Chan appm Au - ete.fOr 11/lOW/fig thilleg Tor Goods. / -41-61,1trY Pr°thlce itikell n2r6V;32k .-1--NOTICT, "-it' A Board c4.ll4.i7.BrigtiLE o'rek4R,,Tht' District, until Anne:4l6th. Ustt,. for ten (lort-,.,L, teachers to teach the ensuing term, minuend . Ist. as followit: • -.. . P. , N:g. Yonr Ft) Pli°4ors .I.meile./'-.4 41111!q"[ 14' Tfl YlYtl te . rm : &Hat: ", - ' One ilf Afet Principal " -.. i ~. ... 45 . 4 - i.; &mutilation . A ugust lOth:. ciltimet.iin g At „„_.• CP . CIOCk, A. X.' '- ' .BY (Ana ot nt.& .44 SEA I%LAND SIIIELLs.. .. . - DERsoNs ' WISHING Tfl ADORN. c 0.., A wails and rnonntL,., or orn a m m c m lf±o . r.i would do well 'to apple at Lukens' ifhae 1 4 7 1 !.... &esker. where a splendid lot of Wa.h.,d 5z . ,,,,..f.._.-if... SHELL... 4 ilaSjatt haul reeebui,a ja i am &ri1 1:14 7 ii jelT6T:tf. . ; 11'.H. Lt 1 1 _ _ . A -thirs-is-TitATon.s. No - rict-14;,,4-;-, ----, 21..istration on the estate of rnourks Ms:ell; late of the borough of rallston, Beaeereoanty.d..ed' havi n g turn igrantod to. the under-ign s d .3:l w ,..,,.... and any person having elaims will invrt? dea f di Indebted are uotitled to make pft,,ni t ? d e a f authenticated', i L MX. IttliitY Allta . r., 'I jyrra:6t: .:• • - . ' f allnet. • ________... . ." .4''''.ll):. G:11:1 :::b. l': =MI ~...___ . • ...C. A. Decarme IvamANVFACTURER OP, AND, DeAlO, is' Iva kr i de or , elOATts, TOPACcc_I„ ,t,i,".6 oderate. Motto: 4 nick pkgard.ital!p4; .., ion the corner, neafly 43It et h„ N I ;. .. Meaveri Pa. 1.. : .. -1 Joyrtvr, 013 T LOTS FOR SAM rrez aubScriber.olferafor on Moil* gy of..Threeut Lob , itnate on the , Two Mile the town oßeaver?, taantaining ;hoot 16 derm, s „„ gt which is drat rate Meadow land, and the 0at te ,..... able for farming or grazing putpopec •••• a Hos. itilefili.ty *a,aid WILLIAM REICH, We Row, Bridge street, Bridgeveder,Te. I= AM IMI . 10 cents .. 1254 " • —lll4 ` MI OUR a TiAWSON. 14n,t; Bouvet. ; Iti ~~. jr241871t.. Notice to 'the Inhatiltann or to Brighton and.Elliewhere, • . I hive this day associated: with , me In the im n i re m edicine, m y so n.1.h...M. G:Steuart,mlScr l oup, r ij„ street. opposite public square, whew ire mm. t„.,z5 salted at all h uure. • • ITGOS. FrE.W.til77 • f • Dr. This. Stewart having had! an experietaa at i th Tears in. the investigatioa'and treatment of ?emit,. eases. and weaknesa, hait at the reitoeet ot many friends, consentedtospend Bouday's at ith, ots et h' Jefferson street, opposite the 31eihadi.t chant s e l. Castle, and ThursdaY. Friday and Satuntiv et eit i week, at his office, In New BO:anon. where he via almost excluitiVely devote his ittecition ID th e t r ,..„ men of diseases peculiar to females. Penone aid*, to visit.the Doctor-for consultation or 11P311/ 1 11. 1j end him at his offices-as 'above stated, lima It-„ , • to 10 p. tn., where he will Wait .on them With siem r :: Those requesting will be fumbled with the of many who have been treated by hltn. z,,,,,i Correspondents will address the' Doctor it Nee w ß i r l i l g r ecei v e P o PO t Btten letn,w he:. ealtaatheig,,,i. Pilly3'67:eltues.- . • . N 10!A AGRICULTURAL' WORKS, ROCHESTER, A. ASO., E 1 14ANVPACTURE 110W-d:iiii. REAPER% 1L Railway or En.ll,.'('lmin.one. I.mrr -various' AZAII, Threshers and tarn Siri Cider Mille: Cane Mills and Sorzhqnc Evager,g, Corp' Shelleri.. li2 Powers for elluraug, tc,- Agricultana AfaChin . ery, . . • . • REPAIRING AND iJODBING - . Of all kinds done on short votive:, Iladdueo'cii; kind built forparties.- . Havinti.had,an experience of fifteen yearn in Nan and Patent Blindness. We are preilan•rl to taakr,l6,:r... .Applications; Sc., for. parties - desiriug,to 'Patents. - Hming . fitted' up ouryactory 'With . • " NEW AI)q) IMPROVED - .MACIDNEIII, Selected-from the best Eastern snakes. is pent. ina employing-none but the but Mechanie.• we AN pe pared to do.wurk in the tie , st,jityle and mioner. Haring secants". the servicesi: of-A PUNT OAS.) PATTERS MAlinlEft, we' are alt•to prepared ninia -ante kind or ityie of Patterns". - f:articilar 'attention paid to Th•paitr: 31.-ait; itemping Macltiocs. Inactibi.;ry 1.0 c tiolleit. and lope by attiintiOil o,nl iart-to th , •*strottazo of partic° wi.lfini4 work . done: Olde:0 from a distance promptly tit t 10. WAItILINTcn: Address. I nay - Zl67t ly ,a 1 Great Chang! • • • .1' PURE DRUGS S - .; I:• • - AT TILE Cornerof Diamond & Third St, El , Beevvrer, l'Eta ,• • , R~ DRUG STtIRF. FORM E 121:17OCCI. FIFO SI," Hamilton. k Andereuu ba bexn purcLavti bi J. Wito NOW OFFERS 1. . ilete Stock of A Full EE PMIE 'DRUGS & CIIMIYrTC.A , II: o fix kiae SOAPS; TOILEt, ARTICLES And Brushes - of All' Sin' 1,,t • " - " - - ,PROPRIETAEY ;GOODS AND , DYE-STUFFS \ I F __ illr-We arc. prepared to sell PURE AND SECOND QUALITY! WHITE LEAD,' AND OLLOIF MI IfEL,DIS. at Patsbunn% pricer ' 111186 Please Can and b Conrined ? ! lig ' T i li V IN DO %V GLASS OF 1,1A4 Sa; ~ 1 ur - ". • . " • 1 hdnl an ° d ltr othe etc'ek eLt Ci o u f o A rs ic° . st•ht°lli)elYtiotted Berinwnplce4.te. ar:'?!.,l selected %lib great Care ore be relied VIIVIn .. P6 T Pure swain be obtalemi: l and.. ill be Id for liojt c " " - 2cchankal, and Sacnurtental purpobei I rafilli .• , •:' • •I. Prescriptions' an • a Reedits Accurately.. led, it All Miura. Om Prescription and , Medicre fipnrinrner't N0'..... ander the personal seperviAinti (lir: L..31.11.0tn.te, 'Lin, as mot-deuce of seven visit' , Ise (hetet °untie!. laid are can give full A mara if in nnv Wei of ihr tonaillead.. 1 •-• , , - 1 rierftemle ,_ nw`rthe plari•—pearthe i!t*t Oliice, co: • nor Third:street and the Diamond, Deaver. ' ti • ' 1 • ,• An are textoi.ettally invltai to of n and rcera,. or r g nnd ' ' 11,4 1 linek:s before parct, .r.f.a, r!+i,rion'• ; Reaver„ , lN r`:4l:-::1 - • I , 1:1101,1':- ' i , . f.. , atm- i t Fe. EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers