The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 07, 1867, Image 3

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0018nd Ncellancons:
o.og. au.. St Mill street, Pittsburgh, is
Lho i ze d a gentfor Tas Anors city.
• Neu' Advcrtimeniesits.
.rolop of the public is dictated to the fol
_ ,
sew oavo.setikennt. which appear for the
ur Dos Amass today
ivituttnty .4coAWit-Rochoster borough.
Noticc- Thos. Nicholson.
deitacaniation-J. L Iteed.
4r-001:ers--0, McVay
t ryrisi Weyand.
1..--orsser ladles 'Seminary - D. U. A. McLean.
Notieo-J. R. Harrah,
.."sailitor's Notice-NV. S. Mort an.
Sitigletott. • t
ee-iirphatu.' Court I ale--Jacob Valentind,
( (oil tatt rert fur Sal,,----James
Ofortery I , ote for,tiale-IL Sloe:
oilice---A. Laiock, Vatid Ferguson. Robert
i •
fern:on Republican ConanltteO of Beaver county
. w ret at thiZeourt house. iu Deaver. on Saturday.
I f Mb inst., at o'clock„'". Y. A pnuattal atten
-04, b desired. ,e'en
,iories`of fie memhors are as follows :
ft rs roolto-,/). t.. Imbrie. Chairmun,.J. S. Rutan,
Jae. Ledlie. M. It. Adams.
Te. -lames Darragh, J. it. liars*.
so „sros Tr-IJ. Scott.
D oitos Wino Fie lde4.
• art LWA
Ti--- 114.+hcrt
~„trul3COCit'rr--A. J. lawrcum, John C. Duff.
iss osieros Tr-J. P. Martin, J. IL Veen. •-.
Ht.\ vuiTr--G, Rowan, -
eon Tr- 03111.4 P3WOOII.
I,DrPtia Todd.
Te-11. C. Patterson.
Paaer , et" B"Ito--Chas. Stone, Johnston Small.
ri.issimr Tr- Henry Vets.
• Insioa Tr=l'llokna.k Minks. •
?wen Sok tent.vv Tv-Milton Choke.
:‘or Scwreatcs Tr-I tearyGael:ring•
ussosT Tr -Ceor,ze ,
rus so 'yr-Thomas Ferguson.
:Nor ItarixToic-M. T. Kennedy, Benj. Wilde
ctir N. Merrick. Milton Townsend, John C. Doyle,
v ote War. t4tunuel Maaw.
Recsairrcl: ihilito-'l.`.:J. Power, A. T. Shallenber
rr, Antl!!r,on.
iersperre Tr--A. Lacock..
rgfr,Ooll liofto- Thum. Kerr.
?m oos Dirr -Jame:s Park.
ci All: Boao-Joriathan Paul..
lIIILLIP-1111:G -Joh a M. Shroades.
Yana Te-DaMel 11. Short.
U 011,141.1.1. Tr -tt'rn. M. Reed.
I,l,on:ow:cc --thPhert Sterling.
goon:: 're--John C Christy.
• 1 L 0,1•FolIT- W. 11. FrA7.e.T.
111,0nr Thono+ Ittgo.r.
tkoltka Tr- Nelson, A. A. 31 , C0y, .1. IL
Tin Wool. TI;AI , R. --The wool tradel'or this season,
become quite dull. and but little is
die article. Prices last week luid fallen
h G crat.l for the beet, w . ith no prospect of au hutuedi
. •
ntartlyttToyratn en viten. —On last SabSagl.
perFeaa were admitted into roll C011111`C
:',11,,Iih the M. E. Church of thin. place. Rev. J. S.
it t nltt'7l pm-tor. Sevciad eaters will be admitted at an
rAr'e day.
. .
WM. mot:lr.:AL—The hotel In Franlilln,Vi.utngo
3:ept by the Sheriff, bad A:Hy-eight boarder: ,
tool the. cry is, "rtill they come," They
NVI be a ery lively ChM
, of people in that locality.
Franklin (Venango cputt , ty)
c.inir to isilast wcekWith local'coluinns al
-0411 1% till details of ffghts to that, ldace. Ftonit
ncialicr reported we take It that fighting is 4 the r
I;rniciple'quiEcEuerii Were during thirheated term."
TnA%l::4.—Wo aro under obligationslto tinninelilust
fqrrnerly of this coenty, noviln the Surveyor
rn.". (dice, at lifirrisburg, let a copy of the ”pro-
Jim:. incidental to the luau .uratiou of the depart -
the state Library of ' titufylvania." Such
favqr , are always acceptable.
PAT/J. ACCI . .)ENT.--Oli 83t11 *• afternoon it young
m An - Ity ,uutlP of I ,Stratrbocke,r, eon of Mr. Straw-,
litin.aae , thrm
thnalgli him an,
the Cutlacln: Ent Urn 24th Pa. District. was id trliim
runeednz the revenue. We . have Incidentally learned
Ad !MAL:VS Itlls pretty belek In hh , °Mee while; In
'A.noirtnto Cossdr.,-,4210 bet isaterday tin adjourned
cnnri try in this place. RIB Honer Judge Aebe. ,
wit rat; not in IlttildiTee. The Associate„Jtidgssheartl , : i
the befits:es brought before it.
TUE mPratirri a Franklin Literary Society are toque.-
ird 'nowt at Franklin nail; on Wp4esday, Aug. 7,
at 66; o'clock. P.M. As bushiest or imtertittice is to
tcitancteted a toll attenilazioli is requested.
I.‘fte:y.Ytti.n or G /1AP,615.-reapt. - Diniel Dawson
this ri , unty, writes to the Pittsburzh
• .i 1 id last Satttnili'y that he had a gr.tite vine
yiar has 1.2154 ~ranches of grape% upon it,—
tht- I. hIl e nr.ordinary yield, and Ivo judge is hard io
!.2.; 3 .. v%it,n.: 11 lye have nay readers who i111,V1: rtii
nre.l thla, We n utlia like to report it for them
Izott , ..:h the papiT. •
(4. ec 0. T. -.\t a tncotlnir of Bearer Lodge No.
folhm ing officers were elected
r q uo ntilit7 tinnier C-T„ 3lctlreery; W.
1.. Ills, Inn Wilson: W. S.. J. C. - ArtsrinrW: T.,
A.b.att; W. A. S. ItlaMeereery; WI, G.,
1:-d :M. 0. C.. • Mr. R. E. Talton ; M., .1. M. Smith;
I ‘ . O. M.. Mb.: Dartie Forward: W. C., Miss Tallon ;
W. T. s•. E. S. Beacom; B. U. S., Miss Johnson; I'.
t'. T . F.•Draro: The lorle will meet nest eve
.ll the hall 'occupied by than liormerly.
csn'Arto s.-O n Timesilay last (the let of August) ,
roiks goner:llly throughout the 1 - ititeti States
! , !.rn't.i artniversary of the emancipation °II heir
rn in 11i West Indies. 'Those In our immediate
itotok themselves on Thursday morning to.a
.race tonne sewn miles. up the Bearer, where they
n pun jun of the titiy in speech-making., ; after
....! , I,? t they ri)gftgeti in such festivities and anuisements
•Tt , t,.-tcti thein,elves to -them: They are said to
tan haifti very pleaSant tltuc of
if u`._ Wl3iqC [forg o t e.—During the, pasta eck 31 a
il:kii•evcral very line rains In this locality, which
a very 'beneficial eirdct upon vegeiatl i on.
buckwlinat, hci, are all etowine fine,
z.'d 3t abundant crop **thew cereals k cottitdent
!Tl4,l.4 fi.r,
hut,;, (rtewl tirri already tolerably nbundailt on Our
can be bought at about 61,00 per titu.hel:
Sr9l.mi.—On last Thursday morning
Barton, of this place, went lett/ the barber
.Akor to.geth:mselfelmaitd. Be.ini takitig,the
"`h . fr" l l,.. di rrttal himself of a portion' of his clothlT
' 4l ,9min:: Other things. laid a Vl!.lustO breast pin up-
Sate,. time afterwards h&noticed'a color
ho was iu at the ti nae,-ut the table cAing things
ht lie.gave this eircum,tancibut little
.;••••••1...1.a then. After the barber "got throtigh," the
1) that the breastidn and colored man
Learning that the latter had left for a
tte.a c
Han,: eight or ten milts up the country, the Dr.
el him thither. and on charging him with the
r .t. lie entered a Stant yaa, 'however,mut on going into the lierlaT ' , hop again,
Pehlact a the pin, allsging that he had/owtd lute
t'a•dtio2 win•re the Dr. hid left it. This part of
Itt tteryi, however: improlphle..fiaji had
. . P ' t *Q-Pli* been made. •
.. -
eta? lart:rtNe AT ENVIC l eViT,ET.—The Preelding
l ilac( alit tli.triet. Dr. Wilitatrat, of the N. E. Church,
2 44er the follqwing annoutanctient in last weelra (arta'
eta..l/hrectut : . f
ihe Atleg.heny dl!Aricicatup meeting will be hed 4tt
ttt , 4 v,..)1,7, conanenCiutt Aegost 15th, on the l old
';ronar., about one and one half miles from the ati
lt 4rt,: meillA iNui lie madeto lame the liggage
Bare -w fd. eel Goal the station free of charge.
,The el..m
or at raliceaterit e will meet on the ground.On the
u: Atlkurt at Ilweldi:k, A. M. AR parficaintend
- '' , l'. t•_ , !lite tenni, 'w-ijil ple. l ,e ! be preeent at that time, or
' -- 'iinfotn the i o m pl, ftt c e by lettnr - of theft. Wiehde.—
' 1 ,, 41 ° may addreteed to Rev. 'A- illation. Neil! Old.
1, ll"itt-r county. Pa. Arrangements will b'inade
1 , - lr " .- Nlet at o-aeotatble ratee.. The'Preatelle" will
a 4 „, 4 , l : l "unqie the meeting; to their icortOreiationa
1..:. paeral dented Lot every ebatge in e
k t .; ti -
~ ~,,,,, ;4 , r i 1 , , , r v e iia 0 i , 4 l ;. >yzt .,, ,lcast one tent. W
T ;
: .
Independent,' narmtui an luterealiNigtory of,a,colorail
man named Ndward Bache; iiow Atty-Three f rtes of
age, who.was borne slave itti t tardreoenty.inthetgreat_
Stoteiwitich has.tbe double honor °Chet's& the "Mother
of Presidents" and-the mother aC lie wits_din
son ors native - Atrium woman,. who - svaa kidnapped eta
the censt of Africa.' and liveried - to_tls - ctiontryht a
Ware ship. r Thu child, befOre he was five rage ad, Rae
sold three times,. twice with iris mother , .glad the Mkt'
ti away from her. At the third purchase the pike of
his body was paid in specie, which wat. contain:lota ae
on the gross. underagrcce tree.. Thatuoperyretititter
wards teen to buy a tract of iced is Ross comity, Ohio,
On thu Bettoets" of the„,Scleta river; “Snltm
have been fret save the' Venernble - mo"n,"-f hive' 'flied
in (Ado, and have *allied many a time over this very
piece of ground. Last year .it was.Covred
gnat field of font' Modred and digftq aide * . WithOitt
a single fence .to divide it But," he added, no car of
all that crop fell to any share - -The Incident Striking
ly illustrates nowt dtirkt*Oe .. : iststilLumeant,
land in Ohio hinfriseu than es 112011 a.
The o Ir Sm sold ian ninv in-theOty
to laimc the iteeeetary funds fur the redemption of ono
of his children, a young %vote= twenty years of age, the_
?illy one at ..prenmitleit in bondage,
We may say to theireaders of Ur - itgiirier
above mentioned Individual lives in Washington, and
,that ibellhOVolllllo(s.itati fi rkprillied, be bosun
' cha.vd his daughter frortoilaYery, and
. employed his
only rim:dui= means in purctiasing; itittrelf a house at
4 t 4 Tliwi , l'Oto"l ' i 4' 4l ' 6l (4g:it 4'114-*
house. and furniture, andi e sle4 him in
,poverty. An ef-'
fort hi 110 W being made to help him in batldingi small
home, and his rase Is nOtt.tkitlg brought before the If:
P. 11..burelt to this place, T i t Liffit Selihath and
lions . niada fur that purpose.:ienosii'aPPU ll o44 l tke ,
benevolent everywhere to assist him, and all contrniu
lions for that purpose angle us ho duly acknowl
edged In our columns:land handed Oyer accordingly:—
iradhington Reporter. , -
Ite-Annaearn.—Tiin. Twenty-fourth Collectinn Dis
trict: (of which BearoinimMY 1• 11 •1 1 • part,) . bas begs
re-arranged.. Heretofore there hm . r9been Ware enbr
'divisions in the Plitrict —three to each ronity, . bnt in
consequence of the beatiiiillhia tiff in thept4einte,
Commipsioner tuts reduced the number to e.;abblish
ing one in ihatver, one in Lavrrerme maim it #l,42lotenst.
On lug to the number of distilleries in ;Mishit:eon
county, all of which rennin personal truperviiion, it
found 'memory to retain the sub-division as former-
The sub-divisions herctofore in this county were ter
ritorially as tacks.: all d the . otst aide ot din Betty&
constituted one District ;all all on the west side of the
Beaver river tamstitated . thet,„Xami(il a l, and on
the south: side or the river constituted the thod.—
Under the pets.' eat arrangement. the ditislon south of
the ;river is abolished. and thrteelitcyty. Abided and at
tached to the two first named. Mr. Eli Betio TOW has
chqge. IMP) ileti 104 0 1 4 1 14, 'l l * ceotortvpir
east of the Big Beaver. and Moon. ilopewell and Inde- .
peuderice on the south side of the Ohlo;',whileMr.
GeOrge Hamilton has charge. of all the territory lying
w e 'l t or the heaver. * l4 Greene: ItShover 'Aitnyitaccooll
towashtps on the south stdb. - -"-: - i.
. Both or these, geotlemeu have rscently'bee' re-tora
mh,loned by the Tretunity Department.
tbiren'a Pa.mort Xonste.—On Saturday IssOn cam
panyinith the inyeidsM and pniiiik ladies and entitle
men,iwe witneseed the Mild: : (*the tine firm of Gen.
Irwin, near New "lirighyaa„‘of tine of Gime twee ma
chines. All the gentlemen preamitmho gave an opin
im. and wheat Itidgmiintyis tumitestioimble, tionOrmi
It deeidedlyht.idniniMotallotitytens meanie:it
ed. Its sp*likestiniiited*.ocepae intftrAtonteg,
leavinkirvery,sintootb.: - ntabbie;titid the irsai Wane'.
lent condition kit • •
Mr. Breath inks obtiiined toeeiwa vatenti foe- salient
I, arJeles;themby tUntelittinahn*Aillbtifkbor 'Wing
\lnventions aild dlreetijlesieutuke thomirltous duties of
womeu. But we would here- suggest that he . emploly
is inventive genius In the construction of an elm , me
iliod of disposing of the /rudgeiy of the lann4rymbich
I department to .
cheerfully accorded by the 'lnuatMlne
i .
gender to the entire control and opkatitm of the wait
Ato van van Pairennite.- , -We neglected to - lateen
' last Week that Rev. A:. D: Merton, agent for tbeyik4.
men's -Alit Society. pieechea ip the Alf- 8..-Chterch of
this phtoelast Rutukayisiteit a seirwsidrefilsitill with In
teresting facts and . stattstica touching the
want a and Milne welfare of the colored population of
the sopth. Mr. Morton it well htiositt , thfoughout this :
rectrm both W.I . a fine' writer anticßitent - srPhiker,end tea
society could scarcely havemade a• better selection for
the place he has been called to 1111. A'vollection was
taken after the r ernion, amounting to between seventy
20 °Will/Stir)
ted In hanpng in
LUII.I , 'IY ?'‘
. gentlemen,
who have been Mind for a number of years. wive an in
strumental concert in the .111: E. Church of this place on
Monday evening lint. They give these concerts:With a
view' of raising money to cemplete their education.—
The one in this place on 'Monday evening is raid to
have been very creditable, and wax well attended by
our - citizens: Last evening (Tuesday) Thai gave a 'con
cert in rtridgewater„ - which Ave hope was also well utr
Ax Isreoirrmrr A xsrouxexiseNr.—fio holders 0(740
Bonds Inetaring - August 75th Is madehi ifearre I. B.
7ileVBy Co., of Pittshorgh;—holders of theFe tout
'who have tli , xl..coUiserG)d into
.0-21 X before Aug. 15th
have a cleir ahMit 41/114 , ribt4ie $/t/o►R pe r h
IW/Id. which. !It*p lose of Ihe howle are retained until af
ter maturity: Iteati the advertisement.
tINTON—In Ninenpolia, Atinnepeta, Jniy .24; 1:;117.
1%1417. eldeat daughter of A. 11. - and Gertrude 1). Lin'.
ton,itg,ed iC months. ".
'• 5 l/ear 11111 e feet. , in the Olden ntree‘n •. • -
..)*Crn.iver - can - go'n_stray." • -•
New B k rigision .11ounix Account
iteport of-Counsel iu Regard td
• .
Same. -•
To Dr. W. W. Shupsou, B. Bedison... John Glass and
Charles Coale, Bso committee on the part of citi
zens awl tilx-loyern of .New Brighton borough UP in
vest igni 111./ report touching the indebtedness of the
borOugh rot bounty purposes!: •
The undersigned having been selected and retained
by your committee as conned in alvve.matter, subVit
the lollowingstatement and conclusions: The busineas
was widitteted liyihe . crimicil and commiltees-appOitit
ed or recognized by them. An examination-l i the or:
poratiou tookt s well as the abstract ;taken t erefrom
and recently pu lished by : the Andintri in .. .pursuance of
law, show' that the • taxini - sPreirers ul 6 Ille eorporatiort
were first.,broitt'dit into regnisitlon to make Up a deli;
chewy of i:Litzt 40 on the call of July 18, lsr.t. which
. :
. , ,
amount. with iutctcst thereon, was billy paid CM fritli I, Mr. Richitr dhoti is wideTy khob , n as : one of
' July, 1....45. The money expended in furnishing thiti ; ,
, our most brillianVjourmilists and writers:— . •
i q uot a , other than, sum atele,S.l libove,:hay . iug been ;
I # µ . .' i rap- I Ni! other Author has travelled over se much raised by voluntatriubscriptio: niHvs iberti
p i e re „i n 'Th r tb,,*. reeii i, of 'be allu re a ii enibu k ed ilet..l of our vast western domains, "and we know of
eieney, by the authorities on" the call in question, we : no one WI - 4.6M - f10 . W4 describ e 'iv hat he has
I conceive there Is no ground of complaint touching the I seem.- He Is' aiWaysinteresting; generally,
same. This. then. you will notice, gentlemen, ilisnoses i aur . --
usi,n,g, and. better,stillOuvariably trat4f4
oithe call of duly:tu;'6.l, and it is proper here to add that ta
= • i the - trotmrie before nets 'acCortriiiinieti'-by
i. i t is not, aria carotid be pretended , that any Other or
, greater sun( of: mono , wage xpetmeit on that can than lillellS . ate and xPinute "nap of the ent'ke re
is stated alive. 1 giCiiiheyond -tlielkiesitiilkiiiiiid-Ii blegintly
Second. The only subseiment call that was made dill printed unil,profusely . illustrated with over
the end of the'w "
ar.was thatof December 19th. ism. e
. ;two hundredlaigittinOtrOttLoriginal , pho.
• Y.
hooks °remind show n that on this out twenty'ftive teen
`were furnished:' niitP ,tered into r p erN i ceare i accredited ! torahs and . sketches from the pencils of
to lie boionit." A ttinsir . rtf of the! cr;itie. sikhe 1 Btersts4, iirait, HentleiStly3 tartriet,Z liienn,
same PIAIIIiS non the re - cords of r tlie liti:ovietilfandlid'e ! Stephens, Forbes and other eminent artists
office of .thefriventy- f ourt h Dlitriet, ilitly certified b 1 1 r i a r k i t 4 ,-- ''
• WhiChAlle nbirDriby of ex-
:the proper Of fi cer now in rharge!of tub same , show the 1
~ . 1
°initiation as specimens of art. Many of
same fact. 'There were than, under this call. twenty- )
five men fdrnished. ito more, ho less • The first re-! them aia - sect into the body,oLthe &x2.1-ifter !
crnit soon the call in queolon.ww, Mastered% on ;lint ; thepopular style °flossing a Pictorial ' teld
December. 1V464. the last one, on 18th FPbruniY '! S6s ' llll Wok of the Revointioa.
,is show n by the transcript above referred to. • . -
' - The principal sum of debt contracted in plittle• in It is a credit both to American art and Au:
this quota end for which anowaiwata etatinedbytatia- otoraltity„ thid 'iti AtilitVlikt Oki: tfosiG valuable
en is (see Treasurer's account as it elands upon corpO. r,i. k f 11 hardson's pen, but by far
. Mork from .r.IV 10 ration book) as follows. to wit : , ,
Antonin of bounty paid 25 recrnite. , , $11,11(k1 On. t i tle best aigttiose complete lltistobt 'et the
Amount of reernition• ter. nnifi s trntsr. .- ' I%* no r e st w est ever wiled. Its descriptions are
Ain't ,orrefenne stamps for notes and rerpli, : ' 960 1
Ain't,'of revenue a tamp s for borongh ,honda, . 6MI hOtcpg i!lptileflitr ' lit :44F 9 11F,1nf0n111.•
.iliwektled claims !or o:porta* about; • , '-1.. ' '75 00 t i on, ' l . l
• 4 atluksi, 'fun and legend with 'Ol prac-
I ! Total costs ofigoots,', ' ' ' '.) $ ittots Po 1 tiol, 00 Towne: aeoounttr of • the fanning.'
.' Mb: question then is—uttri‘ 04 '4Bll;er—was the i
, mining trading,.ntifioad building and oth
creation of the afurvedibt of It Ssn by the anthorl- ! 1 6 . -,' ",
_„,.... ... .._,
lies. under the facts stated and for be last call, author-'ret!'stittes - costo-osits resources of our. much
lied or warranted 'liy llor ? :.'rhis 'onesaon • we, wM 1 htlked, 4 4,lhoUghherct9torellttlektitwn, new
proceed to answer its brieflyaa 'possible. The find act I States and TCrritorie4,--- It is the product of
of Assembly, granting power to create todehteduces Pr 4 • - v i inif labor;' l in tri*eland pe rsOutil ithseriation,
pay money fur bounty purposes WAS passed.2sth4ay of i .
March, 113 W. which provided io the shim seetkin: thst ! . nno is destined , to•navean extraordinary sale.
"a sum not fecesoding those hundred dollars" inkd i t b e
~ ril . .o,N,Prilr, *e Mittetstsod,' is !old -,pply py
TRW to.' volunteer duty Y. mustered, am:Fatted, At.' I sii4 , icriptipit; -soll fit XS' 8 44.* olieikgPersdns
This Realon hate ned in full force until the 15th day of 1 aa i kaa , tn a _ t _• _
c ai agents sktonl4; add to ttleu . ' 1
itarcb, 18115, Ind Omithereibra' thelaw dittlag an the i.. 7--. . •
.. , ; int. •••• , . - - t •
Um Or, quota hi que on s was being forptsheds fo e. , ..
~ . ..,. ,
..;,. :,. j , ;.,..
. . t
j 1 (di
that the butt volunteer win nuistined in oti
7. ktn,as inaidlik6ll4lllol6l 4 the hdcopy
front the records of the Provost lifittshardofflee above
reamed for tad h the pesteasioncif thaltmlipyigned
illadikeitiminitiMbien`woundwitatibetbsedsahotp •
have been. under the WO as it that wee and for, neatly
I month afterwards 'Muskiest; Me - debt, It la uninifest,
4rida not have exceeded INITIM thousand the hundred
* dollar& Ulla bit sael‘tken.ntis, •
ordinary bashieSis capacity and conduct:Moon tie pin
tbg r e.4llll l o7 q 4ll, Pt al A cn Tft g 74" 4
tkeir far piiiret" nn law—w Chase elf lite
borough debt four the:mined flue bapdredand . Lßecn
dollar; gni AO nes ttn4oun gnaw Vtinittis sandi e r`
view, bottom, whiey esertesineaim4;.orstruelinkdnT
of Mark. ltlb3, aldrikee "Implement to thsiaatbrinik:
Alma, Ifni, was iitictetry it wee enacted In the
'first seatket.that the sum of dote ism:Area dollaCs.Pres'
vionaly allowed, be increased to four hundred dollars.
Could it be. tlpitilhat'afterAuf.ptreeitri lipids *ele
ment and lon*iffer the vondittetti WeieNdrnlsitedvinad
had Ipit fur the different Mums . and armies k that the it-
ShorittesindloWed Paid Co omit an .•
hundred dollars? This IriCw of the case LS , .entlrely in
credible, and it ist belie,md not•he pre tea : he by
. any one, and it is equally evident th'ai it was the only
itoeo Ibte way whereby ; We additional hundred dollars
could have been legally—if iteitilien—Pald. lint if we
should !dye to the; supplement its broadest possible
construction. allowing it to betetroi r pective;ozoceditte
that themen were actuallyinnted up and the additiOn-,
lal amount paid tliem, what have wet Why twenty-eve
men at font inindred 'irisisidiie'bht ten
Ihnnsfincl dollars, which sum, mid& no cirentastaticte,
,coMtruction cr preteit whatevm ctrald
_have been exceeded ii:lthentn cleat d nuMmedottable
nilsregard by, the authorities rfftbeir edictal powers and
duties under ?tie law. TIM - debt, then, In imytvent,
is two thottbaika.ilia dollars fifty, cent"
mote than itaboubd be.- •
Third. Under the: heod of liabilities to the Redd*
published statement, appears an item of.”bonda,ll
. AB no part Of the above bum went to make up any per
tion or the indebtediewi on Oakety*,,_or ivaiivecktll.
to the dlecharie of any Ilabliitygrowing thereont, the
incitary becomeitie . •ertMetit one, Where atethesebonda,
by vArsbe!!AntaPol SOE9 BI4 P r
_ .. t ti iWiz not entirety wgai aladoiconi
! ing the ftind,i, nor perhaps could It besendered certain
--to an outsider—mop final ocOlesoesit of. t!OpThutoac
■till it Is deducible from the etstenien!.-Tenbtished, that
.Is Per , cent has heen.alluwed, wheicaa the law .
allow* but two mid one halt per cent, troilritt two per
cent. for collecting - andone-haltpor cent, firedhibitising.: .
Vldc sections 10 and.ll, act 25th March, 1564.
There are- nome Other things'.in'bormectioisWith. the.
nutter in band nut unworthy orconnuent, but o l yring 14
the length otthla paper we will miaow nodal them,
B Dar:GM:Aar
IJuly 341E47.:
CommerNie l &Twsk
. , .
Ma tomon:, pereolve the . editoc
of the Looll it still at his 'old post; standing
by the highwapside aid throwing atones into
the dihdi la order to bestneai well r dresaed,
decent ppiip' le, as they pass along, and make
them look filthy like himself. . The fling be
made last week at the' Ttev,... gentleman who
pmehed In one of our churches in behalf of
the suffering Freedmen. only serves to show
his want of, sense The sermon Itejeferred to
as "politie,il,"hed no more polltil in it,than
St. PaUl's .pistle to the Romani, but it had
more good: sense in it than could be .extriteted
from fi wtx thousand copies of the Local.—
The., Rev.' gentlemen referred to, is so far
above his defamer, that the litter might trap:
el a lifetiMe w'tthout coming in sight.of him.
, "Pa trasorwaurr.7.
Inn - big seen a contempt
ible article in the Local of two weeks ego; In
reference to the orphans' Home in 'Philips
burg, loWlxkludu*,!, f.v.ArAya., in-:. while
in that:4l24e, tO'grve - ttib frome"tilibrional
examination was accompanied by a.friend,
and after we passed . all over the 'grounds,
ont-buildingi, the rooms &e., ib
whie4 escholars-staY.:we are *pared to
assent ilrat every . word theal hafi . .said . in
regard to its condition is false from beginning
to end. The whole place from cellar to attic
is in the very best condition; and nothing in
or on the grounds about the buildings is In
any sense offensive to sight or smell. Neith
er M. Taylor or any of his fhnuly knew of
par - , we judge that things*Ore
in no better condition the day we were there
than they woulffbe found at any other time.
If the editor of the Loent then, was sufficient- -
ly sob er when he was in that locality, to ,see,
or sin 01 anything•more,offenaive,than him
self, it must have been -a filthy stable; owned
and kept by a neighbor; who , belongs to , the
"Lost Vause'" tribe. The children all look
neat and (dean; anti liars spirit:4 as buoyant'
as if they never knew what care dr trouble
meant. lile.Taylor'not being ut home
ing our visit, we were shown around and '
through the Home by his excellent lady, and
to whom our thanks are hereby tenderest
. • •
• - "Beriona theiitthitistkit."
A Complete Ifistor.y of thn Nett States - awl
7trtitarie.s;: from the Great Inner to the Great
Ocean, by Albert D. Richardson, iss tha title
of a. handsome' ynlinne, Ask issued, by. the
National Publishing, Company, .507 Minor •
Street, Philadelphia; Pa. The 'Aut her's long
and varied experience in the lath:knots-nand
ititoriani-regi GOO of:the Psi Viro,:lltinhtlt
es the valuable material for tliisr wor
that - RIC Alltiblsolciber .. , . - - -:7 l '' .. . ,-:.,
date th - rleallaV -.- I - - ;;As-,-, ~....,', idown
- ti Wire - orderedjsdo - - 1.. • .0: -07 ._01114
1 steps, while they were honoring a I nion'eel.
Admtion in Beaver three years Ago._ I wish
now to say that in that same . while a
I Miss Convention.Wsa 'being _l_. , AD Bower,
pm "'
a young nisiii - When an the t heat Mr.
Anderson's house i - luarrahed for Liseoln. and
-ghat he was ordered hy -one or two of. Mr:
Anderson's &many_ to rind doing. so-and l eave
4ti wlit=l.tunhele klig I°ll 4
tarttAt i tt,
"on the point of using form to'put the young
'Unionist for the side-walk, when be (Mr. A.)
was interfered with by an able-bled Man,
arid the youngster told to- "hurrmh as much
and for wtoetrer litlo
and etn.W4itiostmaillOfotre=
table witnesses of Chippewa ;Ws p wh o
were present at the time r and took, some, part
in the uOir: ' . ; - ' A IpKtoNtsr. -
- - -
a Union men of B4ver counW .. ,pu are
tfit - most
etiit t ive Office in your gift, who so bated Un
ioiAsra in 1864, as to, order. ladick fmin his
door, who were cheerint , In 'honer of Union
Act° riesogrdryvho liggiifivelttlirtmgd..-, have
'used force to eject from the pnblic . pavement,
a young man who . so loved the great and good
Lincoln, as to give expression to; his feelings
by, .shouting 'rho' not been'
teased in the boy's t i' 'Carr
,it 14*,
there is a Unionist In the, county, who
does not feel that loyalty lisibeenlromited by
these tic. 4 4s44l44Mdtikr , —'44)
the litOsiiiitliNitispedlni,..„ •
resent with patriotic warts - • . indignity
that is offered in asking itbit to tot§ rot - a
Map who thus acted ' was
staggering under the blows of a wicked and
k . useless rebellion? If there be one who
does not feel ii 08;
'very soon theffitiii - eiiit bloOdy dao4 b4t a
few pan ogo,- ,Lf;i a ; hies recall"; tbt*
then ask hi neelfwbelberitlis Idirilitir.; sow
to vote for' hitntvh6ilespltsidUultretifteri;iind
chafed over Utiliair*teries,•er : *hether:- he
should give' itiSlOeito that mieliyhe risked
oil in bottle sulk garlitis right NMI' , his
country ,might '
EDITOR AllOl9lO irTiIikMUNINUA.r rapidly
hniirovin* sty to' i . nva . •%*efai Pint office.
Edward Noble, P. 31., and Mr. Dawson of
the Inn cif Dawson & Asilstant
P. M.
The Pittsburgh cutlery company consisting
of General Howe, Dr. C. Gr. Hussey, Raker &,
Muriel, and Mans &,,,Nason t fp
,erly a-spe
dial pa rtncraltifi r lsoneraa a joint
stock company with a State charter, and a
capital 'stock of $250,000.. '
- In additimi to their extensite brick build
ing erected last year, which is'-tied for the
Manufacture of pocket cutlery, and driten by
a briait wheel equal:to fifty leaciie.:_ power, they
have Just iiiiiipleted a Mink, lid, ffing ; eighty
feet long
,and opestOry bighiasslarc engaged
in the erection of tWo others of brick; to bo
respectively 210 feet & 'IO feet, each
stories high, - for the manufacture of table cut
lery, to be driven try three turbine wheels
each equal to Mr horse power. The espac-,
ity-of the atiaelaillerSYN:ltptilPhlY:frout five to
stn litirici '
recThaHcl3, AMA ' resohrecs
the company combined With the energy of the
litatulgers:' Y giVeJtOtiniiineetif - the - early com
petition of extensive works.
About fifty dwelling.lumace • have, gone up
during the present summer, and about twen
ty-live mentor* beelot-claptiota:, nakiercon
tract-tate-ix' impleteffletife4A-Ofthe-cora
ing faiL., One hundretinuolaWilt-be ;needed
when the new cutlery is coropleted;toacdana
modate tfirittrii4tiies. ,
A poteerFiiin flitriiiiiitlitat?"ivlttie a an -
PACIXatWt. elolnr, VI( if mask,
canning purposeTl i ie_ let Affliettiters Arc
receiving orWliond
Pittsburgh and Chicago., '),•- "- •
- A Railroad passenger andsMght" depOt,
with F4zpress and Teregrapli"itice Attached,
are very much needed irr'thls 'enterprising
Clap" and for the convenience of all - parties
ft is proposed- to hate the Aceomtuoilation
Trains from Pittsburgh .ha,ve. this point for
their stopping phide, and arratiges for the
different trains to. halt at the Keystone and
Sourbeck Houses, New Brighton for the ac
commodation of passengers, who wish to
stop at these Hotels. • ,
These houses have recently been fitted at
aco;o of.acteral thousind'dollait ;The. lat
ter isintended to - supply what has long been
a great wantin New Brighton, viz: a summer
resort for strangers. The reputation of its
proprictors,3lr. &Mrs. Sourbeck,are too well
established to need any rceiinunendation.
. . .
A DYISIKTRATIIIet I.Concso— L otter Admlnletra
-1-3... don on the estate of Darn) iaLAIWITEIt, l/Ite i l
of l'ulatki to wnellii),l fkaver county; decd.. !Lavine 1
boell wllilltud to lllC.Updettig.:oollom . Pen.9. Indebted ;
to the e.afd estate. are reirteided tet' Make immedt-.1
ate payment, and thmm baying' claims. or demands I
ateainst the e•aate of paid tlecedunt will make known 1 1
he eame NVltll43llt delay, - , ,•• .
"IdA fit:A RET SLAUGIITER, Adner.i.
JOHN TINSIMAN Adair , - .!
jy10•61-6t. .. d ., . .. , r`, . '• • 1
Teachers -
rtliE male 'Vitaehull laird five female 3sttbst r tmt teach
1.../ ens Mr Iblehmter Tattle Sehtxtl.; ,13/eetion IC,th
of Aug. 18117. Scluxt to commence&et 'Monday Of
By order ; of Board of DlroctorP.
i .11. W. tiBELY.
jy3l'67:3t. • Secretary.
4. VEIL COUNTY, No. 15e, March Term. Pet , ~
Robert Porter va Eliza Portar.libel in divaree - ,a.rin,
- i
cub in/Uri:non it. - .. •
„: The subpoena and aikur Subporerta.benniAtt Ads
MSC, haviug.beeu returned M. R. I. the defe.tidaut above
united. ie hereby notified .to Romer in Conn, en the
CPA Monday of Sepitenber;TE64,lo answer the cont
plaint of the libelant.! - J. S. LITTELL,*
iy3r6t4t. .. . 1 Sheriff. :
tr., ."^:••• ..,.--41.-- r. .:, .."... •,., ` . ."..t.,
_ ._ - .. .... .. ...
• -
Orphans' Court Subs. •
BY VIRTUE OF an order of the Orphans' Gantt .01
Deaver crounty, the underslgueitTreiteesppOintad
by said court to make salelef real estate of Archibald
Cunningham, dectr.ised, will expose to public sale ell
the premises, on :
IiWD-WlPA i r,'AttgtlB4. Mat; 1867,
at- one. O'clock, r. j x., a tract of; land situate hi
Darlington lOwnship; in sato county, (a portico!
thereof being tn Little Beaver town.thtp, toe county
of Marine,) bounded on the north, by land of Harvey
MeCowin, emit hybrid of Jobb Yong, south by land*
of John and James Young, arut west by land of A. Can.
ningbarn ; containing one huedred acres. =ore or len,
sibent filly -lire acres at-which are cleared, the balance
well timbered, and all nOder it U
watered, and is of the best 4
grazing purposes. newts a log dwelling house on
the premise.. .
TRR3lB—One third of dietMs to be
paid in, hand on the confirmation aft sale by the
court, and the balance in two Null annual installments
with interest fr@UtollitpliefliOM
jily2.4'67:Bt)_ i • Trustee.
A Comr,lete Higory of the New Biala and Ter
n' .ritai , iceifitont tAws tweetßitter 10 .
ae, Graze, Ocean.
f By' ALBERT D. - .reztaßDsay
ow :2000. Conde -01aa ;jfee4k
We and'adierahirelVii Jitoteritrikakeriet
/help! Coast. lila firer 200 Descripeir* and
~P&tographic (IRAs Scenery,
linadeataetalaga g i r ilia 1 , 1
. • Aalt .)
4444 . ; 4114kiams
this Illptory of that slat and fikile region , will prove -
an invalus4aasaWaaer_sopplylpg . .aa. ft,a a want ,
long felt' a - tomihmeartfe:trittlei4ailliaaWdelo. ca
nine- PAItO4I3AILINISIIS.Of tank Itc..
AGliriaxilli - Anariwertiandior 4aeCadars and leap
our terms. and, a hall dertripti on of the work. -
Addreat , NATIONAL PLBLISHfSG Co.. •-t
0102:4,ar, e Stn.laptile4l, •
; . - -L.A. •
• )
Beti . vey Falls Correspondence.
' "Beyond 'the Mississippi :"
, • , t's •
~. ,
:I - ' '1
el ...,..
, 74,... f- - ',..4 . 7 ( ":-.. 477 ',,, i:. • '', i Z,•-' 4 i •...*
.....,:. - Z, 6S :' :1':.!. . C., lip} Z .•..... .i ~.;.
• D 2A -- MOND,., 7 RoqlfEi3 . TEl2,_
NEW PitiNTs,, —
r at. 1. 1, e &lice
lIATSJ )7.140,W BA'S RIBBOisi4 &c .
_ .
evh . te:tireart;tl the Ageney (or the
-:n .. ~
Empire; Sew'3l._achine
i ~ _.
I Twiwitiar " gond tan ezatalnatko of the ease by
k -
TIM Machine ; lu oopgtnacted on 4. now' painelple of
ineehanictn, pcieseirdng limy nee- snail valuable Im
pnivelneuls. having'.been eNnniined by the most pro
found experts.and pronounced to be plinplicity and
perfection combined.. . .
In a mechanical point of view, the advantages we
claim for the "E.lll.lnr.3laengte." are—
pf.;-11ite Skilled kit driving the Neale, Bar' bY a
enmatauad mak, which 'pradnees diet mane action as
heretofore obtained by. t means of a Cam; but in A matt
durable and noseleas manner.
•:d.—We use a rotating, shaft above the table, atld'
thus are enabled to give all the room required under
the arm; without debittusut to the dash - attar. of - Xs
chines; having s baarlug directly. tirm Mu- Needli!
341.—,0ne Feed. Wheel le a ;friction feed, mad so eon;
strutted there is but one joint In tramp:do:ll4 the mo
tion from the rock shaft to the wheel, and unlike all
others, cannot be effected by oil or dust.
'4 1 1,h,e;-,The Yuck Waft Walt work- tike, FeeduwitioP
atipttrives the Stift& Tterbesithigs thlaldhstftmM
l'ehtro. are hartlenedleteel-.and ao that we
can take up the lost nintlan at Witt.
The following are_ the principal. objections urged a
galast Sewingalachines: • • • , • 1 -• • ,
1. Exctwlrelatigue to the Operator.:
2- Llehlitty to 'get oat of oraer.
St Expense, trouble, and lets of time in repairing.
4. Incapacity toltew every description of material. •
5. Disagmeablei noise while in operation.;
The Empire -Sewing Machine is
' Exempt from all these •
It kiss straight needle, perpendleilar action, realms
the lock or ' , battle stitch, which will neither rip nor
twit nteibilike on both eider performs pedal* sew.
lug on edarctiLalom of material, tram Leather to
t"+r' 447.01Mr*".e"- -?r aWt
" Having neither earn nor cog wheel. and the least poi
Able !deacon, it ma as smooth as gym, and is
PllpbatiatUy aliolscless Iffachipe.
F. A. - Vortiine's
Dry 43-coda
1 3:: 5
itQcathrEit t yl.
f: 7. 11
~1. ~ _ .
.~. ~:,.. _4.
• .
'I ---•
.. ._.~1_,_..
.k ;-t
Haab tz xtrlyt t P Mif 31.
'.ol). , tr• i np .
Ileretotbre eximing meter the
- ;
Dilsecolited, by Miiti4,E4
Joint Snt.n*; hoeing gala Ms entire
igune.-,••The Inuiendeued win eau
at the uld stand, under the Arra mine
• . • .
And lOW faille to oteilt. to still
confidence and petrons,7,e of the
*N. s.
o r! TO THE
t►Dd the coastas; r
Part(ol7'.ZES: S.
They bete state a lbw of the •generil principles::they
• adopt, se emend/11 to outcomes :
• jiL To boy and- sett chWely for cash, or Itiequita
ktutAtiorder to command the lowest prices acd best
markets. • • • .
. 94. To evirebui good taste and great discrithirsation
in buying choice goods; and in keeping &fall and vari
. W. To carefully avold,the practice of misrepresent
ing. or of deceitfully con soli ng the, real quality. of
goods. in order to effect aides. „ •
And dually. in alt reipocts. to do an honest and lerl
Oblate bitsinesi. which will bast serve the hAerest of
the eounntinity, and to this end they ask the enconr
*gement of liberal patronage.
Shallenlaerger Bros.
• Quetinswar,it, Hazdwate,,
l wr i z
144 w i 7117, B G .
Ith " G
R A d i EV
NI -
. 'Vrochice -
I. 'l l
Grpinnici ;and 7sapplies will be the main
launch of our business: and will include all articles
nsually found in a wall fttniished store, such as
We 'exp e ct 0 k4p,*
'-- . •
L •
And will, eel at very, amid profits. especially fain of
from to LO or 100 tbs. forananner use
t . -
Fine -Teas and- Coffees
'; AVID tll6 lie ; leading articles,. •
- t • I Ss,
L' t L
Queensivare Add Glaswares.
Great prominenceßiven to thia brunch of the
trada par) iu want-of the
win iiway;; mist
A Large Stiiel tif the Latest Styles
From which to retort full
Tel Dinner or Chamber S.gts,
We bpy Sp nert, York ,ana all low.
Wooden-vrarii Willavv-ware and!
• -1
ivi,i,a;nitn,itit ctles
, _.and Buckets,
, Potatiiifakatocra.
• •Rollinglins. $- t • 113‘wited Phis aid Lbws;
_ %Wird S o Wires, • ?Wile NHL 1
,f et t Truck tad Bodreta, '
ambit!! lEOHks, Pratt Cana A- Jar,
Corks andlV i. Stofie Ware.
. NON: - Window Glass.
Table battery IC Spoons, Toilet Soap'.
And a S - artety,of alfaik4rroW.a . 3y:rill be found among our
stock. - .
;!. 01 1/441•
~ 1807.
nano of •
WAN Wie Asip
nteiret In the
the business,
r extent, the
svccrbsoa TO
as vAßlcits xixDo,
,BENER'.4 __
- - -e, .--- a...:...:.- . -,- - 7.77-,-,
Sestioft 14 IL.Weie E.
'mats ricsTrfUntrA•‘:VD.l4t . TaX. OCcOMll l t doe th , 4 4;
:•..., ; : ,
1.• - coutrul alley, jt,.-11":;. Taylor. A. law ,
past year,'srill be re-otttiel italith of • , :No , .
pates will be sealed to.edranee emery top _
_beat .'
possible advantage. ,Stedentp.b , :Alf orb ,',.
lit' College., Fot.parttenbre itidtro• - • ...' s - - j- 11
,'. -.; ~- e, ,„___- KA IATLOit. • ;,' 1
7 r ivir
D. L., DE3li - Lin. Preal.BeateL.
J. C. Wnaos' Seey : '- ; ' ;Mr 31 . 1Y7;tti '
. ~ ,
•:: • I
. , .
rrliE ntivrEnt ov 14tEXED PENS DEPT, :4
I iu 1567.1 Xttstlrb: Clirytale. t; Slitatail„ awl Oromors. -
tat Deitartmetita. Oil% Meek with the v ery. t wig - b a n e .
.toN. *. lady vocalist. Kra. lilac at give opedolik4 .
tention to vocal intotc. I . - • ,
After ao tnatOcearit'of gaiters, bt: Dubecefis4 ,
.17 to .ay more ttui i‘i fititfyl the pttb or dot lime at
w i t
our open*. • FoirlCittalugue i . addrous I
I - 4 I , it.' ,T: TAYLOR; '
? D' AG'S . EW Pecs`[.
Etatd.!, •
' - 1 - '
J01'6701. , , , .
. Co al andikiNut 4pollil for Sale. ' ;. •
J. patronage heretofore bestowed upon /dm takes.
pleasure In harem:dug the citizens of. Ittacbester,
an Bridge
ler, Bearer and snrromidlng cottntry, that he fa
sti I prepapacr todbardsh ,anievellent article of ,Coal
Nut Coal. on 4001.. neltvered, or at
the B. on thirli..* of mans:. . Hank Is , lOtatted
on HElnley's Mtn:tear I:saunter, ...Drillers tett -
there, or at the Mere of 'llln t as Allhern. In .Dridgestaa
ter; or at the PrOthonotary s of ice In Bererer T zdi c l be
prontytle Wed: •
jyl, Ollly. 1 -
1) . Lwat 14 I •
ri i
GiOCElrti‘i and PROVUW 401
T 102%
(Soitli -side of Maki f"reef,„)
Jr l4 ' 67 . I
. . .
. 01 ,,.:it
f. ,* FIRST PREMIUM: • :
- 44 - ~
eu IIPATIVt ' l O
M ki,ll. etste
.. - imipliz, boa= la ii - ashius, Sot. l a i ak ilk i , i
.. itAssirTril' •.; ..'!“ .1
sm., GM' Hilif il ititlo4 CONWI - PIPO., L ,
11111** to ilbe.MTh15*1 noisz tku llm e r , . 11 1,
Aze . .l7 -7 . : ..a '314
• .•
.+ adr
id isg o dth a ono ofoo l o mnomkjwpo i r o omt , ....op _ ~,,... 4 .
~: -
aid-voIi•AA N ; • -
• - , alo ankle 'egrforlO:So
ZiotiMoot Novak allt*Vl
- • ...
m_ sir a
j. n. emmerr k co.. hsp►hbt4 -
' - •
D'x 11It voo tells GIIIIIIALLT."
Anzwrs—Jomi •*.ointEl Braves . : IlltettAir4" 10(
New .TiriztiTlßL • ' tjuorti 6S Gln
y,VIII:1171tOr AN OMDFR OirffiiEol4ll,4 l lW;
B. .',
Court of of Deaver county. I win . tyre* ha sele 4 .
public vendee. on the pleMba, ea' ~.: i . ,
.. •-, z i
,TUESDAY, Aitenarg 10th, Pitt'
at 1 o'clock, p.-m., all that farm or tail of bud o t
which James 31111111 n, late of Darlington gip, In '
raid Connty, died. Eeizeti_ e trusted' in :maid townsbM
of Darlington. and bounded by lands of Thltillhhh Iliv".,
)(min end D. F. Lee,. the Little Bawer Cra*.htuthe GC
Sellth Chamberlin and °Mere: ibeing the beWtatu/3.
property of the late Matthew Elder deed.,l ' . .
Abo4t US acres eirtired nuti- i god etateoCcultieV
don. Improvements--A largo two story Stone Howie
with;lo rooms, Milt der, cellar underneath, * itgo
barn with stone bieeinent; gn . wtherowt4llWww: to to
good repair. Premised well . watered; tad! Uwe% .
grape AMP. de., on the • .._ -,i
fprem t 4we
TERNS---4-tne-third o the pa . 1* band
on confirmation of the sale by the Court, the Dalance in
two . - *Anal annual psoincnts from that date with
luteteet, the deferred inerallutesti
h e bemoaned by bond
and miwtmme; the to pay all- Cost sad cv
pease of preparing deedai !tamps. ae...
/ 1 Wil.LIAM1111.A111:,
• Adtn't...of J2inew wmrnin.4tic - 'a:. --
61 1 1
1w ..L wi
Millinelay Trumaing
TWO DOOl2:4 :477LES d sllA.Al,Figgga.;
ST. l i Klan a r. the liti U l'ObT;
- formerly occupied bri z teltmr, •••,
on .Water it., where I WV' be .gbal to Bee a my'tird -
customers, and all othenqavoring me with& call.
• - 1
• , ) ` l' •
lam TIO , k leeching It Ai * I , iind gloat Of
lattmt airing Style,' of Xillinery; Trtanattnca; *c; Mb:: -
which will be bold very cheap: • •
- - '
Of erery d'escrlption—Silk and Stma• • Riinnbte t Ladies'
and Infai?xis nate, Ribboda; ROOkil; 41 4 ; At •
• : t
Of at kinds, for Dreseia:olo.4lliowelp.
I *o li.ussnoolinfikes; Bono*, 4ke. •
i-i t
,BALMORAL ANDj EfO9P 11111113;
. • -- •
Gentlemou'A l'arnimilingi • OMS,
Gent's & es' Paper Ce kit%
*or Am) pow evia,kike cArs.risbii:Thih
,W BITE 151111 M;
Hosiery and'covers,.
baldii& t
SPIU.NG min summEi
SHAWLS; 741:RT . ,11X . • ;
Just received, a large 14, very eitelfol ail Am eel:
Almi3 timu ,
Stamping; Pinkiq and , Cloaklaiiiiiig
and.Mbking oh:short notice.
MEN'S sancrstltADE To 'ORDER. IL&CIiDgE
t'i InTretU N G• •
cAlaki SEE ME.
simexiscn xi.A6d: •
TsSo .dam . below SHleti & Shah:owner's &meet"
thte, sign' of the RED POST Wateretreet.l3ellige
" swi,iffit• •?- : : • ' •
• 'Av+lrr
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