II Thol4avett.:4gii§. . J:,:WriParff, 2.64144 s k.TO Pacmnigron. 134tair4, in., August !I, 11367. Nom4itition. FOR Srpunsit: JUDGE', • HON. HENRY I'V. ~VILLIAMs, ALLEGHENY _COL'Iv`TY•. 'Union County Nominations. . .Aa• . THOMAS NICHOLSON; Hearer Co. Jo NATHAN it. DAS, - Washington Co. ;• JOlth .r.WING, . , • AIiROCIAIO •:: ftturomtAxnuNcE; Greene tp. ;. AftviiaoliOtarY' J .CA.HGELEY Be:war-1)4o.; Treasurer. , 1 g1.13 f lfl 11.N.10.11:6 Burosel i.p. Commissioner. •• ItNI. EIVISG, Racoon Jury COmmissoner.,:, 406.V.PL1 C. WILSON, BeareOffir.o. _ Auditor LL K. iS I IANNON, 'Hopewell t ; Poor Oirect or. SAlitiEfr '40141i.N. , 01 Y, Economy tp. litces of Acadtmiy. •Sr J. COSS, Roclvthr boro., 7`OIIN'B.3IICLA.Y,I3envbr bon) I • in etitinty :Treasury 'of Waynt rtmtty, this St.*, mos robbed on Wtdnestiny night hist : wiiek., The robbers. bleu the sure open; i cat lOtiud hut little money within it. No Clue to the rubbers. I;.Yin - ;_olherwistrordered the heaAquarters of the Cniop : ltepubilean State Central Cont 'mince, will be at I iarrisburg Pa. Ttteremov: and' t hes'D trdln Philadelphia to liarriAburg has eausqd no little inurtnering on the part or Ouse iv,-ho were opposed to CoL Jordan as Chairman of the Committee. - ON -1.1,1 e first page of to-days Argun the rend. er will find the addresS of the 114 on RepuU lican-titate.Cotuudttee of this State. Ilend it tr 'eeerp,subseriber, a . nd then band it to yolit!.iivAghbok.. •It presents thei, issues in the present 'quivas.s ht a clear, concise: man ner, and can hardly fail to mark nut the path of duty to eye t 7. consbieutiotts and intqlligent voter, . , A. DEPUTATION of citizens Or Aiaimuna waited 'tiPiiii-the , 'President last Wednesday and reijnestcdhim to relieve Gen. Pope of the couaminttlif*t Department. They . , alleg kd that *his administration was identical 'with with that 4A . and therefore not to be borne,. Thepresident to:their:do ry 141.. gave . tlieni no satisfactory answer in re-. turn,'.'leisycryjihrly that he has concluded thitt:theae"Tsontherii'deputtstions7 are "palsy" conee t riii;nrid'llie fewei of:them be sees the fn tYittyi[[ tx.,.:foi hurt '`• • • , - .Srfoqt,p4lic Presldent. sec. 'proper to re move-Gets.: Shiirldsu, 'hut little will be gained by the.e.x 7 rebeis in consequence of the act..r-,- The reconstructioo-law,As smendrmi by Con gress at its last sizsion,tuaking it the duty or the Wneml -Of t arnty l ,'„ not the President, to suttervi t re tive4eliey - of the. k.:oininandem of the several nillitarf districts, puts the - whole bulkiness iiitVGenetal Grant's hands. The latter is understood to be s dattposedito Sheri dan's removal s but if relitOltilub days Sheri dan's policy must pe purftkidttliat Depart meta by.i.441 successor, . eit t•s'. • - • . _ Tins result of the election in Tennessee on last Thursday: turns out to be a great I.lniop viciorY. Governor lirownlotr's majority near 30'000, and all of the Union candidates fire Congress are elect e 3. The Legislature too is larg,ety composed of Union men, I who will trice bare that Andydolinsottis not elect ed to the 'United States Semite after his:Presi, i denttal term expires. Themegroes have ful- fillo the most sar.guine exPeciations of their friends by voting for those who were instru mental in securing them their freedom, and the eltr.tive franchise. All honor to them, and all honor to the Congress that ;;hose to givve them the ballot instead of giving it to their disloyal and unrepentant masters. . irrtzflie*rtork Triune IX List neck criti itisys the atlit* of the Union Republican Committee Of OA State, and holds that it, had no right, to assail Judge • Sharavrivad's legal opinions as heretofore expressed by Jain:self. It astinines , that a judge:should not be held accountable; by a political party for his judi- cial decis . ions. Theoretically, this map be • . *lrrupt, but practically the people will judge a tree by its, fruit, and cast theirkotes accor dingy. Judeg Sherwood has f el:idea that iht a c ct of Congress making Government notes lezal tendet was. uneonstitutienal ;• and. as t • all the people are directly intareSted in this money, they will take care to repudiate his deeision by not toting for him at the October Thists the plain, direct way the Tietyle have of doing thingA, and the fine spUn" theories, such is are furnished by the Nbune, /yin neither entise them to falter nor thwart.thcm in their "purpose. A Simms of' articles 'published is our pa . pOr recent ly over the signature.nf "A Demo. crat" have elicited general praise thmughout the ttxuttity. . That' they have ertislied J:11 - - 0. for:ali time to come is beyond the possibility pl . successful denial. ITe: feels that this has likaurtheir eifeet, atulhe uo*.natkes an effort tai bri.,Ak their force ley seeking to establish the - idea that they are not writen ;11 1 a Democrat,ct a but by the Etlitor.of the Arrita. To give this l idea an air of probabilitrhe insinuates that be had stolen front ojir office a portion of "A I)crnocrat's" ntangeript, and that it is in otirhand, writing. There is not a word of ,:t44 true. We keep manuscript of this char •• : . tif:ter in a secare place at night, anti nil. the cow.furnished by "A I)etnoemt" for publi cation in this office is stilt &re, and will re pnaitt Here away, or ordered to be`bnrned by the author. No; we have va. rious• reasons for believing that thelAJIOl" of the LoCodknoicte wlto.th9 author of tliette -arts. Ades si and i flab, bo recogniies In dihn an in. • thieutial and itu.wruntible Democrat, - anti: one too who Is : independent 'and, fearless ' - nottr.;h to erpose the infamy attaching to a ;craw:• political friend, 'rho ladled his own oft-repeated betrayed his patty, told assisted In selliag it out to a giant men -0.1.! 11V. - . the , . A GREAT number m. "Lost Cause men I 010'14 county desire to hpld al*. — lap 'they are pining for the '` But Iry to irt , ;them -is juilt now what troubles thpViorely. Heretofore they wagered' their Adiiinces on I 'political is t mes, and loot. : . « ttey this .t - - elined to eschew- politiesciiilMlA - „nalk "04 in" on 'icounty taxation." Let us then meat them on their chosen ground and see what I results a, few facts will develoife. _.. - ' 1 The "hungry - ones" . allirge that it . ~ takes i f "one hundred tkousauti:dollars a year tO ivri, the cpuniy, under radical rule," and asseit, that ifithey were entrusted with .: thf Public , management it would riot cost over ?."filly thousand." Now what see the factS : , First, It does not take "one hundred thous-' and dollars to run the county, under radiali rule." In 180 the gross levy for ceuaty prtri poses was $q9,279,76. Deduct from this tlit lost taxes, exoneration, errors &e r , and we. have the. net anew of $61,696, 28 collected for that ye:o for county expenses. During that year too, an - dont of this sum 'V211,817,64 'Was I paid on the principal and intend of the cyan: ty Indebtedness. The expenses of the, ceoun-. ty ihr that yvar then, exclusive of the sum 1 paid on our public.indebtedness was:W,B7B,- .1 In 1860 the gross levy. for.county. purposes amounted tb $139,222,6t. Take $2,p00 from this for errors, esoneratiot4. and 104 t 4, and theßtd i t sum et $641,722,61, for,eountfexpendir. tures,4as collected. Dnrink,that year $194 , . OW of the county . inclebtednots 'was paid, and out of the sum aboye: referred to. -.The ex pense of the county for that year exclusive of the amount paid on the county debt was 447,71'201_ In 1867 the untountLt levy was $10,661,84. Take from thts sum 0;400 again for lost taxes, I exonerations And errors, and we find the net amount of cash collected fOr the year, for county purposes,-.to LC $68,161,84. Twenty thousand dollars of this sum will 'again beta ken to pay off our-c ounty indebtedness, leav ing $48,161,84 as the legitimate expenses of the county fol.. 1867. But says ono "How is, it that we, is a emnty„are so Much in- debt, and how many years at +this rate will it take to pay oir cur indebtedpes Y" We Ammer . One, hundred thousand dollars and more of this indebted ness was acquired by our railroad subscrip tion. That subscription was made,'not by a uradical," ? but by a l'kmecratic Rem/ of Cons misrionero. H. B. Amderson, the present Democratic candidate, fur county Treasurer, Was their clerk, and this subscription atone hundred thousami would-not liave been le gal without his signature to it. That signa -1 tare was given, and itis name is attached to every bond isaned in 4mrstitince of the trans- I action. One more y' .r, tinder our present levy,Will pay cif th rest cif these bond!, and 1 the balance of our , linty' indebtedness, prin cipal and Intclrest. After that the „cpunty ta..Nies will hArdly ux .ed so,ooo..per aill,unt. a less sum, we iiPpre end,than it takes "en run" any county it the state, having tie :. same'weafth; 143ourtes-and population. - The figures then S i itow - that after .we have paid off the indebtedness Xncurredby a Dem ocratic Board of ComptisSioners, Atm "radi cals" will beable to manage the business bf the county for Several - . thousand &liars /am per year than their opponents,. even • it 1 bragging moments, proposedonig. Tar; RepubliCan porwentioii hcld•in:Rich tuOnd last week was a auetimt„= Fears .were entertained some, dine baba I. the rival wings•of the pitrty wouid turn in, sind.;'!etit each other hp," but happily.* peaceful diapo-, *Rion prevailed; and* cordial 'union - was ef: feetxxl, by the adoption of* . platforht upon which all could stand. It is now ,believed. that the Repuldimna will catty the State ly 30,000 or 40,00 niajotity.. !'in t3nutt.t7r trial Inss develoi)ed - Abe. fact thnt u inajoilty of the Menabers of thOlmilitty• ry couttnission, which tried ditra. Surratt,'*- . : mmoo4lll6l'lo the mercy olthepresident after her coiriietion, on, scampi 'of her age and sex. The President with this recom mendation before him Signexi her death war• rant and ordered her e to be hung. t 'ltz election in Kent neky, held on Monday last went strongly against the Unionists.— The txtvdme4.svere not allowed to vote in that State. ; i "We are being eaten. up with taxation.= Loora. We find the alcove in an.article of last week's i.ocal, wherein It is charged that the county taxes are too heavy to be borne, and that.redreas can only be had by electing the "Lost Cau'Se" county ticket. We areacqualnt eti with but few of the details that go unriske up the county indebtednmsoind it ia. to be pre• sinned that the Local's knowledge is no more extended. Stitt there are dome of these de tails that , it and the Argus . are acquainted with in common, and to one of these we sail now refer,leaxing ram others to be inquired Into at some future`lime: LastYebruary llke County Conanaissioners Ordered the "Receipts and 'Expenditures" of. the county to be published in both of the papers published in this place,nt the expc:nse of the county. 'The. price eliarged the tax payers of the comity for doing this by, the re spective papers, in detail, was as follaws: . Local. fo r Rec"eipts , :hExpenditnree,...4lso 00 1 A nova " o .. . 123'00 Lorm. more than Iti,oba• ' ~...... -425 00 Localsf 1r Col stem; nhet thrice tax,.. ,. ... -t7 fu knots " ? " " "_,,, " -2050 Loc.s/.. inoro than Anors;. -- SG 50 Local. for Rshilit , of Academy - ; fond, :30 so' , , .' . I A HOCK .. ..,-`" .". :, • , " - 42'50 ,m 'at. more Than Attars ',...,. - 4.- rt 50 LOCAL for Poor Directors Mtn% 45 an /Luaus •• ••, `,.• 37 W. 4 pinkt, more than ARMS. " -- SI T *- Makin; a total of ',.. - 411 5 4 AVhiell the Local charged more titan the : 4rgrttO for the same work, performed ,at the same time. We wish it distinctly understood tb6 tre did not do this printing for one cent below the regular and advertised rates i of both pa pers. 'We received a Atli ) . price for it; and the conclusion wait' force itself upon every mind, that the Loth not only..,reeelVe full pay—its advertising rates—but thaCit, "swindled" the• ) countY In thii : one item, out of .145,50 hwAtleit. The Connty conamission ers should demand the refunding of this 'stun' of money, and if it is not refunded, : . suit should be• brought for its recovery. If the Loral's disposition to fleece the tax ',mere is so strong then as to prompt its editor to "do this in the presence of his polities' opponents, what would he to if the probabilities of de tection were removed and he was surround ed only by his party friends, • -• ' •We leave a :discriminatine. rosiblie to an; ewer the ciitestiori to revolve •in their own minds the leson:whicii.i" thin Simla" gle fact tc:iches. MEME I A short time before the "Lost Cause" cowl- robrrfinit ~ n in , litisplace;the editor of, thp Loiid, ~ fatiier-in-litiv,. H. 13. -- A.n- k soli, we 'i. , In .., deav iv; to create .*-- i''' e lat as nomina te . 4 , ,' t ' 'he "rim far i: end ,' _ intnif robability Would be eleetedtethe , office referred to.— "Scores of 'Republicans in every , township" grid thefowill 'tutelar 4 11.1m . ",_ or `lne," as the • case migl be; and it was; ststronents k jilte ~, .these thaticaused the party to Aote sucluiter , as . Johnit. Hays and 41.` W. fftbannori tiside, r 'to, unite . robin for Mr.' AndersehiNithSliek et. He was put on It; but neither himself ur son-in-law now believe that he will get a single Relnedio' In Vote, and It i is not beyond the range _of poasibilities '' to ,Wcnbtto l • upper his running a good way behind his t ticket when the election comes off. i Thelitet, , being atablishedthit be • had . , 0 -, Pawl ladies and Union igentlinnen off of , gepi wbonl Unto tat s UM° ists wens celebrat , a victory in 1864, her Withildston' peddling "P.Sh 'arra ' 'Can* * th ~_ ilia r , COM* aeitlei t ; 'queitien, ', of • , , hileitit - stip: forting i "Me the treatment:Ot'S Vass kenirife her destitute chlldscroseettedat , Maim ' will,fftsw i political SuPtant. *Um hint t '..:.. neither ' ,lift rot .11 0 r 1 , Mends &earned of 'losing three ), weeka ` : _ago. That Wennan's statement carries 1131 ar gument 7 1th it that - will lam -nn ha , Pre4aimt up the 0 , a great tatuV i Democratic voters of the minty; and it will t-equire more than the persorml abuse heaped 'upon the,editor of this paper ,to convince th'eni that:Mr....kg. conduct in that particular tallied with what ought to have been expect _ed from an aged gentleman, a professor of re ligion, anti a citizen reeking anoffice'of trust and p;ofit at the hands 6f a generous people. Time will show , whether we .are correct in this or not. - , Eurrni Andes: The individual who edits the Lead, and who* undertook to _represent the Deineciatie party of this county In the State Convention, and who sold himself to the montopoly, has not "leveled the artillery" ; at me vet. lie is'e 'lndently, afraid to bring I his'gent Fin raneat'ofany fire, lest Inonlght be', Utterly demolished. • - -'. But it, makes no difference to me, for his atrocious perfidy and andecions folly has led him into a trap from which it is Impesslble i for him to escape. - He virtually admits that he sold himself to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,-but that he did not get a large sum, not enough "to WIN a brick house or lose. eighteeri hun dred dollars a night on the titetr." • lie makes this admissionsimply bemuse it is a. truth so_ palpable that he has not the face to denyit. Hew eta° could liis tonduet _ _ _ be accounted for. For' two-tears he has been The Execution of llteutintillort. pretending through the columns of the La- • • i 1 1, ' owl to be urgently in favor of a Free Railroad To TUE Everou OP vie Alloys: It is very Law, and heaping obloquy upon others whom curious to notice the different Opinions enter he charged 'With opposing the enactment of tained-hy different people in different who; such it. law, and in the thee of these seeming- tries in regard to the death of the Archduke 1 ly earnest profesdons, he ;vent• to the con- I Maximilian. The Nese York Misruled seek a vention, acted as a delegate without atabori- r like for once with the Trlburte,lwhile the Tait ty front the% Detil t rratic party or anybody 1 bane and lud49cndem. take opposite views.' In else except the P , nusylvanta Itailroad corn- i Eu ro p e we no ti ce th e London im am expreaa . pally, and there in a Democratic convention, 1 Mg different opinions from the Nam; 'while )a pretended delegate of the Democracy of ; even in France one paper offers an apolo*'. I Beaver'colmty, in defiance of their Will _fie set I if not a defence, of President Juarez for what himself up in opposition to •the Free Rail-, the Imperial papers denounce as regicide. road principle and thus sneakingly aided in 1 It is a sign either of, great merit or - great defeating a Free Railroad Lau', in all probe- 1 weakness in human nature that when a trim bility by the neat Legialature, because if the i inal has been arrested; tried, convicted and Democratic members all oppose it there Wray' sentenced to death by it court' of Imam, his be enough of Republicans to go with theta lonely emailitioa In prison. as, he ;malts the to prevent its passge. ptinishnient ahnpto- his drone 'works upon The Pennsylvania Railroad company had otir.synipatblikend we 'begin Jinn to pity foresight enough to see this and suhadahltill. him, And,thew*irkid for his pardon. But These truths being self evidenk he is Om, the top, ptatintaantainis idways - •cooler than I pelted yr *abaft that he sold out, arid pilteiti. Its - tiseknird thishead of avian eletatedabove 1 toted hintscif to the meanest andanoet extern- the'broult,,,whictris the arena Alike passions I ible PorPftes- I don't suppose he got 4 very or . ighthetill queations, of right and wrong, till large sum, ' not , ienough to buy ,a printing give a calmer;itdgMent than ono dictated 1 place and enough besidaa to build ' a house by mete feelings ..' laf.:lB.the use of the in- ' anti spend thousands of dollars nightly. "on telleet if it am pia be relied on hi such nude the tiger.' I never made any allegliticrn of tore?' Let the Attbreevs at the taw get an this kind, and It. was. useless tor him to deny gry, squabble, ',4l.sitort the evident* -by- ape what never anis charged.- '' - cial pleading, bet lit the Judge in the bench I felt myself much flattered, arid 'grettlit remain cool so that his ; opinion= may be re elevated at the idea of Odell' charging yon , Si 4 eettlt • '' • • t: with wilting my articles. It has aitii pat I n regard A u • m aa h n in a n w h a t are the' we in the nett= drtitt.Yintik new_4o,o o4 ' lofts faits V- - Vaking advantage of the troubles of; and beekimingtin.edltor. 1, tlitt'mfi'Maing- to this country Napbleon and be transpired to! 1 thinkhy soute iniprovement lumy rrainmar ( war upon popubr liberty by ' founding an 1 and inthograpbx, I might get iienglolerably 1 greptre inNorth Amer. Engiand, know- 1 , well in that business; one thing' I ,know, my ing that even if the South did goon' and r i ze l paper should not be prostituted to the base a new:government thelcorth wonldbe st g 1 i PorPoses of the Lova, the editor of which enough to take Canada as a compensation ' eeelas to think it the glory of human nature for the loss, kept out of the arrangement but • to cherish the grommet appetites of the . brute, wished it well. Maximilian and his master scarcely anything but the leprosy of unclean-' Louis Napoleon had nq More right to go to hams and the filthiest jests of the stews drop , Mexico to overtarn Its' government and es- from his pen, 1 tablish a monarity than 'their had to corne to 1 Odell is a cobstunate Um', as I will war ' the United Stales or,Canitdann such an er f show. He says you are the author of my ar- t rand. The Mexican "Notables" who asked 1 tides, and that be has the "manuscript copy 1 the Archduke to‘comb were a set of traitors , of your effusion of last week." This is an i who had no more right to do as they did unblushing Ile—if he has My mannseriptihe ' than the Democratic Copperhends of the know my name - and that lam a Demoemt, I u n it e d states bad to wait upon Lord Lyons And refter was anything else, heesnse, as you at New York and ask him to get the British kobtkility name was at the bottom to a pad-. Governmentto bAerfers in nut quarrel with Irate note addressCd to yourself. If he has th e re b e l s a nd ir t behalf of Jeff D r & It gut the manuscript he Ilea in saying that you Lewd Pernerstorrhid sent Prince Alfred, or arethe author. If he haa notgot it he lied toy of time =name Singling's' of Germany in stating that, he had it. So lie lies any way accompturied by en army and navy, to secure you cnn.take it. I therefore brand ham as a the independence of the rebel States, and to wilfuliand deliberate, tiOr. 1 refer to this on- make the test en empire for hltroelf,—and If ly for; the purpose of proving Odell a liar, a fte r three y ear s hard fighting w e h a d s h o t which I have done. But why the necessity up the Prince in New York together with of this, for a man that will sell himself and aus leading Generals, and made them prison party fur a few paltry dollars - would not bes 7 era of war, la it likely that President Litman, itate Itslie.'' - banished for yews Irma the United &ate'. Odell can't hide his horrid _guilt by ,thing and wandering Ines - hunted' parnidge• on ing the air with loathsome lacivioas litbtil, the mountains, would with all his gentleness but must stand'etigniatized with infamy be- of heart have sent Prince Alfred 'back again 1 fore the Whole community, neither can he to his nati v e hind? Na it was unmitigated i eseaoell snaking Of heaping°Monitions despotism m Mailmilhat to ISM his Oetober } language on Republicans, it is not my decree of death itrall Mexican republicans 1 1 business_at this time to' defend 'Repttblicans , be c ause thee keyed their coubtry and were add will let Imbrie, Quat - I and Taylor de- t w illi ng t o Au.f er ih Third( OCthe -sam e of i tend themselves; on the other hand if nay 1 noble patriots who were arrested by order of, I inclinations should lead ane to assail these t the &open:trend. tiliot like doge, 'and their ;gentlemen, I will seek another channel than 1 & fl o e& given ----. 4r to peva**. yet when .the ' - through your columes, I must say hOwever I tide of battle turned against the usurperavhen 1 that I hare known Thos. - Nichnison all my the-arni of revolution biionght him do;svn and lire, and I am Sure that he can't be injured, Ab e Mexican republicans up, we are, Invited where he is i ttiown, by anything Odell eau 1 to l let our sympathies cluster around his guff: say against' him. 1 feel - bound to say this itV head and to , forget Ids decree that con much in his behalf although he ise a helittb- t signed a large number bf the best men in than. Aratl will say here and now, thetjf t Mexico to filoodyitraltes- ' '-- Ithe Dernociptle party Is to he controlled'enti 1 We regret that th e out raged Mexicans took 1 mausoed by. J. U. Odell orendorsea irispai- ! the life of the intruding usurper, just as we I Mental paper Inm no` longer with them; I ! regreettud, Crop:Limits Parlianient tneli• the 1 J will not hennule a tool for.corrupt and de- ,We of Charles, - ofthdveptiblictris of Prance signing men t tobeled and sold out like sheep Ibeheaded. Lottis7 Although, in the eatie of 1 tin the shambles neither will I apt with a par- Charles, the temptation to put him out ofthe 1 ty that can ,end'orie the licentiousness and - Tray was-exceeding et, we neversay 1 i c r g rea" 'sordidness of the Local, Be talks like a man that It wits a blink a t. -I r. Perjured seminairel 1 Ihi authorztr, in hie laettssate' he gay!:."Go though. he was, and as unprincipled a liar as I i into your lole puppy !" Let the cowardly °ter was in New-gate., the church of England 'hound- rave. He can afford to talk in this motdaed him as a, saint and to this day sings -wily at a distance, but I can tell the scullion , ids pra4es, Etitlaripe, the poor re,fugtte who 1 that lam able and reedy' for him in any way 1. was marched Out - ethic doniinions to the . tnne the may,choose to take' it—mentally or physi- f of Boyme Watet;Pnlislled of neglect and had callyl um, afraid of no sueh blustering bra S`, nOremeinteranet Inthe e.hrireketilender. : gait s . ' - ' • ' Let its not be tooserere, in, our • judgment' But let me again' turn. your attention to 'of the 3fe - ilea:li fortheirnreemdings In the :thi - positten that the' Democratic pariar now 1 case of Maximilian and the traltote'aluf I ocenpiet in the State antiinthis county, The joined Ithkaalitay cause. The government is, I,Democratie masses in the county are almost i preparing-an eiAtititimintra definee of its tillgUljn "AY In favor'ofa Fite Railroad Law; t action which, ih-nl s it ,_, appears * .will. ative ad ' 1 Odell Advocated it' for two carts "in bisim. !very dily er ' eut ` en • e weil eu xe_th e. i g heig -ea se . pe tithrtmie r d : u l es u ct S t_ d he ao;n47 pa nrs rt ta y * .hil itela d tr a ßao l urat taie , mil eo dt : c.a ve rni, n t ri hs.ed O ey n i a t i na d t p ihasre ai r tia oi r eur til iv e M wam ettillY; aritak lust enn rel_ - ye e ry verYste lne. P t : as a people. who tire not . for it tire against it. 'They have i They bare' • iiiselotig , pritilt-ridden' and committed any pemoerstie members that 1 eaaeat-robbedtbat.tbey seem. Unlit :O. Deb-, ' may 'Pe elected against, it. ' They must do 'doe, and by Weir throttle State of - favoltdialf 'this or oppose their Party. The monopoly have brritightreprbechuponßeiniblican III? , sent her agent to Bearer county. who ap- ",troy: But thery ,, wereparnietil lvitt 4 n 4 lit a pointed Odell a delegate to said .convention; common trouble. lestigated by - - iv - hatted td , Who sold hiruSelf out at a low Spire accord- 1 free institutions. Had Jeff 13s'vls,- 'with his I big to his own Showing. After this villain-_, Southem trillion; trail Northern copper thus outrage uprin the rights and interests of, heads, not attertilde' "the overthrow of this I the Democratic masses he Mae home. A, Govenuitent,.rshiliffanniems' awl MaAton - coutty• couventimi Lll held, • and he , managed : ran would never have dreatectofau Empire itobe N. delegate to that convention and to be .in Mexico. And al our victory over the re -1 - , ME 1;;e: . •1 1 • ' t made elminnal dons ektul lutious w s"`Tentim4 care npll4lf of the ills s. Med thro months r down f _ ( are inertly 4 etral Ual& r llll2 l tried men, den Moil, Inn* aty newt Watt 440 :luiior _ . drawn up . escaped hate ted and put k i zi of Odellionmp ~ torn 4, -- selection, an d his torn fiamin-lsWrzendimr ted for therbeeleffine in. Alto omit% •every", third done up in a le to suit tids unprin , l ciPledsUnnpr and „ What next?, Themes emp a rd, banio,' antil ollptip t eeak^ is aw e c iOr immi n or . I the- lonelytormaittea;andiin, thOitti, 4111 0 , ! are done thathe may more ` effect saw s e nt the interests of the nuMcgoly. •_• - ; ' `i• Now will true honest, l; kinsomats 2 antatit Of en We Will the narks he drive* on Wal l lengla Mates theolote nuntlet .04141_. t a:stranger lifanspitionsidtametakto eer, map „least of it. • Are we to he 4004 %warm& et fhb kind. and a ll ow oar ,Inte to be bti traYed and soidnut at pleasure r. , ', • . •, .; Row &firma was it ?Asia Melt . men Be. , John R. Shaman, N„ . l%,.geozi t Tb ut Cunningham, and-athina :et Ilk illt‘indile. 1 im 1 .-_,_ , and eharaineri and in days Sam 1 B. on o :stood In the frost. *ab at the partriwitentheso Men mriAalW our hoats,l I there wits no thingerof being - twat- I long to the preelpfoe 'of. U. ' ink' • When we looked tellies° men to guide us there was no dang,er ofrbeing sold oat toss inonoPotY.-1- They . were men ofsiglityi men: ' , ltone*Y,• t i se hien of truthilnd men of irrep hnble char-, . actor. -Is isnot a blistering that a' corrupt unprincipled man like Odell should I attempt to fill the place of these shindnglights of Demotmey. in Emirer county man wlici has nu interests in this county bu hlsown itg.- itiandizement and - no aims but the dental-oi zatiOL2 of soelety. - 1 for one wilinot submit. If'onr candidate for assembly, iJohn ;Mite; expects to get the upright , . and intelligent portion of the Democratic party to support him, he mustootne outpublisly auddenennne the• course Of Odell and show to the' ple that he is ecK irt•the oonapirac y~a hint to 1 betrafthe Dentctatic - party, atui pledge hint= self in favor of a Free Railroad Law. Unless I he does this be can't get the vote of the right thinking Democrats of this section of the county. The other cantßilates should do the same thing. Theo; roust tit least 'prove to the people that they,don't endorse OdeU in his' corrupt conduct. l`nle.Rs something is done soon to relieve the Party of the 'odium under which it now rests there will be such a stam pede that it will make - Odell and his coadju tots quake in their boots. 'ln haste. • . ' ' - A DEMOCRAT. .'i r I sig,n and gttaratt would conquer her !sympathy betweistil is• very tender and. good account. lan -totwithstanding the ' Mr.-, Johnsons std v with Mexico olik ate and going to. fr ositoown upon MI mp li. All be by po some cy , that nexpeesieders 'somewhat Nn.-enlightened — and 'free to let off from I Oen who committed - dug to overthrow Ite States: , inEngland* France e intelligently con -1 line enterprise; became minty of a sin for which there ts. no . pet:innate.. Bo cause the attempt was made not against the . people of the I , lorth; -not even . against the people of the United ,Ettatea; but against Su awaits: This , free goverseaent of ourswilich came into existence after nearly Ili thousand rasa of k n =Gail* sk the hands of ters,bekleg.s not On us.Arueriesna(we are only trustees of the gilt) but Ito the lonsanfamily The rights seamed to tte by the Constittition and laws are the rights of buman WU* and belong to man as, . man. and are inalienable.— L hale neforgtmesk therefore for Jeff Da its a . ..a.‘t his tellow traitors Of the South nor. I ,tort!M Democracy oftbe North who lured them on with promisektltel Mr' too false and cowardly to nor Mr' the English - , French. and Austrian 'Auteleltites who when our bands were lied, took advantage of our Weakness, out *Wed .a d eath blow at the cause of human liberty by - Omitting an em pire in Mexico. One ofthepaties haspaid ithe forfeit of his folly and his erimelvyteld ipg up his life to those he se deeply wrong ed.' The iron of remorse and 'self reproach bas entered l into the soul of the French Em-, peror. ' , .Teffinavisovith it mark blacker than Cain's, staggers under a load of Wanly such as never pressed before on a single man. The Democratic party is dead am' calls (Or burl and the case of England, the meanest or, all the conspirators; isi laid . on the shelf to await the developments-of the Iliture. B. , A Desperate. Duel .Wharela Both , -,___ tharrlacipals are Killed. - You '‘- - think allift _ - The" Welby, ky., correspondent of c that tur conntri,_ Lonisvillel, Ontrier writes, July 22d: otic detertninatlon. A deplorable tra'edy was enacted abon a •Goa ' a n d i l i be rt Y 4 •' ,7 ; mile from on rquiet little village this morn ing 1 — l ,--------7-0:( --- at daylight, which resulted In the . death ore i Zr would seem fr - ae promising Yoting man, and the mortaliwound- Russian Aineriett, 1 cociC ing ofanother whose future was all WAlN:icy , States, is riot suet' . barcit and promise. 1 - ' , 'would have ust :In 1 Littleton Wells and ffertford H. Roberts were -nine Orthodoy . Chure both young men occupying enviable positions glen. These 4es nunal In society.- - ' Wells was about twenty-two ishioners. I the or years old, and Roberts was:probably, two are native country, 9 years his senior. The l' former was Deputy eign an , . descents 'Postmaster, while the latter was clerk in the had be led into the store of Reath & • &tether. For some time sew . were -cool both had been paying marked attention town chi, Ar •-'Spiritual ,amiable and beautiful young lady of the be .moved from N neighborhood, and until within a month past I, ; Not one orb& were generous rivals, their relations tow area' tell parishes fo each other being upon the most friendly foot- I informal= wt . lugs- , ,tatistical returns.. Some three weeks a' Welts Wells visited the , 3-ourigladyi and made* onual proposal for i . her hand. His prirpositi, n was zespirtfully 1 .i.W' 4 D VIM TIC 1 - but firmly 'declined, end - upon his pressing her I ' 2 '. . ' , for baooka)* forber domination, She MMUS - 17•ECtiTOWSNOTICE.—Witereas lent-Telma:omi meetly irifliniaed Idle that shelled areath , ; ac-.C.4 tars op the estate of .loux WITILSIZSINiOX. Late of 1 eepW a similar proposition from young Rob- Enultiltot,T...Brer, touut y it r . d ec' d " t r ile n lite b d et i: i ens. Wells returned AO the village- He finkir u d I lLootate are requosted to make imniedtate payment. armed bias& *Otis Pfstol, and then songbv,ilsid thoee haring thane or demands against tae estate 1 his suceisaful riverst tire store. - Here an id- 4 4,1 eala de ceder". 16/ please ; Present u"ln properly. torcaticsa eniart4,, which would have had a ".C ftew r *ll4m4: Vit . r e ll' t icubmarci:F.setator. I 1 bloody termination had not bystanders inter- sag ens..; 1 feted. From that time until SaturdaY they ___ i i . roautrorf bare. were as strangers to each other. On that day they both attended a picnic, Roberts being se- I companital by hisfiantee. . Ai soon . es Welts saw, them together; be seemed to be imbued with the )sery. spirit of insanity. Appmaeblng 'tbeimbalgroasly insulted Roberts. in the pre* 1 ence of the whole assembly. The insulted man sprang to his feet, and started toward his Insulter. evidently to resent the bun% when materna' present prevented a collision.— Roberts and his fair companion immediately ' left the ground and repaired to her- home, where, she fearing a difficulty between the ;-parties. endeavored to persuade him to spend , the night. In that she failed. but succeeded in extracting as promise from him that he would not return Ito the picnic ground. [ Reaching the village, and brooding over the gross outrage that had neat put upon him, he wentio his room and penned aschalltinge' `to ;aortal combat, which he entrusted to a. friend to be nelivenld into the bands of Wells. , This Marlon was accomplished that night.— Nextmorning a Mend alike challenged par-' tx called upon the friend of Roberts - to :ar range the preliminaries.' This was soon accomplished. The arrangements was that the fight waa to come off in a meadow. about one mile oust of the town, at daylight, on gondav, the wespcns to be Colt's revolvers. At the appointed time principals and sec onds were on the chosen ground. The prin cipals Were placed ten feet apart, with in structions to fire between the words "one" and "three," and then advance, firing as they advanced, such being the terms insisted upon by ihc,challauger. At the word both parties' fired, and so accurate:, area their arm that Wells fell dead, pierced through the brain by his adversary's s halt Roberts received lus opponent's ballet in the center of the breast; passing through bi • body and lodging under the skin, just to the left Of this spine... , At the moment liirrite he is not dead, though sink ing so rapidly that , the physicians, say he can not possibly live - morethan an hour. Wows Jurome TANEY delivered his celebra ted in the Dred Scott case, the Nee rot* Trs3aster violently assaulted him not on -1 'insa man but as a judicial officer. Now thistttivßeptsblican press and the Chairman , ofthe Reptthiletm Stole Central Committee of Penney enia hold Judge filkanwood re isponsthle for an opitdon in which be pro mums the currency of the country illegal, this same Trionw goes' out of ita way to re buke Colonel Jordan and the Receblican I journalist* of this State. Ever since ,Mr. Greeley ran to Richmond to eat dirt at the tees ofJetrerson Davis,- he is restive with those who are strivint• . to hold traitors se countable for their bnraes, as well as make. those responsitde 'who sympathized with •trmson. Tf it was right to denounce Jidge Tane,T for his Dred Scott case decision. it`i is also, right to execrate Shorewood for his de cislod against the legality of the national cur rent*. :But whether this is ad or .not, it is well enQu"b for Greeley to understand that the Republicans of Pennorrivania can Conduct their campaign without ofd from him person ally or through his newspapere, If Greeley I wants to aid the traitor, sympathizers of the Keystone State, as he did the traitors of the Seoth by bailing Davis, let him endorse Shorewood Witold of threshing Copperhead cimaas , with abuse of Republicana.—/for 2t ,New Geld Num )iitsw Tile. Sonia Fe multi aliaishk , titireating particulars-Of Borne newly . discovered <geld mines. Oil thblittadvaters: of the Cimawan, befitiinitatw - aid "Itaxwelf's ratieha An extent of ground serewar . eight miles long try half a mile in width has been fothsil town lath ow gold t paying quintities, andidgh er apitbc liintend at other points coarse gold hakithsi lion found. Numbers of -men are - • suduld mats to strike Abe reek.— Ons sttlurilepth et slum 'feet gives three csnicto the - pan of coasaegold, with pay dirt Doglike SurAceelown. .some, Make& 'ara roosted :tozbe itourtve to.' eight 401611 iribriiith pais. -"there were . about two hundred men ow Lbw l irrodid , :end• more were "chtuatantly*dminu-tTOole- Were.very scares' but sipplosfarb en the read from Den- Further and richer diacoveriei are ex pectedsti the exploration Leconte mono level ' oped: ilk - ditch with a thousand incites of wa rn-will be.arovht oat* the flour gold patch 1 by the 15th of AugusX. EFINE DIESICO„ .T10:1i14.10:1E011iEsCOBEDO AGAIicST I:: y POZZIONIOS Lti FV1.14. Itfter befall of y.scobetio reads thus.— It:1s adtstsedto the -Goventor (Gomez) of ' V,lr e = it ofthOtraitors, width I had the satisfaction of directing, is good for diges tion. it will stably the Betimes* and the 1 Nsakees, tee, thapo tritle,with the Mexicans I is death by the lair. 'lied we complied with the request - Ards° Thames; to sperel the till builtero ittal'hisassoclatO' traitors,'' , it would have been taken for emvaral4e, end the text thintykddhaveheen a request , to give tip our lalfds, our mince * and our women. After this we shall be alknkd toiwonship oar ' own God; till our own soil, work. ourown mines, and not have our wemenideilled by Yard* libertines. ' ' • ' I ant now , in favor of making clean work of the detestee Gringets." This country belongs to God and us, and just so long asoneforeign.: l er remains on our soil our liberty is in jeep' , l ardy. -By every paeans in our ' power we should tughe the country Mexician; and as all the property. its the hands fOretrtiners Was made by our misfortunes, we shinki take now that wohave the power, and hunt them from the country. , My motto now is, death to ail estrangerost , There is no danger of the Yankees inter feting with us.so long as the &Kitimat Suite (Estados dektinr) are kept' ut' of the Union; besides, the:Mack teen would aide with us, and may at any time pronimnee against the whites. Before we get through wfth the ter ' citrons -the Yankees will think we are in earnest, and the time will come when their notables will be begging for their, , him heads instead of begging for , the A.ustrian. In nor struggles for liberty ;we have hist nearly all. Our landsand at; mines, and Our liberty iuld our wanton, and our bonnie we still have, butthe foreiguera lave all the ava ilable wealth of the republic,: but they :will ;see in less gaol- three .years 'that Mexicans ' will have what they want in Mexicci. Yon , will understand . from this my position, and' should I by` any chance wlutt/er become a candidate, you will'understan my unaltem• ' ble platform. Whenever the thue,conies you can entice this letter public in molt manner aS' you think proper. I know tluit you and think alike on these matters, and I kno that my ' conutrrmen will applaud our patri otic deterMinatlon. - .Godand hbertyl '., • Escommo. , IT would seem 'from the following. that ' Russian America, lately ceded to the United States, is not such a barbel-ens rttgion'as setae would have ustelieve : In 1853 there were -nine Orthodox Greek ChurChes in that re gion. These churches numbered 12,000 par ishioners. Five of the ordained ministry are natives of the country, of the 'nixed for eign and Indian descent. Religious books had been translated into the:native tongum-,- Several schools were .connected , with the churches. The•J•Spiritual 'Metal:tory" had been lately removed from New, Arch Angel to Yakootslr Not one crime had been re ; ported in fiteli parishes for over forty years, This is the information which comes ,fromi Russian statistical returns..'l SW` D V 4311 T 147-1" • , , , SO Cg .—Notice is hereby given to all, concerned ; that t • undernigned commbe.itmers, appointed by the Vri.tont of , quarter ikeisions ui Denver county, to exatti ne • plywood change ul the hue between Brighton land • , , towaslidpiritad report as to the propriety •of - • king that change in said Me prayed lee in we pe • duo of ciUzeua.p . S eaid townihipa, will meet at the a of Y. a; S. B. Darragh, inlkirough-townahlp, at 11l a. vi„ ua Tlursday. the itikt day of August, - MI, and -iitorul thence proceed to the discharge of the Antics of tuaeappoinurnint. • A. P. LIICOCK, i . IDA VIII rEttilP2lcial, I , - • j itOIIIIIT ditAluillAVir • ie. - 110EIST 'ACCOUNT. Amis.". a. cuos.,:ruEasp• RE* ni ACCOUNT 1,7 WITUIMCLIESThit Box ;Am.. . , DR: To amount of Bounty duplileate, 1...01, Pi,12714 4$ Cit. By esonerediout . .by Cooocil, , 19.1 •e. • •"' ' • " (Soldiers,) 743 TS 1 By lad Tis by removals, .Sc., . 418 44 Ity Collectors Cpoonloslou..., 189 VS t. By trocollmictl Tax ' Alain Bearer -- 12 to i lly amount pd. 'oil Bounty deli% ..4,T21 19 S. B. CROSS, 31111.44, Finance Corn. ; E. X. POWER, CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE APUBLIC SALEOF BURIAL LOSS IN BEAVER Cemetery, wilt take place on the Cellieteryl,WCLUdg, on • IVEDNESLiAY, August. M7l, 1807, • at onerVelock P. V..; Persons desirous of purchasing lots in this beautiful Cemetery., will have another op portunity of doing *l2l at public sale. A huge number or due Lots of vatic* sizes trill be offend. Persons desiring to do so cap examine the lots and grounds previnus to sale. By order of Board of Managers. HENR BICE. .kng.l,lBlll • • • Semotar Y y'of Board. • BEATER, LADIES' =WEN - BY. IVFALL TERM COMMENCES ON THE 9TH Septerabec. It Is an advantage to pupiia to be present it; the beginning of She session. - • , _ With soot* .tres • mewed, and famished, wit eau poplin 'ts So accostonodation! , :to-bparders and ' I A corps of experienced tonichelw has Wei 'secured.— Prot.-Atnbohl has charge of the M414k111 department. Believing from long experience th at Ike .c a n give rsatisfaction, we request all Interco 041 to apply a "l circalar. with the assurance Otat ' will verify it in every particular. angTetti. I• D. H. A.M`LEAN. • BEAVER COUNTY, se: . TN THE ORPHANS` COVRT OF SEAVER MIN- A Tir, tahe matter of tiseacoutint of itoberf Graham. amettor of tba IMO Via ama tostaiont of honcho Nit, • ,2 ' And now - to wit: Atrinat 3d, Itidton lkaed' n. like. Elio., do:Court ilppolnt J. It. Ilarrett !po , in Anditne. to distribiatzthei balance in tha hands of the Emeetator, "as Amen by the aforesaid' account." to and amongst the parties entitled thereto., By the Court. Attest: , „” .4 D JO= A. FRtiZal, rt. ' • The Auditor above named 4111 meet the parties in terestill for the purpose oflda appointment; uthiser , tics in the borough or Bearer; on - Friday - the Kid day or August, MI, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. at which time and &MOH pommel haterestudart hereby nodded %attend. - J. X. 11ABBAH. -angTralat. . Auditor. • • - • Audit of 14 - pticip. _ IN TitE oitruvsa• upper OF BEAVER COUN ty. In the matter of tite,scrount of Stiward noops and Bum Townsend, executors of tne/ast willand testament of Benjamin Townsend. deceased, now to August inra, on motion - of B: B. Cliamber tila. giwk-, the Xonrt amadut W. S. Moriae; Eeq., en AliditOr- to. dieStibirtitho ittapfilk_ the tondti the Hseentora among Mete thereto entttled. The Auditor above appointed will meet the parties interested. in tbeabove hind, at his :office.' New Brighton, on the 26th day of August, Ism, at it o'clock, A". X., when and where, all persona interested may at tend if they third: proper. aitgraX • Trial List--September Irm 14367. .rr. , ,:;c:',,•T #.14..# 4i. • „ New Brighton Borough' : t ra. • CharleS Coale. • Same " • Same George W. Cable, et.. al. " Thomas Reed. , 1 Baronet Pleseol- , Tbomlus Neill. • • 1, '2 tl l 3l NDA Y. - • - • Robert *nen • • •• • va. Hindi ,Anderson- Hamilton •Ht.ey & wife " Thomas Poe and wife. Ramp. litswker's heirs & P. Co. Richard Baker • I " Cunlengtutte&rombelle Wes. JobnatonWalter .lohnsten. I Haberman & Co. ' " John Oral et. al. Jane danitainth PergnesT netolr. George Koettne • '• • s• Thomism C fair. et. Deaota Oil Company "-\ll4v,id Russell; et. M. Lewishomas H. Jarktlon "W. Mortal, et. al. ' s C. Hems' ,Istott Penner, et. at. - dame •• Henry Ha o. ' • 11.. ProthanoterWHYAlSlDy su s - 1"67:4c (Loeoi copy. I= 1111111 NE w AVVXMTISFi3i}:NTS. . 011 Interest f o b Sal e. ATOICE I 4.1[1:14:8it GIVEN:I'IMT BY tlintk, 1 . 11 ,or tba pavicritta,sutheritygiren to the irnich, tt arsetiloOn of the ("Company, the Inallens fined;rill '.es. to sale, by public vendee, oa _ . i ' TITESDA r. Auguat!. ~ ..4 1 41807 , ' i 1 , - ' -. • - - '' 1 -1 . at 1 O'clock P: li., au the Court Dome fa the Du ro ,- 1,. a seavr . , Conuty ve t , orßei the tutereat 0.36,4 4: Dunn Mad Mtn* beteg tundivided two itateealks lo; the trote. mactrum, Cosine, Toolej Tank.. Tae r .. and fixtures of the Pittnphrt7 Oil Company, at .. Mogul Bun, Ohio towbehlp, Dehier cohnt hi 1., 6 7 4 . Wells on said terlie true a bir . producing well-Aci, uttinery awl fixture; good. MeV intereat pow t ot ~,,, parneut of reekustnouto therron,h), mat and expea,,ii OUring,iFeli• -- ~,i JAXES ALLISuN, I • '1 kr&t., and l i reiter., of Cotam,„.. ORPHANS' COURT tALE • BYTo vino% or AN ORDER 'op Tim oftiquy s , cot:tacit Bearer minty, the) Itthm,lreftietifet.. pose to etkle. at public outcry;p re the utt4 en SATtIIipAY. 04 al' ats 18 0, at 11 o'clock a. m. of seta day, all the Iblinstin d o , scribed real emote of Fleury ileckumo; late (4: tap e,. rimery. decesesedoltuate in lan. tester I),,r t) i 4 . county.Oa: 11Lot No. 111 in Gonl4's third aratdhision or he. in • 4 4 t kaMittl• pounded north" , Meanie loom by Mt No south by lot No. St, and we4t by l a sa w,* haring a treet id' 40 feet od Mut elk h * *.mding back tbertfroas,lriS feel to kot etnae ho 04 width Is erected a small wof ohe room. Trvas—one-thirderp _arc.4lo moty bead sir s conintlation of sale by. tee evert, the ke eakoie equal anneal Installments from Om ilate, with at ", trout same time, and secured typhoid. and L o o m .. the . Th e parthaset to pay expiefeilii i , prat it*. braid and mort*re. spa all reqdti otarapa. Foeftuther taformati inipdmof 11, Ba ng Pa . • JACO" i. , 414 " 0 augi 1, , own IRAt CCO •, CorneCorner Fourth i& Smit r iMPORTAAT 7Y) Itol.l)Eßs ED AUG INTin,l TILE. G 0 VERNMEAT IL4S . THE VOTES L PE.tttG 'IIIUST' ,BE PREPENT4D Yo' ALL befure that day, othersvi' the face nine. =axial! a lore t, aerenlyllte doiurzy per thehutrodi isE WI'LL CONTINtrE 7r) • • 7-300 CAVIL Act; I: B. . Rue.' Colt .EXAMINATION ef, TEACHERS. Td,i the Seltool Direeleer and 'Teach. • i• ere or Itettier •.pounts.- HE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS POHY, ll T PM. rIC iENT TEAR, WILL BE HELD At V9LLov;s: Nevi' Brighton bow. At. ID, at rnlon S.: H.; Min district t "." 13, " rnlrcitte , - Earbe.eer born.. " 16, ." r»ion s ou th dearer dLn p!. Johnt•tnn's ClitOptrwa " ;",; M'Etnfrett Gartington," Cr I)Arlintrfon '•• Binlkraver dint., • :" 17, - lanntreltnil " Patlertion 1114,, ThererFallt Brighton dint., •," 30. ' Eakiniti -• Industry " 31, * Industry Egoicoun dint.. , S.pi, 3, ' -.- Greene r 4. r I lintown Unilever Mk, •I Mil fild.evendente dist.; ln. •liaridenThin Maiin dW., 7, dtr.t.„ 9, tr" li: e ttiewo(xydr New Sewickley dist., 10,', • " FrCedcrox bora., 11,'1" Vniac f:eationic tltct„ - . 194 . Flnlen . 1" 13, r. • Nscitertrine - North Sewickley dlr.i„,"` Wcrnarles Frinklin iri s Pinnace S[arlan. r linrtzers the .Extuninations will eilfiamence punctually it t o'clock, A. 1t..-and applicardi4 srrt ugafterthrl,hotr will not be admitted into the ;class. t • - Teachers will apply for examinsdion in the disincts where they expect to teach. , - • I Persons of known iminoral cluiraiter, or who vela the habit of using lutoxiestiOg drinks to a lietreiga tmnuot heliceuscd to hutch. 1. 1 . ; • 'Those unknown to the ituperirdendent or. litiseters, roust pregent tertilicatee crd woe, moral character. R. ti.„ ilisury and- the theory of teschhur lure been. added to the usual lnanchesj and teacher" , will he re quired to Pass an euminatiOn in them. Ditertots th notified not to employ teachers who' do 'not hold valid certificates, as each will not be examined per del commence theirechpolA. School theme*n are earneitlr requested to ;Mud the examination and select their; tatters. Ism serf E!%* tuns to meet AU hoards at each ofibeEtsmisulour: atl that we may confer together and mike smote , merits for visiting and conductitrz the F:theoti , ivy* tally.J. 1. REED.. Co. Sqs. Enna VAlloy, Pa. Aug. tat ' • . EMI Register's' Noti ce. ALL PERSON lIITERtSTED 1:i T_HE rollos% log atimbandration and 'guardian, tioftrats. attid, have been - passed and tiled In the }4.4 ^ if Ot i k l " Beaver county, Pk, wilt take notice that rte sameed be presented to the Chphani . Cued. to be held at Po vet, on Wednesday, tlweth dory of September, d. • for confinrodlon and allowanee, • - • First and dual account of Michael kleteaaldfaer center orate /eat Win of Thos. 0. Rourke. donated First and. finalaecount of Robert Moffitt, stbstsitat tor of the estate Of John Moffitt. deed. The amount of Jim:Bark*, adlablirtf 2tat tate of 'Hannah Jackson. deed: • ian ofJobs Final account of Philip Camper, guard Wilson, minor child of S et hWilsoe, deed. .Parttal account of Nathan Intact, adttdatittnot— estte ore/tunes klarray,oleed. I 'Find and nnar veil Ind Peraotud) atileVale,adMinietratrtx of the iedate of] Creple,dee d, , • - ; net and Anal isommut efliobett Cawfod, &WS' . tater 'of the rotate of Sarah Line., come ..The final' account of Daniel Amterr.a -- the estate of David Mats. deed. . d 'The end and deal , (real land peed:iron Jun.:Reeves, executer of the last ell/ . oteau"' -- ' Beliberger, deed. . .0 2 ,10 First and dual account of Thomas later of the estateef Or; Oeso,.W. Mime. deet.. ' First and' anal amount of W. ff. Scheel Reed, excel:dont of the Mat- will of Ellsshedi ee ler" dd. Accohnt of J. C.Mileon, atinsinntnnot4 be of Sebastian Small..tec'd. • tbr • Ilaesecounts of Philip L, (rites. tdisn nor diffdren of John Ootden. dee The accounts of Peter Baruee: cu . sidian of* children of Joseph Shdarer: deed. abetel Ifeal,estate. account of Win. C.-flouter, adz& . , of the estate of Joseph Moorhont First and Surd account of Joseph Wallace. eor" of the last will of Jame. Kirknatrlck. deed•_„.o - accountof Elizabeth ft. ,Cullthereoa,7 'tratrix f d m estate of John Ctithtroruort dot! Ate° tit of Scudder R. Darragh SO chg. s d administrators, sad Amelia iv. Blate,ladodub tra '"' estate elf deed,. _ - 2{. "c lEt X A of Orphans' C. art Itte b : noel A.Y. Prraident,nud his 444:wine _sdfet... • 'said Court. Diu the . matter 0t . .. IV tithe of the real motto of ,Georre Smi th ; dee, u iroar,. The Commenwealth of , P e unsylionia: petitioner) resding . , lu (Wrobeq - ' l°l . weetdoiJrton cativo. Pa., i James T , grtiUt• Milos attdress Ye. Wintry. -.I A county. • Edwarde. a siSter r adding Sotiih fiesl e l. 44 irese ty worautlO, Ninth "M;t•zottes. Cate! of A o ar key.,l residing., when last heard from. is Furl Ohio, Sauey Culbertson, a alser nknown, e Link, a .rbier, a d d yunkt'i .c u camly. Wes J t an Virginia, and Vann iriter_ i : Ens , Ote ;3 1 of dames Parkar.)d when Itti_ k res' n t jo a jat vicinity of Cadiz, Ohio ' Yon ono . 0 Jade herby. cited to be and "Over Mel" " it r e t•cr; o • andur said Orphans' Court, to be held o a l t kro fue the paid (sumo' o(Thatvereb e . fO, • of September next, to accept orappe estate of the 'odd Grange Smith: deed-. ss r „ qt . did mend pet upon It by sn Inquest mrottleo tlmrt am ] reformed by the Shedd td June. w"••• • • and Sound to contain 11.4 ittliolo4. to . • l'urpart "A," containing 1,7 6 .,r 41 1 4.43 ued at(la per acr e. A lb Purpt "ff." containing 14 acres ches vs, fie.. 67 per sore. t at Twe • o, a 3 .5 • , ..c,." containing al ;valued at ' 3,00 per arre.,and in res ( "X: old. to show cruise why the same shoal „ to ta: Witness the lion. A. W. A c hreomPresis er str Court at Bearer, Me 10111 03V of Ju ne A ' P ot A til t e us to t py i of Hui_ ei 1&' Jt)" • Stzstrfa.Orricz.. • • . cr *ltaly :hid ' • • W. O. MORL .I N,' Auditor BA1~t! EI S, flOct steets. Pittsburgh • • \:\ , 0 1,10.13 ADS DAT- {TN TIIAT "ST. 15 TIA. CONVERSION' ON e ittev %Of he Nit( a the . boldti of alma !I/ANNE, 543y,/,v,i , CST 13 771. "Y Al* CO. II
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