The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 10, 1867, Image 4
F A-BM ER 9: - .R-E D IS! BUCKEYE Mower ~.,4nd.3ELea,pe-r.: ERZ AGAIN TRILM'IIANT ! This extensively known, add deservedly ; popular .Machine was submitted to the most vlgoroult test of its superiority, at a trial of competine tnacbitic% that took place under the 'management of the Kew York t , Ociety, at Auburn, N., Y.. in July, WA: The commit tee consisted of eleven judges, :Ind forth machines were entered, as• contestantx,, for the prize. The trial lasted three vitecks and the tests were most thorotteh. The result watt announced at.this State Fair held at Saratoga on the 112th of September last r And the , • 1 • GRAND GOLD MEDAL : ; • waa then awaited the .."art.T 33C.t 757" as the machine SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS A similnr testimony wan nwarrimi it in the same :Rate to .1..5t5. Thin nuichine is regarded by the.timasands Who can speak from_ experience, us the Eitist in the 4 World ~ . • 1 ; and is . manfa.e.tured by the Incorporafrd - Coropa, oy of . g \ ..A. U . I: TAIA. N & Co., CANTON. 01110. Persnua wantin.'any or the.e Maellineft. eon have them by applying to the unden.lemmt, who b. the ag.tlit for Beaver county. JAMES - PATTERSON. New Golitee, Pa. apr' ,*67:3m E. rENT.4 4, TEIVART ' j f WILSON. ' - ir„, • SPRING •' -AN D, SU MMER DOtliTS AND SAIOEs. WILSON,, & STEWART -4,:i , y - . . • • Ix r o t `'.. i n Rlagi'ECTFl'l.t.Y,. UNF ROM Till.: PIT v v lie, that they hare hare jciet r.- r eeiv4.4l direct from the manufacturera. the lareept at a beat selected SPRING AND 8133131.E1f. STOCK OF . . Ladies', Gent's; Boys' and uhildren's Boots and Shoes. • L °AUERS D SLIPPERS All of dm latrFt ihst bare vrer hoot) hfnugLt to this county, and whith they-are prepared to 14.11. AS CHEAP, IF NOT CHEAPER Than (hey can he bought in the city of Xiirelnieg ' Thankful, for past patrougge. Are solicit 6 cttnita;nance of the same, and Itivdc inirrita,erA to rAll , :tall et:tinier our glaiodm and prices before purehatting clwe. here. ,We' connected to do all repairing. at: cowl. iiiirrthr!td. WILSON ti - ASTEW.AIiT, 10 the I)tamond. ltoscurxrca, PA. spr2f67 J. & IL LI P : 26' gr. 28 ST. CLAIR ST., r It - t 3b-u.r~, 7.itanufactureni niti Dealers in FLOOR OIL_CLoTiIs,. FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, ENANIELED OIL (`LO'I'LIS •` TABLE - OLL QLOTII:4. • STAIR OIL cLoTILS, Transpnrent Green Oil Cloth, for.wiudo•c alai's . Trinsparent Window pWdes, BUFF 11OLLA,i1DS, . . FIXTURES: - PASSE :S, CORDS, Ac., ALSO ? BALERS IN . India Ruldier'ltfachitie IfelOn,&,, Hose. Steam litcliing. Casket. Tubing. i - ,,ldinent. Clothing, and ' • , • • Rubber goods •RenerallY ; Oak Tanned I.eather Belting, Lacelpstbyr. Belt Rivets, Lubricating Steam•Packtng,, d:c. • ,• , AgSnls for the Universal Patlies Irrireger. A general assortment of the iiiinve named gouda: al • • wayes on hand. • - Orders -respectfully solicited - and promptly tilled. • [tnyllitfau A. S. lIARVEY, DEALER IN GRIPERIES & PROVISIONS iltAs JUNTII.I.'CEIVED A. rnEsit FtTPLY OT Cranberriel. Canned Peache., do oma!a,•x. • do Grren Corn llriad Corn, j. do ;Peaches; Itirkles• _ Also. a prima nc.ortuTra Tear. Sugar and ep,illee 'Of - Terms, ..trleily n0V25"1,6 ..: i t• • ' Notice. • , - r oricE I. lIEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IT:1S lli d , rsiimed eitjczens of Beaver county will apply:to the next Monett seSsion of the Peur.eylvania Lt , zi, , la hire .for the creation or la meliorate body with banking and disci's : flitting privilhgeg antl er the name Istyle of tile Beaver countil 'HankintKand : Sate Derr .it Assorga tion,:` to he located in I • " , tr. Beaver coon y, Pa. ,- The specified object of said A sociation to, be the recelving . of depoilte.i n money and N . :gush:es. at the risk of the 31 ' Association, for which a r sonahle charge will he made, to he regulated by law, met - lying deposits and discount lim in accordance with the cu-toms of other banking associations. The amount of capital to be fifty thousand dollars, with the privile.m of increasing to one hundred ... thimand dollaxr. JOIIII IiAIICLAY. . IL S. QUAY,: w. 1C..11V11114, 111 T.. IntSIIIE. - . J9IIN C.II•OI3ZY, . I. N. III:TAII, 2. NVEYAND, B. lIICE. • a. r. wILSON, r . - "Cifo. IC. lI.RIIILtON, onrr., GEo. W. DAWHOT, .11 N. ATETNii. it JOHN MOORS, ii JOHN 11. EAKIN, IT. B.ANDIS.6BO?.i. • t"" D. m'xviiszr, t. WET.UiD. xj - n. ' r. • SPRING- .SASH ON S! • BRIDGE - STREET; BRIDGE TER,. • VFW .ABSOBT3IENT MILLINERY WILL BE opened at my old stand. lately occupied by Mr. C;c.dy. en Thursday. March 14th. 1 wish to inform my cid fT iftadi., and as many new ones as will please pa rp..l*.e «Is, that I au now receiving an entire. new n^l dl 3fillinPry . bf the latest Sprinz Styles, an will oared with en earfy • tr,'ol;:ty. M. 117,4 S, F ES • SAV;EIY - 4VIIIIEALI. II /41T . Y BUYING Pure; 'Medicines. LOUIS BREHM & CO.'S., LY TEE DLUIIaD; (One door from Fortune's Dry Goode Store,) can be found a fall assortment of ( • • • iLT R, M Rd TT Sr MEDIOINES, Also, full Assortment, of W IN DOW 'GLASS, PURE A.ND . SECOND QUALITY ALSO, FINE TOILET SOAPS, ALL VARIETIES I" LUSHES, FANCY &TOILET AR AND .P-OPULAR PRE . • FOR THE I .1 AA kinds of PATENT MEDICI,: My entire stock has been purchase ,, offered at the very Lowni .1?'" As I am a thomnghly educa Chetniel, phymlclamq and others can scrtpttotus accurately filled with A I LOUIS BRE aul,••M'GG:i3 , FURNITURE AN . AT REDUCED or on: pw.N luca7rAiltital PARLOR, In Every Variety 410TEL§, • . STBAA.BOAT„: and PUBLIC Bli I FURNISHED ON' MOST REAS' T. p.'YOTYN'G 39.540 5, mara67:4;nl I R. A. rill NEW STORE, WILSON - & fEspEcTFTLLY ANNtiI7NC worm' Wends and the public Intend operate; a New Gracerrra ' _ . . . . r It tot - fling the Pry Goo& Stant 45 sth day of March. It it.thelt inteation of having .. full oolortment of the • ataai ilary Iwgil.sve I to ,tste that tit - ac are determined to compete with all other dealers iu he town or neighbor hood,: a Mail- Mock vir Goods an all tow, and bought at 11;et Inn' great maittet'on, anal se oiled with tile :Treat e:t Cite by Mr. 11A IIV::li iltitlWN, who-, kilowlodze of .. t.„,, lausitaes:: cannot be ottestualt , having isaen with n . Mr. Arthur !Taey for many yea. 'A liry call particular :attention l r their mock of Tess and they Caller thcnisalvet they hare some tittn extra to offer a:. to priie antl quality. Th.. best brands of I , :unilx FLour always on hand. Produce taken at all time, at =lulinarkei prices. ALL goall c! , lirere4. ' . . I ' Hominy. 1 T o urkey Pnep. Utyrr • Enil•int , . . .5e , :..d114 , s Rui.••lns. • Enzlit , t. enrraraN, i , Goshen Cheers, i ' Sweet Pc,tritoe, I l'i). 1 31 ackzrel. A. S. lIA El', rect.. 13ridgriwat er EE ROCHESTER, PA. ClinkNAL% and FiNE LIQUORS; PAINTS, LINSEED OIL, •. NEST'S FOOT OIL, SPERM LARD OIL, CARBON OIL ES THE BEST .I.* ALSO, SEG.UtS & TO LIBRARY, • DINING ROOM and CIIAMBE AND Now (roc BRIDGE STUEET:B. illiMiii WILSO BridgewatiT, Pet. V. 1.3 V NE_Vj GR ~ . . . , MITE liNilEtisiONED. 1. friends and enstqmets fa hercin7ore extended pa him, ing them that he has , recent' his stock, and that he cantle allt . COaet lOW I • 1 Of the very beef qualit_v,ris low they rim be pnrehas ed Weeeof Pittsburg. fits 8. embraces the \best of COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SYR UPS, 31014 ASSES; SORGHUM, RICE, PSPPERS; SPICES, SOAPS, CANDIES,-RAI - INS, ENGIA.S.Ii • 4: 1 CURRANTS, . ' Aga in fact eryttiiiig in my line that linsnally. kept in a well regillated grocery Store.- PEEP of.all kindsikept on hand; and the beat brim& 1;11 FAMILY FLOUR can always be obtained .at .my store. 4111 roods delivered U recall:4d. jcanitlir. SIMON SNTTOER. . CI: WENDT, M. D., ✓ 1 ' • HO:►IEOPAftIIIBT, NEW BRyIHTON.. BEAVER COrNTY. PA. • OFFICE AND RESIDENOE ON - LOCUST ST / b.tween Railroad and Br _rests. Em/1'67:8m f j'• / MOORE'S DRUG STORE, Ma y be found the - best assortment of DRITGS, m al oln.eis, GEC V WC IC _A. LS, LlgtORS, WINES And Brandies, Paints, Oils. DYE SVUFFS: TOILET ARTICLEm, SOAPS 13R,'USLIES• PATENT MEDICINES IrCgrat variety, all of the beet quality,' and sold Cheap. er than can be boitght at any other Drug Stott. In the county. • Dnponco's Female• Pills, ; 75 cents per box; Cheese man% $1; Clark's, $l. The Largest Stock of „ e t; LA:HP.4 & LAI4IP TBIMdtINrs. LANTERNS.,,STA . TIONERY, WINDOW (;LASS &, PUTTY. Ever offered outside of the tity,at Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and,see, and they will doubt no more. - julyl:67 & REPAIR SHOP, In rallsten Beaver Couhty, Pa. 'FL Y/I; LT/ led m an d d h e a lrged m a ygolnif i k e o m.. f .n utb s i int the best ortneehanics, am g p Tared to warramfall Work done to give entire satiafac r tion. I have on and different patterns and styles of Engines, Fire- Clay Rollos, and ant prepared to make or repair all dt.vcrip dons of machinery, uu reasonable terms. ' F UDiERY ICLES, l ARATIONS !IR,- Ihave all the best plow patterns that suit this market, =Sang which is the "Great Western." which has been Tux plow of the confity for the list fifteen years. There are live sista of this plow, all of which I manufacture and keep for sale; also "Patent Lever."--tight and left— " Mountain King," —right and left;-:"Side Hill," and nearly ail the dliTereiat kinds in use. COOKING, FRANKLLN AND HEATLNG STOVES. . - . Having made several important improvements on the "Climax," by which coal or wood can be supplied without lifting lids, and having two places -for pipe, either or both of which can be need at tlae'rame time,: with a ventilation to the oven, thus having - the advan tages of a •Cooking Stove, Bake oven an Franklin 1 Stove combined. This Stove has been in tent use fit twenty years. and many of them alter ing used for this period of.time, are now in good order. - There iis but a smairportion of this stove that ever,burns out, and this is, easily and cheaply replaced: To make them still more lasting, we are - now putting in tile or tire brick lining. .Our other patternmare the, Enterprise. Keystone and Preminm. Parlor Stoves, large and mail heating Stoves, Franklin `Stoves. Jenny Lind's. Ac. Grate and Grate Fronts, Fenders, Iron Bailin_ of various styles. Wagon Boxes. tap Irons, Tire Benders, Corn Shelters. Force and Cistern Pumps. Sad Irons. Metal Sinks for kitchen, Sheet • Iron and Tinware, al ways on hand and made to order. In fact., I manufac ture sold keep for sale. almost:e•erything wanted in the machinery nr hardware line. ' Second hand Stoves always for Pale cheap., Two good new engines, suitable , tor saw-milPor shop pur -poses now on hand, and wilLbe sold trasonable. mariTa—ly. , . . JOHN THORNILEY. always on hand ACCO, tar CASII, and it! rsicos. l ed potherary ,and I y aptin their Ku,- re :Wetficines:ohly & CO. CHAIRS R ICES 'SD WAIZIL&NTICLP ! SUITS, d Style I= NOW I THE ITIME FOll E I 11)11CarS, NADI...! TERMS & CO, Ithnrld .trltct: PittAurgb. Ca. GRAND CLOSING OUT sunvzi " TERM ries. ,Poots and Shoes lIROWN IN 130.A.V.ER. 1 E TO THEIR ICC generally, that they on TVnamt a Ole-KEY WOULD RESPECTFULLY , heads the petite in general at their intention to dome out their extensive_ mock of Fall and Winter Roots and Shore. to prepare fur a Spring WE, con of . EWATZR, A. G. Bang, am the bind, at - ,31 time!". a Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and Children's Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &0., EMI Schkh will be sold at cost, or below cost, as we arc bound to keep olt the tale., and that to - the entire sat isfaction of kW CUPtelMerp. gwals amrranird. • 1)11: &EY [ISDN . - 3 dowry East of U. B. AndenigZSto . re. V jan9. vex, Pa. ' D"IiVATER MARBLE WO RKS. ROWN. A I W RUFF, MANLTACTIIDER AND DN:LEAT Italian and American Marble.: BJES. Maemnents. Bead Steno', fte., made to order. • Please LiTe me a call before dart/wing elsewhere. renihop,opposite Dr. Smith's Dreg Store, Bridge reel. Brid,gewider. .105 - 66: 17 K - FUL 'TO HIS ocrons patrons= imam In Inform lame additions to X. MILLER. W. DOLIIT„ CHAS. LUKENS M., MILLER, & CO., Ro l ohester Plaining,Sash and Door Mill. Roohes,ter, Beavir Co., Pa AfANITFACTUREES OF, AND DEALERS IN Plane& Lambed Dressing- Flooring, Siding Shelving,' Doors, Sashil3hufters, Lc, . . • + L t - - Also proprietors of Clarke & Rhinestnith's Patent Weather .Boarding. Patented May let, 11386, for the ex terior of hoeees, &c. This siding canasta in forming the meatus strips of boards of a level or tapering shape across .its entire width with lower or thicker edge; made with a.snitable.moulding to Impart n n neat and welled ssarance.- She r ights far the 111=12faChUs and use o this siding in Beaver county will'he sold reasonably. Having had much experience in building, and the Luniber business generally addled to our new, facilities for its manufacture , we feet confidence to in setting our old friends and patrons to call and examine for them selves, before contracting - IN BEAVER, PUCE AND FAL•LSTON• FOUNDRY! PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS 13eLiesztl.ixos , ';OF DAVID WOODRUT (:ILARItIOAD DEPOT:) cormacrons AND HIRDWARI STORE! a - . 6.-:tirrzT.its, NEW BRIGHTON, PA., Dula!' , • • r I-I.AIID.WAItFat IRON, NAILS, GLASS, AND AGRICULTURAL;IMPLEMENTS, OAAPpITERS' TOOLS.. BLACKSMITHS' TOOJJS, 'MASONS! filxins,_ SHOEPIIAKEIIS TOOLS, SADDLER'S' TOOLS, BADDLFOY. BARN► ARE: BENT FELLOWS & SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS do HINGES, _ PICKS,MATTOCKS & 'HUES, COUNTER &PLATFORM. SCAL ES, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, l e HORSE SHOES & NAILS, - IRE &CARRIAGE BOLTS & NUTS. CORN SHELLERS, 7 STRAW CUTTERS. ALsO,PAIN TS, OILS, VARNISHES AND PUTTY. J; MOORE AGENT "FOB: , EXCELSIOR MOWER AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON `SIRE•BRICK WORKS. jan2,'67. NEW ARRIVAL Mu'helm's- Store, IN BRIDGEWATER, PA ‘l, 25,000 Both Of WALL .PAPER, , Of the. Latest Styles and Patterns just received from The enhserlber again thanks he nnmemus friends for their former pammage. Anticipating,their wants and tastes. I visited New York and closely, itelected one of the largest stock of - VARIETY - GOODS, &C., . Ever brought tb thLR county, consistlng.of a. Traveling Saeks, - : . Ladies' Satekels, Fancy Goods, .Children's Carriages, Books, Stationer?", . 'Carpeting, Oil Cloths. Window Blinds: • Rip * Brushes,3e • 't All of which I will Pell cheaper than they can be per chewed for In the city. Give me a call before parches Ing elsewhere. CARPET S TORE • Rem:6v4 l , . • • ICIIIIIIII BROTHERS . . . • • • , Will remove on March Ist, 1867, from 87 Fourth street, to their • • new and elegant • • Warehouse • • . NO:- 51 FIFTH STREET, BOVE WOOD ST., - , • • PITTSBURG„. • • Built by them expreosly for the accommodation of their larfre. and increasing trnsiness. Having - very superior facilities for .business, they will keep constantly on hand a lame assortment of all floods uertaining to the Carpet business. which they offer at Wholesale or Re tail to the trade and public at lowest market rates. matEMZ:ly] MeCALLUM BROTHERS. 1= Fancy stry, UNDERSIGN. .AVINO OEPNED A TITS IM TI FIRST CLASS:CONFECTIONARY, on Railroad Street, New Brighton, , Wrraid inform the poi:Meths.! Mayare prokri‘A tn. fill anettlers for Cakes. Ire Cream m , for WINDDIROS. PARTIES: . or PANILIa - USX . upon abort notice. at satisfactory Omsk and In restyle unstepromed by any of the eity establishments. 'ProMpt attention Oren to all orders from a distance. Their . ICE-CZREAII SALOON • • • being expentively Stied up. is open for the accommo dstirfs of customers dining the erdedne sewn. roylir67 ' • I GEO. SIEMER it CO. DRUGS! DRUGS!! THE PLACE TO GET ALL THE POPULAR • !atcnt Medicines, Perfumery, &c., IS AT JOSEPH M. DEVENNY'S DRUG STORE, Broadway, New,Brighton. NIXED PAINTS and PUTTY always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions' Carefully comp l oundat at all hours of the day and' Hutt...:. Delnhttst. LUMBER, LUMBER. Trnl BPST. cITEAPVer AND - MosT . CONTE nlent place to buy Lumber is at the SAT .t 1 _ND PLANING MILL ' Of WX..DAViII N, on - the Viz Beaver:a half mile above the Midi; ter and Rochesta brid,ge, , IN NORTH .BRIDGAWATER, Rearei County, P4nsinieania. Gonstantly on hand—a large lot of sawed lumber, tuber and logs, lath and shingles. Allklnds of lum r planed. A kiln for drying of !Amber attached. Pa Crone of this yard are guaranteed a?..hoTtlon. , iarfittf. ADMINISTthum BY DR, MItItRAY. Birmuirwa- Tan, Pr. , in eztrictlng teeth. I have added to my many other facilities for the successful prosser—tkon .of my profession. this invaluable pato-killing agent AU bomches - of Dentistry performed In the bolt and most modern style.. AU workAnie ns clearly , _and aft per cent, better then at any Steam Entalallp mem In the Mite, r [asy9'66:ii . TIT ROSE i M. D.: , T • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON it ACCOMFactit, Has permanently located In the TOWN OP ROCHES TER. .Prnmpt attention given to all call°, excepting wiprofesemnally Ofilum Adinininz the "Hendon House." In the of Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railfoaft Depot. Roch ester, Pt. - im3V8731. PLASTERERS' TOOLS, MINERS' TOOLS. NEW FORK:! B. 3fUte k l i ll ge X s ridzewater, Pa. WEDDING CARES; LAIIGUING SAS §:J.'citos& SEOkitr , Roos AVEE9 NEW YORK STREET, ROCHESTER KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT LOWEST MARKET PR A COMPLETE AND WELL . EiTOCK OF Dry GOOl i • CONSINFENO OF BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIN, PRINTS, ' QINGHAMS,,' - DELAINE, ' ALPACCAS, COBUKOS, FRENCH MERINOS - , FLANNELS, Main and Barrcil, WOOL DELAINFS, All Colors, BLACK SILK, TIKIIiI3,I TABLING, TOWELING, CHECK; • JEANT, TWEEDS, . S 'ATINETC,. CA IE O,BZ, BROADCI,OTII, CLOAKING, - Bi4moz,.al ' and Hoop Skirts;, NOTIONS, LIOSIERY, &c HATS AND CAPS, Men's and Boys =alarge stock •of the latent styles BOOTS & SHOES: • - Metes, Women's and Chtldren's Gum' Shoes, Carpet Shoes. *AC.. &c. Ready-itade Clothing. SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY. • raEloriflLW l Eta l ts A large and well assorted Stock,conslsting, In part, of OICrIrr:MIZ7 7 , Mtmlnters' Tools, of all Rinds; BUILDING HARDWARE, FTRA HINTER HINGE, LOCKS, ' Window Glass, Of all Sires, and Double Strength SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to filling orden.. of carpoitere. Contractors and liaildere, for HARDWARE, GLASS AND NAILS, LINSEED OIL, BENZINE, COAT'S PAT 'NT DYER, PAIN TS OF ALL COLORS, WHITE LEAD, •GROUND, DR . Y AND LT 0.1. L Taintent will do well to, examine our StOtit and Pd eetVbetbre purceasing elaeWbere. . I - . Groaarles. , . • I, • A Fresh and Full supply' constantly•on'haud at very luNrest prlcis CIiOICE BRANDB'OF '. : Itouß, • IN-DAIZRELS 4ND SACKS.• CARBON OIL,_ LARD OIL, QUEENSWAREi STONEWARE, &0., & All Dewy goods dolli4redfrecot Ch32te....40 - All kinds of grain and eozn=roduco W r en in ct . . J. CROSS la Conve.tancer—Agent "mai Sinus and the Rochester Land Company Mao' 4 7 , of thots'-11.1nlost Kl:preas Ccimpany.l • I Remember the place Crtossng - STORE NECOND WCILDING• VZ S9s 1411:110AD, f ,g+7 . 4lv ro"B STREET; • . R ()aches er, Pa.: --: PLACE TO BEY t I .• , ' c I - • CHEAP GOO.l/81 CO. 01 i'pß SAVE MI ~ -I SSORTED I dS 9 I I _BUTT, 'SCREW, .; W)LT„' !MIL, &c. PUT*, I ENE CALL AND Mr E T-11. E MI! S .E 11Svc e RECENTLY PTSIiCA P AND PIES ASSQR m DRY G ODS, NOtfONS, HARDWARE, H. • QUEENSWA.RE, • TINWARE; GROCERIES' WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL 'INGLY9DW PRICES I , , Prints • I Itrokyri Muslin .. 1 l2!,i " Eles,clll3lusllu L•• • .11!i • I • '• OTHER GOODS 11i PROPORTI , Call and. see.% our goods. N 6 charges Tor rhonin. theriLi kinds of country Produce taken ill ex. Osage foe'Goods. • I m). G7:7tn P I El ORR DAWSON., Third tdreet„ Beaver, Pa R • cocomiss! T I , ..T HAVE JUST RECEWED A :NLIV STOCK OF 1 GOODS,, of the 7 . • 1 • LATEST STYLES, Per - Spring and Summer Wear. Filarnisidng Goods CONSTANTLY ON LUND. Gcn TIiVNG 'MAD'S TOI ORDER I latest a nd most rastgonable etyle,.., and at short notice WILLIII3i REICH. • Stewaii'e ROw,lßridg.e str-c4; . r' , : 1017.6 7 iny2.91a Bridgewater, Pi. A l , r *. , ; 1 ic • Trar t O O ilt• • - I, EZ2 1-1_ c - F.tts ms SERVICES TO TEE cruzEicS OF. V BEAVER AND VICINITY. ... I - Artificial Teeth perfectly fitted, Artlcnlated. Shapcd.: !iined and Colored- to snit every individnal; mounted dot fine Gold. Silver. English and American Vulcanite.. Tioth extracted without pain by an entirely nev. , .nrot Cala; no Ether. Chloroform, Nitrons-oxide.or ally °pour , amrthetle need In connection lntli t - apparatus , Or Wilco on Third street, 51 door caPlot 11. RI ;Anderson's - atom. .. -, . ficiro67:6m. 1 W STORE EXCLUSIVELY is Shoes ! BO • NS liIMMOI7S 00 ECONOMISING, _WILL tto their intereat to call at - . • PERS ands H'S. NEW STORE, • RU BROADWAY, NETT BRIGHTON, Uilt .42SITE TILE PRESBYTERIAN ChURCII..I ndersigmeil, hacine seventeen years expe -11 the business', feels himself fully , confident. facilities for iCcchring g.oodfl direct from the Curers. thaldt %Fill be to every person's advan tall mid examine fur themselves. tcplM3ut i The TI ri.•nce i with 111, , Mallet:H i tage to .PEOPLE --; S' TEA STORE! WILSON & UNDERW 0 OD , •' WIIOLESALE 14D IifTALL DEALERS IN' 17' E. BEI CHOICE PAILIINGROCERIES, • NO 15 SMITE' WEST DIAMOND , • • (Adjoining *pip' hotel,} Allegheny City, , • rffl Onc of the cheapest and best Wholetetle and Retail Stores to the two cities. call and examine our Stock and Prices. ' [tor39'67htt WILL P. GRAII4II. oWEN DIME. ;GRAHAM & BYRN.E, • Fashionable ]ktatters; No. 52 St. Clair i Stroot, Between Liberty and Penn Ste, opp. St Clair not& PITTSItITR I Gil, p 4. HATS, CAPS and STRAW 400111 . 5, Of even' itYle And quelity, at the very lowest prize& mer467:17 . , ••: • BEAVERIALLS: MI L L: , . . . , . BEAVER FALLS MILL COMP_ .HAVE frig titeir New Mill entitpleted„ and in successful opper. Minn. TA addition to Merchant Work thnyare prepared to do all kinds of Work, in dui. hest *pallier, II and on abort notice. I The highest market price milt tie paid in cas . hfrr nil i . klisda of Grain itclivcrill. at the Min. . linast hi:•lnt Great - \, - PURE DRUGSI6I. MERicINESs AT j TUE - ' Corner of Dkmond & Ted St., ME • nrc DRUG STORE FORMERLY .04.1TPIED TBy Hangßow& Andro9ll has beca purrhas K t by IMI • , ' r. ED a cox "r OF • PURE DRUGS & simians, II I ASTONISH io cents II I= AND 33pEt , pr, 1:!4. J. B. 11.1101)1, • wno NO OFFER' A Full and Complete Sioeli of cirmaszcigAi as Perrianaersp, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLF,s; And . , BrushOs of . All Kinds, PROPRIETARY GOODS AND 1 • ' P! DYE-STtFr• ~ . . .., . . 1 - . I • ' - , 1 .. , . r —w i lvc. are s!ll 1'11iF..,,.N1) sr,raNa quAiliy" WIIITE -LEAD. AND on:. 6 ? ALL KINDS, a/ Pitt*toircli,prisf . A. - - • • ggs, PreAse Call, and be .C6nrinfed ! • INDOIV GLASS ()F A LL "s' ' • . - ~ - . - On; stack• \ 91 Aleolioi< Wii;.e.. Ttrano,i,, F. vai. k „.,. and other I.irinor;=:‘,Viii be fourvi cornlo.ete, aid. NIA , - selected with treat ore. can ho wli,tl flaw, a. kiz q Pert a.., can',he obtahticl. and will. h.. ~.1,1 Cur 3l.licli, Mechanical and - Sacramental parpose, , ,ody.. 3 i ;Prescription's inscriptions and Family Receipts A ; o: . ura , tely - Fill e d at - All Hours ,..i, • . .1 _i, Orr. Prec!,6intron Straichle Daparm..nt nnder the pr, , r , onal !..noervi.lon ( - 4 4r. L. M. with an 'exirrienee of SOVell Ve3r,4. 11.itter onowlol that ire Can' 4 iVe full sati:fti , tithit' fr. any branch of the , . businftel. - -- ifemoinher the place—near t' Th rOlT;r.cot. ner Third skeet-and the I)ialiwild. . , / . • •. All are{ , ctrully . for'w..l r., e; .;II ~,i ~.,..3 n/i „i.„1 , ,. good; and price 4 hvt4 at. puch,t,i:),....A,5i,!...rt... 4 , pr24*G7:ly TT: 11. BENCE 7111R . 11 Still:EY, 'll DOOR .11,E1;0'.1* • lil3.eruver.; NOFFEIIjTo TT; t'RIENDS ..ND CU•4TtOlf.r. , a LI :•-t{:e,i. of., i lab . _ LATEST - S T. X I, ES I n .7F rsimmings, EM BROME RN% . -- HAN_PK.ERCRIEFS, • LACES ; RU FELLS. ~ v - _ 3 .RllO3O -'' S. ' _ • . 1311'P' ON9. . 111 SI 'MY'. C RS ETS: GLOVES, ' -, TIDIES. .. li A I/: ':•••; El RTS. . . . The Jim Ftvlo Invitib!e Erapre , * 71 , 11 llep SIM, Veil fltittl4Gro.ading.,: : S'in l. 11,T , r1" ..?., Zephy Ladiee awl Gent , ~ Paper l. lis anti Collar , . sc. . . . , ' • • MILLINERY , • OFI r rr IV4S CHI PT/ oN. • . , • Hata and ItonnetsC.' yen'. chola. Flower.: id owry rub eu, cheap. - Hats ana aem: and cleaned, cheap. ANA Drcsa-makinr.. Cloak 'and 4 zae.,... Ctaay. . • Pityking, gc.. ~te. • Madame Demore , t - g - Latc , t Parr and N. York TF.ri . 'Tined Patteiniz conSyntly a laud. P, 4.T TE IIN S F.O R AR our stock -lins been poreluikl! at /I ' l offertNi'at corresimiding, low rater. Gt. at , ontisty yonNelt.., - ' • • nribinit forzet pinee—nlie.tte , e . ; below the t 43 inary, Thlrtl street, Beaver. Pa. _J J. H. -BENCE. aprlrtil:3ni . •", ; Fourth +rriva!,ol NE:W 'ao,olt-S THIS. SEASON .. , • . . MITE IT.XIIERSIGNED. TIIANKFTI. TO*T lif.:lß 1 _friends and-ensfonvr., lir the • lieretoforofhokovnl, take pleaeure in hdorLete:. j , :,' that thor_have htst re,ceived a lar:e awl v 3 r.° ll ' "..* tuent•td-Nbty Goode, , :oitsi,tiii• -. of • - ' _, 7 • - . • 1i CLOTIIS,, C .V:SIIIIERES AND 1111:;.!..S-601°' • Purchased Since •ike -Late Gres • Decline in Prices., F t . - . • . splendid stock. of Made tin: Cl,ohiug, of the 5 ,4 material„ best n and of' the late.t. 4 tY. l " .- ja9t opened.: w°rkman ,hi t • . • A full its.46;lment of ROMs. Shoes nod G:iitcc;s!,!: nal. always kept on hand; and sold•itethe 4))+0 4 O . J. NO rates.. - ' ' -• • The best sugar-rtimil,llam.. Side-nwnt nr :(1 itg"•_ together' with - an extensive meek of ' ilocs„ sher•lb Plows, Plow-Shares. arc..:det, kept :nit lore:T(1,bl'; Our stock' of Groceries, Tens, and Z`Yrul" , am I ' ' Ise ,, t that can b1... - purchased, and our :t•!•ortiorrit i. ' r. ularly kept up, • . - - Country Produce; as heretofore. taken hi evellor . : o for . Goods, ow the - amid fitrOrabil• leir,, at 4 10.- ' . statid,_tipposife National floret. Bearer, Pa. ~,,. . Tllo3l.ktt. M'CIiF.ERY,S; (~ jelfilitimo. • ' I' I ____..-- . . . ----- Hubbaxd. Mowers ~ and 11..esPers 1 . • The Best Machine in the U. S. ! . - - A T THE GREAT NATIONAI EEiVTRI • , anily..dlfiorh3lig.,oh‘aresnenfdt uomaprertilmnitruearnthisivirsweai,,wiaiti.e-wldk„roa,..l‘t„4.:ilir,timuh,uatinht.,il.4ll4. ,1_1,,11:544 Combined M ower ; .t Reaper faith self-rake ato' : ' ' -,.,:• the best Combined Machine. At the • Waist )10:'•\.. •trial of, tow Franklin instlinte, held at r•vractc•••4 ; in Aninst, ISII.I, the first premium 6r tit field • 11 , t , ' t was awarded to the linbbani. , rh nowt Po t ,„ 0 for six successive years the first poendam at die ,•,' Faint. - Tor Side to, ..... • . HARVEY 11:C0W.:... . . Enon Vs.lq. ,:i mur262:c7:2111 SEA ISLAND SIIEILLS; DERSON'ti • IVISIIING TO ItOOlpl walks and' motritilii. or lorraWnetit, Ceincic*. would' do well to apply at I.iiticip.,iVtairt IWI. eliekar; where a splendid lot a 1V.3-11 - eti been received, mid sr:. :.f real lir 19f - E I,CICE,:'' ! • • T+ll.ltlloDr