The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 10, 1867, Image 3

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    The Beaver Argus.
.31.71:K i 1(r, 7867
Local and Mis-eelTalincina
JR., 54 Filth street, Plattß i ret, 141
itie 3410 i-tad agent for THE Am US 1.13,01,9 t city, ,
New AdivertigemenLs.
. . :
. The agent/Om-of the putdic is directed.lorthalai...
10.. ~ n .8 •n .8 •-adrertisernenta',- Nfth -- stirpincr . itri the
Er:,.t time In Tug Anois to-day: 1-
orßoacty Account-New Sewickley tp.: 4
f —E,tr., Notice_whie T & Irwin. i
'...--specisi NudceS—Watt Gealy. 1, . '' 7
rtradnduktrators Notice—Slanghter & rintsinan'. ,
prNew ST( weL—DawFon & Richardson.
rfrsia , cial Notices—R. S. Itangtr.. . .
-.....- ...------
CouNc,tiotin SEttetrES.—On hod Sabbath 1 - forenoon
•mternt nton pet , tees were held . In the "PrellVterlan
Church of fide &ace; and on next Sabbath erit)lar exer
v, 11 be held ht the 31.. E. Church here-.
smug' Dv:A.l'll.-0R Friday. morning last. intri
cot child .or fir. dclin Clark, of this place - died very
The attending physicians, we undersrand,
itv 4 death to laughing gm ir4uticd by i t , wit ,
ur the day before while having some teeth eitructeetti
pa. ,AciiESON.-)Ve exnitted to WI iateetlon
1 ),...fue-k ht thevard of Dr. A. W. Acheson, who hee
t i,i; place. The Dr. I?tt 'sou of the Pre:4ldent
.tacks of 0 . 11.4,1i-4de% and la said by those Vali) aie
~, ,, ally :LlWl:Anted with h 1 11. to he a gentleman of fine
vhLitice, le , a good coedi:al etlncation, and Is deeply
• FrsTiv.kt. is P.nits;EWATETL—A festival wps held in
the Ilrldgeivater ('hutch on - Taesday:evening of
‘c , r..4(11 i cued to have been a very pleasant
ir. Eveiyittite: was iilapple : pie order ; and the sum
xsttzeti. over and above expenses, WAS near $lOO.
Fourrii , iF Juily CELE R art OS —7IIC SOidiers`- ' orphans
the l'llll , .!; ,, hargli School celebrated the 4th in a be
!she: inssis.r. We would lutve been.much gratified
1,11;0 cilven whit them on The occasion, but prior en
-:pusut• prc•rented us. We heiutthat the celebration
ovilitalile to all—teachers, pupils, and visitors.
ItNED.—During the early part of last week
how , e of 3tr. S. Taylora South beaver,
this county, took fire from the kitchen flue:
hurled to the ground. It was a two-story frame
ki,aditig. containing . four rooms. 'All the furniture anti,
thing in the second story were lost; that which east
:he tir,t thior was sari-:41:
Dos Sronx.-A licayY'storut of wind, rain and light
. ovetithis.PlaCe un \Tednday afternoon of
Considerable damage was doneito shade
trw.. tintiwr, 4k:f r in this vicinity by the wind. The
Din gave vegetation a new. start, and everything in the
;:TUM ing lilts" hi corning forward quite rapidly.
. —2—
A itArz‘ENl"yitTill.". MOVEJIENT.-Thu leading basi
n.. two of New Brighton have entered into an agree
- 'ent with . each other, to the effect that between the Sth
flinty and the 15th i)fSeptember. they will close their
rta(T-.of business at half past seven o'clock each eve
ning. extept on Saturday evenings. Their example
;Itonld be imitated, in tilts particular,, by the • baldness
nun in all of our villages. Let the clerks have recrea
t;"U and rest daring the hot reason at ljast. -
ciusGtxo its Loc.trmir.7='We regret • to announce
111.11 Dr. It. Fright of this , place has determined upon
!ening us and locating in Allegheny city. The Dr. is
uell-read and skillful physician. and in addition. is a
rains of who Many Community may well take pride.
'he isiople of Allegheny will find in him, as kmr the
pini.le of Dearer, a gentleman in MIT) , way worthy of
thditentildence and,patronage.
STIOCNING ACCIDENT AT nOCIIM 4 IErt.—.A. fatal arei- ,
&DI happened to a lid named Robert Scott, at Itecher-
Art, thin Finney., be the Fourth. Ile had onrcha,:ed a !
halt poittia ii: T.fiN,iliir. w hlch be ean led with some fire;
icra6, , :Tl mid matcher in hi. packet.. When at, the curl':
OM 1:4 'Nen 'York aid 'Water Istreetg, the matches !grit-
t ted. catt.lne the . der tq,explel e awl horning. 111h1 ,
fearfully. Ifesprant:lnto the rly r and extingulatik i
the fire. lie lingered until three o'cloc lti Saturday moi.u.',
, tar, wheat he thud of leis Injuriem. ''
• ...,
THEY011:711 or JULY FESTIV4.—The Festival held
lU opei4th..!erninikrie.s of this place 011 the evening 4f
the lzhof.laly.tvas contir tied till 'thb evening of the
quiri. a -crowd tt as ha attentlitqc both vv.:11111gs.
About oar ha:ired and e.eventy-flee the
sere Waltzed. Ile prireed4 are to he ap
i!Vd :..I!hr M. E. Church of this borough.
. .
Tun - rot - Jun.—The Ith of July in tide place was
.spent iltvarions ways. Most.° f our Merchants opened
up their stor.!s early in dm day, and kept haMmering,
away at good trades until away in the itglifq Others of
our people cla•ed up their places of businese. and went
with their jam ilk* to the Sabbath Schoorpic-nice, of
which there were quite a Daintier. and thug contributed
to their ow n enjoyment and' their children's Moutte;.
font. Still others went off to where the •mrdent"l
,lumH kc..::- . could lIV li'llr ... \l7lthtilll. ...prescriptions," add returned
. late at night. feeling., no doubt, that "smilptuarYlaws—•
' • -', pre!wribing what a man shall cat, drink and wear." are
~ -•- • .
I'S nil tech make, a itr-t Alps.. school. rave think the" a il L n iTl L ; i t ;:,*,:., " ::ll ; !..i l ,-, 3 1 ' ,. 1 11‘ - ,',Tj r ri e e ,: i t i u :.. " , l ,: ,l, 7• t o r T ,l r t t l i i s ,.. e , ° ,,l i !, l l l , : e . n ,,,, ' t
f•;;IN. Nunml siltool akEdenboro is unexcelled. Wel' beli-ve. good humor everywhere prevailed, and the tact.
lee ;lad t 0,..,. that it is weltapprecialed and Patroulz.i. 4111pm.i.tal off very mum/ like a great many otherttlis
I tyne Lmyra. - . ,
el. "I'ret.S Lan, 1,...t - semi their children to a b l etter l i .
i.:gen 0 ,..r.:02:-. Imeadmg, It, gtawa,y to scliad should ! - . -''..., --"- ,'
t.-t a etreal.r of the Norand School. Write fol . - infor-; ittli.VY STOIC)! IN New 8R11111T0N.. , -011 Wethletllllty.,
''‘' ,l ol.l I. PM!. :1;.,V. Couimr. Edinber,E Elie Co., Pa: 3d inst., a sterm of and hail passed, over a portion
- . I fm•itia',..!.',Eul.,f;.ua. • i of the town, aid blew dew a a greater part of the new
............._ l 4 Methorifteltdrch that was built 10 thesiptare. lrh - e
, .
- .b , rivits.--It laic been . proptPcd. 04 . west. to build . JeAF4te and - vyindow cratties,w ere much-broken, and the
' l,- :lFYlvtu fey ev., , ,5. y'eung men." We have such an' eastern wall fell on! the di.pot, building, but nti injnry
1 Z•tiIIII10:' now tii"dliQ State,•atqColumbus, very liber) accrued to it. It is- thought Jhat. the entire brick wail,
ql - rerenired by that ria,s ofyoutig min. They vet-' will have to be taken down and la In aver again in or ,
e1:; . ,...d0t,,,tr1,11 1 i one to ten years, to se,l how they like der to make the building safe.:Thu amount of damage
:* -. , liin tll.r Rep. , .
.! i to the'edillee is e-thnated at mine than two thousand
- ", Ivo.: two in thi. State at the present thne ; and ; dollars. Great effort and perseverance were requistte
Mai te., ...„ , ,1„, i,i t ii , ,,,1 0 ,.• i,,,., take it t h a , , a hali. to obtain means hankie= to carryfOrveard the work ip
c..a,a illOte Win ,WII bc llC'eliell.
1 ;
0 1 members of 'the,clitirch. The large brick building on
:Themlway that b. in process of erection by Itobert 1.: , 1-
I gar,
for a mercantile house. was"partly blown down, and
l fell with a crash, on the drug store 'oceupied by :Jos.
Devinny. and broke Mid ',battered the slat.• roof. Shade
and fruit trees were twhted off and blown pp by the
foots, lint no iii es bal.
Tuf yt t rrr (1101..—The fruit' crop in this locality.
VI). looked unite i prontising. Recently,
1, , ,,tt1yr. Pie 00,1 peacht , * hare eantinenced (al
frf,lll the awl front Irp?ent appearances. the
to tle O part Scalars will,be'tinite a short one.
are ve.ty scarce: ,2'oo ,, eNtrrh , -•
to found n most everywhere in
gitzt '
1•.:•-• In :dati. nutoh, r of the Salem t(Y,)
rthat th ,, ,admini/tratort'• of the
•. e analred and tlftysOur t immand 'dollars among
the 'About equal amount la
at so :,i.• futur,.tl:ne.
n iiom, of the
:, *:1 711111 . 1 t a , forty thou+andollarg.
therika man-with rout t.O (lead.
15 Lo bath .:dd."-
. 11, , dVeetr one of them."
NEW IS • TRFMENT Or DEATII.--';MaXitlliii.l7l, late
NV:IQ , bot, by pollen N• of court_
nch. The Mexican trovernment refused
:tire ht,
We bye 11,43-Mier and scon persons eltot with b utlete
cnr I.s the Eis,t)roNin, we have
.It ,t With a ";entence." Can
tI4 hou the — sentence — N l Vo.4 . fired, and
, !ruck
.15% -:Alexander Long, who has been In
oa-t, nn tw - o charges rf assault and
I...tritittrd to depart on 0 . 1,1 -Rh inst., lry
thine for his appearanco . id court. The ofren 7
him were contrnittkil 'at the time
hr acrd l'handTr's circus and menintarie was 'at
11,:116.1.r. At thst time Long is said to !loti - e Made an
1°4,4 Bone:l:der. hf that place, and also np
tAl the oticer sent . to arrest hint. ,
hn ceorv.e.. rolt Tr. kCIIICII,s' INi•TITT4E.—Ed. Ar -
starts"l 71,4' nii-upittee aprrrinted to ar.rai . 4.'e the order of
sutault the following. programme:' Select .
Ilr Ai.. 11i,hipple: insUrthography
• t r,”*.d s ; Peelateatiou by Mr. T. 4.. Itising"r
Ri'","‘" eontinned) by Mr. B. Lakin :
"Il.11,:t1,. - Periodical" by Miss Tacker; AitetTerhig.
I . ''''`ions front the query -box.- Those who teifl. favor
Cn r..rlations to the -. Periodical," please atl
.:"4 Ni
T '""'llirnpgl the post-otlir4. !nob tale to
• i"1-4,
hduse, Beaver.
the ,at•P. M. •
XT. X 1,1.. Col-T-7.------
. .
N ti ,,,, , . 11, •t.- -Vi .‘ ate indebted to Dr. D. L
u t .,.„ . ,•. y. ?this Pla , e, to? the annual cutaloLtue of Mt.
F ro. ; 1 ::!ir:.0. at Nit. Union. Stark county, , Ohio.—
t6,,,,,,:,F ath 'T ' I M (luring the year-there were S'S
~....,. • thlea i nane:alai:et. Of these, miobserve
~„.,..:1'...4.;‘,...z.t...h,.,..".r..‘,.,ty.' • They - are a. f0110w . 6
: J.l I.
I:* i. - .. Lit ;' , '" t . , rry ; , 11.- M. :NleCauley.'iloche.ter: '
'tie: p .sir 11' s mith. r , rrY; C.:V.:m.01,r. Unfini- 1 -
r. .:4. , , :!Illitili , rrry : Aud Clara Thorn as, 1
"• . -
MASON—In Industry township, g county. on
k.,,. 1 ,,,,.. - -.1; - 1).7w. 01 tf)... placr, h.. a member Uf the . ' "
the leth''of Tune, ISta Magee., bon of &none' Mason. !
ri.„, , '". , ' - '''''..'• all , l the key. John Williatto.. of Ito- .:
~..,.,'•,,,.:t.yr.,1.-..,.l.Tra.raiiil/r.r .4,!' (fie converenee. i ng![l4,:molithe. and `2•2:days. r ,• : ' 1 A.N endless yariety -of Sugars, Prunes, .the
„ po , es, 4t Ranger, , . . • i
• ii,fin i p.,„ „.„ t „.,, t , ( I,AnE—on the' sth mat. : ii thi-.-torwagh. Croa. r e heiipe . FA In the he:;t, and will suit for all par
' :afar! Ch 0.0.. of 3. If. 4nd L:..elia pirk •
i'mtssrLy • trisere. at, likrtlibtirg,
adids usthe following statement of the number of troops
furnished by Pennsylvania during the war for the thi
lon. It Is compiled from the &djutant General's
fleport,, and will be found correct in every particular.
, 18111. •,-
Under callpfPreiident t .of, April yr,1861,,
v.. o ‘. ... La. - -.... ,
for threelllPauf mt _."., • t•- P D. " ',n
. cap.. _,......!.
sent into U. S. service under call of the ~.
President of July. 22, 1861, for three
.vears..,. - - t - - ~. . 13,866 s
Oiganized under act of , Congress of Ju- . ~
, I,t llg, 1861, for three years 9t, 739-130,594
1 • . .
aged. _
Under call of Presifinf of July 7,1862,
-.for three years, Including 18 nine _
months' regiments g 1,8133
Organized under draft ordered August 4,
'lt*2, for nine months • 15,10:1
Independent commutes for three vars.. • 1,518 •
En r, i .1.. forwarded by guperinten nts of , •
• recruiting - serriee..l,-......-...z. .-,.. ..,.. ikSZI - -
Entistuien4s in orgn. l lhitalion . 0
idler, ' ~" 'r
i t
Statet and'in Megtuar Army - 5.80-71;108
. .
i 18p. . - . . ,
Organized under special authority from_•
War Dept.-for three years ,086
Under call Of ?resident onfune. 1d63. for • -
sir months ...• ' '. 4 4,484
Under call orPresident of June, 1883, for •
"Emergency" 7,018
Recruits forwarded by snperintendentaof
recruiting service -
Entisituents in Regular Army .. . —..._
23,.... 9W - • - -,
Militia called oat in June, 18111, for . alne- • ." . •• t
ty days . 0M" 13,04 G
lie-enlistments In old organizations kir •
. •
three years 17,870 ,
rganized under special authorities from • '
War Dp't. for three years • ..... PAM
Under call July 27, 1801, , , , —•—
for one year • - • *034
Under call July 0, IsTpl, for ono hiu*od
Recruits foryrardcd by intrpelintondonts •
of recruiting service
Draftd men and sub;ttitutes 10,661 • '
Recruits for 'lke gularArtny ' 2 074-01,704
1965. (tp to April, 'when recruiting for
Vols. ceased.) " • .
Under call of, l'rekident of Dec. 19. 1881,
for one year • ' 9,645
Recruit's forwarded by superintendents .
of recruiting service • 9,193
Drafted men and ssnbetitittes • ' COM
Recruits fur Regular Army ' Ri7L-25.941
Toted number of men furnished • - 8f4,234
The' ,5,000 . militia in service in September, 180, are
uot incinded,in the above statement: 1
THE Fut:Et:twit:K.—dos. S. Travelll, Eeq., tigent of the
i'rendmen's Aid Conunission of Western Pennsylvan
ia, has made a report of his operatiohs among the freed
men of the Southern States. In this report he speaks
very encouraginely of the past; and has high hopes•of
the future. lie pays this tribute to a .young colored
man, a native 6f this county, and well remembered by
the citizens of our neighboring AU:ige, Rochester:
'Perhaps. all things 'considered, the most interesting
awl satisfactory portion of our work has been at Flor
ence, Ala. Last Yovember Mr. O. 31. Waring, a young'
colored man, a native of Beaver county ; Pa., and a grad
uate at Oberlin, went to Florence, making his own ar
rangements, securing a School house and commenced
with some,4o pupils. This increased to 80 or 00 with
out assistants. - They learned remarkably well. Be or
ganizgd a normal class. Ile selected two of the beet as
assistant teachers. These bare done finely. , So sac-
Ceisful was Mr. Waring theta number came from neigh
borint) places to board in Florence and to go to echool.
The number has steadily increased. At last report
there sere get. From the testimony of a number of
-the most prominJnt white citiee l ns. including Gov. Pat
ton, thwltical preis, and our Superintendent, this has
been one of the most successful Freedtneu'e school In
the south-west. For attention: neatnes, excellent or
der, pitectual!ty ant rapid progress in reading, writing,
entail! lie. geography and other Studies. as wall as in
manners and genera information. we doubt whether it
has had Ill.lllis4periorP. Mr. Waring segini 'to he, a
! p erson of unusual ability. energy perseverance and tact,
and well qualified to exert an influence for good among
his rare In' the South. Ought not such a man to be con
, tinned in the work there? If the Means can be obtain
! ere, we wish to estahlish other schools in the neighbor
! hood under his care. We 'know of none more needy
't or more likely soon to become self-supporting." .
Bor!Dnowyko me 4ne Outo Rtv - za.—Benton It
Temple, agent thirteen gears, non of Wm. Temple, of the
Fifth ward, Allegheny City (Manchester), - was drown
etlin the Ohio riker, about live °Week on Sunday:
evening. It appears that he wail bathing in the river,
in company with several companion 4 near :Brn not's
Island, and was trying to swim from' the Manchester
shore to the bar on the island. When; about half the.
distance over, he appeaved to be taken with ers . na . pa,
and disappeared from view. Search Was made for his
body but it could nut be lotind. Yesterday afternoon'
about four o'clock a Man who was out Ina skiff-fish- '
discovered,tha Minty floating tat :site' river - maxim
one and a half miles below the place where. :he was
drowned. lie brought it to Manchester ill hii skiff.—'
The deceased resided with his brother-in-law, John
l'aiej on It mreet, Manchester, where the funer
alwill he-held to-day at feu o'c o C3m, 9th.
TnEWootlnAnE.—The,wool trade:of oar ownlocality
is grow ingtOare bri- k than we stippos. it would some
two week:, agiu.:-,"A good deal 'of wool is just now find
ing it.. way into market, and it is very likely thaf with
in the next two weeks a large, majority of thprarniers of
our county will have disposed of their clips, notwith
standing the low pricei they are receiving for It.
ISLessrs. (kr .k Dawson, of this Once, commenced
buying a few days ago, and we believe have already:
stored is,Way ropy 15.000 pounds. At other points in the
connty,'-the.satin , rush to eels prevails.% The price paid
varies but lilt' , from what otTer,d at the I,,zinaings
of the season, viz.. front 40 to :41 cent , per pound.
Ilmtvetrr:--The beau i rains thitt have prevxned in
thi; locality for the past few dAys, have retarded
ham, esi dad operations. Farmers who were ready a
days ago to commence 'cutting grass. have deemed
its prudent M leave It stand.nutil.the neather ahstunes a
more settled aliect. Clear weather -is only wanting
mow to inaugurate thehayiug'season. Mat little of our
wheat or rye is yet "ripe v. - hough to cut. By Monday
next or the middle of the week at farthest, the Ilelds
will be ready for.the harvesters. Tlle weevil Ia doing
considerable damage to late wheat. bet taking it as a
wliole, the crop will" be'a heavy one for the number of
aCreS sown. •
ArPOINT3I72ST ax TILE GOVERNOR. We arc pleased
to learn by the Harrisburg Tgegraph of the;.sth inst.,
the announcement of the appointment of CoL .H. M.
Hoyt as an additional !ivy Judge In the eleventh dttdi-
Clef District. Col. Royt is a gentleman 'of large
'tice and.ceperience—ranks high in hie profession. He
- Was a faithful soldier of the Union during the entire
war. This recognition of his merits and services be
highly creditable to the Executive.
lot I:EDER AT Wilt.till:sM. —The Wheeling Intaligenrer
ofliitndity gives the pailleulara of the finding of a dead
body in a culvert ou the Itentpdeld railroad, the day be.
.fore. The head , Was cut oh" and laying beside the body.
The man's name was unknewa, and none of the dr.
cinneuncei, connected with his murder hive been de
veloped. •
• r
EDITOR ABouts.-,On looking- over the
Argus I find that Kr. Odell the editoi bf the
:Goad was a delegate to the. State Convention
which was held atliarrisburgtoqugnimite a
candidata for - Biipiein - e - Jd•
_6;111'0 that he
?was a member of the co.. nee on resolu
tions. Thateonventirm pasitednaresolutiont
in favor of a Free Railroad law.' There- was
not 'free kreatelqtiask olfartstipkfigror
a law lit dividcleg4Re I'hav=
able to find out and I have made dilligent in
quiry in regard to this matter.
•I have always been a Democrat and novel.
voted for.a Republican in my life but once,
and that WaTi, forf.pormial,raf- VIM ) 1 4 0 1 flyfe
cessany to stifle MAI. But.aba mar
-1 *Olt
ested m the passage of a general Railroad,
law, and so is every nuurort our side of t h e
You have plenty &Railroads on your side
of tlieLOldo bat-wdhave none lOW !talk* in
der great inconvenience on that accord. We
have no outlet and can't get anywhere without
travelling a great distance and - crossing onto
the north-side of the river. We can raise the
capital to make theßoad if we,.ain, but get
the. power.. consistently, - support
any party or the candidates of anyparty that
will ig nore this important-AuestiOn, and - I
speak , for many other Democrats beside my
self. We are all interested in this matter in
:our neighborhood • AtelxlMic4.4. o iltik - '. Welbui •
Democrats. Mr.Ode..ll...has, been all along
contending in the Lixeffor , a free Railroad
Law; this I was well pleased, and thought
he was sincere in his advocacy of, this. Meas
ure. can I think so now w he
was a delotate39, A* -.614e c 010 Thfiaiiija d
never ciff6red" Moo Wig:Anti& in oiler - lid&
an' act. It dou't amount to anytlifti„,n. to talk
about it in a country paper and offer rmolu;
tis in a county torivention and talk loud in
favor of such ii measure when at herne if they
rep udinte all when they are sent ass: delegate
to a Stdte convention or State Legislature:,—
Itilooks very much" asif all Odell careflabiant
is to get our votes and thathe expects 111 de
cieve us by talking in favor of it in his paper
and offering resoluti ons in a county conven-
Ulm that don't emount to anything and op
pbse it when he had power:
ffhe people.ot thin side of the river are a
reading people, they lake other papers beside :
the Local and - know what is goin,ff on in the
world and are not to be deceived long by the
false pretenses and clap-trap of dishonest and
designing politicians.
' I have not been able - to find out 'anything
about when or . who elected Odell as our dele
gate or whether he was, instructed 'to vote
againSt a free Railroad Law or not. I don'lt
I think the masses of the Democratic party
knew anything aboutit. But Ido know and
Odell knows that the.peopleof - Beaver coun
t} arc deeply interested in a . free Railroad
Laiv. l , I ani'opposed and the people are Op;
posed to the Pennsylvania Railroad monopo
ly -rifling in this Otter any longer. 'And if
' the Democratic
of ; P ennsylvania has
been sold out bodylid breeches to it without
any opposition by r own delegate it is time
it was known. •
I am not iii thelabit of writing for news,
papers and . am a plain man but if you pub
lish this I will have more to say on this im
p .ntant subject. . A.D.E3tOCILIT.
EDITOR Amara:. Many of the Republican
.Journalists are howling over the rdease of
Jell. Davis, and at GreelS - for becoming one
:tif, his securities, and clambring for the pun
-1 isliment of rebels .in the South,.and for the
confiscatio of their property. This is prob
bly all right in itself' Butwhat equality or
justice is thore,in .enforcing the penalties of
the law against the misguided rebels of the
[south, whilst traitors and ! , copperhead of The
'North arc allowed to" go s unwhippeds of jus
tice? Is not the conduct of the, 'attar more
despicable,' and in reality, more! deserving of
punishment!than the !former? Although
i reared and educated in the North, they syin
[ pat hiztA aided, and abetted In every way pos
sible, the enemies of our i goverruuent They
Used every means to cheek loyal men in their
efforts to overthrovt_the rebellion and save
!the Union. :They „rejoiced at rebel victories,
bewailed the succeis.of the Uniim armies,
Dosed the drafLaidetLeoAcgaL4sliielded '
encouraged de,clared • the' war a
failure, demanded the Withdrawal .v.f our
troops, that treason might he tribmplutut.—
They vilified Mr. Lincoln, rejoiced at his as-
sassination, ! and. deified jell. Davis and J.
I Wilkes Booth. They declared that the rebels ' I
I were right, and that the supporters of the‘
government were wrong. What kind.ofjus
-Itice would there. he in hanging Davis.Breck-'
Venriage, Benjamin and the like, whilst Vjai-
Jandigham, Heed, Woods, Bigler, and the
I whole gang go unpunished? Why should
the - qgnorant .ittul uneducated of the rebel
I states who knew not what they "were lighting
I for. be hung; Whilst such small fry rebels as
J. 11. („)(01,.ami the traitorous rebcds of the
North are allowed to go unpunished ? •
! --Let there be consistency on the part of
Union men. -Qt7LIZIST.
lioctiSTEn PA. July 4, 1.867
EDITOR Ancit:The editor of the Local
embraces every opportunity of
: saying some-.
thing disparaging to -the colored race.. He
divs not only make unmanly thrusts at the
freed .people , of the, Southern States, but
-those Immediately surrounding him generally
come to for a fall share of his. billingsgate.—
As this is nothrlonsly true I wish to ask him
a simple question or two: Were you not at
a.m/e,pir in this place a few weekii ago? And
if so; did you not take a seat near by . a color
ed person, and deport yourself ht a manner
that ditserved different •Ireatment from that
you received? More anon. :
;',.3 - Mael:t!rel, in half or 4-tarter barrels,
for haryest, at Ranger's. .
Pbr Queunstrare; go to itangtr's,
hrt(igewitt cr.
rlf you want Bargains in Millimry and
Trimmings, go La Gealy's, as he is closing mit
.at low prices. sign of the Red Post, Bridge
'O - 11anger has a few barrcla of New Or
leans Mola:,,es left, purchased direct frOnt the
plantations. Ge:dy's for Ladies' and Missps'
Hats, cheap.
CV - For cheap Drr• Gooils,.gn fn Ran!_rer's
Ile is ret!eiving every weekilresli supplies.
ts - Raisins and "Prunesitit Ranger's, in
few pieces of• those splendetl 13nrit- 1
nter Dress Goods left at Gtaly's. Arery,
cheap. . ' . -
/ PEACHES and Dricd Apples -at Ranger's,
IF you stain] in need of choice Teas; go to
Rangers ; he keeps the bct.
rg - Shoes, Shoes, Slaws; at tatty' s. Call
and see. Sign of the -Bed Peat, Bridgewater.
BISHOPRICKS, Baking Powder, for iiseuits,
at Ranger's:
RA.SGEII, has the Les; country smoked
Sides and Shoulders in the market.
fardealy can be found at the Sign of the
Red Post Water street, Bridgewater.
A vAitinTr of, Caruad Fruit kept at Rau
ger's, in liridgewuter.
FoR strictly choice Coffee, - go to Ranger's
—he keeps
CZ — Ladies' Cloths at Gealy's. Call - and
secure a bargain before they are all gone.
lot gy
it at i•
801 1 ANTS:
R-Vr- N 'cc--.°Y7 , 7
ni f lS I VON
ATI . ''
GEA.12 ... 1'8
, ,NV
!illin ery,TTrlmiiig
. . .
S * ' ; - •
%die , r k.i
• •
2 T' f 843 1 i l I - •
_ .
'llk 11) ‘ VED TO TitE'ROOM
II . ' ..1.3." . "111e nA
e lr X° ',WY .11L )loor
on Water at., whbrd - ro; T r i-cildil-arrit o - ka .
customers, and all onto taw gm e with a call:
. -:- •, : •;;;,; - *.-.--! • • 7•4".' , ": 4-. :,
I am nos; receiving a lane and aplenttill stook of
latest spring Styles of Milliner, Trimmings dc.; Ike..
which *ill be 11111 very nitatp. -• • • . -,. - i
! 7
r 1 Ci ' • 1 1 • :
Of every diseriptio4l 3 lk and 4 Straw, Bonnets, Indies
and Mb..sseslllatA• na , -FlOw* , l lllnther, Se., .tc;
. . 1
, . .
. I 7
. •
r. • : r . ..
/ _... ..
Of all Unite, for Drib and . Saegnes, Gimps. Cmils,
Lace,., Chanellls, Edges - le Rola"; Btthas, &c. \ \.... L
-. , ,BU C KLES, fit" - - •
Gentlemen's Tarok king GoodS,
Gold's& Ladles' Papitr Conan+.
13osiery and Gloves,
_ , •
Just received, a large lot., very cheap:. CO and ace.
Stamping, Pinking and ,Cloak Cutting
. and Making on short notice.
zrz-AEcntEr 'nig MAC=
Two doors below Stiles a Shallenl -. ..erzer's Grocery
Store, slgit of the RED POET Waterstreet, Bridge
water. . • ,
_ .
• X . i „,, . e t , .. .
. . •
. .
. 44 0, Oen' movie 41leass •
. --• WAS 4WARDED 102....--;_ •Irife, .
tAßperibig KAist RESTORATIVE
• .
• lit v {ti tt g'it t igni a it 0 c r u a l . l ,a & l a
.h tr
, . - ---f----, .
. : . 1134.101,313.T.T TH'S. _
-Vegetable lair. Restorative .
Restores Gtay Ratito Its Natural Color; .lun
.. mains the growth of the Hair; changes the Illhe '
• roots to ( 3 ..1r orizind orkanic action ; eradi
cates Dendrurf and Humor,; prevent.
: Hair tallina out; Is a impeder DreeitiriC• 4.
It contains no Infuriate Ingredient. ,
41: end Is the nsoia_pontslar and Tel/.
ilia ankle throughout the
Worth, and +
• • .
IV .
- W O
. •
. .
.1. R. BAIIRErt 6 CO.. Proprietors. t ,
• 114SCUEsTrit. N. IL.
. 1 -
AGENTS—JOHN' 3.1001 t?.. hearer: 31ORGAN CRAIG,
. New Itittlttott r ' i - '• . [ june:ili'Ltiut
y Goods Store
• •
Foi. Sale - .
AA Li, the Goods In the inere lately owned and krpt in
1% the boronch orpearer by lion BEN]. ADANA. will
be offered wholesale. rota short pritate Jiair;
The Stocir consist:4of DRY GOODS,.QUEENSWA It E.
HARDWARE. &r., and will be sold at reasonable fig
tinat. A complete list of the goods can be ,seen at the
Prottionotrirra office. If the purchaser so cbisires, the
room lately occupli'd a the store room, will be rented,
and mar be continued for the same purpose. -
July:3(l'67:M. Al. WETAND, Executor.
The undersigned haring partha.ed the Falision
It Woolen MITT, formerly ownal by Ephraim . Smith.
and fitted it np with the nics4 Improved machinery. are
prepared .to matmfactnre Woolen Goods in the best
possible manner; comprising Blankets, Cloth, Jeans,
Tam, Etc. •
Vre hiso keep on band goods or our on n manufacture
to exchange for wool or cash. CASS 6 LOADLT.
DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-'-Lettera of Adtniii
,t tarragon on the r 91.111 4.(JAMES DT:NrAN, lste of .
South Beaver, deed.. havite been _ranted to the on
dersioned„ al: persons knonlin: theineetvea gniehted
to Nat& e , .tate. are regheate4l to inake . lanneillite pay
those havinz claim= azainst the e‘nrne will
pretest them properly authenticated for - sett li.mont..
'JOHN DUNCAN, .44m'r.
Ohio tp. '
A namiistnAToirs NOTlCE.—Letters of admin
hdratiou onl! the ..b*e of Titowts 31IDDLETON,
late of the boronzli of Faliston. Beaver county. deed..
havinz been granted to the undersigned. all permits
Indebted are notified to make payment without firlitv,
and any person haling 'claims will present Ahem duly
authenticated. 1511. Ilbß,V;Adm . r. •
: • r . rallAtou.
* ' LIME. 41DYE. • •
TliE undersigned thankfarrix past faior.. Jake.
pleasure in informing the pttopleln Borough town,.
ship and vielnity. tiud he still continues to manufacture
and sell the best article of LIME, at the
In Vanport; two miles wort of Bearer: Pa: All order.
promptly andcaTefully tilled.. The of lime now
made can he bought at my Kilns at 25 cis per bushel.
Je:26l7(almos. , • • AMOS DOUTT.II
UXECIITOWB NOTlCE—Whereas. letters testament.
I'4 ary on the elate of Bon. Brit. ADAMS, deed..
late of Beaver born., Beaver county. 'Pa., havintt been
granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
raid estate are requested - to make immediate payment,
and those leaving amine* or demands isalnet the testate
of raid decedent, will please present them properly au
thenticated for settlement. - • •
WEYAND., Execut or.
- .Beaver born.
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Leiters testament
amentiwy on the eptate of ;lost:re 'tieing— late of
Big Bearer tp., Bearer oonnty PR, dee'd. having been
granted to the undereigmid.,llllPertioga knowing them
/wire. indebted to said 'ell - tate, are reque.A.ted•to make
immediate' payment, and 'tho... e having Maim+ itgatript
the name will present them property authentieated for
JAMES Mir^ t Adtri'm
11 GREAT*PORTRAIT of LINCOLN. established as
the standard 'Portrait, nnanotineed by the best critics,
a master-piece of modernart, and•relling
Teachera will find ibis an honorable and luerativehn•-
iness during the rummer vamation. Address batmedl
atelv, A. IT. 111 - 1113ARD;
General Agent fot We+tern Pa., •
110 Wood street,
g r ., 2 q 0 D
Qu4,z, nhrce
f •
• 7"-
Pc:3 ' l ' lll * e S
... I _
,• , i
ii -
..4:, ''
and 'NW hiIiSLINS
Ckreatl",y,Ra : duco
~ A
'Empire Sewing Mac
I regirrlfully solicit an e:austliwtll,ll or the i
411 e - .
'PHIS 3tachlne - constructedon a new pit,
mechanism. possc,...ainte - many rare• and valiti
provernents. hay . ina tweu examined by the n
found experts. and primuttuced to be situpll
perfection combined.
In a mechanical point of view. the advan
claim for the "-Extriutic M r," arc—
, let.—The method. of driving The Needle t
compound crank. which prodtites the klltle
'heretofore obtained by means of a Cam; - but
durable and nooeless rummer. ' • ''-
• 2d.—We' nse n ronnlter shaft above the tibt
thus tin! enabled to I t t, ire art the room required
the arm; ,vithout detriment to the dor:dont* o
chines; having a hi:tiring, directly over the
Bd.—One Feed Wheel is a friction • feed, and so
strutted there is hut one joint in trot:Shutting the
Lion from the rock shaft to the .wheel; and until
others, cannot be effected by oil or dust.-
4th.—Tile Rock Shaft that works the. Fevtl nu
also drives the Shuttle. The, bearings of-tilts I;icif
centres are hardened steel and adjustable, si't':
can take up the lost 10101011 at will. -
Te follottlug are the principal objections Ur
prink Sewing
IMachines to :
E xeesvh'ttratizme the (Trenton
• 2. Liability to get tou, of order.
Otl. Expense, tronbiti, mut less of time in tette'
4, incapacity to sew ecesy description of motet!
Disazreeable noise Übile la operation.
The Empire Sewing Machin'
Exempt from' all these
' ' Objections. •
it ha.. a r.tratzlit needle. perprnificitia: aetion.l
the loci: or I , ll , lttle 4.41,C.11. %%11101 Atli neither ti
race!, anti in *like on both e hit+ : perfonni! ',crier
ra every tivocripthm or niAtr-rial, t ruin Leath
'the tinet , t Is:une.onk bitmlitt...with cotton, linen, u, from tits , t to the attest nutnlYer.
. .
• . • 7 G - ATLIERS.
• •
• flaying neittMr cam nor Cfr.. 'wheel. and tio•lea.
sible friction, it runt) IS sinuothim glass, and is
Emphatically' O NOIROCSK Mach:
T'. • . Fortune'..
t A. I
pry Goods Stor
i L ~ ~
r r T
= `
it. .
- '
-.:- . z_:
ILavlnk secured the agency fur , the
\ -
•- - ;.-• , : i - .) -•- :- --. - -4.--4--'.:l_, ;: 7 - .• ' -,, ''' -
-,•,, k
1 . . i • • I
,' • . - .. i
. B t'S \ oNw.t.TER; i ; A:s May ' 4 1 4 , 007
ii.,he'.yi..,4,_.,-,t, i .":ll.p . ro l ii,p
. -
. i
: -- , i ,
-1 i
ncr4tdon: exisilig, under the name alb
-. 1 . i " - - , • . .I'
• - •
. .
. . i .
. . .
t ' Was this day . •
i' ,- • ' - •.. -.i 4- -
Dliiieliiiii y'bolutuel Consent,
~• i .
Joint , STrycelung* , vnidt illhe Intezept In t he
. lds re -
same. The - takderslarred - *ill cdMinne , = the bash:tees,
at the old stand, *ander the firm name of I .
... 1 . , 1 •
Shall en r Brty
• .
, .1..
1 • .
- t
• z
• •1 • ••
And will strive to mrit. to -u still =mater eitent. the
cxmlidence and patronage otthe-eciminunity.
, .
1 I • ,
. .
Will; ! as befor , gicc 111 . ,
• I :
. • IV . TILE . •
And the conetatit, aim of the new arm will be . to •
• . , . ,
Th , y here state a feu or the general principles they
' adopt, an essential to IiaICCCS/3 :
I 1 , .
Ist. To buy and, sell closely, for cash. or its equiva
!eq., In order to command the lowest pricca and best
market.. I
24. TO exercise. good taste and - great dixerimination
in - buying cholmgoods, and in keeping a fultand vari-.
cd. stock.' • _ • •
To earetnTly, i
avoid-the practice of ratan-present
ing, or of deceitfraly concealino the real quality of
koOds- iu.prdcrso effect sales: .
Andtinatly. in all respects. to,do an honest and le-•
Mlimate business. which will best serve the interest or
the;comuninity., and; to thiS cnd they ask the enconr
agement of liberal patronace.
hallenbergber Bros.
ridgewater:, lEenn'a.'
Queensware, gardware,
Trynn oLAs.q, WOOD ANP 111720
WARE, BACON, 17811.,
Comitry I"'*-oduce_
14 M
tindly Groceries
anifly Grucerie.; nnfl snmili.s . will he the main
orb of imr linsitlel , P. , llll,i will inelidle• all itrtielei
lolly found in it well furnished store, Such us •
lido of
le nu
t Pro
• and
•, .
by a
, and
a all
C; 11E'A T Alt Y - OF SU GA RSO'
rt atia
And v:111 - ;TII nt yen , rmall tir,fit... especially in lots o 1
front to :in or NO 1u: summer
eensware and Glassware.
i 1.e.:. E
1,1 Ant'
tr• to
t prominent , e will by given to MI, branch of the
Invle., l'lo,e iu %%mit of the .•
Fitt '4lways tiot
, I
rge Stock of the Lztest r-Stiles
es, Dinner or Chamber Sets,
coden-Ware;Willow-wax - e and
- ,
kU)LINISTRATOE'S lNU'llt.' rc.-.- Letter . . Of witninis
. f 1..: tration on the est ate of SfYi..t Es'ren..Dr,s.ll.As , .. late
• • l ,tf itochelit.e Itortnigh. Beaver county.' deed., haring
.. .
. , .
' ' I been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted
.. _ ..
:' Ito the said estate, are natne.nal to make inninsliato
. .
Oa Tett and lanards; i Cedar and Patent thickets, Pwknient, and those tutt int; claints "or demands again.t
otTee Mills, J p o t a t o m ss k ey , . i the estate of sti I 11L.V(.14.14 will MAO kIIUWII the sante
I:tolling Pin... Clothe,' Pli."und Lines, without dr3ay, Pi '
Spice and Sugar iiitxes, flour Pail l if f • ittne:;6"l.l.t. 1 '• .. .
-Market, School. rtrifcli and Plantes liii.keta, 1 . •
• Poreelaiu Keith... , Fruit liana i Jnrs, j A ilmiNtsTßAtoini IxtrvicE..--Leticra or admin.,,
Corks and Wax: • Stone Ware.. : /A: Ist - ration on Ilia estate or .1,,::14 rtEED.ino• or Chip
- - NllllOl. .
.f Window if:lass. I pewa tp....fleai - er enantv • dee' , l.. having - heen e . ranted. •
Table entleTy .1 - Spoons, Toilet Soaps,.: lo 011 tinder.if,med, all 'per , oe , . indebted ti e t. -- ,id • i 1.,..
i a variety or similar -Innis will he found among our ' late.' ar" rerine't , 'd to m ake inltilr 4 ll , lo' paYnient. and -
those having claims 'or dent:olds it:11111M the" artate et
• •
I • oinALLENBEit t iER i t ionoti. • bald decedent 'Nil make them know n v ItitOnt delay.
• . - A:Sitli.i.W WATTilit.l:AiN, .itinl . r.
4514.1 tn .._ ...
-.. Drit;titult iii.
, • _
• •
81::CESS011 TO
WO .41)e..ct . . t0 keep n
Fine Teas and Coffees
Will alto be leading articles,
• !
Frntit which to Kelect full,
We buy In new York and veil liWv
VARIETY' G 00.1),
The National Book of Beaver Co.
Lour aitd Dimon*. ' • • ' 11511,5515 II •
" - • utidar Protest.... 4,150 00
U. S. fluids depot.iteit with V. S. Tnat'Aurer •
to.pccure circulating noted. - 120,000 00
U. S. Bond* and Steatitic* on b and puma 00
Real Eattaandßanking-houe 91
anitneand Fure* I F xpenae Account
Due thin Banks - - ISOM 01
Specie' IXIIII3 /-•
L 4721 Toder,Bank Rote and; Cllccke SOW
Cipital Stade .
SuridttePund,.....:. • •
Notional Ctrepttion '
Cirenistion Dank of Beaver County:
Dividends unpaid - ' •
Dee Depostisiss - -
Discount; liLschange and Interest...
. • • •
r , 37t — 41 ,0 8- 7'20
The shore is a cdrritet abatruc4 ttonithc report to the
Comptroller of the Currency. • .
.173 . 67. • . ' EDWARD HOOPS. Carttler;
Peoptis Savinis Bank's/ Pittsburg!'
CAPITAL .•z -. ; -- -ssloo. - '004;
'FMK No. fie, FOrRITT •STRET. • .
• • • • ••
" Nlt Y LLO Y 1) .--
. Vidr, PicEnrr.
WILi,LA.3I . .11E :
. -
llncur LT.orn, 1. 1 " B.
. ,
P: JoN Es. I - mix D. sect.Ly,
Wu. 31.:MILLI/at A
. - I
EC.T.E7.1F . 1" TKE;r 4 VitEIC.:
Six per cnt. inteivst nllir.ved on time deposits.,
vestments made iu A - rutted States, State of .Pertuvilva"
nia .and Real Ilstate • Securities. Bank .open daily
Oundayo exteptedlfrom 9 ustdoek, A. S 1 to 4.ticlock,
P. X A
.. and on redne-Alay and Saturday eveninlps,
friani tti 9 u'eldek.l P. 31.
NoTict. , —lntere•e; Will lie dlltiwett friuri Ist
of J6lr:—
Timc depii,its Aid tmir, interest' rrintl Irdh,.of
cacti manta if made prior to 'Or on'th9se
• .I . BOUNTV riC O I.I3ILT.N'r; - I
11 tor the yearn 1884, 1511:1 and 1866.. . • —_,
! i
The School Directors In account. with D. J. eampton,
• •TreA•suier. for 1864: - :.• ' -' • '.... . ',DR. -
To cash fereh - esi on bonds . --'. E:101 Al . •
To tai lel. hid per dUplleate 1551 . - .. 3,059 5r,171 10
.. . at:
, .
By warrants' .
A.lOl AV
By bonds paid • -I - - • 2,351 711
By interest on same - I • 72.64. , -
Bv - 2ii per et jut Tress. for c01..t Ms. -..,
._74 A... 4 ;' •,.. ' .
13 . v lost-tax . I • --; r 25 58 - : - . •, • ,
13i , balaufe In Treasure- I • ' . :3 0 li.V-$.171 10
J. Campton. Trea:4urir. 1805: • - -- - 1.7.;t. '' ,
Balance brought down - I • •33 'l4 ,- I '
To cash received on bond*. • •-• ' 4.8110 00 .
To :as: levied per duplicate of ISO 4,21,4. M-0,416 74
. • Cll.
'l4 QF C. H.
S E l3 l 7.k r i :- ?•: 1 1Fga () -i r lreT i „ i f f L .4 u C it t (j y t . b l l :
_ of Vrecdom
Finny ; zr+ required by late act of Asbembly, approved.
, April 11th,
C. 11. Treasitrer.
To amounts .receiveil from .coliectOis Irani
ISI-1 to ItxoT- " • - - • ' SV6S
by e t iaeptibl on bond. rot Principal intl. In
tetent to May 1 6, •
ca , li in hantla or TrPrkae4c: -
"t• the ..nioler...-izned Attaiton+ of the Borcni d gb of
Am, have exmoined the above aeroants. an Gnd
ern as taken Crow Treasiiretts books of said Bums b,
to be correct. ' • . - I. •
a. B.,Clifjll
M'CASKEY; •" '"?
' (D4a/ copy.). - '
koll.rtM3' t
ZUisyvlutiratn of-CO-Partuefriditp.
'mn. INti he ee the endts'ivted.under the firm name
of :1 lexander. Devenn v. is this clay illstsolved by mutu
al consent. Tine ititert;t of 'E. 11. Alexander having
been pnrehased by d. 3L 7 Devininy. will continue, the
Drtr n btisinessat the cdd stand. All delnands as .
paid - tirm are to he paid by M. De - Wanly. and au ,
debtp debts tine the Arm nifty lie . mitt to either partner
of the K • 11. AI.Y.N.ANIOIit.'
, - ..10SEPB 31. DEVENNY.
New Brighton,' June Mlt; iS.
. .
Ii sold..ont. my interest Id the Drug bufdnesA
heretofore carried on under tlie tirM mime of - Atexan.
der ~4;, Develop:, to ini.eph •K. Devenny. my former
Tyt.l net.; I would. hopeak'for him u. conlinuation or the
p ronacTe of my pertonal nu ..1..l1a". the friend of Um
d firm. ' .:E. IL ALEXANDER..
... June t1th,1. 0 .137.4--jer.rfri:l in , - ' • - .
, .
. „
Notice to the , tecjiabitontg of
BrightOn alid-Eistivberc.
Ihavethis day associated with ni. la the practice of
'medicine. my el main W. Stewart:Witco on Bridge
street. oppo , ite public' square.. n (wry %re may ha. con.-
bullet!, at all hour:, 1 . 110.5. bllfwmcr.
. ,
I • 4 L ___
I/r.„'Flicat.‘attewart having bad ' fin experiesce of yell
ye:tra in the .itlveati,:.;-al ion and treatment of Yen:101 0 di".-
ea,ea. and tie:lkm,—, ha.; at the of mitny of Ili.;
friends, Onncotited to spend Monday'', at Itiat nftlee; on
JeileirOn ,tre""t, opoo , itZ: the - ,.tletleali , t Clovell, :irk,"
l'aatlcl,.and , Thitr , dar:- - Friday and. t -, i.tOrday •of cacti
Aveek.kat Id+ ollice. in New Ilrighlem. wh, rn hle. w ill
) altrand\ exclusively devote ills attention tut tleitreat
. meat of di,eazo , r , peculiar to f..lnaloP. I'eron, wi'lii,n;
to vi-it the - 3)0,•t0r for con , ultation or treatment will
find him - "it ills: °Mee": :ts above. 'dal i-414 from 9 : m.
to l 0 p..m.. Where hew ill wait 'on them, With phats tee.,
, c ,ru
Tho,e r.toncsting . w ill he finebhecl. will' the to U 3
of many who have beoil treated by hint. - I -
t'orrespondent, •tt ill :vlrlre,' .. ine - I n'etor at 7 , tew
Itriiztiton: Pa.. P. (I. Roc I:'`. %%here a!le.mauutticationa
trill receive jironipt attention. -
.• '
julyt.f 67:6 mos. - -
.• . . .
(1.6 , 01 c.ipv and .end tifll - to ad v et 4 ker.) IT '
Dii4solu!ion of -.Co-partner4iip.
•rl•he co-partnership hed , tofore tinder tkio
.1 name of Lourimore.!;:: 711ct;a1Liii:1,: till:. day dissolv
ed by mutual C1111:.C1512. The lotrune,•, - of the lino will be
sett hql.liv J. Ai 31ctlahah.. Who eoutinne,,4 the busittens
at thn . ola.stsout. liroad‘yr,New Itrt;:sh.ton. and is au
thorized to collect all elaturt„ .and pay ail debts due by
the. tire)._ per.oini ao the 014 Arra Wirt
please corne, orward at go!ee and • F
ettle - iticir accounts,
atid-tho.4, having claim: :tgadi,mt the tame, present them
for trettlement.. J., 31. Lot'utmour,
July 1, INZ'
f iTn -front tho firm ,cf to:triittore.t McGalian,
1 tend..r tny thanl:i; to our ft, ••c and cltv.•infal•
• •• • -
iy rolie it a cim t,ill mule, of 11
t ho cont haws iht emit.. at
Itroarr , way, Bcightor.
ri•rrs tirent latZnr
nur;,:t Aceptital. ,un wp,!
fonrthi , tnutly, tlnt~, an
It wilt not - itkiunt:ltibrica or any ',hid: and meets u Want
lOng felt in hotiseholds. AVM t'en'iove paint, gtease or
I.statits, heals ehapped.hands, roftet; and hi...aunties the
a.kin. it can Ipl easily and t . heaply nnal.., costing ts,i•
less than soap. and is -Kiel - km.lo the hest or pant, It
grtanit - 4t where, er tntroduci-d,
ll'er-ons will laastiPplitsi with EatniTy ItiOns for mak
ing anti u-itti; by the Ageni..l. Kii . l.hotd. The Coin:
poutari 'Air be lett tor saki at Ike btueet of Mr. 5. C.
Hannan. Water. St., Itoeir...ster. 1.. F. Kninirr.efiorth
Bridgewater; and H. X, Oiders for
'Fatally itielita nifty left 01 the boardin.; Ilonse - of
Anderson, near lite point. Itildie , trf, or sent by
em I. sing $l,OO to Kirkland, ifochter, ,
i riinntos.
NEW Bft!cepros, Jpkir-fti‘lB67.
7,000 OD
1Pt,511. 00 •
133 - 110
1X14;51 • '
110,343" AS
12,1M0 sCi
JILT 10;
9.116 74
--3.43 1 :
3,63 T 90
Litt• partner:.
Solllll tide of
low being:in
snry: Three
by its use.—