The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 03, 1867, Image 3

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    Tie Beaver = Argils:
BEAVER, Jai 3D,- 1807,
Local•and liirseellaneo"u7gl
.41 Fifth street, Plttebttrgb, la
tuttortred agent for THE . Atttics lu that city...
_ • .
New Advertise* ents.
\ •,
.. va..- attention of the public'ts dr!cted to
, r ,, :: Dew adrerti.4etnents, Which appear for the
"t..ipse In Tun Anous to-day: ~, ~
•.7,-AdininiFtrator's Notice—Wm. Henry.
it-Wi.hine Compound—J. Kirkland. . .
-1 - r, Wanted—A. 'II: Hubbard. .
, ifir"S,ilrg€ Bink—S. F. Von Bonhorst scc'y.
f,rnedi...l—Dr. A: W. Acheson.
. I,taditors Itetmrt—Beaver County :
vrS,niv—f:phrain Smith. :. . , i ,
vnlumerlyStMement—E. Koops (cash.)
;,.,--selice—C:es k Lobhey.
o,ll,dicd —Dr. Steuart Sc Son_ ,
ti,!-Adminietnuor's Notice --john Duncan.
irikAohation—Lowiinore ,it MN:khan. : - • -
4 ,- Si:re fur pule, , r3r : iveyand Executor. ", - _
i , 07 ,,, }Arial Notice, , L-Wihru a Brown.
' ~;'Special Noliciail-Wilson a Stewart. 77- .--, . .
;:irSpecial Notim— Wm. Clarke. '• • :" ,‘ - .
Assrssz firm hope'last week has preventedtielkom
_,... r
....! •
-t:l.vriug up uur t uanalcarity of local pm's. --'
b4:tsro Rux.--out young friends of Ja.
Run are tnakinz Ostensifa4rtangarrie'inta
i . 3c that phict• on the 9th. The preparations are ex
and.the ..ale seekers"
,geaerakly wtll no doubt
a pleiear.t time of it. • ;
: , -• 1
s,p.vetnarr:—On last Etiday a imp, aged 10in 11
lir. George Taylor, of•Fallstiii;thie:colizij;
, 1. - rough a hole in the viii• mill of Miner & Co., of
; lan . , and injured Lithaelt vary ioverely. :. .We are
-....10 , ed at prcernt RI to hit,
rivsist .1 1. rotyrstEsvrs.—Governor Geary luta
dames Pittaborgi!, to repre
r l'onisivarlis as 'll.oBtee Of the &nttetam, National
k.misry :120Ci411312. vice General John R.\ Brooke,
:1 .
y r . uauel Sl:Otteremi, of Hu&lo township,
Craw one of LIM bucks &tuts' pounds'of fine,
The tincli idol' the Gold-drop, Hamniond
'w r i.directthi to fire adtsrtisement of Jackson's
'lVa,hiagCoinpotind, ope of the last improve
,•the age. IA Bich is being introduced in all parts
States . . 'by agepts. J. Kirkland is -went
lmreugh off:tearer, Rochester, Bridgeii•ater, and
Nmr Itngtton, audits , at present canvassing the ewes
osOcr ron 31An Doos.-.-Our exchangeittrom er
.-. wrionpf thU country, give acconntg, of mild • dogs. 7
of,the year. In which hydrophobia fa Ton
itTlf,.we mean the "dog .days"--the
days the year,'ls.approachlitu, and as this
!)trd 1148- t• i, v ery'vicvnleut among the canine nice,
take notice. . .
. .
4.t.strox Case.—On Friday' last, Oeo. S. Hart,
emmqel for John Lennox, presented to Judge
of the t 4 upreme Court, at his tocns..ln Beaver,
canon for a writ of error, supporting the XIIMC
me a7propriate -rUtUarks. His Honor took
trf 1111, promising to ddvise the counsel
~ I...ez.fear days as to 'whether the apratcation would
L'x aminer Junc 28.
IlrArri: A tiGiqs comes to us in Witeer &esti, and
v•',7l: I ',t us a silver to look. (Hay :
.seu a , ,!-Infely 7 ) The APVIM ishlv 3; edited by an
e:d esteemed friend, CatititL•Weyaitd. A
•;.:per is not pi:olt:Med lu tale State of ?eon
:ve.h w',sll the Captain all kino of sneezes.—
! arm. • - -
wy have ~,,Neit the new cataiof,t - ne ittnd circular of
to I %,:at• - .:armllschNA at Edinboro. We are grad to
i a thatcowe from year to year.' Several yeara s ago
v. .ei.i itt , thought it onc , of the beet :echoola :tn the
and tii• fhtnb it It a Alice ertriltdlly Increased Its
y. put:oh:n:l44 efferieney.. In all points Which Make,
tirtr ril s e e:r•hrl tit uni•tlrpassed: All persons who'
teatti cbl Fend for' itS circular.• Address
Prof..l. A. cooper, Edinboro, Erie Co.,
1641 y Lipa felt. •
. ...
grr.Pialli rt`l: SAIM.—B. G.-Roddy, Esq., 111 Cd
-.‘er el tt- ri•AVZI %( iberv, : prabl)shied at Uniontoien
:e It's-sore. deri a few days ago. Ills adnainistr4torri
Ittrw otte:thg the: establitihniont for sale. lett„ a
:ert old perr,...‘tiltliOletitwe beitewe, In ISM—Dem"
Ml* IL plitics, has the official - printing, atoll is offer-
A rhe i r;. A 1, - p.,;11,r; "chap"•who has a- little of the,
- r:51: ea I;:inti, end is disposed to n fill,aneditorial
:.-::.,: I- l.:-:e a rhanc.. to "nail In." . -
Is.roertsr Duerstos.—The
z , .a over his rittPi Is NI
• = atto in the Montgomery c o unt court,
%la. sited for Chastising a pupil with
d , ,bedi tare. -The Judge, in Irly charge to the
.L teat her oecupied.the position Of It
•• •I< n!(1., Ili • pupils while undek hie chatim,'
..11-1.M4`,1 his opiniOn, and rendered a! verdict
of the 1. tiv:r.- Order is the first law of nature,
t vher.. -'- withoat•authority to enforce
is,onahle to correct or punish, and I here 7,
common school system a mere farce,—
hatispensAle at times in the school room:
7,rtx 41 - .7tt.- 1 --On last Thareday, COnstable
1. 4 :c - ..:Fre,tnd a colored thantried George
t" Let e:ealin4 a blanket from Georg Garber, who
.. , IKweet! 'Van port and Industry. Walker had n
, z - fg.iiu"-but the constable failed to crime up with
it' unt of his getting across the river a day or
,fqe a warrant was - iesmed. - Walker Was sent iro, 4
byr the court: these colored men
in this part of the country. and the one
fa.,-s they belonged to Cincinnati.
• •
IlAn. OAnutzr.s.—On llonditylaist, Mr:
liridpewuter, eUrnreeneed carrying;
Ltictirorn Ileay . er to Roelieeter. 14 a "pub - I
, ar:y in the erring, 'the ontraet..for ro dO .
to him by the Pont Office Ilepattment:
Intention to ran :ti hack bettyeen the
for the arconutiodation of the puha . , du-
• er 5 1:rr:.!..1 - i.,-The rase of 11iCssrs. Little and
Fogler during ids trial for ttie
1:01%-e't \V. Dimmore, on Tuesday !wt. in
County Cotirt, prepented to! Judge
dsnying the charzeitt which Fogler
I.i c hi, I,l,Nic 'William
Ek l..stipeaeoti in their behalf:, and argued that
k7!•11t. were all that was neattisary to :rellov# l
tis: implication cam upon them. Judge,
b "wvccr, ruled otherwise, and appointed
.'tinnmiarioner. and Win. McKen
-4'4l' Raft I:sqS., Attorneys ot_he ' halt 01l
"" t, t" take testimony in the case for coistdera-1
Commei'cia;. • . . 1
?Mut' Strives Soak - Our rtadett a re rempect-1
' 1 •71 , 1 to the advertl . :rner:t in another col amn 14
':leab,. orate Peqie's Savings Flank or Pittsburgh,
p a ,
heck has been in exis.tentt but a sha l t Gine,
I',7l'^'..]. ICPinZert ecunmendatde, and its oaken!
•, ^ nttldence of the conitnnaity in width the l
'l"' kcatd ' has enabled it already :tobilibl;
`,ryli.i.ring buldnesa, whieh will no doubt be ha.l
'''''ht bagful:ion grow; 10 year'. S. F. Von-,
::". 1 -01 . A ell and, 'far6rahly known to, many)
"*..1 is the Secretary and Treasurer. and we
~,,,, cl
wet known when we say That I ---
.... ' Ile .rer4emotiatinn business met can hard-,.
'' . .. P b‘! toned. i,sopte desiring to save a Pot.'
.„... ''',..,'artnns"wolild find it advantageous to
, -t-... , , to Fire this. initikntioa their patronage.
ti,,,...,__ ----:-....„„,-7----,
...,..,,, ' . '_•'ox ci. TtEATEL Aran4str..-13inugb.una,
„,4 \ "`llt. at the time o fthis examinltion; . lll ro
t . . 6ral(ql)y favoral4*. "ftettel; drilled class'
'-', ,ex
.tog. ether, are seldom seen,” wiliiale
e r.
'1 11 . 43- it , '
. 0 , . ftou-41'nt very gfta,. - has been
--,,,, a :' •.r ' th e
nuktuttined through \ year. The
, .F 1 •rn tri ' Coen t? on: traillenlarly in the last
-i ''' ..ll d ebled ft tovement in the speak ,
k ...
' l 7' W e ,r'!
..:.,,,,„:•d to see - that the classes ,
tin, Iry lalaCtws were itrost rd as
Lille and Greek: Wejib learnforw a
that.a t
pOhli,she 4 h., a few data. whin. we
Stine still furls ; le thin tiine-tensin•e4 in-
Ac6nini err *we CL'a 1t../..ll;Ait Wasik sz
leD.'-41 accident occerrtul on the Cleveland and Fitts.
berg ft. R., betiveen Dinnont and Glendale itationa,
on Thursday morning last, result's:gin the death of an
old lady nemeed Abigail Fervie. Itappeara, from the
evidence taken by the Coroner's dory, that the deems_
ed went)to itAoiiposltit side or thl/YrdlitxuTrieebnek. - ,
e 1 of Watei.nnd While &witting the74:4; water . Ireferk
to the house, was struck by the engibe of - theVeibriftle
accommodation train and pitched; into the air, falling
on the ground beside a fence, a.copsiderable distance
from thetrack. The force of the 11115.7 t broke her skull,
killing her instantly. The train was l stopped
ately and the lx)dy earried into - the house. •No blame
I,i attached tethe epaineei or VonduCtor'oithe train, as
the Jury, after' brief deliberation, returned the following
verdict: "That Abigail Ferris came to her denth On the I
27th of June, 1887, by being accidentally ran over by
the accommodation train attached to engine No. 10, on
the C. 4. and the jury ,do hereby-folly exon
orate the employees of thettuln from all blame' The
deceased was about pfiyeaty-flre yeuiegfof age and leaves
a husband and pon and daughter to mourn her loss.
IiT.—Of the examination on Tuesday of many of the
younger pupils,' ottheeseays, dialogres, and:murdc, we
will no. speak. 'though mirh might be said ineonimen. -
dation of them and their faithful teachers. The "Kale
msch4m3". held their first/ i ppblic exercises on Tamil*
evening, and for those who desired it.reafliterary treat,
they. have not beeh excell6l by any shirtier exercise in
the past. The recitations were; with oul exception., first
'Clam while that pf the "Bells" by Ihr:society , ineonceit
could not be readily surpassed. ' The tinit::pail of. the
phper deserves the highest commendattea hxr AntAtyle,.
and the Manner in whicitit Was 04 - \
'AR the pmeeeds were statql, to 1 for the purpose of:
establishing prizes for recitations end esiays,-the pub;
lic will hereafter worthy l. Of their
attention, when they shall be invited to Ilsten to their
exercises. -
'The examinations on Wednesdt and Thursday were
very largely attended , and ellcitc high encomitunaln
nearly every case: Miss Elliot's elasms in Physiology
and especiallyln English .Literature, are deserving
special notice. Mrs. Kean's classes in Ms. of the World
and Botany acquitted themselves with great'.credit:
while Prof. Taylor's classes, wheSe classes bever_thil,
believe, in closer, Cicero, Latin''Graurinar, Trigorome- ..
try, and Moral. gelence, !lid theniselves .and . teacher.
much honor. - • •
The addrks In, the earning by nee.. Gorham, MPhil;
adelphia, was an able and well-delireind prodlF*lll.'
and was evidently-highly appreanted by ihe.andience
The attraction on Thursday afternoon' was a "Match
game" of .Crtlcitipt.fie a ',Bei bt,*(jszet.^trrovided by
Prof. Taylor. tiefereei l pieSeinlnarfindifekyer clubs.
The for Mer consisted 4t Mina Mitchell, chief; and Mis
ses Walker; 'Kingsley:and -Wdyind, and the latter of
Miss Ella McCreery , chief, and Misse s Boacota;Shnms
her, sod; Lion:
. -
The game was witnessed by a large mitubetrof per
reia us. who , as it was close one, became deeply Inter
eled with it. . . •
The Deaver club was, at the rid of a two holm: con
'test, declared victors, arnid. 'the 'apjitanse of their
friends'. '
4itepresentation!was made by Prof.:lloughtfm, and,
-' •
the reply by,Mr. Courson, Of:McKeesport. ' 1 .,
The Comniencement toolifplade in atO IL R. Church.
Which, 'notwithiMnding the rain, wan well filled. The
young . ladles did thexselves Sand their Altna l - Mater .
Much credit; adding to its renutatton, already well es
tablished, for thorough, accurate scholarship. The
i l
Con the occasion wasf the first. order. It fs prop
er to ommend the good t to displayed by the hal& in
their lornment : and ma . lot Minvidions to mention
Miss Russell's essay as el thiting patient thought and
much - finish. The addresS .of :rev. Mr. LoWnrv*.wlis
well adapted to the oceasid f. After which PME l'aviim
awarded diplomas to theirs' lowing eight young liidies,
one hallo( whom. I sm glad to see. are from this vicin•
„ty f - Miens Itnsseli, bloorhead and Woodruff. of Bridge-,
water, and 3,fiss :Reno. of Rochester, 'Miss Shilling, of
New Philadelphia. 0., Miss Weyand, of Somerset. Miss
Todd, of Georgetown, and .*B5 Mitchell. valedictorian
of Leavenworth. Ranim. Afterthd exercises at Chttrch
the ationmr and many of their young friends from abroad
and the vicinity. repaired- to the SOMlnitrY fora col
lation, of which deponent, as he was non eel, saith not.
MA'XIIIIILIAN fa op}rted to have been allot; In wee
once of a etlntenee area:tit tiuttttsc 0.31 thel9th of Jane.
• Tub War Demirtment,--in obedience to orders from
th l .t President, has:hill:Meat° relieve Gen: : 9k of ids -
command. . .
Too LATE.—A commnaleation, !rem Beaver Falls
=le too late for tnairtlon thlit week: It **Maxim in
our next
^• Perkins wanting fitigar . by the qtka mity will do
wait by carting a.L Wilton Lit Brown'e.
T. 13
e.A.No. I Tea ata decline • at Wilaote,t "Bromie.
rr/ - You can Always fin , Snianeured hams' and
Dried Beef at Wm. f_ elarkee.•
- -
. Mr - Leave your order at Wilsonk, lirnO's express
and it will be promptly 'wed nod delivered,
irit'P"Wilson ez Brawn have just rec4rod direct more
of het Nw. 1. N. 0. Moinisties. Trythem: \
rfi,'''''Cotreo very elicapar Wils(;n St Brown's. Try It
r,,-trTh , .ltl . L of July can be seen 'any day at Wilson 4: Stewart
CiLni - r.+. st.cot.Tariaty, vitiulcSale and retail
at Win. F. Clar:cc'iq Bearer a
. - tr"
— SutTar and - has advanced in price, bat
F. Clarke continues to seli as cheap as ever.
_Y - Corti.'Slelil at W. Pr Clarke'ti.
11.1 — Fallstou Floai at W. F. Clarke*
or Grpcnri
the county,.
, .
r,33" - Best • Family Flour at Wllsan
Brown's. Warrantcd. • '
• re — To inpure a like fit - and good Gaiter, go to Wil
on & Stewart'e. -
e -
MAN-En A ITEIT.—Go where vce;.will, and.inu cant
find Groceries' cheaper thando, heaver. To prove this
fact. it is'essary to call on Wm. F. Clarke; 2nd
door above Pot t Office . vlbere yen ' , kill find' a completti
stock of staple end fancy Groceries.
nr'Why ran I do better at & Stewart's ?L
Berituie it is n large and excluarc Boot 45; 'hoe Store.
I wing() there.
Steci-art sent . East, and •••.t the 4th of
Jnly•-44ond S•ciuechildren to as It—
. '1 • •
..." rlgrTierltgC:l7l PC(' the 4th Sit Wilson & , StMr:lll . P ift
the % . '4:l y of a vice cialter to elnike thentselves in ;,iike:
wise the'Lacti , .%. . 1
4.7.7 ,- Wm. P. Clarke hap , a fnll, Kock nt Family a
reri, which he is 'telling, as cheap as any otherhouse
In ot:ont of Bearer. • • •
. , •
; . 1 . .
• .
4'll ,
• ,7ire l i; roof t.oin.or
) • C
r ison _&, Stey.•art's
Bow :old Shoe Store.' • *-- IWI.
tr*Cove Off-ters -at Wilson ct - 114own'e, cheap. Try
them. ,
-The heat a4gortineo of f.4rocerics in Beaver 41 kept
by W. F. Clarke, 2nd door above Poet 00lee.
r.." - Cartneti Fruit, cheep. at Witicire.iiitrol44e
ref - Bert whit, Wheat Mani at Win. P; - olarkea, 2nd
door,above Post Oftix, Beaver, Pa. •
cf Cries
"Cell -ell
WEr. F. Clar4e's. genver, Pti F --da-
I • -,
RANKIN—DILWORTi.—Jane 12th, -by Rev'. A.
Dilworth, Mr: J. 'W. Rankin, of , Mircernbarg,' Pa., to
Mei Mollie Dilworth, of Darlington Ip. , Drayer Comity,
'thite.,t of the ofplating clergyman.
BRADRN—GO!4ItaIii,-'-Jnne 19th, by Rev.. P. J:
Ciamming at Mr. Win. J. Braden's. Mr. Tlannas Bra
den to Mies 21ary E Uo.horii.
SATT.Ailletkil: On June ISti, '1867, Annie I.lnn,
youngest. dang,hter of Frude.ricjcaud L iter" kattarrar,
aged 2 years and.7.nuitithe. • -
"Farewell, dearehild, la Godye trust
°,•Thorratt,frora paid foiever,freb.
• •
IThotigh. thou aunt not return to'us,
'Yet we through Christ may go, to
Fat*" to :
LITTELL-,-thitheAst of *Jetty.' ISaft if: the iiiiiidontr.Th
of No brother, In this Placa, Hitt, 9. iitten, aged '2S
. .
' The decesised had been a poidler Of the Colon army,
for a period of overithree years, and was attached to Co. ,
16th Ohio Vol.; rnfintiy. While in the . service, he
connected the d.1143...0 of which ho died. • '
, ,
rlinuo:74l. &ca l en •
hskA. the service i t : I t ' a ,
ways felt a deep interest in the children of our
deceased soldiers; and who is there that has
fClught with those noble men that does not?
On the tenth inst., . was fortunate _ in, being
,on the cars sihen the soldiers orplians from
Phillipsburg, under the care of - the Rev..',.
G. Taylor, passed up to:the Monumental Fair
on the ears. They were most perfectly er
dert ` n rril ell hYtth.plip,
theirbatia nd AieNT ecshowedthe
discipline they were under. When they got
out of the esrs, they fell into line like old sol
diers Their whisk appearance, to me, was llieautiful and imprmive, and warmed up my.
heart. The rtlressi 'or both - brivi tuld RUN,
was neat nnd• clean; the 1 boys ildifectlynni
formed,and the girls with jest sufficient vanity
togive beauty. Their personswere clean and
nice. 'Like a boy following the "shogers," I
followed them to the fair, where I can assure
you they found many friends.- The many
persons on the streets they paised showed the
interest, and the many friends they found in
the halL showed the same fact. Here they
conducted themselves with-the utmost pro
priety, and called forth constant :cothmenda
den. and left slagirig"the' star spangled ban
r ner." Your l'county may well be' proud of 1
'that school, and - thank its principal for his
!pairing efforts—efforts that seemed: to me as
I looked into his naturally cheerful face, had
written antious care ;won every feature.
On the of these schools there has
been in our city and State too great apathy.
I have waited to see what : lmpression the ap
pearance of this school would make, and I
i r
am glad to say that fit - has been TerYti •
and it his tiWaltental -in.intere4'Ori bc ref
,inldierst dephins 'Stich as tras neve "'be
fore felt. • (If our Legislators could have seen
this sight, I thinkthey would not be so tardy
in making the a ppropriation necessary ,to
I carry' them on.)Rarely have I found an in
-1 terest awakened by a single incident that last:
ed so long. I heard an old merchant say
"Those orphans made a splendldimpression."
T heard one of our first , basiness men say in
the most earnest manner: "My heavens? bow
little we have appretiated the education of orphans." One of the oldest' towbars
of the State, as he looked nponthe care-worn
face of its principal, and then upon the order
to which this chaotic mass of 180 or 190 had
been' reduced, said :- "I would not take his
place for the world." Another min mid,
"Those children are a credit to any man."—
It seems tame that the interest this visit
has occasioned will secure an appropriation
from AheLeglaturepromptly riestyrlnter.-
I Pittsburgh, June'22 18G7
, Enrrou MMUS s I have read something in
:your paper about. , ./..H. Weirs "Military Ree--
vrrl: I•wofild 'like - vote *add gratify yOnt
readers by stating' :where lie served._ whether
in the Union or -Confederate armies? It is
well known that there was rebels' thrmigh
out the Union- armies -in. disAnisei, who by
their inSttlairdination and freaetiery, aided.
the.enemy in everysway.within their power,
secretly - shot down loivalgnen, hut never dis-.
thrbed.the eneniy.- • Wit-s this the part Odell
tilayed, or.was he in the-rebel Service. or. was
his:-record made in resistina the druft = ju
Noble County, , ,. . • •
Will you plea . se explain ?-' Every one
knows he is opposed to the government, and
in favor of the frliellion. And yet.. it is•said,
.he has a "Ifilittry j.ntvord." • QUEIUST.
Mn. Eurron : I desire to commend highly
the essays of our local graduates s at thelato
I - CotiMieticeiriefit 13
Of the olver•flethiCairy, , as I ,
1 deein.t hem all ' worthy of it. The first.sity,
we are growing old." byrnisslii:cindruff, was
rend with much spirit and, exhibited good
I taste and correct observation.
, 31iss . Moor
head's oh "Rest for the Weitik," adhered close ;
ly tothe'subtect, was; andXoritaincd
some beau Ira thongliitt. „7 liiiialbilip's allay.
"Looking back". was a very pretty. find some
one In'our he.a ring '.said characteristic , . essay
—was well delivered.. .31issibissel'a on "Ire ;
'roism" secured the marked attention'of the
most thoughtful of. the awmltly, which is sit f
ticientliMise:: It was sairlbithoseaccuatom-,
edit) attend those exercises that, it wa.s . Sel. 1
dom that eight ettsays'all sb good were read.
• .Bull Run. .4 .
A correspondent tf..the Cincinnati Cow
nierr;ai writing Oa visit to the batt/e4leld
of Bun Run, says: "The' first sight that
greeted my cyes . ,at Manassas Junction; 'was a
forcible retidndei4of the war. , Two' bilge
piles of bones; In) . bones, •cattle,:bones, , - and
sad to Say, human bones bones hitermirtgled, lay
whitening right in front of the:ld - 40. They
arc picked up off the battle-field by the own
er.; of the soil, and carted here fin. shipment
by the tars to be gimind into ,fertilizers, at
RIM(' mill in Baltimore. .The. price here is a
penny a pound, one of Pairbank's,,plattiiiin
scales standing ready by the ruilwity, track,
to weigh the deliveries, and several tons of
hones have been shipped. One man with a
girl to help him, collected in two tiny& bones'
enought to came to tiff/. My landlord; a
Pennsylvania nutchm4ri named Varner, brit%
•out a long and riowersl
_looking bone from
behind the bar, saying; 'here, now, is some
poor fellow's thigh bone.' Thetight was not
to inspire cheerful reflection; In anoih
er ono great heap were ,piled-masses of camp
kettles, broken .musket biirrels, wheel ties,
solid shot and broken shells, fragments of,
swords, hits. of wagon gear, old rusty fire
lOcks,. and the like. This, too, is for. The
market, the last relics of the huge debris of
destruction 'of which' every battle is 'fruit-
Brown's fix k
Are thelxiit in
Dixtresmiag ziCcidenf at D iimcint.
A4ad accident Occurred at Dixmont Insane
Asylum,on Saturday morning at an early
hour. Mrs. Annie Balton, an• incurable pa 7
tient, from Erie county, who had leen plac
ed in a ward in the fourth story of the build;
big, attempted to effect her csume from the
institution. By means 9,1;a limit-pin she sue
.ceeded in removing a wWoden strip from the
wjndoW, which enabled her to open the iron
grating ten inches. - She then tied • a
number of soiled towels tOgether, and fasten
ed one-:end tellie.*atei=prpe, intending by
thil.:ciricans to reach the ground. She did not
calculate the distance correctlY,._ however, and
after forcing herself through the' aperture,
fell -to the ground below. Her moans -awak
ened the iturskwho hurried to her assiSt
ance:Carried her into the _house, and notified
Dr. ItCed. Strange to say, no bones Were,
broken, the only injury apparent being a
slight cut on the head. Her system; -how
ever, was *reatly prostrated, and she died
aboutnOon. Coroner-Clawson held an in
ipiest- 49 the bOdy on Saturday afteritoon,lual
a verdiql was rendered in accordance _ with the factS.—Pitts. Com:
3/11.1". steam i)oftitlitestrwinill;
with'a shingle and lath Tattory attached, lo
.altedon the Hennt •o L lje'and la
half miles south of .Istew Lebanon, in - Mercer
county, was destroyed ky Ilretlast , ,Wednesday
night:' The millaltnie;'sakistli Iltriietri, was
worth near $4OOO, besides the' lumber and.
material .destroyed; We learn that there
was noinkumnee on the property.—Lawrence
T.llAdle DEATTI. OF ~A2l AusrnlwKALCC.ll
- -Larchducliess Matilda, the intend
ed wife of Prince litunbeit - Untidy, a Princess,
in lier Itith year, by all accounts endowed
with' the rare giftsof person, mind and heart;
died in Vienna on the morning of June 6th.
She inadvertently trod on a 'defter match,
which was lying at heifeet - on the
,floor, us
she leaned out of theiiindovir talking , to one
of her relatives. Her summer dress was in a
blaze befobi:shelivia.awargtOtelt;ait.lifore
any one could run to her rescue I she sank to
the groaN in an agony of pn .from , whith
only death released her. The lady was, the
affianced bode of Princilitimbeit,.thelleir or
the throne of Italy. Prince Humbert was
enjoying the festivities of Piris- when, t
nays °Alt ae,cident,of thitrAtdidrueliets tesclC
e& him. and he immediately left it is sup,pot
td, for Vienna: - '
It . . 111
rt 44 U V ktp .- M
4. 1 1 :crit
- 7 7 .77".
.. ~ ..~~_
~erp~~: ;
1 _
A. s
-1N , THE
and NEW MA*litNE.
-AT _=-~
Girea.tly It 43 a taL' o
, ; i.
Ilavirig eetured the Agency tor the
Empirol'emlnellta - 6h ine
I mspecifully e.cklicit an ex
ihc public.
Tuts Machine Is constructed on a new principle of
meclumlgin, possessing many; rare anti valuable im ,
provements, having been examined by the most prO
maul experts, and pronounced to be simplicity and,
perfect loncombined.
In a mectundcal point of view. the advantages we.
claim for the "K inn MACHINE," are—
Irt.—The method of driving, the Needle Bar by a
compound crank, which prodnees the same *dim as
heretofore obtained by means of a Cam; . bat in 'a more
durable and noselegs manner. -
.2.d.—We use a rotating shaft above the table, and
thus are enabled to glee ail the room required under
the arm; without detriment to the; durability of Ma.
; having a bearing directly ocar tho Needle
A 341.—0ur Feed Wheel is a friction feed. and t con-
Structed there is hat one joint in transmitting the mo
tion front the rock shaft to the wheel, and tudiko all
others, cannot be effected by oil or duo.
4th.—The Rock. tiDaft that works the Feed 'motion
also drives the Shuttle. The heartnes of this *Shaft: end
Centres arc hardened, steel -had adju.stable, so that we
can tatroup thelost moth:twat will.'
The fitilowing arc the principaroltectiona raged 'a
gainst Sewing Machines:
1. •Excessive fatigue to thooperator. • •
2. Liability to
_get oat of order.
3d. Expi•ti - ge. trouble. and less of time In repairing.
4. Incapacity to sew every deiertption of material.
s.. Disagreeable noise while in operation..
The Empire Seviing Machine is
Exempi. from all these.
. Objections. .
It has. a Pfrulabt needle. perpondiculir action. makes
the lock or ehnttla Ptiteh, which -will neither rip nor
mrel, aNd is alike. no belch pidea.. Perform* Prdeci-sow
leg on orery dearription of material, trom.Leatirtn. to
the !Inert N'ansook :Muslin. with : Cotton. linen, or OR
thread, from the coarest to the Inst. number.,
. .
'laving neithei cain.nor cog wheel, - and the 'tat pm
aibic friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and /a
Emphatically 'Noisele'ss Machine
. -
•‘:'..:-.3.'7 , ,', :-- ..` ''' -'.:.. .-..,-",-...:::'!-I:i;2
F. A. Poit-ne's,
RED F it c p 1,1
. ,
foods 1
. ih ..... tore
~.,. .
... _ ,
, .. ...
.. • • -,
•J• ' .. ..-
TE ~pA
1 I
1 I
. .
-rtners' 114.,
_, .
• - I
Heretofore exiidltig underlie tetqfnattie of . 1
Dissolved by reutual Consent,
Join ttma
sumo. lbe liatlV sol . d . As entire inters %ra w . It?:
at the oldalaM, tinder the tbat samara 1 i
Shallenberger. Bros'
And will strive to 'weft, ton still mister extent, the
and pati:onsge of the opennunlty.
Will, as beore,-gve
f i hie
, , t
-They,heri State a few of the general principles they
adopt, 14 1 Fneentiok to encomia , •
let. To bay and eell cl eV for cash, or its equira•
lent: in order to command the lowest prices and beer
'markets:.2d. 10 exorcise good taste and gtetit disCrintituttion
in 'buying eltolee goods, and is keeping aball and Yid
ed . Steck."
3d. To metal" avoid the inactive of nalsrePresent
ing, or of - deceitfully concealing the real quality of
goods. In order to effect sales. •
And finally, in all respects. to do an honest 'and le
gltheate buaness. which will bust serve the interest or
the community. and to this end they ask the eucoui,
agenaunt of liberal patronage.
Shallenberger Bros.
lEirldrizewitteri I'6 nu'a.
WARE, 8.1.09.. Y, PlBll, 0/241.N;
lion of ttie bamc
Family tilniceries.l
Family Crocerici: and suppli?t i will he the meta
rbranch of our bueinees. And -wilt neltide all' articled
,'penally found in a well fundehcdatore, such as -II
1 -
2 .•
, .
• • • ,
, .
Re expecr keep al
And will well at very vniall profile, r•peciallilu lott= of
from 20 to SO or 100 Itmlur bummer use.
• 1
-Queens ware and *Glassware
9reatprOolinenee wilt .be given to thix branch of tho
• trade. Mime tri want of the
A Large Stock, of the Latest eSt)leS
Tea, I:?in k ner "o Chi Sets,
I'Wooden=ware,Wi/low-waie and
'I , ,
• ash Tub; and Distada6' peditand - Patent ikicketk
'Montag Pia- .I , Clothes Pinsand Llssl ii
13=Iltiosse Doses. • • Flow Plidk. -4—• 1 , A HMINISTHATOWS NOTlC44eatairit testanaen t--
0 ••01.,. Thick and Clotbarßsekets. .4 - 1.. amentary on the ertave of -Jos at' *tsren, late St
• -I ral ain e an i flV eL
" - F rito ll er a N i r 4 :',n,.iNgittr - terttaellrkin =llnit . tilPe6tr'da:iln,,girLenin.
••• - - Nag. ,- ..., -:•,-• .' Vanikaw= 11 elves
. .. Table Cdt 4k .ftsms. , z2dlst , tennedlits takediait'snit Wow' blithe dalMe vain::
LA: variety of si will lie foizOasomicour the suet wOlprc-s,;\ tha, , PzeltprlYf latbonneatod fc? ,
:.. _ ._-.•-.-- •__.
__•' - - -___• -i' settle:skin. 4 --,..1 1 ~,
FINALLE2IIIERSER amoS. 'l4- • . • - . viarmfx Dirlitin • li . , 4a . n. •
. 1 / 1•19'67:6t. JOHN W. 1 - 311:11. i .
je%'6l:lm 1 - • • J • I I
'r•-•'" I-i •.
• -•-• - - •
B RIDGIi*ATER, PA.i Nay 21st, 1867.
And the-epets* oft of the - noir &Molt be t3'
Queensarare, Hardvtate;
Country Produce
-. or vi.ntous KINDI3,
I •
• - -
Pine Teas and Coffees
Will also bo loading artiges. .1.
will always find
From which to select full
bity la i ilirk ;uti kits'
v,Aziztv GOODS
7, 4 ,
, •
I "I
• . .
1- •
o.'. F .
• ,
.. , ..
I . ~
' 1
• I
-. 8U ER
. DS
. "7 . • ' • .
•.I. •
.7 -AT.
• • . 1 -• •
Millmery Truanntig
SHOE EMPtillttrlti
TWO,DOORS • tELow slums tt- SU.% : •E'SBXR
• -
• , • , '.'.formerly occupied by J. Id. PLeKET,
on 't% here I will he glad to Awe nil ray obi
customers, and u4l others Lavoriug me. with o WI.
. ,
i .
lam now receiving a large.,,aini oplendld Stock of
latest Spring Stykv.of Millinery, Tlith/91.11g5, tt.C., ac..
Wrath will be void very chimp.
. . .. .. I• . i .
4 ' '.
- .1111LLINERY i - •
, . :
Of every denripOon—Silk and Straw BonnetA, 'Ladies ;
and aitagett-llate, Rlbbune, Fluwere, Ructiet., ,c.
• , "I
TR.IM*IMagi •
J •
Or all ktnitloferiii and; Oords,
Lacttd., Chenolls, .16,ugtiltetee; &none, &c. •
• :
- EdrgT.IrAIR NETS; .- BEL7, -.
- ;.,.4111.7CKLES,Ae..
, .
GxAtlenien , s-, Furnishing.
• Gent,lpti& Ladies' Paper.Collarm.
Hcit4iery` and criove's,
! •T t v
: HSliiiES"•.t.H. •
Just rcevivcd, a large lot, very cheap. - Call and *cc
Stamping, Pinking and Cloak COting
and Making on short notice.
STITCDUCG. . i - -
-•- •
• CAL!.ANp . SE,E I,IIE,
q~ i
nintrmurn tint.
rt.kcEn •
Two 'doors hely* Stiles Sliallenbe,nrekr's aiocery
: - :btoreoVatertarect,Bddgeyater, _
WATT 4: E LI".
F.A lt M E 8, R E :.1 1) Tll 1
Mower: and:*Eteaper:
This catensdrctly known, and theereedly popular
Ilachine_was Pubmitted to the most vigorous het of
Its superiority. at, a trial 'of., competing machines that.
place. ytteler, the manatrurnent of the New York
Society, &Lamborn. N. Y.. in-Jrtly, IblA., The commit
tee consisted of eleven judges, and/brig muchinea were
entered as contestants for She prtze. The triailasted
direr weeks and the tests were most thorough. The
mann was annoanced-at the. State Fair held at Saratoga
on the lath of September. last, and the . .
13 'CT M Mg
to.timony was awarded it in the same State
to ISsa. Thi= machine is. regarded by the thousands
who can speak from - experience, as the I
Best I* the `.iiirorld ! -
;aid manuraettised by the n IncoipoiateeTomm•
Ely a I
A,UL'l l lll' AN
C. 7 .s; Otno,, •
n*. wanttnta ortle.e rta cav rbiaptco.zd&lpt , hsea ytk
:aprl7'67.:ara - New Galilee, Pa.
M .., X EbIITOR'S NOTlCE.—Wberene tettera testament-'
-174ary on'the estate of Don: BC J, AroOte, deed.,
late 'of:Beaver born:. Beaver eonuty. Pa. 4 harittc been
•granted to the undersigned, all pewits Indebted to
ballad estate are requested - to make Immediate payment,
and thaw baring eliding or demands against tbareattle
of eahl decedent, will Please Present , them ProPerlY
thenticated for settlement. •
• 31.ICBABL WBYJUID, Fateentor,
jel'Atatt- • • Beaver bolo:
, . •
23 - CTOS.E - 1=
wag then awarded the
as the machine
- •
,14 for Ow plans p61,'19G0 amtd llwf • - •• -
The School blare - on. in account . , with 'D. J;Ciamptor.
Tie...tearer. tor 1861; DR. - •
To aoh receiyet on bonds
1 i ,64 1 . - 5.101 51- -
To tax levied per duplicate - 5;059 504,171.10
By warrants I ,• , - 5.10151
By hontb. paid • ' *AA
ily nitereAi on;annt • i '72 64
perct. Trua3.ftirc . oh <_,7410-- • . •
ily lust tax I j
225 Eli'
fly lullanci in Tceneurr • lO
Campton; Tieroatzei t 1363: •
broughtrown , I • }
t*lt reca;i:i'e4 hbuda I • 4. 00 -
To levied per duplicate of 1615, 4,134 - 35-4,428 74
By oirrante "• - • ' , • 4.;a*-Xl 00
ily - houtk paid . - .1165 i,„ •
fir itdem , t - on Hume 21 9 *1" n'v"
By :Soldier,. exempt ami li.t taxei 1*§1 . 35
lly24perct.pdTrens. tor cue,r. tilt. :1 1104:86'
lly huhtuce inTruniury •
.12 , 4 0-9,410 . 74
. 3lctluire, Trettotrer, 1806: DR: -
To balance tnim L. .1. Cntnplon ,Sri 43
To tax levied per duplicate I*/0 ;17/ 0/L- 5 .43 . 1 37
apoo rvl t 4,
By boil& paid
WM 30'
Ily tatertt+t on same
Be lost tax. V : - ;' ' • lee -te :'
11.. v soldiers exempt . : • ' 1 :NZ tet
11 , . Viper et* pa. Trme.fer cnt.sint dis: - '1:. .e.J "--
Efy lailamee Ini Tri-notr2*- '4;:al 42 7 41,436 917
1 .1. Li vorri)st. —* .•1` . . -
JAMI'S ItTirEitsfix. --, Anattors.
Jern:at. J. J. I.i'.'sTWAlL''. - 1. • ' -
BENTELL Treasurer of Bounty runds,of - Fteodom
Born., Ls required by,ldu mintof Assembly, approved
April 11th, . .
_,- .
• C.H. - tientel. Treaimrer,
To- amounts !remised from coneetors from
Ititit to 1:117 ,- • WIZ or
.. -
Br m 4.11 paid On bilacis forPrinciput and In;
lefest to It;, ven - • ' 3,wit 90 .
Bal..aish in hbisis of Treasurer: • - -; $ ' 7' :Ii•
We the undersigned' ;Auditors ,of the :fluted -Of
I ti
Preedom.liaVe exanuMsi.the above accounts, an Lind
them as taken teem Treisurer's books of Sala Borough,
to be correct.l- f':
• : - - .1. B..CIIENEY.i'
je-N,67:3-t i ~..I ' tilio. hi 'CA'Sairuit., 3 . - Atidit° "'
.. ".: -, i'T (Loed copy.) =-. , 4 • - -
dh citizens of Beaver county will apply to
the neat Blatila.lFies , elou of the rennaylvalia LegislaWrit
for the creation of a corporate • body with banking cast
amounting privilegnr.cler the name and style of**
Beaver County Bend:tag and gate Bewail Aristocia
lion." tribe located in Beaver. Be.tver county. Pa.. The;
specified object of said Arrociatiun to be the receivin•
o depcisitci n money and ,valuables. at the risk of the
AssociationvfOr which a reasonable charge will be made,
tole regulated by Law. recei% Ingdeposits and dhaatentt
ing in accordance with thei customs of other banking
association.) The unninat of capital to hearty ;batman&
dollars, vrith.the privilege of incrtmAng to one hundred .
_thousand dollars, , .-
.1 -
It: S. QUAY 4 Oro.' W. DAWBO%, "
W. W. Inwttr; 1.
ImBICLA 4 ' . JuRSi
JOll,l cazuukz, . ..iona EAKIZ,
J. a. nurazel . Ih. is.AND,: 104.4 N,
WEYAND„; - I D. YeKti:NE*4 •
"-.T. c. WItJR:fQ J. It. BARR/1W
ploisOlOtion of. Co-Partnership.
T ING betWoen the tindersigned.under the firth name
of Alexander & Devenny. 14 this day diqscdved by mutu
al cool - eat. The liderest of E. H.. Alexander baiting
been purclutseil by.). 31 Devemr.-•;. will footing, the
"Drug - busis at.the-old stand- All .tientds against
said Aria are; to bepaid bkJ, N. lievenny,,cutd all
debts del l s due the . Ann nuts be paid to either partner
Of the old drib. - ill, ALEXANDER,
• • , r . DEVENNT„
New Erigh-on, June Ice:. •
• ,11.
Having sole out my inteiost in the Drag business
heretofore carried on under the 'firm name of Alesaa;.
der Devefinv. to Joseph _5l Devenny, my format
rtner. Twotila bespeak for him a continuation alba
Patronage of Fay personal as wall iIA the friends ef.the
old Arm : • E. IL ALEXANDER.'
dune 6th , IW.—jel9V:i lin
• _
Pitent Med!cines, Perfumery, Ac.,
• IS :AT
' • •
Broadway, _ New Brighton.
*Tvra PAINTand PL'Tftalwaye on hanci.; • ••
• . • , !L
• Physicians Prescriptions
. • •
Carefully componnd6o ntl all how* or the. day nod s`
night. • • • -
IVEDDIN• CAKE43 4 ,' -1"
Et cy JE str
FIRST ci-A.r. , 'S-cION.FEFTIQNARY, on --- '
Railroail Street, 1 'Neri Brighton, -
wdnia infornt.the'puhlic:thitt they are prepared ' lo
all Orders for Cake.. tc.. for Ili EDDTN. GS,
PARTIES. or FA3IIIX IJSE„.. upon abort notice„ at
satisfactory prices, and in a style nnsurpassed by any
of the city establishments, 1 PrOmptattention Flynn to
all 'Orders front a. ditqance...lTheir I , ;
' • ICE-crw....0
beina . expengivelv fttted
dati.frt or ctietomi;rs daring
mrglir " ,
MB E R,I B:E-.
.nient platie tto buy LunTer kat the ".* _
1 -
[ Of WM. DAVIDSON. on the HILT Deaver, a half mila V
above the Bridgewater and.Boehester , bridge, :•
Iti IN - ORT#
i• Bedeer
Gonfdantly on hand—a I. me lot of Fat:rid:lnheit
mber and.lalni, lath and hlnuales, A I. hid.; of
r planed. .A.kilu for thl dryinc of Mather rotached.? .
Pa iron+ of thk yard are .g paranteed astpfactlon. ••.
je3676l:tf. • -
L E. M
• 11
MITE rinderslgmrd . thankfiti for past tarots; takes
I plensnro in informing. the people in Bormigh town
ship and vicinity. flew he still.continnes to manufacture
and sell the best article or LIME .q the -
' •
In Vanaport,-two nilies,west of Ileaker. Pa All orders
promptly and icnrcfullr. •. The hest of lime pow.,
made czin be hougtt at my Kilns at %IMP per Imitteb
kL1 9 .1.%31 JUNES,
Hp:ase, Sign, and Ornamental
- A. N •E .
7,,:r' .1.. tto:.'ngof all in 'Execute4, .Prqtioptly.... 6 11
• • 1
~: , '.:-. . :•.•.. '. • - ••'.-- .
Carri '3c (C:- Bugg9:
; Painting, &c. •
Itlain. st:, New Brighton, Pa.
A DMINISTRAT O I2S*NCITICE.--I.citem ufadminia
.l tration un theo.tate Of tint rEsTER Dr-Niux imp
prizochemer Borough. Beiicer hacinc
been granted ie untlereignod. all pervions indebted
tolhe raid c , tMe; are reone,ted to maim hinnediate'
payment. and thoeo basing cgalmeme domande , against
th; eqate of e:.).1 decedent will make known .the same
withont delay,; lb
• )1, TrAtINISTRATOR'SMCF....ters 'of admin
LA. Wrntion Op the eetnteOr..lonN o.lnti• of Chin
pews Ilener , r leO;in, been granted
to. they itnders4znerl: alb perFone bide ted to mid eh
tate. am reqnriet,d to- make immediate i,symenti, and
Glom twin= chains or demands runiinet the , estate of
said decodent.will _make theni known win out &qty. ,
SPIII: I IsIp.::FASJ!..I6iS.! 1
..j.: . 1:86.7 . .. - .',/ --, L
. .
opened al my old Ntsual. lately -occupied ,by Yr.
Groh. I'm Than:day. March lith.l ttikla to inform my
oltrliieuds,.and as niany rew'iteti aa ideate .ra
tronino- nu.% that Z , Am now frceisin g in' entire ne*
tock of. thr laTrr C Sprla;,Stylei.. and .14 - U;
pleaf.ed wilts early
(local co
y Craw.)
I.s_ALObi • . 1
ie open for the aceommo•
the comlnti
s. S. ROSS,
REEF.. .„\,-