The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 03, 1867, Image 1
Tag SIBLYEIR atitev6._ ~ • r PUBLISHED ET.igai Wi/DIXSPAT i ll do old Astisr o USIM OII-04u TIDO 9 /2 2 . BTOTII, Pr, at I . '` , __ 1 I . Ivo DOLLARS PECrEAR IN AD 1 7.61/C I E: Single ectPle° of the piper *fil be fumbled. 10 vrap perw, sole rents each. .., ! j compurdeacions on suMectl Of local or general ta loa ath`respectitilly solicited. , To instils attention, ow' of 04 kind mast invariably be aarcenpanl44 by t he orne of the unar, tun for ribikratbrfia, but as a - ma in/ against imposition. 1 • Linen and wrnmunicatlona signild beaddressee. to • 3. WEILAND, Editor itTropritter. 5imm iw00m0mg" , ........" 1 " .............mum -RAILROADS ' 1 . ...._. _ prrps., }l. WAYNE ,2 CIIFAO9 RAII r WAY. Or. and atter April tl, IEO7. Tralps will leave Statione d a ily., (Suridavt‘ exerpted)as follows [Train leaving , Chic at 4:50, P. Si.. leaves dails,i T : _---------- TRAMS/10727G NEST. I , EXP'S. Faitl. , t E;;e B . Exes Pittsburgh , (AUX , 930.0 i 915 pat 200 sat Rpthet.thr ..... .„. ..... j.i i 825 10/0 385 310 .. Salem, ... , ................. 1.121210 it UM 458 .4111suco .................',1240 , 110 61) 659 Caton .... . .... ..... 1234 ex i 156 706 Eas Y oziori. ........... i i 12.7) 216 730 Re orrille. ............... I f 130 , 2.52 812; 2 2 5. , WOOttar ... . ... • ..... 11 212 822 840 , • 444, - NatiMield ............. 1 405 560 1014 990 1 415 50 115 "MO cranial:l 1 .......... Wait 618 1100 -1000 Boc y r tie .. . ............ 635 , 640 1185 JOS , rppor San d . ' 719 Ws 1280A1$ 1100 Forest ...... .., ..... *., 758 755 /255 -- 028 Lime . .... . ... ... 1 915 511 215 , 33.50rx Van Wert.. ...... .. ~,. 4 4 1034 1080 S'2) 47 Fort Wayne ........ I • • 41 2 210 ' lt 1145 5•89 800 cambia ......... .. , ...11 110 liMisit 604 1545 Warman' ........... 0, %; 10 191 564 486 Plymuildi ... ... ,I ..,,,,, ; 1 300 $2O ' '751 540 Valparaiso . ...... ... I ; 436 557 9167 In Chicago ........... it IVO 250 ILIO MO nua - 00 cittrt I Exec' Pam 0. Eart z _' a' -------_-___ , —, .........-- ch i cag n.. • ..• ...... t t 720 as along 450 w ! Aux Valparaiso ............ 1260 Walt . 687 11 , , moth 111035 2124 810 . ;829 WarKor I,lml. 4 2 0 un 3 , a , ta; tontaa ;10419rat 580 ' 944 fat , ' Fa t warne , t 175 . 'l6O 1090 1185 ' - Van Wert - 'l, 216 031 1180 1252 pm Tore. ........ I 313 950 k 11141401 903 e ..... ~....,, 483 1106 141 1 350 - T p per . haarlusky . ', 503 1135 206 "4214 Thicyras , I! 538 12113rn 244 511 Cs-thae I'oos 1 250 310 . 560 102.5 900 1 359 4500A1l 31ans6eld fin 1910 ass ess ll wet er • ' FIO 405 516 BM • ~.. ! 1 907 480 540 035 ,i 1 943 504 813 VI 4... ...... 1 , 1014 a) ftW, 11:410 I i 78 0 1115 . 7 2 , 0 , ~,9. „.., ..., 12.5. am 1 Fl 5 940 215351 ', `..3:.13 1 950 1045 840* !1.24 4 1 110 a canton... Mlfance gnrin , •tet ...; yoangstowu . , New C'aldle and Erie i g_Npreas leaves YOWlgutllFlll at 3:00 p. m: New Castle. 4. p.m; arrives PMAntreh. re4s p. m. Retuning, !ewes Pittsbnegtr a u, der. at N. Castle, 8:25 a. ne; Youngstown.9:3o.' - New Castle and Pfttshurgti Accommo; dstiou leaves Yonngatewn, 11:4S a. mt New Castle, 7:30 0; arrives at Allegheny. lino a. m. 'ReMitntag; nv& p. mt . i arrirs New Castle. G.lO n; Youngstown, 7,r2ey. in. F. R. MVtRS, Generatliekee Agent. ..42.EVELAND.& RAILROAD. un l oad aftry, April 29. 147. trains will leaio f3tations daily tSiiidaya, excepted) Eli . ' ooiNo 15Iiirrn.' . . - • _ • , i' 3tett.: lEKr's.r, MAIL: Accon _ - . • -"'....._4_1_____;_4......_ -, 11.. , ..1:u1.1 , ....ii 8 4 -0201 9.15r3!' 3.lsrx Dt.4i.l.. , :trea - II 831 ''. 256 . ~... 356 it.14,0n • wri 3O- .MO 1:,,,,na. llOl O .125 , Mr, Allialle., .‘ ..:1110 .' 510 „1„,.... 850 ~ 8..8.4 ' i 11.14. 213 W..12ri.8.. ... ' ... . ...II 120 i% 7(XI " - , , • ''''poi,Nts BnUTII. i . 4 • , *.ti;..- Ext. o B. Accoat I, 8 - 08,,1ne ~ 8.50A2r 4f2 ....... 1:... .-. . E.t , .,r.1 - , ... '.. .. ;111A 15 4 A . V.h'uv.:.... ~ ... . 1111 605 ' .. :... 715. A.% 4 ilavenlvt " .. .' . ,-- 114171. (113 I,r, 810 8,‘.1 , 01,.. ' 960 Erolir 5t" , ...t '. n 7 , : ROl . ' 1002 'Cl , :tvelml , l ' 1 150 . • sm. . -, 1015 fUlINf . t CM p,.;;,;,.. .. ~ ... :.. 430rx Bridrzeport 'll tl ii :i Steuht.nrille Wen:vi2le . - . j: 7'.6 Suf.itiA icriy li 11l , 8..0-er . I' 81-2 .. m .., .-...- - GC11:+1,0 MT.Tr. • ---..--- , l— NAIL 1:X1. 8.1!:,te b. 1 ACOOM ----- flirt4Arek - i—l ' ‘2oilum. 351.31 1 Roche-ter ri - flx, , .t , 615.kx . 2(a..__ 4351.31 &ler.% l 725 . 305 = r 4 - 4-14 .jI 733 , • 315 555 . 455 ( sl2; 34:4 fr:-A3 , sti . ; 11145 ,• 4W 720 ~e2O - . : 1- 950 1 520 81R I:%" - . inl2 i 630 tra _ 1.... 1 . ; ; 1/25 1 t:4O 035 1..... Fnri'H IT , St 411 Br port . Di i.t, . Tuse.titAW,l9 BRANCH • .1 'T..., - IN---- - Arrives . , N. Pe .!.(0.,M1111. 6:11.1i.m. I-Pararil.ll:s.s. n. m. , 111,::e.-;1.1•:.i.u. :a. 1 N . Philaticllala,ll:so, p. at 7 F.. 11 11 - YERS, Gencrtit Ticket ...1g eht. . 4, - I_____ _ MT WUNDER.' 111.: UNl)i:%stt:N Woti'LD RESPECITtiIIy T iitforn) I, fri.ARI , and the public generally, that lit,hr '.till a1,41 k.teps . conAautly on hand s and mill ptti....!1,41 -Lock of LAM (iE'NTLEMEN'S Am, CHILDREN'S Boots and Shoes, OF.AL"L KINDS, Wtah all the lotvet priseible prices. In, sidition Wel Easierm nuiclvstoc -of Boott nod Shoo.. he al,o lon on halal a large, a.sorttnunt of his owe awl is prepared to no itth work or repair , inv. on the ,flortest 'notice., and as 'well as can be .tione at nay el fil•rt.hop in the comity. -: Thankful to the public for past favors in my budineas, 6 , 4lwctfutiy ask: that they may .he continued. All ELNI , III work that ;tits will be repaired tree of charge, - ROBERT TALLON. ' j. W. HAMMILL, P A_l N Bridge strer4,Bridgewoter, - PREI'AII.F.IIJIO P.O ALL KiNT)S.caF SIGX, ltn•lF, and Ornnni4lol rtaintiri7. is also ready 'Alin lbw , to . paint Ilai gizitis, f'arriagen. %Vazons. ?•iorf and on favorable terms. Furniture jApaiittO. nun varnitketl. ticll:67:llas. INSOtANCE AGENCY. N lIAS DRE:s7 Araff,NlTlCl) a.n.m tOr iho Ineurance Company, of Hart and likewise for the. Niagara Inentimee eorapanv or N , , w York. and the- Enterprise Inaurancei olop:oly ur I`llllo.elphlu. Exth of dwellinee.out-bultd• Mteefartorier, Abe., &c,',liettintit .less by Arc; 01 1 fawimblo term.; for five years or lcsa toli-p4ed and promptly 1%1 , 14 .F.tokhanOld lNo.rarre to efloclvd. All bustrwsw connected with "H 6 r CompatilLN attended to with diePiilch andf.dfl JOS. lII'CLURE, Agent. PAaver, Pa. I.A.II[ING CAW: . - . ( mitt , : NI.I. YF. I'll A T DAVI , : BERN 141ETIPFERING ' o l'a.. " ni '' M niiserio , ‘ of toothache, and drawl of es t.--Cm, teal yon will find that lir. Chnndier .t Co. ~ ''''' , 'lY h , teth-ro 'volt by the nee of the areal Vain ' . .Y" I A 1 111:NI; RAS—and make their extrac tion a eniirr o of ploa4nrrJrather Roan of pain." M' ' lent ' l 4 "'"ritionF performed In the best pneeible "v-" , 'T nal al reit:on:o)le terms aa , by any good Den im in the Nvatlt,:. 7. , —,1 filre in - Bearer Station, Roeheliti.r.. Pa. .- pi,"lrr,'l _l y. T. J. CRANOLLR & CO. REMOVAI4. ' , FM % T - ! , ,T 11 AS '1:17..110VP.T1 1 117 S . CIATIIISG ' CT. A " t' VI ' roc NTT r NG' ESTARIJSIIIKENT to , !hp ,n,T 1.,,im1•,,,,•0,1 ‘l,lln, atreor , rt,,,riv nprositil to t „. °l ' , :i'm ''.-- , . - ; ,. .'imi.,..:51 0 y, in' , ti . :tw Friffhfon4 Pa., t0rn,`1!:,.., ti , ......; * 0- , ;•,, opri"rtfillity of infemntme hie „, , v 4 Iho• i , ribile Q , •vvrAllv..lhat he haSiilFt " 1 " t- c i i :',' i r"tn 11 ,, ...., 14 lea n find Weirikel..tteil Runk ,or - • ~ 44: r,,,,,,,, ;-.iiiii, 1,, nrnpniks in 1 , e.11., at prices that ronrmt•••lll,..Filt mirct.4.Pl,"'• 1 ' . 11^61 ^7 nivi* 1 ,-, .. .rlaz ot; the J Ebortest notice. All .1/:!,,•4:•.aztui ::. 2I •,i spr3:6i.3to,' , . Vol. 49—No. 27. , The Greatest BARGAINS BUY GOODS NeLson & 'Roessler's BOOT & 6 - -WOE STORE, coeillEWlT , i 3 t, PA. Dry eci9ds, Trimmings, Notional And a large virlety of lIATS, all of which sill be Of fere& at Prices Give ns u call V.) °manilla our Goods and judge for yoursalf. WXOLESALE., AND =An = ECM EEZZI \ - &VAN i 10in vii• .... 723 1158 80 14Orm nii) Rl7 202 645 1111 7 2M, A-g_ 1ff2 7 5 a - I) 910 Tin, Copper A Kheet roli Ware. • T PROPOSE SEEPING C.ONSTANTLY ON RAND 1. all kinds of TE.I,, COPPER AM) BIlEr4-11101s; WARE; witch I will qdR • AT TUE LOWEST PRICES! Tin Roofling, Spouting & Job Work Dour to order in. thu Pcweg. --, and the L z • , Llbing, none but the ne:Qt of material and baying noun but tlift be;it or workmen, WE WA.R.RANT ALL WORK SHOP ON TIIE . LOWER END OF rJEajalrd. ISti.l' et, Japanned ware kept Constantly on hand. nivV67:l r AGRICULTURAL WORKSq MU I ,IkIANUF. 111 Rai' , mid varions4l7.ll4, Cider 741110,, Com ELbeilers. Agricultural' bf nil kln le kind itliiitfor Having hat, and Patent DI Appllcatim.% Patent!. Selected froi employing - pared to do work in the beet:etyle end manner.. Having secured the Notices of A FIRST , CLASS PATTERN MASSE. we are also 'prepared to stake ani kind or style of Patterns, 4 Particular attention paid to Repairing Wowing and Reardon ltathines, and maehinery hi general. We "elicit, and hope by attention and care to merit, the, patronage of partiea whlnng work done. Orders fn to a diganceproinpUrquended to. - AM MO= WARRANTIID. .Addresa B. SMITH & CO. iny29'll7:ly ' 4ocherter. . r .. • „ : • • .. , . 1.. ..irl.. , = ... - ..0. , '.1-::::,: ~...: .! .•-•.':•, : - .:'i -.:: ~ : 7 : •;;.•-' ..,- •:. --.:.:,,-; ,i':! .:_:.; - :.: , t,4 - 7, , '.11.-••• 7 112110•:11% 12 ~. :-... ,',.• ••• .:, -; - t;;• 7 '''- ' • . , ~ ..... ' t :: :1' .' ' ~;• '',;:.' ''.. -1 7 ''. I A: •: : I- 1, 1 :.i ' : ' 5 I :: ; . 6. ; r --.i.;, , ::c..:,,,.-,...•• ...,..:••••:,•..,,,,_ :,..• 72 ._ : ,: ..,,....•„........„..;:„.:„. :.•.„i• ,•,?:.....,. „....,. ~. ~,.....,....,,,, ..,..7:1,_, f.„,..., „.„.i...,,... ••• • . :.. ~.,.. .. " • •• . ... • . .4 .. • ‘. -•-• ' ‘.. . . • • ; „ • . . .. :..-, . —., - • - • i 1... ti; . ' 0 .i . , ' . • • ,• .._ . ' I • • •.rI '- ,- ...;,...7 - , .:/:-.--,',(." --;-?,_ El -AT Next door to WILSON STEWART'S /24 TUE DLMOND. complete line of Without, litegard to Ctmt. T IN WARE. • I DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF BEAVER, PA:7 Give; us a Cull, and Exm4ine our ...Wit UNION ROCK ESTEE, PENNA., A. 8. 6311T.11 & CO., Y ROY RfßtOli6. ~_ 'Lacing At NEW FOR SALE, Goon AND ST_TWITANTIAL BRICK TWE ling Boner. Fltnate In Bobwritie, ewntsining rooms and Wl'llll'6ll4 flow, 6 rooma on pectmd floor. goed kiteben with ranext.roomit . on lino floor Xrahlett and varobbed. .All the ramie in - the house wet) pa pered. The home well painted. good cellar. porch with lattice 'fro*, two et bearing - grape vines. ahrubbery and email fruits; thirty fruit trees eel not this spring. Lot 75 by le7 feet. bonee'4o by ta. ,Eilquire.RElM. ,BE.A.PYOBJ). Real Bloat* Agent, 'Sew Brighton. tjelir6.7.lm. IIEMI!I FIUENDLT MOVIIOI. irr "Tar sower or 111111W144." ' Oh, Johnmr, take a hiendh advice: And marry not too soot— - I t. Uaten to wisdom, and delay -* The long'd for houelmoon. Wait tW you've eared lye *ladled doUsre And readers cot your aim; Wait 101 your heart may bad withku ' -A booms tank grown. - - You'll mete kbetterhnehend Ana hats abetter ; bad sweeter bairn' bi ts eitail give A Inane to.roor They'll sing mad mitts on yonr,kans, Until within their ern _ . Your own shall ace as through& glue . The il.mgdfed Parl.4 llB . - Oh, Jeremy. Minn ; Mrs.Theirin; • Your bode neighbor them - ; Vert lean *go nes in that sten'. Chided. beautiful and kir. ' Vat noir, Idlers siOhe rosin twain • -Mot blamed epos her efirelti ".011, Jobiny, let thine marsh& e jet 4 ° l " tinq l o 2 CsPeak. hi the tneatillitednee roue wilii-ilshe" Ttie gloaming hoer to son: • • HON sweet to, court fiL Oki Datta Or Inuste tuamtiii grove - rioting hugs heirjenela on the busgbi Whin tonstant km** met And outman litga id* kocka °;V* With bl a in gat their ibet. The moos up:Wu& wills *tubs* Should:buten Bieber Wr, While am climiohno hie sidles for love In direr eueiyiutsoce. But youthful bembh 140 know to . red - The aocrethitlboskJes, Built paaso,e'et tbuy mplre to look • Through to ifitlemuLeyea. iiq Johrmy. be advised by me, • - ' k • And mar* nut BO ehon Think of that gall that may be yours After. the honeymoon. Wait till you've provided for The coming raluY day ; 4511 roamer strength shall giro • " Your intellect fairplay. Important Law Whaling to Judi cial Sales. An act passed at the fate session ofthe Leg islature, relative to judicial sales,and the pres ervation dl the lien .of fnortgar.., is exciting considerable alarm among the purchasers of real e s tate, sold by order of the Ourt since the approval of this law. jThe first section of the act, approved the 28ci day of March, 1867, relates to deeds made to conicity fad elk tate under the act of 10th April, 1853, and to the security required by eaid act, which cre ates no embarrassment in ithe purchase of real estate sold by judicial 'order. But the second and third sections of ',the act in ques tion are important, and we therefore print them in fuU: . _. Surrurs 2. Thatprliatu salea Made 'by:Or der of court, under the said act of the eigh teenth day of April, one thousand eight torn dred and fifty4hree,,shall discharge the rein:: cured by mortgage: Prodded, That the seen rity reqnjrfsi by said act shell havebeen duly entered. ' • ' SEpriox 3. 'When the lien of a mortgage upon real estate is, or shall lie, prior to all other liens upon the' same property, except other mortgages, ground renta,purchase mon; ey (Inc to the Commonwealth, taxes, charges, assessments, and municipal . claims, whose lien, though afterward accruing, has, by law;1 priority given • it, the lien of such mort gage shall not be'destroyed, or in 'any way affectee, by any judicial or other sale what soever, whether such judicial sale shall be guide by virtue or authority of any order or decree of any orphans' or other court, or of aoy writ of execution, or Otherwise, howso ever: Prodded, That this section shall not apply to cases of mortgages upon unseated lands, or, sales of the same for taxes. •—in view of this pct, it becomes every bid der on property ordered to he sold by jUdi cial decree, first to ascertain what amount of liens or mortgages is op record against it, and to regulate bids as to include the sums of such liens or mortgage. A case occurred in this city only a day after this law went into force, where a party ss,ooo,Ein a 'certain property, against which was, a mortgage of $5,000---thus, by the terms of this act, the purchaser'becoming responsible for the pay ment of $lO,OOO, for that for which be had only bid $5,000. Regarding the cquiety of the case, Jodge . Pearson set the sale aside.— It is well, however, that this law be thorough ly understood, and we therefore print its im portant sections, so that bidders on real es tate sold by order of the courts may inform] themselves for the protection of theii.inter este... Every newspaper In the State should publish this law, Sor the protection of, the people. We have no doubt that the Legisla ture, at its next session, will relie,al this law, as it involves risks which are unfair, and in four casts 'out of five cannot fail' to be ruin.; ons.—Lfar. 0. R. ANSIIUTZ A gentleman once heard a laboring man swear dreadfully in the pr6encd of a number, of his compaAions. He told 'him it was a cowardly thinito swear in . .company, when he dared not do it by himself. The man said he Was not afraid to swear at any time or any placer you ten dollars," said the gentle nntiot f you will go into the village church :yard it twelve o'clock to-night, and swear the same oaths you have uttered here, when you are alone with your God" - • "Agri3ol," said the roan, "'tis an easy way o learnmg ten dollars." "Well, come to me to-morrow, and say you de - and thc is yours" t &Vet - Story for,Svientsiers. ^} :r:. :`r M!MI , • Thet tlieltaleioat • ; Aer Sou*, . iMmtouseelielell ~ .t .-' . f.:1 ;i l Reward lidt emilatirns. Mill to go. Filial love wus eleusain. Bbitkopeer,,who was es kettle triebraild geffk_deellbstist ea one he mod mouboutmelliert.dipitomatic tel • : .. . itspitn 4a remerkt, "Bastibmper serpent's .. th it Is,us bet a eilmebbes " the'troo . u v wichlwr be bed •er he hod been styled the fathiment Itomblican party, but ; that was not Se Ike OIL -• itir t iz the daoty at i every son is les.serlliet atom In this case 1 it wood "atheist Mu bbVtlitote creditable hod, it Ida don fifkUears age, Mat what difference is ISt his naiad, es wean about heir ga i.thered to oar *Meek to remember em. Fie si(lmbebeiilkiltdu alseachirkik be felt to he'd like deliver— •He wantid tekbear testimony to thi=notism ter the IMO" Jacob Johnson ; est to out coloted brethren in North *any who hey been liabalzito Kelley and . Willem. 1, i . liiiiiial/cliiii&believe in bat all. He made ball to ay, tbat,"ez this dateest Jobrusan hed slept Without Ammer attut gar fifty-five yeerd hell manage to - git along awhile longer. "It wnz rather too late in the , day. ) He bleeved in feeihrsorrowful over thanleces nv-our rel atives, but he didn't's° mach on doin it fifty ! five yeas after date. It wuz too 'much, like bustin into tears over theattiftins uv out first wife's great • oaW.mota g - , -The speechez.he didn't bleeve In at all . l 4. ed seen some uv it—hed accompanied tmc rnv the kind— He hod bin on it. /le ' at Cleveland, at Indianapolis, and 'Slitingead. Illinoy. He begged to be exce.w.W.lioilidn't keer about -tante sich a kite agin. - Vile people uv the South Should mote us cokelly ez the peejl pie uv tha North did, hip:Waled .to consult i his feeling and be absem lie wuz a sensi tive plant, and. disliked Set* thing- /a his memory served 'him vite.,: . 4 . demonstashns coodn't be-cotsideired' . ~ n- . sl'be People didn't Sing dead Cats* . . theydiu wuss. Fi'Ltir lll tt add they' c. , titer to cold.— Er t a s inn *cad% th wnz ra lhet' Air* : ite bed yr -* 11-d-OT3k:till, ele palm.— water n the grate Sabeta, wat's the yoose! Wherfore -istruggle ? ' Let us go slow, draw our salariditto the end of our Ispective terms: and so live on that when the summons comes to jine the innoomerable caravan that move nut of Washington to'ords ther 'spective hi-tines, we - go not like the dusky 'slave_ at nite, wat's bet his all ,on two pair, but sooth ed and sustained by wat wev'esaved. so like one who's i got - the wherewithal to live. It wuz a source nv comfort to him, to I know that the wurst uv men wuz soon forgot ten. Wheeverspeeks uv Tyler - or Pierce or Bukannon now?,Benedick Arnold is only spoken us on Forth uv Julis and Judie Iskar int 011 f)untlitze. It will be so for us in time,. for wteli that* the Lord. But it wits determined to go, and I wuz sent to Rawly to find out where the grave uv the honored father uv our honored President wuz Feely located, and to make rich other ar rangements ez the exigences nv the case de manded. wich I di:4ll I lied ditlikulty in lace tin thelgrave, and aiet . joil sure that. I found the ribb one. The people of 'Raleigh wuz anxious to hey it corn off, ez trade wuz dull in the retail hoe, and for fear that I wood re- 1 port, that the grave crxxiefif. be found, and thus nip their - budden hopes,' they gave me the choice of some twelve or fifteen. . Select- 1 in tbe Most eligible, I made - .the other ar- ' rangementa and returned. • ' 'id excursion contrtisted• very favorably with (he one wo took last fall. The people reeelvied us at every stashen with the most 1 affectih demonstrashens uv love'. "Johnion . Johnson ! Johnson! " they yelled at cacti stop pin glace, wich sounded sweeter in his ears and mine than the damnable itereshun uv-I "Grant I Grant! Grant 1" wielt greetid us at every pint North. The President wuz sorry ho hedn't taken Grant with hint him thacef he ; wuz the most popular in some a calities,we lied the heart nv the 'people in nth- ers. But titer wuz drawbar to our enjoy ment.' No sooner wood the President, com mence "Fellow Citizens!" than Randall wood pull the bell-rope and off the trane wood start. Re wuz determined that therresident Ithood n't speck, wich put me 'to at' - mt deal nv trouble; ez after we arrived I bed to Write out: and lelegraphlo the.papers the speeches the President wood have made. St Retries , General Battles welcomed the - Presidential party, and the President respond ed. Ir' remarkt that , in %witty he first openti his tender eyes. a penniless boy. Here is theseens we his childhood; here is every thin to bind man to his fellow, mid -to.• asso el him with that*hich he .ito associated; h is whore the tenderness tiv heart hey tal;t bolt upon everything to which ' It ' boa, at hed itself. Rut' he was wandrin from hiaobjiet: His mind . went back ' to the day he a eft this city a penniless bey. Where is the which he left - behind him? He'beg,gull tolnquire whey is the Ilayercxxis l— ailed at, Antetiam," shouted a returned Co fedrit. " "I you by Wilyunis side wen lie 4w • Wher ii h nirk ot: a distillrypt Wal i lh l ill Court Holt' —'thes.amiseiliteellenr,nwheiliorsthtlert the Presi t d ly Wanted to Itna ' Ile'wn.z choked down, ' l . ll the President perceoded Wher is the Ropers and the Smiths; the townses and Jopeses? Wher is the long onv men who lived at that day: who lived hen I Iv= a penniless boy, and who like me munanded respect tor constancy lof devo tint I feel proud this demonstratien; I ' proud tor any demonstration.alloo hez been made to my boyhoodidercsven nz a penniless boy, I may say here; er int to that subjict, that I hey ad to Stmdamental prinel_ples nv the Gov ,went.. s id to the, flag and Constooshun. When I t out from among yoo a pen toss 1 .ptoi. the Constooshen ez' my gie,ind by tem hey.allus been guided. T - the young vood say that they will be ein takirtme model.. Levirihere a rmilet.. bp*, it is OE not for me to say whether or not I hey suc ceeded. lam no longer a pennilessboy, nor is than vricli is round me. Xis. Cobb ain't n =j,b o Y: nor is--but _this is wanderin ut autdict. For the.encouragment of the Von afore me, I wood say that , ' hey en *HI care about, arils° ',aspirant Mr not n, and therfor the way is new open ibr ism. ; thank you for this oorieliweleunt. North 'Destiny sent me out a. medicos bey, and did net afford wealth advantages et eon tdd'rin my merits, I him - hid, yet I love be • Its better ez it wax. Goin ; out a pesmilesaboy. and Mande after holdhs eve. ry *Ss from Alderman .uv ray adoptid. vil biro* to President, shows. •m qualities to much better advantage then if I hadn't gone ,_out a pander& boy. I thank you:: for , thill . Watts to, my many goad qualities.", .ilad•hketaried togit ?down when Randall r y11'110 , 04 stitidninlls left Isar. 1 . 1 plain ~invosapstr and drawin out ids hank e r ieWtthe'presidatit enamel a look uv nub dood greet and zentrued : : , .. •61' kayo comeanontg yoo to: participate in -thetkdkoshuit wr a monument tea mats wich 1 yoo all Icryfi4 tho' it heritabm nada likelft years forYoo•to &hirer it - He was poor and ittnnhhimich akkounta for my going trim; among yOp_a pmnlim' boy, but Iry him I al proud, fo r ' it not been for him XI woodn't pi be her -returned the :Malik Omit to yoor young tar ~ wick I am." • The k inerettna wiz laid a ; d 1 monu _spent aet, onto it. It is we red limestone ten fbot high.' Its ez good &ten foot uv stunre speck *that is In N. Carliny. Rs the monu ;Merit web elevated Sher was the appropriate I B PeCIWII. ; and then ntylittle arrangements cum in: , A nigger woman I hed tuck with, us from Washington rushed , foeard and sell : "Broil do Lord. rze bins watin for to see de PreddentniPresident, in at with pinta stinadny Riggers rd = picked up' and drilled, hollered "Ror I" . 1 . _ This the effectin sewn over , two 'tined roans, hrd also brought with us to a ritivit am, m for'ard with a expressistm fly profound t ativich the President wept, and tanderi - flung bokaze - of the choicest 1 Bowers we buy in Washington into the It wits reedy a techin tabloo. The ancient 1 nigger woman's holdin onto the preakknt's hand; the young quadroons aslingini the ho- We; the President with his bed :bowed, ap parantly dreamin ;taw his lboyhood:nse with a I expreshun uv thanktidness that the :Amery hid at list reirogrozed their Mrsses Seward With a faintly smile on his faces Wills tryinto [ look ezl near like Seward tke pessible„ but &lin miserably to lOW, like ennything but the eggrejis old ass his is, andj Randall with• r his hankercher Whit eyes ezefonmannedby the movin seen, but keeping One' eye cocked over the hankercher, to se how it tuck among 1 this nigger% it was ;a seen easier imagine& than doscribed. i , 1 1 1 The!' wnz severallncidents wis h 9kkorred l with did not appear in the Selegragh. -Wenf, [ Ills Etc ellency wriz speekin uv, h 1 remark), that his race was neerlV ,rtus, an un4 r regenerau d nigger yelled"'Tinto de Lord 1' and-when the quadroons wnz a - streyrio AO's' era 1M the grave sty Rig ItecellenCri father; ,observed rad:sermon tittrin among the nig 1 gers than I approved of on so sollurn. an oc [ cation I sat Randall west he thort ov the specedathun and hls answer "I didn't pay 1' struck toe ez !wrist nvane uv trooth , multi I thro it. • , • ' 1 ': On our return the President was alloived 10-‘ , _&eielz -,note;: for Randall got tired , nv - k { "- $e retursudhs.,gooi ! la.— 1 • heareat tt .4,.__ simian v hisser good.ppon the people, and ez a Anattei. air cooraelScekerary Welles thinks ao > to,, PETROLEUM V. Nanikr, P. li. • Commerce of the 'World. ' • France exports wines, brandies ) silks, fan c , eY articles, jewelry, clocks, watches, paper perflimery and fancy goods generilly. 1 4alY exports Porn, oil, flax, wines, essenl• acs!, dyke stuffs, drugs, fine marble, .Soap, paint Tugs, agmvings, mosais and solid -Prussia exports linens, woolens zincoirti f r des of iron, copper and brass, indigo, „Wax!. ban* rattsiaiUsStruinentS, tots' o, *int+ and, porcelabir r!!, , Germany exports wool, woolen [goodS, ens, rags, corn, timber, iron, Teal.tin, flua; hemp) wai, wines; tallow and c,fit ” Austria exports Minerals, raw ind mane , factured silks, thread, grass, grain,l' wax, sal, nutgall, wines, honey and mathematical instruments. •' " 1, • England exports, cotton, woollens, hardware, earthenware, cutlery, iron, metal lie .waies, salt, coal, watches, tin, 'silks, and linens H ' Russia exports nil low.ftax,hemPflo ll4 , copper, linseed, lark'hides, wax, duck, cor 'Ave, bristles, fir,-pptash and tar. I • ' Spain exports wines, brandy, oil, fresh. and dried fruits, quicksilver, sulphur.' tialt, cork ' saffron, anchovies, silk find woolleitd„ China exports tea, rhubarb, musk, ginger, Wrax, siks,'mssia,filagree WOrks, ivory ware, [lacquered ware and Rambo'. Turkey exports coffee, opium, sliks, drugs, gum, dried fruits, tobacco. wines, camera hair, carpets, mnias, shawls and. Morocco. 1 Hindostan exports silks' shawiSi carpet-I, oplunt, saltpetre, pepper, gum, indigo, sugar, rice, Cinnamon, cochineal, diamoada; licarf i s and drugs. 3lelico exports gold tied silver;icitchineal, sarsaparilla. :vanilla, ',lslip, finale, aimpeochy wood; plmentO,, dings and aye stuffs. ' Brazil exports gold, diamonds, 4 ed meats, hides, coffee, sugar indigo, rice, gums, ; ma hogany and India rubber. West Indies eXport sugar. moberses, rum, tobacco, cigars, mahogany, dye woods, coffee, pimento, fresh fruits and preserveti, rubber, - wax, .ginger and.other spices. I Switzerland ciports tiattle, - cheese, butter, tallow, dried fruits, lime, silks, 'diets, laces, jewelry, paper and gunpowder. „I East Indies export clot es, nutmegs, mace, pepper, rice; indigo, gold' duscearaphor, ben zme, sulphur, ivory, ratan!, 'andal wood,, zinc and nuts,. • . United States export principally agricni ‘l prod -otto'n, tobacco - , floor, provis "anti- Viral in Alice, intton, sions of all', kinds, tumbOr, tarp wearing apparel: - • ANAG who is•femillar with the • neml pogniphy of Horace Greely's haw writing, fayet that Borneo was perfectly, ,aifein sign. ing Jeff. Davis' bond,' es no 'roan, living can make it out, and posterity will be, as ranch puzzlectover the shgnature as It 14 abont , the authorship of the Juiritta. - tracts. II • . A. SINGULAR law snit is now on' trial at. MI •banv. Two young uo,.rnarrii4 but a fear . weeks, got sick of their ices awl proposed to "swap" and . very si gularly the women consented. But the hu hand of the handl 'est one promised to pay $3O "to boot," and as he has neglected, to hand over, the suit' is brought' to recover the money. • • "Lrreut boys should -b uld e seri heard," :replied a youngiter whet ktowfhi3 lesson. • 1 -•••• AaUtblisked 1818. Mr _..„- . . _____ 1, .' The uriltdal Wino Clap: "Pledge with Iwiee—pledge with wine: , , Cried the young - and ' thoughtless.; Harvey` Wood; "pledge *lib 'slue," ran through the bildal party. • i ' . I Thelicantiful brde grew palehe dre: .. — t .. sive - hour had come .. - She pressed her wl . • hands together, and the leiVes of the w h . trembled on her 'brow—her breath came qUicker, mid her, built beat 'arlide'r. I I I "Yea, Marion,' 'lay aside your . serupleil \ ontia," said the judge, in a low tone, oltr , gIO , 0 : wards MS daughter.' . : , • . I i Puttringa briMming cup; they held ii with , tempting goalies toward Marion. ' , • ' ' • She wita.very pale, though ninri.enimmeed; and her. hand shook not as "smiling back- she gracefully accepted the chrystal tempter. and ,raised 'lt to begird - But scarcely - had, she ' done so when she gate-forth a piercing excla mation"ci "Oh II how terrible 1' ' ''''- - "What is it :" cried one' and all. - I . , "Wait," she answered, "and I will tell you. see," sheadded, 'pointing at the sparkling,' ruby liquid—"aSight that beggars all descrip -1 tlon.; and yet I.loen—l will paint it for pin If I I can. It is a :lovely spot; tall mmmtains 1 crowned with verdure rise in awful sublimity; 1 around; a riv,er runs through, and bright' flowers grow to; the water's edge. There is a . ' thick warm mist. that the sun seeks vainly to I pierce. Trees wave to the airy-motion of the birds ; but there a group of Indians gather ;- they flit to and-fro, with something like sorrow ; on their dark MlAs's.. . And in their midst lies a manly forin-7-but his cheek how deathly. his eye, wild with the fitful fever. One friend manila beside him—nay/, kneel* for he is pi'V, lowing that poOr head upon his breast. I "Genius in ruins—oh! the high, holy look -1 ing brow !, ,Litok, how he throws back the ' damp curls ! see him clasp his hands.! Mark how he clutches at the - form of- his compim ion, Imploring to be saved., Oh ! hear him to be saved. Oh t hear him bsll piteously his gather's name--Isim twine his fingers to:. ether as he shri ks for lila; only sister--the twin of his soul :weeping for ithu in his disk itant land.'ll . •; ' "Sect '4.4 armi :wenn ed to heavdti t he prnya nbw ;wildly, far Imercy ! but fever. rushes I through his' veins ;'the friend beside hiin V, Weeping; awe-stricken, the dark men move Silently away, ; l and -leave, the living and the' 1 14Ing toge4let" 1 I :'' • - I 1 , Tbete was a in the princely parlor, dbroken only bY,What seemed a smothered sob, ifrom some mittilY, • bosom. She spoke again : 1 't "It is evening raw. The moon is coming I up, and its beams lay' gently on his forehead. He moves not ; his eyes are set-in their sOck- I eta; dim are alert piercing glances; in vain his friend whispers the name of father and ids- I ter—death is there. Death ! and no soft,hand,. no gentle - voice to bless and soothe hint. Ills head sinks back. One convulsive shudder! He is dead i" 1 "' . - ' ' ,' ' A groan ran thrtingh th e asserithly, so viv- id washer deicription, so unearthly- her look, so inspired her Wanner. , ) . , .' "Dead !" she repeated again,-, "and ther they scoop a *, } aye; and there, witheni. S shroud, theylay hint down in that,damp, rek ingearth—z-teitte -only son tor a pro u d father,,,,the , only Moll , brother of a fond , risten And 'he sleeps' to-day in that distant country, with no stone to ,inark She spoL'Altere he Ilea= my tather's on! my own twin brother ! a vid- ' tins to this deadly poison: Father," - she ex: `,claimed w hi le the tears rained down her cheek, 1.....,_ :shallidetnklinow I , " . I 0 ~ ' , - 1 I:-Of&T , ProitOrlti_itn- 34 ....1e90/01 . , "No, no, my child—no!" • . , she lifted' , ,the goblet and letting it fitll, it ailed into a thousand .pleccs. l Then; turn in ,f;. to the compiny, said : v I ' "Let no fciend henceforth tempt Me to - per- 1 il my soul for wine. Not firmerare the ever-1 lasting bills! than my resnl{e,God helping me, never to touch or tastki the poison cup. And he to'whoni I 'have given mv• hand—who watched - over my brother's dying form, in thtit solemn hour, and buried the pool- wan derer iherelby the river. in thiit land of gold, will. 'I trust sustain Me in that resolve."' • Ili's g,limening eyes—his sad, sweet smile sus her anifwer.• . 'Theft wtto , were. present: at that. wedding can never forget the inre, , , , ion so ~ ,Ilernnly made. 3lany frOtn . thal lour 'renounced for ever the:bochtl, bowl. ,'''... , . - t_ L • II• - , 'ln tysthaii country town there lived a poor win.) Was at linws a,little 'insane. ' One day the poor Unice, fellow, having obtained a fish-honk and .line, was Amusing hireself by fishing . al dirty puddle Of water.. , The min , ister ot-the adieu Caine ailing: espied the boy, 'and thinking to. have i . same fun, asked 'him what he .Was fishing fOr. • • • "Whyi" replied thelboy,fish.itig for the devil." , ,! • !,`lndeed,'? said the Minister, "and what have youo. .nt for bait?" I . 1 • "lir - ell," says the bny, "I have had a lawyer on my linok for. some tithe, and couldn't • get a bite at all but now j: have just put On a minister, and—by Jove!) the devil has begun to nibbles", - • No vomit; woman ever looks so well to ti sensible man as whenidres.seitiaa plain; neat, modest attire,' without a single ornament about her person. She looks, then as though s hepos,. , L.e&sed worth in herself, and needed no artificial rigging to enhance her if a voting woman would spend as, much time in, Improving her mitA, Araming her temper, and cherishing kindness,mercy; and other good qualities, as most of them do In eitra dress and ornament to increase their personal charms, she would at a glance be recognizeil among a thousand—her charaacter would be read - in her conntenance.. T • • • "Sm," said a sturdy lieggar,to a beneVoletit man, "please give me a quarter ; I ani hungry and unable to peopure food. The quarter• was given, when the beggar'said: "You have done a noble deed. ' You have saved me frOnt something which I feared I Would have' to come• to." "What is that 11' said the benet►e= tor. t'Work," *llBlhemouniful answer. "Manic TWAzte says that to "see a lovely girl of sctenteen, with her saddle on her head, and her muzzle on behind, and her Vail' just covering the end of her nos, come tripping along In her .hoopless,red bottomed dress, like a church on fire, is enough to set a man tine and Tin latest stYle of bonnet is a white glass bead. worn on the top of a. ehig,non, with a thread 'of lavender @ass running through it. for stsings. Ladies should be careful not to omit the head, as there is danger Of taking cold. • A PENNY (tAt;o cents) edition of 'Bmtyan's Pilgrim's Progress, complete, was issued by the London Book Society a little over a. year ago,arul more than six hundred thousand cop ies of this editibn have,been circulated. , 41 1"ultert" said womatigirst iesolital t' tight lacing to peace, to the" men how' they. could bear tight squeezing. • . . , and not A TouNG lady, on being asked *here W$ he did.o .her native plsoe, replied, " I have none; I. zau . .. the daughterl of a sl'ethodist minister," - „ • iILIVSTEIRTINLIKumm - ;41 44t .erthettitehis era inserted it the 'tele of V 46 inure for Brit Insartlon, and for each itabeequent..lll , eettlea NY mai. A fltotal filaufunt soda OS 10' I - apace i equal , to tali lines of this fiefisotte , 4 • • Bustnete flotliat ectutidt a 11,,d byAffauselves ,;• 1 ' sisklatelraftet Um local news,. will-be thattxsd ittis • bri ten Wit, i<lirid Witte& bisection. • • • Wertiega4 add-Oaths atunnusted tree Of dune.- The pubtistoi resit:vex the itikt to cheap ' if.jeoteutit ftnen one filing En, !he Offer- irlthen attfeezerei It is clearable•erkr , , -• i meats should be headed Istit*ii Monday nous tei insurer 1 uteri:lE4 fa itietweek'apapet. i r„~ We have heard -the particulars of soma rather novel proceedings in connection with a divorce case which might be *piked up in ,, , , to quite a sensational story . As 'reported td • ... ~ us, smile time last" immer, I roar; Who was Of un articular use to his family Wheti •at • ie, being,a drinking, Vagabondish sort of l. a fellow, deserted his wire', to whose, niainte- . it:wee-he had contributed little, -ami Joinod a - circus company. - Thereupon, hit; wife Win- • meueed.procee.dings ihr • a divoroc. Iti jhe r fall; the - circus having completed' ha swing. intim] the Circle-, the husband came back to the, city :nil lay about town for a month or twotlatl.,r.i venturing hack to his old• home; his wile protesting alas would have . nothing_ :to do With him. An the course-or time, how eyer,ithe old feeling of love which had once led her to consent to be his bride, caused his wife to relent, and she tweiyed the husband. whe made fair promises, tri her bed and , boardagain, andthe parties (Maimed:lolly° , peaceably together till a short, time „101.:-:-i .' Meantime the proceeding for a divorce went, forward, andAhililini gittated• it ;the last term of &putt. . This did not separate the parties, however, who continued to live to- _ gether as husband and wife till a few days. ago, When the husband having relain:ed" into his old bad 'habits,' the.divorced wife- repulii-• ed him from her bosom 'and.; her home.antl kk:l4 Mil adrift, ,It will be .admitted she bad 'borne with him longer thaw the law requir es hr evia alio:Tx—lit viisoo( WsiVuurit•ii,-Jimei . A; Word to iltsitbsands. Hats anybody- ever 'written - upon -the:re sponsibilitywideb-rests upon a husiland regard to the•:edtutiolt dr his Wlfif? Of course we know. What you will say abouther being supposed to have."flidshed her educa:. lion' before inarriae:e, and all that; and yet.. • you and we knovi that she begins as new • Oducatiou wit 7 l hinuisifshe had never seen. the alphabet. iris views, feelin..„ , rs; his idea:., • • . are they, nothing to her, if she hives . him\ - • ' yearn after, when they Who `!knew hen: as girl," come to talk with the. iruitron, - do they . • ' not ,thid her.liusband re fl ected in. every.-aen-. . • . 1 tence, either for geoll. or evil? '• Of course, the. • - more strongly a woman loves.the more eon': 'pletelv is her own idenity absorbed -in 'her , Thials a point which is,tautoneli e .\.? negleetealby tharried men. A good husband is almost certain -to have a gOod wife: and if: - " . - she. be-not sr.:.)6,paxi, as he could wish at. he' commencement , oftheirmarrie.d life, be ate soon. educnte lieolp to the proper mark. • And; . on the other hand, he owl' so educate...her down as to render his hduse aptirgatorY,and; -1 • perhaps, bring upon : himself u n tie lug—family the grot&it agony 'j and • keenest' -pinks of • disgnsce which - a husband or childten- can .• feel. . ' Et oquEN^r Pm - sans—The hest thing Geer ', D. Prentice ever wrote Is thisinimi le `pas •4_ sage :--"It caundt be that earth' is 's'onl,f abiding place. It cannot be that itr life is a bubble-cast up by the . .oceari of eternity, to . • float a moment upon its waves and sink into,.. nothing,ness. Else, - why is ietthe high, and - glorious aspirations which leat liketV?gels from the temple of .our hearts, are ilirever, wandering unsatisfied? Why i's it that itte• rainbow and cloud come over us with a beaq- - ty that is not of earth, and then, pass. off •'to leave - us to, muse on their loveliness?' Why la it that the' stars which hold their,festival • lug 'fis with their tins pp ro. ' ich able glory ? And • whOs it rhat .the bright'forinlyof hu tuan beauty.,nre.:resented to our view and ta- • ken trinu w icaving the thousand streams our atlix;Lion'tfi flow...back ' Alpine ter rent upon our hearts?. We are porn tor. " • higher destiny-than .carth. There:is it realm where the rainboW.' never fades,. 'where 'the-, 4 :,'" stars will be spread out begin' us like .ohad- " iows and mutant forever in our presence." '. YALU F. Or P.3.PEIt 1)04A - R.S.-=-Ltlig . _: folio*. ,; jog cal6ulation will lati'fonnd7conVerlient for .. 1 those who deal 'bectsitinally in gold, and will . be found valuable for. reference: 1 , : When gold IS quoted at $l,lO, a. paper dot= lar is worth. 91 'cents nearly. - - ;When gold is (tooted it :41:15, a paper dot , . her is worth 87 Cents • , • When gold. is quoted at $1 90, a paper dol• law is worth 8:11 cents. • - • - When, gold is o°lo at 41 25, a paper dol. - - lsr is ariirth 80 cents. Nirlion gold is quoted at $130; a palter doh lar is worth 7V i cents. .! • - - •t• • • •. ' When gold is quoted :at 1 va, a paper is worth 74 Cents, hen gold is quoted at - 11 45; a paricr.dol -far d 3 worth 430' cents. " . • When g()14.4% quoted at $1 50, 3.paper. dol lar is worth lit; cents.. • • Tile l'iNshint..cton Star explains the fact that the first nine honors at West Point - were taken this year bY . thosouthena States,, by saying "It, so happens that the successful graduates aceredited to the , smith really belong to - tho northern and • western Stake, wito•linsidg distingnisll4l thetwelyeti( by gallant services in the Union army (during the eariy pitrt of the 'war, were: notninated! to West. : Point as,: frouLSOuthern ,Stittes, in Order to till pp the • . allotinent of cadets accorded td these States previous to the . • - SErrnstlyears ago, aa.l Olitical" conveittidit in a. neighboring State, - nominated,. a ,tinieti - ivell-to-tlo.tlumer for thetrice 'of liieut c enalit - (19veritor. 'The nominee gracionsly received ..the - committee - appointed i 5 *nit upon bins at. *his residence, and aflet'es - pressing bla thaniut for the-honor cOnferred upon hint. informed the committee that he - bad peculiar quail 'Caching for Lieutenant - GOvernor "for, gentle men," mild he, "that- is jugt the office r have held in my honse fOr the past twenty-five , - `yeas„ • :TrtERE are in the city of New •liork• 30,000 Children, between the acs of five and twelve, who reef ice no education, and:, whose 'days. are fumed ie : poterty_and. Utterly .dmitttute; withetit the active, effective sytopa.. thies' of thOse who could raise 'them' 4bove want, how can it .46 that as they grow up - they shOuld be.other than dissolute and'erim inal? ' II , . -9,PRENNltrrottta. has) ,resolved . to devote 1 ? ) 'two and a half-millions (dollars of -her =v. Ing,s'during the last few 4:t4irs for endowt meat!' a eotivaleseent 0011;11 near London, r The Empress Eugenie r ntiv gavir'up a•' beautiful,clinteau nearLy na for a ptirpose aimilar„te-that which. Qu . n. Victoria is now. . promoting: , . TT is now thought rne . .oiew . Y ont wonstivn Conyention rot Only strike: the word "white,". but , also the word "male, citizens . frozi. the Conititution. This tvill - put ail a.dult on up - equalit,y.. . _ . A LiTTLL o . inr.:recently esszt witiwc s in a poihtecotirt, being asked "what becomes at little girls who tell talsehooda,",innnocent ly replied, thatitv'y were "sett ,to bud. , I . Cuitotis Divorce 40a4tn II WI 1 I==2=2 I~ BE