The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 19, 1867, Image 4
~-- ~ _ . . 17..i..q,v;f . !;;-. , -1: TILE tati.o labieiL‘ NEWSPAPER', FORNEY.'S:PRESS. i, : • '7.74)coitritoarisl: WITII TII.A.ITOIIS. , . . \. ... . _ _ GrT:THE BEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER ', '.- • IN THE COUNTRY. T•HE -PIF,LNISS A -Cam Double-sheet Eight-page paper, contain ing-Forty-eight columns. Puhllshed Every Morntnm Sonthivmd corner Of t3enr! euttiond - L'bestnut street'', Philadelphia. ' d 33311 •—• DAILY PR'ESS . • *B.OO por annum. • -41L08 for rlx mouths. ' ,02,110 for three months. P'R_ESS tf:ll l 4r.olitbi 400 for three months ,00 o r annum. . 41,00.f0r six mouths -TER WEEKLY PRESS. TIIE SUNDAY PEE- _ . IfIE - 316,5T VALTTABLII WEEKLY N' —. '• ' IN Tim WORLD. , ... l. ,It potash:ls items of interest to every one' RE Ali THE TERMS One Copy : Flie Copies Ten Copies._.. Twenty enPea :To the getter up era Club of Ten or more Copies an extra ,copy,v44 be given. . Alit orderaahouldaddreased to. JOHN W..FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor, . • ' - .g: W. COT: Seventh and Chestnut ate.. ..... -• KeNt. . ~ - Philadelphia, Pa. CONVERSION OF 7 3-10 - _ • • TIN REPLY TO NUMEROUS INQUIRIES IN BB- C I Bard to the manner of converting the August 7 840 e into the new 5-...5) Gold'COapou Bond we tables the fol . lowing statement for the benefit of the hold= cf 73- 10x. Who may not be Informed : "The Government compotes the interest on both bonds in caTrency, from the date of the maturity of the lastricrapon. alloning'ceven and three-tenths on the 7 3-10 e, and charging el _per cent. on the 5-20ei. For ex ample : Yon • sent to Washingtim 1,000 7 3 7 10 Boud which reaches there on. • 4 1,3jav Ist - r 1,44 days interest MOM rei 15) 5-205..• 119 days' interest )frOni Jan. Ist.) is tg counted at :305 daye'per anntun)..l.o9 56 Allowed for 7 1,014 80 _.Yogigty GOveniment; A . 4TO Al will bo seen by this that the Gold interest is given ni currency. which is of itself a profit to the party eon vertiitg the 74.106 nearly eight dollars per $l,OOO, aside frOmthe tact that at the present rat f Gold,..the &Ws • pay over S per emit. per annum. We are converting the.,7 3-10 s an eh better terms than the Government, mt the present boring and eel ling rates enable us to allow the holde 'of the T 3:10s a beget figure than has yet been offered by any, one as a cornmission. ' - We also exchange the nh* 4-l0 bon for the other se ries of 7 3-108 on the thostfavorable to s. Atiee exchanging Ow/nigh us, in ddition to their g mue,h.betterterrna than they &in from the Gov mnment,.will have their 5-I.lh delivered to them Mime: dEstely, thns riving delay. We also register any bonds sent to as without charge. On all bonds sent tn(hy eXpreeit we pay charges both ways, ,and send bonds promptly as directed. - JAMES T. BELADk.&. - cd; (Successors to S. &nits Dealers in Governinent Securities, Corner Fourth and Wood strect.- Pitt.iburgh. Pa. ninNll:2m rENT STrivAirr. !SPRING AND SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES. WILSON & STEWART, MI • 1 • .1 OULD RESPECTFULLY INFROM TIIE PUB- V lie, that they have hare jest received direct Imin the inanuracturere, the inme=t - and' beat selected' - SPRING AND StiSLIIER STOCK OF ' . . BIM Ladies', Gent's, Boys' and uhildren's Boots and Shoes; GAITERBzhiND SLIP P ERS All of the 'latest styles, that have ever been brought to this county, and which they are prepared to sell • . . . • AS CHEO,-EE .::*OT CHEAPER, . , ; i . . • .. . , . - . , Than they can be bought n tie city of Pittsbnr.... ' Thankful for past paten a , ,we solicit a contiance of the same, and invite , pp rc acre to call and mine on_r_goods and prices befo purchasing elsewhere. ' .We have a shop connectMl to do all repairing. All Good Warrittred. • 'SVILSO?..I & STEWAIrI', - - . , . it... \ ~: In the Diamond, twill' . er. ' ~ ' Roensamt, PA. 26 &28 ST. AIR ST:; Imittefltrurrg, • • Manufaetnicii atad Dealers in • • FLOQE, OI . . OIL -CLOT S, I p.,,gliAllll3l4Rb - OIL- CLOTHS, _.TALE OiL I CLOTHS, . - - --STAIR' OIL GLOTHS, , . Vransparent- Green , Oil Cloth, 4 • - lbr window shade.. ' 14. Tripparent . Window Shades, • RI VV. HOLLAND'S; . - • kIkADE,FIXT 13 RES. ° TASsELS: ORDS; iiE4Ess• ° NO% Pelabcr • Stearn Tacking, Casket; Tutting, Cement, Clothing, and gabber geode generally: Oak Tanned Leather Deltintr,lAce Leather:Dellooka, .• Rivets, Lubricating Steam'l'acking, t Agents for thr:, &leo-sal Clothes irrAnyer. A general aaaortment of the above amnia gooda- td . . - trays on - hand. . ::,*tr" Orders rerpcctfully solicited_= and zromptly tt • ' : [myVbl:6m A. S. H } RYE Y,' DEALER IN Gamma & PROVISIONS, HMI JIM 6ECEIVETI6 TRESU 8l- LT Or Cranberries, • Canned Peaches. do Tomatoes, do Creel Corn, do llama, Corn, • , AUil. a ptima - annrtiarnt ` "Terms, btrittly CAS rio•M'6G 3Likixrk.e.! 1-8123:L0 ! - At the ` 7l ll4lVl.l:ioit '25.0 e p e'r * Er ush e 1.. ", . lA\('W SELLING THE BEST'QI'ALITY OF lame. ;it the aboveOnr,l.hoe I+ the best and' We oell.uo or otooe. . $2.00 per annum 9 . .03 .17.50 .&3,00 " xl,OOO .14 b 0 81.000 . 19 56 I= Hominy, . • Turkey Pflitiet , , • ' Layer ItaiAns, Semite-kg Raisins, . `English Currants, GoeJaen ChCCSC, rreet:Potatorps, - No. IMaclera. • of Tee, 6a ynd Coffee, A. S.' lIARVEY,, ridge Firm,' Ilzidgewater. ma MEP SAyE BY 'BUTMO Pure Mediel ne EE LOIIIS-BREIIIIII a, CO.'S" lit THE ,ROCHESTERLP.A. (One door from Fortune's Dry Gkoods Store) can bi • ...: bowel a fall essortment of t f• • TY R, "E" 12, TI C - MEDICINES, ; CHEMICALS ad, • n FINE WqIJORS; Also, a full AssoTtment of NVIb . 47DOVI GLASS; PAINTS, LINSEED OIL, NEAT'S FOOT OM, SPEEW OIL, LARD OIL, AND PEr,RE 'AND 'SECOND QUALITY wrfirrE T ALso, FINE TOILET SOAPSj ALL VARIETIES BRUSHES,. TRW BEST . PERFUMERY FANCY & TOILET ARTICLE S , AND POPULAR. PRP.ItRATIONS FOR, THE 11.41 R, MI kinds of PATENT llEDlClNEd'tdwayson hand A LBO, 'SEGAR TOB-A-61COr My entire stock ha l becn purcha r sed for Cesit, and is • , oftesed At the very Log 46:32. PRICES.:. af -As I am a thoroughly educated Apothecary and Chemist, physicians and others can rely upon their pre scriptious accurately filled with Pure -Yea eines only. 1.,91:11BRH.IYI & CO,, an.mfoly FURNITURE AND CHAIRS . cAT RtDuck.D, PRICES -011 01; OWN' NANtrACTi'ItE MTh ,WAAItAXTED PARLOR,. LIB.RARY, • DINING ROOM, and CHAMBER SUITS, In Everyi Variety and Style ! SCHOOLS,' 1 HOTELS, - STEAMBOAT, and .PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FURNISUED ON MOST 4EASONABLII TERMS. T• T. B. YOUNG &co.' 3,3 S4O Smithfield strket, mar2o'67:6m Pittsbrrgli, Pa. IL A. IN IMO:I /11LIMET nnowx. /LEW OM, NEW FIRM AND New Gteceries.. WhL~ON &. BROWN REsPECTFITLLY ANNOJCNCE' To Irtixtß NU mamas friends and the Public geherally, that they c listend opening a New Giocery Stet , oh ' BRIDGE-STREET, BRIDGEWATER, adjoining the. Diy Goods Store of A.G. Hurst, on the 50 day of lt , is their intention of haying ophand„it an times, a full ataturtineut of the-. 1 BEST F kATTLY GROCERIES. • J .. • and they beg leave to state that they arc determined to .compete with all other dealer's in the towirot neighbor hood, ns their Stoclcof foods' arc all new; md boturht at the late great redaction; and selected. with the great eSt care by Mr. Mart*? llnowst, whose knowleauept the business cannot be questioned, haring' been iviih .31r. Arthttr•linrrey for many- years. They call particular attention to their stock of Teas and Vollee,as they natter themselves they hare some thint.;,, extra to offer as to_price and quality. • The - best brands of Flour. always on hand. Produce taken at all times at full market prices. All .goods datrarde., • . , WILSON & BROWN. Bridgewater, Feb. 27, 1867—1 y . MUSA. W. DOLBY. • MIAS. ItrE.ENS. • . M. MILLER li. CO • 1 Rochesterplaining,Sash and Dinsi Mill. Rochester, .Reaver Co. Pa. _ • (:rsAn RAILROADDEPOT.) • fAN LTACTIMER4, OF, AND DEALERS IN, Planed Lumber, ; Dressing, Flooring ; Siding, Shelving, Doors, Sasti, , Shltters; &c.,•&c. • .••• (jorTrucTbap Bc/OERS. • . • t'AlSo proprietons . tif Clarke & littineamith's Patent ;Weather Boarding. Patented May let, 11366, for the cx. deror •of houses , &c. This siding consists in forming t h various stripe otboards of a level or tapering shape ae-ross - its eptiro- width : with lower or SWeker edge, made with a =l4ltitibkr moulding - Sin Impart a neat and finished appearance. - Shoo right& for the autpufacture and use of tlds • sidlng in Beaver county will be sold reaf•onahly. llavin, had much experienee in building, and' the Lumber;businoe. generally added to § ttr new. facilities for itetri:ollufaeture, we foal conilden; invitini tt ur old friends - wad - patrons to tall Ilad. iniste lei an gel veC-belbter ton trading eleewitera. , . [aprlft • W R 0 S E ,11. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON b' CCOIICSEVR nti perNannntly located in the T6WN OF' ROCHES TER. Fronapt attlation given calls, excepting 'when professionally engazed. :$ Office : Adjoinine - ttke - Mansion Benue." in the old Cleveland and Pitt`a Railroad. Depot. Ranh et.ter. Ta.. Tinrofittr • 14.00j5 DRUG . tat:A. lia y De tonna the tieit seeaepBest of f . n - prrTaß ME e 41.4 - csr 1+.13.10 , lIE CEV3IO7stE — ICLS, • ,•,•• ill. l ' , '• „ I fi i itf' ,- *,;_'oo'''. : , -,'',..'''-::' LI44,I:TORM I . Ad Brandies, 11 ai a Is T S`ti;tl PS; ME PATENT MEDICINES _ In great variety. an or the beet quality, and sold cheep. or than can be boughtatanyother Drag Store in the county. Pence's Female Pille, TS cents per bor, Cbeese refufe, El; Clark'e3l. OARBON LAMPS t LAMP TRIMMINGS, LANTERNS, STA TITERY, WINDOW GLASS &PUTTY. Ever offeredOritstde of the elty,rd Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and see, and WY' will 'doubt no more. julyl'67 _ Z. MOORE. EllTGlrit *EPA= SHOPi In Pallets:3 . n Beaver County,- Pa. I: SAVING refitted told enlarged my seek of =retain -Li cry and tools, and having secured the services of the beat of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant all work done to give entire satisfaction. I have on hand different patterns and styles of Engines, Fire Clay Rolla, and am prepared-to. make or repair all descrip tions of raarbinPry. on reasonable terms. • ~. I have all the best plow, patterns that snit this market, among which is the ••Great Western," which has been Tug plow of the county for the last flfteenyears. There Are dve sizes of this plow, all of which I tnannfaetnre and - keep for sale; also "Patent Lever"—right and left— "Monntaln and left—“ Side Bill," and nearly all the diderent kinds in use. COOKING, FRANKLIN AND ILEATL*IG STOVE* Having made Several important improvements on the "Climax," by which coal or wood . GM be supplied without lifting lida, and having two places for pipe, either or both of which the'same time, with a ventilation to the oven, thus; haling the a van ta,ges of a ve combined. S s Cookinsitov Stove, Bake oven; and klin van- Stove bassi:wen in tonstan use for twenty years, many of them after bei n g for this period of time ; are now in goad order. There is but a small portion of this stove that ever burns out.• and this is easily and cheaply replaced. To makelltern still more lasting, we are now putting in tile or lire brick lining.. Our other patterns are the Enterprise. Keystone- and Premium. Parlor StoveS, large and small heating Stove; Franklin Stoves, Jenny and s. &c. Orate and Orate Fronts, Fenders, Iron Badlt Of various styles, Wagon Boxes. two Irons, Tire 4 l3e dire, Corn Shelters. Force iand.- Cistern Pumps. Sad I ns, 3ietal Sinks for kitchen, Sheet Iron, an?L Tinware, al ways on hand and readopt° order. In fact, I. manufac ture and keep for sale, almost;everythhsg wanted in the machinery or hardware line. - . Second hand stoves always for vale cheap,- Two good ndw engines. suitable for saw-milror shim per polies now on hand, and will he sold reasonable, raariT67-Iy. 'JOHN THORNMEY. = NOW' IS THE TIME FOR GRALN D .CL GOING OIIT ll= Boots r and Shoes XIITILSON d DICKEY WOULD RESPECTFT LLY inform the public in general of their intention to close ont their extensive stock of roll and Winter Boots ond'Shoes t to prepare for a Spring, Stock, con elating of _ . • Ladies', Bonn, Boy's and Chydren's Shoes,.Gaiters, Slippeii, • . Which will be aold at cost, ot ,r bit low Cost, as we are bound to keep rip the trade, and•that to the entire eat iefacticm or our customers. Al! goods warranted. ' & WILSON, 3 doors gust of li. B. Anderson's Store. Jan9'6T. - .peaver, Pa. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES —AND— , . , k.)l C L CO 7 1.1 - 1. S —A i r THE- 7 Lowest Possi ir 1 e Rates, •• —AT— . MRS. M. DONLEY'S BOOK . AND STATIONERY STORE; In the Diarnortd, Tiocursmit, PA. Alm" se.tu;ol 'sad %Mar. Books. fitstioakr, tru : dem Pa lTo l tiil i e ll rs M pi a •Tm z p in ey * attended to. [marW67:3m NAA,BIE w:pA.K. DA&D I AVR1:i1:1" ! idNITFACTIIESR,AND and AlReliPtu4 - Monuments. Bead Stonee.44:.,ensile to order. _ .Plesse give me a Cnl t before du elsew here. VirBlmu twater ypoette Dr. SmitlCe Drug 8 Brtdge gawk Bri A l .K 96 *-Ar ' DAYID .WOODlttar, 41 ' L WENDT, X. D. • . - zckw BRIGHTON. BEAVREVCOUNTY; PA.- (rrics AND RESIDENCE ON LOCUST ST _ bet" . een Railroad and Bridze rtt, inryr4i:3ll:s IMEI L=•=em AT A -41, 1 r ()Lk lITT BEAVER I - AND • .1 . • DYE STUFFS: 13 u - s - ri ES. FALLSTON FOUNDRY! PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING/3 13a, OF BEAVER BRIDGEWATER H . O,3IE„OPATHIST, ~"•f'_ -YNlS'."~'4M•'M'B'RavCa Aljf:^S EMS -,1 • inew, UA L : 1.1 • -7. • -.,-4-1110,A OARP :I CM I SH SADDL BENT LOC COUNT TABL znar,:st: COON SR Aso, PA , AGENT ITOR EXCEL/MO* MOWER AND.REAPER, AND NEW. BRIG lITOK PIRE-BRIGS WORKS. Put2,'67. - . • • • XEW ARRIVAL _S•t ! cit - e; 25,000 Bolts of . WALL PAPER, Of the latest' Styleaand Patterns pun, received from • , The subscriber again' thanks his numerous friends for their former patronage. - Anticipating their wafts and tastes, I visited New York and close ly beieCkd one of the largest stock of VA IF.TY GOODS, &.C„ . ' • Ever brought to this county, 'consisting of Traveling Sacks, Ladies'' Satchels, • - Fancy Goods, Children's Carriage:, Books, Statio , .ery, Carpeting,. Oil ClodS. 'Window Blinds, • Ring:, Brushes, All of which I wilbsell cheapet than they can be per chased for in . the city. Give nice can before pnrchar trig elsewhere.' B. =MED it, .; ' Bridge Street. Bridgewater, Pa, • U. r►. wILS ON CARPET Removal. - Will remove on March . Ist; 1867, from •87 Fourth - ,street, to their new 4nd elegant . . - Warehrntse • - NO.'. 51 11 1 .11 1 / 1 11 z STREET; • - IT7 0D Sr • ABOVE ' .0 , • • k I , • PITTSI3ITRG,. Milt by them express'y' for the accommodation of their large and Increasing lnudoms. Elating very supdrior. facilities for tonsineas, they will. keep .constantly on hand a large assortment of all Goode ... ertaining to the Carpet business, which they offer at Whoimie ce'Re" tall to the train and public at lowest market rates. ' nniztritTßlTl McCALLUM BROTHERS. SE I *ZINGr- TRApv. BVE/J11 . ,0Y. DICKSON & CO INtoco.. OA • • Nyco (xi) STREET, PITTSBURGa WHOUSAII DR { 111 Rave their ,stoc.k open At tr . G 0.0 1) 13- 0 0 11 Reasonable Prio & , P .§'L 4 0 JAMES - DICKS . 41011157 m ar ED W AVD — FOEILST DEALER IN WALL PAREB, . VoiIUEPTES FANCY GOODS:AND TO' Gold, Glazad & Common Pefs'e - nrtMo2l4ls -r ariln: Fbctures, • TABLE BILL CLOTHS *Hoz,Bui.l4 RETAIL, 184 Smitfifield Pittsiun J. L fisoinscis F. B. a THOMPSON & HAM • Sharon Beaver Co., P (4TH DOOR NORTH OP DABIs4OWIS itAN - 10 1 7 — AC.TUEBEIB . OF,FARCi AHD in:Broome, mid' s In • &c. All work warranted. Having excellent lot of cam and provided • needed theflitire. we Batter ooraeltutalhat manufactured by us will te es . gooff4. cheap as the theapest... Call and see' bet • in ebewhere. • . ADDRES.S—Ikm• It Beaver. Fa: rap i WARESIII3I ifiea ~. ~'f I;lilathwswv,' .!; 7.ra, :MUM* M.!. D TIFRAL iliPt4l3l6lLiTai RS' ,TOOl4B, Ulf TQOLS, NS',TOOLS, I I - PLASTERERS; TOOLS, 3,EIIiESS! TOOLS. Y HARDyI ABE, ; sii.pows& 1311A1178, S, BOLTS !t fIiNGES, KEI,MATTOCKS & HOES, &PLATFOIthi SCALE, & POCKET CUTLERY, RSS SHOES & NAILS. AARILLIGi . BOLTS R. STB, LLiRS, STRAW , CUTTERS: tf3, OILS, VARNISHES, AND PUTTY. MC IN BRIDGEWATER; PA 'SEW YORK I ' 1867. FE WM!INEM2M a , - • irzeo,stvooa A cWi Tmr. Ea. =I 11,..EiW. , 7,14 asK;„.11,11111rXII: r .. ~,~ '49OIIEBTER PA.; BEEPS ZiONSTANtidOE EAST pit SALE AT LOWEST ILUIRW PRICES, A COMPLETE AND ; WELL ASSORTED "IT VJPods, BROWN it BLEACHED MUSLIN, FEINTS, . GINGHA MS, . DsLAINE, 'ALPACCAS; COBURGS, • FRENCH MERINOS, FLANNELS, Plain and Barred, WOOL DsLAINES, all Colors, .. . BLACK SILK,' : TIKING, TABLING, - - TOWELING,' CHECK, JEANT, , TWEEDS, . •• IS ATINETC, - 1 . ' CA ISEVIZ,' BROADOLO H, • 1 ' ' - CLOAKING, • • . Balmoral and Hoop, Skirts, r - . , NOTIONS, r4LOVEB,'Zic HATS AND CAPS, end large. stock of the latest styles BOOTS .& SHOES . • • Melee, Women's , and Children's' Gain Shoo* Caiiret ' " Shoes,'&e.; de. , . . Readirhlade Clothing. • SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY ..mra,ria.-074 re. • A lamp and well aaaoried • Stockoxdadattng, In part; 0 A; L.; . 1. 1 .1..M.1* .1 2 — , Carpenters' ,Tools, of gal Binds • BUILDING HARDWARE, BUTT, . TRA RING /I, a SCREW, , BUTTER HINGE, BOLT, • LOCKS, • • NAIL, Sc. W*lridow Giasef„ of all 81aea, and Donbli Stren;tb. SPECIAL•ATTENTION • • Paid to , filling ordern of Carpenters, Contractors and HARDWARE, GLASS ANDNAILS, LINSEED OIL , j COATIS PATENT DYER, PAINTS OF ALL COLORS,i WHITE LEAD, GROUNA DRY AEI)f E °lll Painters will do well to examine oar Stock and I'r ees begun purehasing chtewhere. 8! ar.rcooo.rileies. A Fresh and ?all siipply constantly nit band at very • • t °wait . ' • Eil CHOICE BRANDEi.4_OF FLOUR, • j, • IN DAR.RiLS AND SACKS . „, • 133 CARBON Leith OIL,-- QUEENS WARE, ig • STONE W4RE, &0., &a • farm Dem goods delivered fox of cliarge..4o All binds of grain and coongy o rdneetaken inex , . UM ERP - S. J. CROSS he Qmveyanam—Agent of Samuel littnetand The Radaeater Land Company.. Alio Agent of the ![data' 'Union Roma Ccmpany. Rfinember the place : STC7I=LE, STORE. 'azoorit striss*a /MOTS tale ailuump, NEW. YORK STItEE ' T, 6..31X0N Twine, with alli 1 Brooms best, aad patchas -317:3m. R.o'ch es t e - r,. Pa. lattr6t/Y • =Er MI STOCK OF COXIIIII'IXO OF pullders, fur BENZINE ; PUTTY, ME ill To.°UV ` . . a~iis t s_ ~' s r i/- 1 ~1 L ;- G ' =IN EAP GOODS! .CA-LLAND MC . . . . . . -ki•• . I , '" ' --• • • :... 4 '• .‘,..-. •. '-' ~ ;.....:" - .. . . is.. . T.l--i - E M I .. • .. • • 1 . ''''• .-•- --1' IEI IIM . , - • TITAVING PECHIPPLE' PURCHASED A' COX :LE PLR= AND FUSS ASSORT/ MT OF _ DRX GPODS, • HARDWARE, QUEENSWA E, . .t% TINWARB, • GROgERMS, Wls VtE:TTEPATIRD 'TO:SELL AT ASTONISH MOLY LOW-PRICES! Piints Gingham' Brown. Bleached Yuan OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION all tend .see our goods. No charges for showing AU •klndir of Country Produce taken in em ge for Goods, Yf6T:3°3 ORR S,DAWSON Third street, Bawer, ru• SPRING & SUMMER Gi00M:164, 1 : RiLVE JUST RECEIVED NEW STOCK OF 1 GOODS, of the 'LATEST STY'LkS, • Per Sprhkg 'and Summer Wear': ' 1 I ' - Gontlemen'S Fotobaling Goodi , - 'corarterrtir,O - • I. - • I , •1 , , .DLOTR;NG ; 3LADE' TO ORDER Ia laical and most fashionable ptyles, and at short notice WILLIAM milcti,: Stewart e Row. Bridge street. - Midgesrater, Pa. oclo'66—my'67 ji M. }I a'r t ~,.....-____ iratrcial Teeth u -, wftiMly fitted, Articulated, Stutpoid. Sited and. Color to salt every Individual, mounted nix tine Gola, Silver, ~ ,glish. and American Vulcanite. Teeth:extracted withoutdrt by. an entirely new m eek; noTr. Chloroform . liiitronshoxide or any other atucthetic Used in connection with tae apparatus. . 121MIll on Third street, Sd -door wild of If. B. Anderson's atom. - 1fe1r20,67:6m. EW .STORE! EXCLUSIVELY OtS and .Shoes Iffi e OFSIROUS OF SOMQ3fISING, WILL kilt to their interest to tall at I H 7 . S Np, AY . 1S T 0 lat. • • ,• r • .. 11 ,13ROADN4Y,;1:117 muon Tow, ~ t 1 . • __d .. , i'OO.ITE TtI.E P.RESBYTY.kti Ali.' CntnCit] . i ... .. .. midereigned, having had seventeen yeims expe in the business, feels ',himself hilly confident, is facilities for. receiving goods direct from the 'starers. that it will be to every , person's advan call andlexstnine for themselves. [gpfihfim ale time° with hi S. .PEOk.EL"S TEE! STORE! WILSON & UNDERWOOD, WIIOLIISaLZ iXD RETAIL DEALT.= IN 1 • \ N ' " T E• 81 1 0') AND'. „ . CI:10,10E FAIILLYOIIOOiIBIES, NO.. 15; SOUTH WEST 'DIA'HOND, (Adjoining Bepler Hotel,,) . • I .:4 3 l.ll:eghery pity,Pa. or :one of the cheapest iirid best Whok.esie and Retail Stores to the two cities,l. tall and ovsuline our Stock and Prices. ftnriteGT:Om , 4 . RILL P. OILAIIMIt OWEN BEENE.. GRARAIif & BYR,NE, -- 1- Vtishiconable Hafters, • .Na, 52 St. Clair Street , : },; MetweMt iAberta , and Penn Sta., opp. St. Clair Motel, PITTSBURGH ; Pita - - - ~.r• , 10014 - CAPS.and.STRAW GOODS,' ~.,_c-1 ui -ewer st7 l o ant i quality, it the very lowest Prices. ;,. ' marthr6l , tly, • , .. • . .H BEAVER FALLS ILL. Ini.E.NRAVER PAILS MILL CO Q[ ANY RAVE J. th eir Mew Mill completed, and Ins °maid upper adion:' In addition to Merchant Work th y are prepared Mdo 01 kinds- cot Custom Work, In - tEt best manner, and op !bort notice. • , The biahest,,inarket price will:We paid In CMOs for all -kindi of Grain deli vered , at the 31111. !man' tit;:fra I , . lea - rah • Vie . __11111014165_4 MEDltags, - maeixer t zifk' pr Ltoiaaa nEl. h ia b een H p .r 7taa d...l4ne'llif 3. B. RTIODXS, wao Now- o!.rzas I A,Full and Conviete of P, DRUGS & aprziNcroAja : erb rya rtLe rzr, SOAPS, TOILET RTICLES, And Brushes ohll Rinds. . 10 rents. ..11% " PROPRIETARY. ' " Tg rwc are prepared to sell PURE AND BECOND QUALITY • WRITE LEAD, OIL9sOO All artui t s,.at Jritlabeirghpries. I _ . , ine4se Call and ie!Conrineed! NV IND° IV GLASS OF ALL SIZES'. ; I • One atdck Alenhob'. Winer. Brarithei„ Witid:er4 and other Liquors. will be fonnd complete, arid, l‘efsz . , selected with great tare. .can; - be relied neeileArirt Pure as can be obtained. and will be sold forltedite, Mechanical, and Sacramentalp,urposer only. ; Prescriptions and ramily • Receipts Accurately. Filled l'at Jill' 'fourth , •om ' , repetition and Modfrinc•Dtpar4t 'tinder thg p erronal su i perritdon of Mr. L. M. iiiincrov. with or seren ye . an„ we;, nurudr tint we Cali ve run sailsfae ',in iaany innnth of the te4siiiess. . • ‘ - i , - I • laThtnember the pbter — the Post ()Zee, ear net' Third streetand The Diamond, Beaver. , 0 . :.: A p fec AU are •res ' trolly Invited bl esll and exandne oar goods and ces before Rarchlag elsewhere. - 7 , Beaver;A Ta...1'67:1y 1 ' I ' 7. B. 1111013P.5. • • 1 J. 11. BENCE., THIRD STII.EET, (1 DOOR BETAV SEMINARS, 3eati er,, Pa. OFFIIHS TO HIS FRIENDS AND,CUSTONISS a aclectftock. of the i • - L E S STYLE S' i n . in gs : ,. .EM.BROIDERY.. I, • IiANPKERCI4IEES, - •-_ • LAOES, - . • -, BUTTONSj IIOSI$RY; -• COI:SETS, GLOVES. • . jn. i~IDEES,:.;- • 1. • . . .134 L. SK.II - ffS. I The new elle Invisible Fsnpress' Trail Beep girt. Veil Stage. Grenadines. Surr , -.1: *dirs. Zephyrs, Ladies' a nd Gvnt's Taper - I (..ngs and (..4dlars, Sc j. MILLINERY • • GP IfEVEHY BESCRIPIO.N. I Hats and Bonnets, very cheap. newer.. In marl ety. cheap. Hats and Benneisithered and elearted,theap. • AL10 , 1. 137 r! ehinakinr. Mink and Sciit .Carmr. fHadarn'e*Deineaw•t's'lattest and York Inn • toed Patterns constantly un hand. tz PATZSENS=FOR,g.kLE.. II ' A .. . , ls our Me* Ms been pnret,is.ea - at ow prim.. gI; offered at erateeponding tow rates. Gye 11E a .c 1 21 - ;satisfy yonevelt. , . !-, ' rernon't foiv,et the plan`:--one diver below IS , 4 1.: Wary Marl 'tree!, Beaver, Pa.. - ' , -... '1 . ... H aprl7G7'.3in NEWfROVERY T ' lIR LINDERSIGNED TAKr,s - TFAsrf tE T Intern: l 4 the people of Beaver and victult:: • • henhas opene , a • - 1 A ., G:R 0 - 6 1 E. R r,-• s Tio.w . . E . ~, , in the building in which hlaFeed Store' ii4s;s'irpt,or. . i ..' rrEaRl3 STREET, BRANTR... ',' , - where 3,V:be-round an excellent 09c, , d ' . ,COFFEFS, - TEAS; . , SI3GAIS, sig. • ' UPS,IIIOLA.SSES, SORGRIPI , . :. RICE,- PEPPERS, *ICES, ‘. - Sc_)APS, CANDIES. Rkl . jc , .•.. ! SINS;' . ENGI.4I. li- , 1 , ... - • CURRANTS, ' • . : ,_ ' • FIGS, &b.... Beticords, ftVtishtnhs4 IReelerr, Tine every article visually kept in :t •' - ~ lated,Grocery ;torel In connection with his Oioceii . , heiftilf&' n ' t " c' h: keep his FLOUR AND FEED wroltE. where tilt., ~, articles in this B ri e are conetantly Int, and :ar' Cas cheap thr hor Produce. i • - janglitly • •'' qtAik `N IV .it GEO. IP:' SVEVE Corner of Water and J . . . • - T-TA.I7ING EriTRNED FT201111" IF. Pi 1.1. now opeOyg'a largr and wr!l , • STOCK OF GOOF` • • . Which were bought at rattle lel which sold 4 rho lowpar poasible,ratee.- :NT) .to,-.1: DRY • GOOD 4 GROCRRIES: 11,010)A0- QtrEzNsttAnE, 114.T5.,6 Dou'r'''' • SHOES, NOTIO I And articles penalty kept, a. r; apralltihn , • • LAIIGIIIING A DMINISTE'RED BY DR. MUD !AI. XL Tan. Ps.. in extracting teeth: I brol. added,lo.o! many other facilitlei for the snereo my profesSion, this in-rain:lW palolfhlisey&rtnni,v; branches of Dentistry performed in re he't,li n ,„ p `,-- mOdern stile, All work done 8. t 4:": cent,. better then st any attic: !i•tcarn. meat in thb 11 AT Tax -1 - _. rm MEI 1011EI r' !”1 -7 1 ' 1.2 El Ell ries Street, ROCHESTER, P 1 firg ea's Ell El