The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 19, 1867, Image 3
lie mg :BEAVEII,' JUNE 19rit, 1867 v ocal .and /01”6,11,111ko..ens• Rt . przoriALAL, Fifth-!Yeet..tittsburgh, r Authorized agent for Tat Mears in that city. • Newd•Abrtlitewentt: ~ r. . attention of the public to directed to the lid. kr,ging ncl!-P44ol"l:lll°,,ll4ll,gpreirAtir,„the tott wertrlmteco iqb q h7:? 0,-New.Grocentamori Bnilger. - tyrAdm'a Notice—Tae. Ditlimr& Jno. W. Smith. tarflonnaa*--, Agricultural S ociety. pv—l X. Dreamy: '' rirDWPolattim-13: A. Aletninder & Devertnyi: - triatestArrival—Nciaort & Roessler- Fir Sea ;if -Fourth Arrival—T. MeCreery & Co. • or su m ational Meeting-J. F.. Draw and others. y r-spec(al Notice- . 4lballintbeigreriy oe...' : • ,cbl Notiees—J. B. Rhodea.'. . „ • c,ovrerx-.Volialiollllolo-- -Tar President of the Union Comity Convention, b e ll in Bearer, 011t4tine-3d, hasimpolated the . ra m], gatietnen as the CoMailttan,lo Serie. the g - rnsaill Yo u: • /Morn Bono—D. L. Irabrie, ch airinan, J. S. Rubin, J. weyand. Jos. Ledlie, IC ' S. Adams. Itosetrsa Tr—James Derra4h,V;it.liarrah. BlWrlrrOX Tr—D. SeotP - • - Isurrox Bono—G. 31 , 14. Fields. • 'esirrrsws Tr—Robert Bradsh aw. sum Bataan Tp- , -/t. - .lslanrreitee. John 0..1har.: Pilaw:re?: Tr•J. r 11..Veon; -• BIG BEAVER TE—! G. W. B wn, 01110 Daweori. i n owsr Tr—Benjamin Todd. ' • Fsrrrasoa Tr C, Patterson. • W.ll,nEWATfhi BMW—Chah. Stone, Johnston Small. 'Fr-crater 110-4enr.Y Beta. Minton Tr rq."11016.-• • ; - NOCTH BET Tr-MiltoreVlOW; • • Sew Sclera'. Tr—Henry Gearing. - TKONMIT Tr—Ge orge Neely. Peasat Tr—Thomas Fe Nsw Barorrrow-31. T.Vrn L iedy Benj. 'Wilde, ow: M. Merrick. Milton Townsend:. John C. Boyle, G,,,sse Barker. F. - tunnel Marra. • - it w iltsren Itono-T.'.l. Power, A. T. Shallenber. p•r F. M: Anderson. ROCTOSER Tr — A. P. loCork. ' FREITDMI Bono—Thos. G. Kerr. Farrno-st Biter—James Park. Fs CLAllll3cino—donatian attursinmo—John IsL Shrondes. Mess Tr—Daniel B. Short. • liernwsti. Tr- , --Wm. M. Reed. ' INDEPriVENCE Tr--Robert Sterling. ; weans TeJohn C..Cliristy. FILLCKTORT—W. H. Frazer. lfGrter —Thomas Signer. BRUNE Tr—Samuel lielaon, • A. M'Coy, J. IL? - • ,Tyr,ra—Mr. 3i . ecreerx, of Kansas City, - No., war - thanks for late Eit: Louis papers. Exists/rtes.—The examination of Classes at the Aademy mill take place on Tuesday of next week. The motet* 'Patna arid-public are invited to be Como To ova covert.—We have Incidentally kusyktlatt It -is thoDgention:titt J. D. Donley, Rog, +.ll'o Iris recently appointed Register in Dataknigtey Pe this Congressional district, tolocate - Ids cake, Not* Brighton, this county. iryresa MkTCll.—On Tuesday of lastireek a Jump taganatrh, for the dummionship of America, and a itt i.s of two thotuttutti dollars; took place in Pittsburgh, beiwece -Bob" Way, of that city, ttiadlisarrnett Bor. :Ir. of New York. Way came off an easy Tim* and ma nears the ••belt" in the jumping line. NprgrArEr. IXPROCEECKT.—We neglected to men tionb.t week that that :Merl* Republican paper, the Kikiminl' Free Fres!, had been tench eelarged, othle greatly improved : it ;now proe m : is a wty nett!. pearance, and eoatains'a vast ainonnt of both local and general reading matter. . W , Crose TlNlssorig . .—Andrew ray.Eati.,,sreli and fa. voralnyinown In this cannti, ds itnttOrney, ihaa left with a vititr of loading: in Irotio, lioiril county, :m, a , young gentllman of good char travr,lia, I n r,iaAtteraltic experienCe as a lawyer. and wlll ho ,suw.hulla op for himselta Inepativaprac tlce. sllc,...,,atfond Gniar.--thw nefghborn (tier 1 . 0 tiabln; t m rouory were . hoitorni 11.11,4 week irkth a viellr:Jit'llati. G;aot and ramify, who rape to that place to attend the riltTLire'd Wm. Smith. Jr.. a cousin. They were ac o•nipani,l.hy Geo. De tit, and tarried but nehOrt time I 1 4 , - , . LE6MATIVE Co xyzUr.te.fien.- W. W.. Train, the t : t',ll.tirme of the recent ounty Convention of . the Re;, publican pa - ay. hat an ounced the following .nained in-Niemen as TvgiFla r vl conferees, to ineetlho confer ees from Wa.ddngton bounty and to put in norahiation a Ilihrict ticket for the IState Leri, stature, viz.:" .Col. IL S.Qaay, B. B. Bradford, Beq.:,'and . ll. like, EN. llase Bett..—:On Satarday.Met a match _ game of base 111 in - this place between a - NeW Brighton r;ub and one'erptniacci In Bearer. The latter, we be ]faSe. came off first best. • Good feeling between the t•u clubs e4leted . thoronghOnt. iitiellAßß!Oß PIE PLAST.—Dr. Gatrard; of Faliston our thanks for Some Rhubarb or Pie raised by himself. The stalks sent us are the ever saw, one of them measuring,. including ttr lat, 4 {set iu length, and 3 feet in Width. i, soltrittriviwnEntrr.—.7ohriA. Frazier, Esq., of this bmt,rht to our °Mee on 'Monday last d tine:ripe '"m RSJxltich measured hifkes in ttreamfer ,to, If any of, ourjstrawberry-raising friends can squid or best this, we would be pleased htl lave them :thing." .• tnrn iwr A CCI ' DENT.--On Thursday of last week r:guk...ron Mr. Enoch Swager, of Brideevrater, while tiir. hi a, skiff in company . with a playniate, in the krrrei crmk, jam fell backward into tb^n"!Atin and , .etuarade.tswam to rborp. The an/ no stuldenlY to k.uldiwas qn ligit'ae - IO years. nears 7.1:4 divans of Beaver h 4,1 17. on 1,51 at sonnd, lifelong **meat of modern -Bernocre,,, able and universally a truly. boiSeat man, T#oatas Y.`"1,31. theli,Calldid4te for Assembly. lie will be elec. ronrge, and dill add worth and dignity to the Brl :e.—Grcrils.surg Herald. AeCIDENT.—James Bryan, n colored boy be to this ',place, while out hunting, onTnrsday accompanied by a number of oth r young - Ocelt, was shot through the right breast by the rrtal , lhchnrge of a gun in the bands of bismuel linco, and almost instantly killed.. The coronEr 4at •-tr. Ikrn summoned to the scene of the accident , after jury; rendered " a verdict in accordance f:s the above facts.-IVash. Reporter. • • • ' ,!",t7a.k'ses •temperante lecture skit d'ihvred at the Court House on Thursday evening. I.O :Km last, - The . public are nispecttelT invited to OrC,III.ONAL )1 EETING,—On Wednaday.erenlng. th , PM hot., eireditational meeting - will be held at Lk Coin. Rouge in this place tor the purpose of maid the educational interests of this aninnunity. Ad- Killbc delivered . by Judge Agnew and other Min.l4 Edible vicinity. Let all who an attend. S:birr.",„ pridow evening Of t "k litrawberry festival will be bold to the Pra -I'll4 Church of this place. AfitaLtsion ten eents.— , • .A'reh to go to Sabbath Schools.. the game evcrong there trill also be in 'Nadi 4,11 . Rochester, for the benefit otthc X. E. collgre: 4 * , of that place . ' • ' - MEETINtaI r.x.,,Wasnnorrox Cerwrr.--Out P!M3nut friends In 'Wahl/ gtcm county held their enings on Saturday Tut. The county con reln,_,held on Monday. We hare not heard the it present writing, but presume that 31 mere. Posltlwere bo to them devekth renominated kir the Leeds t'rt. "Pon oped Merl adult county. !belt IMMO IRott ///i the sth of this mouth, zq }lces, of this county held en inquest on the .t e unknown e man Need l e th e Ohio river near this county. The deceased was l aboUt Ave inches in ' heiebt, light complexion, 41134 Y 4. 4 `a4 41 a ' car -on right side of forehead; shout one. ipt la th betair the hair; had on a liaried shirt • :nctel madershirt, barred vest, and In one of kzifc .t.ith 6mall bladc. our NepubllcsalVe*of attheir on ,icntienkheid eti Novelly'onairtirieit i Thomas Nicholson in nomination . for AmsuiblY. Nicholson is .a man of ripeexperience, tried integrity and rare . fitness in every respect for the position.. His long and intimate acquaintance With the athinvot oar many? advdri sm auslillat,nu as pnb11044,14 f . • valuable Oaf 8 -4 " • the holier of sending to the Legislative for nutaiyears. Hte nomination will be heartily concurred in by our convention on lionday next, and he will receive the Cordial andenthuslastle suPport of ear Mends through out the county.— Wash. Reporter. Din. 'newton :—When a person gees to the Home of God to hear sermo4 preached, and-be instructed and iimprovett 'thereby.4ndjoht devotional exercises, be testurallyiespects feel a seise of comfort and delight while tail engaged. We, speak of this for the purpose Okg T;t andUefklid 'Ay loiniofibe afenAtandiehn • • niiip •., of synth:lllf neglecting to at all ventilate the same, by opening nick doors and windows, either before or dur leg the occupying of them by the congregations. The Vesolt F3l this gross neglect, with. part of our sextoms, IN of coupe ; deprivatkm of thim:umtptWns of froth air, and sometimes, indetSd, of most an air. ' Persons enter the Church, it is crowded to overflowing-11s a hat spring eventat ant; out of doone- 1 ,-. ladies are using their foonsoscid .60*Mo:ft itionslig. their hats,'and both are sweating prolusely—the atakts.: phere is stilling—end the windows and doors are closed .aslf it were the middle of winter! We Vetellt adall!et, thin-neglect as both unnecenitary and inhuman. It not only renders persons attending Stimelt exceedingly uncorafortable and uneasy at the time;•lmtVs ruinous to the health. Let the iennini : do their ditly,intd keep the Churches of which thethereebargemalarly freely; ly &teen and cleansed. They are pall the doing so,.ann let them do it. L. id. . . . Exencznx—The examination of the chime at the Beaver FMake Seminary, together with other eXerelses, commencer im Sabbath evening, Jane 23d, at which _ time Rev. J. .DsacWl ' wilpreachUse annual .sermon in the Presbyterian Mesh; at 7r. x. The other exercises 'will be in the following alder: E.esveiserorthe"Sakmuiihemi Boristr—TheedaY Eve ning. - Examination of " Ckr s sea— W e4neszr Morning and Afternoon. . Annual Afams—Wedneeday :Evening bi Rzs z i. B. W. GOMM, - Errindnatlon of Classes—Thursdat Ifornhtg. Match Gass of Crogerf,-Thitteday Afternoon. 1 . CommenOsnotsd Naiereissa—Thar Everdng. Address to the Graduates—by Rev. D. P. Lowary. The following !aimed young ladies are the Gradn ‘ ;Item • ~ .c Jennie .111RieheII, Linde Moorbesd, Annie 0. Reno, Sadie X Russell, Josephine Shilling, saute N. Todd, Mettle Weysnd, Mary A. WoodruU pterzvaLs.—The fhetieal - held- in the illpisenpal Church in Roeheeter, en'Tuestayevenhig of week, was a very pleasant. affair, well attended, and the *pro ceeds =minted to the snug sum o[sl6o. A festival was held in the Bridgewater Presbyterian Church, on last Thitrsday atoning.' Quite a crowd were In attendance. Everything parsed off pleasantly.— About $lBO. were manned. 'Some graceless "scalawag"' ' is said to have passed a counterfeit fire dollar bill hpon some of the ladies who were attending one of the ta blee. FEIVITVAL:—Theie will be a strawberry teethe! held in the Presbyterian Church:of Beaver. on Fdday ev ening, the et of Jane. Adrrd net ten cents. • Proceeds to be applied for the beaedt of the Sabbath, School. • . . . All are invited to attend. ' • Cosarrrizr:. itomairum; “Ttitexv.T."—The war, we fear, taught others besides mit milittai7 meni.t* pricUee Of trick-; in g their enccales. 6 ..dn operation df this kindle said to be going on now In gamer: Ariordinanceproldbiting the roaming at la r ge rfswinngtthta thrborough -was passed some time 4e sad tries :made the Constable's duty to deice alr the! . .grunters." . heti:Mid find outsideof their owner's -eticiarare; impound Iht* nee the own er, or he biald.blabeloaad,selitihrftiattiers," deduct / expelUes; and then pais-Vie proceeds wit* the school' pad. law persons arbriawnedhOgi glareirstatagalnet thls -ordinance, and has aponite beteg an abridge -1114,4dasissoi to pasture **hogs on the Willi grounds - whether do ing so would be agreeable'rrc otherwise to their neigh bore. Wiutt cared they about the nßatber °rotes their hogs opened, the yards they rooted up, or the gardens that suffered in consequence of their depredatlonsi The ordinance, however, wasenibreed, and it ; now said that RS opponents are.partially evading It by Wal ing their sivine out to pasture after bedtime, and gath ering them in before sun•hp. keen as this trick is, we have no idea that our constable will suffer himself to be • flanked" in this way,. but on, the contrary will make arrangements to have a little -night paroling ffone in the dtsaffected districts: One Of these is audio be' t the upper a nd ot . town, the other on IfiUtrth strect::' Court Proceedlags. The following cans were illepboeil oflast week at the Court held in this place: Cora. vs . David 31.3forriirn, indieted i for fornication and bastardy. Bingrieinentof the ea to the snit, and ender an arrangement , saHentetory to the prosecu trix, the jury rendered a verdict Of "not guilty." Corn. vs. Joseph Johnston; indicted for adultery, for.: nicetion awl bastarday. Case settled by the parties to the suit. - • Corn. as. WlUlam Gnrsides, indicted ler assault and battery. Noi. Proi, entered on payment of Costa by the defendant. • Corn. cs. Ann Lntz..indicted for murder and conceit ! . ing death of bastard child. On motiod of District At tornera Not. Pros. ills entered and the defendant dis charged. Corn. vs. Frederick Caggras, indleted for assault and battery. Found.mdlty, and sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars, and committed to.mmtody of the Sheriff un til sentence }vac complied with. • - , . Com. vs. James J. Reynolds, indicted for assault and ea battery. Plead guilty. and *as sent= to pay a fine of Ave dollars. costs of pmmeention, an I committed to the custody of the Sheriff *ail sent was complied with. , Com. vs. MIL Johnston. indicted fora nuisance.— Found'guilty. and the court gaiejudgment that the de fendant abate the nuisance. 1 • • Com. vs. Wooster . Fickes, Indicted with intent to commit a rape. Found gnity, and sentenced to pay* llne otone dollar antl,Undergo Imprisonment In the jail of the county for eta calendar months. Coin. vs. John 1. Swain, Indicted for assault. Not: Frog; entered - cm payment of costs by dean:Amt.' Coot. vs. Thomas j, Robinson. indicted for fake tire tensee. Continttd and defendant to enter into recog-' nizance in the sum of VIM. Com. vr David Johnston, indicted for furnishing Uq nor to men of known intemperate habits: Verdict of the jury, "not gtillty,r but the defendant to pa 'two thirds and the prosecutor one third of the coat. Com. vs. David Johnston, indicted for lkanlsldng liq uors to minors.i Continued to next term. Com. vs. John Johnston, indicted for selling liquor to minors. Verdict "net guilty," but defendant to pay the costs. Qom. vs. John Johnston, Indicted for &Malang liq uor no men or kncityn Intemperate habits. Continued to next term. . Corti - vs. J. 11. Witherspoon, Indicted for felling liq ininori. Indictment gnashed and ,defttoditut ordered to reneilds recogntrance. Corn. vs. J. H. WitherspoOn, Indicted 'for fundsistog liquor to minors. Continued to next term. Coin. ca. Henry-Whitlock, indicted foretaitT ism Continued,. Com. va.. Zech Rin , i Johnfitinedeld, Char . lie and Jack Ilrown, indicted for Nuking into a 'dwelling house and larceny.. Rol isms, mitered on payment of costa by defendants. ' Com. vs. David GMllassd, Jos. amBana , Robt. 11Ic, George, James Roger and Jainas Patterson, indicted for disturbing publk meeting. Contymed to next term. Com. vs. David L. Anderson and WM: knots indict! e d for assaultand battery. Propialcir Proksiok tonne° pay the costs. Cont. TP. Daiisit.4s4anioa. VW! . *friteilllPMll* Mum, Mk:tea for riot, assault and Wanly. Nom* tor, F. Geggree, el pay the cost ; Com. vs. Henry Weyers, tutikted for sauna md.bat. tery., Prosecutor, F.- Gegrea, tory tine coot. Bosom:rat MILL allo Evaroaarom "OA Sauk—Any person dest ring to purcbaae a t3orghtna Mill and Rail.- orator, can learn Arbcre they may be tlal by taltta; :14 ogc,c, meet the Minis lbw d*lll t t l i e don-there. The beret tiuttP.mannat Gaye treated lira With rend eantrno or else he would not have en the !tette:arty °redoing to make this ststement.i "May it ithwee;JOlr nowcwrffeektektW /of Pfraltthse Praztve in this eiouidirtng the Berm, lid being mr !Intonate in not haring any member of the bar to .pro" pose my adadwion, I rise to ask -for myself to be oulmitted as au attorney of this bad. Three may be ntn2M gl= l . rein oe gler ease; there biwe been wirsiaper statements dear otory to my character. but wisteria they are I am prepared to meet diem" gaffe Mellredne . "appose you refer to tho,l M crotkesioff =1 Fogler.. I ink etsfindri 4 tbe ederWt, 111 , 1114 : d e trial of it here until" it is' settled. We recognize the annuities due to meenbers'of the bar Of litotes which recognize our attorneys and. admit three to the rights of theirburn in out out Ms. "Tictirpcity. IN* Re yeeriktit*lieNrtlf *sae tit Plachlg on file in this court a written denial to to made under.oath of the statement of Fffeler." Little—" You mean the statements published In ouietinnty." Judge ;--"I peen particularly the statement that you inducer, M Pofflerterst3bilitgarairt4 emus promise of &rt. You am maze pier Emus and , we, shall then NW bow fir ft covers the statements of ?ogler." - (The report here breaks off ray suddenly. and we are uuadvised . ai toribetber Little tiled the as riiiested'or not.. We impish lie did not do se.) Tzscnxas' Intrrrisrri.—The tinchers of the 'Public schools In the boroughofßearrer, and cltPkirough town ship; met in the Public 'School House In Bearer, on Friday eruffing the 141 h, Illorlbw pumps" e of a tesoo.ooadakc'-tokosiOn or, Swilbeatriltinitiel WAWA, Esti.;ist the . A permanent organization was then effected by the adop tion of a constitution and,by-laws. After which the order of arrangements, as samouneedin• the Ames of last week, was eisc' ated. ' After winging some other prelindnarlee, the lestituteidlourned to meet on Mda day evening, July Isl., at which dine the permanent officers of`theinstltine for ristrpreielt terra' wilt be an nounced. We arnrequested to state that thealtemdanee of the publicat these ineiffings L respeetbilly al:111dt- ADJornium—The June teem of Court whkl began its session In this place on _Vie 10th, adjourned= Mon- day bat at 11 A. M. All the business ready fee trial baying been`dltycreed of at that hour. TIIESL*IrIiONAL ASYJJJ FOR Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. tfie-BOard'ollfanagene of the . .-ItatiOnal Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers give notice that they ere no* Prepared:to 'receive beneficiaries into either branches near Au gusta, Me.; Milwaukee,.Wial or at the Con tmlAsylum, near Columbus Ohio! - Volunteer Soldiers are admitted upon ap plication by letter to either of the Managers, or at the Branch Asylum nearest to their plum of residence; whereupon. Idank appli .cations will be sent to'the - applicebt, and, if duly qualified, transportation will be furnish-, ed him. The:Managers are as follows. The President of the U. ff. The Chief Justice, Ex-Oft:leis. The Secretary of War ) , ' Ma j. (4en . B. F. Butler,Vres't., Lowell, 3ftiss. ittal:Gen. J. IL Martindale, Sr. Vice Pres't. Rochester, N. Y. s • Jay Cook, Esc, Jr. Vice Prat, Thiladel phis, Pa., . • • lion. L. B. Gunckel, Seey. Dayton.Ohlo. Gov. Richard J, Oglesby, Springfield, 111. E10i . . - -P-eederitik•Smyth, Manchester,N. , H. • Dr. Erastus B. Wolcott, Milwaukee, Win Maj. Gen. John S. Catrender, St. Louis, Mo Rev. Horace G. Stebbins, San Francisco Cal. , -- THE REQUIREMENTS ARE • - . dischtirge from the Volunteer Service. ' SEccpm--Disability by wounds received, of sickhess contracted is thelineviduty. If the "peens; is unable to tr.lieZ or for other sufficient muse, relief will be furnished=lief 40 (rttletillo 4 iistlitanaget to"_ Via& application Is made. • The overseers of all, rilmshousesand 'charity hospitals having disabled soldiers subsisting upon private beneficence are- respectfully urged to report such cases to either of the Managers, as it is not fit that meritorious dis abled soldiers, of the nation should be .sup ported .by private or public charity. Sol dier* arc especially informed that the Asy lums are neither hospitals -nor alms-homes, but homes where subsistence, care, education, religion instructiOns,. and employment are provided fer.disabled soldiers bythe Con gress of the Ilnited States, to be paid for from the forfeitures and fines of deserters from the Army. -The-provision is not a charity. It is a contribUtion by the bounty jumpers and bad soldiers to the brave and deserving, and is their right. Soldiers having a Wife, child or, parent de pendent upon them, are not required to give' up their pensions upon soming to the .Asy lum. Other soldiers are required to assign their pensitins to the Asylem in special rise only, to be deterroined•ky the Board. Suitable compensation will be given for profitable labor in the Asylum.. Good beha vior will insure the kindest treatment Wive and children will not be cared for at the As ylum, until after the soldier has shown by his ability to aid himself and them in part, by it labor and shadiness, that taking his -*mily , in charge will not increase his expenses to the Asylum above the cost of other helpless beneficiaries,, in-which' cases itioilitlon will hereafter be made. • Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Bea ver Seminary raid Institute, held on the even ing of the 15th inst. the following preamble and resolutions were •presented, 'and unani mously adopted,• viz :. The Board of trustees of the Beaver Semin ary and Institute, having -heard with pro found regret of the death of .llon. BENJAXIN ADAN 3, their latefellow member, and one of the original founders and most. liberal bene fseuirst of the Institution, deem it their_ duty to express their feelings opon this sorrowful • event, Therefore. Resolved, That by the death of Judge Adams, this Institution has bedn deprived of a valuable officer and a fast 'fricnd. His lib eral contributions of money, _and his long continued and disinterested -personal efforts to build up Its useffilnest, confer prosperity upon its affairs, and make it a means of pro moting the cause of education, and the inter ests of our town, call for our deep gratitude and • unqualified praise. , We feel ialso that the community has lost in him a. valuable citizen; the country a true "patriot, and the church 'a consistent and useful member.— We deeply lament the ereutivideh .has • em . ended him from us, , • Resolved, That to testify our respect 'for his memory, these proceedings shall be entered at full length upon our minutes,•and publish ed in the newspapers In this place,: and. that a 'copy, certified by the President and Secre tary, be communicated to his widow and fam ily. DANIEL . AGNEW, . Presl WEYARD, Seey.. Notices cruse Pre* - - rom among the nninenms notices given as by the press since we donned our new snit; weselect the following: • ' NEWSPAPSIi I Amu* came to this efeee lad week in anent new dress, and looking-p_msperons and ous. The Arsurt is - one of the - oktest papers in thelitata;', and istoktiet its advent"- cypf Republican principles.—Piffs„ Oen. • • Mama Anotis.—This sterling paper comes to us. this wet* in a -line [new dress froni the !Chicago Type' Feitlidif.. It looks neat, reads msy,.and the editora. Wey and; FJdq., merits-a itheral ' support-froth the people of Beaver county for his testier:a and 341:16114a4entra4TOCag.44:: !.- ' ' 7 rr t 7 4: 0 177 71. in en eu . new - . "a:. -. linp., , lel - s : te te re a rtiMrAY.. • .1. !'• 4 - rig . =,. 1 +Serves a h and . iluPporti r . e *ids Ogg& and .• ver eounty. We do , .. e y. tusd- on thkevi daft or lib intsperity.— Ngal b isyttuk % Worlitt.,---- ....-- r••=1. .. midi - Sant Amu \ " iinlii-- 10 ' itialbri-wisat rigged out in end:sinew, dremouut snakes is' handlitnis oPptianntik . :‘ .174* Muffultes a eaWisP Mew* PrilitWALT.l7-"7!.:Ii meson for the .ftsts in 'Beaver T e ` R Barr e r Amp/ and Affiance Monitor pane to wi thisWriakfidtdbid lisiekititkiPe'tt and bandied drenrand otherwise improved )d They are bath ATsk , ".llWw ars pleas tO note ilds'eti.'ar Prosperity.. I—New Lisbon DudsiesNate. - u 1•T• ‘,""-+/-"•; A - • .Tun Beaver diptie Utrineflo Ai in it new ;u m .I t i s 1001,des . well and stdeserving of she miday.sAgkiiiiiisiiiiitAir-lhe cid tens ofiteaver.—Wailmislint*ReP• L_ BAKIN-4:ln the letkinat., in Bridgewater. Beaver l evant,' / l a,trit:thiondigndid. ike about 'Cream SPOT NOTICE& ; slialkoherger Bros, of . &Zinger *re /nit received I%m - the Eat satiorttnent of Virginia Tobacce ,andpgya bought at 7 11 " 17 4 gfte 4. ";Sii • ha. Cigars . Inc, .ft Udell of , ;brands, ranging • hi WO 'trawl; - ce nts 'tcy $7 .50 perloo. • - • • , The Smoking Tohacces seeldso . or various 'kinds and ,t 1 Uti ; Min Oxtail Cat:and Dry at MS cenja per lit, to the finest manufsetur froth vire 'gWa leaf. put tip fn 3i mid lb. psoitagea • '• Also Virginia Tens anOaVY on band. , . . • tirPnre Ice Cold Soda Water from a Por: celain lined Fonataid,at Rhode"' Drug Store, cor., Eld st., and Diamond, Reaver. ' • 121r/A. ,new Jot of P.alittll,:styll- Bruabm'and all painters taateriabcat ma' Ding ttbre. rlirA new Style lamp, I* the thing for ftirtnere; att•Rhoam' Drug Stam • - • • WONDERFUL! G E.A.14:1 7 *' S ' 4 T ' ery no, :SHOE EMT OV11131! TWO DCKIIIS.JU=7 STI:4MI!-,;BLUL ws_wtax4 likVE 'T4 TUE BOON N. ? 13 weerle formerly it on Wafer 4, mimeo 1 1011. deenbe A • my old automat% la all otbeti faroriorme siatll. . • I inn now yet:civil:lz a large 'and vigeodid Mock of Inept Spring Styles of Millinery, Trimming" which will be sold very cheap: of ever; . 11 4GesipticEL-8 Uk and,Straw Botmets.*Ladl4* and Messes puma, =boos, Fleveri, Roam ,sc.: do • , TRIM/W.Bi, • .• - Of all Model, for Drowns and Saognas,. - Gbnpa. corer, Laoes, Clornetlls, Evonepnlins, #tdfoils, be. BALHORALAND HOOP SW* COH- Gent%Men% Furnishing GoodS, Gent,i, dr. Ladles' Paper Collars. MEN AHND . DOTS • 11412 . 11 KMES, SUsPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, wnrrs SHIRTS, PAS COLLARS: La battery." • * - G4oes a. LADES• mama. &tL COLORS. MONO' AND SUMNER DRESS GOODS -VW dad istelved, a large lot, very clomp. can mad fee. BORNATE ALTERED ANT! tLEARED, cunAr. Skimping, _Pinking •inif Cloak Cutting and Making . on short notice. KEN'S SMUTS RADE - to ORDER. MACHINE NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. - =not= Tur.:PLIC= Two 400 rs below Sales Siusieno Grimly - - More. Witte* stribel. WATT VIEALY. • J. L THONIPSON F. S. HAinenix. ..• . • TUOMPSON It -HAMILTON,. Illiarck.Boavir C 0.,: Pi. (4TH poop ! , NORTH or DARRAGH'S 87ORR). MANUFACTITRINS OF FANCY AND COILMON wok daders In Bandies,' - Tine. do, & Th e7 l Ans.sransotesi. ambit - 29 excellent lot of corn, and presided .with all needed,theilltles. we Batter rourselres that all Brooms manofsetured by as win be as good as the I=lll ineets theebs CanPe.. 71 DDILBES—Borr:Ikeee. Pa. " minmerzaKD Br DR.Xat i ls i Z sd reewA' .n..ese. pa.. watipites we. :-/ "3 E.:, ether Oradell ix the umasegeLprosecation strpron=e e rhbletuleg wet. All branetieser -111 L thr beet and wet mode= style.=werit done le = iihi ar ka = Mg. WOW anal ! lotter' tiFfsi wet tie me mete. - • tairrult - —The Beaver 4 1 1 ... 1 %1 - Y e reirsa eat Wat the 4)teei &and r ati a t il lattgante. —• After the Ong of ftly Ark Oetelettettee ettonnts win be letthe the hisibrelte Mime aleerke 'ecaect• I ° ll *. ' De Weft% . . MAXIIRS WANTII2.-43ne or two weed* Irss s t . ti cs AltEttrbottletititelY to Mr. Base* 34 DIED, TOAkOOO - Juma' CB NE=W AND. MILT;INERY, arils, HAIR NETS, BELT, BUCKLER, - - W4WLS,:VERY CEMA.F' SHOES. MILLINERY. 5T1:r91.1191. CALL. AND SEE ME. tALTOGIIIINO GAS 11111 iiOT2 -D,LI A ND r" WEOVESAII D •Draialt ALT 'KM* O.: 4 t t. .LT Tint 'roW - 1611tto . z _Fa oiebit wink% = - 7 - T PROPOSE T it ON BAND a a Wilda WAREwhich Of liifff 2Ze azsr-IlepN • iiierkr• airataiiiticgrit is.l) . 1 Tinll°T l l l 4o r e° , 1 . 1 . 1 04 1 1 4 141..* pony to cyder In the beet possible minuet, and et the. - • ' . • 1-" ' teing,notte pat ihe beet of and.tutlagetione : Sl* bgtt . , VA : . ..WARRANT ALIr -WORE: I. • . e • PI L o e 90" rah - LOWE,R EXAM?' iSitz- es e • -AMA*II2, PA.' • .fase , 5t:5..1201. and . mine: our Skict. japannedware kept constantly on band 127117:tt JUST OPtNED: .[ 1 • --AT- • 1! MRS. A. E.. KOOK.ENIS Millinery Store , .O.O7IESTVII7 A NEW : ANIT fRKID ABBolrT3d:Mi OF 8: MILLINER GO) DB,. i Including Silk, Straw, and Nonmhm Bonnets llama every style and quality. Alm), =Ribbons, era, Maltnee, Laces, titrsvr .Cord, and Tassels, Amber and Jet, Bogle Fringe . and Ornament*. STA:IIrED GOODS Constantly on hand, or stamped tco,Order with the slew FBRNCU PERVORAIIIM ‘TA3III3Ch BLOCKS DIDELIBLE STAXPU4G • • Sahib-is far ladiee s:ul CWldzen's ebtbtng, • • to rash on Uses, cotton, or wolea goodie. ralpsived a RIM AITA \ MilkoVED nummo ' AND Tat tarn? rryso or • • BONNET AND KAT BLOCKS, 'tun now prepired to alter, bleach end prow ettaw. goods in the best runner, and ottsbort notice. .inarlll7: l lm. . : A. K. KOOK&N., . pF &MOSES, BEAD THIS! • . 11:37coroirrm r . ' .11411;v‘ a,nd. popular Nachine was anbmltted torthe most rigorous test -of its superioritr, at l a trial of competing machines that tat4lace, ander the management of the New York . at - Mibnra. N. Y.. hs July, lift.; Theconalt tee consisted of eleven Judges. audforty mischines wrre entered as contestants for the prh.c. The trial lasted three ;weeks and the tests were most . thorough. The result was the State Fair held at Saratoga , on the 12th of September last, arotthe . - GRAND. GOLV.IVIEDAL:. WAS then awarded tad 1:3 "Cr C) as the machine, BLTEMOR TO ALL OTUERS 1 A similar testimony *as awarded It in same State to IRKS. _ This machine Is regarded by the thonsasids who czo !peak from experience, aa the. Beet in the World aldkin . ..-mminfactured bj the Incorporated Comps tu, 1 C. AULTM4.N'ec CO. Parsoia wanting any of, theme machines, can biro them by applying to the undersigned. ..with is the agent ' JAMESPAITh e RSON. . . , - New Gailleo.,..ra; J. W. HAMILL pa E R, Bridge street,Bridgowater, Pa.. . , • . TS PREPARED TO DO ALL WINDS. .1. Hone and Ornani=M i X. is at atltintes,to - pahit W on ohm. node% and On litvoi•tdit terals• rt3painted and varnished. . • . , lie - • Sr#ll4lG FASHIONS!' . ,186 1 7. . • BODGE STREET, BEI*IEWATER? NXTSW. `ASMITMENT MEIILTIMET - WILIi opened at my old Wend, WM/ occupied- by Mr. Only. ou notedly Nan* 14th.. with to Inform my old blends, and as many new ogles as will piers pa. Wee ink that I am now ap entire new steek of =thee,. of tits latest theft Sqies.- and will ho pleased with an earlytafl - . war MEtly. - WEL 'S. REIS. . FOIL SALE. ;.• • AROOD ' AND . sensTarrtm. sanii DWEL. •ltog Ream -Paste la Roloadila. containteg 4 loom and bag Oa trot door. 6 roam oa second iloor, good kfteben with Tanga, room cat tat law gentee l and Tantlibed..- AU the rooms 'Atha boos wdl pa pared. The bode well polkaed. add% witb lattice work. two adiops brid good og pap, Tin ehrubliety and small traits% 'thirty knit tree( set thhiapring: •• Lot 76-by Uri feet. hood 40 by W. • - Enquire of BENJ. R. 4111ADIPORD. Ecal Eats deag , asw srightoa. • • LielireauLl' ' ~.... NEW . DRESS uU ./93WPRINTS, .NEW and NEW musLlNp., A.vntri* iurreatly e d 1,1 \ • RATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, a•c. Empire Sewing BralrehOe I • I =fully an t!xamiistlon ctf 60111 C by • , { . . . . . .1/ . --- I - ' Mum Machine is constructed on a new principle of rtoedudd s ln• 'reining many . rare and valuable im vemente, ring been examined by the meet pro mo:ldd experts, and 'pronounced to be Simplicity and perfection combined: _ _ln a mechanical point of view, the advantages we Claim fbr the ••ftstrute Macame,". are= . ... . . !Ist-:-The : to t ad of driving the Needle Bar by a iximponndl which produce, the same actiorras. 'heretofore tee d by means of a Cam; ibutin amore durable and n lwta manner. - I. - ,;bI.L-We a rotating shaft above. the table, and thus are enabled to give all the room required under , the arm; without detriment to the durability of Ma- chines; having a tawriug directly over the Needle. Bar. . . , ltd.—Our Feed Wheel is a frktion feed, and so con stricted there is but one Jointin transmitting the mo tion from the rock shaft to die ,wheel, and unlike , all others, cannot be effected by oil or dust. 4th.—The Roik Shaft' that works the 'Feed motion also drives the Shuttle., . The battings of,thie Shaft and Centres are hardened steel and aditt:t i t i e, so th at we can take bp the lost matiortut will. .; The following are the principal o ons urged a geing Sewing Machines: • • r' I. Excessive ftle ' -- I 1. Excesudi - e the operator. 2. 14bIllty to get out of order. • &I. Expense, trouble; and TOPIS Of time In repairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noise . while In operation. 1 • • The Empire „ ; Sewing Ma l ohine is Exempt from ell. these: Oldeetions. l• • t • • tuts a straight needle. pmpendicular actbm, makes the lock or shuttle stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and Is alike on both sides ; perfOrms perfect sew ing'on every description of material. stem Leather to the-flnest Namsook Muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarest to the finett number. • - • Ca:molt, Onlo IT HEMS, FELLS, BINDS,BRAPS/ TUCKS, QUILTS, PLAITS, and 1 GATHERS. I • Having neither earn nor eng wheel. a n t the lead pee eihle friction, It rani as smooth es glue, oro4. ta •. , .. • . • ElliphattititUy. a Noiseless Noebine F SIGN, abo reit , ' =bora *67:lm. F: Eortune's, Dry ElOods Store, Y-4 t0 _ MIMIMMI ,x Xi I ." 1 t. .... fa 1 I -AT Eli ~t~ .n.. - ~2'i -rte_ Port*n,e's , „• Ti = -Cf_ 41144: 1- Asio* , ‘AcicitE'stEii, Pei HE I .' - / lIIM NEW PAILUNERY 11001:13 1 I *. 1 v 1 liscing secnred the Agency foi thc(' El El El RED FRONT, IlMii•=3l IRKELf.STE43., PA Raccoon Towaddp Local 14•81617. Amman to fan for thelf6ors 1864063, and The OASOOLlakeetere in ikeentnit ivith A. D~etrret liernthdorbillif° , d ef i lOrtv" . TO CiLii 4iVeiFed r Cin • -1" .negrait By Wilmot 4.1.1E1L WING. Treasure , To Cash on fkouisi.. 'VMS TIM levied per .... ... . ....... 14 WArranis SOT SO " Led Tim "2% per oral. pd TrOli- Cora pkbergilli- 85 05 S'i BIM =II .*~ j~; EN 111 MS 11111 MX. WicTtig,Trelearer, for Out OW 18w. 6. R. 4 To Balance from A. Ealing ' - • Tax Levied per Daplicatc,olo3l, By Below Oil Wm- Ewint,Treseseer uI 1 . 17 1 7 r at prints on. , , **, * SI /54Per cent. CollottOg.& - PIOFT/ d itiV7 .... ' .81 lY • 1 - 7 ' -- s i a jos By Balance charged to oetuelO4190.::: . se. 1 ' 1 WY. EWING, Treasurer. No. To Balance due 190 Tax levied, duplicate, 18116 ■ Ea 11.3. Warrants.. •` Exoneration" Error in Duplicate Soldiers exempt 2i4 per tent to Treasurer.: ia3;iticet,i deTowaiblp • •• - • • Vill:111X.C111S.:4110.. : I i ' • jeSVII3L BOUNTY .-. 4 kCCO ' F. TUB uliplErtstoNED , : frint * J Brighton tuwnehip. submit the I wtoe'report. .of the Bounty Aceounte from Mato . : . • ' • Btt.;! • • Ca. Oct. let 1561, G. liubter By bonds and Lei • . By. Duplicate /415a1 601Iereereatieeljak Jnta. 5, 1855. Jno. Thurs.!Ltst Om • ' ,1141 0 TI; I • Ylll gon liez t e ss taw• rib. rowed in emcees 4,110 04 - • JuneS,Bywareton funds at • . 15 41! -r • J.T.93 $7.27/ 4.1 1 J. G. jetir=ltr. d. M. (Local copy ond tend bi Directors.) rellieznent _. • ISOL*Tif Attikoinft._ S. mom microns EX ACCIRWr Win/ CUR sews tovniship, on . Loeid Donut. kein% Sear, ending bth'or April. IBM • • t . Tax DuplicatelSGC. ' enh pill on in (available.) • ;$2,531 as Bonditand Macon& am noteln Bin& • We t h e undenigned Audition of (149 believe the above vtatoment to be pa 1110 tniettneur • beat of our IniowledAta end j . JOHN 8. lifildßoll4 . DAVID DrIgLAP. DAVID TITONAS. (Local Copy: • - - MI fie:; 6::3c. LiO6AL BOUNTY ACCOL'iT OIP In full for the rear M. The School 111, account with the Magda per Trieffurer,d. • • DR..r ANL 'To balance due 116 P dfIBY iron Ont I : 'lilt Tax lecitki per du- ; Interest , . '. -• : '... ' ': plicate tee 681 Lost Tax , .,. ~' .- . se' , By nab. Collected *X) 6)! I Mew' , '• . • .. 117 - • - -------112 -per term. to ,- .‘ , 1.1.12 V, ,Treasurei , It 111 • 13a1 pd. to the .' -, - . I - - rene. -of -.Abe - &tool Ird P. A . !Birulier,-Eini. . • ' -. /4** SCHRAM.: . - -, - - • PFLUG, . - . Auditoee. , 'AGNER. , . 1• IMIEZe la N . O,N' , . .. - . . • . • • . . , . . • : . , kGRI CUIdT UR AI.I!VORICA ' S; • ~. , . ...• . •, 4. ''".o.: . • , • , • • , . . . . , • • . . . .''• - • • . , • ' EMIESTER; pgrINA., • { . . • • - A., B. SPI I-T II 'lc- -co ~ .. • . ~ . . • , - ... , • _: ~ . • _.- • • - t AtfARUPACTITHE 310WRR13./REATIRRS. - it Railway or Endives Chain, and Lever Power , of • 1.-itrion, plow, Threshers arid l=ra. a rm With. prik .. Cider. Mills, Vane Mills .antt Corn Sheller,. Dtv Power* for Churni ng, anion other Agricultural Machinery. , . , REPAIRING ARD. JOHRISO .. _ . Of all kind, done , on chbrt notice. Maclihses., of any • - 1 kind built for partici- .. • Having had an experienc&of. filliireo years in Patents • and Patent flpinmi..w,e ;re prdpked tomahe Models, ; , Application 4 &c.,' for parties thitirbig 10 take -out . Patents. - . i Raving fitted up our FaMorf with -' . • ,-.• . I . NRW AND' lii.PROVRD• IifACIWRAZ.- ~. , • '‘ Selected from the best Hastens makes; in peracas, and eniploying none but the bept. ktecki Wei finit pr , pared to do, work in the beegetyle and .*i.nlttw. , • I Having %second the cervices of A. MST CLASS ;PATTERN RARER, we am also priparpt**!liiimi .. • • ~ ,,v kind or ,tyle of Pattern,. • • Particular attention paid to - T e tzthing - 'tenpin and Ding Machines. and , maehln in nemrel..l . :f . liVe tiolicit , and hope by antral i r = the patrOnage of parties wishing _wo _done, from a direancenromptle encoded-M. - -, ALL WORB-WARRAN , TRO. -- - • ' , ': 4 - ' . Address . . A.. 8.• MOTH .h CO. niyahrtly - • • . Rochester Rar,. , - =I -,- , . - 4S, " nut PRIMIIIIII• • , "" - v or . Silv er M 4 edal. ' .[.,- ' t. • , - BARRETP3 HAlt-Op . • Mft, mr Nba..blizr. • ; Batons Gm Hair le lb Hablat Cater t' ~ ' mein Or af the Hair i t t tere em Z rhir Aft*"..D.d. weirs' yilt i rlai l r able; oat is a 11 := 1 "41111F ', ' . . , It entomba ma able suede the , . ib t sss; West. A L Sea&- • . . . ' 4C . 0 7 • : WOW , " 1 ' oit R. BARRETT & CO, Amiprligesik;}- . i' . aumnaisiiiis, NAL , , .SOLD ET,DRUG6IIIOTO f OZNIRIAIakre Y. Atmnis—JOlLN MOORE.lkweri MORGAN CRAIO. • New Brighton. . (june.sll:tim . . P OPPIe _ I - r 01P r.7124•A. d-OMO CANAL COWPAIII7. ' Wascrptx; Taerrant,tiCotriVi, 0 1110. f Special Meeting of Stochholdlees. rOner: IS HEREBY. GIVEN THAT'A SPECIAL 11 , meeting of theateekissidera di said Caltnpany, wql be held at the oftletrof said Company, in Warren.illbio. it 10 o'eloek, on .the TIM On dal oil Ady. A. D. 1867. for • the ponvorekot considering: and draw mining whether, and what division or divUlana oit red Company's Canal, shall .be abancitmed.'a by In tile authority groptod .by reticent ad oUtha tit Pennsylvania and Ohio, and to make Sub orders ilib• billow to said Canal. and ha piondonment In whops. pi in part, as they may deem proper. . • -1 • . By order of the 13eard of,Direehlra. - • .TANES WNW; 3 , 1 1 • Warren. Ohio Nay *I, • - Homer Sign, and Of /Mina t ► PAINTER. Sir Lettering cif a Kinds F,.reculed hviiiipar jar Carriage -4f Buggg Painttagi Iq Main St., New Brishtaa, pa, apt3'67-our •• , • 1 MEI IMMO ' - MOAB *tieb4ol BOUNTY ACCOUNT., =3 • BILIMETT'S. • e. Vegetable Halts Itedorattille' WILLIAM[ JONES, • - .a. MU 304 ISM .. sI. 19 4XI 4,14. CR. • WO VT . IS IN TO 49 23 - 1 S =I