The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 12, 1867, Image 4
11;1 -J LEASE. 11l And ezatalta our large Stock e WrITER COODS, .0 bo cloaca out agOalaillagly cILEAP 1 . TO RE D ~D THIS • . , of Great Ad‘vautege• to the Teople of Beaver I.lautq In porcloAng, GOOD GOODS ATA GREAT 'BEDLCTION. AND CON Stp-pt -, . . •. ' I • .. . , :. • . bong our stock .iuce the late l t That we liars.• c decline; the seine consining of ;". ' Prints, Illanuels, TT t cki ugh . . Table Linen, 3itutlina,. Shawls. 5 Blankets, Gloves. Hoods. and Scarfs, Together With-au endlet, - vari•ity of FOREIGN AND DairEsTlC GOODS. all of which will positively be F : old.rtgaititom to eaq, order to close out our whole atoll ! In giving us a call, von - will find us alwayp ih .readiness to show our. goods with plcasare, and then lease It to Trench Merinos, , Paiisl , l:ll , le, • Poplin Wripe9 , , "EmpresEl Cloth: 'All WoolDelaines, DelatuNi, ecinghams., • YOUR OWN Jiignqnt.. Finally; we wall say th,it we gmarantee fell Ransil:MlMl reuarding the quality of Goods, anti particuiarly theertreme low prices of the same. Both of these facts will be to yourown INTF,RgsT. We' 4hAll - . _,lie happy to attend to'all wishing to, favor us with thrtr- patronage. • Yery respectfully, ; 'NELSON . A. ROESSLER, 1N TUB DIVA6iiD; _II.OCrIES , PA CONVERSION OF 7 3,105• i . . - , yIN REPLY TO - NITMEROII; IN(/171131E§ IN RE . IL garil - ht the manner of convention the August 7 3-10 s ''into the npw 5 , 20 Gold 'Con von!Bund we make the fol .' loWina ~ t aterneut for the lometit of the hoidera:c! 7 Z.l - who may not be infornital :- . - The thivernment computes the interCst - 1.11/ both bonds lu_ Currency from the date of the maturity of the :last ClllllOl3, allowing. , eve and:thin:gent - ha on the 7 3-111., and char:zing , ksix pe cent. on 'the 5-tiN, For ex. aMpte: You Fent to W. ,th fiN ington 1, 7 13 ; 10 Bond (5 , ninth p-achee there on Mae l' -Ti tia •,. it , t :re , t ',from Feb. 151.. ' 11!1 ciarti intrrest jr(Eini Jan, 'Phis is entnikd -nt 8;5 dayg annuni)..l.oV Allowed for; 4-11% - 1 014 Sr.! . Von pay Government it will be Seen by this Coal the Gold intere4 i, given a. carrenc‘i. which is of its , olf n prod t to the party eon 'yenta:: the 7..:Xts nearly eight dollars per $l,OOO. aide from the fact that at the pres , nt rate of Gold, the 5-2lts . pav over tiller cent: jell annum. - • Urn are toni-ettint the 7:1-11:h5 on much' better terms, !tun ILA Abe -{lol=eut buying .and sei r . • Env rnto, , enable ns to allow ths holder of the 7 3-10 s a better figure thou hue yet. been offered by any one as .a tonna-sin:l.. .\ also exchanve the new 4-9.0 hnnit for the other ties o f 7 :3-Itis on the nmst tay.,rable terms. . \ Pprile9:l,:ccharwin;.: thromfh us. in addition to their t-tfing•iousett better terms thanthrw can from the Gov ernpetit;lirill have their'rr..2ot. ditlivered to them in • \ ravinc delay. We also real-;.•r any bondsu . riaini rent fa .ut . 1% ilitout -charge. • 'On pupas synt us by ,Av .eszpress we pity charzes bath wap. , , , and bonds mew . promptly as directed. \ • , .TA NIES TIT: ADV cCO., • (Succe,:ono ii. Jon, r . 0.,) bksflsvernmsrt Seenrities; .Corner I....iarth and strflt.O. • Pitt. , burg'v, Pa =II SP,ItING" Adis SUMMER SllO 7:S. WILSON & , STEWART, • vl-i - ,11,y) B1E:SO.:CI FrI.LY INYI-107‘1. TIII 7 . 14., thattllitn , ll:trt. hair 1.1:1 tlin•et - leont the inanttfitittre,rti, the. Inroxst :17;,1.1,ett, :elected F.i'lills;(l AND tiI:ALMER OCK VF 'Ladies', Gent's; 'Boys' and children's; Bools and Shoes. GAITERS AND SLIPPERS All of the Inittst-etyles. Aka havot• ever 13i5”n h^ntiht to this,counly,Ptid,witittb are preprml It, -• AS SAP, IF- NOT CIISAPER, --: • Than Ahcir can ho bought in the city of Pittabfietc. Thant:fill for pa=t patronaere. Ire imlfeit a continuance of the *tune. and invite nnrehatier4 to eall rind:examine oukt Otada and pricvm before purchasing ehiewhcre. llkkare a Aunt connected to du repairing: atis, Warranted. WILtiON tt, STEWititl 4 ,i •In the Diamond. Ito otrorrti. PA. MO di' :. 'iS i ' il ;AA; i?E'Y_-, DEALER IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, RAF rcsi• lIECEIVI - .11 X rrirfor S.I.'PrLY or, Cranlitirri..l.l, • I -I.lorriiiry. - Catiricil l'ea4:w*.*... , ,i,l'urirev PrIIIDCI, do T0t0n..... , ,,, 1 ' Layer Dadbioa. ' ' do'. Grew COO, - , S:cedies,Eni,i,, , . do' . Pluati, , ' l ' togii , 4l currant... Dried rozn. Gorleri Clwx , F.e, ,•1,, pc,,,ci L e d . . . ! Sweet Potatoes, Pi ci, ;a, 1 7: , 70. I aracireni. - .. 1 Also;-,:pitia n . . , , oriment of Teas. .Stigar - Ind Coffee fr4r l' ,. :lnt;sll!i•tly CASH. ' , . _ CEEB `SPRING FASHIONS.! I -1 • I S-6 74 - FUDGE STREET,' RUIDGEWATER, • - N7E:Ik7 , I .StOXIMENT • MILLINERY .VILE - BE 01 :ea at eu.;:eld' eland. ePied by Mir. (INF.!7. TTICI*D.kY, :"lARCII 14. u. {o.ln ftral, in • old a- many new ones at.RIII nieas%,, , ronize rae...t.‘vt I cm nosy lec.e . iting an entire of lan'4t br:17.4. and • v:.:llaatEaTl.: - MRS. P.tl2 - k:e. NC* d..f.o.l:re..iikey4 Louis BREHM & , (Oce door from Fortune's' Dry Goode Store,) be found a fall assortment nf T 3 -12, Pa I) 12, 7.1" S, lEEE $l.OOl ..11 80 $l.OOO . 19 56 TZ. WILSON; 4, TIAIIVEY, PtiAge btreet; Britlgorater. t i~ vim -*A it. TIII BY - BITIMIG MB IN TEE DIANIoLD, ROCHESTER, PA. MEDICINES, CHERICALS, and FINE LIQUORS; Also, a full .Assortment WINDOW GLASS, PAINT'S, LINSEED OIL, NEAT'S. 4 4 00 T OIL, SPBRX: OIL,' . LARD OIL, AND PURE AND SECOND QUALITY WHITE LEAD: ALSO, .RINE TOILET SOAPS . .. : ALL VARIETIES .BRITSIIES; - . THE . BEST PERFX.BISRY FA4IT & TOILET ARTICLES, AND POPULAR PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, All kinds of PATENT MEDICLIES always on band ALso, SEGARS A: TOBACCO, My entire stock has been pnrcbised for Cesu, , And is offered at the very LO* EST Pitscre. 1 _ rer" As lam a thoronghly educated Apothecary and Chemist, physt clang and others can rely upon their pre -1 scriptions accurately tilled with :Pare ..Ifedi eines only . . LOUIS BREHM & CO. aurarGegly •. • FURNITUREAND CHAIRS AT REDUCE] PRICES OF OCR OWN 31fARCCACIVRE ! P. 4 RLOR, . • • LIBRARY,. DINING ROOM; . ," • • and CHAMBER SUITS; In Every Variety' Wand Style SCHOOLS, , lI6TELS, HAMBOAT; N, • • and P U BLIC BUILDINGS,,asnr.) ON 'MOST REASONABLE ! ! T. 13'."ZOTING • 83 ik; 40 Bmithiteld strket, marArol'Am Pittsburgb.iPu. ORE, , r • AND New Groceries. WILSON & BROWN j) ESPECTFULLY ANNurscs TO THEIR NU \•mm- Wen& and the pol4ic 7.elierally; that they intend upealu4 a New Grocery Store, on ° • :1 BRIDGE STREET, BRIDGEWATER, itfl king the Dry Goods Store of A. G. Mist, on the Ow, of March. It kthefr Intention of having on hand, at all times, a Atli amaortment of the . BEST FAMILY 6110CFRIES, and they beg leave to state that they are determined - to compete with all other dealers iii the town or neighbor- hood, as their Stock of Goode are all new, and bought at the late great reelaction. and selected wlthlthe great et ore Ity - M.r. IlativEY Ilnowx, whose knowledge of the business cannot" be questioned, having been with Mr. Arthur Liarvey for many Years. They call particular attention to their stork of Teas and Cotree,us they flatter themselvet they have some thing.Jex,ttu to offer as if , price and The brands of Flintily 'Flour always on hand. Produce taken at all times at full market prices. AU • goods thlirercd. , WILSON & BROWN Debi&water, Feb. 47, 18647-'-'ly Di1LLI:11. W. DOLBY. CLDLB. LOIEBB. lt MILLER & CO. ) . Rochester Plaining,S ash and Door Mill. Rochester, Beaver Co.,:Ta (NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT;) N.l.7 7.l aod7, Llt t E e ß. r. S AND xi DEALEIr odi Z : S. !wiring, Doors,, Shutterrr, ttc., 4te. . CONTRACTORS :AND- BUILDERS Also proprietors of Clarke & Rhlt:testa-RW . I Patent Weather Boarding. Patented May Ist, IBM, for the ex terior of houses, &c. This siding consists in forming the various strips of boards of a level or tapering shape across its entire width with lower or thick ',edge. made with a suitable moulding to impart a neat • finished appearance. Shop rite for the manufactii and me of this siding- hi Beaver county will be sold reasonably.• - flaring had much °aperient:San buildirtm and the Lumber business generally added to our nefi'lindlities for ib manufacture. We feel confidence in invitin our old friends and patrons to call add examine for them selves, before contracting elsewhere. japriO'fiPtl I-631.3=0 I Lime ! IM. UNDERSIGNED HAVING ITHOHASED T th "iittivatmon Property.!' at Vanport„ Beaver count..flakes this means of informing the pnbile that he intends manufacturing and, keeping constantly ,on hand. the very test;article of lime to be foind any- Persons deAring it, can have it delivered by team+ at the river. at the Depots. or at any place in 'the t---"onzdt=g or conotry. \: ill he soid at ma to:Wale ratca. apri . r6 -le i I MOORE'S DRUG. STORE? IN BEAVER, Nay be seek the best ststirtment.ot 1 . 3 ;A: c - Er, - m - *IcAMS, LIQ,IJORS, WINES into, Oil 8'; MI TOILET ART.T.CLEb, SOAPS, PATEN. In great carlety.lill of the hist qtalltk. and sold chtilit er than ttha he bought nt any other Drng - State in .the county Daponco's Female Pills, 75 Cent , Per boxChM" msies $1; Clark's, $l. CARBON OIL - The Largest Stock of LAMPS & LAMP TRIMMINGS. LANTERNS, STA TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS & PUTTY. Ever offered outside of the city,at Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and see, and they Will do j u u t i A more, ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP, • In Fallston Beaver - County, Pa. Nk{IMO refitted and eniargetmy stock of amain ery- and tools, and. having secured the services of the best of merh.nle. I am premed to warrant ell work done to give entire satisfaction. I have on hand different patrns and styles of Engines, Fire Clay Rolla, and !inprepared to make or repair all descrip tions of machinery, on reasonable terms. - I have all the.bestplow patterns that snit this market; among which Is the "Great Western," which has been vita plow of the comity for the last Aileen )-ears. There are live sizes of this plow, all of which I manufacture and keep for sale; also "Patent Levarright and left— " Mountain King,"—right and left—" Side MU," and nearly all the ditlerent kinds in use. . , A COOSLIG, Faa . .....umni AID ILESTDIG STOVES. Having made several important improvements On 1 the "Climax," by which coal or wood can be supplied I without lifting lids, and having two places fot pipe, - either or both of which can be need at the same time, with'a ventilation to the oven, thus having the advan tages of a -Cooking Stove, Bake oven and Franklin Stove combined. This Stove has been in constant nee 1 - for twenty years- and 'many of-them after beingased for this period of time, aeL now In good order. There , , is but a small portion of thUll - Si 0,-e that ever burns out. and this is easily and cheaply replaced. To make them still more lasting, we . are now putting In tile or Are i brick lining. Our other patterns are the Enterprise. Keystone and Premium. Parlor Stoves, large and small heating Stoves, Franklin Stoves, Jenny Lind's. &c. Grate and Grate Fronts, Fenders, Iron Railing of ; various styles, Wagon Boxes, two Irons; Tice Benders, -Corn Shelters,' Force -and Cistern Primps. Sad Irons, I Metal Sinks for kitchen, Sheet [lron and Tinware, al -1 ways on hand and made to order. In fackl manufac ture and keep for sale. almost everything wanted in the maditn4ry or hardware line.. I . . Second hand stoves always for sale chem. Two , good new engines: suitable - for saw-taill'or shop ptir_ poses now oil hand, and will he sold reasonable. Iriarl:rfa-r-ly., _ 'JOIN THORNILEY. = 11f0-11V IS - THE TIME FO,ll. GRAND CLOSING OUT llAnvEy BROWN. NEW FIRM Boots Sho-,s =I VVUSW; 4t: DICKEY WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform the pnblicin general of their intentionJo close out their extensive stock of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes, to ; prepare for a gpring Stock, con tiring; of • IV. J. torn: ri 117 12i M ME And. Brandies, AND DYE STUFFS: 13It'USEIF.S. • VtDICINES ME FA.LLS,TON FOVXD:1111 PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS 33etwaindixo 2 OE • I, - . • • IN, 13111A.V.EIL I LIME MEI Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and Children's Shoes, Gaiters,. Slippers, dri., . . • • Which will be sold at oiost, or' below coat, u we are hound to keep up the trade, and that to the entire sat isfaction of our custonter.s. All (Nods warranted. . DICKLY a WILSIP ... • 3 doors East or H. B. Anderson's Store, jan9l7.BeaTer, . , Pa. . WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES -AND Cl-907C'ElEi -AT THE Lowest Pessible Rates -AT- • i MRS. M. DONLEY'S SOME - AND STATI9NERY STORE, In the: Diamond, ROCHESTER, PA Also . School and otlier Mob!, Stationery, Eastern papers and Magszlnea. • Alt orders promptly attended to, BRIDGEWATER MA.II,BLP, WORKS. WOryFF, MANUFACTURER AND DAM: Italian and American Marble. • wonuments. Head 81anett. kc.. made to order - - . Ineeee gire4ne a ea:; before dure-haelug ekewhere. bbop ppporlte broi!lea Drag State, Bridge street. Btifteirater. I r • t jrarg&xy • . `' DAVID WOOBRUF' A IT II I S T , I. WMNDT, . 11 0 31 • ' t BEANO. COyNTY. PA. SUDENCE. Oti tocrs.T ST and bridzc au!, [Lnyiy.;:3m BRIGHT! : EIFFIC.T. ANL> bet*een Railreaei NI ji HAR I II r Yi - l'i 1 1, - ; ) 0 : , 4 2 6)., :, 1 - .. . NEW BRIOUTON, .MaZ IRON, NAILS, GLASS, AND fITPLESEr2I4ITS CARPENTERS' TOOLS, I . ' ' t'r-' • . ..- *rr - 7 4-4 -..,,' - .t . i ityL L . , ,{l - 1, ,- e., •:--- : .. -- .r. -.1. n' r - t% ~ . ''../ 15 AVILILSSiri l EirzTOOLA - i t '-, '4: MASQNS' TOOLS, SROMAKERS TOOLS, sAl)DriEjt4'• TO0118;H SADDLERY HARD% ARE BENT FELLOWS & SHAFTS, LACKS, BOLTS a a nOters, • • PICKS,MATTOCIIS.& ROF#S, CeiTNTER&PthiTFOitM. tiCALiEb TABLEA POCKET CUTLERY, HORSE SHOES 8c NAHA, 2TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & NUTS, CORN SELLERS, STRAW , CUTTERS . Also, PAINTS, OILS, 'V iitNISHES, J. MOOSE. • - AGM' NOR , • . EXCELSIOR MOWER AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON FIRE•BRICXWORKS. , jatd,'67. NEW A.RRTVAL 111.n1heirreis IN BRIDGEWATER, P. 4. 25,000 Bolts of WALL PAPER, Of the Lai* Stflee and Patterns Jost received from •• ' • The subscribe: fn thanks his numerous f ends for their former patronse . e. Anticipating their . ants end taster, I vidted New - York and closely selected one. of the largest stock. of . VARIETY GOODS, &C., - Ever brought to thiii county. consisting of Traveling Sacks, Ladies' Satchels, Fancy Cootie, Claldrett!s - Carviages, ' Books, Statio , :ery, Carpeting, Oil Cloths. Window Blinds, ' - Rings, Brushes, fa., All of which I will sell cheaper than they can-he par clot.ged for in the city. Give me a call before parcbse lag elsewhere. B. Mt LBEIH. • Bridge Street. . Bridgewater, .Pa. EMI . CA_RPErsTo.RE o , ; •Removal.., • • MTALLIIII BRUTHERsi Will remove on . Mardi Ist, 1567, from. 87 Fourth street, to . their new and elegant . . • • - Warehouse • • • • • NO.. 51 FIFTH STREET, • • _IIIOTE WOOD, ST PITTSBURG-, Builthy them expressly for the accommodation tit thkr I large - and increasing huslruats. Having - very superior facilities for heelless; they will keep constantly on hamPa large assortment of all Goods_pertaining to the Carpet business, which they offer at 'Wholesale or Re tell to the trade , and public at lowest market rates. ' nia1t .6 7:131 . IIifeCALLUMBROTTIEM. TRADE .! • 1867. ELROY, bICKSCRT •Sr. 01 .ClO v 4 CO CI i) STIEET, rITTSB WHOLESALE DRY GOOK' .1106 their- stock open /or trade. G Co GOODS: AT . . r - Reaionabl:e Prices. .I . Affliffel?ZlT: • 4OHN T. SHANE. '` in nr 13'Cipin.' • , 1 EDWARD POERITER,I I DEALER 1 WA..I• TAPER, iARIETIES, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS,. , Gold, Glazed & Common wall Pa pars,. Paper, Oil and Transpar ent Window Shades and • Fixtures, TABLIEOIL. CLOTHS, &c . . II'HOLES4LE RETAIL; 164 Smithfield . St., Pittsburgh. tmarWC67:am J. L TIIONPSON F. S. A:MILTON. THOMPIgON & HAMILTOF• Shi *on, Bdwer PC' (4TH DOOR NORTH OF DASHAQH'S STORE. 1/AItUFACTURERS OF 'FANCY AND COMMON ill brooms, and dealers in Handles, Wire, Twine, &c.. dm. :All work warranted, Haring pittaarAl an excellent lot of corn, _and provided oterqel„ res with all needed Zilenitlea. ire hatteramrselees Una all Brooms manufactured by -us, ail' be as good as the best, and cheap as the cheapeAt. Call and FCC ns,hafote purchas ing elsewhere. ADPREff.S—Ses 'l7. Ber•c:. Pa, [apr3467:rlm. DILUMS. PLASTBREAS' TOOLS,- itiIiT4T..TOULS. AND PUTTY. NEW YORK ! •iaMM r • UM If 2 T ; uccorn reocißAßoniTin a.t•ti ft • ... r - . . ^ NEWORK STREET • I • 7`f- • RE 1113 ,gOtHESTEIt, MIME • )- AT' I Mg,kM i(A.RKEt riticEtc . . A COXPLSTE - AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF ms D' Goody: cuxsiorrixa or BROWN a BLEACHED DUBLIN, , PRINTS, GINGHAMS; • DaL E, ALP ACCAS, ,COBGROB, - FRENCH 3IEBIHOS, FLANNELS, ?ban and Barred , I , WOOL DsLAINES, all Colors,- BLACK SILK, TIKINO, - -1 TABLING, TOWELING, , CHECK, - -JEANT, • ' TWEEDS, "8 ATINETC, . • ,CA Id RAZ,- .; 'BROADCLOTH,' 1 'v CLOAKING, • }3dlnOrid =I Hoop Skirto, NOTIONS, " _ • , ii 0 51ER11 . ,.9L OVES, HATS AND-,CAPS, " - Men's matt Hogs'--s large stock of the latest styles • BOOTS /31,.ALIOES. 'Mei% Women's and CttUdtviea Gum 'Sham, Carpet Simms, &e.. • ' Ready-too:le: Clothing. SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY. Hariftvcretrie. A tarrio_and irelfamorted Stock s oonsist! log, in part, of dtirll7-LIFJP7ir., Carpenters'. Tools, of all Binds, BUILDING HARDWARE, BUTT, - PTRA SCREW, UTTER HINGE, BOLT, ' LOCKS, . NAIL, &e. IMI 7yVirkdow Of Sizee. and Double Strength • SPECIAL ATTENTION • Paid :ti ordere of Carpenferm, 'Contractor* and ZuMierg, far 11. AID VirAUE, GLASS Ai? reALLS, IL, BENZINt, CQ4T'S:P4TENT PAIN IS OF ALL. COLORS, WHITE LEAD; 1 i ..0 GROUND, DRY, AND IN. -011• Painters will do well to examine our Stock and Pri ces before purctumlng e elsewttere. ' • <3-iscpc4easieles. A Bergh and rat aniply ccmatantly an hand at very meat. prteeti. , ' • • ,CWOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR; IN BARRELS AND SACKS. CARBON OIL, LARD OIL, QUENNSW, STONE itrAREII, &0., &o Al . l navy goods delivered free of etterge._fia • All hinds Or irratn ionat=educe taken in ex. change fir goo , 1 mss. J.` CROSS la Conieimicer-LAgent of Samuel Simetiltui Ibiss:filliAeur lama Climpatty. Also Agest of the liertharits' Union Express Company. tht , Stlam.; CRC/18E4 9 ! STORE, sitcom) 'nfirtunso ABOVE TIM RA. 11310 AD, N'E . ll' YORK STREET, R dabester, Pa. jan2:o7:l, '"•ji4t: TO7 • • ftevr ;441 4.11, ,; • l'-' - • MEE 4 - ; ~ ...ti ta ''.;•i , , , - i': ti `;',.. =I E PUTTY, ;7 1 • 0 . o r ..;• .• , 1 11P , A4 8 .1 4 ,-Ar . Fl-D..i••• • • =EMI s:._ -- .4 . '_•T..•H', :Ael.':'! MIN MI ILttIVING RECENTLY "' PURCHASED A. COM /X' METE ,AL'SI) FIRS ASSORTMENT OF .• I ' Dat 000DS, NO'XIQNS, _ lIARD,WARE, • ", I :QUEI3NEWA.RE, TINWARE.' GROCEBIES,, &c WS ARE PHEPA.SICD TO SELL AT ASTONISH ' . ,ENGLY LOW PRICKS 1 Prints. Ghwhants Brown Blesebed Musltn OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION csil and see oar goods.- No etorgeir for showing them. AU kinds of 13onstry Produce taken in em dmogs for Goals. • mytreMbn ORR, di tomsox. Third street, 'Hewer, .Pa. SPRING & SUMMER 4CZK:›CPX:OI9 T NAVE % JUST - RECEIVED A NEW STOC K OF GOOD of the : • • ,;LATEST ST,YLE§, Pot Spiing.,,and'..BtthußcT li==al GoUtleinentS Fundsbing Gooibt CONSTANTLY ON HAND ISM cLoTiaNG XAIiETO OUDER In Wort and most fesidonabloistilett, and at abort notice • wnwat Sternnt's. Row, Bridge otteet, oclo,lß—myWli7 • - ' Bridgewater, Pa. J:: -. M.1: al. a - r ton, DENTIST: lIIRVII ntFEES rns stavicEs k../ BEAVER AND VICINITY. • Age.Jai Teeth perfectly fitta Articulated. Shaped. Size nd Colored, to Fait every individual. mounted on (}old, Silver, Bnglish and American Vulcanite. Teeth extracted without pain bk an entire', new pro cess: to Ether. Chloroform. Nitrona-oxide or any other anesthetic need in connection with me apparatue. tgrOhkoa on Third street , 2d 'door east or H. B. Anderson a atom. - HelrXl767:6m. NEW STORE! EXCLUSIVELY Boots and Shoes ! 'MESONS DESIROUS OW ECONOMISING; WILL find it to their Interest fo call at • _ . R I - . *IEW':STORE: ADWAY, NEW BRIGITTON, II 16.:'P0 THE PRESBYTERIAN Cm ltetLi • ri with tags n ltan ; ed. bovine had seventeen years expo . netnews, feels himself tinily .coaddent, es tor receiving goodif. direct fr om the ' that it will be to everyt person's advm examine for thanaelves. [splikara . TIIASTO RE! PEO El N & lI.NDERWOOD, L so El LE Alm nrem.-pzazits zv COO NE •10. 15, ' . • I • PAMILYGROCEETES, SMITH lirraT D •r, Atlicdatag Bepler Hotel, • I heny City; *.a4 'the cheapest end beet Wholesale and the two - au and - edideine on; - [myticaahn " 1 Stores.. : and Psi, rinn !:G!IM!!!! .4 • BYRFE; shikonable Hatters, Betil:. N. p weir Street,:, • 11111)441y wad Penn Ster : , opp. St. Clafr Fiala • • 'PITTSBURGH, Pit. NAG'S;' CAPS , and STRAW GOODS, -of 4r t r ze and quality, at the eery lowest-prices. , r. EA ER FALLSMALL. MBE BEAVER FALLS BLILL.COMPANY _ffitvr, i t jay . ? 2 11 1.114. 0 e 3s. mplV a eli ni !N3 o d r i , : t t rT y ;fa! ripper prepared to do,allkinaltr.of•Cestom Work, in the hat manner, and • Ebert:notice s-. Th highe.ct market price be paid In, CE,4I ,`6r all 'kind. of GTai: dclir , red at the NUT !may - - • '." 1 .. --- - 7 il' .„ , ..r ., :3 " , . . 4 : ffifil BM ISEM rettitAtittGs ittbltiPtk%,.l)„*UU) t c(di Third et. THEDIynrORE FORhasX=OCCZEIO • 4. 8. - 11 LO DES 1 , wit° STOW *mu . APiill and. Complete Stook of PURE DEUEIe &-KED/COnln '1 • 3Ezo rim 321 e r isr • 10 cemts. Is " And Brushes of 411 Hind. op h Ill• ... • all nil' ". ~. -. . - c are prepared to sell PM •ANi . SitCOND . UALT t Y e want LEAD, AND %L OF OF kn. KINDS, ca Pittabitieltprieer. - :, • IV iNDO %V GLASS .OF LL • . Our etock of Alcohols. *thee. Brindles. Widab i l . and other Liquors, will be found =vide, and, bdsg. 'elected with great care. can ;be relied upon es Wu Pork ei Can be obtelned, and wilt be sold far &dial; Mechanical.- anti '3=mm:el purposes, only. ' I THE CTTIMIS OF AND = BE Mgelevv'er, X°6l C II.3 s.dZEC..AZZ: , • . SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLOi PROPRIETARY GOODS AND DYE-STI PFS:4 ga,,Pleas Call And . ha Conyinted I! ` eia. rrescriptions and Family Receipts Accurately Filled' Lit All Hours. , \: Oyu , Prescription and 3irdicine Department being under the personal supervision'f3ir. L 1 3i. RANILTON, with an erperionce of seven pea .we flatter °towhee that Ws can give hill satisfaction in any laranch of the business.' • :- -i 1 \ t _- . _ . e rrß • emember the place—near the Pcs.t umce, cot. n Third street and the Diamond s Beaver. • , 1' .. c '4 .. ..., 11 are rearteetfullt . Inciteti to pH and examine , out gotade and price before pn elsewhere. • 'Seaver. Apr24'67:13; J. H. BEN CF„ THIRD STREET, (1 DOOR' BELOW SMILIART,) I3eavem, Pa. OFF.E.Rs TO ITE 4 t FRIEN'DS AND CUSTOMERS .a select Stock of the LATEST STYLESb • In ^frimmi,ngs, BROI DE [iY , HATS DliE RCHIEFS, LACES RU RIBBONS, . • ' • ;BUTTONS. • - HOSIERY, ; CORSETS, - GLOVES, PIDI BS. - ' BAL. SKIRTS. The new etele tax-hale Empi-e5..4 . Trail Hoop .gat veil gmffs, -Grenadineg. San Umbrian, •. • Zep ',fallen' and Omen Paper • „ Cuffs and Collars, • MIS„ FINERY, OF DEr•CRIPTION., • . • Ilata andil3Quilets, 'very .theap. Flowers in every via. • • aty, cheap. Hats and Bk,unns Altered • . • and cleaned, - cheap. • . , . .. Also, torees-inakinz, Cloak and Sacic... Co!tkig, Pinking:: ..t.e.; ac, - ' Madame Demerre4Ce Latest Parts N. Tort Tr • med Pattern.; constantly on hand. PATTERNS:FOR SALE. , . • , ...'-, . . . ' .As one:stock bolt been rtietetsed st lon , mires, ois offered at correeponeling low rateo. a ca 4 and aailefy - yinaraelt -- • . • • ' • ' ri 4 7l3on't thiit the pinee--;ene door below' tbeSek Wary, Third street, Bearer, Ps. , . - . ' \ " J. H. B.ENCE. .. . , aprlr67lm • ', I . . NEW CftOC66Y'S )4EI *MIR niTIRRSIGNED TAKES, ,PLEASURS GC 1. informing the people of Beaver ami...vicu4Y , OA he has openictl: a • :, . , • •G-120C.Ekv'T STORK • • . . in theull o. ding in which.his Feed StoN is t i olcep-, 02 • THIRD S'FRERT, 13RAVEV , I where Will be found ad excellcmt aF . sa tTr,,,,t of . - COF.I4`EES, .TLS,. ASUGARS, ISTEL ~ UPS,.3I.OIApSES, - Sono au m, - ~ - RICE, PEPPERS, SPIGgi, ..• SOAPS, : • CANDIES, .pAI! ' '•• SINS, . TINGIASIii. I - , , - • CUR RAN TS,:", . , - 'lt • FIGS; &, I ct. -I H Belicurde.- Washtubs: Reeler& 'finwarv.tin a iP iiCt . - • every article usually kept in 3 well okcv - . .latell Grocery Store. ' H In connection with hie Groceiv; he stili Mudraeg keep his FLOUR AND FEED STO,IIE, where ik_.—. articles in this line- kept . kept lad etter , A cheap fin Cash — or lo4nce. - '"' sl jana'.o7:lY - - - kstoi:sxiiva GEO. C, Corner of Water and Janes Street ROCHESTER, PA . , FR , . • • ifktiNG R NED - PROli !nu EAsvi AM now op!rk a lirge and well peleeled ' STOCK OF GOODS . Which were bought at pal* and:said' util bl ot sold at the lowest possible ?step. 31.1•St? ek DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWATIE— . QTMENSIVARS,-HATS, CAPS. BOUTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, • And all, articles ;usually yept in s. !tn.. . • aprntsm LAUGHING. 0... D r i rt4,P IS A TE ., in ß ez Ep trat il ;:t f int.. l ; ).R te,e 4l . CßßAl: many other facilittes for the ea ifttl Ve o l2 :l nG 4"' costae AL brandies sinn, thle - Invalnable of Dentlitry p'-xforrned ct.t. bett thrn s ny d br. in- th• be 3; modes style. - t work t ouvW r ~1 ' inritt ie :hr t%:ate: , II =I J. B. RHODE