The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 05, 1867, Image 1

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\_,Arilit'ff BEAVER:AMOR/6 .•
ut fiF.
the old A - Rays - bullding,. oa Titzas, : s purn '
:gigozr) • . . - 77
. . :
. • •
si n gle ospien of'the paper 'FM belanaisimi, in
~ispper.R. styfee cenis.eack. ..: • .: . : ,
~ . , ,
I, l , o , 2% ocations 'on enbjects :of lock! or getietat tn.
terenve ..roypeetally , nothdied: To Junto -Weadock
t,vore of dint kind matstinvdriably - be accompanied by
the none of the author, not kir linblicition, btd 'as n
pond,' dainakiPataki*, —.—
..Letters and commitnicatiOns shoubi,be a ddressed to
, . .
J. WETAI.7I). .edifor"tt7 Piopii4tor.-
,bawl after April :18, 1867. Trains will - leave . StillOnii
, Sandays eNcepted) as follows: [TrAln leaving
chix r:cr at 4:50, P. 24" ioaye!
TRAiss GoLit: WEST
. .
• ea.,•. • ',e
- .1./Exp's. Ex? p.
-------- 174axl 536 4 2 oiLtx
rittawrgb.., ...... ....1 i A 34 4
- goaWeer , 1 816 ,- 1040, 223 510
Salem,lCt.l3 - 1222P2 /%16 '.
'Ammo • , • ;140 • 110 (720 559; 1
Canton'; .' ••• 41/234rat 150 '706 op
•1 liaagilloa. 1., 1.1255 210 740 , 646
Woo4ter ' t 212 &.7. 840 746 1
314,Afialt1 '-, jt-.405 A . 1 . 660 -, 1014, 626 ,
Crestline l'' - -4 , l US: Bga .7. - , 1 1
00 uy) •
1 ,t 600 610 1100 1000
11047tua 11 633 -640 11116 1025
vpper Sanduilky 4 ..... .. 'i 719 ^3? 111204.2t 1 1100
Foreat - i Wl.' 160 119'41 • 128
Lima, - 1 215 9ll 1 246 IZOnt
VanWert , I. 1004; 1020 330 32.7
Fort Wave til22oPat 11451610 s 300
'Columbia 't 110 1230i* IX/4 346
Wr.rPavr - } 1
,300. 121 IZ4 438
Plymouth . ;1 300 :. 40 731 540
Vit:paraiso ` , 438 351 027 113
l'iictxo.- -I t 700 5.51:1 120 920 -
' - I' Ex - ea. Expla.tExp' a.l EXP . S .
- I I ~ :—.... --
Chi ex,lo 720_0: , 10.2.0rml 4.soPut J"
Valparaiso 004 i 1250 1 697
Plymouth. ".1a35 1250 1810 I
Warsaw I ILO i 420 `l ' 'll
• 1".31,,mbis - ' 1210?3, 030 - - f 11
i • F orT wn-. no 125 i 71)0
Van IN ert , ' . 230 t till
I.•rvi ' 313 lmo
l'or •r 439 11106
i rpper ...,:t_.'•' 003 ;I'lls
p ara p.,. „ - 9 533 11918r3C
Crestlme,,- I /' tft 110250
m ati olopi . ..'
_, l; 057 • 230
Woose , 840 I 403,
, „
. 1 907
. 943
1004, 1
, 1100 '
I 1'2:1%11
l'imt ,h
ycp. ; :mam, New,Cagtle - ant,ple Express leaved
at..3:011 . p: na;New Castle. 4:O p.m: arises
ri,i , n.:11;4k45 m. leaves rittilbargh
4..4. J. arr. at N. Caille. a. im Yeamotown.fl;3o.
11.ttgstown. ;New Captlp and Pittl.hitrgb - e t : %l
e.JIi leave= 'Youngstown. 5:45 a. eg New %Ade, 7:
p. l ; -at Allegheny; 10:00 rninz,
A p. m; .arrlvri New Castle. Gxal
p. ar Yaurp;towil, p. tn. -
. . F. E:311 - Er',14, General ticker 4gen't•
aftei April Z., trains" .will leava Stations
i,Sun.lays excepted) at follows. .
oormi sOi,7SII
, Trul.
ail I 2756ays
41,1, - 0 1 _ !rti •:1 510
• -,•• ' • tour % 425 t.
..;11:.1 -0 IUII3A. I 510 ... 050
141-34 .1 543.: t I ~.:
IX)ex.i 0 ...... ....
G:4 412rmi
102.; 52n ...... !..
1115 I
t;i3l. $lO .
Az% I Tut
'I 137 %' 8041001,
Iw.)- • 815 - • ' " 1015'.
AV! • 'll'
‘t ,
A:Zit , t
, • ,
I_ 0,
St(11)1 r. 1
0 6•
.N4i4 - on . :1140,4olrason-Dachi tom-
TIMI'PnA:r: rtt, .. s- .. ... itc.., rre,,, •
FORTITES ain: , ,:nov: TO ItirtnfONß: -
, TISE ``SPOTTintIIOD," RICIEkt. 0.10), VA:.
I I H 'BE . , - May 13, 1881
••tb • • ..___ _ E, f. In eastiti . a fetvispective . glawr • backerd
,' THIRD. STREET Kt DOOR BELOW SEMINARY,)] over the Tiathway nv the past, .1. kin see
•• • ..1_ 1 • (many mistakes wichl bey made. I hervet.
' 'Be ,very. Pa. 1 alluz mado; the mast tw 'oppoTtonnitte;--I
- hey doulnid when doubtin wnz a Crime., and
select Stock of the I hey staid sluvrin on the brink 'and feared
1 . • . . Ito lanch away,. when on the 'tother.side tic
LATEST'• STYI,E p If. and profit. Our fbresite
4. s;V: n e, t •Tr luz n ez zl„,%d e... our. mid*. ' The
- . - , 1 great error nv hip life wuz in not -plnngin
In Trimmings, headlong lain the war ez a Confedrit Sailor
I Geneivil. distinguishin myself for •covelty
1 to Fedral prizners, and bein at the dose tic
the fratrisidle struggle reseeved - and embraced
lez a long-lest brother by the. Northern poo
-1 ple (lettin em kill fattid calves for nie); and
! nv coorse heir the ()Week nv symnathY ez a
i matter by the Southern people. In this sit
omition a man bez twnstrings-tcr bli bow.—
He brings to hi. support the two extremes.—
He fetches tog,ether Horris Greely from the
• one side aid Genral Soregard fmm• the toth
1., er—they embrace,. and standin on'both their
' sholders he hez'Avnt may be called a soft
thing nv it.
I wuz led into.these train uv reflections by
i the experience trick I hed with our sainted,
cheer, Jefferson Davis. I wuz sent here, by
'the President to -see that everythin wnz done
' for the comfort nv the illustrious man that
enod be done,. on the oeenshen nv his contem
platid trip to Richmond.' , Partickelerly wnz
I charged to see that everything malkelaild to
iar on his sensitive feelins be removed--eyery
i thing wich coed wound his sense uv hearin,
I seem or smellin. ' ;
; The grate Man hed consentid to go. He
hed bin, he felt, illegally ,deprived nv liberty
—unconstooshnell in ,Thet—and of he shoed
FARM FOR SALE. coninit his own feeling he wood temane, but
to forgive win divine- Viewin these, procee-
TIE 1 NOt.,IISIGNED OFFERS lIIS FARM Frill: , dins in.the lite uv an apology he wood go.
.. S%I E. -ituated in Darlincton township, Beaver 1 The day hed arrived. The steamer wuz at
~..t,',l ' .'l ' " • '',, 3 Pahlin mad !..a . ' a mile, t'na tn , " 7 ,E n , nn , 1 As our stock has been bnrchased at ion' prices, it is i
•"' ". ',',' P •Tt• W. 6,7 C. lira t,tahl. mrta ‘'' adapted ofil•resiat corresponding low rates' Give us a can and , the FortTesea, carefully prepared to redly° its
,-1-,, 1 ,. ;:.i.i,s.: Crain or stOck. lt. is well natered. Itit• • li ' • . • ' illustrioda. burden. It hed • been short
~ .e,;.?!-, :1, - ,,1 , r.... 4 :, ~c which are cleated and bilianee l ea e ' 7 )our " . " . ' --'
- i define( .
I: :11.,' - '1'..,,. imprmements tire it woc.l nix rmusc: 1 Orllton't foreetthe place—one docrr belcrw the Sem- ; antrfnmigatattlie cabins heti bin boo
"vs -I ..• •-II'AIII.E. w - lth War.ori Shed and eorn-crlb ; friary, Third etreet, Bearer, Pa.
~ Ily fernight, and speshl alterations made for
Ari'l,.. l. ;1,1 .1 :-.hee m iliwo.,• .2c by. 4-1 feet. There arc : ; . ' ' 1 the President and party. There wnz Yooni
;".r'th'.' '''' , . , L , e , :;ii) 1r 'WIT' TREES —1.141 Apple and 0') i - ' . • 3. H - BENCE. _ i
~.!, ~...1 chyrry of the N ery lic.t varieties. Two' ...• .... • , fed States officers and soldiers aboantbut out',
1 1 1•,(1 , ,I r ,r 0 „ :q ; I i i te , it , -, t 1 frost. npr.l4 ti,:3ln • .
„, ..,. „i p 0 leers ore. , lth, o veer
.. ~ 1,1 • •, o - ai Is underlaid with TWO 011 TIIREJ., 1 ----- , - I rimer, ez he iz technicly rained, they kep
- 0 . , z , i )1. 411.11.. lentil 2 to I feet in thickness. 1
'.11 ,, n• iehhorhootl is ;;Dial. Schools and churches ; i 1 theirsdves carefully -opt of his site, that the
t-' , ..n. , -ar. and nisi-0 is an eaeellent market- at 1 color of their uniforms might 'not awaken
T.r, , ,n ,0,.....Men. • . NEW - GROCERY STORE
if 1, '' .1 - . 1, 1 before, the whole t or 4 s acres_of the Patin I . .
. I •
i 1 onpleasant refleckshens. So Tftrfeck, indeed,
"‘ - .1 1 1 1 -- oi. ~, i at Public Sale on NATURDAY„ .TtE 1 IaTUZ the arrangements, that the rnilin nv- the
. , .. ~,. 1.. (loci:. ti. iii: 'rille. indisputable. -
• 1 boat, which wuz orignelly blot, wuz kivered ;
.IAPP' 10 • ..!. 1. REED. . i 711 p. .. EN , _DEILSIGNR I D a TAys
and rix ‘kini .AsunE .
r 3, that I whit gray cloth, and the thigle tigger-head nv 1
1 . - - l . •• • Elm Valley. Pa. ' • iluunmuli tov Puttlo c rat* - . f the craft wnz sawed off. This wnz seiested
•..., ;he has opened a ...
astiCA,NICE AGENCV. I ' 01001 , 11 y STO.t.g: • by a eminent Confervatiye ny . Yen Nork, '
Tfi: i . Ni;• , ...iisiiimiiii HAS BEEN Al'ibiNT6 i who lie 7 -I.l•vme Southern trade Wich he didn't
..,'„ ii ":,'', , ,.. , ,i 'r the ..Ettia Insemnee Company, or Hart. : ! iiithabuilding in which his Feed Store is nc4kept i on, Emirs:Ala hy his coorse idnrin the war.- , - :
~ ,,, ..-al.r . nilu likewise for the 'Singers Insurance - THIRD STE:E R- Ts RHA v ER . . ;The ladies cabin wuz originelly assigned to '
t „,, , ,, ar .,- ii :. : , .-w York. and the Enterprise insurance • ' I the party, - but a female passenger had no I
r. 5 . , t , - ,,'," - ..hlisdsiiiiiis. wheria trill be found'an. eaccellent assortment of ' 1 more regard fee. the comfort' of the matter'
t ,.. ; Ole. , Companies insnrc.. dwellinza,ont-build- i
... , ..... , 1 •N, .1111.11.111 , r . t I %in , loss I, V ' COI .' FIE ES TEA'S', SUGARS, sy R . 1 than to die on the passage, and they were de- I
. ;;,;;;;; . t ; • •.. , . ... , c.. tic,. i 1,. ..t.. / , ,
1,,...,,,,,. , , 0` tom) , .cra• foie yearl3 , ir IeV.S., ‘...., ...' I nrived nv ft. The Conservative merchant
ii ,-„,,,,,7-,.fiwy.,:iii.ji , steii and promptly paid when i UPS. - MOLASSES, SORG II (.1 31, °I insisted that the ompsebe chucked overboard.
..i„,• .: ,;;; ;•,,Tt . All business connected with 1 -
a ,
‘1.1d.. , it„. ~,mpanws attended to with dispatch 1 RICE. REPPERS, _SPICES,- but Mr. Davis, with a mtnrnanimity which
JO".. YeCLIAtF.. Arent. I • wnz allut characteristic nv him, refoozal.-
- Beaver„Pa. • 1 ' 7- 80A - PS, -- C - ANDIES. RAI- "N 0,." he said, "let her rest there. ; I kin en
- - ------------ 1 • SINS, - ENGLISH door-the inconvenience, seveTTas it is: It is
I.A 1 7 G Ft ING - GAS I
. I ' ' but - one more attempt to break my speriC':
("imr. AU. YE TI lAT HAS BEEN SUFFEREN,G i C UIRRAbi TS . All the way up ther with the most tetchin
.. .
~!,,,,... ~,
.m.-e rr., of toothache, and dread of ex- I -, deference shown him. At . every 'Raclin the
„-; ;„..
1 4 )..-‘, will rind that Dr. Clumdler fi, Co. . r'' c , ,;FIGS, &e- t --., ,
~ .: 0r-
_1 , .-.. von by th e nse of the t reat pain • '. I people were tmembled to greet him. roach he
i,,,,,1 ; '. ,I. k I briiINGGA . S--and make their extraus , 840,1
ev e, Wasbtntri . Roo - ier. : . Tinware , din fact I. acknowledged' with a condescension I never,
i...• .4' r .,V . `:!,e l '" . "" , •rathelr than tit Van. ' I c every article usually kept in . ; viti a tor:l ° - t saw off the stage. He conversed but little on
. ~,,,,,,;_..;
;;.;,..., rations performed in the boot motsible '•• - . hied Groeeryfitoro.
.1 the passage tip . Ez the boat wut a sweepin
L ,.,,,, , ~ , ••, . .i. reasonable terms as by any good Den
„, coml., v. In connection with his Orocere. he still eonthines to I inaled leant); past Pinta made histmicle by the
. -, 3 ,•-!.'. -7-,- In Ikaver Station. Rofhe‘-te_r,l'll `.... ' I keep hL,i'FLOUR AND FEED stoup w h ere Om beet 1 events .nv the great stauggle.„• his eye wood
'" -1 •. - T. J CH vi max it CO. I articles in this lira are 'constantly kept, t, and offered I briten, of theywns WI pints es a Confedrit
i cheap for Cash or Produce.
REMOVAL. : 1 lanr6l:l3 , - . slums slirreen. I coed take pride in, and dim with tearsef they
ci r ,
Iy, ...,Z.-1,, , :•7 lIAS REMOI._ ..7 , ..D in, CLOTiIIiG . " 1- i -,-----
.1 WIDS pinta at with ther hed bin reverses.
- '' The most considrit prepareshens had -bin
, 1% , r .,':....',.;-'. FrIMISHING ESTABLISRMEN'T to ' L A efiIIING GAS
. ~,•,,
,-,. i 0
--be on Nista street, evade oppo4te to ' ' l made for hberesepshen. • There wax no irons
,-,,, .s,''il '• 0-- berstive. Store in Netv 1114;:hton: Fa. ' D 3 rmnsTßl” BY nit- - MURRA Y ' BRIT 4 rIri• 1 onto him—the tmly guardsin site twos theml
:. -.,, - `",j 3 kes this 'opportunity of ion; rming.his I A Tl'ii, Pa., in extracting teeth. I hare added to my . wish cies detaikl-to keep thevernwd from an
. ~..,,,,i ;._, . the public ^enerallr ?that ho has ;net re- , many other faeilittse for The su4essfhl prosecution of ~
noyin him, and a' mrrhtge Wus in resdivow,
`: sv-r t .: G ,,""Lbe_ei ttit lßr h a iie lliipe and y . seil selected stock of Imy prlafession , this bavalnable. painskillinT event. An I
d'n , -e.t , --"' w propose ' to sell at p r i ces that branches of Derittstryperrormen is the best and snort 1 into wick - we - xteetert coursolycsoknd war. driv
,..,,...a4 to Initpureh modern style. All work dono asscbear.iy, and Atte per ;en Off at s dignifed pace tothat resort , uvthe
.c . ,,,.,„ - T4,,,.r.a.,,r.- 2 tt o - rder 7,i, the shortest notice,. All.. cent. beret stn at any other Stoma Dental Es•alqUlt- .1 .
rapinfam •
meat in the ...ate. t3l,',,'ltt artstocracy of Virgmrty—the Spottzweod.—
r,F2 til72
S - 20 Sl-3)
9:9) .1015
PVi 1
11: X . • E7-:1° A,•rt):,(
• :1111 • 411,
• "21
_ 31 ,1 315 ; 45.,
:415 •t , ) C,20
s S ....
,1 12 1630 1953 i
. ;112;?' 640 I sc3s 1....
,i 1 t:r• or
I, %
T t l - :,(;;AItAISIAS
t • Arrive.' •
Thiyar 1. in.
u i . - 1.
F. P..,TYRILF:: Oentral Ticket Agent.
1.17 I.oEti.qirs ED wot.3,p RF:SPECTFCLI.Ii
. the . public generally: that
anti ke‘lp• Constantly
,nu hand a large .
ti,pA of .
, % s
1 - 344 - and Shoes_,l
, OF ALL &1N OS,
ri ill sell 'at the lowest po.sihde prc6.
to his Eassicrn tnade stock of Boots and Shoes,
tr.a,so keep .4 on hand. a large. Etas:al:nod or his own
mra,faetnre. and is prepared to do Job work or ritpair
,a,aite.,hertert notice. and as-well as can be done
tor ,hop in the county.
Thrktld to the piddle for past fheors in smfhnsiness.
I raspt.t.i'rll) ask that they nifty be continued. All
Fsld:11, work that will he repaired tree of chac.^,c.
apraa;:3!:l. ! - 'ROBERT TALI ( ON.
-450pxj 430 Am
6.27 !
110 I . 8%1
.601. I ;-
'044 - 1033'
1030 '1133
1130 t1253P111
11.5. tr; ikls '
141 ; 350
%10 431's
;-;244 1 - 51
310.1 650
3•XI '1 600. x
318 CS'
516 I 835-
cmo LW)
613 12. r:
740 11 13
, 1 7:0 11149 '
9401151.3 t
;1015 I
5t I
ti2s I
1450 I
!Exr' s.lAccom
14tna l 610- -
0 7il - 1 t
;i ! , 1 41 141
lig ROL laria-Vit' a
:i•:.. '.!•;.,/-.. stP , il.P.kme Al ' ~..; . • "."Ctlt'
'., .:.. ..i I ~—• -..;•,1 Lt- "'' l%l • '
' • • ,'I ~..-= 13 07 ', ' “.` '!. ; -
.. .
- : .-,,,:;;• , -•,; -,.
:.e .1
y A 9
Ois "Z.
Great Ckattoe !
Milt - 1) RiiiGi
Corner , of Diamond tara St
1 namilton Ito --Wersion,Tuus been purs.hassaby
. - -
• -
J. B. 8.110-,D'Efii
./ . 1 rail and Complete ptack iof
1:0.0 -rilrila::.-i:kie;*-,.,--
And r Brushes of All
We are prepared to Fell PURE AND SECOND
KINDS, di Pittsburg4 prices. ;
SS. Please Call and be Convin'eed ! !
Our stock of Alcohols, Wines. Brandies, Whiskeys.
and other Liquors. will be found. complete, and, being
selects a with. great • care.. can be relied upon as being
.Pire Mm be obtained, and will ;be sold for Medical,
'Mechanical. and Bacramardalpurposes only.
Prescriptions and Family
Receipts Acouia.tely at,
!AU Hours. ,
Ova Pregeripti.,n and Medicine, Department being
Linder the pei.,:onal euncryision of Mr. L HANwron.
witii au os.perieuce•of seven yetre, we natter odrselves
that we can give fall satiafattion Id any breath of the
• . •
Witemvmher thti• pinto—near the East OMee, ehrf
tier Third street aid the Diamond, Beaver.
Beaver,AprzciTZ:ly DAMES. '
The new •style Intliihle Empre, , s Trail Hemp Skirt,
• Veil Sint's, GrenadiroN, San trabritlins,
Zephyrs 4..aclieQ" and Gent's Paper
entre and Collars, Sc. . '
, Bats and Bonnets, very. cheap. Flowers in ivery , 'ari
-1 ety, cheap. flats and Bonnets altered
apd cleaned, cheap. 2 ,
, •
I .11-40. Drcae•makto^. Cloak and Slick thittingo .
Pinking, ,tc., ac.
• . .
Madame Demoren's Latest Paris and N . York -Trim
med Patterns covstantly oEi band.
. ,BATTERNS* - 7011 SALE. •
• • :
• NY! JOAN fit„ ,w
Up trota the =mbar* Ike.
1 4. aki C°°lBe ß teli t r .
t thlSthed spires 4) f Yrelkiial
Ninitid *Debi theritirciitidi
APPleind Peas : ll tree fmtted ..deep - ,., •
• '
' Falr as garden , or the Lord, , • -
the.iyett of the Waded 'rebel Wade,
• On theiVelimalliAalmt qf, tbeqsartr
When t leolnarcird over the sawastahl wall, ,
• „ ,
Oyer Op mantains' winding down, - - , • • -
Horse and foiat, *tie ?redid* town: •
; Part, flags with their silver star% -• ,
4ortrfisus with their tatinesin bony • ••• -
Flapped la the morning wind: thereon ' ' 1
Of noon look.'ll down, and sit'Sr not one.
tip rose old Barbara Frietcble the • • • •
' Sow'd with her fourscore) yeatnind ten; •—, ; • •
rrasesie of all Iti"Prederick tows, '" ' •`{
She toot up the daft the men !Wird
•- In her attic-itindow the inair she tie; • •
To show that one-heart was loyal t. •
• .• t • •", ~••
the sweet antic he reh1i..41 3 4 ~ - •• •
Stonewall JacksonridiugoE4:
Under Me areraeted !ankh aitdaight ' r ;"A- •
He eel:teed : the old drag ilea Weight. • '• •
-"Halt t^=the,dae4.Lrowa links ptood rear;
LL•wsed the rldoAdaet. • ; • .
It ehivi.ed the winflety-pane and BaSil,
It rent the banner withseank,and 'RAO
Quick; ne, It fell from the broken itaff. '
Dame Barbara efietoh'd the eiLketk;ficerf.
• -
She leini'd far out on the window-sill,
And:ohook It fattb with iVroyal wilt
I .
"Shot; if you must, this old gray lead, . •
But Sparc your country's 14," ebesaid,
A sti t tde of sadness; a blush of.sluune,.
Over thoyere of the leader
The nobler nature within him stirred'
To life at that woman's deed and wind
••14 - bo touches a hair of you gray bead
Dios like a dog I I.l 2 .ltarch oar hti
All day long throligh 'Frederick etreet
Sounded the tread of tnerdilng feet;
All day long that free flag to, ell
Oyer the bends of the rebel bout.
Ere: its tarn folds ruse and tell
On the l4nl minds that loved-Iwell';el,
And. thitingh the bill-gnps, inneet light
Shone over it with a warm good-night.
liathari.PrietctlesymlC t ig
And the ricie's'on Tile midi no more,.
Honor to her! and let a War : • •
Fidl, for her' sake, on Stoneware tier.
Over llarbara Frietciffels scare,
Flag of rreidom and 17rdon,
. Pears and order and bunty draw
Round thy symbol of light and law; . •
And aver the etas above look down
Ou thy stare below in Frederick toww.-.
IX .Ih.
, V i L
. He
upon ,
e tune
lie, and
. ingish
- puii'--r*lltr"-• 4 10410.unitui,t and wept
alaud. i ' rusht to ' the ~.ii der. It wuz ezi
feared.. : , Illin elim - ljr:lt 4F. a percession, uv
Tuggeri.*ho hed past ,t - way perpesli.---
" • Ifereill, Heaven!" sio lte,, •-bez it cline I
to this!' 7' and,helivni i Vp rcr.erve3 and de-,l
prest the balance nvithe:, :y. , ' '' . ' , I
/ the g w it. etit wuz Aiken to .
the „Ctiurtf. ' Ei her : entered.' the ref= .andt
gLaiiced p,rceullyketiqr-...9lo4iwjence. "It. Wood
4 h e 'e v 'Wuz -b4k ; C go r in ili :t I lelui rj- t a i t -hi1 1 '1m:....., 6'i dec rt o ld r 6i th w e li C e o til u e rt r
him. But repr 'in hipielf he took, his seat.
.I . echin nolissitOpd wn'diiplayedinthe Court !
room for his conifort.. %, crack in the hi-11
der ensinlet in a draft, veold air, hb.shud i
demi and a shudder r*titro the entire as; :
semblage. The shu dder tw the Conservative
merchant from Nix Ypi . 4 - wuz troblyartistie. I
ii f Cotton wuz call r, When the Conservative;
merchant's wife tor ,ojr-tiiie try her buzztiras 1
and- Stutra. stket: ape.itepw_A-Mlq,- : titer - lever 1
More . lecilin sacritrs? „..:Thi Presidehewept
ez 1;e-beheld it. lOn safrtainin the tempera- :
toor wick best snatid Ks-system, a thermone- j
ter aruz brot, am! the morn wuz kept at that'
preeisedegree. I' . - " _ !. - i
, There wuz sum . tighn , ' formalities
gone through with,- mut the President's, cow:- t
sel made a :notion ,theleho., be. Omitted- to I
bail. „Theie war.. a ;tie in -Pe aunt. 6 ... Make ;
it a million! ” sed f pi:lp,, t`sq-;t t pr ~the craven
North shot see liew, welkin .keer uv them
York DiMnkrat f l seyerniolLichatond Demo-
liras, and] ler,rnt - .Grady Attept .forrerd and . I
s l' sw . ignedle N 4 e °"i vir -e:i' lli7 b ::,. ' : * :: ': , 4 ; 77l- ',7 7 8ch that efir asse tred:;. ad Nit :d a: • li i
ez Morris we; a Bipiii ,, • ..
WV ..-- •-- i
• t`Three.eheers cqr J j,..i t ,•• .....,41klInr-4
ris Davis ! --one Aral , .• IdP,„; ‘ ;tidier- t
evenrshontertlene.: , , - -rf - .. . '
- "lmmortalltY. le 1,.; , ' .;+`" ; '7• 4l 't*, „'
t i z-dmile r e tt * .. - - 4- -4 - -;-„.. , .---fr;go
joy ! Wat hemline:l! • When posterity.speks
us- him they'll speak nv ynt"
I coodent restrane myself no more: Dustin ,
into teeis I fell ontn''Greely's bnizran and we
embraced. Ez be hedn't his spectikeln on be
sPoscd - it witz Davi, s hisielf, and he bustid in
to teers also, and there wilt wun uv the moat
strikin tabloos ever exhibited. I got away
afore he diskivered his mistake. , • ,
- , Here wuz the endininv our tro u bles ;the
1 conshumatiott uy our lopes.. Davis 31yrz i
FREF:i The'Eent-up ismishuna_nry the people
found vent,.• be dept Into - gat street the
people crowdedto the carriage wick contain- i
ed ns and rent I the air wlth - '-cheers. We
I reacht the hotel, and after embracin his wife,
a season of relig ious exercises wnz hell The i
clergyman who 'hed excloosive charge of
1 Davis' piety,deorin tug war,. wnz present,
and offenl prayer. Ile played fertently that
I the Lord , wood forgive the people, of •the ,
I, North'for the wrong they hed done onr saint- 1
' ed head, that, he wood forgiv, ef possible, the
. late head uv the Fed.ral Government who heti
apposed him and the glories cot, and ef Di
t vine mercy could _stretch so far that he wood I
forgiv the Colonel uv Michigan ate:dry wish
Ihedlninted down the Saint who NVII7. now in
our midst; and Made ni , him a 'eaptive. ,He
1 prayed for forgii - ness for ,the reckless men of
I the North who', invaded Virginy; - for -the ,
1 noosepaper conduktere who be/1 aboosed him
cwho is now with us, rind' •pertickerly Horris
Greely, who bed this day in some measure I
I atoned for his previenswickidnese. - He praP I
1 ed that the bleginsuvileven might rot, firi4,
!upon Ole cite nv Richmond, then upon tbe
balande uv Virginy, and okierwnrd upon the
rest uv the Sonthent Statee, and he wound rip
witha fervent lappesl that the Ethiopans,
wick coednt chnnge their skins, might see the
error of their ways and return to their nor-
' mill condishnn.
After this the President receivedhisfriends.
l l t
lam not wit:titled to give more nv the
I President's pbuts than this:
. 1-11 e willl
lin seeloosien, and will tale& no part what-
I ever in politicstuntil a ft er his final acquittal 1 .
lin November. TV: don't feel at liberty to
! take hold uv the Government so long ez ther- 1
is ..even a techikle charge agin him. Our
I friends in the Northern States, who expected,
I him to take tke stomp in their behalf this I
`fall, will by diOtppinted. I. return to-morrow
Ito Kentucky.: • . .
! • PE-rrioracnt V. Nittniv,'P. M., ' -
(Wich is Postmaster). and Professor in the
,Ilam and Japhrt . h Free - Academy for ,The
rilevelepernent uv the Intellek nv all races
irrespective uv color. „ .
. _ . .
Is Tur.r.o no way by which the, murder of 1
our e risoners-of war h to be avenged? Is
nothing to be dine that; shall secure to our
rank and file the ttvattiteat of civilized war
fare in any future. war? Is the' record of the
rebellion tel l aUsnd before. the world, as. evi
dence that the Itcpublic of. America cannot,
Or will not, defend her defenders! England
suffocated , our priioners of , war in pnson
ships, the Confederacy starved and froze,and
tortured and shot them down. Why may
not any future enemy do likewise! . Govern
ment has totally and signallvfailed toprotect
or avenge the brave men who periled all for
her protection: It . _is not - Officers high in
place whd ire likely to suffer by estabbabing
the rule, in the face of the world, that an
American soldier may, with impunity, be'
starved, turned out, bowies% naked and bun
gr7.-into the winter storm, or shot . down,
while a prisoner of-war. The consequences
of such rule fall upon' the people. Can this
same people,- by any pos4bility, elect min to
represent them who will recur° to - them the
respect Of the rights of civili
sed viarthre? Is this Government theirs, and
can they control it Cue
.idltor at a Omer table;.behli :Aid if
he would talc* econe . puddlag IA sift
of abstraetitti "Owl-se, to tho czowd of other
matter,'we arc unable to . tti toed' for it."
IWITILIFJP . ~. ''' "I , - - • -.- - o .01..- - v. - ,-- . ar...3 '41.1. 4.1, - 4- ..i ,:t A • . .
. t . r.
a,... ,„ XII
'. •• . WWl,' sa Tranissonaseeia
-i• ' ' .Ft lalltv.elt-118 - si VD, f...tiki.l .: ,-:11.1 i:.-.,..n ... H I, -
. t. ,.,. ? ........ e ~..,....z e raflOLNVl. . 2 , ti 3., ,
ti.sme:... No hey it , ' -Al tr, ,,, ,, ' pismorit -, - : 4,. ! ~, ~, 4 r 4 ft . 0 4,,,,p44.4 `ii, ~. jp ,i-4 . , ~) , ,it , - . .i. Adrllliirmlnt.4:ari! Ingert4 . -44 tlia riGe.of $l,OO per 1 -. :
' 'W - sport ft liosidi emit ,
, s _
~.s , ~, .
~ • * IT , id,.., v „„„ i „., T - ti , ..„ Ti ,, , T ,..,,, t ,
....!„,, i ovine for-ftit Imprtiint. awl, -to: ea , :tisiecteat-trt:
ar , „ m ai tur .,,, • Er
5. - ~...,i
s , i s s . t ,
.., „, , . 4 .,- i. . ; ~,..,,,...r . t „ .;
t. ..„ ~,,,
.. 4.rortbn , Allit...vai aitzeneet . =wee party ' •
4 totr:i. ist beffeni • beit - - -- • - 'al- , . ° I ylventaerisai.. •' :
. 1 . • ' l .', . '. - -
, .. . .... .
T 1 .,...,... • -: •, i a.
„ ... ~ ,- . - •
--., ' i ' . ' ' . 1 . •A' rpo^.•., - rrt:dtr-rzn -doss Of .thla tepe,aaietereilit
' • • ' •'• ' ' 11 - '..'„,, •," -.-, , • ~. .. • 1 , i!, , aaaticessatender..ausuLayatutrasetriaialL'a.,..
r ,• • • •
• , . i i n •If i :11 1 :1:7C l il Y i t al i K ci r l t i r h :431r4 1 ri: e l 4C7l4l 4. litlt 4 t i rl t:;e. il . ilarg .
' -ed
147.1M1. H.: .
. ~
- .
. • • 2: '.
• . ' t!teintqf n 5 note and 1/I=o..iii .16s pipxr 1.0 .linixtier:
' ' . na , ri.igeis aud de:1111;o' aripc;itike , ;ll I:rec.of charge. 1 -
'. ' .l Th e patavaer - re:seriea ftCrii•iiir to chatmadver.•
Establishedr'l.BlB. : ,whenevir It LA de.4r,?.b : 10yi:d0, : a0,,,,
~,,,... ' - . ',- :'
• 1 -Adristloonp-nti mivontirbitiaridollti bilk:nit Monday -..
, ‘ - ..- . . , •-; resort toil:mire insertion In thatweek'iviiiier.: t 1 "i.
iy. . I - bless the entire world... have never, 'rite .o.l • tfte t .,,,All,tortst9kien- -.
. •
- hated or wronged any one. This last I was l - '-- . - . ern). ' :' .'
.flora wrong, unless 'God deems it R 9 ; andit 1 the opinion .Of the:Attiainey-fleneral'itfein' .-
is with Ilbn to danussor bleka Me. And for ; t h e cloaca:in the Beeenstructien Acta respec
-this brave b0.Y.w4t.4 e, who often
,yeca before and since-4, , 'th a time and sincere . , w hich we
a KaY s . -- , tin ilhe right - te.yrcice 'ands to, hold, office;
print in ffilf,iiiiiianliSelf evidence
' h h e a t r ti t raY W th a :sa lt rn tial e 'i :el' ". Ira! - If io:lrliv eau lof its necesitv, for the queStions *hien have . .
; - / Z i °t- IF" to *led 'a i arisen need - to be decided _ h - the highest
dropof bkaxi - ; but L -- 'fight the course.-1
Tis all that's k ft , resta,.- - it" '' - i I L -. ,
. s , . exee,utive authority : • iriVe nallitart , comnian- , ' •
.. , .
•-. ders might . otherwise -Make fiver different, in.'
Upon a piece of paper found in 'the diary, i terpreiations of a: law, which needs to be •
and supposed to have , been torrisfrom-it, a s , uniformly-enforced-In the States in which it' . '• .
vartten the following :
....,.,. ' ' 1 is operative. -Whether 31r. - -Stlinsbery,cor- '.
, ' I .
"Mr D ES (iece torn. oat) Forgive me, recite defines the limits of the law is-another
i and imPortarkipiaitiOri, ribtlbllyttibe exam- .. '
•birt I - have seine, little pride. •I *cannot blame ! t r i e d at present. _,, ... ,
~ .
.. , „' 'S
yeulor - want of Imspitality. • Yon know your ' l . - ..1. 4.4 11 .4. t
The Attorne y ....e.,era, 'reM .' "tes . the ''Priiiiii- .., ..
own affairs. ... I Wei sick, tired, with a'broken i ions of theilaw tildelinffeettlin right to vote 1 .
Iluah. and in need of 'medical advice; and i I and - hold office, and attempts - te define those - .."
could not have turned a dog ;from my - door ; classes who are . ..entitled - to . regiStration ; the --•
ineticha, pliglit:. However, you -were kindquagseationsacas., , ais et iseLand . age,
enough te give Us,something to ea t„ for which are 'coin , • •
I not' only ' thank you, hilt on account Ct.-the-4 pnratively unim p ortant . lOf chief intete:ail
theextent th Whicirtaking . pert Billie iTr"
and manner hi which le ( piece tiarnllion is a diartealitleatibit from voting.- Mfr.
out)i"it is not the substance but _the way -in I Stanihery , elabOrately43xamines.- the 'limn-
Which kiridness - is :extended, that makes one ring -of, th e act which excludes ' officers 'whe, • ..
hnpry . in the neeeptaneethereof . The sauce to i , h ave
meat is ceremony.. Meting„ were base with- taken part , in the rebellien,
.tincl ilacsidei'
out it. Behind enoughlosicsayt the itichis i that' o ff icers of - the Militia are not Included ';'.-
ed five dollars, although, hard. i that - the - act does not apply to municipal' offi-' ,
to spare for •i cenkand that Witt - lull Own who are riotatrictly
, - . -—. . . **hat sve have. received. ' 21 . 0 F , t ''mPectfullYilS.tate a ludteiril or ExerSitive efficers - 6 the_uncer-.: .
. .. [Copy.] 1 -- - .... :..• - , yo.ur obedient servant." , L-.
.... : , , i i t• • • Min definition, which he enntends. exists, in
' • 1
-: ExEClrrivii..,-ILtissiiis, 1 1 :' - . .. - -, .. I the law: rliest lie construed isr:flivor of the" • _
,- - W.aannsirron, D C.,'May9,3867. 1 unrianr or rtir sync': ...\DVOCATE CrEsEr.AT,:"..votera A vast body of etticeek he ititserta„afe,' _.
The Secretary of War‘will .pleise.furnish I. - • B1:111:AL:.0t,', .114.1T-111V ::411;th.9.• •. i not ,posif t ivels•excbaled by thelana, :Theadis; •- -,
the President with a ' , certified I co ! f . the
, Nor I . , . F " ;qualification based en 'th n i breaking. of the, :•
...N.j..;e. - lonia Mier 14, 1867 . : oath of, office is the nixt, subject of • lheOplit- "
"Diary" found upon the. body o f J . -
Wilkes! Itespeetfolly returned, with tlie i copy - ask- ) ion which .is eir en to, thik 'etreets-Zthat tho •
.... . e., - .
Booth, together with a Suceinct - statecuent of, eclf?r• -* .. -: ; diacoialiti . ion is intezycled to comprehend ‘.
all the facts' connected with its_ capture end '. The -Diar y " Pury°T;t' to be one for 1.961, , military as well . a.i 'Civil' efficers,', - ; and to 'be , '
, • andilie leaves cut or torn Then .it prolialilyf! more rend lin application to United' States _ -
itapc:isseasion by the War Dena rtuient. -- `.I • '. contained entries or
ilea' y • •elir, ti . iel were t' offfeer7 , ilia: Ito ile. - ,se'sd a' St.Ote. ,- Of ,inore ..
. . • I
, • - Join - sox. !thus destroyed by Booth • hitnsdf. -It is ;_practical im mria • nse i.j ' thenext question
- . -
. . . ~ ... , • (~ . I absolutely- certain that . the diary .in ! what acts - e 9 stitute ille ; vllt of , ,tega,ging . ,in .
- w Aa. DE , r , AR . ttE'vr , j; ; all respects ai :it was - When it - came , rebellion, nr .1" eiying c oin fort or ,aid to the ..
1. - - .
_, I into my‘whandia and Col. Conger, who was enemies of the'tnitel States? Atr theaeaCts ,
`Wslinnsoros• Cris' May 14 -1867. 1
, . romimmt in the_ pursuit and eapture..of ; are:defined - of voters is to he .re. -
. Sin : I have: the honor to salnint herenoth 1 mirth, nftcr having carefully . examined it atricted or . enlarged. ' - Mr:.. Stansbery s ad, ,
ti copy - of the „entries contained, h . .' the mem- ! y presence on yesterslay„declared its condi- vanes: the.eytraordinizry• opinion,- that „the
orandum book found on 'the .persoo -. of J. I ion to he now precisely the same es When he ; phrase "entimes of-the 'United States" should.
IWilkes Booth; at the time of his captive, eer- , °°k it fromßooth's body after hei had biten ;be confined to what ;Ile as3erts to be its -legal
I tifiedby General Holt, Judge Advocate Gbn.lolot. the writing in it being the !slime and ;41 1 , meaning. viz., foreign nations,.and that only
; end, - who has possession of the b00k,..-togeth- I which it then , contained. Cot IConger %Vll S ' such of those who gave aid and comfort, to
'er with his report in relation thereto. . . the' examined before. the Judiciary CoMmittee of Great. Britain in 1812,and to Mexico is 1847,
memorandum book Ives limit seen by meatott I the Hmise of Representatives to:slays . 2 1shentd be di-francliiseunder thaelause. 'Net • •
{the 26thalay of April, 1887, shortly a ft er 1 '' • ' - • . J.. Hour , s I.h e is "not quite pfepared tesay that Congress
i t ßooth'i tare, and si - fevi. hours. before is - ;"
41 . . i JudgeAdiocate General. • Jens: not have used tt asjipplidable to the, re- ~ •
• .- : belhon. It, is
_well! that. 'he was not -quite . •
I,renutins Checl Washington. .ItiVasbrotight I ' ! --• -• ..
, 4 ,
toray ha
.by pravast, -.marshal, Baker,and • - ..• 'Att Anec d ote of Lincoln. t : . ~p repared* to .. make Rich', ii. - decision.. for, .A . •
I another person, who was, I think, - Lieu - I The following was addresse d - b y a ii...
.'.. if .there is ;ins - thing .'clear and' hornia- , .".s sFa'
I ant OokinekOonger. The book was.then - .. r i- i• -- . • •.. . • -•-
ge tte ; • takable in the la w", - it is that Cortgreas"• .
'man in the )1, (lit to a friend in this city, who . ; meant absoltitely ilie - enemies of the *United •
' ambled • bylme in. presence of Geta, Eckert,
1 !has since 1863 been:occupied in.colleeting nu-. Stags who fought at Gettysburg and Aden- ,
Assistant Secretary of War, and was f!iurui to
;we, - ta,.and not, by any- means those who were ; ;
j• contain only the.entries •certified,by, General - I, thentic aneclotes of Abraham - -Lincoln!'
! i H imm olt e ; dia . also
y,smeixing pho i 'ttilr th rr
e ha ut4 ci o, f; fesotea.. ; . - defeated forty rears ago ;on the' Lakes, °eat
--L . 1 , have seen secli . !he M o. S, and asshre 'our rtead..l.monterey and - Iga e * T , - a '. r ht s; ph' i s -4 a ,* sa jaa . *;
I ges.appeared to have been cut out - pbitt
.t re .-9 that "is "!` gm " Oin. " I - . . - . . _ 1
I cannot be mapcd, - and - the 'Attorney - Gene • .
',was nothing. indleating what had been w 1- 1 • SPRINGFIELD, 111.. May 13. 1867. .01, therefoi.r pies l it weighL It willthe seen
'ten thereon..of.' whether ,anythinghed e a 1,, , Xi DEAR 7-7---: I don't know 'whether or , that he would not ineleile in , the diSfranchis=
written, nor when or, by whom they had bben 1 tint
. yon ere still Wanting anecdotes Of3lr. led clai , ses thoSelivho• - aid'in
cutout.. Immediately after careful exim4'na.l Lincoln, lint liventure to send you t oxietbatt' BebelliOn, conscripla, Blares, and officers who, - ..
I tiori of the book audits conitents,itives plaCed ';
have heard. - . . • r!in obe di ence ) tit .de flieto government. were. •
lin the hands of General ,Etkeit in the me Iri - early days the' judge and inembei of concerned withithe' adininistration of larva-- , '
I condition as When I first saw it to hi:4(ldt' : r
the bar had to ride from county to county on :Purely civil and neceS•ary officers -he can-1
led to the JudgeAdrxette.General, in w' ' r horseback to attend court On one occasion ' not bring himself to believe - were meent i by '
i possession after its .delivery to him itiy
.(*: ILincoln was riding from IthiS county tO, an ' Congress. and itpan this point the argitinhnt' ,
' Eckert,-I am informed and-believe it •has Con- I adjoining one, in compan,i with Judge Treat, .is very-fall. We-cannot* say that . the Attor-•••
timed until the present time. - The' Est time ! E d wards, rfeepion, and ?tilers', - and they. had I neyaGeneral lia.l stated his opinion yet, - em-;
the bookmais some, time last riiintea._:! to cross the.Sangamon ' rive r , w hi c h h a d T ., ph:ale:lllr, or ltersely, , though foe this h„
ti t was thea.tsfore. the 'Judiciary - Conunittm I cently been so high' as to sweep away 'the. i mar pie -al thei allsged' uncertainty . and.. vat,he houses); m a pros e raatues, arafaw a 4 hil bridge. They called upon Lincoln, who w a s ; - giteness of the acts. themselves.• :But LW. '.•
~ . ........fasiilammattr-th.L,only one acquainted' with lite count. ~tc! i dri ft el - his.ergtlmentimi e y be _ppm*" ametni.' .- ..
tents. - General Bearers re .
, atifirege. i Dere are elme...ea .m , me- -wn.--F,lt .
1 , upon receg the Memorandum-tioe ' k. fro ' in horses svouir " ijl , °l - - -411111 • - ',.' ll *- I .°l-bia-„Own.,_ :words: •Mie.ipttnt . , (ar.t4 ; : ;,: -•
IMe he sealed it. lap; ;and locked *t • ti . p in 'his ! ; •the ft?rd hn . u, ,, n•ested that they had better '
n until ! take off teem e ot es, and carry
' • c 1 h • them under l'inTlbe right by general terms of description ••
' ink and it continuel', his
he delivered it tn . the Judge • dvorate, ers
' Itheir arms, or theymight get them wet. - s o : to the 'people generallY, and especially •to -
al, and tbatit ws them in the aame condi, on !yez ..;_ st_ Tri 'la: l oud rodeinto the stream. "Oh, I ttex• - e who have ',never enjoyed the. right he;
Aber oft,r was his may ‘Their '; fore.: I There are Other clauses", Of. the act
as when it was brought to my. ho u se by Ilia-' 'L° ueFP7 Is
. : I questions, when they found tfuttthe water did' w . .hiblif by general terms; take. away this right , •
her' not reach their horses knees. They kept on 'lot suil'inke from; Who alwnys enjoyed it. 'I
• Very: respetfully, your obedient Beet**, ,
.1 . 1 and atilLthe , water
_. gotno deeper, and at !The rule of ctinstraction as 'to the clauses
' • Mown 11 1.- STarivoi, Secretary,oflVani . length ched the .opposite' shore,. be liberal,:and to
diem th general terms are not - to be reStriet- . ,
having I Which giVe the .right
' '•; .' I ~,,, r one.threnglano water more that two, feet ia
To the Presidezit. . . •
I• • ' deep..., SBoys a 'strawledL. "I. guess theldeep..;.ed, but to those classes Which dero t gate front. 1, .
• , P water is farther down." '- .. ,'" . i the existing right- the i rule of construction 1
• '- . ''' must be strict • that should fie - ekeluded • 1
1 The following is- a 'Copy of - the, writing .
Imagine the lights of the Illinois bench andi' m - - • ..none , . .
, , who are not elecirly within the letter an d-
I , Orhich • was in pencil found in the , diarytaken
bar riding, in broad' daylight, in Paris` -PIP I tent." With this e'eneral construction we. `
from the body of J. Wilkes Booth: , , . . _e
-1 through water knee-deep. If you knew Inre - satiafied.:buy not witb the special opin- !.
I ~ Official copy. :,
• . • .'/* il° F r '' 1Ju d ge • 'T . t, ' • , based upon it • - V 17. Tribune, • i. • ~.?
, , Treat, who is' the personification ofju- !Awl - •,- • a , - . l .l
1 ' 1 - • 1 - •
1 - - Judge Advocate Genera ~ - 4.,
, ..
1 .. • I , dicial dignity and stately solemnity, y ou ii..
1, • 1 _ .
A COPT OF Iflll DIARY. .- t , !coal better. understan(h t what a ludicrous , fi g..: Mn- likatriarox, cashier' of the . .'l . lrst I• 7 ri ,
• , '' ' Ilona) Bank; of.Washingten; meeting an 'old.
• , 'Ti .ksto," April 13th, 14th.-Friday', th e : are he must, haye cut. *
I Ides. Until to do nothing was ever thought t . t
'- ed ' "That ' I' -•; lent of 'yours is the 'oddest
- --. , , friend. of .3lr. Lincoln's one morning reiirks
~, r.......i.
of sacrificing to our country's wrongs." For ' "To- Mucit Ditto." .
* man alive. - Why„lie eraiorseS notes for nig-
I six months we had• worked to capture,: but
cause,being almost fost a cioniethi g d In a Smidl;Villaee in New England lived der :
• -• fl a • e - , old chap. who the - egh very wealthy, did not ,
rers'''' - It seems that ::owe_ time before; a col
ourOreO nano. --finding himself in danger of losing .
sire and greet must be done.. But its . failttre s
a good edecation, and also (lid not hia .
his h'im.e ior the wait of 410. AV Nit to Mr,
was owing to others who did not strike. tor , J'2 3 .t ss
Linr•ohi a'ne told hi- stery. • The. resedt was
parehaSed most of ids household'
country with a- heart. 'I, struck b( . *93 - , wit :
h a g o odly at a dry gots! anchgrocery store io the
s. that OA h 4 vi - : made a two months 'note, Wild
',and not as the papers say. • Lint tin imlors'eci if. ;The note was dia
and :i the end of'tlie, year the bill - a - it's mi.
;firm step through a thousailidvoallkheeS'''Afrilen-tf4;l, village.
, pre , aented for t payment. On one oe(saion. in ,
I and was stopped, but pushed on. - .4. Colonel
exi' sing it over, he observed the l&ird "ditto" , .
e - ritinted by some one, .and-fotind " its
intedimittegton's batik for collee - tion. Upon _
- was at his side. I shouted "Bic Steeper"
1)43 ' occurred freeuently. On reaching home - he ' ' thecolored - Man Tailed to re-
its maturity ,.
fore I'fired. In jumping I broke my leg. It„ to - bia . m i t . t..: _ s . ,
paaiedall his pickets, and rode t;0 Miles itlit ;said
night with the bone °tiny legthel IWhltt have you been doily ,
teat ilag • - ditto this year?" showing her how itstood on L.' the no-
~". spend. Inateadof, ser i in customary „
, with s^ tiees upoifthe inderse ,' the i•ashier took the
note in person to Mr. Lincoln, - who nt, once.
flesh at every j ump. ' I can never repent it; ;
the.,bilL "I harift bought :iny. alid what .! . offered to pay it.' , Mr. Huntington said, "Mr.
though-we hated•to kill. Our country via
have youoaeen doing with so nufgh ?” I ptwident, you have, t •ied., to • help a .felloW
all her trouble to him, and God simply rnold .1 haven't land a bit," she rep li e s) . ' , mortal alone. I am . I nat. willing - - that you
me the instrument of his punishment.' The
nYou must have hadit," he returned: "for
' should suffer this entire loss: we - will - divide
country is not what. it was. -This I
forced ' -
M. always deals honestly byrne,. and here it •
it between us." And late a ff air was thus set
; Union is not what I have loved. I : care) not ls on the bill. Toucan scelbl' l 3' ol Amelf." • ' tied. "
1 what becomes of fties.-I have no ' esire to
"I don't care if it is; I haven't- had any, tind*l
t , ontlive my country. The night, "before the
M has cheated you: I always said he would."' •
1 deed,".. I wrote a long articleandleft it for one
in "Well; then r must see about it," he replied._
forthe•editors of the Naionag...lntaiL i enCer' so he trudged back to the afore. '. 1
!which -I fully, set forth! our reasons for, our . ;
"Lolik. here, M., what do you mean be char
proceeding-a. He or the.Governmen ;t ; ,
'ging me with so h ditto'. I haven't had
Frunav, 21.- - --Afterbeinghlmted hke_a dog
annd 14' * she-hasn't . .
through swamps, woodi, and last night peing
When the Ott, eman returned home,'
ichaiw by gunboats till I was forced to return,
his wife inquired fhe found out .abeutvhe
,wet, cold, and starving, With every , Alan ' s „ditto .".. . ,
I d gal at e•I dm here in despair , and . ..--,.,
han •11 n in • -.' "Yes," &Italie, "I have found out . that I
why! For doing'what lliutterwas lonored
was a fool, and you was a ditto." ' -
for, what made ,Tell a tiny o, andvet I, for ; . ,
striking down.a grmter tvat than- tley 'ever
knew, am: looked upon a common ; cut
throat. My actions were urer than either of
theirs. ' One hoped to be great, the other had
Init.onlY his country's butihis own wrongs to
avenge. I - hoped struck tgain• I:itneW 111 .
private wrong. ; • I for Iny,.cotintryi and
that alone-a country tbat groaned beneath
this tyranny and prayed fer this end, and yet
'now behold the cold }landjthey extenatO me.
God cannot pardeaane if I have dope wrong;
yet I cannot see my wria, except.* serving
a degenerate people,. i i olittle, the; very
little I left behind bielearimv name, the Gov
*ernment v.lll not allow to be printed' 'So
endi iIL For my country II have given tip
all that' makes life sweet *
nd holy,' broUght,
misery my family, and sure there Is no
pardon in the Heaven for e, since man! con
demns me pa. I have only heard of whet has
been done, except what 1. aid myself, and it
fills me withliorror. Skid, trrpp and fingive!
me, and bless my -mother. ' To-bight I; will
once more try. the river, - lvtilli the intent to
cross, though I have a greater desire and al
hmaat.a mind to return to Waikhingfon, rind in
ableasbre Clear lily name,) which I feat can
dee. •1 Mutat:tient the blOw !struck. '1 mity
before my
. God, .but not; to man; "T thi nk I
have,sionewell,:thOugh Lim abandoned,-with
the curse•orCatn upon ; nui,wben, if thelliorld
knew utylleart, - that one 'blow would ;have
made in great, tliOnghi lid not desire:moat
new ', ,Ternight I try to theg e -I_
houndit t onci r more. - . W.b, who., clul: ;., U/ 8
Bate? • God's will be do ' I have•tom . great
a - Lent,to - die like X criminal. Oh! may He,
'May Ifes - flre me tha t; acid let mettle hiave•
.• '
;5' 1867.
(rem the N. Y. Tribune.] i
JOHN WILIEFA 130010119
Copy foam Diary roand on W e*
- room
INIOGTON, 'May 20.+-So much has been
'said shoat thespoliatlon'nf the Booth' dlitri
- Since the charge was made by Gen. Butler in
Congress, that nowtbe peoplegenerally, and,
almost Without an exception; the leading Jour :
nals denuind that the UN* be pablrlhcd, no
matter whether its contents be important lir t
unimportant. Upon reprantation to t3lr.E;
Johnson of all the circumstan* and of the
general 'demand that the diary be p@nted; in
cirder,thst the: people: may , for thiitruielyea
judge of the facts and merits of the contro.:
viers' about this bools . the President me lds.
consent that a copy be published... Pe**:
ident himselfneyerbaving seen thedierjvhad
someday* ago ordered a entitled cope to t be
made, which was acce,idinglya few days ago
furnished.' I inn vennitted to send,you a
1 copy of.this record as certified by ihe, Judge
Advoeate': • ,
i tile
•is °lea
'Ol that
eat of
. ,
Tnn Washington Chrnakte says t th
Congressional'Executive Commit
ceiving most encouraging . , accounts f
South.. The work of organization •is'ir: i 4 going
forward.witb !wrest rapidity.' The bloc m‘l
the neighborhood of large towns are report
ed as a unit for the Republican party. hu in
the back country, in smallercommunities.are
to a considerable extent under the control-of
their late masters. Virginia is Sold to be the
most backward. and Envisinvis the most for I
ward, in the—work oforgonization; The com-
I mittee is meeting with good success in funds.
' and nearly eatery day, agents are; dispatched
t .
I to differentpoints in the, South. . General
Banks may rhossibly make a'• tour through I
these States, and an effort is being made to I
induce Miss Anna Dickinson to deliver some
of her lectures hi that section. . '
Gov. -GEARY has' appointed Mahlon D.
Dickson, of Philadelphia, visitor for philan
thropic purposes to the prisons and alms
houses of the Commonwealth. under the, act
passed by the Legislature at its :last session.
Goa. N Dow, of,ltaine„luts been pre
sented with a valuable tea service of silver by
the:people of Burilern,, Engbutit, for his la
bors In behalf of temperance.
Owrau to a memorable interview Frith Ben.
Wood, Hon. ;olin Morrissey . does not appear
In the 'mane returns thts year. -
oRANT, DC.Z.iT a r
rived at Riclinvind, Va.,i •
, . .
Fashionrconrse Tilml v, for a:rturse or eight
thousand dollars, biist 'three heats iii five. - in
harness. - Dexter wonithe first heat' in' . 2:24, •
nd at the second Illtly .Tkorne broke- so
badly that she was distanced and Dexter de
lured the winner ; The Irottltit was very_
tine, Dexter's last' Mile' being. made !-1U two
minutes and twenty secondS, and the last half
mild in one minute and. ten seconds. - i - . .- •
Fnou Port Smith have a import that
five thousand Indians are arms and threat
ening. the; United Stales forts. Half the to
ry May be true, and - -yet,he iu rions. The for
ms QE the Govetimmt.are - not greatly larger
than'the Indiaus.wile have taken the war
': • • 2 I"
THE president has 'coneleded
_to repeat in
Tenness4e the kilulu l ts which . he extended.
to hi/ friends in Marylietl.; r hCar that r,
Government fOrce rer pregent it
self fice to face witWf,,y,T1r,,,,,,,!,„: s m in t
nlieri the Tennesseefaltei , f , incii,
Gen. Thontas'• -there. is 4 re-ns.4uri. --- -
ance that the elec - 4ott AA ill he safe.
• -
IA brother of 0O'•. i)rr, .of:.Sonth Caroling',
Col. John Antnzin';4rr. of Columbns, Misk,
is one of the le ati , !nl: the Radii:BlC. in :hiza
Snite, and will possiilly I be their eziratitlate Tor
GoitetnOr.. . •
. . .
Tni Copperheads of 3lmirne - i-ouutv, Ives(
Virginia, talk of running ?(IX, : ittislarl . ,tire - in-j•
1 - cendiar3' of C haraher:4burg, fur
Hoz:. "Wm.. A, alt,, of 'worth
ha beezipardoned bj- the President
, .
, , ,
. .1A Nrgs VC; CAN PUEI: L, the , V i vgjkis f..:lle.riir A
ivii4 littli , ; .1 f• in ..71'.'Ftil n; Cad, at - :iiv..:cia vs •
' 1
'ngii. ,
tr ,