F' •., 1 VI iLk i - VtA:,-,,-ii.-04; . , I , 6lllosttitieWi • and BELSCXX4MIIOI3, IN'anAit; Js, M Fifth 'et., Fittti 'uttiorid agent for _ do Ag4vs - ADvERTISEItiEWI's• ton of the public is directe4 . . ts L ific r adves itsersentt. which appear ime ii the .21Tyyrto-day. Chambets. to Stockholders—Oise., B. pr's ;coticcyFrank M'Clellah cL i CIIELII . et's Notice-no.,Singletoni !(.1 of Stolen-LG. deter. . lt. Voyantl:„ . :. W: • iVey'and: . .11'1 - 11/ • • LIG/1.T24N1i.--;0II.. A/OXl'ally the btorm that preyaiLed ut i x ,,lityijt up huuee,Of tia j it. Isaac Waifers4: jet 7 1 tyattstruck with tightening. The ,Is-souie‘vbut.. 'damaged but cone of tujureti. au old graveyard at Baton: It tlu ULj 11Zit J 201ILL.aaulle Wit* He ilveu a Delei-Cria. and tiled tint 1% . ::1.6 not n duallkleS BE ESSiI we axe at :1 lus a Lo ituuw' what to EMI . . 0,,...1::.,i.t;s .Ire iebpeel.v.ely vequestvd to ;.:.....1,.e.r e...: - ... el Lie.lueut9 liy , - ..l.Loutia.y itth.a.l. ~, v..letu-it..e us to bet tbe'Araus i.ii to ttee• 1 x1....ciL.ic...1t.:,5..aere at 4:30 I'..q. e on 'rues- 4 , ‘5.,,,ri.k.111:i Will utitiz;e litany of the at supplied -will ill per Ivet:re, IMEZI 1t0r'..,13 W. Gorham of e'Scquent and Limpressive Quite a tittinber of witnesses were in attend is lier a lecture thisievening in and' among these the sister of. ? of this place, orrthe-subject , Sproul, tied in bed,and ri:ho it - is said Lecture to continence at 71, in d ea ti t l e , rue prisouhria; The accused hay -, 0 1'0, - 04 :Vkli (0 be applied . the Sab ing waived their right la a hearing they, were F,th 1. , e..44.1 fund. As this is a subject alight- finally committed fur - ' trial.—lrazlth.gton Re t all. and es It be speaker i 4 ',porier; ' • 1.1t•:;1. taOiscuashis subject well, it ; I _ zuaica6e, may j, e i . COUNTY AUCTIONEEa ---At the session of - the Legislature .of„186.1 an act ' was passed author izing the Governor to - appoint one person to sell goods by auction in rho county of Seaver and giving him a monopoly of the - business Mr. Aaron, Musae, of tit 4 .liOrit?*.tortzi in 1862 appointed to the office.. His term whiikr was 'five years in duration haying retently expired„ the Attorney qin c ria.depidetA npon tiou for his re-appointment, that. the act wan .limited in'its operatios by-lis terms taffie poiutment of'a single person and thus no new appointment couttl - be made underit; In conformity_ with pititioni numerously sighed an eel: vats passed by the lite Legisla ture providing that spy fiaisiiii'paying Co tbo Treasurer_ of this - =count -42.5 7 -fee the trE.e . or the Cotilmonweldth,- should receive a U. cense to sell goods -by auction. This 1;411, no conforminitolliecritoti:loir.Govetntit". is not Yet signed and will probably be Nit-LaJd when the nest LegishiuremeetsC - , ' As chcoasequende we have it present: cal auction law-for 'Beaver county. - ' Ifticitt.: 1 - . . . . • !, - ,Nr,q - .:o' 79 :lir.xtenti 501.1.11V14.—A corn- , t::ito. of which Govern,* Geary is the head. tic 1.,..nt.. - tpc.ointed for the "erect :On or a 111011. 1....0tr.: :i , ft:. inc:nory of eitizen 7 t of Perin:Ova.: I ;-.. ~.1; , X.ere slain or lotto tlit,:ir lives in the '7- Is . it h Mezieo." Tito in.)nument Ni ill : • • %,... , .. , 1 en . the public. gt , luiie at Minis- . I;:-.i to.tl this committee are authorized to i;•••:1 , •;•si %.3 1 1 30 building of it. ' The Legisla.: Into. to, •,...\.1,:0t...1 ,ix thousand do'llars inward :,,,, y 1,, ,, ,„, .v,tl T. J. Oixver of this county it, a r,•••,.,k•ei ••'• \O crlnniitfee. ... Orrisurf.,NTo individual from .a ev'et h, rirgi-fll:ige 61ma one of hie "grunt— ttra.:- -I cur Borough authorities, thecillPl Necnsed at this interference permu.tect pis peasionto naa far a few re billies in 'denouncing the efT.evr • his shoat in custody. This . 1V3`.1 . .:r*.c 4 ... fir some time, until finally he was accrimpany the, abused offiber to ii e l'n7cL , . where his anger subsided, and 14 , 1 , 70 ,, ,.1111 , 13 of mind took its place. After' ynying or "gatherig,'” up his pig, it f,-- rt days,• and adverting it, • t .1 eMnelAtig * , we suppose, .1 i.. ,?: ci i >ra ;; , itliit i t l e lifilits of his I in the future. A.1;01 ;, llomii:nr.—On last Sunday morning alt,nt tt'el.tek, Mr. Wm. H. Mckenzie, of ZTitilstry.lie . trtt ar)i;e in his„kitelaen, and 017 thill,t.r..liiieoVered.two men withui I , atilo: knockedone of them down, int ti oft. r in t attacked him, and dealt liner. tti.leNti It racy blow. which foi• the time tinned him, that both of the. raiaalts I.llle their ' On , invest i gat ion it was thlt he.rere they were heard,. they 1..tn.t0 leis bedroom and taken $260 in ffr,to I,i, pantalonn, pocket. No clue 1 . 16: 7;' •I: Mtl E: great M at. ti GC C. Ault man ,k. Co. hog ot, , eel ebrit y—a reputation • - , .1111. , 11 tnot inl excellence and un 1414 1 .1 i the r tluciteye Leaping " ' 1 1 " .."k 1l tCl:iue. We hate seen it slat nalrher of Buckeyes in use by the States is r,renter than t' at her utacitiue. 4e the great `:!,1 - ;e1 a rail 1;12 tn of. the .11 . entmr family won tlio bright est laurels.— :Teak volumes. The render 4k 1 .11.n4 . cII.CI ioterestine facts concerning ii,lyertisement in thin pa . " 7 111' .1. \11' , 11 , 1' CAL."—We have, re 1-triTtl ell ote or. two octm o sio r ns Jo a lecture delet '.:lz . Y,ast--Man, Ohio, sometime ago, by a r , Ci , i‘ , 2l . of 1$“, l:ant bar:_ ru the "Eteini l-iOl the Univerze,* and in the swine connec tion ttated that, Dr: Dempsey. , iaf this place 1.14 Ileon 111.41 to review, and reply t?, it t-f.,,c - the audience and at the same Ile ?ills on Thursday evening of last weeie.aini bow successfully this was done, n - elet the Nlassillon IndependentAe Ette of May tolt our rryadei.s. It says : .- Psi% Da Dr.fitsr.v.—Being absent' from bmt,e, ta - einid opt t'le pleasure of bearing Dr. Dempsey's Ic:titre, Madison' Hall, on last - Ilitirsdn'§ evening, reviewing Mr. Grant's lee tore on tt'l"..-at Eternity of the Universe," hut :!t - t. hear it Spoken of by every one as a mas . redly, production, find a most trluinphati, !indication of the truth of llevelation, as it -relates to the creation of the world; the on-, lin of tam, and Lis illtiMate•destiny, Those idle believe as Dr. Dempsey does on • tlLeSo' 111tjecas, are enthusiastic ittiti,aiie 'hi the lee- ,1 :fore, and those arlaothinkdifferentlyneverthe feos .ascribe to-, the distinguished -lecturer !narked ability and great j'eseilicl" . • • - -Those who hearditie t letthre say it is won-: derful that the Dr_ teolcuP every.poiut in Mr. Grant's lecture: prtsehted -Vie propositions fairly, discussed titan elaborately, and yet didi it orally, never once-even referigg to a scrap ''of manuscript." during-the whole,lecture 'of an ' hour and a haf. We are pleased tolitarn than the Dr. had a Irery intelligent a*diende, 'Many frets Calton, vein). listened" to Kinivitht raltd, :a ndundivided attention. ' I t . Tehiseakent isoltunn. • , , t We confess &lira elves =oh pleased with , the ivoric:ftl 4 *** l 9gili~gisaft. hbeall L doraements offita etliera and its whole charac ter are of the';tery higheat order. .' • • ' 1111110 So mob:confidence have we in it that we have tra n K e t k a ° If s i err a • fora policy In ouree vim. • Rev. Mr. Gorham, - the agentki ipending a few. days inlown on a :digit to-his friend Prot. Taylor, itnd .IvAl t ....pe;chUipl44...oCett'tpftte upon i tWiaitossoCkishOrintiAlViSOnic far him i'respeottal hearing. ) . . 1 . 1 ' MEIN MS . A Fuse PIGUT.—On last Thurtele6r . ilecopyeti y veorgeuk r ot. two "itnigltte,ofibe rater?' b seine a et cited of water. One of•these patties, n?.nted Rebirison. represented the Borough of Beret, and with a rtzor in one of his - ~f lippers".' "went • for"' Druid, the repicsepttive. - .ol4Jridgewitter . „ Bruin in turn was armed with • what 'vulgar people call a ..shovel,'• amt - by a' dext;erous handling of the weapon, .he succeeded in bringing : it down "kerchug" on rsotifnson's "upper'stOr;g:" this timer-their came a little less hetigerant and.concluded on sttpentliag hcstilitieg, onthe "rough and tine ! . tilir , .ecel f. „inereAnthe battle' was neWed , Biuin;•Aboi. ftidiilbi s antagonist errestcd and taken afore Justice .11C.Wilson. i It c(it.. about $3,50 to get - the Mat ter adjusted. • • • " • - FINALLY Comaarazo:tAt the adjourned court held; here on issOlonds,y,lohn . Bird and Thomas Whittakei, who were bi#ght Over from l'ittsbUrgh and lOdged in . jail: - some time since, on e;Ohaige, of having :been Con cerned in the Spreul'inurdex, wermbranght up for a hearing: •• • • William• Lint', ,Tiain Coyle.and'i.illiari Ow . ens, Esqrs.,, axiettrod as counsellor the-pris oners, and . E. 'Williams, Esq., andl•Dietriet Attorney • Crumrine for the Commonwealth.— Mr. Williams was . procegding with . the testi mony on part 41 , the *Comitioniveattb,*Schlie was - int errupt by Mr. Linn who stated., that upon laliecOnsdfratlon'aiui4 thews - aces and with their-clients, they had concluded to waits the hearings • • • EVA IV IL L Lr.evuer..- 7 •The lecture de livered by . Bev= Williams in the Bridgewater M. E. Church on last .Thursday evening wait not so well attended - ed ivits• - desiiable'; those however, who were present, had the gratifma •tion of listening to a.very able aaii . effeetiis address ; The sithjeet:•—'llte Christian orator on Mars', a very interesting one, and Mr. Williams has evideistly - prtpapidAtts lec ture with a ireat deal of care. It will he de-' livered at other points in this vicinitY"; and as the proceeds are to be applied to a 'worthy object—the building of a church in New Brighton—it is to be hoped that the public generally will avail themselves of an';t.ippeor rustily of hearing the lecture, and in doing so, likewise contribute something , toward the . erection of a house of worship in a neighbor ing village. • -• GRAND JURORS FOR'. JUNE • .SES : . SiON 1867. Henry Grossmeyer, Patterson tp. • Wm. Wilson, Franklin tp. . • Gebrge Twits, Darlington Bor. . ' • Peter Crawford. Darlington Bor. Alexando t • Anderson, Big -Beaver . tp. • Joseph Morgan, Industry tp. S. Keeler, Hanover tp. • ..lOlin S. : Ben - en: Cliirpewa tp. Shipreart• Douthit, Chippewa tp. David Parse. New. Sewickly 4.• • Harrison Lbbert, Green tp. • . James yowan,•Soutli Beaver tg " Ktirr.,•Bnecoon tp. , • •' John C.-Moil:her, Bridgewater' Mr. • Jaines M.l3erhatir, Bridgewater Bor., Eamuol.Bider, Darlington tp. Andrew.Vatttvrson, (Foreman) Brighton tp. Ames Baxter, Pulaski Jelin Smiley, •Ilook:itown Bor. W'm. _Dobbs, 'Moon 22. T. A. lierripg,,Beononytp r • • . J. C:MCEinzie, - Bor. List, of PO tit Jurors for 186'7, let Week. James Sterling. Independence - tp.) ' Thomas Phi ' • Sherlock Stone, Marion tp. 'William Boots, Marion tp. • - • ' ' James C. Swain. Economy - Francis T. IV itson. Fratkllti Abon White; New Sewickly tp. Jacob IL Ghoring, Neli.SE.rf4r7 tpi Win. 11. Feazle New Aewickly tp. Thomas B. •Bogui.„Pitiii, - As. eYv i a l Y 4 P: .• Fish,'Pulastil:P:' • - 'Smith M. McDaniel, North Sewiekly tp. Fredetlekliterahatit, Northßeiiickly tp. John. Dougherty: North Sewiekly(tp• BenjaiVin It. Wiley. North Sewiekly tp. Atlam Ronscher, North New ickly • ii(m.lgetinedyiNortii Sewtckly.tp _ Sbmuet Ilea, „Rochester. tp. ' George MCCII4; gouttißeicertp. - Nathaniel McCormick; South Beaver tp. William Craig, Rochester Bor: , Wm. Porter, Rochester Bor. . P. -A. Fortune, Roihester Bor. 13: Crcisi, Rochester Bor. • • .• tWto. D; Jolnitton, Balhostar, - . Bor: . t :i v .; Lewis Snyder, Bochestes Bor. Henry Bryan, Freedom- Bor. • - • .John B. Snead, Fxeedora Bor. - • John i f ItteiVßfighton 1)or:. • Joseph Urtttaitfrchipppyrktp : Janie! Elmirteuly, Chippewa tp. • J. H. Bentz, Beaver • Bor. • JOiskiilPLF Atitletson,'Beavvir.Bori. ' Samnel:Oehrop, /men • Pelletal: bort " • ' JohnAlmstnut, Hanover tpt Setnnet Bigger, Hams,: goVertituntef. l slito ttoi James Bain, Olio tr. , = , . liejtobittr., - _ bow , dy A. 0: Hann, .. u .=gorster born. Meanor :Dixon, Darlington tp. Jolrldeel*, Bulb/ton tp. - • Deorge Plpi, Ditlinitton tp.- • Robert LaWn, 014014. - , . . • -'oldo'LD,____ ' etre' 11P• ow-Afx - 9..givf SS JOrdsn -04P)OPOPOI.1;tR:t iloo'kwin Ohio - • PairlonAiisa_llPlAro•• • • Jagob atone boro • suet4wreAm .ffpo .NAi uafik titinttiadeu ks tl=l: 7 4-.. 'Washington Johnston, South Boson tp. Ott D Sen t freid,,ron ! . .oOro,. 1 ;1 71U.i1liienW; )14min - dente fp. . • i e.. r.syana. WtxtDO*" - RoPentolltxic " )•• "Jeanie Wlittogart, fievistletrickly: ;.• DaVid Kennedy, Raccoon John Downer, Raccoon tp. rcisepirA 119 Leos tp . '; sienwriawatniip. - John. satP,: t ' 117 ~A- Ci• htiCree3l, lie* * Briglst.4'KOrO." Edward" Bfiine, ' Nee; Brightiin betriSt• • Johir-froroi, Betriakly •. ' 'Thos. IFergusOn; : John :Bride& airf:C,Fdpvtwa, . AKillev,-.llarioier tp' • Ose ert Denrad, 'Mom ep- • ' B F•ficott ; Rochester born.' GO° Flratiii;Rdahetter tr. James H:: Davidson, Brighton tp. _ . **is * 10,, 0L a T ; t ien Chief .4stico-Chase will alike pale on Dion day. 'BriniOitine-Attorney, /VVIAQt4fk-At l7l *P4; U. Bt greP# 'Rood lijOiejwlerdi the follo4/4 11#44J tolaiicaolo.} J The Rresident of the United States to Brig. . Gen.lietty ilrBlirtol; and to ...ay ~pirinnt or persona having enstody•of JefferAtn Da- vie, iireeting: . • , .. \1 •., ; • . -: We-command you iliac loft hive the body of Yetrerion Davis by you imprisoned, detained u it is .iiii i fff, ' coge ths? :viitii..tlitilisitrsi,§f "51044m 1 prison lent . and detention, by ',whatsoeler eamebe said,- - Jeff:Teide may'lki * . ;ailed or ebargiA, before Mir Circuit Court of the Ifni; ted Stf4e 4 S I_Orlitllfitriot: , t: ) f tirirOtisiisfifit, term thereof, at Itiehmend, in said - Distnati on th.„•••• and Meaiday in May, • one thOuband . - i.,dred and sixty-seven;at openieg of 6.. / i,' that day; tci'do and " receive *hat • shitil theii "'and there •be emisidered ooileeraing itaii Aeff. ,p ails.. • . i . ° NVirkees Salmon P. CLase, our Chief Justici, of Suprerhe Court, Unite&Staips, this \ fitst. day of ii. Ittttur, Clerk Circuit Couit Milted-States, District of Vlgtma., ,• Mt. Davis when. he arrives on 13unilay'will st,ill7be in miiitnry , enstody and not -bis pro duced in court. till Monday. It is stated -ha willt)e kept in prison; where tipart menfti will-lan assigned- him. ; , 1, • • I • . _ Jar Davis in Richmond ._ . . ,Socked durparch to the Plusbursh Cononerfak 1ta1 : 54 3 4 , Pili' ll .) /161.--4 flt lia4; i t iirtia 40. - six jr'. 'll.- - thti ai4rnOoi; * die lite Wilma John Sylvister frorn_Ft, Monroe.— Re 3 s under the pirsOnat charge "of Gen. 'tar t° . 00mmapriantl.o(tho:Fortrtss : , There wI; itopard r Wliittherit; Davin being en pireTJ' ; of holier to (Len. Gurton. Dr. Cooper, •surgeon of 91 . e post.„!, and ) p - hysichin Itiyareis„,bitsjor McGlidth ,QuFtarmaster, Hon. • Robert.ould, one ?Mavis's" oonnsets: 4 llarrison, his-private moctit.teerrAuriegi tho.,war. .eind.:/irs. Davis, are nutting ihe psrty from Fortress" Id onroe. They are sojourning at the Sl.eittsweol Rouse, where car,. .Willard dr. Co., the proprietors, bays iiro%iiiieffiigini:coigifoi:tiabie .4uarieri:•?, A large orowalirere assembled at the wharf, bu . t ia nothing occurred to require the presende of. :, er a midtary gusrd . or a policelme.. 7 -,- StiOttitifter tho boaviteritid' at tilit - Atitt, Geheral Ilurtor --ith his prisoner. ,and the .rest of the pa ,A,;k carriages and were driy. ex to the crowd quietly dispersed • ;The United . Stsies - 3lnrshal, land_ i one of. ids , • dlptit ies were at•Fortreen Mourn" to take Davis into custody, but Gitleral Button refused to giye him up, alleging that it was his" duty to deli Arr Idm to Cond.:on Manday next in, per son. Davis looks thin and feeble, but appears to 11,,e in good spirits. He laughs and freely duiverses with his friends and those who may be introduced to him. • Tbe case will positively V° bearsl 'Mon- Ably,' and' it is Stated - 41st in. the event:- ot fhit i • its being released bygutiga i.indepood, tinder lite writ, he will be again placed un'tler arrest on an indictment of treason. Wil M ARRIED: Afuy lat, 1867, by-J. S, Herron, Esq., Mr, MeCr.uns lyn.sos, of 'Honth• Beaver tp. to ifli . .TB',2tinnrnA 4. WILSON, of Cktippolis tp. , , . .. .. . Al 4 2d, biflie Rev. J. NT. .Witlxerepoet, at he resictenee Of the bridei mother, in New Pa., bums. I. WENDT; Id. .D. of New. Drighton,l"l4.-ttoXiss - A.aols,,E? &Fri.? • "--• .- 4 'l l ~ ' i,... r", - ' .4.1i ''.. ?Any 701, 1?) , same, et the residence of the lorithettLather l . ; sln..4ortsEstoor nosesll4 . os i TEIONAg STILOTEIVIS, to ?It*s Its* Ingstraz • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. WIIEREAS 'teptamenfarY' On the estate lirti.t.tan WeLats.sw, late of Puls.siti,•tp,„-Aleaver. county, Ea..,,dec'd.,, have been granted to the subscriters, all persons tadebtottwAhw,,..afifid aatnny "arn i ,itesuestet to niece ilitilifidlMrtynlint; - ant ^tiloseiiiving claims or demands against the estate of the said dece.lent, will make known the same with. oat delay to • - , _ FRANK NitLELLAN,-New WM. N't141,14.N; Pulnaki tp. • r0ay154'67: Executors. • -tra - AvEco , OR. STOLEN. OTILAYED or stolen from the premises ot sabooriber,sip l Ohio tp.., „Beaver ; county We' night "of•teht sth inaL,A 1 2rirrn mare, both huid ...411:,ringbonett,* stattlialla forebead,l, 14, ;years: about , lb h Any pinion returning /mid mare Or _giving information concerning her, will Ibe liberally rewarded. ' - - •tl. AG LEIt , Smith's Ferry P. , . . may1.5167:—.3t. • - • ADMLNISTKATOR'S iiIPTI•OX 4 ;T . EVTEILIS,. adniiaissiadon 110ite 1:4 of Vinitis,. • Lie - -of denik: gnaw Spwashig, Besse& isSusity, deed., hiring been granite& le - the, undersigned, all persons 'in debted:SO the esid: egiste,srevegurde4 toe • innnedisielisytnent; add these or demands ligains64he innate *Laskin" will Fisk e .15nown tlxcumliOisitlidutidalai, to c..f.,-7Pc7:14!;, Vg' t • I . 111 r,, . 1 3;4 -- ' • , :ci - ' I Y4- , A -,.. r i i i i..7 vl• •) I : 1 .. , .! t ---. 7 ---4-, _ - ~ .• - ~• . , AE ~TIOTiI. sailii, , .471 ,:,- • -,4 ~.y.m:;,. - -, :..1- 7...21.1 - E2id./ILI Lll-4,• 1! .1 or . F .i. Wcgl:glllll4: . ;...i -1 2 . 1:4 7 ,- 1 '' i t?,li - g iT 'ail Taifft3-2,-)!-,1q 1' 5 . Pciffit.cr4it ? ' '. -• ifi . • _ •;,-;1:1:1(!, :::, 1-.: jP')OT =Me NEW DRlNflaiioo . X* 1 ,... NEW PRINTS .11tEif AUELAI . i ti; ...;','.7-,ot -1 _ 1',.,1. .•.- - 1'i,.. - 1 ;-. • i 1, - ..- t 1t..;i() 4 ,;...i a'. : 414- 1-'-, -F . . ) . '.-%•', .1 i r.l.`).+AW-:17..,„ , . * LT , i .. ~ - 1 ,11 , ;.:-.. :. F...,::. , %.-:. 1 1 G....k,7-1 .-. . f 4 :1: ri 7t I «+_ ~2' 2 Lt! i ' .... '... /. ' 4 47i0 . " ' 43 'lrAl'filr ' , 1PP4 04 000 111 051. ...,..,, . • •r" , ...1 .. *".. •;. ~ .It. •. . , Jr-11 4 -- "-- . rix:i7c►llitil ' ; 1...; 1:# A .~..:.. .-'r ~ • ;1 -.?-4 4 ' 9-- ~NEW MLIINE#IIOOCDBI r'% • • 1d.T8,7q.J0 WEBS, IIBBONS, 1 I - I- L • Mewing secured the Ageney, Tor the - - - • ;; • • . . -'; Pairip ix° Sqwl 11$ i / ac h el ft • 1 • reisOecifeily i i'lidlfeit 'an I.eiinximettiou of the same Ba by. , the • T • I"-, .7.1.117 %I. , 'rum Id , hino is coustrited on a anew prin rolpti di ' iorgesetagutajis , Ar t lmi valuable Improvements,i having been examin ed by. the most preflnd experts, and pro-: bounced to be simplicit . tad perfection ems-. biped r , , • - . . - In a . mechanical point i l of view, the. advan tages we claim for „the I".Brerit's N 1 Sousa," are- , -- , ...... ';,i ; - ° • i 'lst.--l i ttelniethitd Of ; driviig tpe aNeetUe Bar by a compound crank, which produces the same • action as' heretofore obtained by means of w Cam; but ins more durable and noiseless exult:tier. 21 i .. • , -:- - 24,--Weltsteit Alt ddict theft tbever the ta ble, and thus sr& enabled to, pive all the oom required undo - the arm; without detri ment to the durability Of,. Machines.; having a betting directlyover the Needle Bar: . . 3cl=,-;Out4'eed iiieelis e•frietion fetiditad so constructed that there is but. one joint in transmitting the • motion frost the rock; shaft to the Wheel,, and !unlike alLothers, cannot be by oil or dust. - -4th.—The Bock I Shaft. tbet works the Feed Monett 40).rIiii 0/431iuttli. ' lite•beatings of this BEtaftleittlt 'Centres - arOardeteil steel .ii. and adjustable,ac thtti we can take up the lost motiorOstrwil - • 1.- • • .-- .1 • - : • The following. e the . prinelpal objections urged , Against Betting Machines: ' - . , • 1. Excessive fatigue; to the operator. • , ••• 2. Liability, to get out trotter. I ;• , 8. Expense; trodble,. and loss of time in repairing. r ~I . f , ! ' • 4.' Incapacity to 'Sew syery descriptioW of material. i• - 1 4, - 4 P; Disagreeable neise.while in operation: ' 1.. .-•;-_,•.• : - She Thbillidpirii , cring - Dricshitt* isiJ .. E*empt- from all - these . ~ •Oldelitions— - - " It has, s, straight neeclle, r in . rrpendieular se ,thin-i- Makes the totttOr ntilirr4 siriOlii lila° Will Wilmot 'WO • norl savat,l arid le 'alike ;in bOth isidei;•perprnis perfect cawing on arery . deserint': ,18,W'of writteirittl, that 'Leather to the thies&Nitisttarl 'Muslin; with !Writes; linen,. or I ; k tu n b t 47 l4ltrrai r . r ;l•: l 4ll l , ..7 c"iiiien . ,. t : itb .. a i naligt . i .1741E1INgs'791!UA‘11;SIRP111)154Earicr l' r t " '' il- liia.s. - ' " -1 --:1 , t 1..., 0 " - . ~.: ~ 1 _, I . . Haw vieltbqitu - least' estbtwl eke, a It it' , - ,or Vt'f!•* l • MI . I . 1 ,i •: X) IVY. ••••• e 1,1 , - , : c 4411•+:' Ate --f'C:te. DJ4MO • , 7 - - i UT( REMZEI • i"., T ,1J1?~.~i . I .'" t' GE =I 1111=1 111 BEM st,.aadJhe itleank sp. isstooth Is !th, is NoisieloirMaikil IN 1 :' Fortrps.o s s, A I D F , Q firT I 3 ft.l c _ • /.••:: • ,0=.,0-D att E, . . `.4. 1 0151.t.ef.q4,13 tellingo2l/34 7'(.; • • .tt't:: • 12.41.:1....-tIc2:4:•1117.;q:4 HI Elli rtt 'S 414 r r. 4l tv.. g r i NEW. M ER . -o- - - • , 11-iv a li st icuc E v, _.„,, ' . i L! D 8110 E Earelltni i . • jovi:41.11! F.; n ,- 41- 5. , E c,' , t •,; n oi li t ig ss.4l it r , : STRE'r i BRIDGBW ATER. - i - ivr 1 yl, -. y HAVE ItEMOVED tii the ; I ill:: 1 1014' . ivoOt tbrinetlibbe - olivit i it'V J. M. Didiey,' bieWit*-s•eit.l - tirtdgiiiitilk 'bale I will bp glad to' see :all toy . _old pistol *s r andA, Obit's faviiiitkg are with it, call ri A- Or ‘.(iol it:,.,,j 1 ; xr - • J 8 Ii i I . .t l Ovit * *i liimt ring a larger. and isPiezi *took •of litsiit., spring styles of, .:. Millincry : tristitalogiOiti;wbich will be sold -riry:.clifkuth a _.!----2..-- , p'-i zwll.l.l.2:Lii3r3r V ' y I ' :. . .". rh i . ''. ..i, ~:.,, U • .. .• .:,... 4 .:i! (4 . ,4l VdelotiPtim. l, eWs-'4 , 1 -straw boonetsi es 'fa Misses lists ; , #bbfitosr li on ere fit_ Iht Sel:i./0 3 ,'• I- -- :. - - " - '‘: ,': ;- : -' -' 1321,32:11.13:kgpt,•;' i--: ..- . ei 4: ....;.--r1,..:: ...-:, . - -,••:-._ . !---, -• : • • , 'Of. all kinds, for Dresses and Sacques,Aimps, .130T48, laces, amnions eugene- ruffles, but t Ons, at. .- • 1 . 1 • • 841, „,!, ..,.,..., gt, g.g E . . spqs, if" . es : : . ,-,,,., , c_ . -41. ,::., s, -- • , itt e,: vus c:4 ; c --i . . 3 't: - • EU Gentlemen's Furnishing Gondsd4 Gents' And Ladies' Paper' „AND Boys' RATS .AND CAtS, NECKTIItS- SUSPENDERS. • UJ.NDEB3H[Iie ANIS DRAW ERS; IT ft SHI RTS, ,„; PAPER CO lA. A RS, &C.. • - ; El =EI ce es I tiry elk 131:40:v es 9 ADZES CLOVIS, "Ani COLOR'S, .PRING .. AXD SUMER. DRESS GOODS AND SII. WLS VERY BM _.• . , Just ieeefeed=s•i uigO theap, csll and ee.l . , Bonnesheifiel:3intt I gisatilni„ Pinking - a . Cloak Cotty.:g on.4llqa noticqr 17 , 1 .54 • Men's shirthini(to to order. M 'chine stitching • _ • • LATO TKO ÜBIE . cc SIIOIV G OUDSI iCetiember Lbs.' pinot,—Alro doort be.. • & tfiallextbetrer's Grbeety "Starer; Water street," Bridgewater, Po: TINWARE. *imams AND Tin, copper Zir, Sheet-. • ; lpßopeat KEEL NO - CONSTANTLYON 'haw" all kinds a orTIN, :. COPPER..IND irgal 7 l4/9 1 $. W4llEr-whialh 1 witliselt TinlOoft*Sponliing &JOb work 4 • Done to order tn - the beat possibl e manner aid at the ahorteet notice, • , . . . . . . . -..-1,1 •, . L 1 . iT#Krne bAlitatostlit unit grist-ititi hat; ' • • mg 'ntni,,liiit die . leest 1:or .viirMiten; - WE l'iliftßAllT ~' ALL - WORK, . ! SWOP ON WE zdfik.E7l END:OF 90 - 23:1 - I.la.Stro apt. 'Oka ; a 'Cali and. Stamina - Dar, Sto4: • . Japanned ware•keptionstantly on fond. APTY_6*S. ,QBjIUT.;: . ' lll C- 1 0.-rrA:ytio R 9 S gfaadisg at the EL W. aor, of the FairSi • - . . ' • • 33- Ra 466 7 7411:E31, ::: s its 'nide • tun . Ulf S 4 t TISFACTIO#' 9-T1.4.4 11T IM - • WE MM TO PLEASE , . . • - *., _. - iW imukactiVti`with AO Piata i re Gatle wiliairiiilledliti3Optio-ji shop for th, iNtor- ir"gli , MOW Jeltelti; &C. 3 n# 1)6, 1 I }fo 2l I ` 4 'lr7 43 4 , 1 4, 64 F ,; 11.. !. t :lrctiPifitltcii,otlil;.t . tteggstlo:toturli 6 7 4 1 . - • .It,trs *:,14—...5407a .Cll EA P. etzacrmss. CALL A.A721 SEA' -ME A rf OTIA LY., pkA LER IN ALL KIXDS OP .' . I= Iron Ware. ,_ v It• - 121131190 AT TOE, LOWEST lIRICES! ?"1 ER, L' A . 477 P C . I.4"TtOZ:, PHOTOGRAPH- CAB, MI ~ ~ • I ' C : • ' . I 1 - 00,er tip4lBpo . s494:_rtir4 St., ' i ~ • , •. , , . • ,t "1464:ielrehlE '11: 11 1Stg - -" t 7 • . 7.4.-T... , A.. '''',;•.xZ,A , .6". - .;.- - 2:, :,:-.:,.. _. r ,T,,EDR.--ifr. ~9. ~ttu.occu. '. pied by Messrs. limitnaws — Lk f tsDERBON. _f, 7 - ° t 1 J'..' 33,- - -- i f 32RJ-a IiCD DIM S i s r . i . I :<;-t V ,r,neOP N Y. C IFit .XI4 3 5' .1 , lit Full and Complete Stock of l. f, • : - : • 7 PM= .DICEIGS dgiIanUOINES, CorZ• rILILXO.I, rzr 9 SOA:PS,TOILET ARTICLES., And - Of All ° • J/ ELnuPPs. . . . '.; iteS re iad t4.411',P1113* tk..I4*.CONIf kiiLds;a!:-pittibuisocrrires.,- .•— .. I '4olri • - 74 'o4. l PRokiet'hit tri '6'oi/trine& Ig4la NY INvQ GLASS ()FALL Slq§: 1 . . ) Our stock or ItloobOls; Wiles, Brandies, Wbisketss and , otheir . Piquors, t will.be found complete, and, beingsetecte with grellt . care, can be relied upon 11,14 being: Pure as can be obtained. sad' will be sold for Aledient. lad Bsorsteentil purposes. only. • mi. Presoriptitiiii -arid 'Family Receipts Accuirat i ply .Filled at' Hours. - • • • Ors .Preseription and Medicine Depart inent being under the,personal stlpervisiori of Mr.•L. M. ll'aiLLToa, with an .experience' of seven years, we flatter ourselves that we can give full satisfaction In any branch of..the business. , - 1011„Bettieutber - the place L-near the Post- Olfuse, e:orner Third street . and 'the Diamond,. Beaver. ; • _ ' , • 411 are respeCtfillyinvited to call and or- endue our goods said prices before-purchasing 1 eliewhere. . . , i • IBeiiveT, Apr24'67:lq4 J. II 11110IIES. Lj. H. BLEN 3D SUET, (1 DOOR' B I . O IV SEMINARY, Egpi*Nre.l", -- • • '• • t •-; Offers to his 'Friends and. Castamers a select Stook:01U --Iv atest-Styles MI In 'T' rimming a-, • .EMBRoIDERY, LACES,. y• RIT,FPLEs, • . RIBBONs,• - 11ErTioNs. 110SIER,Y, CORSETS, GLOVES„ TIDIES.. BAL. SKIRTS. The new foie rtntisible Empre . ss Trail hoop Skin, VgU Stuffs, Grenadines, Sunr CIA* 'brellss. Zephyrs, Ladies AndAsnlik Paper Cuffs and Collars, sto. • rail; LINER Y.' Of 4;4sitdelectiption. Mats and Bonnets, , very cheap.. , 'Flows in every variety, cheap: flats and Don= net, altered and cleaned, ehearp. ,- : 2 Dieismaking, Cloak Inii saok Cut ting,; Pinking:, &c„ &o. Madame D erost a. Latest s 'snd New, . • York Trinimed Pattern, constantly on hand. - PATTE! , RNS POE BALE.: • As our stock has been parehased at - low - prices, it is offered at corresponding low rates. Give naa call Sad_aoldsfy Don't forget thiplacci—one door'below the Beniinaryo+4Btrilet, Beaver, P. a . J. H:.BENCJB aprl7' . 67--;E,noil. ' - 7.1 WAIL PAPER, WINDOW - ,SHADES , . • • —AND— -• •.1 .r. ; 'T HS AT THE • 3 e t o's's b • ' - • _ • , Mrs ' M:Donley'- ..„,v. • ~• • IOOK . . ' ST AT'IONERY -STORE,. In . the' Dii:miind,'l` - • Aii;o•Sethool and otter . BOoks,, Saition seterai papers or r° „- .promptly attended to.. - 1 46 . 4110,•112tas - ' lietildi Cmighey by, ' In the COurt of Com her neidlyiend, , • mon Pleas of fiesiier i ffy, Cianninghem . . county. ...10-`1.of1;lov. ' '.l , ll:'' ' , A ! • Term; -1866:.=. •littel'i 811 u W. W:Congbey -! -. -for divorce e j To !Silas W. IC onghey. the oboie nem- ' ed o leePonlienlil lon are hereby Pros to be end Wesiin 'NMI. proper, pros befois 1 dux jw;ges et ,geirorr, mkt*, panty Court of 00M; Platt Plea* ityere te be bold' out the wand Mondsi et Ispi,,4 - , D f 867, to iihone aim if ,aziYiYou lin* *brae Wad Matilda` Con hey shill not lon illiiciteedironi ihe bonds of miktri xissii* ," 1 ' 'o;itiailoa*itik,yola. ''' , ' '' l : '72 IL LITTELI4 Ail. 1411"5-14tee; Iliff/a, MII7 . I; ter:: 7 ~C- •-: i - IV. • S'f' oti..T. a - Ca r .' - .V:i --•"":. '''''' e , .. . ,lbe i wiaeh =ton !CM " 7 • - 7 - `t ME =MI .10t114 Arkeiwettin Ito Om fat• • 5-OXi Gola Coupon - woo make the following Mame= for the beeelitelr-. edthe holders of 7‘ , 11k1044.1rh0 smay.stitt. ittiefoetliet "4 : -• f.*; *-- k` • litair = ..../stiGniernhtettit.conspute. the,. —.tog air bothltell4litiw glatr,idler nuitdrity antler- last coupon,"silloW est and three-tenths stt the 7 B=loA_and • , am per cent on-that:4 ', - For" Weresitiiipts: pow stoctCWitslikailnts $l4OO 7.040 Bond which reaches thereon 74 da,ii hatwititiFrum Feb. B il 5-12g4r. * ** •:// Oa; id•olii•••••i4i... SLOW .j 40 dais in;ercit (treinilsnlat) 10.50 . (11 4,,0tinte8;44,80 tlayit iter;+unanimi) , • -4; ill;(*c4,, ... , , y e4l4s a qtenn i zen t, - • •: -, 471 V ta. i itlvil) -be seest . by thielhat - tbe Goltflaitr,:' iil l' is '0 144 :. is ull',1 10 Y; viOell - i is 0t.i100d_ . ..11,. profit to I th e party. douvertiog sue T Th=lo4 log r. nearly filit4i'dAitire Per $1,600, Midi% froxiiht‘ - fart that at. the present rate of eofd,i the 6-2 es pay 'over S permditt: per anntwa.l A • We Area converting the i ,a-ios on iiitich - Velftir..3 It!viii - ,-:llu4t ".' OW9 0•0114. ' the present , bilging - and . selliug retie enitte*i us io alloy , the halder of tit's-70140s cbel ; tuf figure tit4-iluipit4letteceotffretll9yishiane. as ~. a coMmission. I . •• •.. ifeltlito`*• Laiikrvthe . aim 5-mloo34op* olliett ShilieS: ornt.l9s eirthe oiderforftbitil terms:': •' - .• -. • .. .' _._ e r4, 4 1.e.5i.,41 4 1Tig. through its, Oa' ' tic;,: t i e ., gelling mach heifer .ter than, ity, can from ; the ,Governitient, at ',lisitt t dr' - 15120s'delivirettte them inittletlikfely,thaite ing deJay: -We also, regAstei:,',iny,hondit tent tb Wt Ntitliotteisilial*C‘l.seit ell boatis:ast4lail ' by eipresi we :pO'r?glaggeafkbOti. ways, 'aid\ scud - bonds, promptly 4e direct , -,...,, • JAMES T.I3II,XLY &CM; ? ' • ' - ...' , ! (lusessior to S.Joniiiikei,..).:.... - ; , , IT.P, Dealt.rs in'Oollernalant illtida.,l:3 - :::‘ -• r Corner Fourth aud ., W " , stristaioi ).- i inayl--.2.ut 1 ' _ Pit burgh, Pa, • . ...--:,.. •'• . 4 ) ' .- 1 ' i 4 ). • NOTibi EN CiATLYTT•.S. tbarliriatia i " Court in andliii the ififie piirtlii efllnt'iikA . es bite'bf 10hatte f 'Ple#11e toittoship,la aradeOttatY; died, • " To.the heirs and legal fetalltieitatikieaofkOlt' dee'dit. Stalth,- 1. - Straty., MaryiEdwarde„ Andrew IdeCaaltey and Bitialt,- hia wife, Nancy. gulbertareti; Ant Link; James Parker andrie wife sad interested, greeting? Teti and tii* of, you are• hereby no tified that an inquisition to' make `.partition ir yaluation4 of 'the real estate of tent deolaied; situp.te'd in South. Bearer, adll ChitipeWit ehiper: Ditt;reii cOunty, Pa:, will bb hild;olr the premiaas the 4th das Juni, D. 1867, at,which tin*, taxi plane yeti ..!iniy attend if you thinlevrbiter. S. LITTIftLL Sh'ff, Sh'ira Mee.- Deaver,' g‘g_l - , - .FAxemro.N 4B#FTI#X Bg IttittiS AND couNtir.or - vat BOUGH - Of V A.thirrtgi, r iatiaisount with Local.Diusty Etkm . f o 1 sitt:iibtiroucb: r4":..t •..: MarAtE , Far outstanding bore ••As, as, dud *sand after tal ti05.',67:52.11*-44 Mss. 8,". By easbAn Treasury, 'sBo9 - 28 " sr Comanisionefs Warrant,-•:'..'7 03 I " Dtip. In ba'is or !Col 'et ' • on 38 assessment: • • 1 "XI • 1 1 , 44 For bat. due by. (foto. on . 1 ,, - • •. "Bond. to be provided , rot! ' 888 918 - , r . "--vire thditadcrsigticd, Auditors: or lhe rough of taßiton;herva couitte, - ind fiii4l them 6 lalceicfrooi,t,fie vide of. sniff BoroUgh, to he corftvt. 'sp" R.' D.'OOOPER; ' a S. Zfl'Fßßlti.S; BEND: . FB.AliktoiK' AtOitotis,r ' magB'~i7.~, (Loeai copy.) TN l W " PGzerty e . ,DIME-;SAViNGS :INS7i7UTI,ON,j ;, N 0.67 FOURTII Streer nearly opposite 'the , Bank.of Pitteubrgh.... Chartered in 1862.-J Sir Per Cent Interest Allowed. Open dnily ifrom 9 to l 4 o'clt4; and on Wedneadoys, and ; Saturday Eveninge, from' May'let ttr•Novem ber let, 7 to .RO'chick, ;tad from November lat to Mai let, 6 to 8. o'eloCk. . Books of By-lawa,' So., .fninished tite )otßet. gritia. ' - ' • . I This Institution eipeciaily cffers to tliostEl whose. esruittigs itycl the opportunity;'" to accumulate, by small deposits; easily saved,, • a eutioihich will be aresoprcc. when :needed,~ and bearing interest nuked of remaining un prodticilve.- • '•• • • • . . . BOARD OF MANAGERS,.: President---G eo. A.' Berry. • V.;•Preeidents--5.L.11.. Hartman, Jai, Park, -Secretary and. Treasurer—D. 1 A. Bradley, Rm. K. tatniel4 A. S. Bell, P. 'Rehm, John . S. Dilworth, Josua IthoAes, ;-• G. • Follansbee, John 'Scott... Jas., L. Graham, , Robert C—Schmarti, • . . 'Christopher Zug: • • Selicit'ors—D.-W. ti A. •6. Bell. Ilay THE -PL, I IOE - TO,,Byy ; , . , GHE A P G*OIDS! CAL - L AND SEE .. TH E M` -I =II nA.TING recently purehese4 . 4, complita and bee seeahment of ' jt-r DRY AIPODS, • NOTIONS. 13ARDWA4E; QU EENSW &RE, .1 TINWARE, _, G ROCERIES, &c. 2_ We ere Pteli prices:. Prin i.ng t h s Oams Browii Muslin Bleached.. ". Other goodsin proportion. eel pd. sae nut gulag. .Fo_o l l l llo for showhig All kinds of Country Ppiduee t) cid - ti lsa*: for gliOds.-- • 7.• , *RSA DAWSON,' IhirdJet, • • ; ' • + ' 6¢ i 't.~~.,. I v i Mil MI Ell . . to sell at alitoDialiltl; /ow 1e' . ' " 11 4 41 . • 18 • ;