The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 15, 1867, Image 2

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• .
J ,.. WIE,YAND;S.-",•
IW.pprojkAiri , pndrniii"an
. 15, 1867%
Tn.!' editqt. being ,abeent "accounts for our
Inek,.lloooctil and general editorial this +week
• .111 --,
Willem:Lt. PHILLIPS anitPirker Pillsbury are
I..eth• i - tioiniqieir litmo.,lt to hying SenatorlVik .
s..t.ti #,.ifiii raiitzlott lo t hcSotith ern States in- ,
t Q .:illreOite.. Ti l ey -. 04 1: 4 " . ,I:io, pp:port unity; .to
2 opeali, di spara,gingly of thc mov,ement. to hull d
, a:finiOn pariy in the rebel !tates,, - . but not : .
witlal tndi n g.their opposition the work goes
'..brav,ly on.'..'
------- -
..Tenni: E. ,Mi.. It 17 °lt his Suite arrived at New
Orletima oeThueaday last, from whichfoint
he comm l inced his stumping tour through
- .
,',,ll(lern States-1 Re, was • welcMocd • to,the,
' the Mayor', Council, had a'...4arie.body,
of citizens. - Being an. effectf.yo speaker,. a,
*zealous Unioniit, and Well inf,timeil on all po
• .
liticaLquastiona of the (Lis, his canvass will
imatiubtedlylaccoMplish much good among the
people he ttddiesses. : .
.: • .
1 • , _ ;....___.._.......,-...- _ ..- _ -_-,.. , . *
"..Apr'eciai,DtstArcn to the Pittsburgh Vow
' nieretat, dat'e3 : Richnuml,4lay IA says that
; Jetli- Davis" has been released on giiing $lOO,-
001? *lit for.tri al at the mcit hake
,•of Court:—
• Amtung his 'bondsrahn . are Tioraco -Greeley,
010. .VCotuier, AUT. - Soh ell, and John Idinor.
..• "Doti o. e ; 44fis said 'that ; aft cr.sojo!arrting in Rich=
mondn•ishort time,, Davis Will proceed to Ni,
• spie:Falls for . hisLealth.
.• ,
John F.,,Drivo, Esq., then atatipi.the object Perm' are at a I,olll s thlitg "7 4 Pllttlaolltir fl o,srauevitent rnecinun' endiartholtst - , It
. limPiliktifl klnitilet . f lit . : 4 ' . " - v •n t niiiini n i l s '% i f . I ; n b - b a c ;
of the meeting. -.-.. .:;,_., ..• ; : - 14 " SIL° , - tk•Ae _ halt at..' a s 4. 112
" The result• f •
, Rei. D.. P: Lowerlt of, Haaltar'Pove'kths t a • ,- - . ' 1,471 - .I k t igh4 l -4 01 4 0 4 .7 4.41111411 z ' kW -I Ce in n in tl re i nt li t nwilie W 'aesi g .'
ri conunittee heap' pointed on.peimanent tirgani' - n i: . °l w omen
- of FraTigrAlt i llltir,,,,,,
.. A etkip.u.:44.. ' , .. , . ,,, - - -.,-... ,, r , . , - -
~,, • ....,7 ,: ,... , -- : c ,
p . .
IN ration: The motion :was Adopted, arul.7• s jitei's: It is , , th e1 i rekr. 1 ,44744 , 4_,. 09. 0 .ra, _ ; .. 90 . riatian, tlieltmorliingiterideg was re
ef wheels to pre. #44oo.of•ttta../a.Vata t ....Attgoatil to-phoiswe awintillt _book, and Telco .
-Lowery, Bracken,- Shielde, . Glean, and Mr.
Hooter 'were Ill'Pointed-• ~ :-.-: . , ,-.- would send ' i -f he if el , .
_t_,„,../!,!liia:4l4ii'"°,f,ana-h4linsetiinlioir el tit.- Immeiationfondeli4 2
God and dev.•'llit'eath*".
. 6.1 "le7#n*!idiiiiteterolftliliiiieetlitt l .1
- -
A gOnniaitiOo 011 Dusisess was theaaPPolot - .
_ . •
ed, .consisting of Messrs._ Drive, Smith, Fields;volunt a ry itt4rleiiiPtrii i `Paii t ail Lag . wiii-- - -N -1-- a 4 -- si --- - • ..
be a
~. ,
l•-• •, • • •---1 • •,,,, ,wo a 14, artery -•was - r,equeiii4 th;
I hlissen_Leech, AlexandetandLedile. „ • ' ll Pia i l lr e n g n it e ......,
.. i nifnlifli;•„,k - :,, s 2 .s!birk--.. f g ash an ebstrect,of. ,he Procetatnite of ita.;,
n liir.l.l. F t : Gilbert, of Buffelo,.N.. Y., editor neer., and' b> ..
i n !Con Tynan' to....elisteelighinitinssifFitfalitteg
a of the Sunday School Strindaid, • wes introdue-• :liork-,...: lBll Faril4adaitti art4' —.1 41 .4 011 ' n l d ! dto Otelieliver Ca :'papers for publics . on.
ed, and ! delivered an entertaining ; addeme_on Weft, Meath. railrealoaltaal . - . -
.1,, 5 ,...0n at *n it e t tutual-meeting of the giver
- J uri g ht „..magantol t rain r„,,., g i .
tit . , . ~. 11 i '
'ou t History. of the Suniay School, Movement. W i n° /ilia . -' ll 4 4l .4t 4 anviiphir.. - ,lativa l tF:7 lll. a - 41* aft:Asetadation wilt be held. in New, B s
g Hesai i .that. the s naday Scheel at , ib `- ',, ,, bnli r i e sti fathers and MOaliticotbillilt - I
I.: , defined' Bathe rely reaching Affer the Andras, • Il ° 3 l - "0 .n.4 111 1. 0 - 1 1, t itt e '0 1, 4 91 . 1 01 $ 1 7• •••• sr.
l '' Wring 'holm. unaeillillelia ": ietf•l *".
• - • -,l'hintitAiy4irtialtsgeote , were ten . dared_ A n.
0 indite history,aa the ChistFA's tarok It? sras!er ~....,.•„ ~, .... F. •, . ~.___• -. :. loonietsc.Ap',o • ,citoir kr .their ,muiliest - enter7
spl4llolbrikleaturses. for their ;valuable
th e 'ih il dr4.4inw-list. boom da I "Ft s i t ;0_ na'b r • °lllll2. 4 Y 4 - 1 . 6 . , •,,1 ii Mi r i e ,.. ' . 4 , 4 !i% 4. _ :,....- e I P,P; tAollattlintaSd , to , the ,eitiaewi of Beaver feel
r those wiioni theme... . .
.. 1 4 if',104 . '411411,:i11t - .l l 9Bl4to li ti• -.- ' . .! .. ' ''
I immortaliti . , The 'instruction of _elilldren` in
pn iz ir n by the bleasing loc.:led; !nee- ,. ‘!: , imi . st ., if' .. - kiiippiamill'il .., , - FJ • —. ...
' Mtne ein it e r gthe donate ind i zonouneing
1 the anti-hlessianie Jewish C . hureli
theakfin-AvisiapinetglefNiOlfinitbaltalli the Conventiqn o.. t.
c strong : resemblance , to our present
. .
School work. During'ilte first centuryend
g l ind l iy beyond . ,
keens s ~ , ,-, ,
successful, iliefb,, : tPAITat'....I
the greater, part...of the• second. .military. o f 1 TeacithaPfedt . s
. - I , leittke .esi-.
Y ofein& ' 'n-Nolusible
I sponsibilitial Istaltittlte .. .:_ - .
Christianity, there is no history o f , any relig
'o ions movements correspondWg. to that of ` a uxiliary to tlietaitliataOlt , AU .
.1, near the
re i nea,,u f., truths of the everlasttnt 6 . ;. , .., 1 :•i . 1., ~ ,•
.§„tuiday, Scheele ; - but that
the• second century, schools for the religions A hyma hovlttil , betaiflogli+74. , ,abalrig e • ;
• children qqual Meath:" foe Salihatlt littlusit ittaratioll;altiL
instruction of were revived; and that HertaProcalall4 - Aai:ltelltark ' , At IntegMall '
before the clime ot the fifth eentury t •,ibey
0 had.' become almost universal in the Ohara- eebaareli/ittlinMetltlalatt, a 0 1 'ftiaTkjoar s
The schools ,hadarrived at a greater degree
ledge of the Biblii=ah aliM i tY s 'fie.Wreintill ,
I ,
of perfention than we of the nineteenth cen• hearts' of children a loie lee r G o od ' s tettill i s. I
wry are disposed to give credence—they were The teacher; grid be a Tian' o i liviagiitety,
t systematically managed; graded, and chisel_ that he may NM. iie . t , ihtlia.. l )Ot
an unconsoi in fl uence feectiod.Weltiati:Sf
fied. From the siith to the aixteenth century
h there was a gradual decadence and disappear- 'I Proyer, that it . mey remivastrinigthlrom•on
high to assist
. inhislal(hei,9 emelt Of great ,
t ance offiunday Schoolis and also of the preach
faith, that , b laity rely In,..the tiretalsei-alf
ing of the . Gospel throughout . Christen
they are set fo . 1 Mlle Go l; a man earitett ,
The ,Situation- in Maryland-gloomy night • a
in seeking , the c on v er sio n of s • t hat ft
'dim. ' But after this long ,
••'. f `' nle h"
Political movements in .11tsryland are be, bright" sulirise arose ; :Lid' among ths many
may be blessed by 64 if.tke:dit;ols g
coming decidedly interesting -The Demo
dui duties.,.. 1 e of hie
1 changes ' and ,:reformations. of the sixteenth .
Cratio element—the same that sympathized - , century,' it brought the daweof anotker Peri- / .
by Thechine.
~..„ , , , '-';
with the rebellion down to its close, have re -' od of Sunday Scheel& The speaker : then Sin g in g
solved'to hold a State c- Convention to accom• briefly sketched the various movements, or - Rev. .1, D. Glenn said thatin illidoursing
i , plish its object, through a remodeling of the g e n i z atiiins, and soelitier, that have been in L iven the subject eidllgneol - hi motel nantely,•,the . ;
State Constitution. , The Union people_ef the 1
the interest of the S unday School cense up tithe . Duties of the Sabbath Scheel teacher, it '
State have called °nether convention lv vilieh ; present time ; and then added two i might be proatirble to Jonquil' s ., in order to
will meet - on the 14th instant. ltOnvoke the , continents behold with mingled feelings of i understand the nature of thoM duties, what ,/
1 popular loYarwill ; and it will" appeal fo Coe Pride and astonishment the vast proportions :is the work contemplated bir ,the Sabbath.
gross to protect- _ the loyal masses. The en- which the SnnageSchools have assumed. •To i School? 'He enawared this question by saying,
franchisement of the colored citizens will be foster the Sunday School is the primary dutYl4 2 4 it WAS 114 414Torcent. in the keep/Aga the
holdlj• proclaimed and demanded. 'On this of the Church; nod to carry coward this work 1 Great head of theclinrch to build-up his own
interesting subject.the Ilalthnore American successfully, the Church must devote *band- 1 Kingdom to ikei world, .od l l - ihirtfore, an '
lays: ' ; • I antly of her means, the choicest of heetalent auxiliary to the grand design Of_ the Church;
. _ s•lt is but the renewal of the old conflict iar
-1 and piety, end her prayers to the Head Of.the Ihkevaita•Haattairf4;ttla r- ai, 0t. 1 4, 1 (.• Tate ;duties
Soxz.base reffian dins invented a paragraph anew forin: It has to be met,and we have the.' • - • et the Sabbath. Sishool..teeoluirl'implied implied .;
iChurch for his blessing , -
about Bataan. (P. M. G.) resigning. Thisr right to demand of the General Government I, The c;nrentiiit_ adjourned un til the after - tha n mere heed knowledge ; bit;' also, le an
statement is proMptly dented by an. inxiolia thenecessary weapon to meet it -Some twee:: to e,. _ ;', .' ll . l i - I - - , •
correspondent.' We are assured that the story y-five or flail . ) , thousand law-abiding men: -1..;
..• TEA. VOON I E4EI . BION. 'it .two O'clock the ` taught of Gad and hia goal; * Jesus Christ. 'A
that Randall haeresigned, or ever , contempla- who werewith us during • the war. and are 10 • • ' - duty,re v r 'll aviniplietir 1.. earnesteffort
, Convention re-assembled : Prayer wes„effer-
...m . o . ee . i
4 ' ted resigning,•oitlVer intimated that is • any still, are kept from our ratite. This lean e ..4 d . :) ,, y . :1tev. 3.r. Glenn. • :'t , to secure the converklotil' of children. The
peesible „ mintitigencYfiewould resign, i-is false. element of Strength and" Litertainty of success, - rg
The vo i tee reported the fulloi ' Vitie Con: ehildren occupy a 644....; place: la _ -the
The assiirance'lfscatiely necessary WS be- which theCongriss of,the United Stateeottght • • ,
oh-of-this ilesi_se County Su dtiqcliool theonetny of Got_ n .:- Thp'7Bkle everyirheit eon
" Here in Randall.' lie will hold to an' office as, •ts give , i'is, and that.; too, before, and not afteri A •' • ' • wet - 4- - 2 T-
sson tattoo; which . received and a opt- __
long as any member •of the Johnson party the conflict., , —• i. .: -.. :' 11! 0 u s i i. ....;' - . ' • .• . • ' . pronettereirgßyllielfiblentioilAiiitte•Who labor.,
' I I -
'. which is sa,ying a great deal.. He may die— - ••Should the Congress meet in July, we inn - • Soc i e t y . - to tram Nip tind feetthe lambs or ther Seek,:
, . Are. 1.- • This shall be , calledt li , ,• , IL ~
whichlleaven forbid—he, may be chosen to a I certainly ask them, not-,for:-mtlitary•intorter- t Bowlike. Sander School Assoelation.auxiT- with reed
everlistinicabotild..oe .. feitiurded ai
~. higher place, which the people forbid—but he l ence, hut the enactment of, a; law which' W ill 'piety to Abe Western Pennsylvania& S..Aziro- Fo'cit i rfoilitoetiti ll ' faitlifal sHaebarle of
.- ilt never resign.. If any of Mir anxious poli- i bring out the vote upon - a lineation nf,, , ,inipert 7 ; e i nt i en - .-, .;'.. , - . -- ', ; I lthet,teacherVdtitiMi.- Troyer; shady and le-
ticians hope to get into Itaadall'a shoes, let 'twee; equally vital to us -and to the country , at I
-c 12, !Itir ' fl '.. :-A. ' H d Seheol : teacher s,' '
~. ...un ay..
~ , pa ,
~1 . Noe around thie reside civets Of his - scholars,.
- them be patient, and wait . With o ffi ce-hold Large. ''. ' ,
•1 toter into the dutisti of the Moot* er in - ohn e "
I .
•'' - " • ,• . 'tors, And friends of .Sunday . Sphools shall be , - l abors • e e -
era like• Randall it is only a ouestion of time - ..ic. mill be the. duty .of the • Convention !L..r doh with his third - public as - the school
; niembirs• of this Assnclistion by. attending its
tbut still it'if a question of time:—.K. Y. Ti-i which meets on the 14th inst.:,- to consider the I-,, l ' i• .- •• ' . . ' ream. The fi t iiiiker closed with a feeling trio
,[ re n t ar met rigs. -- , ..•
bunt. ; - . ' ... 1 :: .-4 ; ' matter , and appoints. • oemmittee to open I n; • • • • ... 'lift to Ins early Sabbath S i cheol teeeher. -- ...
I • •
stir --- -- . _ - After ronsic by Hie choristers,
_Ayr. Gilbert
_Coixecr's Dst:Aso '(Rep.) of Ohio ...was
"'Aeatett , out of 'pr . crtificate of eliction to Con- -
gress last fall in•the Zanesville district. He
' gain notice fli iirice of a determination,to
• test for the sAtt.t., The testimony is now being
taken; and the' 7.ahesville Courier 'of the Gth
spetiks•thusiof the, result: The taking of the
testimony of the Delano-Morgan contest. his
progressed far enough to assure the result.—
' A majority of the legal votes cast in the Thir
.l t ,
teenth District last fall 4ere cost. by Union
men, and Hon. Columbus Delariti was fairly
itt'-elected to Uongress. This is already prev
en by-the evidenoe.taken, and plenty it votes
to, spare. • ,
T ire Dernocarq.ofAllegheny county met in .
' onvention at Piflibrgh, on Wednesday last ,
~' and selected their.Telf.gates to attend a State.
Convention of•theit:i'arly‘ i at Harrisburg on the.
• 11th of June. , ;After these were selected, a
resolutionricolnitenjing Mon. Walter H. Low
titles the candi l tlate the•party for the Su
prerne 4tdgesiiiii' of the State, • was unani.
Monittly adoptedi,..; Mr. L., has -.teen, on' the
Supreme Benai ilretely but make
the nominetion :rif•his party. much less •an elec
tion "
..#l; t judge Wecodwarid .is not re-'
nominated, Judge Sharswood of Philadelphia the Deinecratic candidate 'fo4 that
sition. At leaBtiauch are the "surfade indica
Lion's" at thdpiesent time. ,
. -
, .• I a correspondence with : every , Republican, ,
.1 Tus State Alights Democrats Carried Ken • o f - • .-., ni ! tn- tt PrOideat. l -"Vice .President, Corresponding
. _ ber uongress, puling his epeeist
•luekr, in the election of Saturday. ' Their pop- . attention ''Sets'i,:llecording Seey, amt. Treasurer. etre-,
Ito the condition o f' our affairs and urging !h at. ' tedbia two-thirdsvote at the annual : meet- 1
Oar Taj o ritto probably lets than last y ea r,' body to enable us to Eight our Awn battles by.i i ng , , 'ir s , ca nciesmion 7 o ffi ge. wa y t o ,su t .dlb 7l
but only
,beettime t h e vote is. lighter. - Several ,
giving us the proper instruments al' ws.rfiuw-7-' t the Executive Committee.. The ; .Frosident„
o r f their cand idates.had been in the Rebel er-1 he - votes of Union and loyal •men, wititentiltsl Secretaries and Treasurer, ,oritla, fire other d
my; nearly every ore. had notoriously sympa- tin . ction of c010r.7 - - ...,-. ••' , . persoris,shanconstitute an ExecutireCMinnit.; 1 . ,
ibised with lhe Rebellion. There will be some i .
'.. ••• I m i tr e s, having full control of this Society,. in
bard miettrig• required to seat their rlidega-;. 1 ' '• ---""' . . . - - I*,
~ , • 0 „1 , ell matters not herein provided. '. , .
..-, i
lion in ConlitOss !but Kentucky is Still pro. List of- om..natioxis . anißeje,
I • .-1 Ad. 4. • The annual meeting of this Society ,'
Slavery, theteWhyabould she not be pro-Rebel . tions • ,
Her voters it - ' , ,e ett ou keeping the . negroe , 4 . ' t I . '.' lehall be held in:the- month of. October in each '
{- .-- . -- WASIIIiGTOn °Play 10, 18.07 • ear. y • • •
under foot;
.sa they uphold the Rehel. Demoe'Ll ' , i
. ,
racy as theisurest 'straightest roitd to their end. Art. - 5. These articles may be altered or i_
The me 'tot b remarka bly loyal, Lunlame;
- .
nor farseeing but tliey• know w,Vat they *ant,', vote.
... -
*lld vole the only tickel, premises that ' id se, The Com m i t tee on -perne gon
-permanent orisatton.
. . •
cure it.—.LV. Y. Tribune •
_reported the ;folloWing gentlemen as permanent i
officers cribs Association, 'who Were unapt
'monsly elected. - _ ".
President-John F. bravo,.Esq. '
.: ' -- •
• Vice Presiderits-Jetties- I Fife, F.eq.„ U. P.
Church ; Itev.-141r. Foci; Lutheratt; Dr. ShaV!
lenberger, Baptist. 4 Henri Reeves. Plw,
3ietbodist ;• Henry : trice, Esq., Pres bytiiisi,
rapt. "Campbell, 14. E. Church; Dr. b. N
Nippert, Church of God Ilan. 13.41..Chtunber;
lin, Episcopal. - .
Corresponding SeeyLßev. -D. F. 1.,011 , *T; ,
..... . . . . .
Beaver; l'a. ' 1 ,
Recording Sec 4 p,•-deo. M.:V. : Fields.
*., ,Tretteurer 7 3 Vallerputilap.
~ .
,__, •: ",.
ibbit Fi'Dravo;'Eirq:.iiresidenteleetZ'aitsurn
17ed-the.dukies of:his office, havingmade a vig 7 l
':orousandwell-timed Inaugural address.
. .e.Thellusiness Committee presented the fa=
•lowing programme,. • as . • eubjedt• matter, for
• discussion; during the afternoon _sespion-1
Difficulties encountered by teaches IA inetruc- 1
ting clashes in the Sabbath School's. 2 School
, .
Departments, S. Programme. - • • . - •
. • -
• 111 r. Gilbert 14'11.11 ‘ chosen •-. conductor of 'the
exereises• - -; I . .• • -. A .
Under the first topic ; the fbllowirig . were
Presented-by members Or theessociatfon'-- r ,
M'ant of co-operation by adult members of the
Church; ifint oi competent teacher s and of
Aimless teaching; Nenpreparation of
lessons en the pellet Scholars; Seething' at
tention. • -.' . - • 7 -
Under the*eitCondliopic, namely; . 1.34164.
Departments.' - it , yeriety: of opinions was . std . L
vance4 as to thil4mie - ,ad suiet,er ot • tepirf,, l
prearte there should ir'in The Sabbath Soho:mai:l
The Conductor:
_was falrblii tii"iiii;y:',
desigeated b y - the name or ,iliflii4p ^ :AltliCli . itad 1
Senior.. • 4 V - - ' ---
..ititat :Ih il l. l eno l 4Pi!
. AiTte. f. ism! 1
- '9
finkt4"e' Oarin4o l -'. o 4iltrie4 .ll ,1 0 f 8:
'OIO4:VP. it '' ''' ' --"-- , i. : •-
ri••-: .h.,.- -. 1
, Bratria-fisiriot:—:, Prediten I)ravo in Mel
1-• ' .s -• 12. . ' L '' . l .* ' '''. 3 AMR re_"" !,,,,• •• 2,c' . -••• • I,' ....,...,
' 4 iar; :6:110 ca 1 .4 0 .11 t r i . k •11.F.r.V1•r"191?!4 t"l° 1
'' , T .1,1 /0
thi t tlanik. tithiiilitiiipresent: 4 " Oix • sa l
vexed •prograusne for the- narcissi Ortlili',
A FEW of the colored people of Paris Ten- i,
1 nessee, mere quietly dancing a few evenings 1
. 11 since, when ten White, men rushed -info the
house, dro4e.out the surprised, unarmed Blac it
men, gad ntvishe'd the women, tne of whom
I was,sa.. , injured by thei r ruffanism that shit 1
'mut die: Eight 'Fit' the White miscreants' have
bcen , arrested and are now inoustody. ' We I
shall watCii very closely the legal proceedings t
with regatd .. to them. A gross outrage may be
coitunittetk anywhere, and by.W bites cv Blacks;
but the latii, beare - down on : some people is it
doeinot, ctiotheri. • Ten years ago, this :hid
cons erinitip ' ighthave been perpetrated in any
. • Bouthen4atewith perfect impunity. Now,
.we .truS,ilionny . not bit, thanks to ' Enitineipi
_Lion. and ilk Civil Rights:ad - . As our some: .
time friend Emerson Etheridge, Conservative .
, candidata
,or Governor. of TenoCssee on il4
platfornt rtif-, ' , Universal Amnesty, kapaitial
:Suffrage," lives at Paris, we look to im to
tak care that these raVishera are so dealt
Lthat • tb,ey'. will conclude- - not to do, so
again.. --1-. Y. Y. 2ribuus. ,
) '
A COILRESPORDNO of the New York fieseldt
who is 'splaying. the part of Jenkins for lir.
''• Beiard, at Auburn, says that . the .present re
r„ turn home of the Secretary, is only preliminary
,to his',retirement from , public • life. 'As he is •
,new siaty-si years old, be, feels that the time
bits-nbout arrived for him .to seek • quiet and
I.:Becluelen.,; In. private circles he is very. en
I Itbusiastie over his recent achievement in se
i.„curitig for Unele Sem the, Russian American
teVilltry, whose possessionhe deems a crown-.
ing . triutaph of his, the bene
fits of which, though now involved in obscui
lit . will , he claims, - beceme . of inCaletdablk
. 'nine atilt not very remote period. ' -
. ,
' : Goixttion Vienroiz has appolitid — Jolin
Slieer,'si'vCole'red'irian of Richmond, ii` notary, .
'Pablic for the city of Richmond and 601160 o;•
. ..
, . Sence. Se is cman of respectability. and
intelligence, and is the firet c olored man e ver
.._ . .
$F pointed to ench an office. - ' •
, . , .
.. - .
HO. ..
LZ-IK-Tlit-trAY, the celebrated.Chipciewa,
chid, has married a. white domestie of a hotel
in Washington City. Mrs •Hole-in;theolay bi
a young lady of modest and intelligentApp4r
ance. Ileiroyal husband .does not deaf to
take her to his harem of half-dozen wore
Indian wive, i but , designs' S
living in
.. ' Clo4l,
Minn., in t.e style and anannnt ',.."iiite
1 folki.'- f •
_. Trig color d people of Baltiasorit presented
the - widow of Hon. Henry Winter Davis a full
lengtk portrif of Iser;decrisetherstrit:ii a
tribute - of tljeir gratitude to his memory for
servicesrciaerid their .
to freedom.
-.*ntlcartiia Ili irjactiata.—The- . Legislature . l
of 'Nlrginia'has - dotte a good thirig in -appro
priating tB6 r ooo for the education of white
ankl black children. considering that this is
done .bz a State where it'aas in' offense three
iettiaana tot each a slave to road' and ;here
the condition of the free hlaCke was:lardlY .
Any botter 4 it indicates a :gloriqu'i alvance- of
public sentiment. Tt is alsp an:actof wisdom.
CNINGRESSMAS KEiLIST, of Pennsylvenia, in-*
stead of following Senater Wilson in hit cam
paign through the South, is to proceed 'direct=
ly to New Orleans, and , commence there to
makes Radical speech, Flaking a, tour throigh
Louiriana, Mississippi,, Alahama, Northern-
Georgia and Tennessee. Senator Stewart, of
Nerada, will go to
,Mississippi, where he
proposes to address the white and colored peo
ple in reference ,to their duty 'under -the Ite
. -
construction act.
A Cosciussmokm. inquiry into the facts eon--
neCted with the capture of 'Jeff. Davis fullY
confirmed• the report that he was disguised-in.
•fema!e garments when. taketi. Ile had on a
lady's water-proof cloati- gathxed at the waiss
and a shawl drawn over his bead. , He carried
a tin pail upon his,head. as if going for water.
A pair of top-boots; which the cloik Aid not
"bide, betrayeihirre,„ • -
We believe in our soul thit the whole party
of ex rebels have qttaied more in their souls at
the-probable testimony as to Jeff's disguitie
when captured, than at the idea of having
the old traitor hang. How are you chival.
A list of the; nominations made I:,ty . the Pres
iderit and rejected It) , the Senate during the
special ession: of the Fortieth Congress has '
just been .compteted. It was printed for the
confidental use of the Senate, but a'copy has
leaked out. lie following are ,
the numbar ,
- jetted fur tVe positions named: ' Tosimas- t .
tars, 113; Collectors-an& Assessors of
' enue, 57 ; Surveyors of CUstems, 13; Collec=
tors of Custom. 5 ; Naval Officers, 5 ; liidian
Agents, 2; Public Lands, 4; Peu i sion Agents,
8 i.Consuls, 2 ; Consul clenerals, 3; Minister'
to Austria. 2." There .were} twenty-six 'head:
nations made which were - neither coniiimed !
nor rejected, but were laid ',over.' The Most
pronilnentof• this. nuMber are Raymond for"
Austria, Capron for Agricultarallititiesii, Sid
ney illoWar&Gay for Assessor JCL / New York
city, and C . , S. Franklin for Navtil•OfEcer for
!Ceti fork.' At the iigulat session .of the Selo
• / • 1.
ate for the Fortieth Congress,. the fottowing,
is the number rejected : POstmaiters; "10•ij
Collectors and •Assesiors, 58; Anitriaw
sien,.2'; 'Pension Agents, : 5. Oaring tyi-iges: ‘ ,
sion of the Senate for,ihe Thirty-Ninth ,'Con-..
greys the following were rejected : 'Postmas
ters, 95; Collectors, 83 ;Colleitors of Cdstom,
22 , Postmasters, 108. . '
bidia4vri,AcUlldt, in Prance
and i~ruaeia~
4 ,
New Yuan, Ditty 10.—The Weinlers,' Piria
correrponderine, l referrina to war preHpa4tions
of Franca, styli: The military acenea .Wit
nesised In the streets of. Parte, moving ar-.
tillre7, guns, gun carrigeliandmunlitorialitall
similar to thnise seen jaai, - pitiitioni* the
Crimean and-war and Italian campaigns: .
' The 'Hiraid't cartespendent istys:
irtienia isiide her pieperstions'steidily and
frithoninni noise or excitement as in Prance,
bueea a ietlf eitensive scale. Otdere tei the
Mobilization et the and this Tighth,
Ninth. Tenth indriksenth *soy Corpfereri
his. :Gso. P1A110.1i , ... IS iii t w o MI
7 42
semp . linkesi of >:s • g - a'stitute ereatedte his
libiibi in' London ' d g his _ life time TO Is
to:be igask 41:th . . 014p,1* . e.tiljiii 1 414:: cot
the hrOiallitiOzei‘rigei and iii,
4 1 14 4 i,. P'
tionlist is heeded by the prince Wales. ,
ariiiiiissitdon - - of the y ilea - ver Co
Sundiy Bohool Allsoollolol l . •
rriPhient" - lf thnltlitsei oi th Sub
pethitchoolesnssin illeavesro. was Id in 1
the, rresbyteriantiChtilishAesver, -
... 'on : 1
":11fay.W5:11, 1£147. :Ile .ettgind,anee
itt t Conv,ostion'Ares OlteWargey tilit*Sh
'lt.blig nitio,llluAttlamornez-th istikss
las Sahbsth ,Schools throughout the candy
- •
were undented. ,-....-.
, .. , ,
- 0- o • - ertut organised
by calling cola.. Gillis to preside, who celled
upon Bev.! . Shields So , - oPtinthe infoeeidinigf•
3404074 f
. .1. hi. Smith Aris ippointed
~ v •,.
Asic 1'..17, !vt , ... ,11
, 1 - -T _....
eddressed the; eutli4ce on'the subject ..,f tbo . didate et this time.
t the Preparation work of the Scheel teacher. 1 ,- 1 1 1 1 - . - - ---
. Trial List f4r Jens . Term. 18.67. '•
1 7A Speci , el; . -..pr6s.ratieri,'said the speaker, wee
fund;tmentel. Tit 4 And . shiolutely neccis . sry ! •: ,
.. . • .2n I,O*DAT. •• ' •
Comml of Penn, use, .ve: G. W..Shrodes.
in order r ‘ to bea liuceertiful -teacher. This
preperatiln eoniot4 of a knOWledge . of child. ' N u te ' l K i i ; :,. z .i . i n e g s .. , * `t i t :,.1,1 1 5 0 ', -° ,, r° o n e k i r w l 'i re aL ,
hood, a knosti o. go s W...rd, and a knowl- 1 H.T. . - Price & Cu.. " Smith kt Reno.. . '
- eati 'Pr d. "
edge of teachitig. - i ' 'h should precede. the. io- i : same. • "J. F. Williams St Co:
• 1
itellinent into.o'ci's of the ~ teilcher, end there-1 - f. - 'SD MONDAY. : , I
fore; fliciteshoultihe'in every religiotrs com - Ilt?hett MmTen - vs. 1fi17,11 Anderson. '
inanity's Sal'hath School
SOrmel - 'Closet the
. Joo" .0 olhos & Co.-
' Wm. M. Shirts.
. I;:bcat;:mFxectr*: :.?.&
design of which is to :prepare for the 1;Ionoo:Co:
:o : orln T .fl : a
;POsitioniiSaltathShitedltenehers. ;. .Thelee:'st6litel'Morrow ~ Tho.Greenee.
dwelt with' Mitch force Isiah this 'topic of Henry' Barr. ' ' " Geo. W. Barclay...
. bis ifidriii. He rigoitied that - R - great i oft i of . G.1:11'. Alezantler - ,3.ltre " A. d.Chsmhers ti
the tio-ealleil tewhing in but Sabbath Seliools ' I T Y l i :" ' //' 1i e 1 31.8 b irs ‘ • . 9, -. IP. li 4n/11 "' / '
~. ' • 1 . S. Morlen: rt. al.
, at preserie rias'folli f if not tin abeininatiort in .. I : M WEYAND,
the eight of God:, i- . i • .. '' i roftyls'QL ' • ..' ,.--.7 ' Prothonotary
I - 1
-, o -the qualitietteacher 'he, recommended , . (Local copy). ,
Ispecial Prepiretld , dur i ng the week for the
boming'llablmth'., The fall:lAmg plan L - wa's
f suggested-;;Ll'Menieriie yerti lesnori,' 2,, Find
. . .. . [
parniler Plesiges; a Make auf,tuielysis - of 'your
1 lessonj Seek - nit ill lineations, 5 To ode:' end -1
)i 't t y'i s ierJ.P.!lrl7 l lfli r ig °°. l-1:. --
• - ~.:- --
;. .The ---- tnerentkot,odjotirned until Friday;
• O r o'Closi 110 . -j r'Marks ' ed
morning, . , . r. , ,pron mine . ,
thehens4otion..: . c ... F 1 . -,.... . .
t ir c ha l C°P . 7!ntloli ll4-. ! 82 ,41ed f . ,t, the ;ammo
pmee a t t he appointed hour and Wei: opened
Withpl . , 1i t : .13 hield p i . ~' In the absence! .
i of .t/ieli;e/q!i!nti-‘ apt, Ca m pbell,-Vied. reel-. f
44)4,, was cellellt4..tbs chai r .
1., .
A , liirge. puiehigef Etablith.tiohool-scholain
wee, present: frosithe: ditforeot churches in ,
!Tearer. ,Mfr. Gihttirt s eousluotor of exercises,
1 resolved tik • ContMstion' into s SabbsthSehotti
Institute, 1114 prOleeded•teleonduebreeitatioust
Lof, /resat Classes by mesas, of the blackboard
and maps.regar*g this Method os.the best
'means 'of. incul*ing .00d . truth into. the
hearts and i mindi ilf 'ltttle hildren. : .
Mr- Urtoeshititeditis *AO of, opening
selionla., , The,.easredesa 4. • morning . were
! 44 1 v ' • ;
of's - praotical.;el*rectsg,l d. Aimed. to lie
big hly. appreciated by in ttenAtri ettdleies:
e4jceteeeks'eattireti4Dri. .%et .'. , . :.•,.; -
irirer ' ky
:. - Ceiveettes it , Oro !Clock
-4 --
' R 4 7-"Wtakirr fif,..A., a .ford Esq. in 04 , 1
Mr•r. • - • - '' - ~ • .
:Gilbert essay! add t,e E ail! &issues in
thei morhiag: seilien.: dig melt* by
• *MA thisenitir elisseit4 e;Sabbith School
&pea setesgbsi . l e-- . --I;i t - •-: -: • ; . . -.•
•• At !Villa be iiiettthit e ist i beze or ihe -1
_E , „ wt, : i...41'., ~' - .. '
.0 1""* .• i Ll i ti W .,v.
_l i i iii t li t s . 1 . to.. ltem
to4l 4 3tiziPar; Ailiailli; Itattlifi,..,ionisii ,
Sam .: l-90Ailltqk4P00 4- *i4
iii6;„„4- --;,-._ At i o- ,, t;viiiiii.:_, ,
d: '": l '4_ l 1.^.,,ig. 7 1 / 4 D 7 7 ns 4 4•_.. 1 ‘" 1 94 1.. . 11 . 7 ;
" a 4. 1 0;;!,"! 1 .1,4 11 tY I; .; , ,t-i h pAY`O h lc: the
; 21 TOMIP-i. tlit N 0 r ,, '4,.. - ktsitl4
-- • •.,-;•:-.: n,
04414 •M; re et er keM ht i l l-Meeeatellie , were
1 y - the
• A ri.wi t t lo,u!Nt'E m E
, 1 --..,
_...._,..„ L. - ,
i 7 1 e ..ers fsmiterld to simounce pie muses of
the folloiringi persons as- candidates 'for the
offices for sibicli 'They f 1 .13 named.
. . -:t F or Assembly.; - •' . '
1 1 . .i;- :C11,44974.14, Rochester boyough •
&Pi. JABUti3 tmutesia, Boivigb twp
1-Con:Tilcovis J. Pown, Rochester bor.
B._ B. WlLifinf, Beaver borough.
itiolas Nzettoticirt, , Hanover twp. •
•B. G' CL*WUEY, gOutif Beavei tp.
1 ‘ I : For Associate. Judge. •,.
1)r. Id. Lawszttbs, Greene Ap_
.- „ For Prothonotary.
'Rainer - Dieitzir, Brighton towhehip:
YOni,rAuonsv. Beaver borough.
M. WELsti,J Beaver , borough. • •
1 -- For Treasurer. - • -
.aktyr. E, 13ARNES, Borough 'township
Llaur. - EKES' AT.Lisolf. Beaver.
1413tICS . WiLsoN, New Brighton.
ILLIA BwING, Raccoon •towntillip.
1-03P.P11 FtailutNa. Moon tovhiship..
Simi C. CIIMISTY: Rapcoon tp.
A ND....N. Beaver. •
'Jury Commissioner.
JOSEPII C. W ILSO Beaver borough
- --.=:4PetrAtviitor •
(410E11:";i044:101.:746114w011 :wlk
- I For Poor House Director: •
SAMUEL siesivisAmy,-,t4oaomy tsir
For Trustees of:AeSdern . y. :„
S.'J CROSS Soihetter btirnitgbi
Tae, call is gnityliidably crowded. oat tbla
• .y • meeting
_Asaa_lrt- . .-41 1 .
Cosenti on "Janet "st4 - INri.:
' l ' Deolinition.
.) WALLaca's tatc, lday DUN 1867. •
Mr. Editor i Deer Sir-4 notice my name
. ,
. •
•antionaced in the Beaver et rgui as-a candidate
foil the Office of Counfy.Tressury,.atid I wish,
through the same medium, to tended lo.'my,
fri6nai my sineorr thinks for this tnanifesta
tion pf their kindness, Fulty reeog,nlzing the
juStice of the Soldiers' claim upon the people,
I 4annot.ontertain" the _ iden of being s,,can-,
. John.. Barlow
-I - Ts- I
Willi'lm• Bartow, Ann,
Warburst, Doiid —Bar-
low,',Thos. Barlow, Es- 1
they F Kenyon, Rachel
Jackson, Sarah Barnes, I ~
John Barlow, Thomas I.: ' Summons
Smith, William, john,- , in •
Sidniy and .1011118 SW ill, . Partition.
Sarah Ratfield, .William 1
Pullen, -James' Pullen, '
Mary .Whitehead, Es",_ • .
tier 1 Woolley, Samuel .
p i n
l i
ritinson, Lavin Mor-
'potion Jane Inghsin, .
I Rachel barbysitire,Wil- , _- •
Dam!. Smith, , Jonathan '- ' . ,
1 Smith' and Jonas Soho-
1 144 .• ....',. ;
,':; ,•::::
.r . ‘ 7 ‘ 1
t • , ay - 2; 1867,,- Deed: from
1 She r iff Littell to Benjoinin. Poniefact acknoirl
i eliged. , Same. day, on motion of 'Sheriff' Lit
' tell, 4: it.
Harrah Esq., raploointed • an. Audi
tor to distribute the money in.the hands-of the
Sherif.. i .. ,_ I . 1 : - '
Betiear:Coentyc en: . ,
1 , it_true oath - ct. from theAnle , ,
A , tt . :
The Auditor above naned.will meet the par
isternstrfl. torthe purpose of his 'appoint
mat, his *Mee. , in. the Boronght of Bearni.
4 n aatUr4ii thejlir dliy•. of Altute,l- 1807, at 10
o'cloek, a,, ra.,. at whfelt ,tint. and . Plans; an
Pirates heliostat.", etilme against the iptikie.
of ,John Barlow, deo'4. are hereby notified to
attend.- . J. IL, •
I , . , • Audit*.
, 1, 1
IPlloPoBALEt.irillte rsceiTed it the..ollie"
7 olDr.l,idationey_ itatil. Feid*rcagetrhig
ecTilli 10 ofilikt 1881. ftir.- the iniktbi of
4 stone and grariViesik. 8 feet Ride, frau tie'
Aesidenee ofldr: S. 13, - Wilsoti it the letatjOod
of Third street; Ito : therßorourit , ' of laver: to'
dal tiip - Of'llre:‘ - ittidgeir*ibilli the 'lliirioth .
a g reeing wfutibil dui stoiiiisquithi: for O.
O.OA - likriiiiillince — tivititr. !Main ;tOl'
!.p_tillgof:a titkr ' l `; 51jOSW . ` .8 ,".* er it
'':-"."' -- '' '. Li Mit* *We -.I
I .lAidiii,Siey... ~
-14jj VAI-41
.4 V . .l•J'Zi 9 r. ',I I :: :111i
Keii,aggoprie* *Carisrikn:,
And . %RATilgl)" =Oft' ,
-oirriav or:dvEß 100,000
indfeciidittig ite'titaNraricins litireAt ions pie
ee*ed and the multitudous dui lee belong=
3ng to so gigantic an estahlielniant
' • ,the lorTices of
, .. .
Wilt. Exhibit. at Rooliestpr,.. on
Wednesday, id IL*: 2.£1;1867 -.-
•Pixiis open MI inr7 P. g.—Perfoirnances
*ill eonunenco at 2-:and' 7. P. M.. giving on
hour for the inspection •of the Zoological col.
:10ellior.p.j.i.; - . •tn ..I.i • .. „..‘• .
Admilaion lo Grand Combineion.soo.
Children 25. - " "
can.render &place of public amusement re
;.ertilfet, interesting and itiatftetive,this stands
pra-eminently above any "imilar organisation
of this age!. The performing school numbers.
•' - '
;Thirty .Lady and Gentleman Artists
Brilliant and finished representatives , of all
that :is ;harming, intrepi-1 and graceful in the
modern- phrases Arenas
tai ping does.l freMi every quarter
and portion of the habitable globe, and. of,
„ eis t ftM - the noble ,‘'Kiag oP
tnoz Po -to• me most — aitarauvrirer or-tntr
I -Monkey tribe...and birds and fonts without
number. This depot-intent rendered still
!note, inientiting by . the performance of 4
V'ho at each exhibition demonstrates her com
plete control over.-the wild denizens of the
forest by. interinethe Cages of the Lions. Ti
gars arid Bears and subjecting them to obey
-ante as though they were petsl_,the
only lady who ever hits,-Or - in all human nrob
011ity ever will attempt a feat_ so daring arid
Vittripidi - The musical department embraces
Y .
21 1
It is n
.43ANRS -
Of fifteen solo perf.qrmoys that acknowledge no
superiors in it he artieticioulition of true mel
ody and soul stirring music. •
Cannot(fall in ,Ple . asibg the More fastidious
and critical conniseur Of-thit nohle,,animal t the
horse;.aad . in truth. the 'entire tout ensemble
is as complete as laviSh expenditure and years
of experience could make it, nothing having
been left Undone to render it s ,
„._ . . •
THE rEOP-E'S OWN 8110 W.
. ser For more general information as to itr—,
tists .ticts and performances . Animals Potts;
Birds, &0., see Posters and Pemplets.
.TN the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver
1 county, N0..188 Sept. T. 1861. '
In. the. matter of the individual assignment:
in Truat-orWm. It; Rhodes, late of the firm of
Kirk & Rhodes.
Notice is hereby given that the Final Ac
count of Tho's. .1. Power., B. B. Chamberlin,
and Geo. F. Gilbiore: Aisignees.of the person
allindividual trust above named, has been Sl
edt ln • the Prothonatary's. 4 i ffice and that' the
I same will be ccnrotked l
on e first day of nit Term,,usilees cause to th contrary be then
Shown. ; ' •
__Ll •
'. . .'" . • .M. WAYAND, Pro 'y. .
May 15,1867,-Bt. • - 'I ' ' ,
.' . (ImaccoP24. . •
NOTICE ,. TO STO KEIO .. L . DE 7 It: '
socamiiits P HI
sr Eatro;khcildetwor the; above Col_n_RaßT
• esequeeted-taiaeatiat the office of Chas.'
• guys * , goeheseer, ofq 10011itiV• J 1 1 0) 6 at
1881; 0770 0 . ."4114k A. . . 14 fpr, the p . at:pett or
- • .. W i ttr iy tly a l
4 1, 4 ,1 ! 4°,1:RVi 1 c!!1,
tiellio l lgta:tit'e eaTneatty requested" to
... .„1.5, , , , • : ,• .• .
,- '4.l . ty aer gate Soariii--t ~..t ritsr :
.....r :•-•', r". t ;.-.? CHAS . P. I creto • 6 . .
' = tifsilf—•it. : Hachette: . May 1667. -
•=4 , 4aro - .. - 4ortem - .0 ir''154,... C .N0. 'tee - i,
:i t ,w c , = -
,tir.v. .4i tt.44 9 - ,,„,
17...#/,iit Alealitt li a
aiter r ipuseet,.;4 w i n 1
Votioellkt.thk..l getsent e c to , L _. -,'
i Oi - PliOis' Court, e le: .
_..,., ;reviver, . " 4 1
I tr r i# 44: 9l . 4k. M. l fi• Witi 84 .
. i - 12nc
~ ,T,. ,
*lair itice- -- - ...-- , 1•- -. ...tLz.:: - -.',- .. lial k
.rtise: iitapioateoP.44.(,Jamet .
tilials_ibtaiitiv(creiknrqsantlaly lei.ciaieni e
,6r. Jaiip,pildemr:4,4* .. ~
lins.touldensliCeotint of Jilin p . 'n,
Ase e Patec;o o : 11 4 - 7. 4 0 1t 0' 1 4 ' AC kiln. 'Bi
_fed. ,
4"-FinstiecountllPßelkeeda Alltbitaad,.k
414104# of thy eelaty.- Of ' Julie.. AU,i
dee'd.. • .., -i,.. - ' '‘. . •
~.- N ccotutr- of* 1. 11 0:4 5 *- Ralißen Guard'
Blizatetl , CArcith — erk Minor daughter;
Ceicotheri; Avid. ... _ {
Thesugeonnt44 .Iplm- 31 .'iftutrie; sd
i trator et ti'e estate of liorrapo 3111
1 dee.',d. 43 ., - .. . . ._
- ruest and Vial it decant, of Peter e for
toinistratim.of the estate pf - Saintiel SIT
t urete tit 'Chi& M. geeliii, deed,' -"'
.)first and-final account of David R ee d
. 1 .
itobt. Scolt,.executors
. of,the last Will erg -
Jain Scott; ,
fret, aiid final ac ;cunt . of -David .Kenseih.
14attdiitrator of tit.) estate Of:Eugd l ii p iw
genii/eel: - • .
•_•.- Fi na l ageount of • Dr. Thos.' F: It'obialog f t i •.
a m i z oinn_of - tt,nu r y Smith, one a the -.
of henry Smith, dcc'd. •• 1 .•
Fjnal account of Dr Thoi MR F. llohissoo,' .'
Gliftiditux.of Isaae ' ill (ne of• the minor
Children of *Henry St *.th d.,•• . • ..
• Final account of Samuel lersoll, Gouda' •
of. Wm. C. Stewart, minor cild-td lira:mist:
Stewart,deo'd. '' f , - • - -- . 1 -.•
I t
Firit and finaPaccountof Adam Reholor ocN .:
executor of 'the will of Juo., Venders % •
• Account Of JitO B. Crooks, Gitardianof la:
hell*, Craig, minor daughter of
deed. - •
,i .- '. 4
...., • .
. 4,ccourtt of RObt. Wilson, fivardiaatiftlif-
Ee 4 rison Rowe. tininor von of Jane Calrinol t . o l
- First antl•final •aecount..of Jan ',claim,
executor Of last will of Stitni - oucorion, deol•
ACCOUnti of 'JohnSlentz.'ittliainistra tor of ,t
,the. .estate' of John Reed, deed.. • . -• •
Account of John Slentz, ailutinisrat ot t E•
the estate of Rebecca Reed, doe'd:
`', Personal and real estate accounts of Ed.
ward [limps and ;Jas. Frguson,:executou of
last will of James Ecittu 'On, -dec'd:. . .
Account of J. C. Wilson, n:ritinistratoi of
the estate of Jacob Wartier,, deed
. o f J. C. Wilson, executor of the ,'
last will of 'James M'Cullough, deed. . t
AcCount of J. C. Wilsow. - adrainistraior 'of
the estate of lion.. Thomas ! : t.tnuiaghttio,• ' •
deed,. • ; • . , . - I.' . . 7,- , ..1, ,
. • The - account of J C. Wilson; admi!ditriior .
of the estate Wm. P. Morrow:deed: - •
Account•'of 'Enos -1 R M; administrator •of the " •
estate of Alfred- , C.111i11, dec'ti.. 1 ,
- A(ieount . of • Andrew Watterron. l executor
of the last-will of John Walton, he'd.. A .
Account of Aujoa !lout!. Guardian of Am*
'Dontt; 'minor son of Amon liutt,',4e'd.. 1 _
Final - account of ElixasWalloce, administrt
trix of the esuite of John Wahare. lec'd. -
Account of E. -P. Towntiend, - executor of the
last Will of:Benin. Towns* deed.'. •
Accottut of R,, ex rof last will of,
Jno.; Ruosoll, elee 42 l .• - • •, ! •
4ccount4of R,ih W. titewart-, eir. et tbA
last ivill'ofr Afar - Me Steren's.n. 45e'11..• ,
:Account jot E ' i Wall ‘ we. z abers. of the ett- i
tale 'of John It's ace, deed.
- Account offs(. ba• I , lr rs, 41'4 yid-in of Fla
het Shcarer, - minor. son of Josepi,Shea'4,
- d i ced. ". -.. , . • ,
'Account of Jno. Caughey...siirvivi ~ tr. _
Of the last will of. Samuel gml . . ec'd. .
Account of W. li Fraxic , adni'r: a the o•
lite of Jno Crjbb,, deed. ' ..
_Real Istafe account', of Wm. jl. Fraritr,
treuttee,'aPpointed by ttrphans, cOuti, in the
,estate of JllO. Gibb, deed. ".j
1 D. SINGIS.TO.. • .
; lieginet.
. way:l6'67i_
- •
The Washicigton X.ife I lsOrance
Co ef
. •
rossAsses..alcombinat ion r,f tlesiraefeitteres
which no other'l: organixatitn'rNn claim,-
ks systeui of - businet , s is preeniit;ent:y
erti tolienefit. the I , ..olders•-of its piicies.
say Henry H. Vandyke, L S. :\ssi.tefr
Treasurer of New York. nu.l . hrelre
leading Bankers and lan , inctsr4.6.llllninki.l
high amOng the.solid .men of the ratin-. "
. cdOke.,, of Yhiludelphi3, 4 , lisevepteet
others, nten.of the eery' firM ii:anfiog,,ilart
expressed. tht , ir high afprovsl cf the .oni
Washington,;." antl authorize•l;ild use uf , ttait
names as references. •.; . t
Rey. B, W.: qorliapi of
taclias Avisb 'to insure and
.he. tinpFc to pre!;ent. ehk I high 61,1r,•eineni . .
which Bhas,receiriAbof!r:New
adeiphia, and tu,eiplaitt
by which, it is seqt . ritrz 1,1.3 1 r11 , 1:15 '
enthnsiu.stic atio of : wir 3lol
taken-policies in it.
Bear what your neigh..
Pittsburgh. say (Tillie Washing:on.
Halt epleasitre i',Ti ex pre.siak plycoripite
eenEdencC in Elf! bas. co. ii
New. York.. Tiiid nt gentleman'in , :iiitrke 0
arc If the first standing. :oil I connitti i
ceery way whftt such-lan ii i titil:i...n.iioul itt
' . (Signed) .: . : -ni t :, F.. lib's ,
J. take pleaSiircain cuneurtick in ti:e Wl
statetneto.l- • , . ... '7 -- i •
- (Signed) - . .J. ll'. Sti , wahttle . .
I also concur in the al.sliv, silio .} o, i. ,
(Signed_ -_ - ,
.. . gp,,,it; ' met. ,
From toy personal . nen•)ibtituz... i.: tii 11l
Cyrus Curtiss, • the P.resid..:if tit iii. I) . ci•
ington Life, I tit. .t,0., ~ I Nor .Y.,ir,.. ft a fill
my knowledge of srindryßsr.s Int!
no hesitation in c4re.ifig the 11%0- Pn i.
deuce both in 'the ..ounetn,..,,,t and-ga ay of
s t h to e u i s n n s e t:t s n
o t f iuti t , s a rn n a il na in ie t t l i i l
n i t sitafrity . 3 lj ul.
..', (Signe - 1) . , • -,C: E. Swope,
, 4 • :Hector of Trinity. church:V.:tic:lli. -
Ititving been long acqintildeil a-WI-their'.
idea Of the -WaShingi on :ife.lns.Cj—ofl'fig i
York,., CyrukCurtiss, Esq. and liming a' tbor%
(nigh h
Plen Pfuti7eira6atgioeno,fi'itshfiettsi:iir Coltui.lizlitiad.l4ol\
the charactir'nnt standing of ii• 00 61 `, 1 . 11.
general, I cannot but state tlia't it is t niiilea a
the highest confidence of the fitlbler EST.
(Igne(1) -,,!.,. Calv hi 3.440. F
' 44:Welty Work., Pitt.fiail..r. a .
• Having : made SittisTactary ilirt.,tiPiti!..
I to the,etanding and Workings of te 21V 15'.4'.-
I ton Life Ins. - Co.of e x l'or••' llt wee. bee s
..,i. % i .., 0,.. tit
itation'in saying it is e minentlyv ieit ' n
1 Confidence and patronage dr tlieribliei '
(Signed)'. , Thos. J. Ilarkiason, i
Pittsburgl4l.• '
• I concur-Wall: the sho•Citeter atel '• _
• V(Signed)- .. 1 : B.,l.,.liiihnes t o ok;
• V- • Of B.• L:lahnestock,it Go., PittLi'fv.,
Th l os. a . ljsci.lileaorrikeiunigenin
.Etheqe„abace ststettitetti
-- ° (Signed) V. , - A.X. Bell,-.°
-,.--Pastol l of Sandusky' st. Baptist check. .. i ..
1 1 i z
coeuinbdiei.tCo:orolfseoil.e, ~
Atte Washington Life Insurance Co. il f ., te
l'iirk, I take pleasure in recopimentfing
public Confidence and tiler- '
.°-(Signetl) • - .IL :Slillei.,_ J, ,
Pastor of Smithfield st. V. E:El irsh 'ii,i
' " '. Pittsburgh:.
' !dr,
.13or-htni willtCntinue some day*.ll,ln.
.-'ekinli.T. rersokin_distiring to see hi= Inn vi:
'tn. leave taint' and' aidreicfati.hf,odatn.
Pinf..Taylos in DON ei. • ' • '
C r J: WENDT. g• n
*ET! tßrallroN , PA..
, 1 , 51 ,
Stieet. ita,""7 1•67:5al
streets: , L ulaY
r : • •
#.~. ~:
Lora, cad