The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 01, 1867, Image 2

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; 4 . 2
I!!prilfr, ,ft my oil
Pg.! ,P%, , D!•00.4t tilumiw,Ler, 4 OW"'
Ilea& at Cianitsasti, *tided over tlessa
dlF. 4 , odled P!P0 1 0-serezi. onieben
tt;thcarcondfiay..., Irbtrylvit aa.fir as irepl
diits4ll I ksilled9 6l 4 l debt. lll thiir Proceed in,
je s * ? , g e n . -
• Wih" liumutair.' We miatis at tie
nogyi or arloreventatirat at: Harrisburg, and
visestugy the VW* - Mae Coltral - Co l ""
adv.ate. died at ;Huntingdon' on the 281.11 1 inst.
l'issAa)ssisd.vesit weft and *arab]: known
-I • .
, • i
- Aliur-,itiets , 4rite - olltirf. E. W. Batter, of
Tltigelphia, bas beinslippistial!ty Go4treer
C,lesiy;Eiatnuer igt:4 I,spector) of tit. •Inrioxis
Soiethigettrreateffideelis i Ina, the emir, law
rtialailitg the Wit: 1 ' % -
. ,
deporitoont of e Low:roues
Joiroo4 *Milk *be Mani .bo loader ebb Su
pfrriffistor i'mpuditee opOlowara iii Alw
casturetko'64o wail** be** is the or
wbiii6eaie`at. ft vrilk N 14 a Re
polititoit paper,tos* 4 Mb*aw
mato les on IRO* liiribristoS • tier
or ou; of view. . • 1
' Y. Otanarlass; of Beets county. knot*
ease yesni age. is Militate. ar a tag ad las
Ilmdmstan Athakaitaratylmy is imidta be 'about
411astiag &soh loft shistietssering War- Hie
o objeativalmist' is the negro' vats;
^asp faidiasallmiA !qui will and it a good daisy
futrfirlie pan lbw Wool ever the eyes of the,
soloraPirettran, than it lg. to perform the.
mom fest with 11 Democratic masses of "Old
Berks." . We thin* so too,
Tai "reephets!' it Washington now deolare
'that. unless Jeff Paris lirAried at the Ilex term
etkire,taited Ststes..Distrid, Court, to be held
in Rieliamtvl, the President will release him en
nominal bail. T-They also allege that
nen! Republicans are demanding his release,
and chit Horsoe ttlreely . has 'voluntarily offer
. mkto becoimi One, at arie's bondsmen.
42unfa a molter of the prominent politicians
of Oda State are now 6r puipose being absent
trope* Mato daring the Sommer: Dover-,
.not Curtin has gone to Europe, Col. Forne,y
itlsit'on his wey thither, Col. , M'Clareaf.the
. ihroriiory is about tol start
whikbis family for the west, 'via of Lake
chi. Montana ke., while lion G. Grow 'has
Tstlytd td Reno, Vetoing* 0 4 intal, wilere,he is
eat:l tit be ' hartlio nineties tartans for,
bun eV, and the Reno Oil and Laud Conway,
MI ose reprelculttive he it. . 1 I
firthe suit biktughtin the United Matti Court
for larylatol, sitting• at Baltimore, against
General John B. - Wool, for. the: .imprincoinaent
of4a eititettof -that. city while the General
vrai, ist commend of that Department, during
the war, the Judge,charged the Jury ' to acquit
therkefeadatat, if they found that he meted
deq;kmrders of the, presidentin nrresting.and
coriiiiiing the plaintiff. . The 'Jury 'after being
otilltaakort...`iiiae returned a ver,dict.otene cent
datitagii for the plitintiff . . • This verdict bee
bad the effect of dismount ling quite, unlimber
orisimilar suits the-bad been started for dam.:
agis on account of imprilsonment for disloyal-
Sons of our conteteporaries, in asserting
thit Connoctiettt is the, brat Copperhead via
:tort in eta Years, are not exactly ,correet.—
.That ;arty has 144 1 t itcreral victories within
that tints Sella) gni* them aamucb joy as heir
lit~le`triuiuph in itionnecticitt. ' There, Bir in.
Ftonce,, were their, pull Run 'victory tit ~the
beginning of the war; their Big Bethel entriu.
thitir trwinph in the 'reunionist. can paism
their election of Baytototr in ;few York; their
splendid 'neitievetortito over the ..niggers" and
iiterclarat Utica meta iq t he •Now York riots
431..atid other etitially glorious oicimieut for
hem that we tnight*lMarste. So, it !Onii be
seen. they have, . evaiy once i n awkile, bad a
streak . tif fottnte ;in .reetore_their drOoping
apiritees4Le6ttecto Ctier ie r I
Ws. this week publish the call of the coun
ty ittee . for delegate convention:fil ,this
pas oit Ed of 'IOUS; • and in the genie con -,
•nectioo anneauce Mute a nomber of mama to
be acted epee at Shut time.. A ;n4pguation by
tee_, Unto* party thls Incounty under ordinary
cireunstintes, is eghiralent to an election; and
ptenee the public :1)alt readily infer than an so
live canvas will now take place for the re
iipectire positions oil our ticket. And while
ranrogr.loss of to ellng ea gee part el tsindi
tOolitt-lell, !to itsprcted. between now and
the keine. of ate vow:entice, the party itself
Ana a sinkAtoolohn that the canvass shell be
so fronds:o444e to eloill,uo trouble after the
ticket is.ittiferlield. -Our allele. to candidateit
then Is: kiss
,keep quiet' and +oiler
yourstriis "bodty thrp" if you toss keep cool,
and Nry,, frtniptirt.P
Too Jar as i s Aullo
sod in their anal for tron the "opt
side welide."Altie igkitisttik United Styes more
. attsallnilkon aty other quarter of the globe.
A few yUranyynn Embus} , from their coon
tlywnder the lead •of '.gommy," came hither,
• 1
•I`tatrang around the Circle," returned to Ja.
(pen oiled with atitniatien of our coutoi,ry, its
! people, and institutions. . . I
! . They mints 'needy for pleasure, or rather to
.•see what was to be seen;" another Embassy
from that 'country. his just •now re/wied our.
shore, not, it is said,- for pleasure, or curiosi
y, bet : for Ousisiess, and, precisely what the
, l ehatigtir of this business is, the public is not
i l yet penal:tulle know. The name of 'these
condisilteitkiers, as they arW ; called are+-First.
~ ,Cotemissioner, Oat cimogetro; Second Commis:
*ion ri klatetneko-Tudayu; Secretary • ;of -Le-
Fukasawa 4 Ukitty; Firs( Interpreter; ITudu
gation, ti , nya;Seeorri Interpreter. SekY•Sim
,Paytaaetel Tintio-,,Situiogiorat Lient.
of the : -Igavy,. Ogiukwara- Bea den; Second
Liententust, Iweta-i.tilitia-Ku; stO twni native
similes.. - !
. , • 1 ..,
Their. luteinass is with the.GoTernment. and
'within this last few thilya they have hadeevier
al interviews with the President and liis Sec.
retavy of Shift'. It 4 said thi. JoPeu is very
noxious to become Americanised, ,and it is
highly probable that* more inthnete know!.
.ege of our lastitutia ! tiii with a v aw of adopting
some of them ; has brought t ise olfieers Of
Thai country here - at the present time. ! .
I ' ' Timm ff
o ru air . ft inkh Lens U MW*. : o , idas ol Sr
The Feeneylnnis Legislature has" " ~bad 1 '....,„'Pateill,W_ "titlfZeitsest........ ...„; c-. - I
'reputation, but the law:makers of New fork ''' ': ~ , A. _ ll
~ 11,uat Y ffiftenftillii i
are not one whit better than our own ingsdat tots , Boodill of trade, a4 = 4 ; . ; 10n1 , a
:of legislative Integrity: An initiates shim* aPiechrir
this is given in the last number of !bee O . SIMIS ..mro
~ g diet l id to the; . _
Spirit of the ?hers, published in the eit l y d Ned ' , s$ &OM
~_, ilit . 1 10 pronial t dm ee Intl this
, York: Quite a number of prominent siiiiiii- non . .conipliaach bit ' on their
1 fluential gentlemen, among th em Bag. F. th e Southern people should repeal se cod.
litutlet. August Delimit, sad Geo. Wilkes, the deneehereafterisproftwelemi depePathystali
editor of the,Paiter referred to' shave, have Waal ofeerriee Atm Ake mat aniftet. A
purchased a •rost
_or • easeelmina Air* iiii New York co 'rreipodent: • of theHlcharkistlon 1
Mexican (Jeans) Government, de attain ter- insider takes, t he Governer arriettely to 6
ritorial or business Ostia- in the peak—la of ffir thine dam - Ms, says: -- - ' - .
; Lower &Minds.. Hider Me tiontract they ' . I •V.the Said (tai iste (Aisft*robt'lieleilmet)
purpime buiblitig'cittis, .Mabflshhtg conmeece Ace aribistia is ail id Ai '.ffesti,,ldgi erste he
:and doing slimy mining blisinsit. la order Arad in Mi . Thwieenesi" ortaten=s 3l 4 iot
,to saki their oPetnticeo kgitimata, they ask- eincsig the MAW& ' Why _ • add,
:al for a chatter frour the Legislature' of New be advised tetra its ' baok,ilfdli'ffit tiiiiiit7
Yorli v and admitted the workr procuring one std emend with the PattY:_, ,orhilit hall • itaitail
ito the editor _the ; 4 4Meig edo limes. Me this terrible war, sad hetieght , drub': MI • •
:went to Albany, made knows his Wish. - and tidily it diliewitta WadowatiOwl. 't t ain,POlNl
Idossoustratedle the - Legislature ,that If his the onward attetWar - iiindknessa ffifellseer'•
Icherter wee' granted the, principal office of sin Demateela were' driven sit 'ef parer la'
: the company wield be in New York city, ars4 1880, and for sit yam shaealisrtiaterhuse of
that is a oenuaereialead financial wee! this dialing by the Ceataltedhil lad the arpilitqf
: would be worth *Wilhite *tummy, to that place. ehe Sauk theta DesamiaLs hale "indiered in-
Tbe bill ger taleseledfteelf to the meediets, was nit sad per: hundestuthim Uwe soh'
meo w sad duly m i nim to the r o w m i . bias. Vibe hatainet lawn. We - to Milk
mitten lie doectioit was made le it b, say . Prroaltall OUP tht laWateite r tlllOW di &nth;
interest we by pip prose 'bet eat d the ' s has wad seel, pr rho Walt Of efoohd; ll*
bands ofthe committee the bill did sot 00110. ' 641: 7 /Ilia atillialrhalin hes hohalheirpr«
After a few maks wattling, Mr.. - Wilkes -was auotodeltaPdhY far iftelleuth: ' The, Massa
' , dazed by a fe e ..o, 4 e6 tion o f l os t e uthe Demattaticemeseatiest st ChlimenbelllFl ir.:
thatenless he transferred to them SlOO.OOO tdared . mho war to he w waste matt Par! 4
I worth of tlti sleek of the company, his bill the redeeaktleoesswasti Itad MAW • • • '
' would he stalhati. Si made the treader. aa wire al• maw OfahsPoWdithstth easy .ffiraosh...
kordered, sad them beard no mare of the mast- wit aide,' ' • " ' ' '
l ure wieil within tea 'dayi of the close albs - NOW IllatibalaitiMaallibakilla#o.442l'
eie g ent w h en b e wee we l te d epos t ot e sa d AMOR sad steadily iserseesil it. iminbent It
told that unique kil paid WOOD WISII isoask i ll fro °fall u i nwe "new '4l Watutallees ,
tie charter could riot ' , go through." Disgust.. ltatil. ea la Coanectieutv Ms bights's" to re
al already '
• tie now telegraphed to a friend at gain its rid woodenelte aid now that. the Be.
Trenton, New Jersey, sent this Mend a eOl7 PMeleilla Poi* Is tons by batestile quarrels;,
of the bill, barely, substituting' New 'Jersey-for 14 ° . d . lila° the verge et:iutieut, Is it a co;
New York, and immediately thereafter his bill noun policy to deli o 3 the old Maids by as
was pused through the New Jersey Assembly; Wu*" thew , and give wire haat. of power
to the old enemies by joining them.
The New York Legislature, by this 'time
wind" of what be was at,' end inquired if he "The than* is made that the Demoeudie
wanted his bill "put through.", '-Be answered PIM llf the Irwai pre aalatea to stead "Boo*
"Nu." lint in the jface of Itie answer, the andsuesa coercion to 1861, and that this prom
was reported bY the committee, put upon Ile was not kept. In response. it said that
its passage and Plumed by the Rouse. With- die part world have threw" Weil - talto otehesaeh,
out reining time it Was taken up in the Senate, ; VA at thaSfideal gIOSISS4 a had, not been duetted
likewhie putsed, and the company now finds 4 . I . ll r , te jeremiad: men -A lame portion
itself chartered by both New Jersey and New or its tant hers were' corded or Into . the ' Be-
York. The Legislature ol2he latter State Phut" et ita by such DemoCratic leaders it
finding that Mr. Wilkes would. "bleed no Dia , Dilaitnuant Bader, Luso» rortteT,Sialt
etemwond realising that his going t. , another lea, Stanton and Cochran*. This lett thew-
Legislature to get what should base been eV- 1 1' in eheiPiew wined''', sod fa r ;slung to
en him at home, would greatly injure the.fitate AU" these bade" a uto a erceade Tat the Beath
is a.busineas pointer- view, hurried' to make it A" • hen in a ntiOoritY rrer *lace. 'Now it . bi
"I:setters right,lbut they were too lite. He ProratO that tha South shall abOndon ice eon- -
, hadletkoe them, and now with it Teutons- iiiffeat beim:tat:to (Franklin Piers Thos. • ILI
less pen, he espies the venality of the meta- Seymour, Horatio Seymour, Charles (Mown,
anti their . 4obby triends.:., es shown i n base Team , audit's like,) and llste, per-!:
hie own and other easel. . • haps, with the party of which Seder; Lepel
and Foamy - are leiders ) :"
Several points are here' beaus* out which
deserves to be sharply discrigniusted and eon;
sidered, to-wit i'^ 1 -
. .
-• That if the "late Confederate sentiment,"
that is, the feeling in which the i 4ebelllou, was
Conceived and prosecuted, bay friends in
. the Northern States, they are manberroftbe
•iDemoeriitie organisation.'! - This is en him•
eat statenieat of - the ease. nit - Deitioeratie
ipartY was and is the• party at treason. What.
iteought, and still seeks, is, het to give the ,
.liwathina States and people the fell measure
demi, rights in the Union. and under the'
Ootistitution, but to enable them ',to defy- the
Government, break up the Union-sad estab
lish new forms subversive
. of_ gennine liberty. :
. , That if the Democratic party dui not-take
ills stand, oti battle fields, by, tle., side. of the
South—or, es one of its Generate • phrased it,
did not "inaugurate war in these Northern
1 4 u ° and "alga is 1 4 of tats fahelNen"—it,
Wart not for want of will r .ipethsitica, but .
because it, was restrained, gad , cowed by . the
strength of the loyal sentiment prevailing
among the Northern people.
That the democratic party was pledged to
resist th
,eettereit, id,4ies rerlatatiltates, and
IT, naduHwoiontitlita. PiedP.„ liOoda had not
Wan/ aka Primiimat sea, at the erilleal mo
ment, taken their stand on the lgai side. The
initylotiset'd„the dentattratio : - lsyallats, . was
their own; sot that of the party. Their inv
ention from that party we* what Prevented
the party groat hoisting ita 'tette colon and
asking continuo cause with the Confederates,
That, aa the deznocritho party failed • to re-
damn its promises, not 0;00 weak of dispoa .
'hien, buitecanse such meas. flutist; Liles,
and Forney. 'bolted, and contributed_to the
formation ofautsit *public natiment as made
good faith impossible, it ought now to be ex,
' ottani? Laken back Into favor, and relied epos-,
forany fresh emergencies dotingly arise. -
r` That the vocalise spite exhibited by the.'
destemathiergasetoinurd Sider, Logan and
ionic''', sea that Whole eks, proceeds drain'
the feet that their loyalty abated the clear
slimy which ran equally tlircmgit the North
as through the South fee dismembering the
Upton, oe changing tundaatelltallY - the 4 shisi-
Inner of its institutions. - 1: - •..,
• ,"
—Thlitalibeis the most. trinehain middies
Prononneed against the ilueattriatic piety, de
monstrating that these eriticiana were sot
founded on mike oritieluiritehlmmes, bulbs
I just, apprehensions,ot the =new. Stets In
the case. 1 . I
Senator Wilson in the South.
Senator Wilson's tour through, the Southern
States will not fail to do much good. , •Ris
speeches are listened to by lemmata crowds; of
both colored and- white people, and thus far
all have green respectful and earnest attention
to what he has said. '
; Orange Court Howe last week Some six
thousand persons attended to hear hianddress,
and so effective 4nd impressive- wan his argu
ment that the rebel element brought out a
Major Lee to reply to him in the hope of stew•
ming the tide which he was .evidently setting
in against tient. The latter's speech was
listened too :by his personal friends, but the
great crowd did not stay to hear hits through.
•At Richmond hp -was warmly- resolved ? . and
11re 413 i nit • of the largest mmetablies
stet. gathered together lo that city. - Be was
followed in rpeech by Ginterice. Pirrpont,
after which the crowd tltyperted tri thelehomea
With mare fatokble inspremiesis of tile party
that put down the rebellion than they ever had
before. 1
From Riehmint he we st to Norfolk where
another crowded bow awaited' his Wivat •
Thus it wili be, we pregame, at eser riot he
touches hi his brip. and speeches Whir tn•
dir thme eirmniinueee, will add, peer4.felly
to y the 'etrengthof the Uulou party in the !loath
ern Mates. • -•
, „ ,
- I Was seems almost inevuatrurtn 18turofte;_be -
twee's' Prance sad Prussia. Marshal
lion, who is at the head of thi French Anal,
but who has of late been ou duty in Algeria,
has been ordered hems by the Emperor Napo-
Ilea, With a view it is supposed, of organising
the Preset troops for en invasive campaign.
Prussia, too; is said to be preparing her troopi
for war, and from the tenor of **speeches if
her Statesmen ) , it is inferred that the blow
threatened by France will not meet the Pas
sion oorrernment unwilling or - unprepared to
resent it. Isthembuitt is the iibalte of Col•
tention,"—Praxis now occupying it, and
France determined on not permitting that
Goveitunent to do so. hawse, if war there
hi, will be conducted with great. energy on
both sides, and it eon hardly be opposed that
lt will be of short duration ; fee the cistestenta
arestrong; on a war-footing, and appear de•
tiredned to throw the whole -power of their
topeethe Governments Into the conflict. '
Ax IMMO/ ens held • oa Monday of last .
week in NeW York, for delegates to a Consti
tutional convention. Party lines were drawn
tightly. ' The Republicans carried the State
by axtejority of about 20,000, and elected 97
Republican delegates to 68 Democrats. ; The
Republican delegates for the State at large
are: -
.Waldo Hutchins, Ira Harris,
William M. Evans, Martin 1. Townsend,
George Opdyke,
A. 3. 0. Doyenne, Chneles Andrews.
George Wm. Curtis,
Horace Greeley,
Titeey Beadle, •
• " Chinies J. Politer,
Joshua Vin Cott, 8. Prosser,
Bruins CoOke, • Augustus Frank.
It is highly probable that the • eowttetion,
,when it meets, will amend the Constitution so
that the billet will be given • impartially to
the whole maiii adult population, Of tbs State.
Arm war has for Ike Vend weelm beep rep
resented aajmtainent and almost magi* a
despatch in ilia morning's issue states that
peace rumors extensively prevailed:in Paris,
as Prussia InU numitested a disposition to
make concessions tok tne Freneb. Veinmin.
out desPatchas receirA in Washington, *sal*
not of as late a date, from oar diplomlits
abroad, dive,a ePlataTY report, Prom Um*
wsr would appear to 4 inevitable.—,. '7,
rilltute st,Aprii : •
The State .
The following card fro
uty Secretary of the common
pisins itself:
:Edit re Gazette:—M4ny of the joornalo of
elie.filtate have siren curretrcir to dot folloW•
.••The Legislature has passed an set stbortih•
tog the State - tax on persosill property, and
substituting therefor ( alevy apportiraW sates*
the different eountiee aceor.ling is 'pep&
Allot me to say, that no su c h net has been
sent to this Department for examination and
approval, and that consequently no such net
could have received the conciurrent awake of
the two Houses of the-Legislature, '
'As it is desirable that the 'revelling errp,
aeons impression in regard to the matter
should be corrected, I would • respectfilly re
visit the mention of the above stated feet in
yiar **henna
_ Yours "ery . lruly.
• Isaac s.l3sim.
,Ilaamo.--Ciaite a awahee . of our citizen
have Within theta*. few dye bees tribal/Ur&
lack with rod sad line. Spat of theta aeonii
td the eretdai edame fish, and verj-iired.
'as** , f,
..... 314 n# 1017-4' ! 111 " 1 "" w lf
, z , • n , — 0- iiiiimein: -s ":‘ , i ' 5 ,...
as .if - 00Avit -f igiew - 7 - t - .:W -- : ,
wmi:*.* 4t4ii st.Z . l4iste
,21.1 4 4 .
(4,411 4 410:•fficif et,, toit')/410, &OW
4 11 .1.0 1 .0k0c+ and: '*Mik; dual
FM LinteCtrititl . bibnualas is gives
Oat ii sousefi mil b$ Osi, Uwe* sairT
Ow hei r ,* mope siteohiebot tie Plopqat 1
istioiiiil it firaiii.iiiist . Atki iiiiriseil 1
Umostreels ifrielidk iisawir4 414.. ma- .
eadiiiiiridtp oirs paw, tig• lisk hut. ;
idotliplior hill a of •
eimP ler varlOortoiiii KO of W -
amass 11 4 1 4 0 !INC SappresitiCil el yaw
laid' liitill *if- ' bit 4a=
sad . 141%1_14 lode 4 tbir hril=
ditis. It Ina GO iteiNG 011611061111
dattla t4
Me hirliilig4—dei Ira* 100* der,:,
"Tiled 11 . 111 11 4 041 11 Attr* ;* 11 11 1 4" tai
*WI& 'llO- amass& atakit a ai .OMII6
dlitiab*lralk*ilided t illd ;aft ,`tae fit
Mime dfik t tlikeilil/116 bid Ilea. 'Atotaili•
1 14 1....... ...
emit tile" istreass i t aacr
isiiirdihaa soOristisi Mid: • Xi..
I.blii * * l lll.l. !ki lis i ls4i * !hit -*ll'
liiii' li f ilhitifilisi ''4lloolo l a7Olat tie '
UtlLllhdpir ffilliis, eii bow baisl4t eftgash .
. 'agout thiliP,Sirl:rll4lll44'Sair.'.
4 • ,,,- -- li at
pais , _ -.4llauellwed q imosmt -
the poly ill*Oria tteshe t 'amil a? other, to be
- 11 ilia*. ' Pt; fiveli *Mot' Wash*
woo lb Mill elinplaM sad had
twakt**lol4 4 - r essrliilitit wea sod
ill rif !diatom. . iMieas. :TO tos• i•
upetnosilibit a igesiballtur erfli tolloir.
i 4,101144et1iel i '
franaml 1
JUICTI i ,tp
ifcirr )rii if '.-.M I liteske
elei o . 6 Of t:4l CU/ likr : 011 1 1 1
1 91.114141 a
a * squad tlithe i 7th - Colalryi der i IlLajor
Cooper, I t slit Cheyenne Inchon.* Chu
arotte Lintiajg, Smiles wnet. o f Fort. Dodge.
This Is the kit Mood spilt in rdiai war of
1867..! 04 of kbajor Cooper's n en wee killed
and onowili woantbid. . TbirtY-six horscebe
lorighig to the linked States lizprem Cot:t
rap itertrua aft by: the liwiliaa *MP Chair,
Bluff "(Riau" thnOlty llilli it few dap .ago. I
( ' 1
eviereveltaltsliar.anarmazan 111 ARISIL,
ST. Lomm . *34.---Tfigntmoft I—(Alletr-'
tut), Tarr at Jaat o llsain id mosabers_of Capt.
Illodgees orompatiy of nugget witrieed I
itolfiirioollooto istiettt 100 mil tram Pres
cott, es.lll, &ad 101441. 23 of thein. XIMe of
the rage "ra iraa bilked andthree were Woun
de- • ' 1 1 1
' -. 1 .--- • - ~
Retied oft 1812 SW* n 111 0 •11111.
The small calibre Organs of the !wenn Do- ,
mocracy are inaking a food detnagi out-
my against thel Republican party, becauee our
Witt* Lefildotore In this IStatereinnoled thb law
parsed fn leti,lgranting pensions Ito the 'mi
di, t enet tisessr-of 012 .4 and tkeir heiri and
deocenduir, ,Illfe closable tie repeal Of this
bur as ow of ,the taw sour of- Monp omens 1
dirplayedbY that hadi, and are . I.ttathat
they will be sustained4l.R : by-the people.
• Iffi6 recent teepealing there poU l udome and
gratuittem:lt a teall kw, a ws. was mere de
viate/she mgmetsto; bleed tirrikate...-
It is-tutaludstMf illet,Wor, fba,ltbll) . _MO ce 3 3 4 -
sated whit, woman/01 bli t iad [abide d droner
by weak, lobo;•ltaCtiti 1812 rolls .in t heir
kanda,wani to Wheiumsicmeri , Until elabluMts
loudly to obtain tkeir gratniii4 It be, too, a
&An teltbe, ,batibt MI shelf it! wloill*keose
sad *solve II the erideace it regains tad im
thi nervice•lt es!), for. Sixty days' of *Opti
ma services; les s .41 i
kte. =el*" proved l bi
hearsay evidets e, 4t4ieil °lain4ll 4 l/ ill. —
gitlir the arr4gedkand well-4anead leakage
of Ain act, the Cowan:ix th was being
slot* babied of Milliani of deilari, sad it is
doubtful what ar i+iif tbstour Air 1613
reterinti were ' tang the. atone . 1. , '
kills's oft patent, 'fan the cairns of
the liMumerati, Mrrat,toatuals gloat the
&Mei, in eadeorMiniito 'panel the minds of
their eitadero sod felteme them I tt, sah l uti the
'Laililiturr, 34.01aIrSiftelb0 ebe exi r° 1 " 1
beeigOile OidAntiOrri ofollt mid I'efr widows
and orphankin as dialierwat as it i unmanly
we /
and contemptible. A Prey thine( trash be
tiostriAtt thideithe whin A
•, to ' fpo- I
ranee, bY misrepresentailim; -Sri flie icredit
of Menalisee, we are gt•ii;t•esi that this pit -
MI Rslattbc led b been midned to the cOuntryi
ppm la the•tionfedrit..X. RaMd" districts,
9° elelleeteb 4 boolOotrot4 It . eieeitePa, banal
eennimmanad it.,,liams.-. -
i i 1 -
, ) I -------.--- 'I '
Pb 1 43,sitened Ipf-Ilte lie•
\• 1 1 1 !- •
• 4 .Pats Utter, &wee a ,0 •
i s fol
bewei:. \ --. ,J \.. . 1 1
It the imfielnua belfet!t, that Prussia or
lholuolflU have remesellerg and that there
*ascii war foe*. . - 1 't ' 1
I Then Is a eve well*efieetastiotM ea. to
Its rellalk withl the etertmiMi lthat Its sow
otesimatesti Planee 'weolol fissej Germaiy,
for all pramtical- ?impalas, bAo &qua nation,
wit* the stroai prohatillity ef itir ' shins be7 l
1 iweep Reedb liet# limas, satilipd mintsiok.
kw fryosat•its - •••6•Thiy. i. 1 '
"rollout irfill 101 l tier weak 110 broke a
1 roeffrAisitt's azul Ptak to 'sari upan for silk
, Pruitt* tritb alight hundred thousand man
ready to be put la the ifd, ailci.traa•• in • 1
maul of beceitplete legliory tia2l4loll l with
I ntert: Mt dimatielietbm ;WV i storming— .
Preime,, It seems to , ati, IS is ill bad condition
I to ko to war}' as It seeMs t.bat go to was ohs .
i milli oe Osadm her peldtlott is ilturope
I ) irUL, inan unquilf,jondition. he Bourse
is fearfulle agliated: 1•4 theeeend tam
ostaiihrfkieri amjlabOg of low wawa aid
gels high piers of pri4dons. L•••••tii sear
1-114 / 7 .are mil*, tralibliag at tae iatter"-
Trmlestmes, Amp, into aad lodg ing house
eepun are it the-•••ias tima tie
901 b• i•kitos* sad litre Orei is factt =any
dangerous *Meat* it wee! in NAL , Prompl.
and orootlAtted ateettii *IA eautthew but
rsvemegirollidosetabe/rilitatke ~ teee mete to
be dreaded . - - . -.1 i
Rtirops 'Mims to tie apes!the verge of a gets.
Arr 4 coatagratisa; nuts pftideit i men are al
reedy *Wad their peprgatione for it, to the
drat assarsaim that it Wits erel long' break
out: is lurid 1
Tan ID*
`B. Oars Dip.
.04* fall) as-
into th•
Radical vamp. II Oa it fruits of Oa
*Raoul imolai" said It }Cams quiciratalitith
alfset.iicikatsatlits af tbelat.
iwi t t Itspititicass b k ti t sli t * oils mess. et
61#11 fastris * Azad ta r Lis the 1 o- ,
crsis bailers sad trosatik..;"tia. ?rem
- .tinT ofg
tipsiest AWN; iktatii ministate ee teet , ely
prevele 11/11. 'AO 01004 of stilowieg
tirssete video*`emu the ishehdamisisma et
Illialeistradsousg We piovese et teessissew
• '
To' I thiadOnsifig Pribis am- 1
bast( by S erapes* Powere-i-Franimi
sisdlidlestee that the Monte* Doe-
itiree;i as periwig sift 'er'iteod;rindleates
self, lath," sag special efl*.on our part to
er-PolitTo trareor iatrioat.' di-
pleiterty: 'Tinos ; Bono listen Csonertusi
sey, after, the exectitiOn 'of m'as'se 1., that
the a t t.
.of LOsidenlis nahealthi for binge, sad
the possark inems]to be true of North America.
Volubtarlly or iikroluntarilit all ;monarchical
.powers hare atoned it; except Great Brit
ohs, end she is in& in a! sonfederation of
her cat *Nen prtriinees, increased concentra
tion Of strength to enable them to
,resist the
!lade irilluence which prompts all: contiguous
torr+rxtettiV)rito the lap et our :giant Re-
Union, County. Gnaventioa•
I„ rit requested to meet the tonal:places
for 'lam elections, in the - several Boroughs
and Townships, on Seterdri, dte ,Ist of June.
1867, ii 44. appoint Dedegsteato a - Comity Con
tn•be held on , •
Monday, •
nday, the 3d of 'Ju ne, .at It, A.,M ,
for the purpose of nominating a can didate: or
Astably, Associate Judge, Prothonotary,.
Tre urer,,County Commissioner, pay Com
misiloner, Poor. House Director; Andhra., sitd
"Mildest! of Academy.
. .
The primary meeting in. thetownshipi will
be bald .between the bouts of 2 and 6 o'clock,
p. to, and in the boroughs between the botirs
of 7 and 9, p.' .a. • . •
In obediesis to u,resolutien of County tow.
'nation, the voting for candidatesm the dif
ferent. election districts BEIOI be by ballot, and
in o l oler to - Avoid troubleMS*
didttes, and save t in eountingstf.-printed
slips mill b ra pre d and; sent to the several
Districts--the blanks of which can- be filled
with' tbe ',candidate preferied'hy the.votes.
Bi Order of .Committal.: . ..• •
- 11, WEYAND,' Chairman.:
D. W. &wiry Secretary pro Lent. '
fu illebedeace with
Ceetitittee,. the Diet
as Mews, rt=
Beaver bar 4
Borough tp 'a
- -
Bridgewater a
Beaver 4
Comae, -
Trtederalevr - 2
resole= dist 2
Greene • 5
Frankfort ' 8
McGuire • • 8
Imhosty 8
We are requlatect to &incomes tho'nsompo of
the folloalas moose fur vandittatotrfor the,
offices for whiohithey avoiltioned. •
For Assumbly.
T. J. Caen/Lea, Bee beetsr borough.
CAP? lain Amami% 1 3 clionita MP-
Cou.' Tuoscui J. Powss i ßoubeetar bor.
S. B. Wit.iowi Beaver borough.
MMUS Nutnoznon, Hanover swp,,
Wei Piiithonotaw.
&ism Thom. Brighton tirinsubvp.
Jour Callow, Beaver borough.
IL. B. Wu.", Beaver borough.
For .Treauniter.
C. P. WALLAcs, Big Beaver towaabip
B. 14iisze, Borough- to*nehip.
Par Conualiatiner.
Witimst Emma, Raccoon wwnship.
Jossra A.. FLZMING,
. _
Jury Commissioner.,
JOSZPV C. WiLson, Bearer borough.
) , Pit .Luditor.
Grouts K. SHANNON, HOp43WOII twp.
Ter Poor Souse Director.
Simiuss Ecoao.roy. twp
/ al
STS&DT OIBL, taltopetma to do 4l i oo k_
lag aad tenant homework, an AA mm...
t and liberal wages, by applyiag ba
sely at the.lieweer Female Seminary.
• a55.4137:111 ..- R. T. TAYLOR.
. - Saloon is
LAVING, Hair Cutting sail Blesswerni,
4,Z aciesrding to the most madmen and" ins- .
proved styles.
Alao ivielid attention given to the Carling
and Brush:ger Ladies' hair by John B
& vibe old stand, adjoining tae Ration
al Hotel: Nolo/der, are entertained - about
thssaloon, conseqrstly any 164 ot
wan can have their toilet smogs& 1'11'1417,
comfortably, and in
. the most spprovid style, calm sad =Wry' ;Altair wants known.
P. 6 Ladies or *bars who do use
eall it the shop tO pt work done, will be yin.
ited at thilirlitanien 4rir parpowita
quest testae* ittnade. - •
cL wicizyq.-at—ri, • •
-•10 . ,
A, et% 014CPAMELPS9r
ta a hig • zt•wararrinf
- rf •
BAWD , j a t i ao Loma
- said Bridge
P ,wrete t ' between
fiLie* k 7 . ; • tumOsmint•
boiled April
Oiler dui
4sibiall issued
Owes, Ad
• 1101141i9110.191-
imposed, be
743 441111 4,
/ 11 4• 11 Aq•
.by the to
W. 41 14 41014
lie believes
-*fiber essillet
toikbbilrs itesed
ekereeWr he dukes
R; Ll 2
anus *ilia MILL COMPANY
home 'llioir -NSW MILL oompletod, sod
In ountoootol oporstiou % additkot to Mgi..
oloogirorik wed to dO Ids&
Praia* Trolic fa - tbo berg solguis) aid oa
&int Ratifier- _
*PiVlll bspuM la
Muir for of limulik - AolivOutal aro
MIL ' . • paizr67:lB2
_ .
. i
_UTTER of Offoloa --- anstoo - 'L . oa l ths *Moto
of JesuurTssins, lets of Itth
sing Boner
township, Boom oounty, dant., been
saute' to tho understood, all omens in
ii=nd eutitto,entsepaitteCt4,l3o"..
ent, end does An n t e =
or &made soled eh* iodate of t •
win mbi knows the woe without delay, to
iie311257, aillnaL 111111111S,,Adner.
—,---. - ---
il eAvilit COUNTY, 8. 8.-4a.thifizitaaaa'
Court in owl for th e w lir
itty of t i.
tbs sitter o f th e partition of real es
tate of Gaiege. Smith, tits of 8o: Bearer
tewiekiwis saideoasty, dee% , ,_ •
To like b*s -sad ispl as es Or said
doted, -Wm* : W il liam L *Ake
lisly, /Awards, Amin, ileCadtay laid Sarah,
hit *ifs. Raney Collmiltsas, Mies I==s
Anti: aid his wife sad all others
weettat: naiad each of soo :p a g a n& agt•
died *at as biquisithrs to Wilts " et
valaatisi at the real edit* of . I doomed,
situsied *Booth leaver sad Chippewa town
eipli, Bows twisty, Pa., will be was ow Um
premise" i the itb ‘y of , Jam, h. D. 1861,
at milk* Aims sad *seeToo iny salad
if you thiskpreper, 7 LLIMI4 Mar.
lihlrs Onott, Beaver, shy I, ' .. . ' 1
—1 '-.
11 " 1161031 7 sal to the
;aat• la an-
the basis filet bythe
will seas-Delegates
fudependeOee 2
Marion— 2
N. B4ghtoo,lot w'd..S
do 2d.w'd..B
do • -
New Sewlciljr...- $
North 84Wickl1.
Ohio 4
Patterson 2
Mberg •••••—• 2
ut • -.2
Rochester bore 4
Rochester tp •
Recooois- 4
St Clair both 2
'110;1 118T.13Y TOTirer4flP. .
ERR RsOP.nano • 'remit-
SHIP,! in aleount with the ffn.tliip on
Bounty, under the .esll ofliltibr 18th.
1 from N. Briglen'lliml4.s2,96o 00
2,835 83
and notes . 1 1 8,274 00
ig6t's and (Windy's roplort.. 10 , 00
To cash is
Dupli •
Error in
. ,
' • , ' • -
. i 1 : !/! CIL
By recelpte ' 1 $8,483 78
• • )
Balancet In Treasyry '• 1 6 '— il --- 3 5 - 5
•- . --- il fis
Election (Amore of Industry. to ir' hip, - lin ao
e,onnt. with the tovreabip, on 4041 Betnity,
. under the - co/1 of December 1'44. 1861 i
. - H ' DR:
To comb 1 ' . t}.'. $4,765 00
To error tit' report, of B. 11 Brig.' ' ' 158 00
BY Sea Pia
Bal. due township on Brigg's se 827 60
Indebtedness, to the twp. at this te 8,467 70
the undersigned, Audito ot. Indus
try townsiap; certify that the abireisjust and
tine, to the best of our.knowtedge and belief!'
.108 E PH: WING,
i • J. COO!BR E
; hiatth.6o,lB6h—may I,r-3t : Malta's.
WBO7 l
opper & Sheet
Iron Ware.
• handsill kinds of TJN. COPPER AND
SIkEET,IR WARE, whisk I will sell
Tin: < l <
Dom to 0:43 1 1,10 the but possible isianner,
sad at `tins shocaest notice.
iTsingnona but the be of Material and hie.
iirg none bat. tie bast of erorbiaell.
r risir \ a l atreet.
644. v. A Algi gad «er siock
hpanned onwo oonotontly on hand.
• •
sairyraga o. R 41111avrt..
KOreply to analerens bupdries repel
to the nteaseref eentestleg lb. Annul 7
s into the new 6-20 Gold Cowin load we
SSA* the follewing etanneent for tbe bensitof
ths hada* oft $- 0e; -who my net be Weir.
The Government ftoptes the interest on
both bonds in esteem, ?rat tb date et the
nniterhts of the bet 11041)014 MMUS welt
and thresHenthe on the 78-10 e, and charging
Ina per cent on the 5-20 s. t for exatepla: yen
rent to Washington, $l,OOO 7 3-40 Bend yrhinh
reaches there on •
Mss •
lit $l,OOO
7441ays interest. 14 56
1W 'days iiiterOt
(Tide is tainted al 365 deo •1 • '
per striatum) 1,010 56
Allowed for 73-10, ...-1,014 90
You pay Govenuaeat, 4 76
It will be seen by this that the Gold iota:.
est is gives as curreacy, which ut of half
t to the party converting the 7 8 , -10a of
nearly eight deflate per $l,OOO, aside from the
fact that, it the present rate of Gold; my ip,
the 5.20 a par over 8 per amt. par Suntow.
At presort we are converting the 7 S-Ns
ort much batter tams than the GameWatest,
the protest buying and sallies , rata ealtdes
as to allow 'the holder Of the 7 1140 s a
ligure thialma yet been offered by any ! 1 1 4te lIC'
a cossadeslow.
Parties exchanging through us, in ad
to vita, musk better terms from• us taia
lb" anti boo the-Goverameet, will haie their
ktcheeredlrews Isuasdiaely, than saving' 41t°
r.Lb, m oan ally bonds seat to us
that, Via
Gn botias sent_ 1111 prias
we 11114117 eitages bah ways, . •
• JAR= T. BEADY &Ca,
balers is Gererumeut Seatuitier.
Clear fourth and wood streets_, [
stayl—.2m . - Pittsburgh, V .
V. EL 1 ,3,71FaN LUXE TeNITE FoR
- '-----' ISti f ,':
- ... ,
IVITICII la' . beraleigiveti io all - pen al ?
.mad tbatitut annual lists of m it.
risset• kr Intertat Xiiwanue.taxei toe th ou -
ism • have been „hoed to antby the tette. 1
al Ambulant Aisammil cit thi 24 1 b Collettib t .
Ittuttaltskot'Pat:, and•thst they will • b e eft f oe .
inspeettes . at tbui Ameseee's °Mee. in the Ilte:t
tomb of Washington. fr om the 2d to the. lslh
of may nato4oei4gyrliich tipe_pen eee t
aprOweid may mite appeal ,frotr; ir,lat th....
infielder atwoneosammeamenti Appeetia-74
b* in writiwilp ormitY63lPortietthirl7 thema.
alC . e•gektiati resoPectbi *bleb a 4**
Nt r l4l7 * 4,M0! 2iti -photo.
4 7 ..&.1t: - "P - '4 . 1141 . P . 5.
941,#.2011Z CL AIR ST,
3 Pitt II I II 3IFIXII, gam ,
ibutalleturen sad psalm in •
. .
FLOOR OIL cLorits,
ThenAparent.GrAen' Olt boi .
• for erindow'aadee,
• Tiansperstst *meow 844.
• ' ' TASSEU3,; CORDS, -Ice., i t
. ,* AtmO,DluiLERB IN • ' -
hale Rubber liehlue 'Baking, Roos, fk ui
Pacing, ! Dirket; -Tubing, Cement, ,
' . • • Clotbingi' . and Rater ,
good" generally, - .
Oak Mimi twelber 'Belting. Luc. 6 - i im i :
y o u Rooks. Rivets. Lubriestiiis
• _ &elute 'Peeking. to.
Ariap- fo. ass Vitisonal Clotiog VW." i
A dal ,aasortifiust of theilove. *Arad
• goods always on hood.
Orders reipeotragy solicito4 and:pm e g t.
wed. • - • { itall'67:6l
Standipg ail the S. W. cor: of the Fair Grouad,',
• •
mirmAv_e_lv., • •
.IPrti*e Pictures of .411 kinds are made at k
2 • than half price. - • .
4,923 00
4,06 40
9 ~
~ ~
P..q±:YroG RA P il•
1 f?
connection with the Picture - Gallery, the
tatelerrigned has opened a 'a hap fur the repair
ing, of ',Watches, ;Clocks, Jewelry, 'kr , Whtelt.
will be done. in the vv . " best manner, and tat
abort notiee. ; •- • . -
Front an exi*rie4ce,ol yeats in the buel
nens,:we insure sa4 isfao fon to our patrons. -
May 188 . 7. ' A: TAYLOR:
; AT
uts saes 'Expeitivi,
(2 • bOORS BELOWs'riLE - i.4
TTT taey' room
Wat f er ° ' l3:l Y ll4w ed st b et. l
where I will be glad to see -1111:tny all outs
mew; and al others fivoringme with a ega
- Ito now teneiniag s large and splendid'
stock of latent spring styles of %Muff
-Triatinlawi, an trlunli wilf verl cb°ll
Of every deireriptieureilk ind straw bolas.
Ladies sad leans hat; - ribbons, lever f! . .
eke, Ike:, /km. ' , . • •
Of an Nadi, for
conk Imes.
'Mak a
Gesitemed lisnthaingGooels, God
disit - laige Paper Collars,
MIN AND ,- Bats' HATO kav
CATS. strstENlDEg s, ,
, UNDZa3dEttri A.N)
Sas. WUITB • sll lAA
114"lierY C4lO-velh
fast nosived • terse tot veil cheer, eltt 1.1.;01.
Bennt.s sad oleiined, Coco.
inaaPhiS, finking 2nd fieali COI I1 g
aid sksliingos short mace."'
, ... „
mieree shirts made to order. Nltiollicie st l itehlsw
• •
NO TROUllibElo sgow GOOD*
Vie :Reins iiiper lb* tplif —I Ivo doors !A
ldo &lies Si Shainsaberger, s Grocery StoriP
Miteretftet, BEidgewater, Ps . .
`'WATT 0.1
impute ru Ve^