The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 20, 1867, Image 1

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Wig be . Published'. Every edday, ii • ~... • --. -... - 40
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' . gl,ettet9' and. centribniie ,!')3l *flat• c;;,
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.•„ . .;:.. • :l,;.i-isrl • - ,. .-P•v:s-4; I*: , ~
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.I;11 have prompt' att e n ti on . • d . e. 13,45 •ti4.l . , 1 • -. '
r-% , --.i., .
4 - • , , ~.)t-^„,,','" '.."' " ' II V ol. V 4V 7.. j.-N O• 1
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4 WEYANDilditor f!Mprok 4:,vt—
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-'7'''''' lii ''''ll A_ITI.4II:OA.DS
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. . 111•14' • L''' itOPAilft-SH4111!; ... -- _ . i , .
. ENG 1 . s ~,---- - , f , i;c' . PITTS. ' FT. Wig -St C. It: R.'
, - f I ~, ,
__ D „.....,- ..„,••,,,•4;a t i t o k ay sliait. to 'On and afteMbec.l23 itifi6,•Traitts , willi s leave
In fallSr: 1 1-.P`" 1 / 2 . 1 -r.. 7-- i'Tz' 9 '' :4 - “ , ; i t 'I ' . Stations daily. iStita days excepted. a fol
. .._.
.1 .. ; i , , .
... . ,
... .• . ••••.., („, ._,„.„„,,, , , i ;„.,,,-„r o ol..At; • . lows: ( Train ;cavil% Chicago at 8,35 I': M.
11 I\G leaves daily.) l,
• the 'lost: of - inecitinicit, - .1 ".--.-..--••!'--:---.-.--` -• - I 1 , - -r
• rd . !be s'il*T i ; eB ..... 9l •-•.- 1 . ir ,-. , ,v ( 1 4 ,- ,f- ' 7! 711.1 ititioptiontkivizsv 1 k •.-
r iee.m., . t 1.4 warrat. ,3 ‘1 r,,,,__
~ t__,,o , I S
l;; ; ; sulk e :43,1iLif 3litterl. I have lohinattA t lir 7 .
F,..,, j - li t i 4; 3 1 t C"tesx mu s t Styles of kl_ng . in.e . ,9 4 :.., ..ite„
clay Itell, and, aill.preparetl.toptattsrr94lr,
- ,t) l&criittittits tit • maclAni fre
ty, on asehal2re .
. ..-. ,•
. -.
...• Ph:lmi. :and Plow' Castings. -:- .
' I have all the best plow patterna -that suit.
Shjt market, thug:: ; which is. the ...Great
• IVederit," Which - has kites 1 mitt plow of out
,;,),,ealy for diciest' (fifteen years. --ThOne ato
rite sizes 'of. this plow, all of which I. mann
tortare and keep- fer sale; also **Patent . Go- ,
- - %cf.' --rigitC:' and I ft -.•Mettntain • King"-
r igid and 1411Z-oSlde Ifill;' 1 ' and nearly all
4,.litfereattkind.s in use. , •
4 _ • • ' !
.r . - • •,, .• .1 ,• ' r •
• Cooling, Prankqn snij Hpating,Stoves
...- .I I , - ,• -1 ' .i . ,'- • ' -
' ikvin , 4,maite sevorai•-important. improve-,:
,„„,, J ,, ,tit the ~C lintar..," by which Coal or
• '
stud ror supplied. without lifting lids, anti ,
b Avi ng (1% . 1),V : , tees for!pj„peerithore.or:lattlt of
"WA Jiaia ° Tie Used' 4 .IliersaYrie tinfe", -I ttitlt a I
teroilatbat to, the oven. thus having the ad
„,,,„,,,g,.. i,f gi Cookirm . Stove.' Bake • Oven and I
• laselainj•:•tove combined This stove bait been '
i nu aittant use for I wooly years. and many •
~i • ii,,,,i after ; banal ueeti far this,•peaietkof .l
• inv. , tri t 4; ;in ;gbell-order. There 4 hilt 3- ,
. . outtli ncrlMn of this• stove that ever burns
- i'dt, vli '!,is is easily and cheaply replaced..
To 5:.J;•,.• dodo htill mate lasting, we a te ne w
toa. in i th• or tire brick lb - lino. Our ether :
Ii'"ll In . th e EntorprtQc keyst one - and
•etasdata.. l'ajter stiqes, large and small .
. tuna; stows. Frangin ,stoves,.lenny biursi
• • Au. tir:ite.Swi tiehterronts, Fenders . , Iron - '
fiaiiing of nations s'yles, Wagon Duxes, two'
fr:;:••••l'ire Itind-ers, Corn Shelters., Force and
Cioern I'ait:4;;;, 5.1.1 irons, M.,,ttil Sinks for
ki;• ',en, Sleet 'iron and Tin ware. always on
I,3nd I,nd uttolo to Order. • 111 fact, I maim fae -
• lareTa ;of 14 . 01. for stile: - rtlineet 'e'Ceryt hing
e:alt.:aril; the 'tail ebb; ery' or,hardware lips.
. , :4•••,,o,1 Ivied ';.toves always for sale ilio. 9 P.
- 'hie' good new engines, suitable for: st-mill .
~,r shop porponps "tow ;on hood, - aoal ill he
;- . .
'sold telisatrt blj•... : J. , , ... , . ~.. - .0.• . ,12.T1 - ? .•
- mari:v -.7 .—ky., .•. - 101 IN 111.011NI.Iiiil . _: _ ,
• ,i ,, • Eric and Pittsburg Ezpreas Train leaves, iew
It.' .I: W11. 5 • 0 7s•••••to • •'' Ti;t B4 • l •••t•illtttelf- - Castlx 'Sat 4:05 p.m.,` airrives in l'ittsiai;4/ et
_ ', . • '.' '.--... •
.':'..--•-. • ' -.1 .0:1;1 ;, ; (:45-P.tu. .II et timing teaves Vittolinrent: :00'
NEW. STORE, : 1 "W
~..,,,,,..,,, - riftm: , . ii•ln'.; arriVes. in NeW - Crt'it le at 5: . .tt a.m._ -. ••,
•• , 11.: •,,a - .... _ ..: -. ” ' - '''-i l •',•, • • ;le n. Castle and l'itt'sburg'kedoanntodi lota
.... ~,j1 '•
.. . . . . . .4 ; .1 Tr:tiji leaves New Castle .at 7:00 a.m., nerves
.. , . .
•. • . .. • . &.• : • .1 . 1 I in Allegheny at 9:4•1 a.m. Returning le: vea.
• . - 'fiii ll .cklreglie ay at 4:30 p.m., arrives in sew Ga tle
. , . : ;-. - ~, • . at
. 0:20 r.m. . :• ; ..; , . ~ a, ... • •
. • 1 4 I'e Iv . - G r ity ce.t if eis,•7 -, -•,-.• __•___ .-- • • - • -
.. . -••. , •-, - .t„.-i, i,, .. F. R. MY.EI.IK, Gen_ Ticket AF' . .
• ~,
. ' •••1 , •
4 - - f' - - • CLErVE• S 7. PITTS; RR...
\\ mwN L
..# i t 0 l ir l y 1 On .
Lionsand .
daily,ef ter Dsetei
Sundays excepted,
w a i s t I f
oo leave w s . t a
• • _ . • - . : -- 8
:.(110 - „ „ 4-1
S4,IIOVTII. „ .. - ,
ma'. meereTTTLLY --- en aottace.R4W-'44adir rot :'. 5 , .-i i ." 2 si - z.s.T i • ; , l ---7 r-ii-,: 1 - I „--., - s -------:- I . ' -
'At i.:'e.:.tis'iriod, and Ilse udtlic ocuerally, • I )lALL . 1.1.XP . 5. MAI.L. Acc t ,
t4!illey'lnfen.i opening ar•lien.-Groceiy Store- • - ' - = ---- ';i -- ' .-
e . • • ~ • - 1 Cleveland .... . 820414,. 28... fa :33(.. ma !
. •
'',3 . • , 1 I; t t l i t e d l il id on. street , , ,Sal -, 246 1 , . • j
. 041 . 1
. • ir' ' '1 I ''..):1 7 ., ."
.S . lO " / 4.. ..... 1 50 . 3 ~
, i •Akrort ,
uli,tit l ing,• Ilir Dry Good •SlOroi ~
or• A. •-•lori-viitp -• .....
, ,
Bum, od‘t hell sth day of March' • I Mill • , Int e; -.I
. 1
. i '-***-
ItiWtheir intention of hart'' , on 11:nol, at I- • e " r .*** '. . ' 7 . .
' , Ravenna , 1010 ", 415 -I ... ..... • .S:IG ..
di n MPS, a pet assortment of the. • Allialee ...... -1110 •;! 500 ..1 ' G3O ••,
• ' 1•11:tyr6•1 ....... '.!11•14 f'i 53' )"1 -
• ,
• ROCERIES! -! Wells i11e'.... ,;12a p.A! 705-. 1
• 1 - • . . . . . ,
co vies , . ' be; leave to state that they•pre do- , • . sous soma. l. • •• ,
ierudi:el I a 't.lorapt:te with all ether 'dealers 1 / 1 • "s . -
13 lit twvit•iti. cighborlteod,. as their Stock ;
~. , • . II MAIL. 'F,xo's.- .- diout..- Accog
..1 , 1-1 , 0 , !.. nit! al new, and bought at ,the late le
g reat r e d •
„il ,"'" na sel"te'l wag, iiic g reat " 1 Wt.11;./11 1, 1 , i. - 74 . T.01 4;1 --- rkt.1 .-7-7
' •
c-1 cut l ' . .0 11 "- iLlivreY Di'own, whose ktrewl.. Ba 'i . -,°"• •• ,'! 101 . ..... : 4 , 0.5 - i t •
tl'.:e it Fll4 , l)lw•int.:l-s truillot lue yustionetr, bay-. All i ance •••••• j. 1 .1.27,
r , ~tar.
tog been •w i itli . Mr: Arthur liarvey for Man:) , i rwan . n ;,: - *** V i21 , 1 ,,,,1 7. 2 8 . ~!
I '4'4 ~.
• i ~..
,fear 4. r 1,. . • •
I ' • Millerslorro. i; I ; ; i so, / 4
..They mill r particular • attention' A ° :, tillir i Orrv'll ?.. ' I • I I
1 e ij ,
sh,:•1; of Teas.& Coffee, rig ithe.y fatter; -
..n...ttbing extra AO'jo* i Akre ' n ---• ' l l' ......
- t' .1 Hudson ... .• 112-ii; tt H O " , t
Euclid street II 147 ~i ' 4 .04 ~! 1 ~ IV 41
Cleveland : ... i : , 0O.'•1 015 "I 1 ; 015 •
_ .
.15f.4.1):••y Itnvo 9mlnething e xtra to carer
to p1'4,2 111.41. 1 unlity.
c,:t Lry..ts of Family Flnlu always
lil'euauce,t4lien ut. all times :at full
ynimis Mermerit:
Teti. 27. 467-1 Y: I
. • - • • ,
, .
rrill Aliulersitmed offers for sale at a . rest
s •swlablc price his present resideace,situate
im Fun or hirer street, in- Old borough of
. i ',"l'cr, !leaver county, Pa. , The 1.4-is 60 by
4 rieel; Oie house was built about 'two years
este, is el frame-, 40 by 32 feet, - LaVing 4 good
rooms and ball on first fitior, 5 roonui and hall
c i o
iz se-itio e good oellnr underheath. The
Po'ze. is amigo. ne, and well finished; a good
titters and t-buildings . :The lot is well
'planted iii apple, peach and .pear trees, atraw
limits stolsreall fruit. The u . hole is; in es
tel!tot order: This property is very desirably
i'''llEdon the bank of the Ohio, within three
•". 'UN's stalk Of thellailioati station-' Por
' , •rilrr igornintion inquire of did, un.lersign
ri,.er of Ifiee kitutan; Beaver, ri. - - '
l "r i '•V4t , . EIWILN GRAIL.'
---- -7-- 1
.F . A.S II i 0 isr 13
Ilziake St., Bridkeviater.
I \ fE Wll.h . s.oll!iletli 31illin'eriwill he open
nt my. trlll stand. lately occupied
" //r- • Genly, _TUURSD.4Ir9.
14TH. 3/A RCif 1. :I wish to iii.orrit
111-o ii't•irienids., and aSIII9IIy- . IIOY ::(41eS !LS will
PitisC paininiZe, inc , thai I . aia non(recoiflng
.44 wiro new - stock of :Millinery,, of We tat
"M6Pring Styles,itill trill
-be pleased with an
• MILS. S. .- -1 1E4E8.
V Pall A B L E =
it udersinitd offers for <staults.a""
„ • indlot fituat'ed in the ionn of Dewier,
2 , 1 . The house. 'a, large brick, - is lanai:wt. pa of
- "o' en the corner of Buffalo I and Main
id contains rooms and 'alitorc roan;
%Ntt, ywl se*oly new.. Oat-bold-
link on thy lot. Inquire of Ll'
, S. A. &3. 11. PI:MN-184
,Tidersigme-d, offers for inie a
10! of of ground on the river ban
if; jetst
ltenver B ( 4liion, on the C. 'Bt:Pi
The lot containd something over
'and is erielosed iw a ‘ 1, 0m4.1e
41 ilee.
,7-4'w °LITR r3.4Y4FBi
__ r ______ ....—....
• .11 .F%xrt , . ExP's. - lExr',.
..--,------ Exrs.
rittsburg . ..... 245114 700 ax ,220 ax 30rn !
Rochester..... Alia" "ArtC. l .l - 14,7
... ; or.) 4, 1
Salem • 11;20 - n 1847;'" , ''' il X 2 7... 12 0. 1
Alliance - 1 715 " 1160 .. 635 " 15' " I
Canton •
. 1 1 805 " 1250r4 747 .. 08 "
11;aisillan „... 826 ." 115 " kld/.8 .. 23 . " I
Wooster • I 938: 4 . 235 . . 4.
Mansfield .;,.. II 1137" 446 .. 1112 " 1 25 "1
• pAr ;;1215A)t 630 " 1145 " 1 00 44 1
Cre!itline i llie - . 1 11210 ". 620 " 1220 M • 100.r,>< /
Bucyrus ' I;. 110,,", „650.,,.: .1248 "" :733
V ...
. Sandusky I 151, 1 . 11 7311 e." 125 .. 4.123 ..
Forest • '[ 223 " 8,01 .. "
Lima ' • 11. 335 " 918 .. 305 .. 1 r 22 ~. 1
Van Wert..... fl . 505 ." 1021 " 405 " 1 37 ).
Fort ..Way,pe,l • 0.50,, 4 4 . .540,...1,120rn
ColtiMbi a• Lit.! I it34l ) 4 ' ,12,35Ait - 622 ';‘i 1; 0 08 ..
Warsaw.:..... ;, 825 " 130 .. 711 " 101 "1;
Plymouth..... I[ 925 "•. 235 ". 807 " 05 't,
Valparaiso... !9059." '4ls \ ..i 985 "1 .48 ..
Chi0ag0'.......111250rit . 620 ",11'21.",i OO ..
I'. . •
1 - I , • -
o ExtliWo. j 'B.(Exr'i!, .Ei r's.
1 Chicago , 1
[- ' : ..1 335r3ii • .. 4jQA.)1 1 72 ,,
.x. 1
i Valparai So .'.', • .621 "1 ; 683' A. 12541 M ! )5' .. ••
frij'maitlz:l4. i►l 7:10 i 8 ~ - 22,')7, tt 10 ')
, c
1 Warsaw ...... 1 817 ...1 940 ..; 420 .. 11911 ..
Colamilia ..... ;; 94.14 "' 1
1640 "I 5'7 :" 121:91.0
- .- '
Fort Wayne...A.llll "111,45 "I 700 '" 1. 4 .%4 "
Van Wert...— . :1118 " 119rmj 824 l' 242 "
Limit -. "1217 AM 'lnt) , ! .945 ,"i •:::13 "
Forco . • 125-.. psr, "litho "i 4:ti , "
U Sanctus icy.. • 111 .•. 331 "11133 ..•[ .rai,:: . "
Talcyrti, ..„,.... . 221 " 22 ..11218pm I 51'.3 ..
efesnino'i ..''' -*:"' " "'" " 1250 "
, . . 01 , e 813 " . .1%.5...5C.-,130 " 1i•..) ..
?,fan;g01.1...:.., I i .1:1 -- 4 ,
.:50 44 - 200 , " '(;Jr - 65 1 )_ 14 :
weosier...44 1
.4 . 06 ••• .05 1 ): . 44 ,43;11 kill) "
Orrvill c ''' ~ 4::u 4• 920 44 '357 " 906 ..
1: - .ssillon..... 600 ...l loop "I 430 ..1, 942. "
Cant on .......-." 616
...[162.0 " 448 '•. 11tH
t .•
I AlliarMe . ' 1'1 , 7) , "11 . 1 . 2.5 44 515 4-'110,4 ,
a _
S f, 4
in 7l4' ..11'207rm ,620 ..113 . 2pm
ltoellesier .... ' 921 "1 215 , 4 3 ,82;) 4 , 1 1..2. 4 ,
I , l'itt;shurgh... ii)::', -; 340-4' *J3O"C*2-')ii
- ;lll.tti.; I Exr's
. •
Be '1:10ru 1 610 .tit 1010aul'
Bridgeport... tt l ••• t 625 4' 1050 ••1..
EtettbeNdlie. !! 555 "1. 7-13 " 1158
Well vine .... 1 725 ." ;.. 8 15 " 140ixj 701
Bruitlf.sFerry 747 "I : 907,.. 402.'41 7:1
Beaver ....... ji • 't
Rochester ... 830 "1 050 "-
Pittsburgh .. 'OlO ••1105 ; •±I
Pittsburgh ~ i 815a5t
Rochester r .. 730 ~
Beaver ..... .. i ...;....
Bmith'sFerry I Ka "
Wellsville .:. i 840 "
Stenbenvillz. II 950' ..
Lagrange..... 1...: .....
Bridgeport...' 1111,..° "I . tO7 ,6•E';927 •s'
8e11aire:...... ,t 125 ,‘ 720 "I 940 "I .
Leaves - Affrvos
N. Philadelphia G. 506 m 114yaid, 0.55
Itayar4, 1200 m, N. Philsdet. 2.60
F. R. MYERS, dinerai Ticket Agent.
TII 0 undersigned has been appointed a g n
fcii the .Etna Insurance Company, . o
'Hartford, Conn., and likewise for the Niag. r
insurance Company .of New York,_ and h
EttietprieelifSureneisCOmPSo 2 loll4 l .*'
Each of these Companies insure dwellin , .. ,
out-buildings, Stores, Manufactories, &c.,
against loss by fire, , on favorable terms, for i v
years or less. ' 1 .
' Losses. equitably •adjnatest sit% promPil
paid when the insurance is effected. All
lmoss connected with either of these com
ies attended to with dispatch and fidelity •
JOS. M'CIIIItE, Agent.
- -? . 44422 , *66:47:g / t..' Or :•'!. ; iteaalitcVia„
BAIDOILWATES, PA., in extracting tee h.
1 have added to my many other facilities of
the successful,pr . osecnilola of Prof
this iniamble painAlliingskeist.i
• es_of
~Donistry PerffnliS MN' *Okla Moat ,
1 -modern style: - All work done as cheaply. and;
,may per:rceati belleVt as* Stilate'
~ientelEetablje} lhp'St ate: r ro;y9156:11).
" • 0 ti
.t 3 , l i ,~; ~.t 1
• .., ..., t..
.. • 2- -4 , -- . •4 0 - 0 4:!, , , Att ~., is ,
~,,,,...441.1 T e r .- - . 4..- - ----- - r,:.4_4".tr„- - .44...-:., .1-1.,. - ' , , ,. .t. •-•.-,:., , !--- -- .: , . :, - ~ .
, , . ' ...- -, - • . - g74-" , fi 7,- '''', 4 :!2%,""",.,-....--4f , ,,. -% ,' ,„ • ' •• t '. ,' . ', , , ,
- ~ s- "" ---"%c-.1; - :-....,-'7.44 -- -0-.1ass.l& -,-.."-':.. '4- -.....-:... -•!_4• 1 . , ' •_ l• -•• • • ' • •••• ,
. .
'''' `•••• ri , ', . itAr;r, 3 , q` t- '' '
.., , • * i' -'t Attate 4 t ie l 4 ' *: ; , ... -'; ' ~. ' . b„..,t - i 1 -'; :, 1 a ....i i. 0 * . . 4, - to i l : ~ a , i . ..: :. - I .: ~: -
- . . . s
i, t, 1 0 ( r c
.. UN. ,
~.._ .
~,... A . 1 4diTIOC141 ' • 1
•• , --i ._
• 1;
- ;il
. A e
lf' o 11iJ 1 8
toff - 93• • ••1 1 A •f
........._,..0" --8 I.l9t;tf B 6 1,4,4 1 .
1191.1 t t r - • ;tit 51 SI E't ''. - -.1 :I * lC‘ - 17' • /v 6
f li I I:
,! L - -- t. - to. v.- , 0 4 1
1 .3 7 t " 1 :0- '" - ';' 3 ~s -11 1 i 'v' l l t :::1. . ' g r ' rf ' i'„4,,-.' `; . '-r 1-7--' * il"... :It'. r . - 11 - r i .:t t .i.:a ~; '-villisti -lot , 4.10111 fet . 4 g .:411 : 1 ;
• ; - g.c,l. • - ll ft- --, !.ei er-0,10 ' Its
. .11t 91 i t . od m , f : .4 Fi t}
/ 44ur - '..t"
).1 '
• .
. . '' Fi');C. " ‘ ''
' Le 41 , 1 'Si., lo , 2r.itltiotini' . ;•, • vi k .: , (l tx v; ..., 7-1 14 —4 - 't
..-.44-7.0 -;'.ttertkatck'ri , :4'",:- 1- • errA4a-sel •silna.lll . - a 0 ' ', _- I '',- a :4 • ..„...' - .., '....* • - s . =-. • • •
•-- -
- - ----- 1 -- ----
M.W"e.*gti r etN c eeX"lt ine ''
. ...„ . ___ ,. ....5, __ ..-- _ ., to,
sToitiPbtil'A. l l l titiiiiif Wd66r. e ,
i men
kfit,? t
• 7:„ • ._ „S' -...... 0. if -ir ---;„::-i' . ...,!` s=' , .l ,$'..?••,•L-IrE
.... „.....-._ ($1.1•13, -,, c • • . sl, ::..41-44. • •II
Harper 8 liaffastne for .VBb;nary s
t l .
con tstins 7 an , r. Art11 310. An441464 1 ,,Aihl O r
s t
ltiliA '- it - dereribest-einnisofl • a mpr..tit 1 .--
vittiiiCnifei.titirrfi:lortt- Me feiffi met ~,I r l
named "Wild Bill," whoteh - `6411. 'Mori nw 11, 1 ' .
ass a,
,frapi c iprman &ml Rmistafaily.d. fl'l
mirailily gifali fi ed'hirn - to ace. is`b (lid ivi `,.
tig,..9Pgll4 l°• 44 1 , 1 1:i.R 4 40i41 „Ike d - 1
eventfu career * f this reprar*Sompyr ~,,, ~./ itiqvg,
man;:boticiieftrutlind iillatilifthe N ees, nl i m„
~,1 OW 4 r:
is admwatilkwkettihed in thAstisiititte; - .79,4 , ,
~. „., od"'fbiit
by t 'oliiiiiirZiehnts, who - tie - Ciiitto Der- Irnevi feicaet• • '''''' l ' • " 1
sonally itbfluitilitidlwilfrbtrriliX kis. , ',lli ii,,t, l aijil s- l it, ~k,44'it. t : ' 'r,liii4r
sonri, and got the story from his own ItOP 2 fold itnelr - gunh hiring). "Adif
lips. • • _ _ tb'eli' I . felt at :eft' "'r Ati l ittii - 'disir!pfti.-
p .
.• ; ne .p., . B L, e . Vie : roe/pi' irna'l2ll , i9tiiifihtfar 4 l46
ille,*., k i $ :i .1
,1$ 4 lir , . ,gat , ih . Clds,e;qo intlitgen:Yets' ictirthg
• C o ri '.. i ikw 'i 1 - -
ten „ . Oflri# 'ihti ll atili • In t4 Oill 1 Itpiselite
dO physical strength, which bad B 4 .4iii h kl4 . alraa - A rtilvot'e,
been developed and traind by his heicaSr fatirw . .4 .4 thonght. ' Vtio
Mode of life, and that he wiA an an., t eeond4. - shalt 1. - Thia -other:l4We
erring abet. •Zllho sgbet t antialitacts.„ 6f i t oloinhed met sod Wiled .:Piq ;on • 4 0
the affair were ' icild - 'The, writer; the,.., ',fop Jhard:. I tnlan,
by e l t not ficer of the regular army, who ,! with'rny ihaAttikp aipsip'sii'Prii:„ -,:ti
an our a ft er it occurred, saw Bill. hqd his nuerS49lllMit-MY s tI2,ZOILL . 4,, :$•
and his dead opponents. The story fo;o.I . e9nia Set., ,inT : lebt.. - ir, "ow
no . "iii hr baili li Wier is rep ri#oPB, CI - struck ; across, A roast
_, with t'Uoi
`"lt svgs in 'ti s4beri'l gaideltlt'de 4 stock of a rifle; iiAd t 'felt the - bloOd
tech meat of cavalry who wire eons• rushing, out of ittrqi:/to „and
sn from Camp Floyd, n
We were non .1. got ugly,, om' eMtoi - it4t
n,ari IN
~(tOted •,-.• %It fv-Artup re f lipr.!_ find I I got „holt' of„a'10 iikti was,
wej • o "in "Sell th' . - '.'s'etiraWkit - , -. lt+tri - orie ! all eloPdy;:llkei 4
~ : , ;,,..*'*ltii ,iiia,' 'and'
3,1 0 . win n I went out of camp to go .o i . k
1 , f I etruc isacain ,blor ti foil Owing, , the
tot cabin of an old' friend of 'mine, ,a ! yillians uP r•TCP 0 :4, Pikt:°, ii- 4311511 : 1 9,i .
liici Width:tun , I took only one pf , of th e room; • AP- I 'l4n Pie eortiers i
m> revolyers *ith me. for although I strikirig and elnOystmuntil ,I, L kiiew
the war he'd brelie ont, i'didn't"think 1 i hat every 6m Was:dead; ' ..
necesFary,. / to tarry Loth my pistole,l "Ail of a sudileati,,,scalned itelfAily
(mil in lill ordinary scrimmages, ono 48 heart, •i ! s'as ott firer-, - 1" Was
~ bieetling
better than •_ a dozen, if • yon shoot eVerywhore. Ima id out fo tbs Well
stfnight II;:iw prime wild turkey; and drank from tivihtniket„ and .then:
on• the road ns 1 wits going 'down, and tumbled down in a-tiiint.," - • ti.
popped „„, i f • in ' o , i . eri , t v i nkj eg 1 .14 , 4 .Brenthiesa With_,,tbls intense Merest.
,bejsekt the thin for -upper. .. with which! find followed this - strange"
"Well, - rode no to Mrs. Woltn.ars's• Istory; all the inoretatiiling andsweitd
jumped, off my hnisc; and went into 1 wilen lin hero, =seemilifng to , liven over
the eihin, whiehl - is.: like, most oft again the bloody eliants of that. deli,'
tlß;mbitin on the I r,)? arer, with only; Anvir rrieritq
,ifeeihk" - loPirtt -- with ,
, one-room. and that,
,h. 14 two anori,ono.; wadc* sage !gestro l 3 l7 .4 l r. the .o+.
1 n i ebi og onfrefitlaiid tether on tryn rd, t what ray . Somata". of tho ;riprning
I Si e i• -- - • - • I - - = •-• I had failed ititUsent*—ttui.tigel which
..ll 9 ,Tirernzurs., , Waltman r 1 IV 49 " Foaled boneithAorgoAii° ex 7 1
said, feeling aa jolli• its ydiii plense - ,, tenor. 97• 1 . 91: -.99-e , :. .-
' ).
irThoeinete & m e a n. m e o w t er , re d 301 , "Yon mast ben* nlturt-i almoit.
white as a sheet, anti screamed lls to death:7 I Sakti Ill ' i ' .„,, .. '
that yen , . Bilt? Oh. -my God ! they •"There Or gif;: l tinelt shot in
l ie
will kill you! k Run'' run ! Thoy. .will t nit' - Loan,' Borofto - 41111'12 0 n , ,rwas
kill „4„, !" . ; r '... . I ens in t r hirteen jaw all-of them but
"Who's a-7oin to kill me!" said, I enotik)iltin'hilWiet '-,' tialliktoniatf a
"Tber's two can play at that ;gime." man. Bat that bl 7•. , 11 old. „ II . '311141
'lt's' Ilf:Krincliaal aml.-iiiii n -- -liAllid_ . - •+ .
- ii .e .'1 i
' ' '.,; ~.a _bild
Theirs • g••• - vs' • .- 7----• ter
elutnce. They's jri4t goo° down the'', "That prayer of yours;, bill, naily
i•oad.l,o the corn • rack. They rums 'I have been more potent-. for your safe
nOtere only five $ minutes two. bor yon .; ty than yo think. You stniuld be
krindlas was dragging poor r '
Parson i thankful to God for your deliverince.”
Shipley on the grou 60 with : a lariat 1 "To tell you truth,Kurnel," respond
round iii 4 nor+. The pt eaelter was • l ed the scout, with a certain solemnity
most 'dead with chonlcing anti the in his grave face, "I don't talk about
horses stamping 011 him. • Nl°Kandlaiss I.Buch thing. 4 to the penple•rOttiul hero,
known yer bringing in that party of I but I always feyt sort of thankfelavhen
Yankee env:lire, and ho swenrs he'll , I get oat of a bad scrape:
cut, yer hecrt,ont. Run, Bill run !
But it's too late; they're coming up
the lane." - •
"'There's that Yankee Wild Bill's
horse: he's here, and we'll skin him
alive '."
"If I had th-a,, ,, htpf running before,'
it Was toe late' now, and the . house,
rasa my best hold--a sort of fortress,
like. • • I never thought I. shnuld.loava 1
that room alive." •
The scout-etoppeci in his.atory, rope
from h=a seat; and strode' back end
for War - hi a state of great excitment.
"I tallyou what- it is, Kernel," ho
resumed niter a while. "I don't mind
ii scrimmage, with these., fellers round
here. Shoot one or ,two of them and
the rest run awitty. But all if MlKan.
`ditto" gang were recklim, bloodthirsty
devils, who .wOnld fight as locg tact
they had strenith to pall a trigger. I
have beort,in t plaess,but that's
one of the few, ames Isaidmy pray=
"Sun ound the bonne and give him
noArtarterl', said 31 2 KanItut. , When
I heard thatl felt as quiet and cool as
if was a &ins .to (thatch: I looked
around the room and saw a Hawkias
iiflo hanging ever the bed.
"I 0 ttiatcri
. 1110 0141 lira.
Waltman-. •
"Yes'," the 'poor : thing • Whispered.
She Was so frightened Ishe ettuldn't
trileak loud.
It I "Aro you . Imre Piaui T, as 'I jumped
)( Ito. Alto bed , and ciught-it. from. its
I : j
hooks. " 4 S. though'. my. eye • did ,pot
1. letiV6 tho.door • could see Abe
noddbel erei, , again., '1 pot the- revel,
D• ver on the bad ) pad lest than IV 'Kand•
lairll6lCott 110#0 f 0110' iiiii - doit;rl43',
but jumped tmcd:c l ;Whoti ter saw
with ibie rifinJniklutad."
"Come in hero, you cowardly dog I"
lORted., 4 ;Cume - in era nght
, •ri •
"31'..Kandlakwasto oolgrAr(A, if he
was a. bully. jut flied ininde the
room with 'fev t elad to shoot;
I but..-bts !flits net %flick . Among . b.;.;flify rib
fie ball went - through: his - ltaitit. lie
fell bank outside Abe Jahereiie
n. weal fnuad afterward holding
hliptillWiil44 . 4o4 fallen ovMr !,0•1
411'4 4ip4usgiuino wiusrollowed by
'from- bin gang; and -than there
'dead - put 'ilowia the
, •6
240 4. 11
850 •t
210 pm
323 ‘,
4 - I.lz
545 ,'
725 "
401 ••
450 g.
555 ~
'..? :”Pf:l.,":
skits tro4 .
beis t -bOt4rie , rovtilvtiritioti
it land gLonefoilf, of thitt,.. - - .On , the' tabhi
there wttq . a hnrn of powder anti some
little' 'bars. of lend. Lpotroc.l .` rOmo
poWder into the empt y chamber ftild
rammed th e load after it; byi hninmer
ingi the barrel on the table, and, had
just; cappol the pistol when I heard
K.-India.; shout
WtS 11
g.i. A r.
r e.l. ° Jr,tl
,The following. note is like so many
others 'which
,have • reached. na that
we feel "justified is ,treating ita topic
as of qt!ite genera! interest :
To thc:Editor: of The Tribune.
Sits : Your editorialsbave.frim time
to time. drawn "my.ittentiOn
leoWhat cheulif-,a :man- of 24 of
good babas. single, :with a natural
take for counto anvil brut life,' witn
a cash capital of 825.000, do- in that
regard'? lloc4 notrnaricet and -fruit
gardening on. Long Island offer bot-,
tet indueements' than the Wiist?—
What 'do you consider the figures?
-.ll.ownweh shmild ho invcat in land ?
and ho'w should he use the - I,balanco?
lie has no experienee in tbe business,
is now a bookkeeper, tiring on his
- pay,
but.with no prospects: He believes
that many will be interested in your
reply.' •T.
Xi:mgr.—A min who has $25.,000' Is
too well off to need any advice from ,
us. ~:- Weinay'say -generally) that. ,iny
man or 'woman of average sense/ wbo
is worth:,-that amount can-bny a. good
farm of 100 to 200 Beres almost -.any
where for ;15,000, stock it antp.ty,inty
the needed toots and seed's, biro agool
farmer as fore Man, and go to work!.
'w l ity sni . oral certainty of' doing well
from the nutset,iand batter and bettor
Year by year thereafter.... lie must be
a very ppor stick. who.can't mike his
way anywhere -with a'Mart -of $25,-
000. . 1 / 2 • • : • '
1 it, But there is very larges.lass
bunging on ic-csitios and villages who
could sell out:so as to take* from 112,-
000 16115,00013mb into the couctry.-;--
What can a young or middle aged
man‘do at farmtng on sticks capital fi
Let us ettppose a man to have $2,..:,)
500 and a family of four to six persons:
•wheresholt)ie choose a rural humeran&
- • - :• t ~.,.!.... ~... ~.. .-• ..- • . . 1 ,
w . %Iteltdiliie 6on it? - ' -' '• :'' 7'
Theproper d anaweedopeedS, 'o n Ins
taste and • preposeismons. If these
tend to. gardentog end fruit-growing.
he aboul4set i tle within. a dey's ride--of.
this er swim othergreat eity,and veif
near a port - or: -landing-whines ''..a,
steather t one didir itrand from our Mar- .
keg5...4.10440 - o: 04 or near A. railroad*
will de.o3 - bia,,wiiter trunspektatidn'it
decidedly pieferable. Long. island,.
- Now-.fersey (especdaily its southern'
half), Delaware, Maryland, aid-even'
Lower Virgins, afford-excelleat . lea- .
Vona, • There is rery.fair wooded; or
VOiliscllt,hltd to be bought fbe, $35
per - acreot'lo4l/110and.- that 4014
f.or4l2oo.per,egrts,,Aiti.oftets - decidedly
cheaper. And; whateverryeur capi
-94 may ,be, don't bury More t an!
~..- .. . , '
d u Ain
1if: 44 411V
'0 !-.oolif
Going to Farniiag::
04E hosnei Tedr , ',..r 0111
'A'• ,1•44 e7ylL. us.t lc , r-Ttm•;inr P. I
Lsiil - ...:34mts ,e-...,l4.itxpresPil :••,.
•virr .:I' , l 1u.u.14.1 E*"; e ii '. ?
0 t ,al2/111t;;J'! 1. ~ii :' . :'S:Ttp , cari W. )cv ,• -, nre4.. 741 iilVik4 " . : ll-1 I " , %''''' ; ' l : 11 "lie I.j.
9...;1.:4;f0.51:.):,,Zi0rzi•n31i T.T2
. 011 ;11
20 4.
T •
• • i4L.
pl*....medoists . J. ,
Wt.*: .3.: 1:;', emu 4p2t2 • rq.
6; 4 4 at ii;! .. iftG, *t;, 4_ 00, , ,pitt . initii*ii,. i
en rva egret!, 'Veil t deepte,;'tVerrillita l
it' i 1361$iferantrrtitltivtifc , ' It,
,therougilly, thus to run In clebtfor fail&
trif?alhagbeliiiiiiiitlini o°' Mille`` ids
lirThltiaiiiiiiihd . bil.t DOA beilifrel* that
'the rain „ ' 'ante goyie!ityoltdo'-nOil
!aceure it eV his e . ;m000 . 710r - vitivilyti•
',buy-find; I ,aiid - 'bey 4 rdlist-itted for
`foia t ,than Its - Aetna! 'test: Veleas you
lb iirmifellincitierf, big voi ,note lurid • Lt.: ,
_,, , , , ,_,,.. ,
t 'letitiltnttimi to iht =tit imlittdiitti. ' .;
,:-.Tha,T.apt4o,,.of,, , pflice Act...,
k 'larded; Or bil l .
!toil / leaatoh fofifivotidland - A s - "th. - •' ' -'' ''' "'' ''' '
i ftrlblinheri and cael., ~- , 0 . 1 1 , ~.. ' ti7er°4lMll"o-111tfireSt felt
,ip Alio
7 YtatilifiresßottPrgclsriiel, be cant ) F.!t,?f ICTIS,T,fsIr. AY 1 9 11 .'..w ! 1 .
li,araw ae on will awe to' 'lett I.wgd, 9ve!',.:!. 1 4' Yhtq•c4l l ? Preid el ?LC
finithin',:iiile, grit - •Ilinit 4rierk 1,41' eatitledlWAcp o, : ,, , :ro l iating , the • lon
itlAliht,rttit Lthilidi yoir'tottlaiiiting o a eactila' •'1 fq, " '
'tlistilbpalteiechaltrie,pei (in your if' I f° -;.:' 1 1 1 -"--f' 9 es*- -and " '"t.l-1 '
°Amt. yearr.l Iy I, 4,....4-. . - ' , • 14 E , qta.uneratagoing of ita exact
„,, _ - ,A. 0,,..13% ) 14,,tt5Trf•yni.-INP I •• ' * -- It., - ”
l e ikr ° E°o l amt. piessingAinn will haw ponusioAs, wia, rpr:lwolo it, as obtair..
;tone r0r . ,1 i gpen t ee t fil Tsa
.5 ed ollfieuilly from t a records ; of. the
half so much ,tet_iin. liyirn.,as.,l6 iiii-ioo State Department: t . '
'fernier. wile finer**, of at" nobody citn " ''' = ;' :
farm beta bottai ,, ttsart hia,gra i rairatber / did. seitacr, 2:llantaTtit Tits Istousal:_or
Tait atofirelii, the.. proceeding . of 'the -- • e zwr iVii OwI.L.PPFICEI- , ' ---. ,
ka evs'.: !Gib% and
,an f2Agrnmltaral "'„ Be it eiMited by the S4thate _and.
rtg li.
Week . , :or'monthlyyfith eager inter- House of Represen ta tives °abet .Ilnie ,
oteit., ;err, kTellow their suggestions,, and ' ted. States of Arnerien in I.ldrigfe , Ps as.
some,times be mil - Sled -by the* 'but, simided. That,' every `OrteitrhOtiling
in tha,atersge, tliey Willtenefi't you; any eivil,eiffCol to iv4l'6lihS - Kis been'
and ed will pp every blunder. appointed by and 'W'iti . theitdviee and
you Inalett: By the . fourth year; you consent of theSeriat , anCi,every per
'wilt be able to criticise and diaeritni4 son whO . Shall hirea teibe 'i.ppoieteds
nate; so that' yourleachers may make to any such offee, a d sht'', bedonicf
1 blunders - Without inducing you to fol' thity.qualiffed to , -act' tb r arein; is and
1 10 3 4 '1, 3 / 4 r 11 •1, * ' -' . 1 :- : ' shall be entitled to hold' inch dada
tear , cliief danger' is impatience• hard, a * PueeetsJr shall bay° hooa in
llf you,,er , your wife would not get like „manner appomwd and' duly shalt.
disgusted Witlilririning the first year fial,`fixeept'aS heroin otherwise pro
it, ie l qiiite enlikely that, you over wile ridedi, •provided that the' Secretaries
', Begtri,'with a ,distinct 'undepitadding or state, orthe - Tieasuyy, Of 'War, , of
that ypu will nos intake' i,,, , n - 03 ,. lit firet thi_Nevy, and of , the' Interior, the
-......ihnt.,., you will almost certainly be Postmaster General; and the Attorney the close of.„,yar first' yeerili Gentiteir sball bold their ogee's respect..
flu'lnitaa'.illan when'. ', pod" began it.— iiely.,,for,'and,daring the term of
Vourland wilt be fti - poo r conditiim; FriCsiAn't by Wlnith they. may have
Y9o. wkil.h,tire tO do .two fl 4i, work been :appointed' and for tine month
forfaturity t,okieri atiee - th'at tells 4i. therealler,'sfihjen tit removal' by and
rectlY on tbiirroductlocl:sti thitietitsif . 4:42the advice :led ' l eoristint IA the
crop. Tou'will'ialferlitdrouth'•and' SPnota; . • '`' .• .: •'. • ' "
floo d,,,beat and fiest, hajl ind'itisOatk - ~Sna, 2'. Anil 14 itfurther'enacted;
end will be Ted - th cetelnda dint thrift , :I t hat•[wh - on an,' efflier' - '.,tinpiiinted` lie'
log lea, hard 'huil,ahai,' and . iv/ ;i e .l. tiforesaicl,' exceptieg ,jndgeii of the
fwardW y ery:iiikagerlied: ticli , ertalaj...... Ifolfed:Statef; courts,
.shall ; -' , lticr,itig, a
Bdi tillihese'are passingelonipi,rd:ol6.• rifeeit; of , the Semite, he'sficeirnlevi.
; pa l which Tea have 'fiat to . ' perlifiere• .dance ‘atisifitel.'ciry to the President, or
.Tteivilve 'to grow whittl arer' ne and for lan.f ;'misconduct!- tif- office, or
te ' Consent° your Own :Predueitiu• ad far , eilnio„nr for any feasiA Isbell become
es may be NVe .thiril,t -Objeet.`,to gite= incipthle:ort,'legtilly'ditiquiip6ed to
iiik a bushel of goodpotetoesor altar- i tiolrnrrut Its defise,in'ten eh , ease,' and
,rel of tarriips•fee a 'pound of Middling i in .M - 9 other, the" Peceident' may sue.
tbai f buthulf'a dozer. Oa eitehtinges sild- - sitttli'dfle, 6 ' itelTdetiliniqe 'tome
lio• cum* are'deeidedly preferable-to taltible• . .Pertiefr to•• perform .trktor-'
a Intdred: ; ' . ' t.' ' - . ~ - ''L art lj; the dtitk• 'etitn6h Affiee britil the'
''lti-Aliarniii l .ll 'Ati . 4•liiiaiititt,s; ' - i.timieelflet 't,hce-Sonat4Ortiit rites
per week on your own heir eitead.--:. tbe'etiiie siva Ibe acted -upon by the
There are farmera.whe do not- mean Senate, and such
,tioreou eo dinignated
to be 'shiftless, and wo can do a fair, shill take: file. datliii and- give •
day's work when tbc fr set shoat it, yet i bonds required by ' la*:ta-bitaken and
who have. lao much "businesb" -. obt, I given the' person:' MO appointed
b 34
takes them off this.way and that 'that I`to fin su6litoffietandin such castle it.
`they do not average three square days I shall be the` duty of' the President,
work per week. Those farmers
- aro 1 within 'twenty days after the firettday
headiug straight toward the poor. of such next meeting of the Senate,
house. Can you wonder that they t° reportto the Senate such auspen
deem farming a beggarly pursuit? sion, with the evidence and reasons
Don't fear that you will overstock forhis action in the cane and the name,
the . maiket. This City; like most of the person so designated to perform
American cities, might to consume trai the duties of such oflieei, And if - the,
blo the fru i t she does; and would if it Senate shall concur in t i ench sus on.
•werereaso able cheap: Good Grapes.sign and advise and consent to tho re- i
moval of such Officer, they shall 'act
say five cents per pound—yet theyre. I
can be groWn at the cost of Wheat—
certify to 1 rho :-President, President., who niay
tail here at fifteen to thirty cents' per thereupon 'lo
remove such o ffi cer, and,
pound. At ten cents, the consumption by and with the advice and consent
would probably double annually for of tho Seniite, appoint ariother .person '
the next four years at least Peaches to such °ilica' ihit If t he
, Senses shall
of late"' sell' here at most exorbitant refuse to concur, - in sad' suspension,
each pflieer se suspended shall Rath--
prices. Berries eave'wheo most plane
with resume the funetioni of his office;
tiful, cost far more then• they should.
boo hundred thousand acres; well set, and thopowere of the persons° per.
in fruit this'year would
not b oon to i forming lie duties in his stead shall
I cease, and • the- officials. ealary and
cities. Boar in mind that each child
glut the markets of oar groat Atlantic
1 eraolunieuts of sueli_ officer shall, dui,.
over seven yeit. ar s old can help you if tiog I siiii • suspensi o n, belone.
.. -to the
yon grow fru
. ~ , . person so performing tb,c duties there
- of , and not to the o ff icer so suspend.
, For $l,OO, on can buy a habitable : •
ed, provided however, that the presi.
cottage and five Ito twenty acres of B oat ; in case be abaft become satisfied
warm, mellOw, tractable soil. , A team t hat such suspensioo • was made,'on
and cow will cost you I.soo''more;leave ineufiloient grounds; shall be author
ing you a 1 balance for implements, -
ized,, at any- time , before reporting
seeds provisions, & o. : And, if you each suspension to the Senate as above,
.practice frugality and live lar gely cin. provided to revoke such l ''
your own - products, that will just, do. _ "a nd reina'tate.stieti officer i n suspension
tt e pe r
If You prefer to raise grain and grow, form - amoof the , doti • es of his 0cg00..1
slogs. you 'will naturally o Waft
g ___, , szb 3. a ...I L,_ •, At_ I '
where land is °heap and grass &hued: that l' i b —"''' Liv " zurtuer ;enacted
ant- 'Yott may there buy a vacancies which' may haps
ofiand for $l,OOO nelestl` in • ma
iee acres to fin. th e PreadOn. tabs!! have poirer
il:7`.. 'elv - pilin daring the recess 'of the Sena
ilised localities, and w te.aPito dolt,' by reason of death or ragt a g.'
though it" Is more th e ' you really .. - ,, t ,•,.,„ by 2 gr . snting commissions
Peed. Bat we may tak another err-
. -- sball, expire at , the end tif , their
portunity to speak of ming ifi'the next'i'aessicit thereafter. And if no
West; where success is no more did& apintment, by and with the `advice
ed, but where failure id 'm di ffi cult, an dconsent of the 'Senate, shall ;be
than in older common' es. Mini.
made to each office s o vacant or tem
time, let- aill eurn up our , ciniiietldris in •'
polanly filled as aforesaid during
2 , fee t , senteuees :
~ , each next session Of thO &Mato; Bach
L Land i a cheaper at resent in officee shall 'remain le abeistiiiit With
this coun t y; than anything sleet and out any salary, fees, or emoluments'
cheaper, all things con_sid, area, -hero attached thereto, until the came shall
.than elsewhere. ,It is Tory chertat be fi lled by. appoiatnitalk, thereto, by
the bleat, bni cheap around this . , Ay and witty ., ,the _advice and consent ,of i
and in every Old State. even ; in dense- the 'Senate- and daring midi' time ' all
ly peopled hissistMliiisetta: .TO one the poiver i s'ind duties , belonging to
_ ~,,,,, ~ . * _
woo, atm to immove
! and till such, °tee - shall be exercised by such
it, nothing else .is ' 'so cheat , aMOnt Its either *Meet as may by . ' ' law exercise 1
as arable soil.
~ ~
~ :..• „. ;:, , , such powers and duties_ in case 4it. s
ii.l.Hvery one mho hip asp:walla. `Faininey in injob °Sea,
Mamma& should own land. --Thciugh ' ;Sae. 4.!' And be it fhrther enacted,
it be but a igardenpatcb, boleti% be; ik Vitali clothing In , this = set Contained
better husband, better father, 'bettor shall tie construed to extend the term
citizen, far OW:gilt lan& ;Ile,. who, .of any office the duration of Which la '
owns La-it Ammo never need pass .:! anWaited hY•lam.!. 1•. Y - 's' - i i, • -
idle day, 'largo cringing rind begging ...-, sm. 5.. 44,„b3k.:4.iaripor eiiiiited,
for emP1°3 9 m 4 g.,,,,_ _lf .no one 1 7 /4 1 4 to that if. any petson Bina,
.cvorfiry . ,tk i
pay him for hurmanr. barmalkProfita. the'proilisiona of tbieCiet.', accept any .
'MY omPlw7 him his own lan& - Vac; tispotn tialinii to or. 'elliplOyilleilt litany'
land unused, 4 rarely a proatebie in- OfileSibirObSii I Mid *or' exercise -or. at.
vestment; lea uoildagalaa Is so lOUs tempt to bold or exercieet:lnty, each
ho tangible, and so oertain to lacrosse aga t e ior 7 1 4.0,:muliati .la t .'„ dolt': be i
steadily inl value ,- as laud: And=:-no - 4 ,kina4 i l in atfo b l i kr akyi l di e l ar ed t of be
'Other malkla moderato meaulgema ' - •ho Ignittror 4: - bigitt.thiiidetn . se' tor' ' arid
so tretlyil n dirpeinient as 'hi, who;ettlti. -
upon Wet and conviction there:if, he ,
vatooltilo Pint hoomitOut;'- t - t ''
i''. e''' shell he' punished therslbi by s.-.fine 1
~-, -;-, -, t j!,.!.. ,5.'..,-, -.. -;, ,, ,y; -... .•.-•:.6'. .-
•'' , o • - :c.21..,•; , •i' - _, : •• - - '
•„--..,;.: _ • - (-4
.. , . • - .;:,. 0 i ';‘-', :1 . ,' 72 , j .. r
; 1 e - .4- 1 '
mg. ,
:4 s ~ .
1 . * ." 7 •
11 i . If pve,ry mAn in. instnems who
m itriPegimollo'apoicymbolaiiid
:entpirdt Cfnit'tan4flitit
d r y, it,
be ,, ,doetied7Atreek,l)7 tlcTattio , -.1v49%/14.
.sitp44 lt aigaily,,kelitkn,
iyingr: in AO And
,baing - the
tOtilf.'!Fe#t , ni.;#l . . ettt-thic Wortb ,
considprition;,jw&dot?-• ,, .... ~
' itakitfiati4o inaiKal l ehatßlMte Oil
Ver etinarry- inch — Ftbsequellt - 41teeraP 11 :- •
0 iti'tC. - A• 1 ,i 4 f1 14 1-41Y#0 1 -o,iff.
vertipe". sibil 4Fujcliiiiidieflowip4l44,l4. v . ....' ,
A sptc. equal lo. t xwaLvi,lines orthiiol 4lll ', ) ,.
ocazmrCl ati a - 4tifiirrtillo2 ri vtlart ' • ","-::, '- -
; • iorpelii, , . • - -
141114 9'
i 6 - i - r-,:4,sl—ste-,p. c, , jti,'Rnsa.
1 . , . A':. :7.3 Carth,
.75 f - V liy aline. Ivey '3r I .
•.? ; lar t .tog j e 1trq,P,.,51.4.: 11 . 5144 1 .3 : 1 5,, 5 ,FA*6• •
P 12 4 9 94; 1 ; t )119.. .. - ligr'fti• f l*., li Mgr i l r r e l'i ree- 4.: . ui
" ' '
Y --- Z - 7-,,i,ftl - r:
ne,t cx.ea , NI i n••:! lett .f,tifin Qp IA 'lit lithr nr"•
bi"fri,fi'efiß»"itAtiili-`4l' , il"..qt , iVii.fittras - is
- .1 f ' ''i Idt • 4
• y ent‘i or- si thtiotni:,arorttai tads As 4.. t .
tha•ilbnq el in:. n:01 Ilift fe-cr1;:•; II
.9 4
~ :., 1 4- P 7 44 ,1 . ., 1 ,1,e ii--larti4A-Rnio;rd ,
I .Thnt-overy, IfemOva.l appoptment, t.P .7
ohijnYtne..nt,liiialt, friil, of.' • exii•dreSl . . •
"contra:7.y, to! 1110 RntitinnA• of lb*
Land' the makinA:sirt,ning, Seal ingoloa '
ii 4
tergilriung, Pr i!'4iiirlitßf aIt,Re9P.M . fr '
,sion • orAe!ter,of ; authority lor OVA r
spe'et to nn,y 'siudi appolatmO r ra -OM, •
pl 3Y Me nt ; ' sisia'ilib• Aiiiiiiiiitittior . OS '
herthf declared • tia -'be,ribleizin
:n‘efanors, -4 040Ponirifili 1 94110VivieSka
ithereoc i eY,9:lr V t . 130 ft g9-4 ,ll 7.. r ptitOreP4
Lsluill bo punisbedby ,a 4 fine, *lot' it; •
rceedlif "tfoti:taiNittiit'ditlirifit' tfe 6 W'
iptptisontioitivet eiteedint aireirldhip I
or teib daid_ranistimeat,lo , tate:. dinged
•iretion, ofLhe'r Oari.l49vlo 4/0 • 14 lb
,Prtaident.aiallutVe jOwer, to, - sic : o it ,,, t
out an tlellier,alkor, Ibe,iteurit .
.nent Of therliiti,l rttiniteWAn
-1131 i
all oftiabre:' *Nit* Opiiititient ..bati; oi
hare beenlathised Ined-20tIneenlettlst,'
•bX the &PON ~... ,--, r s' ; -..- : - :-. r: , 4 7 ''%!
iftc. 7 . . And be, it• thither enact :64,
That it al;' ill' be. tha ditty.' of 'din ton- ,.
rettitys af-the•Senare;-'nf the' as& itri.
'each seseinn'thereet, to deliver ixt4iiikr
Satnttary OU tha Townley L Antt,tattotilk, t,
of-bk assistants, and to ~oftch,!?ctiut t ;.
auditors .41 t, each At dip'
ors in the Thaettryinthi: to t s -
ary, tindtio•_t,he i llegistOr VitlikiiTasteti;)
ary, a falLandoornMete. lies,. duly., cer
tified, (if - 111 r, tbi= .- persiiitit who -shalt
have been nominated. to. in - 41,14%0d
by-the Senate: duriag quell ',sesslon i aud,
a-liko list of all the ollicea;i-to which ; ,. •
nantintition sbalr have been m ad.) atit'•
not confirmed and filled at "such sesioloitY
SEC 8. And be it fiiitbor - enacted.
That vrh en sier the- - ihniiiid . tiat- '114147
Vrithoui tilt Ad . ftv4riti coOliteof Vio,.=,
Se nata r dettignaKtinthOilza"i'Or ittliklyi -
any person .to- pert,,rm, ttlltAgtiolv4.3
' any. alp°, %fib ..abail Itfcwiliwi tti natty •
[Ur., Becteterierthn .g.L'rbtMoirjo %bet**
and ii,i3hall,b, ilui - , tititi!e { the'-'BOciyilo ,
tary . Z 1 it4`' l l'xiaiiint l i : ih6regpair;
ecorypoloir,at , ksuall 1 notio.iii:Jci . ,it...4*,
propertecoanting, and disbursing oth.
core(' of 'his. do ^. partibent. [ • - -•-• I . 5- 7 1 %.' r :k
I 1 .
SEc: 9. Antrbe - itlertlicir:'ofiolid;'
That -Pa livitiey stall kii - i1zp4 , 617 - 14ry4'
eel - croot the:ire/Will% Ord Patiiiri IF.Nrell
ceived from •or• Tataleed.-"ArßlVlOUllitir
pnblic ar3ney' or lundi et they' Volta!'
Stites, whether:in the '„tfeii;ury`or`ifit',-
to ,or by or for-tierbeitefit of any per.
On simioilitod too aitilioriked•to-..a...4
in or hiitdillg or eserciffeing the'llttite#
oi. innetiankot ttili i 64rxio, rewlttarj'..t.a
,-.tbi: iripitotcinsiiit -taiii olr rifor',ldra,
_nny claim, account, vouther,, order;.
certrficate,4arranti, - or otbOr jribtrod- I
meat - providing for. ! or' relating ti)oiltli:
t payment, receipt, or retetitioa,ti!'4l&Z?
I seated, passed, alleiwed, ..-plprerve#4.
certified, or paid by amy refficerratltt
United:States; or 'by any p€oo .ll ' 63 r."
eising the fur.etions nr,perfOriikint.t*
duties of any offiep or,' 'phiee'r'df- .143ut 0: .
under the United '4tatca tor o';',in,',-rit •
spent to such office, or Ahe-,exerc*iag,.
or performing
,tbe functions. or ;datioir;
thereof;,'land ' every person *Ptio'• ilititt
vitlitto any of the,
.provi.sioni .Of 'lttia_
sci:,tion•shall he. deerned,,gnlliy : s ot*
high niisdemeabor, aqd;opon trial and
conviction' thereof, shall be - , punished
therefor by a fine not , excecdipg, ten,-
thousand dollars, - or by imprisonment
not execeittr.g ten yorirs; di. both iaid
.pitnishments, in - the dkerotinn or Ai),
Spelther of i dle , Rouse of Rep.
t Ert,/,
'President of the §ernto pro.- tem,
Jock Billing Esza, onto, SlFino.
flogs generally, aro 'f i nadripod:
The extra length o# their
ty baz sievers discovfired;
ihetexisted' a . tirne bcifolii;,the
flood,anil•howexis*l a long
Thar. iz -a^ great deal of inteimal
revolt+ sr, Ina liog;.,thard *Wt.-
more waste them- aunt there
an' oyster. •
Even their' tails 'can' be .
into w.hisiels'. '
...Hogs are good gong harder*. -;Thiy
ahina est - what iaaes beihrstbeinilled '
-dont ask any fooliishqnestionsi.
They never. her cling; dissans:-10
the measles, and 'they he*. that: but
once; once seemi to satiso - thini.'•` -
Thare is a great mon, Ikeda
• BUM are a • close corporation bmid,
and sum are bilt , more apart; bko
TheY.nsed to haves Weed in New
England; a few.yeargi ago, whielr they
called l& striped,liag % bread; this was,
in big ,ropata among the .hindinwP;
almost every tavern keeper bid pen,
which ti f fEllead tee ahow.tew
and brag 'on bim. • •
Sum arc , fullall the taco, like a town
clock, sill and as
cow.catiner witka steal -onee'on"ara.
they cart awl rate vrelli,,a 40g,fliet
can't YU to_ vz ell, biz been made ia *nip.
They are &short 'lived 'Anhui) 4 `.so4
generally die , in ncOu- az' thergit" flit.
: The hognanibe terra ignite Merit*
causing, Wags, such arr_ tasting 1, Atte a
!runt gate off Mtn bil?ges c 4,pPiagPitim
the'bWill baiii3le; and fin'tling a bole,in.
the pince•ttivi'git into a cornfiiiid; but
that ain't. enny lenght to* their memo;
?nit icalalul hard work:for , tbeutio
find,t,he sauto.hole, te git out
.itt en.
peabaly if ytt. J afto t au :ol:km .
poB ~ they
flieild. ~f"
" . ' ,_
' Hogs are verg . ..e ntrary,_
And nada&
drive well the setae wnyjn eirettiiis
tley tiriro.nsoet tbe, othir Ar . i t y,, - ,:,this
boa ~ ilern' bk TaPlt' riltaMP4, Pt
I \
etteeks 'vehitawf foi'the' og. ' -,.- '
Atlliiiiinf,ten t lown, reconVy,three
Wrothera ntiini4d .Itubtilie Were - 13*-
~- - iii -to three elifere nitniiirPitildruan.
. ;,~~