The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 13, 1867, Image 1
~. .... . , . . . . —i: . '-,, —0".. uk ...-- ', ' ...I • : - --•-' .- - -- - • •---[-- -••-- " ' .• „,_... ~..._, ... ..._...... t , . i l6OiP qilollo3 '1 1 17 4 . : 1 ; . 44 -.r 4IVA 1;01 ' ';. . - A ' •, - ', - , 1i . ' . AL . ~..z..._. . . 1 -.0.-4v o l uj t. - . • 1 , - Yeo_i.l,Y 4 l7-erm 4, *._.= -1: • - .l:aFi to I.' l o l ~.` , )' . f ll,no . - . ** , 7:1 - • • 0 , I. ; . - ..,.. . , ' -- lig oiliwAJOutiltroci rw''* : ' e ir 1 •••.. '.. wri.,••••,1 0 .• t . - .. , 0- -7 ', T ••q...• • 7-iiiirif•xvi.U. 1 1 • . ... •' ' ' .'''' iI, iiiiiiii ' itt. - t ' TS . . : P Ralf 2i.7 4 ' t . j 1 'refl4 eli e-- , 4 ;: s ';- 4:: , :4 - 4 1 ' At.. -* '3,1 ::. I -! - .e . i'.:!.e:i y . 7e; 1 , 13:1 F, 4„.fiit ai t . . . ,i r its2so4 l -eik- • ' Y ...i , •.• .9 -I• „ I. - ' . ....4 r 5.... or. - . ~ ~.•. . ..,- -' . - .:.'” '.' 'r '''' • ..: ......"'k Vi so - I '. .1-4-• L • • - „,. .. • . ~---- --, 77 .- - .7'''' 0.,.r0_1i 4 0274.1 Y.. 1 . 1. ,11 , .. , i.t.Lita ' Li..1 ., 4-'4 ( i'i a t •11 , ~, ;, ~...4..., v ....„:5,..„.....,..., . ..„ ~„ ...„ .., , _,, ... r i..,,,. qd - 1911,!•WekA 0 PA , 1it.T.;.:4.,t t. .. ~ •,. ... ;; -, 1 ; "PAL4 - opirisz4:4 l , '' ; -'4" t •,. T . , r'P'flie'Z'',” 4 • , t ~ 44. • - • - • - 4 • 041 ,1 1 ,4 'v 'i -.-. .• f , ;a. ,: • ' •.. - i .. , , • .• .- ~ ._ . ', ' . 1 ...........42 7 . gin bae rq l .4 ... . „jf, _._ ,i; .!,_ , -zit ;." - ek - pit.ll,-. , -tq.- . - 4 4 -e 4 - , %Oft ofi .t ti t i ' .''' V4ll,l.k t aW,,st . • .• . J.Wri ..;Edieir RitoPtill ri,,,; • --- • • ,.... - - - ~. -•. L.1:,,,,,d 4 ), . _ , ---- . •-••- - ,•• -- .4 , ,,,,,... - Fit,„, • •:-...r„,..- -- - -- 7 --- : ~... .. •-.- Slierfa • -' '194 1 e- ~.' 1 0 L •- . . . . 0 -.., - ... • .-_,. s .... ~ ..!iii -:!;..,:iii-ii. •...„....,• ...1,..... .... I 1 e .f . ,-“7 4. '11<:1 ,• , • t ..-. .3- '. ' 4 , -- ki 11,;.. 1 iriti ;, A . t . r TirtYl4_ • Of 'V', - • writ ig%kr n a t-isrFa. i pttis ''iliti . 'Or : , '-4 -eilG.4l-- ---' B a - i s -Plan': _Betas untl•Tett ..1 ',spa- . . . , . .• • • . - . ._ - • , , li fts, issued put of the c urt 'of Cownou Peals. • On • fi c i . 44ii„ - D ;6;.. 4 6 . .1 86 k ~ri:4/0,-,.willlgo: ~_, e t t ke Comity of 13t 7 i , r atlllt 6 *lt diTe, •tt'lV Station" Aii - IIYV - Sitinlnyttliicetitteit i n I lea expose to :OA d Isale-iit' the. Suers e.! I, : i i ii : tri.41 6 :14 6 1,,h....ebtA.1.: 0 a t t j at . is..k. office in the bolt' gh of Beaver, in-the cottnti. loaves dally.) - o 7 .. aforesaid, on - - t • ___ l Saturda.3 l, lllare a ll 16 th; 18u7. . , : 'rims" tiotitalwlii..- ~ l' ii. . . It. . t - st 10 o'cloek 1- _, l, . I the forenoon, the following property, tetwitt . , - 1 . All . ' the riglit, title, nterest -antl.cinim ottilii• fendstit, ofi,N title, ~ti the folloivitig lot of grodial situate llf the borough of Darlington, Deaver cuutity,tiPa., bountleM i ltiortle -by an alley, east lip I.ltr,ic:et. itli by Pu lic Square, weitt liy - lot of . G6or lt g . e Youts,. on Ihich is ereetql a large Ira' e building sed cs it ii a dwelling dienise and c au. • underne .p th, storeroom ftirnibhetl with c uners, sbelvinf,., *e Also, ;on oilier lot of, griMnd sittlattml the Sorougltlnfgres aid, bonededitorth by p b- lie &Bei, east bp, filar 4 street li,south by lot • Of ileorg Greer.l . est b 'public ley', on whieh is err: ed ii , t, o !tor franc 1 vellir.g h4tso Tr ull . ell'irlitti r e • frame able rind lit -1 ~...tfitst, k i Plf ' It' - buildings - , 141111045 t, and 7 pla toed with f it] trees; grati'dk."7o. - -'-'. -7 ' . . , -..---,- i", .1 i l i II ABU, A lljriglit,t itl , interest. and etas , of .1, iV - d e fendant,.. l ol;itin and to a certain tract] of I 11 land shuntel t j ; Smith eitiiir ;townshi.Bea ler county,,. ~ t . b min (rod !ns fidloers: Begin-',, nt 11 1, king sta pbllt 'and '.whlte.olik, thence li...y‘ •latul II tornwely oft ; u,4 Farm rs S. Mechanics Batik,. ,:p ne t the .I,o4lPltile warrant . tie -na , ~ , • 1 lb 'pee, east' I, i li.yparcli to a pose, thence by I land of • thellsime, 'til i ng part of -the John 1r l'hillip's wat4 b ti ena 126 perchies" to a libel, t ell i . thence by lan . f; the tame . part' .of the War- ,nit 4. • rant aforesn ill; tsinitir one degree,. west •I='G .Irl perdielton - Osti tbentite by banieipat tinf , the Andrew Pettif i l warm t , , west 12/i• perebei to t 0 0 si aliout a tl.ce of, hteginnin contaieing 'J6 n „ T•es 17 no eor lesS.7 . 75crea.clearet1 and -- AV , . - deafenee, en which t 'ere. is erected a la, ge T - two story febrile dwell lag 11613. N -frame. bbrn, and out-huihlings. coil orchard of • - fruit "le ewes on the iirlonaises. The abode described Ap _:tract of . 'delfts 1 / 2 ualerl d with a Iceirt of :good floe bituminous ea'al; .. t .. • , A,"All itglit. till=, interest find'elibir of co dsfentlimi, oil i and 1, the following piece of land situ ate ih bout ri lidaver •t o riMili ip, 'll carer , tit , if county, Pa.. boiinded,Wfelluws: • at the South It eornerlitereof at apost; thence by land former y of Old . Fanners tr. Mechanics hank,part of PI '; warrlibt. of' John Phile, north li . 0 ene egree, e.ILS '6B• pefehes andfive-tenths to at 3 a. i - a post.'thenti6 14r .. the sante part or_ the John ,+‘ PhilliP's war4au east i 120 perches to a pjist, 1 it thence by the . sate so th one degree, ,6st. _1 . t - -I ! Erie and Pittsburg Express Train leaves New,. lit-10 perches tii a post. thence by the-tract -, ; .. , (rivals at d:Uo poll., arrives In littaliurg air first shore anent i' tied; Tre:4t 1' ) i; per . elris toithe' 'lnce Of liffitiiiiri ;co taming fifty- three sexual . 5 'el.. '. it O urni ng! e4e e e t P i tteiln !g ei 6:11° ' • '' I a m - arrives in New Castle .at 8:80 arm. • I . 1 more or less; eh itt :lit acres cleared and lun- ' '' der fence. Car iwkll,llthere is erected a -dog New Cast lel and Pittshurg ac commodation i Tapia-leaves New Carlo tit -7:op itan.;.• arrives . Jwelling-hotise,; ipt3cliard. on the, premcies, its]Alleglieny lat 9:45.a.m.. Retaining I i the farm underlain. si•iili • enal. - .. , • • Seized and to kelirti e;reeut ion as • 'ille - prop- -A l le g hen y - IF, hen y ati ' 3ll P lin ' " errive l in - New Crust 1 1, at 6...0 r.m. erty of .iscub Mark •••.: the suit of (lotion) 'A y- ___, .t - ' 1 - .. I • I . I ers. . , , . I- - , .. • 'F.- It. MY.BR,S, Gee. 'icket . Ag't. I, I . - 1 • 1 - 4-- .20. ilia mune ti acuincl place; all right; lit e; & iPITT.I. RR. j : intcrent awl a.lam q • ao'cliaant, 0t... Hi cind to • On and, after- Dec 24,1.101,6-mins will leave eta.- ille tollowingfartn;oriritot of land in Darling •liotta daily ---- 2- - - ---1-‘--- ' Sundays 'eine as (elitists. ton township, iteare,,lreinja s . PA., bounded `on '-- -=--,--; ' . - ------lf the waral by pubic Mi d -anti hind of Janie is It I. . I - ons 'ti ii' 3l -7 11 7 (1 • ... -.i 1 , goraztn. ,-.0,-.!•..7.r hell l'r .1 - AntesDare= - '' - , -.,- - .4 , 1 , •._,-- I : ~ -- 1 : fr rand "lir defendant: soot n ow. lA, I , /.. - -. • ' . ll' 4.1 i.. lExtos 115u...‘ lA.ccost • , l.weqhmi li'd road tied the borouZh . - I .., cf llailingtoi:i. mum iin ,, 120 acres. more I or, 1 , - ' less. the entire farm miler fence. ribout :185 \ !Cloy' ''' l 8"0 1 2 1 4 --- ' ^lo 1id.,.. t, i _ Ala rjP 5/ ; ; o. PM !Euclid street ''', 831 •1 2'46 ~ . ' • , .341 'r neres cleared: on whic iis erected it . big dsael- . 1 , • - u . 3 - oil Iluosoß. • :,. 4 . 7 ' ...-a0 .7t,. 1 , - ' - 500 44 hag Ipaiae tvil)Ccellar ifialdernenti), 11. frame eta -4' Akron '1 - - 1•• i L .l t 1,1,, did siteeplhouse; Blal.rge o t rchartl of clidice I Orrvillc. :,1 ; ' I I 1 . l" J ; frail trce: , on; the - fair - of i ; l it 4i l l v le e rs un b u u . r . g... 1 •/ 1 A . Lso,, A 1 . 0,1; of. grottud ,in the toirmighl . ';i010 " 1 , 4 . 15 "I ' Lt 1 530 4 -, Daningion . Ileitver co l nuty.q . n.,hounded unrib,l ,•,;,..,,,-„ .. 1 .:1110 .1 500 . .. ,1 :l t3O " I lq 'aide sl(olire and!. Third street, east !by I -'""- 't ' ••••,i „I I . i .t, . - . . i Bayard ....,.. 1 1144 "1 01 1 ' 1 ~:•••••• ..... 7-1 Pattee l alley.; south, hy- rggerty's -alley. and. wit . 411 , • , 1/ 120 „„, 1- 0 3 r..; .1 1 are ist b- 11•trtiet streeF .re ng one whole Rot i "''' " -"- ' ."-' •---t• ' • I .„ . , t 1, . and 11 , 01;•01:140ther:_-001 which is erected, 8 .1 ' . I GOING NORTH. 1 -. I - lane twit Ft oii'. fraint . 01+elling• house contra - . . .- 7 - 1-,--,_-___. 1 iq FA...6i rothtts with getter underneath, also ' ' ' I NrAIL. 1. 1 .3;i.'0. ,' MAIL. r Aecota one otticr frakie buitilli . ig need rtA en, 1 ------I -..-1._..1 -1---- -----i -with cellnynruler it; .1,01 / !5 enclosekl and planted .f 1 i Wellsville .-. 1 , 8•15Bmi 44' 1 ,5rm l i .trith fruit trees. ' • ..f:1 1 • • 1, 1 , Bayard.. ...:111.0,17 7 , 615 771 .. - .r, I -Seized 00,1 kn,Veu in fix cation as the preper- i Alliance ...... 10.4'41 " 044 ". • i . ' 700.04.1 tY nf ii• A. t'ioiltran. aintlio suit of liichard ' Ilavanna ,121.4191 7fB ", 1749 t - 1 - Maloney e.o(ll.:nu-line . fill wife. for Use of sid 1 Millersburg.. I' ... .., ...'1 1 1 827 " I •• I En:cline'. "•' .n S...TATTELL, Sit' ' Orririllo tll • t.. 1.• I.! 'i Silent rF . 44 CO-rive, .I 1 ' .- • . Akron ........ 31 ',.. 17' I 1 1 Beaver, If ei. .27 , 67. •.•.: j l'. --' I 1fi1d50n.....:. lil2-16 " 1303.": ......... . i rl ' l'' ' , -- • - --- - -- ,--, ,-,-- Euclid street r 147 77, 94 '7 .I. tri . .l 7' , ' -`ll. A. Wu. Sex - • t; - Malicia - litio' iwx. • 1 Clevelarult-•:‘••11 200 "I 9 - 1.1 " tt - 4/1 I d 4...) , H- ‘ ~. t _ - -• 4-- --- , --- 1 , LI 1 '. GOING EMIT. ' NEW • STORE; ;' NEW Fin zi 1 _:_____ • ,'• , • - , , • 1 ,!-: 1 - .Pluto, fExti . 's.'Ear's. lA . cecoi l 1 L i - ...-....._. .--. ---...-: .-1...:-..-- •---,i.1 1. .. . ? •L , - ; _ ' ,1nt0btire...;..... •, 430p41 . 011iAn . 1040Bm, , [ !. . I'. •• 11 . - . 44 ; 1 6 50 , 10. .1 i • Bridgeport... I; 440.• I G 2 Lagrauge....... . • .1 . 14 esiir. Groceries. , ~ 's b" illl l • ''s' " - 41 ~ 3 1 t - s . 1 \l' tou en e. !c a ~,.• i • , 0 , .- 1. i, • {l l . . : • - - . ' • ('Wellsville .... 1_ 725 "1 84 , " . .40ex! 700 & . 1 • . riii 11 . 1 Smith'aFerry i 747 "1 947 ", •02 "; 735 1 1 , t .. ...: L."... ' 1 W. 1 .1 4 10 N ~_ .. Bit 0 lit,, l N 1 . tßeoacvbeer., Cr ... 831) .. I • 9 • : - .)9 •. ... 1 • p." 40 ". 836 ~., ' 1 Pittsburgh .. fi 940 '-` 110 A 'il 850 " 9 5 5 "."' • ! -- ' - -'!", . . •‘ • i •__ . _._ .____L___L_!___:-:-, . .1! • 1 •.. 1- . . . I• - °GING wEs t 'r. ; [ - ~:' • ',... '•, r . - • Miii;l tie sll. 7 'ltit' - 8 7 1 - ;- IA - e - e;Ciii .ItESPEC"I'ITLLT linnouna i O th eir nu- c 1, I [ inerouttfyiends Anil .645 .446 ihe public giterally ? . 41 :06 (7 ilLit:ol opening '''; ti st rucery e )a . v.v. r Pitte -- bnrgh , li i — 6l5Au-2. 1 10X 4Zts' Pm —l B $ OPX I DII 1 Rochester ... 1 780 " t .825' .8 8 ' 8 ' . fli • -f i Beaver ERIDGE t ST.; BRIDGEWATEMllSmith'sFori/ ..,• . e ! • ' .h. " . Wellsville ... 1 840 u •4501 u 725 8 8 620. 8 " !l i'''''n" 11 'D ' G ' t t Store - ' s i.e. ry oo of A.' C. Steul:enville. : 950 881' 5551 " 8 ° 23 88 . i - •,, on the sth II a ~.. or, Maich . ; Lagrange ..... j -I ' i..• ' 1 .. •••-.• 1 -t• - I It is r t intentiL of baring oh hand at ' Bridgeport.... 11112 8 81 70i 88 9 4 i " • ... e:11. 1 - ..1 --, ' .., , 1 . 1 r , 7 rues, ti. litli'a:ssurttney.t. of tit* k .. . 8e11aire.......' 11125 4201" .940 41 4 . I I 1 • • -------* " --r---t ~..- . )3 41 1 FAMIL GROCERIES! TIISCA.itAW .• AS iIR_ I ANCii. - . Leaves 1 • trnvits • l e r NI Philadeltphia, a in - " - Voyar4, 9.55 a. is. ll - I Bayard,_ l ltlio :12, N.,Philadel.-2.50 P.M , . , . tzl they I).g leive to Eit4 , l "trzlined to contite.te ivl it tile t.ii.i t or. neighbof trOiwils :tro all new. ant pat telluetka, and set i , •l 14 . etre by I , lr..Harvey r t4ie or t.lie husiness CILO 'a; been wiih Ar. Artl4 ;eats. • i ." ,I ~..i.ey call ,partietilrii i i For Teits & tlol7(..el'it 911 .'4 they have motattl I' to lit and quality. 1 1 , i'he,tj brands of 6 t h3tid• prodnee t..tke z..arl.ct 'rites. All good 1 1.1 W - 11480N _ tyllgstriaer, Feb. 27, • - • - .+ - 7 ---- 7 - ' V it LI/ A B L ItIIE itLers ° ign i e * d o tti 14 situated in h• Thsdi - outte, a large •'). O. olidithe corner o tn-sets, suitcontaina 7 r r.:" Il iP P)ed : iipiir and u Zyt;-.3 and fthit - on the - lot. 41 ' 27,1 i7-,it. 'S. A! ..---..:._ , I For of f off( 01 ground ut 141:341ti it ad Beaver St a . : 1 , 1 1 ., Zhe else 'coal , et, is 1 °set . , . . . /Ixte. -Fat's:- Eros. Pittsburg ...... I 2484 m -, 70nr 2 20ast Itoctiester..... i 417 .44 . 830` . ,,1 .3 , 47 4' "4 Salem "- *- 0, 620 1047 , 4, ` - 552'" Alliance : it, 715 " 1150 " ~ 655 it Canton . - 14;045 "1250 - rst - 747 44 b1a55i110n......,„.1325: 41 :115 -1 •808:." Orrsille- ll' 906 . 14 ..200 4, 850-.44 Wooster . ji 938 ": 245 - 4 / 925 "4 Illantifield-...11 1137" 446 af 1132 - 4 1 , r - 1215au ' 530 .1 1146 . .. Crestltpe It A ti iDe p,1240 " 620 4f 1220,, 'Thicynle 11 110 " 650 it 1248 41 , 1 'U. klandua r kyl 15L 4 .' 780 4 426." rarest' ' - ' -.. .:2241' .14 ' 11 410t" 4 , - :l"tit-4 4, Lima'• R . 855 44 918 -4 4 805 41 . Van Wert..... ,' I , 505 . "1021 ' 405;'+ - 1 Fc4;tr Wayhe...41'660 -ills!) • i , 50 -4 . COlmnbisi....: I! 784- 1 i 1285 aw 623,4 i ; Warsaw. . , {1.825 " -18.0 " 1 : 711, . 4 - PiyinoWilis...'l) .9215 . 4 4 2816. " 807' " 1 VtaparaisO... , :i1059 ." 435 ' 4 , 935 - 1 Chicag0..:....111.2.50rx '62o 4 4. 1120 " . - - ', '' . T 141.1416 00tX0 EMIT. ,' ' - EXIOS-I EXP'S. EXP . 'S. . 1!--.4.—•—..i j.Chicago - '..,..335rx 440 ms 1020ra i 821 " 1188 . 4 . 1254au Plymouth ..:• 710' " 829 . ' t -257 4. { Warn* ...... !! - 817_ " 640 *" 420 1' !Columbia-- 1 - 04 4 .11040"... 527 4 . i... _ I - Tort Wayne!. 11005 't r 14 - '4 700', ", "151 la 1 Van Wert...,. :1118 I ti 'One; 824." • ' 44 Lima.. ' ; 1, 12 7/oil .210 44, 035 "! 1 " I:4lrest •- 1. 1:.5 " 85G "1100 41 ". i U eandris by... 1 151 " 431 4 , 1133 4.. 1" 1 Bucyrus - .„...:il 225 " .522- " 1 7 . 218 r» '" 1 1 cre , i t ile 4Ar il 245 1' 600 . 4_i1250 f.,4 111 1 " ' liDe , . 80 " :615.ut .inc!, " I . l.lansGeld , z 8443 t " 656 4. 200 1"1 la ! - • i . 1 W005ter.......:.. 508 " ,850 1 * 232 , "i 1 0rryi11c.........: 'SZO " 920 1 " 857 4 ,.; Ninssillon.....'llo4l9 " 1000 .4 430.6,41 -Cantiln ........i , . ilir. i. 1020 4" 448 '4 , Alliance ,-...; 715 1'11125." 515 " i Salem . il 744 "1120714 i 620 ", - i Rochester ....,; 924 4.1 225 " 1320 . 4 4 1 Pittsburgh ...'1025 '4l 340 "‘ 930 4" . ..... . 1 - 1 - 1 Oe i that-thet are' ,111 , all other deal ood, ns i their Stj ( 11. bought at the I, eted, with, the gni Orotin ? whose kno not be qustionetl, ha hi Harvey for me BEAVER CO iINTY, is: ! •,:' • The, .commonweeith of Peed' 6mil a Sylvania, to thp s h' riff of said County, Greeting st '• • • . that yen ash Joesrph . lams, A. IL 'coking, Jack Brice; i‘..ntirett 'M Haley and John 'Grafton, patina's undarlho mime -andityie of; the-Vs. en - na &Company, late of yPur:county.*** and sitigubir 'their goods add _ chattel's, binds andliettements, in, whose hands or poeseasian sorter the same may be, so jthaethey be and appear berets our Coutt of Common Meth_ to be holden. at Beaver, in and - far"ad. County,: on the third. Monday of March pt, there to 'answer Xennetli . Davidson of. * ' , plea in ease in foreign attachment. Aid ymil 'are ftirther commanded' that you summon ~ a s gsnishees all persona le whose bends or passions-the said goods atrichattelsior any :of them .tasy be attaoked;•.s6 that they'. and every of them be and appose before the, said Conrt, at the day and piece above mentioned,l to answer whet shalt be °ideated againstthem, and - abide the judgment:of the Court therein'. And hate yen then and' there tiuswrit. ; 1, Witness the Hon. Alex. W. Acjimot,tresi.. dent of our said Court at, Seaver, the 15th dal' of limitary, A 'D. 'olio-thousand eight lowired and ditty sore& -•- • • MICHAEL WHIMIED,I,Proth'I. • A tattrp" of • • . 15. LITTEt.L, fe1:120'66-4m. arenlion to, EMZE ing .extra fo 0 amily FlOar ttler at 01_1;1:nes at & nApwrr H 2 OU lalei. . I fire for sale his httise e aoiin of: Bea er, rick, is located otlet f Buffalo and; l sin ;ms atil a store reom, rly new. Out-hruild- It is J. K. PEIRVI . ate: ra fer. sale a valui,- the river bank, just .rt, on the C. fi P. alas something over a' bo.lrd fence. ?MITE& PtiliSkSi Q=E= F. K. M .110litar from ikiaver. 4.11,.•• - •; 4, t • I* linideriftarnossa - -. Ishmael' 14 180,, bat Astf kW in • peal Nlt set th‘Cletierialimiembly ages. SOSO irseuispimilia.leito Wasik" tali, tie , , -- thelifiiitoeuth dillf-Stiguscrone ibisainusa• I.Bopit elghtti arid . alYit l-fotir, &tit led An oak 't 810 the Pittstasigh and 'Cottioniiins" 512' 4 4 4:- ? ots CaliiPanf• 703.4. :•'*s. 'Taylii.'Mr. Speaker; the 723,-_• 1 4tui*,o( tub ! bilt to section of the - etatt.. l ' g •' anal tkaiityint neMisill for :Its intinakati 109 - 5, Paa!am l ii rF l Yi 944 ,7 o3 * Mt 64 may bare to trespotttpott* tiomtorthageit, 7 0 41 1 1- tlkhooilt ;its OMIT! *lig** , its 7 381 :"Iisa upeaihttlloor; with: nal* Won, kiiiik+e .. etas ` 8 4M u ttffeitittlimeritioacerie mot tr2i ••7 Bhoadd Lrefrahafroist , isprissingJoWelit , . tbentisottowldel.ionts :14tAlit! sidetiolotr, slkialdlat falsololay owe` , chat' my viefiens - ot.duty nod maintant toll* trust: Posed biene to . ceindituents. I *the state- -I I , meat of these sieves' which. at 'this .Period of , - the dismission Must 00,1miteisiti tie inlet; I eliallrelj to II great extent Upon certain facia developed in the Idstory of theiagislstion'. rez 7 - 7 :A )4 e 4 toting to . the: Plitsbnrgh and Connelfstille i ra„ ! railroad comps - ay. fend the efilital reeeidr of r ! 1138 the company Itself, which we , regard 1219rti l ierybigfsest sod 'moot rellahle source of inf or - __ 44 This ornpany • Maa incorporated by the Lek., - • 'stature of Pennsylvanlo o on the 31 dal of 803 4, I April, 1837. and is one of the oldest corpora -5381" dons in the State: ' !al tinder the firstAartefit had 'authority 16 , construct a mitimul from Pittsburgh to Con ; nellsvfile, ardistioce of sixty milea. but by , x )41 " r the acid April I8th;18t0; it was authorized to 942, wo g extend' the road to .the Maryland line. 110014. The same company was incorporated by , the 1182rx Legislature or Maryland in 'January, -1803, 195 HI with authority to buthtit rend from the Penn- 1 2301+ , 1 _ !sylvania line to Comherland, a distance ` of • ' othout ten miles.. - • • The municipal corporations .of Pitt sburgit, Allegbeny,county. litc4eupert artii botratils-1 rile were all authoilised, at different periods;l ,'to subscribe for larAe amount* of the stock of ' this company, which they promptly did. The Maryland Legislature anbsequenity author- I Ind the city of Baltimore and the city of Cumberland to subscribe foi' the stock of the 1 company, and the corporate authorities of DOtiraore bemuse responsible for bandit 10 the amount of one milllonlrdollars, and at a later period. the city if Cumberland subsirlb -I.ffilefirr 41!iit,4;irikke -I.4.mintg the several ads of the Legislature of this State, recognising the exlstenee of the I Pittsburgh and Conneltstille railroad, was the well known • Condoning I Act., of April 11th, 1856, declaring. ~ That any defect or inregu laritan the proceeding lot the ,board of di rectors of the Pittsburgh , and 'Connellsville ff railroad comps ny, or failure to comply with the requlrititins of its acts of Assembly. or their supplements, were theiebi remedied and truppliied. And that. the clutrter of incorpor ation of said oonpany should not be- effected or invalidated in by of- any • omia- sioni 'or neglect by the commissioners or board of directors to comply fully with its require,- 1 1 cents. We will see what was; the condition of the company from this periodto the time when the'eharter was repealed. It wilt be remembered that up to this' date I =--the summer of 1856—the read had been built from -Conneltiiille to West Newton,. a distance of only twenty-Ste miles, and was operated with but two loComotives, two pas senger cars, and a Very limited number of freight cars, and wee dependent on the Mean sylrania Central railroad Company toe corn- Muniention with Pittsburgh; it was at the same Wee biirthimed with a debt - of Mx hundred thousand dollars. From that period Up to the present hoar,this eonip - any buboes struggling with difficulties of the most serious ebarae- ter.' The great commercial Crisis of 11387, its will be remembered, affected deeply the pros ecution of all public week as well ea individn , al enterprise. The effect, of- Ibis -Anatolia crisis bad scareibiransed, eche* tie Political troubles ending hi civil war, taxed the energy of the country and diverted its labor and ear !tat into new channels, so, that all branelies of trade tilui tidastry were eompletely paralysed fir a 'time. Criarding elesely upon these ad verstiles of a public charaeter, the minipany was involved in troubles growifig ant ef the defile:oton of faithleei agents, and what was I a still greater calamity,' it experienced the 1 treachery of those who Wheat its 'friends. But la Januery, 1881; notwithatanding . ill ! these sabarassaients. sixty miles of road had been completed from Pittsburgh eastward, and the company had now become hidepeni int of thePennsyltaidn sad, in had lensed, upon the most favorable, terstui, a road from Cannellini)", to. Uniontown, twelve milts in lengthotiaking la 41 serenty4we miles of read 'ncnr • under the . • control, of thessepany.... Twelve loOmetives;with theingidsiteltatiber lof paeseavx and frelght_ tam and 'all the !ip tartans's& netteinsy, ikad biota moured. out the whole 'seventy-1E 0110 of road was . inc. tiessrfully, operated. Already l the!• Nesting debt had been-pad off, l and one half of the uteri of teaselling through' :the crest _or the Mend the 'mountain, alibiing the Metestio Hand theObito had been!' eeinpleted, gad the ll,compiiny had obtained the right of *ay to.the IMaryland lila /* ella*Plr to these 6044 1 4 1 hwetreperaticil of the Salthnore and Olde reil- i Woad einiPisy bed beetisncred:ind'imifternal to advance - one hundred' tbeectilld dollars Per ewitli,:to the extent oftmi"-Allikai of tiellelet or the further prosecution if the - seek. 'far - the foregoiag tuts - we helm relied upon _the nisi - undoubted authority'. , Now, to show the vast iniporteace 'Of this reatlto thit Notion of the, tociie,.wiSey_ take ERB profit of niaderre • --4 011 arill, • ; • za die,foring pia_ ..: . business lad 1 Cre°4 111 ; 4 1 11 , 4 illi,i . „ '' iliwili show, for trad . ,7api,itst , ,:* iiirtiii' hitidtedi and on o tk, % . s. .1 vet' )44 * i sok 864 4 1 * 4 0 6 4 , ' :' - int lB.ll ' Of ' , LIV: i bindro4 - : , ; :14 sixty , : iii4 F aina ill& two! 11 ' 4 ?-#1 ,1 ftfisniNT :.itiia . ecii Pro - ti 4 14 ,,,d e 1d an d t,'.iiiiniand thrip iustaftl,mifixkver?. nun: T".no T sb44, 44.1 " 11 !M traestrr/ . 'iki rift to year IV, three .ht iadt4 (. 4 1 11 } z i1i, 14 , 114 01114 liaisdrs& sod 0041 41 1 2 .0- .- It min t be besot in mind thnfahiailfas4he•busill,llPi:a4 naishOWlreav with Wing 41 0 1 1dAile 4.14 tusimieschd thilinntiltillOrlt tip* Pittibtrgh t , Au dim temikres Yistuti4 el& /a tht, linVl „o ...4itireinAnil r, * arri bi a . :10Puttlent itarro". - , ; laildee ,64 slag for , , ' vkaeliihrorz bins; 'Welled lii ~ " en Vilitiplisi e litat idversiti, 'il`• ' • .l ealrged, ea e r a rapidly emerging.frendhAnanaial embarrass-1 ment, and had man*i:lt PM) aratiolts the completioli_uf ptitAlpd, that a thro ugh line from Pit talitirgl444(altimore was thing Arend,' InsuTed.'l4ll64 , capitalists . . of the country.wars 'gobet*, a new confidence in the l of thlllitarprias„ when they saw the seal at3d interailtice with which its work had been' preiniOri l land its business' inannged in the Midst* due troubles, mid sufficient Monti IrisfiAmii, Wen to oonstraet T the entire road wilkok*Liy. The prospect, of its *ally completion, .now no i licight, was hailed iiiii, ley by its friends throughout the west' their their topes were stricken down at ooeo,;?tn. by a single blow. That blow was giiiit '' - `the Legislature of Pennsylvania on 29tirliiii .of April, 1864, when the charter if dui ... fasten: was repesl ed. The reason for . repeal, repeal, .as stated in i the preamble of the tet, was the Paged “nitauze and abuse”- potponitti ppiers of; the campany.' we inveiLlres43" 'I. 4 7 0 1 4 0 the loudening' ad. of April 11, 98:x. 8. tale leideet and Intent; of witliti was to “reinedrnielaqppli &I defacia sa-ornlssions" on Unlit *Ma - company.— Up to this date; then,:ilitWain "Alum and abuse" of the corpornenbeivileges,M theritinul . Item,. any, were reasdlifelly'iblai• act... The si t s" question ertnianagfind In?? be jettiYe.d_fli 4 ,‘ ; piing in the die realm. - . -s' . r:•# f 4 : ~.......„. : •-• , .•1 _ -: -,-• : ..1.. . Zitt. onli 'wail the eh -.. " 'the , isiitititorgh and Ontze 4 • -•• •1 - -, Ilea that . . nd franchises W. • • • • •-• another zerporata body which, by the , aanit§ power, was breathed into eilatence aeon after the passage of the repealing act refer4d to. - _ It has been well said that "there is •no law upon the statute book that Las not had its or igin in some evil to , be remedied, some good to be effected, some want to be supplied, or some purpose to ho gained; and a little investi gation into attendant circumstances, will gen erally enable the curious is .such Matters to trace each act of legilation to same individu absowee.", • In this particular cue, as in other ode of legislation, a little trozble may enable us to sr ii,re at the origin of the "Repealing art." We have seen bow this company struggled along through a great financial crisis-through the perilous years of eiv„li strifej-nnd the other difficulties in which, though no fault of its izwilt, ithad been so constantly involved, until it kid reached a period in its history when its SUI success was no longer doubted. The. •sevon'y-two miles constructed. ana stockea \ at a vitt l of several millions of dollars had now, become renumerative, as we bare attempted to show, and sontriets: had been awarded for the entire road, with every sx ' rangement made to secure . its speedy couple—' tion.. It is a significant fact , that ' up to this time it had met with no serious opposition_from other railroad corporations; nor bed a single complaint been made by any of the stoekhold- 1 ers, nor by &single citizen along the line of the, road or elsewhere. the Pennsylvania named company, however, 'always alive to its • own Interest, and too often regardless. of the rights of others, now saw a rival company istr tively Preparing to like the field,' teed Atomise determined to throttle it on the very thresh- 1 hold of its existence." • • The Pennsylvania road heretofore free fro* , competition, with nn annual revenue of eigh teen millions, had grown into a great inon °poly:. It Saw . the - Fort Wayne and Chicago road, four.hmulred and sixty-seven 'miles in length, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh road, one hundred and fifty miles . in length, and the Steubenville and Allegheny; Valley roads, each about forty miles in length, with their impose tanthoraecilieiN aU terminating in the city of Pittsburgh. . • These roads lia4been dependent upon this, one lice--the Pe Wants Co:Arai-4os tote nitanication with the ult.''' . . , If we consider the immense business donely; the vavicosi roads which bare named. -end the elinnous reveinte that mould be 'secured by say company that. Could monopolise this incre4sing businens;iwe nuty,l think, readily' dhicover the origin of legislation by which the Pittsburgh and Connelsville rand was pre vented. These roads; Inikdiegla from ill di rections, with one terminnk in Pittsburgh, had heretofore, been Outfitted, • for the transportit timit Of their passe sois ea& height to . the lea beard, upcia this oni • coniPtay. which itunned cletermined they shouldnot be permitted to find another outlet to , the east. • , it may not baits roper at - this *at to 'wo tice the thritlef far *eight. and tramp/MU= Ofmershazidise, 4 "bow, st least . one . of _the results of this ateturpoly. Thp rate of fare from Roston tik Chime. s isolirtain class of merchandise. lo 78 6 3, wa s one dollar mad thirty ...even cents per,..handred weight, trent PlaadelgAziata Ohio*, 4415.6. EMI 'sop* t4l4' ulf# ,t± , ,4rtry Alvi?1••• .1. 7 70477175 7 11711WW1110147711: 77 31 44414,111.-,4 , , t , „,•!. .4b41.4i ' •• • . , -4" - • t . elOnsi 4%34 plibustfitif `ovtirtiVl r ipellyliiikis' difOlieiti,a4iiiiti died sillapilese; *Ou 614' AV* of ia-thesareyear e the duties ' with a slur tea to Chicago, to the irtWtbl Biwa. & Broth are, were A: lititiimia cedits Pf t. b l ul d r o_ -im4 someday.Teo , the .1 "mcirpok 01140 fee , the lupine eleie j of mit:6olo. tie etwe o n 11011111" iudeightr` lie eeets; *Mei it alierhninaties of • fortr eeittaier hundred' weight aided the sity eendletielphis. - ' 1481 oral* torolTosa WO , ..easefek,tel:r elle** of 'b4 Moil • io.# show a d!iss..lll do aim fav,or.et4ew York of twenty-eight etukt# locrbumiro 1 1 ( 114; . • - have itliri*Ced Ihe.foraeohti fliete;te . de= lool ' ultzao 914 . # 1 11# Pfeessi::LY ofl fit,!Petl44 e. MO. ttra:VIYAITY I * 1iitt0:a14,4f : *14, 1 1,0.14 b° ' o 4 l 9P r O 44o - . # 1 .0 , 1;9 0 44°PoiL 4 Imp,* tt l i,..aiti r t t of* - "ti c mp sc iii ot **bre ii!cf;td_t. ;;* i k 7, 'Thillo= 44 SWAMbi zili/WIFFI VW. A l t idakee7 Soffrimli t itlabgriVAPAtt 969. 1 4 1 A*.4 a:nappy, snit the etieunattanoader whielt" it was deprived of Its nstarter, as I understand then 4 and wheteser 'tsj: be , the ~opinion of others in view of ' tfieba facts, - 1, for ono, cannot • - mist iltecouelt • udonthat by•this repeal, aiiieet of great bijuitica was indicted upon the' oom= • tatty, ss wep as upon those who had" in good faith invested their !newts in theenterprise. I aftertilionesty Of purpose tit eery . 'man in the legislature of PerMaylrartla,wha may ha* e bean instruments} in depriving this'aimpany of ltitjtherter. I etn' i net here. sir; to impugn the motives of andl4n is the vote be may hart 4jitn.4~r cho;lo474aiii give on this goes. iz rtzt !•no man a integrity, • l*gajleelare :Fp on thii floor, as itYllninf*ylliteir; at•it was an set of gross ' injimtitioAtherainporatcas themselves, a fia.; grantlattfrigenpon tie rights of the people in the Western portion 'of the State, and a airs misfortune to the CMesSonwealth at large.—. False l'epresentitiona ;end the delusion that this road when' Completed ivoidd divert.- trade from Philadelphia tollaltimore,.wadthus mil? nate against the eommercial E interests of our own people, indoesd•inany good men to advo4 tune this measure at t he' time; who have beer. convinced_ bi subsesnent developments that it -was founded in d'eception and fraud, and are now ready to denounce it asione of the great= est iniquities of the age. ' • ." • Str;'we mane, dime's* the feels- in-: this mine. Wo need not attempt to congeal from our own . minds ti Mat* of things so clear 'and palpable. It meet be admitted that upon QS good faith of Pennsylvania; solemnly~ pledged e Congo boring State, as - well,es by our own citizens; and it mesas tome , the stigma, of bad. faith: win stain the pueity !anti mar the lustre Of Ott!' reputation, if this repealing aot is allowed to remain upon our , statutelioolcs. • Mr. Speaker, let ti*ghinee fora moment at softie of i its,tesults. fTlie highest public eon= sideratiOn, the best interests of the people; most elesrli and emphatically . demand .the construction of the Pittsburgh and Counells= :Alto road to the eastern boundary of Someniet County, where it would connect with and se..' cure the building of the Southern pennsyl# nio road, and thence through the Southern tier of counties eastward, thus- establishing a line that . would, to come extent, compete with the Pennsylvania Central. But as it now is it is a mere tributary to this great monopoly, instead of,s, comietitor, as it should ho..' Sir, it is a fact that the traffic and &ratio' over thiSl sixty stales of road front Connellsville to Piits= burgh, is in a direction almost Olipoisita to that in which it Bat It market and seeks its die tination, thus dont:piing time, distance and ex: This, of course; is oppressive to the people in the partienler sectioa . to which we refer. But; Sir, this is not all; but a small tpo. tion of the evil 'inflicted by the defeat of this enterprise, The construction of this road would open up a'neetion of this great Common; 'Wealth containing untold milliono:'of :mineral wealth:. More than one hundred miles of the; Stale through whieli it would pus is rich in lilt I deposits of coal and iron,besides the iamb:tut ible quarries of mottle.; along the Yongbick gheny river, 'which is said to 'be as “finsi and beautifnl in iolish" as • the x MO. I bested • Tennessee marble so mach. used 121 thil pubNe buildings of the ceuntry.e,l All this vast wealth hi nesr entirely useleis E:p its props e? and the State, development would give new life'and open up new fiegitiei to every county on the southern border of the State, and greatly huireasei the general perity, of the'instire Camm,bnivesith No man who will study the georoiliby of the State fail to see that the great mining, agricultarsti telputacturing and commercial interests :of southwestern Peniisyl4ania Most imperatively demand an additional outlet to the 'seaboard: inty: shall the people 'in this region be eoin.; 'Pe lied to intneit fcrevei to the eximitioniti of those'who control the exletleg throughfare* I when they . are willing with their own means; itar their own benefit, to" open. up - another Irma. which would tkot::lnmedit , theta algae, I.! 011 . sat_ !? the Piwerv-Pirdatiaa and_ =awl 'al wealth of the I whole State t' The' grinit. wealth of our State" consists nit ,her natured advantagen4i via — agricultural dl mineral re "-sad if stimulated by litter' l it =threat prirne the enterprife of our I,poiktdetioneretdd*sqiewl . ll7 dollop her realer- esi,,end Porrarylrannt. now dwarfed aid re- - 1 Statallat' :become, an empire withist herself. The tenth of thli buds as lustration hi the henefiaal melte smeared _by. adjoining eitategilt b panacea a Wetsl law; by witleh their, sitiscal now, 1131 1 tie)) , equal rights, and,eqaal preteetion ini6ll *As matteri at pgblie enter p rise , Pr6v4ll4iii: a I I: -The intelligence attic aitered*lon of our people fifil nologoil i • !Oman - the /unjust.: and tyranOsatilblki by rieh - we 'xiSloo7.bilak: L I , B . ; at u t ibira"lo : - .:ipf:fgait tvl,l Itig? , . ,ct.... .ip0c,.14.1„, i30 1 : 3 4v/us 4 4 1 i; a, S. .43.Jir..tiittittnol 3 r..11 It) 4-04117, b ' : Aga .I.T4. , ooriii,:riii . . tra ' it> 14.; :1:41, Itr.lJ 1 4 1 " i '''', • 1114)14 pkwli MO 071!, PG r;=,;;III;n: 014 . 1641 kid Iliboz ,e.r.,,, , 474-, t- - i 4 1 ,1 j , 4 ; :trl ' 641 'l4lovi:hisisei7o. - 40 t liiiidlta ir34l ettf, =I ...trart ;SaX-b'.) "fiTuaT" el* innZ / ' ifill . .1 ~' " , 1 , 1 UM Pi r ,T. VIPM trintk nities the altpremacjl r • illtell.eierarekfteethe t kletteleset ) Oh lifititki - Mdbli cirri Wiliam l iistniAmi end ' iif#o*AC our 1 40A.a, 84 1p40 0 dvalft - „ , ' '' the eiliele4t itiiiiiii -4: - iti - 44ittikAtw aim , pf ha imanitoos'n 4 alt!toriooth; : ' . 3n y , • Bet theithfitdthiOdithia mdlilisizilow biekew:- I .l 3 eighherlas *ate waeld'alinielifilh ila 4 is ' ' ' and - Willtera&PeNey in: railroad ,inriteta he, bOadftWarising_ffosi , ,aheit;tfieliey ! - ii :r ii;' '. ?: 4*W, sad we; pmy _' , al4 en era .of the ant wee - Pixie:ilia in' Mi n i - vieert'itilifti 14 itinadeil Meet ,` emdeeing preepari y, o f, nertmeed 'OA .to look beyond the' :bautttlarys:•teir levrint.. - 1 lasting progress. Sir, he pee %Simply ask Stale. let neat:least, be consistent in 0111E/14-1):9 ' the right to derieldi and utilizethese Cast re-' , ' !elation andstow out selfish. lley' by - ,repag ..- soirees of our State at their own ex:pease and lag the charter of littilibir awn risk ; they ask us:for no epeeist, and every other ro: privtlegn---thelate not pleading for an appro.' ' of, the bordering Si P.riatket from the treisetTt but fee Parole/0e '. i e rm . ' . di;fair iiri bklaTilet th#' own, capital in an _enterprise. for this.: Every i whisk wi ll inereasaihe revenue, population ' ammeter, aelaidat andgenera!' '' lib : 'f "thewhole State.'''' wee o . l aid postefef . one •!• idr:' Speaker, what is the cliniseter Ceiba- ring-to tha benefit hill berets:Ste 1 1 It - ' *Wei - est the- lair -toil mire ilietirill:Site 'Adel the Pitobure .1111dCannellsrilleeempaar oral heeineatiesid ayintarabbed4 it charter!sad :111k-reitetii:liet. fall to benefit: . , .., .-:`,..••••• •--,,-.- -...1 IrMtedlP*llekON44. l tettliel. MI 4 4 ./itSTI P!WerliTePlhe' /4444e.5c1 - ,kil 1 • 4e !'9 1 1 le it* reedr.,„:, . , „ - eiiiktiatlifeire, : : it pncid - CS thitl4l34o - iiiiptl Otiiitil l eal c..4fre iniikotiestrfet • •-• 1..1 0t...- -4 •., ' WV& It t i I 34er - yeam.from C t rs pasage tine ;:efthalawprottAsider llgt Ott Altii r liViirAf f -.4nalfted44%lPlitt; : - -ire should twozdd, t• in ben trezdanati - • •• by -.. lb* „ Itys well, known' highest 11111%14 tribunal in the • ' beeassio•tilli bill Itt:near in : - Wls en infrisigentept era thesbhgatiena,efe, opposition • l iith a l contren. And intelligent jury upon its solemn' on this pretext: - . I oath bait declared that. there lis - ri been neither Iniveheeti ablydisota !imisesti or abuse" - of the rights and prIMI7. I even were t I conk eges of the charter; .. and yet this was the Pmt- would be no axons.. text for its repeat ' . '. - f ..- ' -..•. ' 1 time with that viewer the ant The immediate passageof this bill, sir, is I ant - Well satisfied telt:eve t. imperatively demanded by the growing no- dlseuisioi With thoie who art enmities of the capital and labor of the great t lital disntilsitrons.. - . ' . west - - • •' . . ---1 - There Inv however,few . • i i . . , . There" are , a liven now the ceitrel road is unable toMbet ' will notice in Conclusion. .:•,- , Ithe demands upon it by the botindbai traffiel - The charter of the Pitteb,nr' of the western States; and, already, much 'Of villa, company! was repealed : it Is driven entirely round Pennsylvania, by I , that it bad' Misused and-oh the Central Ohio, connecting with' the 'Bald- ifranchises. The case 'watt more and Ohio ' r oad at.Banwood, on the Ohio ! tied after's Most theretighnnd river as well as by the Atlantic and Great tigation;the felloling ve4iet Western road. I Mu& of this, freightati - d - trat... by ti: intelligent jury before :el would pass over this new ratite, Ana „err was tried. , . ' . *tenger and every ton eflreight thus trans--,_ . " We, the jury sworn to try -4 e issue joined ported midst pay some tribute to the State . — Rio the above cense; to wit: .wh titer the Pitt it.: Nor is it true that Thdimlelphia would - suffer thergh and tonnensville -rail ad company. by this additional road front east to west. It , prior to the 20tb day of April, 1864, abused would bring to that city ten-fold ntore'than it !or misused their corporate p • lieges, with% , would lose by the moiety of trade that might, I &hit true meaning et - their act of incerruirra-.1 be diverted from it;-and by enriching the: tray end its tupplement3 do SA ,that the said,- whole State, would, if eauree.- add to the con- [Thlsherelteed Conaelltvilk rail 'ad eamPaity meice and material Wealth of that city. It is ! did not obtuse or misuse its cos Orate priiii:-. s-fact worthy of the attention of those who, I eges;•within the true meaning, a d intent of *Pepe closely inarding the interests of this rte We et. ineorPorailon: nod the zulelements . great city, that the rates of tariff, as before thereto."' This is a fact full of Inificanee, .; cited, make a discrimination in favor of New when consideted in conneetten wit the bisto- . , 'fork and against Philadelphia .' which ry of this company from .1856 up to %atilt% will' . avenge •• about . twenty.eight, of the repeal of ILA charfer. , . •—•- eenti per hundred,: weight on l• her r in- The :opinion of • Judie M'Cand . lowa enantli.l .of,_.:.throngh.J . • freight hearing the argiuntuts of the cane 414 - quarter . `ft - ttltr. - ___, ~-, '.. _. - , ,;,..- _ .. ' -' _.::__• : .. - ...,.... Phis [Mr . .'breandlsa], or that other gentle. : has freetteetly been called during thettogreis man, the Senefor fruit? Lancaster [Mr:Fisher]k of this. disceselee :. ~,, , , I , who has just :distinguiehed himself as the , '. "a nd now , to wit,. Inee Btb, A, 1:),-1866, ,cause came on to he heard, and was sir • sPeeial champion' of Philadelphia interests geed by connsetand thereupen,upan onsider- ' will undertakete explain hew this diserimin- '• a tiontitereof, it was ordered, adjn e,l ,ud ation will enhance the commercial interests of'; decreed as, follows, viz : That the n or-the that city, I will cheerfully give Way to '!'" r 1 o G ; n l4 . 4l ;s i t aaa r. Vf -r . l a Z 'an en na g y le a VA'n °f a t ' r i el t ,t i! ; -- such eiplanatiOn. . They will not attempt 111- •= to the Plitsburg,h and Cannellav Ile reit , -•,',, Now; sir, I liaCe been amused to bear gentle- : road employ, ani such portions oft a.act OC ' Men upon this floor, who are eppos ing tht s , theßeneral Assembly of the Stale of ertneil . , bill, talk of the rights of Philadelphia, fi as i iraula of, the l'ith of. Augest,,A. P. -1 64, en- . t titled An set to ineerperate the Con. its - vide •'- • those rights were assailed by a foreign foe.--, and Southern Pennsylvania railway •-.. pany. '- , Who, leir,amengst the friends of this bill , pro- ;as confer upon the eaid .COnnellsvi le • and 1 mil 'y company any 'of th . rights pose to lidUct an injury . upon the people . o i 1 ! I. , and franchise s the said Pittsburg:l d Con- • that city 2 We yield to no one—not even the nellsville railroad co m p an y , „mend a e here.; gentleman - from Lancaster [Mr. Fisher]—in ;by adjudged, une.onstltutional,, , ull and ' our lace for the high,minded, generous, ett... void, and of no force or efieet:'ltlat he sail. ' terptimeg eitisinsef the Quaker City. - They I l ra lli' l ::t he e t n ri r li sny h li le 7 r t; e rn is t o r n e r e :LIZ are a part of our own great Commonwealth,i he, and hereby are pemetu:dly enjoined and • justly celebrate d throughout the world for , commanded, from henceforth. alive ei to their never faltering devotion to the cause of bsobitely desist from takie t tp t iressie of. ai d ..) human liberty.' They are, entitled 4,30ur eon. I i aosAiTarritrxmlindgw franchise se rou t ' 4; e said , 1, aideratien t and T tkink, sir; they' will .admit {the Pittsburgh and Coneelisville railni Com- - that the Legislature has always bent ready to pany,:and.from pretending, neateril li any grant any just legislation for which p a y ho e I right or title theretmand frominetitut g any . ever aehed. Their numerous end. eeied in.; ,, re ali ov en e at l o a t ti • t . b o e rro s eettizln t te:t o y n er i th a li tends have rester been overlooked , and those I read oPthe said the Pittmbergh and Co Pelle: who believe %nth° passage of this bill would mile railroad - company, or any plant the et-, be hostile to their best - interests ,' are -blinded / e t: ig:gr u t i l li ker r ordered and dect r e i ed,t tthe Pittsburgh and ConneTts Ile by a policy fa' too eerie* and selfish to I eoniptay be. 'and the said coil:any-are hers. j . receive the approbation of this body. Those, by p er p e tually apjoined and command ~ . that. i who oppose the - 4:impieties of, this reed on the ! ratify , said company ,do not in, anywise • ' ept, • i gronad that a ...potion, of "- the western . t ra gi c ! ratify; ot recognise as Idadier,l_the _ ~ *net; might-be diverted ~, the s , orkete ofph il e., l .p A i ss us em bur bly .h e a n ti ti d tl e ed .onne An thri set ine - rsi ret roa tle d nit th iii " ... ., delphia, should no forgot that there are other lan and t e i:h, f art h er c o an d. t h a t th e at ok t i t , interests vitalto i is commonwealth , eutside - Coyoonteheell:szrwle:lesoannd fi vSeodauth;.nrotertkonstoylva:o:4:oB7iii. the limits of that ity.: Philadelphia. is, 1 sorb "thaa•PanYt-dstrislitirtratiobe said c re I t' 4i , ' deed, a great city: he metropolis of the tltn in e '7 , het not the Stele Ittslf. ~ . - ' ..titers of the said, the Connellstille aid. 4.. ! •,1 will not speak of Pittsburgh, the great . - ern Pennsylvania railroad conipany : l! mainfactudngicitila Western Pennsylvania, ' de ll ie u si t 'X * Tie rtre a nu h = ta l er l a tre 1 its • 134 '' rae ! °1111 ; 12 , te , cLests' or ,the energy or- l 4 courts.' and ma remain undecided for public-spirited,e.taae• -" 0 del:need for thenii,ta come. In, vi ew:of all these . facts,.lt .and for every section - of'the State, - east aid i agree wit h those who believe that it** t a ttatii - aa will I undigni t f i le t Lin end the t eigislid eea isa nie moiti - tia - a west, north and south. rill legis enable them to , takeestre of their own Interests ._ ~ t i s i t l ;e l Zrientil, galfied , t c •O do right and he , and guard their own prosperity:. '• ' , Ott. . . .1, ~ 1. !slit-it; sir, the people •of western snd i-. It, has been snarled here that , thii Seathwestern Penn sy lvania are as. indesttious, 1 me't'e e le c t:lli r u t t ' eaT t r i al o t on as anteaprislitg and 4 loyal, 4ln any other . ro e ,road. This assertion, however ixttlieti of the State:, and 1 f we; under lliO ad': iblei it mat seem , is net,.. warranted • .emit oath we have taken, discharge oiir ' tittty single fact in the entire Ulster' , .iaf the:, its: the mini% of the people, we eannet din* te r et t i k • t 4 le wh a orn rettlee e 0 0 47 1 -e • I , :m. gird their-httereeta — we dare net i ra l et i e u P" Iv.m.partiele of evideneetbat ite4 ; _been ad-' ' Int'Aelr eetired, right& In the etillidderatien duced—evet7 „gement thit has sh - ten t- 1 kit every question of great public interest we mi--4rer7 circumstance latieeletiowit t a h i tit-- i Ore. betted Leleok,not nth° wants and de:tints ' lO 1 , mensttes i l a ta t ti l t: isTi ll e k trirersTrugglei f the I '. ' often. owillitslity,oirineedistiaonstiteents:lp ee pl e a t a i na t, a Dower m said vs k i tikk Coe. bet the' warn+ of the•people In general. 'Be- potation. ,_ Ste, it is' the fight et the . ple ' ,- eriti Senator on this floor knows that - the great. against* monopoly throught o whose some ,_ . _ . ''ttnAs'of people that section of the•Stete are antansttbellerliar'e;itf have e by a w a rns •r i.17.1 ; _: laciat caroo 4 0 this'aigitter , lied souk etteae - they lieve been g se'ieig and so deeply he 'cord,. end with hulotte prep:repels Their lips; • milieted; .'that all patience is exhausted:- -they implore this Ligirlittnre for the passage I They iseplere q igl6gis e X;fr"a statute by tae' I ~ ,ofthia bill. I:They . are Andy aroused - by a i iy :t tuost :ge olyoi l f Aiio tm aw seas et ;treat 411 4 . lh°P.lla'a'b°iie until .tore these rights of which ; through its 'Alm- ' it hasheeeete* burden WO grievous to be en- • & two, they have been unjustly .and• nneeetni defied in silence. They , ask not for merely— 1 tutionaily deprived.. - This Is the true Attie- I. the - eontest;• nothing' more, fag Iwo rahar_ i ___ .. .dalu all 0 11l P ie j l " lic° '"! dicHast. ' 3 " 4 ",..` t c teopie demand • the protection of •litele.. Itlettzzunomm.., 'lithe Srantect• It may - net - "''' inte a rests and the redeeltion of ilielr rights ' to4lay, Orioneerrew, or this year,bat it: must in this resPeet, Ifie passage er lids billleill. Lealeolloon;, the people will arlei In their maj- to some eittUts 'secure ihracdcilnlalo ,Twodli. - esty, and ensure wit there %justice in , beeven -I shall cote fee-it, with ehrm_ convietioe et ite the erophetie _voice, of an outraged • people estdientjustlee, and with the - . assurance that *Mb. barn and respected; in ; lbw halls ere it is imperatively denymded by the 'Wiest toes: • .I•• - ••- '• . ,. „ public ettneiderationca - • ~- , .., r, -1 S 4 rita JET' Eject. at Part Of tire' familiar with' facts *Moir X - . 7 ...k !104 Conne es 6!1- the grquftd. ita lights and • ea - - coart. patient inyes— was rendered: •hoat the.eaßee ess, after , o f 'the : I E A El Oil the kt ea ! a ' tub i• n; ft flds is ith each bins Y -ctn•