The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 06, 1867, Image 1
..,, . ..,,,„, ri; i r - eA r'xtg its i 1 I 1 .011 be Published,Eveti WednasCay, . , 1 f3LTIWNG,,.. i .. ; i t • , israwor_., BEA I , .11,1.,:i. • , • = 4- 4 := ,- r r . .At s2,oq Pe! -nu n Advance. ' bi .3 ~ i erlatter , and contrl bon , 'by m..,,1; ii 4 :: kn'te prcinit attelitioi t ,l, J. WEYAt t t,ID, Editor .. • ,-,. - - ------- 7`l" .[ 5h.4.11•114 91 .- 414. -a , -.',...t.,,,, , :- - 1. ......:____-.1 - ....,:.-- (..;... 1 ' •; .virtue iif ^B(inticy wrlev (if iLevari Pa- 1, B ,i3S Fierb. Facies and end tient expo-? ' r ; e t ed only of the Court f Ctopemen Pleas i ''''' f i-, 114 - L4 Beaver aft I to me directed.; ictilltee;otre to- public scalp 1 , at Ito Sheriff's • ;' . thfrennt of Beefier; the count • 4:c al the ... i, F , . et td on , : t. ', ,'' t i I Jorc. ( , , . Saturday Marpl4l6th, 1867...- 1 - ~, ttr 'o'clock! hi the forenp n, the follow' , _ ftnoy to 4.(it: 4 V ',:r 4 i 1 .; ''Patheriggi, title: inter et 'Am* at de,- , (g oo, of, hi and to thp ,folleWing lot Of g oiritl situaff lo the borough ofiDerlingtorii ;,sits coutdyi Pa., bouX ed north by an . 5 1 , east by 3ferket stree south by Public :,'„„ r ,., vest ; by :lot - 00, , ' cotitjposthr on. % hill; is iredied a *go fra ts helt_ilding used 1 ~,,, d er etiogt Mower - acidic liar ;underneath, -ftvrernnm Cut iiisNbarivith, ¢1 unters,'sbelving, 11 - 0 oca , eflier lot 'of - mod situate in , I , t,o t otich tfoiet Bid, heti led north by pnb- ioir he .111;1, east It Market sl. et. south by tote of 00.'- , rit Ilreer: west by pudic alley, on which (led 1 iWe 4tery frab.4 dWellirtg 'house (re- • - . ) _ , ; (11;:ellar untlrneatii,frie e - stable and' out: tal'eling , t, lot enclosed - asd planted with fruit ?„,., g rapes, ecC. If i , -, I . ,i - .(, All right, title', Mtel-estkand claim of i e r e tiant, 6r, in and to I, c, ,certain tract of Jo.f ii111:11e in South 'Derive toemship, Iletto l sca nty, i's., honedeT n efollews: itegin tn . • . i • t a post storwhile % , thence by hand 7,111:1 . :, :FIN , Tly Dr the Faniters 0. tdecltanies Bank, ? ~.. A the John Nile warrtynd, north one de • . t ., ...-,t 1..1i pleclics ti a poit, thence by 1 t ,A a t the' same,: bcmg pbrt f the Jabal ;•staip's warrant, cast - 46.1perc es - to.a. post, ; lbenti(ly land of the "seine tparti - vt the war -1 taut .ti..resiitl, south one degrec \ ,, west 1'.."61' I ,,i t i, v , in a, post., t hense ~ byl setae peat of the A ,„lvo. Pettit , warrant!, i west 126 perehes to thqllre of inginningiellairing \ 9facres r . re dr Ice. shout 75 dire cleared and ult. 4.r. leve. on• whiiih there Is erected a largy , 2 t. :tory frame dwelling I.iouso.frame barn en , l sat.lotiblitigi.. , . (bpd reltatni of ( fruit ueeF no the•Truntises.ifli( alivil described a (ct or WA ha utoterlaid'wrh a vein of gio 1 - F rinupinwis i oan 1 , .1 At. - s, .111 1, , ,1tt, title,. lnterest and claim o 0. - 4,f-n , ls.rt, ot, in and to ill° I'oll ving pioce o HI , .41aste s hi Fallith Ilmiyel toWnahip, Beaver 'vasty. Pn ,P(htbded r :U. ) ows:i Bcgining at , he F WT. , . , he ‘f earner tii r crt,of at aPest, tbene4 1,, hod forlerly of the yatiners & Itlechanil n the warrall• gull five-tenths o John Philo, nort o no +Tree, east (38 perc es ve-tenths ql a 1. ,,,, t, 1 ttlif,e• by the slime pert of the Johe ri, ;Ili p' t wsvratti, -east; 12t perches t o a post„ rti.,,l,T I.y 11in Sztnio ent# It 73e degree, wes 01:4 10 itereheti to a pot. Ileac° by the tree it 1 ,..51 above. ;Sectioned, 1 estl2li perches to th roace'of beginning . , contain ng fifty.three acres rine or le4,S, about 314w:ries cleared and uri -4 i', nee . . lin 1 which Firers is 'crested a leg .-,p olllochosse, orchard (in the, premescs, ;(,. Elm). IlTidrlaid Ili it cal.( '4. o. (1 mid foilsen in oeTtion as the prop. , . t• J at . l aeoh Aterkeedflab of Potleib my. . -'h . suit - • 1 No 1 — A7,,,01 i :!ki the .11,1,2 t isie. - and p 1.4 cc. all 'right, title 'no ..r.lO i5i..1.:1,....... nf (lilcianat,' of, m s t nti . t . the c.i11.r.,1n7, ta.rtn or ttliet.)f land in Darling, I °lt ttiun‘itip., Itnaver triity, - Pe., bonnet e d o n It, po t (1. by!pitlilier4i al td land of Janice ( 4 ,(ton, e e lt by kw! (411 , •11r e n t7rirs , si: rind oth , f T hiabar 4 1 1 : 1 1 1 ..4q11 1011 hits by Liliie.nesv - -,71,. pm/ rt . c , ti , v'tAiHj i n ro.FI/76 - 0 Mi1a,....c. — 1i..‘ ei , ~,..,,,,,..,„„:,,„,,,,„,.,,t , . „. acres, snore ol ',F.:, :I;Weiltirc I.irri de fence, about N., 7 , ..f.i v!...trr.l: nn"nlait. its rem ed it log -(I wel,L r ..,.,,„,..,:„„,, .i - .Q.11.11r 4.lilpenth. a frame Ste!: 1 r; ' 0 ,17,1 ANT htlittlo, - tergc orchard of eileir,6 aft ((,,I - 1ar(41% 1 1: ,11..., A Int of r.,orttillia In tpe ! , crumb tit l i i . „ r (.11 P•1111:1 - -tote.fleaver coif fy A It,Olitintle.l uorqi I, r. 1 , 111.'.i . c. ~ -i tive awl itikiFil street. -cast by r...:!er'e ,111-y, igmttli Fy:fl: ''., , ,. 7 . - evy'H•oll.,y, af.lll webil.y .`:larl,Ot streitit, lit: ng 'rirro ir/Aolt lot o•11,Itlf of Ariother: III! hit is ''ree'" 1 14 ;. ...• t , .., dory fratot live! , in holn coutaili.,- . 1..7. routi .i ig with 4114 derneatb, ulio• 1 . ..01,,,l ,or 1 1':11 , !a . 1...)14 , 1ffg,i51e. , . itS a. St 01 - ,iir.)4l! i with r.Pilarllll'icrilt; :i IL ertpl seri and plant° nith fruit (fees. ' - 11 . t • 7, evfli i 1 . 1 II , Sri:.eA:cl,4 hkett ~ tv of 1:. , A ~ , l'l;eltiliti. . f et t v•loacy all t;fictizi '443 Ln, , ,!mo ;, t . -11 6. Su.:4,2rrl ftyn et:.l-.. 1 1 Eiritver. Vel6 21, 1;7; : R.:l. N}\%T STOREI • i r !I F Nt.vr • • , 11 1 1110 I\ i- 1 cries. . i ~. , ~ p !'''Pr ,- 111.:LI.Y•ititit vni.roti , f frirnds 4114 I ,dt end 'opeictig 1 . ‘ j BRIDGE, 5.7,;'131:tr 1. ,., 1 Poir,i: nn the (0 441." J, ~,, 1 III;ir I[l4 e i ilik.t t, i'„ ~ .”,R , : j, a coif a.k:lrlt-titen mime to their nn he public generalllv•, • New tirocery Store C DCr*EWATE, i V Store of • AI 1, lurch I ,llaviuiz nu Ivan 1, tit rif too .13. EST rAivuLy ~.itsn rd 1.•.) .:,91,iitt c.• r.t" neight.or. •I at , .. all yeß,ilaill elij ( 4 .0. b y mi.. ftirv Ey, I.;tqa wit It • 1 1 1...;1'"Al'IL •;fir i - • . Thi‘y ..c:111; pl:irtictOar :4,4....t l' ' .t . aJt 1+ il ic, suffiet. 1-19 iinnnt 7. hind l'kktude ti)r.ez %Wrt All . "i -•*. ' WI/ SO W 'tttdC~s:r~r't. FC4.1';17 ~e that thty arc de -111 nil' other hood;, u 8 their itltl: it tonight nt. the 1 to rte , ewito the gret rown; whose kno 1- tot boptstiotieti, hire itr Itutvey for nutity eir attantiom to 1.1 s they,dittler t ing'extra to :o amity Mutr saw. at. all times at r ddirettyl. ' & :BROWN; E.H US' sale, • , 4.5 . • • ' I <lr 1:.!-,1 ii.-t 1,9 er2igneq!r: !if, , t ~, moibititi t f ual , d'in i ( J ~. Th0,14 i ., a 1.4e.141 45. 'fih,. curer- 1 er e curer- tvg. Ind . . ,, iii.:Outi -4! ru tal. ram! l'il'ir " P‘ ' ill iaAP-11144 tv:11. "Li al lot 1 :ra foi :tale 1113 314. , !.Lee. Ate tnwrl of •,er. 1wi...i,.. id located oultit . if 1;ufAlo ,and 2tiii .111 6 an I a store r4t . In, ~, arty . flaw. ' 0144.ujilil 1. Inquire of . . W . J. IL I'I.JRVI .. %Rai: -------- car !PRE util ,* t.nt r . l - 7,4e4.01 '..9 “.• era for VA-1113.: 11 T,3111:. ire 4 7. P. frrahf MI ;a:: — .l . 7: f; 1 ec::,...1' fr VT' ".4"-i - i '* . 4,1-.-..f.1gi,,,, , -4,1 . n „ ..-:.! „ 1 / 4 pr, z tj„.,,,, t ,„, t 4 ,4,- , ;.„, ,i,• , ,:7„ ::;i ,, , 7 4 ; ,, , ,,, 7 ; 1. - : 1 sly atn vel .7.lic.ts) - ri 1.1-.. W ital..? fi-.):4.i.- ~ - * ''' , l , •e"'Lli. '. I:: : :;i*effaqa 1- ' ' • ~ ,•• -* k • . .i“ MIMI , '11 4 .1 r 4 .2. .'. I S -, ,i...L1 P1 .' -- 4 2(—.. *43 -'''' • 8,171 ' Zt!..t at spicleeibik i in( ELLILA , ......,......!?. prietor. rEI ; PITT& f,',FT:r • &- oirintigruiriblier2B, tle66~' trains - . win let - , Blsitont^ esitif nidaye lei 101,1 loin:: (mak-hating Ci(itaga at CICe'C'AL' daily.): • • '''''',:'-'-'-..--- '•-• Anifici._lntis..k... (..., . _......,.. .-,(: :' '; .. i Alizioa. 1 14.1 0 0re.-Izioa . .. Irulei - t . A "---"."-- • 4.4.R.:: t i.. .......1..,.4..-... .....1.-..2- Pl4(absts :::::, :,24triat :70(hiat: . -litchi litiartiatat . .....: . 417. -6 6. , 8i0: f.: l 't4.310 "' tilit -- ' • - 1120 . 4i 1017 t , - - 462 4 ‘ Anti / 1 4. , Altai*. i..:1.' 715 . :4 4 Hae;is rll6l . _mgr., • ei nton -.; .. ' , ,-806 le 12250ni 147 - -" ' 708' 11 • Miutirillon..'...... l. 826 " 115 is ..,80/1 .4 -7209'" 'Oirt• 111 e.. . ,...... - :900 ,66 200 -" .850 , " 800 446. li l fiesteak..:..;: • 938 ,44 : 235, 44, 925 '. -44 - - 85ri - •4 *Mansfield..... u 37 ., ,4411: " 11 , 12.6 f 1*2(: - fi: 1 ,,..„.1 ';, • .- HA!' 1116 iii 6 - 30 , ",1145 4 4 1100- 4 4 "'s"'''' ° `?ll9e• 1240. A 520 ee 17201 6 14 .100iiirt Bitoytias - ' .110 .‘ 650 "1248 " 7831 6 . k 1114' . .tiandttaky " 151 '730 66 125 i., )31,11.'!. •Foresi.,...n..- ,leu ...", ; 801-'.f 10-6 8.57 . " Limn ' ' 4 ;. - 86 s. i , -918'" '3os' ur:22 '• Van Wort ....., GO5 P - 1021 44 ' 406 " llg•_" , tint, -Wayne:: 650, " 1150 " ''s4o '120;41 -Colitaibia ..... .784 . " 1285;ut ' 628 " 6 208:g. 1Y arsaw . 826 'f - 130 " .711 ' 1101'6.61 Plymouth-t.. ' o(i 2'45 " 'Bo . l'.'. ' . 4oti'it valpai:u.. I!' Chiettzi isii- ...::.:. '1 0.,_2§-W ,2soii 820 " 1 1 2 0 -, " *Bl 4 1 7 7- "-mune ncTirci tan:. ' .. ' - • s.. - -li - a2'l4- -Tine's • tkr's Xit'a 1 --- " -- -------- -, - -. Chicago. , 1 , 835rin 44040 a 1020ns PAYa..‘ Vaip4raiio . ... •-621 -" .638 " 1254ist OW .. 19yznotitli... 720." 829 6 6 2571" 1935 44. Wsu-ccer i -' 817;1. 010. 6 • 420." 1138 i_! Columbii...... 004. S` 1040'" 527"" 1219 PM Fort Wa3ne„ 1005 «1145 " 700 " 125 .. Vail Wert,',.... 1.118 " 119111 ' 821-." '232 . "- Lima..... ' 1217.4i4 -219 ,44 935.. 44 .- 838 44 Forcat. .. . 12a':" ' l / 5 8 " 1100'" 4.10 e e glsanciva ky,'.l 151 ~ , - 4 31- . , 1 488 4'. jzo3 . i;, Emoyius i 225 '" 522' "1218ru '! - 538 `. l ' . - - liAr. 255 6. GOO " 1250," 005 - .'i Crertliiie b e i , 31.4,..,, 015aiii_ 130 4 , - .625 el Mtriusficlft..:. 343* .. -056 " 21.X0 !.. 657 44 1iiiti03101".......,1- 598 " 850 " 232. " • 835 44 . Orrville. " . 530-f. 0 1 0 "' 8571' . 9(8; " 1i11uai110n...... GOO 6I 'l t d .+' 430 " 942, 4. Csintoa .....-..'. 016 ',.. 1920 44 '4lB ." 1003 ; 4 4 Alliance ...',.,. 715 .'" 1125 . 6t 545.'4 6 1100 .. Balom - 1 . 744 " 12076 i: 520 •' 1132i'm •Rooheator .-.1, 921 6- ,225 .3. - 820 .. 125 .. Fittshurgh -2 . 1025 " 340 " '930 " 28) " ' , Erie and 14 g Expross ain leaves New etis,t.le. At 4:05 mita in -Pittsburg at 6:45 p. m.' ne turn ing Vit tiburg a ell:00 'a.m., arrives in New Castle at 8:b0 Neel Castle eel Pittsburg, AceommotlAtion Train leaves New Castle at 740 arrives lo Allegheny at 9:45 a.m. Returning leaves Allegheny, at &:3.6 p.m.,' arrives la New COnle at 1:20 p.m. `f.t1.4 , 0191-11: PIIVS. RR. trains. leave sta tunes d-ar.,.BknOre.ezeepted, as followi MEE Euclid street Hudson.. 'Akron - -... Millersburg— Itavei2ns. Alliance Suybrd ....... Wellsville.... Wellsville Bayard...... Alliance ....-.. Ravenna...... Orrville Akron 1ind.0n.:..... 'Eticlid street Cleveland ...c lon ns the props suit of Itiotial:l ifs, , for use of .OTTELL-, .I . I,VEr ratoww MV FIRM '-":- GOIEG EAST. - , MAIL;' 4.0f.P‘8. EXP 8. ACCONI ----- ~--,- ---- ---- --- Rehire.. .;. ... l i , 4;itirm 11111 Am 10.104.)1 :;... -. .. . britlgepart.... 440 :" .6,2 q. - 1050<. :' - • La'grange....... , • • Steubenville. i•-555'" ; 743 " 1158 .1 .-- Welleville 4 -. •• li 725'" ' 845 " 140r141 , 700Am Smith'eFerry ii , 147! " 91.17:".' 202. "I 735 " Beavei .......- 1 • 9-0 ,i 1; 040 . :: Et^.s••• Roc:1101er ••• ij ! :113 , "I ; l- 1-- .c.'• Pittsburgh _4,110, " 1105 "r - 850 "1 9a5 " • - . an!xn rrsi. - • • - 11'111iq,. Eirti: imp's. -r ice - c 7 iint, ',.,-- Pittsburgh 11.410..0 ZlOrm , . 485 Tm CPOrx Recbetter ... t• 730 ", 825 " - 545 “-'44.3'" Beaver 11 '' • • FruillesSerry i. mrz .. 401 4 .1 631 - ... 414 •t Wellsville ... I 8111 " 450 o. 725 " , 520 " Steubenville. 9541. ", bbri ." - 828 " • ~ L'agraege /1.., ' • , 1,:...,:.... :„ ..... .. Bridgeport... 4111 707' 927 .. ' •; Bellaire 01125! " 1 ,720 "I 1 ' 940 t. ' ,-, 11110 W ROCERIES! TUSCARAWAS BRANCH.' Leaven , Arrives ' •.. N. Philadalidtia 6.Th) a m Bayard, '9.54 • a in. Bayard, 12(Vm, N. Philadcl: 2.54 P.m DEAVER CO UNTY. as - • !The Conunonwealth or . Penn SFAS , Sylvania, to. the Sheriff of said County, - Orietlng Ift codunand you'. t hat yott_sltach iottePh Ady. Oscar Jenkins, A. lt. - Jenkins, , Jack llticc.*:' Andrew M . Haley and John Grant:t, earinerPrunil.:T the name and style of the emus COMPany..la4 - Oflour cotinti; by alt and singular their, goads and ehatte-s,dands hand tenement - B[in whose bawls or pessesAuf. ouover I be• 'same may be, so' that they be and oplo!ur before our Court CoMmon Pleas, to 1)1.! It - olden at - Deaver, in and for:saiil County, on' the third Monday of March next, there to answer Kenneth Davidson of a plea in, case in foreign attachment. And you are further_ commanded that You summon ganislicei all persons in h ose Muds or, possessions. the said godds!an - Oltattels•Or any of them ',luny 1)0. attacked; sr thlt.thei aria eery ofitiem be • and appear before' the said Court, at the day ;and . plaie abeve mentioned, aril what shall he objettOd against them; and abide 'the judgment of the-Court therein. And - havi you Meg' .411 d there, this !-' !ill . - Witness the Hon. , Alex. ' N. ' Aeheson,,Preet dent of ant said • Cont . !. st Betimes, - the VAIL alay. of' January, A. • D.• ono "thousand- eight hundred and sixty seven. - ' • '•- - . • MICRIEL WHYAND, A true c.r.• , wf writ • .Si t a•zo ' -. • 1.. ••-• -••-: f • •• '• .. ' 7 .•••••-•-..... --' ik l . I •)... . . .., . • I - L.f....... z_ '. - - 1. - - , .1' - , •.' 4? !"..-. ; ' '''- -[, , ..1 I ‘4 1 , • .- ~ -r ,. 4 4F . , , -- ''' ' -",.; ' I t i "T. •4 A , - i 1 I _. _ .•1;i , „ i k 1 ,32 .7, 7 1 . 4)" . 1 . a . , 31:1T .1, ~••1•,7„...,-..cia - ..It , rii-itvci . -I E .••• , ..04#:•;".• • ""' 1:" '"t -. ,dbal i : ...410 at i1g5v , .1a.4 t ,4011, kl. 4'1247 :hi . ii, iI- j.+4'3'llo 3.til',44iri ..J • " - 'lute ' • -s• .......,..._ _ 1 • - • • ~ N • np,, , "?;,.. . - , , puld id- Ard-4411' iloris JA••,) . ) . - • ,Z• r ' . , • ••••••,.' , •-, - - ••=5 ),•-•• " 1 / 4 .."i -7 e •'.. ..1.4 '0..: - . •' • .• ' i 4t.ifl , 1 : ,- ;:: `" . X.'.'ll 2 '• " 4• i '..te .444 '. ".- • 4 '.".! ...1.. -•... , Ou ..vr • ,lbs. ell 411' are. - . . •r: . ' .0. , ~...afegEl '..ri itC: VIM :3 1 "X. - 1 * • 1 - 44.:IciA rI .4- du d; _7...A—a S. tilt , • • - • •- - , ite .. .N.IP• --- ~‘7 i .11 , 0,4,1 ~ - „,I. 44 , Lei 4 4 '-; . . 1 tL. i , -;,14 4."- .10 ; 10,. , 54_," . , 1:44 ; ijk ..-....„ .t , . ' 7 •-• • ' ' ,•• - ~',i, .. J'A•••;' , .' ,l l fl 5 I) '')l.ll' , I'lltltt 4,1 , !...7" .II _, i. - •••*: -_-.- ::: _.,.......6„..-- -- y. ;:, . 1 144 44 es - t ''••• ' 1 , . 6 . " 7 '; s i 7.a '` ;:fir 4 , - - 4:,• 1 :71 . -;'. f! • •11 1 -,?" - . 1 i'it -...... ". - ...ii. , ,, 1 i'— .- a.l • jai • -Id A 4 •rt r": ... •,,, , , - . .ci . : - f 11 - •"1 , 1 Wit, Orri s i 1/ 4 , ~,„ i yq, rt: 4 1 . ,7i .. . i ..._ ... 4.iiiie t,gai -_ , tt e w.iiiii . _i.„) j i 1rf f.„,:.....„,..• „,,,..,, 'ai ii,J , ..,...! ,rx v:: 'kr:xi:lt .• "1 .:, :`;`‘----- -, , - - 114-- '' '*'- ' . 1,1 I 53.7071 ',,,,J t 10c. , -. -3-1117 - -.A. , -:--:''- i k.-; - : -' I it , „ IN 114 ' .31 1 :94 !gill - 441.1.1i11 0 ) ficr4i!: A i , •' A -1 +ft ven lo '4 1 '• iltS - I ''. 'OP 4r , ,% • i , ~ i ~ - ' li e. •dr•k, I. . 1 ...-..1 ,-... .- ... --i .6- 34 - 1....- . 4-4- - - 1 l.. --..., j ~' -134 4 7.51:1111'.• Tk.ii •I'. l .4".•••rrfilit';'.3.l , .I.u. • :1 •-•-• '‘747 4 .•• ,,, t,, Pr„„1.1. :•44,101 , • ', _ • ' ' - • f IA 1 , 1 :3 ~ ~1 ~ ~e ESE :1: 11 ;.U.'‘.- • •••- F. It:MYERS, Goa. Ticket uoistr TO " r A Elcß's '~;~ ~. 23;4 u 246 840 A. %A/An 84 •• 335 " 1010 .. 11110 A. 415 WO.. 589 .. 7O -. ErBM 11 2, 0 rx GOINCI NO:ILTH ER3 EEO 84UAk 11)1-7 t. 1125 " 1314 rat 415iu 615 " 614 •' 728 " IBM Bu 3 904 , 4 945 *, 147 .. 200 t, F. IL MYERS, p'eneritt Ticket Agcnt C LTTTELIi , :fla'ff 1 3•M b irMe-liriptirel - tf iir fe 131 ReAreeps:witereattet_jaittrZigid u: " , ^. l'),•" A ~ ,") I - ' •• j l B siteMighalk tiA I 7IIM • ° ll • I Where 'mons hundreds of his eowerodmi' Ile was numbered with the slain. These 'sisterly* worth' itly sister 4 .GO9 Pr4,ttlei t gastitin* •= 1 •'; hellaiOti the Orpliett'it prayer. I And bringi•me safe again, Egt 1r yeti !theta helot l!tio *Aliso " Tbit Pie Weep not; know my spirit ranges ~.2= In that ltind gerillattestio It was net gib will of heaven, t, Lim g a r° 116 0 2/ ' t F'c'r be sleeps, whsre ithsy, have toitdliisi t , On Chet:fen:dig battle plain, .. ; • Ills graveib . mithe battle told, the altered spot: unknown; And I may mit:wart; besitie it,' • ! -Though Weeping stittione. simple token there cat , stand = 11 .` In inersoiy of the dead; .• No myrtle planted 011 1 brast ' : No marble st his head. 1, • ' - .. • T may apt guilder, with &fear. yha sod upon his bre4t, • • Not mit ft, tithentteiliess the spot 11 - hero brolier takes Lisrest. . • " Naught azacep, the "dem - of heav,e.u" tytike. !pot fo!.•• rik can weep, •.` thing but tl,o 4,'stars of 'even" • On his #rayc will vie!, kelp. • • . . . • Ood, the orphan sister, --- For klui Xlll onarist utoAnr— Milt thCa,,givo sad patiely s s. Uati 'to him 1 Beavrr, Ra: - , March I laGi • • I 1411;, , 5el arious. • - - ':.AI)*TOWS STORY. '- ' ' . • ; • • , "And new have._ rt:•. cozy coin- ' fintablo Itegether," Said my "4 w hat'a _that, Irving?" IkrY wife - started nerVoindy, sharp peal from bell;,interrupte& our .brief j interval of dotrientio qtnot. tke:nurgerY ben, my .go'ino body wanting' me; „I ;.Ruppoltre."_ And I tveut.doivti , tuferelly Wondering to 'POI i *Bet!: thi3ie' 1W.10d 6 .4 1 i•4 4 : 14 ,,,4A 1 1-4 4 ,0144.0.1**- 4- % - tweett a prate) , Slave and totlntrf linetor. '! I I •: • - The surgery'door stbod wide Open; but.noltoily was there;''and through . the "diluting darknOs witlinet _word discern •the dark Matte Of, a chute carriage, : and a taunt standby , at the. , horse's (tend. l, • uNvivi's there ?-t-what's want itig r' - I asked Coining to the threshald and instinctively buttoning up the overcoat:: I had Itairiedly thrown On. • • (-!You'r, wanted, I doctor," • said the. man, speaking induktinctlytimbind .Lke muffling hat surrounded his faci,, r "Yea, but ,What 'for?1.11flio i61 . 1h1 me r• . au -not at libititY " -had already entered the car riage; but - this sus/tit:loan answer inspirlad me with - Odra4i. made a . ' atop 'to deseeud, ,but I wan too late: The hick. wan already - in motion. "It is quite unnecessary= to alai to yourself, doctor," eaid -- •'s, quiet Mewl, ore(' voice at my aide. j "Believe Me; you are ipitile safe; and I Artist you will feel no uneasiness when I tell you you must be _blindfolded," At the same instant a folded bandage was deftly slipped . over M y. ayes. 1 t'Itold!" I - ejamdated. • "It stri kes Me that-this is rather stipertltioue.---., The' night is dark as Erebus, and you have no ,lamp r. -; - "Possibly, returned OM .dry voice; "but it to best to Tian no -risks." And then'ensued a silence- of some ten or fifteen minutes ; while the' ear. ring° rolled swiftly-along, and the law, measured breathing of my oiv n companion kept, tone to my own Ain. comfortable thoughts. : • • At. kippgth CoMpathon spoke a‘raib to the sante non, modulated tones. , • •••• • "Decter, , one more little p in•ttecesiary—your promise divulge-to human soul a,'woi night's visit." • - pt.t. 11 Accot EOM a4l .. ol.)0 " 5i143 4 . 630 " MI r Aceom OM 700 A m, 749 .. 827 .4 :132 4 4 915 U. •Y besirated. • "1 eannot bind rnyacif by covenant: The relation- bet • nieinn and tatient arc of con' deiqal; but . I • The carriage pinned and doer-, was . aicting the .etamo inatant ; anmetb' . "Witched . my _temple. .1t Was •ale,of a pistol:. .1 recoiled in " Yon 1 surlily would not, mai - "You prnmise, 'doctor?" - ._1"1 pinimSe !" 1 -- gasped.. open more horn."the chilling.... _the' cold steel at my temples. .., ' "Very_ well; come-V. ~, • ; .' I. tri was led n p a nurroW wittk,tltronglt, `a doorway,. into a 'rno,- wf i tere the, 'bandage, was - rettioyed sudden:Y . trot& my eyea.'•* - f 1 i d. , •' . Thu - spot was !_ , r3,,; ramilli rlotric-; pa ittineMi cottageit.long sinpi3 , atiatiti- 1 'oned toAer - Ity, initlief... yikty'l hpart sE'l dense, 8,71 a m IT; woods.' 'Ho ttio 'Car, itage .Intd , orrer reached, . itl saw at. a l loss to k noW. : ' Upon - a pll ' l. ot strartri, ikurriwilylbrown llnfo '' the ~ corner::.ef tl , oulderinly fln.l--- I- - -e.,-•-1- ,be ~,....+l3r,- . l ay a figutki: , irsery . .bro ace • o rnea kid. by a *bat OMEN ()caution .ovcr to of this UV , ouch UV. oen phy. I nso coufi. I tly Item pon:, At n the 6 cold murz (Error... dur ir e?" recoiling; nob., o • prot.tra, In*erettliet. ME Mill il ikkith tpg.Mti i k: E . l vv." ~,t,. 0 ,w, w ^MA4O I ; V 1 ;$ , •.: t PI rafauu boil , —rJrl— .~Tbe ast ?Ad their Aster.4l4.**si, th 04,4 ligh} sheekt .41, ;f O Y.AP *Age PaliFtW Urikillttnettf: 9 4l4, woluoßfi-- ' ; ;;;..1 =1 Wolk r asked eirefirtsag eoptspi*.: ion: : - ii 7. Jo, irl ' ' lift , . . lei "1, esui-div nothins , ,4,. y e am.,,g l . '.. "Nonsonap l 'A • , - 14 . ildt through the -k•k-;- , what •, • ' • ~ , Mkt; or , hurliodly gasped. Ono., ija4. - - . ; • , .;.,i1 , t, , itself,.-dot rno; -- Din AM blow,' apon.the *akt4l-meet. ,__\•,:: filitz k v. r ~;1 .4410 w, biltr.rup~ery I ihredito from'the WOMAIN ..OppollollNll.6llo ~ t ora tiro veil from. ber•faceiimAl. , stro Qom not breatheitliroitgbAllbohY.VfolOf revealing featares itatilktake and„,bortu,,- , tiliti iil their inerbia.aipMY as soAnnotir soulptuied stone. 'Bbari drd not - ,witorn mbrothali thirty ,; beci 1•, afterwards knimr, ilmt, silo waelnik.4. mere,. than ti tem yimrs.,older...- 1,3 u Otto -of her. rro"nt anguish; how ii-: . odly boad. Cut she laiisi Large _ ,eyeti---, T hr liko coiled gold,: ca g. . strange, glowps from tho , om it . ' lanterns— and a broad, smonth...hriw--it. Nv4zi a faoe your see, but M i l le?* f: iif , ethile,„ 1 •4 111 / 3 1 .01 i n t l / 9 1 1 ..410.5A14ei Oiktrd#l3„ she never spoke.; . ; r..-,1 , !..,,,' • 1.., ." -,‘ ..l'At :oast you o'n,( . Ip. !!,oKriethi ng ler him; doctor ;?',' mod vyi interlocutor, impatiently. "Diet,let.oiraeie time bere.". - . • , As. I proccetledl fR mixaiiusti;xtioqs, the moaning groW fain and fiinier, the _ convulsive,• ologrolents - b l ectir,no s-zureely perceptibie,: 3 4 • ,faint. gleafa of hope lighted - up thelliey of the We; mem opposite-; shin hs3l;o appealingly at me. , .•, _ , .... i l ..,. - s, ‘!1to is hotter= - he iB' rely flatter?! , ..lie '. wall :. ho 1 sooe, tit. aaawsised,.; mould to pity in 'rpit . Ayealf. -.KIP eannotilve halt WI ',h i longer r 1.--'..... j Tho'hOrrotr,loi,:lhatll Doll4E:brat; is leneiVtlinfell'urrnmt*lmy , *cocks 4tha awity--ssliall Ilivoi - ergot it 1... And avirtitinirteq*Sto ; las spas inodiejaid painfe/jel..;,' ' 4-;titodlistv 4 ..._ ..,..•........ i - The'tronian \HAW the iorner of - 'the , handkorelitet,iii'd gazoit in' to the ghastly lane. - ICvsthitt . of a young man of about tvventt,tur6, "uen'd who Ih:o:evidently 'boon mnri•o1lOonly good . • • llooking.. "Oh, heavenn, i ho in .deiiliii• Itor CiOAT agenlied voice Was ring: ing , in my ears, as they • "lot mo • back into the darkness of the - night. I felt t. bank note' in my - hind as I 'entered the Carriage-once More:. ~- . . • . "Doctor , you. have lioritt your. best ; it is not your.fault that' your offortg hare not been r_iiori: siffmessful: Re— member, you era Pledge l d - it:if - Secrecy." The next" moseent 'I Was • whirling swiftly - through; the November .mid night, with the ,straek,e, unquiet feel ings of one. litsruksited - stiddenly from a startling dream. Yet. it was no dreum--Lalaw! it; Wei a startling-re [ ality. ' ; . - [ The carriage I mopped at it • cross road near the village. "Please tanlight here, sir,"seid . the 1 driver Yon are not far from home." obeyed, and stood-liatcningin the middle of the road, while the noble 'of the carriage wheel( died away, losing its distmonese in gio shriek of the restless winds. " And,the clock ,in'the village church tolled out- the hour of one. • 1 . Late-as it s e was however, my -. ear gory .was still open and lighted up ; the servant from D.atfdenloigh 801 l had just ridden up to the'door.., ;i• "If you Tease, doctor, you are atm! ted immediatly at, the Ball: The dol. onol said you were to fide 'my tar*, if yours Was net - filroady saddled, and Kean walk, so there will tki no tit ° loSt," - A • I siechatficallyi mounted ',Pio noble animal that maid waiting for me; and reihcoir, rather glad of as opportn• pity to_ revolvoin my mind the amyl lar adventure't t~ st li,ad befallen me dit ring the evonio P. Iladdonleigh froin,the road, i crowned, with •' 1 and beeches;am steps in abotit - i rapid strides. I . t As I entered .1.443 vestibule. Volonel llatidon whit li '4l"toen'pneing, iiii and down the Rill init perfect , agony' .cof patience, came to meet me. ' t.. .-.''ls that yon Dr. Moller:!I thouliit you never . woahl_comoz, We'co iff ' A i rutty state o(goitinsion• bore.. ,Itur. gist's in the . heueo-•—my . wife's .set of diamonds -no body : —nobody l k now,a ,W bit . - else,—but old i ',leptons, left :: _his sign ;manual upon one, of jOn fullows.-= Tliey inust• lie caught..' 'l t hey :can't escape. For:you aop--.---"' .• • !•ites,but•Gelenel iladdeii---,, ',' stood a little back n a mag,nitlcent ;.knoll century=old `cbignalltq' I reaehod broad stone all mi hour, by lint of "Oh, viderptaul; you,—you want Lo pee :year pati out Tr , ' 104: Uop 'hums, the go tleiT . 4ciketi:ggly blow en•-the lull At ttr---tin tfterit'i4rslo. •mY wile Went herolf fo u r. Maynard--PP offence, IdeilerAtrt 'Lb atiy on; . but lA. ; AN* has only :j net rettaqieit_ttfAi,l I.,eoltitdftwverY -well leer Att..51.rt.'11.0,4411 • • wee t " . •". • • i • - sibna Als;•,l:o4 . 4ltairtebt - f8,113 4 . I iiiilliiitrial — urifitiulludebiti * ' ml6llll ilitatecliktiA itayli . i It) .Aelli 24 VZ 1 L ',V i, 41 ' dear air=--" ,co -: i An .'i'4 i tti-.3C+PliktigOPlCAPSAdre ,t , r , t 6i i t i a t em l t ii i ii i a l v ii oti v e jetir, l ea tits diner eiiiiiictietj laid' II& gm: theirrasidisas his fibmgra 4.1 wimilerettji weal itt if ill f.h.e phytieulamef . the if s tilarir Att! lieddes!lergb. 1 of my iiiiilnightplit,lent l hodOhect potOpentheiiiie _ ~ j7hilt filetringe - golltiOee 'te, ( fiefs,)fflisfe!K-k:Uraiblifis'isiior :49,100jiiiee,' to tlie heilwebeefe a ta ft ' -•• ' 1441 . .. 0 1 10°,4'11 ' ?..:' -',-;., - -•42` ., ' ' iM, #o * (l 2 6,l9 tA i ,s,t, -Ific , P A ,,,' ii ;0 1 ,fli ... F 1 1 44 1 10 '' - .9V tt r V si *Oh' : I"ffir 41i•O:VAt9 ? - j`4 ,lli b.,17, 1 1 ` i i ) , ti ''' , .. - I` ''' t,... w4p)o,,iinuy - figtoe44autliatik i ra e 4 ~ Ike ertheO4 gbre(its,Wertlfoo . . A t bi4'. PMk i 3OPOliiii* . feTgio.M f , •..,,, :, ' il: 4 1 0r20 1 00 , 1& . i 'Lit !:;7'glit'h ' • " 4 ecti., g ikiiitel u lA, W thiii is i pi s Cdrii.„e ; l O, : "t l it -;.WW.t itood-taifinb min, auoltint iii.Ni leneo, ..-, I..eoitidlaotspenk t ior,l kpew thii,,4.o;;N : t4l:iiiking into the etnit)ed, *rued . eSk'ct pie . iviiniait *t i :c;' lid knell , !bii-eelX 1 : 6 - 11 ar igcl: t,‘.l'' th s P l Ai= i t ink,0r,4704i tiffs , ilisolittii 'o6tt ft-'-- lig C'el6delUadden'e ea . i.'ivffe;'i o f wbbpe beauty had _heard so lunch, .. " ' _ 'The lonei-tala:Oden, biti r .l hoard rioLa w ill thatjui said, , 1 psnild not , but - Marel at`the•wonderful 'fielf-ikai• e6illion'oftliii iliollifili;eili' Smiled- sauf Intikea Tsai anti .(14*Yes" and 'No! i in tit*. igh; pieties. --?' .. , ~; 1•. -,, _ t i tTli liure"the COlenel Was saying,' as Islifo pinto a sort -or.conseiousness of his ice, I "Alia, iositiof leabore' dia monds is somothiug seriOos, but orl -course Ice shall' recover. t,hora again.- 7 poly, my _ley% it yraairather careless '4Ye.ix P._lolvo. c tliom on 'the drawing. room 1.4b10.' 4 ! , . • _ i "It: :s careless," teldied Mrs., Hadt den, tie mly.i "14e.ptor, you; are not , go jug!, C01cm61,4,0u have forgotten that curiatuil old ixiok you'wero; wanting to PhewME. Mellor.' ' f ' lAallia demo elolied - behind the ,ens esi,. Old lieritlenteii; Mrs - Haddon gild. ed byte me and plated - her cold hand tin 'nine ;it Wait like Oa touch of; an 113 tchi t ' ' '' i L - 1 . - • ' -.! " - tor, row bay° nty , sacrol . —you antelj , l trdl• not. betrayit V; •, • , . i':l..e - pledged 'to silonce, madam." .returned ,eiildly 1 übui this • deceits' ~..-441 t-i nntini doc t o r , fault:-11:. 1- -; ',.-.• •-..,, 1- •.' 1 ," Waite& thb woman,' 4-St ii:mytate. , 2__Hotir Ion ; rela-l'aitirSiarei . NrAalikiverel 41. :to !pans° and, thirik, , l should go mad.- Tbe man] who,died tonight was my son ! Coloncl•Hadden ktitirts ,nothing of my first marriage, nor of this dread ful secret or My son's criminal lifu,that has .weighed ime , down for years.— Overand over again 1 have-thoUght to escape it; but it bas f3lloweit, my . footat;irs liko a iinorn. „ TO•night closes that o apter of my life—oh heaven ! how. dreadfully.!' But my seeriit is safe 4 the diamonds provided, ~ for that VII "But your husband, Mrs. Haddon ?" She covered ; : her pallid,beautiful face 'with her ['aids. ' . - • "I know.rwhat you would say, Dr. Melkti I lov e , and honor him beyond all men; but *flatcar' I do ? • Believe me, I have never willingly wronged or doCeived ' him.l sever dreamed •,• ',i • 1 of--7 i 1 - • ,_ She paused abrup t ly. i Colette' ued din was etteneg the room, and the smiling; casual rema4k rho addressed to hint filled ;my- heart - with 11111810. nient4tlmest admiration.. - v I rode home to my blue-eyed 'little Elear, feeling, as I entited the snug sittin - room as if I were'rettirning to the h rnelY. happy ataiesphoro of eve -1:• ty day life! But I never foegot the terrible exeitantent,the fearful sueperiso of that NoVember night: r The desperadoes who had attempt ed to, tido Raddenleigh Hill Were nev er detected or taken—all trace of them ' , seed_to have utterly Taniabr out of :thee rib. i An were i t not for. the b nk note *hie racsit liberally recomposed my Serviees; and; the everlasting witness borne' by Mrs liadden'clovel tare,l shoulialmoat have been ton4pted to lancy,tbat all the events of that mar. , venous November midnight W'ere the, fragntents of a dreamt. 1 , . This wag my l adventure—the first and liat that over crossed I, he path way' . of my life. : . , .1 - ---- H --.4 ."-- 'Horace Greely'a Advice'. • .: ' HOECAJE GRESixr ia, in many pa pillae, a sort] of Benjamtn- .'runklin, towards "our --- Amertcan youths. He .bas advtconot brilliant bat suund i he , giveadireetiona not ,pro f ly, bat 14 , 154; he .is threughly. tactical , We take it that he wrote or, inspired', a .aroceitteditetial in. the ' ns re.' plying tea.young man who .:writes ,that 4 8 " is raw and Wants to be 'rich. The arttele.shoild be read by A bilis. aspiring Logo, rich honorably. and for good_Purposea. Under fivolicads the article gives:its advice: , .. :- 1 L. irmly 1-roaolve never o Owe.a, 'aobt,.., . ,:,. - cquireprOmptly:enti th '.roughly iptue useful culling,. - --' ' '- 3; flesolve net t-n K.. ... - cquireiprtimptly:and. toieful • tesofrol_ no; Lo. b 11%31401 and ithat.,tbo t . everywhere for • hi, 4.. plgio. do it.. o me, that he. who, peg day, more than! ,getiichorhilo •• co morn than ho ea). 0., pone, MllEkt. ,t‘ixi ) e lEMZI , - :Att •,- $ - e %-- e - ' • 'nip . taiggitrai t ,- 1 , 1 10 , 4*.tleapo 0 'ln f ~, , 0 1.::tInk-.134.ton, i ciirr4o l ,! WIPP : I Aotee i - tingly ! g--. !, favor hy far t.' : , 04.1 Oiler order off' p i nintdain ibilile' is - th a c at iologlitur. 3 latiletPclifOih ifir. init;Pressired torn but ander - the amt. POintift the or. Or, tluives, and prosper). ...?..,, in Ohl 'll.lsniefti l days. 4 .hey ,aro elicotirltipit 1 Rad parnnized ' the gofie. irho•is' a Minnher'of Itie;der. On thirlaiit day of the year I. ini 'iiiin 'kneel before the high alter of:the-Church of ,the Jen., its, with the general of the order. by , bfiejiiide c skid sFron!ided hy aFdiega, atchhish44,,, and ptiestis ilartr,:ipithig in thii-Te'bicinntnythe Sake to 404, thou a 'ikirttthe#ol7,lutow rainefit,Lasal ` - eg tuk-b/sestag on t l OO-brtherh '., Lot it Pc't lb° 1 "* , gigtlion that, 04 pr_der s called the 49 4/ I c l "loer°F In ( ?;:lci. 'coo ail!'•Ow ertod by orieliilinci ladirtietion- Only —Anti the .d,piatifiep the Amami; that: torwitzattr4 - : *titian ifaith„ it is Kg- I. ' bari_ , sefein private house. hole , end •.fa le aeenv.ers- bet on) the • fiiqufaittd*,lhap4hclorankiLkafitithi brolietinkOtini ttNialteofiCid`-horier, diaraili l lgs*'o o iltirY,VerfidY; lying,' and mato heinous, Crimes , are 'mimes i t with tfii, ‘ Arde If . the Roman religion inay beadvnii i tt thereby. Lot;" it ha ranienibeiedth iiiSiearly every etinrol try fit tEiropec hie' ! der, Working eV.; er in vegiret, in nowt*, et kings, and,* private, ids.househo -iu... beehreatrain• ed, or stipPre#sediJitst in , inhatleotin. tries Jcssitits are cotisldOrmt as ontliiiis ~,,, enentleslifthei piibile , posee ithq Wet. , " tare; that:din ha o': tnion 4atipprossed s i r aglibilan4 slibti bith o PradoC o 4 ol 's of tto proPqr r i..l9ep.. .!,`,..iii sees..4rY MI : ilk - I.o l takii ineo vie air of 'Wes(' feet% to obtain a eriebt insight of .the iini. ningrotthe pre:fent Papal Governtrfent, and to c‘mprehen its-. othernise in% comprebensiblel nOtonti---which 'Wank' &oil incTro in Vita l i! in another totter. , . • . , - , The fellowi ,g ptece of burlemfie is designed to Sot off, the -ridiculous and insolent demnda f I "help" iri these days 'of lib 44, doss acd i •egna: frights." ' 1 -• • • Wanted=A " g #' I,t' to ifwell•in my family, aisilst, my wife in ^do6g the work, and ;10 redtions generally,One of - :the , IrishAierraan•Amert-• can:descent ~will.lanswer. if ; she :was born, ~ in , Irelana, Java ,know s 1 A flap jack from it beet-jack. i ..., We 'also iptpeet. that she will use something 1 b side -matches to., get breakfast wit• I '• - y _•Alragoe , p o t muck Object, if s ire - *;41: only leave in - iiiihugli any - of inclinte to pay -lot t he- eitckery waleilhit she breaks. 1 1 • , - - ~ If she shod d net 'bo satisfied , ' with . , having f ive 1 venings in a week, an effort will he; flado to give her eight; she • may deeple 'What, we sliall have to eat, undiwbothr it shall lio over.. Alone, underdene, r done at all, and do, in fact, as she (pleases, except wear my wife's Igleveti and• shoes (unitise her bands and _feet are within four sizes a being) tool small). , • P Sl—We ' always expect to ' give ear help Christni,as and New Year's gate,' worth front 'one •dollar to one hundred dollars, just as we prefer. P. P. S.—Feather beds or =tresses, as preferred; I . - ' A, "sick st„ster" or "old mither' t will be no objection, its:We Wave a spare chamber, sitid mi , I, if necessary , hire 4, a "mos" to, take ' are of her. Apply at :: 19 ray Street, between 9A. . and' •th , f July. , ' , , !.Twenty IMirOteS fbr Refresh. • ! 6 ! • L rnents. - Tho follow, rig experience pf a hu morous trabeler, who attempted to get a dinner ittiXenia, is •worth .rea ding - by those who have had similar experience.' 1 1 ' "Twenty in ed the brak mfar Xenia ' / ! I Arrived thin o', room arid inquire, "What dyyon "Twenty Minn' reply. 1 ,. I told r him 1 uld try hallo dozen minittes raw, on the half shell, just to see heti they Wont. I told him t&-1 make a' minate L cif it on hiei'itnjoks•-•:' Re,scratched liis' bead, trying to nom, prebend the and Or. but finally gav it upend waited upon Some one' else.' I apprOaeltedi titan who stood near the door wit 4. 141 roll of money in hi'S hand.' 1 r .1‘ 11 - i "What do Yo i have for dinner ?" "Rolla dell r," says he. ' I told himith t I • would take half a .1 dollar well f l i r t; I asked him it"•ho, couldn't son .f l in addition,. a bulb., ed poeket-bOok 'stuffed with. green backs, and tine eetrem;-thirties gait.; nished with ' oatage-stamps , and ten Cent script.' I MS° a confederate bond, done brown; with letturaulone (lot ns alone).• I would like to wash my-din ner down- witti national bank notes on "draft." I i ' •• ' .' • Ro •Said tt:ey wore out of everything but the-bank notes, and he' thee • or the waiter to - go to the .i tank • and "drii\v",looMe . ..1 i . i , - I_--• TO I skic : note ja ticker from itio:eo ticket. tied- !MIMI '-virt)rk k`. ho no Aix gPfni4 ust titquako. Jitis ME Z'ii • is `~ MEM= ME FEJ f*:•. l I •?. , • • cl PIA :!1 , • _ . be for dinner!".shont , • as Ave approoehed I entered the dining of thb water— ihavo for d4iner ?" o," was ttie burrito ~ 61woot. thing' Jo. tbol r by. Igh lAdy just nias, "it.'yo.ller t;ireys P 'bb " Pi: pi ()it. cfloct;- of • ati • . • •-:' SY nit koft ' loga I httlitl ay I~iriuuh:'A t b •e, .. , • “.• 1,3 , , -,-f - iii - litiel - nfutp ' i obnpng t dart, A ~.,...,.,.,.3 „,,,.. .„..,k,...,. pre% :Ire, Apitivu, fen: tfchlu/g %.) 1 Y '1 deifticifielrnag A' itiotti‘le fi _ o r ' iipliiitifttdiliiirr a ir:;*four-til g-i-, 41 osextoaldlniva e t iii3 1 01pMai4 di:4oo4' - 1 4.0 i pscP9r. iw AWN Wiliffig.ltt t liTii.i.Y: knew' i l l eM t t• gr i V i r it 3 to make kre...4 'on,_ vralt of) 0 __ . r eoini ` while; itheyl treir' kiiiir.r. they are p ',iling ;•)11 , molt - , . l6e,ifttnir.i.irt 4 ef an • : 1 %,. 4. — 1 i .'.: 4 4‘ G; I i.,.: .1 ;:; r a . l l , -.41 . : 1 3 1 i f tgli rt: o r fa! 0 iTitokivq: , 4 iisroroM~ ie, el ' • .44. AO*: tbti a Shred oribitt Atilt- tilac Wifiie`iti'boilo; 1,00.14444460, lbtfettlf. - , 1- , :fithmeg4alOty„ - . stikd Alfitillifltitti XP,44figziis44lil 'L , romejalitfq, up,. tILPF:l 4 ,4kft l .-4 1 1 0,11144, tlinAlittorti kaareiliwgis iiiti'ion,lifitut pia, Layrrtitieriirveilii , Flf a'4,.. ';-Tfile)ti.: , 1 rtititl Rtiy# eiliiiar *,06142 4 Ikailit!* . Tit`lietr ymilakk;fur the grave: thsisleiik-tbohl:. ; gnat.- v p -ir a I prprant , smo- grucehboOmiTek i ,- , Y l4 fteT i TOKai r tz hf? -W:ttlliiiigikot4 t_, wcnt pito: and, A rti to Mr . 41.11iliniii 'IL' I lisiTo'foUtict ciiit' /16 nisuielynit I.' '- 4 VT fii di) 3,' ,. *elm rtrisildlie::;),- , 4 r .....q replied, 'I 1;1.'10w rptdioOlosi . I .4terli okfaii: trii.W. ", i ; .. : ,.. t i /-` -.,,,4;111 had eix .! '`,,,thA1.: . 4.'114J, made to ficfrad talffilinylvillid hint ift:.;tl ilii;:yeehir startiy , rri*fila tilottoilwaciwti-a . \600 not; ttswve. ItiutheatEimiito - terklii*, =fits face' haeic glowo? Toro AtileitX: 1#1• 11) . The did. the. 41,7 f. •aud. ace .of.. th.q., von,e.l*- : hfc'iiild - man i-h . - 124ire.....)`0ce1, the' -' Tian t le af MS' mo hei. Ifni ' asio . ...r nfilli hispoorlittit nisi o,'imott catipliatimidir aind'v -Yes, it ;iitrlggro..4l - 341,::-tif_t ti lt good jo),coii, 4 .. 0 ela,fay rAfrtilie I . ' : Oti. what a toitifOony , Nca,.4 tliat; ' from ON Irepor ti mau to fa mo cf., wni hO had in hit.' feelniirino4 -. all the fitagea Of 1 him '''' aniugh.t.-.J'All -thatisi good' in me I era • to. my .I m oth r- A Motheri, ,thiok .of , Vale .w hen roar . 3FT44-eyed Hal lc.S - liabiif. loileri f l Meee thofirifti preomit sipint trio'i childre, trod tht do are Lb‘' hint 'iiP leffaCed." .', , , . , - : ... .1 , -1 of P.puisYl wo States., • ih r brisk) into . 1 • . . 9no ot - oral vistdrii ontoih -" lies, anfigitroto oi);:sinli,t!tt th - o 6t60.-nnit i motit agoilizifigspotnen•otthooo' , lita": id i 0 the shape of 6ougig,eatiOn !Own pi l , the; Pitit b,urgh ' fiftdit3: Leader; - fort iii , '• vision ck'Peonti lyanitiintictwoNtAttnit Tbli . loieriler poses to taloi , ttio[ tot!, Icl4itig Count* to Atlrui ..tbo - St.4to • ! • I - 1 • Allegheny,..4,rmstrot4, , Fxvier j Gait, Pair Blitkr.kitotOriok l , x I ..04.,..;vai,v,,,,,a_c0.,,t,,, torrest; teiii ii e - Weirpe:ll;dral,' TeS4ohli'Lawnt 'do, - Mercers -U *- Sornerse4 Ve if go, Yirneritt,Artimi ton and - ,W-esin ureland. ' - , :• : , —,Thia looks very fine on papa f ,' but until .the; Litnticir, can tniggest a plitn to divide ilit Alleg heny rivor• ' iiind rye' I ' , it r the Allegheny tinotintain,. it is not like 7 i fy that the K eystone St...ate will be a, vided. ' i 1. • ' '' f i 1 _ --•- - 1 „' 1 - tiTATE O t i Tsii Au*uata,l Clio doud . if (lib There i i sla littl iii the ne'enanar claliar buy by ti and set ( . Ira req babks efbre ti and - gr uip - theit word i under t •ft NUS IN,' Gy.ottollA.f--‘ 3ax . s : 'Enterprisof,iwas un try *Ate a- desOr,, sieklY, pulling trado Jos oflifo,,in iT3iiebl4.l / the .qunt3o or, et tai,. i ,. .3ire to sce the' , greet,' 'es adjust their dicealefa I li scoop. •VallldEP,4 - ,the •l ai ood to coutinunities.tit, . t as noutinat: as );tltu y • a to, Itobirison - IPrtutg au, Friiiiy: Thefe' aro. 1 outeulatio n i; beau Innittive.' 1 1 ;h 0 -' -1 1aPPY,' little-mooey r -hol,d oa death, and,. ht4tess:t?f g offers of - b6ietil.ft;ni, isr vont,' a month; f eollater4lo, pr4or - to, the . kale ii12:1,111. • 'mitt eking,. Is '‘,..ifiliosit.od, in the bird in ,thebandis 010 fel/Chorea eoeattnii. peace, 'are Ooi would have l bet and his froc,dir no ,coill,reereiu there le lee cc few Who, have to it like grim all the; five, aoqicvon With ali horti4 int ann watch whore! the et the behefj,tha worth thO V' in the theeh,-• ators arairatin Lowrik3,,, ow . §turgeopl tip Hon. I ,J'arpos 4 Pennayfyiaia; Pleat fio!t1; Pot 'Carnoil , o9,-1 Ha flon D i tiritt Qolu ,GoartiorS ar scpti ;ruttier, HOD. Pectaaylvnia non, Ph/14(14 Yarata Witli Ponnsytrania / Ati,4Plaladolp ] •.' I ' 11P cliolcci carrieil yetirsi a!go, Antio.l .1 g eir,:Ut)ited Ststcollieu. I living : , licia.alt.itr. York eikyritaa,:p4ii/sk li cm town, .Piinii!nimla) 113 a chat) ifi ;. . Lian*itctr, Ildn. Williani ''fAigler, risylvini Mni. - 113ittioh Tiriebarg,c..Poniisj , vatiiiii imbs; Walliingt Di n_i _ The followi g': i. ill liv-ing i' IS a, JO• •Caillild, Pen hatvatqa i R. •Porter, - Hair' 'berg,. 30b. William -P 4 Johi!l: , 'pllia; gon. Williiiiii ¥g 41, P,pniisylvarlia;;:_lipy. - A . ' PhilaileriiiiiNl,Rcfn; Pireicer; Villiainalmci4 ./10-..Androve GI. Oar: liiat'!, ,*4 - 4 oly the, Jr+ g ittui reOirra?4, (.IT NO ruttnytrro i 8 Lim a I i 3-0 °cwt. Al r V ea /rantieby tellinr, it, to di • • - 1 4 - - .I iiiiistik -- liiii ms!ctik t ,t ot .. .„ , , ft 13ocuhei... 1 •Yoli " (quit-. `und . there "is" TIO' tlitt, 4 th '.. . - ' .y• u . p".,, utt cv cr' ' 1)0: .ayarb:" i ' ; . oh! o air I ; ' . , v, ;lc) ita . ye... lt!J -tut ! el,„ 1,,.. ' 1 I . ‘ -. l : ' 1 1 -. 4,06 ; hut, Opepi.fttf , . .., ot plir pity. Llta4 :'env v . 1 . - j • .t ti ! pati . v y • t `at t.1.1,t! ri II - 1* . ai l ta eiti fi feCo . 1 ' /Wilily*: fa' thiii Vl4 . A ''' , r 7 . 4t ! v r i f t. . wilitreb ime g p trait, Flti i - optv var , .71,4ri IE3EI 13e4 oqc. . • iail, •ng •• .1