The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 20, 1867, Image 1
1111 ; T e A. - r steb „,1, 11 futliehed Every Wedi4edl4; Di TRIP BUILDAWO, TOP 4.. 1a5,47.121:?/.. I • 0 0,,coti , pet annum AnA.dvancie. . onLe t era and - contrihutions,' by snail, .4111 hive iroavt attention. W - 6',APiD, Editor 4. Pripiielor,,- mOOll - E'S . DRUG STOAE„, , ',- • ; 14Iay be found the best ottment iVf e-r WE cl a 1 33. ei „ TET M " crl NETS 1:1 nd 13x•anclies,- t, s i 1 ,4 STUFFS:I AR`iieLe B SPA P_S ; • I I.J. P E 1: 'EDIGINEB . . • the uc9l tinality, l and wid pliesitar than can be - bought at any - .tiner Vrug titore:in the county. pv.y.cpPtis ,F-RinxiO l itls 75 cont 2 per; box; Clark - ; $l. .1 4. Ttia Largest ekoOk of ~ j, ,opan , ' 'Lath p".'l'rirnminys; Lanterns, -. •'latirierti, ll 7 lnilow Glass ~. -, . • , and Putty. ileror-c, .Alisiric iictlie city . , at' .Ipore's Drug 1 51. , ...1 e, ..Lr44.1 sold cheaper than can. be boil: t• any wit'ire •t . 111,.... Let. those who fioubt this c • tai site, 2.nd th.,‘ , will. doubt. noimote '-'•" ' " ''' J. 3pont. De 1 'G",.•,, , , , , - ,1 • 1 k r. i!Iit(T...ST l,:iC A RT. • 1 1 .1 •4 'l.-11. ' ,I lic, NV . IN "X' '' . 11., .' -- (BOOTS -- ISC SHOES, 1 1, • .-,, ." i ! . . ..' . Wit S 0 ri4 ' STEWA, : •,.f, . Irl , 7 )CLD rtespeet tully- inform The 7f " 1,l)e.y , hove ju..t veccised i :from •..! 'Ulla' 1) tactni ers, the lasi:eat tin scltx.trit VA 14, , Any AUST.ER STO(.7b; Laklie,Cii.i . ...t.'s,..Boy's . and uhi i'. 'loots anti Shoos:. i1:i.i.k17::!;,!4,0:1'1•E.R.:?' and QVI: IPS HO 11. . tliat * e es .mltio.tibi...iiigla t o ti l is,n Nti t ;v,Al„ , ..ll4,ll..‘ , :, , Aityly flail attetit4a rt uCI of: ‘ I I • llite ~ !4ctil' -ken vy'l kip, tap a,I u , ' ie S' r. , 1 it, hcelPd P0r,t,„... F,i•em:ii Calf, dau b t .:,7 e , ii, , l' n. ! 0b1.. upper sewed 11 ,, yst4 , .ilrana: childten:k Iseavy M I , old . .,3 9 ,041 0 , ,E ol 12: COOT)er... 'c Ipc d, at Itool beel i..d. A1i11 .. k .13 . • • Ci • tr :sse,f and 4 ftfildre t i's. pegged sewe ishltpoisi:aftd of the hi est SiyVes: 'end a' tent rani , ty of aF,cbcia;),ll; tzi)t.4per, t t Lay . W e ;Invite rurcha` ; call anti 3t.u,k, Cor 11;,ielori. >1:11 Lefort..r , ::C4iie cise , : iirye. Sfr I . 1 1 -11" I:- (lc? h 4 C. O. _A_T,GIJIIO, .. N ISS WAT eII:ES, 1? ..I ~Q~ IVS CO' N D S • I D. }TYE jEWELY,.L ROM ViooNs AND FOAL% -FI - N . iiTABLE ! • li.NIV E S.. TED 1 • FRENC,a TILOCES & BIi:O4ZES, Milli AktRIbAN CLOCIth, I t rtfigtiy Goods,: . . • .111 tent ion' . given to the ;repnie :3; 'it' 01 trittde '1 No. 12 FIFTH -BTREET:i - 1 :1 1 4143 7 1-isi - -..rietEburg,,Pa„ • AIFI_.)TZ 11 WOOD i )1 : 7 1-tS 1• BROK ER, - ntALr.r. ' • or • 4 r 7 titiOrtm i rSEPUßlTlE, IFORgIGN EXCIIAINGE4 LD,' SILVER & COUPONS.I- -_ r ; 10. P. WIXTER., • 1 • • • ; - . 01 ~,,,,-, Ifiv•Ve - q priee psi' fur ! - .o.!if .01IND,1 . , - :11 :1 l' r , : SOR. 4'111307A:1y - : ' , cptiete9sors to C. F.!liyi,ter t Y 'l. RI. 'TrA_ - JEICR A . kJ TA EALEIt SIN WATCIIES. CLOCKS, I - , - All'i OItN E Y 117,143.117.' !WARES. MUSIOAI,, INSTRUMENTS, NO frO - )111 :CN:i Finattlber bu - --,ini!ts will ye- i 'iIONS, 4 te-. t4 ' ' • . . : ,1074 n , e 'll''": pr...,n i . t attention. ' Also ,legally' 1. Vi ge.,Special attention g i ven to • tha repair.. ''` --,, .i r ,•-it- I , lr the e . olleetlon of back. r an g of rojeti!s. Cloyk s-a.nd Jewelry. . :• . Pefil• , i(atr. hullo: 3 ' and all . - oldiere•ellims I ' - -1 : ,,, 8az4 ,1 . ir,..t Atturney:e9 , ffic, Court - '' (3gtel ::'*''' ''' ' - .' .. • lf T. 3 r%r7Z2 ';',l:,;-1 , -1 XtE.Tr BRi6ATON, Pk. 1 . 34n41:67,. •- - i l t • I .. , . . , : 1 . '1: • [ - -1, ' • ' . , • • . 7 - • oar , SO-7 ..* ' FE MEI ft IV/LBON.I .'SCI 3 to 1.11 . pi.: Ipochus , • MEM ri STE:W 1. I. In the DiAtit •-, 1 1 • Floettr,ritn't • 1 wiL -;(1) DEALER IVA IRE, MEI= . [.~ ~.~ t - i `~.Y. = . -I Vol. Pail` vr• i=• _ HAVE juin. received I Golds, of the • lATEST SW: Fon.FALL 6enittnaca'fi Fural Vcristantly c on cuytuiNG M tIitIIovRDEIL • In all the latest styles and l at.shorteat nOtles, - • • 1 : 1,E41.CH, Stewart's Bop, Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER. octl'66 BAUM • . • 1: . : NW BRiGRTON; , LARD IR6V, AILS, • AG RIGIJLTL?f.AL laiPt EILENi'S, 1 CARPENTERS' TPObs... • '14.)0L15, RT. Oak, direct I beet Mllll aIOENIAKERS[TOOLS, SADDLERS -TOO stool PLA4TERERS' TOOLS,. 31.1.N,ERS' ., TOOLS li - BENT 'LOCKS, BOLTS &lIIN G LS, ` 'akß d pot- 1 _. . . • PIOi.S.III.ATTOCKS,& CO & T.FO • T.:1131.f. & POCKET CUTLERY: iIOTISE SHOES & TIRE C,AHRi.GE 64TS CORN SHELLERS, STRAW CUTiiiits. ALsn,.I'AINTS:'OILS., 7.R.N1..t.H ES, ne AND PUTTV ' AGENT FOR EXCELSIOR MOWER ANDJLEAPER, AND •NEW BRIGO9N FIRE:BRICR • itin2, 4 67. . . ) 1 APPLIOJITIONS • FOR -THE 1301 3 Y". One I-11mA red 13q11ars DUE SQLDIERS OF 18 1 81-62 & 63, I 61017 Li., -BE ME BEFORE APRIL i5T 1 .1167. . APPLY. AT ONCE. TO I iarthicrB 4 , irliddle, MEI V. S. -CL A. 1.4 AGENTS, :1130 mvcrtirtil. ,prrrs - 413i31 - 1.C4:1-1 jir• We will, if desired, attend personally in such may be•requested for the purpose of receiving these applications. - [deb „ . J '• ” 1. • " ° Sep inter MEE ME ,w stook .of OE Mil LE= Ittig GooAs EMI hand ME!! El= INM MIE! =EN iti • , . ...' ..,,, ......• - . ',.' • - - .. , . ~, ,'' l''''' - ' 6 '' l:-• . =:,..* 1 . :-. , 4 -=‘;:r:cl':' s' , ' : ,;:” 1, • . , r- , -• T 'Z. e' ;11....... SCI ,' . B i esirer4. Wed4ps ....y.,... 1867,04414.x.t3t.,:z. ~, ~_ .-, ,-,-,, ~ -..„..1 ~. ~... ..,,... -. T :1" '.'; :. .• .r. .. ...1_ 11 ",,,, ...' ! 4 Ai r" . ~,4 - 4 .,,',„: ~. ~ 1 . , ... _ ....,L_ A lietatlki itli sOkther4lifiti , ..,4: • -- , 4„:-.„,. I, If kboc:preesent..ilitatltiaitt , ppr . t, Tenttespst eliiyuld colittionta. i t : . 01,44 . 9,RAt the Stiiii),•thof iiicis, ' seali* 1 2 4Tajr for. r*kilfg l 'lknerft. 7 to PaloPoriltif ,ll4l i h n iOthiNOSingligti-!, - "lsttilch 4 4- ffituY in Lilo :1•1300•_'m#, ,0010frowilas witihiilbenelbtopopt. e t tai ' ' - bits decreasectisz 160 - k,i'' rut a ••*O4 4Rriag 1 . 1,44 ;i1*00i**4„ it- Las initieto44 in Ttrassile, here it.tarOtected 1 ' -4 0 1 43fSktiPP, — Negro emtatigion 44, arie_ofki'iome.- tacky, NoitliOarottiiied eatkeibt4iii . States !el prondlcg adill *P l Vl4.7-a• 6hatip labor, wherabytins .enter . Kites tilirive,•sinf the :„griettitaral iii.;. terabits, are recuperatinffroixqthe die estrous results of eiviltwar..": l ., ~ . • Ten has &oil' iy boon found to be!iby.ral ir. polftielioandfae piddle . .}en have given malty; piotifs of, their, regard for free prineipleel.tThs loyal population bus been:Vranggixinad-by in I Imi&r:iott,siti'Prn ,011/0:0:100,e*• 1 -ant `.with the aid of att . cege4 rotes.will-be ,able to maintain pot:session- of power. The example set - by. tili,...Ripubbeaolll of Missouri hue beenettittlatid kyttiore of Tennessee. and lxlib-Sta*attre no* fine failda for •triigration , and 'ate in vestniekt of espitelia-b4siness enter prises. IThe contra:o..l preiMbted by 'helm , two States vtitii ,11Kbetack,y_ is not much to the creditZo(ole latter.-- The .RePablicans of Tennessee have' been bold,-open and reabluta from the :time 'whin the, Suite iVetnment wa6 'reorganized; Thrice of „Kentucky, on the othe l r hand, safferealhemsqlves to be misled and mieroprAstioted bOtilyr ing' theii forces with - the thing mienamed a eonserVeticia Union par- I IT. ' i'-' r 1 The -efforts pf -the lelmeonites to 4 ever coma t the Iteptiblicumi in-Tennes- I see, afid, give the Slat:tie the Demo. crate and labels. have been constant, and, backed by the poivt* of. tha na tional gevernment s th i trld-' , haio succeeded hadlthe V - Repub-• , Heaps been less deteritalsied;., It, is of . the utmhst consequeio., - 1 In relieving the, south of the evils Tai.gendered - by - slavery, that we ahouftforengthen t,hp bold ef the Republican:Oh:on Tonnes see, which, right. in shit; heart of! tho south; tithst largely influence the 'stir , rounding country. It Is not. merely. *tha political Weight ;lass adder( to-oar cause - that we set vane: upon. Tao 1, 4 ' z- en Republiean partrearties with it ten- 1 1 i deloeiJS.l l ll4 have lizadit.:'. - pve,ty State I ch 31e rin c, ” ls., ; proverousiwoore , itAm ds - sway: In . , '... the short - time th3t,- it, ' s held pos-1 i , E zi a s: L w.' ...Tipe ' iestimuttf 31 . ies ti nort -1t. , /liil dona av , -as , t , 1 ' 1 1 1 surlill/ T t. 'geG • , ,-,., - , . , : • 1 ''.. ..1 4 , ~...; se reasemi tie Should be Ci:JO-41.-IKS eia-b!,V12 ,. 8 iitemed - o 800,A•tniqtzfrictral dispcisi ,,• :., _ .L.. _,._ , 1 i .. -, _ ~, _, i aismifkittWp.",r. ‘ 99-, t- ~...,:, - 4 0 r - - - Z.4. 4, 4444 ' ' ..--- 4 - ViptaTesie ', ' I eNzatteiho3e of any otitis new States ' 1 ,- tea that C o re(:eieing such streams' of firy also. offer entire New . „ i emigrntihri. ' The- nu - toes'. will, .of l s 's .. Sin': of .' 1 course, go there lust enengh; hut CARPETINGS & OIL CLOT HS,' , Wititt - p enkigrante from the litirtll are 1 , 1 kneeded ti) Et trengthen tile'noble [ Re- All_ . of the newest desi,;ls at reduced rates. ! pu bli can t l who have thu# far*held Ilse Nov.:'l'6ls.3rn I ' _______ _ __, I tate.— r orth I Iperinan. ,- GOOD GROCTR I ES! I ------------------ , st arne . Vcpar.l--10:1.. ihvatiiAL : 1- 1 1 - F IN•14, I , UP HOLS_TER ERS44:-1 .1- N05.9686,38Th1r* dg k t (neax Wood) • .111:TTSBiTlic41, l'itanufacture and, keep on hand eveiy i r in their' lino, Curtain i Goods; I.age Curtains, Cornices, Mouldings, Curtain,Trinnaings, Window • Sbadca—Beddir.g,..Pillows and IA:- , ktefis,•Contfori.s..Rlnnkets,Sheets and 'Slips,' Cots; Sprzngs ' - -.andllifatisaises of - - ..S'ofrailionts and Iforeli falidaAid OR that( nodes., WEALS'S" • • 1 T 9 . l o l trora.l 1- ..i M a3? en ! DECORATIONS, E' ‘. I I deol9:4mo 4 . ... TI-HO,• , , -4- a- ..egLZW3CO GROFIZ 'NG Ell. . , .116, . F:BD.E4 - 01. S'II;EET, CITY, Are now ree.eieini a large bud elekaniatook of &,'FANCI Sti,K ;POili,lNs iiiiiii EDWARD , Hith i ETON. JR. GE P., 00'EIR; 1 • AND P.RODUCII. DEALER, a n g 2913-1 No . 21 Diamond, Pittsburg. PITTSBURGfi NATIONAL PLOW ROCHESTER, PA.,; ARE 31 .A - xti IT IT FA CTITRIN G all the- Vartettes of • Steel and Cast Iron Plows and• would call the- attention of the Fainters of Bearer county, wishing to purchase • • • Plows er Plow Pointe, to tho • Suyerior . Finish. and '• , • Quality of our . .W.o . • - • VY 9ItK- W A ItRAN I The Pointe : acrd Landslides fit the oorree i pondingnumhers of Pittsburg plows. pQt. , - Old plow castings bought, rapr 1 :ly BRIDGE‘'.ATEIt le Works. D.:WOOD - 1Z itANGTACTVItEIt AND DEALIM 111 Italian and American Moble. M ONU d iTN o e tE c t i BTONES,I *Please 'giro me a call before 'purchasing elsewhere. Shop opposite Dr. Smith's Drug Store,Bridge street, Bridgewater July 25, '66:ly Laughing l -I rIOME thalhave been •suffering the j, untold miseriis. of toothache, and dread of extraction, and Top. swill find that Dr. Chand ler & Co. are ready to relierelou by the %Ise of the great:. pain destroyer—..L.4UGHLNG G.4.3--and,make their extraction a source of pleasure, rither.ihin - of pain: 411 dental operations performed in the best . possible manner, and at, as reasonable terms as kir any good Dentist in the oonnty. Tri ser Office in Beaver Station, llochesier,Ta ja3Cl'67--4Y. T.-S. CIT.,CiDVER ECO. { .. '.}"::.. ti~.7 e lEEE =En SON Purity, of Charaoter. i 1 Over hie beauty of the plum and i aprceot:there grown a bloOm and beau,' - ty more pxquisite . than the. Emit, fruit _ I itself—a , ;oft dereVrflubli, that over ~ spreads the 010E4.. Now,if 3:du strike your hadd OVei that it, is et WWI gore ; foivrer, fir it never grows kat otico:-'••- I The flow r. that. hangs id , the fawning 1 i impearle with dew—arlyed:' As 'no I queerly woman ever was a rayed with 1 Jewels—Onee ithake it") that the beads roll off, and you may sprinkle water 'over it, as you please,but it can . never -be made again what it WS§ when the dew , fell silently, upon it,:trom hiss - vow. On a froty morning you may see the : panes of lass covered with landscapes, mountains, lakes aid trees blended in i boautifullfantastic pictures. Now lay i your hand on, .anti by the 1 1 scratch df the finger* warmth of, the i Palm, all the delicate tracery will be -obliterat d. So there is in youth a, beauty and purity of character. which: 'when oOce touched and. defiled can -• never boirestorea—a fringe more deli• , cate !ha o frost work, which, when tbrn and l'broken, wilt never be re, em broidere4. A man who tits spotted rand soiled his : garments in''-youtli, ! though his : may seek to make tkena', -1 white again, can never 1 whcilly do it, even *Cre tie to wash then: with his tears. When a young Man leaves his fatker's house with th'e blessing of his mother's kiss still *et,' 4011 hi* forehead, if. he . O,9Cd) 10.10$. that purity' of character it is a Joss: that he can i never make whole agiiiii.,, , Such is the I consequence Of°thou. i Its effects can, 'not be eradicatotf—it can only bo for.' 1 given. I► ! Stanton on the El4r6ie CoArt The Secretary .of Wor t , in' evidence before one of tho Congressional com mittees, expressed nit vie ge upon 'the decision of the Supreme Court in the Indianapongpiracy ease as 'follows : I believe that Milligan was properly convicted. lam of the opinion that a true exposition of the law of this coon; try, and of every Other civilized Conn. try of the globe' justifies, me in say ing that trials' eonvioiions and seinen, oes by miliitstry trihurals are perfect ly legal. ;I .do not think the decision in the Milligan case' is justidedbY any principles of law recognized by' any civil Government on earth: It is Who!• ly inconsistent -With the proteotion of persons in niillitarv- service. or with the prbservation o' peace end safety in any State hi. insurrection. ;&) D. WOODRUFF " xr • attar ozniact G9na . -Thsaraioh tallred , ofcompreinise has Ineidei,ita appearance, audio an !minis ta*lntbortion. It makes ;previa lewd suffk.age that .would luteludteall noloted - citizens unable?, to . 'cosi and, write, or ,not owning. two •kncultled and fifty dollars' ~ worth of , prppeFty,..while, it allows eiery rebel 't ic, retain hip vote wit'aofit :'regard - to any Sash' qualificatien. _ There was a When 0174)9 this ConcesAjon would have been regarded with\lavoi as a step - lorward. Just now it. will , be scouted by every, Republican., There :cann4 be a doubt that• it originated with I'resulent johnson himself, and 'has for its: object.vot the protection of thee:oh:trod rnen of the. South,. but tiii,aciMisbien of enough rebel ,Sena bira-to prevent any more of ,ltis vetoes being over: idea. . • The Biolitroad Esqutier, pub-. Robing the compromise, Objects to it, I anlesettbe licpublioans-receiver it; as a . The objoetion ie , needless.— The Republicans cannat suppeirt' the. maasnreroi -Iny • terms,. and have .no confidkneo in tbeeincerity-of the men wlial*lonle it. We have not taken so nincktiOuble to yield at last ;to so' poor aid Weak a 'thing 'as thts.' - The objections o neg,ro voting that for ;s. time existed in the mind of northern Republicans have - long Once vanished, and we are all satisfied that the ne grres could vote quite ai i ie l tellimently . and a kr e at deal more patrictically than t4')y rebel in the south. _ • If., the conquered States tiould fatberi go no-represented .th an to do just ide; to the freedmen, lot thorn 'have a good dose of the medicine. They felt sure 'of getting into Co ngress right Gff by the aid of the President and the Democrats, and they are not tbere : yet, nor likely to be i for two; years to come unless they change their I conisei As to the willingness asstun ad by lite tenth to ten:lain-unrepre sented: we, ivho know what- therul tag'elsiss at the south is and .has al ways . 'teen, 'can •afford to laugh at the vain pretence. These men: have got to learn the lesion of submission to lawful liuthority,'of which st present they seem ignorant. Saving by the . treachery of _Andrew Johnson ' snoak ed hack into a controlling influence at Washington, everywhere exelopt in Congress they, ithogine that the: over whelming populatj majority will, eltiiet• ty allow them todcminate.the repub lic a.gain frand, violeneo and trick ery, as of old. Bat that game .is up. —North American. - . , tou- ... tie. 'IN ' -- — : henfrienti's lisna 4,-. , ' that kir rs. ....otTeir is 1 ?. _bet ...-- .* ..-, trial was .. rag on, in Judge Can3nge's I iii -i -•- h ' - (;,.,...,- ''' '•- e , . court: A citizen, called as a juror,' - said herdid not Wish to be on the jury, I ee ll''' x '' - ' .1. " 4-- :- . ." 4 ' ,:_ arid wish° to speak •a kir - words to! ' 1-- ''- • l - 1... i ,; .:: ' the Jadge.; The Judge allowed him a ' SecossiOn. 'in touisieit , ' ,l, .. %: binii private c3nversation. Supposing that I Taylor acrd Mayor .Atlonvoei he might have seruples- about capital I - I . - • - I punishment, the Judge ) asked him in The . Chief Justice of the SuPreiire that, wag cli c reason be objected to be. Court of Louisiara,.bas . :arTarelised a, ing, on.-the jury. "No, 'he answered, i letter under date ot January) 8,.1,467 . ,• "th?.t' is not the reason: I saw, the ito Hpii. Thomas. S. Elliot ,rc,l4tiv”r i9*. - fisherman hung for the noricr of my ; the dondition of ralaiAi in that l - I*.:,) , •kei' wife. .11 - e liii - d' not do it: I dici,it Inv the M a tcrud • or: ii 2,0•4 of witch •are 'rre ' - - self from' jealousy ". The. Judge cat ' f O O O Ws : 1 ' ,•- I petrified. The man nmdc_for the door,-! .:Pr im ("011C - 01%;:lliQns with,' seccs3.on, escaped, and as never been heard or ;=sty I _know th.-) hope . thai, an issuo since. • '. l - •.1 ' • : 1' , ! wile.' erisie 'betWeen the PreSidettt and. ._._ . - Con•Yress or between tqe .4 1,7niteil Stotes and some foreign polver, which -. . 4 Employment in Kansas ' wilt -2- 4.,. ‘ ` .• d h b; this. precre tat 'tar, an t , roug ra Otbin -- 4/,..;..t t lia ; jiittriciied : Weight ;1 Theres4me to be a good - -'.rip` ening hoped for war' they; belleiel they Will 7.A. telegram from rate r ir l ile- elysifor the unemployed in - Wester - 4' MIA 1 rid themselves of ~ tbe i peoplia Vail:. Che I *at-geld_ -• - gireriti 11,540913 --** r. -- takttal i sarin atltt'AMP.'.'Ttfh-lt-aTfs'iti'''.e,?ty" ;. -- c.7..c.7.1117, C.:, t, - V.l:.i !..:h .are - odi 4.4 t`61117ni.... from the Woodside mine neer :George4 l (Mo.) Jourl!url of C9mmeree says: ',Kan- ', the wileiii,•to.i.Liv,, jolil'ililark:r• u -3 :i'' 3 ._ ine.nt to rid therris'elveS. of ,cli ; e ,V.Vapl- . .' town,and that yesterday (Noe-12)' the'l B aB- Ci ey ',Win need,by . the first-of - Anvil, ; unuers!were "blOeking out nosily al, 5.000 nten,.t•lahfirers and mechanics.--- . Mect - of the United 'Statefl, prinNldit. pure solid mass .try gold, nearly three, During the past year . wa have erected 'there woe a fair prospett slieel,s.s— feet in length." :• if such a statement' over cop bUilclings, for, which wo h ave ' , ,liust, 'ot the people - hor.estly -- believe had . co4e• from a stranger - :we should- had ta,paY lni•gopi ices, ecause of the I that in• th'e late Struggle 'they, were have received it, with incredalitY;'ibut• high price of labor. 'l ricklayers ii`x only contending for the right Of .solf wo can vouch for the sineeritY and in- arid seven dollars per day,. 'and other government. •,..i. hat,,tlie-war Icarrsed 'on teliig . enoe Of the author of the ineasage , trades' in proportion. This city. v oll , against thern .: tv . aainioultoris, and -was , The• finding of gold in such large Mass. nOct season build three tunes as much I waged with iiitUnirtaity an4 - IrtitilitY ea in Oode is: without parallel in' i as it did last. We. are building a reil.! -and that they have been riabbeJ and _ history of mining. .The., metal's •i n . road bridge aeQss the Missouri,wfijoh;. i . plundered of their rights and proper veins of auriforcusf quartz are usUally will epst„ever half a milli id of; ty. With such impressiods on-their .. in wadi particles, and pieces arc ver y wo shall also build the largest depot .• minds they •:;an entorfr e rin. no loyalty to seldom i obtained weighing Imore,lhan i in the West,. . 1 , The PortSuott Railroad the goyernmentjof th Uuhed State,,,,. a few ounces. Probably the' largest !will need bhth laborersand mechanics. i nor friendly "gret" , tings for ,:the ;peo4le ' any of gold heretofore taken' .Ifrom.! at least 5,000 mitre laborers 'of tho North. There to - hia: 6- Y ; 111 Lon , • any lode in this State did ,not weig,h 1 and mechanics come here by spring, .ek.t tow* 7 4 53 engaged int-be • tale re more than a pound. But our tele ram i I the' work W i ill have- to be delayed, and hellion d:iel giving hii-wso right, hilt., be.: mentions one lump, obtained i 1 the ; private,enterprise Must sirtrer.• We jog now 0 erliOwere4 l ;wonlit '80:n - ilt. to Woodside ruines,woighing 106 ponds, i have at this time akar "one =hundrea Ot he tit't' l liOri of - The sword, "ivere illlot and• it is inferred that the piece hreelhouses whih had to)be stopped last. 2for the' fact that must of their military feet long will weigh much'tore. I fall for want of mechanics. , Ruildin gs Pieaders no l v have control ";and _excite ,' , 1 • would have been started last fall, butlihese well meaning mien. •• .f the Uni-• ' lon account of the lack of mechanics I.o' States ilitary forces ere to - d .. A.Y' were not boo-na. ! removed f orn Louisiana, and if t 4 .1.43 1 t,• fee of interterance by thitillii-, , trd States, hese base men,"itheir :111111- ! tayy lettders,, among the most eoribpie: ; ' i nails of , whom' is Richard Tayler,witrolie has murdered many _citiz4ns Of this State, would arouse Well inertitiki :eft- ! izens to; vibionee and blood, . and , no : Union man. whetli'er - white- or,- byeik,. would ho slitt., in- , ± his, perf , on -cr_ bra proper ty. - So complete are she indu ,, encti and control of soon iil,en as Rich lard Taylor--and Stri.y or Itosiree p wlio al .`, so, caused the assassination`pr so r nattiy, leitizeus in New . Orleans on tbe , ,l3olli, • of July, 1.866, that; the assail' sin's (lag- i...ger is retained at,the present, tiine.on-* i I Y :byU oitbd States bayooets.i =l'ltie spirit of paces - 6ion IS as, at:o'4g anCtte ifiant as it ever ives, ham : 10;3'6e, - :hope' ! hits teen revived that it can- slimmed in maintaining its 'Power in '-ertehjof the Southern State's, and then, whea.,a favorable occasion -.. prcs.enui, It. ,c a n disrupt the 'Federal - Gover'nment: - - , • One of , Butler's Jokes' A. mean rich man mentioned ease that he WI given a family some money in' charity, b cross examination said that he taken a receipt.", ,The confession from G l en. Batler,,one of *4,1 , ,.e con the' following, Ally, in his addre. the jury . : "Gentlemen, the Ohr grace ntcharity has alway*ato affections. 'When a child at i thor's knee, I learned from-46e .Apostle to the Gentiles*, that it, suffereth long , and is kind ;1' ,o envictb not ; charity vantittll itself, i not pnffed up, dab have itself unseemly, seekethnoi own; .By the same high. anti my young mind was taught, 'charity beareth all tiiings; all things, endnreth all things,, all- things. But, gentlemen:? of pry i the first time in all tr • t I have known charity to • t Aceept. , ~ , Tin editor of the Savanhaß tra. Republican', has been convictedo libel, and sentenced to onni-ear's 4np, IsOn tnei3t in the county jai% His 0 i ells() was in publtehitig the tact that a *onth Carolina tebelj)oetmaster was' a &iv faniter 'to the United States7G • en.. pent in the ainonnt of on r o'hi dred and eeventy-five thousand doilai t . He is :a radical and publisheo'a dice! piper.: The trial took place be ore a rebel judge and a rebel.i I; Jmyis' in return for snob . justice as Ithie that these people ask for' generosit* from the North. El Ton ;things which sde reme „ ars few' and ,ntimportant, COUI with those which are forgotiee:- • • • Ws 'oanncit beheld the prope of the great rhip of the nniveri we ire shut - tip in the hold. r laokaaircannty:lows, 'Sae j not lost educe,, th - ree t . , . . . • . .;- ; ..r : ME IMI li . l ~:w~ II =22=ES=l 11111 Establisheo 1818. • , ',.- An Innocent Man Hung = 1 • .- • In a recent: trial of a murder I Attanta.'„ h Gu., in w'clt. the evidence was . circuinstantial, ' ne of the counsel I for the defence to d 'ttie -following l story of al-trial which toOlc . place in Itt the san.e. court Ahiriy years. ago . :— There tiled liver! 6n 'the. Bayoua roa4- ' 1 a :man about twenty-five cr,r, thirty years old.- IHe was . not an educated nor a Wealthy' man, blit ho was' hon. est and• had a *ood heart.',laving, had a limb broken, ho was infirm in 1 health. Ha made hii livelihodd' by 'I, going to the' buyon -St.. John. everiy r) evening,. and, cat ling fish to sell' - inl market-ttreViext-ritorning. Otie moon. , 1 light evening, iv bile sitting on.'.l.lie 1 ba:pk of the bayou, fishing, its usual, he saw a. 'lady% dreeeed in:r.:l,ite, in loMpany Witti a: geittic.inan, ''walking ! I. otil the roacrbeidde t 0 bayou. 'They Were clus rrili ng . as. .hey_ liasscld him, and his aiLeption. . 'as • attracted uy hearing . thetii 31 . a1t ; e 1.., .efter they • , d :hi,' passed he; reshree,d ;his fishing, an waited until he taught bis nival sup ply. fro Urn startid home with hi basket. As be , the plael known'as the Caileet, he heard-al/11J cry, and colon after a feeble cry.. Ad• vancing in the directionof the sown he ,saw, : a women in a white, gown.l3 ing on the 'pavement, and coming the woman. he perceived that a dal ger hhd been stabbed into her boset Thicking to reiiece her, he took' th dagger by the handle and drew it out, As he did e 0 a watehinan grasped hie' The woman. wsa killed.? The poor fisherman Was tried for the murder. The ease blade out clearly against,hirn He had bac i l li detectedln tl i very act, binding over the body of the deceas— ed with th 2 weapon in his ; hand He weapon was convibted, an&thunL square. dli)out six: moo an.a poor ,ton I No Housekeeper. bad 1• rew tmel, ss t stian tty "gra. Jones is a ri'gh't nioe woman, good-hearto j and all that. .I"att, I'm sorry to say, She is no housekeeper." "Don't know how,to •cobk, 1. sup pose ?" kni:;wslbow to enek, I never sat diwn to better bread and cake and cOtTen' and relishes,- than I've sQen on heritable, and she does her own work, too. . • "What is. l ,the trouble. thee?" - "Why, she isn't neat, don't keep things in order like a woman. should. Don't comb i her hair, or sweep her toorn,or dust her things." "lier hair i always looks well enough, and I believe she • sweops and dusts every morning , but then .she leuf 'the children have their own way too much." . hmdz i !• rest!' arity arity t 4 be. loriky that r!weith the y life ike a ..... ____._ "Does sb ) 0? I really was not aware-7 : . . . , "I, mcarvr, said _airs.: Smith. "they have_ their baby rags and. dolls, i ants blocks, and !;•ther playthings over the floor, and:they 'keep house' in the cor ners of thekoom, and I, don't know what all; no w, .I should soon go dis tracted wlthiall that'nOheTense." "So you don't allOw p.m. chitdren sfidh ; priviteges, do you?" • , 14 rather think not, the y have to do better than that when I'm about. What's the use of having r. house in sueb.oonfu 8 inn _and every thing at six es Will sevens ?" _ '''Well, now, Mrs. Smith, 1. want to know heiw yon manage your 'little odes. Come !tell me your rules ?" I , "I don't know as I have any partic ' L i ular rules, only they shalt not make a,l CITIARLVS ',mews shooki i the honest noise round m' , no' .litter up the froor:coiptry folkvabout 41shane at Gads , c`:with their gi cracks." 1 Mill by Playing epaeet. .:with, his na "YOVOst ttlo have their , pleyttangs, I datrghter, for 4ealth and .;recreation, don't yone , i : ;,.. ion kis lawn on Sunday 'fitternoon.-7. "So, indeedl aool , ed S'n6=l , all up ; s.6l=rqt p'ay th e "l iCl:6r * 1 : 11rftl ', t b ‘q ?onesso, to keep them from being, religions susceptibilliles. 1 _ '"! :~ tions e, for pLght rr:64 = IMI 4 E. _9,112: A#ertisenlentii fiisdlfifice!trilipe r a t per liciuiro. 60 "cents:. A Metre advertiiere; And dri legit Overtlilet ' A space aeastired is' a: ' '• - OPeetal notteee2A',pe,i'erait. _ ratee. i. It" j j i 9 41 • B itairess' 4144. _7:5 cents, gegarkr. 114arr...i:Itgett ! .14,De ! ithit r i g i: o? a, ..roovikt aro) other Notloos of a i POlie Osturearee. broken.: I tell you there'a,_no„ ixse Att. _ Ii uniori'ng ,young 'On ds iso rrineld;l iiaast-.. keep inill7,l my.benife,Miktiii . dear knows.T. haye . .a tirniilof -if. - toy- I hew; `with Mr. SOU) DOllika!":4g - , i feevort the mat, and the otkildren nl(! , 4; ; al+ays quarreling aboat iiiioriptto e k 6ik other:' „ • - i , :_ -t'f -" ' - -: - 'irk' jou piton ', .Stre . Ton!Pii WO "me-. ,-, liaiA a time aR yon have.Miii. Sin.ithlri • -No, kl. Onn't -believe, sh,e•-*.r.oirAit4 ,ahOut• any thinz. . `Seems - to True; She. 'dOrl'i core Low. BindsgO,"l ••.•,-; ' .'": “Yes, she tares a greatl,iiinft s- 'll'O , 'knows exactly hOW tiyinaki-iteiebiO 3 - i r . ” happy at home, 'and hei . Aiisbainit 1 . is, lways.weleomed with-alseti,ik:irlisik or r.o mat. Filer, lieilohilllroil-„Ferria Hai l e to sr© mine, they: aib. neithiir - tilq: , by liot• - 'Iiiiirrellotne,• tit:genile;-:tifirii WI; heal - ply-anti happy ! • -,,_ J. • ...: : . .-..-,l l ' -' , . , And iny children? - I - •:,1... -i. , !:- . .--,C, Y" Well,l c they are somewhai differer 4:,. oti.siie they are het so 4 t,ighlik iit r .,. home thiiilliej are-pottY aniisteilitts I, in Othei lviuses." • - • ' - --" i _ vet lons. -.. 't . "Whf- .. don't you aentllh'em halite; then' ?"1.) - , ' -.: '... 1; ' '-...,,,,-- ..i' "lieest4e. they. will .ns4 .igoi:4l . ,tey.- 9penly declare that, 'ifs' lit „cross 'and - i wol't let them riAy, and: .ttietr i JOn i g . like borne a bit.' .*-.-'' • - q.'" 1 ' '-` - t3 • ~1, , , .t. • ~ . .1 ,Do mv chitarkp thus s r neak us. t he ir mother," Smithit4 she MO ' ), and I dre w.. her shawl around her an. 4 .lowered ter veil ttilude the. comiig I • tears. . 1. e , "• Titey often do it, my delar , friend _ '' l i but take conrage r there is ttme y. 4 ,to Idraw th'eir hbarts: to , you. ifla . pfl 7 . tierce with-them, give . :) dr:1 , 9.4 0 :s _ i t and tet, themienjoy them I'l l 1the . i . 0.4, i t borne.. Your hottse isralways SoilFilik:r.-.V,. ' ,- 4 .. ;,.; fullx• neat and:quiet ,thrst 1 altikettaiitli..4 -, 1 i . t ' Pe . to go Intr. .• "V• 1.... . ..• . .. rt IP. - i;rou, PbaU hate it no ktgrct-ku that'aceount;" said Mrl: Smith; l be ‘d, " G.lngo lin -after a - IrPoit . the occasion Dr 'the Tleit;ol General Sheridan;- with General Ossat, to tha Idolise of :Represtntativue,.,-)hs 3ther, day, they 'seated them4elree* near Thad:, Stevens. -I,l.ieY were Mir dly seated befpre autograph i began to accumulate before' theM even some of- the • meMbera presctd, forward with cards orP=lich' noire their illtistrioas Mee. doz,an or more pages of ithe. rfouie; finally became so annoying with theiT albums that the . great Generale wets compelled to beat a-retrealJ Theaesti. tograPh bunters are among the most proSistent nnisancsa, and- it t is the. dues' public men to sumitatili ignbminteuely snub them. 1. ' '•• . -