The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 06, 1867, Image 3
~a _ .t ~.--• ..---. elai ,;l iikr r .4;IIPITS : °HT = P= a f t ,' --. ''' ••N*l-1401851M7 Erti;•1,1367.. , ')ltitor Argus: S ince, my Lot, eput. IT , 0 liiiitiOr; eq!ii tile ltiisiiiesiCef r't.tie,. le d ritopnrion9olllPKllMl:VllM4eted in e io, ki-cTs,O l / 4 - ,. 4 P, u rr itie-,1. / iit i6:l wrici . kg - . - Vii - oliggist fittiite Las nobeen in vibiii* '6iiir'lnontla ,' bat ; t,ll i : - lie' t * , , :840-niplinicid:,-,5 4-c.:4,640i „ 0 1 . The eiciP.fatilJtrattending the si r torio QcoOh' i f la k 4 4- :01 '. 4 1 "IF I FI l i i t sr..exe)cledie,i,ll, lAignifh Is ei \ hnstness f, o ' . the lot ilAs - of ' lagleliatiFe - .. It on e eoili..k r tiftoetr 'the- 4 ' 6 W - f°r" tit:: tyis warrantui iroireiitity.i:4o :B e ll sr d o i n trZe fo S ; .; looi i r hers to 11, ,, 0ber: : up aid coot oft= ' ,01.' .. l' c i i . jtit,3t , • WOIC 'flag .P9OO de.roeo 486 00 t,,p, ire'as, it" 1-? large tin ilit)°r 431- -Meal t 1 e ' ll r Military. enrol4e;ta - , - - -; - boil tiiii-ebnuril 'lumina:- =Vie bill in-,itiu , ditors' - ptiy-James - Whither - 1 . I° B l l it% : -.93 i'• .; AI J. Marshall - r-1 irullwed PI-Xr:* Quit:7 .to ~rPottk •the i , - 75 ot% 1 I i Joseph 74•Clur , • 1 72 00 ,r, , sar k," t i. „ - 41,..., , gi. , tli .. - ,5,,,_,v_e - tl_tie_.,i_ a _nTtlie,:_kivlii - al :_ 1 !;.11J , o._ Isteuh, t ,i„ l thi or ) , i „ 00 : 00.._429f 00 11er eonnty 'Agri:dermal 8 iety iloation, 2 5r5,.. 1 ., ~.. i .200 , j ,, , T jun t' i vlt-' , -Efir-13441;reti - • ,.. Ooittoti•, l hne I, . 1. th amine!, itirici . .g.ii..73 to - i l yo 1 B orr owed money tl nt b e o r n ee d: o a n ud warrants, '- 11, (78,75 - ':• . rr 111 ed t i .; • - " sane, 7,227 .99-10006 74 ilßridges—building.S4,l7B,B7; riepiirs,S2,o94,B7, 0,268174 'r: . ' 6,o=trrnof,iol';, lad,,,1,1-, Sill "- - -.trs a - titlAl 'ai • '4":4 ' iio . ' -- I .' ''* b e I , prot t. ~,,.. , . ~.• -,,. - --, !it's°, Cornraissio tt ler7•7l 7, --„ lnT. koLi tg' It. lltigliloy,. • 2 1 594 CIO g n , our ffeoicile can, colgra'ui ate ; i, 1 26 Ini'-- 4 •01' 7 Joseph rune, -0890 0, John Wfison, -717 00 ' r a: 01 8 4" a /W,C - . ' 4) k d JP.g I Y . . 1,0 PAittligerr _ •;,, . , i Jatnes Warnock,, lir 00--;-- 9 082 0 " D o ted 14) ~J. to Dom eracy . 0 1, 1 Clerk* to Connoissitmissi--kicliardii;- AfflltW ' 4 Oll 00 ' - t reSiii -' 1 6 ' t ' - , i-- ~. ti--Sigliingtorrcniiiity; 1,9 the eurpri4e of I, Counsel to,..c' o t romisgioners, It. II ee u , Esq 3r7 , - ' . . 4 ,, 6b 6 - 4 --666,• 450. .6 09 7 . rrr in 3 -, Ati,Hilict - liti,.d they never intend t Commonw- _lth ease*, viz: • Ike hot , j 0.74.4 14, : i t::: i iet ., , titui).ol 4, : b l r l o o n r e it tß ofy Quarter Sessions, i $0 :1",r411..-.01,,1e.a.tir.111:-.17i1l ,be made to bios' i fcres, -,- ' - • District Attorney's fees, . ~! .781,83-,1:,:....-,..-. ~.-...: , • ___••, zr .,, , l .; „,„„v g ic-f i ,, , ! , t 07 : 1;..... ;',,1,„,.,1„,i Boarding; , ;wiling for sold c othkagrisenienti A!'i' llite i '' '..4.l4°. 1.4 T. :Ag e i s ua ,7r ..----- '"'"" 4 " . " - mr.e t ' . :s.i•orloisti, t wis',..T. ~44son " 2 " -- '• retrial .- : °4,-1 , 1/1/114.41 .,,_ s:to , J iberiir• - mitAutak- *tistilcout 'Ai° 901 ..; ii5 0 74 - ;•-f:-..,,q, -- ;,, ein his !ts . ,st•,lfsb 4 sooßue. 4 4,11pi0 Mir t ,,,, • . :oofting convicts t ' Ponite,a et4 l,,* r y' ~ ', 1 ni 32.4 c (r,pr r• , •;17 :.,..1 .. , to VFttiLiOn::s*ltr_ Steil!' 7filoitt tlii'Ve., '," " ' - asi...lies.• ••. • Tfrort ill _be, t Plizsisians it asi:,Dvs-,Nl'l,,i . noteyvind ' Feicbt. _. - -.. -.- 4-2 C r s - al of 100:0PAlikt.A.n..s:ffert,..-w-t!..._00: KI s m restiabiliut iv .some- - „waykaand 1 1, time ii . ntl;,eiirs#WVet4r of •.:EbtAo vti,,sliou'.d-bo;wis - y 7 'Orialie9., -, ! , f Ihe, Ltd 1'44;c., 'fel** *Oar contity , !! l' sourer haaaisa-polsed -lbe I.loute, a ill doubt) :become alaw. 11 , . eg ' s. reeely:tiVirsiilAttars of , -insitpry I ,4 fo r tnttie natli c tit . ite ifiiii - 6111;tsind,arn i t •pr;sed .A ni bbt generally unddi.. ,st oav f. Thi,lst.'sv • requires Alio money-.; I:) be ,keptj'i -a . piae.ato -be !proyided i bAtl:e Comrif onert. - =*tieving the_i st 4 in . ther " , atiiir,y I , 4;:btitgtae-1 iqauf, , tic Co ti - 4erig= 1 na44 it as; kep- :herdt f l i l ' i .. : 41-,,. This,b?ing•thaesse, thaTO a i , fir:l xv.4s not reToit.sible'fbr - any loss, _gt'inigl: tfbec . nr, -and no decent mar., ' , lila ;,:- 1 4 . I(l)e.,,circruili%tanedst, 'Would 1 -I , i tO . il . old him act:onus:able: •It Wfit3, rri':grany; however,ln tidjus'ting . the.: ~e 1 ants.,,-Vd. hove a local= bill passed to I i p: :r,:, I.lkli Treasurer. _This is the cis' • cxplaVation`tlicve is to - giv,....ind i- ; :,:akiatrodUced, it, here in answer to it ; thief; addre%sed.i 41 aler. I ! 'dun% 1 ~N, w TV ittt-otepdentitoiiti from .what I 'hate riplilMinairy due baleohjected io the-riiieWge:::Or '..;th is': bi 1.1.1. - I :rust river coftlity ir -has citizen so . skvin. 1.1.r.5..t0 dvire a:Vublic 'calamity to be -.,-Ited itpOt; an individual, and • erns') tog., whet a the 'burden , should .be 1 4 - 11 e by al. and not be felt by any. ' 1 ! INI.r. (1)14 i ii - fr oil ii ceiFind passed ; t tough t1i!..1 Ilalse on Tuesday 'lssi , :a i 144 t o exond, what .id known as the i -f,,,,tter,rpity ligilor law to licaver i tibilty'..T.lli4 law. provides that after ley-ear-1f qm,tbe passage of • the law t 1., licensc-iklial; be izib.r.tecl for`the sale i • kiritoxiCaiin:.-lifinors ci any kind' in : lile`Cslntfiltreirr -7 . 7 .l l 4thartier - jula I- me y e;i inlr'9,l"r.eadr; and, n h p, P s o v‘ t , t o e r r ic, ; l ou w n: l l - . fo .i r, )..aid tiiiiS lint ! 'dly ever have a ' crim- s iipl to•tty in that county, and en! ehisses of,iren rejoice in the law,-- ii,itsiderit4 the prevalence of crime in 114 - rcr eniiiity: i it is high time this l a w Nisspasstifi.. T »airqtge of this law • siculd rise great Siiiistuction tit the 1 girl eiti#Eins of yonr county One ~ ! • :it. wasti!,-Iven to enable tho; , e who •:, it: pie ; busi tiesi to dispose of theft. 1 1. pe.rly4M.fbeea'use it.yould!not be' i , rseu alibi:tit it, Col. Taylor is -, a i .v %farm frien:l of Alija measure, and will thrry it through•the Sonata, Iserhup`s . . 1 I may be modified so ft l 4 to submit it. r a:rots:CM the people., but. that: it : .111 pasapiin some. ahnpe, is certain. -1 t• OfilVi - ng•r:t- the ILLY , : is not general.] 'O - pass Stiall'a law; Would be inifiossi, i ' le tinifftrlopil law is the next bast::! nteniperarwe is'',.to day the great oa.! • ;veal slid sheial evil,of this countr. ~.. erall44 should be 'organized tigattrst, I 1,01:It:shell-Id curry_ tcrvicard'the work: mid even'}' State - of Abe- IJOICin stood 0;w:1dt: .Ntoirie, in relentless opposition,. .a:lueery ifj.;:oce uoirsball no:, r intern%, . erencefoll.93r. next 1 0 : ! ...... •Col.QUay introduced into4ld.heouse resolutioniah favor ot- arnenciing the / • etinstituilon, and - is chairman of. the Rleinniittee raised to, report,' Thb ob jeet :is iii ad amend, tbe constitdtion 113 to forier prevenl corrupt jegisla Lon and )the , bribery, of legislators.- 1 r l ) , it, e r rj t .sp t s: N i 'J u l i e Tr Tl a e g ,6 e rill to lliSj b ll te l h BU h O l b s t s a c i r ti v t i i e le tki uL o i patriotism elq.itle him. Who 1 in tile tlepublican I,arty can now ob- I • eatto {; ; icing thafew colored men of 1 i 0.... ea 1431k:snit. the right of suffrage! If ad iertie'r can vote, And '4, copperhead ti 3 Osed the wr.ifthicinghout,why e t elles1:1 :not the loyal negrbes have tne • Faro r_i' L .,,lit 9 ?• t L . - !* • . Iletn_F thsree Rail Roscl_.gaw will , n.:the pasTcd this session. he it is r.ot 1 • hitalsrs : tand from Mi. Quay fibat •he . ah npl wilet it. ro an ainendinent to the, • Colliauti l On.l The PenasylVattia rail I road. helpe . d. to lefeat : him because of l' i ll k nnwn intention t,d fariir 1 li generarrail ro: I law- an I w it( , , 1 etrust 7' to alaybeadibitv.rndnopoly. ' Senator 1 f 1 1. 7 ikr Is-- - makint a :fine jiMpr - lision I ' i l ''''.-. , Ills bpcet h on. the'• Constitii-1 i , ,P••al v 1 /, mem:menu' ,was - :one of I . tie; Littivdeliv,ered in the Senate. On i i ille' l .! , iijile'.l-:,. We l.ill rind.Oentral lisil i ;,il)ad 4..tvr be is tight,- - iriel will be l faiii:ti y! tbrm,ghout. , His 've• - ti 3[l l I '''ithY 4 Pg rt.le. 37,- was ruiseon Strued, I •lea: ' II -e_ rood agatnat ' iodefiliitelY IAP-ruling _Senator .Wortliftla . tdn's i i . .ei„olittfon, because - bfa :wished to die _pen„ie.4)l it. at•ohe'e 24 t!eid prepared a.. i ": 41 'neDdment which met,thp wishes 1 4 ",.i r 1i1l Ihe.frteilds . of the .. Countilsville ult ! - 1 11 rimiliva -was wllan'd rsto d : ' 44f nii.i4s4-414 - re Ob* Mid tb -e ° The b l ii, v , iii be e ..... 10 ~. . .ihis hetvote. Ifrill Aie feiiidanT rgx.l w i e i.; )li. ' "° I , ttie ciinimmvilid r a o. r a n d es i t ll o v i) o i catz . o h f i' s l t!•siiste contained road . ) a•ny in F ore ts a a' ; " '' ! + l p sfP , tor‘l4.• i • ,1 I •' - • =I MI xliZt4s, 111 Aii , 1 MEI - • 1 , - fi t -", , , • L, , • . To eash.received during the count,. exclusive of balOoo I! • Cr. Exri . 'Joh rileuno,s+gnartilrig; bia,„.,..rOin coruhing for and . 4 . • .t . ; . 1 . :- ,1". clothing, anrsDadisiggilard, ' t. ; ,..:‘‘., Lf.i„ - ssi cal i Coroner's liiquesita4-Cdroner's fees, •:- - , ' ' 10479 9 .. - -' • .r 1 ,i .- - .Jurors and wluiesies,. -62 " 5 - ''t 'm 1 t • • - lipensu of htqosits, '110:110-123 33 . i Courts,zexpensett of,-iir.:' .:. . . • 1 -,. -: -,-„ e ...- Clerk of Qtiarter Sesaitina, c., general - Nes.. 18` 41" ' '''''-' • Constables'attend,s2l7,32; et'ns a negesl64'ol, 3til 88 Cridr of Courts, lobo M: Ell ott; f - .' ' 12009 ' 7itinraL-flraild, - $547,721 - Pe it, $2,250,60, .;2,798.32 4 ; • Janitor of court Mum, Gin ge Kinds, . I 627 A • - - Prottion4nry!it rasa:. it; Way:and:l64., ,* ; iF! 98 ,'- 6,1 1 . . • Sheriff stilecting and summoning Jurors, , . 1 .. 439 00 096 ---... , . -- ' , . Amount carried forward, - 1 - 1 . I I I= ! • I ' . . . E d e r-' 'M. B. Adams, Esci., Treasisrer- of fiel;iei 'Courtly, in gowity, To ain't -reu'triif former Treasi on, unseated lane • "; ' • !rota eolleUtors 1 - . Llenters I ": from collectors' 1 ' tax-payers befo • tax-payers befol "i' relief-funds rofii "; , • redemption of in ‘1- sundry persons . 1 1 •pnll tat, lost tacs, • ..1 - refunded hY,W. Barnes, H rir refunded by S..r4lagare. - refanded on wit•rant- Nu. ' "'I fees .of D. J. 'rubric . , Evq., •.i • sale of, trees, . " sale of metal, • • from Coroner. ' . fees of M. Lawrence, Esq.,. • • -of. Jos . Ledlie, Sheriff, en acct of fines, Ste., levy of militia - fines, • • IrMEI 1151 El Balancti in-li - ande of Treasu , ---,-- -.- 1...r --.,-( ._, i- 1 •44%.. al" '' -• ... -- 1...:e. , ..-: . , 11 . • Table; o f Taxes! in IthEr Several Townships for ,State. and. County ... ,geih .?. o . n . 4s, p , a 1,4_ • Treasurer, : Arpounts ChargedCharged to, and Amountsi paid by.' ColleotorgiA ~, • ~ ,A 000.6 4, .,.,, ::. -,- € . from Unseated Lands, :Commissions Alloyed Colleciteao.. • , . . i; • • _ _____ _______,___,____ ___ i 1 : I , Amount 1 1 Amount ?Ain't p'd'Uiutea-!;Coo'n -trim nt.; - ' • DISTRICTS. Levy of 1 paid 11ch'ged toll by, Col Led 711'allo'd due . . 1 , I- ' c t CTORS... - . 1666 1 Treaster- 11 Colleen, •Iletiora. Lands.roll're Coff I ee - al , • ' •' , - , • • • ' • 1 l---i- 4 ;1 ." " 1-- • - f • .--,--. 7 --,--------.!, -'• . .f, ' Big Beft4er ,1, - 1 II --:-T: 'J P d • -.` I il 2993 421 2197 3711 496 051 844 79 . . 409; 6. . re; y. • 1 ;',..1 Benvoir boro 1 8019 38 2448 10, 571 28 285 00 ...._ , ; '3301' 3 : Jos' Chin'. .. 1 1 1686 91 1296 48 : 290 46 .100 00 .....1 ' 1 1901 6 Joe, CLlre. ...;:' Borough twp:....... 1 Brighton. - . !1 2236'86 .1 : 828 70 1 " 408 HP "369 91 18 - 3 . 1 19 94 z....1,..1. Job • aye. • 4 1: 1937 10 1166 78' 770. - 32 : 618 44 5 67 1 2261 1, 1,11 ndsay. . . I • Chippewa . - :1 . • • - 0 . - . • Darlington boro .1. I; , 516 84, 282 A 9 -34 0,11 115, 75 - 26} ....4.. 1181 1.A.• • 11....,..- ' ' I DirliitCn twp • ' 1. II 3620 72' - 2506 96:1 1113 75, 4,54,98 i 880 •'• 649• BV , ll .- 1' 1 : • Ec9nomy 1 - . 1 .11 3024 19 1763. 39,1 12h0 801 1206 66 1 8 091 51 05 1 ' 18... I w .h c e y. • • Fallston ' ' • 1 857 92 666 39. 1 _l9l 681 178 - t8 8 s'; 950..1 L. Hn .....i. . 1 .- Franklin . • „.„.11 159075 , 1 308 89, 287 45; 273 64 ..) 1 13 81 1 ' .. 1 -1 ,;,. IN • smut: - ' •II , , ,', Freedom boro , 1 890 101 617 101 273 001 259 56 ... 1 13 44 .. . 1 ..... ,R. ' '-' .- . • 1 1' Frankfort 1 - 44 ...I ,:s." i ci i. ~, . :: '" ~ i Glasgow , ' 11 1064 56! 265 51ti 1399 1340 90 . 1 58 . 16 .....i...L ~ -•- • "- i 1 GeorgetoWn ..; , " 11 783 46 454 70,1 328 7,511 313 25 :'l5 60 ...j.... Jo ;tad: t_• ~ 11 2980 55 2203 141 ' 777 41 1 739 2 1 38 20 ...:J:... 1 .1J0h ald. ' •'' :* . ' Greene ' - Harmony . ' 1 1 4722 59 , 4722'59,, • _ j i i 1 - Hanover 1 . • 11 4320 36 8888 02 : 1 832 83 816 21 ~.... 'l5 90 _... 4 i ...... J - o .. _ .:1 Hopewell 14 ! 2604 . 39 .1772 1611 882 23 207 43 ~.;...., . tik4 , 81 M . lug. I , • : , • 11 501 - 49 824 84! 176 -65 - 20 64 ' . 156 1 01 John aid,` . 1, nookstown'.l • . ,;! Independene ' ~.......11 1950 49 1571 . 951 378 64 186 84 1 • , " 1 industry ..... ' 11 1521'96 1 949 74i 572 221 .644 83 • - 127 89 .....1..1..1 i.. 1 Moon 2 '1 1747 26! 1144 19, 608 18! 242 911 5 94; ' 354 . i Ss* 6th,. '' - ' - Is 1 " Marion ' - • - 11 943 82 803 19 149-22 -133.4, ..-. - . 1 .6 79 - . , ..:1. - .4".b sihn . s. • -....-. ~ t New Bright on , 1 1 4922 74 3244 461 • 1678 28 964 81 -5 . 99 ..:.:.• 7071 I . 9l36tterliag. '-- . :'• ." J'-- .' I: . , New SeWickly ,• • •i; 3231.16 2142 49 1 1088 67 992:40 ;' ' .. oq. 7:C.1,114. - - I .'_-- .--... *: .' 1 North Sewickly• • , i l 2139:71 1312 78! 796 93 818 69 1 011 ' 771 J; J. 4 . , '''—' , - 1. Ohio '" , •;,... i' 3649 76 2160 09)1 1409 -66 .693 55 8 021 .' LO Bsbletin. • ~. ' Patterson ' .. - 11 1018 88 785 so; 282 1 / 9 284 15, '1 I 45 84 Jamearquis.\ • . • r Fulaiki -. = ' 1 1235 . 59 671 08 ; .664 SI . 236 85 14 2 1 ...k..r. 314 \ Jci;i:i, t . ith'. • Phillipsburg ' 4'..1 .- :••: ' 1 - 694 69! 521 16,1 173 43 165. 18 ...'.. 840 • ....k 1. in rl. .. 11 1 '. 4.,. ; • _e Rochester twp - ....,....; 1270 441 •FB6O 43P, 41011 H 876 59 13.42 20 00 1 .... I . t . IP. Won. .. I • •' ' ' Raccoon• 1 2161 05 ' 1674 06 1 1 486 99.1 . 419 65 131 1i ,f 1 • 161 1 2 . 1114. • -.- • ' t South Beaver._ - i 2204 89 1857 6711 407 . 1 840, 22 , 67 pa Viugli es: "- ' 1. Rochestef• biro ": ' 2826 50 2064 61. 1 802 05 617 20 '7 68 - 177 Id: 4 . .. - .l'. Bridgewater ' 1 1 1 1491 62 /111140 870 08 1 ' 266 o t , ..,,,,,,. • 'rl4 •iii Do; .-. .. , 1-' 1• ' - .„. 11--; -...:-.... .- 7 -1,...,-....---- / -- ~..--,._ 73240 IV 52908'81 1 120831 30 18727 70 91 11 299- 184 r •..r .. . .* 1 r ' • .. 1 • 1 ... . . _ ... . , . _ • , , Dr. • . ~. JANUARY 7TII, I.Bta .. 1 ir „ To amoiakt .outatanding tkeral,arrants.. , ta " . unty Warranty; .1 f •II ". - onda,. • r To: balance, $30,139 90. , - • 4121elfriqu.ont luolleetorm for 'lrtiar's prier= ; C Ltrcrou J William Thompson Elihn piens , Robert Nelson...s., Amount carried forward -:. • . ~..• • - s,_ . • ~- - --. .:• -1 .. ,-, . --. 1 , ' -- 1 •-.- T- , ~ ! , , ... .... 079 1 ii Wader our lanai 10:4 - kal -at utiocre itirittpt istrlkk ; lBol.: diky, of ~,3- a ii. IP., -- 2847. —_. _— -- --, - - -fi- - ''..,:i• • ,.. -- , . _ ~ _ , - ~-. i: s. - ;. t. "..:•:..L_ -..,•-... -.. ....14arPti .. ,: -• i,.-...•. - . 4 - brvi ..., _ . CID . - . ~- - - • . . ." '- WiSii ; • '.4 kit: JOHN' CAUGArt, Clerk. • • _ • ...: - - , - 1•,.I I. • . ••• - i ts i a?4 , 7B , i 4 ..,.. • . _ . . 1 s --rt . - • : - , _ • 1 , - 7 a X a Velis` " • a %,.." * -TREASM . , • ..ffir.A4ri _ oelptii. &r, se. per Treiunuer'4- - - L Tyr.076,648 6: WM :or 1861; , 'iliac ortlo 6 . i Aug. 1. 1888. e Sept. 1, 1866, indetl. . seated - iirrowed, ' rer,- Jan. 7, V20,042:2:5. - 71BC'evir6r 18 - tcocax. 4.eiom • - - • . - }, H TOWSBUIP,I, he, Darlington twp ..... Patterson - A wp • - twp.: . . 7' ; ":,"-Z`r,.X"" - - • _Eraeialga Nyggigm iiXllllO/011 atio4l4loll'its nuisigtvz.av-;m: .34F44111tit , 4 t , ~boote ;4110iiiiiii1 .- Xp tatk e !i rt er :7l.lf ike. te i., B : : .-_ __ __ la . - ,' : OZI .;•,.. 4 - ''. .. '.. 141:414otitiliir}rsrd " r . 4 5 :a .: :1 4 f 'Z'. 4:4 4,114 64 1. Ir. uld °Scup ~..::: .. , .. , ..a ....:i.l e3i.--- -,, .. ,-, .., POl**, vertislag, As., - t . t-, A ...-, , 1,- , , ...,%. ,-'4, = -462 15 1 - -,..f• i . Postaga iron,* stsms„;.._.,! ._ 1 1 Z Id \\ F C: ttedepa Urt ,:si n giii: aute ;: o:ll7 ,..,...T ititd , latlF,..lda : '5...7 L .... :".'_. , ... :1 -; ~ ..t.;.: 00. 1 ,i13 8, : 1.,.... 6 1,.: inaideata ' ', . Eleetione-,,goagrat _ jowMakip, it-i:,:- ;- / --r.- -. 1 Election•offils!feiPiY., .\- :^:.. - --:e. ~ a - - Assestioro attsoding, listr • Homdakles' do &al Tine of booseso fuel. 11454 'llhATTP4imoliiniatlen, • Was - n cbtoininWsalth 'I: . Menu prospouti it trtigit' *heel ' On 4 Heap titl-Weetr" Ps., st. RPM of ReEnge—suppol .;, r: • - ante nstioessinssringreoust: i Imam asetilkstes foi iPoor Heesti t ead House • SuPPflft - 44 - 4 1 44" , - bl'efo*PV -49434 ? . •., ' -.:. ~ - „,- 8 , 111411% 1 ..' l ISNOWIril lil4 IPOkinte f lage ‘,..delec f 41wWW.!oollenters' .. -.444tisnA•di _ r r K osffitiisaLtti _.. v d q of An# coatsgliefu_akkgben ilballenteaaakie sei r om rr i:useated lands bought ' ; Amount of-Irerrents issni • *au tax" per Btt_ -PaidiilftemANiere, Petseilps, per Tre - eintreilileeeenx4.+: !". of uaselottOttiple l _ • ," . 1 Escoss, sett - receipts, • •- • , , • $86,560 , _ _ , . . . . 4,73 . 3 71 1 ByJusit paid on geneial warrante e :'' .; ~ , •• - ..... 2844 741 " " certificates of roa.ATio*ll ~..' ' .4& .. " eertifioat.ea t of fortatcalp,....:-.4.' 5,284 - " •' '.rodesstption'tof nisested Issits. 16,617 - . 4 . 4 2 ' e.' alto — tomcat' allowed tax ;payers: 100.727 78 'I . ' • . 4 . exorterations alloirOtimilled:Atillic. - '2,1"81 Oa t 4 ' ' "r' eorinaissionaallowell . cOlecttirs of i . 15 01 .4 - ..; rash a cozens pd Comtnp pi nwolth di :126 6 01 t (--,. State and i mill tax„.l f . 6;412 5 „.. " " oommission pn 5,412 50, borrows 87 31 .. " commission on 74,050 T 4, rec'd, •10 61 -4. i. commission on 54,23019 ! l i poid ,: • ICI 00 4 ,•1 Bah i an' in hands of Txcasurst• 5.3 • 1 • 1 001 ' 3 -1(* _ 680; 4-374 : , 3165• iitu I= 857 01)t 1,216 01 1 $84.256.2511 •- JANUARY Trn, 1867.. t By balance in bands of Treasurer, ' " Al, by colleetora forAS6, IRG. • 4 + arn't ontakanding ea naafi T aNfilaaodsat f 18811 balance in bands of Sherfi Joseph Lodi . Balance county indebtedness; ' _ i • • • • . 955 1 11;966.1 45,1151 11l $68,046 47 TAX. i 111OLLIKT011111. . TIVITTAIIIPS, AC. --1 . 35 Amount brougla.forward . 1 , 1 Einoai Dairsot: " Visigaw i " born. . 5 G. W. !limos'& - ' Moon twp .... , 99i • 1852 63 11..56.1 1115 122; lEil ENE .1 • • I • MEM f~. i. ) ' . - " 1 ' - EMS 111 . 1 kitil.mlorl- - . --- - - -.- . . . 1...-,-- 4 i- os -- •••:' . ..... . •-, 4 ' • . - - - • .:," - ,1'' . ..•!'"," . .-",-.-..-.' '61 . . . . - . •., •, 0 - L -+- . 7.- 1 _ - - --- , • . : .. .• -.--. -..-.... . tir: - : , .:2! " - - "-.i. .:. - Reizei4pts.. f.. - ~ • . -: • - .Expend tui.eil. ' ••",'- 1, ': ' O*-- _ r ' r- • '-" tVolglilaiknolOariaNt filguk :. i• . • - 988 87 Amount 'brought forwird . ~ -, • - J . L. .I -:. . _ . . ;6,001 21." " -- eashreaeived - frotn - CountMasnrer. - - •:• ". •!, ! I 7,600'. By-cash Ed for stoves.. grate and st ve..1,-xturee, • .- - ..1 .• 69 6,5 i'l ' • - '44••• - •'.' ,'"•••, 7 ' 7 ',D - . - 11,chtlxise,,Lforfeitedindoiltstre. ',.1• 7 - , Z5" 00 ~,,:i ~..??, -,' („,remoring nu era, I , 0 - ...- .-. • , ,', El . -"-- 806 '.'' '''''''' ', '`r 4 T - .-: 4d- 1 Eilial),t Of - Mill: We irrolli deo'd., • . 608 88, ". • "ox cart. . ~., .!. - ' - :- ... -- 1-.1 • 4 0; 00 •_. 1' •-• 44. - . 44 I . Pension'oftliaabeth.Dagnimsio. ,- . .,, i • ,--.•08;,. ~. ..'!"- :y_z' ,stOne,fartri iitickets• 1 4? ,14 0 11 aH 04 1 4ra: . '.,-.:. 4 . (1 .1 ..)17 .;fie I f •-• ..-ur . 7 : , ...-ii.arfprioky : wayr, ,-,—. .-,-"t L '.` 1. - ---- ter 1 " -"••• • . '--‘ 4 Irett'Vet 4 '.4Vgus,- Ramps; ,k4.,-! - -,,,..._ - -4 4 , ;,,,,,;i4 45Sigi:. f . - ...:;:•-A 1 ....-i• 4 4 4.: •‘*.t." '......".4.• 4 •• - • , 0 4.- : - ' 1. ••• '''""'" • • j ‘.-„, ...1,,, , ” : :," : 'milking and ferriicge , ,;. .. v ..- . . .. -..-, • .16 40 - . -.* - $8,181...-511 •-• "- •-- b ui.ol,- and vhlteWashing ' -..' - - '2B 00 - 'llalltroft• kt -i rtelsn't", Betz ' 5111 4 10 % $9,92 14. • 1. .-- - -,..„... ).... . 1 ,:" ..,......:" ._-• • ." clove . rseed „ and vinegar,. 1 l. _! -: : . i ,1 , -; 83 11 ., 58 t .-, ,_ ' - •- • { ~.-.,.... ~....-..,.,- .•- ......-„„ ..,..?. if 3 .. - r , ~:.- , ..,, .„, 7.-- cutting -wood aid maltingi brood's. . . -.,,, _ . u i .. ..... .i • ':11 4 5 - 11'''''fir 1 ,7 , ! - -''.. - a: - . -, 1' , .1 - :' , 's ' r.., , i •.--'- ': ' • • • ' --"". shovels, hoes. j - lowlpoints,-/tc,_!_...... - I -`ll -. 0 , - (ti.,_ T- 77---,- 1 , . • 1 -• i - ,-- ''• -' - ' -••-, •' - ,ar.' .... 7, , ', i 4r . :,,,-;7s -ft, t - whin shingles, himher,*trperiter work, Stc.„, , 83 -or, -•; • • • r.- . ,--.1 .....7.:..,,,. • 63- b ' -'. 'ZI-Ptinditliies. : ~..-, 4 :1. ---- --. '.•.; - - ''". " --. "'.-ffecti l lol:ll4 find, pialno , ,- :- 1 '-..--i I ! :6 2T •'' 4386 t. i! ' • •1 ' ' • - -! ---•-' .. ~. . ---''‘• ..,"_ wool and spinning, -I :• 'i -1 - ' ' ' • •• !-1 .• 12 - CY-.; -'' • ••• ! •'• -4 2 - 4 -.-.•F-43th. go - . - :k.) .z..... 1: ti fl 4 09. ashes 6 9 0, - 1 • - •i ' ; 21 10 . •. By ca.skpaid ! for anpport of Insanst.pattpcse l -.. . i • -, , _ , . ~ , . ec, , , , 1 - ' * • k4 4:-- -1 4 ,1 4-' SuPport - Of - oirtiltioepaupers; -.'• -'.- L• _ .856 241 .. ~ " .1 drugs,ispice! . ,,ft.c..,,,--,;- r i' ~1,- 1., 1-t._• -•-.: ‘,.„,-.- 4 - f i a . A .. , • -. ~ .." ~ .. Dr. L. j•Moirand, medical attend ont dootrpilifiert,.lik 601- . 7:::::t r - ,-- : ".,,: - . lisiets, ‘• -' . ''' - 7 -"! '''', ','•- i . '' • - --- 7,. ..).,.., '''..'. • - : : !,!...; ... ",' __W. YVlnt§huzlock - - ‘ 4 _ 5 _.... • •. .. '. 4o 001. , „' - ,tin.reeand other . hodr!ehold 'Attica*, . It. t, 28.. 4 . 0.. .....1: '. cl'6,;tiri.:6 - iaii. 'a sitiiiizsx,i 74,1 , Aig: f .:-,- ... •-• .. •i " 40 Otli „- ~ • " .-nallit and leather., -.; 1 1 , :41' , t ''''''; • Dr. - J. D. Palmer. - - 4 .- ,-.-‘.`":"-., ~. .: .• - 78 Ott ; " :"• •• • ''- ma/im work and threshing, !'' -. . ".• 1l• . 2.4111,_- .. . - •, •-•."-i 1 ' •: - . 4 t.• - •Di.,•lnittill'fineinw,...-_, .4' -,•• • 44. ""„ ~, r _...„ 100 „00i „,_ barrels and repairing Wagon,. -- . ... . . : 1 . „ 12, 2a- - -:, '•''t i - .- 4 ..: ,''' ' : -- 4 - 3 41 1`;: - X - ."C°ifittiiii - ''. - i'`i. -- , -- '•• • - • 4 4 -: '7 ** ` 7. ' ....j It -GO! ~ ,', ''• .•!..! '!! money advanced to•panPers, freight, -- &. - 4,, - .- , . L!. 88 - 8 5 ' • in . .,"ii - ''-.• - •:41 Dr..J. , Ltrienbyink ' - . 4... - ' 4 4 - "''" „phylician'sealaiy,. .i 1 i ' ' .-4 . I- . t-i.dr'°(). •• 85 • 1 ". 4 "*Z 47*4 ' 4iieint - Prikoacs;:a,ninititiv:ftii-board oi 4-- -`a , ':- .7 " - - , : zatia. ! i 1.-liS., .1. 7:-..l.resik*br's:allti aft o filers fees, 7 1 - 1 " I 1,2 5 00 ' .•' - - -24 ."' " Mary Swartz , - payment on farm -"„ ! , -. 2 . 200 001 '•" .- 7 ' directors' extra Pay. ',..1 .1 !,- , . . ... 1 1 , 120, 00 . - ' 1 " -- ::.4•,•-:, . zit :Sorbet:se -', ~- -.-: ' -...,.!; .-,,-; f - ....,,,, ...... 7 21*,,-60 ::!, 4',. ! ..,.7. 4 malishire, exclusive . of:rep:111x antutls,.: • ~, L i- :186 Ott • 02' ! 4 ", " .flour,Aiinstadipit, need,:tratiiiinihnakwheai, --- '`6o6 - 10 !'.--• • "-- - '"-- Alle hire, ft,tg, .45..F..,,40141,1 - ,,,,,, - ,..„.,,,,.... - i _ ...L . c.L:t „_,_1 ,. ..-t lt,.L . , ' '44 r r;. • , i 4 --sjiistices7 and constables' fees . , • - - .7! -., 7 • .5,8,20 . -",•-• .. ...7,. Somalc hire. ~ .. -,. ~L .. . i.,: :. :1 .. ,..10 ~.L. ' . • -."-' "Yi'.UPliO4± ` 44, : .i...''.. _• r . ' t ..7.t.-,7. . '-"'- '- .- •- 37-75 -•-• ". •") "William - Shreatti,„,BKiiiarCa.;saliti•y ~, -'"" 'I " '' 7 young lfull, ''''-' :i • -! - - 7 , . t- • : 4 4, 1 ' • ', 'I L ._ ' ;-e .. .; • ..!1 7 -t#'.-. :- 4 1 114,kin;. P ul; •„ -r, F. 4.14151, P.M*044 1 / 1 :,914.§f.4.; ~,a 4 a (4, ,_ , . ..,.. _,_., . . T ~, ~. :.2 r ,.. • 1 . 1 •• ~ ; , 4 ± ,,s ' 4 • " niercsavaise, birota - ,,ihoes; clethint,'&o :. -"' 7 - , . • !-- • - --. pittance • in reasury, • ~. . . -.. ,• 1 -- -- it's .!4 f t' l 4".... cog L ika, - Irrs,-, . „...--- - 4 ,...----„:" ',,,k, - . • 91 . 12 't ~.°..ii - t , 14 ., - 30 . 9.01r1ikkii0.1344,c40 lira-Mgt; ' "-+ • - "!'• .' ! - ' t •I• - ! , b t 9,'331,',1 - "d; ''''' '! '.!. 1, •"' bicon and pork -. ,: • ' - 848 35 r - --• ' , - • , 1 , . . Q.ooi , . 2.11,.. 1 ,. _ , •.1' . .,.. -4...1 .,. ..7r.4 . _I - _....- ~ 4E . ..4 . r . :' :- .:' • - . f Annituntyncripd.famitar.4._,...; , - '_ .... •. ~....:. : ! , , - . .. - - - . •-•- , -.. .. . •,..- • . a Con, , ,in,mu r -Ve, the tind,ersigned,:inditorti of,Treiver count , do 'hereby:certify that we have examined the -Lccount ;of R eceipta .'' 11:1?. Eiien4lptilsg: of tiii.. D_lreotora•-of :the, Prior and Roble of L'inploymerd'ir , Bettlifr county , for the ! year, 1886,:arpt. find I vorilienttitot as they -tend stated. ~ .In witness Whericd, - *ive-hive hereunto set our' hands and Seals, the 10th day of. January, A; V. 1967 t .. . I. -. • 62 .` .: a ' -- ._•.,.: 1--._,.; -.:- - _....:-T : . r :::''" ' . '. . - . .. . .. : ': :' '' . .. . :' . '. :. ': : - ,J JAS ., - VI:I.I . TII . ANt,'Cr.,. I I ' t 40. " . ! : t , . - .I• - ' •- • • -., • • ••-- -•-• , ,:. - -, K NRS ti: A 'll, ti f 'IL .-8 .-1 i' ••'-. ' ' .• --:-- 46 A . :" ' ''- •:'• j' ••• - . ''• ' '-' :'•'•-•::: ':- "Z 3' : . : 1 -- :.*: : 7.- :I C :: ; C '":: '::. •' '' ' l ' -, .;; .1 . rl : '''' :. '' .1, f ~..-".:' ,'-':-..'• ,:, :-. J ~.te...Sfo- S LELLIN,' [ 2 1 , •;,s ji.„ ~. '4.. 72 ;" ....':, - - -: - , • . ..• • ' • . ^ W... ._ 69 11 * 80 . ,-,- -- ',„,-,.--- - - .. . .- _ --.. .- •!, 14..tififefi•S`eif 'l3`c;ip..q. s r t:,5 is t . - • " • • - i ! .- • ' . 93 56 .--, ~...,. , :...] .N ~ , L __ . . „-_.. -. . ! 140,24 -:- F.% ;:,- : '..; .%" . ! -.i i 4 1 .. -. *: .._ , j . • - • . • "*.*l ENI $66,444.37 . 2 . 17,44 27 iE $73,848 64 Akl4:- Itil Z 3311 CC 53,864 77 157 80 93 50 129.42 : • ; a ties, d* Shea, ailY/TAPia, 8,769 11 • .54 12' 1,481 00 1,084 66 24,64'4.26 SS mrri .20,04 , 21. 1 .5. - ` 1 M 3 1 2 ,7 . 428'135 150 40 472 00 .20,139 90 SAO/16 4 ) I 1:' , , rs.e. TA/. —4,— rl - 2 ----- 97 - 89 ...a... Iss9 / 60 07 ... - 1861 :76 89 • i htl.l 65 lEEE! I 0,..... ±. , - - - ----- 7 --,-- --- . -------- r" , " ---"---'- ---7-. -: -1--- 1 --- --:- - - r ----,, .. , , --, . • _. ••-••••.;... 1 • Tr-r . ;_rz:n.- -- . 7,-. . - 7. 1- 47:::::4 , v5t..r.t••,...-.1.-_, , , , .. .. , ......-. , :4,—..:-....==rtf-...6•-••-. ---- - - • - ---• _ ~.,,,,... „ oz. _ • . ~.. XL ,- t -- fi - • .0, rir - i - val.teks,l4l,Tis iSt, . , . i --, ~ 1 ,, (... , $ 37. ''''' .'r Illy the Direetore - of the Poor and biroxywfr-, ~.,, , ~, o rti A rßiin,,.4 . 4 1 ,, - : fer'`VoOlitY... fa r tfle riaxl, lB6 . 7 * . - t I . ' , D JO 13 N.: bike.d et iettlement this date, Judi t B k , eitab from' .pank of rittebnig, Mai dividend ," ' gov'r: divide d, ,De0.24.'1 " " IM. T. Kennedy interest en bond, . . Cle.. ar.9, ltd (MO irai'l John Gibson. !II , '" 9, J. . P. Ruttn, " 31, ~..‘ J oseph ,Btx.o'sk, GI CEI A tr,lniint ereirit 1 forward, - ' Bailsuce receipt s over disbursemonts, $177 3G , EXHIBIT OF THE : FINANCES. OF 'BEAVER .; , ACApEIAY AT THE CLOSE _ Bank stock.. 50 shares Bank of Pittsburgh . - ' • 6,006 Mit Atacunt broAght forward,. I . Judgments and bonds, !' - - actorLde Real !estate,•eiz: Academy lot and building, say ' ;1,000 00 i : ibited balance of receipts,' over. disb, • , - • - - - -------L-g-- , " presented, $136 61 cash stolen, 1 . $9,601 116'! • • • •- • - , _. . , 1 f 4 , • • - . , • .2, 4er 40 4T 00, 4181 Amount` can isd fOrward, ..--- ---,,- t --. , 1 • PISAN'S! COUVer, 811:—We the undersigned, Auflitore of . Dearer county.tto hereby_.'eertify that we hate °sunlit cc. of John Caughey o Treas'r of Bearer -leadenly ; Wgethey with th4.lrott , eheYy for'same, anti eihibit of the et y •l ;fey, the tame to he ie rroot Zan they. stand :Wed,' - ..rd t wltteestiihireetwe;hairis hereunto set our handtrand seal ' ' ' J. 13. I'9l 11. J. .11 - ) J. I+, Colla,tera.l Iriheritariea :'r a s' Alfred - 111. Aroorei acc't-of. goltatere Inhentance Tax, with the Coin of Penn'q , for . - s ...:.-• - 1 •- . A •,. ..., i', - rte •.' ..- , • gtEr . '',-. ',r ...,• Li-'•• .-5 , ..- 12 •.t..1 ..,, T 865. Di - c. - 1, - trilialaiice • fr a'sry'ear, '''‘ '• . - - ••••• ---- - •-05+1 • 6, "-collat'lin r._tax, David B. Wiiitehill'sestatei;67 +SI,,AL i 1 .- 4, , 7..":• 20 7'.. '''-' - '" -41 " . ~ --:_ Ru,th S c ott estate ` ,- ; 58 444 01 1864. 'Ant" '''2,-'•••"‘•: - A." -- - -;"-----!--- Andrew Glass' estate,` - 200 00 1 . • •-5, " '''- ". J. 0. Rock estate, : 52 20i ~/ .-:" •- 7: "-. 4. G...,D•ck'eatte, r : .14 1 ;0, • - * -15, _ " -•" . "',. . .Ale.i.AliiKensie estate, 843 721 i •, , F e b. 3• , ""• . 'Andrew S. Glass estate, 175. 0011 ' - Mar 2, -"- " * " Richard Ayers estate, . 4 75ii Aif6," - • '' '" I%lary'.l.ltevenson'estate, • 12-5041:. 17, " . 1"; " - , John B. Hail estate, 166 260 • • ~ •• May.l2, " " " Nancy Hinds , estate, - 17 60, i f . June 15, " "! " - 'Ants.T...Langislin, ~- - .14 0711. '. . Jt4 * .! 27 , " " .'' .-Alice Deaniestate, .. - 52 30 1 • •, ' 28; " " ' •-" 'Jahn H. B.tockdale: eistate, 16.07 1. Plept. 12, " *": •*" Miry 11byd estate, • 216 1 Oct.- . 26, " '', - ." ~ . F,elt.x illulvanon estate, 90, 31 I; ', Nov. 26, •'l' ". . JOhn D.**llall estate, 303' 00 24, " " '" ! • ' Eunice Ilagaviikitate, 6 3 106 - I • ; • • • • . . • _ ~_ I' 1 • --.-..-.--.1 • . 62,143f78 1 , ' • ' . L.: Ilzaysa; qOUNTY, as: -..--[ do. hereby certify that the foregoing is a tiorreokatatemout'. of the - Collateral lithe] bloorei,esq., Register, for the . yeaiending pec: I, 4866,, to the be 3 t4of mY knowledge and belief. - . ,$, 1 1 . . . . . _ _ ' 1 . , 1 • - I -.: - 4 - Music. IGIs FOR , - 111- r - tql 1 Dil.ri.sf- - 3 th & C 6. 1 .s., .. iou l o li ns g undersigned would r o r respectfully j h n i .... i i 1 ' • HOLIDAYS' , ! ~ P AL-File , IN -- - y - . - 1 furm this Public that after.the.lst. of Jon- 1 I , , - , 1 r '. ' 1 . - . i nary, 1867, he will be preriaredte give private _ . ---- . 1 I 3mai jtr i e w a Lti ct ri,, i 4 ,,..„„,,,.. with their patronage. Lessons given at the i -- r -, . -- . , 11 , 4-- --gm , t residencei. of pupils, er, at 'the room oldie 1 _r_.,r3., a, 1 _ _ _ 9 , d 1 'Pre -- 'ents J- CLOCK ,-' JEWELRY, t hspriber.l , Charges' noderate. ,1 ' ~ , ~ , .• :. ..' ".. 7 i'',Z' -' I • - EDWARD AIIBUHL. 1, . , Hu It ikr ' Drug• • SILVER -Vi RE. 1 4,. or d ers left at —r. —oore a . store.. ; • 3E323 6 1 1 3Eir w - riffir t, ; _ • • * will receivi prompt. attention. , 1 [deer.) 60:3m 1 ' *aa•i-m- • I - , , * ... . 1 I , - ' - ' • ' ":" —.I P' a - y -- o-o c..)3:)s . •- ' 1 --, , , - ~' - i _- i i - - .- i --, ' , 1 , ._-_: : •, _ •,' ca.?' A. D i CIC IT '' 'R. A , %fluor:. I7'IiAV.IL. 1 . N G C U 1' S, i ' 111781.9 d, 80XE&.t , .5," -, : NOW IS THE 136 1 r si • - . TIME - . . . e . . . IFT!-I STP E'er ,_ _ 1 . ' - - - . . 1 In short every article. kept in a , treaty , ,-, , _ , . ' , '', ' Store, to be feriae 1 I t wittlescoLirti;, i4yet. isimr§Fivi.riss ! ! -. • rAT ' - ' ' -- = " I . - - -•I r I . tgLAgent e , for the .A.merican ;Veto J.Yest , • 1 1 Pat'S'll Watches 1 Dylgetti . K)* - 1 . , , I * ' , , 1;' 33 ivrtym.,limimix2E . ,_ i Arriiral and Depe.rture lal - Midis , . - • • I -" , 1• - - I . at . Beaver t .ga.,f - li. . 1 - . ,RAND cLOIING. 6111%. . i_ - • •-- -. 1 - - ---- -, 1 • - ~ . ,I . BRIDGE tr., BAIDGEWA.TER, Pa. 1, AnutvAtdr--Enstern snail due at 0.30; A. M. 1 1 - -• 1,- • '- j i - i lVestern mail dike st 3, P. NI '— * ~ OF . jji - ~....__. t DEPARTuves --r Eastern mail lean ea, kt 709, • ~, 1, A. M. Western moil leaves at 1;30. - PL• II! , 1 -1/ - , ' Stsmps for sale constuntly -- 41' - I ' . . The sUbscriber „again greets his liantersus 1 - I . j ec. 2l , tor j - • ! 3.41 - J. roirrr c ,t i r.,,, lvr.,, r ' Patrons with the ' 1 -- Boots and Shoes! LARGEST, ItIOST VARIED & Cp3IPIETE - 10 „„ 1--- „, -„„ -- ,_ ] ,-., -- a - _ 3 , ' ' ------7- ' 46` 13TOCK OP ' ' '.• a--'4 12, .-lr , " . -E - .: 1 - - b/a • - ' . -r - : 'I - - - - '. Christmas - itliew Years re to HAIR-DRESS.ER, &. 1 , , , P, gen I - • - iver oirerefi in the eeunty. -, JAMES BRUIN is happy to hltrio rice ti• his old customers, thtt he hss .tieesi lie -1 - IN EllEA:Vgit.•: - , , - - I charged from the service ilf the Unitetilitades • 13- 31tr1-43E1m- ' and oeeaa eb i the _frame bitildin g ft ei . ._ I ' •-•.' i . ' Bridgewater,jy26,'Sfk—ly plees'66 1.. . P e PP 11 e „ „a jouitirg Wm.-Orr a Store Jeoltes!lOOUS in - - 1 • ' i• the most approved style_ He finatailiis old ' 1 •- I NEW BARBER-SHOP. - friends will renew.,theiraeutroune..-Ifaringl i ~ . earried.the flag of the. 4 5 t h l Rag..V.- .G. T, V IPON & DICKEY WOULD RESPECT- _ ~_____, fully inform the , public in general . of ?or almost a year, in tne *battles sroolui Pe , . th, ' - intention to Gloss out their extensive . * a ' ' • terebtirg. he ; titinks ititoself •. e tille d lol afair , \ ar .- Q HAVIiiG 114tifi-CU'FTIN6 - SRkltl sthck of Fall inter _ Boots and. Shoes, . to POOING, MC. , ' alma of the - ' blip: patrmuits.e.. ~ • 1 . J prepare for a-14ring Sioek, consisting of ' - I • Be ' has aliA4 opened a, branch. shako is aril ., - TOWN B WIELLIAIIS hiving removed his 14em in the north part of the Market, Hettae, r . - Ladies'; Gent's, Boy's and Children's */ shop from Bridgewater to: Beaver, wish.. , in'Bridgesvats4 which will be kept open at all sh oot, G a it ersi sii ppers, d io., es to inform his former ,. customers and; dirt , scascnab . . 10 hopri _ ~ ; ... ~ - - • - .. , public generally, that ne a now to be found in a taws” arm east emen r. Rate , earl . e ' and '.;""'r • - - - • . . , , Roonr Adjoining the National 99..,.., Shampooing pr ptly attended to, and aaseu. -, which will be sold 'at Cost, Cr below cost, as ._ - "t*u", red in the most approved style. rangB'tiflly bound tosAceP lip the trade, and that were .; hi ;,will Garry nit' in ...his farther good " . ---=',------' to the entire satigaation of, our oustowers..-. - awl foshroosble style.. By close ist . tiution to • ..., .PEACE . ,, prack I 1 . . .A7*.prt.wiirista. , .. - .‘- . - - !insides, Le hopes to Merit. and reoevrc a Ilber- - , -,---,- . "-.-,. -- .., DICKEY 4 WILY DT; , al share of public patronage. Those wishing rricv Izeve s posoe i in'the faially buy your lac., • . 7 - 3 Doers. East . 1 a clean, smooth sitave oi hair cut in a fash - 'I of A. S. Harvey, A PT.Tie:lriio 0. 1 j0, 4 :11 . z.,,,1 , 1 , • ,' . j 4 • :,; ' - ' Beaver,' Pa. riaf • slut tit feelaiatialled that he can please sack. it0;67." .- `' ' , 1 hem. ; • tang •._ A S. HARVEY,' Rridgew*Stor =1 • - tietiv(?l^l.akendemy. i -i f . • , 1 I-- 1' 7 1 \"(4x VRNA.SURER IN ACC ,T. WITH. ACkDERY YkAft t 861 . Amount brought forwait;l, • • OttilMay . li, Ry cash paiii.U.S.Rntan, • - '•f 00i.July 2, "- • M. Lantz, 00' " , "J. ll.' 4, e' :." . • 696 8611 Dec. 13, ' " " George eittygget 25, .. " •• " . DavidShuntakei4 26,' - -M. R. Atlaini; - • Iteccipto over disbursement's. Iq 250 250 20 i i ~1 El 11466,'.141a. ri, By essh.paid John apptalser,.- • 29, !'...StatiTreastirer'a reeeTt, * Treasurer'S'ieeeipt; Apr. 18, ". State Treasurer'are•eips,,:- •, • " -3, " cash paid it. Eakin ispivaiser. '-Nlay. 1. " oast pttid*,Shrolida, • . 1, "'State Treasurer's Teeeiit, 1 'June 9, " iash paid W. Barnes,4Praiser,": 9, " State Treasurer's •ri!eelpt, : Aug. 9, .".State Treasurer's . Cot. 20; "- caah• C; appraieer, 26, " State Trsalurer'sreceipl. ; Nov. 24, ". Sta l i te TreasUrer's.ieceiPt; _ . . 20. " cash paid J. C. Wilson„ 28, " dash paid-J. Peirsol, a praiser,. - Dec., 28, "'Slate Treaburer's reeer.i - • Conanissi'on on $2,14:.1 ZS,' • •BalAtic, 1 1. RE El YEAIt 186 a. • I , • .• I. • r,ilor '414 uqting . frorn, h rradir.ents hire it•ith "ea and titidiTed - the r toregoin,,.~ k. or saki .ley,.,leztyLas4ill,be:‘ P Fith "du- cifl,tirri'-18;i7,; ITH A RS WALL;T... tr.! ,:• • ~"•-:" cSiiLLIN. - D.. 5 .111 '• I utrbrq ' ®FE ear ending DOC. 1 . . en: • 1— , •• 11:50.• 1,140 on 1.75. 00_ /440 - ' 640 H 444' ta i ntei - ‘!'ix:atmonnir • H H li n I '23 00 7 .15 I MO 00 .1' 500 f , 40 3 11- 37:60 • '16(1.4}0 177 'B‘; Sri • , ! J CIE 9,g4B;ti 1. 1 fin ,1 13'37 6:4 00 f1r.8.2 84i I 85 t. 56 107 ; -Lrq §1,142,iU - . " • k , 12 • -::•-;-• .1 U \..